IRC log for #asterisk on 20131015

00:03.40dwaynewhen using SIP TLS / SRTP with Asterisk 1.8, shouldn't the SDP m= line use SRTP instead of RTP ?
00:04.23dwayneI have a a=crypto attribute, but I thought the media line would be different as well
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02:42.11n8ideasdoes anyone know if it's possible to kill the outbound NOTIFY when realtime peers are reloaded?
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04:15.31pabelangerHello, yes? This is dog
04:16.37stanllyI need some help regarding Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1, card and cable are ok. I don't see any troubles with interupts. But the link never gooes up.
04:16.55ChannelZpabelanger wins
04:19.22stanllythe card itself is detected and configured correctly but I insert an isdn cable it goes green and then goes to yellow alarm and up and down
04:21.08stanllyusing dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.2+2.6.2, libpri-1.4.14 and asterisk-
04:23.08stanllyif I enable bri debug I only see outgoing frames. any ideas? I was thinking that it's a card issue but clearly it's not I just verified it in another box and it's working.
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04:28.15ChannelZsorry I don't know ISDN. But I'd take a wild guess something _isn't_ configured right, that the control channel is wrong or something..
04:29.05stanllyin dmesg I see dahdi: HDLC Receiver overrun on channel WCT1/0/16 (master=WCT1/0/16)
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06:49.57lnbin process of sending fax, why would cli> fax show sessions show 0 fax sessions when its sending?
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07:25.29ironoxidHi, I've a problem with DID, it won't work with common phones (but it works from mobile phones)... overlapdial=yes, immediate=no, certified-asterisk-11.2-cert2, dahdi-linux-complete-, libpri-1.4.14
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08:45.17_omerI use "ConfBridge" , Calls are getting recorded (According to settings in confbridge.conf)
08:45.53_omerI want to use my own file_name for recorded calls.
08:49.17kaldemar_omer: what stops you?
08:50.39_omertried some configs that I found on web. but nothing works.
08:50.51kaldemar_omer: you can define it with the record_file option. as the sample config says, it's better done in dialplan instead of a static definition in confbridge.conf.
08:52.05_omerconfbridge.conf has mentioned it but I dont see any sytanx example
08:53.01kaldemarit tells you the function name. did you see what "core show function CONFBRIDGE" says?
08:54.03_omerI have already used
08:54.41_omerexten => _x.,1,set(CONFBRIDGE(user,announce_join_leave)=no)
08:54.59_omerok let me check core show funtion CONFBRIDGE
09:12.26_omerkaldemar: set(CONFBRIDGE(bridge,record_file=/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/test.wav)   does not work
09:13.00_omerlet me try again
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12:25.58_omerI used  ... Set(CONFBRIDGE(bridge,record_file)=testing.wav) but file saved as testing-1381833944.wav   .. May I know how to fix this record_file appending thing?
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13:19.35*** join/#asterisk Vann (
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13:23.23VannDoes anyone know what could cause "continuous ringing"? I call an extension and it picks up fine, but every so often it doesn't pick up and it just rings and rings.
13:27.29phixVann: misconfiguration could cause that
13:27.55Vannin the dialplan?
13:29.28phixdo you want to pastebin it?
13:29.35phixredact it first of course
13:29.50phixif it contains sensitive information
13:33.20GreenlightPerhaps if no one was there to answer it?
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13:41.50mirela666Hello, does GHotoif(condition) supports multiple conditions separated with AND/OR?
13:42.28mirela666like Gotoif($[a>1 || a<0]?true:false)
13:42.44FaustovI guess you could nest another if inside "true"
13:43.00[TK]D-Fendermirela666: yes, with a SINGLE |
13:43.07mirela666yeah that is always a solution but to
13:43.17mirela666thx TKD
13:43.24[TK]D-Fendermirela666:  & / |
13:44.30mirela666[TK]D-Fender: thx
13:44.33mirela666Faustov: thx
13:44.43*** part/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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14:38.04nunneUsing Grandstream GXP2124 with Direct Pickup marked as *9 on the phone (and having logic for it in the devices context) doesn't seem to work using GS BLF. I see no dial logic coming in on *9 (but it DOES pickup the channel)... But dialing *9EXTEN will work as intended (i see the dial logic).
