IRC log for #asterisk on 20131025

00:00.21*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
00:33.44*** join/#asterisk camerin (
00:37.54*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
00:43.50*** join/#asterisk camerin (
00:47.07*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
00:49.21*** join/#asterisk suneye (suneye@
00:55.46*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:17.49*** join/#asterisk xzarth_ (
01:27.20*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:40.47*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
02:01.18*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
02:03.55*** join/#asterisk kuruption (
02:23.36*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
02:40.00*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
02:40.45*** part/#asterisk w9sh (
02:52.47*** join/#asterisk qdel (
02:57.59*** join/#asterisk Pullphinger (
03:31.07*** join/#asterisk Akuma (
03:31.55*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
03:48.11*** join/#asterisk dijib (
03:50.01*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
04:09.18*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:23.37*** join/#asterisk charkee (~charkee@
04:36.03*** join/#asterisk lnb (
04:48.41*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
05:02.27*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
05:08.24*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-jzvmbkowpsmuxvtj)
05:19.14*** join/#asterisk qdel (
05:28.51*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
05:32.21*** join/#asterisk Tokeiito (
05:41.09*** join/#asterisk qdel (
05:53.05*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
06:02.05*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:03.01*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
06:19.04*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
06:25.46*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
06:26.13*** join/#asterisk Basssie90 (
06:37.50*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:58.51*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
07:01.43*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:02.17*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
07:03.04*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
07:06.48*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (~dxd828@
07:09.08*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
07:11.18*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:23.45*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
07:24.34*** join/#asterisk atcmmi (suneye@
07:26.58*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (~dxd828@
07:41.27*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
07:55.12*** join/#asterisk ghghz (
07:55.19*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
07:55.40ghghzHey, how can I use asterisk manager with asynchronous originating the calls?
07:56.17ghghzI'm originating calls from API using threads to originate 2-3 parallel calls
07:56.27ghghzbut only 1 call is made
07:57.56ghghzI see that Manager 'admin' logged on from X.X.X.X
07:58.03ghghzbut no originated calls only 1
07:58.37kaldemarare you sure your application sends more originates?
08:00.40ghghzyes, because I see two 'logged on from X.X.X.X'
08:01.58kaldemarthat's a sign of two logins. not two originate actions sent to AMI.
08:02.18ghghzyou right :)
08:02.29ghghzwait, i will test to print is connection is made
08:06.25*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (~dxd828@
08:14.12*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
08:14.23ghghzkaldemar: yes, that's my fault..
08:14.26ghghzthank you
08:14.50*** part/#asterisk ghghz (
08:32.37phixhai gang
08:36.48*** join/#asterisk atha (~athayde@unaffiliated/athayde)
08:41.46*** part/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
08:42.56*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (~dxd828@
08:43.42*** join/#asterisk arsperger (
08:49.07arspergerHi does anybody know about h323 in asterisk, is it possible to register to multiple gatekeepers?
08:51.26*** join/#asterisk [sr] (~kvirc@
08:55.11*** part/#asterisk arsperger (
08:55.20*** join/#asterisk arsperger (
09:09.32*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
09:09.51*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
09:35.21*** join/#asterisk caveat- (
09:37.02*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
09:50.48*** join/#asterisk TobSnyder (
10:05.32*** join/#asterisk gartral (~gartral@unaffiliated/gartral)
10:19.29*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
10:38.01*** join/#asterisk skirge (~skirge@
10:58.36*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
11:03.18*** join/#asterisk blitz_ (
11:08.53davlefouAMDhi, i try to use ilbc, i have compile it with le same version but i said me it not the same time code. I have use ubuntu with debian repositorie for install asterisk.
11:09.28*** join/#asterisk basilic (
11:15.22basilicbonjour a tous
11:15.24basilichell all
11:15.45basilicI have some question about hardware need to work this asterisk
11:16.00basilicI would like connect a normal phone to the VOIP
11:16.18GreenlightUsually you'd use an ATA
11:16.58infobothmm... ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
11:17.15GreenlightTy infobot ;)
11:17.20*** join/#asterisk prasha (~prashant@
11:18.30basilicATA is a box to connect normal phone to network? we can't use directly an interface for asterisk on the asterisk server?
