IRC log for #asterisk on 20131227

00:13.47*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
00:14.57*** join/#asterisk Katty (
00:15.24WIMPyGood morning
00:15.50ChannelZgood god
00:32.26volga629patch not really helped
00:32.28volga629SSL certificate ok
00:32.32volga629[2013-12-26 19:31:56] WARNING[6704]: tcptls.c:280 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed!
00:32.58volga629How to determine which file
00:38.25drmessanoWhat options do you have defined?
00:39.48*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
00:40.43drmessanovolga629, you need tlsenable=yes, tlscertfile=FULLPATHTOFILE, tlscafile=FULLPATHTOFILE, and tlsclientmethod=tlvs1 for successful TLS
00:49.41*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
00:50.42*** join/#asterisk endemic (
00:58.20*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
01:03.08*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
01:08.52*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@
01:09.01*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
01:35.22*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
01:49.24*** join/#asterisk SeRi (~wtf@pdpc/supporter/professional/seri)
01:49.44*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:53.54*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
02:25.45*** join/#asterisk lnb (
02:28.40volga629All that params I have in may sip.conf
02:29.55volga629I have
02:30.29*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:31.29volga629that all what I have
02:32.34volga629and this permission on ca file -rw--w---- 1 asterisk asterisk 1753 Dec 21 13:43 ca.pem
02:36.16WIMPyDoes it include the certificate?
02:36.51volga629ott-bundle.pem is private no passwd and cert
02:37.42volga629the point TLS stops working after I extended ca
02:38.22volga629it does matter what params I put message is
02:38.24volga629ERROR[4779]: tcptls.c:228 handle_tcptls_connection: Certificate did not verify: self signed certificate in certificate chain
02:38.28WIMPySo you made a new certificate and that made it stop working?
02:39.39volga629look like something is not like in ca, but it just assumption. I can't find how to check which file is actually in trouble.
02:40.38WIMPyThere's just nothing to beat a sensible error message.
02:41.02volga629but which file openssl is complain
02:41.59volga629when verify from cli with openssl it working ok no complains
02:46.11*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (
02:47.08Sean-DerDoes anyone know how to get the num CID for X channel, or maybe give all channels that are using X num CID
02:47.22Sean-DerI can get all channels with the channels func
02:47.34Sean-Derbut I don't think the channel func can give me the CID
02:47.58WIMPyYou want it in the dialplan?
02:48.11Sean-DerWIMPy: yep!
02:48.20Sean-DerOh I didn't know about shared
02:48.48Sean-DerWIMPy: I am trying to get the amount of current channels (in dialplan) that share the same CID
02:48.50PenguinIt sounds like you are after the CALLERID function.
02:49.16Sean-DerPenguin: Can I use that for other channels, or just the one I am in
02:49.29Sean-DerI could also call system, then asterisk+grep -c
02:49.30WIMPyWhat about using the GROUP functions?
02:49.32PenguinCallerID is carried on each channel.
02:49.35*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
02:50.35Sean-DerWIMPy: that should work perfectly!
02:50.48Sean-Derso at call start add it to the group by CID num, then do a group count
02:52.27Sean-DerWIMPy: Penguin: thanks for your help guys! It has been a while since I have done this, I have missed it
02:52.39Sean-DerI am still running 1.8 on my box at home
02:52.44Sean-DerWebRTC stuff looks really cool
02:53.07volga629asterisk trying load old cert SSL error loading cert file. <asterisk.pem> ?
02:53.36WIMPyWhat kind of old?
02:54.06volga629this cert is expired and not exist
02:54.28WIMPySo where does it come from?
02:55.16volga629That interesting , I checked sip.conf and all look ok
02:55.33volga629no kind file
02:55.57WIMPyThis may sound too obvious, but did you restart Asterisk?
02:56.13volga629yes a min ago
02:56.49WIMPyAnd you're editing the right config file?
02:58.00volga629yes, tried grep on file name and nothing
02:58.20drmessanoDo you have multiple instances of Asterisk running?
02:58.31WIMPyOr multiple installations.
02:58.54volga629one instants I even check PID
02:58.56WIMPycore show settings
02:58.58*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (
02:59.11drmessanoThere may be a default for one of those config options that points to asterisk.pem.  Make sure the syntax is correct on the one you defined
02:59.19WIMPyAny #includes #execs or realtime stuff?
02:59.52drmessanoShow where it's trying to load asterisk.pem
03:03.13volga629that config is no asterisk.pem
03:05.11WIMPyOk, so what if you remove the bad files?
