IRC log for #asterisk on 20131026

00:04.55*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
00:26.26*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:11.36*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:15.28*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
01:29.58*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
01:30.56*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
01:49.13*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~lmadsen@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
01:49.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
01:51.23*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:21.21*** join/#asterisk jygrrr (~jygrrr@
02:42.20*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
02:46.45*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
02:48.04pigpenI have a little problem.
02:48.23pigpenI accidentally deleted my extensions.conf
02:48.43pigpenVia the cli, I do not have "save dialplan" or "dialplan save".
02:48.53pigpenI can do:  dialplan show, but the formatting is not right
02:49.18pigpenany clever way to dump the config to a file or the screen that would be useful?
02:50.42pabelangerpigpen, what version of asterisk?
02:52.01pigpenyeah, that would be helpful:
02:55.59pabelangerwell, that is pretty funny and shitty for you
02:56.11pabelangerit is a bug that dialplan save is missing
02:57.12pabelangeryou can't even unload and load a patch version cause you'd nuke the local memory
02:57.14pabelangerso, 2 options
02:57.32pabelanger1 dump screen and manually import it all again
02:57.45pabelanger2, use source control management for all your configuration files
02:58.16pigpenyeah.  I was figuring that just a dialplan show and re-create.
02:58.27pigpenI have a copy from about 2 years ago, so better than nothing.
02:58.43pigpenwith show dialplan, I should be able to fill in the blanks.
02:58.54pigpenthanks though...
02:59.05pigpenneedless to say, I plan to get this on 10 or 11 soon.
02:59.21pabelangerwhat is your filesystem?
03:00.20pigpenIt was a bonehead mistake.  I was hopping between about 6 live asterisk boxes and a test box.
03:00.27pigpenthen:  oops.
03:00.30pigpenthen:  shit!
03:00.48pabelangerwell, you can try to recover it using reiser tools
03:01.05pabelangerbut, if you have 6 boxes, you really need to store your stuff in git or subverison
03:01.53pigpenheh.  yeah, I am a slacker.
03:02.27pigpenI have setup many with some rsync scripts, but I was planning to move this box to a new one, but, didn't get there yet.
03:02.35pigpenlove svn.
03:02.51pigpenThis is like my first post in this cannel for about 6 months.
03:04.47pigpenthanks for the info.  on to grunt work.
03:05.15PenguinYou'd better get that "dialplan show" before something else goes wrong.
03:05.41pigpenheh, 3 times actually.
03:06.05PenguinWhy don't you have backups?
03:07.15pigpenI was quite surprised that I don't.  So I am asking the same question.
03:09.53pabelanger$ git init .
03:09.57pabelanger$ git add *
03:10.01pabelanger$ git commit -a -s
03:10.05pabelangernow you are using it
03:11.47PenguinThere has to be more to it than that.
03:11.58PenguinWhere does that store the files?
03:12.18Penguin(I use rsync, so I don't know how git works.)
03:13.47pabelangerwell, that will get you just local source control, so if you delete a file, you can just do: $ git check -- foo.conf
03:13.50pabelangerand it comes back
03:14.08pabelanger$ git checkout -- foo.conf
03:14.29pabelangergit is distributed, so you can push the repo anywhere
03:14.51pabelangergit remote add upstream
03:14.56pabelangergit push upstream master
03:21.27PenguinI may try it.
03:21.38PenguinI'm a little uncomfortable with it.
03:47.58*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
04:16.34ChannelZ(locally it's stored in a dir called .git in the directory you init'd)
04:18.40PenguinDo I have to init the current dir?  Do I have to add files from the current dir?
04:19.10PenguinE.g., could I git init /some/place and git add /etc/asterisk/* while sitting in my $HOME?
04:19.11ChannelZYou init at the level you want to control
04:21.15ChannelZNo, you can't add files "outside" of the directory (that I'm aware of)
04:23.57PenguinBut I could be in some random directory and init /etc/asterisk followed by add /etc/asterisk/* ?
