IRC log for #asterisk on 20130925

00:29.25*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
00:52.17*** join/#asterisk hypknight (~hypknight@unaffiliated/hypknight)
00:52.52hypknight[TK]D-Fender: ping?
01:04.53*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
01:12.05*** join/#asterisk wacomcito (
01:15.19*** join/#asterisk barbosa2 (~juliano.b@
01:15.24*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:22.45snadgegod dammit.. my son has got to my computer
01:23.06*** join/#asterisk hypknight (~hypknight@unaffiliated/hypknight)
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01:25.22*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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01:39.42*** part/#asterisk navaismo (~navai_000@
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01:47.04hypknightAnyone around have experience with running asterisk through a provider proxy with a public registrar?
01:56.46pensmitAnyone know how to get simple parking working?
01:57.02pensmitThe Definitive Guide absolutely sucks for this.
01:57.05pensmitIt's 1 page.
02:05.55pensmitThis does not work:
02:09.53wacomcitosomeone alive?
02:10.48wacomcitoi have a problem when i try to call from a usb dongle. asterisk says: Dial failed for some reason with DIALSTATUS = BUSY and HANGUPCAUSE = 17
02:11.09wacomcitoHANGUPCAUSE = 17¿?
02:11.33*** join/#asterisk elguero (~miguel323@2001:470:1f06:12c4::2)
02:13.57pensmitnoone's here to help
02:14.03pensmitjust a bunch of us asking questions
02:14.54wacomcitofrom 176 users only 2 R wake up...
02:18.30volga629wacomcito try enable debug on asterisk and see where is the trouble
02:19.00wacomcitoi'm running "asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv" fron a console to debug...
02:19.20wacomcitobut no more info is debugged..
02:19.31volga629sip set debug peer
02:19.56volga629possible ip
02:20.27pensmitcan anyone show me simmple example of call parking
02:20.37pensmitand how to make that work?
02:22.10volga629might this more helpful
02:22.11*** join/#asterisk elguero (~miguel323@2001:470:1f06:12c4::2)
02:24.21wacomcito[volga629] the same log... every one is busy.. .but no more info...
02:24.39wacomcito-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:30] Dial("SIP/102-00000006", "dongle/dongle0/69667XXXX,300,") in new stack
02:24.53wacomcito-- Called dongle/dongle0/6966XXXXX
02:25.01wacomcito-- Dongle/dongle0-0100000002 is making progress passing it to SIP/102-00000006
02:25.06wacomcito== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
02:25.23wacomcito-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:31] NoOp("SIP/102-00000006", "Dial failed for some reason with DIALSTATUS = BUSY and HANGUPCAUSE = 17")
02:29.42volga629what is this dongle ? it like raspberry ?
02:30.44wacomcitoits a huawei free.. ina raspberry pi
02:31.25volga629so it going to you PRI provider ?
02:32.33wacomcitoit's registered in net and..
02:33.02volga629congestion is problem with the trunk
02:33.06wacomcitoLocation area code : CBD
02:33.07wacomcitoCell ID : 8B7
02:33.07wacomcitoSubscriber Number : +346966
02:34.29wacomcitoset to 3
02:37.07volga629did you follow the wiki to setup ?
02:38.19wacomcitoyes, i have another sim (another number) and the same conf in two cases... in one case i can call.. (i cant receibe yet..) but i change the SIM and i have a problem Busy to call....
02:39.20wacomcitoi'm lost...
02:40.45*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
02:44.23volga629test with both sims from cli. dongle show device state dongle0
02:49.44wacomcitoonly ok and the same for both..
02:49.59wacomcitotesting config file.. the config file is generated by pbx
02:50.20wacomcitoonly oine difference between... maybe you can translate it...
02:50.39wacomcitoextensions_additional.conf:exten => _00XXXXXXXXX,n,ExecIf($["${KEEPCID}"!="TRUE" & ${LEN(${TRUNKCIDOVERRIDE})}=0]?Set(TRUNKCIDOVERRIDE=+34609XXXXX))
02:51.02wacomcitoin 1 case i have this line in config file.. in 2 case don't.
02:53.14volga629check if this line in question
03:02.45pensmitparking calls
03:02.50pensmitjust does not work
03:02.58pensmitis this not available anymore
03:05.38hypknightit works
03:05.51hypknightdo you have a pastebin of what happens?
