IRC log for #asterisk on 20131004

00:02.28*** join/#asterisk threesome (
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00:52.05*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
00:53.56volga629Hello Everyone, I did small dial plan to send messages through sip, trying fix issue with CID. When message arrive remote end they don't see original sender to reply, only trunk ID
00:54.16*** join/#asterisk Linkforsoad (
00:55.14*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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00:56.21volga629any help tnk
01:02.31*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
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01:29.00*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
01:30.14*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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02:05.24*** join/#asterisk raden (
02:05.37radenis it normal for sip show peers to show the router IP for externally registered phones ?
02:05.42radeneveryhting is working
02:06.00radenchanged from cisco to mikrotik router and now asterisk shows instead of the external IP like it used to
02:07.39PenguinIt is not normal for your own router address to be there.
02:08.13PenguinIf you're talking about a peer on the other side of the public internet, showing your own local router for the peer's address doesn't make any sense.
02:09.52volga629It depend if NAT enabled from outside
02:10.06PenguinNo it wouldn't.
02:10.39volga629on router
02:11.20PenguinIf you registered your phone to my asterisk, there is nothing you could do with a nat setting to make my router's IP address show up for your phone's address.
02:13.48volga629external client should be they public ip show as in registration, if on router enabled nat from Outside which is not correct then it will use LAN gw ip on router and that what you will see on in asterisk
02:14.18PenguinIt has never worked that way.
02:14.45PenguinIt will either show the phone's private address or the router's public address.
02:15.13PenguinIt will never show the router's gateway private address.
02:16.04volga629then it router configuration wrong
02:16.13PenguinThere is also a chance that he did a terrible job explaining the problem and he didn't mean what I think he meant.
02:16.35volga629which cisco device it is ?
02:17.18Penguin"changed from cisco to mikrotik"
02:17.28volga629if it asa then need disable all sip filtering because by default it enabled for cisco voice manager and acting as proxy
02:17.43PenguinIt's not Cisco.
02:19.23*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
02:20.59volga629I have some issue with dial plan to send messages through SIP  can't get set CID that remote side can reply
02:21.40volga629it always set trunk ID and delivery message
02:32.03*** join/#asterisk cradek (~chris@emc/board-of-directors/cradek)
02:37.32cradekHi all!  I found the telephony card selector, but not a list of supported hardware.  I found some cards (Dialogic D/4PCI) cheap and wonder how to find out whether they are supported for interfacing analog phones.
02:49.21*** join/#asterisk RaNa (
02:49.55RaNahey guys i have a bit of a problem when im trying to run a command
02:50.02RaNatcpdump -s 3000 -C 10 -W 50 -w ~/sip.pcap port 5060 or portrange 10000-35000
02:50.15RaNatcpdump: /root/sip.pcap00: Permission denied
03:17.13*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
03:18.08linociscohi all
03:20.43linociscoasterisk HD videos on youtube is very few
03:42.35ChannelZIt's not really a visual product.
03:48.00WIMPyI didn't know dialogic did analog stuff.
04:00.26volga629I am working setup SIMPLE. I can send message through trunks no problem, but I can't get user status
04:01.02*** join/#asterisk brutal_lobster (
04:01.57*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
04:02.31*** join/#asterisk brutal_lobster (
04:02.51volga629any suggestion what need to be done ?
04:04.47*** join/#asterisk brutal_lobster (
04:09.03phixlinocisco: True, but there is alot of text and writing examples on the subject.
04:09.45phixlinocisco: If you are having issues with anything specific then let us know :)
04:11.38linociscojust want to know how to configure HD video conferencing with asterisk
04:15.33volga629I see I can do with corosync is any other way it possible ?
04:16.43phixlinocisco: And what equipment do you have?  just computers / tablets / smart phones?  or specialised devices? VoIP phones with video support?
04:17.08linociscophix, just PC with webcam. zoiper installed
04:19.22*** join/#asterisk benklop (~quassel@2001:470:f400:47:ae81:12ff:fe31:668b)
04:20.20phixok, what protocols does zopier support?
04:20.22benklopi've set up a very simple asterisk box with a couple extensions, and I'm sure I've got somthing wrong, because i'm getting a 401unauthorized whenever i try to call from one extension to the other
04:20.52phixwrong password?
04:21.41benklopphix: if i was using the rong password, would my sip client be able to register successfully?
04:25.23benklopphix: i can't even call an extension that just plays a sound at me
04:25.36ChannelZLook at the console. It's telling you why.
04:25.40ChannelZcore set verbose 3
04:25.46phixyay ChannelZ!
04:26.15benklopjust a sec
04:29.45benklopphix: here's hat it logged about that:
04:29.55benklopi don't doubt it's telling me, but I just dont see it
04:31.48ChannelZFound peer '101' for '101' from
04:32.18ChannelZAssuming that's the peer you're intending, it seems like a bad password.
04:32.43ChannelZthough if you had verbose on you'd probably see an auth message of some sort.
04:33.02benklop101 is the peer i called from
04:33.52benklopand, I tried re-entering the password, and I've definitely got the right one because if i put in the wrong one the thing won't even let me try to make a call
04:34.11benklopChannelZ: that was on core set verbose 3
04:34.40*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:35.49ChannelZlet's see your sip.conf
04:37.30snadgei have discovered that digium packages asterisk for both debian/ubuntu and centos
04:37.50snadgebut not fedora.. fedora comes with the latest 11.5.. should i just use that?
04:38.06PenguinAnd before you go any further, I strongly suggest that you read the README-SERIOUSLY.bestpractices.txt
04:38.13benklopChannelZ: just a sec
04:38.14snadgeor should i download the .tar.gz and build it?
