IRC log for #asterisk on 20130930

00:44.27*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
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01:03.01*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
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01:22.58*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:23.55*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
01:27.04*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:33.08*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
01:39.52*** join/#asterisk scoobysnack (~aaffcc002@gateway/tor-sasl/aaffcc0022ee)
01:40.33*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
01:40.39scoobysnackAre the headings in sip.conf functional in any way.  For instance if I group sip devices in one section called [students] and another section called [faculty] ?
01:41.48*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
01:41.56PenguinYep, they are significant.
01:42.21PenguinThat can be used for either a sip device or as a template if you mark it as such.
01:42.58PenguinIf you don't mark it as a template, it will be a device named 'students'.
02:02.30scoobysnackIs there a way to group a lot of sip devices together--a sort of label for a lot of them?
02:02.41*** join/#asterisk Katty (
02:02.48PenguinWhat do you mean by "group" them?
02:05.19scoobysnackI guess I could just comment the groups with semi-colons
02:05.41scoobysnackthat kinda thing
02:07.12scoobysnackI was just wanting an easy way to identify what group a device belonged to in my organization.
02:07.35scoobysnackThis is done fucntionally with contexts in extensions.conf
02:09.49Kattyeyes scoobysnack with a fork
02:12.49*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:14.30PenguinIt would be purely a human concept.  Although you can define a group by way of variable, and call it in dial plan if that's the sort of thing you need to do.
02:17.30Kattyhi file
02:17.34Kattyhow's your room
02:20.44filethe wifi isn't annoying me
02:20.51Kattythat's a miracle.
02:22.30filewhat's up in here this evening?
02:25.29Kattyno idea.
02:25.39Kattyi'm cooking sausage and eggs, tho. how very exciting?
02:29.08*** join/#asterisk mae_tae (7960eecf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:29.14mae_taehello people...
02:30.43mae_taehello people, i am getting "service unavailable 503" error when i softphone to softphone or grandstream phone to softphone but other way works fine, how do i fix this
02:39.49*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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03:04.59*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
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03:11.29*** join/#asterisk mae_tae (7960ee67@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:12.30mae_taei dont have idea on how to fix this
03:15.39*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
03:20.28PenguinPastebin the entire sip debug of that call.
03:20.42Penguinmae_tae: ^
03:20.56jplohhi tae :D, can you pastebin the other messages near that line?
03:23.22mae_taePenguin: do i need to paste the 500 lines
03:23.35PenguinPastebin it.  All of it.
03:26.19mae_tae <--- here's the link
03:27.05PenguinThat is not a sip debug.
03:28.03PenguinI want a full sip debug of the problem you described, where one phone makes a call to the other phone and it fails.
03:28.22jplohmae_tae: type sip set debug on at the console
03:30.33mae_taeok, ill try to remote
03:41.45mae_taePenguin: that's the result of sip set debug peer 108
03:42.30PenguinThat's 13 lines.  This isn't what I asked for.
03:42.59mae_taesorry im really new to asterisk, im the one that install this
03:43.53PenguinI'll tell you specifically one more time.  Pastebin the ENTIRE SIP DEBUG of the failed call.
03:43.57PenguinNothing less.
03:44.46Penguinsip set debug on
03:45.04PenguinMake the call, which you anticipate will end in failure.
03:45.07Penguinsip set debug off
03:45.16PenguinCopy all of it, paste to the pastebin.
04:00.32PenguinI don't see anything about 108 in here at all.  Seems like your phone didn't make call to asterisk.
04:01.41mae_taeactually if call from our grandstream to other grandstream phone, it works very fine but im going to call to softphone... it will not work
04:04.13mae_taeits only a problem with softphone to softphone or grandstream to softphone
04:22.04*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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04:52.50*** join/#asterisk Katty (
04:55.30*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:02.01*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:02.01*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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05:04.26*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-ywwqpfcueflhwdyj)
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05:11.38*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:9112:b918:4fe7:6df8)
05:11.56mae_taehow do i fix this "service unavailable - 503"
05:12.17mae_taeits the result of calling a phone device to softphone
05:13.07ChannelZdunno. Fix why the device is unavailable.
05:13.14ChannelZIt could be a dozen different things.
05:25.40*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:9112:b918:4fe7:6df8)
05:30.54*** join/#asterisk qdel (
05:38.42*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
05:47.25ChannelZFFffffuuuuuu I almost forgot about Homeland tonight
06:01.35*** join/#asterisk crumb (crumb@gateway/shell/
06:01.47crumbhey, quick questions about phones
06:02.34crumblet's say you have a phone set with a landline, and you want to add a voip line on the same line, would that work?
06:03.54crumb1 phone with 1 landline + 1 line from ATA
06:04.31crumbor would you need some kind of switch
06:05.09crumbman those look expensive
06:05.36crumbis there an ATA with a switch built in
06:05.48ChannelZI presume you're asking how to use the landline in a voip system (like asterisk).. in which case you need an ATA
06:05.53crumbwith something like a landline pass-thru
06:06.12crumbi'm talking about two independent lines
06:06.32ChannelZWell voip is over the internet.. so that "line" is your internet connection, whatever that is.
06:06.33crumbone from over copper landline
06:06.51crumbanother through the ATA
06:08.25ChannelZAn ATA like the SPA3102 would let you connect an analog phone, and/or an analog line to your system.
06:08.36*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
06:08.54crumbstill manufactured?
06:08.58ChannelZIt shows up as 2 SIP devices
06:09.18ChannelZAs far as I know.  It's Cisco now (was Linksys)
06:09.35crumb$64 bucks.. pricey :/
06:09.52crumbis the PAP2 also capable of passing through analog?
06:10.45ChannelZthe PAP2 is only for handsets IIRC
06:11.06crumbpap2 looks just like the spa3102
06:11.34ChannelZSo? They have like 4 different boxes that all look alike
06:11.54crumbwhat do you mean by handsets
06:12.01crumbthey have 2 fxs ports
06:12.46ChannelZYes. FXS = Connects to a handset (an analog phone)  FXO = Connects to a telephone line
06:13.00ChannelZThe 3102 has one of each. I'm still unclear what you're actually trying to accomplish
06:13.31crumbi want both sip and analog voice capability from a single phone receiver
06:14.58crumbok, seems the grandstream ht-386 has a two fxs ports as well with pstn pass-through capability
06:15.30ChannelZSo the 3102 would do that.  It can pass your analog telephone line to your analog handset, and do VoIP.  Although if you want to do it direct through an ITSP I'm not sure off-hand how you'd choose how to dial out..
06:16.41crumbi'll go with the cheaper ata :/
06:16.42ChannelZIt looks to me like the HT-386 is 2 FXS only.
06:17.44ChannelZ"Grandstream HandyTone-386 is a multi-port, all-in-one, Dual FXS Analog Adapter"... right on the first line
06:17.55ChannelZThe 488 has one of each apparently
06:18.46*** join/#asterisk atcmmi (~atcmmi@
06:19.29ChannelZThat might be old/discontinued models.  From Grandstream's appalling website, there's this:
06:21.23*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
06:27.03*** join/#asterisk robert_ (~hellspawn@objectx/robert)
06:28.23*** join/#asterisk RudyValencia (~self@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia)
06:29.34RudyValenciaHi, I'm trying to set up Asterisk with a SIP proxy. Whenever we try to call an extension defined in the Asterisk dialplan we either get OK or silence. What could be happening?
06:32.42ppcRudyValencia: i'd try using a softphone first to see if it's the phone or asterisk
06:33.12RudyValenciappc: We are using Blink as our preferred softphone.
06:33.39ppcdoes it work at all?
06:34.44RudyValenciarobert_ is working on it with me.
06:35.02ppcfyi im not expert by any means so don't expect me to get it working
06:35.14robert_yeah, I know.
06:35.31ppcso do any of the extensions work?
06:35.43ppcone server?
06:35.46robert_we have a mock hold line set up
06:35.47*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:9112:b918:4fe7:6df8)
06:36.03robert_even calling amongst ourselves doesn't work.
