IRC log for #asterisk on 20131202

00:01.37*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
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00:32.05*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
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00:55.08*** join/#asterisk carbinemonoxide (
00:57.12carbinemonoxideHello. I am having a small issue getting asterisk to pick up the call when transfering to voicemail using Google Voice:
00:57.40carbinemonoxideTypo in there...
01:03.02carbinemonoxideAnd... Forgot to have it sendDTMF(1), thanks!
01:03.07*** part/#asterisk carbinemonoxide (
01:06.04ChannelZYou might try D(:w1) to make it pause before dialing the 1
01:07.13ChannelZOh nevermind I see what you meant, if you don't answer the * voicemail doesn't work
01:13.22*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2601:7:6d00:432:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
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01:30.38*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:39.50*** part/#asterisk w9sh (
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02:11.04*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
02:28.53*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:45.50*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
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03:01.53*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
03:17.02*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (~andrewyag@
03:29.52*** join/#asterisk XandriX (xandrix@gateway/shell/
03:35.10XandriXim in an odd situation where i have a cisco ip phone with sip firmware and it can make outgoing calls with my current setup but cannot recieve calls at all all incoming calls are essentialy dropped
03:37.17*** part/#asterisk stormerider (~stormerid@unaffiliated/stormerider)
03:40.11XandriXits as if the incoming call wasnt routing to the proper extension or wasnt routing ot any extension for that matter
03:42.58PenguinShow us something relevant to your problem.
03:46.15XandriXlike my sip and extension.conf ?
03:46.21PenguinIs the phone registered?
03:46.49PenguinWhat extension is being called?  Who is calling it?  Does the extension exist?  What does the extension do?
03:48.09XandriXthe phone appears registerd when i make an outgoing call but outside of that it disapears when i call the did associated to that box it calls and asterisk sees the incoming call with a duration of 1 second cuz it gets dropped and in the to column that i can see it says that my cell phone number is the from and the did is the to
03:49.58PenguinThe fact that you can make a call from the phone has little to do with registration.
03:50.26PenguinSo let us look at the extensions.
03:50.49PenguinYou've indicated the call makes it to asterisk, but then dies 1 second later.
03:51.15PenguinHow is the call getting to asterisk?  Are you using an ITSP?
03:51.53XandriXi use a cell phone to call my number registerd with voipms and my asterisk server is registerd to the voipms sip server
03:52.03XandriXthats the extent of my knoledge on that part to be honest
03:52.27PenguinWe'll get through it.  It may take a few minutes, but we'll get there.
03:52.35XandriXthat and the phone does not appear in the sip peer list
03:53.01PenguinIs there an entry in the list for it at all?
03:54.47PenguinIf you run sip show peers, does the phone not appear at all, or does it appear on the list but show that it is unspecified and unknown/unmonitored?
03:56.44XandriXnow it appears cuz i specified the phones ip address in the sip.conf file i was about to test incoming calls and lost signal on my cell phone ...
03:57.44XandriXstill not recieving calls
03:58.22PenguinIn the peer entry in sip.conf, if you specify the host as dynamic, asterisk requires the phone to register.  If you specify the ip address in the host line, the phone must not register.
03:59.09XandriXLin01/109991                                      N             5060     Unmonitored
03:59.11XandriXvoipms/accountname                                N             5060     Unmonitored
03:59.17*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
03:59.19PenguinUsually, phones will register.  It makes the most sense to me for phones to register, so use host=dynamic and make sure the phone will register.
03:59.19XandriXit used to be dynamic now i set it to an ip
03:59.32XandriXoh ok
04:00.14PenguinThe next problem appears to be that you might not understand how the peer's name is set/determined.
04:00.41PenguinIt looks like you set a peer entry [Lin01] in sip.conf.
04:01.07PenguinLin01 is the name you use on the phone.  That will be the username the phone uses.
04:01.59PenguinIt looks like you also tried to define a user name within the peer entry, probably by specifying defaultuser or username.
04:02.07PenguinFor a phone, that is incorrect.
04:03.09XandriXhow would i do it for a phone ?
04:03.16Penguindefaultuser (username in older asterisks) is the username that asterisk is to send when configuring asterisk as a peer for another system.
04:03.49PenguinThe name in the square brackets is the phone's username.  If you created [Lin01], Lin01 is the name you configure as the username in the phone's config settings.
04:04.08XandriXand what about secret ?
04:04.22Penguinsecret is the password required by the phone.
04:04.36XandriXkk so i remove the defaultuser entry
04:04.52PenguinIf you set secret=12345 in sip.conf under [Lin01], the phone is to be configured with username Lin01 and password 12345.
04:06.05PenguinAnd then to send a call to that phone, you will Dial SIP/Lin01 in the extension.
04:06.27Penguine.g., Dial(SIP/Lin01,32)
04:07.39PenguinIf you have trouble with the phone registering after you reconfigure the username and password, check to be sure the phone is set to send registration.  Phones can be set to register or not register.
04:08.29PenguinI have to go for about 20 minutes.  I'll be back.
04:14.38*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (~andrewyag@
04:15.13*** join/#asterisk smirker (
04:15.53smirkerHowdy. With Asterisk 11, is there an easy way to find the number of concurrent channels being used?  And possible, the maximum concurrent channels that have been used?
04:18.31XandriXphone does not seem to be registering
04:19.40XandriXit doesnt appear in peers list but in channel list it does
04:20.59smirkerNevermind first question ;o, core show channels count. Any solution to max concurrent channels, or would I have to set up some type of logging/history?
04:25.19PenguinI've written dial plan to show maximum calls ever.
04:25.28PenguinI can share that with you, smirker.
04:25.51Penguinxandrix: Did you ensure that the phone is set to send registration?  What is the phone model?
04:27.41XandriXthe register to proxy setting is set to yes on the phone
04:30.50XandriXoh wait not it wasnt anymore holdon leme restart the phone to make sure the settings are applied properly
04:31.46XandriXits not done booting up yet but now its showing up in the peer list
04:31.49XandriXprogress :)
04:34.36XandriXyeah now the phone appears in the peer list and in the channel list
04:36.13XandriXPenguin: what whouls be my next step /
04:36.17XandriX* ?
04:36.50PenguinDid you already create an extension which dials the phone?
04:37.24XandriXi have the phone register to the line maybe i did not create a proper entry in the extensions.conf
04:38.21XandriXexten => mydidnumber,1,Answer() and exten => 109991,1,Answer()
04:38.40PenguinLooks all wrong to me.
04:39.10PenguinYou most likely do not need to Answer() the call before you pick up the phone.  So we'll do away with that...
04:39.37PenguinWhen someone calls your DID, do you want it to start ringing your phone straight away?
04:40.05PenguinWhat did you end up naming the phone?  It was Lin01 earlier.
04:40.18XandriXi ended up naming it 109991
04:40.36PenguinHow long do you want it to ring before moving on to the next step?
