IRC log for #asterisk on 20131220

00:01.39*** part/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:10.21*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@nat/digium/x-gurtjfhxoensuykf)
00:19.00*** join/#asterisk LinoSP (~LinoSP@
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00:47.13*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~lmadsen@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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00:51.06*** join/#asterisk Jinxed- (45cf5107@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:51.30Jinxed-is there a way to search logs from this room
00:59.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
01:00.38infobotAll conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged. Logs are updated daily.
01:04.10Jinxed-thanks leifmadsen
01:05.40Jinxed-leifmadsen:  I seem to be having some weird issues on having a softphone register with my asterisk box :Here are the logs: (Sip Debug) (sip.conf)
01:05.43Jinxed-Any thoughts?
01:05.54Jinxed-All seems good and then it just doesn't work
01:07.13leifmadsensorry, working on Chef right now
01:07.22leifmadsenthen wife gets home, and I have wine ot drink
01:08.49leifmadsenJinxed-: looks like a NAT issue. Your Asterisk is sending a 401 Unauthorized, but you're not replying to the request with another REGISTER that has authentication credentials
01:09.14leifmadsenor if it is local, then your device possibly isn't getting the 401 back
01:09.36Jinxed-could it still be a NAT issue if I am able to ping the device?
01:09.39Jinxed-from my asterisk server
01:09.57leifmadsenwell, you don't have the peers setup as nat=yes
01:09.59leifmadsenat the very least
01:10.09leifmadsenand the response looks to be going to a 192.168.3.x address
01:10.12leifmadsenis that what you're expecting?
01:10.50leifmadsenyou're not applying the natted-phone template (assuming you might be expecting that)
01:11.15leifmadsenanyways, it's a routing issue of some sort in, in that Asterisk is sending back a 401, and your device is either not seeing it, or not responding to it
01:11.53leifmadsenyou can see it in the SIP trace:
01:11.55leifmadsenREGISTER -->
01:11.58leifmadsen<-- 401
01:12.10leifmadsenscheduling destruction of dialog (no response in 32 s)
01:12.17leifmadsenGoto 1
01:14.15Jinxed-I have tried with nat=yes
01:14.53Jinxed-and basically all combinations of those
01:15.01Jinxed-without any real sucess leifmadsen
01:15.08Jinxed-I'm running out of ideas
01:15.18leifmadsendo a trace... why is the peer not responding?
01:15.24leifmadsenor why is the response not getting back to Asterisk?
01:15.28leifmadsenat this point, it's nearly a networking problem
01:15.46leifmadsennothing you do on Asterisk will cause the peer to respond differently
01:16.37Jinxed-leifmadsen: what type of trace
01:16.48Jinxed-what's weird is I was able to ping the phone
01:16.51leifmadsenlook at the network traffic
01:16.54Jinxed-but not able to traceroute to it
01:16.56leifmadsenpinging doesn't mean anything really
01:17.01Jinxed-oh like wireshark it?
01:17.11leifmadsenwhatever you want to use to get a pcap
01:17.38Jinxed-ok, will do (not around the equipment any more)
01:18.02Jinxed-It's probably because it has to go through a virtual machine
01:19.13Jinxed-Asterisk is run on Ubuntu 12.04 running asterisk 1.8 as host machine. That host machine is running a qemu virtual machine which has its network on the 192.168.3.x Network (same network that the android phone is on) and the android device is connected to that virtual machine through wireless
01:26.51*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@
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01:27.42*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
01:34.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
01:34.31leifmadsenJinxed-: make sure both asterisk and the devices aren't on the same IP and the same port or something weird
01:40.40*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:50.50Jinxed-leifmadsen: I have confirmed that, the host computer is, the vm network is all /24
01:52.41*** join/#asterisk camerin (
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02:40.40saint_hey can someone explain to me quickly how to do the intercom stuff between digium phones ?
02:45.27LiuYan10:45am here
02:54.59MaliutaLapbsdice: that depends on what you compare it to
02:56.12LiuYanMaliutaLap: lol, i guess you mean
03:00.08MaliutaLapwell you first need to compare yourself to a piece of fairy bread, and the universe ...
03:00.38MaliutaLapwonders if people get DNA references anymore
03:05.18infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
03:05.30LiuYanuh, weird phone, called out but can't successfully established connection.