06:36.07ppcdid you look at the asterisk console?
06:36.14ppcw/ verbosity turned up
06:37.27ppcnot throwing any errors or anything odd?
06:37.34robert_it answers with the macro and then simply starts and stops.
06:38.52ppcrobert_: copy/paste whats in the log to pastebin or something
06:39.06robert_the log?
06:39.12robert_as in syslog or the console?
06:39.17ppcthe asterisk console
06:40.02ppcI think you do asterisk -rvvvvv
06:40.45*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
06:41.37ppcrobert_: how about the dialplan
06:42.22*** join/#asterisk mitchrodrigues (
06:43.47ppcrobert_: you have the extensions set to be 2000 and 3000?
06:44.40ppcrobert_: i dont think you can set extensions to be 2000/3000/4000/5000
06:44.53ppcI think it needs to be like 2001/3001/4001
06:44.55robert_we had it working on ast before.
06:45.54RudyValenciawe decided to add a SIP proxy because sometimes inbound calls would route directly to voicemail
06:46.47RudyValenciaand occasionally ast crashed, taking down our softphone connections temporarily (until we restarted ast)
06:54.18*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
07:01.02*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (
07:01.35*** join/#asterisk jploh (~textual@
07:01.47StaRetjihello everyone, hope you had nice weekend
07:02.41StaRetjiI need asterisk guru to hire as freelancer, need to resolve issue with hangupcause
07:03.28StaRetjii am kind of in trouble, so i will pay for help
07:04.09StaRetjii've read wiki, but couldn't find solution
07:06.14StaRetjii am playing ivr to client, before i send them to another context, but Master.csv shows it as answered, even though i send Playback(enterthepin,noanswer)
07:07.32*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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07:13.30*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:16.54RudyValenciaCan anyone suggest a sample dialplan that provides a basic PBX with simple IVR routing, voicemail and access to flowroute?
07:23.53StaRetjiis there way to force hangupcause in a context
07:24.25StaRetjiif line is lost to send Hangup(34)
07:29.40StaRetjiit looks like i can control hangupcause when i hangup, but if user hangsup i cant control it
07:31.48*** join/#asterisk PLMg (PLMg@
07:32.43PLMghey, anyone willing to give a hand in forwarding calls from asterisk to freeswitch?
07:33.13RudyValenciawould still apply to Asterisk 11.5.1 and Kamailio 4.0.2 ?
07:34.42StaRetjiok, i need to know if ivr and dtmf works in earlymedia? please, anyone?
07:35.42*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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07:54.38PLMgcan anyone help with finding the location inside extensions.conf where calls are being handeld?
07:55.04mae_taewhois jplog
08:03.10ChannelZPLMg: that depends on the peer and what context the calls are occuring in.
08:04.56RudyValenciaAny suggestions for a sample dial plan that provides PBX services, a simple IVR and calling to/from an online PSTN gateway?
08:05.57ChannelZThat's like asking "how long is a piece of string"
08:06.39ChannelZ"a simple IVR" that does what?  What PSTN gateway?  What "PBX services?"
08:07.12ChannelZIt's not really a copy/paste thing.
08:07.13PLMgChannelZ I have this: Route the calls to the gateway. In /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf context where your calls are being handled, forward the calls to the gateway. Here, when someone dials 85001, the call is sent to the fs-gw defined above.
08:07.30RudyValenciaWe just want something like, "for sales press 1, for support press 2, ..."
08:07.47PLMgnow, where are my calls being handeld :)
08:07.48infobothmm... primer is
08:07.50RudyValenciaas for the services, just stuff that you take for granted on traditional phones
08:08.00RudyValenciaand we use flowroute for a gateway
08:08.43PLMgia have to enter exten => 85001,1,Dial(SIP/fs-gw/${EXTEN})
08:08.44PLMgexten => 85001,2,Hangup but I do not know exactly where
08:09.45ChannelZThey will be under a [context]
08:11.24ChannelZIf you don't understand dialplan contexts and how devices enter the dialplan, you've got to start with the basics..
08:12.08PLMgI do have a grasp on them but I am confused in regards to [context] I am guessing I have to enter them somewhere in outbound
08:12.25PLMgas in dial out
08:13.01kaldemarPLMg: who/what wrote your dialplan?
08:13.45PLMgbut I will manualy enter this and it will not get overwriten by freepbx
08:13.52ChannelZA device -- the phone you pick up and dial -- has a set context, where it enters the dialplan when you dial things.
08:14.04*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:9112:b918:4fe7:6df8)
08:14.12kaldemaryou better ask in #freepbx for the modification without it writing your changes over.
08:14.45PLMgits fine, freepbx will not change my modifications
08:15.15*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
08:15.43PLMgso do I just put my 2 lines between [macro-outisbusy] and [macro-dialout]? It is just an example
08:16.31kaldemarask in #freepbx. they will know better.
08:17.03PLMgok, will do
08:17.08PLMgthx for the help anyway :)
08:46.30*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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09:42.38pznThere is an "operator panel" that works with a proprietary PBX. I need to integrate it with asterisk and making the operator panel manage proprietary+asterisk in the migration window (a few weeks). how can I get real-time call status (ring, answer, ...) from asterisk?
09:45.08*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
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10:09.55*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
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10:10.18StaRetjilost internet connection, so I will have to ask again, sorry folks
10:13.54StaRetjiI need help, I have ivr with exten => _X.,n(ivrauth1),Playback(eng1,noanswer)
10:15.11StaRetjihowever, calls show up in Master.csv as answered
10:15.43StaRetjiI am trying to produce earlymedia Playback and read
10:16.04StaRetjiis it possible? not to bill asterisk ivr?
10:21.16StaRetjiCould this line be the problem? exten => _X.,n,Read(digits,,1,30)
10:23.04*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
10:23.07StaRetjihm maybe should be done like this: exten => _X.,n,Read(digits,,1,noanswer)
10:24.23kaldemaryou can't just come up with options and expect them to work. app Read does not have a noanswer option. Read(digits,,1,30) <-- and your timeout is in the wrong place there.
10:24.41StaRetjiyes, I understand
10:24.46StaRetji30 wqs on wrong place
10:25.11StaRetjiso, exten => _X.,n,Read(digits,,1,noanswer) this wont work?
10:25.32kaldemarcore show application Read
10:26.50StaRetjithx, kaldemar, howerver, I was desperate and changed and reloaded
10:27.17StaRetjiit seems ivr calls are now "NO ANSWER"
10:28.44StaRetjiof course, core show application Read says oposite
10:29.14kaldemarmaybe n does that. you're now feeding options n, o, a, s, w, e and r to it.
10:29.29kaldemars, i and n being valid options.
10:30.39StaRetjimate, kaldemar, thx so much
10:30.48StaRetjin: to read digits even if the line is not up.
10:32.06kaldemara peek at the source tells that without n the application answers the channel.
10:32.17StaRetjimy GOD
10:32.31StaRetjii am stupid, but luckili noanswer starts with n
10:32.35StaRetjiit seems it work :)
10:32.42kaldemartoo bad the app documentation does not say it.
10:32.44StaRetjiI will change noanswer to n and test
10:33.32*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@2001:980:5e31:1:1c62:94ec:e289:8b53)
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10:34.30StaRetjiexten => _X.,n,Read(digits,,1,n)
10:34.33StaRetjiyep, works ;)
10:34.53StaRetjikaldemar: your like lucky medallion :)
10:44.05*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:51.04*** part/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
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11:04.05*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
11:04.30StaRetjikaldemar: I have another problem, it seems clients have problem with dtmf tones not being recognized
11:04.52StaRetjiI've set dtmfmode=auto
11:05.23StaRetjicause it seems it wont work with dtmfmode=rfc2833
11:05.30StaRetjiany tip? thanks
11:06.03*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
11:09.44kaldemarStaRetji: change to mode.
11:13.24StaRetjichange to mode, what that means mate?
11:13.26*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-opsmipabmwfuseuk)
11:14.16kaldemarStaRetji: i meant change THE mode. typo.
