IRC log for #asterisk on 20131118

00:02.01*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
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00:05.43*** join/#asterisk andrewya_ (
00:18.39*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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00:39.33*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
00:45.17*** join/#asterisk SushiB (
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00:51.21*** join/#asterisk phix (
01:04.37*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:05.05*** join/#asterisk phix (
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01:47.05*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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02:04.40*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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02:29.11*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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02:38.15*** join/#asterisk tomii (
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02:55.50*** join/#asterisk freetown2 (
03:01.04*** join/#asterisk atcmmi (~atcmmi@
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03:20.22*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
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03:24.16*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
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04:48.42*** join/#asterisk mzb| (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
04:54.14*** join/#asterisk tomii (
05:04.38*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:01.40*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
06:04.39*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:15.05*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:17.11*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
06:24.02*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:49.51*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:21.08*** join/#asterisk tomii (
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07:43.49*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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08:06.56*** join/#asterisk tomii (
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09:15.42*** join/#asterisk jploh (~textual@
09:17.04*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
09:24.38*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:26.33*** join/#asterisk War_Bear (
09:41.45*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
09:44.38*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
09:50.55linociscois there any google employee ? I would like to ask which telephony system is being used. are they using asterisk?
09:56.12*** join/#asterisk biomorph (
09:58.27*** join/#asterisk Xaviertoor (
10:12.57linociscois there any google employee ? I would like to ask which telephony system is being used at google. are they using asterisk?
10:13.49*** join/#asterisk zemmali-voip (~zemmali@unaffiliated/zemmali-voip)
10:14.22ChainsawYes, Google has employees. No, they will not tell a random member of the public about their inner workings. Next?
10:17.52*** join/#asterisk smirker (
10:25.19XaviertoorGoogle, Yahoo, ebay etc
10:30.10linociscofor example, HP is using avaya. cisco is using their own. just like that. I want to record and list.
10:30.28linociscoall US embassies are using Avaya
10:56.38*** join/#asterisk kresp0_ (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
10:58.09*** join/#asterisk jp24 (
11:00.44*** join/#asterisk zemmali-voip (~zemmali@unaffiliated/zemmali-voip)
11:03.22zemmali-voiphi guys ! please i need help to install asterisk on ec2
11:03.34zemmali-voipYou do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64 kernel installed.
11:03.34zemmali-voipmake[1]: *** [oct612x-lib] Error 1
11:03.34zemmali-voipmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/lame-3.98.4/dahdi-linux-complete-'
11:03.34zemmali-voipmake: *** [all] Error 2
11:05.05*** join/#asterisk gartral (~gartral@unaffiliated/gartral)
11:06.15jp24Hi All, I was wondering whether 1.8.15-cert3 is going to be built into an RPM? Many thanks
11:17.09*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
11:41.17*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
11:43.43*** join/#asterisk tapout (~tapout@unaffiliated/tapout)
11:54.27*** join/#asterisk mattcen (
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12:06.18*** join/#asterisk seanbright (~sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
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12:25.24zemmali-voipIllegal instruction
12:29.05zemmali-voipi use centos and i find this pb please help me
12:29.09zemmali-voipIllegal instruction
12:29.57ChainsawThis isn't a CentOS help channel.
12:30.26WIMPyEither you are using software unsuitable for your hardware or your hardware is broken.
12:30.37ChainsawWIMPy: Mention of "Amazon EC2" earlier.
12:30.59WIMPyEither you are using software unsuitable for your "hardware" or your "hardware" is broken.
12:31.11ChainsawWIMPy: I see you like "cloud" solutions as much as I do.
12:32.02WIMPyThere are uses, but far less than being used.
12:32.34zemmali-voipi use "Amazon EC2"
12:42.38*** join/#asterisk Pullphinger (~Pullphing@
12:44.46*** join/#asterisk Hunny (ca7d90e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:45.07HunnyI did fail to ban for asterisk
12:45.23Hunnybut its not blocking ip after ytries which i have mentioned
12:57.24*** join/#asterisk zigg (~matt@unaffiliated/zigg)
13:17.14*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
13:27.56tparcinaWhat has happen to asterisk-addons?
13:28.47kaldemarthey're now included in the main source.
13:30.03*** join/#asterisk linjan (~linjan@
13:30.08tparcinakaldemar: Since what version?
13:30.49linjanHello! I have an strange question, but i dont know, where i can ask it. Anyone know, where i can but DID number in Belize?
13:30.58linjani can buy*
13:34.46*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
13:37.17*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
13:37.30tparcinakaldemar: It seams from version 1.8.
13:38.03*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
13:39.17*** join/#asterisk saxa (
13:39.29saxawhat exactly means this
13:39.42saxaUNKNOWN status ?
13:40.00*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
13:40.01saxaI can get calls but can not make them
13:41.44*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
13:42.48jplohi moved /var/lib/asterisk but db.c still keeps looking at the old directory on version 11.6
13:43.20jplohanyone else experiencing the same thing? it's looking for astdb.sqlite3
13:45.03kaldemarsaxa: nothing really. look at what happens before it.
13:45.52kaldemarjploh: did you change the dir in asterisk.conf?
13:46.52kaldemarcare to pastebin the directories context?
13:48.13saxakaldemar: to be honest not much
13:48.25kaldemarjploh: are you familiar with (!)?
13:48.43jplohkaldemar: no. should i remove it?
13:49.06jplohkaldemar: thanks!
13:49.15tparcinaWhy is in the title "DAHD-linux 2.6.2" when there is dahdi-linux-
13:49.22kaldemarjploh: it disables the context. it is for defining templates that can be inherited from by other contexts.
13:49.48jplohkaldemar: got it
13:49.50saxatparcina: probably they have not updated the web page
13:51.15kaldemarsaxa: Wait does not make a call. you have at least two lines before that.
13:51.21tparcinasaxa: I'm not talking about web page title, but the channel title.
13:51.50kaldemartparcina: the channel title was updated nearly a month ago. just ignore it.
13:52.56tparcinakaldemar: Just it would be nice if it would show accurate information.
13:53.21kaldemartparcina: sure. blame channel ops for that. :)
13:54.11*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-fiinvhoufivzbvne)
13:55.02tparcinaangler, LieutPants, pabelanger, Qwell: Please change the channel title ("DAHDI-linux 2.6.2" => "DAHDI-linux").