04:38.14ChannelZOr use the distro you want and build the asterisk version you want.
04:38.43Penguinsnadge: I thought we already covered this.
04:39.25snadgewe probably have.. i was under the impression that there were official asterisk pacakges from digium for fedora
04:39.48snadgebut it seems this is the case for rhel/centos 6 only
04:39.57Penguinbenklop: README-SERIOUSLY.bestpractices.txt was for you.
04:40.26PenguinIt's exactly the same.  They provide RPMs in the repo.
04:40.37benklopPenguin: hmm. well then I'd better read it.
04:40.54snadgethe fedora people have basically chastised me for wanting to install asterisk from source, and said just use the rpm
04:41.06Penguinsnadge: I said that, too.
04:41.20infobotmethinks ~. is not the escape sequence you're looking for.
04:42.19benklopPenguin: reading
04:43.44ChannelZdid you add those // lines just in your paste or are they really there?
04:44.55benklopChannelZ: they are really there
04:45.29benklopChannelZ: there are also some additional extensions, but they are all like that one and I have no logged phones into them currently
04:46.11benkloperm, extension is probably not the term, but you get what i mean
04:46.22*** join/#asterisk NoobSaibot (
04:46.41ChannelZwell hopefully the parser is just skipping them and not barfing.  // are not legitimate comments in asterisk configs
04:46.54ChannelZdoes 'sip show peers' actually show 101?
04:46.57benklopChannelZ: i just realized that and am now replacing them with ;
04:49.56ChannelZyou have two peers with the same IP and port
04:50.01ChannelZ101 and 102
04:50.24ChannelZOH HAI!
04:51.57ChannelZbenklop: Do you have 2 softphones running on the same machine or something?
04:52.46benklopChannelZ: those are both on the same NA-PAP2T adapter
04:53.24PenguinNorth America!
04:53.33PenguinRevision PAP2T
04:54.25ChannelZbenklop: they should be different ports then
04:55.01benklopChannelZ: okay, let me just disable one of the lines for the moment. I'm not certain how they got set that way, the thing is pretty much at its defaults
04:56.22benklopChannelZ: i just changed the second to use a 5061
04:57.43benklopChannelZ: the one that says unmonitored is the line i'm trying to use
04:58.06ChannelZthe '101' one
04:58.29ChannelZUnmonitored is not necessarily an error
04:58.46PenguinI don't think it's even possibly an error.
04:58.52benklopre-ran sip show peers and now 102 shows 5061
04:58.58PenguinIt just means you do not have qualify enabled on it.
04:58.59ChannelZIt would be if you told it to monitor I suppose :)
04:59.31ChannelZWhen you changed the port, it rebooted right?  Did you see 101 register on the console?
05:00.53benklophmm i'll have to reboot and see
05:03.09benklopChannelZ: i think so, but there's enough crap flying by its hard to tell
05:03.22ChannelZturn off sip debug if it's still on
05:03.28ChannelZsip set debug off
05:06.06benklopyes, it does show the registration
05:06.58ChannelZok.. so do you still get rejected?
05:07.28benklopyeah, it appears so.
05:08.10benklopdouble checking
05:08.26*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-hemnfvthzxegskxx)
05:08.27ChannelZand the console is saying NOTHING when you try?
05:08.29benklopthe phone doesn't tell me, just beeps. i have to look in the log to find the 403
05:09.02*** join/#asterisk taylorbyte2013 (~cyberninj@
05:09.24benklopChannelZ: logging is still pretty much exactly hat i pasted earlier
05:09.30benklopdo you want me to re-paste?
05:11.03ChannelZthat was sip debug - which the first time I didn't see the initial invite and auth rejection.. but with sip debug off it should spit out _something_, a note about the rejected auth..
05:11.29*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
05:13.02ChannelZlook at /etc/asterisk/logger.conf for a console= line.. if it's commented out, uncomment it and then on the console do 'logger reload'
05:13.24benklopjust a moment
05:14.47benklopi don't have that file currently, I only hve barebones config fies so it uses defaults for everything else
05:14.56benklopi'll put it in from the sample tho
05:17.27benklopok, that file is in place, console line is there uncommented
05:17.37benklopconfig reloded
05:17.43benklopi'll try again in just a moment
05:19.56benklopAHA, thank you, i feel dumb for not having logging enabled like i sohlud have.
05:20.23benklop[Oct  3 23:19:15] ERROR[27015][C-00000006]: rtp_engine.c:259 ast_rtp_instance_new: No RTP engine was found. Do you have one loaded?
05:20.39benklopand [Oct  3 23:19:15] NOTICE[27015][C-00000006]: chan_sip.c:25282 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device Asterisk Line 1 <sip:101@>;tag=3b891845f9101ef8o0
05:21.09benklopthere's the authenication failure you knew had to be there
05:21.38ChannelZYou need rtp.conf
05:22.25ChannelZfor the first one that is.
05:23.24benklopi have an rtp.conf file -
05:23.48NoobSaibotAnybody having luck with Asterisk on ESXi 5.5? Any caveats to watch out for?
05:23.56ChannelZYou probably don't have modules.conf either
05:24.20ChannelZI'm guessing a bunch of modules are not loading
05:24.48benklopmodules.conf exists, and basically contains autoload=yes
05:25.06benklopso modules load.. oterwise i dont even get sip
05:26.11benklopi'll take a look and see if there's something else i'm missing in rtp.conf though.. just your realizing i was not getting all the logging i was supposed to have, and telling me how to fix that has been a huge help
05:26.20ChannelZI'm not sure why you would get 'RTP engine not found'
05:27.21ChannelZbut the other bit, 'failed to authenticate' still looks like a bad password or something, or now it's not matching the right peer either (your previous paste implied that it was matching 101 before though)
05:27.23benklopI think i might actually be missing a module entirely
05:28.08ChannelZmodule show like rtp
05:28.35benklopChannelZ: the error here makes it look like the second can be caused by the first:
05:29.06ChannelZprobably. I've not quite encountered this combination of fail before and
05:29.43benkloplooking at a mailing list post, i think maybe i'm supposed to have another ?
