IRC log for #asterisk on 20130926

00:00.19WIMPyAh, it works if I remoce that control char at the end.
00:00.51qakhanNix414s here is my config
00:00.52WIMPyLooks like Freepbx shit. And more importantly it has no timestamps.
00:01.04qakhanand description
00:01.51tm1000pulled right from asterisk -rvvvv me thinks
00:02.07WIMPyAnd enabling debug for chan_dongle might also shed some light.
00:02.31WIMPyNo reason not to have timestamps.
00:02.46wacomcitoits a asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv registry.
00:02.58wacomcitono /var/log file.
00:04.11WIMPyEnable timestamps in your asterisk.conf.
00:04.33*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
00:04.41WIMPyAnd/or enable debugging. Don;t know the command off head. I haven't installed chan_dongle ATM.
00:04.42wacomcitowich file debug or log? is better from pastebin
00:05.33WIMPydid not understand that question. Please rephrase.
00:08.46wacomcitothe full debug with timestamps
00:09.35WIMPyOk, so 3s seem to be a realistic time for a call attempt.
00:11.02Nix414sqakhan: thats pretty cool. it works when a call comes in from the PRI and is redirected to Swift?
00:12.24wacomcitoi cant understand HANGUPCAUSE = 17.
00:12.47WIMPy17 = "User busy"
00:12.55wacomcitoah.. ok.
00:13.34Nix414swacomcito: go to a phone book and look up Mr. Lonely McNobodyloves me, he's bound to not be busy and can take your call. Also, sorry i'm north american so i have to ask this: are you certain the number format is correct for your trunk?
00:14.33wacomcitoyes numbers are ok
00:14.34qakhanNix414s if you dial the number which i mentioned. you can hear the choppy vocie.
00:14.37wacomcitodngle status says:
00:14.59wacomcitoLocation area code : CBD
00:14.59wacomcitoCell ID : 8B7
00:14.59wacomcitoSubscriber Number : +34696675349
00:14.59wacomcitoSMS Service Center : +34609090909
00:15.12qakhanbut if i dial through ext then voice the very clear
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00:15.55WIMPywacomcito: Looks ok so far. Try to enable dongle debug.
00:16.28wacomcitowith set?
00:17.24WIMPyDon't know the command off head. I haven't installed chan_dongle ATM.
00:17.27Nix414sqakhan: my guess at the choppiness is g729. its an evil vile beast when working with a PRI. For testing purposes have everything negotiate in g711 and see if the choppiness is still there.
00:18.59qakhani tested with ulaw and alaw, i heard only static. i even could not hear any single word
00:20.41Nix414sqakhan: weird ... point the phone number to a phone with only ulaw, is the audio still choppy?
00:21.24Nix414sqakhan: have the phone connected directly to serverA. no need to muddy up the test with that iax bridge.
00:22.11*** part/#asterisk Nix414s (
00:24.23qakhanyes PRI is connected server A, and all calls are fine from PSTN
00:24.33qakhanwhile i use g729
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00:45.48qakhanguys i fixed it
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01:31.58mmouranisalut tout le monde
01:32.01mmouranihi everyone
01:32.08mmouranihope your doing good today
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01:50.28mmouranii have a mac osx lion and wireshark is not working on my machine
01:50.34mmouraniany idea ?
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02:32.36cstk421anyone ever use whatsup gold to monitor ?
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03:19.27mattc-ucwbhi, my name is Matt. I am looking for some help in regards to Snom 320 and expansion panels
03:19.51mattc-ucwbi work for a not for profit organisation in Australia
03:23.07mattc-ucwbthe exp panels are being used as switchboard/speed dial, and 13xxxx numbers are not being recognised
03:30.42mattc-ucwbis anyone here?
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03:41.25mattc-ucwb@rumbles Hi!
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05:04.04*** join/#asterisk pensmit (~pensmit@unaffiliated/pensmit)
05:04.28pensmitWhat do you have to do to get a blf light to light up for voicemail?
05:11.40*** join/#asterisk usrb1n (55ba790f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:13.03usrb1nHello guys. I used to install always only Asterisk server and FreePBX. Now I'm trying to fix something on a server but it has a2billing installed. This has removed all the configs from /etc/asterisk. There's no sip.conf, extensions.conf...etc.
05:13.12usrb1nAnd a2billing.conf only contains the database info and few more things
05:13.24usrb1nI need to bind he IP address to asterisk because it's not listening on eth0
05:13.42usrb1nAnd I can't find any config to do that. Do you guys have any idea where can I configure this ?
05:18.07ChannelZbind the IP address to asterisk for what?
05:18.26usrb1nBecause it's not working on public ip address
05:18.37*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
05:18.48ChannelZbut for what? are you talking about SIP or what?
05:18.49usrb1nThe port remains closed. I've stoped iptables and there's no other firewalls on the server
05:20.25*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-pndqssyebaicuzhp)
05:20.47kaldemarusrb1n: how did you judge it to be closed?
05:20.49ChannelZ..the port for WHAT...
05:21.10usrb1nPort 5060 so asterisk can get the calls. Isn't that normal ?
05:21.41ChannelZnot without sip.conf (and thus chan_sip) running
05:21.53kaldemarport 5060 what?
05:21.56ChannelZAnd it's UDP so if you are trying to telnet or something as a test, that won't work
05:22.15pensmitWhat do you have to do to get a blf light to light up for voicemail?
05:22.31ChannelZconfigure the mailbox for the peer
05:22.49pensmitcan you give me an example
05:22.54pensmitfor instance i was using freepbx and
05:23.11ChannelZoh.. FPBX I have no idea
05:23.17pensmitno base asterisk
05:23.21pensmitwas using freepbx
05:23.23ChannelZburied as some option somewhere no doubt
05:23.33pensmitso freepbx it was working
05:23.40pensmitbut now in base asterisk
05:23.49pensmitthe key associated with a *97
05:23.55pensmitwill fetch the voicemail
05:24.03pensmitbut i can't figure out how to get it tolight up
05:24.27pensmitlets say yeah 200 is an extension
05:24.35pensmitand the mailbox is 200
05:24.44ChannelZWell not sure what *97 has to do with MWI but in sip.conf give set the mailbox for the peer.
