IRC log for #asterisk on 20131031

00:00.02*** join/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
00:00.47WIMPyA gret opportunity for just splitting out one priority.
00:01.11WIMPyAlthough that can arguably make reading the dialplan harder.
00:03.14runfromnowhereThanks for the help and support all :)
00:07.28danfromukWIMPy: no, i'd disconnected because i left the client's office.
00:07.42danfromukWIMPy: what did you say about mlayer3?
00:08.33WIMPyI asked if maybe you have multiple versions of that installed.
00:08.59danfromukI think if i get time, i'll wipe it and start again without freepbx.
00:09.10danfromukhowever now, the client's decided to stick with asterisk 1.4
00:09.18WIMPyYou obviousely had some v1 stuff on there. So my guess is that it found a version of that file belonging to v1.
00:10.25danfromukI agree.
00:12.55danfromukIts been a long day. Thanks for your help. I'm signing off.
00:13.04danfromukIt was greatly appreciated.
00:16.06gartralmy brain hurts. I have a user who's on a different network, and she can hear me when I call, but she can't initiate a call herself nor can I hear her if I call her.. when she tries to call her client says "Loop detected" without further info
00:17.49gartralas a side note, if I want to detect a specific phone number and do something different with it, how would I do this?
00:18.48*** join/#asterisk qdel (
00:18.57WIMPyWhat number?
00:19.52gartralWIMPy: it's a PSTN number 216 area code, I kinda don't want to give you the rest of it :P
00:21.59WIMPyWhat kind of number?
00:22.16WIMPyThe dialled one? The caller ID? Something else?
00:24.04WIMPyOr was that part of the change caller ID one?
00:24.20*** join/#asterisk s7r (~s7r@openvpn/user/s7r)
00:24.22gartralWIMPy: it's actually my door of my building.. when someone dials my unit number it initiates a phone call to my gvoice, I want to pick out just the door's phone number and have it bypass my "standard" dialplan.. make it ring 2 extensions, as well as call out of another trunk to my cell phone
00:25.24*** join/#asterisk newtonr (
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00:25.25WIMPyOk, then look at the /callerID option for extensions.
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02:31.31gartralok, is there any issues with trying to have a client connect to my asterisk server if they run one from their local network?
02:46.31newtonrgartral, a lot of info lacking there for us to be of much help.   Short answer is no. Long answer probably involves a few yes'es, depending on what you mean by connect, what each asterisk instance is doing, what ports and IPs things are running on, how the networks are setup, on and on and on.
02:47.05newtonrI'm unfortunately logging off to go to sleep. If you provide more information , perhaps someone else will be able to help you out!
03:04.51*** part/#asterisk w9sh (
03:22.52*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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03:44.38ChannelZgartral: no
04:04.33*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
04:04.36*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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04:54.46*** join/#asterisk Agrajag- (
04:58.03Penguinseri: Are you around today?
05:00.11Agrajag-g'day, i'm having a problem where i can't see why the command after Dial() isn't being executed. very simple example: - it doesn't get to the 2nd NoOp. i just see "Spawn extension (sipincoming, 101, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/foo-0000000a'" as the last thing in debug
05:00.26PenguinThe caller hung up.
05:00.46Agrajag-ok yeah - i thought i would get NOANSWER from that because that's what i'm seeing in cdr
05:00.57Agrajag-is it possible to catch that?
05:01.23PenguinIf the caller hangs up, the call ends.  No questions asked.
05:01.50PenguinYou can see the DIALSTATUS in the h extenstion after the call ends.
05:02.04Agrajag-ok, i'll check that out. thanks
05:02.10PenguinThat's probably what you want.
05:02.27Agrajag-yep sounds like it, thanks
05:02.39PenguinIn order for that second NoOp() to run, the caller would have to stay on the line longer than the Dial() timeout value.
05:06.46[TK]D-Fenderexten => 101,1,NoOp(Call from ${CALLERID})
05:06.56[TK]D-Fenderand that variable hasn't been proper to use since 1.0
05:07.57*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
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07:15.34magespawngood day
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09:28.22ipalmerHi all, I'm having a problem where chanspy keeps locking the SIP channel which used chanspy anyone know how to drop the channel 'channel request hangup' doesn't work
09:31.02gerritfromsaI think I saw something like this last night - if I remember correctly is was a version problem - try up/download your version to fix
09:32.37ipalmergerritfromsa: apologies were you talking to me
09:36.05*** part/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
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09:52.35gerritfromsaipalmer, yes
10:00.07*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~sgimeno@
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10:06.44ipalmergerritfromsa: thanks, I'm currently running 1.8.5 read some changelogs for 11.6 and there does appear to be some stuff added for chanspy so will look at updating cheers
10:21.09*** join/#asterisk barbosa2 (
10:31.40*** join/#asterisk atha (~athayde@unaffiliated/athayde)
10:34.24SeRiipalmer: you are way behind. You dont need to jump to 11.6 to fix your issue. You can stay on the 1.8.x branch if you want too. the latest is
10:35.03gerritfromsaSeRi, I agree with this 100%
10:35.26SeRi1.8.x is an LTS branch. I am sticking with it...
10:36.36ipalmerSeRi: really, this was a common issue before that version then?
10:37.09gerritfromsaEarly 1.8's got quite a few issues
10:37.40gerritfromsaI also found Queue issues in 1.8.4 and 1.8.7
10:37.54SeRiI use chanspy and I have no problems so far. Though I didnt use chan spy back than.
10:39.18gerritfromsaUsing ChanSpy() via the dialplan or AMI?
10:39.36ipalmerExcellent, an upgrade from 1.8.5 to 1.8.24 doesn't seem so drastic.  Think I'll do as advised.
10:40.05SeRiipalmer: Good luck.
10:55.43*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
10:56.25eduzimrsHi guys, anyone here use Khomp E1 devices ?
10:58.38gerritfromsaNever heard of Khomp - are they PCI cards / Gateways ?
10:58.41eduzimrsGuys im getting an issue with * related to using of memory, after about 15 days of uptime, * consumes all free memory from linux e stop delivering calls
10:59.05infobotUpgrading is easy!  Go that way, really fast.  If something gets in your way, turn.
10:59.10infobothmm... update is
10:59.40Greenlighteduzimrs: Update to a current, and supported build.