11:14.26*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
11:14.59StaRetjiwell, I tried auto
11:15.24StaRetjibut thy said pressing digits does nothing, indeed, cli says User entered nothing
11:15.35StaRetjiI've set to rfc2833 to test again
11:15.44kaldemarthere are others too.
11:16.59StaRetjiinband says it works only on ulaw alaw, there is info that remains
11:17.32StaRetjiI have sip to sip clients, but some of them have handset clients :/
11:27.35*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-xylpyvrbhnkwdnbs)
11:35.52StaRetjiit seems that for some works, for some no, so I have no idea, I thought auto will be best choice
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11:56.57din3shhey all
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11:59.20din3shhey all
11:59.51din3shis it possible to trigger a 3-way conference from a SIP phone and transfer that conference call to another phone?
12:00.03din3shWhat is needed for such a scenario to work?
12:03.10*** part/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
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12:20.00WIMPydin3sh: On, not from.
12:20.30*** join/#asterisk Rico (~rico@unaffiliated/rico29)
12:20.31din3shyeah on not from :P
12:20.33Ricohi ther
12:23.27*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
12:24.37RicoI have a problem with cdr_odbc, I can't find why it does not work :
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12:38.35Ricofor persons who just arrived :
12:38.36RicoI have a problem with cdr_odbc, I can't find why it does not work :
12:38.47Ricoif somebody can take a look... thanks
12:39.30*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
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12:41.15rolandowhi, good afternoon!
12:41.28rolandowi have this in my debug log: [2013-09-30 13:37:38] DEBUG[843][C-000018d9] chan_sip.c: Got redirecting from number +31630597085
12:41.40rolandowthough the ${CALLERID(num)} gives me Anonymous
12:42.00*** join/#asterisk tonyclewis (uid6025@gateway/web/
12:42.11rolandowisn't that weird?
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13:12.07*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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13:14.17Dovidhi. does anyone know if I can set outboundproxy via the dial plan ?
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13:27.28ghost75_is there any way to see what is killing my * process?
13:28.56wdoekesthat depends on the type of killing
13:29.29wdoekesis it the kernel (out-of-memory, segfault, sigbus)?
13:29.59wdoekesis it overloaded, but not killed?
13:30.22PenguinAre we talking cold-blooded murder, or a mercy killing?
13:30.36wdoekesdoes someone have AMI or other access and is he explicitly shutting asterisk down?
13:31.24ghost75_dont think so
13:31.30wdoekesghost75_: the kernel will list the reason in dmesg and/or kern.log
13:32.12ghost75_[1108047.974460] asterisk[3220]: segfault at db80ce3c ip b665819e sp b56ce8b0 error 5 in                                    [b6637000+b4000]
13:32.51wdoekesthere you have it.. it's self-defence
13:33.53Qwellwdoekes: I like it.  "My code didn't crash, it happened in self defense"
13:33.53bacobartdefence is the correct way
13:34.11bacobartdefense is burger king english
13:34.17ghost75_isnt spandsp for fax?
13:35.17*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@
13:37.55wdoekesok bacobart, I stand corrected
13:39.07wdoekesbut yes, ghost75_, spandsp is fax indeed
13:39.37ghost75_libspandsp resides in /usr/lib
13:39.43wdoekesrecompile spandsp with debug symbols if you want to find out why it crashed
13:39.45ghost75_shouldnt be in /usr/lib/asterisk ?
13:40.00wdoekesno.. it's not a part of asterisk, it is used by asterisk
13:42.12ghost75_can i exclude it in modules.conf?
13:42.34wdoekesyou surely can
13:45.57rolandowif i see this in my logs: Got redirecting from number +31630597085 .. would this be the calier id?
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13:52.41*** join/#asterisk scoobysnack (~aaffcc002@gateway/tor-sasl/aaffcc0022ee)
13:53.43scoobysnackI'm using a Snom 720 and when I miss a call and try to dial it from the menu, I get an error.
13:55.17scoobysnacksip set debug shows it doing this To: <sip:+12018248357@;user=phone>;tag=as187653ee3
13:55.52scoobysnackI think the problem may be my dialplan doesn't have anything resembling stuff after the @
13:55.56[TK]D-FenderYou should consider showing the complete actual debug and not just a single line like that,.
13:55.56scoobysnackI'm unsure
13:55.59scoobysnackAny ideas?
13:56.06infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:56.49scoobysnackShort of that, do you have any thoughts as to why it wouldn't dial?
13:57.23scoobysnackDo you have to have anything special in your dialplan to handle the @ etc, etc.
13:57.28[TK]D-FenderWe have to see the actual evidence
13:57.33scoobysnackShould it be trimmed first?
13:57.35[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "@"
13:57.40scoobysnackRight that's not going to happen.
13:57.50[TK]D-FenderYou do not have a proper understanding about how SIP headers work
13:57.54scoobysnackI did that before here and had hack attempts on my system.
13:58.01scoobysnacknope the hell out of that
13:58.18[TK]D-FenderThe attacks you tend to get are from random scanners
13:58.20scoobysnackYou may be one of the good guys but there are a LOT of other people in this room that may not be
13:58.35[TK]D-FenderThat's why firewalls were invented
13:58.47scoobysnackso you have no other ideas
13:58.56scoobysnackas to possibilities
13:58.59[TK]D-FenderYou've told us precisely nothing
13:59.17scoobysnackanyone else
13:59.18[TK]D-FenderDo you ask your doctor what's wrong and NOT let them examine you?
13:59.25[TK]D-Fender"Hi, it doesn't work, WHY!?!?!"
13:59.35scoobysnackI just told you the symptoms
13:59.43scoobysnackthe doctor could give me possibiliites
13:59.57[TK]D-FenderUsing the internet for self-diagnosis is like representing yourself in court.  You hav a fool for a client
14:00.00scoobysnackyou're asking me to display personal info here and have hack attempts from experts
14:00.02scoobysnackno thanks
14:00.11scoobysnackanyone else?
14:00.47[TK]D-Fendermask the IP's then.
14:00.53[TK]D-FenderThis isn't Raw-Cat Sigh Hence
14:01.09[TK]D-FenderAnd nobody here cares, and the only people out there hacking are using bulk scanners just to find you
14:01.22[TK]D-FenderHas nothing to do with people sitting in IRC waiting to find even a trace by hand
14:01.28scoobysnacknice opinion of the room
14:01.29scoobysnackbut untrue
14:01.54scoobysnackok thanks.  I'll figure it out or pay for support
14:01.57*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
14:03.49jmetroor you know, edit the personal stuff out.
14:04.19rolandow[TK]D-Fender: can you see why this call is being dropped?
14:04.52[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: We've already heard his verdict on this.  Let him search and hope he learn enough to understand the failure.  Or that he doesn't waste a huge amount of time doing that just to pay for the answer in the end.
14:05.30jmetro[TK]D-Fender: i dunno about you, but i always find-replace all my stuff if i post it on here
14:06.07[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: He's resistant to showing anything.  Not worth arguing through that kind of paranoia.
14:06.28[TK]D-Fenderrolandow: Pastebin another call without verbose and channel debug enabled, not core
14:06.35scoobysnacksome people
14:06.54scoobysnackI'm thinking it may be because it puts a + at the front of the number
14:07.07rolandow[TK]D-Fender: ok .. i haven't been able to reproduce the problem yet..
14:09.29*** join/#asterisk nny (
14:11.04nnyDealing with some Vega50 stuff. (Horrible gateway btw). I notice 1.8 has the function "volume" now. Is it pretty straight forward to use? I am probably just going to argue  with the gateway for now to adjust but it caught my eye
14:11.30[TK]D-Fendernny: It's a function.  It works just like any other.
14:12.46scoobysnackYep...that was it
14:12.51scoobysnackNo + in my dialplan
14:13.02Kattyeyes scoobysnack with a fork again
14:13.19nnyyeah was kind of pinging for reliability's sake, being a new one. I'll use the gateway for now, I don't feel like setting it independently in the dialplan
14:13.37*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
14:14.25scoobysnackI guess there aren't enough experts in here today to offer that as a suggestion.