13:55.16tparcinakaldemar: Hopefully someone will do something. :)
13:56.17*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
13:57.54*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
13:58.07*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
13:58.08*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
13:58.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
14:03.55saxakaldemar: just tried another thing and excluded a wrong context from my sip-phones context.
14:04.03saxabut now I'm getting this
14:05.44saxaand here is my extensions.conf
14:09.27*** join/#asterisk smirker (~x@
14:11.25tparcinaI have Asterisk that I need to upgrade to 11.6.
14:12.00tparcinaShould I go 1.6 => 1.8 => 10 => 11 or
14:12.00tparcina1.6 => 11.6?
14:13.45*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-rdlflazgzfkvxkzo)
14:15.43kaldemartparcina: no use doing the upgrades in between. just go to the version you're aiming for.
14:16.15tparcinakaldemar: Thank you.
14:16.22*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
14:16.29kaldemarsaxa: enable pri debug
14:16.48tparcinaAnd I hope that dialplan commands haven't changed much. :)
14:17.30danfromukHi. When using a queue, is there any way to get asterisk to put the answering agent into the cdr?
14:17.33kaldemartparcina: they have, some. see UPGRADE*.txt in the source.
14:18.19tparcinakaldemar: Thank you. I didn't know about UPGRADE.txt
14:18.56*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
14:23.56saxatooth*CLI> pri set debug 10
14:23.56saxaNo such command 'pri set debug 10' (type 'core show help pri set' for other possible commands)
14:24.18saxakaldemar: is it possible that pri is not enabled because of openr2 ?
14:26.14*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
14:28.06*** join/#asterisk vtone (
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14:29.00danfromukHow do I reload agents.conf ?
14:29.10saxaagents reload ?
14:29.37saxaok just thought it :)
14:30.32saxagood, is there a way to catch the DNIS number in the extensions.conf ?
14:31.04saxai can use this to make the direct calls to the extension I want correct ?
14:31.33saxaor is there an easier way to route the call to the desired extension directly ?
14:34.49mirela666danfromuk: module reload
14:35.01mirela666danfromuk: module reload < corection
14:36.39saxakaldemar: i made a progress, changing the DAHDI/g0/{EXTEN} to DAHDI/1/{EXTEN} works on calling out.
14:37.18saxaso probably I have to set some things differently in my chan_dahdi.conf or see more in detail the group= paramenter I think.
14:44.52kaldemaryou need to define the group above the channel lines in chan_dahdi.conf
14:45.03saxait is afaik
14:45.40saxabut probably the problem can be sine I have only 10 channels enabled by my telco
14:45.52saxanot all of 31 available
14:47.04saxaok, I got it, i had 2 group= lines
14:47.16saxaone was group=0 and the other group=1
14:47.22*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-mvhovocrslyufank)
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14:52.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:57.29*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
14:59.38saxaok, strange, i have set also the trunkgroup= and span= paramenters in chan_dahdi.conf but still doesnt work.
15:02.53saxagood, sorted it out, I had a misconfiguration in here.
15:03.13saxasorry for the noise, but its the first time i'm playing with this E1 thing.
15:06.23*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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15:19.01*** join/#asterisk secesh (
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15:20.10seceshI'm having trouble with the record command
15:20.15seceshexten => s,n(record),Record(en/${recDir}/${callId}_comm.gsm,600,900,k)
15:20.31seceshrecording always stops at 5 minutes
15:21.27[TK]D-Fendersaxa: How many PRI do you have?
15:21.27seceshit seems I'm missing a timeout variable somewhere, but don't know what it might be.
15:21.43*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:22.24*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
15:36.24*** join/#asterisk Cubber (
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15:37.03danfromukWhen an agent answers a call from a queue, is that recorded anywhere? I cant see it in the CDR.
15:37.44[TK]D-FenderYou know queues have their own log, right?
15:37.54danfromukNo. I didnt.
15:37.59*** join/#asterisk kuku (
15:38.29[TK]D-FenderThis is part of the very basics on them.
15:38.47[TK]D-FenderThere is a text file typically, and many pre-baked system set up SQL as well
15:38.53[TK]D-Fenderit's in the docs
15:39.06danfromukOk, Taking a look now. Thanks for pointing that out.
15:40.09[TK]D-Fenderit gives you the full detail of the time through as to entering, who answers, who ended the call, if they timed or bailed out, etc
15:40.17linjanHello! I have an strange question, but i dont know, where i can ask it. Anyone know, where i can buy DID number in Belize?
15:43.44saxa[TK]D-Fender: i have one TE133 card with 10 channels enabled by the telco, but I have already sorted it out, I was missing the trunkgroup= and span= parameters in the chan_dahdi.conf , so setting them to the correct values, and setting the group=0 to group=1 it worked out.
15:45.13[TK]D-Fendersaxa: You have no need of trunkgroup with a single PRI, that is for NFAS
15:45.33[TK]D-Fendersaxa: Missing SPAN on the other hand is a DOA
15:45.59[TK]D-Fender(and that's for system.conf, not chan_dahdi.conf)
15:46.33danfromukIs extconfig still reparsed when running asterisk -r ?
15:46.55saxanow I have this mess here :) and trying to sort out how to make the direct calls to the extensions.
15:47.46pigpenAnyone using Asterisk and the Polycom VVX phones with voice/video?
15:48.02danfromukHow do I reload extconfig.conf without a total reload?
15:48.21seceshdialplan reload
15:48.34danfromukI dont think thats right
15:48.44saxa[TK]D-Fender: this is how it works for me right now, see here
15:49.45[TK]D-Fendersaxa: span=1,1,1 <- should probably be span=1,1,0.  You shouldn't need LBO set unless you have a long run from your smart-jack to your card
15:50.04saxawhat is a long run ?
15:50.32saxaok I have nearly 1 meter :)
15:50.40saxalet me correct this.
