IRC log for #asterisk on 20131024

00:02.17*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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01:53.37*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
01:55.09NemusSo I am using asterisk 11 and realtime queues I setup to pull from a mysql database I set the time out but the queue keeps cycling over and over again and doesn't fall back to the context in extensions.conf
01:57.41Nemusso basicly the realtime queue doesn't fallout of the queue after the set timeout.
02:00.51*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
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06:56.01*** join/#asterisk swiftkey (swiftkey@unaffiliated/swiftkey)
06:56.13swiftkeyhello there!
06:57.30*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
06:58.48swiftkeyI want to start a simple pabx system using my computer and want to test it like 4 phones in our house
06:59.02swiftkeyany suggestions on where to start ?
06:59.30swiftkeyeach of them has there local number
06:59.38swiftkeyi hope this is the right place to ask
06:59.48swiftkeyor hope im asking the right questions ;/
07:00.43*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
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07:09.59infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
07:09.59*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
07:10.08kaldemarswiftkey: ^ is a good start
07:10.33swiftkeyops i got dc
07:10.39swiftkey* Blashyrkh ( has joined #asterisk
07:10.39swiftkey* mirela666 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
07:11.06*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
07:15.02swiftkeyas you where saying ?
07:15.52kaldemarinfobot gave you a link to a book that is a good start. did you get that?
07:15.53infobotokay, kaldemar
07:16.21kaldemaroh come on...
07:16.45kaldemar~gave you a link to a book that
07:16.45infobotwell, gave you a link to a book that is a good start. did you get that?
07:18.19kaldemarinfobot: no, gave you a link to a book that is
07:18.26kaldemar~gave you a link to a book that
07:18.27infobothmm... gave you a link to a book that is a good start. did you get that?
07:18.52kaldemarinfobot: no, gave you a link to a book that is
07:18.57kaldemar~gave you a link to a book that
07:18.57infobotextra, extra, read all about it, gave you a link to a book that is a good start. did you get that?
07:19.11kaldemarstupid bot...
07:19.25*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
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08:01.43KevinBMontagueanyone around that might be able to help with a voicemail question?
08:01.52ChannelZf*ing comcast
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08:04.51ChannelZKevinBMontague: ask
08:07.59KevinBMontaguethanks CZ. I'm trying to figure out when/where the ${VM_MESSAGEFILE} variable is being set. I'm running a shell script for externnotify to grab the mailbox id and number of new messages left in a mailbox and pass that to a PHP script which creates a call file to set off an outbound notification call. However, within the outbound dialplan the variable is always retruning empty in NoOP. Im not sure where to grab the proper file location f
08:19.54ChannelZwell I think that's a channel variable and not something exported to the script
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08:23.49KevinBMontagueYeah, I saw that and thats a problem. How would the callflow know what box the message was for then? Where is it actually being set when a message is left in a mailbox? Do you know of any other programmatic ways (maybe PHP) to possibly take a passed mailbox name and find the file path/name to be able to use that in a callflow?
08:27.08*** join/#asterisk rhce7320 (~rhce7320@
08:32.13ChannelZIt gets passed arguments.. [context] [extension] [new voicemails] [old voicemails] [urgent voicemails]
08:33.21ChannelZdo you need the actual voicemail filename for some reason?
08:33.51ChannelZI mean you could use VM_MESSAGEFILE in your dialplan after the fact but that's obviously outside of externnotify
08:34.31KevinBMontagueyes and i grab those and pass them to the php script which creates the callfile, which places a call to LOCAL/s@myroutine to start the notification process. But in the notification process the messagefile variable is always empty and I'm not sure how to get the file name info into the dialplan at that point.
08:34.54KevinBMontagueyes I need the filename to be able to email it as an attachement from within the callflow
08:37.15KevinBMontaguethe default asterisk email notification wont work for this use
08:43.28*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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09:36.07Ricohi there
09:36.18RicoI have a problem with cdr odbc backend
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09:37.42RicoI don't know why odbc can not write in cdr table
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10:27.29skrustyis there an irc channel for #asterisk-app-dev?
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11:40.32*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
11:43.18StaRetjifolks, I had to pass exten => _X.,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(dnid)}) to a2billing in order to bill did forwarding to mobile phone. Now, I have problem, mobile phone sees dnid as callerid. Can someone suggest workaround, can I pass rdnis to a2billing too?
12:03.07*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
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12:59.56yebyenany fop2 users here that ever tried bridging a live "listen" into a conference/meetme?
13:00.08yebyenor without fop2
13:00.32yebyeni want to give one of our clients an opportunity to remote monitor for a day
13:00.58GreenlightJust orginate a Local channel between them both
13:01.35yebyenwhere do I start?
13:01.54GreenlightDO you have a live listen extension ?
