IRC log for #asterisk on 20131208

00:02.06*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
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00:27.54*** join/#asterisk guitarHester (
00:53.18*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
00:57.33calum_I have 2 freepbx systems connected via an IAX2 trunk. Both boxes are behind nats with iax port forwarded to the relevent box and both boxes have dynamic ip's via dyndns. Everything works fine for a while but upon a change of ip by either end the trunk fails to function and becomes unreachable. I understand that it will for a short time but It it like asterisk / freepbx is not re querying the dns for the new ip. I am wonderin
00:57.33calum_g if I need a register string on each box and if this will help. Any clues????
01:02.47*** join/#asterisk mmikeym (~mikeym@
01:03.12lvlinuxyes it should fix it if you turn down the register timer to a low enough value
01:03.28WIMPyDo you have dnsmgr enabled?
01:03.43lvlinuxif you don't do it with register, then asterisk assumes the ip is the same as when it first resolved the name I think.
01:04.01lvlinuxor maybe dnsmgr fixes that?
01:04.08WIMPyit does
01:04.18lvlinuxoh ok---didn't know that.
01:04.28WIMPyIf you configure a timeout.
01:08.47PenguinWhat timeout are you talking about?
01:36.33*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
01:48.56*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
02:31.39*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:33.48*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
03:00.26*** join/#asterisk fullstop (
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03:17.24*** join/#asterisk obesd (
03:52.51lvlinuxI'm trying to get a very very basic conference room going and can't seem to get ConfBridge to work---do I not just need to answer the call to an extension and run Confbridge(123,M)?
03:53.30lvlinuxwhen I dial the extension for it, the phone just hangs up and says it "exited non zero"
03:53.33mjordanlvlinux: what version of Asterisk?
03:53.49PenguinAnswer first.
03:54.12lvlinuxi have exten => 987,1,Answer(500)
03:54.14mjordanyou aren't using the right documentation for that application
03:54.25lvlinuxand then    same => n,ConfBridge(123,M)
03:54.38mjordanThere is no 'M' option. You also need to provide a confbridge.conf
03:54.46mjordanYou may want to read the documentation on that application:
03:55.02lvlinuxah, ok I'll check that out then---was it different with 1.8?
03:55.14lvlinuxoh ok
03:55.15mjordanConfBridge was rewritten in Asterisk 10+
03:55.30mjordanIf you're moving to Asterisk 11, you may want to take a look at what has changed in the intervening versions
03:55.31lvlinuxi knew it had new features but didn't realize implementation was different
03:56.01mjordanNot just implementation, but the configuration of it is completely different than in 1.8.
04:01.53*** join/#asterisk saliak (
04:07.18lvlinuxok got it working --- thanks! i didn'thave the config file in there.
04:07.34lvlinuxthe notification sounds are cooler than in meetme lol
04:27.27LiuYanhi, when executing asterisk with '-x' option, how can i get the output of the execute result?
04:28.35PenguinUse -rx
04:29.15LiuYani mean, i want to execute 'asterisk -x "originate sip/" extension' command from an IRC bot, and output the result to channel
04:29.34LiuYanPenguin: i tried -rxvvv, but no output
04:30.42PenguinWhat kind of output do you expect?
04:31.57LiuYanPenguin: the output like '-rcvvv' option, every dialplan are output the the console,
04:33.02LiuYanlike '--Executing [s@default:1] Background(....)'
04:33.49LiuYani want to get those outputs, and output them to IRC channel
04:34.43LiuYanto demonstrate how a command is executed by asterisk.
04:37.47*** join/#asterisk smash` (
04:42.57obesdare there good books on setting up a maximum security asterisk deployment too ?
04:45.54smash`wouldnt that be at the firewall?
04:46.08obesda firewall is one component yes
04:46.21smash`a device at a lower layer
04:46.23obesd(of an overall system)
04:47.06smash`different distro have built in modules but its still linux and networking.
04:47.19smash`i wouldnt put a device on a real ip without any filters
04:48.03obesdyes that is correct
04:48.22smash`lots of failed auths, etc.