15:50.46[TK]D-Fendersaxa: Also half of what you've shown is for chan_dahdi.conf, not system.conf
15:51.04[TK]D-Fendereither you've made a mess of your pastebin or you've mashed configs together inappropriately
15:51.12saxai pasted both files
15:51.17saxaat once sorry
15:51.32[TK]D-Fendersaxa: You also failed to specify your channels in system.conf
15:51.34saxathe system conf has only the lines after the # comments
15:51.56[TK]D-Fenderline 7 onward is not system.conf stuff
15:52.25[TK]D-FenderActually that whole thing is a mess
15:52.29saxasystem.conf starts at line 43
15:52.32[TK]D-Fender51+ IS system.conf stuff
15:52.39[TK]D-Fenderyou mashed this up very badly
15:53.02*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
15:53.04saxaso I should correct the system.conf channels too ?
15:53.37[TK]D-FenderI can't tell how much is bad pastebin and how much is wrong things in the rwong file
15:53.46[TK]D-FenderDo it again clearly.
15:54.13saxamfcr2 show channels shows the first 10 as active others are showed in an BLOCK state
15:54.24saxaok [TK]D-Fender let me repaste it one by one
15:55.28*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
15:55.30danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: thanks. all sorted
15:55.33saxa <- chan_dahdi.conf
15:56.09[TK]D-Fendersaxa: 3-5 wrong for there
15:56.19[TK]D-Fenderspan does NOT belong in chan_dahdi
15:56.26saxa <- system.conf
15:56.38danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: actually,the queue log doesnt seem to show which extension answered the call.
15:57.27[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: it does
15:58.07saxa[TK]D-Fender: you are right it needs to be spanmap there. I just read it wrongly in the original chan_dahdi.conf
15:58.52[TK]D-Fendersaxa: No.  Spanmap is only for NFAS which you are not doing..... you have ONE PRI
16:00.11*** part/#asterisk secesh (
16:01.25saxa[TK]D-Fender: ok I will cut out trunkgroups and spanmap from that context
16:03.02*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
16:03.18saxa[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the corrections.
16:04.36danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: Got it. Any idea what format the data field is in? For example, event COMPLETEAGENT is "2|1|1"
16:05.04[TK]D-Fenderthat is the hangup.. not the answer..
16:05.13[TK]D-FenderYou should see an obvious line for the answer
16:05.21danfromukCONNECT ?
16:05.54danfromukBut what format is the data in? The CONNECT event is "2|{UNIQUEID}|1"
16:06.34[TK]D-Fenderpastebin it.
16:07.01danfromukIm using mysql. The data is 2|asterisk1-1384790089.20428|1
16:07.10danfromukasterisk1 is the name of this server.
16:07.58[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: dump the table
16:08.07[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: it should be the 4th parameter
16:09.15danfromukI'm going to PM it you if thats ok.
16:10.46*** join/#asterisk jmetro (
16:12.16*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
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16:28.43*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
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16:37.18zafuhi, does anyone remember the polycom setting to have the phone use the last way to dialing (headset/speaker) when dialing?
16:39.47zafuah, up.headsetMode
16:42.46*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
16:49.25*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
16:53.13*** join/#asterisk Geek-Linux (~mubbashir@
16:55.37*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
16:55.39Geek-LinuxHello all, i want to configure ss7 on my asterisk boxes but a slight change is that i have same point codes(opc,dpc) for all my servers, Each server has its own signalling links, Now i want to configure each server separate with out loadbalancing. can some body help me..
16:56.58Geek-Linuxwhen i try to implement this i got and issue , some of my cis goes into ideal and some goes into idle reset pending ?
16:59.34*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
17:00.02CrashSysIs it little or big G that dials from a high channel down? like dial(dahdi/G1) would start at 23 and then go 22, etc?
17:00.36outtoluncg=low, G=high
17:00.42CrashSysok thanks
17:02.08outtoluncremember there are the r/R's also
17:02.31CrashSysYeah, I have a carrier in Canada who says that all calls must start on a high channel 23 and that's standard on all PRIs
17:02.40CrashSystold him he's full of it but couldn't remember which one did which
17:02.55outtoluncprobably in/outbound circuits.. and wishing to neglect glare
17:03.08outtoluncer negate
17:03.51CrashSysI've just never seen a carrier require that before, most carriers we use r to eliminate glare on slow switches
17:04.16*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
17:04.54outtoluncthe ones i've used in the past 30 years were always pick an end for each side.. and hope you don't meet in the middle (like they are suggesting)
17:06.12CrashSysI've never had a carrier care in the last 8 years or so, and it never brought down the D-Channel either
17:08.18CrashSysglare is more of a RBS thing though
17:08.40CrashSysthis is a PRI
17:15.41*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
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17:30.33*** join/#asterisk chris_n (~Chris@koha/developer/chris-n)
17:32.18*** join/#asterisk jeffasinger (~jeffasing@
17:36.12jeffasingerI'm looking through a dialplan, and it seems like there's a bunch of variables that should be loaded in from a mysql database, where would that database location normally be configured?
17:37.55CrashSysThis carrier is now telling me he is going to change the PRI codec from g729 to G711
17:37.59CrashSysthis carrier needs to be shot
17:38.10karl-sits probably a crappy flex circuit
17:38.30karl-snow watch as your faxes start to fail
17:38.40CrashSysIt's voice
17:38.44CrashSysthe d-channel is flapping
17:39.08CrashSysthey are telling me the PRI has to dial high to low cause inbound is low to high (which is more of an RBF/LoopSTart thing)
17:39.17CrashSysand now telling me to reconfigure the codec from G729 to G711
17:39.44fileCrashSys, ...
17:40.34CrashSysI have no clue
17:40.38CrashSysthis carrier is garbage
17:42.34navaismojeffasinger, maybre from odbc.conf or res_config_mysql
17:43.24CrashSysThe truly troubling thing is this is a call center. So the very core essence of their business was shopped around based on a google search for "Worlds cheapest long distance"
17:44.03jeffasingerhmmm, I don't have an obdc.conf, and res_mysql.conf is completely commented out
17:45.44jeffasingernavaismo: thanks for the pointer though, I think this may be related to the fact that I never built asterisk-addons
17:46.17navaismouh an old version,  I see
17:48.10fileCrashSys, the cheapest long distance call is the one you never make...