11:18.48Greenlightbasilic: Yes, you could use a card
11:21.28basilicdid you have a link to a seller, I have found some but seem very expensive and lot of phone connector
11:22.22GreenlightDepends where in the world you are
11:22.40basilicin france
11:23.05GreenlightYou might try ebay
11:23.07basilicbut no really important, I would just confirme if the hardware I found is for me
11:23.29basilicI have found hardware to 400$ to more 3000$
11:23.40basilicI'm not sure that for a personnal usage
11:23.43GreenlightFOr example
11:24.11*** join/#asterisk prasha (~prashant@
11:24.18basilicI need only one ports :)
11:24.27GreenlightGet an ATA :)
11:24.46*** join/#asterisk caveat- (
11:25.35arspergerhi guys
11:25.42basilicokai thank Greenlight
11:25.50arspergerdoes anybody know about h323 or ooh323, is it possible to register to multiple gatekeepers?
11:26.59*** part/#asterisk basilic (
11:28.21*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
11:28.23*** join/#asterisk admin0 (~admin0@2a00:ec8:404:1127:10d8:f988:e80e:e3f8)
11:28.44admin0hi all .. is it possible to have more than one rewrite rule per call.. like if call comes with 00, remove 00, if it coems with #, remove #, if it comes with 011, remove 011 etc
11:31.17*** join/#asterisk madduck_ (~madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
11:31.37madduck_is it possible to record a voicemail message that is notification-only, i.e. no recording of messages after playing the message to the caller?
11:31.58madduck_i know i can do this with the dialplan, but I would like to be able to configure this via the voicemail menu
11:32.01GreenlightYou mean just playback a recoridng and hangup ?
11:32.26Greenlightvoicemail menu ?
11:33.31madduck_yes, i would like to be able to configure this via standard voicemail, i.e. without access to the asterisk server
11:36.47GreenlightYou mean inside the VoiceMailMail application?
11:36.57madduck_yes, exactly
11:37.22madduck_i can record a temporary greeting, but I'd really like to be able to record a temporary notice that then just hangs up instead of recording
11:37.39GreenlightI don't think there's a way to achieve what you're looking for via that. You'd need to customsize your dialplan to acoomodate it/
11:38.14GreenlightAlthough there's no reason you couldn't have a mini-IVR before hitting voiemailmain, which allows configuration of a temp message
11:38.53GreenlightWe have a similar thing where we've an extension to enable or disable an "Unforceen Circumstances" message
11:42.23gartralwhere are the default MySQL database seeds for asterisk?
11:43.04Greenlightdatabase seeds ?
11:44.41gartralGreenlight: the "sql.db" file containing the structure of tables.. I call that a seed
11:47.32GreenlightWhich tables ?
11:48.28gartralGreenlight: any. enough to get users connecting and the server to stop throwing "[Oct 25 07:39:57] WARNING[22655]: db.c:329 ast_db_put: Couldn't execute statment: SQL logic error or missing database" would be nice :)
11:49.21GreenlightAsterisk doesn't *need* any MySQL tables to work.
11:50.28GreenlightInternally it uses sqlite not mysql, and that database is generated automatically on first run
11:51.20gartralGreenlight: hmm..
11:51.40*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
11:52.34gartralGreenlight: see every time I register a phone, I get the database error.. also, why would jabber/xmpp be flooding me like that?
11:54.04GreenlightAre you trying to use realtime ?
11:54.05gartralGreenlight: nvm, wrong password in xmpp.conf! that would do it
11:54.06*** join/#asterisk k610 (
11:54.46gartralGreenlight: it is my understanding that google talk/voice functionality requires realtime, so unless I hear otherwise, yes
11:55.06GreenlightUm really thats new
11:55.17GreenlightAlthough I've not used google talk with asterisk
11:55.52GreenlightI don't see why google talk would require the usage of realtime sip peers
11:56.45gartralGreenlight: ok, so ignoring that, why would that db error come up?
11:57.09GreenlightLets see your sip.conf
11:57.49gartralgive me a moment to sanitize it..
11:58.20GreenlightIf your trying to use realtime, and have no realtime database setup, then you're going to get an error.
12:00.13*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zoom@
12:01.54GreenlightOk, and are you trying to use realtime sip peers ?