14:38.16nunneAnyone have any idea what might be going on here?! o.O
14:39.51[TK]D-FenderShow us the actual debug.  Also I see no relationship with BLF for this
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14:43.53nunneI have notifycid = ignore-context
14:45.48nunne[TK]D-Fender: since i have *9 as call pickup in the phone config you might think I should see the same verbose messages as dialing just *9202 for example
14:46.23[TK]D-Fenderwaits for the requested backup
14:46.28nunnebut no. the only verbose I see when using the BLF button for this is Channel SIP/asp-XXXXX answered SIP/43243243223
14:46.48nunneso it seems to go directly and answering the Channel. Not passing any of the call logic
14:46.56nunnedialplan logic i mean
14:47.41nunneso manually dialing *9202 works flawlessly.. but using the BLF button which should dial just *9202 (as other phones does) answeres the SIP-channel directly without using the dialplan logic
14:48.02nunnewhich messes up my custom devstates for the extensions
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14:54.08asteriskmonkeyim running asterisk 10 and having issues with queue bailing :/  i set timeout but its not observing it, and queue status is stating timeout on exit
14:54.21asteriskmonkeyis example
14:54.28asteriskmonkeytried with ,, too
14:56.41asteriskmonkeylol n option :)
14:56.44asteriskmonkeyshoot in foot
14:58.27PenguinCheck your queues.conf for timeout settings.
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15:34.24zFleshMissileI have an asterisk server acting as a call recorder in between a pbx and isdn30 line and when i dial out of the site the asterisk server only picks up 4 digits of the number and causes the call to fail. Does anyone know why that could be happening?
15:38.37rrittgarnnot enough info. need to see the dial plan and or failure messages in a PB
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15:50.53zFleshMissileI can't get on the server at the moment to grab the dialplan sorry. If we assume the dialplan is fine, can you think of a configuration scenario that might be causing only the first 4 digits of a number being displayed when an outgoing call is attempted?
15:51.10zFleshMissilejust even a stab in the dark could be helpful
15:51.19GreenlightIt used to work?
15:51.40din3shhey all
15:53.54[TK]D-Fendergrabs one of his swords and turns out the lights...
15:54.02zFleshMissileWell originally I had a 3ish year old server there, it was working fine and hadn't been changed configuration wise in the last few years. The drive died and I replaced it with a new server, up to date asterisk and dahdi etc and now it doesn't work.
15:54.34zFleshMissileincoming works fine
15:54.51din3shhow you want to debug with no access on the server
15:54.56GreenlightRIght, so your assumption that the dialplan is okay, is based on, what exactly ?
15:55.16zFleshMissilethe dialplan is exactly the same
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15:55.21zFleshMissilethat never changes
15:55.32din3shyou might as well use one of  [TK]D-Fender's swords
15:55.51GreenlightI've some wonderful chocolate tea pots... selling them cheap... intereseted ?
15:56.23zFleshMissileit's a simple pass through, doesn't do anything fancy with the numbers
15:56.24din3share the tea pots SIP based?
15:57.00Greenlightdin3sh: No, silly, the SIP features are for the chocolate mugs!
15:57.11GreenlightSIP teapots, whatever next..
15:57.26din3shmy bad :P
15:57.45zFleshMissiledin3sh: I'm waiting for the server to be turned back on
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15:58.27GreenlightzFleshMissile: Presuming your running asterisk 11 on it now? And before the change, it was running 1.6? 1.4?
15:59.36din3shi still have 2,3 prod servers running on 1.4   o.O
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16:00.13rbd_hey guys... running 11.4 ... I have a System() command in my dialplan that takes a channel variable and saves it to a database (by running the 'mongo' commandline utility with an insert command specified). This works fine, but that channel variable is being truncated down to 237's around 330 characters total. any ideas why? (the variable is set via a .call file Set() command...and
16:00.13rbd_by examining the call file, the full string is specified there)
16:00.28zFleshMissilesec, looking now
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16:00.54[TK]D-Fenderrbd_: * itself has a var length limit
16:01.36rbd_[TK]D-Fender: with Set(), it internally truncates the variable down to that length. ok... is that hardcoded or is it changable somewhere?
16:01.52din3shzFleshMissile: your box is back from the dead?
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16:02.27zFleshMissileGreenlight: Old was using I believe. New is using
16:04.25din3shhave you converted/optimised the dialplan for * 1.8.x?
16:05.55zFleshMissileYeah, its currently in use in a number of other sites, the exact same build and everything and have never encountered this issue
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16:06.28Greenlight[04:55pm] <zFleshMissile> the dialplan is exactly the same <-- So that's not true?
16:06.58[TK]D-Fenderrbd_: Hard
16:07.14zFleshMissileyou've got me there
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16:10.48lnbVann: i had that happen with an ITSP, they were not keeping call state. I would hang up my SIP phone (dialing my cell phone) and the cell phone would keep ringing and ringing.
16:11.59lnbanyone know why in CLI> fax show sessions , displays 0 when there is a fax being transmitted ?
16:12.01GreenlightThat sounds more like a NAT type issue
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16:13.09lnbGreenlight: are you referring to what I just said
16:14.01din3shyeah the keep ringing thing might be a NAT issue
16:15.10lnbdin3sh: might be, but as soon as i left that ITSP, the issue stopped.