14:14.36scoobysnackI wonder if that's a common rookie mistake.
14:14.53[TK]D-Fendernny: "New"?  func_volume has been around for a LONG time....
14:15.27[TK]D-Fenderscoobysnack: We could have.  But I'm not going to waste my time throwing random guesses at problems with no backup.
14:16.09scoobysnackIt sounds like anything out of your perceived notions of how things should work is a waste of your time.
14:16.45scoobysnackAnyhow, I fixed it.  So Yay for self-sufficiency.
14:18.00nny[TK]D-Fender: hmmph. Didn't know, guess it's new to me ;)
14:18.24*** part/#asterisk scoobysnack (~aaffcc002@gateway/tor-sasl/aaffcc0022ee)
14:18.26[TK]D-Fendernny: Don't let the mould accumulate ;)
14:18.52nny[TK]D-Fender: heh
14:23.43nnysigh, sangoma support has gone seriously down hill this year
14:23.59nnytoo many pointy hat issues I imagine
14:24.41nnyoh, you just paid for our rebranded inferior product? Send us an email telling us how miserbale the documentation is!
14:25.26[TK]D-FenderWhat has Sangoma rebranded?
14:25.52nnyi assumed the vega 50 was an aquisition or other type of dealing, it sucks
14:26.02nnywwell the vega line in general, next time mediatrix for me
14:26.08Kattyjmetro: <- kitty i might be adopting, pending vet visit :>
14:27.06*** join/#asterisk Jacke (
14:27.22nnywouldn't be so bad but Sangoma support went from "Hi, this is XXX, a highly trained engineer willing to assist with the less documented features of product XXX" to "Send us an email using this generic form or search our limited wiki, k thanks, bye"
14:29.28[TK]D-Fendernny: Oh yeah, those.. well technically Sangoma bought out Vegastream...
14:29.46[TK]D-Fendernny: So not really "rebranded", just not us up to speed on the support I guess
14:31.02nnyAnd just so I don't sound bitter, here is the wiki page for "Configuration" and I have yet to find documentation on echo canceller aggressiveness or any other "CLI" feature. I had to hunt to find the way to adjust the gain, and only am guessing at this point on the syntax based on a statement on the FAQ here...
14:31.48nnyso I have to assume "set ._advanced.pots.fxs.1.digital_rx_gain=3" for FXO adjustment (tx/rx) is "set ._advanced.pots.fxo.1.digital_rx_gain=3"
14:34.42nnyalso wondering if they are referring to FXS from the far end or not... gah. Time to "contact" support. Sorry, ranting a bit
14:37.51*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
14:38.18PenguinI guess someone is trying out a new technique for SIP toll fraud...
14:38.57PenguinThere's this one host that has been attempting calls lately, but subsequent attempts take place after one to two hours.
14:41.36PenguinThey must be trying to get around rate-limited blocking mechanisms.
14:43.18*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
14:44.03qakhanhi all. is there any function for charindex in asterisk 1.8 dialplan?
14:45.11*** join/#asterisk bombev (~User@73.109.Globcom.Net)
14:45.39[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: As in?
14:46.56*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
14:47.38bombevI am experinece strange problem
14:47.38wdoekesqakhan: CUT ;)
14:48.03bombevI am trying to send two arguments within macro context but somehow it doesnt work properly
14:49.28PenguinDid you read core show application Dial and look how to format the M() option?
14:49.29*** join/#asterisk Prosouth__ (
14:49.53qakhani am getting records from SQL through ODBC. there is numbers in the start of the record. i need to get these numbers in separate veriable and remaining data in separate veriable
14:50.00Prosouth__Hi, is there a way to call our asterisk server from outside in order to call a customer with our asterisk SIP number?
14:50.30PenguinDo it the same way you do from the "inside."
14:50.35bombevPenguin I have to use ^ as delimiter
14:50.35Penguin(with a phone)
14:50.40[TK]D-FenderProsouth__: There is no such thing as a "SIP number".  And you can setup whatever acees to your server that you wish
14:50.43Penguinbombev: Try it.
14:51.14*** join/#asterisk fenja (~fenja@
14:51.27dongola7Prosouth__: think you need to look at the DISA application.
14:51.45PenguinOr use your SIP phone from another location.
14:51.56[TK]D-FenderNot required.
14:52.01*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-lvqzfnywyrykhfsd)
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14:52.01[TK]D-FenderA better description would help
14:52.46[TK]D-FenderProsouth__: Please reprasre yoru question so we can be sure what your options are
14:52.47Prosouth__[TK]D-Fender:  I meant : I already have an Asterisk server working properly but I was looking for a way to call my asterisk server from the outside with my cellphone in order to call a customer with my "asterisk configured number"
14:53.20[TK]D-FenderProsouth__: So you do want to call  in... and then have it dial OUT again just to use that connection instead of dialing direct from your cell?
14:53.53[TK]D-FenderProsouth__: Well "DISA" is certainly an options then
14:54.02[TK]D-FenderProsouth__: "core show application disa"
14:54.28bombevPenguin same thing happens
14:54.45[TK]D-FenderProsouth__: Or just set up a pattern to match what you want it to dial.  this is dialplan basics and you have to determin how to choose to hand out access, maybe bury the menu option for it,m etc
14:55.00Prosouth__Thank you very much, I'm going to investigate in this way
14:55.02[TK]D-Fenderbombev: PASTEBIN
14:55.22Penguin... the new call.
14:56.59*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
14:57.57[TK]D-Fenderbombev: The macro is called jsut fine
14:58.21bombevok but then why I cant
14:58.22[TK]D-Fenderbombev: And you have forgetten the most basic aspects of how they work.
14:58.23PenguinYour MixMonitor() syntax is wrong.
14:58.36PenguinWhat is the new problem?
14:58.55[TK]D-FenderPenguin: Perhaps, but he no concept of the proper VARIABLE names when passing parameters.
14:59.04PenguinI see that.
14:59.12[TK]D-Fenderbombev: arg1, arg2, arg3, etc
14:59.22qakhanwdoekes need to get charidex in a string
14:59.33[TK]D-Fenderbombev: read THE BOOK.  You have skipped the most important part of gosubs/macros
15:00.07bombevwell I did it with ,
15:00.24bombevbut still cant pass the variables
15:00.57*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:01.11bombevI will try tomorrow again
15:01.19bombevbut I am missing something
15:02.45wdoekesqakhan: ${LENGTH(${CUT(mystring,charImLookingFor,1)})}
15:02.58wdoekesor LEN, I don't remember
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15:08.53qakhanwdoekes e.g "198273$ This is new record in DB"
15:09.10qakhani want to get all numbers before $ sign
15:09.54PenguinDoes a variable contain that string that you're showing as an example?
15:10.10wdoekesSet(var=198273$ This is new record in DB); NoOp(${CUT(var,$,1)})
15:10.11[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: cor show function CUT
15:10.27*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
15:11.06qakhanlet me give u example:   12345$$This is variable string
15:11.13qakhansplitter is $$
15:11.25qakhanno. on left and string on right are variable
15:11.34qakhanbut $$ is constant
15:11.50PenguinIt's all the same string, and CUT will take care of it.
15:12.32Penguinwdoekes even told you EXACTLY what you need to use to make it work.  He didn't even make you read the instructions.
15:12.54qakhanok let me check
15:14.35*** join/#asterisk k1ng (~k1ng@unaffiliated/k1ng)
15:15.25wdoekesperhaps he opened IRC in write-only mode?
15:16.40*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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15:47.06cian1500wwHi, I've a konftel 300ip that is dropping all calls exactly 30 mintues after they begin with the following error on the phone: (No session refresh received after 900s (expiration period=1800s), stopping session now!) Asterisk reports it as being "hungup" in the logs.
15:47.12*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
15:50.05DovidTK: Are you going to be at Astricon?
15:57.30[TK]D-FenderDovid: Nope.
16:01.18*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
16:04.33qakhanFunction Cut not registered
16:04.39PenguinCUT, not Cut.
