IRC log for #asterisk on 20131126

00:04.45*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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00:10.16navaismoI just upgrade to the lates branch of asterisk 12 and now im receiving-->"config_options.c:703 aco_process_var: Could not find option suitable for category '5000' named 'dtmfmode' at line 0 of "
00:16.44Penguinline 0 of what?
00:26.30navaismoim wondering the same
00:26.42navaismothe log end in that word
00:26.45PenguinThat was the end of the message?
00:28.01*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
00:28.19outtoluncan include with a non-existent file? ;)
00:29.41fileif using pjsip some of the options changed names to unify them
00:30.52navaismoweird the table looks the same as the previous
00:31.37filedtmfmode is dtmf_mode now I believe
00:31.38navaismoargh dtmf_mode instead dtmfmode
00:32.50navaismough many names add a underscore
00:39.53*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
00:41.42karl-si'm having trouble understanding the correlation between 'allow' statements in SIP.conf and SDP. does ordering of the allow statements really matter?
00:42.17PenguinThe order is supposed to show preference.  I recommend allowing only the codec you want to use.
00:43.05karl-sso if peer 1 calls peer 2, both have the allow order of (g729,alaw,ulaw), when asterisk sends the invite for peer 2, only g729 is in the SDP???
00:43.08karl-sis that normal?
00:43.34*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
00:43.38PenguinIf you allow all of them, the SDP should show all of them are available.
00:43.46karl-sthats what i thought
00:44.04karl-sbut for some reason only g.729 shows up
00:44.14PenguinAre you using one allow line with a comma-separated list, or three allow lines with one codec per line?
00:44.27karl-sline by line
00:44.50karl-sif g.729 is first, only g.729 shows up
00:45.03karl-sif alaw or ulaw is first, only alaw or ulaw shows up
00:46.40navaismonow-->Error parsing call_group= at line 0 of
00:49.09navaismohmm iset to NULL resolve the error
00:51.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
00:51.36navaismoweee the websocket still killing asterisk
00:52.05navaismoim going to try the beta2 package
00:58.01fileit has not been fixedvyet
00:58.40*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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01:08.28navaismoindeed :'( im wondering why other people can use it with asterisk 12 is this a thing of using a db?
01:17.34filewell, you can still use chan_sip... where it continues to work
01:20.53PenguinIs chan_sip actively being broken with new asterisk versions?
01:21.52*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
01:22.02WIMPyIt did break for me.
01:22.40WIMPyGot one-way-audio on calls where Asterisk had to transcode.
01:23.09WIMPyOr that's what I think was what' was going on.
01:24.01navaismois there a log of the ari connections in the asterisk cli like manager does?
01:37.57*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:42.12navaismook this is strange the websocket connection coming from script works fine but from jssip/sipml5 just kill asterisk
01:42.39fileits not strange, if you know what is happening
01:43.13*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
01:43.18navaismoobviously not
01:44.15filethe SIP traffic over the websocket causes it, not a generic websocket connection
01:44.55filespecifically the code that determines what transport is in use does not work on the websocket transport
01:47.25navaismoi need to read a lot really, this new sorcery about Stasis and ari drive me crazy!  So from a websocket i create a new app and then it can be accesed from the dialplan aaaaaaa
01:47.32navaismogo for a beer
01:47.44*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
02:02.12*** join/#asterisk hebber (
02:02.58hebberHave anyone bought Digium g729 licenses - how do they provide the license keys - only got a packing slip and a invoice
02:04.25PenguinIt's been a while, but it seems like it comes in email.
02:05.54PenguinI'm also curious about a packing slip for an intangible product.
02:06.30hebberPenguin: me too - it even says NOSHIP under shipping method, must be an error - thanks anyway
02:08.29*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@
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05:03.39*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
05:06.43*** join/#asterisk road33 (
05:07.54road33I have someone on my server trying to dial international numbers, there are no sip peers, other than the expected ones, how are they doing this?
05:08.46PenguinYou allow anonymous calls.
05:08.56road33not on purpos
05:09.12Penguinsip.conf allowguest
05:10.05road33hummm, unset, default is yes it seems
05:10.21PenguinCheck the sample file.
05:11.03road33ok, that maybe it
05:11.46PenguinWhich asterisk branch are you using?
05:13.05road33humm, not finding out how to figure that out, its ubuntu 13.10
05:13.20PenguinWhich asterisk branch are you using?
05:13.37PenguinYou're saying you don't know how to find out the asterisk version?
05:13.50PenguinWhen you connect to the CLI, what does it say the version is?
05:15.21PenguinI was thinking allowguest was default no in 1.8 branch.  I'll look in my sample file.
05:15.45road33the sample file documentation says, default is yes, but it could be an old config file.
05:16.00Penguin;allowguest=no                  ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes)
05:16.13road33I changed this to yes
05:16.19road33I mean no,
05:16.31PenguinIf you set allowguest=yes, that is the same as not setting it.
05:16.42road33yes, sorry its a bit late here
05:17.11PenguinAre you using fail2ban to block attacks and dial attempts?
05:17.23road33I just added that prior to joining channel
05:17.28WIMPyHmm. is amrnb required and not optional? Or am I missing something?
05:18.04PenguinWith it set to not allow guests, you will probably see messages about fake auth.  The source IP address will not be shown, and fail2ban will not be able to block the IP address.
05:18.38PenguinIn asterisk 10 and up, there was a new logging facility provided which logs only those addresses, but we don't have it in 1.8...
05:18.39road33yes, I already see the fake auth, is there a way around this?