04:48.43obesdi wonder if there are any books, for security pros, who are not asterisk or voip pros,
04:48.54smash`im pretty sure hosting providers do their own sweeps or their is alot of scanners.
04:49.52*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@nat/digium/x-trjwkfikxkweqnuz)
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04:49.55smash`just put a firewall that you know how to manage security in the path.
04:50.14obesdyes thats already handled/obvious
04:50.14smash`use only ACL
04:50.25smash`boom done
04:50.53obesdremember i asked about books on maximum security asterisk deployments
04:50.59obesdnot lame/average security asterisk deployments
04:52.13smash`i was gonna say forward me that url bro.
04:53.34obesdwell if find a book i'll tell ya
04:57.27LiuYanobesd: ?
05:00.20obesdyeah i think i read most of that
05:00.22obesdgood page
05:08.45obesdin the asterisk config
05:09.35obesdcan you do things like say "ip is only allowed to be and only make calls to" ?
05:31.29*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
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05:36.03*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
05:48.10*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:03.49kasanopobesd: there has been a lot of talks about security at Astricon this year
06:17.21obesdthnx kasanop
07:25.45*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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13:06.23obesdhope im wrong
13:06.32obesdbut so far seems like voip has fairly low security
13:15.03*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:91:51ed:4796:65c)
13:15.06obesdSecurity Master Class - kasanop lol Change Your Default Password. i.e. absolute beginners security class
13:17.10obesdsecurity for dumbasses class :)
13:19.12*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:91:51ed:4796:65c)
13:19.38fileand yet, people don't do it
13:20.52obesdyep there are alot of dumbasses around =)
13:21.26obesdwell i mean  i guess its part human nature, particuly if security is not really someones field
13:22.47obesda friends asterisk box got hacked actually and used to make expensive calls; so he's come to me to setup a secure system; though i havent set up a voip system before
13:34.25*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
13:38.29*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
13:41.32obesdfile: im thinking of openbsd + asterisk + openvpn, then each voip mobile phone etc VPNs in and is firewalled to only talk to the bare minimum port asterisk needs to talk to sip clients
13:41.36obesdWhat do you think?
13:42.28obesd(client certificates and server certificates vpn mode)
13:54.19*** join/#asterisk hehol (
14:04.04*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
14:34.40*** join/#asterisk dar123 (~IceChat77@
14:36.45*** join/#asterisk polysics (
14:37.03polysicsis there a way to reliably list all SIP peers with status in real time?
14:37.11polysicsI amo mostly interested in them being registered or not
14:37.26polysicsand if they are or not on a call
14:41.51Martin`sip show peers
14:44.10polysicsis that relaible?
14:44.29polysicsI seem to recall someone mentioning it was not the case
14:46.53polysicsif it is updated realtime it is perfect
14:57.44*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@
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15:01.36Martin`I believe when you request the information is is uptodate :)
15:04.10*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
15:17.39*** join/#asterisk draco__ (~draco@unaffiliated/themrrobert)
15:24.39draco__maybe someone here can help, my sip trunk isn't being picked up =/
15:24.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
15:24.59draco__however, sip show peers on both ends shows the trunk is online and OK, the IP address rejected matches the ip address in the trunk
15:25.43*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
15:29.08Penguin(2309.35) <obesd> can you do things like say "ip is only allowed to be and only make calls to" ?     <----- Yes.  This is done with SIP ACLs and dialplan.
15:32.07Penguinobesd: Your friend's asterisk was essentially not configured to prevent anything bad.  When you allow anonymous calls and you direct them into a part of the dial plan that has outbound dialing capability, that's your own fault.
15:33.27draco__if i call from the server to my home machine, it works, the home machine recognizes the trunk, but calling from home to the server, the server rejects it, saying its unknown, using the default from-sip-external context.... wth am i doing wrong, i've done dozens of these this is insane
15:33.50Penguinobesd: Best practice is to not allow anonymous devices to make calls.  Best practice if you must allow anonymous devices to make calls is to send them to an appropriate context with well-designed extensions that only allow very specific things to happen, and never allow any type of outside access.