11:00.50eduzimrsGreenlight, its quite a problem, all my hole system is based on that version, i cant upgrade right now, instead i must find an workaround
11:01.40*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (~danjenkin@
11:01.43gerritfromsaeduzimrs, even so an upgrade wont affect it negatively
11:02.16GreenlightIt's very difficult for people to help you when you're using an outdated version, and your issue has likely been fixed in recent builds.
11:02.51GreenlightIt's like me asking for help getting my new usb 3g dopngle working on windows 3.1
11:03.27eduzimrsgerritfromsa, ive been reading about changelog, i notice many changes in dialplan syntax, wich would cause some problems at CRM
11:04.05eduzimrsGreenlight, do u know in what version it has been correct ?
11:04.12eduzimrsGreenlight, do u know in what version it has been corrected ?
11:04.54GreenlightNo, i've not looked through the thousands of bug fixes made in the last 4 years to see which might apply.
11:05.05gerritfromsaeduzimrs, I understand , can you give me an example ?
11:11.33*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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11:51.36davlefouAMDBonjour, i have an problem with ovh and asterisk, my sip is ok with Asterisk but not with Asterisk built by buildd @ yellow on a x86_64
11:51.55davlefouAMDi use the same configuration,
11:52.13GreenlightIf you can elaborate on "ok"
11:52.29GreenlightSpecifically what make the second build, "not ok"
11:52.34davlefouAMDi have that message :  timed out, trying again
11:52.57GreenlightWHere do you see this message ?
11:57.23*** join/#asterisk ivan` (~ivan@unaffiliated/ivan/x-000001)
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11:58.42davlefouAMDin the cli
12:00.11davlefouAMDand when i sip reload i have that : No valid transports available, falling back to 'udp'.
12:15.54*** join/#asterisk martinfletcher_ (~martinfle@
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12:26.57*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:58.37davlefouAMDi a use hardware 729 like spa 112 sound a very good, but with asterisk g729, it an very very bad. Why?
12:59.52*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
13:00.48[TK]D-FenderdavlefouAMD: your description is too vague
13:06.01davlefouAMD[TK]D-Fender, sflphone <-ulaw local->asterik/g729<-->ovh or spa/g729<->asterisk<->ovh, in the first case, sound cut all the time, it is difficulte to undestant, in the second case, it ok
13:06.17Penguindavlefouamd: Set "transport=udp" in sip.conf to avoid that notice.
13:06.54[TK]D-FenderdavlefouAMD: maybe your SFLphone is bad
13:09.00cuscohi.. can ChanSpy(<prefix>) be a pattern?
13:09.12cuscosay.. SIP/[0-9]
13:10.14GreenlightAlthough you can use a variable, and then limit to a prefix that way
13:10.42Greenlightexten => _XXX,1,ChanSpy(SIP/${EXTEN})
13:11.40[TK]D-Fendernot what he's asking for...
13:11.58[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: he wants the targets to accept a range, not that he'd have to specify
13:12.07[TK]D-Fender(by what he dials)
13:12.42GreenlightYea, but say he wanted the SIP/1XX range...
13:13.08Greenlightexten => _X,1,ChanSpy(SIP/${EXTEN})
13:13.52GreenlightThat would allow him to use a pattern.
13:14.01PenguinThat would accept 10 or 199999999999999999999.  Not really a good pattern for using 1XX extens.
13:14.42[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: no, he only asked to spy on a range... not accept a specific item IN a range.
13:15.32GreenlightChanSpy takes a prefix, doesn't it. So if he had 3 dig extensions, and wanted to spy on any starting with 1, eg 100,101, 102, then what I suggested would work.
13:15.50[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: I want to spy across all SIP/1XX is not the same as I want to spy one THIS one specific guy that I dial specifically
13:15.56PenguinBut by your suggesteion, he'd have to dial those numbers.
13:16.17PenguinHe's not asking to dial each exact thing to spy on.  He asked to spy on a range.
13:17.08GreenlightWhat I suggested would spy on a RANGE not a specific extension.
13:17.16PenguinIf you use a prefix of SIP/1, then you wouldn't get anything other than numbers starting with 1.
13:17.24PenguinHe asked for starting to 0 through 9.
13:17.26GreenlightYea, the 101,102,103 range.
13:18.13*** join/#asterisk redotis (
13:18.50cuscoah thanks Greenlight
13:18.55GreenlightIt may not be exactly what he's looking for, but it's a suggestion that may fit his needs.
13:19.04GreenlightIt may not, but that's life :)
13:19.06PenguinA prefix of SIP/1 would exclude all the ones starting with 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
13:19.15cuscoI would like to spy channels starting with sip/digits
13:19.40GreenlightAhh, then yea, what I suggested wouldn't help.
13:20.00cuscowhen I spy all SIP it includes teh gateway (sip/gateway)
13:20.13[TK]D-Fender[09:17]GreenlightWhat I suggested would spy on a RANGE not a specific extension. <- no, he has to dial that specific number, instead of pressing some generic feature and getting a Chanspy-limited choice of range
13:20.14cuscoso when I cycle channels, I will get twice the same channel (when bridged)
13:20.40GreenlightYou can use a group can't you
13:20.46GreenlightIf memory serves
13:21.02cuscoyes thing is, I'm already definyng spygroup .. well I'll have a look at that
13:21.05*** join/#asterisk BorjaGVO (d51beb92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:21.07BorjaGVOHi. I'm having issues trying to distribute device_states. I'm using Asterisk, Openfire 3.8.2. This is the error I'm getting: [2013-10-31 13:48:28] ERROR[25319]: res_jabber.c:3520 aji_handle_pubsub_error: Error performing operation on PubSub node device_state, 403.. You can find my config files in
13:21.33*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
13:22.13GreenlightYou're passing the "g" option to ChanSpy ?
13:24.07PenguinThat could work.
13:24.21Greenlightthinks he just accidentally stumbled on a way to listen to anyones voicemail messages on the UK network three
13:24.27*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
13:25.07PenguinSet the SPYGROUP=something on every device that you want to spy on, don't set it on peers that you don't want to spy on.  Then ChanSpy(SIP,g(something)).
13:25.54GreenlightIt seems that if you call a Three mobile number, and you are *presenting that number as your outbound CLI* and it goes to voicemail, you get directed to the main voicemail menu with no security...
13:26.14GreenlightI can change PIN, listen to messages, everything.
13:26.47PenguinThat's pretty common.
13:26.59PenguinAt least it used to be with Cingular/AT&T in the US.
13:27.03GreenlightSeems quite a security flaw, no ?