12:02.46gartralGreenlight: i.. honestly I don't know :( I feel like an idiot staring at all these configs
12:03.19GreenlightLets see extconfig.comnf
12:03.41prashais it possible to make debian from asterisk src
12:04.25gartralprasha: i don't believe that is possible, but making asterisk from source in debian is..
12:05.14gartralGreenlight: for all intents and perposes.. extconfig.conf is empty >.>
12:05.56prashagartral: so the only way to install asterisk newer version is by compiling it on production machine
12:06.13*** join/#asterisk Weezey (
12:06.30GreenlightVery odd.. Maybe something hasn't installed correctly.
12:06.36*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (~dxd828@
12:06.42GreenlightTry starting asterisk with "asterisk -cvvvv" and watch for any errrors
12:06.56gartralprasha: ahh, you want to make a .deb package.. yes, that should be possible, but generally it's easier to compile on the machine it's too run on
12:07.51gartralGreenlight: I did say that for all intents and perposes, that extconfig.conf was empty, I feel that I've missed this step
12:07.53prashagartral: yes I want to make .deb only.
12:08.17GreenlightLunchtime... afk...
12:09.02gartralprasha: you may want to look at this
12:09.25prashaI will give it a try .. but how to do 'make samples' and 'make config'
12:09.50prashapost installation
12:11.08gartralprasha: on that.. i'm not too sure, though I can presume that you would do all that in your chroot and package it up in one nice bundle
12:13.54prashagartral: hmm. I will give it try. Thank you for help.
12:16.20gartralprasha: best of luck!
12:17.45*** join/#asterisk remoto_pc (~root@
12:18.24*** part/#asterisk remoto_pc (~root@
12:23.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:24.13*** join/#asterisk Pullphinger (
12:24.33gartralGreenlight: please ping me when you've returne
12:26.55admin0is there a way to see transcoding being done in asterisk cli or somewhere
12:28.53*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
12:28.59[TK]D-Fenderlook at your channels
12:29.45[TK]D-FenderWhen 2 that are bridged are using different codecs... there's that...
12:29.49Greenlightgartral: Im back, did you see any errors at startup ?
12:29.59[TK]D-Fenderon a file basis, nothing I'm aware of
12:30.57*** join/#asterisk dronacid (
12:31.22gartralGreenlight: just the same db error.. ocer and over about a minute apart
12:31.56GreenlightWhich user are you running asterisk as ?
12:32.17gartralGreenlight: asterisk
12:33.02GreenlightAnds who owns the astdb file ?
12:33.15GreenlightUsually in /var/lib/asterisk
12:35.19gartralfacepalms and mutters "root.."
12:35.37GreenlightI think we're onto something here...
12:36.14GreenlightPerhaps asterisk was first started as root and that's when the file would have been created
12:37.05gartralGreenlight: likely.. I'm prone to doing that..
12:37.35GreenlightSTill best to check the ownership of the rest of the files in there and in /etc/asterisk
12:38.54gartralGreenlight: fixed that..
12:39.43GreenlightI'd imagine that'll fix your issues. Not sure if a restart will be required or not, perhaps best to restart asterisk to be safe.
12:42.42gartralYAY! I can call internally now!
12:44.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:46.22*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:46.26gartralok, never.. ever transfer a call your in too yourself..
12:46.32gartralow my ear
12:46.52GreenlightDid you're phone auto conference or something ?
12:47.10gartralGreenlight: no.. feedback loop
12:47.28GreenlightBut how if you were on the phone?
12:47.34GreenlightOr was it to your mobile ?
12:48.06gartralGreenlight: callwaiting put call 1 on hold to ring for call 2 which was transfered from call 1..
12:48.41gartralI'm using softphones on different comps at the moment to test
12:49.39gartralprobably not the single brightest idea i've ever had, but seeing as I can't afford real sipphones.. yea.. working with what I gots
12:50.15gartralwould love 2 of those executive-grade wifi-enabled sipphones
12:51.08gartraldoes not have money for even the basic salesbot-grade wired ones
12:52.47GreenlightGood old BT, they just send us a letter addressed to "Needs Updating"
12:53.33gartralGreenlight: BT?