03:05.29drmessanoShow where you're seeing it try to load asterisk.pem
03:05.45volga629on sip reload
03:05.52drmessanoShow me
03:05.58drmessanoI dont want a play by play
03:07.44volga629I restarted again with wait of 15 sec and on cli I see SSL certificate ok
03:08.31drmessanoWait a min
03:08.34drmessanoThis is a FreePBX install.  Where do you have these defined?
03:08.59drmessanothe tls options
03:09.39volga629yes I do
03:09.53volga629I pasted config
03:10.09drmessanoIn WHICH FILE do you have the TLS options defined?
03:12.08drmessanoYou have them in the GUI, yes?
03:13.38drmessanoSomething isn't adding up here
03:17.00volga629this message all the time ERROR[9903]: tcptls.c:228 handle_tcptls_connection: Certificate did not verify: self signed certificate in certificate chain
03:17.18volga629only if I set verify to yes is go on
03:17.47volga629even if  ca file in config
03:19.10*** join/#asterisk lnb (
03:19.26volga629I mean for this option tlsdontverifyserver
03:24.59drmessanovolga629, what exactly is in your cert file?
03:25.18volga629key and cert
03:25.25volga629key no passwd
03:29.20volga629Ok I will continue look on it tomorrow, thank you  Everyone today help
03:30.05drmessanovolga629, still here?
03:30.24drmessanoWhat started the failure again?
03:30.44volga629I updated expired ca
03:31.26drmessanoThis is a self-signed cert, right?
03:32.08drmessanoAre you just using this for TLS clients or server to server?
03:33.18volga629yes I have SIP trunk with TLS layer, but second box will get TLS client ( bria 3 ) too
03:33.56drmessanoOk, so this is the CA cert from the other box?
03:34.14volga629no 2 boxes have own CA
03:34.42drmessanotlscafile=</path/to/certificate> - If the server your connecting to uses a self signed certificate you should have their certificate installed here so the code can verify the authenticity of their certificate.
03:35.07drmessanoYou have THEIR (other) CA cert to verify THEIR cert
03:35.33volga629yes, oposite way A ca to B and B ca to A
03:35.46drmessanoOk, I asked you that and you said no
03:36.02volga629maybe wasn't clear, sorry
03:36.52drmessanothe tlscafile=/some/cert on BOX A is the CA cert from BOX B,  and vice versa?
03:38.23drmessanoThere are no other keys in /etc/asterisk/keys that would be problem, like the expired ones?
03:39.03drmessanoBecause IIRC you need either tlscafile or tlscadir which is either one cert or a directory of certs
03:39.51volga629no, but I ma going double check again
03:42.39volga629no everything exactly as described
03:43.02drmessanoremove the tlscadir directive and see what happens
03:45.33volga629ok have leave, I will continue dig around tomorrow, but I am at the point create new set of certs
03:45.50volga629again thank you for patches and help today
03:46.25drmessanook np
03:49.38*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
03:53.52*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
04:24.47*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:29.49*** join/#asterisk SeRi (~wtf@pdpc/supporter/professional/seri)
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04:31.05*** join/#asterisk Kraln (~kraln@
04:31.08*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2601:7:6d00:432:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
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04:49.38*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
05:22.47*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (sid14615@gateway/web/
05:24.06drmessanoThats just weird
05:24.22drmessanoSILK was failing every time I tried to load it under Asterisk 11
05:24.31drmessanoNow it's fine
05:25.15drmessanoWhen I say "Every time", I mean with every new version of 11 I tried and it would fail
05:49.44*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:00.59*** join/#asterisk smirker (
06:01.44*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
06:01.57*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
06:05.14*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
06:05.32*** join/#asterisk Cubber (
06:06.26*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
06:17.16*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:39.07*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
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06:50.35*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
07:12.38*** join/#asterisk Cynagen (
07:15.28dar123guyz i have my sip clients on my home network behind nat, i have a hosted asterisk on the cloud but unable to establish RTP
07:16.01dar123i believe its caz of nat, any tips
07:16.16infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
07:17.59dar123thanks carrar
07:18.12carrarthat may not help but might be a start
07:18.16*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
07:18.27carrarmight be fw rules on your server
07:18.30dar123one more thing, i keep seeing people attacking my sip server. with attempts to connect, how can i get rid of them
07:18.34carrarmight be your home natting device
07:18.56*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
07:18.58carrarblock everthing except for the IP's you know of
07:20.09carrarYou can be a little more open with the RTP ports, but lock down SIP if you can
07:20.38carrarand of course everything else that isn't required lock down too
07:20.48carrargoes without saying though
07:30.22dar123thanks again
07:36.15*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
07:37.25*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
07:44.57*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
07:54.27*** join/#asterisk threesome (
07:56.43*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
08:05.42*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
08:05.42*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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08:06.20*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:09.14*** join/#asterisk hayden_ru (~hayden_ru@
08:11.22hayden_ruGood day
08:12.10*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:14.10*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
08:20.57*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
08:21.46mirela666waving hand in front of the nose
08:31.43*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
08:31.53*** join/#asterisk oatha (
08:33.13*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:33.17*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:14.39LiuYan'kmod-dahdi-linux-', huh, dahdi-linux build for centos 6.3, not for 6.5?
