IRC log for #asterisk on 20131115

00:07.38newtonrbunglex, what is the full dial string you set ?
00:09.05newtonrbunglex, just copy paste the  blindxfer  line from your features.conf
00:10.37bunglexblindxfer => ##
00:11.07bunglexi dont think any keypresses are being recognised
00:12.09newtonrif the channels are being created with Dial, are you calling it with the 't' or 'T' options to allow feature code transfers?
00:12.45bunglexive tried both t and T
00:13.22newtonrand codes other than ## don't work either?
00:13.44bunglexno - and nothing shows up on the cli
00:13.46newtonris this on a SIP channel?
00:14.01newtonrwhat do you mean exactly by "nothing shows up on the cli" ?
00:14.43bunglexi was expecting something to show up to acknowledge the feature keys had been pressed
00:14.45danfromukbunglex: pastebin your logger.conf, features.conf and your extensions.conf
00:15.23danfromukjust the section of extensions.conf that the call goes through
00:16.01newtonrbunglex, it depends on what levels of verbose, debug, and dtmf messages you have turned up, also the channel technology
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00:16.24bunglexi see
00:16.46danfromukbunglex: add dtmf to console=> in logger.conf
00:16.50danfromukthen reload the logger
00:16.54newtonrbunglex, you want verbose and debug messages going to the console (see logger.conf) and you want them turned up to level 5 (see asterisk.conf)
00:17.46newtonryeah and the dtmf type that danfromuk mentioned there
00:17.58newtonrwhich doesn't have a verbosity level, its just on or off
00:19.31newtonr"logger show channels" on the CLI after you do what danfromuk said will help you confirm what messages are going where
00:20.08bunglexok...will try now
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00:27.29bunglexgreat - ok now i see the DTMF in the cli
00:29.07bunglexbegin '#' recieved on sip and then dtmf begin passthrough '#' on sip.. end accepted etc.
00:30.50bunglexi had put include => parkedcalls in sip.conf  - is that correct? i cant see any other reference to parkedcalls in sip.conf
00:32.26bunglex  features.conf - which seems as most of it is commented out
00:32.26danfromukput that in extensions.conf
00:32.33danfromuknot sip.conf
00:33.02bunglexsorry i meant extensions.conf
00:33.16danfromukIt may not be being applied to that sip peer's dial plan
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00:33.41danfromukcan you pb your entire extensions.conf?
00:34.33PenguinI give my phones a context of "phones" and the phones context includes parkedcalls.
00:37.06bunglexive included parkedcalls - but cant see where the parked calls context is defined in my extensions.conf.......
00:37.27PenguinDid you run "dialplan reload" after you changed and saved extensions.conf?
00:37.45PenguinYou always have to run dialplan reload when changing extensions.conf.
00:37.50bunglexyes, welll core stop now and reloaded
00:38.12PenguinThat's a waste.  dialplan reload is the appropriate thing to reload extensions.conf.
00:39.02bunglexahh ok - thanks... its a steep curve for me
00:39.27PenguinAt some point, you'll come over the top.
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00:39.44ChannelZ-Wkand then we'll all crash and die at the bottom
00:41.27bunglexgod i hope so - but jesus it seems like a massive massive mountain.....head wrecker!    im using 3cx softphone - when i open another line i hear the MOH - but i just cant figure out hot to put on hold with keypresses (that i need for handsets)
00:42.08PenguinThe phones don't have hold buttons?
00:42.23m0spherei'm using callcentric DID for inbound calls. i then have DID forwarding to an extension, which is set up and registered to my freepbx server. I'm calling my DID from cellphone1 and reaching cellphone2, then with cellphone3 i call the same DID and it just rings. I assume this is because my DID is forwarding to an extension that is already on a call. How do I set this up to accept more calls?
00:42.52bunglexnope - no hold button
00:44.08runfromnowhereHmm, has anyone ever seen Asterisk 11 make a database entry for a call without mentioning it at all in the verbose log?  I'm searching for log data on this call via UniqueID but there's no mention....even though it's been assigned a "recordingfile" filename
00:44.33ChannelZ-Wkm0sphere: There's like 5 possible reasons, freepbx could be doing something (or nothing as it were), callcentric might be doing something...
00:45.05danfromukbunglex: what context do the phones have?
00:47.11m0spherei don't believe it's freepbx because the cli doesn't show cellphone3 ever reaching it
00:47.25ChannelZ-Wkthen it'd be callcentric
00:47.26danfromukbunglex: to park a call, you need to press the transfer button, and transfer the call to the call parking extension
00:49.32bunglexcontext 'main'  - one of the phones does not have a transfer button
00:50.19danfromukfeatures.conf allows you to add digits for transfer
00:50.25ChannelZ-Wkfeatures.conf then :/
00:50.26ChannelZ-Wkdtmf transfer
00:50.34PenguinIf you need to do dtmf transfers, specify the t dial option on the phone's extension.
00:50.54danfromukatxfer => *2
00:50.58danfromukWhat does *2 do?
00:51.30PenguinIt's usually just the # to trigger it, I believe.  But you have to have the t dial option on your extension when calls go to you, and you have to use the T dial option on extensions when you call out from your phone.