12:53.52GreenlightBritish Telecom
12:54.31GreenlightThey own and operate most of the phone network here in UK
12:54.57gartralAhhh.. ok..
12:55.38gartralthat's better than AT&T here in the USA who stole my damn front door key >.<
12:55.41GreenlightDealing with them from time to time is a neccissary evil. They've never managed to *not* to screw up an order I've placed, ever.
12:56.19coppicesaying AT&T is better than BT is like comparing the flavour of turds
12:56.19gartralhaha.. yea, I think I see the similarities..
12:56.51GreenlightMy last order I was force to play them back the call recording I'd made when originally ordering.
12:58.10gartralcoppice: I don't think we were saying one is better than the other, it was more a comparisson of horror stories, highlighted by my ack that Greenlight was left in a slightly better position in the end
12:59.02GreenlightI like the turd analogy, very apt.
12:59.04coppiceits still "my turd is stinkier than your turd"
13:00.19GreenlightI can't say I've ever dealt with AT&T, but as turds go, I can confirm BT are a real stinker...
13:01.20gartralAT&T sent me a 400USD phone bill because "they lost my billing address"..
13:01.39gartralthey sure found it right quick..
13:02.00*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
13:02.22GreenlightMust be something about large telcos
13:02.52gartralGreenlight: yup. They Suck.
13:06.58*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
13:14.07*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:17.20*** join/#asterisk eduzimrs (
13:19.49*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-qbirnovlbqdedfys)
13:23.45gartralthe voicemail promt welcomes me to "comedian mail" Whiskry Tango Foxtrot, Over?
13:25.14GreenlightSome of the bundled sounds are rather amusing
13:26.44gartralyea but.. "Comedian Mail"?
13:27.51coppiceits more meaningful than the original "Meridian Mail" that is parodys
13:28.26[TK]D-FenderAnd is likely another reason Asterisk isn't taken seriously by a lot of people.
13:28.54[TK]D-FenderI wish they'd let the jokes go....
13:28.55skrustyis there any ongoing effort to update the stock sounds in asterisk?
13:29.26[TK]D-Fenderskrusty: "update"?  They don't have "bugs"....
13:30.09skrustyno, but they do seem quite dated at times - maybe it's just me, but it wondered if there was a community lead effort to get standard local based sounds out for asterisk
13:30.32skrustyi know a few people have released their own, say for en-GB, but often they get out of date quickly
13:31.09skrustyif you catch my drift :)
13:31.19coppicedated? you mean like the one that says "Thou hast X new messages"?
13:31.40skrustyhaha :) well, that would be odd, as it's not an English women speaking it is it! :)
13:32.21gartralI wouldn't mind my prompts screaming at the lusers in klingon.. now *that* would be funny!
13:32.36skrustytoday is a good day to DIAL
13:33.14gartralmust ask his mother if she would record Klingon prompts
13:34.27*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (~dxd828@
13:34.34[TK]D-Fenderskrusty: Digium doesn't provide en-GB IIRC... which means it's up to that packages maintainers to do whatever they have to do.
13:35.11coppicewell, they're obviously not going to support all the obscure languages
13:35.14GreenlightTheres an en-GB one around but some sounds are missing, meaning you'#re left with a mix US and GB accents
13:36.36*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
13:36.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
13:37.04gartralGreenlight: you could set it to french and tell everyone to broaden their horizons and learn a new damn language! :P
13:37.41GreenlightAside from Chinese, isn't French most widely spoken language?
13:40.21skrustyno i don't expect digium too, hence why i asked if there was a 'community' lead effort
13:40.55skrustyGreenlight: Mandarin, Spanish, English
13:40.57skrustyin that order
13:41.30skrustyFrench comes a long way down the list :)
13:41.43GreenlightYea, so I see... I thought it was a lot higher for some reason
13:41.55skrustythey would just like people to think that :)
13:42.53GreenlightRight... off for the weekend.... laters!
13:43.09*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-nytcbajqmbaookgn)
13:43.09*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
13:48.46eirirs"I speak Spanish to God, Italian to Women, French to Men, and German to my Horse."
