IRC log for #asterisk on 20131016

00:04.40*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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01:02.05*** join/#asterisk barbosa2 (
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01:06.50*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
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01:39.17*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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01:42.00*** join/#asterisk lkthomas (
01:42.32lkthomasguys, I have AVAYA deskphone 9641G, and I am unsure how to connect with asterisk
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01:55.15*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
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02:08.59*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
02:15.39*** join/#asterisk JamKo (
02:15.54gustolol, i just discovered that there is SIMPLE in pidgin, can i register it to asterisk, like every other SIP soft-phone?
02:16.01JamKomsg nickserv identify jamko fuzzywuzzy
02:16.41gustofuzzywuzzy is not a really strong password
02:22.48*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
02:24.38Penguin(2124.32) [freenode] -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- Invalid password for jamko.
02:26.01gustowhere do you have that one?
02:26.08gustoah, you tried it? lol
02:26.34PenguinHe either changed it before I tried it or that wasn't the real passwd.
02:36.27gustoany idea what this SIMPLE protocol is?
02:36.34gustosomehow it does not work with asterisk
02:36.49infobotsimple is probably Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions
02:37.36gustoi created an account on my asterisk and tried to connect to it with pidgin
02:37.51gustohowever, he either says that he can not resolve the hostname, or he complains about other things
02:38.04gustobut it can also have something to do with IPv6
02:38.16gustowhen he is trying to connect through IPv6 that would explain the problem
02:39.59gustoehm, no, tcpdump shows that he does not even try
02:41.11*** part/#asterisk mmourani (~Adium@
02:43.54gustobtw. this ssh is freaking efficient
02:44.27gustoit only transfers packets when there is something going on
02:44.33gustoand that is not always a good idea
02:44.41PenguinAre you new to ssh?
02:44.58gustoi just saw it first time filtered alone on tcpdump
02:45.30*** join/#asterisk JamKo (
02:45.39gustomaybe there is somewhere an option to ssh to transfer shit, like to asterisk you have the qualify option to hold the connection in case you are connected over NAT or such
02:45.48gustobtw. Penguin where are you from?
02:46.14gustowhy are you using a swedish irc server?
02:46.25gustohowever ...
02:46.30PenguinI couldn't tell you.
02:46.50gustothe point i wanted to make is that ISP's here are switching to DS Lite on DSL
02:46.57gustois the same also true for USA?
02:47.07gustoin Slovakia they are still IPv4 only
02:47.15gustoso i suppose to USA it will be the same
02:47.53gustoeven my provider does DS Lite now, but i still have real IPv4 only connection, because i made my contract a year ago, they do DS Lite only for new customers
02:49.52Penguingusto: I'm not familiar with DS Lite.  We have IPv4 only for now.
02:50.32PenguinI'm not sure if there are any ISPs in the US with native IPv6 right now.  I heard something about it a while ago, but I never saw any proof of it being enabled yet.
02:54.21*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@
02:57.28*** join/#asterisk AlexForster (~AlexForst@
03:00.21gustoi had native ipv6 until may 2013
03:00.26gustoon my DSL
03:00.48gustomaybe you can remember me connecting with a prefix diffrent to what i have now henet
03:01.10gustothen those idiots started DS Lite for new customers and turned off the testing accounts
03:01.18PenguinI don't pay much attention to that sort of thing.
03:01.54gustobasically DS Lite is that you have carrier nat on IPv4, so you do not have your own IPv4 address any more, but you get native IPv6 in exchange
03:06.42*** join/#asterisk JamKo (~JamKo@unaffiliated/jamko)
03:08.13PenguinWith native IPv6 and no IPv4, how do you access the IPv4 internet?
03:08.39TriJetScudipv4 in ipv6
03:08.44TriJetScudaka nat64
03:09.05TriJetScudoops, nat64 != ipv4 in ipv6
03:09.33TriJetScudbut yeah nat64 is the other option with a box having an ipv4 address connected to the outside world
03:10.19PenguinIf I want to access the IPv6 internet, I have to set up a tunnel so that I have IPv6 on my devices (or at least to my edge router).
03:11.02TriJetScudyou can do the same thing in reverse Penguin
03:11.03PenguinIf I don't have IPv6 on my equipment, I can't access the IPv6 internet.  So if you don't have IPv4 on your equipment, how do you access the IPv4 internet?
03:11.19TriJetScudyou can have an IPv4 in IPv6 tunnel on an equipment that understands IPv4
03:11.20PenguinDoes the ISP provide the gateway between the two?
03:11.27TriJetScudthe IPv6 routers don't give a crap
03:11.37TriJetScudit's just IPv6 headers and data is all it cares
03:12.08TriJetScudbut if you were to ask me, having an IPv4 tunnel inside IPv6 is silly anyways
03:12.26TriJetScudit's doable but any sane ISP's won't be doing it due to the overhead that an IPv6 header incurs
03:12.47TriJetScudyou might as well as perfrom dual stack instead at that point
03:14.23gustowell, NAT64 is not necessairly the case
03:14.57*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
03:15.00gustoyou can of course do NAT64 on your router then, of course, that would be a good idea, but otherwise you can just double NAT it and use it like you use UTMS 3G
03:15.51TriJetScudgusto, the smart idea at this point would be deploying dual stack
03:16.09gustohowever ... NAT64 on your router is double NAT too, so there is no real difference between this and i havent met some ISP's that do NAT64
03:16.26gustolook, smart guy, i had real dualstack until may '13 until they cut me off
03:17.05TriJetScudare they really that short on IPv4 addresses where you live?
03:17.31gustobut at least they are doing something, right?
03:17.39gustobetter than nothing
03:17.45gustothey should have started 10 years ago
03:17.57TriJetScudstill, on all networks I've been deploying, they're going to be dual stacked
03:18.00gustonow its too late for real dualstack
03:18.10TriJetScudwhy is that?
03:18.16gustoyes? dream on
03:18.43gustoi talked to a guy from juniper last week, of course he wasnt a fan of NAT as well, but ISP's are buying it
03:19.00gustothey used it for 3G networks, now they are going to use it also on DSL
03:19.49TriJetScud3G networks is understandable
03:19.52gustolike i said, my ISP - MNet - provided me real dualstack until may '13, because then they shut it down and started dualstacking new customers, leaving the old ones with ipv4 only
03:19.53TriJetScudbut on DSL networks?