00:51.54danfromukPenguin: he pastebin'd his features.conf and hes got *2 for attended transfer
00:52.01PenguinI didn't see it.
00:52.08PenguinI just look in features.conf sample.
00:52.20Penguinblind transfer is # by default.
00:52.50danfromukYes, but to park a call and hear the parked extension number, would he not have to do an attended transfer?
00:52.56PenguinYou can use #1 if you want, but it is just # by default.
00:52.57ChannelZ-Wkerr # if not set, samples uses #1
00:53.00runfromnowhereThis almost looks like a bug...
00:53.22bunglexthe extension is exten => 6002,1,Dial(Sip/BoxxPC,15,T)  -
00:53.42danfromuktry tT for testing and see what happens
00:53.58PenguinIf you call extension 6002, when BoxxPC answers, BoxxPC should be able to hit the feature code on the keypad and it will work.
00:54.01danfromukDont forget to remove the one you dont need
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00:57.15bunglexwow the tT worked!!!!
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00:57.40ChannelZ-WkYou probably only want t
00:57.48danfromukone allows the caller to transfer, the other allows the callee to transfer.
00:57.52PenguinDepends on which way the call is going.
00:58.07PenguinIf someone called him at 6002, and he wants to transfer, he'd want T.
00:58.28PenguinNo, I think I said that backward.
00:58.29ChannelZ-Wkmm, no that'd be t.
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00:58.39danfromukPenguin: yes, but which one is he trying to transfer from. Which end of the call is trying the transfer
00:58.49PenguinYeah, I can't erase after I press Enter.
00:59.01ChannelZ-WkChances are you want t on your "incoming" extensions and T on your "outgoing"
00:59.09bunglexi am trying to transfer an incoming call
00:59.20danfromukI use t
00:59.30PenguinFor calls coming to you, the dial that rings your phone needs the t so you can transfer.
00:59.40SmirkerHi guys. Unfortunately I'm working on an old production server running Asterisk 1.6, and I need to access something similar to MASTER_CHANNEL(), to update MASTER_CHANNEL(CHANNEL(musicclass)). Is there any way to set the musicclass on the master channel in Asterisk 1.6?
00:59.54danfromukRight. I'm off for the night. Glad I could help for a change!
01:00.07bunglexthank you thank you thank you :-)
01:00.08ChannelZ-WkAnd then get a phone with a transfer button :)
01:00.09SmirkerMy aim is to implement one MOH for pre-answer, and then one MOH for post-answer and they put a customer on hold.
01:00.52PenguinI don't have any idea what a master channel is.
01:00.59danfromukbunglex: good luck. A little tip Ive discovered.... include a pastebin of your code in your question. More chance of someone answering.
01:01.24bunglexfor gods sake next problem is that the DTMF tone works on softphones - but for some reason it doesnt on the SPA  :-)  thats for tomorrow.
01:01.41bunglexwill do...thanks danfromuk
01:01.46PenguinSPA what?
01:01.49ChannelZ-WkOld way is SetMusicOnHold(classname)
01:02.01ChannelZ-WkBut I'm not sure when old became old
01:02.08PenguinIt can do transfers natively.
01:02.11PenguinNo DTMF required.
01:02.43danfromukLook at the dtmfmode for that peer. The SPA3102 might not be sending what asterisk is expecting.
01:02.57bunglexahh good point.... actually it must be the handset then
01:02.59SmirkerChannelZ-Wk, I need to change the MOH after the Queue is answered (via a gosub or macro). Problem is those calls execute on the called channel, and if I change the MOH it changes it on the wrong channel. Hence I need to use MASTER_CHANNEL, but it's not available on 1.6. :'(
01:03.37danfromukThere are different ways that dtmf is transmitting. It can be within the sip data, or within the audio itself. I use rfc2833 and not had a problem.
01:04.18PenguinI always use rfc2833 as well.
01:04.56PenguinBut to transfer using an SPA-3102 with a phone hooked up to it, you don't need to do DTMF transfers because the ATA can transfer.
01:05.32ChannelZ-WkBy thought power?
01:05.43Penguinhook flash
01:05.59bunglexno sorry im getting confused - the phone that ## isnt working on is an old analogue one, but its actually connected to the router as a sip client thats then connected to asterisk.
01:06.15bunglexthe spa is just forwarding all incoming calls - so it cant be that
01:06.45PenguinForwarding?  There's a service code for that.
01:07.07ChannelZ-WkNow I'm confused, you're using the analog line portion or the analog phone portion?  (or perhaps both)
01:08.26bunglexi have an old analogue phone connected to a router that supports sip and that port registers to asterisk.
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01:09.33ChannelZ-WkThe router being the 3102 or is there now some other device involved?
01:09.55bunglexno its a vigor 2850
01:12.07bunglexand i see it has DTMF relay
01:15.10bunglexi changed it to outbound and now get RTP rear too short in asterisk cli
01:15.52bunglexoutbound has rfc2833 next to it :)
01:16.01citywokhow goes it?
01:16.11ChannelZ-Wkgoes home
01:16.13PenguinMake sure the sip entry for that device is set to rfc2833.