15:35.28polysicsno matter what I do, peers are reported as unmonitored - what controls that, please? qualify?
15:37.15polysicsalso, no, sip show peers does not report extension status (available, busy etc)
15:38.05*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
15:39.21[TK]D-Fender[10:37]polysicsalso, no, sip show peers does not report extension status (available, busy etc) <- that isn't its job.  "core show channels" will show you what's in use
15:39.29[TK]D-Fender[10:35]polysicsno matter what I do, peers are reported as unmonitored - what controls that, please? qualify? <- yes
15:42.05polysicsso to get the existing SIP peers with information about whether they are available for a call or not, I need both functions and cross-check the result?
15:42.51PenguinOf course sip show peers doesn't show extension status.  It's SIP SHOW PEERS, which isn't related to extensions.
15:42.59[TK]D-Fenderpolysics: that is an assumption, and a bad one.
15:43.24[TK]D-Fenderpolysics: Just because I am on a call does not mean I am incapable of taking another
15:43.44polysics[TK]D-Fender: in this specific use case it is what is wanted, since it is a predictive dialer
15:44.34[TK]D-Fenderpolysics: Using qualify  should let you know if the peer is at least acknolwdging those requests and should be capable of responding to others.  Th response to an inbound call might be "busy" ... or NOT.  Asterisk won't know until it tries
15:45.43polysicsthat is ok with me, I understand "nothing" can possibly know
15:46.14polysicsin my use case, peers only have two states, "available" and "busy"
15:46.21polysicsso I need to get that info somehow
15:46.52polysicsDEVICESTATE does that but for 1 device
15:47.06PenguinQualify?  ChanIsAvail()?
15:47.09polysicsand it is also a dialplan function
15:48.06polysicsideally, I think I should be listing all extensions with state, but I do not see that as an option - does something even exist?
15:48.12PenguinChanIsAvail() should check if the channel is available or not.  If it is not, you can go do something else instead of Dial() it.
15:48.24[TK]D-Fender[10:46]polysicsso I need to get that info somehow <- get it WHERE?
15:48.53polysicsget it through AMI to my application
15:49.54[TK]D-Fenderpolysics: Then look at the AMI command list
15:51.23polysicsthat shows channels, again, not extensions
15:51.30polysicsExtensionState only shows one
15:53.35polysicsand I would like to avoid having to maintain state using PeerStatus
15:53.47polysicsalthough that is looking more attractive now
15:53.50[TK]D-FenderChannel holsd the peer-name
15:54.02[TK]D-Fenderextensions = lines in extensions.conf
15:54.44[TK]D-FenderSo the channel-list will tell you who is on a call.
15:54.45polysics[TK]D-Fender: what would you suggest I do?
15:54.57polysicsbut it will not tell me who is not on a call, but logged in
15:55.00[TK]D-Fenderif you set up HINTS you can dump those as well if you want something easier to aprse
15:55.14*** join/#asterisk dar123 (~IceChat77@
15:55.40[TK]D-Fender2 lists.  1 to scan who is "responding to qualify", the other to see who is "on a call"
15:56.02polysicsthinking of it, I do not have extensions here. I always just dial peers
15:56.11dar123how can i create a custom loadzone
15:56.20[TK]D-FenderHow do you not have extensions.  What is * without a dialplan?
15:56.28PenguinYou can't dial without extensions.
15:56.44polysicsthere is only one extension that goes to AsyncAGI. And you can dial peers :)
15:56.48[TK]D-FenderPenguin: I can imagine 1 way... retarded as it may be...
15:57.02polysicsAMI Originate
15:57.44Penguin... application Dial SIP/your-device?
15:57.53*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
15:57.56polysicsboth of those work
15:59.28polysicsand they do not look too wrong
15:59.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
16:01.55dar123how can i use the parameters in asterisk
16:09.01*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@
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18:04.03lvlinuxHey what is the equivalent of MEETME_EXIT_CONTEXT with ConfBridge???