04:40.51XandriX7 times
04:41.18Penguinexten => yourDIDnumber,1,Dial(SIP/109991,44)
04:42.08PenguinActually, I may have calculated too many seconds for 7 rings.
04:42.42PenguinYeah, change that to 40.
04:43.07Penguinexten => yourDIDnumber,1,Dial(SIP/109991,40)
04:43.15XandriXaha kk
04:43.31XandriXbut thx that did the trick things brings me to other things i have yet to understand
04:43.46XandriXsetting up a local voicemail and setup call forwarding to an external number
04:44.48PenguinDid you look at The Book?
04:44.50infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
04:45.30XandriXthx for the link :) and thx for letting me get incoming calls to work
04:45.47PenguinI'll summarize what you need to do for voicemail.
04:45.54PenguinCreate a mail box in voicemail.conf
04:46.32PenguinAfter the Dial(), you'll execute the Voicemail() application.
04:46.55PenguinTo get MWI to work, associate your mailbox with your peer in sip.conf using the mailbox configuration setting.
04:47.21PenguinI prefer to create a mail box with the same extension number used to reach my phone.
04:48.33PenguinVoiceMail(${VMBOX}@default,u); where VMBOX is your mailbox that you created
04:49.12PenguinI actually set that variable in my extension routine, but you can do it statically.
04:50.05XandriXim still reading on howto create it in voicemail.conf
04:50.26PenguinLook at the samples in the sample voicemail.conf file.
04:50.36XandriXgoing through them now
04:50.51PenguinIt is probably also in the book.
04:53.09XandriXso something in my case like 109991 => 10991,Example Mailbox,root@localhost
04:53.44PenguinI would expect something similar, yes.
04:54.56XandriXVoiceMail(${VMBOX}@default,u); would go in my sip peer config ?
04:55.45PenguinVoiceMail() is a dialplan application.  Applications are executed by extensions.
04:57.30PenguinTo get voice mail, the only things necessary are 1) configure a mail box in voicemail.conf, and 2) execute the VoiceMail() application in dialplan using the mail box created.
04:57.54XandriXso after the line you gave me to get it to ring essentialy
04:57.55PenguinTo get MWI to work, that's when you add the mailbox= line to your sip.conf peer entry.
04:58.19PenguinYes, exactly.
04:58.34XandriXand i replace logicaly VMBOX by 109991
04:58.48PenguinIf your mail box is 109991, yes.
04:58.55XandriXcool ok so ive got that
04:59.10XandriXnow if i could only get signal on my cell phone to test my voice mail box
04:59.17PenguinI literally have the variable VMBOX in my dial plan, but I also set the variable earlier.
05:00.53XandriXand what is this MWI you speak of
05:01.08PenguinI do things like Set(_VMBOX=${EXTEN}), in the most simple terms.
05:01.12infobotMessage Waiting Indicator
05:01.19Penguinaka, the red light on your phone
05:01.34*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
05:04.08XandriXyeah i set that up to but hmmm when i call my sip number from my cell it rings for a while but does not seem to hit a voicemailbox
05:05.02PenguinDid you remember to run "voicemail reload" after changing voicemail.conf and "dialplan reload" after changing extensions.conf?
05:05.31XandriXi just restarted asterisk after doing the changes
05:05.39PenguinThat's silly.
05:05.46PenguinBut that'll do it.
05:09.15PenguinIf you aren't sure what is going on, increase core verbosity and make the call again.  core set verbose 3
05:10.22XandriXexten => mydid,1,Dial(SIP/109991,40);
05:10.32XandriXor do i not need the ; or did i not do that right
05:10.37XandriXcuz it rings and then dies
05:11.03PenguinIf you look at the CLI when you run dialplan reload, you'll see where the problem lies.
05:12.02PenguinThe semi-colon is not necessary nor required.  It is typically used when a comment will follow a particular line.  I, on the other hand, terminate every line with a semi-colon just like is required in other programming languages.
05:13.27PenguinAnd in addition to the syntax failure, your mailbox is invalid.  You are telling VoiceMail() to look at a variable by the name of 109991, not the mailbox named 109991.
05:16.06PenguinDo you follow me?
05:16.58XandriXso more like exten => mydid,1,Dial(SIP/109991,40)
05:17.21PenguinThat takes care of that part of it, but your syntax is still a fail.  Run dialplan reload so you can see why it's wrong.
05:18.33XandriXerrr i am not sure how to run dialplan reload this is asterisk running on pfsense
05:18.50PenguinAre you not connecting to the asterisk CLI?
05:20.23XandriXNo '=' (equal sign) in line 20 of /conf/asterisk/extensions.conf
05:21.06PenguinThere's your hint.
05:22.52PenguinHere's another hint:
05:23.26PenguinEvery extension line you write needs to contain the extension and a priority.
05:25.22XandriXthe priority order 1 being higher than 2 or oposite ?
05:26.06PenguinPriority starts at 1 and increases either with explicit numbers or by using 'n' as the priority to indicate "next" in sequence.
05:26.42PenguinI prefer n over the number because it makes later edits much easier.
05:26.57XandriXis confused
05:27.03infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
05:27.12PenguinLook at the extensions section.
05:27.44PenguinOr if you can't bother to look in the book that contains all of the information, look at a quick asterisk primer...
05:27.48infobotmethinks primer is
05:29.20XandriXPenguin: thx for that link aswell
05:29.27XandriXive just successfully left myself a message
05:29.36XandriXjust cant currently go and listen to it
05:29.50PenguinYou'll have to create some other extensions to make that possible.
05:29.55XandriXbut the mwi seems to be working it poped up a flashing envelope on my phone
05:31.42XandriXoh so an extension that from my phone i dial to access my voicemailbox
05:32.47PenguinYou can create an extension that will execute VoiceMailMain(), or you can create an extension that allows you to press * when listening to the outgoing message to take you to VoiceMailMain().
05:35.17*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:35.37PenguinI use *86, which is *VM, to take me to my own voicemail main menu.
05:36.29XandriXoh well i created an extension 199 using VoiceMailMain() but it prompts me for a login i give it the voicemailid and then a password wich i dont know what it is to be honest
05:36.56PenguinYou set it in voicemail.conf earlier... how can you not know it?
05:39.00XandriXi had a typo in it
05:39.10XandriXyou say u set it to *86
05:39.22XandriXi would have an easier time remembering that i think
05:39.46PenguinVerizon Wireless uses *VM to call voicemail.  That is *86.
05:39.56PenguinIt made sense to use it.
05:40.48XandriXcool it works is there a way i can get it to autodetect my voicemailbox id ?
05:41.24PenguinOf course.  That's what my *86 does.  I use either accountcode or callerid number, or validate one with the other.
05:41.54XandriXexten => *86,1,VoicemailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM})
05:42.04PenguinIn simplest terms, VoiceMailMain(${CALLERID(num)}@default)
05:42.37PenguinI'm not sure, but you may need to Answer() the channel first.