01:16.20citywokyea... just about that time for me :p
01:19.04bunglexthank you for everyones help - appreciated
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04:13.06saliakI'm trying to get the BLF on a GXP2124 to work.  I've configured it per the GXP2000 instructions provided by grand stream (setting up a context with hint for the extensions, and adding them to my sip config as subscribecontext with call-limit and limitonpeers).  the lamps are green by default, but never change state (even if the other extensions are on the phone).  that isn't the correct behavior, eh? can anyone tell me what it's supposed t
04:13.09saliak(I'd assume be red to indicate that the extension is in use, or maybe flash if it's ringing?), and what might be going on?
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04:35.43ChannelZI don't know anything about your phone, but one place to start is are you even seeing the subscription from the phone in asterisk? (core show hints, sip show subscriptions)
04:38.45saliakyeah, i see the watcher and the active subscriptions
04:40.07ChannelZAnd presumably with verbose you see it changing the hint states and notifying the device on the console
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04:43.57saliakChannelZ: ah, ok. yeah, so status never changes from Idle when i do core show hints, even when i make a call
04:48.26ChannelZSo I guess next is what do your hints look like?
04:49.21saliakChannelZ: in the dial plan? or when i core show hints?
04:49.54ChannelZeither is fine I suppose
04:50.51ChannelZpb your core show hints and sip show subscriptions
04:51.50saliakoops, sorry, need to add some more to it
04:55.38saliakWhen it says the extension it's watching is 8000@blf_kiinde, should that actually be 800@voipms-outbound (the default context for 8000)?
04:56.20ChannelZno it's the hint and hint context
04:56.59saliakOK.  strange that the state never changes. It does have the "unavailable" ones right, though
04:57.01ChannelZSo that all looks right near as I can tell.  But you say when you make a call on any of those phones (SIP/8000, 8001, etc) none of their states change in 'sip show hints'?
04:57.10PenguinIt means hint context of blf_kiinde, hint extension of 8000, and you are watching the device SIP/8000.
04:57.51saliakChannelZ: right.  it says idle even if 8000 is on a call
04:58.12PenguinDid you enable call counters?
04:58.30ChannelZyeah was just going to ask that
04:58.41saliakPenguin: probably not
04:58.47Penguincallcounter=yes  <---
04:58.54ChannelZcallcounter=yes  in [general]
04:59.18saliaki have limitonpeers=yes
04:59.22saliakbut no callcounter
04:59.24saliaklet me try that
05:00.14saliaknailed it
05:00.30saliakhat tip to you both, as always
05:01.18ChannelZDa!  Das blinkenlight
05:01.37saliakjust red so far.  testing blinking
05:02.35saliakand it blinks!
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05:07.50ChannelZhas a seizure
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08:17.32D30hi all, have you experience some echo when you are trying to call ?
08:18.14D30im using tdm800p card from digium
08:18.33D30i can see the echo cancellation is loaded but theres still echo when calling :(
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08:33.35wasanzyI hv tried looking for how to install codec_slin and codec_slin44 but couldn't find a way out
08:33.43wasanzyany help?
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10:00.43wasanzyany asistant?
10:10.31infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
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10:32.00MaliutaLapassistants? in here? You really think we make _that_ much money that we have assistants to answer questions for us? ;)
10:32.28MaliutaLapbut then again, there is always infobot
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11:49.51roxIf I have a number of SIP friends configured into a callgroup/pickupgroup, how can I configure the office phone LED to light up, when an interceptable call comes?
11:50.53roxFor example, I have office phones A, B and C configured into a callgroup/pickupgroup, when a call comes to phone A, phone A is ringing, but how do i get phones B and C to flash their LEDs?
11:51.10roxdo I need hint for that?
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12:02.19mirela666rox: yes a hint can do that
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12:03.50wasanzyany help please?
12:05.53ChainsawI can't help you, because you haven't asked any questions.
12:13.29wasanzyChainsaw: I asked a questions long time but let me just ask again
12:13.59wasanzyI hv tried looking for how to install codec_slin and codec_slin44 but couldn't find a way out
12:17.30roxmirela666: thank you very much, I think I have solved my problem :-)
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12:30.19kaldemarwasanzy: as a better question. where did you come up with those codecs?
12:44.36wasanzykaldemar: I was ask to install it by my boss
12:46.03mirela666wasanzy: core show codecs, would 100% show you that you have slin
12:47.24wasanzyhow do I check if they are working or not?
12:48.18mirela666play any .wav file and in cli you will see something like "Playing xxx.slin on channel xxx"
12:48.48mirela666* converts wav to slin before playback
12:48.50mirela666I think
12:49.27mirela666but better wait for someone more experianced and with better answer
13:10.29wasanzythe codecs are not in the module directory, so where can I download it?
13:15.33filethere are no codec modules for signed linear
13:16.16wasanzyfile: so I can't compile it?
13:16.31fileyou can't compile codec modules that don't exist
13:17.07wasanzydoes it mean there is no codec signed linear?
13:17.21fileit means there is no codec module for it
13:17.28filebut internally other codecs transcode to and from signed linear
13:18.26wasanzyam a bit confuse, if I want to use codec_slin, I can't use it?
13:18.44filethat module doesn't exist... so what are you trying to do?
13:19.35wasanzywhen I did core codecs show, I see codec_slin and codec_slin44 listed so what does it mean?