16:04.53qakhanSorry .....
16:05.30PenguinBy not following instructions, you only hurt yourself.
16:08.16qakhanyes you are right
16:16.22*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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16:30.08*** join/#asterisk undecided (~kvirc@
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16:32.40undecidedis it possible to programatically send an event to an Asterisk live channel?
16:33.16*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
16:34.06[TK]D-Fenderundecided: What is an "event"?
16:34.39Kattydances with [TK]D-Fender
16:34.54undecidedfor example, Read() application is waiting for some digits
16:34.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: If we don't, nobody will...\
16:35.19undecidedso I want to send them from linux cli
16:35.23[TK]D-Fenderundecided: Describe a complete scenario so we can determin what approach is appropriate...
16:35.36vlad_starkovQuestion: Can anyone finally point me, what does this mean?
16:35.41vlad_starkov[2013-09-30 20:28:07] WARNING[23984]: chan_sip.c:3905 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xb468bf18 (len 788) to <ip_addr_removed>:60550 returned -2: No such file or directory
16:35.41vlad_starkov[2013-09-30 20:28:17] WARNING[10940]: chan_sip.c:3905 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xb4805a08 (len 784) to <ip_addr_removed>:38464 returned -2: Success
16:35.59undecided[TK]D-Fender: I just did
16:36.51undecidedpassing digits for Read() application from outside is a good example
16:38.35*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
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16:39.56[TK]D-Fenderundecided: What state is the call in prior?  What do you expect to do with the pout?
16:40.04[TK]D-FenderunecAny other steps?
16:40.11[TK]D-Fenderundecided: Triggered when/how?
16:41.25undecidedthe call state is 'answered'
16:41.47undecidedso caller requested to enter digits
16:42.16undecidedI want a script to enter these digits
16:42.40[TK]D-FenderRead has a user enter digits.  What is this "script" getting digits?
16:42.47[TK]D-Fender(entering rather)
16:43.14[TK]D-FenderWhat happens to the other leg of the call?
16:43.38undecidedthe script will enter these digits instead of caller
16:43.54[TK]D-FenderWhat script?
16:44.04undecidedwhat do you mean other leg?
16:44.07[TK]D-FenderNothing is entering digits yet execpt for the actuall call channel
16:44.08undecidedthat's an ivr
16:44.45WIMPyWhat kind of sense does it make to control an IVR from a script?
16:44.46undecidedthe script is what I'm after
16:44.55[TK]D-FenderStop using the word script here
16:45.04[TK]D-FenderYou are confusing things
16:45.05undecidedI still don't knwo how to do this
16:45.12undecidedmaybe in bash
16:45.19WIMPyDo what EXACTELY?
16:45.22[TK]D-FenderYou need to be a LOT clearer about what the actual asterisk channels are doing and who is expected to enter what.
16:47.09undecideda caller calls into asterisk and hear an IVR requesting to enter digits
16:47.32paulcundecided: You want a way for a script to generate those digits, so the IVR can capture them, right?
16:47.32undecidedI see that call at the log for the example
16:47.53undecidedand use a script to enter these digits into his channel
16:48.19WIMPyAre you talking about an IVR at your end or do you want to autiomate a call to a remote IVR or what?
16:48.26[TK]D-Fenderentering digits for them is not the READ() you mentioned at the start
16:48.41[TK]D-Fenderundecided: READ does not ENTER digits... Read() GETS digits
16:48.51[TK]D-Fenderundecided: Your concept is completely backwards
16:48.55undecidedWIMPy: ivr at my end
16:49.23[TK]D-Fenderundecided: So what is the trigger for INSERTING DTMF (which is what you seem to be wnating to do now)
16:49.26undecidedpaulc: yes, but i need it send to that channel
16:49.38WIMPySo what's the point of entering digits other than by the caller?
16:50.12WIMPyThere are tons of other ways to do call flow on the server.
16:50.54undecided[TK]D-Fender: lets say the trigger is just a System() call just before the Read app
16:51.11undecidedsystem() will kick out a script
16:51.36[TK]D-Fenderundecided: You are still being extremely vague
16:51.54[TK]D-FenderuneAnd describing the "how" that you envision and not properly descirbing the circumstances
16:53.16undecidedI know it doesn't make much sense, and you're looking for some logic here
16:53.29undecidedbut that is a part of something bigger
16:53.30[TK]D-Fender[12:51]undecidedsystem() will kick out a script <- when does this happen?  How long does it wait?  Does it even wait?  Why are you automating the response to your won Read() command?
16:53.41undecidedso to simplify things I just gave that exampl
16:53.42[TK]D-FenderYour description is still pretty bad.
16:53.57[TK]D-FenderYou are not giving a proper set of circumsatnces we can suggest an approach to
16:54.10undecidedmy english is not perfect
16:54.17[TK]D-FenderYou are in fact trying to tell us what pieces you expec to use to do this action you have not clearly defined
16:54.18undecidedbut I;m trying
16:54.31WIMPyThat did not siplyfy things.
16:55.28[TK]D-Fenderundecided: Do not describe the actions in the solution, describe the circumstances of the call PRIOR to this action you would liek to take.  Then describe the TRIGGER  for it.  Then describe the actual actions you want it to take upon being triggered
16:55.55undecidedlets say I'm sitting in front of my asterisk cli logger
16:56.13undecidedand I see you calling into my IVR
16:57.07undecidedthen I see the READ app is waiting for some digits in your channel
16:57.25[TK]D-Fenderso far...
16:57.34undecidednow I want to use a bash script to send tyhese digits instead of you
16:57.37[TK]D-Fenderso why is this person SITTING on a read and not ansswering it?
16:58.15[TK]D-FenderWhat triggers this automated response you are looking for?
16:58.21undecidedlet's imagine I told him to ignore it for the test
16:58.28[TK]D-FenderHow is that decision made?
16:59.27undecidedthe trigger can be programmed in various ways
16:59.31undecidedbut for now
16:59.33paulcundecided: What you need is a way to MAKE calls.. then SEND the DTMF tones, right? The question is.. do you want Asterisk to do that? If so, it can be done.. with a "call file" that points to smoe dialplan that will send the right DTMFs.. which maybe it gets from a variable, that you populate in the call file.
16:59.42[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: We're almost there, hold on a sec
16:59.46undecidedlets say I want to kick out the script manually
16:59.50[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: there is a HUMAN involved here
17:00.12WIMPyundecided: Unless you ask a real question, I can only recommend you read about AMI.
17:00.18paulcgoes to grab fresh water...
17:00.49[TK]D-Fenderundecided: then there is an AMI command to execute a dialplan app against a channel
17:01.04[TK]D-Fenderundecided: And you'd have it call SendDTMF
17:01.54undecidedso with that AMI I can inject something into a channel, right?
17:02.59undecidedthanks. reading
17:04.13boom^timeHaving a weird issue where calling via AMI with the exact same configuration/commands that worked perfectly find last Friday, now give me a failure and a SIP/2.0 487 Request Cancelled
17:04.34boom^timewhile the call file which does the exact same thing works perfectly fine.
17:04.36*** join/#asterisk luke_ftw (~luke_ftw@unaffiliated/luke-ftw/x-9245329)
17:05.04[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: What does AMI have to do with that SIP RESPONJSE you are showing?
17:05.06boom^timeThe phone will ring once and then instantly hangup. Restarted the phone, asterisk
17:05.07[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: Apples & oranges
17:05.15boom^timeNothing at all.
17:05.35[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: You'd also have to show us the complete call
17:05.51boom^timeCorrect, but the calls originate fine with a call file and not with AMI. Sure, one moment.
17:07.41[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: Som details and backup would help....
17:08.21vlad_starkovQuestion: what is better in UDP packets loosing environment: G.711 or G.722?
17:08.24boom^time[TK]D-Fender, sorry but what details?
17:08.30boom^timeI mean, what more details do you want specifically
17:08.42[TK]D-Fendervlad_starkov: Should be the same really.