04:26.16ChannelZWell the init would work, I'm not actually sure what the syntax for add would be though (or commit, etc) to tell it the repository
04:27.57PenguinI also don't understand why my man page says git-init, git-add, etc. rather than git init, git add...
04:28.37ChannelZThey're just links
04:29.05ChannelZgit looks at argv0 and if it's called as "git-add", it's the same as 'git add', etc.
04:32.17ChannelZThere's a pretty good book you can read online, a-la the Asterisk book, at
04:32.57ChannelZI think somewhere on that same site there's a whole interactive 'learn git' thing that explains it piece by piece and has you type in things in a fake virtual shell
04:33.58*** join/#asterisk charkee (~charkee@
04:34.04PenguinAre there squirrels in Australia?
04:34.47pabelangerHow random
04:35.11ChannelZYes but they have funny accents
04:35.41PenguinGood grief, 40m is busy tonight.
04:36.13ChannelZI guess it's non-sequitor night in #asterisk
04:36.48PenguinWhy not?
04:36.55ChannelZIs that your CB handle? Australian Squirrel?
04:38.24PenguinThere was something on TV with squirrels and my wife asked if I knew there aren't any squirrels in Australia.  I decided I would ask here since we have people from all over the world hanging out here.
04:40.41PenguinThe comment about 40 meters was because I kept hearing some noise coming from my radio, which was tuned to 7200.  It sounded off frequency, so I tuned down some and stopped at 7195... but on the way down 5 kHz, there were at least three conversations.  And there isn't even enough bandwidth for that.
04:40.50*** join/#asterisk gravspeed (
04:40.50ChannelZI don't actually know, but I'm sure someone has dragged one in as a pet somewhere along the way
04:41.06*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:41.21PenguinI tuned around a little more and determined that there is probably more traffic on there than I have heard at any point in the last six months.
04:41.59gravspeedso does anyone have any tips for me troubleshooting a cisco 7940 that won't register to my asterisk 1.8 box?
04:42.20gravspeedyes, sip
04:42.26ChannelZbigger hammer
04:42.34PenguinDid you use config files on a tftpd or manually set the phone?
04:42.46gravspeedlol @channelZ
04:42.57gravspeedi've tried both, same results
04:43.31gravspeedthe phone can make calls out but does not show as registered therefore cannot recieve calls
04:43.36PenguinIs the phone in the same subnet as asterisk?
04:43.57gravspeedi also have s spa504g and a yealinkt28p and t26p that work perfectly.
04:44.16gravspeedno, the phone is at home with me now, the pbx is in our datacenter
04:44.40PenguinThe other phones you mentioned are also at home with you now?
04:44.52gravspeedi brought a spa504 with me
04:45.04PenguinIt works from home?
04:46.16PenguinWorking and working in your current location are two different things.
04:46.32gravspeedi'm setting up my local dhcp now, it works from my office connected through a simulated t1
04:48.36*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
04:49.49gravspeedi'm kinda new to the voip game, how do i watch the registration process to see where it fails?
04:50.10gravspeedi'm sure i'm just not googleing it right...
04:50.20ChannelZsip set debug on
04:51.15PenguinI'm going to take a guess that the register never makes it to asterisk.
04:51.58gravspeedcould be true... i can't pass that debug through grep or something can i?
04:52.30ChannelZwell if you know the phone's IP you can do   sip set debug ip x.x.x.x   to limit to just that one
04:53.18PenguinOh, I guess there's some sort of contesting going on.
04:53.41ChannelZBut if you have some verbose on and don't see an error on the console about a busted registration when you reboot the phone, it probably isn't trying as Penguin says
04:54.18PenguinI think the phone is trying, but I bet it never makes it to asterisk.
04:54.59PenguinI suspect something like a Belkin router.