03:20.05gustowell, not only DSL
03:20.11gustowith DOCSIS its even worse
03:20.37gustoKabeldeutschland, the biggest cable net provider here in germany gives DS Lite only for 2 years now
03:20.55gustohowever ... there you have an option, so you can choose a real IPv4 connection if you need it
03:21.44gustoso there they have at least an option, according to the new terms of service, from '13 to my ISP, you do not even have an option
03:21.53gustoso i put my asterisk out
03:22.15TriJetScudthey aren't offering native ipv6?
03:22.37gustoits on the internet now and i am going through my NAT router, not noticing any difference, when they port me to DS Lite
03:22.48gustoDS Lite is native ipv6
03:49.15*** join/#asterisk barbosa2 (
03:49.54PenguinHere's another technology topic I've been trying to figure out...
03:50.47PenguinBluetooth devices usually have a range of about 30-35 feet (10 meters), right?
04:00.08*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
04:00.25PenguinHow are bluetooth motorcycle helmet intercoms reaching 1km or more?
04:05.43*** join/#asterisk mitchrodrigues (
04:11.03gustobecause they use the new bluetooth protocol
04:11.11gustothis bt2.0 or how it is called
04:11.29gustothats up to 100m indoors ... and that would mean 1km on free sight
04:12.00PenguinBoth old and new bt are 2.4 GHz?
04:12.03gusto20dB shit, like wlan on 2,4 GHz
04:12.48gustoa good idea is not to use these devices at all
04:12.55gustoi for example do not have any of this
04:13.07gustomy bluetooth is this old bluetooth and i connect only mices to it
04:13.30gustoeven though i am not using 2,4 GHz wlan
04:14.17gustoi have wndr3800 and that is simultan dualband, but i almost never touch that 2,4 GHz it only goes up when my father turns on his TV set, because that connects to 2,4 GHz, but thats it
04:14.27gustoi am using 5 GHz
04:25.59*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
04:27.41gartralhey all, I'm trying to set up asterisk 11.5.1 for gtalk, and I keep getting over and over, very rapidly
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04:54.30mnathaniwhats a good hybrid 2-line physical telephone that can do voip and regular PSTN ?
04:55.28jplohmnathani: 2 units of SPA-3100?
04:55.55WIMPyI've only ever seen one such thing, the IP202.
04:56.08WIMPyOr DECT Bases.
05:11.10*** join/#asterisk barbosa2 (
05:24.48*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
05:31.00gartralhey all, I'm trying to set up asterisk 11.5.1 for gtalk, and I keep getting over and over, very rapidly
05:31.07*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
05:47.21*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
05:51.06*** join/#asterisk nunne (
05:52.35nunneAnyone have experience with Grandstream phones? And why they Pickup sip-channels directly instead of using Dialplan like expected? (configured *9 as pickup) and using dialplan + PICKUPMARK to do pickups, not anything in features.conf. I also have configures notifycid=ignore-context in sip.conf
06:22.02*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
06:33.27ChannelZyou're saying features.conf pickup doesn't work?
06:36.08*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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07:12.47nunneChannelZ: no, it probably will. But i don't want to use it. Since it's a multi customer server. I want to use the dialplan to pickup things.
07:13.07*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
07:13.08nunneAll i'm wondering is if someone knows why my grandstream phone doesn't seem to want to follow the dialplan
07:14.48*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
07:15.40ChannelZwell your phone has a dialplan, is it actually passing the desired extension to asterisk?  I don't know about grandstreams specifically, but most SIP phones also have a lot of internal 'service codes', perhaps you are bumping into one of those
07:23.22*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
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07:35.36nunneChannelZ: I will try updating asterisk. It seems like it will be at fault. Because it's behaving buggy as hell :/
07:36.15ChannelZwell you didn't really answer my question
07:36.23*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
07:36.32nunneChannelZ: I have only one Pickup cmd in the dialplan. and it's for Pickup(${CUST}-${EXTEN:2}@PICKUPMARK) and it will Pickup a random incomming/outgoing sip-channel o.O
07:36.50nunneChannelZ: Yeah. I can see in the verbose log.. But it's behaving very-very weird
07:37.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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07:38.30ipalmerhi all, is it possible to change the uniqueid variable, I want to put a 4 digit number at the front of it
07:40.12nunnethe first pickup is as expected. But that call just drops and it pickups a random call for some other customer
07:40.23nunne(dialing out/in.. seems like it picks a random sip-channel
07:40.34*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:41.31nunneChannelZ: I'm using 11.2.0, so will try updating and see if it resolves itself
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07:47.20*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
07:50.37ChannelZHow are you setting PICKUPMARK?
07:54.35*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (~danjenkin@
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08:06.19nunneChannelZ: I have tried alot of ways (one in my ext-context) by using __PICUPMARK. The ext-context dials Local channels with /n sub-sip, sub-mex, sub-cell etc. And I have also tried setting it in there. (Since it shouldn't matter which channel it picks up, as long as it's one of "them". But it actually picks up something randon
08:06.39nunneChannelZ: But it works flawlessly if I dial *9202 for example, all the time.. Just when I'm using the BLF
08:07.10nunneso I don't think it's something with my PICKUPMARK.. something seems to be weird in the Grandstream phone.. Since it seems to pickup the channel directly for some reason
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08:09.24ChannelZWell I mean what are you setting PICKUPMARK _to_?  it does matter.
08:09.41*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
08:11.01ChannelZWithout really seeing the whole dialplain or knowing why you're using it at all it's hard to say.
08:12.12*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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08:30.00miha-hi has anyone having asterisk for media in combination with opensips? I need a little help with scenario. tnx
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09:39.13nunneChannelZ: I set PICKUPMARK to CUSTOMER202 for example
09:39.29nunnebut there is nothing wrong with the PICKUPMARK setup.. since it works dialing the pickup-line manually
09:40.14nunnebut i have solved it.. grandstream phones doesn't work well with notifycid=ignore-context ... setting it to no will make it use the dialplan for pickup
09:40.35*** join/#asterisk martinfletcher (57ed466d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:41.30martinfletcherhey all
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10:28.38martinfletcheri have an avaya ip office 400 connected to an asterisk box via pri
10:29.13martinfletcherwhen calls are forwarded from the ip office pbx to the asterisk box, only the 1st 4 numbers are given
10:29.30martinfletcherany ideas on what could cause this, as i have spent 3 days looking into it with no luck
10:30.42*** join/#asterisk martinfletcher_ (57ed466d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:34.50*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
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11:02.15*** join/#asterisk PLMg (PLMg@
11:02.31PLMghello, anyone know the asterisk fax log location?
