IRC log for #asterisk on 20131125

00:05.10*** join/#asterisk m0sphere (
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01:00.51*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
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01:02.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
01:06.19*** join/#asterisk ipengineer (
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01:41.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
01:41.21*** join/#asterisk raub (
01:41.33*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
01:41.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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02:18.50outtoluncRequired IE '50' for security event type '12' not present  (can it get any more cryptic)  ;)
02:29.24*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:29.37outtolunccloser .. Required IE '50' for security event type '12' (InvalidPassword) not present
03:40.04m0sphereouttolunc, just a guess, but IE 5.0?
03:40.08m0sphereother than that, i have no clue
03:54.18*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
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03:59.07m0spherefor any of you using festival/text2wav TTS, which voice do you believe is best?
04:03.47*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@
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04:48.10*** join/#asterisk talntidd (4c1cd93d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:49.59talntiddcan someone assist me? background() is saying the file doesn't exist. Everything else says otherwise...
04:50.47talntiddactually, this one has the extensions context in it too:
04:51.01*** join/#asterisk m0sphere (
04:52.15[TK]D-Fendertalntidd: And you should know better... you NEVER specify the extension with Playback & Background
04:52.54[TK]D-Fendersilly goose
04:55.24talntiddhrrrm? I don't follow you
04:58.35[TK]D-Fender-- Executing [s@closed:3] BackGround("IAX2/north-ella-116", "/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/Week1_20131125Thanksgiving.gsm") in new stack
04:58.46[TK]D-FenderYou told it the EXACT filename
04:58.48[TK]D-Fenderthat is not allowed
04:59.05[TK]D-Fender* picks the extension automatically
05:00.23talntiddso I need to tell it /custom/Week1.... ?
05:00.38talntiddmy god
05:00.40talntiddi'm stupid
05:00.43talntiddthe FILE extension
05:00.47talntiddnot the phone extension
05:00.50talntiddfuck me.
05:01.09talntiddthanks dude. *smacks face*
05:02.42*** join/#asterisk m0sphere (
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05:25.49*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
05:27.34*** join/#asterisk ziz212 (~chatzilla@
05:29.02ziz212Hi, My ISP blocked Voip and I couldnt use internet to connect to my Asterisk server. What would be the solution for that ? Can I use TLS and SRTP for this ?
05:31.14[TK]D-FenderAnd hope you don't get caught.
05:31.53ziz212Cant we use TLS and SRTP
05:31.56ziz212for this
05:33.00[TK]D-FenderDid you try?
05:33.17m0sphereziz212, did they block the server or the port?
05:34.06m0sphereif they blocked the server, demand to know why
05:34.07ziz212Yes I have tried. But in that environment I couldn't up the TLS connection to the server.
05:34.14m0sphereif they blocked the port, change the port?
05:34.22ziz212They have blocked the ports
05:36.01ziz212the thing is I have tried TLS and SRTP in LAN but not working on internet. So I searched by directly calling them. They point out the reason becuse they blocked the ports. 5060, 5061, and many more
05:36.34ziz212I have tried to change the ports 5061 to 15061 .. but it is not working
05:37.34ziz212Do I need to change the RTP ports also
05:38.37ziz212which is 10000 to 20000
05:38.54[TK]D-FenderCHANGE THE PORTS
05:39.14[TK]D-FenderYou are asking questions you already have the answer to.
05:39.32[TK]D-FenderAnd you're not showing the failure
05:39.35[TK]D-Fenderor configs
05:39.37[TK]D-Fenderor anything
05:39.43[TK]D-Fenderjust like the last time you asked
05:40.13talntiddwelp, my application is finally done. :)
05:40.25talntiddthanks TK. I tried for... like 2 hours.. on that freaking extension thing. :(
05:44.51*** join/#asterisk redotis (
05:45.24ziz212[TK]D-Fender: I tried to prepare a doc to share. but after that I felt that it is not secure not because of you all . I know you all helping to community. but if i share it it will publish all over there.  I can give you access to teamviwer and you can see any information you need.. Pls understand my my situation. Pls come to teamviwer and help me to solve my issue.
05:45.56[TK]D-Fenderuse a private pastebin if you have to.
05:46.27[TK]D-FenderBut I'm not wasting my time on teamviewer.
05:46.43[TK]D-FenderIf you want help, provide real information and stop being difficult
05:47.07ziz212I can give you any access to my server
05:47.36[TK]D-Fenderpick some private PB service
05:47.38ziz212Frankly saying I dont have private pastebin
05:47.47[TK]D-FenderI'm not logging in and digging up proof for you
05:49.47redotisI'm running "asterisk -rx "channel originate SIP/4500 extension 999@voiceline" to try to dial people automatically into conference 999 but in meetme the callerid num shows up as unknown
05:49.59redotisAnyone have a suggestion
05:50.17redotisthe number doesn't display but the name from sip.conf actually does
05:50.34ziz212I am sorry to bother you for that. But I don't have any option with me and I am going here and there for helps .. I know you have good reputation and have helped me past for some problems.. If you could do this by considering my request .. I am grateful to you.