04:58.53*** join/#asterisk gravspeed2 (
04:59.18gravspeed2didn't want to give me my username back... dhcp server online, phones starting up...
04:59.37Penguingravspeed is still online.
05:00.08gravspeed2i know i am... had to restart my router to switch dhcp servers... crap netgear at home...
05:00.25PenguinI was close.  I said Belkin.
05:00.45gravspeed2lol... i'm not that cheap...
05:01.47gravspeed2cisco switches take forever to start up
05:11.31*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:15.51*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
05:17.15gravspeed2so it seems my surplus catalyst has some interesting vlan configs in it...
05:17.28gravspeed2this might take me a while
05:23.33*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
05:31.18*** join/#asterisk Basssie90 (
05:33.29Basssie90can someone tell me how to install a svn package? I don't want to work on it. but there is no trunk directory availible.
05:34.05Basssie90do I need to search for some file?
05:41.18*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
05:42.55*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (~g_r_eek@
05:46.18*** join/#asterisk soy_el_pulpo (~soy_el_pu@
05:49.24*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
05:52.25ChannelZno comprende
05:56.55*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (~g_r_eek@
06:14.25Basssie90I found it, thanks for your reaction ChannelZ
06:26.27*** join/#asterisk threesome (
06:46.59*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
06:50.08*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:27.32hos7einfor install asterisk of source code, I should be farst install LibPRI and DAHDI and now Asterisk?
07:28.19hos7einfarst= First
07:29.57*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
07:34.30*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:42.48*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
07:43.11hos7einfor install asterisk of source code, I should be first install LibPRI and DAHDI and now Asterisk?
07:43.40Basssie90just follow the steps:
07:44.17Basssie90with svn you can use
07:45.28Basssie90do you need LibPri and DAHDI?
07:46.25*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
08:15.01*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
08:17.20hos7einBasssie90:  i have install asterisk for test
08:24.23ChannelZDo you have any TDM hardware?
08:32.23*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
08:33.14hos7einChannelZ:  no, i have not the TDM
08:33.36*** join/#asterisk jansiva (~janaki@
08:34.27*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:39.10ChannelZthen you don't need DAHDI or LibPRI
08:51.40*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
09:39.46*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
09:40.08admin0hi all there any function/etension.conf i can use to echo back the callerID/CLI of any incoming call ?
09:51.27*** join/#asterisk zamba (
09:53.09*** join/#asterisk MrWallace (
10:04.58*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:32.16*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (
10:41.57*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
10:50.08*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
10:50.44*** join/#asterisk roswell (roswell@
11:17.12WIMPyadmin0: Look at application SayDigits and function CALLERID.
11:17.28admin0WIMPy:  thanks
11:23.02*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
11:23.29*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
11:30.08*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (
11:30.35Ice_StrikeWhich software can play PCM file?
11:30.44Ice_StrikeVLC dont seem to play it
11:31.14roswellIce_Strike, sox
11:32.29Ice_Striketo convert?
11:32.51roswellit includes 'play' binary afair
11:32.56Ice_StrikeI see
11:33.09Ice_StrikeLet see if it available on Windows
11:38.39WIMPyIf vlc doesn't play it, I'd check if the file is ok.
11:39.03WIMPyUsually vlc and mplayer play everything.
11:52.03*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:23.09*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (
12:56.09*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (
13:14.48*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
13:27.22*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
13:29.22*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
13:37.08*** join/#asterisk Pullphinger (
13:42.00roswellIce_Strike, did it help you on windows?
14:22.16*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:31.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
14:37.36*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
14:45.36*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:04.23*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
15:08.25*** join/#asterisk Pegasus_RPG (
15:12.19*** join/#asterisk imox (
15:13.27Pegasus_RPGHello. I'm running * 1.8.13 (via Debian) and just wanted to know how I might get my dialplan to accept letters (and convert them to keypad digits if the SIP provider can't accept letters.)