17:09.04[TK]D-Fendervlad_starkov: iLBC and G.729 compensate better, but obviously at a loss of initial quality
17:09.05boom^timehere is the ami command i'm ussing
17:09.07PenguinI'm still trying to figure out why asterisk needs to answer its own ivr.
17:09.43[TK]D-FenderPenguin: Technically his description now has HIM sitting at watching it execute... and then manually triggering it.
17:10.02PenguinBut what circumstances require this?
17:10.06[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: And how long is it ringing for?
17:10.25boom^time[TK]D-Fender, maybe half a ring
17:10.26PenguinIf a caller is asked to enter some digits, why would the PBX need to generate the answer?
17:10.28[TK]D-FenderPenguin: Noone said his purpose had to make sense... just how it gets accomplished :)
17:10.48[TK]D-FenderPenguin: And it's really him the "administrator", forcing a response for some "testing" reason.
17:10.56[TK]D-FenderPenguin: Which yes... does sound pointless.
17:11.09[TK]D-FenderPenguin: But that's besides the point right now
17:12.24vlad_starkov[TK]D-Fender: Can I use OPUS codec in Asterisk?
17:12.39*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
17:14.16vlad_starkov[TK]D-Fender: Is it really ready for production system?
17:14.49[TK]D-Fendervlad_starkov: It can't even be officially distributed with Asterisk.... guess why my usage would be?  NONE.
17:15.12[TK]D-Fendervlad_starkov: no ifficial support = take what you can get, or don't do it at all.
17:15.25vlad_starkov[TK]D-Fender: )
17:15.38[TK]D-Fendervlad_starkov: I can't speak for any issues it may have with the implementations out there.  I could imagine it works fine... but would not personally touch
17:16.46vlad_starkov[TK]D-Fender: Ok. So am I right thinking that better to use G.729 in packets loosing networks?
17:17.04anonymouz666vlad_starkov: I don't think so
17:17.09[TK]D-Fender[13:09][TK]D-Fendervlad_starkov: iLBC and G.729 compensate better, but obviously at a loss of initial quality
17:18.12vlad_starkovI mean what everyone uses in production systems with Cisco SPA and Gigaset IP DECT phones?
17:18.29vlad_starkovanonymouz666: what is your opinion?
17:18.37PenguinWhen a telephone repair person goes out and determines where a wire is broken between the NID and the CO, and says something such as it is 237 feet from the box, are they using a TDR to measure that distance?
17:18.58[TK]D-Fendervlad_starkov: I've never heard of any of those supporting anything but the standard codecs.... G.711/729/723/722
17:19.06[TK]D-FendervldMAYBE iLBC depending
17:20.59anonymouz666vlad_starkov: My opinion is that G711 will have a better MOS if you compare with g729 with 2%, 6%, 10%  even 20%.
17:21.33*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
17:22.23vlad_starkovanonymouz666: what does MOS stands for?
17:23.29anonymouz666Mean Opinion Score
17:24.40vlad_starkovanonymouz666: I have an issue with one of my customers, which has too many UDP packets drops
17:26.49vlad_starkovHe is using G.711 and when the network drops RTP packets it sounds like it cuts sounds in the word
17:28.05vlad_starkovI just looking for some method to smooth this.
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17:35.25boom^time[TK]D-Fender, this is a full sip debug/asterisk debug/verbose of just one ami origination.
17:35.45boom^timeThe phone will ring for about half a ring and then just end. It's the strangest thing, nothing has changed since I last touched this and it was working fine.
17:38.45anonymouz666vlad_starkov: why your network drops RTP packets?
17:40.13ChannelZ-Wkboom^time: These debugs are a mess to look at, but it seems to me like a Hangup is being sent.. see line 159 etc
17:40.29vlad_starkovanonymouz666: its our customer's uplink
17:40.43[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: paste again with the complete details including the original originate
17:41.10boom^timeThose details are from the instant the call starts until it fails, debug+sipdebug+verbose
17:41.46boom^timehere is the AMI originate command
17:41.47[TK]D-FenderChannelZ-Wk: [Sep 30 13:31:27] DEBUG[26278][C-00000000]: chan_sip.c:7078 sip_hangup: Hanging up channel in state Down (not UP)
17:41.55[TK]D-FenderChannelZ-Wk: * is killing it...
17:42.21boom^timeBut why I wonder? yeah it follows the sip 100 with a cancel
17:42.41[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: Show again witht he debug that also shows the complete originate
17:42.43boom^timeIt's not complaining about the context/exten/priority not existing, as it does. I would understand a cancel in that situation
17:43.18[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: You shouldn't get a dialplan error until it answers anyway....
17:43.21boom^timeI'm not sure what you mean by the complete originate. With AMI what I copied for you is all you get, unless you want the AMI command which I just pasted
17:43.39boom^timeThere is nothing else that I skipped
17:43.41[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: we see the OTHER events being sent but not the inbound originate itself thart starts all of this
17:43.44boom^timeBut i'll grab it for you without debug
17:43.52[TK]D-FenderAnd yes, we wan't debug.
17:44.28boom^timeThere is no inbound originate [TK]D-Fender , just the local AMI command that causes it to start.
17:44.36boom^timeI clear my terminal before I hit return
17:44.43boom^timeand copy/paste everything from that until it's done.
17:44.58boom^time(hit return as in sending the AMI command manually)
17:46.18[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: dump AMI at the same time.  Wee see the OTHER events that follow the originate, but not the originate itself
17:49.46[TK]D-Fender[Sep 30 13:31:27] DEBUG[26278][C-00000000]: chan_sip.c:3874 __sip_xmit: Trying to put 'INVITE sip:' onto UDP socket destined for
17:49.48[TK]D-Fender[Sep 30 13:31:27] DEBUG[26278][C-00000000]: channel.c:2840 ast_hangup: Hanging up channel 'SIP/501-00000000'
17:50.54[TK]D-Fendernot seeing much else, I see it saying that's it's trying to do something, then stating a hangup which sounds like it thinks it failed to actually push the packet out.
17:51.15[TK]D-FenderEven thoguh we see a SIP response following
17:51.19[TK]D-FenderThis i odd...
17:51.21boom^timehmm, yeah it starts up and then instantly cancels
17:51.24[TK]D-FenderI would certain upgrade first...
17:51.29[TK]D-FenderAnd retest
17:51.40*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:53.42boom^timeWhat I think is really odd is that if I use a call file with the exact same channel/context it works fine.
17:53.49boom^timeas opposed to an AMI originate.
17:54.27[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: I see why :)
17:54.40[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: Someone didn't read the instructions...
17:55.16[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: <- #7
17:55.16*** join/#asterisk crankyadmin (
17:56.27boom^timehaha thank you [TK]D-Fender. And here I thought I saw you stumped on something for the first time.
17:57.45boom^timeMy fault for assuming WaitTime: from a call file and Timeout: in AMI would take the same unit of time.
17:58.11infobotAbout assumptions :  It makes an (ass) out of (u) and (me)
18:03.02*** join/#asterisk Vann (
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18:05.03crankyadminHi. I have a Asterisk ( server running a dial plan that is triggered from a call file. But neither the 'h' or 'failed' extensions are every hit. Been digging for about a day on this with no joy. Any immediates thoughts jump out?
18:06.07[TK]D-Fendercrankyadmin: Your dialplan has syntax errors.  The extens are not in the proper place.  Sun-spots.
18:06.58crankyadminSorry I don't understand Sun-spots?
18:07.42[TK]D-FenderYou know when the Sun (that red-giant star of ours) puts our flares?
18:08.22[TK]D-FenderAlso... fluctuations in the planet's magnetic axis.
18:08.32*** join/#asterisk echo083 (~adam@gateway/tor-sasl/echo083)
18:08.45echo083can you tell me which codec is the best ?
18:08.52echo083best quality
18:09.30navaismog722 ?¿?¿
18:09.50Tim_Toadyecho083: g711 usually, unless you can use wideband codecs like g722
18:10.14echo083Tim_Toady, g711 is not in the list :(
18:10.26Tim_Toadywhat is in the list then?