13:27.21PenguinVerizon always had passwd security enabled by default.
13:27.39GreenlightIt seems the system is thinking that it's the user calling, based purely on the CLI
13:27.45PenguinOh yeah it is.  It caused a lot of people to lose their privacy.
13:28.18GreenlightI know we had a big fiasco in the press over here, but that was to do with people not setting a default PIN. This completely circumvents that.
13:28.45cuscoyes thing is I already use spygroup for another extension where chanspy is ran
13:28.56cuscothanks for the feedback
13:30.57*** join/#asterisk makmak78 (
13:31.54GreenlightI wonder what other networks are afflicated by similar lax security.
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14:12.59BorjaGVOHi. I'm having issues trying to distribute device_states. I'm using Asterisk, Openfire 3.8.2. This is the error I'm getting: [2013-10-31 13:48:28] ERROR[25319]: res_jabber.c:3520 aji_handle_pubsub_error: Error performing operation on PubSub node device_state, 403.. You can find my config files in
14:13.34*** join/#asterisk gerritfromsa (
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14:49.15ElleniHi all, my asterisk server 11-5-1 configured with freepbx works as expected but after ~48 hours suddenly no calls are possible anymore with following error: after a reboot its ok again for another 48h. anyone an idea from what that could come or how I could find out how to fix?
14:49.56*** join/#asterisk Cloin (
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14:52.06ipengineerHello! Does anyone have any ideas why I would be getting this message when starting Asterisk? The file exist.. ERROR[31334] media_index.c: Failed to stat /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/conf-onlyperson.gsm
14:54.53*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
14:55.08mjordanipengineer: most likely permissions. Asterisk may not have the proper permissions to execute stat on that file.
14:56.14mjordanElleni: that error would not be time based. It wouldn't work for some amount of time and then fail. Some phone is sending you an INVITE request and indicating that they want secure audio, but is not providing any crypto keys.
14:56.58ipengineermjordan: I was thinking that but I am starting Asterisk from root and safe_asterisk is running as root. Cant tell about asterisk itself because it dies. Root has all permissions on that directory
14:57.48ElleniThe thing is all softphones are configured with srtp and work and all of a sudden after about two days uptime of the server every phone / every call is rejected until I reboot the server, thats why I cannot find any infos about this on net and suggested to ask here
14:59.00mjordanipengineer: brb, but in the meantime, do you feel comfortable patching Asterisk? :-)
14:59.27Ellenihow can it be that server after 2 days would not provide crypto keys anymore?
14:59.42Elleniuntil reboot...
14:59.59ipengineermjordan: Ok.. Sure this is a new installation of Asterisk 12. I am just trying to get it up and running right now
15:01.05zafuwhy is + illegal in a channel variable name?
15:01.22zafuI have SIP/+33145454545
15:01.43zafu: ast_yyerror():  syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '+', expecting '-' or '!' or '(' or '<token>'; Input: SIP/+ = Local
15:01.56Chainsawzafu: Because it is used as a control character.
15:02.03Chainsawzafu: You could replace the + with 00.
15:02.17zafuwhat is a control char?
15:02.29Chainsawzafu: A character that has special meaning, like the & and the +.
15:02.38ipengineermjordan: I created a new user called asterisk and set that in asterisk.conf and the error goes away.. Now it just dies.. Very strange. Must have been a permission issue running under root
15:02.50zafuChainsaw: what does + do in that context?
15:03.21Chainsawipengineer: Permission "issues" for root generally suggest you are running SELinux, GrSec or other protection mechanisms that go beyond UNIX permissions.
15:03.21Chainsawipengineer: Does dmesg not have any hints?
15:03.47Chainsawzafu: I would have to look that up and my connectivity here is disappointingly slow.
15:03.55ipengineerChainsaw: Good thoughts I always forget about disabling that! I am not seeing anything in dmesg of value
15:03.55Chainsawzafu: But rest assured that it has special meaning, or it would have been allowed.
15:04.02zafuok, thanks
15:04.26Chainsawipengineer: It could be logged elsewhere I suppose. See if anything in syslog lines up.
15:04.42zafualso, is it absolutely necessary to quote these constructs GoSubIf($["${CHANNEL:0:5}" = "Local"]? ..) ?
15:04.53zafuI mean both sides of the =
15:05.31Cloinfor dialing purposes + has international dialing connotations, not sure if that is relevant or not zafu/Chainsaw
15:05.49Chainsawzafu: My bash scripting background makes me quote what I can. The Asterisk parser is relatively helpful if you underquote, it tends to be obvious from the warning.
15:05.54ipengineerChainsaw: looks like it is running now.. SElinux seems to have did the trick
15:06.07ipengineerChainsaw: Thanks You
15:06.11ChainsawCloin: Well yes, that is why I suggested 00.
15:06.25ChainsawCloin: Because in most dialling schemas that is a synonym for +.
15:07.07Chainsawipengineer: Very good. I wouldn't just go "*click* off" on SELinux though. Best see what policy you violated and extend/modify the policy or your behaviour.
15:07.42ipengineerChainsaw: Will do.
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15:23.24gerritfromsazafu, the quotes are necessary yes
15:24.48gerritfromsazafu, how does the + get in SIP/+33145454545 ? shouldn't it be SIP/TRUNKNAME/+33145454545 ?
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15:25.19zafuI named my sip client +<country_code><number>
15:25.55gerritfromsazafu, it doesnt seem as if asterisk like it
15:26.05[TK]D-FenderI don't recall it being legal to have a peer with a "+" in it
15:26.07zafuactually after quoting the warning goes away
15:26.08*** part/#asterisk Elleni (3ec00582@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:26.12wdoekesI use pluses all the time
15:26.20wdoekesalthough not in context names
15:26.27[TK]D-FenderWhich is what i just said
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15:27.06gerritfromsaYes but the + goes in at the number position : SIP/TRUNKNAME/+33145454545
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15:27.37GreenlightNo, I think he's named his peer with the actual number
15:27.37gerritfromsaThat works only if your upstream provider allows it
15:27.48gerritfromsayes i see that
15:27.48zafuGreenlight: yes
15:27.56Penguinzafu: No, the quotes are not required.  You could just as easily compare it without the quotes.  The quotes ensure than there will be something to compare in the case of the value being null.
15:27.59GreenlightAlthough I must say that's going to confuse
15:28.12gerritfromsazafu, maybe change it too 00 instead
15:28.13zafuwould sip providers generally accepts + as 00 ?