13:20.13filethat are codecs that Asterisk knows about
13:20.17filenot modules that are loaded
13:20.36fileinternally Asterisk knows about signed linear, but it does not have a codec_slin module because it would do nothing
13:21.41wasanzyok so if say I have an audio that needs signed linear codec, what happens?
13:21.56filedefine "needs signed linear codec"
13:22.12fileother modules will transcode to and from signed linear, or signed linear can be provided as-is from elsewhere
13:22.52wasanzygood, so it means I can actually get the codec from somewhere else?
13:23.02fileget what codec?
13:23.10kaldemarwasanzy: do you know what a codec is?
13:23.43filegoes to catch a bus
13:24.20wasanzykaldemar: yes I know what a codec is
13:24.46wasanzyam just wondering why my boss asked me to install it if it is not something installable
13:27.41Chainsawwasanzy: It was a trick question, clearly.
13:27.51Chainsawwasanzy: You may have failed that test :(
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13:29.23MaliutaLapwasanzy: did he send you out for left handed screwdrivers and plaid paint too? ;)
13:30.24wasanzyMaliutaLap: hheheheh no
13:30.41MaliutaLapwasanzy: you say that _now_ :P
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13:31.53MaliutaLapwasanzy: haven't you learnt yet that when "the boss" asks you to "install" something, then you just put it on the project list and claim you're doing "research" to get it to work properly ... then get on with the real work
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13:32.02MaliutaLapbosses are as bad as devs
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13:36.29wasanzyMaliutaLap: Wow am not aware of that
13:37.50rolekHi everyone
13:38.03rolekDoes anyone know if there is a dialplan variable or function that will tell me i
13:38.05rolekf a jitterbuffer is enabled for a specific peer?
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13:58.32tty-1I want to know if a single 'normal' SIP number could receive multiple ingoing calls if the SIP client supports this (asterisk does?)?
13:58.49tty-1Something like ISDN, so that multiple callers can reach one single Asterisk SIP server.
13:59.24ChainsawYes, it can handle concurrent calls.
13:59.49ChainsawIf you understand ISDN already, consider SIP like the D-channel and RTP like the B-channels.
14:00.12ChainsawProvided you have somewhere to route the audio streams, you can accept as many calls as you like. Until you saturate your connectivity.
14:00.23Chainsaw(And beyond, if you're really mad)
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14:01.33[TK]D-Fendertty-1: Thre is no such thing as a "SIP number".
14:02.23[TK]D-Fendertty-1: A DID arrives at your telco (or ITSP in this case), and they can deliver it to you via SIP for as many incoming channels as your plan and bandwidth allows for.
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14:02.39tty-1so many new abbreviations :)
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14:03.43tty-1[TK]D-Fender: OK, so it goes over ARCOR, do they support this, too? Is it called SIP trunking or is this something different?
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14:04.02tty-1[TK]D-Fender: so for each incoming call the normal costs are billed (normally), right?
14:06.50infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
14:07.10[TK]D-Fendertty-1: Each call is just a call.  IT costs whatever your plan with your provider says it does.
14:07.55[TK]D-Fendertty-1: Some charge per channel (or extra once you pass a certain point), som simply charge per minute for however many channels you need, etc
14:08.00infobotwell, did is Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
14:09.14[TK]D-Fendertty-1: ARCOR appears to be an ITSP and that means they deliver calls to you via a VoIP protocol, which from having seen them before, is SIP
14:19.52tty-1[TK]D-Fender: What I want to understand is the concept of extension in Asterisk, it is not a plugin or a phone number extension but rather some kind of trunk or endpoint, right?
14:20.31[TK]D-Fendertty-1: Are you asking what ARCOR is in relation to Asterisk?
14:21.00tty-1[TK]D-Fender: somehow, I want that asterisk server accept incoming arcor sip calls
14:21.35[TK]D-FenderYes, that is normal
14:21.38[TK]D-FenderAnd certainly can
14:21.53[TK]D-FenderI've seen several people come in here using them
14:22.30[TK]D-FenderWith Asterisk, it is all just SIP.
14:23.00[TK]D-Fenderthere is no real difference between a call from them ,or any other provider, or a SIP hardphone, softphone, etc
14:23.12[TK]D-Fenderall of the processing difference is up to you and your dialplan
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14:54.14tty-1[TK]D-Fender: when there is a single number and a single endpoint (one answer box), then only one asterisk extension is needed.
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15:38.12[TK]D-Fendertty-1: What do you mean by "extension" and "answer box"?
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15:39.27tty-1[TK]D-Fender: there is one single sip phone number (that abbreviation) and now asterisk should listen on incoming calls and route them to its integrated answer box.
15:40.28[TK]D-Fendertty-1: Asterisk needs a sip.conf entry to match them and tell them what context in the dialplan to place the call into.
15:40.57[TK]D-Fendertty-1: That call will come in targeting a # for which you need an extension to match, and then what you do is up to you.
15:41.20[TK]D-Fendertty-1: Vocemail() is it's own dialplan application and needs you to have configured a box in it, etc
15:41.25Penguin[TK]D-Fender: its
15:42.14[TK]D-FenderWas not was :)
15:42.15navaismoPenguin,  its != it's ? it's = it is?