05:50.53redotisi think i see the problem
05:53.25[TK]D-Fenderredotis: channel originate can't set the callerid.
05:53.38redotisyeah my callerid was setup wrong in the sip.conf
05:53.41redotisthanks man
05:53.41[TK]D-Fenderredotis: You'd have to dial a local channel that can set it or use another method
05:54.03redotisthank you
05:54.48*** join/#asterisk lpmusic (
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06:12.01PenguinYou're unignored?
06:16.19*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
06:20.19outtoluncmuch better.. Required IE '50' (Challenge) for security event type '12' (InvalidPassword) not present
06:24.11fonewizAnyone have any experience setting up Asterisk on Digital Ocean Vm's or Amazon EC2? Primarily looking for Digital Ocean info. Been running Asterisk for years on dedicated hardware but the benefits of virtualization are becoming harder and harder to ignore in terms of redundancy, scalability etc.
06:25.18fonewizWondering if I just do a plain vanilla install of Asterisk or if I need to set anything special before letting the make install rip
06:25.52fonewizI read somewhere that I should set Build Native=NO in menu select but only read this in one case so, not sure..
06:37.01*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
07:04.35*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
07:05.05D30hi all, can someone share some ideas.. whats actually the meaning of this?
07:05.14D30DAHDI/3-1 - im pertaining to 3-1
07:05.25D30i know its on channel 3 but what is 1??
07:06.10kaldemarcall 1.
07:06.27D30kaldemar: can you elaborate ? whats call 1?
07:06.31outtoluncthink of it as tech/dev-occurrence
07:06.32D30call #1 ?
07:06.37kaldemarif you'd put the first call on hold and make another one, you'd see 3-2.
07:06.49D30ahh okay kaldemar got it ;)
07:06.53D30thanks outtolunc
07:06.59kaldemardon't worry about it too much.
07:08.15D30just wondering kaldemar hehe anyways thanks :)
07:08.18*** join/#asterisk elcontrastador (
07:09.44elcontrastadorIs there any way to supress console output of a particular module without unloading it?
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07:38.35*** join/#asterisk Joel_re (~jr@
07:39.09Joel_rehey, Im trying to build a game around asterisk, where in phone keypad input is accepted as controls
07:39.38Joel_rewhat I have so far is keypad inputs recognized from each caller
07:39.47Joel_reIm trying to figure whats the right way ahead
07:40.09elcontrastadorI'm not able to get the 't' extension to work in my call tree. Fails with Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/<sip phone name>' status is 'UNKNOWN'
07:40.18Joel_reI plan to have Agi<->nodejs<->websockets<->html5 browser app
07:40.24elcontrastadornever hits 't'
07:40.27Joel_redoes this sound right?
07:48.26*** join/#asterisk gryphon (~gryphon@
07:48.38ChannelZelcontrastador: Are you using Background or WaitExten?
07:49.00elcontrastadorboth...i got it working just now
07:50.01elcontrastadori need sleep... :-)
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08:36.26ziz212[TK]D-Fender: Can I post the pastbin to your private chat?
08:41.59*** join/#asterisk atha (~atha@unaffiliated/athayde)
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08:48.46ziz212My ISP blocked Voip and I couldnt use internet to connect to my Asterisk server. What would be the solution for that ? Can I use TLS and SRTP for this ?
08:49.21ziz212kaldemar: Can you help for this?
08:52.36kaldemarwhy are you targeting me with that?
08:59.33tomodachiwhat software are people using for storing info of call lenghts etc in a easily presentable way.
08:59.53tomodachii just want some simple call statistics like number of calls, lenght from who to who etc
09:02.31*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:03.00tomodachiziz212: just set up a vpn and route your iax / sip trunk through it
09:07.53*** join/#asterisk tedstriker (
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09:15.14Guggeziz212: change ISP
09:15.40Guggeand remember to telle the ISP why you left them.
09:25.34*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
09:27.02ziz212Chaning ISP is not that much of easy
09:27.27ziz212I have tried this by changing the port also
09:27.36ziz212I got the blocked port list
09:27.40ziz212and did that
09:28.02ziz212But still TLS and SRTP is not working
09:30.31ziz212Cant we use SRTP with TLS though this blocked line ?
09:32.38tomodachiziz212: is it just one phone? or do you have many clients?
09:33.03ziz212Hoping to put more than 10 clients
09:33.07ziz212with sip trunks
09:41.31*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:58f9:26e4:24ad:7a71)
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09:48.38ziz212Can you help me for this ?
09:49.20ziz212I have changed the port to 5080 and still it is not workin
09:59.22*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
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12:33.01*** join/#asterisk gaps (79f28b33@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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13:52.41SupaYoshidoes anyone know here, how i can debug paging / intercom?