13:02.21yebyenwe actually have this FOP2 panel that lets me log in, click on the extension I want to monitor, press listen and my phone rings
13:02.36yebyenso it's possibly already doing that
13:02.37GreenlightNever used FOP2 sorry
13:03.09yebyenso in the asterisk console, channel originate
13:03.46GreenlightYea, you'll need to originate a call between your "live listen" (presumably a ChanSpy) extension and your "conference" extension
13:04.36*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
13:04.39yebyenalright lets give this a shot
13:06.12yebyenLaunching ChanSpy(DAHDI/70,qsv(2)b) on DAHDI/82-1
13:06.18yebyenSpying on channel DAHDI/70-1
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13:06.52yebyenthen I see app_chanspy send NOTICE that it's bridging those two channels and also 82 (my seat) to DAHDI/25-1
13:07.09yebyencan I originate a channel between my dahdi channel and the conference extension?
13:07.45GreenlightOriginate will *create* the channels
13:07.52yebyenso i need extensions
13:08.43GreenlightANd you'd use the Local "loopback" channel driver to join two extensions
13:09.16GreenlightSo, say your "listen" extension was 100 and your "conference" extension was "200", you'd originate a call from Local/100 to 200
13:09.27yebyenso, I don't want channel originate DAHDI/82-1 770
13:09.33yebyenif 770 is my conference extension
13:10.40GreenlightAnd what's your ChanSpy extension ?
13:11.55*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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13:12.19yebyenthat's what I don't know
13:12.25yebyeni think it's just an "application"
13:12.31yebyeni'm not dialing into it
13:12.33GreenlightAhh okay well we can work with that too
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13:15.19yebyeni feel like i'm halfway to understanding this...
13:15.22yebyenchannel originate DAHDI/82-1 application ChanSpy(DAHDI/70,qsv(2)b)
13:15.33yebyenso that's doing the same thing as clicking on the Listen button
13:15.52yebyenrings my desk channel and connects it to the ChanSpy
13:16.07yebyeni want to connect the application to the conference bridge
13:16.15yebyendo I need to put it on a channel first?
13:17.00yebyeni tried originating to the channel while I was already on the listen app
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13:17.06yebyenand it told me the channel wasn't available
13:17.54yebyenchannel redirect!
13:18.27*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (~g_r_eek@
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13:23.18GreenlightIt may be easier to create an extension to do the chanspy bit
13:23.39GreenlightI'm more used to the AMI Origiante syntax, however
13:24.03yebyenso far I have channel redirect DAHDI/82-1 meetme,770,1
13:24.09Greenlightchannel originate Local/770 application ChanSpy <CHANNEL TO SPY ON>
13:24.22GreenlightWhatcha redirecting for?
13:24.31yebyenwhich seems to stop what i'm doing and put me in the conference room
13:24.43Greenlighteg it "redirects" you..
13:24.53yebyenand channel originate DAHDI/82-1 extension 770@meetme
13:25.09yebyenwhich will do it even if i'm not on the line...
13:25.14yebyenand ring my phone
13:25.14GreenlightWhat is DAHDI/82-1 ?
13:25.17yebyenthat's my desk
13:25.44GreenlightI thought we were connecting a conference and a live listen
13:25.53yebyenyeah, i can connect the live listen to my desk
13:25.57GreenlightWhere does your desk come into it
13:25.58yebyenbut i get the idea that's doing it backward
13:26.07yebyeni can dial my desk into the conference if everything works :D
13:26.26yebyenthe problem is i have to connect a channel to an application or an extension
13:26.41GreenlightYea, the channel being "Local/770"
13:26.45yebyenand I am not sure how to get either chanspy or meetme on a channel without connecting it to my desk
13:26.58yebyenthey're both applications
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13:28.02yebyeni needed to say context
13:28.07yebyeni think
13:28.47GreenlightEasiest thing to do is add a new extension to your dialplan, which does the chanspy.
13:28.49yebyennow it's trying, but i'm not calling chanspy with the right syntax
13:29.13yebyenthe problem is there are half a dozen reps calling this campaign and we need to potentially switch between them
13:29.15GreenlightAlso, which context is "770" in ?
13:29.17yebyenand they're not a queue
13:29.24yebyenso I have
13:29.37GreenlightSO, Local/770@meetme/n
13:29.41yebyen"channel originate Local/770@meetme application ChanSpy(DAHDI/70,qsv(2)b)
13:29.49yebyenwhat's /n?
13:29.59yebyenit doesn't like this syntax for calling ChanSpy either
13:29.59GreenlightYou can omit that, just habit
13:30.12yebyenNo such application 'ChanSpy(DAHDI/70,qsv(2)b)'
13:30.14GreenlightYea, that's not the right syntax, you'll be easier putting that into your dialplan
13:30.31Greenlightchannel originate Local/770@meetme application ChanSpy DAHDI/70,qsv(2)b
13:30.33GreenlightTry that
13:32.24*** join/#asterisk shtoom (~shtoom@
13:33.13yebyenlooks like the problem is that the conference bridge needs you to say your name, press pound, press 1
13:33.21yebyeni think it is connecting
13:34.23GreenlightRight, well obviously you'll need to change that.