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12:11.59wdoekesPLMg: logger.conf, the "fax" level
12:12.17wdoekesyou may need to set fax debugging to 1 though
12:13.38wdoekes(either through the *FAX 'd' option, or 'fax set debug on')
12:16.05*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
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12:20.53PLMgwdoekes what do I need to enter in logger.conf to be able to see fax related messages to a log file?
12:21.16PLMgin logger conf I have onlt 2 lines enable, [genera] and full=>
12:21.29PLMgI didn't see anything related to fax there
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12:37.03wdoekescheck your asterisk source dir: configs/logger.conf.sample
12:37.23wdoekesread that to find out how to configure the logging system
12:37.59PLMgk, thx
12:38.44*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
12:40.09PLMgI do not have that file
12:40.40PLMginstead I did read but I still do not know how to enable fax logging
12:42.00kaldemarPLMg: fax => fax
12:42.30PLMgso I just type that line into logger.conf?
12:42.45kaldemarand reload logger with "logger reload" in CLI.
12:43.03PLMgok... ty
12:43.38*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
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13:01.11mase76hey! i want to use kde-telepathy do do sip calls via my asterisk server. i can register, and the softphone rings on incoming calls. when answering or dialing, asterisk shows no reaction. is there a known problem? the combination is kde-telepathy, telepathy-rakia and sofiasip.
13:03.24*** join/#asterisk damage (~damage@2001:470:51d4:500:5954:fcaa:a251:ef71)
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13:08.33damagewell... thats insane :)
13:08.48Chainsawdamage: No, that's Katty's breakfast.
13:09.39Kattyor ramblings of a crazy lady.
13:09.45Kattyeither would be an acceptable response.
13:09.59ChainsawWhat?! Katty is not crazy. How dare you suggest such a thing.
13:10.18damageAn acceptable response to hi?
13:10.40damageWell, yes, it is acceptable but still insane :)
13:14.43PLMgkaldemar ty, wokred like a charm after defining what should be logged
13:14.44*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-vmzmcqjlrnepvdxz)
13:22.30damageAlice (Subnet B) is starting a call via a Asterisk (11.5.0, Subnet A) to Bob (also Subnet A). When Bob is hanging up, Alice does not receive a BYE message.
13:22.43damageBut if I put Alice into Subnet A everything works fine
13:22.53damageAny ideas about further debugging?
13:24.30kaldemarPLMg: np.
13:24.37kaldemardamage: sip debug
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13:46.27damagekaldemar: I can't see any specials: (this is a debug of the no BYE behavoiur)
13:47.06damagecip7965 is calling dect (via *3328). dect is answering and hanging up after 5 seconds
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14:07.27mdaliusI have registered issue
14:07.37mdaliuscould this be configuration issue?
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14:36.25gartralhey all, I'm trying to set up asterisk 11.5.1 for gtalk, and I keep getting over and over, very rapidly, any ideas why?
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14:56.58lnb_What does an ITSP have to do in code to provide its customers with support for t.38 ?
14:57.06lnb_for asterisk 10
14:57.13asteriskmonkey1turn it on
14:57.16asteriskmonkey1in there switch
14:57.37lnb_do you happen to know the dialplan for it?
14:57.52asteriskmonkey1its not dialplan, its a sip setting
14:58.39lnb_would it be the same as
14:59.10lnb_in sip.conf
14:59.59asteriskmonkey1yes thats what you need on
15:00.05asteriskmonkey1yes is sufficient
15:00.42asteriskmonkey1there are other switches and modes
15:00.57asteriskmonkey1ie faxdetect can be set for t38 only etc..
15:01.22lnb_do you happen to know an URL i can get the details/configuration at?
15:01.39asteriskmonkey1its in the config files when you do make samples
15:03.10lnb_my problem is i am a client of an itsp that does not yet support t.38. I am trying to help them out so I can fax out. My other ITSP is in the USA and when we fax in Canada, a lot of toll-free fax DIDs do not accept USA origin calls
15:03.23moysaxa: old discussion, but what are you trying to do with R2? and where?
15:03.29asteriskmonkey1that is nothing to do with t38
15:03.40lnb_i realize that
15:03.57lnb_but t.38 makes faxing reliable over g711
15:04.14asteriskmonkey1only between t38 points
15:05.02asteriskmonkey1you need your carrier to get proper gear
15:05.05lnb_yesterday I happen to send a fax through this itsp, and had udptl debug on and saw udptl packets going out. Since then it doesn't happen so I figured its some configuration setting(s) to make it work all the time
15:05.11lnb_they have good gear
15:05.18lnb_just a smaller operation
15:05.25asteriskmonkey1then they need no aid turning on t38 :/
15:05.26lnb_but a clec nonetheless
15:05.41lnb_they do, since its not working all the time
15:05.49asteriskmonkey1its probably there upstreams then
15:06.15asteriskmonkey1get dumps of there gear and read it out
15:06.18lnb_not sure. they told me they did not configure anything for t.38 gateway
15:06.38asteriskmonkey1well im sure the manufacture of there hardware can support this, this is not an asterisk thing
15:07.06lnb_now you're saying its not asterisk?
15:07.26lnb_i thought from above you said it has to be configured in asterisk
15:07.31asteriskmonkey1yes it does
15:07.44*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:07.44asteriskmonkey1if you have it configured and its in the right mode should work 100% of time
15:07.51lnb_ok, so you mean for the connection between us and them
15:07.57lnb_you still need from them to pstn
15:08.17asteriskmonkey1pstn is pstn
15:08.23lnb_right mode?
15:08.35asteriskmonkey1passthru gateway etc..
15:08.38gartralhey all, I'm trying to set up asterisk 11.5.1 for gtalk, and I keep getting over and over, very rapidly, any ideas why?
15:08.39asteriskmonkey1nm you need to go read
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15:09.34filegartral, Google has probably locked out your account - you need to go find where to tell them that it was you attempting to use it
15:09.44fileor add an app level password
15:12.14lnb_asteriskmonkey1: thats what i asked you.. a good URL so i can read :)
15:13.26gartralfile: so those errors aren't asterisk's configs, it's googles security?
15:13.41fileso far 100% of the time it has been
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15:13.56asteriskmonkey1lnb_: build samples read samples, of voip info
15:14.41lnb_i think i will setup another vm and install asterisk and make the samples
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15:21.35gartralfile: by application level, you mean the seperate password that is used when 2-factor authentication is on?