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14:52.35*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
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15:37.48*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (~eXcAliBuR@
15:38.44eXcAliBuRI'm getting back into a project that I started a while back, and I have a digium phone that fails to configure using DPMA, says error fetching config from proxy
15:38.52eXcAliBuRI did a factory reset
15:38.55eXcAliBuRand that didn't work
15:39.12eXcAliBuRI don't believe the phones are set to do anything by mac address, but i'm not sure
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15:40.05eXcAliBuRmy notes that i did before, aren't very complete
15:40.16eXcAliBuRthey have the ip address of the pbx box, and login stuff
15:42.30eXcAliBuRalso I have a very nice voicemail setup, "the person at extension *** is unavalible" then it hangs up
15:42.41eXcAliBuRkinda funny
15:48.42eXcAliBuRthis is what i see when it's attempting to do it's thing
15:59.31*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
16:03.10gapschannel not getting released immediately after attended transfer in Asterisk 11.2.1
16:16.25*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
16:24.06*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
16:24.59*** join/#asterisk atha (~atha@unaffiliated/athayde)
16:39.39*** join/#asterisk esperegu (
16:40.56espereguHi. I keep getting a 'The Number You have Dialed is not In Service.' anyone knows how to debug this?
16:41.25WIMPyDial a number that exists.
16:41.51WIMPyMaye you're sending it in the wrong format?
16:42.20Chainsawesperegu: That's the KPN version of the message. ISDN or analog?
16:42.50espereguit is played to me by asterisk
16:42.57*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (~eXcAliBuR@
16:43.02espereguI call with my mobile to asterisk box
16:43.05Chainsawraises eyebrow
16:43.06GreenlightSo where in your dialplan are you playing it
16:43.08esperegu(sip registration)
16:43.10GreenlightAnd why
16:43.55[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: Show us the call
16:43.55GreenlightJust because you called from your mobile doesn't mean Asterisk is playing it
16:45.04espereguthis is what asterisk saids on commandline when I call:
16:45.33[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: First.. that is FREEPBX...
16:46.18[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: And that call is not matching a trunk pointing to the right context and doesn't look like you have an INBOUND ROUTE to match it either
16:46.24infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:46.41[TK]D-FenderPlease join their channel for continued support
16:47.37espereguhow to see if I have freepbx? command line saids: # asterisk -v
16:48.06tm1000esperegu: did you configure asterisk by hand
16:48.11tm1000or through a web interface
16:48.29esperegutm1000: it supposed to just work. I use
16:49.01esperegutm1000: I only filled in a sip account. It used to work but I changed provider and now it does not work anymore
16:49.13[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: You didn't set your trunk/inbound route up right
16:49.23[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: And this is not a GUI support channel
16:49.44tm1000looks like they ripped off some freepbx dialplan
16:49.54esperegu[TK]D-Fender: I know. thats why I am on the console
16:50.01[TK]D-Fenderthey used to use a forked version of it.
16:50.14tm1000[TK]D-Fender: thanks
16:50.15esperegutm1000: I know they used to use freepbx but got rid of it
16:50.23[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: Yes, and since you're at the console qwe can see your trunk/inbound route was not set up right otherwise ti'd have matched the call
16:51.55[TK]D-Fendertm1000: Or some extra stuff around it.... feel free to drudge up every time n3glv wretched all over at the mere mention of it (almost entirely his doing).
16:53.17tm1000[TK]D-Fender: I just didnt know
16:53.42[TK]D-Fendertm1000: I thought it had dropped off the planet.. apparently not.
17:01.53gapschannel not getting released immediately after attended transfer in Asterisk 11.2.1
17:02.59Greenlightgaps: Is that a question ?
17:03.42gapsGreenlight: yes
17:03.52esperegulooks like this is the part that gets run:
17:04.02espereguthat seems normal/ok ?
17:04.14Greenlightgaps: Can you elaborate on exactly what you're asking ?
17:04.19[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: I've already told you your trunk is not being matched.  Stop looking in the dialplan for this
17:05.19[TK]D-Fendergaps: We are at 11.6.0  Please test against current.
17:05.30gapsGreenlight: I did a attended transfer... example - A calls B, B calls C and did a attended transfer of A and C, but still the channel is occupied
17:05.57GreenlightWhich channel, and what do you mean "occupied" ?
17:06.12esperegu[TK]D-Fender: is that set in here: ?
17:06.33GreenlightTo rule out any possible bugs, I'd advise to upgrade to current then test again.
17:06.35[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: Why are you messing direct in MySQL?
17:06.52esperegu[TK]D-Fender: I don't know how else to change it?
17:07.00gapsGreenlight: I mean the A and C channel are external numbers and the channel is still active till any one of the leg disconnects
17:07.00[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: in FreePBX like everything else
17:07.18esperegu[TK]D-Fender: there is no FreePBX as far as I know
17:07.18gapsGreenlight: actually it supposed to disconnect once B transfer the call to C right?