05:30.25ChannelZthat's the big one yes
05:30.51benklopokay then. I wonder why that didn't build.. well. sorry for the trouble!
05:32.05ChannelZyou need libuuid
05:32.14*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:32.55ChannelZor uuid-dev rather
05:33.18ChannelZinstall that, then re- ./configure asterisk and rebuild
05:33.44benklopam doing :)
05:33.57benklopi was looking for libuuid1-dev, turns out there is no such thing.
05:34.13benklopwish that library packages and such were named a bit more consistently
05:34.22benklopoh well
05:35.01benklopalso kind of wish that asterisk would tell me 'hey you've got sip but not all the stuff sip needs - this probably won't work'
05:35.06ChannelZuuid is a bit of an oddity
05:35.48ChannelZThe requirement is also relatively new, 11.5 if I remember.
05:36.47benklopwell that would make sense then since I'm instaling 11.5.1 :)
05:37.10benklopand i was probably referencing old docs
05:38.11benkloplooks like that was the only one i didn't have\
05:38.36ChannelZlack of the others should fail a config
05:39.54benklopwell that quite likely explains an awful lot.
05:40.05benklopi'm recompiling now, so we'll see
05:40.17benklopbut i anticipate it will work a lot better with all its dependencies
05:41.13benklopat least i kno it wasn't some super secret 'you have to be in the club to know about it' option
05:42.11benklop'you're unauthorized ot use this until you'e cool enough to know the handshake'
05:43.31ChannelZWell.. sort of. libuuid is only mentioned in ChangeLog which most people don't read (including me unless I'm upgrading)
05:44.31benklophum. well, I guess i learned the handshake then.
05:45.04benklopmy phone just started playing monkeys at me
05:45.11benkloppretty sure that's a good sign :)
05:51.54benklopand phones can cal leach other too - I have to say this is working almost infinitely better than before :)
05:55.15ChannelZOf course.
05:57.18*** join/#asterisk hypknight (~hypknight@unaffiliated/hypknight)
05:59.42benklopwell yes, but i just wanted to test it all :)
06:00.13benklopit seems my android device is a little finnicky - if the screen is off it doesn't respond t othe call right away, and the caller is notified the call failed
06:00.21benklopthen after that the android device starts ringing
06:01.12benklopor at least it did that once. not reproducible now
06:02.42*** join/#asterisk taylorbyte2013 (~cyberninj@
06:05.47ChannelZwhat app
06:07.47snadgeapparently digium have a voip providing business in australia
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08:32.23D30hi all, good day..  just need to ask for some advice... what SIP / DID providers can you recommend to try out??
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09:05.35*** part/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
09:14.12*** join/#asterisk As001 (~uros@
09:14.41As001Hello does asterisk manager interface have any limit how many events it can handle per second ?
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13:15.31bananapieis there an asterisk console command that allows me to list all presence data that asterisk has in memory?
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13:20.16[TK]D-Fenderbananapie: core show hints
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13:22.08bananapieok. If I have no hints, does asterisk still collect presence info ?
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13:37.44qakhancall usp_SaveTrip @iTreatedID=${itc_1_tid},@vPhoneNo=${callerid},@dtDate=${date},@dtTime=${time}
13:38.15qakhanis it correct syntax for store procedure in func_odbc.conf
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13:57.34volga629how I can extend device state across multiply boxes ? I so it possible with corosync, is the anther approach ?
14:01.02fileXMPP can be used as a pubsub mechanism for that.
14:08.21*** join/#asterisk netmax (
14:09.32volga629for SIMPLE or only XMPP ?
14:10.16volga629I have SIMPLE setup and I can send messages across the trunk, but user can't get device state working
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14:21.11*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:23.31fileit is used as a transport mechanism for the internal device state of the Asterisk core, it does not know or care what triggers said device state changes internally
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14:42.50gbitHello, I need some help to set CallerID from the output of the script, I'm using exten => 2000, n, Set(CALLERID(name)=/usr/local/bin/ ${CALLERID(num)})
14:45.52WIMPyMake that an AGI
14:45.58[TK]D-Fendergbit: You can't just execute shell command in free-form like that
14:46.05[TK]D-FenderAnd no need for AGI
14:46.17gbitHow can I do it?
14:46.28[TK]D-Fendergbit: "core show function SHELL" <-
14:47.21gbitok, but how I can set the output from the script to CALLERID?
14:47.52[TK]D-Fendergbit: that's why it is a FUNCTION
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15:04.07cuscohi folks
15:04.28cuscocan I list the order that queue is about to serve next calls to members?
15:07.02qakhancan anyone config store procedure in syntax in func_odbc.conf
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15:15.59cuscoqakhan: exec sp param1, param2;
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15:26.10qakhancusco should i use exec instead of call?
15:27.51cusconot sure, in mssql we use exec bd.dbo.sp-name param
15:29.03qakhancan you confirm dialplan syntax
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15:48.25diatonicWhere do I go to file a bug report?