05:19.44road33I can update, maybe tomarrow
05:19.47PenguinSo in 1.8, I leave allowguest set to yes and create a type of catch-all extension that all those "dialers" will hit.  The extension uses the Log() application to write a string which I then use in fail2ban to block them.
05:20.08road33well that makes a lot of sense
05:20.13PenguinIf you're going to update from 1.8, go to 11.
05:20.27road33ok, I will do that tommarow
05:20.52road33I have internaltional calling blocked, so I shouldn't get charged
05:20.59PenguinIf you are interested in doing it how I do it and need help, I'll tell you step by step how I set up mine.
05:21.31*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
05:21.38road33well thats very helpful, but I think I will wait on that and do some research
05:21.48road33and try to make changes tomarrow
05:21.51PenguinActually, it's not even really a bunch of steps.
05:21.59road33ok, then I am game
05:22.29PenguinWith allowguest=yes, the context that is set in the general section is the context your anonymous calls go to.
05:22.49PenguinI set context=unauthenticated in the sip.conf general.
05:23.48road33got ya
05:24.29PenguinIn the unauthenticated context, I have a couple extensions...
05:25.01road33what do they hit a lot?
05:25.57PenguinThen in the fail2ban asterisk.conf, I add another regex line            NOTICE%(__pid_re)s .*: <HOST> is attempting to make unauthorized calls
05:26.46PenguinThey usually dial 011.... and 9011.... and 99011....
05:27.02PenguinAnd sometimes they throw a plus sign on the front of those extensions.
05:27.36road33ok, I made the changes
05:27.45road33thanks for your help,
05:28.02road33I was very upset
05:28.20PenguinAs long as fail2ban is reading the log file and the NOTICEs are showing up, you'll see the IPs getting blocked in iptables.
05:28.54road33yes, I am waiting for that now, seems they may have already moved along
05:29.12PenguinBe sure to restart fail2ban, sip reload and dialplan reload.
05:29.56PenguinLately, the attempts have been spaced far apart, so the findtime in fail2ban needs to be extended to at least a couple hours.
05:30.00*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:30.32road33I have failtime at 3600
05:30.49Penguin30 minutes?
05:31.15PenguinI'd up it to at least two hours.
05:31.43Penguinhaving trouble with late-night math
05:32.02Penguininfobot: convert 2 hours to seconds
05:32.24PenguinSo your 3600 is one hour, then.  I'd increase it.
05:32.33road33got yea, reset it 7200
05:33.00road33ok, good got some action on iptables now
05:33.31PenguinYep, when you change the find time, fail2ban will go back in the log file and ban retroactively.
05:34.30road33so I need to change allowguest=yes again? seems the fails were from before
05:34.53PenguinWith allowguest set to no, you'll get the fake auth messages.
05:34.56ChannelZ(do you need/want anonymous calls?)
05:35.14PenguinYou get the fake auth messages in lieu of the offenders' addresses.
05:35.38PenguinSo you have to allow anonymous calls for the trap to work.
05:36.20road33seems like we should just share offending ip address and get a common ban list
05:36.27PenguinIf you set allowguest to no, the only IP address that shows up is your own.  You don't really want to ban yourself.
05:36.40road33agree :)
05:37.00PenguinI have a huge list, both addresses and networks.
05:38.09PenguinI'm not very forgiving, though.
05:38.55*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
05:39.15road33thank you for your help
05:39.33road33I will have to wait it seems to catch someone
05:39.50PenguinNo problem.  Let me know how it serves your needs.  It works great for me.
05:44.34*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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06:41.05b7Hello everyone. I have a problem with the attended call transfer. The transfer itself works fine, the problem is the displayed number. I have a SPA303/921 sip phones with the "xfer" softkey, so when a user going to transfer an incoming call to another user he press the "xfer" key and the phone makes the second call to another local user and then do the transfer when the second user hook off. But another user see a number of the first user, not the incoming numbe
06:41.06b7r. I need to notify the second user that this is a transfered incoming call, not a local call. But have no idea how.
06:43.42b7I tried to setup sendrpid and trustrpid in sip.conf, but the best I could got is a number replacing with rpid_update after the second user accept the call. But I need to notify the user before he do it.
06:45.09b7Please can anybody help me to solve the problem?
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07:22.37ChannelZThat's how attended transfers work.  You, the transferer, are making a new call to the person you're transferring to.
07:23.09ChannelZUnless you need to talk to the person you're transferring to first, do a blind transfer.. which unfortunately on the SPAs is on the second page of the menu, you have to scroll to the right
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08:41.16b7But before we had the SPA9000 instead of Asterisk and in the case of a call transfer the displayed number was a number of incoming call. There should be some possibility to do that, I sure.
08:46.19ChannelZIE Call Manager?  Totally different beast
08:47.13*** join/#asterisk hackeron (~hackeron@gentoo/user/hackeron)
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08:54.48b7Hmm... so is there no way to do the trick with asterisk? We need to add a 'Remote-Party-ID' header with a proper incoming number to the second call, but the problem is how to detect that the phone going to do the transfert. The second call is separate from the first and pretty usual until the transfer happens...
08:55.26*** join/#asterisk LooserOuting (
08:56.07b7Maybe some phone's setting that lets to setup the variables or something?
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10:59.51morcaogood morning
10:59.56morcaoI have one problem, I can't receive call to my softphone but i can connect from this
11:00.10morcaoand other problem is the call is ended after the 30 seconds
11:00.37wdoekesend after 30 seconds, sounds like the SIP ACK not reaching the right destination
11:00.40morcaosomeone passed for this ?