15:16.04PenguinThere aren't very many DTMF letters, and asterisk should be fine with them already.
15:20.17*** join/#asterisk barbosa2 (~juliano.b@
15:25.45Pegasus_RPGPenguin: I guess my problem is that my dialplan has stuff like exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX, 2, dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@voipprovider)
15:25.59Pegasus_RPGlooks up pattern matching
15:26.06[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: So make your pattern accept letters
15:26.34PenguinAnd use SIP/voipprovider/${EXTEN} isntead.
15:26.46*** join/#asterisk bdfoster (~bdfoster@unaffiliated/bdfoster)
15:31.10[TK]D-FenderWell he'd have to do some of that work of "converting", so it's doubtful that he'll be using that variable in the dial itself
15:32.26Pegasus_RPGCan I use a pattern like [a-zA-Z]. as one would in a regex?
15:34.03[TK]D-Fenderthat looks like what the docs say you use...
15:34.33Pegasus_RPGis reading
15:35.50[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: so what does your sample actually mean in the end?
15:37.07*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
15:37.08Pegasus_RPGWell right now, I'm going to try accepting 1NXX[1-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z].  and see what my VoIP provider does with that
15:38.33PenguinIf you need fixed length extensions, you just about have to use a pattern like that.  But if you don't need to have a fixed length, consider that . will match both numbers and letters.
15:39.16Pegasus_RPGoh, just . alone?
15:39.39Pegasus_RPGOkay, so my provider reports congestion when I pass it letters
15:39.45Pegasus_RPGtime to convert
15:43.10PenguinWhen you say provider, I think ITSP.  ITSP is used for a gateway between the PSTN and a VoIP system.  So that brings me to the questions... Why would you want to put DTMF letters onto the PSTN?  I've never heard of that before.
15:43.52*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
15:44.29ghost75when libspandsp2 segfaults as soon as fax is incoming via receivefax, is this problem of libspandsp2 or receivefax ?
15:46.19Pegasus_RPGPenguin: well some companies advertise their toll-free numbers with letters, e.g. 800-discover  and my VoIP client doesn't show a dialplad so I have to look at a real telephone to figure out the numbers and I'd rather my * do that for me. :D
15:47.26Pegasus_RPG(of course Q and Z are problematic but are usually avoided)
15:47.30PenguinThat's just weird.
15:47.47Pegasus_RPGwhat part?
15:48.31ghost75[3442216.866983] asterisk[17684]: segfault at db7f3e3c ip b664319e sp b590c8b0 error 5 in[b6622000+b4000]
15:49.05ghost75ok more asterisk segfaults ...
15:49.12*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
15:49.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
15:59.22PenguinSending letters, especially ones that are not DTMF letters, is weird.
16:04.54*** join/#asterisk gravspeed (
16:05.12gravspeedgood morning
16:05.14PenguinIf you insist on doing that, you could use patterns similar to _N. and _1N. and then cut the length to a maximum of 10 and 1+10 respectively, followed by converting each letter to the corresponding number.
16:05.16*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
16:05.25gravspeedpenguin, you are still here?
16:05.31Penguinlooks around
16:05.56gravspeedyou were on last night when i started my project at home
16:06.02PenguinI recall that.
16:06.31gravspeedso i went to bed last night, woke up this moring and got all the vlans out of this switch i have
16:06.41PenguinThat's a good start.
16:07.02gravspeedso i am getting dhcp to my phones, they both register enough to make outbound calls
16:07.17PenguinRegistrations has NOTHING to do with outbound calls.
16:07.19gravspeedbut my 7940 will not recieve inbound
16:07.41PenguinThat part is due to registration not working.
16:08.08PenguinAnd there is no "register enough."  A device is either registered or it isn't.
16:08.57gravspeedfair enough
16:09.10gravspeedthe spa504 is fully registered and can recieva calls in
16:09.25gravspeedthe 7940 can make calls out but is not registered
16:09.33PenguinAnd if you run sip show peers, you see what?