15:28.35Greenlightzafu: Depends
15:28.38gerritfromsagenerally is a dangerous word
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15:28.47ChainsawLook at the consultants hedging their bets...
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15:28.59zafuwhereas they will _always_ accept 00 ?
15:29.16GreenlightAlways is another dangeorous word
15:29.27PenguinYou'll have to see what number formats they accept.
15:29.29GreenlightDon't you love SIP
15:29.34gerritfromsasometimes it must start with the country code without 00
15:29.57PenguinFor example, for international dialing, I'll accept 00 or 011 at the international prefix.
15:30.19gerritfromsaProprietary platforms is not exactly flexible
15:30.21GreenlightThe international prefix differs between countries
15:30.42PenguinI'm talking about the country where I am, as opposed to a country where I'm not.
15:31.07ChainsawYou'd have to specifically exclude a country that is proud to be different... in order to say 00 is universal.
15:31.30zafuI see :)
15:31.44ChainsawIt would be like saying mains electricity is always ~230V. Yes. Would work in +33 and most other places.
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15:31.46ChainsawBut not in +1.
15:32.17Chainsaw(As in the country code, not the silly google plus "like")
15:32.23Greenlightwonders what country could possibly like to be so different..
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15:40.12gerritfromsaChainsaw, we only change 2 years ago , so now we're also using 00 - have to follow int std at some stage ...
15:40.53Chainsawgerritfromsa: Yes, one day we'll *all* be sensible and use 00.
15:41.38GreenlightYou're an idealist :)
15:41.52gerritfromsaone day we'll get rid of digits entirely and dial
15:42.02gerritfromsaENUM  or whatever
15:42.06PenguinSome of us already do that.
15:42.17ChainsawGreenlight: Definitely.
15:43.01gerritfromsause DUNDI but thats it
15:43.44gerritfromsaonly problem is bandwidth is a luxury is Africa
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16:04.54Ice_StrikeI am getting  chan_sip.c:8109 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #2)
16:05.18Ice_StrikeAfter changing the resolver.conf
16:05.23Ice_Strikebut ping work
16:05.39GreenlightSure it was resolver.conf and not resolv.conf ?
16:07.28[TK]D-FenderI'm also sure I don't trust a single masked line of debug.
16:07.53Ice_Strike/etc/resolv.conf i meant
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16:11.12GreenlightWell if you changed DNS servers, and no other changes were made, then I think the problem is looking like DNS ..
16:11.18GreenlightWhy not change back to the working server ?
16:12.02[TK]D-FenderWhy not... look at all of the actual debug....
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16:16.39PenguinIt always amuses me when people hide the server names of their providers, which are PUBLIC companies.
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16:42.57gartralgerritfromsa: might I recomend opus or speex codecs if bandwidth is so limited?
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17:28.19gerritfromsagartral, use g729 - works ok
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17:50.00davlefouAMD[TK]D-Fender, sound is chopped with my asterisk, but not with my ata.
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17:52.33[TK]D-FenderdavlefouAMD: I don't us having prven that yet.
17:52.41[TK]D-FenderdavlefouAMD: and is something I highly doubt...
17:57.49davlefouAMDFor me, it is nologique, i have by g729 liscence
17:59.22[TK]D-FenderdavlefouAMD: There is no reason I'd trust that your softphone headset, etc is not responsible .
17:59.43[TK]D-FenderdavlefouAMD: The codec processes what it is given and it isn't mysteriously bad for anyone else that we've heard of.
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18:23.34davlefouAMD[TK]D-Fender, i can teste over softphone, but i use with alaw/ulaw codec. In local call, we don't have any problem.
18:24.17[TK]D-FenderdavlefouAMD: Do you have actual calls to show us from each?
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18:25.33davlefouAMDi can send you but i is in french
18:26.02[TK]D-FenderI mean DEBUG btw...
18:26.13davlefouAMDDo you think there are an problem with ovh and asterisk g729?
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18:26.49[TK]D-FenderWhat is "ovh"?
18:27.00davlefouAMDhow can i send sound message?
18:27.03[TK]D-FenderAnd Asterisk doesn't care about any particular device.  Codecs are codecs
18:27.13[TK]D-FenderWhat is a "sound message"?
18:27.17[TK]D-FenderYou aren't making any sense
18:27.19davlefouAMDovh is europeen voip
18:27.31GreenlightOVH is presumably the large French data centre companyu
18:27.35GreenlightThey are awful
18:27.43davlefouAMDGreenlight, ?
18:27.47GreenlightCheap, but awful
18:28.59GreenlightFrom their UK forums their branching into voip was plauged with problems, and then discontinued.
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18:29.11mic_hello, I had a dirty meeting today
18:29.22mic_did you ever encounter "Lync certification required"?
18:29.38Greenlight"dirty meeting"... sounds fun
18:30.05mic_Greenlight: not really. 2 MS guys forcing a customer to buy something you can do in asterisk in 15 minutes...
18:30.08davlefouAMDFrance ovh is ok, but my problem is from my town where internet is bad.
18:30.24mic_Greenlight: but "you cannot do it in asterisk because it's not Lync certified and then they withdraw all support"
18:32.08davlefouAMDI can't use more ulaw, i need g729 solution
18:32.35jmetroWhy not
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18:35.12*** join/#asterisk Xylitool (~XyliBox@
18:35.44Xylitoolhello all
18:37.23Xylitooldoes anyone now a way to execute a play message that can be stopped by keying dtmf; my app require dtmf identification, so waitdigit is next instruction after play;
18:37.39Penguinxylitool: BackGround()
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18:37.47XylitoolPenguin niet
18:38.08jmetrobackground() is what youre looking for
18:38.16PenguinI usually use BackGround() followed by WaitExten().
18:38.22XylitoolBackground require having the extension defined so dtmf will point to
18:38.32Xylitoolso my exten is not only one dtmf
18:38.36PenguinThat way the caller can hit the key before or after the playback finishes.
18:38.39jmetrook, so pattern match it.
18:38.43Xylitoolit's an auth code 3-6 digits
18:39.00jmetroexten => _XXXXXX to match 6 digit codes of any digit.
18:39.03PenguinThere's also Read().
18:39.44Xylitooljmetro goess u re right, i haven't thinked about _XXXXX
18:39.54Xylitoolthat was missing :)
18:39.56gerritfromsaOr you simply use Authenticate()
18:40.02jmetroyou should read the book about basic dialplan
18:40.05jmetroit might help a lot.