05:24.49ChannelZAsterisk will send notifications.
05:24.59ChannelZOr you can get the phone to subscribe to the mailbox
05:25.15pensmitcould you please give me an example
05:25.55ChannelZI did
05:26.05pensmitjust in the device section of sip.conf for device lets say 200 type mailbox=200
05:26.10pensmitand that's it
05:26.19pensmitthanks a lot
05:26.28ChannelZunder whatever peer
05:27.20pensmitthat worked
05:27.24pensmityou're the man
05:27.45ChannelZwrites that down
05:28.30pensmitmessage waiting indicator?
05:28.47pensmitby the way how do you get the phone to subscribe
05:29.06ChannelZWell no somewhere in the phone's config
05:29.38pensmitsip show subscriptions
05:29.50pensmitok thanks
05:29.53pensmitenough for tonight
05:29.54ChannelZThat would show you if any peers were subscribing to any events
05:30.08ChannelZBut it's a device-side thing, not an asterisk thing.
05:30.15pensmitthank you
05:30.44*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
05:31.42ChannelZThere's no need to subscribe if it's working
05:31.52pensmitthank you
05:32.00pensmitjust trying to understand more
05:32.40ChannelZBut subscription is basically the device asking asterisk "please tell me when something happens".  Setting the mailbox is making asterisk tell the device whether it asked or not.
05:33.05ChannelZs/tell the device/tell the device anyway/
05:33.49pensmitthanks a lot
05:41.10*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
05:41.20pensmitWell that's nuts
05:41.39pensmitthe light comes on but now when I press the message button it says
05:41.49pensmitNot Found: asterisk
05:41.55pensmitand gives me a busy signal
05:42.42pensmitbefore the light wouldn't come on but when I pressed the button it would dial *97 and go to voicemail
05:43.18pensmitexten => *97,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERID(num)}@default)
05:43.26ChannelZThe device has a config for what extension it's supposed to dial when you hit the voicemail button
05:43.47ChannelZlook at the console and see what it's actually dialing.
05:43.54ChannelZOr what is failing.  All will be revealed.
05:43.58ChannelZcore set verbose 3
05:44.10pensmitit's never hitting asterisk
05:44.21pensmiti started teh console with asterisk -rvvvvvv
05:44.35pensmitthat message is on the phone
05:44.44*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
05:44.46pensmitsnom 720
05:45.32ChannelZthen it's busted
05:47.42pensmitno it works fine on freepbx
05:49.42ChannelZSo say you the phone is not sending anything to asterisk.
05:49.58ChannelZdoes the math
05:50.58pensmiti set sip debug on and i see stuff
05:51.22pensmithey do you have to put a nat=yes in the mailbox too?
05:51.52ChannelZthat's a peer option not a voicemail thing
05:52.16*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
05:53.39pensmitLooking for asterisk in employees
05:53.53*** join/#asterisk j4jackj (~jack@
05:53.56pensmita context i have is employees
05:54.01pensmitwhat is this asterisk crap
05:54.04pensmitit's looking for
05:54.23pensmitwhy doesn't the bastard just dial *97
05:54.26pensmitthe bastard
05:54.39j4jackjpensmit: hello?
05:54.42ChannelZI'm not clairvoyant.  No idea what you're looking at.
05:54.49j4jackjSame here.
05:55.17WIMPypensmit: Because that's what your sip.conf says.
05:55.38pensmitno the sip.conf doesn't mention asterisk
05:56.05WIMPyThen it's the default if not configured.
05:56.20pensmitdefault what?
05:56.38pensmitthe phone is programmed to just dial *97 when i press the messages button
05:56.53pensmitbut after i put mailbox=200 on the sip device
05:56.58*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
05:57.03pensmitit does something weird
05:57.06ChannelZThis is all meaningless not seeing any console output, error, configs...
05:57.10WIMPyThe phone doesn't need to be programmed if it's clever.
05:57.30pensmitwhat's the vmexten?
05:58.05WIMPyThe extension to retrieve vm.
05:58.14WIMPyJust as the name suggests.
05:58.33pensmitmaybe the phone is looking for an extension called asterisk
05:58.38pensmitfor vm stuff
05:58.41pensmitlet me put that in there
05:59.17WIMPyI just told you that it's the default.
05:59.29pensmitdon't know what you mean by that
05:59.37pensmitthe phone is asking for that
05:59.51j4jackjpensmit: then it is not our problem
06:00.13pensmiti'm confused
06:00.15WIMPyNo, it's not asking. Asterisk tells it to call there when it notifies the phone about messages.
06:00.17pensmitthe phonen is sending that
06:00.50pensmitcan you define vmexten in the general section
06:00.55WIMPyThat's why I said the phone does't need to be configured.
06:01.12pensmitbased on what Channelz told me earlier
06:01.12WIMPy... If it speaks an Asterisk compatible version of SIP.
06:01.19pensmitthat makes perfect sense
06:02.03WIMPyThe funny thing is that this is not true for the Digium phones.
06:02.23j4jackjWhat? They don't speak AsterSIP?
06:03.07pensmitWorked like a fucking champ
06:03.22pensmitWIMPY and CHANNELZ are awesome!
06:03.24pensmitthanks guys
06:03.28ChannelZFucking champs?  You have different TV channels than me
06:04.43pensmitshould i put vmexten=blah blah in the general section?
06:04.47pensmitof sip.conf
06:04.58pensmitif i want to change that
06:05.05pensmitlast question
06:05.11pensmitthen i'll leave you guys alone
06:05.17pensmiti tell you what
06:05.20pensmitwhy don't i try it
06:05.23pensmitand leave you alone anyhow
06:05.27pensmitthanks guys
06:05.39pensmitI just want you guys to know
06:05.50pensmitYour milkshake truly does bring all the boys to the yard.