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15:23.59fileI haven't use it, so I don't know
15:25.47gartralfile: yea, neither do i, and I can't find anywhere to allow a specific request
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15:33.52pmantisHi everyone. Is there an Asterisk version that directly supports beep tones during call recording?
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15:35.04asteriskmonkey1youll hear key presses
15:35.14asteriskmonkey1of you mean insert beeps/messages into your stream?
15:35.23pmantisLOL ?
15:35.47WIMPyassumes he wants to meet legal requirements.
15:36.06asteriskmonkey1legal requirements is stating the call is being recorded prior to recording
15:36.07pmantisYes, I mean adding a goverment mandated beep every 15 seconds during a call when recording is in progress.
15:36.19asteriskmonkey1oh thats a wierd one
15:36.23asteriskmonkey1what government is that
15:36.27pmantisCalifornia *requires* the beep.
15:37.07asteriskmonkey1oh ok
15:37.10pmantisIt's pretty common, and I *thought* I found a version of mixmonitor that did this... but now I can't find it.
15:37.15asteriskmonkey1well you can do that with agi
15:38.17pmantisInteresting idea. What about playing a wav file of a beep, so it sounds more like the recording tone people expect?
15:38.31asteriskmonkey1you should be able to do that
15:38.47asteriskmonkey1using Playback instead
15:39.15pmantisI could chanbarge, dump to a context that plays a beep every 15 seconds.
15:39.30asteriskmonkey1Sure probably lots of interesting ways of doing it
15:39.30pmantisPlayback will work in an already bridged call?
15:39.45WIMPyIIRC that didn't work.
15:39.46asteriskmonkey1youd have to try it
15:39.58asteriskmonkey1I know most people use freeswitch for things like this
15:40.09asteriskmonkey1as it supports stuff like that more easily
15:40.52asteriskmonkey1hang on looking at switches
15:40.54pmantisIsnt't that a fork?
15:41.05asteriskmonkey1no freeswitch isnt a fork
15:41.22pmantisMust be another project I was thinking ofo.
15:41.24asteriskmonkey1its a differnte engine entirley..
15:41.59asteriskmonkey1bunch of devs with different views the 1.0.x days buggered of and start fs
15:42.17asteriskmonkey1asterisk used to be one large core process where fs wasnt
15:42.29asteriskmonkey1now asterisk in a sense is like fs :/ hhaha lol
15:42.34asteriskmonkey1i like asterisk better
15:42.51pmantisYeah, I started using asterisk around v 0.9x
15:44.43asteriskmonkey1well gl with your recording voodoo magic
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15:45.30[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey1: was around 1.2/1.4 to my memory...
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15:45.39[TK]D-Fender(for FS start)
15:45.46pmantisHeh, thanks.. just wish it was a little easier. Any other ideas?
15:45.55asteriskmonkey1[TK]D-Fender: no it was no later than 1.2
15:46.16asteriskmonkey1it was starting in the 1.1x era i remember i was there lol
15:46.40AL13N_workis it possible to have automatic direct dial to extension working with a number like +3216834756#401 and sort of pick up that the number was sent like that and directly forward to ext 401?
15:46.41asteriskmonkey1The big complaint was all the modules where tied to core and massive thread locking issues
15:47.01*** part/#asterisk keycruncher (
15:47.02asteriskmonkey1AL13N_work: core show application dial
15:47.11asteriskmonkey1there is a switch for sending dtmf after connect
15:47.28AL13N_workhow do i pick that up in the code?
15:48.09pmantisAre you talking about an inbound call or outbound?
15:48.45WIMPydidn't understand the question at all.
15:49.07[TK]D-FenderAL13N_work: It's your dialplan.  parse out the # in there to get the 401 out of it to pass.
15:49.19asteriskmonkey1AL13N_work: if your using it for inbound call direction, just use sip headers man make your life easy
15:49.28asteriskmonkey1or use CUT etc..
15:51.18AL13N_work[TK]D-Fender: i don't really understand out of what variable i need to parse the # part
15:52.05pmantisAgain, it helps to know where the call is coming FROM, and where TO?
15:53.03AL13N_workfrom outside to a local extension
15:53.33[TK]D-FenderAL13N_work: you haven't clarified when you are getting this number.
15:53.50[TK]D-FenderAlis this a DIALED number directly from a device to your server?
15:53.59pmantisMost telcos can't pass a #, but it it does, you use ${EXTEN} and split it on #.
15:54.06[TK]D-FenderAL13N_work: Or is this further on in some dialplan processing in some sort of IVR / Read?
15:54.40AL13N_workmy dial plan is like Answer();Dial( all extensions); Hangup(); someone from outside rings the number with #401 appended
15:54.46AL13N_workah, ${EXTEN}
15:54.47AL13N_worki'll try
15:56.11AL13N_workcrap, the provider doesn't pass # suffixes
15:56.23AL13N_workpmantis: is there another way to accomplish this?
15:56.36AL13N_workor do i have to ask sip provider to turn this stuff on?
15:56.42WIMPyHow are you getting the call?
15:56.52AL13N_worksip provider passes it to us
15:57.22pmantisIf it's SIP end-to-end, you can use a sip header, or on the sending PBX, waitf or answer and auto-dial DTMF. Not any other way, afaik.
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15:58.28WIMPyYou'd need sn ITSP that gives you DID. But I dont know if they exist.
15:59.33AL13N_workpmantis: i obviously don't have control over the sip provider, what is the chance that they are already parsing it out and putting it into some header i will need to fetch?
16:00.12pmantisIt's possible. Use sip set debug on, then watch the traffic as a call comes in.
16:00.56asteriskmonkey1AL13N_work: if the stuff before the # which dosnt exsist is all same length you can do length based chopping and routing
16:01.16WIMPyUsually you can't get anything other than numeric digits across anyway.
16:02.41rrittgarnyou could always have your callers call +3216834756,,401 and have your PBX grab the 401 as an extension... its replacing the # with pauses but it works on most phones.
16:03.01WIMPyAnd unless you have DID, appended digits will either be discarded or might even make the call fail.
16:04.59AL13N_workok, nothing in EXTEN and nothing in the headers :-(
16:05.14AL13N_workjust appending digits makes the call fail
16:06.01AL13N_workrrittgarn: is that a comma?
16:06.06AL13N_workhow do you press this?