18:40.27Xylitooli do auth external with perl script, asterisk I need only basic
18:40.43mic_Greenlight: ok, turns out ms publishes even a list of switches that "work with Lync"
18:40.53mic_Greenlight: I will go back to my laundry.
18:41.42Xylitooljmetro -> exten => _XXXXXX  won't work also :(   because i have to define each code in astetisk extension.conf
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18:42.01Xylitooli have a simple perl script to do database checking, and dtmf reading
18:42.17Xylitoolwonder if there is any way to play message, and go to next instruction
18:42.21Xylitool(my script)
18:42.23jmetroi dont get it. You play the sound file, and get their code.
18:42.42jmetroExten => _XXXXXX,1,[Code-to-pass-it-to-your-script]
18:42.43Xylitoolbut sometimes message won't end, and caller will key in dtmf
18:43.12jmetroyou pass ${EXTEN} to the script and thats the digits they dialed
18:43.39Xylitoolso I can pass ${EXTEN} as an argument to my script in _XXXXX extension
18:43.46gerritfromsaThen BackGround() with WaitExten() will work
18:44.01gerritfromsaBut you said 3-6 digits?
18:44.12jmetroi know theres something you can limit it to 3-6 digits too
18:44.36gerritfromsaThen the single _XXXXXX match will not work
18:44.56Xylitoolneed to put twice
18:45.01Xylitoolone time _XXX
18:45.03gerritfromsaYou need _XXX,_XXXX,_XXXX and _XXXXX
18:45.04Xylitoolthen _XXXXXX
18:45.15gerritfromsaJust 3 or six ?
18:45.21jmetrowill match 3 - 6
18:45.31gerritfromsanot 3,4,5 or 6?
18:45.38jmetroit will match 3 4 5 and 6
18:45.44jmetronot 2 not 7
18:46.30Xylitoolbut this will make my life harder, because background function will play message on and on
18:46.31WIMPySince whan can you have multiple ! ? That makes as little sense as multiple . .
18:46.49gerritfromsaProblem is when users enter 6 the dialplan will carry on without delay , but if they enter less digits , * will wait and that often created a delay
18:46.51jmetroI thought ! functioned as a placeholder that didnt have to be filled?
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18:47.08PenguinBackGround() stops playing when DTMF is received.
18:47.15gerritfromsathat causes users to think theres something wrong ...
18:47.20_Corey_! matches 0 or more digits.
18:47.23Xylitoolmy extension is smarter than that; can count if no digit has been keyed in and let user try again, 3 times
18:47.37PenguinNot even digits, but characters.
18:47.38jmetrogerritfromsa: if you set the timeout shorter it wil only wait an additional 1/2 seconds between digit input and matching
18:47.43Xylitoolso if will use background, there is no control
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18:47.50PenguinCould be letters.
18:47.52_Corey_Penguin: indeed, you're correct
18:48.04WIMPyAnd ! matches as soon as no other extension can match . waits until the number is complete.
18:48.11admin0hi all .. anyone using a2biilling ? does the trunks and users need to be in the same call plan for the rate to work ?
18:48.28jmetroadmin0: i think there is an #a2billing channel
18:48.49admin0chanserv and me :D
18:49.04Penguinask alis
18:49.05gerritfromsajmetro, how do you adjust the timing in BackGround() ?
18:49.30jmetrogerritfromsa: beforehand, you do like a Set(timeout thingy i forget what)
18:51.06gerritfromsahow does one disable the adds in ?
18:51.14gerritfromsaits in my way
18:51.25jmetroadblock+ probably
18:51.25Xylitoolexten => s,n,Background  then   Exten => _XXXXXX,1,     then how to get back to my menu with => s,n   (it doesn;t work labeling s type )
18:51.27phixthrow money at them
18:51.32gerritfromsaTIMEOUT(response) it is
18:51.37phixthen they won't need to put ads up there
18:51.40jmetroXylitool: what do you mean?
18:51.46jmetrogerritfromsa: its timeout(digit)
18:51.51Xylitoolmy menu is for answering
18:52.02gerritfromsajmetro, shot
18:52.10Xylitoolso it's writtien with => s,1 ... s,n
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18:52.54jmetroXylitool: you need to read the book honestly, this is basic stuff
18:53.06jmetroXylitool: you set a label, like same => n(goherenow),[code]
18:53.14drjfreezeAnyone know about replacing a TE121 Digium PRI card with at TE133 or TE134 card?
18:53.36gerritfromsaThe O'reilly books are best
18:53.48jmetroanything that leif madsen has touched.
18:54.38infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:55.48PenguinSeriously, you could just use Read() to accept your digits.  It will allow for interrupting the playback.
18:55.52Xylitooljmetro, my whole menu is made with labeling with - exten => s,n(retry1)  ... but if will put Exten => _XXXXXX,n,Goto(retry1)   it won't work :( it will search in _XXXXXX for label
18:56.09PenguinGoto a different place!
18:56.26Penguinor s,2
18:56.30PenguinOr whatever you want.
18:56.51XylitoolPenguin, thanks
18:57.03PenguinBut if I am not accepting DTMF to be used for an extension, I wouldn't go to the extension.
18:57.11PenguinI would read the data in and process it.
18:57.18PenguinThat is standard IVR stuff.
18:58.07PenguinYou use Read(), store the user's input into a variable, and process it later.
18:58.13XylitoolPenguin, i did waitdigit stuff inside perl script, was easier for me to manage how many digits and database query
18:58.20gerritfromsatalking about ivrs , I created a web-interface for an ivr and its works like a bomb
18:58.37PenguinI don't even know what waitdigit is.  Never heard of it, never used it.
18:58.42Penguingerritfromsa: It blew up?
18:58.58gerritfromsaI then recorded a walk-through from screen and send it to the client - he loved it
18:59.14gerritfromsaLinux command to record screen
18:59.31PenguinIf you make the user key in some digits and you're going to feed that to an external script, it sounds like a regular IVR using Read() is the right tool for the job.
19:00.11gerritfromsaffmpeg -f alsa -f x111grab -threads 0 filename.avi/mkv
19:00.41gerritfromsacan recommend it for presentations or/and demos
19:02.52gerritfromsaXylitool, exten => _XXXXXX,1,System(external script ${EXTEN})    ;WHERE EXTEN is your 1st argument for the external script
19:03.17gerritfromsaor AGI be better
19:03.24gerritfromsaor Macro()
19:04.00gerritfromsaso many options really ...