13:35.19yebyenactually it did fall through and connect it
13:35.59yebyennow i have chanspy on the conference extension and I can't hang it up
13:36.12yebyenit worked for about 30 seconds
13:36.25yebyenuntil it stopped spying (?)
13:36.45yebyenhard to know what's going on when there are people filling up my console logs and I have to run back and forth
13:37.09GreenlightI'm not 100% sure if ChanySpy answers
13:37.24yebyenit definitely put chanspy on the conference bridge
13:37.28GreenlightI would recommend moving the ChanSpy to an extension in your dialplan
13:37.31yebyeni can make calls now out from the spied station
13:37.53yebyenwe have a jerk client who wants to do it today, i need instructions to him by noon
13:38.03yebyenthe client isn't the jerk it's the csr that told him he could have his way
13:38.13SuperNullgotta love ignorant sales.
13:38.18SuperNullour sales department is horrible.
13:38.30yebyen"He wants to do it today"
13:38.32SuperNullthey used to sell 25megabit cable packages when it would never happen
13:38.34yebyen"We have never done that"
13:38.39yebyen"OK, I'll tell him tomorrow"
13:39.03yebyenhow do I shutdown a meetme extension
13:39.34Greenlightchannel request hangup <Channel>
13:40.12yebyengreat, the channel number is long gone from my screen :D
13:41.02Greenlightchannel request hangup Local/770 (Now press tab twice)
13:41.37yebyenoh dude!
13:41.42yebyentab completion
13:41.57GreenlightYup :)
13:43.08yebyeni think i have everything I need
13:43.39yebyeni would ask for a bitcoin address to say thank you but my employer doesn't keep bitcoins :\
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14:10.56StaRetjiif I set  callerid on my asterisk and pass it to 2nd asterisk can 2nd asterisk still get rdnis from original caller?
14:11.15StaRetjiIs there a way to achieve this?
14:12.04PenguinWhat channel technology are you using between the two asterisks?
14:12.42PenguinI've never seen SIP carry RDNIS anyway.
14:12.43StaRetji1st asterisk has: exten => _X.,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(dnid)})
14:13.04StaRetjiso, second one carry dnid as callerid
14:13.18StaRetjiI had to do it, cause I need to bill DID forwarding to mobile phone
14:13.27StaRetjiand there is no other way to authenticate it
14:13.33StaRetjion a2billing
14:14.10PenguinIf you set the callerID to any arbitrary value, that's what it will be when it arrives at the other asterisk.  Doesn't matter if the value is dnid or something else.
14:14.20PenguinBut I have never seen RDNIS present on SIP calls.
14:14.21StaRetjigot it
14:14.48StaRetjiok, in that case, I can't do anything, 2nd asterisk get callerid from 1st
14:14.54StaRetjiand story ends there, right?
14:15.20PenguinThere are some callerID fields that you can shove data into and retrieve on the other asterisk.  Maybe that will help.
14:15.21StaRetjiI get original callerid on 1st asterisk, from the caller
14:15.34StaRetjibut that one is unknown to a2billing
14:15.43PenguinThe original callerid can go on to the second asterisk.
14:15.48[TK]D-Fenderthat is an a2billing issue then
14:16.15StaRetjiyes, it is [TK]D-Fender, but I am trying to solve it in extensions.conf of [did] context
14:16.39[TK]D-Fenderyou can pass whatever you want from A to B via extra SIP headers
14:16.42StaRetjiPenguin: thx, I am trying this since yesterday, googling for examples, but I fail
14:16.44[TK]D-Fenderso go put it in there.
14:17.46StaRetjiok, googling extra SIP headers :) thx
14:18.56[TK]D-FenderStaRetji: "core show application SIPAddheader", "core show function SIP_HEADER"
14:33.13StaRetjiexten => _X.,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(dnid)})
14:33.13StaRetjiexten => _X.,n,SipAddHeader(P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:${CALLERID(num)}>)
14:33.33StaRetjisends changed callerid to 2nd asterisk
14:34.35StaRetjiI am not sure if I can do anything bcs once it goes to a2billing, I can't modify it
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15:26.31ghost75is chan_mobile working only with few phones in fxo mode or most of phones?
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15:51.57magespawnhowdy all
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15:53.29magespawni am trying to have two ip door phone call a single extension in an asterisk pbx
15:53.52PenguinAnd the problem?
15:54.12yebyenGreenlight: any idea why it would connect and work perfectly for 10 seconds, then cut out with no related messages in asterisk console?
15:54.20magespawnthe door phone call the main switchboard not the extension i want
15:54.42PenguinHow does the door phone enter the extension?
15:55.11Greenlightyebyen: As I said earlier, if ChanSpy *doesn't* answer, then it may think it's still "ringing"
15:55.19magespawnsingle button, programmed in the door phone itself to call the extension
15:55.35yebyenGreenlight: ah, great, that makes sense
15:55.46GreenlightThat would be my hunch
15:56.01yebyenso originate needs an answer
15:56.03Penguinmagespawn: Change the extension that the button dials.
