IRC log for #asterisk on 20131124

00:00.31tristeroI'm trying to connect a Panasonic PBX extension to an Asterisk FXO channel, but when it rings Asterisk doesn't "pick up"; it doesn't execute the corresponding extension in my dialplan.  Any suggestions?
00:03.17ChannelZDo you mean FXS?  IE the Panasonic system thinks asterisk is a phone, not a phone line?
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00:11.19iulhkis there any possibility to override gsm outbound lines caller id?
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00:23.55tristeroChannelZ: It's an FXO channel (i.e. on a 4-port FXO card) with FXS signalling, since it should see the Panasonic extension as an "incoming call".
00:24.12iulhkdo we have any functoinality where asterisk set caller id for outbound pri lines?
00:27.51ChannelZtristero: ok well assuming the Panasonic side is really using the right signalling, "the extension" asterisk sees will only be 's'
00:30.35tristeroChannelZ: yes, but it's not getting that far.  all I see (when debug is set) is ANALOG_EVENT_RINGBEGIN and ANALOG_EVENT_RINGOFFHOOK from sig_analog.c; no "Executing [s@doorphone]"
00:31.35tristeroI can use a plain analog phone on that extension and it rings fine, so I thought Asterisk would detect it
00:32.18ChannelZWhat do you mean?  You plug a phone into that port?
00:32.50tristeroOnly t test that the Panasonic PBX is ringing that extension.
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00:34.04ChannelZSo you need an FXS port on the asterisk side, not FXO.
00:34.16ChannelZOf ypi
00:34.38ChannelZif you're saying you're plugging an analog phone into a port on your Panasonic that you are otherwise trying to connect to Asterisk
00:35.22ChannelZactually I'm completely confused about your physical setup
00:35.41m0spherewith agi and php scripts, i have a function in my php script, and the call proceeds, as soon as i call the function 'functionName();' the call drops right away, is there a trick to calling functions or do i have an error somewhere?
00:36.14ChannelZm0sphere: your script is probably broken and terminating completely
00:38.04ChannelZtristero: re-reading what you've said you are doing I think your ports are right so ignore what I said..
00:38.28tristeroChannelZ: I'm pretty sure I need an FXO port. Asterisk has to "answer" the extension just like it would answer a call from the CO. And using a handset on the Panasonic port "proves" that it's signalling correctly, at least as far as making it ring.
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00:40.15ChannelZtristero: yes I just misunderstood your direction and am distracted doing other things at the same time
00:41.14ChannelZstart by pb-ing your chan_dahdi.conf
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00:44.37ChannelZand are you running with some console verbose on?  it should be saying *something* assuming the channel is configured in some fashion
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00:51.37m0sphere it doesn't seem to call functionTest, or it does, but there's no output to the cli
00:55.54ChannelZSeeing the asterisk side won't help much, it's your PHP that is failing
00:56.35ChannelZDo you have PHP logging on?  try looking at /var/log/php it's probably giving you a syntax error of some sort
00:58.50ChannelZoh nm totally missed you included the script (I'm delerious today)
01:00.59m0sphereI tried $agi2 = new AGI(); inside the function, and then the phone call just hangs
01:01.08m0sphereand by hangs i mean doesn't hang up
01:01.13m0sphereand no output to cli
01:01.30ChannelZ$agi is not global
01:01.39ChannelZso inside your function $agi is uninitialized
01:02.00ChannelZyou need to say "global $agi;" first to bring it into the function's scope.  Or pass it in.
01:03.32ChannelZ(inside your function that is)
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02:03.02tristeroChannelZ: chan_dahdi.conf is here:
02:03.53tristeroand debug output is here:
02:04.29ChannelZDo you have multiple TDM cards?
02:04.59tristeroyes, one 8-port FXS and one 4-port FXO
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02:08.19ChannelZHmm I've never used signalling=auto, assuming it's doing the right thing - what does 'dahdi show channel 12' say for Signalling Type?