06:07.09ChannelZThings in [general] are auto-inherited as defaults to any peers below.
06:19.43*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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06:51.45jeevif ping between two iax2 servers is 25ms, what would cause sip show peers to show the trunk at over 1000ms? it keeps dropping.
06:52.15j4jackjjeev: no such  thing as a sip trunk
06:52.27jeevsorry, iax2 show peers
06:52.49jeevit's fluctuating between 34 and 1034 ms even though icmp is 25ms and 0 packet loss
06:52.56j4jackjit's probably to connection problem.
06:53.09jeevwould i not see the same conneciton problem with ping?
06:53.19j4jackjit's probably thaat  the two servers are  on a slow line that has low latency, like ISDN
06:53.50jeevso the fact that it's fine for 3 months and today is not, no packet loss anywhere, no bw usage..
06:54.20j4jackjMaybe it's Asterisk being arsey.
06:54.32*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
06:55.10jeevi have two WAN, i took it off the 50 meg symmetrical to the 10/1 dsl.
06:55.34jeevlets see how att to att looks
06:56.20*** join/#asterisk atcmmi (~atcmmi@
06:56.52j4jackjPut it on the 50/50 <-> 50/50, or  the 10/1 <-> 10/1 if the 50/50 is problem
06:56.54jeevah, same.
06:57.06jeevit happened again.
06:57.14jeevmust not be a problem with office A
06:58.20jeevjust as a test, i am rebooting the linux router and asterisk box at office B.
06:58.55jeevthere is an openvpn connection also between the two locations and that was not fluctuating.
07:09.58jeevlets see how long it lasts before it pms's
07:10.00jeevgona pass out
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12:55.08pensmitI found a way to dial voicemail whether you're busy or unavailable online and all was working well.  Here is the code.
12:55.50pensmitUntil this morning.  It went to voicemail for someone when they dialed a certain areacode and number.
12:56.02pensmitYeah...the area code started with 202
12:56.19pensmitCan anyone show be a better way to do this to avoid this problem?
13:03.39kaldemarsomeone going to voicemail by dialing something that starts with 202 did not use that extension. unless they managed to dial something that starts with 202-.
13:04.46*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
13:04.58kaldemarGotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY"]?busy) etc. and you can use labels instead of separate extensions.
13:11.46pensmitthanks guys
13:12.32pensmitI think the phone itself is sending that - character
13:12.44pensmitwhen you dial 2027896542
13:12.50pensmitthe goto is perfect
13:14.23Kattygood morning
13:14.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:15.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: how's your back?
13:15.24pensmitHopefully it's hurting him a lot.
13:15.41*** join/#asterisk himura_x_ ( he's too petty to answer questions now.  Sad D-Fender...holding grudges.
13:15.50Kattyhopefully it's not quite so knotty.
13:16.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: normalizing.  Tendons from the neck and shoulder are kinda tense constantly though.  having done a little extra lifting lately I think I can start phasing in the weights slowly
13:16.31Kattyimprovement is improvement!
13:16.38Kattyno more clavical problems either?
13:16.59pensmitThe universe trying to tell him something maybe?
13:17.27Kattypensmit: would you please go drink some coffee and stop ruining my happy morning?
13:17.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: Clavicle fused weeks ago and I haven't put any strain on it really.  minor loss of range of motion, but nothing really inportant
13:17.53Kattypensmit: there's enough crap going on in everyones lives (tho pathetic they may be) without adding to the drama in here.
13:17.56pensmityes, that's it' kiss his butt so you can get your answer
13:18.10pensmitKatty...D-Fender was the me
13:18.14pensmitmultiple times
13:18.16Kattypensmit: i have been mister fenders friend for 7 years
13:18.21Kattypensmit: and i will continue to ask how he is doing.
13:18.24pensmitwell you should know then
13:18.31Kattypensmit: yes, i generally do.
13:18.35Kattypensmit: why are you so cranky this morning?
13:18.43pensmitok i'll tellyou why
13:18.48pensmiti have real users with real problems
13:18.49Kattyplease do.
13:18.51pensmiti started with freepbx
13:18.59pensmitd-fender and his ass clones
13:19.04pensmitwouldn't help me
13:19.08pensmitswitched to asterisk
13:19.23pensmitthen d-fender helps but in the most obnoxious way
13:19.34pensmitrefuses to help cause i called him on it
13:19.42pensmitso he's only reaping what he sowed
13:19.47pensmitso...fuck him
13:19.52Kattyi do understand the frustration of your situation.
13:19.57Kattybut please keep in mind we are all volunteers in here
13:20.07pensmitlike i said...fuck him
13:20.15Kattywe are not paid to sit around and fix your problems for you
13:20.28Kattyif you need help, in a bad way, asap..i would recommend a consultant.
13:20.35pensmitI say, if you can't be a normal, nice human being
13:20.37Kattyfender can be a bit...blunt at times.
13:20.40pensmitthat is considerate of others
13:20.55pensmitdon't spend your time harassing people in a channel like this to get your jollies and ego stroked
13:20.59pensmitthat's all it is really
13:21.12Qwellpensmit: Go away.
13:21.26pensmitlooks like an ass clone
13:21.28Kattybut i enjoy harassing people.
13:21.34pensmitwell do it
13:21.37pensmitjust expect blowback
13:21.44*** kick/#asterisk [pensmit!~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Go. Away.)
13:21.44*** join/#asterisk pensmit (~pensmit@unaffiliated/pensmit)
13:22.03Kattygood morning, himura_x_
13:22.22pensmitQwell if you kick only proves that point biggie to me as it's only the new users here that actually help
13:22.47pensmitI've seen channels get corrupted this way
13:22.55*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*pensmit@*unaffiliated/pensmit] by Qwell
13:22.56*** kick/#asterisk [pensmit!~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Past logs agree with me. Bye.)