15:56.26yebyenand i would need to answer on that Local/770
15:56.32Greenlightyebyen: Yea, I'd recommend putting it in the dialplan so you have more control, rather than origianting directly to the application
15:56.47magespawni have but the asterisk seems to overide that setting and dial the main switchboard
15:56.51GreenlightI would *assume* that 770 already answers
15:57.18Greenlightmagespawn: Lets see a sip trace of a call, to be sure
15:57.19Penguinmagespawn: Asterisk takes whatever extension your phone is calling.
15:57.41magespawnGreenlight how do i do that?
15:57.44*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
15:59.21yebyenGreenlight: is that what /n is for?
15:59.40GreenlightIt prevents local channel optimisation
15:59.49GreenlightWhich in this case won't happen anyway
16:00.37yebyenmaybe i need more -vvv's
16:01.41*** part/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
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16:02.35yebyennow this time it did not hang up
16:02.42PenguinIf you're already on the asterisk console, you change the verbose level with core set verbose <level>.
16:03.20Greenlightyebyen: What did you do differently ?
16:03.42PenguinAnything useful is seen at core set verbose 3 or higher.
16:04.18GreenlightHmm not seen this before:
16:04.20Greenlight[Oct 24 16:52:50] ERROR[1998]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2229 ast_rtcp_write_rr: RTCP RR transmission error, rtcp halted: Invalid argument
16:05.36[TK]D-Fender[11:56]magespawni have but the asterisk seems to overide that setting and dial the main switchboard <- Asterisk will process whatever number that device sends....
16:06.02yebyenGreenlight: nothing... it seems to hang up after a random time, not always 10 seconds
16:06.06yebyensometimes I listen to the end of the call
16:06.12yebyencommon thread: i see this
16:06.13yebyenChannel will hangup at 2013-10-24 16:05:23.333 EDT.
16:07.17GreenlightVery odd.. channels shouldn't just randomly hangup..
16:08.04PenguinThat is probably caused by a TIMEOUT() setting in the dial plan.
16:08.27GreenlightBut, why would it be random
16:08.34PenguinIt isn't random.
16:08.47GreenlightAs in the length of time
16:08.58GreenlightIf it was a timeout, I'd expect the time interval to be constant
16:09.14PenguinFind the TIMEOUT().  Remove or change it.
16:09.48magespawnGreenlight [TK]D-Fender i have just set the door phone to call another extension and it still dials the main switchboard
16:09.57GreenlightSHOW US
16:10.01[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: Show us the call
16:11.01*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
16:12.27magespawnjust a bit of history, i have inherited this setup from another tech, so i am a bit in the deep end here
16:12.47yebyeni don't know what's timing out, would it be chanspy?
16:13.26PenguinMore specifically, TIMEOUT(absolute).
16:13.29Greenlightyebyen: You should start by doing as I recommended and moving the ChanSpy to the dialplan
16:14.04yebyenok, I'll make the meetme connect the ChanSpy as soon as you dial in.
16:15.15GreenlightEnsure that you Answer() before the ChanSpy
16:15.18[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: History on back-burner.  call debug now.
16:17.49PenguinDoes a four-hour timeout really cause a problem that often?
16:18.29yebyenChanSpy does not seem to connect to the channel
16:18.44GreenlightWhy do you have MeetMe in there
16:18.55yebyendon't need it?
16:18.58yebyenit's a meetme conference line
16:19.11GreenlightYou have that at extension 770
16:19.19*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
16:19.34GreenlightYou're going to use a Local channel to bridge your "confernce" 770 extnesion, and the ChanSpy one you're about to create..
16:19.51GreenlightSo, literally all you need to do is answer, and then chanspy
16:20.25*** join/#asterisk saxa (
16:20.29yebyenso, i'm still doing channel originate from the console
16:20.36yebyeni'm just putting the ChanSpy into my dial plan somewhere
16:21.23GreenlightIf you want to have a live listen bridged into a conference you'll need to originate that call from somewhere
16:22.33magespawnwhere does it store the log file?
16:22.44magespawnsorry stupid
16:23.00GreenlightUsually /var/log/asterisk
16:23.02PenguinI don't care about any logs.
16:23.06PenguinShow us the call.
16:27.21yebyenif i'm using _77X in my dialplan
16:27.26yebyen${EXTEN} gives me 77X
16:27.35yebyenis there a string function I can use or something else for just the X part?
16:27.47PenguinOffset the variable.
16:27.53magespawnokay Penguin, how?
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16:30.10*** join/#asterisk Bkhan (ca7d90e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:32.16BkhanI am using asterisk 11.5. When call in queue and ringing to agent agent status is "not in use"  even agent received call still its status is "not in use"
16:32.42Bkhanwe are using queues through realtime
16:33.31magespawnPenguin how do I show you the call?