15:42.39tty-1[TK]D-Fender: sip.conf  [general] register and [arcor] auth is there
15:42.57[TK]D-FenderI type fast and think little these days so I end up writing it wrong regardless of knowing the rule perfectly :)
15:43.06[TK]D-FenderChalk it up to lazy & sloppy
15:43.19[TK]D-Fendertty-1: extensions.conf = all call processing.
15:43.33tty-1[TK]D-Fender: [incoming]
15:43.34tty-1exten => 01234567890,1,Dial(SIP/30)
15:43.36tty-1exten => 01234567890,2,VoiceMail(2000,u)
15:43.45tty-1(I removed the phone numbers ;) )
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15:43.54[TK]D-Fendertty-1: PASTEBIN... don't flood in-channel
15:43.56infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:44.14tty-1but there is so few traffic, would three lines be so bad?
15:44.25[TK]D-Fendertty-1: Keep in mind
15:44.56[TK]D-Fendertty-1: anyway, looks like that will dial 1 device, and then fall to voicemail if the device rejects it or is unable to be called
15:45.16[TK]D-Fendertty-1: Assumiing that that exten matches what they are looking for
15:48.03tty-1[TK]D-Fender: so I don't need the dial entry if I only want the answer box
15:48.09tty-1[TK]D-Fender: on the other hand...
15:48.53tty-1[TK]D-Fender: There is SIP phone in a building and a remote Server which runs asterisk
15:49.01tty-1[TK]D-Fender: one SIP phone
15:50.45tty-1[TK]D-Fender: I want to test the configuration. Can I also make a test / dummy call using the CLI (shell)?
15:51.05[TK]D-Fenderuse your sip phone to test
15:51.28[TK]D-Fenderbasically... the only thing it will prove is if you set up that voicemail box...
15:51.56[TK]D-Fenderbecause ti won't prove that arcor's call is arriving, getting accepted, is pointed to the right context, or is targeting the exten you defined
15:52.59tty-1[TK]D-Fender: Can I also call a 'normal' phone number using the cli?
15:53.12tty-1[TK]D-Fender: just to ring, no sound necessary. I want to assure that the call gets through.
15:53.43[TK]D-Fendertty-1: That would be using * CLI as a "phone" which means you'd need chan_alsa to be configured.
15:53.52[TK]D-Fender"help console dial" <-
15:54.00[TK]D-Fenderand you'd need dialplan to dial out.
15:54.04[TK]D-Fenderthat is separate...
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15:57.10tty-1[TK]D-Fender: also just for a simple test call?
15:57.26tty-1[TK]D-Fender: so I would have to install alsa on that server, too, right?
15:57.50[TK]D-FenderSet up a sofphone or your SIP phone
15:58.03[TK]D-Fendernot worth the trouble to use the console.
15:58.57tty-1[TK]D-Fender: Where can I check if asterisk server is able to connect to the arcor proxy and start receiving calls?
15:59.13[TK]D-FenderTo test receiving.. you have to just CALL.
15:59.27[TK]D-Fender"sip show registry" will show if you've registered to them or not
15:59.41[TK]D-Fenderusually a good start to knowing if they even know where to send your calls
16:00.14tty-1[TK]D-Fender: and how are sip 'endpoints' prioritized? There is a router far away from that server running asterisk which provides sip-analog phoning. How can I assure that the call goes to the asterisk server first, then to the router (and the phone on it)?
16:01.03[TK]D-Fendertty-1: I have no idea what that other box is doing
16:01.35[TK]D-FenderThere are a number of NAT related settings in sip.conf you have to do, including forward SIP & RTP to * if your server is behind NAT
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16:18.03tty-1[TK]D-Fender: ok, I added the config, started asterisk and opened the cli
16:18.18tty-1[TK]D-Fender: where can I get the error messages if asterisk fails to connect to arcor?
16:21.49[TK]D-FenderDo you see it saying "registered"?
16:22.07[TK]D-FenderDid you configure all of the NAT settings for [general] as specified in the sample config?
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16:35.17tty-1[TK]D-Fender: the server is a Vserver without any NAT infront
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16:38.18[TK]D-Fendertty-1: So * has a PUBLIC IP on it?
16:39.30tty-1[TK]D-Fender: there is no forwarding at all in asterisk.conf
16:41.01[TK]D-Fenderasterisk.conf has nothing to do with "forwarding"
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16:41.12[TK]D-FenderI just asked you what kind of IP your server had on it
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16:41.49tty-1[TK]D-Fender: yes, it is a public ip
16:42.27[TK]D-Fenderok, so what is this other router you're talking about?
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16:44.01tty-1[TK]D-Fender: the router is somehwere else and provides phoning over SIP to an analog phone
16:44.34tty-1[TK]D-Fender: the point is: Who gets the incoming call first / at all? The router or the vserver (with asterisk)?
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16:44.57[TK]D-Fendertty-1: Why would this other router get the call?
16:45.04emper0ri'm cont getting trouble connecting with trunk to skype..
16:45.15emper0rsomebody have some trunk with skype working.. ?
16:45.19tty-1[TK]D-Fender: because currently all incoming calls are going to the router and from it to the analog phone
16:45.23[TK]D-Fendertty-1: You are providing no details about how it is involved in the routing path, what service it is configured for use witgh, etc
16:45.30tty-1[TK]D-Fender: hm, right
16:45.46emper0ri need check some network testing to confirm or have more details to fix my asterisk
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17:07.45cuscohey, if telco asks if pri card is as TE or NT
17:07.49cuscohow do I know?