17:07.20GreenlightWhich channel ?
17:07.24GreenlightLets see the call
17:07.33esperegu[TK]D-Fender: only a small webinterface to change the sip address
17:07.36[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: 4. Configure Asterisk using FreePBX. This is LMCE's telecom brain
17:07.48GreenlightAnd what do you mean "active". If the call is still in progress, of course the channel is active.
17:07.55GreenlightI'm really not understnading the queston.
17:07.58[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: that is FreePBX dialplan, and instantly recognizable as such
17:08.03gapsGreenlight: let me explain
17:08.53gapsGreenlight: I have a SIP trunk configured in Asterisk, there is a incoming call to the SIP trunk and it is routed to one extension, the extension is transferring the call to external Toll Free number and disconnected from his end
17:08.57drmessanoLinuxMCE has a version built against Ubuntu 12.04 that is "Pre-Alpha"?
17:09.17drmessanofires up his VaporWare 2000 and scans
17:09.27drmessanoYep, dead
17:09.34gapsGreenlight: In this scenario, once the extension disconnects the call if I see the log the call is still ongoing...
17:09.36Greenlightgaps: So until that call is hungup, there will be at least two active channels for it
17:10.30GreenlightSo all THREE parties have hungup, and you still have active channels s?
17:10.34[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: It is clearly a fork at best
17:11.17gapsGreenlight: actually I disconnected from my extension end... so the transferred numbers are external... one is the incoming call and the other one is Toll Free...
17:11.38gapsGreenlight: basically the billing minutes is calculated with my VoIP trunk...
17:11.56[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: first they are set as "nat=yes"  this is wrong, and it should be "no"
17:11.56gapsGreenlight: for the transferred call until those party hangups
17:12.27GreenlightStill not seeing the problem
17:12.46GreenlightYou call party A, and then transfer to party C
17:12.49[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: pastebin another call with "sip set debug on".  We need to confirm what the inbound cal llooks like.
17:12.55gapsGreenlight: yes
17:13.02gapsGreenlight: sorry
17:13.06GreenlightSo, until that call ends, the channels will remain.
17:13.17gapsGreenlight: actually A is an incoming call
17:13.33gapsGreenlight: myself am B, and transferring the call to C
17:13.40GreenlightSo, if A is incoming, and C is "free", why you ask about billing ?
17:14.05gapsGreenlight: after I transfer the call to C, A and C are connected....
17:14.35gapsGreenlight: whats happening is until C or A disconnects the billing seconds is calculated in my outgoing minutes...
17:14.47*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (~anonymouz@
17:14.56GreenlightBut you've called a FREE NUMBER
17:15.09GreenlightAnd the call is still in progress
17:15.37gapsGreenlight: sometimes it might be Toll Free and some times its a DID number too
17:15.54gapsGreenlight: actually how it supposed to be?
17:15.54GreenlightOk, in which case you still have an active call, and so get billed.
17:15.58[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: ping
17:16.04[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: from your server's CLI
17:16.16gapsGreenlight: in both cases toll free and in DID as well...
17:16.33esperegu# ping
17:16.33espereguPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
17:16.33esperegu64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=16.7 ms
17:16.35Greenlightgaps: No, obviosuly, you should not get billed for a toll free number...
17:16.59[TK]D-Fenderchange the "host" line to jsut the IP
17:17.06gapsGreenlight: so if it is DID number then its fine?
17:17.28GreenlightWhat do you mean? What exactly is the problem you're having; or how are things not matching your expectations ?
17:17.32[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: then apply yoru changes retest and pastebin upon failure
17:18.11gapsGreenlight: actually my question is once I do the transfer the call is out of my control correct?
17:18.33Greenlightgaps: No
17:18.36esperegu[TK]D-Fender:    \o/   .... u ta bomb!
17:19.10esperegu[TK]D-Fender: what is the issue?
17:19.18esperegu[TK]D-Fender: so I can tell the provider.
17:19.21[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: reverse DNS lookup was failing on that alternate resolving name we saw in the ping
17:19.38gapsGreenlight: so in which scenario the call is out of control... ? in terms of transfer
17:19.50esperegu[TK]D-Fender: thats not fixable I suppose when they have multiple machines ?
17:19.52[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: which isn't entirely their problem
17:20.01[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: Things get complicated then
17:20.33esperegu[TK]D-Fender: another way to solve it on my side?
17:21.24[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: change how you process your inbound calls.
17:21.35[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: This is GUI stuff... you are not in control of your full system.
17:21.42Greenlightgaps: YOu mean the transfer happens at the remote side?
17:23.23gapsGreenlight: o its happening in my end i mean Asterisk end
17:24.35Greenlightgaps: Nearly always anything like this, the call is still going to be going through your Asterisk box. There are ways where you can do remote "transfers" but they're generally not supported by ITSPs
17:24.59espereguhmmm. seems I get no incomming voice yet. maybe that nat setting?