16:33.39Penguinbkhan: Does the device have call counters enabled?
16:33.44yebyenGreenlight: this is working perfectly
16:33.50[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: Definitely not a good sign
16:33.54Greenlightyebyen: Glad to hear it :)
16:34.00Penguinmagespawn: core set verbose 3, sip set debug on
16:34.01[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
16:34.07[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: "core set verbose 10"
16:34.15[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: "sip set debug on"
16:34.23*** join/#asterisk gbit (~gbit@unaffiliated/gbit)
16:34.23[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: PASTEBIN the complete call.
16:34.23yebyenGreenlight: i do "channel originate Local/770@meetme extension 203" after I've dialed into the spy extension
16:34.25infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:34.43*** join/#asterisk dxd828 (~dxd828@
16:34.45magespawn[TK]D-Fender, thank you, i very mush in the deep end
16:34.47BkhanPenguin: Please explain. I am using softphone (eye beam)
16:35.01Penguinbkhan: sip.conf
16:35.06Penguinbkhan: The device entry.
16:35.19Penguinbkhan: Call counters.  Enable it for your device.
16:41.03BkhanPenguin: thanks a lot issue has resolved
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16:50.38magespawn[TK]D-Fender, Penguin
16:50.52[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: that is no a call attempt
16:51.05[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: pastebin the ENTIRE call from beginning to end
16:51.14[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: there should be hundreds of lines of output for this
16:51.56magespawnokay brb
16:57.02magespawn is this right?
16:57.49[TK]D-Fendermagespawn: no, that is still at the END of a call... never the START
16:59.09Greenlightmagespawn: It might be easier if you use something like tee to get a copy of your CLI output
16:59.35magespawnnever heard of that let me google
17:00.38PenguinIf you are using PuTTY, you can increase the scrollback lines, enable logging, or both.  These things can help get the entire call.
17:08.43magespawnthanks for that Penguin, asterisk is rather new to me, i have some linux experience with ubuntu, so this is a nice learning curve for me
17:09.47magespawn[TK]D-Fender, Penguin I have to go home now, it is 19:30 here but I will be back tomorrow
17:10.20magespawn[TK]D-Fender, Penguin thanks again for the help and the patience.
17:15.02yebyenGreenlight: well, almost perfect... we wound up giving the ChanSpy extensions to our client
17:15.33yebyenGreenlight: when i originate a call from the meetme to the chanspy extension, the same thing happens (10 seconds later, the chanspy is disconnected silently)
17:16.00yebyenit's too late to change anything now, but are you sure I shouldn't be Answer() after I ChanSpy()?
17:16.06yebyenrather than before
17:16.17yebyenor maybe I'm doing it backwards
17:16.58PenguinDoes that even make sense to you?
17:17.16PenguinWhy would you bring up the line AFTER the call has ended?
17:17.47PenguinYou answer the call, then run chanspy.  How could it work better the other way?
17:18.11yebyenwell if it's ChanSpy that's hanging up,
17:18.26yebyendo you need to answer ChanSpy?
17:18.34PenguinDId you find the timeout yet?
17:18.38PenguinDid you even look for it?
17:18.48ghost75what could this be: [Oct 24 19:16:41] ERROR[22006]: chan_mobile.c:4102 do_sco_listen: ast_io_wait() failed for audio on adapter blue
17:19.06yebyenI don't see one, I see some other things doing Set(TIMEOUT(...)=number);
17:19.08yebyenbut not in this context
17:19.47PenguinI'd have to see the entire dial plan to figure it out, I guess.
17:19.54yebyenyou think I could set it to four hours and it would help?
17:20.18yebyenafter Answer()
17:21.04PenguinYou need to find the timeout that is on your call and either fix the value or remove it.
17:21.45yebyenthe other thing that bothers me is that when ChanSpy gets connected, the two listeners can't hear each other
17:22.22yebyeni was hoping they would be able to talk about the call
17:24.56ghost75if i compile * from same source folder as before and just change code from one module, can i just copy this one module after?
17:26.34ghost75lets see how long it compiles :>
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17:43.36ghost75is there a file spandsp.h to be supposed in source folder?
17:43.59[TK]D-Fenderghost75: that is a separate lib, not part of * itself
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17:57.36boom^timeDoes anyone have experience using an alias for cdr_default_odbc.conf? I've set alias src => cid and it doesn't populate my cid column.
17:57.50boom^timenot quite sure how to go about debugging it
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18:11.25yebyenso, this is what I have:
18:11.29yebyenrather than make you guess
18:11.46yebyenthe bottom are the calls to channel originate and channel request hangup as examples
18:11.59yebyenI am not sure what timeouts might be set as defaults, I don't see any set explicitly
18:12.15yebyenbut it's not random, it's about 10 seconds
18:12.39yebyenand it might be that I'm too silent
18:13.04ghost75hmm mobile search is showing phone but mobile show devices is showing it as not connected
18:13.22Penguinyebyen: Why would you want to put a chanspy into a meetme?