03:06.23pensmithere i'll paste it
03:06.26pensmitit's done
03:06.30pensmitnothing happens
03:06.32*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (~Rob7@unaffiliated/x-rob)
03:06.39hypknightthat's really clever
03:06.43hypknightgood luck with your issue
03:06.49pensmitI"m being serious
03:06.53pensmitthere is NOTHING
03:07.05hypknightcore set verbose 6
03:07.08hypknightdo it again
03:07.31pensmiti already did that
03:07.48pensmityou're supposed to press # right
03:07.52pensmitthen the number
03:07.55hypknightdude... if you have core set verbose 6 on, and you call into the switch.. you're going to get something.
03:08.11hypknightthen you have bigger problems
03:08.26pensmitno everything else works
03:08.29hypknightlike your * box is off
03:08.38pensmitam i doing something basic wrong
03:08.46pensmitare you supposed to press #
03:08.46hypknightwith all due respect, you're doing something wrong
03:08.50pensmitwhile you're in the call
03:08.55hypknighti don't care what you press
03:09.05pensmitthen the number defined in
03:09.06hypknightuntil you can post logs of what's going on, noone can help you
03:09.14pensmitnothing happens
03:09.16pensmiti'm telling you
03:09.21pensmitthere is nothing to post
03:09.24hypknightthen it doesn't work
03:09.27hypknightfeature removed
03:09.28pensmiti'm being dead serious
03:09.39pensmitdo you press #
03:09.42pensmitwhile in a call
03:09.46pensmitto activate it
03:09.52hypknighti recommend you pick up the Definitive Guide and read on how to use the CLI
03:09.57pensmiti did
03:10.01hypknightread it again
03:10.07pensmitseveral times
03:10.14pensmitparking is one page
03:10.20hypknighti said CLI
03:10.21pensmityou can read it 1000 times
03:10.22hypknightnot parking
03:10.26pensmitlisten man
03:10.32pensmitthere is nothing to post
03:10.38pensmitasterisk -rvvvvvv
03:10.43pensmiti make the call
03:10.48pensmiteverythign is normal
03:10.50pensmiti'm in the call
03:10.54pensmiti press #
03:10.57pensmitthen nothing
03:11.05pensmitnothing new in the cli
03:11.12pensmitdo you wan the stuff before the # press
03:11.21pensmiti can give you that
03:11.49pensmitit's like it doesn't recognize #
03:11.53pensmitas something valid
03:12.07pensmitdoes that make sense?
03:12.27hypknightpastebin your features.conf
03:12.56pensmitparkext => 70
03:12.56pensmitparkpos => 71-78
03:12.56pensmitcontext => parkedcalls
03:13.29pensmitthen in my employees context i have
03:14.09pensmitinclude => parkedcalls
03:14.18hypknightcall in, transfer the call to extension 70 and hangup
03:14.34pensmiti thought you pressed #
03:14.37pensmitto do that
03:14.45hypknighthave you ever transferred a call?
03:15.01hypknighttransfer the call to extension 70
03:15.17hypknightthen pastebin the cli
03:15.35hypknightif you don't want to do it that's fine, but that's as far as I'm going to take you without it
03:16.13*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
03:20.58pensmitok that worked
03:21.02pensmitso tell me
03:21.12pensmitwhy doesn't the #70 work
03:21.20pensmiti used the transfer button and it worked
03:21.51pensmitI'm missing some basic understanding
03:21.54hypknightmy guess is... pound isn't setup as a shortkey for transfer
03:22.04pensmitwhere would you do that
03:22.20pensmitsorry im confused
03:22.32pensmitis that an asterisk thing or
03:22.34pensmita phone thing
03:22.59pensmitthanks for the help
03:22.59hypknightasterisk has to be in the media path
03:23.03hypknightit apparently isn't
03:23.10pensmitno it is
03:23.15pensmiti mean the call goes through it
03:23.20pensmitif that's what you mean
03:23.33hypknightwhere are you calling from and where are you calling to?
03:23.43kaldemaror features.conf has something else as the transfer key.
03:23.46pensmitcall from landline through asterisk to sip connected phone
03:24.11pensmitfeatures.conf is real simple^
03:24.18pensmitis # the default key
03:24.26pensmitperhaps i have to define it in features.conf
03:24.42pensmitalso i put ,kK on the end of all my Dial statements
03:24.52hypknightis canreinvite set to no?
03:25.03pensmitwhere would that be
03:25.05hypknightthere's no 't' in your dial statement?