16:06.43rrittgarnyes just a comma
16:06.49rrittgarndepends on the phone
16:06.53rrittgarnusually its for saved numbers
16:06.57vandyk[TK]D-Fender: do you remember last week we talked about a lot of canceled calls in my server? You told me to change the indications.conf file and see how it goes. I did this and I'm still having a lot of calls being canceled
16:06.57rrittgarnits insert a pause
16:08.20[TK]D-FenderAL13N_work: Your description is still vauge.  SHOW US the call.
16:08.22infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:08.42[TK]D-Fendervandyk: Yeah, I was just about out of inspiration at that point...
16:11.30gartralugh getting this working is giving me a headache x.x
16:12.34GreenlightSay I wanted to connect 32 ISDN30 channels into Asterisk, how would I go about it ?
16:13.06WIMPy32 what?
16:13.09*** join/#asterisk Katty (
16:13.21Greenlight32 ISDN30 trunks
16:13.23[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: Get a nice huger interface for them.
16:13.28WIMPy32 PRIs (i.e. 960 channels)?
16:13.54WIMPyWith 4 octo-PRI cards.
16:14.01[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: Something like an AudioCodes Mediant, or Cisco DS3 interface that can push them out as SIP, etc
16:14.11WIMPyUnless the Sangoma E3 card can be used for that now.
16:14.20Kattyhugs Qwell
16:14.26[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: No channelized E3 yet
16:14.43GreenlightSo, I'd not hit issues with 4x cards in one box ?
16:14.47WIMPyBad luck.
16:15.52WIMPyAre you sure you want them all on one box?
16:16.16GreenlightWell, separate boxes would work too. Depending on cost.
16:16.33GreenlightBasically I want to sit as the middleman to offer call recording of all calls made over the ISDNs
16:16.45WIMPyIt's a lot of outage you produce if that box goes down.
16:17.17GreenlightYea, I see your point. I suppose it makse more sense to have separate boxes
16:17.34pmantis32 boxes. lol
16:17.52WIMPy16 max
16:17.54GreenlightMax would be 16, since I have a network side and a user side
16:18.16GreenlightBUt I'd say 4 or 8 might work well
16:18.17pmantisOH, so 16 PRIs, yu're just getting in the middle.
16:18.27GreenlightYea, so I'd have 16 IN and 16 OUT
16:18.56Greenlight4 boxes with OctoPRI cards perhaps
16:18.59WIMPyIs it only recording?
16:19.10GreenlightYea, that's the request at the moment.
16:19.35WIMPyThen you don;t have to be in the middle, but could do passive sniffing.
16:19.53GreenlightOh, I didn't realise that could be done on ISDN
16:19.58pmantisOn PRIs? Interesting!
16:20.06WIMPyThat way wouldn't produce anything more than missing recordings if the box goes down.
16:20.30WIMPyIIRC there was a patch for dahdi to do that.
16:20.39GreenlightAnd how would Asterisk see the calls ?
16:20.57WIMPyIt still gets all the signalling.
16:21.30GreenlightHmm interesting
16:21.36Greenlightgoes to Google it
16:22.49WIMPyThere are both specialised hadware and software for that purpose out there,
16:23.56*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (~wasanzy@
16:24.02GreenlightYea, was trying to stick with what I know
16:24.14GreenlightAnd thus what I can charge for ^^
16:24.37wasanzypls is there  a bug in asterisk version 11.5.1?
16:24.52Greenlightwasanzy: Yes, I suspect there are.
16:25.19wasanzywhen I start asterisk, is dieing quickly and I cant do asterisk -r as well
16:25.29saxamoy: hi, I want to connect the E1 line in Brasil to my asterisk box
16:25.35GreenlightI hightly doubt that's a bug.
16:25.39*** part/#asterisk pmantis (
16:25.52GreenlightStart asterisk with -cvvvv and watch for the error
16:29.05moysaxa: working already or still having issues?
16:29.18WIMPysaxa: Then you should find out how you want to do it
16:29.41wasanzyI saw this but no file specified: Failed to load configuration file
16:29.42drmessanoThere's lots of bugs in Asterisk 11.5.1
16:30.04drmessanoThere were in previous versions, and there will be in future versions
16:30.19wasanzypls I want to revert to version 11.5.0, how do I uninstall the 11.5.1?
16:33.25drmessano[12:29:41] <wasanzy> I saw this but no file specified: Failed to load configuration file  <-- Look at the lines before it.  Usually thats the "I give up" message
16:34.36wasanzyIt actually says at the end " Asterisk Ready."  and I didn't see any I give up message too
16:35.17asteriskmonkey1wasanzy: you install by source or pkg?
16:35.39wasanzyasteriskmonkey1:  source
16:35.44asteriskmonkey1also if you do asterisk -vvvvvvc
16:35.49asteriskmonkey1you should see where its dieing
16:36.31asteriskmonkey1if you want to go back a version you can just do a make deinstall in the 11.5.1 src folder and hop back into your 11.5.0 folder and do a make install
16:37.03wasanzyah great
16:37.05asteriskmonkey1you may find though you have some lingering module its breaking on, which is easy enough to comment out as a no load
16:37.26karl-ssince when is deinstall a make option???
16:37.38karl-si'm gonna go try that out
16:37.50wasanzyam not loading any module, I am doing autoload
16:38.06PenguinIf the person who wrote the code included a deinstall target, it is an "option" since the time they wrote it.
16:38.43PenguinIf you're talking about FreeBSD, since as far back as I can remember.
16:38.44wasanzydoes it mean version 11.5.0 is more stable than 11.5.1?
16:39.14PenguinStable means what?
16:39.19Penguin(to you)
16:39.20karl-swe'll i mean, without having to look at Makefile, I wish all of the make options were documented in README
16:39.20asteriskmonkey1start asterisk with -vvvvvvvvvvvvc
16:39.39asteriskmonkey1there is no such thing as stable, only a version where a bug hasnt been found that horrible kills it lol
16:40.03PenguinTo me, stable means it runs for months or years as opposed to only days.
16:40.42PenguinTo me, stable has nothing to do with how goofy something may be created, but how reliable it is.
16:40.45wasanzyPenguin: to me, no bugs also counts, at least not much of a bug
16:40.58asteriskmonkey1well start asterisk like a said
16:41.05asteriskmonkey1you should see whats causing it grief
16:41.14asteriskmonkey1it will break / crash where there is module issue
16:41.15wasanzyasteriskmonkey1: ok
16:41.24Penguin11.5.0 is going to have bugs in it that have been fixed in 11.5.1
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16:41.48wasanzyPenguin: ok
16:42.05PenguinAnd that is documented in the changelog.