17:25.15GreenlightAs far as your ITSP is concerned, there are two calls going to/from you. If you've connected them, after a transfer, that's your concern, not theirs.
17:25.20[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: easily believable
17:27.43esperegu[TK]D-Fender: the softphone on my server works but the cisco not. (no inbound sound)
17:28.46*** join/#asterisk SushiB (~Thunderbi@
17:29.16[TK]D-Fenderesperegu: You need to look at the calls with SIP debug...
17:29.37gapsGreenlight: so the billing will calculate from us even though we disconnect from our end.. thats what you mean right?
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17:30.08Greenlightgaps: Yes
17:30.21gapsGreenlight: how about blind transfer... ?
17:30.24GreenlightAnd, you are still connected to them
17:30.31gapsGreenlight: ok
17:30.52GreenlightParty A <--> Asterisk. Party C <--> Asterisk.
17:30.57GreenlightThat's what your ITSP sees.
17:32.03gapsGreenlight: once Asterisk transfer it will be A <---> C right?
17:32.28WIMPyOnly *IF* it transfers the call.
17:32.42WIMPyWhich it probably doesn't (can't) do.
17:32.49GreenlightSIP 401 Redirect ?
17:33.07gapsGreenlight: so even in blind transfer its the same?
17:33.18Greenlightgaps: Yes.
17:33.26gapsGreenlight: ok
17:33.30WIMPyGreenlight: It *might* work.
17:33.48GreenlightWIMPy: I admire your optimism :)
17:34.01drmessanoThe millions of times this discussion has come up.. does anyone know of an actual instance where a provider DOES support the transfer and take the remote Asterisk out of the loop?
17:34.11drmessanoIt all sounds like theory to me
17:34.20WIMPyOh, and even if it works, you never know for how long.
17:34.27Greenlightdrmessano: I have to agree
17:34.45GreenlightThe billing side of things just makes it to complex to bother supporting.
17:35.21drmessanoI realize we all want to be careful and say "Well, SIP supports it.. the provider COULD support it, but they PROBABLY don't"... but in reality, don't they pretty much "DONT"?
17:35.23GreenlightFor example, what if you transfer to a more expensive number than the one they called you on. Who foots that bill? You? Your ITSP? The caller?
17:36.18gapsGreenlight: its add in my bill
17:36.39Greenlightgaps: So, why bother ?
17:36.47WIMPyIt's really the only realistic option to bill it as two calls.
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17:37.49WIMPyAnd as customers might not like that, best to not support transfers in the first place.
17:37.55eXcAliBuRerror fetching config... but if i select old config it works
17:38.10eXcAliBuRhow can i get dpma to let the phone use the new user?
17:38.36eXcAliBuRi have all auth disabled
17:42.04drmessanoI guess my point is that this conversation usually goes around in circles due to the careful wording, but in reality "PROBABLY does not" only provides false hope and even more "Will it go round in circles" action
17:42.36drmessanoWhen someone is clueless, "It may not work" is weeks worth of false hope..
17:43.07Greenlightdrmessano: Yea, you're probably like. Curse our accuracy!
17:43.12Greenlight*probably right
17:43.45drmessanoI'm more prone to say "That's not gonna work", providers don't support it.. and be wrong 1 time out of 1000
17:43.48*** join/#asterisk morcao (c1885cb9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:44.27morcaohi guys ?
17:44.43GreenlightThat's all fine and well until he stumbles over a post regarding a Transfer and SIP 401, and things "ah ha!"
17:45.17Greenlightmorcao: Hi
17:45.54morcaoI have one question, Is possible communicate between Asterisk and PSTN without Digium ?
17:46.00drmessanoGreenlight, that goes back to my original statement.. in 8 years of frequenting this channel, and the hundreds of times its been asked, I dont ever recall it resolving as "ah ha!", but maybe I missed something
17:46.13drmessanoWhich is why I asked, if ever...
17:46.44navaismomorcao, use an ITSP, a gateway(SIP-FXO)
17:46.52GreenlightOr a non-Digium card.
17:46.53morcaoit's free ?
17:47.02drmessanoI was wrong once too, but then I found out I was mistaken
17:47.06*** join/#asterisk nicknam1232 (5c15e940@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:47.26navaismothere is no such thing as Free for a PSTN connect
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17:48.06drmessanoIt's not possible to Asterisk without Digium.  IJS
17:49.37morcaonavaismo: then how the current systems that use asterisk make communication?
17:50.07Greenlight... they pay...
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17:51.03morcaoand what form they use?
17:51.28GreenlightWhat form of... payment.. ?
17:51.31morcaoDigium ? seems to me not
17:51.59anonymouz666morcao: are you from ptt?
17:52.01morcaowhich system?