03:25.15pensmitno there is not
03:25.26pensmitso ,tkK
03:26.00hypknightAsterisk supports blind (unattended) transfer (on SIP, MGCP and H.323) by pressing # if Asterisk is in the media path, i.e. the Dial() statement has a t or T in it, or if canreinvite has been set to no.
03:26.01hypknightSuch a transfer sets the channel variable TRANSFER_CONTEXT so when a #-transfer is executed it uses ${TRANSFER_CONTEXT} from transferree else from transferer else it acts as always, disregarding any transfer context.
03:27.04pensmitwhere do you set careinvite no at
03:27.23hypknighti suggest you do some reading
03:27.35pensmitthere's a lot
03:27.37hypknightor just use the transfer key and be happy
03:27.44pensmitok thanks for the help
03:30.34*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (~Rob7@unaffiliated/x-rob)
03:32.59pensmitso I put ,tTkK at the end of every Dial I have and still the # doesnt work
03:37.18*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
03:38.25pensmityeah...careinvite is set to no
03:38.31pensmitthis is bugging me
03:43.33pensmitDo you have to do something special for I guess it's dtmf to be recognized mid call?
03:47.53pensmitthis is bugging the shit outta me
03:48.09pensmitthe phone i'm testing on is a snom
03:51.53pensmithey well good news
03:52.30volga629in snom where is identity 1 under sip tab check DTMF via SIP INFO value on
03:52.32pensmitwhen i change the setting "DTMF via SIP INFO:" to sip info only
03:52.52pensmitnothing happens also when on
03:53.15pensmitbut when i put it to sip info only and press the # key
03:53.20volga629check you sip.conf make sure set correct in extension
03:53.28pensmitthe other phone i'm talking with makes a nice farting noise
03:54.42pensmitthose are my settings
03:54.44pensmitfor employees
03:54.53volga629which asterisk version
03:55.02volga629for snom
03:55.48pensmitAsterisk 11.5.1
03:55.51pensmitoh ok
03:55.56pensmitlet me check
03:55.58pensmitthanks alot
04:01.19volga629DTMF via SIP INFO is this value on
04:03.17pensmityes i tried it that way
04:03.26pensmityou think maybe it requires a reboot
04:03.31pensmitof the phone
04:05.01pensmitwhat is the transfer button doing
04:05.04pensmitwhy does that work
04:11.04kaldemaris uses other means to transfer. look at sip debug when you do it.
04:11.35*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:23.25pensmitwell thanks guys
04:23.29pensmitmaybe it's a bug with snom
04:23.37pensmiti'll try another phone later
04:27.02*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
04:51.51*** join/#asterisk itc_ff123 (7dd165ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:57.35itc_ff123sometimes when my call center serices are running , suddenly my services are unable to conect to asterisk while I can ping asterisk server. Excep throw :  Exception, message=Timeout waiting for response to QueueStatus Severity: Error Thread Id: 5504 Extended Properties: stacktrace -    at Asterisk.NET.Manager.ManagerConnection.SendAction(ManagerAction action, Int32 timeOut) in \Asterisk.NET\Manager\ManagerConnection.cs:line 163
04:58.45*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (~Rob7@unaffiliated/x-rob)
05:00.05itc_ff123Please suggest its solution
05:08.57*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-elzwgdvmysypbcbr)
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10:55.22*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
10:55.35gustohey, i have got the fourth edition of the asterisk book, lol
10:56.38gustoasterisk third edition being one of the few books i ve read completely, almost, lol
10:57.31mirela666congrats :D
10:59.08gustothere was one of them with minor demage, so i got it cheaply
10:59.24gustoand now i can send one of them to slovakia, so that i have one here and one there
10:59.34mirela666now you can say "Me gustas Asterisk" :P
10:59.45gustoyes, of course
11:00.13gustoWebRTC is covered there
11:00.31gustosurprise surprise
11:01.08gustoah no
11:01.22gustothey only mentioned there that there is such thing as webrtc, not more
11:05.33gustothe most funny book i got now, apart from karl marx's capital volume1, is HTML5 from Microsoft Press where they are promoting free software, lol
11:09.09gustook, when someone wants to speak me, i am @mcdonalds now
11:10.25*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (~Rob7@unaffiliated/x-rob)
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13:56.39qakhanhi all, what is alternate of manager in asterisk 10 or 11
13:58.04[TK]D-FenderWhat manager?