13:22.57ickmundpensmit: I've felt like you do now at a point, but in the end, if you don't want his expert advice, go ask someone else
13:23.13himura_x_i need your help
13:23.39[TK]D-FenderQwell: *sigh*
13:24.02Qwelland of course he messages me.  Why did I have to get "one of those" this morning?
13:24.11himura_x_i have a problem with pickup call in asterisk 1.4
13:24.37himura_x_i need rescue the callerid in my sip phone
13:24.46Kattyhugs Qwell
13:24.47Qwellhimura_x_: ...rescue?
13:24.53sruffellhugs all around!
13:24.59Kattyhugs sruffell
13:25.08[TK]D-Fenderhimura_x_: Please note that no branch below 1.8 is actively supported.
13:25.30WIMPyhimura_x_: Upgrade and it will magically work.
13:25.51KattyQwell: i think we need to go find a little coffee shop hole in the wall and try This Morning all over again
13:26.31himura_x_caller id know who's calling
13:27.06himura_x_upgrade is oly options
13:27.12himura_x_only option
13:27.39[TK]D-Fenderhimura_x_: 1.4 does not have that option.  When you do a pickup you a re placing a call, not "receiving"  one
13:29.43[TK]D-Fenderhimura_x_: Current branches have support for pushing the callerID to the phone.
13:29.48[TK]D-Fenderhimura_x_: UPGRADE <_
13:30.05*** join/#asterisk gaps (48344182@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:30.20himura_x_ok thanks
13:30.28gapscan i use hangup handlers for dial status... ?
13:30.50[TK]D-Fendergaps: What is your goal?
13:31.40gapsactually sometimes if my dialed number is busy via gsm network, asterisk is restarting.. inspite of that.. thought of handling the hangup... status
13:32.07[TK]D-Fendergaps: By "asterisk restarting" do you mean actually CRASHING and the process reloading?
13:32.23gaps[TK]D-Fender: yes
13:32.56[TK]D-Fendergaps: then I'm not sure what you meant by "hangup handlers".  An Asterisk crash is just a crash....  somehting is unstable.  What version are you running?
13:33.14gaps[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk 11.1.2
13:33.50[TK]D-Fendergaps: 11.5.1 is the current release.  Please upgrade and see if the problem persists
13:33.58*** join/#asterisk emk (~emk@unaffiliated/emk)
13:34.38gaps[TK]D-Fender: I think I can't upgrade because am using Sangoma GSM card... and they have given patch for Asterisk 11.1.2
13:35.20[TK]D-Fendergaps: Sangoma does not care about Asterisk.  They interface with DAHDI.
13:35.27[TK]D-Fendergaps: Whose version you DON'T have to change
13:35.55gaps[TK]D-Fender: Ok
13:38.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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13:43.51gaps[TK]D-Fender: So no use if I check the dial status and if it is busy I can play some message, so that I can avoid Asterisk service restart... ?
13:44.31*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
13:45.04[TK]D-Fendergaps: Asterisk should not be crashing.  Crash = game over.  No dialplan app is going to save you from that.
13:47.30gaps[TK]D-Fender: Ok... fine..
13:47.34gaps[TK]D-Fender: Thanks
13:47.43*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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14:15.55Kattywaves to putnopvut
14:16.07*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
14:16.52putnopvutspins in a circle and waves, figuring that one of those directions is where Katty is
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14:28.10anonymouz666I am back
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16:09.15*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
16:12.32Kattylooks in
16:13.11[TK]D-Fenderlooks out
16:13.30newtonrlooks between
16:13.43*** join/#asterisk vittorio88 (
16:14.49*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
16:15.05Kattyprepositional phrases for everyone!
16:15.37[TK]D-Fenderit isn't it, is it?
16:20.52vittorio88Hi, everbody! I've been using Asterisk for a while, and I have a nasty problem I can't fix. I am a SW engineer.
16:20.55vittorio88I am trying to set ip sip/tls on asterisk 11.5 with blink on win7 and Ubuntu raring. Neither works.
16:20.56vittorio88I successfully authenticate and can dial, but get NO AUDIO. Same config with no tls works just fine.
16:20.56vittorio88Asterisk prints:
16:20.58vittorio88[Sep 19 14:40:20] WARNING[3965]: tcptls.c:261 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed!
16:20.58vittorio88[Sep 19 14:40:52] NOTICE[3803]: chan_sip.c:27543 handle_request_subscribe: Failed to authenticate device "vitto" <>;tag=gyrBSLiINm5odzuoicYskTta2IE-edB3 for SUBSCRIBE
16:20.59vittorio88Any ideas as to the cause or possible debugging steps? I have been tearing my hair out on this one for a couple of weeks now.
16:21.01vittorio88I set up another Asterisk with a similar config, and it works with the softphone locally.
16:21.01vittorio88Is it possible the no audio problem is a networking issue, and the not caused by the issue from the warning?
16:21.03*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
16:21.07*** kick/#asterisk [vittorio88!~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (pastebin)
16:23.25FaustovQwell: he hasn't really broken the rule of 4 lines
16:23.35Faustovjust saying...
16:23.48QwellLast I checked, 13 was bigger than 4.
16:25.42[TK]D-FenderFaustov: note the line doubling and time-stamps   that was a giant mangled copy/paste
16:26.10Faustovyeah you're right
16:26.18Faustovjust defends people from time to time
16:26.26*** join/#asterisk vittorio88 (
16:28.12vittorio88Hi. I have an issue with Asterisk, sip and tls. It is decribed here:   Can anyone gimme a hand?
16:28.13*** join/#asterisk Katty (
16:28.37[TK]D-Fendervittorio88: [Sep 19 14:40:52] NOTICE[3803]: chan_sip.c:27543 handle_request_subscribe: Failed to authenticate device "vitto" <>;tag=gyrBSLiINm5odzuoicYskTta2IE-edB3 for SUBSCRIBE <- this is a SUBSCRIBE, not a CALL.