03:05.55Jinxed-leifmadsen: no way
03:05.58Jinxed-you wrote the book?
03:23.26*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose_atD@nat/digium/x-nbvstnermpdqplpt)
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04:26.59phixok, I am having issues making calls from a SIP phone.  Receiving calls is fine but when I make a call it lasts for about 30secs then hangs up with the following message: WARNING[1263]: chan_sip.c:3641 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission XXXXXXXXX@ for seqno 2 (Critical Response) -- See
04:27.32phixI have directmedia=no, nat=yes, externalip set on the outgoing SIP trunk.
04:32.30phixok I had sip set debug on and it kept on retransmitting the invite until it gets to 10 then it hangs up--> Retransmitting #6 (NAT) to
04:32.36LiuYanphix: i have same issue on a hardware phone, but not on a software phone, weird
04:34.35phixThis is a SIP phone (Yealink)
04:34.42phixnot a soft phone
04:36.19phixPenguin: you in?
04:40.47*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
04:43.17*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
04:49.51PenguinJust got here.
04:51.13Penguinnat=yes, externalip set on the outgoing SIP trunk ... if you mean the peer entry for the ITSP, this is wrong.
04:51.46Penguinexternaddr isn't valid in a peer definition, and nat should be no because the ITSP isn't going to be behind NAT.
05:34.34*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
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07:16.25atanDoes Digium offer paid support getting non-Digium phones connected?
07:28.39PenguinDon't count on it.  What kind of phones do you have?
07:32.49atanHaving some trouble with the Cisco 9951 -- Cisco says they won't help unless I buy CUCM :(
07:34.38*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
07:37.25atanPerhaps it's just karma for not getting the Digium Dxx!
07:40.29*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
07:48.22*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:37.53phixso any ideas?
08:37.58*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
08:38.30phixPenguin: oh, the ITSP isn't but the asterisk server is
08:39.03phixhmmm so I shouldn't use externaddr?
08:40.31*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
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08:58.42phixPenguin: The last time I took your advice nothing worked :)  so I had to put back in insure=invite,port
09:00.42*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
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14:02.05*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
14:02.11anonymouz666I am back
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14:03.32mirela666Hey back
14:03.33*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
14:04.06anonymouz666so you are also a 666
14:09.17mirela666hehe only in weith
14:12.19*** join/#asterisk eduzimrs (
14:12.29eduzimrs<eduzimrs> hi anyone has used SNMP to monitor IAX channels on Asterisk?
14:12.29eduzimrs<eduzimrs> im having problems to monitor this channel
14:12.29eduzimrs<eduzimrs> im using Key:astChanTypeChannels.IAX
14:12.29eduzimrs<eduzimrs> SNMP OID: .["index",, "IAX"]
14:12.29eduzimrs<eduzimrs> the same works fine to SIP channels
14:19.07eduzimrsusing zabbix
14:20.39*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
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15:01.02midori-rushello. I have install elastix on my server. My provider changed static ip for me.  Should I change the ip address in the config?
15:01.16midori-rusi can't connect with softphone to asterisk
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15:35.46*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (
15:36.05ThoMeis it posible to get all users with "sip show users" when I using realtime (mysql) ?
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15:46.52leifmadsenThoMe: you can't unless they have registered or placed a call (and you're using caching
15:47.07leifmadsenyou can however load specific peers with:  sip show peer FOOBAR load
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16:07.42ThoMeleifmadsen: ah ok. thx.
16:07.54ThoMeleifmadsen: i have in my mysql table a field "cid_number". how i can get the value?
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16:16.41eduzimrslast version of * supports snmp for agents and queues ?
16:17.57eduzimrsex: i`d like to get how many agents are logged in via snmp
16:20.29*** join/#asterisk Illian (~Illian@
16:20.39IllianHey all, I'm having trouble with my asterisk on FreePBX
16:20.48Illianfor some reason after a reboot asterisk will not start up
16:21.00IllianI'm not sure what is going on with it, I have never had any issues before
16:21.34IllianIn the logfiles I"m seeing a few config files giving an error
16:22.34IllianI am trying to start asterisk and it says asterisk ended with exit status 1
16:22.38Illianasterisk died with code 1
16:22.42IllianRIP asterisk
16:23.22anonymouz666god bless safe_asterisk for those cases
16:23.33WIMPyTry to ask in #freepbx
16:24.25*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:48.22*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
16:49.50Kattyhello my asterisk does not work how to fix plz?? is urgent srs answers only thx.