13:49.51filewe do accept entire sound set contributions, provided that the contributor keeps them up to date when need be (they don't have to monitor, we ask when that comes up) just fyi
13:51.14*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
13:51.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
13:53.59*** part/#asterisk arsperger (
13:54.45*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:10.34*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
14:23.44*** join/#asterisk zafu (
14:24.01zafuhi, when using MixMonitor, should I place the command after Answer()?
14:29.02pigpenAnybody have any ideas why I discovered all my asterisk directory contents are gone?  (running system for many years, not new)
14:29.28pigpenI went through history/last/etc, logs, auth.log, etc with no hints.
14:29.33pigpendisk issue?
14:30.03pigpenIt was running 1.6.2, so it was time to upgrade anyway, but odd.
14:30.31*** join/#asterisk opticron (
14:30.48pigpenno sign of it.  pretty secure.
14:31.42pigpenI am leaning to a raid controller issue.  Box is about 8 years old.  Original drives.
14:31.56pigpenStill, I would like to find the smoking gun.
14:32.20*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
14:33.40sruffellraid controller is possibleā€¦but unlikely without other problems on filesystem that fsck would detect.  Still most likely some user (or non-user) IMO.
14:34.12pigpenyeah, I agree.
14:34.42pigpenWaiting for my partner to get available to take a look.
14:36.04*** join/#asterisk jygrrr (~jygrrr@
14:39.10*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
14:41.15gartralI has external calling working on my server now!
14:43.15gartralbit scratchy.. but at least I can freaking make calls
14:46.24*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (~dxd828@
14:48.03*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (~dxd828@
14:48.28gartralwaits for wakerupper to call and see if incoming works
14:48.44gartralis lame, and has no cell phone
14:51.48gartralnice, incoming is working as well
14:52.12*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:52.38*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (~dxd828@
14:53.28gartralis there a way to register 2 devices to the same account without them interfering?
14:53.42navaismoasterisk 12
14:55.14*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
14:56.58gartralhmm.. problematic.. I can't use * or # in a call..
15:02.16zafuwhat recording formats are available with MixMonitor ?
15:02.29*** join/#asterisk fprior (c9dc96b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:02.40zafualaw, wav and gsm work, but I couldn't get speex to work
15:02.43navaismowav gsm
15:03.23zafualaw (file ext: .al) is much smaller than wav with the same quality
15:03.53zafugsm sounds crappy
15:10.38*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
15:11.14Ice_StrikeSometime recorded conversation overlapping
15:11.25Ice_StrikeWhat is causing this?
15:20.15gartralok, so now I have incoming and outgoing numbers working for one user on asterisk using google.. how do I expand that so all users can use that facility?
15:20.27gartralor at least, more than one
15:20.31*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:21.55newtonrIce_Strike, Do you mean that the resulting recording of a channel contains audio from another channel?
15:21.58davlefouAMDhi, how can change time code before compil asterisk? I have get same version but there not same time code.
15:22.54*** part/#asterisk TobSnyder (
15:23.10Penguindavlefouamd: patch, or manually edit the code.  Then compile.
15:23.17Ice_Strike@newtonr It seem to be an issue when a call been transferred to another line
15:23.24Ice_Strikethen it start over-lappinf
15:23.57Penguingartral: What you are asking doesn't really make any sense.  Asterisk has configuration for devices.  If you configured one device, configure more in the same way.
15:24.01infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:24.02Penguingartral: ^
15:24.37newtonrIce_Strike, what application are you using to record the call? What is the channel type? What kind of transfer are you doing(attended, blind, etc)?
15:24.58davlefouAMDPenguin, where i can find these information?
15:35.37*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
15:57.29*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
15:59.00*** join/#asterisk Sythius (Sythius@
16:01.05Penguindavlefouamd: I just gave you the information.  So I guess you find it by reading what I typed.
16:01.57Sythiushi, does anyone know this error message? It happens when i do an internal call from SIP to UNISTIM.
16:14.19*** join/#asterisk caveat- (
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16:46.36*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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17:08.11*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
17:23.23saxaanonymouz666: hi, I have received the following DATACOM device from my telco.
17:24.25saxaI suppose this gets connected to my TE133F card
17:25.19[TK]D-Fenderthat looks like a DATA router.
17:25.22[TK]D-Fendernot a voice interface
17:27.06saxanow my question is, do I connect this in the front or on the back side ?