16:28.47[TK]D-Fendervittorio88: You are not showing relevant debug
16:31.02vittorio88ok. one sec plz.
16:31.49vittorio88ok. so it is likely that that message is unrelated to the call itself?
16:32.04vittorio88because the softphone shows authenticated
16:33.40vittorio88I receive those messages continuously with asterisk running.
16:33.54[TK]D-Fendervittorio88: SUBSCRIBE is not a CALL.
16:34.00[TK]D-Fender\vittREGISTER is not a call.
16:37.26vittorio88ok. that's clear now. what could be the causes for  FILE * open failed ?
16:38.28navaismonot ca installed correctly
16:38.39vittorio88on client or server end?
16:41.39anonymouz666is it possible to define the directory of "make samples" on command line?
16:41.46anonymouz666to not overwrite the default /etc/asterisk
16:44.51*** part/#asterisk volga629 (
16:46.37vittorio88in makeopts, the variable ASTETCDIR defines where make samples puts the samples
16:47.12vittorio88I would modify it there run make samples and then modify it back because it may serve other purposes
16:47.35vittorio88alternatively you can temporarily rename /etc/asterisk to /etc/asteriskBACKUP
16:47.38vittorio88then make samples
16:47.52[TK]D-Fenderor just never "make samples"
16:48.37[TK]D-Fenderall it does is copy the folder that's right there.  It's a practically worthless command.
16:48.58*** join/#asterisk k610 (
16:51.31vittorio88yeah. in configs.
16:53.33vittorio88is there a proper way to install the ca cert other than just reference it in sip.conf ?
16:55.47dongola7vittorio88: might be a dumb question, but you have the right permissions set on your certs and keys, right?
16:56.02dongola7vittorio88: because i've goofed that up regularly
16:56.02vittorio88yeah, thanks
16:56.07vittorio88me too.
16:56.19vittorio88666 and owner is asterisk
17:01.17vittorio88is there any way to know what file tcptls.c: FILE * open failed! is referring to?
17:03.18*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
17:03.42dongola7vittorio88: suppose you could look through the asterisk source (the line number is right there, after all), but it doesn't appear to be obvious at first glance. did you have this working first _withou_ TLS enabled? Might be worth a shot that way.
17:05.51vittorio88i have 2 parallel configs that are identical except for tls
17:05.59vittorio88udp works, tls doesn't
17:06.04dongola7vittorio88: looks like it's something with the SSL socket, which traces back to the SSL context, and that's as far as i got.
17:06.41vittorio88ok, so I guess it's not referring to a file on my system or even my certs
17:06.59*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
17:08.39vittorio88the strange thing is the sip client authenticates, so that mean SSL is working, correct? I can dial, I just don't have audio.
17:11.35dongola7vittorio88: can you post your sip.conf file? (hiding the secrets)
17:12.37dongola7vittorio88: as well as a copy of the asterisk console output when you try to make a call?
17:13.01vittorio88ok. I need to prepare it. gimme a min
17:26.03vittorio88here is sip.conf
17:26.13vittorio88here is a test call
17:26.35vittorio88there is no audio for that call
17:27.05[TK]D-Fendervittorio88: TLS is also only the SIP negotiation.
17:27.15[TK]D-Fenderviiit has precisely nothing to do with the AUDIO
17:28.51vittorio88yeah, i know. i'm just mentioning it.
17:29.45[TK]D-Fendervittorio88: You should instead... be looking at the actual full call.
17:30.02*** join/#asterisk luke_ftw (~luke_ftw@unaffiliated/luke-ftw/x-9245329)
17:30.06vittorio88want the sip debug?
17:32.12*** join/#asterisk nam3l3zz (
17:37.14*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (~eXcAliBuR@
17:37.25eXcAliBuRI need a pastebin
17:37.54[TK]D-FenderGo get one
17:38.14eXcAliBuRi see lots of them in my cli
17:38.35eXcAliBuRis somone trying to use my box?
17:38.39[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: clearly
17:38.59[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: And you are allowing anonymous SIP calls to hit your dialplan.
17:39.05SuperNulli know this is bad practice but i have an 'emergency' legacy box i need to build.. how do i get the addons to compile ? i do make in the folder and it bitches
17:39.16eXcAliBuRhow do i fix it?
17:39.40[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: "allowguest=no" in [general]
17:41.18eXcAliBuRi did thaqt
17:41.21eXcAliBuRam i safe now?
17:41.36eXcAliBuRdid i stop al-quada from using my box?
17:42.08[TK]D-Fenderdepends on your definition of "safe" and "from whom"
17:42.55SuperNullnm got the problem was missign dev files.
17:47.52ChannelZ-Wkuse fail2ban to block them
17:50.28dongola7vittorio88: sorry, i got nothing.  i'm not seeing anything weird in the sip.conf, but those SSL errors bother me.
17:52.46vittorio88thanks for taking a look at it! they are ugly errors. They are the only ones present on my box and they are recurring.
17:54.46vittorio88i'm going afk, but i'll be back later. please let me know if anybody find anything!
17:59.57*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
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18:14.12anonymouz666who is going to astricon 10?
18:14.24ChannelZ-WkI"m going to the bathroom in 10
18:14.28Qwellanonymouz666: #astricon
18:15.16_Corey_There's an #astricon ?  ;)
18:15.41Qwell_Corey_: every year
18:15.52*** join/#asterisk MLNoah (
18:15.55*** join/#asterisk d45h (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
18:18.00_Corey_I hope someone checked the hotel this year to make sure there was actually cell coverage...  ;)
18:19.56mjordanWiFi and cell coverage at conferences is like snipe hunting. It sounds plausible, but is really just an exercise in futility.
18:20.26newtonrYeah I was about to say. Your choice of building is constrained by much more than cell coverage availability.
18:20.35_Corey_AT&T was particularly problematic last year on the ground floor...