15:50.35mjordandiatonic: please read the instructions on filing an issue
15:50.36newtonrdiatonic, go here first:  :D
15:50.43mjordanexactly :-)
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15:51.30diatonicI believe there is a legitimate bug in ChanSpy though that I can recreate easily
15:51.36diatonicon 1.8.23
15:53.04*** join/#asterisk Gaiax (~gaiax@unaffiliated/gaiax)
15:53.24[TK]D-FenderTry on
15:53.46diatonicThat is the version I am testing on
15:54.38filewhat's the bug?
15:54.43diatonicthere is an option:  x(digit):  digit - Specify a DTMF digit that can be used to exit the  application.
15:54.57diatonicit only works if there is a call in progress on the cannel you are spying on
15:55.06diatonicif they are not in a call you can not exit
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15:58.52cuscosorry qakhan I'm not using that with asterisk
15:59.00cuscoWe use old mysql() stuff
15:59.36*** join/#asterisk diatonic (~diatonic@unaffiliated/diatonic)
16:00.11cuscois there a way to list the current order of members in a queue? We're using 'leastrecent' strategy, but sometimes seems that the call doesn't go to the leastrecent member ...
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16:14.36monstercoHi everyone - is it easy to integrate Asterisk with SalesForce? is there a module for it? or it just about pointing the CLID number/CLID name to SalesForce servers?
16:18.12[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: No.  The only integration that exists is that which you invent yourself
16:18.43[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: There is no "pointing a CLID number" concept
16:24.16monsterco[TK]D-Fender - thanks for the info. I never used SalesForce but want to use it - however, if it doesn't pull the screen based on incoming CLID then it would be useless to me - hence the question
16:25.32[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: You missed the point... its YOUR job to create the lookup.
16:26.05*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
16:26.07[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Asterisk itself has no knowledge of Salesforce.  Everything that happens to process your calls is YOUR job.
16:26.47[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Dialplan = everything
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16:30.08fileI'm sure consultants/businesses have done that, but such integrations are often not shared
16:32.50monstercoSalesForce people are saying there should be a CTI plugin for Asterisk
16:33.14leifmadsenwe integrated with SalesForce, but had to build our own REST service
16:33.37leifmadsenregardless, integration with SF isn't going to be that trivial
16:33.38monsterco@leifmadsen - I see - so it's not a quick one day job then
16:33.46leifmadsenwell depends how good you are I guess :)
16:35.07monsterco@leifmadsen - I guess I have to read on salesforce connection methodes first. So, does your setup pull up the screen once a call comes in?
16:35.24leifmadsenit's not that kind of integration
16:35.30leifmadsenit uses information from SF to handle queue routing
16:35.35leifmadsenbased on the CID
16:36.36monstercooh, I see. I think I need just the reverse
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17:17.06qakhan[TK]D-Fender do you know how to call Store Procedure in func_odbc.conf
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17:24.05[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: No.  I'd just as soon do it in AGI
17:31.19wltjrdoes it make sense to have to keep turning up the volume for each call on a polycom vvx 300? seems it should stay where you left it, up/down, what ever, but seems to reset on each call/extension/line
17:32.20wltjrmight be a bug, but polycom is a pita to report such to, have to go through reseller for any support, if not a reseller or certified polycom tech or some bs
17:33.27WIMPyDon;t know Polycom, but usually I expect the volume to reset after a call unless you save it.
17:33.50PenguinSave it after setting it if you want it to stay.
17:34.01wltjrsave? never seen that before, most phones remember their volume, its not a setting but a button on the front I will look to see if it can be saved
17:34.34WIMPyUsually you just press the OK button after changing the volume to save it.
17:35.21wltjrlooking for that, but the phones have a up/down button for volume, most things stay that way when you turn it up or down, withouth having to go save that, its not even an option in web interface, might be in UC for provisionining, last phones I could provision that and had setting in web interface, Cisco 501gs, but most SPA phones have that
17:35.32PenguinOn my Cisco phones, as soon as you push the volume up/down, a Save softkey appears on the screen for a few seconds.  If you do not press it before it goes away, when you end the call the volume goes back to where it was before.
17:36.43wltjrno softkey just checked, not sure how to get the volume to remain, the ringer volume seems to remain, but not in call volume
17:37.19WIMPyDoes that phone not have an OK/Enter button?
17:37.27wltjrPenguin: ok so maybe reseting volume is normal, wish there was a way to make it permanent, the other phones were like that, guess nothing is perfect
17:37.53wltjrWIMPy: no, it has a navigation thing, 4 direction button with center button, but does nothing when in call or messing with volume and no soft keys show up
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17:39.59wltjrjust went through, manual searched for volume, no way to save or anything, need to make feature request/bug report to polycom, but its likely this way by design, so feature request
17:42.12[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: SPIP's have a persistent flag.  I suspect VVX's have the same
17:47.27PenguinI was thinking the last time I installed some SPIPs that I turned up the in-call volume on the handset, then separately on the speakerphone, then they were set forever.  But it's been a while, so thought maybe I pressed a save/ok button; couldn't really remember.
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18:06.44pznI'm trying to use a Queue without success, when someone dials 799, the queue gets the call, the person hears the music, but the phones 811 813 and 817 do not ring. any hints about how to debug this? thanks in advance.
18:07.14[TK]D-Fenderpzn: you posted configs... but not actual status
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18:07.42pzn[TK]D-Fender, what should I post? asterisk -rvvvv then make a call?
18:08.00[TK]D-Fenderpzn: as well as "queue show"
18:08.44pznlet me get them
18:09.47fnsoundI have jackd running, asterisk CLI is giving me Client Open Status: Failure, Server Failed when I run JACK or JACKHOOK. jackd shows no connection on the console. Is there something I am missing?
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18:16.17pzn[TK]D-Fender, I don't know why... but when I tried to get all the debug information for you help to analyse, sudenly all started working ok!!!