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14:00.08qakhanmanager service for AGI
14:02.03*** join/#asterisk crumb (crumb@gateway/shell/
14:02.14[TK]D-FenderThose are 2 differnt things
14:02.25[TK]D-Fendermanager = AMI, AGI is completely different
14:02.49crumbok, i i've optimized the g729 codec from to work on ARM, but if i want to release it for commercial purposes what should i do
14:03.16crumbif i buy from sipro i have to buy in bulk
14:03.25[TK]D-FenderCall up the patent owner, get a lawyer.
14:03.58qakhani meant AMI
14:04.07crumband the open source obviously doesn't have a license key activation mechanism
14:04.11[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: What about it?
14:04.23kaldemarqakhan: AMI is alive and well in both asterisk 10 and 11.
14:04.38crumb[TK]D-Fender: couldn't i just buy the numer of licenses i need from digium, and not activate them?
14:07.02*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-kfszhwdyuspoanci)
14:07.31[TK]D-Fendercrumb: You have THEIR licensing to contend with as well.
14:07.46[TK]D-Fendercrumb: sometimes the term "open source" is thrown around a little loosely
14:08.31crumbi don't follow
14:08.49*** join/#asterisk Kraln (~kraln@
14:08.51[TK]D-Fendercrumb: the Intel IPP code you used has it's OWN terms
14:08.52Penguin[TK]D-Fender: its
14:08.53crumbintel has a monopoly on g729?
14:09.01crumbi didn't use IPP
14:09.03[TK]D-Fendercrumb: THEIR code for ti, yes
14:09.09crumbi used the itu implementation
14:09.45[TK]D-Fendercrumb: From where?
14:09.48Tim_Toadycrumb: how you gonna sell something that everybody can compile from source?
14:09.54[TK]D-Fendercrumb: The site you liked shows "To compile the codecs it is recommended to install Intel IPP libraries for production-level performance."
14:10.02crumb[TK]D-Fender: it has both
14:10.10crumbto support non-intel archs
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14:10.58crumbTim_Toady: i'm not selling the codec, i'm selling devices
14:11.07crumbthat will use the codec
14:11.41Tim_Toadycrumb: you certainly need a licencing from the patent holder
14:12.07crumbwhy can't i just buy individual licenses from digium
14:12.22crumbthey're an official reseller
14:13.04Tim_Toadythe digium licene is for something different, not the g729 implemetation you are selling
14:13.28crumbit has to be the same exact implementation?
14:13.59Tim_Toadythats why [TK]D-Fender suggested a lawyer
14:15.28Tim_Toadybtw i have also used the itu implementation in arm hardware, its terribly slow, but at least it gives you g729 support
14:17.27crumbTim_Toady: did you pass -O3 to gcc?
14:18.05crumbi managed to go from ~ 8 seconds to ~ 3.4 seconds for encode
14:18.28Tim_ToadyI played with different optimising flags, the difference wasnt great, i tried O2 O3 and Os
14:18.52Tim_Toadyrasbperry pi btw
14:18.59Tim_Toadyin other cpu things might be different
14:20.05Tim_Toadywith some oveclocking you might be able to get away with 3 transcoding calls
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14:23.08crumbTim_Toady: some guy from the uk did some assembly-level optimizations that got pretty good performance
14:23.25crumbit's hard to get in touch with him though
14:24.51Tim_Toadywell, im not that much interested in this, it was just part of playing with the raspi
14:24.52crumbclaimed you could get up to 8 simultaneous transcodes
14:24.52Tim_Toadymight be possible
14:24.52Tim_Toadyi havent looked at the actual code
14:24.52kpettitI've got a sip provider.  The PBX drops it's connection fairly often and I have to do a "core restart now" to get it back.
14:24.59kpettitAny way I can autmate a restart if the SIP provider connection goes down or to make it try to get it back if it looses it?
14:25.51jmetrokpettit how do you see the provider go down?
14:26.20kpettitwhen I do a sip show peers I don't see it's IP or it's qualify time.
14:26.57kpettitif I do a core restart now I'll see it's IP and it's qualify time again.  But it dones't come back on it's own.  And a outbound or inbound call won't start it either
14:27.02jmetroschedule a job to run every X minutes or seconds to check the peer, if it sees provider is down, asterisk -rx core restart now
14:27.25Guggemaybe just reloading sip :)
14:28.07kpettitA reload would be nice.  Is there a easy way to script that without having to parse a asterisk output line.
