IRC log for #asterisk on 20131030

00:00.28*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (
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00:09.59*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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00:44.52*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (~Deeewayne@2600:1005:b10d:57d6:7fc6:b581:2d9a:d6b4)
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00:52.05*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
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01:44.32*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
01:55.19*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
01:56.46SeRiPenguin: so dijib still does not know who "hacked" his pbx
02:15.31nobodyathomelike this
02:16.47Penguinseri: Maybe not.  He did call me a liar, though.
02:17.03SeRioh snap
02:17.18SeRisorry dude
02:17.31SeRiI am trying to help him understand iirc basics
02:17.44SeRiand how somebody was able to get in his pbx
02:27.08*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:31.37*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
02:32.01Penguinseri: iirc basics?
02:36.10*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
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02:52.00*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
02:52.30SeRiPenguin: IRC*
02:52.44Penguinseri: What do IRC basics have to do with his PBX?
02:53.04SeRiPenguin: he has no clue how people in IRC cand find each others IP
02:53.25PenguinHe doesn't know we have eyes.  Got it.
02:53.35*** join/#asterisk jpoz_ (
02:56.11Penguinseri: More than just IRC basics, he published his FQDN multiple times.
03:00.20*** join/#asterisk ngharo (
03:01.49ngharoanyone run into the 'invalid opcode' error on startup while running inside a VM?
03:02.05ngharolooks like my first try would be to disable optimizations during the build but curious if there is a better solution
03:03.41ngharotries without build_native
03:18.08*** join/#asterisk redotis (
03:47.52*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:01.38phixPenguin, SeRi: Who are you talking about?
04:02.19Penguinphix: dijib
04:21.00*** join/#asterisk SysAdmin_Raven (~SysAdmin_@2605:a000:120f:807e:c83f:e66d:f3c4:8837)
04:29.24*** join/#asterisk gartral (~gartral@unaffiliated/gartral)
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04:57.30*** join/#asterisk tehrabbitt (~tehrabbit@unaffiliated/tehrabbitt)
04:57.42tehrabbittwhat is the reccomended version of asterisk nowadays?
05:03.24[TK]D-Fendersame as always, the latest LTS release
05:03.44*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
05:04.50*** join/#asterisk lvlinux (
05:05.04*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
05:06.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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05:51.13*** join/#asterisk gerritfromsa (
06:00.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
06:12.10ChannelZeleventy point whateva!
06:13.55*** join/#asterisk SysAdmin_Raven (~SysAdmin_@2605:a000:120f:807e:c83f:e66d:f3c4:8837)
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06:43.22snadgewhich latest LTS release? the certified one? ;)
06:47.20*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
06:47.27hrolfHi #asterisk.
06:47.42hrolfI have issue that I receive calls on SIP, then execute AGI.
06:48.01hrolfRight now, there is one call stuck, it is stuck in the AGI command.
06:48.23hrolfBut on the other machine (where FastAGI) is running no connection is received.
06:48.54hrolfWhen I do core show channels I get this line:
06:49.03hrolfSIP/308-00000456     308@access:1         Ring    AGI(agi://
06:49.17hrolfThe call is stuck for like 40 hours
06:50.04hrolfI did check the TCP connections on the machine, and there are no connections from Asterisk, it is only listening on 457
06:50.08hrolf4573 port
06:51.17hrolfHow do I debug this?
06:53.06gerritfromsahrolf, I believe asterisk never received the BYE and got stuck , there is a remote possibility that you wont be able to debug because
06:53.11gerritfromsait already happened
06:53.38gerritfromsaIf you were running a pcap trace 40hours ago , you still had a chance
06:54.13gerritfromsalogs is in /var/log/asterisk/messages
06:58.12hrolfgerritfromsa: BYE? No I log all connections at the FastAGI application, I never received a call with the channel SIP/308-00000456.
06:58.56gerritfromsaSo the request never made it to ?
06:59.00hrolfgerritfromsa: Nope.
06:59.46hrolfgerritfromsa: Other strange thing is that I do netstat | less and get this:
06:59.48hrolftcp        0      0         ivr-server.ahiml-main.:4573 ESTABLISHED
06:59.57hrolfA connection is established
07:00.22hrolfivr-server is where our FastAGI application is being hosted i.e.
07:00.57hrolfbut when I view the TCP connections in 41 machine, there are no connections established, just one connection on port 4573 which is listening for AGI connections.
07:01.48gerritfromsaTry to add the option in AGI if a time-out/error occurs to log and Hangup
07:02.45hrolfgerritfromsa: What option is it?
07:05.03hrolfgerritfromsa: And judging from how it is at present. The connection is established, no errors I believe ?
07:05.23hrolfgerritfromsa: how will it detect, if it ever occurs again in future?
07:05.28gerritfromsaIf the AGI command returns -1
07:06.15gerritfromsaI believe the connection you see is the socket , but does not represent a successful originate
07:06.17hrolfgerritfromsa: In this case, it hasn't returned yet.
07:06.35gerritfromsaHence the timeout condition
07:06.37hrolfgerritfromsa: According to it, it is still connected.
07:06.53hrolfgerritfromsa: And no errors.
07:07.34gerritfromsaDid you create the agi script?
07:08.30hrolfgerritfromsa: Umm? Yes I created an application running on FastAGI, the IVR.
07:08.47hrolfon .NET.
07:08.55*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
07:10.08gerritfromsasorry then I'm lost
07:10.09*** join/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
07:10.19gerritfromsaCan't help with .NET
07:11.20*** join/#asterisk Tokeiito (
07:14.27*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
07:15.23ChannelZruns away
07:24.14*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
07:24.35linociscohi all
07:24.58linociscoI want to setup CCTV. is there any way to setup CCTV with asterisk based?
07:26.23gerritfromsahow do you want the cctv to interface with * ?
07:27.05gerritfromsaI've got asterisk to dial me when theres movement - something like that ?
07:28.49*** join/#asterisk magespawn (
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07:34.10linociscoI heard there are ip camera
07:35.47*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
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07:53.26*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
07:55.28*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
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07:57.39magespawngood morning all
08:07.11*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
08:09.52*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:23.39polysicshi! just a minor thing, installing the latest 11 proceeds correctly if uuid-dev is not installed, but the resulting binary has no RTP capabilities
08:23.49polysicsI assume that is by desgin, to decouple functionality
08:24.00polysicsbut it should be on by default as most people do want RTP :)
08:27.11*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:48.46*** join/#asterisk makmak78 (
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08:49.13makmak78Hi everybody. Is there anybody here that lives in Sweden?
08:50.09makmak78Im looking for someone familiar with the asterisk code
08:50.48makmak78Im actually looking for a solution to att PDD value to timeout
08:51.04makmak78anybody with that info perhaps?
08:58.48*** join/#asterisk LooserOuting (
08:59.46gerritfromsapdd value ?
09:00.20kaldemarpost dial delay
09:00.29gerritfromsaphpboy, just knew you where local when I sa haazit ! lol
09:01.25gerritfromsamakmak78, Add the D() value to your Dial() statement - lets say you want it to pause 0.5 sekonds after dialling
09:02.11kaldemarmakmak78: asterisk can't really know that, if you really want the time between Dial app execution and caller getting an indication.
09:02.13gerritfromsamakmak78, use it like this exten => _X.,1,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN},,rD(w))
09:02.43gerritfromsaEvery "w" represents 0.5 sec
09:03.14kaldemarD() sends DTMF after the callee has answered.
09:03.20gerritfromsaYou can also pass DTMF this way after Dial
09:03.38gerritfromsaBut the w - pauses
09:04.12kaldemarhow does sending DTMF in the ear of the callee *after* an answer increase the timeout for app Dial?
09:05.55gerritfromsaYour NOT sending DTMF you're sending a PAUSE/DELAY
09:06.19*** join/#asterisk atha (~athayde@unaffiliated/athayde)
09:06.25kaldemarat the point D() is used, the caller has already gotten both a ringing indication and an answer => it has no effect whatsoever on the timeout.