11:01.07wdoekesmorcao: begin by debugging the second problem. sip set debug on
11:03.34morcaoReally destroying SIP dialog '3588cd5-29a7799e-52947fc2@'MY IP' Method: REGISTER
11:03.38morcaoI received this
11:04.49*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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11:07.42morcaocall between zoipers is working
11:07.59morcaobut call's between zoiper and X-litle not Working :/
11:08.15tomodachimorcao: codec problem?
11:08.25tomodachii know that x-lite does not always honour codec priority
11:11.43*** join/#asterisk weinerk (~user@unaffiliated/weinerk)
11:12.30morcaoI've had this problem in zoiper but I solved this
11:12.51weinerkPlease help. meetme + ast1.4 + SIP + agi - need moderator to have custom control by dtmf
11:14.00morcaoI think this is one problem of codec but is strange, X-litle didn't  received the call
11:15.37morcaoweinerk explain our problem
11:17.15weinerkmarcao: 1.thanks 2.details - I have ast ver 1.4, using meetme for conferencing, but I need a function that is not part of meetme by default
11:18.05weinerkI want to have a moderator who can click some key and mute all or unmute all
11:20.57weinerkmorcao: any advice?
11:23.33morcaoYou have to do a script to go do it, I don't know this functionality
11:25.12morcaoyou can do so from the application side easily
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12:40.29ipalmerhello all, I'm trying to get an android phone, using Zoiper to register with Asterisk over 4g, the trouble is when I register, which is successfull, the asterisk realtime database shows the ipaddr column as an internal ip address in the 10 range, why is this
12:41.50eirirsipalmer: are your phone on wlan too?
12:43.21ipalmereirirs: no, the phone is using 4f and I have a 4g router which it is configured to use
12:44.58ipalmereirirs: the thing is I can make inbound and outbound calls ok, but I have no sound on the internal phone when talking into the android handset, but I have sound on the andoind when talking into the internal handset
12:45.59eirirssounds like nat issue
12:47.02ipalmerI have configured asterisk to use ports 10000 - 10010 and port forwarded each of these ports
12:50.46eirirsset localnet and externip ?
12:51.55ipalmerthough it is called externaddr now?
12:52.25eirirsdont remember, just try externip and see what happens
13:03.38ipalmereirirs: changed externaddr to externip but this has made no difference
13:09.05eirirshave you any sip alg or any sip options enabled in router ?
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13:10.14ipalmerSIP alg is disabled on the router
13:11.27eirirsdid you see the port config for 1000-10010 at zoiper?
13:11.31eirirserr 10000-10010
13:12.21ipalmerthe 10000-10010 is the rtp ports in use, I can't find anywhere to configure the rtp ports in zoiper
13:13.35eirirsthere should be
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13:16.31ipalmerok, I have been looking for this setting all day but can't find it
13:17.28eirirsipalmer: zoiper - settings - accounts - sip account - network settings
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13:19.22ipalmerthanks, the only fields in there though are registration expiry time, transport type, nat use stun, stun server, stun port, stun refresh, use rport for signalling and use rport for media
13:20.16eirirsipalmer: could it be of some help?
13:20.59*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (~eXcAliBuR@
13:21.15eXcAliBuRwhat file or files do I need to provision a digium D50 using a URL ?
13:25.38b7Hmm, I need to play a message in BackGround() and do a Dial() at the same time. How can I do that?
13:29.16*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
13:30.27LooserOutingmaybe a custom ringback tone ?
13:31.15LooserOutingwhy not first play the message and then dial ?
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13:35.08b7Well, this is a voice message for an office off-hours but the phones must ring in a case if somebody still in office...
13:36.45eXcAliBuRring first then
13:36.55eXcAliBuRmessage when not answered
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13:37.44LooserOutingI would go with custom ringback tone
13:38.16LooserOutinginstead of sending ringbacktone play an audiofile
13:40.08stanman246hi in here, i've got raspbx up and running with an iax2 trunk, proud as hell :D Now I'd like my polycom phones to use a centralized addressbook. I've been reading about superfecta and the phonebook module, but am not sure where to start. Anyone have a similar setup? (asterisk, freebpx, phonebook module)
13:40.44b7Boss wants to do that at the same time, if possible. Custom ringback seems to be the solution, thank you. ;)
13:41.21LooserOutingb7: just use m in the dial i.e. exten => ....37,1,Dial(Sip/37,20|m(nameofmusicfile))
13:41.42LooserOutingor something like that :)
13:42.26b7LooserOuting, going to try this.
13:47.59eXcAliBuRcan I trade bitcoin for support?
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14:03.49saliaktrying to debug BLF issues.  Is there a way to display explicitly who the watchers are for a list of extensions? I can see how many with core show hints, but not who… right now it's only listing one (for one of my extensions), rather than two (the two extensions that are watching)
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14:05.44anonymouz666it is possible. you must look for SUBSCRIBE method using SIP debug
14:07.04*** part/#asterisk anonymouz666 (~anonymouz@
14:08.14ipalmerasterisk 11.5 sip realtime nat settings, it says NAT = yes is deprecated and should use force_rport, comedia, will this just be a case of me changing the enum on the database or is there more to it?
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14:25.20saliakAlso, I have a phone that registers successfully and I can call it, however, they can't hear anything (handset or speakerphone).  really weird.  Have tried changing volume, calling #s in and out of our office with similar results.  any way this would be an asterisk thing?