19:04.46*** join/#asterisk Cloin (
19:05.34Xylitoolgerritfromsa, what if there are many steps of auth, using same number of digits ? how do you know which step of menu u are ?
19:05.46Xylitoolit will always go to exten => _XXXXXX,1,System(external script ${EXTEN})
19:06.29Xylitoolit will work perfect for one layer
19:06.50CloinStruggling a bit to get my first installation working with the first phone I've tried to set up.  Is it typical to just spam the channel here with a detailed description or ask for responses in PM?
19:07.29gerritfromsause SET() as you go , the CHANNEL VARIABLES get passed along as the dialpan gets processed
19:09.45gerritfromsaspam away
19:12.19[TK]D-FenderCloin: you can DESCRIBE your issue here... for actual debug & configs --->> PASTEBIN
19:12.23infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:13.31CloinI have an AsteriskNOW installation working at the data center.  The host is on private address space ( and resides behind a firewall over which I have full control.  I've provisioned a public IP ( to translate on all TCP/UDP ports to  The phone resides at a second location and is on private address space ( and NATs to a public address (
19:13.31Cloinin order to reach the Asterisk server at
19:13.52CloinIt's a Cisco 7960 phone and I managed to use the TFTPD on the Asterisk server to get the firmware updated on the phone to be SIP compatible.
19:14.46CloinThe phone boots with the new binary from the TFTPD and pulls its configuration but immediately goes to "Phone Unprovisioned"
19:15.20CloinI initially supposed I had NAT configuration wrong in either one of the .cnf files or on the Asterisk SIP configuration itself but after trying variuos combinations with no luck I'm not so sure now.
19:15.44CloinI've permitted only to connect to on what I thought are the relevant ports and have no denied connections thus far for that traffic.
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19:16.07Cloin(5060/5061 10000 = 20000)
19:16.15Cloinand TFTP
19:16.48CloinCan't stress enough this is my first time doing anything with a PBX or using SIP
19:17.34CloinAny suggestions or advice would be welcome, and witty criticism certainly encouraged
19:17.43gartralCloin: and you're sure that AsteriskNOW's firewall isn't blocking the tfpt port?
19:17.51gerritfromsaCloin, have you set up the provisioning server
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19:18.34Cloingartral: I believe the phone updated its firmware from that TFTP server so I don't think so, but I'm also not certain as I don't recall modifying or even looking at it
19:18.41Cloingerritfromsa: I'm not certain, where is that located?
19:18.42_Corey_Cloin: It sounds like more of a provisioning issue with the phone.  If it's pulling firmware from the remote server you likely don't have a good config file for the phone itself, hence the unprovisioned msg.
19:19.02gerritfromsaCloin, you need to set that up yourself
19:19.14Cloin_Corey_: entirely possible as I pieced one together from what I could find online
19:19.14gerritfromsaIt gets this info via the DHCP server
19:19.20gerritfromsaOption 66 and 67
19:19.33CloinYes those are set to for the DHCP server that responds to the phone
19:19.40_Corey_Cloin: I could probably dig you up a working file if you want...
19:20.04Cloin_Corey_: if you're willing I would appreciate looking at one that is known to be in good working order
19:20.07gerritfromsaI agree with _Corey_
19:20.11CloinI will pastebin mine in the meantime
19:20.22_Corey_yeah, gimme a few moments
19:20.36gerritfromsaCloin, confirmed all this with Wireshark?
19:20.57CloinHaven't done any packet sniffing, was looking at builds and teardowns in the firewall logs so far
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19:21.26gerritfromsaCloin, you can also program the Cisco manually
19:22.08_Corey_Cloin: Here's a SIP<MACADDRESS>.cnf file:
19:22.41_Corey_You may want to enable some logging on your tftp so you can verify the phone is requesting the correct file also
19:23.18CloinThat is the output from SIPDefault.cnf and SIPmac_address.cnf
19:23.32Cloinok _Corey_
19:24.32CloinThanks, I'll look through your configuration file now
19:24.55_Corey_Cloin: Here's a SIPDefault.cnf to go with the other one:
19:26.34_Corey_Cloin: You shouldn't need to do any NAT on the phone side.  Just nat_enable=1 in the config.  Then tell the phone to register to the public IP on the server side.
19:27.22PenguinSetting nat_enable to 1 does do nat traversal on the phone side, doesn't it?
19:28.59_Corey_It's been a few years since I abandoned these Cisco phones and moved on to greener pastures, but as I recall it may not be strictly required
19:29.11_Corey_these phones are very touchy with NAT though, IIRC
19:29.13CloinHerein lies my confusion.  I understand nat conceptually and practically as it relates to what I do regularly on network equipment, but the terminology has me confused both on the Asterisk GUI as well as in the configuration files
19:29.45Cloinhah! wonderful
19:30.04Cloinwhat a nice little bot
19:30.07_Corey_Cloin: Well, Cisco quirks aside, you're basically going to configure an external IP address on the Asterisk SIP side of things to match up with your public IP
19:30.24_Corey_then make sure NAT is enabled on your FreePBX "extension"
19:30.33Cloin_Corey_ despite the Asterisk host system not _really_ having a public address on it?
19:30.54Cloinbut rather having one translated to it by an auxiliary device
19:31.01_Corey_Yeah, it's going to use the external address when it's talking to a subnet that's not defined as local
19:31.25_Corey_(see the section of the sample sip.conf pertaining to this as it explains)
19:32.02_Corey_and when I say "use the external address" I should be more specific, as that sounds confusing
19:32.23_Corey_It will use that within the SIP messages in place of its private IP
19:32.29CloinAs I understand it I need to modify the Asterisk SIP Settings portion of the GUI, the SIPmac_address.cnf file, and the SIPDefault.cnf file.  Are there any other locations I will need to put NAT information?
19:32.32PenguinUsually, I would set nat_enable to 0 and enable nat for the device in asterisk.
19:33.18_Corey_Penguin: Yeah, you're probably right.  I don't think enabling it would do anything useful on the phone side
19:35.19CloinRight now the Asterisk SIP Settings, NAT Settings are defined as: NAT - yes, IP Configuration - Static IP, External IP -, Local Network
19:36.03CloinAnd the only mention of NAT in my cnf file(s) is in SIPmac_address.cnf as:
19:36.27Cloinnat_enable: "1"
19:36.27Cloinnat_address: ""
19:36.33Cloinnat_received_processing: "1"
19:36.56PenguinIn most cases, enabling the nat stuff on the phone causes the phone to try to be smart and rewrite the addresses in the packets.