18:10.49echo083Tim_Toady, i'm making a copy paste :)
18:10.58Penguinor alaw, depending on region/country.
18:11.23echo083gsm alaw ulaw lpc10 speex adpcm siren14 siren7 g722 g723 slin g726 g729 ilbc g726aal2
18:11.41echo083Penguin, i'm in great britain
18:12.22Tim_Toadyecho083: ulaw/alaw is g711
18:12.33echo083i'm usually using gsm the person i call here my voice perfectly but me i'm hearing sizzlings
18:12.38echo083Tim_Toady, ahhhh ok !
18:13.32PenguinG.711u or G.711a = ulaw or alaw
18:13.46echo083i'll alaw and ulaw so :)
18:13.50echo083i'll try*
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19:59.18MLNoahI have 2 Asterisk 11.5 boxes clustered together using res_corosync to share device state information.  Is there a supported way to make it so that if box A changes the device state to NOT_INUSE for a specific Custom: device, box B also changes its device state for that Custom: device?
20:00.23*** part/#asterisk nny (
20:00.26MLNoahI have phones that are occasionally changing registrations between the two boxes (via DNS SRV), so sometimes a phone might set a forward on when registered to A, then clear the forward when registered to B, so simply setting Custom:${EXTEN}@forwarding to NOT_INUSE on B wouldn't clear the shared hint, since Custom:${EXTEN}@forwarding on A would still be showing INUSE
20:02.32*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
20:10.34wltjranyone know why polycom vvx300 phones refuse to register I keep getting username mismatch, have <11>, digest has <>
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20:11.14wltjrI updated firmware, as other reported that issue being resolved wih newer firmware, running, might try to revert to the lastest 4.x version
20:12.04ChainsawOnly have IP670 & IP7000 at work, sorry. That's a different firmware train entirely.
20:17.17*** join/#asterisk datacrusher (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
20:18.00wltjrmight call polycom there is no reason they should not register must be a firmware thing, I might try another version since its easy to update with their web interface
20:26.06cobolfooHow I can program Asterisk to transfer to external phone number if a extension is not answering after 4 rings?
20:26.31ghost75_with a dialplan :>
20:27.19cobolfooI do a Dial() command but it hangup right after.
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20:31.01ghost75_show code
20:32.04cobolfooI use Asterisk GUI, created a voice menu that only do a Dial command.
20:32.18cobolfooDo FollowMe feature can be used to do the same thing ?
20:32.40*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
20:33.02PenguinUse another Dial()
20:33.48ghost75_asterisk gui still exists?
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20:34.16PenguinExist and in development are two different things.
20:34.31PenguinJust because it isn't in dev does not mean it ceases to exist.
20:37.12ghost75_better to use freebpx when gui is needed
20:42.32cobolfooWhy are you calling an extern first ?
20:42.40cobolfooerm extension
20:43.21PenguinThe whole thing is an extension.
20:43.25PenguinThis is extension 0.
20:43.32PenguinIt calls some SIP phones first.
20:43.44PenguinThen there's some useless thing about callerid.
20:44.04PenguinThen it calls a phone number via a SIP peer named trunk.
20:44.24PenguinAfter than the extension goes to voicemail.
20:44.39PenguinThose four lines are one extension.
20:44.52wltjrI set caller id to who called me when I have it ring my cell phone, otherwise it shows caller id from *
20:45.11PenguinIt's already that.
20:45.17wltjrbut bad idea to have 0 call you, clients drive me nutz...
20:45.18PenguinYou don't need to set it again when it is already that.
20:45.41wltjrPenguin: I had to for some reason it wasn't what I wanted idk maybe I can lose
20:45.59PenguinIt may depend on what else you have going on in your dial plan.
20:46.20wltjrPenguin: idk might be uncessary have to test, but not sure I care  ;)
20:49.55wltjrwhat is the deal with polycom you can't contact them for support but have to go through authorized partner or something... trying to move from pice of crap cisco spa phones to polycom and can't get the polycoms to register with *... h8 voip
20:50.39PenguinI would guess that you didn't configure the pertinent phone settings correctly.
20:51.44ghost75_normally isp doesnt allow to change caller id
20:53.29wltjrPenguin: cleary, but there is very little to it really, their config is much better, let me clean it up and pastbin
20:54.37*** join/#asterisk Vann (
21:01.23wltjrits weird line 3 was able to register but not others earlier it was other lines registering
21:01.42wltjrbut when line 3 registers its on port 5060, and I am telling it to register on port 5062, like the old SPA-501g was
21:02.18PenguinThat is the server port.  Asterisk isn't listening on those other ports; it's listening on 5060.
21:03.11PenguinFor the client port, you'd have to specify the client port in each peer definition as well as the phone.
21:04.25wltjrPenguin: works fine now with the Cisco phones
21:04.28wltjrPenguin: one sec
21:04.41PenguinIn the Cisco phone, you change the CLIENT port.
21:04.52PenguinAnd then you specify the client port for the asterisk devices.
21:05.22wltjrPenguin: orginally with polycoms I did no set the port
21:05.40wltjrright now I have just 1 extension configured on port 5060 and its failing registration
21:05.56wltjrthis crap username mismatch, have <11>, digest has <>
21:06.04PenguinExtensions don't have ports.
21:06.07PenguinWhat's with all the different port numbers?  Is something wrong with the normal 5060?
21:06.46wltjrPenguin: no clue, not sure why I did that, might have been a quirk with the spa-501g, I think they can't listen all on port 5060 or something
21:07.17wltjrI never realized those phones were such junk I have an old linksys one that has all the same issues, can't disable call waiting without making phone 1 line and so may other stupid things
21:07.40PenguinIf the phone was on a different network segment with a NAT in between or something like that, I could understand all the different ports.
21:08.30PenguinI'm not sure where the client port setting would be in the polycom.  I usually use the Linksys phones, and it's pretty clear in the web UI.
21:08.33wltjrPenguin: no its on its own network, vlan and everything, some of that is on a different network for now, putting in smart switches so that will be corrected
21:08.56wltjrjust makes no sense why the polycomes keep failing authorization and not sending over the right stuff
21:09.05wltjrhere is a single line config
21:10.40Penguinaddress, auth.userId, and auth.password ... look fine, so I would think it would register.
21:10.57wltjrPenguin: me to, and it does sometimes... its pretty crazy
21:12.25*** join/#asterisk brut- (
21:12.30PenguinDid you check the sip debug to see if the phone even sends a REGISTER at all?
21:12.54wltjrPenguin: I am seeing the registration fail
21:13.01wltjrRegistration from '<sip:11@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
21:13.13PenguinOh.  That's pretty clear cut.
21:13.17*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
21:13.31wltjryes, and I have make sure the username and password are correct, but the problem is before that
21:13.35wltjrusername mismatch, have <11>, digest has <>
21:13.47wltjrI googled that and others reported same issue but firmware update worked for them does not for me
21:14.40PenguinI have trouble remembering if digest is what the phone sends or if it's what is in asterisk.  I feel like the digest is the phone.
21:15.03brut-hi folks - quick question: does anyone know if asterisk has the option of sending an in-dialog OPTIONS ping during call setup? I haven't found anything in the docs or in any of my configs for it.
21:16.50wltjrPenguin: I think it is, I am pretty sure the problem is on the phoens end, * hasn't changed, I am just swapping out phones, should be simple I cannot believe I am stuck at registration
21:19.56wltjrPenguin: same problem firmware update resolved it ->
21:25.52wltjrthinking polycom is worse than cisco on the phone with them but they want me to go through the company I got them from when this could be some software bug, really stupid...
21:26.52wltjrjust tried on another have 7 of them here, just configured server, 1 extension, and same thing, fails to register, seem all entrly level phones are crap, might just go with grandstream...
21:27.09wltjror buy used 7960s off ebay..
21:34.13wltjrpolycom is making me call the vendor, so the vendor can call Polycom with me on the phone, give them their polycom certified # so polycom will speak to me, completely stupd
21:34.29wltjrhere is same problem on their support forum
21:34.48PenguinIs the solution listed?