05:43.09XandriXnope that work straight off the bat
05:43.13XandriXjust prompted for password :)
05:43.27PenguinI have Answer(500) before my VoiceMailMain(), so I must have used that to add some delay after starting RTP.
05:44.05*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
05:44.17XandriXPenguin: all of your help is much apreciated :)
05:44.42PenguinYeah, that was probably why I did that.  I was probably hearing "ssword" or "assword" when calling *86.
05:46.13*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
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05:56.11PenguinI'm thinking about doing that a little different in the future.
05:57.22PenguinI'll use CALLERID(num) and validate it against accountcode, and if it validates I will skip the password.  If it does not validate, go ahead and require password.
05:57.47PenguinMaybe.  I don't know yet.  It works like it is.
06:02.34PenguinI'm out.
06:03.54*** join/#asterisk jploh (~textual@
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08:20.27*** join/#asterisk bitfury (~bitfury@unaffiliated/bitfury)
08:21.48bitfuryhey guys, I have an outbound google voice trunk set up and working for local calling. However, I can't seem to get international calling working through this trunk
08:22.31bitfuryis it possible to route international calls through a GV trunk ?
08:26.39*** join/#asterisk D30_ (~deo@
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08:49.35ChannelZbitfury: I can't imagine why not
08:51.14bitfuryChannelZ: same here, when I try dialing out I get "the number is not answering"
08:51.47bitfurymy GV account balance is still 0.00 though.. they haven't credited it yet
08:51.51bitfurythat might be why?
08:52.59*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
08:53.13ChannelZProbably a pretty good one yes
08:53.22ChannelZNo pay, no play.
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10:50.52*** join/#asterisk nextime (~nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
10:52.47nextimehi all, asterisk 11.5 from debian package ( on debian sid ): it must receive calls coming from internet and redirect calls to an internal asterisk server, nothing more, so, it doesn't have any sip account registered, it just receive guest calls on a context and on this context make a Dial() to an internal sip account proxying the call. It work great with "common" sip clients.
10:53.22nextimenow i'm trying it with the demo of jssipo ( ), and the call come correctly but it try to use avfp codec
10:53.52nextimei have avfp=yes in my sip.conf ( not on peer based, as i don't have peers, in the global section )
10:54.12nextimebut when i try to call it i see on the console:
10:54.14nextime[2013-12-02 11:41:17] WARNING[1939][C-00000004]: chan_sip.c:10107 process_sdp: Received SAVPF profle in audio offer but AVPF is not enabled: audio 45307 RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 0 8 107 106 105 13 126
10:54.29nextimeso, it seems that avfp=yes make no effects at all
10:54.45nextimeis there something i can do about this issue?
11:03.36*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
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11:05.00roxgood morning, can anybody tell me, is how can i get hinting logged?
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13:23.49BeachBalldont all say hi at once
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13:26.41nextimecan anyone try to make a call to to see if it is working?
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13:34.04XandriXpenguin if for some reason ur ever in the montreal area and wana grab a beer give me a holla
13:34.47BeachBallXandriX ur in montreal?
13:35.26BeachBallmight get a free beer
13:35.41BeachBalldoesn't drink beer :{
13:38.51[TK]D-FenderBeachBall: Yes
13:40.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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13:47.10roxI have the following setup: 2 SIP telephones registered on Asterisk, one is Polycom 430, the other is Polycom 450, both have presence configured, and both have each other configured for Buddy Watch, and they are in the same callgroup/pivkupgroup. My problem is, when one telephone is called, the other should light up its led, but it doesn't.
13:47.18roxdoes anybody have an idea, what could be wrong?
13:47.54[TK]D-Fenderrox: And the part where you set up the dialplan for this?
13:48.13roxoh, and Asterisk is displaying each other's subscriptions, and when calls are in progress, the subscription status turns from "idle" to "in use"
13:48.20[TK]D-Fenderrox: callgroup/pickupgroup is unrelated
13:48.38rox[TK]D-Fender: in dialplan both are set for hint
13:49.29roxthe phones are Station205 and Station306, in dialplan each have the hint line: exten => 306,hint,SIP/Station306
13:49.59[TK]D-Fenderrox: place a call and show the full CLI output with SIP debug enabled
13:51.49nextimeit seems that avpf=yes doesn't work in [general] for guesr calls
13:52.47nextimeso, is there a way to define a "catch all" user sip account where i can put avpf=yes for guest calls?
13:54.55rox[TK]D-Fender: the call output: I called from third phone to 306, logs say 205 should have been notified:
13:56.32[TK]D-Fenderrox: SIP DEBUG <---
13:57.01roxdebug of the called phone or the phone that was supposed to be notified?
13:57.06rox[TK]D-Fender: or both?
13:59.26*** join/#asterisk zigg (~matt@unaffiliated/zigg)
14:00.48BeachBalldo you play LoL?
14:03.00rox[TK]D-Fender: this is the notify debug:
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14:06.03[TK]D-Fenderrox: Sure does look fine there... odd...
14:06.23rox[TK]D-Fender: and this is teh call debug
14:06.57[TK]D-Fenderrox: your firmware is a little behind.. I'd probably update that right away
14:07.03rox[TK]D-Fender: it looks fine to me too, the users say there is no LED on the phones, and i'm frustrated like hell, because it's a remote site and I can't verify it
14:07.29[TK]D-Fenderrox: I'm not sure if the 430 actually lights the LED for it.. do you see the indicator on-scren change?
14:08.03[TK]D-Fenderrox: I know the 30X didn't light... and I'm not sure on the 32X/33X
14:10.00rox[TK]D-Fender: 3.2 shows leds, I have setups on other sites, i just can't figure out why this one isn't functioning
14:12.10rox[TK]D-Fender: so, to sum it up: in sip.cfg presence is on, in phone.cfg presence is on, in directory file bw is on, in dialplan hint is on, is there anything i'm missing?
14:12.43[TK]D-Fenderrox: If that debug is at is appears.. nothing on the * side...
14:13.26rox[TK]D-Fender: the debug is just copy/paste, so firmware upgrade is the last thing to do? or telephone configuration perhaps?
14:13.40roxi guess something has to be suppressing this
14:15.20[TK]D-Fenderrox: Again, NTOHIGN on screen at all?
14:16.13roxthat is what they are claiming
14:16.18*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-ukvlfcuyxedsrhbs)
14:16.44rox[TK]D-Fender: the users are telling me "no changes, phone is completely idle"
14:17.03nextimeso, i can't really find a way to make a guest sip user use avpf=yes
14:17.10nextimethis is sad.
14:17.22[TK]D-Fenderrox: so image next to the spedd-dial for it is unchanged?
14:19.40*** join/#asterisk delete (~delete@fedora/delete)
14:20.37deletehi, I have troubles to build dahdi modules after kernel update on Centos 6
14:22.48boom^timeHello, every so often with an AMI call origination I won't receive a hangup event. It's really frustrating. I was wondering if anyone else ran into this bug?