09:07.01gerritfromsaThats what I understand under POST DIAL delay
09:07.15gerritfromsaIts comes after dialling?
09:08.16kaldemarPDD is the time the calling user experiences between entering the last digit in the phone and hearing a ringing indication.
09:09.04gerritfromsaand not ending with # ?
09:09.04kaldemarso it's really not even the time between a Dial and ringing indication.
09:09.26*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
09:10.18gerritfromsaThis is dialplan related , so if you have 2 competing Pattern Matches on longer than the one you're dialing , you will have the 3 sec delay
09:11.03gerritfromsaBut if you only have one match it dial immediately , so if you want a delay use Wait()
09:11.08kaldemaronly with overlap dialing and if digit timeout is 3 seconds.
09:11.21*** join/#asterisk PLMg (PLMg@
09:11.26makmak78What i need is the time from originate to ring event
09:11.53makmak78and add that value to ringtimeout
09:11.56kaldemarhe does not want delay. he wants to increase the timeout for app Dial with the PDD.
09:12.24PLMghey, does anyone know the default admin password for SPA303? (I know this is not really an asterisk question but I didn't find anything usefull on google)
09:12.25kaldemarthat cannot be done from dialplan.
09:12.26gerritfromsamakmak78, you simply want to log this?
09:12.44makmak78i want to both log it and add it to ring timoeut if possible
09:13.16gerritfromsaThe difference is miiliseconds ?
09:13.59gerritfromsaUnless you're using DAHDI(or ZAPATA)
09:14.35makmak78i know i can extract the pdd value and add it to cdr. my problem is to add the pdd value to ring timeout
09:14.53gerritfromsamakmak78, you can actually
09:15.17*** part/#asterisk PLMg (PLMg@
09:15.41makmak78Eg. we set 20 second timeout for originate. we check pdd and lets say it takes 5 sec to get first ring. then we need to add those 5 seconds to ring timeout so it doesnt hangup before 25 seconds
09:15.42gerritfromsaWhen you start the dialplan use SET(cdr(userfield)=THE TIME NOW)
09:16.27makmak78and i need to know if it is duable in the asterisk code
09:17.01gerritfromsausing Dial() or originate via the AMI?
09:18.12*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
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09:23.08makmak78in the asterisk soruce code
09:23.24makmak78Im using originate
09:23.52makmak78but as far as i know, if it is possible, then it is in the src code
09:25.23kaldemaryou'll have to modify the source.
09:26.11makmak78Yes, and my question is, does anybody have experience in that?
09:26.14makmak78in here
09:35.14*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
09:51.36*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:52.42LooserOutinggerritfromsa: hello gerritfromsa, you helped me two days ago with my fax problem. can i ask you 4 advise regarding a bug I reported ?
10:00.15LooserOutingI found a small function in the res_fax code, that may return a false value. I just found it by reading the code, i have problems now to report a bug because i don't run into an issue using asterisk and I git no debug log or something else.
10:00.59*** join/#asterisk the_5th_wheel (
10:09.04gerritfromsago ahead
10:09.17gerritfromsasorry lots of lag
10:10.16*** part/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
10:20.43LooserOutingi dunno what to do.
10:21.11LooserOutingthe bug was close
10:22.36LooserOutingi don'T even know if i am right :-)
10:24.13GreenlightLooserOuting: You're best bet is to ask in #asterisk-dev if its related to the code. Perhaps one of them will have a spare few minutes to take a look at some point, even if it's just to confirm it's a bug or not
10:25.34LooserOutingGreenlight: OK. thanks, i'll try.
10:25.40*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-stchjsdwepywuplk)
10:34.09LooserOutingoh dear, maybe i'll ask when there is more action in asterisk-dev. maybe in a few hours
10:37.06GreenlightYea, patience is needed on that one :)
10:42.09*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
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11:05.04*** join/#asterisk gartral (~gartral@unaffiliated/gartral)
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12:27.32skrustyquick question, if i have a srv record pointing to a master and failover proxy, lets say it's, what should the A record for be? Does it matter?
12:27.51*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
12:29.22GreenlightYou'd most often point the A record to the master server, to support devices which ignore SRV records
12:30.01GreenlightAs a side note, Asterisk doesn't properly support SRV records either.
12:31.37*** join/#asterisk BarthezZ (
12:34.27skrustyGreenlight: cheers :)
12:34.46skrustyand thanks for the heads up
12:36.20*** join/#asterisk dronacid (
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13:45.33ghost75voipmonitor works only on same host as * or with spanport right?
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14:12.32skrustyghost75: no, you can use ssh to extend monitoring to a remote host
14:13.51*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
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14:15.14elred_Hi. I need to have a global MOH in a conference room (i am using Meetme) actually the MOH is started from beginning at each conference entering. Do i have the possibility to use another MOH's method (not mode=files ?) that will stream MOH globally ?
14:15.23elred_Thanks you
14:16.47*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-ptdkyyezspnoaqro)
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14:22.48elred_I wonder using application= would bind a single process thus MOH global ? Thanks
14:22.52gerritfromsaelred_, Yes you can stream , it's described in the sample musiconhold.conf - check for [ulawstream]
14:23.48gerritfromsaYou can use streamplayer or mpg123
14:24.15*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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14:24.56lnbfor some reason an analogue phone -> ATA now has no sound. Can dial out, and rings when calls come in. What might cause this?
14:25.11lnbOpened firewall completely but that did not do anything
14:25.30lnbthis phone was working right before today
14:27.37*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
14:27.38gerritfromsasound issues both ways or one directional ?
14:30.30lnbboth ways
14:31.45gerritfromsacan you see the rtp flowing to and fro ?
14:35.04lnbhow? from tcpdump?
14:48.02ghost75skrusty: software like ssh zenpack?
14:49.42*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
14:50.10Ice_StrikeWhat does this error mean, Probation passed - setting RTP source address to ..
14:50.58ChainsawIce_Strike: It is not an error actually.
14:51.12ChainsawIce_Strike: It means Asterisk is now sure of both endpoints for the RTP (audio) stream.
14:51.38ChainsawIce_Strike: As in, it is sure that no further re-invites will occur, and that data is flowing correctly.
14:52.21Ice_StrikeAh I see, I have upgraded from 1.4 to 11 and I didnt see this before :)
14:54.28ChainsawIce_Strike: Quite a jump there. Good change though, you'll like 11.
14:54.44Ice_StrikeChainsaw Just a few changes and seem working so far.
14:54.50Chainsawnods approvingly
14:54.58Ice_StrikeChnages to AMI and Dial Plan.
14:55.09ChainsawYeah, I'm just glad you weren't stuck on 1.2
14:55.33ChainsawThat dial-plan is so different, with the priority jumping that getting away from it is proper hard work. (I went 1.2 -> 1.6.0, skipping 1.4)
14:55.55Ice_StrikeChainsaw Astrisk are hosted on dedicated server and the hardware phone are here.. how to test if latency is ok?
14:56.06Ice_StrikeI don't use priority jumping
14:56.26*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
14:56.34ChainsawIce_Strike: Latency on audio streams? Generally an echo test on the old and then the new system to compare.
14:56.43ChainsawIce_Strike: Any benchmark is meaningless without a baseline.
14:57.23Ice_StrikeI've just dialed to my mobile phone and test
14:57.25Ice_Strikeseem fine
14:58.18ChainsawIce_Strike: Greenlight may have a more scientific approach to latency measurement. Runs a much bigger operation.
14:59.01Ice_StrikeChainsaw I had out of sync issue of recorded files only when after transferring the calls.. That only happen sometime.
14:59.17Ice_StrikeGreenlight suggest me to change from Monitor() to MixMonitor()
15:00.56Ice_StrikeMinimum = 27ms, Maximum = 37ms, Average = 30ms
15:01.02Ice_StrikeThat is when I ping asterisk server
15:01.56GreenlightA lot of jitter...