14:28.23kpettitI don't think a reload worked.  But I'll test that again next time I see the problem.
14:29.01jmetrothere should be AMI you can use.
14:29.51kpettitI'll take a look.  So there is no other settings in asterisk I can do besides the qualify=yes sort of thing to try and keep or re-initiate the connection?
14:30.50hypknight[TK]D-Fender: ping?
14:30.55jmetrokpettit: that would be the frst thing to look at really, but since you were asking about a core reload..
14:32.17kpettitCoding something is my plan B.  I'm not sure what else I can try in my config's beside setting a sip qualify time.  Any ideas?
14:33.04jmetromaybe your provider can tell you what they expect as a register/qualify time
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14:51.33[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Yes?
14:52.04hypknight[TK]D-Fender: willing to look at a debug and confirm something? I got integra to conform to my ip address space (miracles never cease) but I still get no audio
14:52.19[TK]D-Fender[10:10]crumbTim_Toady: i'm not selling the codec, i'm selling devices <- this is RESELLING.  Something you also have to make sure you have the rights to do
14:52.31*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:52.57[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Show what you've got we'll say what we see...
14:54.20hypknightthanks for the help
14:54.52hypknightthats inbound calling
14:55.38*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
14:56.03[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: to is again and mask nothing except the secrets
14:56.24[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: I don't bother with altered debug.
14:59.03hypknight[TK]D-Fender: hang tight
15:06.07*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
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15:09.26kpettitjmetro, I think I found a setting that may help.  There is a "registerattempts" value that apparently defaults to 10 tries then gives up.  You can change it to 0 to have it continue to try
15:11.57*** join/#asterisk tunage (root@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe69:598d)
15:14.05tunageI have an asterisk server that incremental calls seem to go out of sync (audio turns into garbage) but in the logs, I find only a none describt write error, though the write error seems to occur at different times as well?
15:15.53jmetrokpettit: that could work, but now i've already written the program in my head to check every X seconds for the peer =p
15:16.32*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
15:16.43Greenlighttunage: Which version? Do you have network issues ?
15:16.53GreenlightAre you using AGI ?
15:17.02kpettithaha.  I may still have to do that.  It looks like it's a setting to go in general.  I'll see if it works.  Sad thing is it'll take a few weeks before I know if it didn't anything.  If customer doen'st call I'm good :)
15:17.25tunageGreenlight 1.6 (I know eol, trying to migrate now)
15:17.37Greenlight~upgrade asterisk
15:17.37infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
15:28.18*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
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15:28.47Ice_StrikeWhich 1TB data do you recommend for asterisk?
15:28.53Ice_StrikeWill be setup as Raid 1
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15:35.36Kattyi would think something with high write speeds
15:35.46Kattygranted it's not a video survlance sort of thing
15:35.52Ice_StrikeHow about
15:35.55Kattybut if you're doing database stuffs...
15:36.00Ice_StrikeWD 1TB Blue Desktop Drive SATA 3 WD10EZEX
15:36.04Kattyor possibly videophone stuffs in the future
15:36.04*** join/#asterisk luke_ftw (~luke_ftw@unaffiliated/luke-ftw/x-9245329)
15:36.14Kattyi'd totally get a fast one. sata3 or whatever it's called
15:36.28ChainsawIce_Strike: You should read "blue" as "bargain basement".
15:37.05Ice_StrikeWhich one then
15:37.07ChainsawIce_Strike: If you want RAID, there are "red" drives for explicitly that purpose.
15:37.20ChainsawIce_Strike: But if you want my advice... Hitachi Ultrastar 1TB.
15:37.22Ice_StrikeChainsaw but isnt "red" drives made for NAS?
15:38.25ChainsawIce_Strike: It's made for RAID, because it has Time Limited Error Recovery.
15:38.35Kattywonders if sans would work
15:38.38ChainsawIce_Strike: They've also removed the fancy automatic parking.
15:38.44Kattyi guess you could do a SAN? or a symlink for a san
15:38.45Kattyor something.
15:39.00Kattydepending on what'sg oing on there.
15:39.04ChainsawIce_Strike: So for RAID, that's exactly what you want. But as I said, the Ultrastar 1TB is a server-grade drive and it will do a better job.
15:39.51Ice_StrikeAre you reffering to
15:40.04ChainsawIce_Strike: Yes.