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17:05.06carrarYou need to first install windows
17:06.04leifmadsenKatty: first, get a bottle of vodka
17:06.07leifmadsennext, drink said bottle
17:06.12leifmadsenafter that, what issue?
17:06.33carrarI just blindly assume that
17:06.44carrarwhich is how we ended up on IRC
17:09.17*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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17:36.33quantumfoamso I inherited an asterisk server that was not set up intelligently (no log rotation) and it is now at a critical point on disk space
17:36.47quantumfoamis there a way that I can ditch/move the current Master.csv without interrupting service?
17:41.20infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
17:41.29pabelangerquantumfoam, ^ there is a chapter about it
17:41.40pabelangerlook for logrotate
17:42.30quantumfoambut is it going to start rotating right away, or will I have to restart Asterisk?
17:44.34pabelangerDid you read it?
17:44.47pabelangerit explains how to set it up and how it works
17:45.21pabelangeronce logrotate is setup, you can force logrotate to run
17:46.27quantumfoamI'm looking for it
17:47.16*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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17:59.15quantumfoamso the settings in logger.conf affect CDR recording as well?
18:04.38*** part/#asterisk quantumfoam (
18:16.01Penguinphix: It didn't work because you don't understand the settings.  I know what insecure invite and port do, and more importantly I know what they don't do.
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20:00.11masher81I am hoping you guys can answer a question for me. I am using the Read command to gather input from a caller. I would like to take that imput and compare it data inside a text file.
20:01.35masher81The test file will have multiple lines and i just need to see if the user imput matches any of the lines.
20:02.58*** join/#asterisk nougad (
20:03.09Kattyhello my asterisk is beeping what is issue pls?
20:05.29nougadHI, sorry for my help request but I have a really strange problem. I have a asterisk server behind a router as a exposed host. Two registered SIP accounts and everything works finde. But when the router needs to reconnect PPP and gets another IP one of the two accounts gets crazy. Then all incoming calls are not assigned to the [incoming] context instead to the default context - after "sip reload" everything works perfect again. I'm running ast
20:06.41Kattypesters Penguin
20:07.25masher81nougad, So your pulic I.P. is changing.. and when it does that is when you have the issue.. but only with one carrier?
20:08.23nougadyes. When the public ip changes all incoming calls for carrier A gets assigned to the default context - instead of "incoming" context. Carrier B works fine.
20:08.43nougadAnd when I do a "sip reload" carrier a works again
20:11.51masher81What does your trunk settings look like? I would assume this could be an issue with the provider as well.
20:17.52*** join/#asterisk jansiva (~janaki@
20:20.19nougadmasher81: I created a paste bin:
20:21.26Kattyrandomly, does asterisk function in virtualbox?
20:21.34infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
20:21.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yes.  Potentially poorly
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20:24.31masher81nougad, The trunks looks good, except i have never seen "qualified" only qualify=yes
20:25.30masher81Katty, I have not had very good luck with virtualbox. I have had better Succes with VMWARE, OPENVZ and HYPERVM
20:26.24masher81Newer version of KVM have looked promising also.
20:27.47Kattyit must run in virtualbox.
20:28.06Kattyi also blame [TK]D-Fender for my vpro redirector not working.
20:28.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: WHAT DID YOU DO.
20:28.10runfromnowhereKatty: I have run Asterisk on Virtualbox VMs
20:28.21nougadmasher81: I mean it can't be completely wrong. Carrier B works fine and without the IP change carrier A works as well. Any debugging ideas?
20:28.38runfromnowhereBut only for testing, not production
20:30.23Kattyno. it MUST be run in production.
20:30.42runfromnowhereWell you can try it
20:30.44masher81nougad, I agree, since one works and one does not I would look at contacting the provider
20:30.45runfromnowhereI got it up and running and it seemed fine
20:30.47runfromnowhereMaybe it'll work!
20:31.14masher81I would run sip set debug on .. and go through the logs when it happens again.