15:02.36GreenlightWell, perhaps not enough to cause issues, but enough to make me wonder "what's causing that"
15:03.32GreenlightLeave mtr running for a while and see what results you get
15:05.11*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
15:05.33Ice_Strikewtf, wrong time Wed Oct 30 15:15:59 GMT 2013
15:05.35Ice_Strikeon linux lol
15:06.18GreenlightCareful with ntpupdate with large difference when asterisk is live
15:06.26GreenlightI've had.... issues before
15:07.21Ice_StrikeI don't use auto update via ntpupdate
15:11.03*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (~danjenkin@
15:12.33lnbCan hear myself in the packet capture using the analogue phone. Does that mean something is blocking the packets back to the analogue phone?
15:15.52*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@unaffiliated/assid)
15:18.17Assidok.. need some suggestion here.. i currently have 2 asterisk servers.. both are interconnected via vpn. 1 of which is onsite  and the other is hosted in the cloud. The onsite server has local users. The roaming users can also connect directly to this server. OR i could have them connect to the cloud based server.. and use IAX to interconnect
15:18.19gerritfromsalnb, or something has gone faulty
15:18.43*** join/#asterisk simonmox (~simonmox@
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15:19.11lnbgerritfromsa: i have a wireless extension to the analogue phone, dialed out with it. same results. no sounds period
15:19.27GreenlightAssid: If you have the bandwidth on site, then why overcomplicate things with the offsite server?
15:19.29*** join/#asterisk teeteewhy (
15:19.36simonmoxHey folks, any pointers where I should luck if Asterisk 11.5.1 bombs out when it uses > 3.5Gb
15:20.02gerritfromsayou means a cordless phone connected to an ATA?
15:20.19*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
15:20.34Greenlightsimonmox: You'll need to be a bit more specific. "bombs out" ?
15:20.55gerritfromsasimonmox, 3.5GB of RAM?
15:20.57GreenlightAnd I'm guessing that number is memory usage?
15:21.21GreenlightI would suspect that the memory usage is another *symptom* and not the actual *cause*
15:21.31simonmoxSorry for not being clear.  Yes, when the user memory hits 3.5Gb, the asterisk process crashes.
15:21.42AssidGreenlight: technically the onsite server doesnt have "THAT MUCH" bandwidth .. but on the other hand all the roaming users end up speaking with the onsite users only.. not with other roaming users
15:21.50dymAnyone well with SNOM and their telephone firmware? I have a SNOME 320 with installed and on EVERY SINGLE change i try to apply i get a Security Warning and im logged out. I cant reset the phone, apply the current firmware again - nothing.
15:22.20Greenlightdym: My SNOM 300 on my desk is working okay with latest firmware...
15:22.42dymGreenlight: Thanks. Im happy to hear that :)
15:22.44*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
15:22.50Greenlightsimonmox: And, what exactly are you *doing* when it "crashes" (we talking segfault here?)
15:23.03lnbgerritfromsa: the analogue (panasonic) can have up to 3 or 4 wireless (cordless extensions)
15:23.14Greenlightdym: Well it doesn't fix your issue though ;S
15:23.38dymGreenlight: Well spotted, sherlock! :D
15:24.05gerritfromsaSo it's a base VOIP base station which supports 3-4 dect handsets than
15:24.13lnbgerritfromsa: no
15:24.21GreenlightNo problems my dear Watson.
15:24.50lnbgerritfromsa: its a panasonic analogue phone -> Grandstream HT502 ATA -> freepbx server -> ITSP
15:24.59simonmoxFrom the crash dumps it's confbridge that triggers the crash. From what I can understand it tries to destroy a channel that doesn't exist.
15:25.10simonmoxThe comment in the code: /* Try to allocate memory for a new conference bridge, if we fail... this won't end well. */ pointed to a memory issue
15:25.13gerritfromsalnb, what is wireless ?
15:25.28Greenlightsimonmox: Hmm.. what version again?
15:25.35lnbgerritfromsa: the cordless extensions
15:25.43simonmoxI checked munin, which we have running and at every point asterisk segfaulted user memory just hit 3.5Gb
15:25.48simonmoxIt's 10.5.1
15:26.04gerritfromsahave you tried a pot (Plain old Telephone) instead ?
15:26.23Greenlightsimonmox: How much memory do you have on the system ?
15:26.23lnbgerritfromsa: no, but i will try it now
15:26.30simonmox16Gb in the system.
15:26.42GreenlightAssuming 64bit ?
15:26.59simonmoxYes 64bit
15:27.09simonmoxOne sec, I'll upload the memory chart.
15:27.20GreenlightFirst thing I'd advise is to upgrade to the latest 10 build
15:27.51gerritfromsadym, did you set an admin password?
15:28.27GreenlightI'd be interested to find out what's consuming all that memory, it looks like the segfault is again a *symptom* of perhaps not being able to allocate any more memory
15:29.00GreenlightI know there were *issues* with ConfBridge, specifically ConfBridgeRecord (if memory serves) but those were fixed some months back
15:29.23simonmoxyeah, that's what I figured.  Strange it was exactly at 3.5Gb.
15:29.56simonmoxThat's the memory chart for the past 7 days.  We had segfaults on 25th, 28th and 29th.
15:30.18GreenlightYea I can see the spikes
15:31.08GreenlightMy gut feeling is that this isn't a memory or memory leak issue, and that's merely another symptom. What we really need to see is what happened to cause it start to ramp up towards that
15:31.17lnbgerritfromsa: worked once, second call no sound. maybe a jack issue
15:31.20simonmoxSegaylt seemed to be triggered by users leaving the confbridge, specifically calling destroy_conference_bridge function.  I couldn't figure out where this function was being called from though.
15:31.23Greenlighteg, what happened *before* the actual crash
15:31.45GreenlightFirst things first, upgrade to latest build.
15:32.00GreenlightAre you doing any confbrdige recording ?
15:32.12*** join/#asterisk LieutPants (~LieutPant@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:32.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o LieutPants] by ChanServ
15:32.17simonmoxYes, we are recording.
15:32.44GreenlightUsing ConfBridgeRecord ?
15:33.21simonmoxI think so, we just pass the record param in confbridge.conf - It uses mixmonitor
15:33.27GreenlightOk, now, 100% definetly upgrade. There have been known issues around this.
15:33.39simonmoxOkay, will do.  Thanks a lot for the help.
15:33.47*** join/#asterisk LieutPants (~LieutPant@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:33.47*** mode/#asterisk [+o LieutPants] by ChanServ
15:38.23Ice_StrikeWhat is this?
15:38.27Ice_StrikeGetting flooded
15:38.42Ice_Strikewith sip set debug on
15:38.49ghost75friendly scanner :>
15:40.17*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
15:40.56Ice_StrikeThats better
15:40.59Ice_Strikeiptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
15:50.22elred_<gerritfromsa> elred_, Yes you can stream , it's described in the sample musiconhold.conf - check for [ulawstream]
15:50.22elred_<gerritfromsa> You can use streamplayer or mpg123
15:50.41elred_that force me to put on a media streaming server when i want to have shared moh
15:50.56elred_not possible to that in asterisk you mean ? External requirement ,
15:55.12*** join/#asterisk Vann (
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15:58.49*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:59.28lnbanyone know jack wiring?
16:00.13lnbsees the jack analogue phone is plugged into has only one blue with white band colored wire screwed in one side
16:00.33lnbthere are 3 more wires not attached to the jack
16:01.08lnbit aint funny!
16:01.12drmessanoso connect the white/blue to the other terminal
16:01.33drmessanoBlue/white + Blue is a pair
16:01.44lnbits not solid blue
16:01.52drmessanoWhat colors are there
16:01.58lnbhas white rings every so often
16:01.59drmessanoIm not gonna guess
16:02.06lnblet me take a picture and upload it
16:02.16drmessanoYou cant just name the 3 other colors?
16:03.15drmessanoIm sure the pic will be harder to discern than just listing the other 3 wires, but typing is too hard
16:04.14lnbi am not near that jack... one sec i will load pic on pc
16:04.59*** join/#asterisk zpotoloom (
16:07.07lnbdrmessano: there is a white/orange rings, orange/white rings, white/blue rings unattached
16:07.17*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (~danjenkin@
16:07.44drmessanoblue is your missing wire
16:07.50drmessanoSounds like its not there
16:07.56drmessanoClipped off maybe
16:08.34*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
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16:09.37lnbsold blue?