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18:13.39yebyenPenguin: i want outside person to call and join the meetme
18:13.44yebyenand i connect him with chanspy
18:13.57PenguinThen people in the meetme can spy on a single channel together?
18:13.58yebyenand we disconnect later and talk about the call
18:14.37yebyenor talk about the call without being heard by the caller and callee
18:14.43yebyenwhile it's going on, ideally
18:14.46yebyennot sure if that will work
18:19.18yebyenwould you say I'm answering correctly?  there must be a timeout set, and it's going to extension t=>?
18:19.38*** part/#asterisk gbit (~gbit@unaffiliated/gbit)
18:20.31PenguinBased only on what you've shown, I don't see a reason for timeout to be set.
18:22.04PenguinBut the way you put the chanspy into the meetme looks okay to me.
18:24.29yebyeni know that if you dial in with a handset to any of those extensions, you are not disconnected after 10 seconds
18:24.59yebyenonly if you originate like it's shown at the bottom
18:25.15yebyenand it doesn't Hangup, it just turns to dead air
18:25.21PenguinCalling to 7757 from a phone does not show the timeout problem?
18:25.32yebyenin other words, i'm not getting back to my music on hold until i channel request hangup the Local/770
18:25.41PenguinCalling to 770 from a phone does not show the timeout problem?
18:25.55yebyenonly when you do originate Local/...
18:26.00PenguinVery weird.
18:26.07yebyenand not every time
18:26.28PenguinOriginate it in dialplan instead of CLI and see if it happens ever.
18:29.36*** join/#asterisk k610 (
18:29.41yebyenso, i'm making an extension that when I dial, will connect these two extensions with Originate( and let me hang up...
18:30.01PenguinJust to test it, of course.
18:31.10yebyeni'm not sure how to write that... does Originate "background"?
18:31.14yebyenon its own
18:31.59PenguinI don't think so.  Just stay on the phone long enough to see if it gives the timeout problem.
18:32.30PenguinInstead of typing the originate command on the CLI, you're going to dial an extension from a phone to do the same thing.
18:32.37yebyenalright, i need a few phones to do this lol
18:32.57PenguinA soft phone on your computer would be handy for that.
18:33.24*** join/#asterisk serafie1 (~erin@nat/digium/x-jpbqnwjpocpilvmk)
18:38.05yebyenOriginate(Local/770@meetme,exten,7757@meetme); Wait(45);
18:38.22yebyenit seems to be originating in the console but nothing ever joins my conference line
18:39.03yebyenmaybe i have the number wrong
18:39.23PenguinYour syntax is wrong.
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18:42.45ghost75i just wonder if port what chan_mobile refers to, is same as channel in rfcomm
18:44.54drmessanoghost75, port = port
18:46.59yebyenPenguin: originating the call in the dial plan seems to help, i can also hang up the line that calls the originate extension
18:47.39yebyeni am not the least bit sure how to turn this into a usable thing instead of puppetmaster
18:49.00yebyenohp... maybe not
18:49.15PenguinOriginating from the dial plan was more to test for that timeout problem rather than to use it regularly.
18:49.23yebyeni think that first call didn't last long enough to see it time out
18:49.37yebyenone second into the next call it cut out again
18:50.17PenguinWhen a channel has a timeout set, you usually see that on the console.
18:50.25Penguin(like you saw earlier)
18:50.37yebyeneverything's moving very fast, i'm not sure that timeout message I saw was from my channel
18:50.46yebyenthis will be easier to test at night
18:50.52yebyenbut there won't be anyone to spy on
18:50.53PenguinThat's an important bit.
18:52.07ghost75aha phone is connected :>
18:52.31PenguinIf that timeout wasn't for THIS call, then we're chasing ghosts.
18:53.12*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
18:53.39admin0hi guys .. i want  to use asterisk just for transcoding purpose only ..      for this, will a compiled one be better to achieve good performance ?
18:53.49admin0what determines the time/quality of transcoding
18:53.57admin0is it the way its compiled or the CPU it runs on ?
18:54.01Penguin"compiled one" ?
18:54.40admin0what modules might I need ..   there will be 2 sip endpoints ..  IN and OUT .. in accepts all codecs, and in OUT just one codec will go ..
18:54.50drmessano2 endpoints?
18:54.52admin0so for this bare minimum purpose, what modules/flags might I need to compile
18:55.15drmessanoHow many concurrent calls?
18:55.37admin0lets say 50
18:56.21admin0i am going to use a server at hetzner .. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz x 8 threads ,
18:56.26drmessanoI always recommend building from source, but a binary install is fine with 50 calls.  There's no room to really optimize anything
18:56.47drmessanoIf you said 5000 or something  then yeah
18:57.28admin0well , if binary vs compiled improves just the concurrent calls and nothing else, then binary is fine .. i was thinking more like if a compiled one shows lower times if i do show codec translation recall
18:57.38PenguinWhat makes one that you compile yourself better than one Qwell compiled and put into the repo?