19:36.57Cloin7.7.7.7 being the address that the phone would receive when it NATs in order to reach the Asterisk server at
19:37.08PenguinThat breaks asterisk's ability to handle it properly.
19:37.41CloinI see.  I'll start with setting nat_enable to 0 and removing the nat address as well as setting nat_received_processing to 0
19:37.46_Corey_Yeah, and you can remove that NAT translation on your router.  You don't need to expose the phone to the Internet.
19:38.02CloinSorry I phrased that poorly
19:38.10CloinIt's actually PAT for the phone not NAT
19:38.27CloinSo only for outbound traffic leaving the interface, not the other way around
19:38.48_Corey_Shouldn't be required unless you're filtering outbound traffic
19:39.02CloinI am
19:39.47CloinSo SIPmac_address.cnf 's NAT parameters are now:
19:39.50Cloinnat_enable: "0"
19:39.50Cloinnat_address: ""
19:39.50Cloinnat_received_processing: "0"
19:40.19CloinShould I need to modify Asterisk SIP Settings NAT Settings before proceeding?
19:41.24gerritfromsaCloin, the SIP[MACADDRESS}.cnf file - the mac must be in HIGHER CASE
19:43.59CloinYou're referring to the file name right?
19:44.28CloinIt is all upper case on my system, I've only been using the lower case when obscurring its name to 'SIPmac_address'
19:45.43gerritfromsajust making sure , I remember it was case sensitive
19:46.24gerritfromsaCloin, can you share the firmware please?
19:47.09Cloinso much for mac redaction
19:47.37gerritfromsaI mean the file , the bin file - where did you download it?
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19:52.33CloinSo my TFTPD log is showing RRQ from filename SIPmac_address.cnf over and over
19:52.44CloinAnd the phone is still at Unprovisioned
19:52.53CloinAfter changing the NAT parameters in that .cnf file
19:53.56_Corey_Cloin: Well, that parameter has nothing to do with provisioning
19:54.16CloinThe RRQ messages indicate that TFTP is working right?
19:54.26CloinSorry, bit rusty with TFTP
19:55.00_Corey_The face that it's looping would suggest not
19:55.03CloinOct 31 15:40:36 asterisk1 in.tftpd[19783]: RRQ from filename SIPmac_address.cnf
19:55.03gerritfromsaCloin, check permissions
19:56.05_Corey_Cloin: Use a tftp client to make sure you can pull the file like the phone would...
19:56.17_Corey_If that works, then you know it's the content of the file
19:56.27_Corey_i.e. something mangled
19:56.36CloinThe perms are quite open, 777
19:56.44gerritfromsano sjit
19:57.26gerritfromsaagree with Corey , try it with a tftp client 1st
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20:00.45gerritfromsahave2go ... thanks for everybody's free time!
20:01.06CloinLater, thanks for your help so far
20:01.17gerritfromsaEnjoy Holland
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20:08.53Cloin_Corey_ I'm noticing the two files you linked me have conflicting values for nat
20:09.01CloinThe first has it set to 0 while the second has it set to 1
20:11.28PenguinThe SIPDefault.cnf is a default value.  SIP<MAC>.cnf will override the default if it is different.
20:12.00PenguinSo if default says 0 and the phone-specific one says 1, it will be 1 (enabled).
20:12.10Cloinand the second link he shared was meant to be the Default?
20:12.11_Corey_Cloin: I would try first with it disabled, as Penguin has said it shouldn't be needed
20:13.03PenguinI don't override the nat value in the phone-specific confs.  I set it to 0 in the SIPDefault.cnf and let asterisk do its nat stuff.
20:14.08CloinOh cool that new config file got it online
20:14.18CloinThank you everyone
20:14.46CloinNow to find out why no dialtone, haha
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20:15.43PenguinThe phone should provide the dial tone once a "call manager" is registered in the phone.
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20:17.08CloinI see.  The testing extension I set up in Asterisk has a little 'x' by it so I'm sure something is not quite right
20:17.43PenguinI'm not sure what that means.
20:18.01PenguinDid you configure the phone's peer entry in sip.conf?
20:18.26_Corey_On the SIP firmware I believe that just means it's not registered if I remember correctly
20:18.46_Corey_so you could have an authentication or config issue
20:18.58PenguinIt's been a while since I used SIP on my 7900 phones.
20:19.49_Corey_You're not missing anything enjoyable ;)
20:20.08CloinSounds like the overwhelming consensus is that I should use non Cisco phones
20:20.29Cloin_Corey_: I haven't been manually editing sip.conf as I was under the assumption the GUI was using it, and that I should do everything through there
20:20.34PenguinI use Cisco 7900 series phones...
20:20.41_Corey_Well, asking for a phone preference in here is opening a big can of worms
20:20.46PenguinBut I use SCCP, not SIP.
20:21.18_Corey_The GUI, as in FreePBX?  Unless you're using the "endpoint manager" -- which I have never used -- it would not
20:21.34paulcI had a guy the other day cursing the 79xx series because the phones he bought were SCCP and Cisco wanted $40/phone to make them SIP.. He didn't want to spent $200 (did he need to? Is the firmware licensed per phone (technically?))
20:22.01_Corey_Not that I recall
20:22.11_Corey_If you have SmartNet you're entitled to it I believe
20:22.18PenguinYes, but there are ways to get it, if you're into that sort of thing.  You have to have a SmartNET contract to get the firmware.
20:22.54paulcYeah - I figured "Pay for it on one phone and you'd be ok".. Then I told him I'd had great success with the SPA508G and would tend to lean towards those if you wanted the Cisco name (they're smaller/nicer on the desk than the 79xx's too, no?)
20:22.59PenguinI would even tell you the file names if you needed them.
20:23.10PenguinI won't search for them or give them to you, but I'd tell you the file names.
20:23.53CloinI am referring to FreePBX yes, _Corey_
20:23.54paulcHe'd be appreciative I'm sure. I didn't care to get that involved (as he'd reached out to me for selling a Digium D70 by asking "Know anything about these Cisco phones I've got?".. uh, no.)
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20:25.04PenguinThe 7900s are old, but they are still okay phones... as long as you don't need HD audio.