16:10.13ChannelZ-WkLord I am listening to the loudest MOH evar
16:10.34ChannelZ-WkAnd it's lute music or something
16:15.17lnbits the jack on the left side that is borked
16:15.37drmessanoThat white/blue goes with your blue/white
16:15.41lnbthere is a blue/white rings wire attached (kind of blurry)
16:15.59lnbon same screw?
16:16.08*** join/#asterisk Pullphinger (~Pullphing@
16:16.08drmessanoNo, the one across from it
16:16.14lnbi go try
16:16.21lnbhopefully i wont blow the house up
16:16.24*** join/#asterisk fatemeblue (
16:19.02fatemebluecan any body help me, i have install asterisk on centos on vmware and configure sip.conf but my account faild to register with 408 error
16:20.52[TK]D-Fenderfatemeblue: "sip set debug on" <- * CLI
16:20.58[TK]D-Fenderfatemeblue: Do you see the packets arrive?
16:21.28fatemebluei set debug on
16:21.43fatemebluethere is lot of thing written there
16:21.53[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN <-
16:21.55infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:21.56fatemeblueit got confuse
16:23.19fatemebluei mean the log file is lorf
16:24.23*** join/#asterisk paulc (~root@unaffiliated/paulc)
16:24.36[TK]D-FenderI am not talking about log files.
16:24.41[TK]D-FenderUse Asterisk CLI live for this
16:27.08fatemeblueok i enable it
16:27.24fatemeblueand which command should i use to see packet
16:27.59[TK]D-Fender[12:20][TK]D-Fenderfatemeblue: "sip set debug on" <- * CLI
16:33.07fatemeblueyes i enable sip debug
16:33.19fatemebluehow should i check packet arrive
16:33.33*** join/#asterisk JamKo (~JamKo@unaffiliated/jamko)
16:35.02LooserOutingi get this error: ERROR[2298]: res_config_mysql.c:224 find_table: Failed to query database 'asterisk', table 'sipfriends' columns: Can't create/write to file '/var/tmp/mysql.mpmNyU/#sql_6c5d_0.MAI' (Errcode: 2)
16:35.39LooserOutingasterisk uses the table. i can register and make calls
16:36.01LooserOutingthis is asterisk 11.2.1
16:36.24JamKoGreetings. Does anyone know a good reason why Asterisk has not been patched in 1.8 to generate a series of T.38 no-signal packets to the destination media server, after the 200 ok with session description?
16:37.01JamKoCurrently it just sends 1 T.38 no signal after the 200, which is not enought for most SBC and other media gateways.
16:37.36WIMPyWelcome to the SIP compatibility lottery.
16:37.41JamKoI have it patched to send a flurry of t.38 no-signals after the 200, and resolves most issues.
16:38.13JamKoI have seen this issue mentioned more than once in the bug posts, but it never gets accepted. Reason given, Asterisk shouldn't have to do that.
16:39.07JamKoEssentially saying everything else is broken. So if we have a fix to make it more cross platform compatible, why not implement a patch?
16:39.50LooserOutingit's simpler to maintain a software if you don'T have a lot of workarounds in it
16:40.17LooserOutingif the problem is on th other side then they shold fix it
16:40.21WIMPyIt's simpler if you can't use it.
16:42.16LooserOutingdon't get it wrong i am no developer. But let me ask another questions. Why don't you talk to the manufacturer ?
16:42.28JamKoIt's been awhile. I wouldn't hold my breath on the others resolving the issue at this point. What's the big deal? Asterisk has a bunch of workaround configs for poor NAT setups, ALGs etc.
16:42.40JamKoWhy not on T38?
16:42.48JamKoIt's just like a keep alive.
16:43.29*** join/#asterisk Alex_h (~AlexHold@
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16:44.23LooserOutingthe thing is: they can do it. but they must not. and the manufacturer definitly have to do it.
16:44.46LooserOutingsorry bad english
16:44.57JamKoTo clarify I'm speaking about t38 passthrough setups in asterisk.
16:45.07*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
16:45.16LooserOutingthe thing is: they can do it. but they could not. and the manufacturer definitly have to do it.
16:46.14JamKoI have Level3 capturing from their end on the sbc media gateway. Maybe they will have the leverage to force a patch, but I certainly don't. lol.
16:46.19lnbsame crap
16:46.22LooserOutingi don't understand the problem in detail.
16:46.30lnbcan dial/get call but no sound
16:46.43lnbi think the jack is borked
16:47.37Alex_hweird problem with ChanSpy, had this working previously, chanspy launches but then never attaches to the channel being spied on. Asterisk logs show the launch then nothing, in my test lab i see the chanspy app launch then attach, i did a diff on the config files from a known working backup and cannot see a difference, anyone ever had this?
16:48.32*** part/#asterisk polysics (
16:48.34Alex_hphones being used are in correct contexts, targeting correct channels/extensions etc
16:48.41Penguinalex_h: Different asterisk versions?
16:48.52Alex_hnope same
16:51.48JamKoLooserOuting: When asterisk sets up a T.38 passthrough session, it will send T.38 no-signal packets from it's original source rtp port while everyone gets their 200s in line. After the 200s, and the new T38 media ports have all
16:52.03LooserOutingJamKo: refering to t38 rec. '"No signal" indicator may be sent whenever there is no signal in TDM input. For example, it may
16:52.03LooserOutingbe used when the modem is changed from [ITU-T V.21] to [ITU-T V.17], or from [ITU-T V.17] to
16:52.03LooserOuting[ITU-T V.21] one.'
16:52.52*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:52.57JamKobeen negotiated, asterisk sends 1 solitary T.38 no-signal from it's new t38 port, to the negotiated port to whereever it is sending the call. Most SBS, Sonus appliances need more than one packet recevied
16:53.12JamKoin order to keep the session open. Usually the one packet results in a reinvite back to voice from the carriers.
16:53.42Penguinjamko: its
16:54.26LooserOutingDid you see the "MAY" in my post ?
16:55.17LooserOutingJamKo: I didn't read the hole document but it doesn't look like asterisk is doing something wrong
16:56.03JamKoRight it's not doing anything wrong, but it's also not working with the standard implentations used by large carriers.
16:56.48LooserOutingJamKo: that's not true. i am working with big carries too. we dont't have this problem.
16:57.55WIMPyDid I mention the word "lottery"?
16:58.08JamKoAsterisk not sending NAT keep alives would also be considered "not doing something wrong" but we all know some setups need it.
16:58.13LooserOutingwhat is in the jackpot ?
16:58.21WIMPyThere are some bigger carriers where you can't even make voice calls with Asterisk. That's the SIP world.
16:58.26JamKoLooserOuting: What version may I ask?
16:58.46*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
16:59.25LooserOutingwe used all branches
16:59.45LooserOutingbut right now we are using the 11 branch
16:59.57*** part/#asterisk monsterco (
17:02.40LooserOutingWe all know that large carriers won't make updates if these aren't  it's notvery important. also they take month for that. please don'T get me wrong but that's your problem :-)
17:03.21LooserOutingwe got some of these ourselves.
17:03.43LooserOutingmost does't support V.34
17:04.18JamKoOf course it is, and it's patched on my side to work. Just thought it would be nice for asterisk users to have some greater T.38 interoperability built into Asterisk.
17:04.18LooserOutingbut that's another story
17:05.32JamKoAsterisk also sends 3 no-signals from it's original rtp port in the 10-20k range, before it switches over to it's new 4K port. That's questionable behavior. Why send 3 from the wrong port, and then only 1 from the correct port?
17:06.23drmessanolnb: dial out but no sound is not a jack issue.. It's passing audio just fine
17:06.37*** join/#asterisk flapjacks (
17:07.08drmessanolnb, if it was borked, you wouldn't have a dial tone, wouldn't be able to dial out.  Wrong variable
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17:28.32gerritfromsaWhy not use the fax machine thats already connected to the ATAs to fax out?