18:58.34boom^timeAny good way to prepend the unique_id of all channels of a specific server?
18:58.46admin0that is my tought also .. that community is already doing a good job .. my question was if during compile i can exclude anything that might improve transcoding times
18:58.49boom^timeso multiple servers hitting the same db have no chance of a conflict
18:59.48boom^timenm, there is an option in asterisk.conf.
19:00.41drmessanoadmin0, you may find stripping things down improves some performance, but then again, you're talking about 50 concurrent calls.  Little load.  WHo cares
19:01.55drmessanoYou had me at 50 calls
19:02.20admin0well who knows this grows big and it grows to 500 calls and i have to compile again .. for start, i will use the precompiled binaries
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19:02.59yebyenPenguin: well, the thing is over for today, and it could be 24 months before we have to try it again, so thanks for your help
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19:44.26devhappyhey, I'm having a strange issue with asterisk 11 and confBridge
19:44.38devhappythe bridge is working, but I keep getting the following Error message
19:44.40devhappyWARNING[3855][C-00000002]: channel.c:5956 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'Bridge'
19:49.52yebyenPenguin: so you say I should be seeing some kind of timeout message in the console
19:50.00yebyeneven with 6 -v's i don't
19:50.23devhappywhat version are you using yebyen
19:51.39devhappyi've found the easiest way to set up console logging is just to configure it in logger.conf and dont be afraid to spam the v's
19:52.11devhappybut 1.6 usually doesn't need logger.conf
19:52.22devhappyat least i get all the info i need without it
19:52.34yebyenwell i'm just doing asterisk console -rc -vvvvvv
19:52.47yebyenso i can see everything in real time, I think
19:54.36yebyenthis manual says the default timeout is 5 or 10 seconds
19:54.41yebyendepending on what timeout you're talking about
19:54.53yebyenif i set absolute, digit, response all to 0
19:54.57ChannelZ-Wkdevhappy: do you have a bridge entry defined (type=bridge) or using default_bridge
19:54.57yebyenmaybe that will help
19:55.41devhappyChannelZ-Wk: yes, i have confbridge with [default_bridge]
19:56.01devhappyand a default_user and general section
19:57.42ChannelZ-Wkoh actually that's a channel message.. hrmm
19:57.46yebyenPenguin: i think that idea of adding a 4 hour wait after calling ChanSpy is what I needed to do.
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19:58.48ChannelZ-WkWhat devices are involved?
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19:59.57yebyenthat doesn't help either :D
20:00.56devhappyjust cisco sip phones
20:01.27devhappythe message shows up with just 1 person, or more than 1 person in the channel
20:02.39devhappyactually looking closer, it generally only shows up right after someone joins the ConfBridge,
20:03.06ChannelZ-Wkdoes "core show channeltypes" show Bridge?
20:03.42devhappyno ConfBridge, SIP, Agent, local
20:03.44Penguinyebyen: It doesn't really make any sense that anything AFTER the chanspy will help.
20:04.39ChannelZ-WkWell you can 'module load chan_bridge' and that should make the error go away, though I'm not sure why other things work without it. Not positive what all chan_bridge is responsible for I guess.
20:04.58devhappyyeah, me neither, it sounds like that will fix it though
20:05.30ChannelZ-Wkare you not using autoload in modules.conf or have specifically noload'd that one?
20:07.04devhappyhad something to do with some problems with autoload in 1.6 years ago, in the process of upgrading to 11, I'll have to see if those reasons still make sense, hope they are documented (cross fingers!)
20:08.10ChannelZ-WkFWIW I've been using autoload since forever I think. Just clean out the configs you aren't using so it doesn't load up a bunch of crap with crazy sample configs
20:09.26devhappyoh yeah, no sample configs here, just a very complicated dial plan, and lots of agi scripts
20:12.53devhappyChannelZ-Wk: thanks for your help
20:15.12yebyenPenguin: yeah, what worries me is that chanspy isn't even terminating, so I'm having to go back in there and request hangup the Local/ channel each time
20:15.24yebyeneven if I add Hangup() after it
20:15.43yebyen(which shouldn't be necessary right)
20:15.55yebyenso, it's not actually going to t=>
20:15.58PenguinAnything AFTER the chanspy is not relevant.
20:16.40PenguinAre you using any option to make chanspy end?
20:17.30yebyenwe have qsv(2)b
20:17.34yebyenfor options
20:18.06yebyenwhich is "quiet beep, skip channel announce, volume 2, only spy on bridged channels
20:18.41PenguinIf you are not using the options to end chanspy, why do you expect chanspy to hangup?
20:19.25PenguinI'd use E for that.
20:19.26yebyenonly because it seems to be quitting
20:19.41yebyenE doesn't seem to be an option in our ChanSpy application
20:19.52PenguinChanSpy() will sit quietly waiting on something to comes onto the channel.