20:25.17Cloin; Do NOT edit this file as it is auto-generated by FreePBX. All modifications to ;
20:25.17Cloin; this file must be done via the web gui. There are alternative files to make    ;
20:25.17Cloin; custom modifications, details at:       ;
20:25.23Cloinwhich is why i hadn't touched it
20:25.32PenguinYou can use SIP on them, but I use SCCP on mine (with asterisk and chan_sccp-b).
20:25.53_Corey_Cloin: You pulled that from something in your tftp folder?
20:26.12Clointhat's from the heading of /etc/asterisk/spi.conf
20:26.32Penguincloin: That's why we don't support FreePBX here.  You ask asterisk questions, I'll do my best to give asterisk answers.  If you use FreePBX, consider most of the answers to be things that will ruin your FreePBX configuration.
20:26.48CloinI see
20:27.07PenguinWe'll help you all day long with asterisk.  When it comes to FreePBX, there's another channel for that.
20:27.13CloinWell I'm not attached to it I just didn't know which avenue to begin with and chose that one somewhat arbitrarily
20:27.58_Corey_nothing wrong with it for many scenarios, but you may find it limiting if you progress beyond a basic setup
20:29.04PenguinFor all my purposes, the biggest problem with it is that I can't have full control over the configs.  For that reason, I will probably never use FreePBX.
20:29.43PenguinFor others, the "problem" I described may be their only reason to use it.
20:29.44CloinYeah that doesn't sound ideal to me.  Wonder how easily I can back out of FreePBX
20:30.27PenguinIf you're just starting out, it wouldn't be too difficult to get out of it.  You might spend a couple hours at it.
20:30.51_Corey_Cloin: If your goal is to learn Asterisk, you will want to avoid FreePBX until you've mastered the basics
20:30.53PenguinI'm totally comfortable with ssh and vim -- I don't need a web interface to configure things.
20:31.36_Corey_once you understand Asterisk, you may find FreePBX useful...  I use it on many deployments.
20:32.01PenguinI use Alt+w for that.  :)
20:35.46*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
20:43.01CloinPerhaps I'll just start with a new installation.  My sysadmin capabilities are a bit limited and I don't want to waste time trying to distinguish what effects FreePBX has had on the installation thus far
20:43.38PenguinIt's not too difficult to get away from it.
20:44.44Penguinsip.conf and extensions.conf are your main files you'll be using.  FreePBX takes them over and creates some additional and custom files for you to play with manually.
20:44.51PenguinI think it also uses users.conf, which you'll want to delete.
20:45.01PenguinPhones are configured in sip.conf.
20:45.13PenguinExtensions (which are not phones) are configured in extensions.conf.
20:45.47raubCan I configure asterisknow completely from command line?
20:46.01PenguinThat depends on what you installed.
20:46.04*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
20:46.22PenguinI use AsteriskNOW for the OS and asterisk.  I configure it totally from the command line.
20:46.44PenguinIf you installed FreePBX, too, don't use the command line to configure things.
20:46.46raubI am using the asterisk now ISO, whcih is centos
20:47.03PenguinThere should still be an option to install asterisk only with no GUI.
20:47.41raubPenguin: others might use the gui but I just want to have it so I can create a puppet thingie for it
20:48.09PenguinGenerally speaking, you use FreePBX only if you have and use FreePBX at all.
20:48.24PenguinIf you're going to do command line administration, don't use FreePBX.
20:48.44PenguinBUT... there are some custom files that FreePBX will allow you to use for certain things.
20:49.31PenguinMy advice is to do command line administration OR FreePBX configuration.  Don't combine them.
20:49.37CloinWould you suggest AsteriskNOW but trying to opt-out of the GUI during the installation then?
20:49.45PenguinAlthough some people have success with those custom files.
20:49.59Penguincloin: Yes.  That's what I used to do when I needed an asterisk box.
20:50.30PenguinI would get the AsteriskNOW CD, start it up, select the NO GUI option, and away I go.
20:50.36CloinI'll give that some consideration then before I go too much further
20:50.45PenguinIn 20 minutes or less, I have a running system with asterisk waiting to be configured.
20:51.09raubPenguin: I see what you mean. Lemme try doing that then. It is just a vm anyway
20:51.44PenguinNow it has been a couple years since the last time I used it, and there have been changes to AsteriskNOW... but I assume there is still a "no GUI" option.
20:54.48raubOn garden-variety asterisk, has anyone successfully run it as a vm + pci passthrough (for the card: in my case sangoma a101 and a400)?
20:55.16raubI am getting a lot of messages like these:
20:55.17raub[1763710.859734] wanpipe1:w1g1: Error: TxDMA Length not equal 0 (reg=0x60000801)
20:55.17raub[1763710.860486] wanpipe1:w1g1: Tx Error: Abort from Master: pci fatal error!
20:55.23raubin dmesg
20:55.46raubInthis setup (not an asterisknow one), I am not running freepbx
20:55.52raub(if this matters)
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21:37.15bchamberlainHello - is there any way to make asterisk not respond to options pings from a peer?
21:37.47PenguinWhy would you want to?
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21:44.06bchamberlainpenguin: we have a carrier that uses options to tell if a box is alive to send calls.
21:44.28PenguinYep, that's the typical use of OPTIONS packets with Asterisk.
21:44.57bchamberlainPenguin I'd like to stop responding to pings so the carrier knows the box is off/going offline
21:45.27PenguinIf the box is off, it will not respond.  Problem solved.
21:45.29bchamberlainPenguin otherwise we can shutdown asterisk and we can have upto 60 seconds where the carrier continues to send calls.
21:45.40PenguinOh, I see.
21:45.55bchamberlainbefore the options fails and then it moves onto next destination :)
21:45.59PenguinYou want them to stop early.
21:47.23PenguinI don't know of a good way to stop response.
21:47.51PenguinI suppose you could do it in iptables.
21:48.13PenguinYou'd have to do string matching and block the packets based on the string OPTIONS.
21:48.29bchamberlainPenguin that would work of course!
21:49.54PenguinLet me know if that works like you want.
21:51.15bchamberlainPenguin iptables -I INPUT -j DROP -p udp --dport 5060 -m string --string "OPTIONS sip" --algo bm should work.... I'll give it a go! Thanks for help..
21:52.13PenguinIt looks like it would work.
22:01.31skrustyhas anyone here used s3 as a virtual drive for storing/feteching audio files?
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22:22.35wasanzydoes asterisk do sms?
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22:58.38bchamberlainPenguin worked like a treat! Thanks again for great idea.
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23:12.08Penguinbchamberlain: Great!
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