17:07.57cuscoI'm guessting it is as a slave to their timing source
17:08.05cuscobut not sure if that is what theymean
17:09.20Penguinnavaismo: Yes, that's right.  it's = it is.  "its" is the possessive pronoun indicating that something belongs to it, like its own dialplan.
17:12.31outtolunccusco: timing is usually a config setting on the digium/sangoma cards.. usually you let the carrier provide the timing on PRI (T1 w/isdn) circuits so if you were going to provide the timing from your end (you would act as the NT) otherwise you would accept the timing (acting as TE)
17:14.32navaismothx Penguin
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17:26.45MLNoahI have an Asterisk 11.5.1 server using res_odbc to provide a phone interface to our timeclock system, and i've extended it with res_xmpp to allow staff to use our internal Jabber server to clock in/out, review time cards, etc.  in the process of a user interacting with the XMPP interface, Asterisk challenges for a PIN and waits for a response with JABBER_RECEIVE().  However, if another user...
17:26.45MLNoah...sends an XMPP message while Asterisk is waiting for this reply, the incoming new message "forcibly times out" the JABBER_RECEIVE() function.
17:27.50MLNoahis there some way I can handle the "bump out" from JABBER_RECEIVE() and keep waiting for the duration of the initial timeout?  should I report this as a bug?
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17:51.49cuscoouttolunc: so you confirm that the TE / NT reffers to the timing source (in our digium card) ? Telco states that we must configure our card as "Network Termination"
17:51.56cuscothus as NT
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17:52.17cuscoand they further state that is the mode of how the pbx comunicates with the network
17:53.30outtolunccusco: that would imply they expect timing from you.  what board do you have, where you located, goals for use?
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17:55.41outtoluncAs an example.. if i were building on of my usual systems (multiple 8 port sangomas A108) in the US for outbound.. i would want them to provide timing for the 10+ NI2 PRI's i would request.. but lets say i am in a verizon area.. i'd have to change the NI2 to DMS100
17:57.04cuscoouttolunc: are you sure?
17:57.10cuscoI fiddled with timming sources before
17:57.36cuscoright now we're testing the line on a TE120P
17:58.24cuscothe only time I fiddled with timing sources, was on a 4 span card, usign 2 different telco's
17:58.43cuscoand a single card could only source timing from one telco
17:59.12cuscoso in system.conf (dahdi) right now I have:
17:59.37cuscobut telc sstates its not related to this 'timing source'
17:59.47outtoluncnote: multi carrier circuit setups.. yes you should provide the timing
18:00.19outtoluncotherwise the card(s) will do timing resyncs and cause issues with the other carrier circuits
18:00.36cuscoalso config example states 'pstn will never be a slave to you'
18:01.16cuscoso in system.conf
18:01.26cuscoI should change "span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4" to "span=1,0,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4"
18:01.41outtoluncthat 1,1 (second 1) implies you are the timing source
18:01.49outtolunc(sorry dealing with phone calls also)
18:01.55cuscono problem
18:02.16cuscothe 1 implies that I AM timing source? ouch, ok
18:02.25cuscoI had that wrong
18:04.48outtoluncNote: the debug/logs should report if you have it set to TE and they think they are...
18:05.11outtolunciirc, 'they think they are CPE, when we are'..
18:06.51outtoluncAlso note: some older cards didn't truly change timing until the module was unloaded/reloaded
18:10.19outtoluncremember to set your chan_dahdi.conf also signalling pri_net (vice pri_cpe)
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18:24.52outtolunc426 Upgrade Required
18:24.57outtoluncgrr oops
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18:39.38liamjfoyHey, does anyone have any experience with Ciscos 7960 & Asterisk 10.12.1?
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18:39.46[TK]D-Fenderliamjfoy: That isn't the latest from that branch, and it is basically dead as it is...
18:39.47[TK]D-Fenderliamjfoy: What is your question concerning them?
18:39.49liamjfoy[TK]D-Fender: Ah ok, worth upgrading then, yes?
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18:39.50liamjfoy[TK]D-Fender: I can't get the device to register, the Cisco 303 devices work perfectly well
18:39.58liamjfoyAlways returning 401s, which seems quite well documented via Google - but I can't get them to register
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18:40.51[TK]D-Fenderliamjfoy: should be "nat=never" IIRC
18:41.41liamjfoyI'm going to try that tomorrow, no access right now... was just seeing if anyone else had this issue =)
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18:42.32nnydoes anyone have a non six hoop jump through and sacrifice animals way to just record a message in windows and convert to an asterisk friendly format?
18:43.00nnyThe digium online converter is busted, windows records in it's own WMA format, conversion to WAV still won't work with sox and I am gonna choke a puppy
18:44.30[TK]D-FenderWindows records with the settings you tell it to
18:44.35[TK]D-FenderYou aren't forced to use WMA
18:45.03nny[TK]D-Fender: hmm which program? I am using sound recorder atm
18:45.06[TK]D-FenderAnd forget Windows' tools... use a nive audio program like Audacity, etc
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18:48.54[TK]D-FenderHrm.. seems the new app IS crap
18:49.01[TK]D-Fenderold one used to give options...