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14:38.10tomodachidelete: are you using your distributions dahdi sources, or the ones from digium?
14:41.37deletethe ones from digium
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14:42.59deletethe ones from here
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14:47.04boratynskikamilI have one small question.
14:47.37boratynskikamilLet's assume I have 2 Asterisks connected via LAN. Is it possible to call between them without using external connection?
14:48.16boratynskikamil[TK]D-Fender: Any suggestion how to do it?
14:48.28[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: However you feel like
14:49.20[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: Setup whatever kind of channel you want between them
14:49.33[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: how about SIP.  That seems to be popular...
14:49.49boratynskikamilI use SIP to connect to Asterisk as client.
14:49.50PenguinOr IAX2... which is an inter-asterisk type of thing.
14:50.10[TK]D-FenderPenguin: Too obvious....
14:50.17PenguinGood point.
14:50.41PenguinI forgot this is supposed to be a difficult decision.
14:50.43boratynskikamilBut main question is how to connect from client1@asterisk1 to client2@asterisk2?
14:50.52XandriXBeachBall: yes i am in montreal
14:51.04[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: DIAL .. just like everything else
14:51.06XandriXif u dont drink beer i can get your i dunno free scotch or juice ? :P
14:51.07BeachBallhow can 1 bitcoin be worth 1000$?
14:51.26[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: Asterisk talking to another asterisk is no different than Asterisk talking to a phone.
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14:51.47[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: In sip.conf you make the same kind of peer and you DIAL just the same.
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14:51.48boratynskikamilSo I am able to call IP@Asterisk1?
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14:52.04[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: make a peer like you do with any other provider and dial.
14:52.23XandriXPenguin: thx again for last night :)
14:52.34[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: Never just dial by IP in the dial command.  Alqways make a proper peer that specifies codecs, secret, etc.
14:52.41boratynskikamilSo, as far as I understand I have to create exension.
14:53.25[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: Dialing doesn't just happen on its own...
14:53.43boratynskikamilWhat do you mean?
14:53.48[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: No different than any ITSP setup example you should ever have seen
14:53.59[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: extension = line in extensions.conf
14:54.26[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: you know.. DIALPLAN.  the thing that says "Oh they dialed 123456 that means I should send it to the OTHER Asterisk server...."
14:54.44boratynskikamilYes, yes.
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14:54.58boratynskikamilBut nowadays I have one extension called outgoing.
14:55.08boratynskikamilAnd it uses 1st channel in dahdi.
14:55.19boratynskikamilAnd uses all connections, I mean _X.
14:55.28[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: Make better ones now.
14:55.42[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: And consider your contexts
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15:10.13boratynskikamilOne more question.
15:10.27boratynskikamilCould you be so kind and advice me some GSM card for Asterisk?
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15:23.25XandriXBeachBall: what area of mtl you in / from ?
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15:33.05saliakI keep getting a "WARNING[18096]: chan_sip.c:3370 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xb6e56460 (len 517) to returned -1: Operation not permitted" warning that seems to be related to a phone not registering with my server.  sip debug at
15:36.02[TK]D-Fendersaliak: And what do you have in the peer for that?
15:40.48boom^timeDoes anyone with AMI experience know if adding a special hangup extension which simply ran Hungup, ie exten => h,1,Hangup() would fix the occasional lack of a Hangup AMI event?
15:41.33[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: 'h" doesn't create another
15:42.21boom^timeI had a feeling that was the case. The aggravating part is that this problem happens so infrequently it's hard to try and debug it.
15:45.27saliak[TK]D-Fender: what you mean by "have in the peer"?
15:45.54[TK]D-Fendersaliak: ... in your entry for them for sip.conf
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15:46.47cyberfab007ok today write my own custome dial plan ! Yay!
15:47.10saliak[TK]D-Fender: sorry.  added to top of pastebin
15:47.41XandriXanyone here use voipms as there provider ?
15:47.56[TK]D-Fendersaliak: "sip show peer 8002"
15:48.20[TK]D-FenderXandriX: probably several.....
15:49.29saliak[TK]D-Fender: ok.
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15:51.59Penguinxandrix: yes
15:52.05XandriXtrying to figure out howto get the check balance thing to work properly
15:52.21PenguinVia key pad?
15:52.22[TK]D-Fender[2013-12-02 10:28:05] WARNING[18096]: chan_sip.c:3370 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xb6e56460 (len 517) to returned -1: Operation not permitted
15:52.30XandriXyeah there *225 thing
15:52.38PenguinIt's easy enough to log in and look in the customer portal if that doesn't work.
15:52.41[TK]D-FenderWondering on this... firwall block stopping the challenge from being sent perhaps?
15:52.59XandriXPenguin: this account is loaned to me there for i do not have access to said user panel
15:55.07XandriXbut the person in question did set me up to have access to balance via the *225 function
15:55.51PenguinDid you create an extension that sends *225 to the provider?
15:55.58PenguinMy guess is no.
15:56.18XandriXno cuz i was unsure of the syntax to get it to tie in to that function on voipms's side
15:56.30saliak[TK]D-Fender: that's possible.  weird thing is that it did work at one point, and i have another sip phone on the same network that works
15:56.45PenguinIt's just a number.  It requires no special attention.
15:56.50PenguinIt's a regular phone call.
16:03.25XandriXso i will probably fail again but something like this ? exten => *225,1,Dial(SIP/109991,40)
16:04.40XandriXerr no
16:04.44XandriXthats not what i meant to paste
16:06.01PenguinPaste something different, then.
16:09.39XandriXexten => *225,1,Dial(SIP/*225@voipms) is what i meant to paste clipboard stupidity on my part sorry
16:10.33Penguin*225@voipms is wrong.  voipms is a defined peer in your sip.conf.
16:11.23PenguinOr, since you are using extension *225, you can use Dial(SIP/voipms/${EXTEN}).
16:11.27XandriXit works but i will correct that thx for the heads up
16:12.01*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
16:12.14PenguinDialing something@host is for URI dialing.  If you have a peer configured, you don't need to dial by URI.  And voipms isn't a full host name anyway.
16:14.10XandriXfuck my inet at home just went down -_-
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16:22.23XandriXpfahahaha so they changed my profile on my inet connection to upgrade me and accidentaly put my account on hold
16:23.19XandriXnow there is one feature i need to get working on asterisk that a friend of mine had a while ago you call the did number and if u send it say a 4 or a 5 it gives you the machines current ip address that was cool hehe
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16:46.07Kobazanyone using sangoma/wanpipe on a fairly new kernel/dahdi?
16:46.18Kobazi'm having trouble building 7.0.8
16:46.31Kobazfun kernel api changes
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16:52.27Penguinxandrix: It's all fairly easy to do in the dial plan or you can script it in php and run it with AGI().  But if your asterisk is not on a public IP address that changes, there is no point in doing it.