16:10.46gravspeedstatus unknown host (unspecified)
16:11.03gravspeedfor the 7940, the spa is ok and my ip address
16:12.04Penguinsip set debug on; then power cycle the phone.
16:12.13PenguinSee if you can see the REGISTER packets at all.
16:12.24gravspeedwhat was the command to only debug one ip
16:12.38gravspeedi remember
16:12.46PenguinDo you have other phones on the system?
16:13.09gravspeedonly 2 here with me
16:13.27gravspeedphone is rebooting now
16:13.42PenguinIn many cases, debugging by IP is discouraged.
16:13.52PenguinIn this case, I think it will be okay.
16:14.09gravspeedmaybe not... phone is rebooted, not a single line from debug
16:15.03gravspeedok, when i make a call out it gives info
16:15.43gravspeedwhen i call into it it also gives info...
16:15.45PenguinIf there are no REGISTER packets, maybe you forgot to tell the phone to register.
16:16.06gravspeedthe phones are autoconfigured
16:16.18PenguinWith magic?
16:16.19gravspeedi can check it's config... let me grab a copy of it
16:19.37gravspeedthat is from the SEP%MAC%.cnf.xml
16:20.16PenguinThat file isn't really relevant.
16:20.33PenguinThe important file is SIP<MAC>.cnf.
16:20.45gravspeedmy bad
16:21.20gravspeedso then proxy_register: "1"
16:21.41gravspeedproxy address is correct
16:22.18gravspeedso are the names and password
16:22.25PenguinI keep all those settings in the SIPDefault.cnf, and only the phone-specific things in SIP<MAC>.cnf.
16:22.41gravspeednat_enable: "1"
16:22.45PenguinChange that.
16:22.51Penguinnat_enable 0
16:22.55gravspeedNO NAT ENABLE?
16:23.15PenguinCorrect.  That breaks asterisk's ability to deal with things behind NAT.
16:27.02gravspeedok, so this is where it gets fun
16:27.40*** join/#asterisk threesome (
16:27.53gravspeedthis is a bicom pbxware multi tenant
16:28.11gravspeedour support contrct isn't active yet or i would be talking to them (no offense)
16:28.30gravspeedthe cnf files do not exist until they are requested
16:29.08PenguinThat name means nothing to me.  If it's asterisk and Cisco config files, that's enough for me to work on it.
16:29.33gravspeedi have changed the settings for the 7940 to nat = no, however the file still comes to me with nat enabled
16:30.27PenguinThe cnf needs to have nat_enable: 0, and asterisk should have nat=yes for that peer.
16:30.51gravspeedoh, in the ui i did show nat as yes
16:30.59gravspeedi turned it to no
16:31.20gravspeedreloaded configs and re-requested the sipMAC.cnf
16:31.32PenguinIf the device corresponding to the peer is behind a NAT, the setting should be nat=yes.
16:32.08gravspeedand by peer you mean phone correct? i am defianlty behind nat here
16:32.24gravspeedand i appearently can't spell this morning
16:32.31PenguinThe phone is a peer, but I mean the peer definition in sip.conf.
16:32.59*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (
16:33.35gravspeedok, i do have a sip.conf and all extensions have nat=yes
16:33.45PenguinExtensions go in extensions.conf.
16:34.16PenguinThere are only peers/devices in sip.conf.
16:34.25gravspeedi guess these would actually be users then...
16:34.34PenguinUsers are people.
16:34.53gravspeedso then i need to get my terms straight...
16:34.58PenguinAnd we don't configure people in asterisk.
16:35.43PenguinPhones are phones or devices.  Users are people.  Extensions are the numbers that phones send to do useful things like calling other phones.
16:36.06gravspeedhere in the sip.conf i have each configured extensions information broken down by what is refered to in the ui as username
16:36.07PenguinOr, if you are [tk]d-fender, extensions are used to make coffee.