09:19.44*** join/#asterisk hayden_ru (~hayden_ru@
09:43.18*** join/#asterisk zpotoloom (
09:55.03*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~TayebMeft@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
09:55.07DelphiWorldhi asteriskers
09:55.34DelphiWorldanyone know the dialplan of the SPA? i want my SPA to send (*ALL*) to the server and not only the digits
10:00.20*** join/#asterisk moy_ (~moy@
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10:01.31drmessanoDelphiWorld, yeah
10:01.39DelphiWorlddrmessano: help so :P
10:02.14drmessanoI would think (.) would do it
10:03.16DelphiWorlddrmessano: the dp is in system or what tab of the SPA?
10:03.29drmessanoDialplan is set on each extension
10:03.36drmessanoAt the bottom for most firmware
10:03.43DelphiWorldi dont see... would i need to be in advanced view?
10:04.16drmessanoBeen a long time since i've modded one in the GUI
10:04.23drmessanoBut that sounds correct
10:04.36DelphiWorlddrmessano: i realy loved SPA:P
10:04.40DelphiWorldi missed them for years
10:04.57drmessanoYeah... I still have about 30 PAP2s and a dozen or so SPA941 phones
10:05.28DelphiWorlddrmessano: lol, this is SPA 8000
10:06.01DelphiWorlddrmessano: remotely moding it
10:08.13DelphiWorlddrmessano no... (.) gives busy signal on any fucking numbers
10:08.16*** join/#asterisk marlinc (
10:08.54drmessanoYou said you want ALL to go to the server and not just the digits.. What more than the digits?
10:09.17DelphiWorlddrmessano: yes but if i dial any *DIGIT* its give busy without going to the server
10:09.19DelphiWorldusing (.)
10:09.30drmessanoI understand that
10:10.12drmessanoBut I am asking you, what else other than the digits would go to the server.  Why would (X.) not work?
10:10.26*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
10:10.43DelphiWorldi dont know, even * and # give just busy
10:11.27drmessanoOk, so lets clarify here.. you want NUMERALS + * and #?
10:13.02*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:14.02drmessano(x.|*.|#.) should give you any number of  numerals, * or * + numerals, and # or # + numerals
10:14.28*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
10:15.03*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
10:16.53DelphiWorldi'm trying
10:18.05TimeRiderDelphiWorld : hey dude, long time no see
10:18.13DelphiWorldTimeRider: you, not me:P
10:18.18DelphiWorldTimeRider: how are you steve?
10:18.35DelphiWorldTimeRider: lol, let me remember your funy name on phone? :)
10:18.44TimeRiderDelphiWorld : I'm good dude :)
10:19.05TimeRiderDelphiWorld : MANY new ones now :)
10:19.50TimeRiderLatest one I call m$ for LINUX support :p
10:20.03*** join/#asterisk moy (
10:20.09TimeRider.. and I speak to micro$oft Sam
10:20.15DelphiWorldif someone want to shit telemarketers... pay TimeRider :P
10:24.51*** join/#asterisk BarthezZ (
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10:45.16*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
10:58.46DelphiWorldthank drmessano for your help
11:01.13*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
11:08.38*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
11:09.04mirela666hello, on sip info: Record:on
11:09.19mirela666i get 403 forbidden
11:09.47mirela666what am i missing?
11:14.26*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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11:49.11*** join/#asterisk youjelly (~papasmurf@
11:54.13mirela666where are the recordonfeature=automixmon and off
11:56.39*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:05.31DelphiWorldhahahahahahahahaha! youjelly !
12:10.50mirela666damn stuppid mistake
12:11.33mirela666i enabled automixmon and no automon
12:12.11*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
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12:26.37*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~TayebMeft@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
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14:11.23*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:a42:224:1dff:fecd:234c)
14:11.43gustodoes someone have experiences with app_confbridge on asterisk1.8
14:12.20WIMPyTry in #history or
14:12.22infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:17.20gustohere my dialplan for confbridge and here is the thing that it produces
14:19.34gustoso, now i do not have any confbridge.conf because there was none and of course, somewhere is written that asterisk 1.8's confbridge does not support any  configuration through conf files anyway
14:19.54gustoso everything needs to be done through the dialplan, i understand
14:20.36gustonow here is the man page for confbridge on asterisk1.8 and that is not very informative, sounds like it should work out of the box, but apparently it does not
14:21.26WIMPyYes, the old ConfBridge was very limited.