17:53.24GreenlightAN ITSP for example
17:53.27infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
17:55.10GreenlightYou could also get a hardware card to connect directly to the PSTN
17:55.25GreenlightANd there's other ways too
17:55.57morcaoI read in some forums that it was possible but the number of PSTN network settings had to be this wrong then?
17:56.12GreenlightWHat ?
17:56.26GreenlightYou read that what was possible, exactly ?
17:58.36Greenlight[05:55pm] <Greenlight> ANd there's other ways too <-- That's one of these
17:58.37morcaoin this case with is possible?
17:59.15[TK]D-Fendermorcao: Are you asking if what that video is showing is possible...?
17:59.22navaismoin the video they use a dongle
17:59.44GreenlightA dong;e isn't free though.
18:00.39[TK]D-Fendermorcao: Do you think the video is a fake?
18:00.52navaismoor free?
18:02.26*** join/#asterisk ipengineer (
18:02.30GreenlightWould be quite cool to hook up a RaspPi into like say a remote control car, along with a camera, and control it over the 3G
18:02.45navaismoyes you can
18:03.54eXcAliBuRhow do i know if my phones are using UDP or TCP?
18:04.02morcaonot seem
18:04.05[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: Look at the call
18:04.14Greenlightmorcao: What ?
18:04.18rrittgarnIf i make an outgoing call, call gets connected, then I try to blind xfer the call to another internal extension. I get a failed transfer message on the phone that tried to blind xfer. Any thoughts as to why this might be happening? Works with incoming calls, just not outgoing connected calls.
18:04.47morcaoI believe it is possible without paid systems
18:04.50[TK]D-Fenderrittnot without debug... which we should have before asking.
18:04.51GreenlightHeh seems there's a whole site about it:
18:04.56[TK]D-Fenderrrittgarn: not without debug... which we should have before asking.
18:04.58Greenlightmorcao: Yes, you are correct.
18:07.47morcaothen how ITSP are paid, from the settings of the asterisk?
18:08.02[TK]D-Fendermorcao: No.
18:08.05[TK]D-Fendermorcao: YOU pay them
18:08.20Greenlightimagines credit card details in sip.conf
18:08.21[TK]D-Fendermorcao: You give them credit card info to BILL you etc.
18:09.27PenguinMany are prepaid.  You put credit on your account and debit it with each call.
18:10.04eXcAliBuRshould I use tcp or udp?
18:10.12PenguinDepends on your needs.
18:10.16[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: Yes
18:10.17eXcAliBuRinternal network
18:11.22morcaoAfter buying this card would have to do more in asterisk?
18:11.58PenguinWhat card are you buying?
18:12.41[TK]D-Fendermorcao: What "more" are you talking about?  You haven't told us anything
18:12.54morcaoI have no idea said they needed a bill paid
18:13.08PenguinPay by PayPal if you'd like.
18:13.21PenguinPay by bitcoin if you'd like.
18:13.37PenguinPay by gold bullion if you'd like.
18:13.46morcaowhat you want me to say?
18:14.45[TK]D-Fendermorcao: What card are you talking about?  You are having trouble describing complete scenarios to us...
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18:16.59morcaosorry for my confusion
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18:18.35morcaoso where can I get an account that allows me to make calls to all devices?
18:20.09[TK]D-Fendermorcao: Separate you idea of "account" and "devices".  An account through some service provider has no relationship to any other devices you have.
18:21.03eXcAliBuRhow do i trouble shoot while i'm getting error fetching config from proxy?
18:21.23[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: what is this "fetching config" you're referring to?
18:21.37Penguinmorcao: An account with an ITSP allows you to send and receive calls between your VoIP phones and the PSTN.
18:21.50eXcAliBuRit's on my digium phones
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18:23.10morcaoPenguin: yes and how get one ?
18:28.22[TK]D-Fendermorcao: go CHOOSE a provider that services the area you want to call at a price you feel is good.
18:28.50morcaobut if I report only the asterisk to the PSTN do not have to pay for it? right?
18:30.06morcaoI have interest in this area because it is my job end of course not to build a business
18:30.15[TK]D-Fendermorcao: No.  you PAY for PSTN access
18:31.02morcaocould be free was better;)
18:31.42[TK]D-Fendermorcao: Who gives you free cell phone service?  This stuff isn't free.  SOMEBODY is paying for it and it's 99% of time you.
18:31.55[TK]D-Fenderor more like 99.999999%
18:33.06morcaothanks for your attention
18:33.08eXcAliBuRHELP!!! HELP!!! HELP
18:33.43morcaoyou helped me
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19:30.19karl-sdoes anyone know if G.729 passthrough requires directrtpsetup?