17:32.26*** join/#asterisk charkee (~charkee@
17:32.27gerritfromsaelred_, was wondering if you can't map a network drive and use the symbolic link from each amchine to that drive ?
17:33.10gerritfromsalnb, have you tried the 2nd port of the ATA ? Does it do the same ?
17:41.05*** join/#asterisk eduzimrs (
17:45.38monstercogerritfromsa - fax machine not available on all floors - also user finds it easier to use computer
17:46.09monstercodo you know of any third party web portals or email fax modules for Asterisk?
17:48.13*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
17:49.37*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
17:50.43danfromukHi. After giving up with misdn and freepbx, i've decided to try to build it manually like i'm used to. I'm trying to choose chan_misdn from menuselect, but its missing some dependants.
17:50.58danfromukWhere does isdnnet comes from? and also suppserv?
17:51.52WIMPyYou're still using the abandoned version of mISDN?
17:52.15danfromukNo. I downloaded it from
17:52.57WIMPyThat (or the one in the standard kernel) doesn't work with chan_misdn.
17:56.05danfromukWhere should I look for another version? The manufacturer's misdn is corrupt.
17:56.20*** join/#asterisk zafu (
17:56.26*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-aeucfhdrcywljydk)
17:56.47zafuhi, is something wrong with this? exten => _0Z.,n,GoToIf($["${CALLERID(num):0:3}" = "+41"]?0041${EXTEN:1},1)
17:57.11WIMPyWell, it's senseless.
17:57.26WIMPyNo it isn;t. Forget what I said.
17:57.42Alex_hits missing a : after the 1st label
17:57.57zafueven is label is empty : is required?
17:58.48danfromukWIMPy: should i be looking for misdn1 or 2?
17:58.57Alex_hso if it resolves to true, it would be....  exten => _0Z.,n,GoToIf($["${CALLERID(num):0:3}" = "+41"]?0041${EXTEN:1},1:)
17:59.04PenguinNo, the label is not required to have a : after it.
17:59.09ghost75somebody using voipmonitor?
17:59.15zafuPenguin: yes
17:59.23PenguinBut if you have a false label, you have to have the : before it.
17:59.28WIMPydanfromuk: I'd go for mISDN2 or dahdi. Depending on what features you need.
17:59.43Alex_hmy mistake i believed it was for both empty false and true labels
17:59.46zafumy problem is if the GoToIf fails then the dial stops
18:00.04PenguinShow us.
18:00.06infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:00.07zafuI'd like the 'fail' case to just keep going
18:00.20danfromukWIMPy: I can't get dahdi to recognise this card, so i'm trying misdn
18:01.04PenguinThat's what the false case already doese.
18:01.19PenguinIf you only specify :falselabel, then that is what the true case does as well.
18:01.52PenguinIf you do not specify the label for true or false, dialplan will keep going when the label isn't there.
18:01.59zafumy aim is the rewrite an outoing number else keep going in the dialplan
18:04.53PenguinWhere's the rest of it?
18:05.04PenguinI want to see your dial plan.
18:05.31PenguinYou already said it fails.  I need to see the dial plan to know why it fails... so you can fix it.
18:10.57fatemebluehow should i check packet arrive in * cli> afte enabling sip debug
18:16.26*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
18:17.40zafuah, $EXTEN is no longer valid, now it's ${EXTEN} ?
18:18.26WIMPyIt has always been that way.
18:18.29[TK]D-Fenderit was never valid
18:19.14*** join/#asterisk blizzow (
18:21.17danfromukWIMPy: On, it says "From Linux Kernel 2.6.27 on, mISDN v2 will be already included by". That seems to imply that its already installed on centos 6.4. But asterisk menuselect lists it as uninstalled.
18:21.45danfromukI can't seem to get it to install, even following quite a few guides. some of which are out of date.
18:26.23*** join/#asterisk eagles0513875 (eagles0513@gateway/shell/
18:26.50eagles0513875can Asterisk do video and audio conferencing?
18:29.22[TK]D-Fendereagles0513875: follow-the-speaker only
18:29.28[TK]D-Fendereagles0513875: or on-on-one call
18:31.30eagles0513875ok :-/
18:31.38eagles0513875thanks [TK]D-Fender
18:32.46*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
18:34.56Penguindanfromuk: zgrep MISDN /proc/config.gz
18:35.40WIMPydanfromuk: I already told you that it's not supported by chan_misdn.
18:36.04WIMPyIt's also explained on the link I gave.
18:37.01danfromukSorry, i noticed that. However, even after i download and installed misdn, its still not allowing me to select it.
18:37.17danfromukI think this one is actually going to make me cry if i dont get it sorted soon.
18:37.47WIMPyThe old one?
18:38.20danfromukPenguin: gzip: /proc/config.gz: No such file or directory
18:38.37danfromukthe only one thats available from
18:38.38*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
18:38.59danfromukthats the only one that i can find that actually doesnt show up with any errors
18:39.31WIMPyYes, I think the old one has vanished.
18:39.44danfromukIs misdn not available on yum repo?
18:39.57WIMPyBut you can use the version from the Digium repositories.
18:40.01danfromukWIMPy: correct, any links to the old one take me to do new one
18:40.40danfromukTried that. I get this
18:40.45WIMPyOr the version by irroot.
18:41.13danfromukWhats irroot?
18:41.38WIMPyHe used to hang around here quite a lot.
18:42.21WIMPyBut as I said before, I'd go with v2 and LCR or dahdi.
18:42.47WIMPyIs it a card with a CCD chip or something else?
18:43.17danfromukI'm currently trying to do this with asterisk 1.8. Do you think i'd have the same problem with any other version?
18:43.24danfromukNo idea. its this
18:43.40WIMPyThe Asterisk version shouldn't make much of a difference.
18:44.05danfromukI offered to replace a client's asterisk 1.4 with a freepbx install. now they've been offline for abiout 7 hours and i cant get it back up. can't see my kids till its sorted.
18:44.18danfromukSo i know it works with 1.4 (and the right files)
18:44.40WIMPyNot the best picture, but I think there is the Cologne Cathedran on there. So it should work with any driver.
18:45.47WIMPySo you need to have it running with FreePBX?
18:46.37danfromukYes. But for now i've given up on freepbx, and just trying it the traditional way. I downloaded the asterisk source files to try to build manually.
18:46.44danfromukwhich is when i found that misdn was unavailable
18:47.03mjordankeep in mind that mISDN requires a rather old version of linux
18:47.16mjordanwhat are you trying to build it on?
18:47.18danfromukit is a cologne. i think dahdi reported that
18:47.35danfromukcentos 6.4 which came with the freepbx install
18:47.46mjordanyup. That won't work.
18:47.47WIMPyYes, I have no Idea what the latest supported Linux for the old version might be. But it did work on 3.x versions.
18:48.49danfromukOk, so to review.... Dahdi won't work because the driver requires is qozap which requires zaptel and some other stuff which i couldnt get working.
18:49.05danfromukand misdn wont work with this version of linux
18:49.11WIMPyDid you read the link I gave you?
18:49.26danfromukI did. Let me read again.
18:49.40WIMPyWith dahdi you use dahdi_hfcs.
18:49.45danfromukYou told me to forget it
18:49.57WIMPyAnd with mISDN you use LCR and chan_lcr.
18:50.19WIMPyI'd forget about the old mISDN, just like the developers did some years ago.
18:50.44lnbdrmessano: you here?
18:50.45danfromukSo i should be trying to get dadhi working?
18:51.09WIMPyShould be easy to patch.
18:51.26*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
18:51.35WIMPyI usually prefer LCR, but as I said in the beginning, it depends on the features you want/need.
18:52.02danfromukfeatures? at the moment, i'll settle for making and receiving calls :-)
18:52.12danfromukWhen i try to use dadhi, i get "driver should be 'qozap' but is actually 'hfc4s8s_l1'"
18:52.40danfromukthe manufacturer only provides this
18:52.50WIMPyErr. What is that? Is that a name from mISDN v1?