18:21.40newtonr_Corey_, getting good wifi and cell coverage was high on everyones list, so there is that. No guarantees. :D
18:24.17*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
18:28.07*** join/#asterisk gaps (48344182@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:30.34navaismoMy exboss will talk in the astricon somone please make a stream
18:31.28_Corey_newtonr: I'm kidding around slightly...  obviously it's a challenge.  I think the total lack of signal was confined to AT&T
18:31.51mjordannavaismo: talks are typically recorded
18:31.59mjordannavaismo: live streams are a bit more challenging
18:32.39newtonr_Corey_, Yeah I had AT&T and had to go all the way outside the building to get any signal last year. I think they had a Faraday cage in there
18:32.53leifmadsen#astricon is now open for business!
18:33.01MLNoahI have an Asterisk 11 system where some peers are configured so that their MWI light checks multiple mailboxes (e.g. SIPPEER(peerinfo,mailbox) returns mailbox@context,mailbox2@context).  I want users who only have one mailbox that they're monitoring to automatically get connected to their mailbox with VoiceMailMain, but users with multiple to be prompted for which # to check
18:33.02leifmadsenQwell: oh you already mentioned it
18:33.05leifmadsennice moves
18:33.06Qwellleifmadsen: so late
18:33.09leifmadsenQwell: ikr?
18:33.56MLNoahis there a performance difference between using REGEX() or $["VAL" = FILTER("VAL")] to see if the user has two mailboxes?  or is there another, better way to do it that i'm not thinking of?
18:36.23*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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18:36.55giovanianyone here used voxbone?
18:44.30ChannelZ-WkRegex is probably slower than most but unless you're doing it thousands of times a second I'm not sure it could possibly matter
19:04.48*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
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19:53.56foamzcan anyone recommend a voip softswitch?
19:54.01foamzi was looking at A2Billing
19:54.11foamznot sure if that is a recommended solution or not though
19:55.44[TK]D-Fendera2billing is not a "voip softswitch"
19:55.50pabelangernot sure if trolling or serious question
19:56.12[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger: "Powered By Ignorance" (tm)
19:56.14pabelangerfoamz, what do you want to do?
19:57.10*** join/#asterisk ketas- (
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20:02.36foamzuhm sorry
20:02.52foamzi was looking at this
20:02.52*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
20:03.02foamzcalls itself a voip billing softswitch
20:03.17foamzbasically terminating VOIP calls to a GSM gateway from a call originator
20:04.51foamzsorry for ignorance
20:05.07foamzis what im saying making sense?
20:08.10pabelangerfoamz, well, using asterisk you can build it yourself
20:08.24pabelangerif you are looking for an out of the box solution, there are many different ones
20:08.56drmessanoA2Billing is just a GUI using Asterisk.  You don't need A2Billing to terminate voip calls to a GSM gateway
20:09.17drmessanoIts overkill, actually..
20:09.45[TK]D-Fenderfoamz: that is a set of scripts for BILLING based on Asterisk CDR's
20:09.59[TK]D-Fenderfoamz: In and of itself A2Billing doesn't do "voip" .... or anything
20:10.19[TK]D-Fenderfoamz: No more than an iPhone case lets you place calls.
20:12.32ppc[TK]D-Fender: hey whats up
20:14.55foamzok but will Asterisk do what I need?
20:15.29[TK]D-Fenderfoamz: What does this GSM gateway speak?
20:16.25foamzwhat do you mean speak? like SIP?
20:16.57foamzor like G.711 G.729
20:17.09[TK]D-Fenderfoamz: Well * can talk "sip" to that calling end... it's a question of what it would have to speak to this other piece of equipment you're referring to
20:18.01[TK]D-Fender[16:16]foamzwhat do you mean speak? like SIP? [16:16]foamzor like G.711 G.729 <- this is not an "or" question.  SIP is a protocol, the other 2 are voice codecs
20:18.31foamzi was asking if he was asking for protocol or codec
20:18.44foamzsorry if that wasnt clear
20:18.52foamznoob trying to learn
20:19.08[TK]D-Fenderfoamz: You need to understand what each side is speaking.
20:19.29foamzyeah but what do you mean by that? what exactly do I need to match up?
20:19.32[TK]D-Fenderfoamz: If it is a "GSM Gateway", then one end is obviously GSM ... and the other end is SOMETHING ELSE
20:19.43*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
20:19.48[TK]D-Fenderfoamz: It could be a box with POTS lines out the back for all we know
20:20.06[TK]D-Fenderfoamz: What that box does will change what you need for * to talk to it
20:20.46*** join/#asterisk gumati (~gumati@
20:21.01foamzit changes VoIP-SIP or PRI-ISDN to GSM
20:21.06gumatiany expert in sip and dahdi small job but urgent
20:21.26[TK]D-Fendergumati: Does it really require an "expert"?
20:21.32[TK]D-Fendergumati: How much of one?
20:21.47gumatito extension '218925474843' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
20:21.52gumatithis my error
20:21.52[TK]D-Fenderfoamz: Will if it can speak SIP ... and your OTHER end speaks SIP .... the sure
20:22.17[TK]D-Fendergumati: It is clearly sending your call into [default] based on your configs and you don't have a dilplan match for the number
20:22.31[TK]D-Fendergumati: it is VERY specific about what it is looking for, and where.
20:22.47[TK]D-Fendergumati: You shouldn't have to guess why it isn't working.
20:22.57gumatii know
20:23.02[TK]D-Fendergumati: Go look at your extensions and see why it is you don't have  amatch there for it
20:23.07gumatibut am not asterisk and linux
20:23.12gumatiand it's urgent
20:23.29gumatii know it's in extension.conf
20:24.23*** join/#asterisk vaneck (
20:25.57ppcI have a feeling that was urgent
20:28.37navaismoi can charge 300USD for that fix
20:28.50navaismohehe :D
20:29.14[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:29.36*** join/#asterisk gumati (~gumati@
20:30.03gumatisorry got disconnected
20:30.20gumatianyone who willing help me my skype: gumati_m
20:30.53PenguinNow why would I want to go use skype when I'm right here on IRC?