19:30.59[TK]D-Fenderit doesn't
19:32.19[TK]D-FenderPassthrough simply means no transcoding.  Doesn't amtter if it changes wrappers like IAX>SIP just just oges through your server under the same protocol(since each leg is independent anyway)
19:32.54eXcAliBuRthis is making me very grumpy
19:35.55eXcAliBuR[Nov 25 14:33:49] WARNING[1775]: phone_users.c:1016 process_networks: Unknown network option 'udp_ka_interval'
19:36.00eXcAliBuRwhy.... it's in the manual
19:37.48navaismolatest firmware?
19:38.03*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
19:39.40eXcAliBuRjust updated it
19:41.28eXcAliBuRi don't want to call digium
19:41.32eXcAliBuRthey don't like me
19:44.23pabelangereXcAliBuR, better off calling them for support, we don't have source to see what is the issue
19:44.29PenguinIf you called them and said, "HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!" like you did here, I can understand why.
19:48.50*** join/#asterisk slicknick5181 (cfff7249@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:49.10eXcAliBuRI should throw them all in the garabe
19:50.00slicknick5181Asterisk 11 I would like to be able to barge on a channel DAHDI and SIP and be able to listen and speak to both parties
19:50.48*** join/#asterisk slicknick5181 (cfff7249@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:51.13slicknick5181Sorry I accidently closed if anybody answered my inquiry
19:52.57PenguinChanSpy() does that.
19:53.20[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: Bridge() <-
19:53.33[TK]D-FenderChanspy only whispers to one end...
19:54.18[TK]D-FenderOOOH, new options!
19:54.23Penguinnew in 1.8
19:54.24[TK]D-FenderI'll take that!
19:55.29slicknick5181I would like to be able to dial 15005 for example and be connected to a specific extension if on an active call
19:55.48PenguinYou don't connect to extensions.  Extensions execute commands.
19:56.23slicknick5181Well correct. I mean a specific Device
19:56.38PenguinIf extension 15005 executes ChanSpy(SIP/device), then you'll spy on that device.
19:56.42karl-sslicknick5181, you are going to have to write custom dialplan that uses the function DEVICE_STATE
19:56.43slicknick5181channel DAHDI 1 Is what I want to bridge with
19:58.05[TK]D-Fenderthen go for it
19:58.58PenguinYou don't need to bridge with it.  Just spy on it.
20:00.38slicknick5181Well I was reading a bit on Chanspy and it appears I have the options there I'm just not sure where to put the options
20:00.52Penguincore show application ChanSpy
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20:02.20slicknick5181gives 5 categories but "not available" sows underneath
20:03.09VendigrothHi!  Does anyone know if there is a difference between doing Answer() in the dialplan or through AGI? I seem to be getting different behavior. I've tried asking about this here before, but no one seems to have any ideas.
20:08.24Vendigroth^have it built with no xmldoc.
20:08.31navaismoVendigroth, what is the different behavior?
20:09.44slicknick5181Thatnk you guys very much!!
20:09.46*** part/#asterisk slicknick5181 (cfff7249@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:12.10Vendigrothif I first go through AGI to decide if i want the call answered, and then do AGI-Answer I get a single "incompatible voice frame" notice for slin. (I know its not a big deal). But if the Answer() is in dialplan I get no such notice.
20:12.47[TK]D-FenderVendigroth: Pastebin the 2 calls for comparison
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20:17.38Vendigrothwith Notice:   Without:  I have pri/AGI/verbose/debug on on those. can make some with less options turned on.
20:27.19[TK]D-FenderVendigroth: -- Executing [5852879987@inbound_call:2] EAAGI("DAHDI/i1/-f", "/usr/asher/callflows/") in new stack
20:27.30[TK]D-FenderVendigroth: first ... what is EAAGI?
20:27.58navaismoweird at that ^
20:27.58[TK]D-FenderVendigroth: EAGI is with a voice channel which could be SLIn as oppoed to more "codec based on things being more raw at that point (I might imagine)
20:28.05Vendigrothyeah.. that. Its basically an alias for AGI. for compatability.
20:31.15Vendigrothas far as asterisk is concerned it is ordinary AGI things (enhanced variable in res_agi is  0)
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21:52.29sp3ckHi, i use asterisk with freepbx everything seems to be fine but the wakeup calls
21:52.47sp3ckthe log file says : file.c:663 ast_openstream_full: File wakeup-call does not exist in any format
21:53.08sp3ckthe .gsm files, for wakeup calls, are there
21:53.15sp3ckwhat can i do to fix this
21:53.44sp3ck(permissions are 661 asterisk:asterisk)
21:53.49*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
21:54.55PenguinHow about the permissions on the directory above the file?
21:55.14sp3ckgive me a sec
21:56.03sp3cki dont think there is  a problem because conference rooms announcements work the files are in the same directory
21:56.51navaismosame language folder?