17:49.26CrashSysand that's what they are doing ad nauseum :)
17:49.48CrashSysOne thing I noticed is the call is placed out DAHDI/G1, but the CLI reverts it to DAHDI/I1
17:50.20jeffasingernavaismo: I should've mentioned that, I'm trying to get this all to work on 1.4, because I know that's what this dial plan was originally working on
17:52.43CrashSysMaybe this is a newer behaviour in 1.8
18:03.32Geek-LinuxHello all, i want to configure ss7 on my asterisk boxes but a slight change is that i have same point codes(opc,dpc) for all my servers, Each server has its own signalling links, Now i want to configure each server separate with out loadbalancing. can some body help me.. when i try to implement this i got and issue , some of my cis goes into ideal and some goes into idle reset pending ?
18:11.43*** join/#asterisk SupaYoshi (
18:11.55SupaYoshiDoes anyone have experience with resetting nortel 1140e devices?
18:14.14jmetrothere might be an #avaya channel?
18:15.04drmessanoAny ideas why a call to a DAHDI channel would generate a fast ringing at the far end?
18:15.34drmessanoSIP <> Asterisk <> DAHDI <> Channel Bank
18:16.16drmessanoI call any of the lines that ring on the channel bank, and rather than a long ring, followed by a long ring, I hear a fast ring-ring-ring-ring-ring
18:16.59drmessanoEnd users think something is broken, so they hang up after the obscure rings
18:16.59lvlinuxT1/E1 channel bank?
18:17.20drmessanoRhino T1 channel bank, to be specific
18:17.57lvlinuxsounds like maybe a setting in the bank, rather than * maybe?
18:18.41lvlinuxdoesn't the bank send a ringing signal back through the T1 line, similiar to how a SIP ringing message gets sent?
18:18.58lvlinux(i could be wrong, but that's how i thought it worked)
18:19.36drmessanoI recently rebuilt the system.  Was fine before the rebuild.  I copied the DAHDI config over from the old box.  Nothing changed on the channel bank.   Only difference is * 11 vs * 1.8
18:19.47drmessano(at least, thats the only difference I can see)
18:20.06jeevdude, i want to retire the as5300 i'm using t1
18:21.06jeevit's just wasting rackspace and power.. what should i move the pri to
18:21.46drmessanojeev, I dont know.  I don't have a PRI for inbound.
18:22.06*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
18:23.13[TK]D-Fenderjeev: How much does it consume?  What consumes less?  How long would it take for the power savings to pay for the new solution?
18:23.23[TK]D-Fenderjeev: How do you not already have this answer?
18:23.57drmessano[TK]D-Fender, any thoughts on my issue?
18:24.19jeevfender, i have some equipment, this wont cost me much, i believe it's using 2 or 3 amps, so about 24-36 bucks in power. it's also using 3U which I could use for something else.
18:24.36jeevi believe i have an adtran that can take the PRI and give me the same sip service.
18:24.52jeevor i can pop a pri card into a server and go direct into asterisk but i'm kind of scared to do that,
18:25.37[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: If you're calling out... the ringing the far end seew shouldn't be any of your doing, should it?
18:26.00drmessanoCalling in to one of the lines going to the channel bank.. Others work fine
18:26.54[TK]D-Fenderjeev: No-one can solve the "I'm scared" part.  So many of use these cards and have for untold years.
18:27.21[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Yes, Adtran makes gateways.  I'm sure they work fine.  Many people here have used them before.
18:27.22jeevfender, that's not why i'm scared.
18:27.37lvlinuxdrmessano: have you tried checking/changing/setting the ring cadence in your chan_dahdi.conf?
18:27.44[TK]D-Fenderjeev: You need to learn how to just make a decision.  Facts don't seem to be the issue.
18:27.56jeevi can even just use a
18:28.00saxahi, anybody can suggest how should I handle the incoming number to ring directly the selectes SIP device ?
18:28.02jeevi dont need the fx, i get ethernet and t1.. should do sip
18:28.20[TK]D-Fendersaxa: it's your dilaplan.. make it dow hat you want
18:28.32karl-sjeev, i've been pretty happy with the G100 gateway. (although it had its growing pains early on)
18:30.04Penguinsaxa: Do you mean all calls to your phone number will ring your phone?
18:30.29saxa[TK]D-Fender: yeah i understand that, but what are the variables I have to use, I get the DNIS number correctly depending on the number called.
18:30.44[TK]D-Fendersaxa: Go look at the call.
18:30.57Penguinsaxa: Do you want only certain callers to go directly to your phone?
18:31.31saxaMFC/R2 call offered on chan 1. ANI = 7181962449, DNIS = 5903, Category = National Subscriber
18:32.21[TK]D-Fendersaxa: And in the dialplan?
18:36.19navaismonot sure if trolling or real question
18:37.11PenguinAfter two of my questions were ignored, I'm not in the helping mood anymore.  I would have told him exactly how to do what he was trying to do if he would have been clear in his goal.
18:40.59saxaPenguin: sorry i was busy over here
18:41.36saxaPenguin: I would like to make it as follows
18:41.56saxai would like to use one number for the outgoing calls
18:42.11saxaor maximum 2 numbers from the 10 I have at my disposal
18:42.33saxabut would like that when somebody calls my direct number it rings only on my sip phone.
18:42.56saxalvlinux: i'm reading that book right now, thx
18:43.07PenguinYou use the word "somebody," but do you mean EVERYbody or only one?
18:43.45saxa[TK]D-Fender: I would like to know if I can get those ANI and DNIS variables in some way in the dialplan, as the teting dialplan I have handles this just with the _XXXX
18:44.03saxaPenguin: somebody is anybody who calls my number
18:44.04[TK]D-Fendersaxa: "core show function CALLERID" <-----------
18:44.30PenguinCreate an extension that uses Dial() to dial your device.  That is all.
18:44.35saxaoh ok, is always with CALLERID() , will look at it.
18:45.12saxaPenguin: yes, but first I need to parse probably the incoming number
18:45.28saxawill * do that for me ?
18:45.30PenguinBecuase ALL callers go directly to your phone.
18:45.51PenguinIf all callers go to your phone, we don't care who they are.
18:47.23*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
18:47.25CrashSysAnyone ever ran into an issue with a Cisco IAD2432 and PRI to Asterisk?