16:43.29vandykany other idea to discover why calls are being canceled on Asterisk 11.5.1 (FreePBX distro)?
16:43.47infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:44.29[TK]D-FenderPenguin: It isn't a FreePBX issue from what I can see.  * is cancelling on a SIP progress message following a dial
16:44.54wasanzyasteriskmonkey1: Some unable to load configuration files (modules not activated)
16:46.41asteriskmonkey1more specific?
16:47.03asteriskmonkey1is asterisk running as a user that dosnt have perms to the config file folder?
16:47.17asteriskmonkey1check that stuff
16:47.23asteriskmonkey1heads out for lunch
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16:53.58saxamoy: no I will get a new line, which they call Digitronco, and I find out this is a E1 line.
16:54.17saxamoy: they use R2D protocol over it, if i understand well
16:54.42saxaWIMPy: basically i want to maintain the phones i have already up now, they are sip extensions
16:55.08saxaWIMPy: now I need to find which card i have to put into my box to get * working as it works now
16:55.49anonymouz666saxa: yeah We do call digitronco
16:56.13anonymouz666R2D all the way, unfortunately
16:56.53coppicedigitronco sounds like something advertised endlessly on TV :-)
16:57.41saxaanonymouz666: you have any suggestion of a card which I should go with ?
16:58.02saxacoppice: i found out its an commercial name used in Brasil for E1 lines.
16:58.25anonymouz666coppice: two co-workers went to hong kong in hauwei for 2 weeks, they took nice pictures from the country and city
16:58.50anonymouz666saxa: bingo
16:59.07wasanzyI commented out the runusers and group in the conf, so automatically, it is running as the root user
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16:59.54saxaanonymouz666: yep, i read up one Oi pdf i found online explaining how to sell digitronco
17:00.23coppiceanonymouz666: we have some beautiful countryside in HK
17:00.55saxaanyway i would like to know which way would be the best for me , to maintain what I have now, and switch from a TDM410P to another card to connect my sip phones and extensions to this E1 line I will get ?
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17:07.54WIMPysaxa: Ah, that interesting story.
17:08.27saxaWIMPy: yeah
17:08.44saxaWIMPy: always the same thing :)
17:10.25WIMPysaxa:  Greetings,
17:10.52WIMPyOoop. The best way would be to change that line to a E1 PRI.
17:11.27coppicedo you think people would use MFC/R2 if PRI was an option?
17:11.57WIMPyBrazil is not the US. PRI should be an option.
17:12.24coppicereally? ask the Brazilians
17:13.00*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:14.37coppiceits amazing how much MFC/R2 there still is in many countries, but in South America it is the *only* choice for a huge number of people
17:15.16WIMPyStill better than FXO.
17:16.04coppiceif you only want to carry voice there's nothing really bad about it. its just so antique
17:18.39anonymouz666coppice: correct, in most cases it's the only option
17:19.54anonymouz666it is antique and slow... and the speed becomes more evident when you connected through legacy pbx's.
17:20.01coppiceyou'd be amazed where iits still used, even places like Australia have numerous Asterisk users with MFC/R2
17:21.01coppicethe only real speed issue is if your E1 is for something like an IVR, with a huge number of short calls. Otherwise the overhead for the slow signalling is really not that great
17:22.12coppiceanonymouz66: is everyone still using locally produced cards, because of the crazy taxation?
17:22.14anonymouz666in our case we have the delay from legacy pbx to asterisk (first leg of call) in mfc/r2, and then asterisk to telco using mfc/r2 (second leg).
17:22.45anonymouz666we try to integrate with ISDN PRI when legacy supports and talk mfc/r2 with the telco
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17:24.48anonymouz666coppice: people are using locally produced cards for a number reasons. I can mention support, partnership... speaking about technical stuff, some companies makes your own channel driver and bypass some chan_dahdi/dahdi limitations
17:25.34anonymouz666another important thing: they deliver much faster
17:26.18WIMPyDo you know any channels I don;t know, yet?
17:26.50coppiceanonymouz666: do huawei have ways around the crazy import duty? there are a lot of Chinese companies buying into all sorts of industries in Brazil
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17:30.47anonymouz666I really don't know what they do, but they are present and very strong in public projects bidding
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17:31.33anonymouz666They are fighting with CISCO in Wireless stuff, but now the focus is eLTE.
17:32.26anonymouz666WIMPy: channel driver you mean?
17:34.09anonymouz666WIMPy: I don't know what you know, but "chan_khomp" is a channel driver made by a local company here. Used by KHOMP boards.
17:34.23coppiceanonymouz666: huawei are doing really well in the LTE market, although the network I use doesn't use huawei
17:35.16coppiceanonymouz666: there is another brazilian company with its own cards and drivers, isn't there?
17:35.46anonymouz666and another called "aligera" that uses chan_dahdi.
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17:37.09WIMPyYes, they are new to me.
17:37.18anonymouz666KHOMP claim to have a better FXO call progress than DAHDI, AMD in pre-connect stuff for callcenters, and things like that. may ou may not make a difference in your setup.
17:37.20WIMPyAnd I already found quite a few.
17:38.13coppicepretty much anything would have better call progress handling than dahdi. its very crude
17:39.25anonymouz666coppice: we are very close to people from hauwei. they're getting better in wireless stuff. Working hard to improve their firmware to make the radios more robust with a bigger capacity
17:40.29coppicea lot of other LTE equipment is just huawei rebadged.
17:40.39coppicea lot of 3G was too
17:43.01saxaWIMPy: i have now FXO
17:43.14saxaWIMPy: yes I asked for ISDN, but its not available
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17:48.55anonymouz666saxa: if you explain what you are trying to do from the beggining maybe I can help you
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17:56.38WIMPyHe just wanted to know what card to get for R2.
17:58.36anonymouz666Digium, Sangoma... should be fine.
17:58.51anonymouz666the R2 signalling support is native beggining from version 1.8.
17:59.40WIMPyI think even LCR can do it.
17:59.57anonymouz6661.2 was UNICALL times. 1.4 was moy's patches for that version. Ohh that support starts from version 1.6.2, I think
18:01.57WIMPykhomp do only fxs/fxo and gsm, no wired digital?