14:21.33gustoi know
14:21.55gustobut i do not care about limitations like ... user management and so on
14:22.09gustoi just wanted a trivial conference
14:22.43gustomy telephone can do it ... eh ... acutally it's not the telephone, it's the telephone adapter (SPA112), but somehow i wanted to have that done by asterisk
14:22.51gustothat would save some traffic
14:23.10*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
14:23.51gustoand ... also i notice that he wants to create that confbridge first, that may not be a good idea, i think it would be more productive to have that already running
14:24.12gustoin worst case one would just need to activate and deactivate it by the dialplan
14:24.24gustosomething like tunron and turnoff number
14:24.44gustobut, that should not be a problem, first we are not able to do any conferencing yet
14:29.40*** join/#asterisk hayden_ru (~hayden_ru@
14:29.59gustobtw. i am in slovakia no
14:30.32gustoand my 120cm satellite dish witheld the wind in the meantime while i was away from here
14:30.54hayden_ruCan I set a fallback pattern somehow in extensions.conf, so if i don't hit any patterns I call through a set trunk?
14:31.23gustoyou can do if
14:31.36WIMPySomething like _X. or i.
14:33.45hayden_rusay i have 1-800-XXXXXXX, 1-734-XXXXXXX and i don't hit them, how do i fallback to 1-XXX-XXXXXX to trunk
14:34.07*** join/#asterisk johnmilton (
14:34.40hayden_rubut then all calls would go through 1XXXXXXXXX pattern
14:34.58WIMPyThat's not the way the matching works.
14:36.13WIMPyTo make it short it will do a most specific matching.
14:39.53hayden_ruoh okay, got it, so it's like IP routing
14:40.45WIMPyA little.
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14:50.22gustomy problem seems to be in AST_BRIDGE_CAPABILITY_MULTIMIX
14:50.46gustohe refuses to answer it because he says that there is no way how to do audio muxing
14:55.57gustoi got it
14:56.07gustobut my pulse crashed
14:56.11gustoalways something ...
14:57.50mjordanIf only I were paying attention a minute or two ago.
14:58.05mjordan(How did you even get AST_BRIDGE_CAPABILITY_MULTIMIX to do anything?)
15:00.04resist0rI am curious to know more about the issue as well
15:00.50mjordanI'm not really sure what the issue is.
15:01.24mjordanBut if you're seeing AST_BRIDGE_CAPABILITY_MULTIMIX, that means you somehow managed to get bridge_multimix to do something. Since that was never used in Asterisk 11 and prior versions and was removed in Asterisk 12, you're pretty far off the reservation
15:02.52mjordanbridge_multimix is part of the Asterisk bridging framework, which is only fully used in Asterisk 12. In earlier versions, the only mixing technology that was used was bridge_softmix, and that was used by ConfBridge. ConfBridge is locked into using that mixing technology.
15:02.58mjordanhence my "huh"?
15:08.27*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:a42:224:1dff:fecd:234c)
15:08.35gustoit seems to work now
15:09.19mjordangusto: what version of Asterisk are you running?
15:12.09*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
15:17.19gustoAsterisk built by buildd @ build01.raspbian.lan on a armv7l running Linux on 2013-09-02 22:05:50 UTC
15:17.27mjordank. Are you running ConfBridge?
15:17.42gustoon that raspberry
15:18.00mjordanSo, ConfBridge in 1.8 isn't hugely reliable. Even so, if you want to use it, I'd recommend unloading all bridge_* modules except for bridge_softmix.
15:18.21gustoi find it quite upsetting that they have only version 1.8 on there, but with openwrt routers its the same, so OK anyway
15:18.25mjordanYou can think of ConfBridge in 1.8 as a proof of concept. It got completely redone in Asterisk 10, and from that version forward, is the preferred conference app
15:18.35gustomaybe i can even get my openwrt router to work with confbridge
15:18.35mjordangusto: what do you mean?
15:18.52mjordanI run Asterisk 12 on a pi :-)]
15:18.57mjordanso you can run something other than 1.8
15:19.14*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
15:19.15gustobut i did not find it in this raspbian repositories
15:19.33*** join/#asterisk edge (
15:19.34mjordanah, well that's possible. I build from source
15:20.17edgeIs it possible to forward a voicemail from a user on Asterisk Server 1, to another user on Asterisk Server 2?