18:48.12saxaPenguin: no, there is 10 numbers available, so one of those 10 numbers will be mine, others will be from other people
18:48.31CrashSysAsterisk says the d-channel is flapping (up/down quickly), but the Cisco says everything is fine
18:48.42saxaso example, I have 11223300 as main number which will fall onto the central desk.
18:48.56PenguinThat's what extensions are for.  Create an extension for YOUR NUMBER that Dials YOUR PHONE.
18:49.00saxabut if somebody calls 11223303 will ring only on my desk.
18:49.20saxaok got it.
18:50.01saxabut do i need to care if the DNIS will be 3303 ?
18:50.30saxahow * will know that if DNIS=3303 to ring only my sip extension ?
18:50.56PenguinThere's no sip extension.  There is only a sip phone.
18:51.01[TK]D-Fendersaxa: because your dialplan should see that as the inbound extensions and YOU should ahve created a match for it
18:51.17saxabecause with a global dialplan I have here right now, just for testing any number in range of 3300-3349 I call it always ring my testing phone.
18:51.28[TK]D-Fendersaxa: Make a precise match
18:51.33PenguinExtensions run dial plan applications.  In your case, the Dial() application puts the call to your phone.
18:52.10saxaok so exten => 3303,1,Dial(SIP/saxa) ?
18:52.45PenguinIf you call the number that you're working with, does asterisk look for extension 3303?
18:52.46jmetroexten => [whatever your server gets when its dialed],1,Dial([your tech]/[your peer])
18:53.27saxajmetro: ok, so the name of the extension should match the incoming number
18:53.28jmetrodial the number, see the error message asterisk gets that says "Extension [blahbllah] not found in context [your incoming context]
18:53.36jmetromake that your exten.
18:53.50PenguinThat's what extensions are for.
18:53.56jmetrosome providers will let you choose what gets sent to your server.
18:54.07saxawill experiment a bit with it, I just tought I could use that DNIS part.
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18:54.33saxain some way, but if its not needed better :)
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18:54.48PenguinDepends on what the call goes to when you call the number.  Go look.
18:55.23[TK]D-FenderLooking appears to be the last resort regardless of being the first thing one is told to do.
18:56.14saxa as you see here, I just got some calls on channel 7 and 8 but the phone never ringed over here.
18:57.15PenguinMake a call to the number that you're trying to configure.
18:57.47saxa <- extensions.conf as it is now.
18:58.13saxai think it should ring for any number that comes in as it is now.
18:58.38[TK]D-FenderYou should probably enable CHANNEL LEVEL debug on that...
18:58.38saxait should ring on SIP/ludmila&SIP/saladereuniao
18:58.44PenguinI see by looking at your dial plan that you want the people who call you to be able to do DTMF transfers.
18:58.49[TK]D-FenderAs we see no details of what it is looking for.
18:59.02[TK]D-FenderAnd we don't see the line we get witht he other call that DID get accepted in the first place
18:59.11PenguinSo if I call you, I'll transfer the call to someone else.
18:59.17[TK]D-FenderWe are missing any kind of comparative analysis between these 2 calls...
18:59.41saxai just saw that apeard that now on my phone
18:59.52saxas/phone/asterisk CLI
19:00.16[TK]D-FenderAnd you should know the commands to get more debug for that specifica channel type
19:00.45saxai have not enabled any debug yet, but will apply those command, need to find them out first :)
19:01.06saxaI know the sip set debug on , but for pri does not work
19:01.24outtoluncpri set debug on span 1
19:01.31saxamfcr2 also does not show much, but i have enbled debugging in the openr2
19:01.46saxaouttolunc: let me try
19:02.08saxatooth*CLI> pri set debug on span 1
19:02.09saxaNo PRI running on span 1
19:02.26outtoluncthen you are not config'd as a PRI
19:02.34outtolunc(on that span)
19:06.01*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
19:08.12outtoluncsaxa: do a 'dahdi show status'
19:08.31outtoluncthat will at least show what the system seeing
19:09.17saxatooth*CLI> dahdi show status
19:09.18saxaDescription                              Alarms  IRQ    bpviol CRC    Fra Codi Options  LBO
19:09.21saxaWildcard TE133 Card 0                    OK      0      -1     -1     CAS HDB3          0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
19:09.45outtoluncits CAS (like e&m, not PRI)
19:10.38saxathere is no cas command in the cli
19:11.10saxaok, I have to go now, l8r I'm back on that.
19:11.14saxathx for now
19:11.16saxac u
19:11.16outtoluncthats because there is no OOB signalling
19:11.41saxaok have no idea, i'm first time using this kind of hardware.
19:12.09saxac u
19:12.15*** part/#asterisk saxa (
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19:29.07*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
19:36.33*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
19:39.56*** join/#asterisk crumb (crumb@gateway/shell/
19:40.06crumbasterisk -cvvv causes a segmentation fault
19:40.13crumbhow do i find out what's causing it
19:40.26WIMPyEither you are using software unsuitable for your "hardware" or your "hardware" is broken.
19:40.26cuscohave logger.conf write everything to full
19:40.36crumbcusco: me?
19:40.44cuscoand find out wich module is breaking it
19:41.34PenguinTry starting it with -ddddddddvvvvvvvv
19:41.58crumbgl_pathc 3
19:42.00crumbSegmentation fault
19:42.08PenguinYou may need to pastebin the ENTIRE output from the time you run the command until it seg faults.
19:42.10*** join/#asterisk LoBoGoL (~LoBoGoL@
19:43.23PenguinThere's nothing there!
19:43.34cuscothere is gl_pathc
19:43.37cuscowhat is that?
19:43.45crumbwhat's gl_patch 3 mean?
19:44.22jmetrosounds like a typo
19:44.52crumbyeah, it's gl_pathc
19:45.01cuscoseems xmldoc related
19:45.04cusconot to worry
19:45.07cuscoperhaps your configs?
19:45.13cuscotried removing all from /etc/asterisk ?
19:45.22cuscoalso if all else fails:
19:47.08crumbi moved the entire /etc/asterisk dir, and it still segfaults
19:48.40ChannelZ-WkDid you compile this yourself or is it a package? (or did I miss that part)
19:49.56cusco(as did I)
19:51.17cuscoit is also worth noting, that distros are getting better at packagin software *for* *their* *own* *distro* - meaning, not to use some package you found on the web just because it uses the same packaging model as your distro
19:51.38cuscostill, did you compile it from source?