14:26.02eXcAliBuRi had that problem, needed a firmware update
14:26.19eXcAliBuRwas the polycom IP something
14:26.51[TK]D-Fendersaliak: Details + Debug
14:27.40saliak[TK]D-Fender: yeah. that's all i got for now, just seeing if anyone had heard of something similar.  I'm going to try the firmware update first then go down the sip debug road.
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14:31.23[TK]D-Fendersaliak: SIP DEBUG is the FIRST road to take
14:32.00[TK]D-Fendersaliak: Assuming firmware as being buggy is pretty much the last thing to look at.
14:32.03kannanhi, if i set cdr-adaptive_odbc to wrtie cdrs to 2 different DB servers, apart from localhost, and should any one cdr odbc write fail, will that terminate call executions in suceeding h priorities?  If we have h extension for the context, will the cdr be the last item executed after all h priorites?
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14:33.20kannanalso, in an agi arg, a value that is comma delimited, like firstname,lastname gets treated as two separate arguments, even if i double quote it. is there any way to get around that, or is it something to be handled always in teh agi only and concatenate them there?
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14:38.58[TK]D-Fenderkannan: just leave it in a variable and let the AGI read it instead of passing it as an arg
14:40.14kannanoh ok,  thats it. it didnt strike me at all
14:41.02kannanis the arg character count maximum allowed 255 ?
14:41.31[TK]D-Fenderkannan: not sure..
14:42.04kannanok but this way of reading the channel var in agi ,that doesnt matter
14:42.25kannanthanks, any advise for the cdr question qbove?
14:44.35[TK]D-Fenderkannan: I don't recall CDR updating for "h" at all...
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14:45.53Joel_rehey, what is a PRI like GSM connection called?
14:45.56kannan[TK]D-Fender , i meant to ask what happens if one ODBC connectivity fails, say for network outage reason for example. will it casue call to fall through and not execute any h,n, applciation
14:46.09Joel_recan that be terminated at a customer premises box?
14:46.27[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Shouldn't.  CDR is "best efforts"
14:46.53[TK]D-FenderJoel_re: huh?
14:46.56kannan[TK]D-Fender , thanks.
14:46.59GreenlightYou can, and likely should at large volumes, run CDR in batch mode
14:47.15GreenlightThis way you guarentee the abstration
14:47.35[TK]D-FenderJoel_re: PRI is PRI .... GSM is either in reference to the codec, or to the cellular wireless standard... neither has anything to do with the other...
14:47.46kannanGreenlight , new to me , whats large volume, we dont have more than 4 concurrent T1s max
14:47.48GreenlightFrom my limited testing with it, when DB connections go down, it caches till they are back up
14:47.54Joel_re[TK]D-Fender: right, I worded it wrongly
14:48.11[TK]D-FenderJoel_re: Try again...
14:48.13eXcAliBuRanyone wanna look at my res_digium_phone.conf ??
14:48.24Joel_reis there anything like a cellular PRI line, basically a cellular number that will accept multiple callers
14:48.25eXcAliBuRmaybe can see something i'm missing
14:48.34Joel_reor does it matter if its a cellular line or not
14:48.47kannanGreenlight , but i am still on version..
14:49.08GreenlightI beleive batch mode was available in 1.8
14:49.42[TK]D-FenderJoel_re: there is no such thing as a "cellular number"
14:50.03Joel_reok so numbers can be anything, they are hooked to cellular networks
14:50.04*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-dcjawsycvvipwrat)
14:50.05[TK]D-FenderJoel_re: leach cell call occupies a channel to a device.  Multiple calls = multiple radios
14:50.13kannanGreenlight , the wiki says "Use of batch mode may result in data loss after unsafe asterisk termination, i.e., software crash, power failure, kill -9, etc."
14:50.25Greenlightkannan: Indeed.
14:50.26[TK]D-FenderJoel_re: So you want multiple Cell channels : get a multi-SIM devices
14:50.45Joel_re[TK]D-Fender: what if I need over 30-40 channels
14:50.45GreenlightI figure if you care about your CDR's you've at least got the server on UPS.
14:50.57[TK]D-FenderJoel_re: a TON of them then.
14:50.58GreenlightGSM gateway
14:51.13Joel_redo cellphone companies give us a number?
14:51.21[TK]D-FenderJoel_re: Go ask your cell co.
14:51.28[TK]D-FenderJoel_re: How service works is up to them
14:51.30kannanGreenlight , yes sure, its in a datacenter with a backup failover server too
14:51.30Joel_reok, Im just asking in general
14:51.46Joel_rewondering if they will terminate it to my host in a datacenter
14:52.27[TK]D-FenderJoel_re: I doubt they will offer you any such deployment method
14:52.33GreenlightAT least here in the UK you can't use a "mobile" number for a landline, only way is actually using SIM card and radio (GSM gateway etc)
14:52.53Joel_reor maybe a multisim to sip termination
14:56.20kannanhow can i bind multiple sip ports in sip.conf with bindport setting, is it allowed inside the context for a service provder. so i can have provider1 - 5060 , provider2 - 5072 ?
14:56.44[TK]D-Fenderkannan: you can't
14:56.50[TK]D-Fenderkannan: * binds one port.
14:57.23[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Why does provider 2 care what port YOU use?
14:57.29kannani dont know
14:57.54[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Can youshow us where they are requesting it this way?