18:52.53drmessanolnb, for the moment
18:53.31WIMPyIf you have a recent kernel, modprobe hfcmulti.
18:54.12danfromukDid have hfcmulti at one point today.
18:54.15lnbbought a new jack. tried a few combo's but no dial tone. do you know which colors on the jack the blue/white/blue bands go to?
18:54.25danfromukjust rebooting the server
18:54.43WIMPywonders how many competing drivers there might be on that system by now.
18:55.16lnbon this new jack there is yellow, green, red, black
18:55.21WIMPyTry to load either hfcmulti or wcb4xxp.
18:56.19danfromukwcb4xxp is blacklisted at the moment
18:56.46danfromukin dahdi.blacklist.conf
18:56.55*** join/#asterisk acidfoo (~nib@unaffiliated/acidmen)
18:57.16danfromuki think i called a script that did that. commented it out.
18:57.58*** join/#asterisk Jamuel (
18:58.05danfromukok, still the same hfc4s8s_l1
18:58.16WIMPyMight be a good idea to first make sure nothing is loaded.
18:58.33WIMPyrmmod that and then try the others.
18:59.02WIMPyWhere does it come from? Did you build it or are you on a system that still has the old stuff?
18:59.46danfromukI didnt build it. It could have come with freepbx i suppose. its a fresh install of freepbx
19:00.30danfromukdo i need to reboot each time?
19:00.55WIMPyI have no clue what it would/could do regarding your systems drivers/utilities (packages).
19:01.07WIMPyProbably not.
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19:01.52WIMPyI've had issues with cards not being initialized propperly, but for the moment that doesn't matter. We just want to know which driver will recognize it.
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19:02.56danfromukweird. after rmmod hfc4s8s_l1, i did a reboot, and it still showing up
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19:03.33WIMPyIt's just like killing a task.
19:03.45danfromukok, 1sec
19:04.00fatemeblueany know what is the problem of unmonitorid sip user?
19:04.02WIMPyIf you don;t remove (or balacklist) it from your boot scrips it will come back.
19:04.43WIMPyBut for the moment it should be fine if you just temporarily rmmod it and try to modprobe the others.
19:05.27danfromukok, this is what i get now
19:05.40WIMPyYpu probably need to remove the package that contains the old stuff and replace it with the current modules and tools.
19:06.50WIMPy>>Try to load either hfcmulti or wcb4xxp.
19:07.07WIMPyJust do it manually for now
19:08.24drmessanolnb, green and red is line 1 on traditional phone jacks
19:09.04drmessanolnb, your blue/white pair would be wired to green/red.  One wire to each
19:09.17lnbok thanks
19:09.26danfromukNo good. Same result.
19:09.41lnbi did take the pots phone direct to ATA and same thing there... no sound.. which is what, no rtp?
19:09.56lnbone one fxs port
19:10.02*** part/#asterisk fatemeblue (
19:10.04lnbthe other fxs port is good
19:10.14drmessanoNAT settings perhaps
19:10.21WIMPy>>Try to load either "modprobe hfcmulti" or "modprobe wcb4xxp".
19:10.57lnbnat on $ext_if from !($ext_if) to any -> ($ext_if) static-port
19:11.18danfromukdahdi_hardware says this btw
19:12.00lnbboth fxs ports go to same freepbx server, just different sip /rtp ports
19:12.02WIMPy"modprobe hfcmulti", "modprobe wcb4xxp"
19:13.03runfromnowhereSo is it possible to get behavior similar to Audiohook with Monitor, where a call will be followed from transfer to transfer in a single recording file?
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19:13.38drmessanolnb, why would you change the port range?
19:14.04drmessanolnb, port range is negotiated by the client and has no relation to the ports used on the server
19:14.33WIMPyOk, so dahdi won't recognize the ID.
19:14.40WIMPyTry "misdn_info" after loading hfcmulti.
19:15.39danfromukThat did something
19:16.04WIMPyOk, so that driver is working.
19:16.38WIMPySo either you patch wcb4xxp to recognize the PCI ID of your card or you install LCR and use that.
19:16.53*** part/#asterisk monsterco (
19:17.25danfromukOne sec. I'm currently using hfcmulti which can recognise the card. not wcp4xxp.
19:17.47danfromukIs there a problem with using hfcmulti if it can recognise the card?
19:18.23WIMPyBut you need LCR to use it and then connect to Asterisk.
19:18.27PenguinHow can you be using a 2.6 or higher kernel and not have /proc/config.gz?
19:19.04WIMPyBecause a (insert some swear word) configured it.
19:19.27lnbdrmessano: we were having issues with faxing before, it was suggested to make sure on the server the ports were 506x and rtp 10k-15k
19:19.38WIMPydanfromuk: Do you use any port in NT mode or all as TE?
19:20.02danfromukTwo connect to the isdn provider. One connects to a fax server.
19:20.40WIMPyHmm. Has that ever been stable with mISDN1?
19:21.19WIMPyIf you use LCR you can route those calls directely in the kernel without Asterisk.
19:21.21drmessanolnb, source ports != destination ports
19:21.41lnbdrmessano: changed it... now 300/300                                      D   N          A  5060     OK (23 ms)
19:21.53danfromukThe documentation seems to say that LCR requires misdn
19:22.19drmessanolnb, if this is a two port ATA, the listening ports should typically be 5060 on Port 1 and 5061 on Port 2
19:22.43drmessanolnb, which is the factory default
19:23.13drmessanolnb, and the rtp ports are pretty irrelevant
19:23.14WIMPyYou have mISDN running.
19:23.34lnbwell ... dial out, no ring tone, but cell phone rings
19:23.35WIMPyhfcmulti is the mISDN2 driver.
19:23.43danfromukGood point. I was getting mixed up with asterisk not seeing it.
19:23.51drmessanolnb, are both ports configured to 5060?
19:24.10lnbwhat do you mean both ports?
19:24.13drmessanoBecause that means both SIP clients on that ATA are using the same port, and thats not going to work
19:24.21drmessanolnb, both ports on the ATA
19:24.26lnbno no
19:24.28drmessanoYour ATA config is HOSED
19:24.48drmessanoIf one port is working and one is not, you've changed something you should not have.
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19:25.26drmessanolnb, beyond setting a proxy, user, pass, and removing some feature codes, there is no tweaking to make an ATA "work"
19:25.56lnbdrmessano: fxs0 5063/10300, fxs1 (phone) 5060/10400
19:26.35lnbdrmessano: the itsp was questioning why were fax would go direct to them, it would be a 55000+ ports
19:26.40danfromukWIMPy: sorry about this. now i can't compile lcr. do you compile it from within the asterisk source directory?
19:26.41danfromuk: error: asterisk/buildopts.h: No such file or directory
19:27.10drmessanolnb, that has nothing to do with the source ports on the ATA you changed
19:27.17WIMPyNo, from anywhere.
19:27.25drmessano[15:21:21] <drmessano> lnb, source ports != destination ports
19:27.47WIMPyIs Asterisk already installed?
19:27.59lnbdrmessano: if you run pf nat, the way I showed you above, you can make source = destination
19:28.23lnbunless of course, the ports are already used on the remote server
19:28.26WIMPyThat file should be in /usr/include/
19:28.29drmessanolnb, which still has absolutely nothing to do with the source ports on the ATA
19:28.42PenguinJust because they can be the same doesn't really mean it's relevant.
19:28.46lnbwell i put the local source port back to default (5062)
19:28.55lnbfor fxs1 (analogue phone)
19:29.07lnband on server its....
19:29.25danfromukWIMPy: its not there.
19:29.40WIMPyIs it anywhere?
19:29.45danfromukprobably because of freepbx messing things around.
19:29.57lnbits not registering
19:30.42drmessanoSource port has nothing to do with destination
19:31.03danfromukfind / -name buildopts.h returned nothing
19:31.35WIMPySo that Asterisk you have there is not the ode you built from source?