20:31.27ppcso a while ago I setup PIAF to just mess around, tried installing it again last night, what a mess
20:31.53ppcgonna try out elastix
20:31.55PenguinIt's horrible.  If you want something nice and also quick, see AsteriskNOW.
20:32.06PenguinPiaF and Elastix are both horrible.
20:33.10ppcPenguin: Whats so good about AsterisKNOW?
20:33.18navaismogumati: oh you miss my bid of 300USD
20:33.32ppcnavaismo: IT IS URGENT
20:33.41navaismoyes thats why are 300USD
20:33.51PenguinThe best thing is that is doesn't have a bunch of bullshit that you have to wade through to use it, AND we can support it fairly well.
20:33.52navaismoper hour*
20:33.54ppcI have to get my production VOIP system working RIGHT NOW, so I hop onto any IRC channel I can find!
20:34.22PenguinWe can support it even better if you don't mess it up by installing the FreePBX option on it.  If you do that, you'll have to get support from the FreePBX channel.
20:34.26navaismoPenguin: wrong if you mentioned freepbx here the asterisk guys jump and slap your head woth the ~freepbx
20:34.39PenguinI said AsteriskNOW.
20:34.43PenguinNot FreePBX.
20:35.04navaismoUsually people installing asteriskNow intall it with freepbx :P
20:35.05PenguinBut then I mentioned how if he chooses the FreePBX option, he has to go to the FreePBX channel for help.
20:35.12PenguinThey're not all there in the head.
20:35.39*** join/#asterisk gumati (~gumati@
20:35.42gumatiany one here instersted to make money from small and easy job please added me in skype : gumati_m
20:35.48navaismoI guess my bid was to high for an urgent job
20:35.57ppcnavaismo: theres your sign!
20:35.58gumatididnt see it
20:36.25navaismo300 per hour :P
20:36.25gumatiwhat was ur bid?
20:36.53gumatidont mind at all
20:37.00gumatiit's one hour job
20:37.05gumatieven less
20:37.08gumatiadd me
20:37.45ppcI need to get into irc tech support 1099 work
20:39.06navaismogumati: i dont use skype
20:41.11gumatiare you in?
20:47.49*** join/#asterisk jploh (~textual@
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20:55.21anonymouz666simple question: Using Ast 11, the output of "logger show channels" is "Console  Enabled    - DEBUG NOTICE WARNING ERROR VERBOSE DTMF FAX" core set verbose 3 and even with that I can't see [VERBOSE] stuff in CONSOLE
20:56.51anonymouz666- /var/log/asterisk/full              File     Enabled    - DEBUG NOTICE WARNING ERROR VERBOSE DTMF FAX - here outputs correctly
20:58.14navaismoyou mean the formated log in the cli?
21:02.10elgueroanonymouz666: Checkout that might be what you are seeing
21:03.22anonymouz666Yeah... I am running 11.6-rc1
21:04.49mjordanexcept that should be fixed in that version.
21:04.54mjordanSo if you're seeing something else, it's new.
21:05.33mjordanor at least, a variation on the theme of verbose messages having problems in the console.
21:08.17anonymouz666I am trying to see, but verbose doesn't show up :-)
21:09.09newtonranonymouz666, what levels does "core show settings" show your debug and verbose at?
21:09.33anonymouz666debug 0, verbose 3
21:09.36newtonranonymouz666, and are you on a -c console or a -r console ?
21:09.41anonymouz666asterisk -rv
21:10.07anonymouz666I mean asterisk -rvvv :-P
21:11.29newtonranonymouz666, when you say verbose doesn't show up, as you looking for items prefixed with VERBOSE, or are you looking for lines that don't have a prefix (which is what verbose messages look like on the console)
21:12.23anonymouz666yes I am looking for items prefixed with [VERBOSE], I want to show the tech team the call-id stuff.
21:13.10PenguinIf you want it to say VERBOSE, change all your Verbose() lines in dial plan to include those letters in that configuration.
21:13.25newtonranonymouz666, on the console, the VERBOSE items don't have a VERBOSE prefix.
21:14.20anonymouz666so the logger option verbose for file 'full' is behave different than verbose option for console?
21:15.10mjordanverbose to console is a different beast. In fact, it has some specific variants specifically for various consoles
21:15.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:16.37anonymouz666So in the past wasn't that way. Things change. Hehe. Is there a way to [VERBOSE] everything on CLI instead of spreading Verbose() into dialplan?
21:17.55[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: What is this "everything" you're speaking of?
21:18.59anonymouz666[Sep 26 18:18:11] VERBOSE[14202][C-0000000f] netsock2.c:   == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 ... [Sep 26 18:18:11] VERBOSE[14202][C-0000000f] app_dial.c:     -- SIP/300-00000017 is ringing
21:19.22anonymouz666I want to make it to possible for the tech team to see this kind of verbose inside asterisk -r
21:19.37navaismothats what i talking about^
21:20.04[TK]D-FenderYou already always see that stuff at CLI....
21:20.12anonymouz666Not in Ast 11.
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21:20.19anonymouz666Are you using Asterisk 11?
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21:20.28[TK]D-FenderThen you aren't at the right CLI verbose level
21:20.33[TK]D-Fenderand yes.
21:20.40anonymouz666I am at verbose 3.
21:20.45[TK]D-Fendercore set verbose 10
21:20.57anonymouz666doesn't work with 10 either.
21:21.17[TK]D-FenderYou're doing somethng wrong...
21:21.24anonymouz666with [VERBOSE] prefix?
21:21.36anonymouz666with CALL-ID stuff just like I pasted ?
21:21.45[TK]D-FenderThat... would be another matter
21:22.12[TK]D-FenderAnd where do those ID's come from?
21:22.59anonymouz666- /var/log/asterisk/full
21:23.50anonymouz666navaismo: are you fighting with this also?