02:09.07tristeroFXS Kewlstart
02:09.39tristeroI use that same card to answer my incoming PSTN calls, and it handles those fine
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02:10.20ChannelZI can only wonder if the panasonic side is doing something odd.
02:11.34tristeroProbably; but googling seemed to show others handling incoming calls from Panasonic PBX, so I think I'm just doing something wrong
02:11.57ChannelZassuming of course your 'doorphone' context of extensions.conf exists and should otherwise do something logical and it's not just silently barfing.  I asked before, do you have some console verbosity on?
02:12.13tristeroyes, both verbose and error = 3
02:15.58ChannelZwell it's seeing the ring but I don't know why it's not going any further. You might try stripping back channel 12, turn callerid off for it to make sure something there isn't bungling things up..  show your extensions.conf
02:19.05tristeroyes, I'll try that. there's also hwec on that card, I need to try disabling that too
02:20.52tristeroextension is just this:
02:21.35tristerobut none of it appears in the log, so I'm pretty sure it isn't getting there (other parts of the dialplan show up when incoming calls are received, for example)
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06:10.05AcidSlidei'm new to asterisk..
06:10.32AcidSlidei'm trying to setup a demo asterisk.. what do you recommend? using SIP or IAX for softphones?
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11:05.22m0sphereis there any way to stop these?  Executing [9011972597562753@from-pstn:1] Set("SIP/", "__FROM_DID=9011972597562753") in new stack
11:06.03m0spherethis shit floods my server for hours at a time
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11:32.56kaldemarm0sphere: don't allow unauthenticated calls to your box. allowguest=no.
11:35.09kaldemaralwaysauthreject=yes too if you don't have it. many people use for example fail2ban to block attacker ip addresses.
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12:31.37*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
12:32.24danfromukHi, I'm trying to switch to cdr_adaptive_odbc, but the calldate field is always '0/0/0 00:00'. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Is the field name wrong?
12:36.19danfromukIs it possible to output all the CDR() variables to the cli so I can check?
12:39.37roswelldanfromuk, possibly you sql server cannot recognize timestamp your asterisk feeds it with. what's the server you use?
12:40.07danfromukcalldate is of type DATETIME
12:40.21danfromukWorks with cdr_odbc
12:40.34danfromukDoes the type change for adaptive?
12:41.08roswellnot actually. make sure there's no any alias in cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf for that column
12:41.49danfromukI'll set up a timestamp field and alias that and see what happens
12:42.35roswellwell, the datetime type is just fine
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12:49.53danfromukDidnt seem to help
12:51.51roswellstrange. well try setting mysql to log every query and see what comes from asterisk
12:53.41danfromukGood idea. But i'm sure its asterisk not adding the information. Its also not adding the custom column i made.
12:54.51*** join/#asterisk AlphaPiJR (
12:55.07AlphaPiJRwhat about cisco spa-3000 clone on aliexpress?
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12:55.19AlphaPiJRis working well?
12:57.26WIMPyAlphaPiJR: You are aware that the analog stuff had the possibility for different qualities?
12:58.05danfromukI dont think i would ever buy a clone.
12:58.42roswellyet to say, as with any clone, chance of success is 50%. it's either works or it doesn't. it's all up to a customer
12:59.43WIMPyAnalog doesn't just work or not it can work in all qualities.
13:00.12WIMPyWhich is what I wanted to point out.
13:00.20roswellbtw danfromuk have you reloaded the odbc module after applying modifications to its configuration?
13:01.41AlphaPiJRit's for home/experiment pourpose
13:01.48AlphaPiJRit's not for professional use
13:02.06AlphaPiJRhowever nobody have personal experience with such device?
13:02.24WIMPyBad quality gives more space for experimentation.
13:03.31danfromukroswell: yes
13:04.13roswelljust asking to make sure
13:05.48AlphaPiJRWIMPy: did you use only A grade stuff?
13:06.26WIMPyAlphaPiJR: No, I don't use analog.
13:08.23mic_hello, dahdi made by openvox contains their patches?