19:31.56danfromukNo, i never completed that rebuild because i couldnt select misdn.
19:32.07danfromukok, i'll rebuild. one second.
19:32.07drmessanolnb, then you have something else configured incorrectly.
19:32.28WIMPyAh, then there's the usual -dev stuff missing from the install, I guess.
19:32.34lnbfor sure.. just have to find it
19:34.03drmessanolnb, networking 101.. Most SIP endpoints do not use the same RTP range as what is configured on an Asterisk server.  ALL multi-line SIP endpoints use source ports other than 5060 for second line and beyond.  They all work without changing those two things
19:34.24drmessanoSo the notion that a device must share an RTP range with the Asterisk server and all use 5060 is a false one
19:34.54PenguinThis one time, I set my asterisk rtp.conf range to the same range as my phones...
19:35.16PenguinBut then I changed it back because I exhausted my asterisk rtp ports too quickly.
19:36.54ngharowhy do all firewall setups tell to open 10000-20000 for RTP; instead couldn't use the sip_conntrack module?
19:36.57ngharoanyone try that?
19:37.38WIMPyngharo: Sure. Just do it. But don't load the NAT module.
19:38.06drmessanongharo, i've been told that newer firewalls seem to handle the RTP just fine, without forcing it.
19:38.22ngharoroger.  I might try it later
19:38.57lnbdrmessano: thank you for helping me with wiring
19:39.04WIMPyI've relied on the conntrack module for years without issues.
19:39.16ngharoWIMPy: good to know!
19:39.48drmessanoWIMPy, that's awesome
19:39.57drmessanoI've always "just opened them"
19:40.38PenguinWhich nat module are you saying to explicitly not use?
19:41.22Penguinnf_nat_sip              4464  0
19:41.29PenguinToo late!  It's loaded.
19:41.35WIMPyThat does the "ALG" stuff and will probably cause major issues.
19:41.44lnbfsx1 won't register
19:42.27PenguinI don't have a sip_conntrack module loaded, but I have an nf_conntrack_sip loaded.
19:42.40WIMPyThat's the one.
19:43.35WIMPyThe one that makes the RTP "RELATED" to SIP.
19:44.05danfromukWIMPy: ok, i've installed from source, now i get a different make error
19:44.52WIMPyWhat verison of Asterisk and LCR?
19:45.01PenguinI have four modules that are *_sip
19:45.16drmessanoSo the nf_conntrack_sip is the BAD one?
19:45.21danfromukasterisk and the latest version of lcr i think
19:45.30Penguinnf_nat_sip, nf_conntrack_sip, nf_nat, nf_conntrack
19:45.31WIMPydrmessano: no.
19:45.42drmessanook.. nf_nat_sip is?
19:45.49drmessanoand nf_conntrack_sip is good?
19:46.00PenguinWell, I guess I should have said related to *_sip... I grepped for _sip.
19:46.00drmessanoOk, got it
19:47.06WIMPydanfromuk: Hmm. strange. Either the version detection has become broken or the detection failed for some other reason. Any hints when running configure?
19:47.10PenguinSo if I have always had nf_nat_sip loaded and calls always work, seems like I should leave it as is.
19:47.24danfromukWIMPy: configure was clean
19:47.38WIMPyPenguin: Does that box do NAT?
19:47.43PenguinYes it does.
19:48.04PenguinIt's the router for the voice network.
19:48.33danfromukDo you think that i should start from scatch with a fresh install, without freepbx? Although the whole point of this exercise was to allow the client to manage their own callflow.
19:48.40WIMPyWell, maybe it's doing it right then.
19:48.59PenguinIt's a Vyatta router, which is really just Debian.
19:49.06drmessanoPenguin, are port forwarding the RTP ports at all?
19:49.18PenguinYes, I forward 10000-20000.
19:49.24drmessanoThen that is why
19:49.38WIMPydanfromuk: I'm not sure what happens, but it seems to try to buld chan_lcr for Asterisk<1.8.
19:49.52drmessanoWe're talking about having the firewall handle the RTP ports
19:50.02PenguinOh, if I forward the ports, the kernel module doesn't do anything?
19:50.21drmessanoIf you forward the ports, it's dumb forwarding
19:50.23WIMPydanfromuk: You don't have multiple Asterisk versions installed now, do you?
19:50.31PenguinI can discontinue forwarding just to test it.
19:50.43danfromukI made sure to install the same version that freepbx had installed
19:50.50drmessanoPenguin, you can, but you may need to unload that module, as WIMPy is stating
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19:50.59danfromuklet me reboot, maybe there were locked files or something
19:51.04drmessanoI would suspect may=definitely
19:51.10PenguinI'm not sure, but Vyatta probably loads it when doing NAT.
19:51.44PenguinI'll see if I can unload it.
19:51.53drmessanonf_nat_sip seems pretty specific, and if it's known to cause issues, you probably want to unload or blacklist it
19:52.36PenguinI unloaded it manually, and it seems to have cleared all other modules related to sip.
19:53.11PenguinSo now I guess I have to manually load nf_conntrack_sip.
19:53.27danfromukWIMPy: no luck
19:53.48danfromukim going to try an earlier version of lcr
19:53.50PenguinOkay, loaded that one back.
19:55.11WIMPydanfromuk: configure should end up setting "AST_1_8_OR_HIGHER".
19:55.19danfromukWIMPy: 1.5 has the same error
19:55.31danfromukHow do i check?
19:55.55WIMPygrep the Makefile
19:57.07danfromukCan't find AST_1_8
19:57.20runfromnowhereSo before I go and do it myself - has anyone backported MixMonitor send/recieve file splitting to Asterisk 1.8?
19:58.02WIMPydanfromuk: It checks asterisk/channel.h. So either it found a wrong version or something else it going wrong.
19:58.38WIMPyAs a dirty workaround you might be able to make -D... but the reason for the check failing might cause other issues.
19:59.32danfromukWhats make -D?
19:59.57WIMPyYou can set defines on the command line.
20:01.27danfromukDo you know what it says AST_1_8_OR_HIGHER to?
20:02.33danfromukI dont follow. make AST_1_8_OR_HIGHER=""     ?
20:03.07WIMPyIn the Makefile it should end up in AST_CFLAGS
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20:03.57WIMPyBut I worry that you won't end up with the right version anyway.
20:04.14WIMPyThere must be a reason it wasn't detected correctly.
20:04.19danfromukI've just looked through the configure file, and i cant find any reference to AST_1_8......
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20:04.43WIMPyOn the old version or the new?
20:04.50danfromukold one.
20:05.01danfromukone sec while i get the latest one and see if its there
20:05.02WIMPyIt's probably too old.
20:05.33WIMPySpeaking in version numbers Asterisk 1.8 support is very new.
20:06.04WIMPySomeone was too lazy to make release versions (and increase numbers), I guess.
20:06.28danfromukIts not in the newest one either.
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20:07.01danfromukI also dont see it in the make file
20:07.38WIMPyWell, that'd come fromthe configure script.
20:08.01danfromukonly if its actually in the configure file to start with :-)
20:09.45lnbdrmessano: reset ATA back to defaults. Now calls have sound. But the phone shows up at port 60978
20:10.11WIMPyOk back to a few days back.... Did you notice version 1.10? Or did you go for 1.7?
20:10.18lnbalso removed static-port from nat line in PF
20:10.41danfromukWIMPy: didnt spot 1.10.
20:10.44danfromukone moment
20:11.14WIMPyThe thing about version numbers and sorting.
20:13.36danfromukOk, this time the Make ended like this
20:15.14WIMPyOk, I guess you mISDN-user tools might be out of date.
20:16.04WIMPyOr even the wrong ones. (i.e. from mISDN 1).
20:16.33WIMPyWait, no, you had misn_info so you do have them.
20:17.40abradleyI've tried setting up a virtual extension to cascade immediate to a cell phone with no success. When I dial the virtual extension, I just get busy signal. How should I troubleshoot this?
20:18.45WIMPyAll extensions are virtual, as there is no link to devices in Asterisk.