21:25.16navaismoa workaround for you is: give this commadn to your tech --> tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full
21:26.14newtonranonymouz666, if you want to see verbose messages with a VERBOSE prefix, use the logs. If you don't want the verbose prefix, use the console. That is as simple as it gets. Go beyond that and you are going to complicate things.
21:27.16anonymouz666But using logs I lost the colors... :-)
21:27.25anonymouz666alright guys, I understood.
21:27.33anonymouz666thanks for the explanation
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21:59.03ppcPenguin: I got it working, kind of
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22:06.24ppcI can't hear anything on my 7940 but my voice does make it to the caller
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22:14.13PenguinSounds like a NAT problem.
22:15.12ppchow did i not see that, yes that was it
22:15.17snadgeanyone done much work on the number of simultaneous calls or call connection attempts per second with asterisk?
22:15.38snadgebasically finding the limits of any individual asterisk node
22:15.53pabelangersnadge, load question, really depends on what you are doing
22:15.58pabelangereg: transcoding
22:16.18pabelangerif you need load, drop a proxy in front of asterisk to off-load a bunch of the SIP traffic
22:16.35snadgeyeah.. i will be looking at netscaler for that
22:17.00snadgebut im still curious about how easy it will be to get asterisk to fall over
22:17.14pabelangerthat is a loaded question
22:17.14snadgeapparently the limitation isn't cpu, disk, memory or anything like that
22:17.18snadgebut ports
22:17.29snadgerunning out of available ports
22:17.33snadgein the kernel or whatever
22:17.56snadgeso clearly the solution to that is to load balance like you say
22:17.58pabelangersnadge, what are you trying to do
22:18.14snadgewell its a voip telco.. so route lots of calls i guess
22:18.40snadgei have only just started, so im unfamiliar with the specific configuration details.. ie.. whether transcoding is used etc, im not up to that yet
22:19.05snadgemy task is to set up a test environment, to replicate what they're using in production
22:19.09pabelangerwell, you need to map it out, because you're in for some work
22:19.21snadgeyeah i very much realised that when i signed up for it
22:19.49pabelangerstart with 1 proxy (kamailio) and 1 asterisk box.  Get it working, then add another asterisk box
22:19.51snadgemy level of experience with asterisk is using asterisk now in a small office, with an incoming call directory.. and one outgoing trunk to a single sip provider
22:19.53pabelangerthen another proxy
22:20.00pabelangerrinse and repeat
22:20.11snadgeand using the freepbx web frontend to do that
22:20.33pabelangerya, not going to work using freepbx, it is only designed for a single box
22:20.44snadgegoing from that.. to voip telco, with hundreds of thousands of calls per day
22:20.57snadgeand of course manual asterisk configs etc
22:21.44snadgeits a bit of a stretch i know.. but im not a complete noob, so it should be achievable
22:22.12pabelangerYup, I'm in the middle of doing it right now.
22:22.30snadgetelco or internal office type situation?
22:22.38snadgethe latter is much less stressful ;)
22:23.14pabelangerdeployment of a VoIP network across co-los
22:23.46snadgekamailio is something i should look at then
22:23.59snadgethe technology chief wants me to check out netscaler
22:24.15snadgebecause its a brand name.. and somewhere in its marketing spiel goobledigook it meantions SIP
22:24.30snadgeso it must be good ;)
22:24.40snadgecitrix wants you to pay money for it
22:26.05pabelangerya, you'll want to us something like kamailio or opensips
22:26.12pabelangernot sure what you can all do with netscaler
22:26.23pabelangerbut you'll likely need to be re-writing SIP headers
22:26.26snadgelikely more.. but the question is do we need that and how much does it cost
22:26.36snadgeyes, i read some documentation that mentions reverse nat
22:27.08snadgeso.. the netscaler probably only does what kamailio or opensips does.. with sip in particular
22:27.14pabelangerthere is also specific integration stuff you need to do with asterisk
22:27.16snadgeobviously netscaler is a massive product that does lots of things
22:27.44snadgeif we needed to load balance things other than SIP, it might be worth it
22:27.56snadgei dont know.. ive been asked to look at it so i will, including how much it costs
22:28.08snadgeand whether it does anything that the free ones dont do.. which i doubt
22:28.20pabelangerwell, pay for the product or pay to hire the consultant
22:28.23pabelangerwill be about the same
22:28.29snadgethere is a free 30 day trial
22:28.39snadgeso that presumably will be enough to see whether it does anything good or not
22:30.15ppcsnadge: that sounds like a giant project
22:30.44pabelangerppc, it is
22:31.51snadgeyeah i know.. i basically signed up because im a linux sysadmin, and the job was local
22:32.01snadgedoh.. oh well ;)
22:33.43snadgeapparently dialers are a bit of an issue.. some customers like to send a hundred call connection attempts per second
22:33.59snadgeof course, a small percentage of those calls are actually successful.. but that doesnt matter
22:34.03snadgethe server still has to process them :p
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22:34.59snadgealso its not so bad when one person decides to do that.. its when 3 or 4 people etc
22:35.07snadgeall decide to run their dialers at the same time
22:35.18snadgefacepalm worthy ;)
22:36.22*** part/#asterisk vittorio88 (
22:36.49snadgethis is the kind of stuff you don't have to deal with.. when you arn't dealing with the general public
22:37.05snadgeif it was an office situation.. you'd be like.. what are you doing you douchebag.. stop that
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22:53.02ledoktregreetings everyone.  I'm having a weird problem that I'm hoping is just something simple on my part.  Downloaded Certified LTS 1.8.15-cert3 this morning and went to compile and load it.  Problem is, sip wasn't working.  I figured out that the module was no where to be found.  I thought it must be something I turned off in `make menuselect` - a dependency or something, so I did `make clean` and re-installed from a fresh directory.  No luck.  I did not
22:53.02ledoktreinstall libpri, but I am not and have no intentions of using any PRI channels.  Ideas?
23:10.09ppcweird, everytime i reboot my phone it needs to have all the settings put back in it
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