15:20.26mjordananywho, if you do run into that again, try unloading the other bridge modules (other than softmix, which ConfBridge needs). Since they have to register themselves in order for their capabilities to be used, that should prevent anything weird from happening
15:20.46gustoyou did build it from source on a raspberry? isnt that too slow for compiling stuff?
15:20.58mjordanit was slow, but it still worked
15:21.11mjordantype 'make', get a sandwich, etc.
15:21.29mjordanhave a sword fight
15:21.54gustoi am not able to get a sandwich, i am in slovakia now
15:22.05WIMPyAs long as it's not somethign you should start before going to bed...
15:22.12mjordanedge: I'm assuming the two Asterisk servers don't have a networked file system and aren't using IMAP/ODBC?
15:22.37mjordanIIRC, it took about an hour and a half
15:22.59gustoi see that wheezy does have a backported version of asterisk11
15:23.02gustothat could be fun to install
15:23.22gustogets around compiling
15:23.24WIMPyThe local LUG has a RPi night tonight.
15:24.00WIMPySt. Knudsborg, Flensburg
15:24.02gustobtw. is the c3 conference running already?
15:24.32gustoi have to watch it
15:24.42gustoare there some streams? do you have links?
15:24.56gustoin the meantime i am going to try that backport there
15:26.05WIMPyhasn't watched last years talks, yet :-(
15:26.21gustoisnt that website down?
15:26.24edgemjordan, that is correct. They're both using simple flat file system storage for voicemails
15:26.32gustosomehow it takes too long to load
15:27.24mjordanedge: than nope. You'd need some other process to accomplish it.
15:28.02edgemjordan, if i used ODBC, that would be centralizing the storage right?
15:28.58mjordancorrect, as well as the configuration.
15:32.21edgemjordan, any good documentation for sending Asterisk variables to a script? like a bash/shell ?
15:38.41mjordanI'm not sure I understand the question well enough to answer it. How are you attempting to launch the script?
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15:49.23edgemjordan, my idea would be to build an extension to playback voicemails , but allow the user to select a remote extension number, then use scp or ftp to send the file to the other server's file system
15:49.59mjordanah. If you're doing that from the dialplan, then variable substitution should just "work"
15:50.20mjordanso using System or SHELL would substitution out the variables in the parameters passed to that application/function
15:50.56mjordani.e., System( ${my_vm_location}) would first put in the value of ${my_vm_location}
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16:00.22gustothis backported asterisk segfaults on start
16:00.29gustoso that was not much of a big help
16:03.59gustohowever, i can use archlinux instead, that has 11.6 too
16:04.56LiuYangusto: or try install asterisk-11.7 from debian-testing?
16:05.28gustoi do not want to wreck this even more
16:05.45gustoarchlinux seems to be a more stable solution
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16:10.28WIMPyThat reminds me that I should try to get some current versions going for te HorstBox.
16:11.23gustolol, not even ssh works any more
16:11.38gustook, i ll definitely have to rewrite it with something else
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16:36.58keebsanyone know how to redirect screen popping to a custom url?
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17:55.45AndrewsEnterprisHello everybody whats the best way to get asterisk to add data numerical data to mysql via a incoming call?
17:56.34navaismofor me an agi or appmysql
17:56.49*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
17:56.54AndrewsEnterpriswhich one is more secure navaismo?
17:57.32navaismobut the 2nd is deprecated so an AGI is maybe the option.
17:57.48saint_switching from 1.8 to 12.0 tonight. should be fun..
17:57.53navaismowell the agi script is up to you so you can make it seure as you want
17:58.02mjordansaint_: that's quite the leap. Any reason you're going from an LTS to a standard release?
17:58.04AndrewsEnterprisGoodluck saint_
17:58.20Penguinmjordan: I was just about to ask the exact same question.
17:58.37Penguin1.8 to 11 makes more sense to me.
17:59.03AndrewsEnterprisany idea when 11 is going to be available via Aptitude?
17:59.06mjordanIt does unless you're using 12 for a particular reason. I don't want to discourage anyone, but I'd hate for you to jump into 12 without knowing what you're getting.
18:00.17filefunc_odbc ftw
18:00.25saint_mjordan i m interested into the REST API..
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18:00.50mjordanthat's cool. Are you planning on putting 12 on a vm or some other test system?
18:00.59saint_mjordan prod...
18:01.11saint_i read it was tested in alpha and beta ..
18:01.16[TK]D-Fender[12:59]AndrewsEnterprisany idea when 11 is going to be available via Aptitude? <- next eventually, SHARP
18:01.19saint_so if you guys release it , it should be good to go, hu ?