16:36.20gravspeedmmm, coffee
16:36.37PenguinThere are no extensions found in sip.conf.  Extensions are configured in extensions.conf.
16:36.50Penguinsip.conf contains the device configurations.
16:37.51gravspeedso if i have nat=yes in all of my devices...
16:38.28PenguinThat tells asterisk that those devices are to be treated as if they are behind a NAT.
16:38.37gravspeedwhich they are, so that's good...
16:38.48PenguinIt tells asterisk to look at the source of the packet rather than the address that the packet says to use.
16:39.30PenguinBecause the PBX usually can't do anything with an RFC1918 address found inside the packet coming from a device behind a NAT.
16:40.07PenguinBut then setting a nat traversal setting on the phone itself ruins all that.
16:40.23PenguinIt tries to change things before sending the packets.
16:40.35PenguinMix the two and it usually ends in failure.
16:41.33gravspeedhmm... i just grapped the sipMAC.cnf for my spa, it also has nat enable: "1"
16:41.53gravspeedbut it works...
16:42.20PenguinConsider that phone fortunate.
16:42.21*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (~g_r_eek@
16:42.29*** part/#asterisk g_r_eek (~g_r_eek@
16:42.53gravspeedlol... i have several phones at the office also working (all behind nat)
16:43.26gravspeedi might wager they are all set that way... let me check
16:43.35PenguinBut then you run into something that behaves differently and proper configuration is required.  Crazy stuff.
16:44.56gravspeedall the other phones seem to be set the same...
16:45.09gravspeedcrazy stuff
16:45.58gravspeedso i can't just go edit these files, they don't exist on the server... unless they are somewhere locate can't find them...
16:46.57gravspeedit seems that these files are created when they are requested
16:47.20Penguinlocate might not be the best tool for that job.  I don't know what you know about systems, but locate requires a pre-built database to too you where your files are.
16:47.36Penguins/too /tell /
16:48.11PenguinI have to assume people don't know that.
16:49.25*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
16:53.23gravspeedit seems that there are a series of php files that create those cnf files when they are requested
16:54.28gravspeedbut they are encoded somehow, not plain text except for the first line (copyright info)
16:54.39PenguinHow annoying!
16:54.47gravspeedit's kinda stagne
16:55.25gravspeedbut it is a fully supported multi-tenant asterisk with all the bells and whisles
16:55.32gravspeedi can't spell this morning
16:56.10gravspeedall i have to do is wait for our support contract to activate, hopefully wednesday, just trying to figure out as much on my own as i can
16:59.21gravspeedeven if the nat travesal were screwed, shouldn't we see something in the sip debug?
17:02.37gravspeedahh, in a perfect world
17:04.05ChannelZand your PHP is probably 'precompiled' with eAccellerator or XCache or one of those
17:05.09*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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17:09.01gravspeedso i copied all the files the phone requested that actually exist on the "real"tftp server and copied them to my own, changed the nat_enable and testing now
17:10.34ghost75great, *  is still crashing with old libspandsp2
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17:13.19gravspeedwell that didn't work out either...
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17:33.11gravspeedis there a way to turn nat traversal off on the cisco 7940?
17:33.26gravspeedwithout being able to edit the sipMAC.cnf file?
17:37.13ghost75isnt this more a feature of the router
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18:03.16ghost75can i use gdb to debug asterisk?
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19:17.11gravspeedso i got my 7940 to register
19:18.00gravspeedfirmware update to the phone fixed it... hopefully didnt break anything else
19:18.50gravspeedthank you penguin and channelz for your tips
19:19.48gravspeedi have an issue with dhcp options i was wondering if you guys have any tips for.
19:21.09gravspeedthe spa phones work when option 66 is set to "tftp://IP/", the 7940 works with option 150 set to IP
19:21.43gravspeedthe spa phone will not even get its config when option 150 is enabled.