16:53.47*** join/#asterisk serafie1 (~erin@nat/digium/x-tjdoaeahdwradyqn)
16:54.06XandriXPenguin: asterisk is currently running straight off my asterisk box i just want to make so i can call the number and dial an extension and it gives me the machines current wan address
16:54.57PenguinThat wouldn't be too difficult to write up.
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16:55.53PenguinI might even do that later just for the hell of it.  It won't serve me any purpose since my asterisks are on private IP addresses, but I might write it up just for the sake of doing it.
16:56.18XandriXPenguin: keep me posted on that :)
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17:12.19Penguinxandrix: Done.
17:12.31Penguinxandrix: I couldn't wait until later; I had to do it right now.
17:15.22XandriXPenguin: <3 no homo
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17:20.40PenguinI should consider stripping off the /24 to make it more friendly.
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17:21.38GreenlightWhy is it so hard to get Queue in Asterisk to behave like a queue on a traditional phone system
17:21.52PenguinAsterisk isn't a traditional phone system.
17:22.22GreenlightYea, but the way it's Queue system works is lacking
17:22.28GreenlightIt's hugely frustrating
17:22.38PenguinI'd imagine if you state what behavior you are trying to get out of it, someone might be able to provide some tips on making it work that way.
17:23.14GreenlightWell it's this whole timeout of members in the queue before we retry them
17:23.38GreenlightIf a caller is in the queue, I want to just keep the members ringing
17:23.52GreenlightAnd if a currently busy member becomes available, I want their phone to ring.
17:24.50GreenlightUnless I'm totally missing something, it seems with Queue, we have to set a low agent timeout or be calling a 2nd line to get this behaviour
17:25.26GreenlightProblem with a low agent timeout (say 10 seconds) is that it takes about 1 second for it to retry all the callers, and if a member picks up their phone, no one is there...
17:26.21*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
17:28.32GreenlightI mean I just don't see why we have to stop a members phone from ringing it there's a caller still queued. It seems backwards, and I've no explanation to offer to customers when they ask why it behaves like this.
17:33.31XandriXPenguin: im gonna need to decipher a fiew things from your script hehe
17:34.23[TK]D-Fender[12:28]GreenlightI mean I just don't see why we have to stop a members phone from ringing it there's a caller still queued. It seems backwards, and I've no explanation to offer to customers when they ask why it behaves like this. <- because that's how it works
17:34.44[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: You don't have to justify the design, only explain its behaviour
17:35.02XandriX[Dec  2 12:34:19] WARNING[93787]: app_playback.c:475 playback_exec: ast_streamfile failed on SIP/109991-00000001 for silence/1&your&address&is&silence/1
17:35.09*** part/#asterisk matt-moretalk (~matthew@
17:35.12Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: I realise that's how it works, but I get complaints for almost all my customers that use the Queue module. These are small business nothing out of the ordinary
17:35.34[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: They are nagging.  You should get them to stop doing that :)
17:35.35GreenlightIt's counter intuative
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17:36.04GreenlightThing is, I see their point. They pick up the phone, and it just says "disconnected". Only to ring half a second later.
17:36.07[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: * doesn't poll all members constantly to add.  think of it as "ringing campaigns"
17:36.31[TK]D-Fender[12:36]GreenlightThing is, I see their point. They pick up the phone, and it just says "disconnected". Only to ring half a second later. <- this is ANY call that is ringing and ends as they are reaching for it... Too bad.
17:36.36GreenlightI don't want it to poll all membrers, but when a channel clears, why can't it then check if that channel is a MEMBER in any queues...
17:37.01Greenlight<[TK]D-Fender> [12:36]GreenlightThing is, I see their point. They pick up the phone, and it just says "disconnected". Only to ring half a second later. <- this is ANY call that is ringing and ends as they are reaching for it... Too bad. <-- Buuuut the call hasn't ENDED...,
17:37.21Penguinxandrix: You're missing some sound files.
17:37.24[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: When I add LOCAL channels.... it has no psychic way of knowing that the SIP device that just ended a call would be the one called by it
17:37.46Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: WEll you could use hints
17:38.12XandriXPenguin: probs and also well on pfsense i apparently cannot check my ip that way
17:38.20XandriXcuz apparently the command ip does not exist wich i doubt
17:38.38Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: I mean, what would make sense is just "rechecking" so see if any members have now become available. Rather than restarting all members calls.
17:38.41PenguinI didn't write it for you... I wrote it for myself.  And I use Linux.
17:39.13Penguinxandrix: But you can easily change the commands to what FreeBSD does use.
17:39.17XandriXPenguin: on most of my machines i use lin
17:39.26XandriXand thats what i am about to do
17:39.32GreenlightMost of the times I use "timeout" and "retry", what I really mean is that I want to recheck for any new possible members.
17:39.48XandriXPenguin: about the missing sound files tho what would be your solution to that ?
17:40.00PenguinI'd install the sound packs.
17:40.02GreenlightBut currently only way to do that is to HANGUP all calls to get members, and restart them. That's backwards.
17:40.53XandriXPenguin: ill go read up on where they are stored and so forth since in my case its an odd installation on pfsense
17:41.26GreenlightI fully understand that this is *how it works*, what I don't see is WHY.
17:42.02GreenlightQueuing seems like such a core feature, and I see so many complaints from both online message posts, and my own customers
17:42.59GreenlightOn my larger installs, where they use our CRM software that integrates via AMI, we don't use Asterisk's built in queuing at all, and I wrote my own queuing logic
17:44.28XandriXPenguin: your script gave me a good idea on how to do it just need to set up the proper awk and cut syntax to get my ip and i should be good that and install the sound packs
17:44.44PenguinIf you use awk, why would you also need to use cut?
17:45.24PenguinYou'll notice I didn't use cut.
17:45.36XandriXgood point i haveto do it via ifconfig's output
17:45.47PenguinOf course.
17:45.53XandriXill just fiddle around till i get it to get me the proper value
17:45.56PenguinI could have used ifconfig, but I used ip instead.
17:46.42boom^timeIf I wanted to use Dial to dial a local extension in a specific context is that possible? What would I use for the technology argument as opposed to SIP Zap etc?
17:47.07boom^timeThanks guys
17:47.24*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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17:48.56Penguinxandrix: What is your interface's name?
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17:49.55Penguinifconfig le0|awk '$1 == "inet" {print $2}'
17:50.33PenguinMine is le0.
17:51.05PenguinNo fiddling required.
17:52.50XandriXow time to read up on the sound packs hehe
17:55.56XandriXas i am not entirely sure where this installation stores them by default
18:00.45PenguinYou can do a search for echo-test and see where it is.
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18:03.34Penguinxandrix: You don't even have to use those sound files.  I just added those to make it nice.
18:03.52PenguinYou could just let it play the numbers and dots.
18:04.05XandriXbut i want sounds it would be nicer
18:07.06PenguinYou may need to refresh it.