18:16.27pzn[TK]D-Fender, thanks anyway.
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18:19.46wltjr[TK]D-Fender: thanks again, I will try it, assuming the vvx will respect that config
18:20.50[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: Well it is the SPIP spec.. not sure what the commonalities/differences are
18:21.27Penguinpzn: Maybe you forgot to reload the queues or forgot to reload something else important.
18:23.16wltjr[TK]D-Fender: no clue, but seems there are differences, but maybe not, I haven't found a universal file name I can use for common settings, thought I could use 0000000.cfg but phones never ask for that
18:23.55pznPenguin, yes, that may be what happened. I had the problem before lunch. just got back from lunch and posted it here. the computer was rebooted at lunch...
18:23.58[TK]D-FenderThat'st 1st load only
18:24.03[TK]D-FenderEvery other time was <mac>.cfg
18:24.26[TK]D-FenderHave you downloaded the firmware for it?  It is generally complete
18:25.46wltjr[TK]D-Fender: so no common file, spas would look for and use like spa501g.cfg or something, I haven't downloaded firmware, I upgraded it via the web interface, hear about these .ld files but haven't seen them or something like that
18:25.51Penguinpzn: I'm sure that's what happened, then.  Remember to run queue reload ... when changing queues.conf.
18:26.15wltjrthink other ciscos look for common file as well, guess I will just have to copy/paste, and diff to make sure all are same, kinda pita for common stuff, ntp, syslog, etc
18:26.33[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: well common can be LINKED by the mac file...
18:26.51[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: typical deployments would have 2 files, 1 for common settings, and the other device-specific
18:27.32pznPenguin, tks
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18:31.11wltjr[TK]D-Fender:  that's what I am thinking i created a link to another file but its not using those settings...  files requested I tried to link the mac-phone.cfg to the common file, but those settings dont show, let me double check, rebooted phones earlier
18:32.40wltjrI had to link the -web one to the mac.cfg it seems to pull those but doesn't always use one or the other, I had just mac.cfg and sometimes it would not use those settings, and sometimes it would not use mac-web.cfg odd stuff
18:32.58[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: Oct  2 03:32:16 asterisk in.tftpd[26149]: RRQ from filename 0004f2829d16.cfg Oct  2 03:32:16 asterisk in.tftpd[26150]: RRQ from filename 0004f2829d16-phone.cfg Oct  2 03:32:16 asterisk in.tftpd[26151]: RRQ from filename 0004f2829d16-web.cfg
18:33.13[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: those are the 3.  Don't forget they could be layered overrides
18:33.30[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: Which is why you never touch the configs via web/phone-direct
18:33.38wltjr[TK]D-Fender: yes I see, but the stuff in my common file does not overrite the other stuff, unless default settings in phone override what I am pushing out
18:34.04[TK]D-FenderThat's where layer order comes in
18:34.22wltjrcould be why I had to do mac-web.cfg though, ok let me check out the layered order and see whats up
18:34.59wltjr[TK]D-Fender: do the SPIP phones require you to hit send when you dial every time? not sure if there is some interdigit time out to auto send/dial or what
18:35.22Penguindigitmap should control that problem.
18:35.53[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: these should be just as configurable as the SPIP's.. so it's all up to you
18:36.20wltjr[TK]D-Fender: ok will look for something, haven't seen phones do that before, usually you dial if it matches a pattern it does its thing
18:36.45[TK]D-FenderAnd what have you got in there, and what are you dialing?
18:37.16wltjr[TK]D-Fender: normal call 7 digit #, and I have the standard stuff in there, plus some patterns for matching 1-2 digits for internal calls
18:37.32[TK]D-FenderShow it...
18:38.18PenguinI don't see a 7-digit dial string there.
18:38.20wltjrmaybe there isn't one for 7 digits
18:38.22[TK]D-Fenderno 7-digit there...
18:38.32wltjryeah jsut seeing that... duh... wtf why did the leave that out... freaking polycom :)
18:38.37wltjrlet me sed...
18:38.48[TK]D-Fenderso I hurd
18:38.56Penguin7-digit isn't common everywhere.
18:39.02wltjrreally a lvoe hate relationship
18:39.11wltjr7 digit is common in US all local calls are 7 digits
18:39.20PenguinNot everywhere in the US.
18:39.34wltjrunless long distance
18:39.39PenguinSome places require 10 digits to call next door.
18:39.59wltjryeah I think s.f. is getting that way, I assume ny is that way now
18:40.12PenguinSo 7-digit dial isn't really normal anymore.
18:40.14wltjri always put 10 in my cell for when I travel
18:40.34wltjrit still is for local call, the vast majority of numbers I call are local and same with calls recieved
18:41.02PenguinSo it's typical for YOUR area.  Polycom didn't know you were still using 7-digit dial!
18:41.04wltjranyway nice homer simpson moment, still can't believe polycom left that out, kinda funny
18:41.17wltjrsure but can't really hurt to have it in there, the others are
18:41.25wltjrI get its made for global distribution
18:44.05WIMPyWhich make a total fail.
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18:53.06wltjrlooks like feature.nonVolatileRingerVolume.enabled
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18:53.28wltjrer might help with persisent volume, not seeing the other in the current UCS guide
18:55.00PenguinSeems reasonable to me.
18:55.17wltjrit says it retains between reboot, I want it retained between calls :)
18:55.37Penguinbackward capable setting?
18:55.38wltjrnoisy env staff talks loud some hard of hearing etc...