18:01.22mjordansaint_: it has been, but do you know what all has changed?
18:01.32AndrewsEnterprisCheers D-Fender
18:01.43saint_mjordan i read the wiki and other docs. i will spend more time reading it all before i do it tonight though.
18:01.54saint_mjordan do you recommend 11 for now ?
18:02.16mjordansaint_: I don't make those kind of recommendations. :-)
18:02.47saint_well.. nobody should be in the office so it should be nice and calm. worse cast scenario, i roll back to 1.8
18:02.59PenguinUnless 12 has something specifically that you want to use that 11 does not have, I would suggest 11.
18:03.06mjordansaint_: Asterisk 12 is a Standard release. As such, it has some serious major changes in it, some of which were in fundamental portions of Asterisk. With anything of that size and scope, I would personally first do some testing on it.
18:03.11navaismohe said ARI
18:03.17navaismoPenguin, ^
18:03.30mjordanAnd you can put Asterisk 12 on a VM and play around with ARI in a test environment
18:03.36mjordan(it's what we do)
18:04.08saint_i guess i could try that .
18:04.24saint_i wanted to clean my plate of todo list before the end of the year ..
18:04.28fileor set up a SIP device connected to, connect to the ARI stuff, dial, and play with the different operations available #shamelessplug
18:04.40mjordanWe do a lot of testing, but we don't test with your ITSP or your phones. We don't test with your dialplan. So... it's always good to make sure that Asterisk works in your environment and in your configuration before rolling the dice :-)
18:05.10saint_file that s cool, i did not know about jcn-labs !
18:05.24fileit's an experiment.
18:07.40AndrewsEnterprisWould it be wise to make asterisk fully mysql for conf?
18:08.47bsdiceI wait on 12 until it's a year old or so, I am skeptical of pjsip integration/stability
18:08.49PenguinUnless you prefer Postgres...
18:09.07mjordanbsdice: well, with that kind of help, it's bound to improve ;-)
18:09.35AndrewsEnterprisPenguin never played with postgres
18:09.44saint_mjordan btw, would the latest dpma + firmwares prevent to have 2 identical "first name / last name" in the D70 feature key display ?
18:10.19bsdicemjordan rofl :) yeah, I wait for Digium to iron out all the easy shit, then come in and save everyone with the hard to find showstopper bugs in crypto
18:10.48mjordansaint_: I don't know the answer to that, unfortunately. It wouldn't be a DPMA thing, it would be a firmware update.
18:11.54mjordanthat time I spent Sunday in the lab determining why re-INVITEs were messing up the SRTP session for old Aastra phones but not SNOMs was pretty easy.
18:13.02mjordanQwell: taco truck?
18:13.03saint_mjordan ok, cause I have the issue, and I can reproduce - I opened a ticket, but the guy at support thinks it s because of the new blf_items feature
18:13.32filemjordan, awwww taco truck
18:13.40bsdiceI patched ssldump because friends had tls problems, to debug on the machine the SSL handshake
18:14.06bsdicefile where are you guys located?
18:14.19fileDigium is located in Huntsville, Alabama.
18:14.27fileWith another office in San Diego, California.
18:14.36mjordanAnd file is Digium, Canada.
18:14.48mjordanmourns the Canadians who went before
18:14.56filethus why I awwww because I can not go to the taco truck
18:19.51bsdiceLegalize Cana
18:21.11*** part/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
18:38.10saint_ha. i have no more warranty on my car. Just reached 100k. Damn it.
18:44.15ChannelZ-Wkcue wheels falling off in 3.. 2..
19:00.57PenguinYou forgot to disconnect the speedometer?
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19:22.47bsdicedisconnecting the instrument cluster usually leads to car not starting any more, because it is connected via CAN bus to immobilizer ;-)
19:23.01bsdiceunless saint_ drives a very old car
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19:24.19saint_nah. i m exited to see the mileages go pass 700K and have no pb with my car. the one guy I read online went around the counter back to 0000000
19:24.46bsdicecounter will display ----------
19:24.55PenguinI remember back when there was a mechanical cable driving the speedometer, you could just disconnect it to put your mileage on hold.
19:25.07bsdicethose days are long gone
19:25.10saint_Penguin you are that old ? :D
19:25.42bsdicealso the engine control unit holds power on times etc. so in factory or good CAN software you can find frauds
19:25.54PenguinIf you disconnect the wire from the VSS, what happens?  I haven't tried it.
19:26.22saint_vehicle speed sensor
19:26.36PenguinThe speedometer gear used to drive a cable.  Now it spins electronics.