14:57.55kannanthey have said they need that, it wwas not registering with UN / pwd ,
14:58.09kannanone min ple, i will put it in a pastebin
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15:03.00kannani am not sure how to pastebin it, it is simply consisting of two regter lines in sip.conf, for one account they said we must use port 15060, it is a singapore voip provider
15:05.14[TK]D-Fenderkannan: I wasn't asking for your config... I was asked for some doc where thy say that YOUR listening port has to be something non-standard
15:05.37[TK]D-Fenderkannan: You sounds like you've mixed up your understanding of what port they want you to send TO....
15:05.55[TK]D-Fenderkannan: that is THEIR portm not YOUR port
15:06.08kannan[TK]D-Fender , ok , what setting do i use for that
15:06.17[TK]D-Fenderport= <-
15:06.20[TK]D-Fenderin your peer
15:06.30[TK]D-Fenderbindport is a [general] setting for YOUR server
15:06.37kannan[TK]D-Fender , i see, ok sure , i will try that
15:06.37[TK]D-FenderWhich they should not care about
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15:11.27eXcAliBuRwhat happens if my digium product don't have support anymore, do I need a credit card?
15:11.32eXcAliBuRor do they offer free support
15:12.18filewhat product?
15:12.41eXcAliBuRsays support not available on website under my items
15:13.13filewhat problem with it are you seeking help with?
15:13.32eXcAliBuRit's not provisioning with the asterisk server
15:14.11eXcAliBuRit works if i select the "keep old" but I can't make it use a new extension
15:14.17eXcAliBuRsays can't fetch config
15:15.19fileI don't know the answer, but I'll find out
15:15.22eXcAliBuRI'll give you all my bitcoins if you can help me
15:16.02fileit's early in Huntsville so few are in
15:16.25pabelangereXcAliBuR, all, 0.000000000000 of them?
15:16.32QwelleXcAliBuR: are you sure it's able to reach your server on the port that it was configured to use?
15:16.40fileor Qwell can help!
15:16.47Qwellfile: for a consulting fee!
15:17.04fileQwell, you get NOTHING!
15:17.04eXcAliBuRwell the server shows stuff happening
15:17.07eXcAliBuRi use port 5060
15:17.16QwelleXcAliBuR: "stuff happening" doesn't help me
15:18.41eXcAliBuRthats what i see when i make the phone try to configure
15:18.45kannanok , the port=15060 in peer is working ok, thanks [TK]D-Fender
15:18.57[TK]D-Fenderkannan: You're welcome
15:20.09eXcAliBuRi put the res_digium_phone.conf to permission 777 thinking it might help
15:20.10eXcAliBuRit didn't
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15:21.29kannanone more problem i have is that chanspy is geting locked on dahdi , i am not even able to request a hangup from console. If i use E flag, its not happening. but the user wants the * to jump between channels. this is asterisk though, i need to upgrade first and see id the issue happens
15:21.58[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Correct
15:22.00kannani am not sure if user is correctly exiting with teh exit dtmf key-press too, they may just hangup
15:22.03eXcAliBuRi can do a reverse ssh with file or Qwell
15:22.20fileDPMA is not an area I know
15:23.23eXcAliBuRmy friend, LM didn't put much in his book on it
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15:25.18QwelleXcAliBuR: This shows the config was sent just fine.
15:25.38eXcAliBuRso where do we look next?
15:26.04eXcAliBuRi get to pick the extension from the list, then I get error fetching config
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15:32.19cuscois there any app that can playback ALL sound files in a specified dir?
15:33.34infobotrumour has it, toywy is The one you write yourself.
15:34.50[TK]D-Fendermaybe half a dozen lines of bash for this...
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15:39.17eXcAliBuRi also sometimes get the error, timed out contacting proxy
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15:48.25GreenlightOr set a MOH class to point to the directory...
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15:50.28ipengineerWhen upgrading to v12_b2 do we need to re-run the alembic script to change some of the column names to match the new snake_case format?
15:54.28pabelangeripengineer, in fact that commit was wrong. A new alembic script should have been created, and not modified
15:54.57pabelangerit basically invalidated the whole concept of automated database migrations by modifying it
15:55.12pabelangeripengineer, open a bug on the issue tracker
15:55.16ipengineerpabelanger: Ok.. I did not see that post I was just assuming we would need to run alembic and it would migrate and make any necessary changes
15:55.54pabelangerYes, alembic will migrate your database, but we need to create a new changeset for it, not upgrade the existing
15:56.20ipengineerOk I will file a bug with more details as I progress through the upgrade
16:02.33*** join/#asterisk bananapie (
16:02.50eXcAliBuRthe people at digium are so nice :}
16:02.59bananapieI accidentally launched asterisk on an SSH console, can I background it without losing the active calls ?
16:03.21pabelangerbananapie, should be able too
16:04.01bananapieany ideas how ?
16:04.31bananapieI think I have to do CTRL+Z which will suspend it
16:04.34bananapiethen bg to background it
16:05.58eXcAliBuRdo digium techs come here?
16:06.23eXcAliBuRthis guy on the phone is prob like... oh no i got that idiot thats on IRC
16:07.16bananapieok, I backgrounded asterisk. But I am afraid to disconnect SSH. I am not sure how to disown the process
16:07.17[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: Not for that division really...
16:07.40[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: You are expected to go direct... this isn't an official support channel for their phones...
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16:07.50[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: Though you may get lucky with the basics
16:08.05eXcAliBuRhow do they learn their stuff? is there a book ?
16:08.22[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: Internally... probably
16:09.27bananapieNice, I closed the terminal and ssh is still running
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16:25.18morcaohello guys
16:25.24morcaoone question
16:25.39morcaoit's possible to connect asterisk to TROPO?