15:40.17Ice_StrikeThanks dude
15:40.24ChainsawIce_Strike: In the interest of full disclosure, I only have first-hand experience with the 7K3000 3TB and the 7K4000 4TB.
15:40.37ChainsawIce_Strike: But their QA process for the 7K2000 series is the same.
15:41.07Ice_StrikePrice seem high, might just get RED
15:41.18ChainsawIce_Strike: And where do you think that price difference comes from?
15:41.31ChainsawMercedes seems expensive, might just get Skoda
15:41.49Kattyjust might get a... pontiac sunfire.
15:42.07Kattyi need a new car.
15:42.10Kattypls advise.
15:42.23Kattyadvises self to get a Mazda 3 hatchback
15:42.49ChainsawKatty: Not a Tesla?
15:42.57Kattyi like tesla :>
15:43.01Kattybut sadly cannot afford it.
15:43.08Kattymaybe when they release that 2nd gen product they're working on
15:43.22Kattypossibly more affordable then :>
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15:59.27chuckfpick'em up truck
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16:19.09justdave_are there recommended RHEL6 packages for asterisk anywhere?  Digium's repo only has RHEL5, and I presumed that was because EPEL started carrying it for RHEL6, but EPEL hasn't been keeping up on security updates
16:23.12drmessanojustdave, Digiums repo has RHEL 6 packages
16:26.33justdaveI suppose I need to clarify that more...  for Asterisk 1.8 branch :)
16:27.00*** join/#asterisk Devon_ (~Devon_@
16:27.01justdaveI do need to switch to 11 one of these days though, but that'll require change board approval and whatnot, bigger project :)
16:27.11drmessanoOh, good luck with that
16:45.06Kattydrmessano: YOU
16:45.09Kattydrmessano: ARE IN TROUBLE
16:45.30Kattymjordan: also. did i mention you're awesome?
16:45.37Kattymjordan: if not, you're awesome.
16:46.21mjordanthe DB function?
16:46.40drmessanoI am?
16:46.46Kattydrmessano: yes. you're always in trouble.
16:46.49Kattydrmessano: for various reasons.
16:46.53Kattydrmessano: all of them valid.
16:46.54hypknightDumb question guys... new sip service... inbound works correctly and maps to an extension from a DID. Outbound fails with: [Sep 25 11:46:30] NOTICE[2173]: chan_sip.c:23276 handle_request_invite: Call from '6513416456' ( to extension '17634633700' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-integra'.
16:46.59drmessanoKatty, definitely
16:47.00hypknightcan someone tell me what I'm missing?
16:47.02Kattymjordan: the passing variables into asterisk.
16:47.09Kattymjordan: specifically for blacklist functionality
16:47.17mjordannp :-)
16:47.20Kattymjordan: i'd so give you a cookie.
16:47.23mjordanSometimes I remember things.
16:47.29mjordanKatty: coming to astricon?
16:47.30Kattyme too! isn't it wonderful?
16:47.31drmessanoKatty, what did I do now?   Because I probably know, but I like humoring those i've wronged
16:47.56Kattymjordan: sadly, i am not. my company hasn't found much profit in the telephony business, so they're not doing much of it.
16:48.07Kattymjordan: hopefully my vmware project will change all that.
16:48.14Kattydrmessano: i don't know.
16:48.18Kattydrmessano: you're just in trouble!
16:48.41Kattyfinds a reason
16:48.51Kattydrmessano: you're in trouble because of your Anterior Pevlic Tilt
16:49.37Kattydrmessano: also, ben gay.
16:50.16*** join/#asterisk zigg (~matt@unaffiliated/zigg)
16:52.44drmessanoBen gay helps with the pain, the problem is my posture.  My ankles are murdered because my heels naturally lift off the ground
16:52.59drmessanoI'd rather fix it than spend all season rubbing creme on
16:53.36Kattyis that an outpatient surgey sort of thing?
16:54.21drmessanoNo, I think its more a physical therapy or training sort of thing.  I've been to 2 PT's and chiropractor, both steering me in different directions
16:55.12drmessanoIt's core strengthening, targeting the muscles in the front of the hip, and the glutes.  There's just so many damn routines and none seem to be effective with me
16:55.13Kattywell. we all know about your recent run in with doctors.
16:55.18hypknightHey guys, anyone able to help me sort a dialplan issue?
16:55.29Kattyoh i know how to fix glute muscles!