17:27.13saxathere is 2 RJ45
17:27.38saxaI know I need to ask my telco , but I suppose this will work with my TE133 , hopefully
17:27.46saxahi [TK]D-Fender
17:28.02saxathe grey cable comes in is the line
17:28.09ChannelZ"the line"?
17:28.21PenguinYour picture is too blurry to read the label on the rear port.
17:28.24saxaits connected to the copper wire
17:28.31[TK]D-FenderYour picture is blurry and we can't read the labels on them
17:28.36saxaPenguin: i can do a better one
17:28.49saxaok but labels seem a bit strange
17:28.55saxaI will do a better pic
17:29.10ChannelZWhat have you bought from the telco such that they've given you that box?
17:32.12saxathey given me that box
17:32.25saxabut to be honest seems a thing made at home :D
17:34.05ChannelZyes.. but what service did you sign up for that caused them to give it to you?
17:35.22ChannelZIt seems like some sort of weird specialized DSL modem
17:37.13PenguinIt's an SHDSL modem.
17:38.55ChannelZuses his expansive cuss vocabulary to imagine what the SH might stand for
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17:40.26saxathose should be better
17:41.15saxaChannelZ: we asked for ISDN but they had it not, and they gave us this box to connect with them with Digitronco, a E1 line
17:41.48JonnysHey all, I  have a question hoping you guys can lead me in the right direction, I have a AsteriskNow server installed with FreePBX the latest version. I cannot hear the other person on the phone. I did some research and it took me to translation times and I do have high translation times. Any ideas on what it could be.
17:42.35coppicesaxa: the socket which is labelled 120 ohms is your E1 port
17:42.36[TK]D-Fendersaxa: I see DSL in and an ethernet out.. I do not see a "smartjack" type out you can plug to your card
17:43.04[TK]D-Fendercoppice: that 120ohm says "IN" though.... seems a little misleading
17:44.07coppiceThat is the E1 port. the 2 BNCs offer the same E1 as 75 ohm coax
17:44.39saxacoppice: ok, thx
17:44.50saxal8r i check that
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17:49.41BkhanI have an issue , I did codec g729  but on cli i receve -- G.729 PLC message continuously.
17:50.40saxacoppice: thx, I saw. The cable I put in there can be a network cable or must be an ISDN one ?
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17:51.10saxaI mean, can make a straight eth cable ?
17:55.15zambasaxa: it can be a straight ethernet cable.. the pin-out is the same.. 1 to 1, 2 to 2, and so on
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17:55.29zambai don't think the ISDN cables are crossed in any way
17:55.41zambameaning the pinout
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18:09.57saxazamba: perfect, many thanks
18:10.26saxazamba: i think they are not, as i tried many years ago with one and have not worked
18:11.11saxaanyway thanks. those days i will put together my box and will install asterisk and thank my digium card, after that i will be back with config issues for sure :D
18:11.16saxathanks to all !
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19:02.59JonnysI'm still searching for info on high translation times :(, if anyone knows any fourm links or anything that might help me please let me know.
19:04.10QwellJonnys: if it's too high, you either have too much load, or you need a faster CPU
19:04.17QwellThere's not a whole heck of a lot you can do about it.
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19:08.52JonnysI see, I took that into consideration and mointoring CPU seems to be low
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19:55.36ChannelZWhat's "high"?
20:04.29*** join/#asterisk fprior_ (b33c66e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:05.30fprior_Hi all: someone can clarify if is it possible to send a fax through asterisk, between two T.38 endpoints, using Digium Fax Module ?
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20:22.30[TK]D-FenderIf you have 2 endpoints then you are not using Digium's Fax Module
20:22.43[TK]D-FenderThat is for actually sending/receiving via a file
20:22.51[TK]D-Fendernot as something that sits between endpoints
20:34.34JonnysI upgraded my Dedicated server to have 4 cpu's and 5gb ram hopefully it will fix my high translation
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20:36.33fprior_[TK]D-Fender so, I need to Digium's Fax Module for send/receive in Dialplan, for example
20:36.52[TK]D-FenderNo, you can USE it.