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13:56.20zemmali-voipplease guys!i need help to create web service: -Insert , Edit , Detele compte SIP and update file from asterisk with JAVA!
13:56.20zemmali-voipbest regard !
14:10.47Guggezemmali-voip: just use realtime, and edit the db, or generate the conf files from your software.
14:18.34Guggezemmali-voip: if you have any asterisk related questions, ask here
14:19.08zemmali-voipthanks Gugge
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15:15.01ziz212Guys, What cause Asterisk TLS not work in internet ?... I have tried TLS and SRTP in LAN and it work perfectly. But I have tried it with internet it doent work. Still not getting any request in Asterisk Debug ? pls help
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15:26.19ghost75is someone using rtcp channel variables?
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17:06.15redotischan_sip.c:23475 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'vilhelm' is now Lagged.
17:07.12redotisIs there a way to change the timeouts for when a sip connection lags?  I'm having a problem with folks using satellite connections staying "connected" and in a conference?
17:07.43redotisThe delay is not an issue but they seem to drop out because I think sip thinks they are gone when it's just the delay.
17:09.16[TK]D-Fenderqualify <-
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17:23.14redotisWhat's the deal with qualify
17:23.31redotisOh...take it out and it doesn't check or kick them off the connection?
17:23.37[TK]D-FenderThat is what is timing out
17:23.50[TK]D-Fenderlagged = not responding within the timefrime
17:23.56redotisok cool
17:24.10redotisdo you think if I take that out they will stay in the conference?
17:24.40filequalify doesn't impact active SIP sessions
17:25.00redotisok so in my case what does that mean
17:25.18redotisIf I remove qualify, will they likely stay in the conference?
17:25.29fileno, while it may indicate a problem that in and of itself is not the problem
17:25.53redotisso they won't stay in the conference?
17:26.28redotisi'll experiment
17:26.35redotisthanks TKD
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19:43.16danfromukAs you can see, the calldate field is not being used.
19:46.08pabelangerdanfromuk, does calldate exist in your database?
19:46.48danfromukYes, and it works perfectly with cdr_odbc
19:47.11cuscoisn't calldate a alias for 'start' ?
19:47.42cuscocreate the column 'start', 'answer' and 'end'
19:47.46cuscoreload the module
19:47.50cuscoand see what happens
19:48.33pabelangerdanfromuk, *CLI> core show function CDR
19:48.50pabelangerthose are the fields
19:48.58pabelangerif you want them named something else, setup a mapping
19:49.39danfromukok, so to switch from cdr_odbc to cdr_adaptive, the field called calldate changes to 'start', or I need to alias it back to calldate?
19:50.12cuscojust use start, answer and end.. great for whatever comes along lol
19:50.50danfromukI know, but the field 'calldate' is already integrated into our billing platform
19:51.11cuscoyou can alias it in the config, I guess
19:51.18pabelangerdanfromuk, then setup a mapping
19:52.04pabelangermaybe not
19:52.08pabelangerI think that is just for csv
19:52.51pabelangeralias start => calldate
19:54.14danfromukBingo. Thanks for the help
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20:15.22Jinxed-<Jinxed-> I was hoping to do some research on E1 based pbx's any other
20:18.18cuscotrasition ?
20:18.31cuscoI didn't quite understand what you're looking for
20:18.37cuscocare to develop on that?
20:20.11ghost75could somebody check please whats in the channel(,all) variable in h ext ?
20:20.50ghost75the only thing i get is number of packets
20:21.30ghost75in sip show channelstats everything is displayed
20:22.14cuscoI'm not quite sure what it is that you're asking, but is it possible that in the h extension, variables are alredy gone, as is the call?
20:23.31ghost75then number of packets would be also empty
20:23.56cuscoI'm not sure, as some stuff stays
20:24.06cuscoand some other goes, in h exten
20:24.24cuscocdr.conf even has a option to <something>beforehexten: yes/no
20:24.43cuscoI guess someone that would understand should answer, however
20:25.05ghost75can the variables be displayed during call?