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18:49.04[TK]D-FenderJust install Audacity
18:49.17[TK]D-FenderMakes your life a lot better
18:49.25nny[TK]D-Fender: yeah I haven't used Audacity to record (I do use it for other things and have it installed) so I'll just find a tutorial and set it up.
18:50.15nnyassuming 16 bit PCM mono is best for Audacity, then drop to 8 with sox?
18:50.19[TK]D-Fendernny: New Project.  Select Mic to record.  Click on VU meter to see it there and adjust gains.  click record.  Done
18:50.26nnyer nm
18:50.28nnyit has 8
18:50.35[TK]D-Fender16bit 8 khz.
18:51.03nny[TK]D-Fender: this should work thanks. Umm... do you want this puppy? It's kind of limp
18:51.07[TK]D-FenderDon't mix up the bit-depth with the sample rate :)
18:53.53nny[TK]D-Fender: one question, why does hitting record create a new audio track in Audacity?
18:54.40[TK]D-FenderYou have to choose if you want to overdub...
18:54.51[TK]D-FenderIt always records new layers otherwise..
18:55.41jeff_oncellWhere is the best place to find old asterisk documentation?
18:57.22cuscoouttolunc: no I never get to such logs
18:57.25cuscoouttolunc: I only got there when I plugged a loop in the pri card
18:57.35cuscoouttolunc: I never get comunication with PRI :(
18:57.47cuscobasically all I see in pri debug is sending SABME
18:57.58[TK]D-Fenderjeff_oncell: How old?
18:58.11infobotmethinks wikis is VoIP Wiki covering FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners.  For Asterisk, see ~asteriskwiki
18:58.16[TK]D-Fender^ mostly dated stuf...
18:58.23jeff_oncellI need 1.4
18:58.39[TK]D-Fenderther is the v2 of the BOOK that covers that more specifically.
18:58.45[TK]D-FenderGot something in particular?
18:59.04outtolunccusco: SABME simply means the layer2 -> layer3 acceptance hasn't occurred (is the circuit 'turned-up' (continuity <> 'turned-up'))
18:59.28jeff_oncellI'm just guessing I'm going to have lots, and lots of questions over the next week or two
18:59.33cuscoyes thats the problem
18:59.49cuscoouttolunc: I insert the loop in their equipment and they got link up signal
18:59.55cuscoif I connect it to our pri card
19:00.01cusconor me nor they, get signal up
19:01.17outtolunccusco: did you make sure to reload the modules between changes?
19:01.38cuscowhat changes, in the timing source?
19:02.01outtolunccusco: yes to system.conf and chan_dahdi.conf
19:02.16cuscomeanwhile telco has the line turned off, so I'm waiting for them to turn it on... I gues sit will only happen on monday
19:02.20cuscobut this was before that change
19:02.25cuscoI should see such error
19:02.33cusco'we're cpe but they're think they're cpe too'
19:02.34cuscoor something
19:02.44cuscobut we never got that far
19:02.56outtolunccusco: if they 'turned it off' then yes.. you'll see SABME's
19:03.14cuscoyes but what I'm stating is all I've seen is SABME's
19:03.21cuscowith this telco
19:03.53outtolunccusco: just make a t1 loopback plug/cable and is if the port(s) steady (no errors)
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19:04.12cuscoI did just that. seems that you're not reading me
19:04.25cuscoand thats when I got the 'cpe' debug/error message
19:04.43outtolunccusco: being a 2 port card, you can set 1 as NT and 1 as TE (system and dahdi confs)
19:04.58cuscoits a 1 port card (also stated the model above)
19:05.23cuscoI've tested it today with another telco
19:05.32cuscoand stated up, active
19:05.43cuscoso.... I'm betting on a telco's problem
19:06.13outtolunccusco: its a telco or telco config problem (assuming the cabling to the NIU's are the same)
19:06.39cuscoI've tried different cables, tried crossed over cable
19:06.53cusco(we had some telco that required crossed over cable)
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19:26.37jeff_oncellI'm trying to setup SIP, and getting a 404 every time I try to register with my server, any ideas where to start?
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19:43.43*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.6.0 (2013/10/21), 10.12.3 (2013/08/27), (2013/10/21), DAHDI-linux 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), DAHDI-tools 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
19:48.21ChannelZ-WkYou only need 3 or so
19:50.11ChannelZ-Wkturn on sip debug (sip set debug on) and try, pastebin the results
19:51.33jeff_oncellAhhh, well that got some output
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20:12.37ChannelZ-Wksorry been off doing other thigns
20:13.12ChannelZ-WkDo yo have a peer named [jeff] in sip.conf?