20:36.58[TK]D-Fender"Need" is another matter
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20:37.30fprior_[TK]D-Fender ok; so, what I need to configure in Asterisk to permit a T.38 trasmission between 2 endpoints ?
20:37.41fprior_[TK]D-Fender, spandsp ?
20:38.45coppiceyou don't need to add anything to pass FAXes through, unless you want to translate between audio and T.38. You just need to configure your system to allow T.38 passthrough
20:38.48[TK]D-Fenderand no
20:38.56[TK]D-Fenderyoudon't need ANYTHING between 2 endpoints
20:39.16[TK]D-FenderSpanDSP is ANOTHER file send/receive option
20:39.37coppiceyou will need spandsp if you want to translate betwwen audio and T.38
20:41.45fprior_well, now it is clearer; actually I defined "t38pt_udptl = yes,maxdatagram=400" in sip.conf but I cannot send T.38 faxes from Zoiper (for example) to another T.38 Endpoint via PRI
20:42.00[TK]D-Fenderbackwards thinking
20:42.01fprior_is t38pt_udptl unique option I need to set ?
20:42.05[TK]D-Fenderthere is no T.38 over PRI
20:42.13[TK]D-FenderYou are doing T.38 to PRI
20:42.25[TK]D-Fenderthat implies you need T38 to GATEWAY to it
20:42.52[TK]D-Fenderthis means using the * 10+ function to enable T.38 termination
20:43.28fprior_Zoiper <--> Asterisk 11 <--> Digium G100 Gateway <--> PRI <--> Destination
20:43.41fprior_that is my environment
20:43.48[TK]D-Fenderhow do you communicate to the G100?
20:43.58[TK]D-FenderAnd you have been vague with your setup description.
20:44.42fprior_Asterisk and G100 are connected via SIP trunk
20:44.52[TK]D-Fenderthat does support T.38 does it not?
20:45.32fprior_it has a configuration page regarding T.38
20:45.42[TK]D-Fenderthen it is simply T.38 pass-through
20:46.00[TK]D-Fenderno modules or gateway mode required
20:46.41fprior_let me understand: Asterisk and G100 are only T.38 pass-through; PRI support T.38 ?
20:46.51[TK]D-Fenderforget PRI
20:46.54[TK]D-FenderYOU don't touch the PRI
20:46.56[TK]D-Fenderthe G100
20:47.25[TK]D-Fenderyou are also vague on what that other endpoint is BEFORE asterisk and the G100
20:48.38fprior_Before Asterisk there is a Zoiper Extension for tests; but in production system there will be a Old Analog Fax connected to an Adtran
20:49.44[TK]D-Fenderif Zoiper = T.38 and G100 = T.38 then it is simple passthrough
20:51.18fprior_well, everything seems to allow my fax
20:53.49fprior_regarding G100, in SIP Endpoint Configuration page, it allow change following options: Fax Mode,T.38 Error Correction,Enable Error Correction Mode,Force Local TCF Mode
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22:55.06runfromnowhereDoes anyone know whether or not it's possible to get directional audio (i.e. only one side of the conversation) out of the Audiohook C++ API?
23:01.24runfromnowhereOr just about anything useful related to getting Asterisk 1.8 to record calls in stereo
23:02.05WIMPyYou will always get both directions seperately.
23:02.45runfromnowhereRight now our deployment is using MixMonitor and we get a single output file with both directions mixed together
23:03.15[TK]D-Fenderuse monitor and process it yourself
23:03.27[TK]D-Fender"core show application monitor"
23:03.40paulcIf you use Monitor, you get 2 audio files - one for each channel. We run it through a script to give agent audio in one channel and caller in the other.. so any "talking over each other" can be seen/heard/delved into.
23:04.23runfromnowhereI'm considering that - the trouble is that we have FreePBX on top and I'd have to do a lot of dialplan rewriting (and FreePBX hacking) to do that.  I'm willing to put in the effort if that's the right way to do it.  Also will Monitor survive transfers?  There's AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT stuff in our dialplan and I'm worried about losing functionality.
23:04.34WIMPyThat's what MixMonitor is there for,
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23:07.19runfromnowhereSo mostly I think my question mark is whether or not Monitor is as robust as MixMonitor when it comes to inheritance - I don't want transferred calls to drop recording if possible
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