20:26.49danfromukghost75: make a macro that calls DumpChan and run it using a feature code
20:26.53danfromuk*CLI> core show application DumpChan
20:28.25ghost75press key on phone to do gosub?
20:29.04danfromukmake a macro in your extensions.conf that calls DumpChan
20:29.29ghost75macro is deprecated
20:29.29danfromukThen look at features.conf to see how to create a *code to run the macro during the call
20:30.25danfromukok, i didnt know that. but it still works in asterisk 11.
20:32.59ghost75i remember something feature codes dont work on sip phones
20:33.40danfromukNever heard that, and I use them all the time. So not sure where you got that from
20:34.05cuscowe use features.conf with sip, no problems
20:34.06danfromukI have a macro that starts/stops call recording when the user dials *1 during the call.
20:35.33ghost75testfeature => *9,caller,Macro,test
20:35.36ghost75not sure if correct
20:37.06danfromukI think you also have to do Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=testfeature) in your dial plan, before the Dial command.
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20:47.31ghost75No such context 'macro-test' for macro 'test'
20:47.46ghost75i didnt put macro-test anywhere
20:47.48danfromukPastebin your macro, including the [contextname]
20:48.36ghost75exten => s,1,Dumpchan(0)
20:48.55danfromukchange it to [macro-test]
20:49.09danfromukAnd i think its just Dumpchan()
20:49.11danfromukno 0
20:49.20danfromukactually. i'm wrong
20:49.20ghost750 is the level
20:49.48ghost75but why is going macro-test, maybe because i did testfeature => *9,caller,Macro,test
20:50.45ghost75or all macros need the name macro- in context?
20:51.04danfromukall macros are prefixed with macro-
20:51.08danfromukotherwise its just a normal context
20:52.44ghost75no rtcp listed
20:52.56danfromukwhat do you mean?
20:53.16ghost75it does not really list all variables, just a few
20:53.25ghost75no channel variables at all
20:53.53ghost75no rtcp channel variables ^^
20:53.55danfromukI use DumpChan(30)
20:55.14ghost75now 30 doesnt display anything at all
20:56.04ghost75Displays information on channel and listing of all channel variables. If min_verbose_level is specified, output is only displayed when the verbose level is currently set to that number or greater.
20:56.16danfromukI've used Dumpchan(30) and it outputs all the channel variables, without any problems.
20:56.45danfromukWhat are you looking for exactly?
20:56.49ghost75so do you see any rtpqos variables?
20:57.49danfromukThis is my output
20:58.21ghost75i see same
20:59.22ghost75this is what i see in h:
20:59.43danfromukok. in that case, in the same macro, try something like Verbose(${channel(rtpqos)})
20:59.50danfromuki'm guessing by the way
21:00.23danfromukYou might need to change that a bit
21:00.23danfromukThe option rtpqos takes two additional arguments
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21:00.54ghost75this is in dialplan
21:01.14danfromukAnd do you get the result you want?
21:01.29ghost75i try now verbose
21:01.34danfromukIt might be that you can only get the information you want once the call is bridged. So use the macro to do that.
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21:03.45ghost75waits for the jitter
21:06.58danfromukWhat jitter are you getting? Have you tried a different codec?
21:07.59danfromukWhat type of connection are you using? Have you tested the connection? Try this and see what results you get
21:08.00ghost75my android always jitters a bit
21:08.19danfromukChoose a node thats labelled Quality Testing Available
21:09.31ghost75nice page
21:10.40ghost75test didnt work
21:10.45ghost75unable to measure
21:11.01danfromukIve never had a problem. Try a different node
21:13.19ghost75 so maybe cannot expect more to display
21:13.59danfromukyep. i think so
21:14.27filethe RTP variables are only set at hangup, if you want to grab the current values you need to use the CHANNEL dialplan function
21:15.03ghost75after hangup is fine
21:17.29ghost75but it displays only of one phone, sip show channelstats displays both
21:18.18filecorrect... sip show channelstats is a command which specifically shows all stats for all SIP channels
21:18.28filethe variables on the channel are about the RTP for that channel
21:20.34ghost75so how i can get data from the remote channel
21:20.54fileyou can't there
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21:21.52ghost75just needed output from channelstats in cdr
21:22.14fileno, you want the RTP statistics for the bridged channel
21:23.49ghost75yes, the sip show channelstats
21:33.56ghost75danfromuk: that page rocks
21:35.38ghost7557ms jitter with torrent enabled :>
21:36.51danfromukYes, its a very useful page.