21:56.59sp3ckdrwxrwxr-x 7 asterisk asterisk 4096 Nov 25 23:51 asterisk
21:57.00sp3ckdrwxrwxr-x 5 asterisk asterisk   53248 Aug  9 18:53 sounds
21:57.54sp3cklanguage folder? ^^
21:58.23Penguinlike asterisk/sounds/en/
21:58.47sp3ckthere is no "en" folder in my asterisk/sounds  folder
21:59.33sp3ckmy asterisk verion is: Asterisk built by buildd @ vernadsky on a i686 running Linux on 2012-04-24 12:44:43 UTC
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22:01.08sp3ckis there a way to see which file path asterisk tries to reach so i can start somehow debug this issue?
22:02.16karl-suncomment ;full in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
22:02.29karl-sthen check the full log in /var/log/asterisk/full
22:02.34karl-safter doing a reload
22:03.00Penguinlogger reload, that is.
22:03.32karl-sor reboot your server
22:03.35karl-sthey all work :)
22:03.40PenguinThat's ridiculous.
22:03.54karl-si always like the shotgun approach
22:04.40anonymouz666I am lucky then because I don't use your telephony services :-)
22:04.41PenguinI could crash my car into a building so the insurance company will buy me a new one, too, but I'd rather just trade it in.
22:07.13sp3ckok, i had full enabled already from fpbx
22:07.33anonymouz666Penguin: Please don't crash
22:07.34sp3ckshotgun approach? hahahah
22:09.03Penguinanonymouz666: I was only trying to illustrate that merely getting to the end result isn't the important part, but how you get the result matters.
22:10.14PenguinIt looks like it is only looking for ulaw and h264.
22:11.19sp3ckwakeup-call module looks for ulaw and h264 and conference module looks for gsm?
22:12.02sp3cklet's say wakeup mod wants ulaw .. how can i make it read the gsm?
22:15.15PenguinI'm not sure about that, but you could use asterisk's file convertor to make the ulaw files.
22:15.41Penguinfile convert in-file.gsm out-file.ulaw
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22:28.09sp3cki've tried sox -V wakeup-call.gsm -r 8000 -c 1 -t ul -w wakeup-call.ulaw but i'm doing something wrong
22:28.16Penguin(1615.40) <Penguin> file convert in-file.gsm out-file.ulaw
22:28.21sp3ckis this the correct syntax?
22:28.24*** join/#asterisk ywcahello (3289886a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:28.30PenguinIn the asterisk CLI...
22:28.53PenguinI said "asterisk's file convertor"
22:29.45PenguinAlthough I can't see why asterisk wouldn't simply transcode between ulaw and gsm in the case of your files being gsm and the call being ulaw.  That seems like pretty basic functionality.
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22:30.18ywcahelloExperiencing an issue with Asterisk 1.8: In the dialplan, running CALLERID(all) = "Skype Contact <skype-name>" results in the CALLERID(num) being set to "skypename". The dashes are removed. Makes sense for a numeric DID but not for a Skype name. Does anyone know of a workaround?
22:30.55PenguinDId you try correctly setting the callerid information?
22:31.12PenguinCALLERID(all)=Your Name <your number>
22:31.16PenguinNo quotes anywhere.
22:31.35ywcahellooh, yes, I'm not using quotes. I mistyped in my question
22:31.50ywcahelloI'm seeing similar behavior with CALLERID(num)=skype-name
22:32.09PenguinI've never tried to put a hyphen in the number field, so I don't know.
22:32.43ywcahelloThe issue seems to be limited to the CALLERID function. When calls come in over a Skype channel, dashes aren't removed.
22:33.03ywcahelloHmm, trying to figure out the best outlet to get a solution to this. Opening a bug on the bug tracker doesn't seem appropriate.
22:35.17ywcahelloJust found this link: . Looks like I'll need to find a workaround solution or patch it myself.
22:35.18LieutPants[ASTERISK-16528] [Status: Closed] Enable to use '-' sign in CallerID -
22:35.35ywcahellohaha, funny timing
22:35.54PenguinFunny timing of what?
22:37.28ywcahelloLieutPants posted the same link I did within a second or so
22:37.43PenguinThat's a response, not a coincidence.
22:39.28LieutPants[ASTERISK-1041] [Status: Closed] [patch] video format description bug into an INVITE message -
22:39.31ywcahelloOh, ok. It's been about 15 years since I hung out on IRC.
22:39.40ywcahellogot it
22:39.50LieutPants[ASTERISK-22897] [Status: Open] WebSocket connection from JsSIP or SIPML5 generate a segmentation fault(core dumped) -
22:39.52sp3ckPenguin, I found it... (that's why i always hated guis). The sounds folder is /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en and there wasn't any recordings for wakeup-calls oin there so I copied them from /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
22:40.21PenguinThat was mentioned.
22:43.40sp3ckPenguin, I thought /var/lib/asterisk/sounds was the folder of the "running" recordings... :S
22:43.49sp3ckPenguin, navaismo karl-s  thanx for help.
22:44.27PenguinWhen you install from packages, the paths seem to be different.
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