18:04.43lvlinuxie how do I determine where (what context) a person gets dropped off in after ConfBridge runs?
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19:47.38*** join/#asterisk obesd (
19:48.36obesdPenguin: interesting, you seem to already know exactly how it got hacked
19:49.38obesdi notice asterisk being very defensive =) *whistles* wonder why
19:54.45PenguinI guess I don't see what you're talking about.
19:56.52PenguinCare to elaborate?
19:58.19obesdi just woke up
19:58.26*** join/#asterisk redotis (
19:58.32obesdi will be sure of what im talking about after coffee =)
19:58.46PenguinThat'll be fine.
20:30.20*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
20:33.53*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
20:35.26CubberI am trying to use ekiga with asterisk.  Ekiga client registers fine and even can accept inbound calls from other extensions, however when I try to dial any extension on the system there is no response.  There is also no indication of the call in the asterisk CLI.  The call window pops up and then just dissappears.  This happens on two separate systems.
20:36.21PenguinCalls don't come from extensions.
20:36.56PenguinIf your call fails without getting to asterisk, your phone is probably misconfigured.
20:37.29CubberPenguin I think it is codec related
20:37.47PenguinEnable sip debug and try your call again.
20:37.58PenguinThat will show you if it is a codec problem... IF the call makes it to asterisk.
20:38.11Cubberhow can I enable debugging?
20:38.26Penguinsip set debug on
20:38.32PenguinAlso, core set verbose 3
20:38.35PenguinThen make the call.
20:38.45CubberI am in CLI with asterisk -rvvvvv
20:38.50PenguinThat'll be fine.
20:39.12CubberThat is how I have been observing for the past 2 hrs while trying to debug this, so I guess it is already been tested that way
20:39.28PenguinYou've had the sip debug enabled?
20:39.31*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
20:40.23CubberJust did that, I see a bunch of spam when the phone registers, but nothing when I go to make the call
20:40.29PenguinThat's not spam.
20:40.46ChannelZIt is delicious real meat.
20:40.56PenguinSpam is what you find in your email inbox.  SIP debugging shows the SIP traffic.
20:41.39CubberPenguin ok you got me there.
20:41.59CubberThis is deffinitly an ekiga issue since my polycom works fine
20:42.02PenguinIf the phone successfully registers to asterisk, that leads me to believe that the networking between the phone and asterisk is in good shape.
20:42.17PenguinIs ekiga on the same computer as asterisk?
20:42.29Cubberand the ekiga phone can accept a call from the polycom just not call it
20:42.35Cubberno asterisk is a dedicated server
20:43.06CubberThis happens to the ekiga client on my desktop and laptop so it is duplicated
20:43.37Cubberit used to work fine, but I think when it was updated to version 4+ the issue started
20:44.19PenguinCheck for a sip "server" address setting which is separate from the registration setting.
20:44.24[TK]D-FenderDon't assume your registration alone is correct.
20:44.27[TK]D-Fendershow us
20:44.40[TK]D-Fenderand start clarifying the networking details
20:44.49CubberI see some info on the ekiga site about DTMF modes.  It defaults SIP to INFO I tried both that and RFC2833
20:45.02*** join/#asterisk d45h (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
20:45.19PenguinSince registration is exclusive from making calls, there could easily be a different section for configuration of both sip calling and registration.
20:45.55CubberThere is only one registrar setting in ekiga, I have been using this phone for years with asterisk I understand how to configure it, seems the problem is deeper than plain configuration.
20:46.07[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "seems"
20:46.12[TK]D-FenderWe aren't seeing debug and confgs
20:46.24[TK]D-FenderAnd I see assumptions flying
20:46.32[TK]D-FenderThat is a ready-made formula for failure
20:46.32*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
20:46.50PenguinIf you know everything there is to know about it, you don't need us.