21:37.56ghost75only having 384kbit upload lol
21:40.56danfromukYou should try out g729. It doesnt cost that much, and you should get some good results.
21:41.05danfromukits only 9kb for each side of the call
21:41.21ghost75my isp doesnt support it
21:41.58ghost75or lets say different
21:42.16ghost75mobile calls come in with g729 but normal calls are g711
21:42.17danfromuk?? isp's have nothing to do with g729
21:42.44ghost75sip account from isp
21:43.14danfromukWhere is your asterisk server?
21:43.28danfromukThe same network as your android phone?
21:43.32ghost75local of course
21:43.59danfromukWhy 'of course'? Ours is in a data centre with 1Gb upload/download
21:44.16ghost75its only home server
21:44.33danfromukok. so maybe see what codecs they have available.
21:45.00ghost75once i tried only g729 in asterisk and i couldnt call all persons
21:45.41danfromukYou probably need to buy a license
21:46.00ghost75g729 itself was working fine
21:46.21danfromukIf you cant call all people, then its probably a licensing issue.
21:46.37ghost75i could call some people
21:46.46ghost75that was confusing me
21:47.13[TK]D-Fender[16:40]danfromukits only 9kb for each side of the call <- quite a bit more in the real world...
21:47.31danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: ok, but its better than most other codecs
21:47.58ghost75disallow=all and allow=g729 in sip.conf
21:48.35danfromukghost75: if you havent bought any licenses, then its a fight to get asterisk to work with g729
21:49.09danfromukI tried for a few days, then decided that i'm wasting my time and bought licenses.
21:49.10ghost75they are not bought but i have some :)
21:49.25danfromukbut you have to make sure that your android phone supports g729. usually its an addon
21:49.34danfromukWhat app are you using?
21:49.37[TK]D-Fendernot a question of "fight"  * doesn't come with transcoding support natively.  You have to pay for that
21:49.52ghost75about android i dont care, important is my cisco phone
21:50.17danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: i tried to avoid transcoding, but my asterisk still thought there was some going on. Couldnt pin point where.
21:50.33[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "think".
21:50.37ghost75to any mobile numbers the g729 was working without issue
21:50.46[TK]D-FenderIt was expected to by an action that was taking place
21:51.03[TK]D-Fendernext "mobile numbers" know nothing of codecs
21:51.19[TK]D-Fenderyour PEERS and the services on the other side of that is another matter
21:51.32[TK]D-FenderStop talking like a phone number cares or knows about "codec"
21:51.50ghost75maybe my isp allows g729 only for mobile no idea
21:52.20[TK]D-FenderI can tell about "no idea" .. because I don't see you LOOKING.
21:53.22ghost75prolly did the mistake to enable *only* g729 during that time
21:54.02ghost75if the remote end is also ip based and has no g729 then boom
21:54.39[TK]D-Fender"ip based"?
21:54.49[TK]D-FenderWhere do you keep coming up with this terms?
21:55.13ghost75instead analog or isdn
21:55.30[TK]D-FenderThere is no "remote end"  when you call, it goes to your provider.  That is ALL
21:55.36[TK]D-FenderThere is no "remote end"
21:55.43[TK]D-Fenderthe provider sends it via the ACTUAL PSTN
21:55.59[TK]D-FenderAnd this has nothng to do with you or your codecs to your provide
21:57.21ghost75so he takes care of codec translation?