19:02.35*** part/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
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19:12.29wltjrthese vvx series phones are really frustrating, they do not want to be provisioned, I have tried both mac.cfg, and mac-web.cfg and both are being ignored, new settings not showing in phone, I see files being requested... grrr
19:13.12wltjrI had both before -web was symlink it ignored both, I tried just one of each and same thing... maybe the 0000000.cfg is causing problems
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19:18.33wltjrhmmm think I found another bug... seems these things digitmap timeout is set to 3|3|3|3|3|3|3, and that is supposed to be seconds, hardly a valid parameter value
19:18.36[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: dump the folder for us
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19:18.52wltjr[TK]D-Fender: its a mess still have cisco stuff in there
19:19.15[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: DNDC :)
19:20.00wltjr[TK]D-Fender: ?
19:20.29[TK]D-Fenderwltjr: Didn't know, don't care :)
19:21.02wltjrah, well might if/when you work with vvx unless its resolved by then, I would report to Polycom if there was an easy way
19:22.17PenguinN?  Know starts with K.
19:22.41[TK]D-FenderPenguin: Good, you are paying attention ;)
19:22.55PenguinI sometimes do that.
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19:31.35wltjrthis is my tftp root, adding stuff to files rebooting phones and settings are not there
19:32.19PenguinWhy do you have both the regular and the -web configs?
19:32.45wltjrPenguin: idk, I have tried just going with one or the other and sometimes things are not applied, thus rocking both...
19:33.10wltjralso seems order is web stuff overrides provisining, would assume it be the opposite...
19:33.35wltjrmodified digitmap initially via web interface, and because of that its ingoring my provisining changes
19:33.44PenguinI don't know about that... if you provision it and then change the web settings, the web settings override.
19:34.13wltjrweb settings first long ago, now provisioning might reset, but have to use web interface to configure provisioning server, unless I can put that in 00000000.cfg and have it picked up that way
19:34.31PenguinIf I were fighting it, I would be sure my files are as they need to be and then do a factory reset on the phone.
19:34.59wltjrPenguin: that would be ideal, but config is evolving... :)
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19:36.43wltjrreseting one will do others next, lots of learning with polycom, definitely very picky on order, read that in admin ucs guide, but order seems a bit odd, I guess it makes sense
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19:43.20wltjrphones don't seem to respect dhcp next server, have to always configure provisioning server after reset
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19:50.41drmessanoYou need option 160 for the Polycoms
19:50.59drmessanoand it needs to be formatted correctly.
19:51.52wltjrdrmessano: ty for the heads up will look into that, seems a bit non-standard, but guess its that way in case your using ftp or something other than tftp
19:52.18FinboySlickI'm trying to setup an extremely minimal asterisk 11.5.  Basically, starting from an empty /etc/asterisk and getting it to register to a sip server.  I assume that I need a sip.conf and load => in modules.conf
19:52.43FinboySlick(previous experience is with 1.4 so I'm a bit unfamiliar with all that changed since)
19:54.10PenguinAh, not 66 and not 150, but 160 for Polycom.  Interesting.
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19:54.46malcolmdFinboySlick: it'll load by itself if autoload's turn on
19:55.27FinboySlickmalcolmd: Okay.  How do I check though?  I'm used to having a 'sip ... ' command from 1.4 but that apparently moved.
19:56.17malcolmdyou should still, if you don't, that likely means chan_sip wasn't loaded or wasn't built.  if module load fails, it wasn't built, or it's trying to load a version compiled against a different build than you're actually running
19:57.17PenguinThis guide I am looking at says that option 66 is mandatory.  Set your tftpd address in option 66.
19:57.41PenguinThen it indicates that you use option 160 to tell the phone to use tftpd.
19:57.50PenguinI have no idea how you define it, but that's what this guide says.
19:58.08FinboySlickmalcolmd: Hmmm...  module show like   says that it's laoded with use count 0
19:58.29PenguinI guess option 160 should be "tftp://serveradress"
19:58.43malcolmdthen you should be able to start typing "sip" from the asterisk cli and see stuff
19:59.05FinboySlickmalcolmd: that'S what I thought too but apparently not.
19:59.17PenguinOption 66 would be "serveraddress" only.
19:59.21malcolmdsomething's amiss for you.  good luck, sorry.
19:59.25FinboySlickI'll restart it from scratch and see what I might have done wrong.
20:00.00Penguinwltjr: Try that procedure.
20:01.02FinboySlickmalcolmd: could something wrong in my sip.conf cause it not to load properly?
20:01.34malcolmdpossibly, i'm sorry, i can't carry you forward on this one, it's the friday before astricon, things are busy :D
20:02.09PenguinIf your sip.conf is broken, of course it will cause the channel driver not to load.
20:02.21FinboySlickmalcolmd: No problem, this isn't an urgent project and I'm just tossing questions at the tree to see what falls.
20:02.28PenguinBut if you said shows up, then it is loaded.
20:03.42FinboySlickPenguin: module show says that it's loaded (along with chan_local, res_crypto and res_http_websocket)
20:03.56FinboySlickuse count at 0 for all of them.
20:04.39FinboySlickNote that this is a completely empty /etc/asterisk  I'm very likely missing a lot of 'default' stuff.
20:05.34leifmadsenFinboySlick: check out the Asterisk book which documents Asterisk 11 and shows exactly how to get a "bare minimum" /etc/asterisk directory setup
20:05.46leifmadsenfair notice: I co-authored
20:05.51leifmadsenI'm pimping my warez.
20:06.13leifmadsenAsterisk: The Definitive Guide 4th Edition is what you want
20:06.17mjordanleifmadsen: so you're the book's sugar daddy?
20:06.23leifmadsenmjordan: hells ya I am
20:06.25FinboySlickleifmadsen: *laughs*  Okay.  Is it linked in the /topic ?