16:15.27lnband nothing was changed on my end here.
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16:33.00lnbwhat would have to be done with Asterisk 10, when fax goes through it is detected and turns on t.38 udptl ?
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19:13.45sawgoodHi, for CentOS 6.x (is there) RPMs of Asterisk 1.8.x available (and if so) do you know the latest versions supported with RPM/yum?
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19:18.31malcolmd/join #freepbx
19:18.35malcolmdsorry ;)
19:18.58skrustyfail ;)
19:21.55sawgoodYeah, I've got this Asterisk only box (for voicemail) on CentOS 6.4 (reinstalled) from CentOS 32-bit 5.9 (Final) (And) it will only ever have Asterisk only (and) I wanted to keep it managed via yum updates
19:22.29sawgoodadding the repos to test now (to see what is available) from Digium/Asterisk for 6.x 64-bit builds
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19:32.11przerullHello, how do you force native mixing in a confbridge conference?
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20:20.52ibercomHi, I have two realtime asterisk servers (Active-Active). How can I pickup a call from a phone A in Asterisk1 and the call from Asterisk2 in phone B ?
20:25.14ibercomAnybody know ?
20:29.14rrittgarncurious how you have active:active... or are you trying to create an active:active scenario?
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20:31.11ibercomThe same db and 2 server with phones...The phones have register server and backup server.
20:33.08ibercomThe phones can register on any server. The servers have PRI card.
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20:34.47rrittgarnok so the phones then register to both, but when they try to say Box1,Phone1 tries to call Box1,Phone2 and phone two is registered to box2, you want it to go through like its registered right?
20:37.33ibercomThe problem is when the call comes from a different server to the registration server. Box1 and Box2 can call Phone1 because both know the address (AOR) of phone.
20:39.19ibercomI need pickup the call from Box2, Phone1 dialplan is in Box1.
20:42.24*** part/#asterisk Xeon5454 (
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20:57.59rrittgarnhow are you updating registrations between the boxes? or are you dual registering the phones?
20:58.14rrittgarnpub/sub for registration and state changes?
20:59.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:08.07ibercomPhones register in Box1 or Box2. Box1 or Box2 update the DB. Still any pub/sub.
21:09.09ibercomDB is mysql Master-Master.
21:13.12rrittgarnthey update the realtime DB suchas MySQL or the actual system internal database?
21:15.17*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
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21:35.43AlexForsterrunning v1.8.20.0 (from EPEL), and I'm finding it extremely slow to issue ~6 Getvar actions for each channel - is it possible to batch them together? or, does Getvar get significantly faster in asterisk 11.x?
21:36.53WIMPyAre you sure it's Asterisk?
21:37.50AlexForsterwhoops actually i'm running cisco call manager
21:38.36AlexForstershould Getvar be fast? on a ~100 channel system i'm seeing upwards of 5 seconds between the request and the response
21:39.12AlexForsteri'd be willing to double check my concurrency strategy if Getvar is supposed to be a lightweight operation
21:39.53WIMPyNo, I wouldn;t expect noticable delays.
21:40.18AlexForsterbut i'm imagining issuing 600 Getvar's (100 channels * 6 variables) causing channel lock contention or whatever
21:56.46*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (~jpcansa@
21:57.58jpcansahello, is it possible to do vlan tagging with a softphone? does anybody know if thats viable?
21:58.19WIMPyit's called routing
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22:15.52phixjpcansa: Yeah it is called routing :)  would be easy on a Linux and Mac OSX box, not so much on a WIndows box (unless you are using a server edition or have a 3rd party routing software installed)
22:18.11jpcansaphix: how is it done on windows xp or 7?
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22:18.53jpcansaphix: or how is it done on linux so i can understand better?
22:23.26jpcansaWIMPy: do you know how to?
22:24.03WIMPyYou route te destination to the right device. Just as always.
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22:25.05jpcansai dont know how to do it on windows
22:27.15phixjpcansa: well within Linux you setup a VLAN interface then use iproute2 (ip command) to specify that VoIP packets or packets to a particular network are routed via the VLAN interface
22:28.40phixif the network address of your phone VLAN is different from that of your standard LAN then you won't need to us iproute2
22:28.49phixus = use*
22:31.05jpcansayeah, in linux i can doit with multiple interfaces in the same nic
22:31.08jpcansabut in windows?
22:31.31WIMPyRead the manual that came with Windows.
22:31.42phixand in WIndows 7 use this -->
22:31.48phixyou need to setup a virtual interface
22:32.54*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
22:37.00jpcansathanks phix, you pointed me in the direction i needed
22:38.23jpcansaWIMPy if you have the chapter of the win manual that have that let me know, thanks in advance
22:39.00WIMPyI have never seen a manual.
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22:58.21jpcansaWIMPy: LOL
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