19:26.51bsdiceI think its integrated with ABS sensor
19:27.08PenguinBut I'd guess if you disconnect the wire, you don't see speed and miles don't increase.
19:27.10bsdicedisconnecting that from bus will make alot of stuff blink red in instrument cluster
19:27.32saint_i think it would screw your car up. vss is not only telling how fast you are going, but manage your engine also at idle time for example .
19:27.45saint_ha. here is a good article:
19:27.56saint_says you can have stall problems and other
19:28.39PenguinI know the reluctor rings can help determine loss of traction, but I've never heard of using them for the speedometer.
19:29.55PenguinABS reluctor rings, I mean.  Tone rings?
19:30.44PenguinThe VSS probably uses a reluctor ring on the transmission or transaxle, depending on the type of vehicle and the age.
19:37.57gustolooks like i am up and running at this new asterisk now
19:38.11gustobut of course ... confbridge is not working
19:38.28gustoso i have to figure out now how to use that new one and then bring that to work again
19:38.50gustohi Penguin
19:38.59gustoPenguin, how is your mirror?
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20:23.29thetoothi have direct dail enabled on a public facing IVR, how can i prevent a caller from dailing every possible number to try and map out our numbering system?
20:25.19thetoothwe have about 10,000 calls, from 9999 to 0 being made within 13 seconds from a single number, rather than just blocking them, it would be nice to just limit the number of invaild calls you can make
20:25.48thetoothbecause of how rapid the calls are being placed they call went to congesion but that really doesn't solve the problem
20:29.07[TK]D-FenderSo count the # of invalid calls.
20:32.06thetoothi should also mention i use freepbx so i don't know what im doing
20:34.10[TK]D-FenderWell if they are hitting the IVR, you're accepting the call.
20:34.18[TK]D-FenderAt which point... too bad
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20:34.58[TK]D-FenderYou'll need to do manual dialplan to properly log off # of inappropriate choices.
20:35.40[TK]D-FenderAt which point the "don't know what im doing" = game over if you don't have the proper understanding of * to do this.
20:35.46thetooththats not the issue since they're only making a single call through the inbound route(from the SIP trunk provider), they are then managing to return to the IVR after a failed call and dail again
20:35.56thetoothah right
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20:40.25[TK]D-FenderThey shouldn't be getting identified as being from your SIP provider
20:40.51[TK]D-FenderThis looks more like you're allowing un-athed calls to hit your system.
20:40.58[TK]D-FenderWhich you shouldn't be
20:44.27thetoothoh, you're right, had that enabled for getting the trunking to work in the first place
20:44.53thetoothgoing to test that it works with it disabled, so that should take care of the hammering?
20:45.12[TK]D-FenderAlmost certain that your trunk was not set up properly and thisattempt to compensate just left the door wide open
20:46.00[TK]D-FenderThey can't hammer an IVR... that their lack of auth prevents from ever hitting the dialplan in the first place
20:49.07thetoothwell there you go, it works fine with guest auth disabled
20:50.05thetoothbut yeah, that makes perfect sense, i would think the caller would have been disconnected after entering an invailed number, but that wasn't the case if they were authenticated
20:50.59thetoothyep, "you're having problems, goodbye"
20:51.04thetoothlove that message haha
20:51.39[TK]D-FenderThey shouldn't be getting that message at all.
20:51.52[TK]D-Fenderdon't just use the silly checkbox for that.
20:52.20[TK]D-Fenderif you're using a suitably modern version of FreePBX, in Asterisk SIP Settings you should be able to set general parameters.
20:52.35[TK]D-FenderIf so add "allowguest = no".
20:53.01[TK]D-FenderIf you aren't and can't get that module, then set it in sip_general_custom.conf
20:53.21[TK]D-Fenderor if not available, another file that gets merged in before your peers
20:53.42thetoothyeah i have allowguest set to no
20:54.02thetoothat the IVR, when dailing an invaild ext it plays that message
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20:55.14[TK]D-FenderIt chould never reach your IVR in the first place
20:55.29[TK]D-Fender[15:53]thetoothyeah i have allowguest set to no <- doesn't sound like it's in the right place
20:57.00thetoothno no, i have an inbound route that sends all calls calling from a DID to this IVR, this is intentional
20:59.25thetooththe layout is, PSTN > SIP trunk provider > my sip trunk > inbound route > IVR with a welcome message, the user is then prompted to enter an extension or wait for it to time out and enter a queue
20:59.31thetoothis there something wrong with this?
20:59.40[TK]D-FenderSome random person on the internet should be allowed to dial into your system directly.
21:00.21[TK]D-FenderAre you still seeing these attempts?