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18:04.17boom^timeHey guys, regarding cdrs. If I call a number with asterisk which bridges them to an IVR where hitting 0 dials a different number and then bridges them I should assume I'm going to incur charges per minute for both calls right? Yet asterisk only generates one cdr including the total duration of the original call
18:04.36danbell77Has anyone here done much with Cisco 7970's on Asterisk?
18:05.37danbell77In particular I'm looking to use the buttons like they run on a CallManager Box (i.e. the callforward button says the number it is forwarding to and then becomes a cancel button). That type of thing.
18:05.45WIMPyboom^time: CDRs are known to be pretty useless. You could try to use CEL or something in your dialplan.
18:05.55anonymouz666WIMPy: no, there are cards and the ebs-e1-spx series.
18:06.55WIMPySeems hard to find any information in english at all.
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18:11.22smkellyfile: hi
18:11.42boom^timeWIMPy, thanks, is CEL the standard or are there good alternatives?
18:12.26WIMPyIt's one way to gather the data.
18:13.30filesmkelly, hi
18:13.47smkellyfile: nice hat.
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18:18.41moyanonymouz666: yes native R2 support starts on 1.6.2 ... 1.4 works with patches or with chan_unicall
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18:38.22mjordanboom^time: your other option is ForkCDR, ending the original CDR to create a new one.
18:38.57mjordanthat's actually why it exists: stop the original "billing record" - which may or may not be something you want to bill for - and start a new record
18:39.19mjordanor, yes, use CEL and roll your own billing system
18:41.45boom^timemjordan, Thanks! I was just in the middle of reading about ForkCDR when I looked over and saw your comment. I'm trying to learn what options are appropriate.
18:41.49Penguindanbell77: Look at chan-sccp-b.
18:42.09mjordanthe options are confusing for it :-)
18:42.14mjordanlooks it up
18:42.40vandykWIMPy: regarding wired digital, Khomp does not have that. I've used Digium and Openvox cards for years, now I moved to E1 gateways
18:42.45mjordanwhat version of Asterisk are you using?
18:43.01mjordanDefinitely use the 'e' option
18:43.05vandykyou can look for Suncomm equipment
18:43.17mjordanIf what you want is to end the current CDR and create a new one, then you need that
18:43.29boom^timeright otherwise I'll get overlap
18:43.47mjordanYou may also want the 'v' option to copy over variables
18:43.50WIMPystrongly dislikes gateways. Just much less functionality.
18:44.07vandykthe advantage is that you can have your servers virtualized
18:44.08mjordanIf you want the answer time set - so that billsec starts incrementing - you'll need the 'a' option
18:44.18mjordanThe rest are going to depend heavily on weird conditions that are hard to predict
18:44.35boom^timelike A?
18:44.58vandykwhat kind of functionality that you can't find in gateway and you have on cards?
18:45.16WIMPyA lot.
18:45.22mjordanThe options on ForkCDR expose a lot of weird internal implementation details that you won't have to bother with unless things don't look "right"
18:45.27mjordanso unless you need em, I'd leave them alone
18:45.37boom^timeThe application is an outbound call to a number, they answer, if they press 0 it runs a Dial on a different number. I'd need to fork before the Dial to know that I'm billing for two call legs after
18:45.41mjordanBut if your disposition doesn't look right, or you aren't getting variables, or other funky things happen, then just ignore them
18:46.31boom^timeThanks for your help I really appreciate. I'm off to do some testing
18:46.35boom^timeappreciate it*
18:47.14vandykI'm curious now, because in my perspective I have much more on gateway than on cards. I know that is your opinion.
18:47.24WIMPyvandyk: Although thare are some functions I miss when using cards as well.
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19:25.47danbell77penguin: Do you have experience with the 7970?  Do you know which version of skinny works best with chan-sccp?
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19:27.02Penguindanbell77: I don't personally use any 7970s, but I do use 7960s.  I would suggest the latest version you can get for the phones and use chan-sccp-b 4.1-STABLE on asterisk.
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19:36.41danbell77penguin: I'm not to crazy about even going down the skinny route as I have an entire platform built around SIP...
19:38.34carrar7970 will do sip just fine
19:38.47carraras 7975 also
19:39.38danbell77I can make the phones work fine in issue is getting the buttons to behave properly.
19:39.49danbell77And conference calling seems to be an issue
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19:56.14gmalsackyo all...
19:57.12gmalsackso here's the deal. sales manager wants round robin on call queue....  ok easy. however he wants people that are skipped because they are already on the phone to be next in line..... any ideas?
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19:58.16[TK]D-FenderNo solution.
19:58.33[TK]D-FenderThe strategies you see listed in the sameple config are what you've got
19:59.05gmalsackfuck..... that's what I was afraid was going to be the answer..... another custom devel here we come... :-( ugh...
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19:59.58[TK]D-Fenderjust because they were skipped for being busy in a previous pass does not mean they are answering any fewer calls
20:00.41gmalsackI know. it's a mental game the management wants to play to give an incentive to those working....
20:00.50gmalsack*actually working... ;-)
20:00.57boom^timeHow about random eavesdropping?
20:01.06gmalsackoh they do that too...
20:01.25boom^timeManager gets an even bigger power trip, employees work harder, win win.
20:01.58[TK]D-Fendergmalsack: Doesn't eman they'll answer their phones.
20:02.09gmalsackthis call center is like a boiler room. constant pressure.
20:02.17[TK]D-Fendergmalsack: You know.. that's why you have QUEUE LOGS... to evaulate performace...
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20:03.14gmalsacktkd-fender: I know. you're preaching to the choir here.... but I'm just a techy.... what do I know. lol
20:03.36boom^timeTell him you took sweat shop 101 back in college.
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20:10.53paulcWhat's wrong with "longest waiting call to longest idle agent"? Seems.. "fairer"? in terms of call distribution.. maybe? or am I missing something blindingly obvious?
20:12.01[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: His manager coming up with some random idea out of their head and expecting it to become reality just because they thought of it
20:12.29gmalsack[TK]D-Fender: lol !!! nice! :-)
20:13.02paulcI'm always a fan of "I'm sorry, it just doesn't work that way. Here's what I CAN do for you - I think it covers most of what you want, right? RIGHT?!  <jedi mind control stare> "
20:13.39[TK]D-Fender"You want to make people more productive?  This is NOT a productive use of MY time"
20:13.41gmalsackpaulc: awesome!!! :-) unfortunately he's an owner as well, sooooo.....