16:27.12pabelangermorcao, No? Isn't the who concept of Tropo to provide you with the telephony infrastructure?
16:27.19pabelangerwhy do you want to connect asterisk?
16:28.29mjordanwelll..... ipengineer/pabelanger: we talked about whether or not we should create a new script or update the existing. Since it was a beta release, we went with just update the existing. :-\
16:29.22ipengineermjordan: Ok.. i was just browsing jira and didn't see anything. I will leave it as is then. I just manually updated everything
16:29.43pabelangermjordan, Ya, once committed to svn I think the safes way is to create another script, cannot guarantee people won't run directly from subversion.
16:30.24mjordanwhile something is in a test cycle, I'm not sure it's worth generating lots of diffs for things. Clearly once the release is made, that's not the case.
16:30.50morcaofor connect to contact's in asterisk to telephony
16:31.06ipengineermjordan: Yea. We have this problem all the time. What we do is create migrations through all of the initial stages and then when we hit a stable release we "squash" all of them into the latest version
16:31.28[TK]D-Fendermorcao: No.
16:31.44[TK]D-Fendermorcao: their service does not have "voice" go to you directly at all.
16:31.52[TK]D-Fendermorcao: there is nothing to interact with on your side
16:31.57pabelangerYa, but that said, if you did have automated testing of the databases, you want to test migrations.  Adding code into a migration tool, then modifying said migration tool vs writing a migration seems... incorrect
16:32.05[TK]D-Fendermorcao: Go read the book to learn what Asterisk does.
16:32.07infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:32.44pabelangeripengineer, Squashing is good before a release, I'm down with that.  However, it also give you a subversion history of the script _if_ people run from subversion
16:32.47pabelangersomething to point to
16:33.05[TK]D-Fendermorcao: and Asterisk IS the tool to connect to "telephony"
16:33.47ipengineerYea.. that is the main reason we do it internally on our projects
16:34.06pabelangeragrees with that approach
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16:46.14weinerkPlease advise. Given: ast1.4 + conference + SIP + agi - need to be able to catch/identify DTMFs pressed.
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16:48.30toyotapieI ran asterisk with coredump=yes, it just segfaulted. Which directory contains the core dump?
16:49.18morcaoYes, you is correct, but the communication between Asterisk Client and Phone Normal isn't free, yesterday you write this
16:49.56morcaobananapie your installation is wrong reinstall
16:50.22morcaoand it should work
16:50.33bananapiewhat do you mean "it's wrong" ?
16:51.30morcaoI've had this problem with the installation, try to install again
16:51.52bananapiecore dumps or segfaulting?
16:52.14morcaoI think I've even had the two
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16:52.49morcaowhere to follow its installation
16:53.12bananapieI tried installing it 4 different ways. From sources on centos with asterisk 10 certified, centos sources asterisk 1.8 certified, ubuntu 12.04 sources 1.8 certified and ubuntu 10.04 sources 1.8 certified and ubuntu repository. They all segfault about once every two weeks.
16:53.27[TK]D-Fendermorcao: <-- tropo isn't free either
16:53.48[TK]D-Fendermorcao: "Tropo is 100% free during development and testing. You decide when you're ready to upgrade to production." <- how long do you think THAT will last?
16:54.06[TK]D-Fendermorcao: Stop looking for a free lunch...
16:54.59*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (~anonymouz@
16:55.22morcaoI want to make an api that is what makes PROTO. So I'm studying the asterisk
16:56.36morcaoah ah I'm hungry;)
16:56.37[TK]D-Fendermorcao: "make an API" could mean anything.  that offers no scope of what it will allow,
16:57.31*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
16:58.12morcaoyes that is my goal. I have to do something that will communicate between WebRTC and PSTN. Have any better idea?
16:58.38morcaoworth a lunch
16:59.40bananapiewhen asterisk does a coredump, where is the dump file saved so I can run it in the debugger?
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17:00.50bananapiethe internet says it should be in the working directory of asterisk.
17:01.58morcaoAny conflict with ports?
17:02.17morcaobananapie ?
17:02.34*** part/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
17:03.29morcaotry this tutorial
17:03.51morcaoand run the commands
17:04.05morcaoapt-get remove --purge asterisk
17:04.10morcaoapt-get clean
17:04.15morcaoapt-get autoremove
17:04.23morcaoand in the folder of asterisk
17:04.28morcaomake uninstall-all
17:04.32morcaoand reinstall
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17:10.27morcao[TK]D-Fender: any ideia ?
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17:19.06anonymouz666morcao: how old is this article?
17:19.10anonymouz666is it up to date?
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17:30.52[TK]D-Fender[11:58]morcaoyes that is my goal. I have to do something that will communicate between WebRTC and PSTN. Have any better idea? <- Asterisk already does this
17:33.17morcaoYes but not so free? right?
17:33.37[TK]D-Fenderthe PSTN side, no.
17:34.35morcaoright, part of communicating with all already have functional
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18:07.22drmessanoAn API that will provide free PSTN connectivity?
18:07.43PenguinWhere do I register?
18:09.28drmessanoMust be one of those RESTful SOAP XML HTML5 things
18:10.10GreenlightDidn't we have one of these yesterday too, asking about *free* PSTN calls ?
18:10.20drmessanoI'm gonna guess that since Linux is too hard, this will have to run on Windows
18:10.23drmessanoGreenlight, same guy
18:10.27GreenlightOh lol
18:10.56drmessanoIt's WebRTC <> Asterisk <> FREE <> ???? <> PSTN now
18:11.13drmessanoVia an "API"
18:11.16filehmm? introduce more tech's and hopefully that'll somehow make the PSTN bit free. I like the logic.