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18:11.12XandriXhmm so this install does not use /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
18:14.41[TK]D-Fender"core show settings" <---------
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18:18.34XandriXPenguin: thx for the code without the sounds it works like a charm :)
18:19.06leifmadsenIf anyone wants the Asterisk: TDG 4e book for 50% off, O'Reilly has it on sale today. Just use code CYBER3 at check out
18:20.18BeachBalldoes BeachBall need that?
18:20.22XandriX[TK]D-Fender: no mention for a sound folder but reveals alot of info
18:20.59BeachBallI have the 3rd e
18:21.33BeachBallleifmadsen: whats new in the 4th one?
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18:21.39drmessanoEverything is new
18:21.53leifmadsenBeachBall: Asterisk 11 stuffz
18:21.53drmessanoAsterisk 11 makes 10 look like 1.8
18:22.01TechSmurfI'm trying to hack the blacklist module to recognize CID names as well as numbers
18:22.04leifmadsenbig update on all the Asterisk 11 stuff
18:22.16leifmadsenAlso about 150 pages more than the 3rd edition
18:22.36TechSmurfcan anyone identify any problems with this line?
18:22.38TechSmurfexten => s,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(blacklist/${TOUPPER(${CALLERID(name)})})}"="1"]?blacklisted)
18:22.48BeachBallYou did not meet the criteria for this discount.
18:22.51drmessanoleifmadsen, so it makes one taller?
18:23.11TechSmurfI'm pretty sure my first problem is that blacklist is replacing spaces with "\"
18:23.23TechSmurfbut beyond that...
18:23.48BeachBallI THINK I need to buy another book
18:23.52[TK]D-Fender[13:20]XandriX[TK]D-Fender: no mention for a sound folder but reveals alot of info <- VARLIB/sounds
18:23.54BeachBallto get the discount
18:23.59BeachBallwhats a good one to get?
18:25.00leifmadsenTechSmurf: at least the syntax looks right
18:25.04drmessanoBeachBall, did you get the ebook or the print?
18:25.07leifmadsenI see no issue it the brackets or braces
18:25.18BeachBallit's cheaper at amazon
18:25.22drmessanoRead the banner
18:25.36leifmadsendrmessano: at least 100 pages taller
18:25.44XandriX[TK]D-Fender: so varlib folder is the folder that should contain a subfolder called sounds is that corrent ?
18:25.55BeachBallhugs leifmadsen for being so smart
18:26.01[TK]D-FenderTechSmurf: you should start by not assuming the line is wrong.. and instead proving whey it should be working...
18:26.07[TK]D-FenderXandriX: Correct
18:26.15mjordanhugs > $$$
18:26.21leifmadsenI disagree
18:26.25leifmadsenI can hug money
18:26.34leifmadsenScrooge McDuck styles
18:26.37XandriXleifmadsen: yeah but money doesnt hug you back bro
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18:26.38mjordanleifmadsen: whoever said money doesn't keep you warm at night hasn't tried my money blanket
18:26.48leifmadsenXandriX: it does when I call the escort service
18:26.58XandriXleifmadsen: well played my friend :)
18:27.09leifmadsensnappy comback Monday ftw
18:27.14drmessanoWhoever said money can't buy you happiness has never paid for a divorce
18:27.43XandriXthat or who said money cant buy happiness obviously never bought a jetski have you ever seen anyone sad on a jetski ?
18:28.19drmessanoXandriX, have you ever seen anyone sad eating a cupcake?
18:28.30XandriXdrmessano: actualy yes thats the worst part
18:29.38TechSmurfyep, the problem is the gui.
18:29.51TechSmurfthe backslash is killing it
18:30.13XandriXhmm odd so i do have default soundfiles so i take it Penguin that the files you referenced to are extra sound files ?
18:31.12TechSmurfif I add a db entry through cli it works
18:32.12XandriXremoves file from the stove
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18:44.18TechSmurfso... any ideas on how to modify that line so that it will match a cid of "NAME HERE" to a db entry of blacklist/NAME\HERE ?
18:44.41TechSmurfregex wildcard for the space?
18:45.58PenguinWhat command are you using to write the db entry?
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18:47.10TechSmurffreepbx blacklist module gui, and fixing whatever it's doing to replace the space with a backslash isn't much within the scope of my hack...
18:48.03tm1000TechSmurf: advice:
18:48.07infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
18:48.17TechSmurfI'm not asking for freepbx help.
18:48.26tm1000TechSmurf: and I
18:48.31tm1000and Im not saying you are
18:48.46tm1000I am telling you how to apply yourself and report bugs so these things can be fixed
18:48.53TechSmurfIt's not a bug, either.
18:49.00tm1000Penguin: isn't going to walk you through hacking a gui he/she never uses
18:49.03PenguinIt's a ... feature?
18:49.14tm1000Penguin: no its a bug. that needs to be fixed
18:49.19tm1000(from my opinion)
18:49.27PenguinYou're probably correct on that.
18:49.35TechSmurfIt's not designed to support using cid names instead of numbers :P
18:49.50tm1000I guess what I am getting at here
18:50.09tm1000is that you are asking how to go about modifying a gui in a channel where everyone uses straight dialplan
18:50.15tm1000so my advice is lets get it working in freepbx
18:51.27tm1000I would assume, (perhaps wrongly) that Penguin is probably slightly annoyed to know you are working the constraints of freepbx when you didn't initally state that fact
18:52.14PenguinI'm just simply not going to be able to help "solve" the issue.  It is outside of the scope of asterisk.
18:52.24navaismoPenguin and how was the taste of the DIY tortillas?
18:52.39Penguinnavaismo: Did not work so well.
18:53.29TechSmurfi.e. the proper solution is to have it add the database entry without replacing spaces with backslashes, and attempting to fix this after the fact by somehow using a wildcard in the database check is a horrible idea
18:53.45navaismoPenguin, :(
18:54.16Penguinnavaismo: We only had all purpose flour, not corn flour.  The flour soaked the water too much, and when we added more water, we got gluten problems and didn't have good flavor.
18:55.04Penguinnavaismo: We added some baking powder and shortening, and then it was okay with all purpose flour.
18:55.56navaismonow you need a video for making your own flour using corn
18:57.10TechSmurfwonders if the calories in the tortilla make up for the calories output making it this way. :P
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19:01.49Doyanoleis there anyone who can help me with a small issue i have with my asterisk running on my synology regarding internal numbers not workin ?
19:02.25BeachBallcan help you
19:02.47BeachBallplease descript your problem in full detail
19:03.09Doyanolewell , i installed asterisk today on my synology. inbound outbound works.  only thing i have left that is not working is internal calling between phones
19:03.47Doyanoleit says busy
19:03.54Doyanolewhen trying to reach an internal number
19:04.52[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Last I checked Synology was running a GUI and there no no supported GUI's in this channel and virtually no-one using yours specifically.
19:05.11[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: So the abstractions of "internal number" etc are specific to their implementation.