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20:17.45jeff_oncellNo, I had a peer named vagrant that I was trying to match, with host set to
20:21.38ChannelZ-WkIs it loaded?  sip show peers
20:21.55ChannelZ-Wkand/or pb your sip.conf (just XXX your secrets)
20:22.42jeff_oncellvagrant                      N      5060     Unmonitored
20:23.01jeff_oncellRelevant line from sip show peers
20:24.00ChannelZ-WkSo rename the user you typed into zoiper to vagrant
20:26.23jeff_oncellOkay, I'm using x-lite, because zoiper was doing weird things with my system level audio, but I did that there, and it doesn't seem to make any difference
20:26.45ChannelZ-Wksorry yes, my brain substituted zoiper
20:28.47jeff_oncellOkay, I'm actually getting a 403 when I try to register now
20:32.28ChannelZ-WkMake host=dynamic, or you don't need to register
20:32.56*** join/#asterisk tris (tristan@2001:1868:a00a::4)
20:34.40jeff_oncellThat got me to an error inside the application I'm trying to test, which is great
20:35.11ChannelZ-WkThe.. dialplan application?
20:36.14jeff_oncellWell, it was an error in a php script called over AGI
20:37.17jeff_oncellso at some point I'll need a way to correctly setup the SIP.conf, but this works for me for now. I really appreciate all your help
20:37.42ChannelZ-WkWell, I think you just did if things are making it into your dialplan.
20:38.29jeff_oncellYeah, though, eventually I need a configuration that works both on my machine and in production
20:41.11ChannelZ-WkNot that much of a difference :)
20:56.35*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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21:16.15*** join/#asterisk tty-1 (
21:16.20infoboti heard did is Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
21:17.12infobothmm... pts is Public Test Shard for Rift.  For more information on how to get started see this post:
21:18.05tty-1hi Penguin!
21:18.08infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
21:18.26PenguinI mistyped it.. pstn
21:18.35infobotmethinks pstn is Public Switched Telephone Network, or "please stop the nonsense"
21:18.51tty-1I will pin those down
21:18.54tty-1Very important to know
21:19.06PenguinI was on the phone, typing with one hand and messed up.
21:20.06tty-1Penguin: yes, this happens easily then
21:20.37tty-1Penguin: how can I check on asterisk cli if asterisk is listening for incoming calls / successfully logged in to sip provider?
21:20.43tty-1*on sip provider
21:21.19PenguinYou can't know definitively by looking at that info.
21:21.28PenguinBut you can check your registry:  sip show registry
21:21.37PenguinThis will show if your asterisk is registered to the provider.  In most cases, if you are registered, calls will be sent to you.
21:21.54PenguinBut that doesn't mean your asterisk is configured to handle the calls that come in.
21:22.20tty-1I like how fast asterisk starts up and generally is.
21:24.15tty-1cusco: hi
21:24.25tty-1Penguin: yes, it is registered
21:25.01Penguinlinke did?
21:25.06Penguinlinked id?
21:25.13infobotit has been said that test is not funny
21:25.30cuscowe're on 1.6 and have been for too long
21:25.48tty-1Penguin: oh this is good. when in cli I get a feedback when calls goes in
21:25.49cuscowe really need to move to 1.8 or upwards (trying latest .11 )
21:25.53cuscoto use linkedid
21:25.58cuscoI'm worried
21:26.04cuscoqueue_log format changes
21:26.12Penguinlin kedid?
21:26.12PenguinWhat did you really mean?
21:26.12Penguin~asterisk versions
21:26.12infobotAsterisk versions and their support levels are documented at
21:26.15cuscowe created a view in mysql to mirror old behaviour lol
21:26.20cuscolinked id
21:26.23infobotAsterisk versions and their support levels are documented at
21:26.29cuscoas a variable
21:26.49PenguinOh, lag.
21:27.02cuscoI'm aware 1.6 is deprecated
21:27.49*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
21:30.55tty-1Penguin: there is the dial (command ?) in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf which second parameter should some kind of hostname, but I get this in the cli: chan_sip.c:5470 create_addr: No such host
21:31.23tty-1Penguin: What kind of host?
21:31.58Penguintty-1: The Dial() application syntax is as follows:  Tech/device[/extension],timeout,options
21:32.13Penguinor Tech/extension@host,timeout,options
21:32.21infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
21:32.34tty-1Penguin: OK, so just    Dial(SIP/<what device?>)
21:32.47PenguinThe devices are configured in sip.conf.
21:32.50tty-1Penguin: ah, it wants to know what device can dial, right?
21:34.49PenguinIt's all in the book.
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22:55.45rogersjaany really good recommendations for a sip soft phone for iOS that supports H264, or H263 or H263p. other than zoiper or bria
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23:29.14tty-1exten => 0123456789,1,Dial(SIP/arcor,10)
23:29.29tty-1exten => 0123456789,2,VoiceMail(primary,s|u)
23:29.35tty-1Why doesn't it wait for 10 seconds.
23:30.45ChannelZ-WkIf the dial failed...
23:31.23ChannelZ-WkIE the peer is offline, non-existant, or otherwise rejected the call..
23:32.05ChannelZ-WkPresumably if the peer was online and accepting calls it would ring for 10 seconds.
23:34.54*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
23:37.00tty-1ChannelZ-Wk: yes, some other peer is online
23:37.16tty-1ChannelZ-Wk: so a Wait-command has to be inserted between Dial and VoiceMail, right?
23:37.43WIMPyThat's probably not what you want.
23:38.02ChannelZ-WkI don't know what you want now :)
23:38.49ChannelZ-WkIf your device isn't rining for at least 10 seconds before dumping you to voicemail, then the call failed for some reason.  Look at the console.
23:39.42*** join/#asterisk tomii (
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