21:00.55thetoothno, the CDR was from september, i haven't investgated it until today
21:02.04[TK]D-FenderCalls from un-authed sources should get NO message whatever and not get processed in the dialplan
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21:03.27thetoothhmm this is not good news
21:04.04thetoothi can give you my public facing address, can you try to log in and call a phone?
21:04.34thetoothi still don't beleive someone can auth now since disabling guests
21:04.58thetoothand it should be impossible from over the PSTN network
21:05.47[TK]D-Fender[16:04]thetoothi still don't beleive someone can auth now since disabling guests [16:04]thetoothand it should be impossible from over the PSTN network <- this has nothing to do with PSTN
21:06.22[TK]D-FenderIf someone calls you using a DID you're getting from your ITSP then that is "jsut a call" and not directed at your server from someone directly.
21:06.31[TK]D-FenderThat would be a NORMAL call delivered from your provider
21:06.46thetoothyes, this is where the hammering came from
21:08.19thetooththey did not authenticate with SIP over the internet if thats what you're saying
21:08.55[TK]D-FenderI'd expect to see some hard proof on that first (which we aren't getting since this was months ago), and there is littel you can do about that short of hoping they list a callerid you can block them by which still requires manual coding in the dialplan.
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21:10.25ThoMehave asterisk 11.7 in use and I would like use cdr in mysql. have also read "The below cdr_mysql module has been deprecated in 1.8.". but in my config dir is the file "cdr_mysql.conf". I have edit this but doesnt works.
21:10.29ThoMein messages is only "[Dec 27 22:09:06] NOTICE[18468] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled."
21:10.53ThoMein the modules-verzeichnis of asterisk is only "".
21:11.00ThoMewhat is missing?
21:11.04[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Do what you should have been doing since 1.8 and use ODBC to get it there
21:14.28thetooth[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the help, i just checked our router config, the firewall prevents any traffic from the internet to even reach this machine, it white lists the SIP trunk providers ip range for both incoming and outgoing traffic, its certainly not IP based since i can't even ssh into this box from the internet
21:14.55thetooththe problem still remains is how did they manage to dail so many numbers at that IRV
21:15.26[TK]D-FenderSSH does not imply any other forwarded ranges./  Do not mix PROTOCOLS being forwarded to the actual ranges allowed
21:15.30[TK]D-FenderThey are not the same
21:16.05[TK]D-FenderAnyway... you don't have anything current to show us, so lets leave the speculation out for now....
21:16.42[TK]D-Fenderlet us know when it's happening again....
21:18.02thetoothwill do, i am on a different provider now after all, my last one was flynumber, it wouldn't be completely unreasonable to suspect them for pulling this rubish
21:18.44[TK]D-FenderI'm also not going to start placing blame without proper backup...
21:19.04carrarlet the blaming begin!
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21:40.32ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: emm.
21:40.34ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: ok.
21:40.56ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: I have now: odbc show asterisk2mysql  andODBC DSN Settings .. bla bla: Connected: Yes
21:41.17ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: this file /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf i need never or?
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21:41.33[TK]D-Fenderforget that file.
21:41.37[TK]D-Fenderthat is NOT ODBC
21:43.27ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: ok. works fine. logs now call.
21:44.25ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: I should also change res_config_mysql.conf to odbc?
21:44.53fileis forgotten
21:45.17[TK]D-FenderNo , not THIS file :p
21:45.51[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Forget about ANY direct MySQL modules for Asterisk altogether.
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21:51.46ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: When i Recieve a call then i jump to a other context, jump s@hauptnummerZeitabhaengig;
21:52.25ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: i my database is now in the field "dst" a "s". is it posible write in this field the called number (example 1234567) ?
21:52.43mjordanThoMe; no
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21:52.46ThoMeexample in dst=callToNumber
21:52.49ThoMemjordan: hm. ok.
21:52.54ThoMemjordan: hello.
21:53.05mjordanThoMe: You can use the CDR function to write custom data to a custom field. You can't alter the default CDR fields.
21:59.31ThoMemjordan: hm ok. which file i need for custom fields. cdr_odbc.conf (i use this at the moment) or cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf ?
22:00.41ThoMemjordan: cdr_odbc.conf < this file I can remove or ignore?
22:01.49mjordanWell, I wouldn't use both. You'd end up writing to the same database (potentially, anyway) twice
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22:07.40ThoMemjordan / [TK]D-Fender: works perfectly. merci i gracias!
22:07.44drmessanoDoes Asterisk 11 still puke on the NAT settings when you enable ipv6?
22:11.07drmessanoI see one ticket in JIRA, closed due to "lack of activity"
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