16:55.49Kattyor, err strengthen them
16:55.57[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: [Sep 25 11:03:51] NOTICE[2173]: chan_sip.c:23276 handle_request_invite: Call from '6513416456' ( to extension '17634633700' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-integra'.
16:55.59Kattystairs do great, if you have stairs.
16:56.05[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: just like it says.  There is nothing there to match that number
16:56.07Kattyweighted squats are also pretty awesome
16:56.19Kattynever could do lunges. but my balance is pretty lame.
16:56.41Kattyplanks target the abs, but i don't think that's quite the muscle group you're looking for
16:56.57Kattyhad good results with planks, not so much other ab stuffs.
16:57.07drmessanoKatty,  <-- If you're not familiar.  I've spent all 36 years that way
16:57.13hypknight[TK]D-Fender: I figured as much, but the log I show is that it goes through [outbound-integra] which will match that number. why is it trying to reference the inbound context?
16:57.46Kattydrmessano: oh.
16:58.02Kattygoes to stand by a wall
16:58.21[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: No, that is a completely separate call
16:58.45hypknight[TK]D-Fender: it is?
16:58.57Kattydrmessano: is that caused by weight?
16:59.20[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: that error shows a calls that is flat-out rejected
16:59.30[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: not a "I'll see what else I can do with this"
16:59.43hypknight[TK]D-Fender: rejected because it doesn't match right?
17:00.04hypknight[TK]D-Fender: or rejected from the gateway "integra" ?
17:00.05[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: just like it says.  The message it is conveying is explicit
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17:00.18Kattydrmessano: ah sitting. and other assorted stuffs
17:00.32drmessanoKatty, no.. Either training wrong or being idle for too long.  In my case, I think I just never had the strength and nothing was ever done about it in my youth
17:00.52Kattydrmessano: i can get more than a hand behind my back..but not two hands
17:00.58drmessanoHonestly, never knew what they hell it was until the last few years.
17:01.03Kattydrmessano: tho i see women generally have a bit more room in the back
17:01.04[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: There is no "gateway".  That call is accepted... matcing either a peer you entered, or [general] if you permitted unauthed calls altogether... and then being told to go to that context where there is nothing to match that number
17:01.35Kattydrmessano: *nod*
17:01.43Kattydrmessano: well those planks work like a charm on my abs.
17:01.59Kattydrmessano: and the squats have done wonders too
17:02.28Kattydrmessano: planks is hard. i can only hold it for a minute before my abs give out and my lower back hurts.
17:02.28hypknight[TK]D-Fender: that is my point though, it should (and from what I can see does) match outgoing-integra which has a statement: exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@integra)
17:02.52Kattyinfobot: thank you.
17:02.53infobotKatty: gern geschehen
17:03.01[TK]D-Fender[12:55][TK]D-Fenderhypknight: [Sep 25 11:03:51] NOTICE[2173]: chan_sip.c:23276 handle_request_invite: Call from '6513416456' ( to extension '17634633700' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-integra'.
17:03.22hypknighti know it's not matched in from-integra
17:03.25drmessanoKatty, I can't do squats yet.  I can do about 250 on the leg machine, but my heels don't touch the ground naturally.  Squats are just pain
17:03.29[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: That message is extremely clear.  the call is looking in [from-integra] for a match for '6513416456'
17:03.40Kattydrmessano: *nod*
17:03.45[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: it does not exist.  The call is NOT looking at that other line you just showed us
17:03.46Kattydrmessano: what about...wall squats? those are a good bit easier
17:04.11drmessanoThat's a thought.  I've not done anything like that
17:04.20crumb[TK]D-Fender: ok, what if i don't sell the devices, but i give it to them for the duration that the client continues their service through me
17:04.24Kattywhen i started i didn't have the strength for regular squats
17:04.28Kattyso i had to start with wall ones.
17:04.44Kattynow i'm doing weighted squats with a 15lb weight
17:04.53drmessanoThats awesome.
17:05.03fileKatty, PON PON PON
17:05.07[TK]D-Fendercrumb: Go read the licensing, contact their sales teams.  Aquire a lawer
17:05.21Kattydrmessano: running will strengthen your bum too!
17:05.30Kattydrmessano: and i barefoot run, which doesn't do anything to your heels
17:05.34crumbok, i'll leave you alone :/
17:05.51Kattyfile: do NOT get that song stuck in my head again!!!