19:53.00crumbmy distro only provides a build script for asterisk which packages it
19:53.00crumbso yeah, it's built from source
19:53.03PenguinWhich distro?
19:53.11PenguinWhich asterisk version?
19:53.55cuscoslackware can easely use rpm's watch out!
19:54.27cuscoso... whats wrong with: ./configure, make menuselect, make, make install
19:54.30ChannelZ-WkThe "
19:55.05crumbhas the ./configure parameters ^
19:55.13*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
19:55.38ChannelZ-WkHow old of a slackware install is it?  I wonder if the compiler is a jacked version or something
19:56.02crumbgcc version 4.8.2
19:56.07Penguincusco: That's exactly what the slackbuild does.
19:56.09ChannelZ-WkThe 'No ethernet interface found' is troubling
19:56.13Chainsawcrumb: That's actually surprisingly new.
19:56.40ChannelZ-WkThe don't use selinux do they?  Like it's locked off access to everythanng
19:56.46crumbwhy is it that when i mention slackware, everyone thinks it's something ancient
19:57.00PenguinThey don't know.
19:57.09ChannelZ-WkCrystal ball is broken.
19:57.14PenguinFeel free to enlighten them if they are under the wrong impression.
20:00.08jmetrowhy slack when you can debian
20:00.14crumbok, i have gdb built
20:01.39PenguinSome of us don't necessarily like debian.  Why do you live in a building instead of a paper carton?
20:02.55*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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20:05.53[TK]D-FenderThis GDB was configured as "i486-slackware-linux".
20:06.03[TK]D-FenderDoes * even support i486 anymore?
20:06.21crumbit was tuned for i686
20:06.36WIMPy(i.e. not really)
20:07.18crumb0x081b33c0 in ast_xmldoc_load_documentation ()
20:07.25crumbthen.. 0xb747d133 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/
20:09.37crumba bunch of No symbol table info available.
20:12.29cmendes0101Would a digit only CNAM be valid? Sending it to the carrier and no error on it but been months and hasn't actually updated everywhere yet
20:14.23PenguinI wouldn't see a problem with a CNAM with only numbers.
20:14.23ChannelZ-WkI don't see why not, but the CNAM system is kind of a mess
20:15.14cmendes0101Thanks, I figured it "should" be ok but thought I would ask
20:15.31WIMPySome software has trouble with names starting with digits.
20:16.27ChannelZ-WkOr the year 2000
20:17.05WIMPyOr the year 2010 (or was it 2011?).
20:17.33WIMPyOr the year 2038, off course.
20:17.51*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
20:18.02PenguinIf it goes off course, it could wreck!
20:19.49outtoluncjust like it's 19101 all over again ;)
20:19.49*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
20:20.39dwayneAnyone ever see (and know how to fix) Polycom 650's displaying "Caller ID Number" (line 1) followed by the DNIS (line 2) on the Caller ID screen even though Asterisk ${CALLERID(num)} and ${CALLERID(name)} contains properly received caller ID information?
20:27.16*** join/#asterisk lordvadr (
20:31.02PenguinI wish there was some way to see detailed stats on items in ipset tables.
20:31.36[TK]D-Fenderdwayne: Show us the call
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20:34.36dwayne[TK]D-Fender, ok, one sec
20:35.01ChannelZ-WkPenguin: Detailed in what way
20:37.36*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
20:37.43PenguinI'm using iptables and match-set <myset>, which refers to ipset.  My sets have lots of addresses, and I would like to see packets and/or bytes for each entry in the sets, much like the counters in iptables.
20:38.30PenguinIf the address was matched by an iptables rule with -d addr, the counter would reflect things that have matched the rule.
20:40.17PenguinSince the iptables rule matches everything in a set, the iptables counter is cumulative.  I would like to see detailed counters for the items in the set.
20:40.51*** join/#asterisk dar123 (~DAR@
20:43.49lordvadrHello, I need to get a macro or gosub or something run as soon as a channel is progressing during a Dial().  Like M(), or U(), but I need it to happen immediately after successful setup of a call.  Anybody have any ideas?  Asterisk 1.8.7.
20:46.34PenguinIsn't that what M and U options do?
20:46.45lordvadrNo, they do that after the call is answered.  I need it after it is setup.
20:46.52lordvadre.g. progressing.
20:47.44lordvadrOn isdn it's called progressing, which is what I'm getting at...but yeah, thanks for that.
20:48.17WIMPyprogressing is after proceeding.
20:48.20PenguinI guess I don't see a difference between "successful setup of a call" and "after the call is answered."
20:48.26lordvadrSpecifically I'm trying to get at CHANNEL(dahdi_channel) while the call is ringing.
20:49.00WIMPyMaybe you should tell us what you want to do.
20:49.05lordvadrand, more importantly, depending on who hangs up, using g and F() to get at it doesn't work if the hangup comes from one direction.
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20:49.24WIMPyI'm not sure what kind of events chan_dahdi throws.
20:50.51crumbPenguin, cusco, [TK]D-Fender .. it was -O2, i just swapped it with -g and no more segfault
20:51.05lordvadrI want to log span # and B channel # in CDR.  On an inbound call, it's pretty easy, just put a Set(CDR(userfield)=${CHANNEL(dahdi_channel)}) during the "see if we're going to accept this" functionality.
20:51.19WIMPycrumb: I always use -O3
20:51.25Penguincrumb: As in optimization?
20:51.46WIMPyWhat to you want the channel for?
20:51.49lordvadrOn outbound, it's a whole lot more difficult.  I've found no way to catch it if the call is never answered.  F() works if the far end hangs up first.  The 'g' flag functionality works, but the channel is already deallocated by then.
20:52.53lordvadrWIMPy: A number of reasons, mostly so I can put some graphs together and to find where there are buggy channels.
20:53.17WIMPyBuggy channels? What's that supposed to be?
20:53.48WIMPyEither the line works or it doesn't, but it's not down to specific channels.
20:54.06lordvadrWe've had more than one instance where asterisk gets stuck in some sort of resetting state, or failed to deallocate the channel.  Our PSTN provider then starts sending calls that get rejected by asterisk.  We start hearing some complaints from customers and by the time we get enough info to go find it, it's a couple weeks later.