20:06.35leifmadsenFinboySlick: it's linked on the O'Reilly site :)
20:06.39infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:06.40leifmadsenor google will find it easily
20:06.45FinboySlickleifmadsen: If you wrote the one that was around when 1.4 came out, I quite enjoyed it.
20:06.47infobotYou can buy "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
20:07.01leifmadsenFinboySlick: yep, same book, but twice as thick :)
20:07.05leifmadsenmuch like my gut now
20:07.16leifmadsen800 something pages now
20:07.28FinboySlickleifmadsen: It made me go from complete noob to just good enough to make it work flawlessly for our setup.
20:07.34FinboySlickleifmadsen: So big thanks.
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20:11.17wltjrPenguin: craziness, I will check it out when I get a chance, pausing on that have a phoen at my office will mess with it later or over weekend, moving on to other stuff, doubling vlans... fun...
20:12.01PenguinThe mention of 160 made me go look to see how it affected the phones.
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20:18.50SuperNullhey guys, when ever an ATA changes its ip address i have to manually prune the peer.. from realtime.. i think one of these options is just not right...
20:19.06SuperNullif i dont prune the peer they fail registration.
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20:36.07FinboySlickleifmadsen: For the record, I think it's the fact that my startup script had a -C /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf which didn't exist.
20:36.15FinboySlicksip works now.
20:36.30leifmadsenya that would do it :)
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20:50.03SuperNullleifmadsen oh man.. i love your books sir.
20:50.25SuperNulli paid for mine even ;)
20:50.59leifmadsenok, well I'm out for the weekend
20:51.06SuperNullhave a good one man.
20:51.09leifmadsenpeas out
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20:58.12FinboySlickHmmm, is autoload=yes in modules.conf supposed to load *everything* or just what your config files would suggest is needed (eg look at what apps you are using in extensions.conf and only grab those).
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21:00.00WIMPyNo such thing as parsing all configs to see what's needed.
21:01.37FinboySlickWIMPy: Alright.  I'll try to cherry-pick myself then.  At least it got my basic setup working but it sort of defeats my initial aim of 'minimal' ;)
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21:12.56kbarryWe are using d40s, we have noticed that a small number of our phones do automatically dial out. We removed the "dial 9" requrement from the outgoing call rules, and for that matter, they are all getting their rules from the server,
21:13.26kbarryso the behavior of some of the phone is as expected, you pick up the reciever, dial a number to texas, for instance,
21:13.27kbarryand it calls
21:13.48kbarryon others, you pick up, dial a number, and must then press "dial" softkey to make it perform the call.
21:14.16kbarryCan't find anyone with this problem, and truth be told i'm no pbx expert.
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21:15.24ChannelZ-WkWell the phone usually has a dialplan of its own so that it can figure out when to send the string to Asterisk or if it should wait for other digits to be dialed
21:15.34ChannelZ-WkI'm guessing the phone's dialplans are different.
21:16.06ChannelZ-WkThat said I have no experience with Digium phones
21:16.56ChannelZ-Wk(and thus whatever magical integration they have)
21:17.08WIMPyWell, tehy have a dialplan like any sip phone and like most of them it can't ask the server.
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21:22.15newtonrkbarry, are you setting the digit_maps for their lines with DPMA, or is each phone configured manually from the phone's GUI ?
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21:24.44newtonrkbarry, if using DPMA and res_digium_phone.conf, you can configure the digit_map for the "line" section types to set the phones diaplan for that line.  There is the potential for misconfiguration in there of course. You could use templates to reduce the chances of misconfiguration for individual lines or phones.
21:25.09newtonrkbarry, If you get confused, just contact Digium support and they'll look at it. It sounds like you are able to reproduce it easily.
21:27.56newtonrkbarry, for reference
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22:00.38redotisHello fellers.
22:00.58redotisHow do you get asterisk to send voicemail to email in mp3 format instead of wav?
22:01.48navaismoconverting the wav to mp3
22:01.49WIMPyYou have to script something yourself.
22:02.18WIMPyAnd don't forget to buy a licence.
22:02.28_Corey_WIMPy: Don't be lame
22:02.48RaNahello need some help to capture call logs my system keeps hanging up calls how can i get the log for that or see why its doing what its doing
22:03.02_Corey_hahaha...  ;)  too late on a Friday.
22:03.28redotislicense for what
22:03.30RaNathanx newtonr
22:03.39redotisthere is such a thing?
22:04.03*** join/#asterisk xzarth (
22:04.23WIMPyIt's a commercial codec.
22:04.25newtonrRaNa, no problem, pay close attention to your verbose and debug levels as set in asterisk.conf and show on the CLI with "core show settings"
22:04.35redotismp3 is a commercial codec?
22:04.41redotisi did not know that
22:04.54WIMPyHas always been.
22:05.07redotisyou know what...i hate to say it but..fu#$ the police
22:06.26_Corey_redotis: The patent holder is the one who would be suing you, not the police
22:06.35WIMPyThat's why we have things like vorbis. Which I think is better anyway.
22:06.36redotissounds good to me
22:06.58redotisWhat plays well straight from gmail?
22:08.31*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-kvercuewuocqmzpu)
22:08.42WIMPyThat obviousely depends on your client.
22:09.30redotisgmail client
22:09.42redotisI think it's built into the browser
22:09.56redotiswav files don't play for me for some reason
22:10.35redotisApparently recommends a script from
22:10.58redotisI downloaded it.  What do you have to do in voicemail.conf to get it to work?
22:11.10redotisThe site doesn't seem to say.
22:15.59*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
22:17.13*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
22:18.02Nemushello I'm wondering how you can load your sip.conf or iax.conf file from a mysql database in real time. I am having a hard time understanding where I would start.