20:48.17[TK]D-Fender[15:44]CubberI see some info on the ekiga site about DTMF modes. It defaults SIP to INFO I tried both that and RFC2833 <- DTMF has nothing to do witht he call placed from Ekiga to *.
20:49.49Cubbersip debug info
20:50.02Cubberwhile the ekiga phone was registering
20:50.09Cubbernothing is produced when attempting the call
20:51.02vlad_starkovQuestion: Is Asterisk compliant to CALEA (
20:51.06Cubberoutput of sip show peers: desktop D   N   5060     OK (2 ms)
20:51.09[TK]D-Fenderthen call settings would be out of whack
20:51.28[TK]D-FenderPossibly a dialplan issue int he sofware, incorrect proxy, etc.
20:51.51Cubberno proxies, using a template for sip clients and polycom hardphone works
20:52.38CubberI am not a newb at this, I actually teach VoIP using asterisk at a local college
20:52.56Penguin[tk]d-fender: It's clear he knows more about this than us.
20:53.02Cubberno I am not saying that...
20:53.27[TK]D-FenderYou're not showing us and telling us a story instead.
20:54.21CubberWhat other info would you like?  It seems I am not giving you everything your looking for but your not also providing me with what you want?  Ekiga used to work fine with the settings I have in place on my server.  Something in the lastest version of ekiga is causing issues.
20:54.50[TK]D-FenderShow us your ekiga settings in full
20:54.51*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
20:55.37PenguinIn most cases, people come here with a problem and ask for help.  We don't know everything, so we often give ideas -- thoughts on what could be wrong -- based on what you show and tell us about your specific scenario.  Sometimes it is apparent where the problem lies.  In those cases, someone will say, "There's yer problem."
20:56.22Cubbersip.conf: account info changed but other than that it is identical
20:56.36PenguinIf the call never makes it to asterisk, there's a problem with the phone or the network between the phone and asterisk.  If the phone can register successfully and receive calls, that tells me that the networking is in good shape.  That leaves the phone with a problem.
20:56.42[TK]D-Fendersip.conf is not the issue
20:56.50[TK]D-Fenderyour soft-phone is
20:57.01[TK]D-Fenderand most likely and specificalyl your configuration of it
20:57.08CubberYah that is what I have been saying too, but there are not alot of config options besides what I have already stated in ekiga
20:58.17[TK]D-FenderYou are still talking about it and not showing it
20:58.25CubberEdit Account has: Name: set to extension number since it is just a name, Registrar: set to IP of server, User: set to sip account, Auth user: set to sip account, Password: set to password, Timeout: 3600
20:58.36[TK]D-Fenderscreen-shots, not stories
20:58.49[TK]D-FenderEvery time you dodge this you are wasting everyone's time.
20:59.23CubberI do not want to post screenshots of account information to the web, I just typed out the entire screen
20:59.46[TK]D-FenderThis proves nothing
20:59.56mjordanvlad_starkov: Asterisk is open source. What do you think the answer to that question is?
21:00.59Cubbershows all relevent entries for SIP acounts
21:01.11[TK]D-FenderCubber: This is a continuing waste of our time.
21:01.48CubberOk I am sorry for wasting your time I will figure it out
21:02.24vlad_starkovmjordan: As I don't know the CALEA requirements in US, that's why I'm asking
21:02.39Penguinvlad_starkov: I would say the presence of the ChanSpy() application makes it compliant.  I am not an attorney.
21:03.08PenguinHaving the ability to monitor calls in real time?  ChanSpy() does that.
21:04.01vlad_starkovPenguin: ChanSpy was my first thought too, but it doesn't mean that Asterisk is fully CALEA compatible at the law's point of view
21:04.42ChannelZSometimes it's not possible if the media isn't flowing through your system
21:04.47Penguinvlad_starkov: Asterisk doesn't do everything that the law prescribes, so I would say it can't be "fully compliant."