20:14.54paulcsoooooo? who cares? You're a professional, he's paying you to do a job, and with the tools available, here's how it works..  if he wants you to start hacking internals of Asterisk to make his pipe dream a reality.. wellllllll... it becomes way less maintainable in the long run!
20:14.55danbell77Has anyone used a 7970's conference button successfully using SIP?
20:14.57gmalsackbasically he doesn't want sales reps that spent 20 minutes on the phone with a client to feel like they are missing out on sales leads because when their done their phone doesn't ring for another 20 minutes until the round robin works it's way back around....
20:15.16paulcAnd I'm sure he'd rather spend less on maintenance in the future, right? RIGHT?!  <jedi mind control stare x2>
20:15.47gmalsackpaulc: I like your way of thinking!
20:15.49paulcSo skip round robin and most most idle (or least recent, or whatever its called)
20:16.05paulcIt's way fairer because long calls vs short calls don't impact the distribution
20:16.30paulcmeaning the reps can deliver good service, rather than trying to make calls as short as possible.. so they're more likely to get hit with the robin..
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20:18.32gmalsackpaulc: thanks for the thoughts! I think I'll just slip that one in there and see what he reports without really telling him what I'm doing. I'll just say it sounded like the closest option to what he wanted.... ;-)
20:19.02paulc"It's what all the big expensive PBX/ACD systems do" :-)
20:19.58paulcHe'll love that.. he's getting big box $$$$$$$ functionality for a way lower price. Isn't he clever? Doesn't his business rock? (no, not the guy doing the work, no no no, it's not about you)
20:20.10paulchehe gotta love the PHBs of this world eh? :-)
20:20.33[TK]D-Fender[16:14]gmalsackbasically he doesn't want sales reps that spent 20 minutes on the phone with a client to feel like they are missing out on sales leads because when their done their phone doesn't ring for another 20 minutes until the round robin works it's way back around.... <- leastrecent
20:26.46[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, heading home...
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20:38.41datarecalhey guys, quick question is it possible to sync my microsoft exchange contacts to my aastra ip phone ?
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20:45.05pabelangerdatarecal, might want to ask #microsoft, since that's not asterisk related
20:48.05*** join/#asterisk mmourani (~Adium@
20:48.26mmouraniI have a problem with codec g729
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20:49.53mmouranican someone help with asterisk 11 ?
20:50.08infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:50.27vandykmmourain: tell us what is your problem
20:50.55mmouranii get an error message : no compatible codecs, not accepting this offer !
20:51.10anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender is at home now!
20:51.16mmouraniNotice 5003
20:51.29[TK]D-Fendermnathani: So go set it so both ends have something they can agree on
20:51.39gmalsackanonymouz666: don't you ever rest.... lol
20:51.57anonymouz666me? sure I do
21:13.00newtonrmmourani, you need to double-check what codecs you have enabled for all phones involved, and what codecs you have allowed for their configuration within Asterisk.
21:13.27newtonrmmourani, phones/sip accounts/sip devices/whatever
21:14.39newtonrYou can also search the mailing list archives and google, there is about a million conversations on that topic that will help you out.
21:17.44[TK]D-FenderNo need to randomly search mailing lists while sitting in IRC
21:23.18_Corey_OK, I may have smoked too much crack today but can anyone tell me under what scenarios Asterisk will send a local IP in its SDP OK to an INVITE from a public IP?  I've got RTP going into oblivion...
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21:24.46jeevif i asked that question, fender's reply: not enough information.
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21:25.49newtonr_Corey_,  Possibly when you don't have localnet, externaddr and what not configured appropriately, or you don't have directmedia turned off for those accounts.
21:26.40_Corey_newtonr: Yeah, I'm suspecting externaddr at the moment.  I've ruled everything else out.  This WAS working at one point, so I'm baffled as to what had changed.
21:27.44[TK]D-FenderLook at the call, look at the configs
21:27.57WIMPyfinds one-way-audio on transcoded call much more interesting.
21:28.04_Corey_It's a weird environment with one trunk going out to the Internet and a lot of other stuff getting NATed in from an MPLS source who would definitely not respond favorably to the real external IP showing up
21:29.05mmouraniok i am just doing a passthru on my asterisk
21:29.12mmouraniI am not transcoding g729
21:29.20mmouranithe two phones are talking g729
21:29.31mmouraniso i should not get this error on the codec
21:30.09_Corey_newtonr: Yeah, that makes it work (again).  I still need to investigate what happened.  Anyhow, thanks for the sanity check.
21:31.28[TK]D-Fendermmourani: Show us the actual call.
21:32.29*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
21:33.15infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
21:35.05newtonr_Corey_, nooo problemo
21:35.17mmouraniwell i set my debug to 10 on the CLI but i get only the message : No compatible codecs, blah blah - That's it
21:37.25[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <-
21:37.44[TK]D-Fenderverbose will not prove what peer is hit and what each side is offering
21:40.56mmouraniok thanks
21:40.59mmouranilet me do this
21:45.07Tekzso just so i have this right, can anyone verify that i'm correct on this? If I have 4 pots lines, I need either a PCI/PCI-E card with 4 fxo ports OR some sort of fxo gateway device, yeah?
21:45.32Tekzand if i get an fxo gateway device, i will basically need to set it up so it points to the IP address of my asterisk box once I get it set up?
21:45.35[TK]D-FenderTekz: Well you need something to plug them into
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21:46.12[TK]D-FenderTekz: Fora SIP gateway... it speaks SIP ... it's little different than anything else.
21:47.46Tekzso i'm correct then?
21:47.55Tekzjust trying to wrap my head around this.
21:48.17vomitHi. I wanted to ask about the experience with ReceiveFAX function to receive faxes. Faxes sent to me are getting fax  at first attempt
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21:49.14vomitHi. I wanted to ask about the experience with ReceiveFAX function to receive faxes. Faxes sent to me are getting fax session timed-out error at first attempt but then they succed. Anybody experiences similiar issues. Kinda ancient asterisk at that setup (1.4).
21:50.02WIMPyTekz: Or as a third option you can use an ITSP.
21:50.59TekzThat's not an option on the table for us at this point.
21:51.24WIMPyMight work better.
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21:54.49mmouranithanks guys
21:54.54mmouranii solved the problem
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23:56.31vandyksomeone is having issues with Asterisk 11.5.1 with a lot of SIP 487 ?

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