20:54.48lordvadrI'd like to already have the information to find it, or more importantly, that seeing calls on every channel throughout the day means everything is working correctly.
20:54.55WIMPyOk, that was a known issue, but a simple upgrade should hopefully cure that.
20:55.41WIMPyYou can do that without Asterisk. Just look at the D channel.
20:56.14WIMPyBut you really should fix the issue instead of automating the detection of it.
20:57.25lordvadrWe've actually seen it happen twice.  First time I fixed it in source, filed a bug report with a patch, and got blown off.  I still haven't pinned down the second issue yet, but this is a production system handling 20k calls a day.  I can't just willy-nilly start shooting in the dark with upgrades.  It was an upgrade that gave us this bug:
20:57.26LieutPants[ASTERISK-18899] [Status: Closed] [Assigned: lordvadr] Erroneous ISDN 44 Rejection Hangup() bug -
20:57.27outtolunclordvadr: you might mod channel.c (look for AST_CONTROL_PROCEEDING and AST_CONTROL_PROGRESS)
20:57.31dwayne[TK]D-Fender, , re: Polycom CID Display
20:58.34WIMPyWell, that's why I prefer to use standard Linux drivers over the Digium ones.
20:58.50lordvadrThere are "standard Linux drivers" for Digium hardware?
20:59.02WIMPyBut I think they should also be ok by now.
20:59.19WIMPyNo, not for Digium hardware, but for others.
20:59.25[TK]D-Fenderdwayne: Nowhere in there do I see the debug going to the phone...
20:59.35lordvadrWIMPy: What are "they" that should also be ok by now?
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20:59.54lordvadrAnd, what other hardware?  We tried some OpenVOX hardware which promptly shit themselves.
21:00.18lordvadrWhere may I find these standard drivers?
21:00.31WIMPyThe standard el cheapo stuff with CCD chips.
21:00.53WIMPyThe famous HFC brand.
21:01.19WIMPyBut there are others as well.
21:01.23dwayne[TK]D-Fender, sorry, coming up
21:02.06lordvadrBack when we built this system, there were only a handful of players in the quad PRI market.  Digium and OpenVOX.  I think there were some Sangoma cards as well, but I've never seen any el cheapo PRI cards.
21:02.48WIMPyThe HFC ones are only available as single or dual span AFAIK.
21:03.34WIMPyBut I found them to be a lot less trouble than the special Asterisk stuff.
21:04.06ChainsawI use external hardware (Patton Smartnode gateways).
21:04.33ChainsawAnd don't get me wrong, configuring them is hell on earth. Proper telco-grade "bring a consult or sacrifice a week of your life" stuff.
21:04.40lordvadrWIMPy: We've only had a handful of problems with the Digium hardware, and getting support on it is nice.  I threw the openvox cards out the window.
21:04.48WIMPyBut dahdi has more features by now. But not all the Linux drivers offer. So it relly depends on what you need.
21:04.59ChainsawBut if you need it to work always... it seems one of the only options.
21:05.10Chainsawconsultant, even.
21:05.15ChainsawTyping is difficult.
21:05.30lordvadrChainsaw: We've considered putting something in front of these boxes, but we do a lot of manipulation with the calls.
21:05.49Chainsawlordvadr: It's just ISDN<->SIP really.
21:05.52*** join/#asterisk Sjors (
21:05.58lordvadrSo far they've worked pretty well, just a few problems.  ANYWAY, I only have what I have to work with.  I'd like to log the B chan.  Any ideas?
21:06.02Chainsawlordvadr: You can manipulate all you want. It also does T38 correctly, which is a rare treat.
21:06.12WIMPylordvadr: And losing calls is not much of a problem then?
21:06.29*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
21:06.46WIMPyAs I said: Just look at the D channel and forget about Asterisk.
21:06.47lordvadrIf I can fix it, it's not.  It's when I can't and have to stay up all night trading patches with a guy in China that it becomes a problem.
21:07.34WIMPyI have hopes that that issue has been fixed.
21:08.22lordvadrI believe you.  We had a similar but different issue recently (same symptoms at least) that having channel info in CDR would have been really handy.  Also, upper mgmt wants to keep track of it.
21:08.24WIMPyBut I think the issue causing both calls to be dropped on a "glare" situation still exists.
21:08.53WIMPyChannel numbers are pretty meaningless.
21:09.10lordvadrNot to the switch engineer at Windstream.
21:09.37lordvadrAnd we haven't seen any glare problems, even when we've tried to create them.  Seems asterisk handles glare fine.
21:09.55WIMPyThe CRNs are the omportant identifier.
21:10.34WIMPyAs far as I know your issue is a consequence of the glare issue.
21:10.36WIMPyOr rather was.
21:10.48lordvadrGetting CRN might become something we want later.  In any case, it's really easy to get span and channel on an incoming call.  Outgoing is much more difficult.
21:11.24WIMPyFrom the dialplan.
21:11.35lordvadrWe've got 4 PRI's in a trunk group from Windstream heading to two different servers.  We'd really like to see what channel utilization looks like.  I can get a count from the DAHDI/i[1|2], but nothing more.
21:12.05WIMPyWhat more do you need?
21:12.24lordvadrOk, so that was the point of asking.  If it can't be done well in the dialplan, I'll try to find another way to do it.
21:12.36WIMPyYou know how many channels are in use per interface.
21:12.53WIMPyThat's what I suggested. twice.
21:13.14lordvadrAnd if one never breaks N, I want to be able to pin down which channels are buggy.
21:13.51lordvadrWhich was easy to do back before I asked Windstream to random-hunt in an effort to make similar problems in the future have less impact while we investigate.
21:14.20lordvadrNo, there's no real predictability of where calls come in, but I can log them easy.  I need to be able to log them out as well.
21:14.56lordvadrReally, somebody wrote a bot to run sed commands?
21:15.05Chainsawlordvadr: Oh yes.
21:15.40Chainsawlordvadr: And it responds to some ~markers to help Fender fend off queries he doesn't want to answer.
21:15.43jmetrolordvadr: Look how useful it was. You just realized it without even using.