20:21.19WIMPyErr, and to answer the question: Look at the *CLI what happens.
20:21.21danfromukjust updated misdn user tools just in case. no difference.
20:22.33WIMPyOk, let's see if that's really in the user part.
20:23.38danfromukWIMPy: I discovered where the hfc4s8s came from. Well, at least why its used. DMES HFC-4S/8S: found adapter HFC-4S Evaluation Board (hfc4s8s_0) at 0000:02:07.0
20:24.36WIMPyThat tells you why?
20:25.31WIMPyBut I guess it might be a good idea to get rind of anything related to the old mISDN.
20:26.02WIMPyHaving two incompatible versions installed in paralled is probably not the best situation.
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20:26.26drmessanolnb, are the ATA's external?
20:26.36drmessanolnb, this one, specifically
20:26.48lnbdrmessano: ATA is here in my officxe
20:26.53lnbServer is remote
20:27.15drmessanoSounds more to me like the RTP ports dont match what you have configured in the firewall
20:27.38drmessanoor you've got the extension misconfigured
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20:29.26danfromukWIMPy: i think i'm giving up for now.
20:30.38WIMPyAt least you could get the fax working.
20:31.16WIMPy... with what you've got so far.
20:31.50WIMPyErr, no. Wrong. Forget that.
20:34.16WIMPyDo you have multiple copies (versions) of mlayer3.h?
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20:41.19lnbdrmessano: Registered SIP '300' at
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21:48.39danfromukWIMPy: are you there?
21:50.05danfromukWIMPy: if you see this, thanks for all your help. ive given up and told them its not possible. ive spent too long on this.
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22:17.18WIMPydanfromuk: You don;t give up on the finish line.
22:36.02runfromnowhereWell if this works, anyone want the patch?
22:36.35WIMPyFor what?
22:37.02runfromnowhereFingers crossed, I've backported MixMonitor's ability to record multiple channels from Asterisk 10 to Asterisk 1.8 (1.8.9 series to be specific)
22:37.57WIMPyAnd that was easier than upgrading?
22:38.20runfromnowhereI'd say it took 3 hours?
22:38.31runfromnowhereAlmost definitely faster and less traumatic than a full upgrade, yeah
22:41.10Chainsawrunfromnowhere: Neat, please share. I have a backport of the T38 gateway for 1.8 as well.
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22:42.00runfromnowhereWell, I'll share if I get it working :)
22:42.13runfromnowhereNobody needs my busted code if I can't get my act together!
22:42.20Chainsawrunfromnowhere: Thanks. T38 backport and other "honestly, why didn't you ship 1.8 with this" patches for here:
22:42.39runfromnowhereAwesome :)
22:43.05runfromnowhereUnfortunately I'm dealing with a situation where I'm running FreePBX on top of Asterisk so a straight upgrade is a big problem for me
22:43.11WIMPyEven if there's no chance for the stuff to be released, jira might still be a good place to collect the patches.
22:43.16Chainsawrunfromnowhere: please, if it should be completed to your liking.
22:43.28ChainsawWIMPy: Why, are they going to actually apply their patch backlog?
22:43.34ghost75freepbx on top of asterisk oO
22:44.02WIMPyPeople might have a good chance to find them there.
22:44.20runfromnowhereghost75: I didn't set it up :(
22:44.26runfromnowhereYeah I'd want to share this if I can
22:44.31runfromnowhereAgain, if it works - so far no dice
22:45.35ChainsawWIMPy: It's obviously correct things like these bitrotting away that really make me despair:
22:45.35LieutPants[ASTERISK-17185] [Status: Open] [patch] SIP CHANNEL(rtpqos,audio,...) variables missing. -
22:46.56ChainsawWIMPy: Or claiming to have SIP over SSL support without applying this:
22:46.57LieutPants[ASTERISK-18345] [Status: Open] sips connection dropped by asterisk with a large INVITE -
22:48.01ChainsawWIMPy: Being able to actually *use* correct SSL certificates...
22:48.02LieutPants[ASTERISK-18345] [Status: Open] sips connection dropped by asterisk with a large INVITE -
22:48.07ChainsawWIMPy: I could go on. For hours.
22:48.22Chainsaw even.
22:48.23LieutPants[ASTERISK-17727] [Status: Open] [patch] TLS doesn't get all certificate chain -
22:48.27ChainsawCopy/paste is hard. Sorry.
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22:50.29runfromnowhereOK so now what I need to find is....what compile-time options my asterisk was compiled with
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22:50.38WIMPyI was just talking about users being able to find solutions, not about Digium using them for releases.
22:52.48ChainsawWIMPy: Still remains disappointing that I can rattle off a list that complete and that convincing, years after the fact.
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22:55.07WIMPyI'm not going to argue that.
22:55.15*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
22:55.32ChainsawWIMPy: That's disappointing. I was so ready.
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22:58.18prometheanfireChainsaw: hihi
22:58.27prometheanfiregoes to get some popcorn
22:58.29Chainsawprometheanfire: Hey. You missed it I'm afraid.
22:59.07Chainsawprometheanfire: I listed 17185, 17727 & 18345.
23:00.30runfromnowhereWelp, as of now I have no way to tell whether or not my module works
23:00.45runfromnowhereBecause Asterisk won't load them due to "different compile-time parameters" and I have no way of knowing what the original compile time parameters are
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23:02.28Chainsawrunfromnowhere: I couldn't find a convenient "core show" for that, indeed.
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23:04.30runfromnowhereI have to say that working with this application has left me....hesitant about continuing to run it
23:05.55prometheanfirewonders when digium will get rid of their NIH syndrom
23:06.12WIMPyOh, that's completely normal.
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23:06.25prometheanfirenot in the projects I'm used to
23:06.31runfromnowhere"Not Invented Here" syndrome
23:07.14runfromnowhereThe philosophy that anything that wasn't done in-house is clearly inferior and therefore should be thrown away in favor of something locally developed.
23:09.21runfromnowhereI mean I understand that you might want to make sure I don't try to load modules that were compiled under entirely different circumstances, but if that's what you want to do then why make it impossible for me to find out what the proper environment is?  I mean, the application clearly has a record of it - it checks against it.
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23:12.15Chainsawrunfromnowhere: It's probably a compiler version check.
23:12.29danfromukWIMPy: i couldnt see the finish line
23:13.54runfromnowhereChainsaw: Nope.  It's a check of all CFLAGS and BUILDDEPS used during the compile process
23:14.10Chainsawrunfromnowhere: Seems harsh to want to match *everything*.
23:14.30runfromnowhereIt is extremely harsh
23:14.36Chainsawrunfromnowhere: Then again, I normally patch things in and then compile. So it can't hurt me.
23:14.45runfromnowhereWell if you can recompile and do a full reinstall, sure
23:15.00runfromnowhereWhere I'm sitting now (which, I totally admit, is far from an ideal place) a compile and reinstall might just break the whole system
23:15.04WIMPydanfromuk: ok, but it was more than half way.
23:17.42WIMPyThese places seem to be very popular in here.
23:21.18WIMPydanfromuk: did you see my question about versions of mlayer3.h?
23:22.26*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
23:24.17runfromnowhereLooks like it's going to be a full upgrade for me....
23:24.21infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
23:31.10gartralarrrrrrgh! >.<
23:33.18Chainsawrunfromnowhere: Well, good luck. Talk later.
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23:35.11*** part/#asterisk prometheanfire (~promethea@gentoo/developer/prometheanfire)
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23:54.10*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
23:55.07*** join/#asterisk Shadowpillar (
23:55.50Shadowpillarquick question, I want to have a certain CID/outbound number when I call a certain area code. how would I accomplish this?
23:56.08ShadowpillarI was thinking based on the dial pattern, and I'm trying to figure out the pattern I'd use
23:56.36Shadowpillarexample, call 310 area code, the callee would see a 310 area code, etc
23:56.44*** join/#asterisk redotis (
23:58.50*** join/#asterisk barbosa2 (~juliano.b@

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