19:22.21gravspeedthe 7940 works properly with both options enabled.
19:23.45gravspeedcan i make the spa ignore option 150? or just not get it without making reservations for all the phones?
19:29.42gravspeedgood evening dym
19:32.03dymHello there, gravspeed
19:32.48gravspeedyou have any experience with cisco spa phones by any chance dym?
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19:41.40dymIndeed I have. But not conecerning your issue
19:43.15dymI've used a lot of Linksys SPA 941 phones in one of my past installations.
19:47.59gravspeeddym: are you using dhcp option 66 or 150?
19:48.58dymI dont use provisioning.
19:49.33ChannelZI do but don't use dhcp options
19:49.52gravspeedi have about 700 phones to replace over the next month... auto-provisioning is important to me
19:50.21dymhah, i love infobot!
19:50.29gravspeedchannelz: how are you provisioning without dhcp options?
19:50.43dymPeace, ChannelZ!
19:51.51ChannelZIf I have to install a new phone, I just have a little script that hits a URL on the phone and tells it to download a bootstrap config
19:51.53Pegasus_RPGIf an outbound call is proceeding through the dialplan, how can I replace certain digits and have it continue through the dialplan with the new stringreplaced digits?
19:51.57ChannelZThen they provision themselves from there
19:52.25gravspeedhmm... can i see that script by any chance?
19:53.08dymPegasus_RPG: Like first digits?
19:53.25navaismoPegasus_RPG, you can use the ${EXTEN} with the strip methods like ${EXTEN:1} to remove first digit: 33${EXTEN:1} to add 33 and remove first digit and so on
19:53.29Pegasus_RPGdym: sure, that'll point me in the right direction
19:53.41dymPegasus_RPG: there you go :)
19:54.05Pegasus_RPGah ok. So EXTEN is just a variable like anything else huh.
19:54.19dymIt's the dialled "Number".
19:54.20ChannelZso once I know the IP of the phone (which I usually pre-assign from the MAC address) I just do  thatscript.php
19:55.14ChannelZthen spa922.cfg gives it the firmware I want and tells it the 'permenant' provisioning URL for its self
19:55.42gravspeedhmm... i'm trying to avoid having to set reservations for all the phones, like i said i have sereal hundread to do in short order...
19:55.42ChannelZIt updates, reboots, and then fetches its own config.
19:56.01gravspeedand i still can't spell...
19:57.44gravspeedaccording to what i'm reading from cisco it should process option 66 before option 150, but if option 150 is present it will not fetch config...
20:01.46gravspeedthey make mention of a DHCP_Option_To_Use which sounds like it should be part of a config file...
20:01.56gravspeedbut they do not say which one
20:04.36ghost75my 7941 is also using 150
20:07.32ChannelZWell it seems like 66 is more flexible in that you can specify the whole url.. with 150, what does it try to grab?
20:07.46ghost75DHCP Option 150 is Cisco proprietary. The IEEE standard that matches with this requirement is Option 66. Like option 150, option 66 is used to specify the Name of the TFTP server.
20:08.08ghost75Difference between option 150 and option 66
20:08.09ghost75•DHCP option 150 supports a list of TFTP servers (Multiple Server IPs)
20:08.09ghost75•DHCP option 66 only supports the IP address or the hostname of a single TFTP server.
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20:29.56Pegasus_RPGdym: Hmm, I am setting EXTEN to something else but it doesn't appear to get replaced. exten => _NX!,2,Set(EXTEN=${KEYPADHASH(${EXTEN}):0:10})
20:30.59Pegasus_RPGThat is, the log show that it is replaced but the rest of the dialplan that should match the replacement, isn't. I can confirm by changing it to match the original and it does
20:33.00Pegasus_RPGsigh, nvm. FOund it in the docs "cannot be modified with the set command- just use the GoTo to change the EXTEN variable!"
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