22:20.08newtonrAnd probably want to read relevant sections in
22:20.09infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
22:21.46*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX1 (
22:30.40Nemusnewtonr I've seen that link, but I don't really understand how sip realtime is linked to the mysql database.
22:31.55navaismoanyone has experience with snom and openvpn, i just entered in an endless loop with it
22:35.13newtonrNemus, I'm not sure how to explain it better than that page.. you could take a look at the chapters on realtime in the book.
22:52.09*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
22:52.36monstercoHi everyone - can someone please tell me how to match this DID range in inbound:   3156313041-3156313069
22:53.33WIMPyWith two patterns.
22:53.49navaismothis is question coming from #freepbx
22:54.01navaismoseems like he want the exact response
22:54.58monsterconavaismo - I am asking an Asterisk question not a FreePBX question
22:55.09navaismois the same answer anyway
22:55.20monstercoFreePBX is not same as ASterisk
22:55.23navaismothat i gave you before
22:55.26monstercototally differnet projects
22:55.35navaismodont you say
22:55.39monstercoanswer maybe same but I am asking the Asterisk community
22:56.01navaismowalks away
22:57.04WIMPyYou need one extension for ...41-49 and one for ...50-69
23:02.42monstercoWIMPy - thanks. so like _315631[41-49]   and another like _315631[50-69] ? I am all confused about this
23:04.27WIMPyThat's not how patterns work.
23:06.07monstercowhat do the numbers inside [] signify?
23:07.07WIMPyA range for a single digit.
23:07.15WIMPyOr a list.
23:11.27monstercoso that is why the two sets are needed?
23:12.32monstercoso something _315631304[1-9]    <<< meaning 315631304
23:12.48monsterco3156313041 - 315631049
23:13.03monstercoWIMPy ^^^ tnx
23:13.57WIMPyWhere you can write [1-9] as Z.
23:15.33monstercowhat is Z?
23:16.09WIMPyX=[0-9], Z=[1-9] and N=[2-9]
23:16.24monstercoso my example above is right for 41-49?
23:17.42monstercothank you WIMPy
23:17.48monstercoand so I need three set
23:17.54monstercoone for 50 series
23:17.58monstercoand one for 60 series as well
23:18.10WIMPyNo, only two.
23:18.35WIMPy304Z and 30[56]X
23:18.58monstercoI Don't understand the 30[56]X meaning
23:19.31WIMPySee above. Read it as 30[56][0-9].
23:20.24monstercobut what is 56?
23:20.35monstercothat is the digit position?
23:20.38WIMPyA lost of digits.
23:20.50WIMPyAt that position.
23:21.25monstercok got it
23:21.41WIMPyYou could write [5-6] instead of [56] as well.
23:25.55gustohi WIMPy
23:26.16WIMPyhi gusto
23:30.18newtonrhi WIMPy
23:30.38WIMPyHi Rusty
23:31.36WIMPyis not that much on the keyboard lately.
23:40.50gustome neither
23:41.01gustoat least not at asterisk
23:41.25gustolately i even got the asterisk 4th edition book
23:41.56gustoi do not know why, but it came by
23:42.25gustothere should be some minor demages to the book, but i havent discovered any yet
23:42.37gustothats why i got it for almost nothing
23:43.36navaismoey guys do you have an android phone I made an app to chanspy sip channels if you can please test it and sen me some feed back--->
23:43.58navaismosee you all
23:44.35gustowell, i do not have a smartphone at all
23:45.22gustoand i am not planning to buy one, i found a new destination to spend money to, donating for projects, i donated to every project i stumbeled upon last days
23:45.52gustothat makes more sense than wasting money on a smartphone
23:47.13WIMPydoesn't own a smartphone, either.
23:48.16newtonrgusto, what kind of projects do you donate to?
23:48.23gustohowever, i discovered that the NOKIA mobile phone i privatized from my father has SIP capabilities
23:48.43gustotoday i donated for that lawsuit against tempora
23:49.02gustobefore for one computer security website in slovakia
23:49.22gustoand of course all BSD projects ... thats a must
23:50.06WIMPyI'm donating time. For a project opening up some buildings to the pubic for open workshops or performing arts.
23:50.30WIMPyWell, legally it's squatting, but I think there's a good chance for it to stay.
23:50.39gustobut i am going to expand these activities as soon as i earn some more money, because now i am unemployed so i do not have a lot to donate, however, when i get new wage i will plan some 10% for donating into it
23:51.56newtonri think last thing I donated too was Wikimedia foundation
23:51.59gustobecause i do not like it any more how i started and i feel something like is best described in german by "bringschuld" that i ll make it better next time by planning and making a clear budget plan
23:52.17gustoi do not plan to donate for mainstream projects
23:52.28gustoi thaught about donating to CentOS, but then i said NO
23:52.46newtonrI use wikipedia like 500 times a day, so I donate
23:53.05gustoi have to make a clear transparent plan, because this time, i really donated very chaotically
23:53.24WIMPyhas donated to wikimedia as well.
23:53.39gustoa lot of ppl are donating to wikimedia so i will not
23:53.54gustoof course i use wikipedia too, but i can live without it as well
23:54.16WIMPyWell, I find it veru usefull. Well, often :-)
23:54.25gustoapart from that, wikipedia would need work to invest in and not money
23:54.38gustobecause the only english language wikipedia is usable
23:54.47gustoother languages pages are useless
23:55.56WIMPydoes not think so
23:56.21WIMPyBut most of the content is in english, off course.
23:56.48gustodo not start defending german wikipedia
23:56.54gustodont even try it
23:59.16*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@

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