21:38.15*** join/#asterisk pigeonflight (~macuser@
21:38.48mic_just before I order a straight jacket for myself
21:38.57mic_type = friend vs peer
21:39.14mic_friend just makes sure it's matched by the username as well?
21:39.23PenguinNot entirely.
21:39.56mic_Or only by the username?
21:39.59pigeonflightare these services like tollfreeforwarding and ringcentral needed in order to get a tollfree number?
21:40.47PenguinUsing type=peer causes matching by IP/port.  user matches by username.  friend creates both a peer and a user and attempts to match incoming calls by username first; outbound calls will be treated like type=peer.
21:41.42mic_Penguin: well, that would mean outbound calls should be matched by IP/port
21:41.55PenguinOutbound calls are not matched.
21:41.58Penguinso no.
21:42.00*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
21:42.05mic_crap, right.
21:42.13mic_treated != matched.
21:43.24PenguinIf you make a call to a device that is type=friend, the call will use the IP just the same as if it was type=peer.
21:43.30PenguinThat's what I meant by treated.
21:44.14mic_Ok, I am clear.
21:44.20mic_Thanks a lot, I can go to bed now ;)
21:48.52Penguinpigeonflight: Most ITSPs have toll free numbers.
21:49.49pigeonflightPenguin: who are the trusted names among ITSPs?
21:49.56PenguinWhich country?
21:49.59pigeonflightthis is all new  to me
21:50.05pigeonflightUS/CAN toll free
21:51.49pigeonflightPenguin: any others? for comparison?
21:52.01brut-I use voicepulse myself
21:52.12brut-they work pretty decent, never used any of their 800 stuff though, but they do have it
21:52.19pigeonflightand these guys have minimum monthly fees?
21:52.55brut-my voicepulse is like $12/month minimum
21:53.01pigeonflightgoes off to do more investigation
21:53.03brut-pstn termination fees, etc
21:53.16pigeonflightI need sip termination only
21:53.31PenguinWhat do you think you're going to terminate to?
21:53.38brut-yeah, the PSTN charge is to receive calls from the PSTN world on your SIP side
21:53.44PenguinThey don't terminate to SIP.
21:53.55brut-calls still have to get onto the SIP network from the PSTN somehow
21:53.56pigeonflight:) learning the terminology
21:54.02PenguinThey terminate to the PSTN like every other VoIP telephone company.
21:54.06*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:54.31pigeonflightI was thinking from tollfree number --> SIP = sip termination
21:54.39pigeonflightstill have a bit of reading to do
21:54.51infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
21:55.10PenguinFrom a toll-free number to you by SIP is origination.
21:55.20drmessanoSIP <-----> Ball of wire known as PSTN <-----> SIP
21:55.28pigeonflightI pretty much want to do 99% RECEIVE calls
21:55.42PenguinYou'll want an ITSP.
21:55.56PenguinIf you don't need to get calls from the PSTN, you don't need the ITSP.
21:56.33pigeonflightPenguin: I would need to get calls from the PSTN... since most toll free callers would be PSTN right?
21:57.01PenguinIf I wanted to call you by dialing your toll-free number, I'd use the PSTN to do it.
21:57.05pigeonflightbut all my termination would pretty much be SIP
21:57.20PenguinWhere will you be terminated these calls?
21:58.02PenguinWill you be calling people's regular phone numbers and expecting them to pick up their phones?
21:58.10pigeonflightPlivo based endpoints
21:58.36pigeonflightall soft phones
21:59.09pigeonflightwhere do I go to get good prices on SIP phones btw?
21:59.10*** join/#asterisk sp00kz (~ilubj00@unaffiliated/sp00kz)
21:59.25PenguinI'll rephrase:  from your phones that are peered to asterisk, will you ever be calling regular phone numbers of people who have phones in their houses?
21:59.47pigeonflightnot for this project
21:59.56pigeonflightthe use case will arise for other projects
21:59.58PenguinThen there is no termination service needed.
22:00.17pigeonflightbut ITSP is needed for origination, correct?
22:00.19PenguinIf you aren't sending calls out to the PSTN, you don't need the termination service from an ITSP.
22:00.37PenguinTo get calls FROM the PSTN, you'll use the ITSP's origination service.
22:01.05PenguinThey'll offer you both; you just don't have to use outgoing calling.
22:01.09pigeonflightPenguin: Is there such as thing as signing up only for origination services?
22:01.21PenguinSee previous statement.
22:02.01PenguinUsually, they just provide "service."  You either use what they provide or you don't.  Termination service will be available, even if you never send a call outbound through them.
22:02.25PenguinIf you sign up and have credit available, you CAN make calls through them, but you don't have to.
22:02.52PenguinBuy a phone number or port your existing number in, and that's how you use their origination services.
22:03.49pigeonflightPenguin: so I went to this place called and saw a vanity number that I liked, but someone told me not to buy from them
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22:04.00pigeonflightPenguin: does it matter?
22:04.07PenguinCheck for it from another provider.
22:04.26pigeonflightlike I guess?
22:04.33PenguinWith local numbers, most providers have the same pool available.  I don't know how it works with toll-free numbers.
22:05.50wltjrfinally got polycom on phone after 3 way call with resller... now polycom is realizing I am dealing with some bug in phone... nice first experience...
22:06.48wltjrfirst time I have ever had registration issues... the most basic voip stuff... vvx 300 very nice phone, nice web gui etc, but dont work :(
22:07.19wltjralso pretty crazy their config defaults to 24 calls per line, wow...
22:07.20Penguinpigeonflight: If you'll PM me the number you're looking for, I'll check in SMS800 database to see if they can get it.
22:08.25pigeonflightPenguin: I'm looking at 400 minutes per day, I know that's modest compared to carriers but would these ITSPs still be the way to go?
22:08.53pigeonflightwe're currently doing 150 minutes and looking for better pricing
22:09.03drmessanoI do 100 minutes a month on my flowroute account for home.  Not a problem
22:09.12PenguinPer minute pricing for toll-free is going to add up fast.
22:09.26pigeonflightPenguin: that is also a problem at the moment
22:09.39pigeonflightwhich is why we're looking for smaller segments
22:10.16PenguinIt won't be a problem to do 400 minutes a day, but I was just thinking of the $10 per day it will cost.
22:12.07pigeonflightPenguin: it's for a company that will have a call center with around 10 agents behind sip phones
22:14.04pigeonflightso $10 for 400 minutes is a competitive price then?
22:14.44PenguinI think price is 2.5c per minute for toll-free.
22:15.20pigeonflightI guess I'll shop around
22:16.43Kattyfile: are you surviving alabama ok?
22:18.06*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
22:18.08*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
22:19.04*** join/#asterisk pigeonflight (
22:19.51carrarGot a emergency underground shelter in Alabama? :)
22:19.56*** part/#asterisk russum (~russum@
22:20.27fileI know to go to the stairs if something weather-like were to occur.
22:20.38filestairwell, that is
22:20.58*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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22:29.38Kattyfender bender.
22:29.52*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-zznafmsrztfycqkl)
22:30.58[TK]D-FenderKit Kat kitty katty
22:33.02*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
22:39.14pigeonflightanyone done business with
22:47.12wltjrthink I tracked down the problem looks like the phone is sending an empty user name for some reason...
23:25.28crumbwhere the instructions for installing g729 codec
23:27.53crumbwith licenses
23:30.19crumbyeah, that's what i've been reading :/
23:30.34PenguinDid you not just request the instructions?
23:30.45crumbi don't know -_-
23:31.17PenguinAlbeit a poorly constructed question, I believe that you just asked where the instructions are to install the codec.
23:31.20PenguinI provided it to you.
23:31.55crumbwell, somebody made their own g729 codec implementation for arm and i finally got the license key
23:32.05crumbhe said the installation is similar to digium's
23:32.36PenguinIf your license is not from Digium, ask your license vendor for his instructions.
23:33.18crumbd'oh.. supposed to be using asterisk 11

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