19:05.13Doyanoleindeed , it is running a GUI
19:05.29[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: We can't support their GUI
19:05.51Doyanolehere's a paste of the error
19:06.30[TK]D-FenderThat looks like Digium's old AsteriskGUI dialplan...
19:06.42[TK]D-FenderDoyanole:  -- Executing [6002@DLPN_521906:1] Macro("SIP/6000-000000cc", "trunkdial-failover-0.3,SIP/trunk_1/6002,,trunk_1,") in new stack <-- no NUMBER being passed.
19:06.53[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: That is your problem most likely
19:07.06WIMPyWhatever it is it doesn't think that "6002" is an "internal" number.
19:07.15[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: 2nd parameter is blank there...
19:07.28[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Actually... scratch that
19:07.50Doyanoleuuhm meaning ?
19:08.03Doyanoleyes, and it shouldn't
19:08.10Doyanoleright ?
19:08.11[TK]D-FenderAnd isn't a legit looking number for the PSTN.
19:08.19[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: I'd like to think "no".
19:08.30WIMPyIt doesn't matter. You need to find a suipport channel for whatever GUI you're using. Ur bin it and install plain Asterisk.
19:08.35[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: But we can't say why things aren't as you think they should be.
19:08.58Doyanolewhy are there such differences between GUI nad CLI ?
19:09.10Doyanolebesides clicking and typing
19:09.27WIMPyNoone here knows what they configure.
19:09.48Doyanoleso you guys just use simple cli to configure it ?
19:09.49WIMPyAsterisk doesn't have any kind of standard way of working.
19:10.03WIMPyNo. A text editor.
19:10.11Doyanolethat's a hassle
19:10.14Doyanolefor me at least
19:10.51WIMPyIt is, but debugging what someone else wrote is certainly no easier.
19:10.56[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Thing is you're using some chopped up version hacked into a toy platform
19:11.22Doyanoleok, than tell me what the ideal configuration would be (and safe) to use asterisk
19:11.48[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Anything else
19:11.54WIMPyThe one you create for your needs.
19:12.09[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Roll your own or use a GUI that actual has an active support community
19:12.16Doyanolei am talking hardware wise
19:12.24[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: #freepbx <-
19:12.33[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Anything might do.
19:12.39[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Depends on your needs
19:12.39WIMPyAny PC.
19:12.45Doyanolei just had the synology running and unfortunately no freepbx is supported on that
19:12.56WIMPyAnd depending on what you plan do do even much less may be ok.
19:13.17[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Then get an actual computer
19:13.43Doyanolei have a server running that is used as a file server, can i use freepbx on that ?
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19:14.31Doyanolethanks for the tips, will try that
19:14.56[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Still not smart as spikes could hurt you on the uadio side, etc
19:15.14[TK]D-FenderMight do OK depending
19:15.33Doyanoleso ideal would be a standalone PC ?
19:15.37Doyanoleor server ofc
19:15.44WIMPyI haven't had any issue like that even when I tried really hard.
19:16.00[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Ideal is standalaone
19:16.56WIMPyI went on a strict one PC is enough policy some years ago. That thing is doing quite a lot of stuff, but I have never had any RTP delays or such.
19:17.25[TK]D-FenderDoes depend on load.  Might work well... might not.
19:17.44WIMPyWith TDM minor glitvhes are possible, but you only notice then when listening to MOH or a dialtone.
19:17.50[TK]D-FenderFeel free to try setting up on yours and see what happens
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19:18.18WIMPyCopying videos or starting lots of compilers doesn't do any harm for me.
19:19.15WIMPyThere cann be small delays in playing samples when under heavy load.
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19:21.22Doyanolewill it run on a rasp ?
19:21.44TechSmurfexten => s,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(blacklist/${TOUPPER(${REPLACE(CALLERID(name),\ ,/)})})}"="1"]?blacklisted)
19:21.53TechSmurfwell, that was easier than fixing fpbx
19:22.13WIMPyThere are even multiple distros for it by now, IIRC.
19:22.46[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: What are you actually looking to do on it?
19:23.53Doyanolewell, not much , it's basically for my 2 homenumbers, my office number, and 5 internal numbers. if possible , i would like to hook up a GSM Gateway , so i can reroute the Mobile calls via that
19:24.01*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
19:25.49WIMPyThere are several way to do the GSM thing. But you should check if any of them are supported by GUIs.
19:26.11Doyanolewhat could you suggest ?
19:26.23[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Shouldn't be an issue with FreePBX...
19:26.25WIMPyNeed more input.
19:26.37Doyanolewhat kind of input ?
19:27.01WIMPyI'm pretty sure FreePBX will at least not support using osmocomm. And what about chan_dongle?
19:27.03[TK]D-FenderDoyanole: Specifics on the gateway you're loking at
19:27.18[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Dongle you can doa  custom trunk for easily enough
19:27.18WIMPyWhat you want to do, how and with what hardware.
19:27.30Doyanoleok, i am working from home
19:27.42Doyanoleso i have 2 home numbers an 1 office number
19:27.47Doyanoleeverything is VOIP
19:27.52Doyanolei have a 200mbit connection
19:28.01Doyanolemostly i'm at customers
19:28.10Doyanoleso i route my homenumber to my mobile
19:28.19Doyanolewhich costs me a fortune every month
19:28.30Doyanoleand therefor i would like to use a gsm gateway
19:28.38*** join/#asterisk Micc (
19:28.44WIMPyCant you get a mobile with a geo number?
19:28.46Doyanolei have 2 simple SIP phones and some dect phones
19:28.49WIMPyWhere are you?
19:28.53Doyanolein Luxembourg
19:29.32WIMPyIf you want to use DECT phones, you should take a look at the AVM FritxBox series of routers.
19:29.40Doyanolei have one
19:30.01WIMPyGreat. What are you missing on it?
19:30.25Doyanoleshould i install asterisk on the fritz ?
19:30.39WIMPyWhy do you want Asterisk?
19:30.51Doyanolewhat else ?
19:31.06WIMPyYou could do it if you need more features than it offers by itself.
19:31.14Doyanolejust the simple fritz ?
19:31.39WIMPyThat's why I asked what you missing from it.
19:32.07Doyanolei don't know if the gsm gateway will work
19:32.10Doyanolethat's the first
19:32.14Doyanoleand which one to buy
19:32.17Doyanoleand 2nd
19:32.25WIMPyWell, no.
19:32.33Doyanolei have 2 sip phones i bought , just to use them internally
19:32.35WIMPyUnless you use a SIP gateway, off course.
19:33.02Doyanoleand unfortunaltely the 2 sipphones can't do **620 for example
19:33.06WIMPyBut if you just want cheap rates to the GSM, get the right ITSP for that.
19:33.06Doyanolethe ** doesn't work
19:33.08Doyanoleonly *
19:33.18WIMPyConfigure them.