20:20.00PenguinIf you don't have E, try S.
20:20.05yebyenyes, but the call is still going on :)
20:20.14yebyenwe don't have S either
20:20.21Penguin~upgrade asterisk
20:20.21infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
20:20.41yebyenyeah, that's on the bucket list
20:20.48yebyenso or better
20:21.48yebyenwell this is nice, I don't think we really wanted B
20:21.53yebyennow I can hear the line ringing
20:22.20PenguinYou didn't say B, you said b, which is completely different.
20:22.42yebyeni did mean b
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20:26.38yebyenok, well i'll try and reproduce on a newer version and if I can't, then we know what the answer is
20:27.03yebyeni think it probably is a bug, seeing how no error messages or any kind of messages are printed on the console when the line goes dead
20:33.22yebyenok, thanks again
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21:46.43pancho_jayHi, someone can helpme configuring DIDs?
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21:48.28infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:49.36pancho_jayI receive call from our provider, but it never rings on extensions
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21:50.18WIMPyTurn up verbose an see if the call arrives at all.
21:51.49pancho_jayWIMPy, ok, i will try
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22:03.37pancho_jayWIMPy, call arrives to my Asterisk
22:04.12pancho_jayWIMPy, but I don't know how to write dialplan to redirect calls from provider to extension 1234
22:04.20WIMPyOk, then the message(s) should tell you why it doesn't get further.
22:04.51WIMPyYou don't. You have to configure the extension your provider sends the calls to.
22:06.20pancho_jayWIMPy, sorry for my ignorance (I am newbie). How can achieve that?
22:06.59WIMPyYou should have seen which extension gets called.
22:07.16WIMPyConfigure that one in your extensions.conf.
22:07.35pancho_jayok, i will try
22:07.39navaismowhisper The boook
22:07.48infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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22:18.08pancho_jaychan_sip.c:22622 handle_request_invite: Call from '171038XXXX' (a.b.c.d:5060) to extension 's' rejected because extension no
22:18.09pancho_jayt found in context 'from-provider'.
22:18.16pancho_jayWIMPy, I got ^
22:18.54WIMPySo they don't send any extension so the s extension is used.
22:20.12pancho_jayWIMPy, 'from-provider' context is something like:
22:20.16pancho_jayexten => _X.,1,NoOp(${EXTEN})
22:20.29pancho_jayshould match anything
22:20.37WIMPy_X. doesn't match s.
22:21.02*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
22:21.06WIMPyNo. _X. will only match extension that are at least 2 characters long and start with a digit.
22:21.15pancho_jayWIMPy, nice.... OK.  I will check dialplan docs and try again
22:21.41pancho_jayI don't understand why call comes without extension
22:22.16WIMPyAsk your provider or check your registration.
22:23.01pancho_jayWIMPy, which format should have registration string?
22:23.30WIMPyIt's documented in the sample config.
22:24.38pancho_jayWIMPy, my registration string is username:secret@ipaddress ---> i think this is right
22:25.27WIMPyThat's missing an extension.
22:25.57pancho_jayWIMPy, something like username:secret@ipaddress/didnumber ?
22:30.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:41.06pancho_jayWIMPy, you rocks! It works fine. Missing /extensionnumber in registration string was the problem
22:42.50pancho_jaythank you!
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23:10.33admin0i have a strange issue .. i get:  chan_sip.c:23298 handle_request_invite: Call from 'PEER-IN' (a.b.c.d:5060) to extension '91xxxx' rejected because extension not found in context 'phonein'.
23:10.42admin0my extensions.conf has  [phonein]  exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@PEER-OUT)
23:11.00admin0is there certain module that I am missing to compile for this ?
23:16.06[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: "dialplan show" <-
23:16.52admin0this does not show my contet anywhere
23:17.02admin0just this one:
23:17.39ChannelZ-Wkthen your dialplan is busted or not loaded
23:17.44ChannelZ-Wkdialplan reload
23:19.04admin0*CLI> dialplan reload
23:19.04admin0No such command 'dialplan reload' (type 'core show help dialplan reload' for other possible commands)
23:19.18admin0looks like i forgot to include some modules/
23:19.22admin0while compiling
23:20.45ChannelZ-Wkmodule load pbx_config
23:21.00admin0compiled now
23:21.49admin0here is the difference I get ..  apt-get vs compiled one :  ..
23:23.02[TK]D-Fenderthat doesn't show what modules you have loading.
23:23.08[TK]D-Fenderjust transcodiing info
23:23.12admin0yes ..
23:23.25[TK]D-Fenderthat doesn't show us a sane modules.conf
23:23.28admin0was saying that its worth the effort
23:23.34[TK]D-Fenderor that your config file condition is sane
23:27.45admin0thanks guys ... will chat tomorrow
23:27.48admin0i have to log off
23:28.31*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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