21:04.48[TK]D-FenderPeople make typos no matter the level of experience.  You are forcibly refusing a second set of eyes over something you've probably done wrong and we'd see in a second.  This is a stubborn and stupid mistake.  Showing us what the form looks like doesn't prove you filled it in right.  You typing is here again also proves nothing because there's no proof you are continuing being cross-eyed...
21:04.49[TK]D-Fender...about it. or missing something you didn't think was of importance.
21:05.01*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
21:05.03vlad_starkovPenguin: Ok)
21:05.44Penguinvlad_starkov: Within the scope of asterisk, asterisk allows for monitoring of calls in real time.
21:05.54Penguinvlad_starkov: If you need a legal answer, ask an attorney.
21:06.23mjordanCALEA are requirements levied against carriers and providers, not the software itself. How those entities fulfill their obligations is up to them. And yes, IANAL. And yes, what Penguin said.
21:06.29mjordanThe fact that Asterisk is open source means you can find out what its capabilities are, and what it does. No one is hiding anything.
21:10.05vlad_starkovPenguin: I agree with your opinion. I just thought that someone is familiar with the subject and has practical experience on CALEA.
21:11.11ChannelZSo is pjsip doing the codec work in v12?  I'm confused a bit by the build instructions
21:11.31ChannelZs/v12/asterisk 12/
21:11.38mjordanChannelZ: Nope. We don't use anything in the third_party folder in pjproject
21:12.04ChannelZit just compiles anyway?
21:12.27mjordanyes, unfortunately. The build system doesn't have a way to disable that folder
21:12.28ChannelZor I guess you do --disable-sound and it doesn't
21:12.37mjordanthat's something we've been thinking about modifying and pushing up stream
21:14.35ChannelZOK thanks. Was thinking about starting to fart around with 12 a bit
21:14.41mjordanwe'd appreciate it :-)
21:14.49mjordanthe more feedback we get now, the better it will be
21:15.17Penguinvlad_starkov: Asterisk supplies a mechanism that enables the service provider to perform real time phone call monitoring, thus allowing for the service provider's compliance while using asterisk for phone calls.  If the service provider is "fully compliant" is up to the service provider.
21:24.16*** join/#asterisk pzn (~pzn@pdpc/supporter/active/pzn)
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21:24.36pznis there any way to limit the filesize (or the time) of a mixmonitor/monitor command?
21:25.09lvlinuxhow do i set dynamic features on an incoming call---ie person calls in on PSTN, and the office phone answers, and the office phone can access dynamic features. ?
21:26.11lvlinuxor when you set DYNAMIC_FEATURES=whatever does it apply to both sides of the call?
21:26.53[TK]D-Fenderlvlinux: the feature itself says who can trigger it.
21:27.36lvlinuxoh, ok, so that would be set in features.conf right?
21:27.56[TK]D-Fenderread the sample config ....
21:28.01Penguinpzn: If you are using the append method, you could check the file size on subsequent executions, but for the running instance, I don't know if a way.
21:28.27Penguins/w if/w of/
21:28.46pznPenguin, ok, understood. I'm not using append
21:29.16pznPenguin, is there any way to "drop a call" after it lasts for 10 minutes, or if it is locked on queue for 10 minutes?
21:29.35Penguinpzn: Sure.  There is the TIMEOUT function.
21:30.23PenguinWhen the call reaches the duration set by the TIMEOUT function, it will go to the t or T extension.
21:30.42mjordanAlso the S option in DIal
21:31.11pznPenguin, the main problem is that due to buggy SIP devices, or network instabilities, for some weird reason, the recording stays writing forever, until whole disk is filled up... that is that I intend to do, to finish the calls and consequently finish the recording
21:31.25PenguinThat's also useful.  Does the call go to t or T just like when TIMEOUT() is used?
21:31.49mjordanIIRC, you just get hungup.
21:32.12pznand in this PBX system, all calls are below 3 minutes. it is just used as an "teller system" (don't know the exact term in english)... so doing timeout at 10 min will not annoy anyone
21:33.41Penguincore show function TIMEOUT
21:37.35pznPenguin, did it... thanks! now lets see it working :-)
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