19:33.22Doyanoleyou can't
19:33.29Doyanoleit's standard in the phone
19:33.35Doyanoleand fritz can't change it
19:33.44Doyanolefritz only does **
19:33.51Doyanoleand the phones only do *
19:33.56Doyanoleso duuuh, i'm fucked
19:33.59WIMPyI haven't seen a phone where you can't change the dialplan.
19:34.10Doyanoleit's a cheap 25 euro sip phone
19:34.15WIMPyWell, I have, but they let you dial anything, which is just as good.
19:34.35Doyanolei looked all over the place and i got the confirmation that the phone can't change it
19:34.51WIMPyLooks like you bought crap.
19:34.59WIMPyHave you tried *#**?
19:35.15Doyanolewhen you hit * two times  , it makes *.
19:35.26Doyanoleit doesn't do 2 stars
19:35.47WIMPyOr just not at the beginning?
19:36.05Doyanole* is the beginning and than .....
19:36.23WIMPyGet a decent phone then.
19:36.31Doyanolethat's the other option
19:36.47Doyanolebut main thing i guess would be my gsm issue
19:37.03WIMPy>>But if you just want cheap rates to the GSM, get the right ITSP for that.
19:37.11Doyanolewhat's ITSP ?
19:37.18infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
19:37.38Doyanolei'm in europe
19:37.44Doyanolespecifically in Luxebourg
19:37.46Doyanoleforget that
19:37.50WIMPySo what?
19:38.11WIMPyCheck for example
19:38.35Doyanolei can get a Mobile card for 5 euros'a month with unlimited MObile calls
19:38.45Doyanolei doubt any ITSP can beat that
19:40.03WIMPySo that's only 80 minutes indeed.
19:40.06Doyanole6.2 ceents a minute
19:40.15Doyanolelet me check how much i pay now
19:40.18Doyanolegimme a sec
19:41.29Doyanole105 minutes were 15 euros
19:41.52Doyanoleso that's 14cts
19:42.13WIMPyOr if you can manage to log in to a german network at least once every four weeks, get a SIM from sipgate and call for free.
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19:45.19Doyanoleok, but i could use the onevoip as a start
19:45.33Doyanolehow does that work , and how do i need to configure it , never did that
19:46.01WIMPyYou should probably be able to use Asterisk with chan_donge on the FB.
19:46.23WIMPyDidn't you say tha't you're all voip alread? So justlike you did with the others.
19:46.52Doyanoleand how do i configure it to use the voipone just for mobile calls
19:47.20WIMPyBy configuring the prefix(es) in the routing table.
19:49.04DoyanoleOnly businesses or registered organizations may apply for the Onevoip VoIP solutions.
19:53.02Doyanolewhat's chan_donge , WIMPy
19:53.56WIMPyA channel for Asterisk that makes use of USB GSM donges (AKA surfsticks).
19:57.18WIMPyI guess you should be able to run that on the FritzBox directly.
19:58.58Doyanolewith freepbx ?
19:59.08Doyanolei like gui's ;-)
19:59.49WIMPyFor ony a gateway that would be complete overkill.
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20:01.28WIMPyOr if you don't have a phone line connected, look for an old GSM ISDN gateway. That would be a real plug and play thing.
20:02.04Doyanolelike that ?
20:03.37WIMPyAs usual with Amazon, the description isn't clear at all.
20:06.01Doyanolei can get a Mobile SIM for 9 euros that includes 4000 minutes
20:06.04WIMPyMaybe that's only uasble as an analogue line.
20:06.47WIMPyWell, it might be ok.
20:08.33Doyanolethat should do it
20:10.01WIMPyAgain I don't find any information about how you can connect to that thing.
20:11.00Doyanoleall i find is in german
20:11.35WIMPyI'm, german :-)
20:11.55Doyanoledann is gut
20:12.05DoyanoleIch habe das Gerät als GSM-Gateway an der Fritzbox angeschlossen. Telefonate mit Mobiltelefonen werden jetzt rausgeleitet und gehen über die RL302. Das Geräte hängt hierbei im EG an der Außenwand wo der Empfang recht gut ist. Über eine Multicard vom Handy erfolgt die Mitnutzung des bestehenden Mobilfunkvertrages. Ich bin recht zufrieden damit. Sprachqualität passt, Ausfälle bisher keine, Verbindungsaufbau über Fritzbox und GSM-Gateway dauer
20:12.06Doyanoledeutlich länger aber OK, ein Nachteil ist halt immer da.
20:12.07DoyanoleInbetriebnahme ohne jedes Problem
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20:27.41Qwellnowai, it's a bkruse
20:27.51QwellI hear that guy is a big deal.
20:28.17bkruseQwell: you must be thinking of tcruise - tom cruise, he regulars #asterisk every once in awhile
20:28.51bkruseQwell: I also heard bkruse drives like a total _dick_
20:29.06Qwellbkruse: only in his lambo
20:38.12bkruseQwell: you ever in hsv anymore?
20:38.16bkrusewe should do lunch sometime!
20:38.23Qwellbkruse: I still live here
20:39.50BeachBallgives Qwell a friendly kick in the nuts
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20:56.09ChannelZ-WkThose were perfectly good walnuts.
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21:30.18lvlinuxanybody know how what "unknown callerid data type 'nam'" means? I get it when getting a SIP call in from a UK DID. The callerid shows as unknown
21:30.53lvlinuxis that a callerid type that asterisk cannot handle or something? Is there a way I can work around it (still get the callerid info)?
21:31.18WIMPyShow us
21:33.18lvlinuxshow you what?
21:33.34WIMPyThe call with that message.
21:37.53WIMPywonders where that callerid_read comes from.
21:38.15WIMPyBut a Progress() after Answer() doesn't make any sense.
21:38.53lvlinuxoh? why?
21:39.19lvlinuxoh I know why---nevermind
21:39.33lvlinuxi just had that in there from the other day trying to fix something else lol
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21:39.48lvlinuxwhat do you mean about the callerid_read?
21:40.10WIMPyI do only see a write, but no read.
21:40.44WIMPyDo you read CLLERID() there as well?
21:45.07lvlinuxnot sure I understand what you are asking ---after the call is answered, i have  "same => n,Set(CALLERID(name)=UK_caller${CALLERID(nam)})" so that I can at least see on th ephone that they dialed the UK DID.
21:45.34navaismowondering why he didint see the typo
21:46.20lvlinuxtypo? where?
21:47.16lvlinuxoh my goodness lol
21:47.29lvlinuxkicks myself
21:48.11navaismoI have been there a lot of time because my stupid twinkie fingers
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22:44.19smirkermmm twinkie fingers
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23:27.41navaismowant to suck it... my fingers? LOL
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23:36.29PenguinYou want to suck what?
23:37.35navaismoargh again that sounds bad for me
23:37.58navaismosupposed to be for smirker not for me :'(
23:38.14PenguinAh, then you probably should not start your statement with /me
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23:39.47PenguinThis is what we all saw:
23:39.51Penguinnavaismo want to suck it
23:40.06navaismoyep i just re-read that
23:40.11navaismoand sounds very bad

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