18:11.48drmessanoGreenlight, tech + glue stick = new tech
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18:13.31drmessanoThe biggest downside to WebRTC is that it requires something to connect it to the PSTN, and that costs money
18:13.35drmessanoI give it 6 monhts
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18:17.40drmessanoIt's kinda like when FXS card came out for Asterisk many years ago.  For the first time, I could be a PSTN thing.   It failed miserably because (1) After I signed up my neighors and interconnected, they couldn't anyone but each other, and (2) Dad kept running over the cables with the lawnmower
18:18.17drmessanocouldn't call*
18:18.25outtoluncaww come on.. chromecast+4g card+tv = the future via google (haha)
18:18.25mjordandrmessano: well, they did solve problem (2)
18:18.52navaismo6 months to webrtc only? uh i was hoping a couple of years
18:19.24fileit's amusing...
18:19.44filethe die-hard WebRTC folk said 6 months in the beginning
18:21.16navaismoouttolunc,  i want a chromecast but now im afraid becasue lG logg everything and send to his server, i guess al vendors now do that :(
18:21.50navaismodont want the file my_super_pr0nvid.mp4 go public
18:22.28outtoluncfor $35 its worth it just to open it up and play with it
18:22.39outtolunckape already got one..
18:23.06outtoluncpreview sdk supposedly available
18:23.12drmessanofile, I should be able to talk to anyone in the world, via PSTN/Skype/SIP/H323/Carrier Pigeon via WebRTC because it runs in my free browser.  Otherwise, I will go back to AOL Instant Messenger
18:24.10drmessano39882381 <-- add me
18:25.00drmessanoOr hack it.  I haven't signed into it for years.  The password may still be drowssap
18:25.02outtoluncwow, big num
18:25.34drmessanoThat's a 1997 ICQ number
18:25.39drmessanoBefore the purge
18:25.48mjordanI don't have mine any more. Would have been around that time frame.
18:26.13drmessanoI hated that fscking flower
18:26.18outtolunci was under 200k and that was within months of the startup
18:26.31drmessanoSitting on dialup, hoping it would stop spinning
18:26.36mjordanchanging colors
18:26.36drmessanoCOME ON, CONNECT.. PLEASE
18:26.42navaismoi was too youg to use it hahahaha
18:26.43mjordanplease don't go red, please don't go red, please don't go red
18:26.52drmessanoHAHA yep
18:27.29drmessanoIt was like "Press Your Luck"
18:27.32outtolunci love it when i go to a gas station and pay inside.. i hear 'ut oh'
18:27.55drmessanoouttolunc, lol
18:27.57navaismodigging to find the old external modem
18:28.03drmessanoI forgot all about the ut oh
18:28.46drmessano"Your version of ICQ is out of date.  You haven't updated in 45 minutes since the last upgrade"
18:29.21paulcHaha.. ICQ.. those were the days..
18:29.35paulcI had a 7 digit number too.. oooh prestige (but not really)
18:30.06outtolunchaha.. still works
18:30.52navaismofound it: Encore ENF656 data-fax-voice modem with 9 leds and a big serial port. Wondering if works
18:31.24outtoluncfunny.. all my ~friends~ are offline ;)
18:31.35paulcCan you sign in to ICQ on the web somewhere?
18:32.39drmessanoouttolunc, lol
18:32.45drmessanoThey have mobile apps
18:32.47drmessanoLike MySpace does
18:33.36drmessanoI had ICQ for IOS a few years ago.  Signed in, giggled like a 9 yr old, signed out
18:34.51outtoluncyou had to bring up giggling eh
18:36.47drmessanoThe ICQ iOS app was last updated in April 2013.  Guess they're falling behind
18:37.10drmessanoThey need to work a little harder if they're going to stay relevant
18:38.10drmessanoOHHH and ICQ offers FREE VOICE CALLS now
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18:39.23drmessanosubmits new ticker in Asterisk JIRA - Feature Request - ICQ module so I can call my ICQ buddies. THX
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18:40.12navaismocan i use taht with webrtc or my deskphone?
18:40.52drmessanonavaismo, WebRTC <> Phone <> Firefox <> Asterisk <> ICQ <--- YES
18:41.01drmessanoSeems legit
18:41.59navaismoand a dongle? can i install it and use to call mobiles from my cell phone?
18:42.36eirirsICQ ? what ? It's still in use?
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18:47.46drmessanonavaismo, sure
18:48.31drmessanoeirirs, ICQ is still around kinda like how Trixbox is still around.  You can download and use it, but why...
18:50.17eirirs"because I can..."
18:50.23mjordanOut of intellectual curiousity, how is ICQ making voice calls
18:50.43navaismoawesome im going to use my 2 Rpi to provide telephony services!
18:50.57[TK]D-Fendermjordan: natively, not ... TTS+AVR :)
18:51.19drmessanoDoes OSCAR support voice?
18:51.51[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Don't forget to use Dr. Sbaitso for the TTS ;)
18:52.13drmessanoOk, I JFGI
18:53.19drmessanoAIM used/uses OSCAR + SIP/RTP for voice chat.
18:53.26drmessanoMaybe ICQ did the same
18:54.04drmessanoI dont know how much technology transferred to the new owners when AOL sold ICQ, but I seem to remember it having "voice chat"
18:54.57drmessanoMaybe they had to wait 6 or 7 years for the ICQ SIP/RTP server to arrive in Siberia from AOL's HQ and they're now turning it on??