21:15.56lordvadrYou know, I love the open-source community...some of them can be real shit-heads, but in general they're brilliant and friendly people.  But every once in a while I wonder if they need better hobbies sometimes.
21:16.02WIMPyI could offer you a Tektronix 1205. That will answer all your questions.
21:17.22lordvadrI have an HST and a 2440, but I'd like a sleeker option.  Thanks though.  That being said, is there a good way to get the D-channel debug stuck in a different file the rest of the debug?
21:17.48WIMPypri set debug file...
21:18.25lordvadrWIMPy: Thanks for that.  I went looking for something like that but evidently missed it.
21:18.50WIMPyIIRC there was a n option added to do it completely outside of Asterisk as well.
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21:19.41WIMPyIIRC there was an option added to dahdi to do it completely outside of Asterisk as well.
21:20.57lordvadrWIMPy: There's really interesting bug that pops up if you leave the kernel module in debug mode.
21:22.33WIMPyNo, a usersapce app that writes pcap files.
21:23.49lordvadrWIMPy: I'll pass on that.  Having a continuous log of the d channel would be really helpful for other reasons too, I just didn't know how to get it without it cluttering up the already cluttered verbose output.
21:24.10lordvadrSo that's probably the route I'll go.  Just wish I could do it in the dialplan also and get it into CDR.
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21:35.56[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
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22:36.28jeevdoes an adtran channel bank or whatever this is, takes a t1, sends it out amphenol to a block which a nortel system is connected to.. does that pass date/time ? i unplugged and plugged back in and the time is off
22:36.43SupaYoshidoes anyone here ahve experience with upgrading Nortel phones? I got everything setup but the display shows,  Upgrades are availible
22:36.46SupaYoshibut it wont start the update...
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22:46.48navaismotry in #nortel
22:47.39jeevthere are -4 people in there
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22:57.24dar123my motherboard doesnt support pci 2.2 which is required by the telephony card i bought
22:57.39dar123do i need to upgrade my pc ? :(
22:58.07WIMPyWhat card _requires_ 2.2?
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22:58.32dar123its digium TDM410
22:58.39ChainsawWIMPy: Anything that will not do 5V signalling.
23:00.10ChainsawWIMPy: The slot will appear to be 180 degrees reversed compared to the card, give or take.
23:00.35WIMPyBut 3.3V has existed for longer, hasn't it?
23:00.41ChainsawWIMPy: No.
23:01.15dar123WMPy: i might be wrong but following the documentation it seems like that
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23:03.18WIMPyAccording to wikipedia 5V support was removed in PCI 3.0.
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23:03.54ChainsawWIMPy: PCI 2.2 mandated 3.3V support.
23:04.07ChainsawWIMPy: PCI 2.3 phased out 5V-only cards.
23:04.37ChainsawWIMPy: We could talk shop about this all night if you wish, but it doesn't help dar123 fit a 3.3V-only PCI card into a 5V-only slot. Because that's what's going on here.
23:05.13dar123is just did a "lspci -n" and wasnt able to find vendor id d161
23:05.22WIMPyWell, it's not easy to find PC components that are compatible with each other.
23:05.43ChainsawWIMPy: It is actually, but it requires prior study before purchase.
23:05.58WIMPyNo, it's not.
23:06.35WIMPySo the card did fit physically? Then you shouldn't have an issue.
23:07.03dar123yes the card fits perfectly
23:10.19dar123i am new to linux, i might be missing some steps here. What do i need to do first for the card to work
23:10.38WIMPyInstall the drivers.
23:10.58Chainsawdar123: Based on Google image results, the TDM410p is a 3.3V/5V universally keyed card. Can I get lspci -vv output on pastebin please.
23:13.15dar123whats pastebin, sorry for the question
23:13.25Chainsawdar123: It's a website on
23:13.38Chainsawdar123: You can paste that long lspci -vv output there, and it'll give you a link that you can give me.
23:14.26Chainsawdar123: Make it lspci -nnvv
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23:22.36Chainsawdar123: So you're running a VM. Have you set up PCI pass-through correctly?
23:23.00WIMPyIs that supported?
23:23.41ChainsawWIMPy: Now there's a loaded question.
23:24.25WIMPyI was once told that it's not.
23:24.35WIMPyBut that information might be out of date.
23:25.34dar123i have VMware workstation 7
23:25.51PenguinBut does it have PCI pass-through?
23:26.25dar123i do not have any option on it, let me see if version 10 has the option
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23:31.12dar123ahh download is going to take some time
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23:35.03ChainsawAt any rate, three hurrahs for my friend lspci.
23:35.20ChainsawAs we'd all have spent a lot of time trying to figure out why that PCI card did not show up inside that VM.
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23:40.07dar123is asterisk scf mature ? Just started reading about it
23:40.28[TK]D-FenderSCF died a while back
23:42.00ChainsawIndeed, that ship has sailed.
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23:42.25[TK]D-FenderActually... that ship never launched
23:42.26mjordanand yet, the knowledge and lessons learned live on
23:43.41dar123hmmm what if someone wants to build a very scalable asterisk deployment to cater millions of subscribers
23:44.14[TK]D-FenderThen they should rethink their business model
23:44.15dar123was searching for a whitepaper or any howto on such deployment
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23:44.38[TK]D-FenderAsterisk doesn't do "millions"., or tens of thousands.
23:44.56[TK]D-FenderYou woul dneed a large infrastructure to spread such a thing over
23:45.20dar123i have heard some people are using asterisk for services like viber
23:45.50[TK]D-Fenderdar123: You'll find that paper on the 3rd shelf along with bigfoot, unicorns, and my raise from last year...
23:46.00dar123offcourse not that big customer base, but still significant size. they put tons of servers to distribute the load
23:47.38dar123i thought so too, asterisk is not designed to scale but the guy i met was very convincing
23:48.28[TK]D-Fendergrabs a few of his pamphlets for "Ocean-front property for sale in Nevada" and prepares his pitch....
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23:49.58mjordandefine "scale"
23:50.09Chainsawouttolunc: I was going to say something along those lines :D
23:50.25[TK]D-Fendermjordan: Someone's alrady gotten their hands on a few "ounces" ;)
23:51.32mjordanIt's funny. People always talk about scalability, but rarely do the definitions match up.
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