20:31.57masher81I would change the qualified=yes to qualify=yes also
20:32.58Kattyrunfromnowhere: i was making a funny ;)
20:32.59masher81Katty, are you running virtualbox on windows or linux?
20:33.12Kattyi'm running vmware
20:33.28Kattydon'tmind me. i'm just a pest.
20:34.06runfromnowhereKatty: I know :)
20:34.27runfromnowhereSo demanding! :P
20:34.55Kattyikr. gosh.
20:35.00Kattyi need a chill pill.
20:36.49Katty...maybe two.
20:37.09runfromnowhereSounds like me when I was trying to fix that MixMonitor issue
20:37.18nougadmasher81: mhm, I was afraid of this. I don't think I can get any support from the provider so I will try to detect the IP change and reload asterisk. But anyway thanks for your help
20:38.25masher81nougad, that is unfortunate. I was thinking, worse case senario you could write a script that detects the ip change and then run a sip reload
20:39.39nougadmasher81: I will try this. Thanks
20:39.53masher81nougad,  Good luck!
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21:14.54jeffspeffI'm getting this error when trying to start asterisk: "asterisk: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
21:15.03jeffspeff" I found this article and tried changing the flag when running ./configure but that didn't work.
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21:17.56navaismowhich OS
21:18.09jeffspeffIt's centOS running on a rackspace vm
21:19.47navaismothe path of the is in the if the path is /usr/lib/ then no need to add it
21:20.31jeffspeffrunning ldconfig -p | grep asterisk shows the file
21:22.01jeffspeffthe location of the file is /usr/lib
21:22.24jeffspeffif ldconf shows the correct location then there's nothing to add right?
21:23.04navaismoyep, what is the output of ls -lha /usr/lib/*
21:27.28navaismothis didn't work?--->./configure --disable-asteriskssl
21:28.02jeffspeff[root@asterisk-1 asterisk-11.7.0]# ls -lha /usr/lib/*
21:28.02jeffspefflrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   19 Dec 19 22:11 /usr/lib/ ->
21:28.02jeffspeff-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 637K Dec 19 22:11 /usr/lib/
21:28.12jeffspeffi didn't try disabling the ssl yet
21:28.43jeffspeffi've never had to do that before, i have other boxes running asterisk 11.2 and didn'thave any issues installing. i even have a script that does everything for me
21:30.19navaismoand the asterisk user is root too?
21:31.05PenguinI would hope not!
21:31.34navaismois running root since 1.4
21:33.25navaismomasher81, you can do that with the System command or AGI script using grep -c ${THE VAR}
21:34.24jeffspeffi haven't changed any of the permissions yet. i'm compiling as root and running as root for now
21:35.58navaismoI suggest you to reintall or upgrade openssl openssl-devel make a clean install of asterisk and again run ldconfig and see, if didnt work try disabling the ssl and generate a bug in the jira page
21:42.18masher81navaismo, Ah! Perfect. Thank you.
21:42.35masher81navaismo, Sooo simple <Face Palm>
21:45.15Kattywhere should i take the boyfriend to dinner at
21:48.27carraror Costco hotdogs!
21:54.44*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
21:56.46*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
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22:12.27*** join/#asterisk lnb (
22:14.44navaismoso cute-->
22:27.12*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
22:29.18*** join/#asterisk sasseriansection (434e04f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:30.31*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
22:43.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:48.36*** join/#asterisk gtxcomm (~gtxcomm@
22:54.55*** topic/#asterisk by mjordan -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.7.0 (2013/12/17), (2013/12/17); Standard: Asterisk 12.0.0 (2013/12/20); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux (2013/12/19), DAHDI-tools 2.8.0 (2013/12/06); libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
22:57.49jeffspeffnavaismo, thanks. I'll give it a shot.
22:57.52*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
23:02.21*** join/#asterisk Dumby (~dumby@
23:09.14newtonrJust in case any one ignores the topic change or doesn't watch the mailing lists... Asterisk 12 is officially released.
23:24.47*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
23:26.05ChannelZ-Wkdamn.  I compiled the last beta but hadn't even had a chance to config it yet :)
23:30.46*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@nat/digium/x-okhvdzgrwaqkeqhg)
23:40.32*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
23:48.11newtonrChannelZ-Wk, It even has sweet pjsip CLI commands now, thanks to hard work from gtjoseph and several others.
23:55.37*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (

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