18:55.40mjordanI wonder if everyone building WebRTC clients that have text + voice + video realize they're implementing ICQ in a browser (which also exists)
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18:56.42drmessanomjordan, boom!
18:58.05drmessanoOk, it hasnt been THAT long since ICQ was sold to the Russian mob.. 2010
18:58.57drmessano$187.5 millions dollars.   I guess it's still big in Brazil
18:59.03drmessanoand Russia
18:59.12mjordanI'd do a lot for 187 million. Just sayin'.
18:59.26Penguinprepares a request
19:00.38drmessanoHey now
19:01.42navaismoi can give a kidney for that amount of money without problem
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19:02.36drmessanoI wouldn't quit my job if I won that kind of money
19:02.48drmessanoJust the leverage...   "I could QUIT, you know?"
19:02.57drmessanoThat would be great
19:03.15outtoluncroll in your own server rack.. ;)
19:05.07drmessanoNah, our connectivity sucks here :)
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19:16.41anonymouz666drmessano: ICQ? Brazil?
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19:17.34anonymouz666it was big... until MSN landed in 2002.
19:17.47drmessanoanonymouz666, I had to pick some large South American market.  Brazil came to mind.   Isn't Orkut still huge there?
19:18.21anonymouz666Orkut was a big resistence
19:19.44anonymouz666but... not anymore.
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19:20.13anonymouz666facebook owned
19:20.39drmessanoI thought Orkut was awesome because you signed up for MySpace, and it was all about Tom... You signed up for Orkut and there was this guy named Orkut who reminded me of one of the characters from Night at the Roxbury and we all wanted to be his buddy
19:21.36drmessanoCurrently, Orkut Büyükkökten is a product manager at Google. He also is a certified masseur, an avid ballroom dancer and likes to make chocolate fondue  <--- From Wikipedia.  How could you not LOVE that guy?
19:22.43[TK]D-FenderBecause I'm hetero-sexual? :)
19:22.46drmessanoIf you Google Image search from him, there's a bunch of pics of him just being a freakin cool dude
19:22.55anonymouz666whatsapp here is becoming HUGE
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19:26.23drmessanoEveryone I know hates it.  I have tried to get people to use it, but bleh
19:26.42drmessanoIt could just be the part about adding me
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19:49.58HumpyDumpyIt's ok everyone, humpy is here now
19:50.06joakoAre bug reports against Asterisk 1.6.x still worked on?
19:50.25[TK]D-Fendernot since a long time
19:50.32Penguin1.6.x branches are all past EOL.
19:51.30joakoIs there a newer version that can use unmodified 1.6 configurations?
19:51.58[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Things change.
19:52.22[TK]D-Fenderjoako: so in general... "no"
19:52.38[TK]D-Fenderjoako: With any luck you will need to change SEOMTHING.
19:52.48[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Just a question of how many
19:53.03PenguinMostly dial plan applications, I'd imagine.
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19:54.44PenguinA few items in sip.conf are different, if you only go to 1.8.  Probably more if you go to 10+.
19:55.11joakoPenguin, That´s mostly what concerns me. I guess I´ll keep 1.6 for now until I find a larger bug. Current issue is Asterisk segfaults if there are too many voicemails in IMAP
19:55.21[TK]D-FenderIf you're going to change... don't waste time on the stop-gap measure... go right to 11.
19:57.09PenguinI'll probably upgrade to 11 by the time 13 is released.
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20:02.52joakoI just placed a call with a 16 year old mobile phone... I think Asterisk 1.6 can run fine for quite a while.
20:03.02HumpyDumpylooks around for someone to bite
20:03.13HumpyDumpyeyes defender
20:04.01[TK]D-Fenderhands HumpyDumpy a spoon
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20:33.12redotisasterisk -rx "sip show channelstats"  Shows natted ips and public addresses?  Is this normal?
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21:14.31drmessanoWhat is this Asterisk 1.6 you speak of?
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22:09.05redotisasterisk -rx "sip show channelstats"  Shows natted ips and public addresses?  Is this normal?
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22:42.21WIMPyIs (lib)amrnb required and not optional? Or am I missing something?
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23:44.33arctanxHi all. I'm using a snom phone to page a bunch of loudspeakers. If I use A(tt-weasels) I get a nice announce sound and can keep speaking afterward. If I use any GSM file I created myself using sox it plays fine but the snom microphone no longer gets connected to the speakers so I only get silence afterwards
23:45.28arctanxCould anyone please give me any insights into where the problem might be? It smells like a file format thing but it's identical according to soxi
23:46.20paulcHave you tried with a G.711 format audio file?
23:46.33paulc(because that's probably what your phones are using?)
23:46.54paulcthat said.. I'd imagine the snom uses it be default so Asterisk would transcode the gsm file to G.711
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23:49.46arctanxthe snom is offering G.711 as its codec 1 apparently
23:49.52arctanxu, then a
23:50.31arctanxtries again with ulaw
23:54.55arctanxYeah it doesn't like that
23:55.04arctanxJust clicky noise
23:56.39paulcHmm.. that's weird.. I know you can sometimes get a click at the start of ulaw if you save it as ulaw-with-header as opposed to headerless-ulaw..
23:56.41navaismohmm where is the rfc2833 mode in pjsip? Is not a valid mode anymore?
23:56.47paulc(it's like the WAV metadata)
23:59.01arctanxThat might be related to the clicky business. I've also tried converting my file to a compatible .wav. It also plays fine but still doesn't let me talk after

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