21:57.40[TK]D-Fenderthere is no more codec at that point
21:57.50[TK]D-FenderYou are inventing things that don't exist
21:58.10[TK]D-FenderWhy are you not looking at the actual calls right now?
21:58.39danfromukghost75: all you need to do is ensure the provider can support g729 calls. They will usually accept it for all calls. They won't change it based on the number dialled.
21:59.34ghost75i thought that isp just forwards all ip and sip stuff
21:59.54danfromukIgnore what they do. They'll sort themselves out.
22:00.44danfromukIf they offer g729, then they'll deal with the issues regarding forwarding the call to the target.
22:01.05[TK]D-Fender[16:59]ghost75i thought that isp just forwards all ip and sip stuff <-No.
22:01.17ghost75they might offer g729 only inofficially because their routers come always with g711
22:01.37[TK]D-Fenderghost75: the world is not voip <-
22:01.47[TK]D-Fenderghost75: Get this nonsense out of your head
22:02.34[TK]D-Fenderghost75: The real PSTN is G.711 over TDM and your rpovider talks that out to the rest of the world.  IT takes whatever you give it (that they accept) and translates
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22:09.01ghost75danfromuk: most of the customers here are using routers where voip is configured by isp with g711
22:09.36danfromukHave you asked the ISP whether they support g729?
22:09.51ghost75they will not answer such questions
22:10.01[TK]D-FenderAnd you're wasting time
22:10.03danfromukHave you tried?
22:10.22[TK]D-Fenderghost75: All of this guessing is worthless.
22:10.26ghost75yes, as written above
22:10.34WIMPyI'm not even sure if we have a word for "support".
22:10.35[TK]D-Fenderghost75: The call TELLS you what they ar offering.
22:10.43[TK]D-Fenderghost75: Wake up.
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22:14.22danfromukghost75: what [TK]D-Fender is saying, is you can look at the sip debug to see what they support
22:14.33ghost75yes i know
22:14.56[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: He is sitting here inventing terms assuming the "remote caller" is a factor and not looking at his own calls.
22:15.32ghost75but sure that *every isp* is handling *all* sip traffic over g.711/TDM even if the call stays at one isp?
22:16.00[TK]D-Fenderghost75: ISP = Internet Service Provider.
22:16.01[TK]D-Fendernot voice
22:16.03WIMPyThat would be stupid.
22:16.06infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
22:16.14[TK]D-Fenderget your terms right
22:16.20[TK]D-FenderAnd the other side is NOT YOUR PROBLEM
22:16.23ghost75its all from one
22:16.32[TK]D-FenderDoesn't matter
22:16.37[TK]D-FenderLOOK AT YOUR CALL
22:17.44[TK]D-FenderThey either offer a codec or they don'ty
22:17.48[TK]D-FenderThis is not a guessing game
22:17.52[TK]D-Fenderit's RIGHT THERE in the call
22:18.33danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: as I said......Ignore what they do. They'll sort themselves out.
22:18.57[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: Nothing to ignore because there is nothing to see.
22:19.35[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: He's making up nonsense and doing everthing except looking at his call.  4 stupid words in * CLI.  That's what he is refusing to do.
22:19.36ghost75well i only remember that i had problems on specific calls but not on all when i only had enabled g729
22:20.03[TK]D-Fenderghost75: These stories are a waste of time.
22:21.35carrarghost stories?
22:22.27ghost75if they dont officially support, no one guarantees a working system
22:23.02[TK]D-Fenderghost75:Why are you still talking about "if"?
22:23.39ghost75do you know the difference about inofficial and official?
22:24.01[TK]D-FenderThere is no such thing
22:24.10[TK]D-FenderTheir call offers what it offers
22:24.18[TK]D-FenderYou are inventing terms and making excuses for not looking
22:24.22WIMPyAnd no such things as guarantees anyway.
22:24.24[TK]D-FenderThis is a waste of all of our time
22:24.36ghost75lets stop it
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