17:05.58fileKatty, pon pon way way way
17:05.58drmessanoKatty, i'm working on that.  I love the treadmill.  I need to get up to 5 miles
17:06.00Kattyfile: you are EVIL!
17:06.10Kattydrmessano: are you doing it barefoot style?
17:06.23Kattytry it.
17:06.34Kattygo find a youtube video about barefoot running technique
17:06.45Kattyyou're gonna love it
17:06.48*** part/#asterisk crumb (crumb@gateway/shell/
17:07.05hypknight[TK]D-Fender: the 651 number IS in 'from-integra' though... it's the 763 number that isn't
17:07.12paulcI had a dream once I was running on sand, and it felt "different" but so good.. and woke up quite suprised. True story.
17:07.24Kattypaulc: i'd love to run on sand. that'd be pretty fun.
17:07.40Kattymaybe. preferably no surprise jellyfish in my sand.
17:07.45Kattyor shifting dunes.
17:08.00Kattydrmessano: Nugget has all the details on running
17:08.09Kattydrmessano: i believe he runs marathons
17:08.23Kattydrmessano: and! he helped me out a great deal when i first started.
17:08.25[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Call from '6513416456' ( to extension '17634633700' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-integra'.
17:08.34[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: '17634633700' <-----------
17:08.44hypknightbut my only question to you is
17:08.46[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: it's not the FROM, it's the TO
17:08.52hypknightwhy is it looking in from-integra?
17:08.59drmessanoKatty, looking now
17:09.01hypknightand not matching outbound-integra
17:09.08hypknightwhere a match for that is defined
17:09.11[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: enable SIP DEBUG and look at the actual call and see what PEER it is matching
17:09.40[TK]D-Fender[integra] context=from-integra <----------
17:09.52Kattydrmessano: i can't describe to you the difference it makes when you're not impacting on your heel, when running
17:09.57Kattydrmessano: you just gotta give it a go and feel it
17:09.57[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: the ONLY SIP peer you showed points there
17:10.17Kattydrmessano: i had this sort of OMG I CAN RUN FOREVER NOW feeling.
17:10.26[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: <- line #45
17:10.32Kattydrmessano: followed by ZOOOOOOM.
17:10.45Ice_StrikeIs 5400rpm drives faster enough for asterisk?
17:10.57[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Why would anything ever look in [outbound-integra] ?
17:11.06hypknight[TK]D-Fender: right, but I put that there to match the inbound traffic
17:11.14[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: that context is not reference by anything you've shown us.
17:11.28[TK]D-FenderhpyYou didn't tell SIP.CONF to use it.  Ever.
17:11.40drmessanoIce_Strike, no reason why not
17:12.03Kattywhat if asterisk starts doing video.
17:12.10Kattywell, more than normal.
17:12.10hypknight[TK]D-Fender: because the station I'm dialing from has a context that has it
17:12.13[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: I can make a dialplan context called [fred] and put a million things in there.  my sip.conf still has nothing that points to it.  it will never get used.
17:12.19Kattythen you have video writing to an HD.
17:12.19hypknightdo you want to see the whole extensions.conf? it's huge
17:12.22[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Nothing you showed us uses it
17:12.45Kattywonders what the default quality for video is these days on asterisk
17:12.57Kattyasterisk is still doing video, right?
17:12.59[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: If I'm to judge what you're showing us, then there is nothing there that uses it.  that context's contents are never used
17:13.02drmessanoKatty, yep
17:13.03Kattyor was that something that my head decided to make up?
17:13.07drmessanoh.264 is hot
17:13.07fileKatty, candy candy candy!
17:13.13Kattyfile: GOSHDANGITANYHOW
17:13.15*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navai_000@
17:13.34fileKatty, onion with a goatee!
17:13.43Kattycries into the keyboard.
17:13.46drmessanoKatty, Asterisk + Softphone on my mobile = Fsck you Facetime
17:13.53drmessanoI call it Tuxtime
17:14.03Kattydrmessano: our dvrs are need sata3 and 7200
17:14.10Kattydrmessano: but that's a lot of motion detection
17:14.13Kattydrmessano: lot of cameras.
17:14.37Kattywhich may not be applicable to asterisk's h.264
17:14.55Kattyshould do a write up on h.264
17:14.56drmessanoYou're not saving the h.264
17:15.16drmessanoYou're passing the video in the media path, which still doesn't tax the hard drive
17:15.18Kattyno, but if i do a tutorial on it...more people WILL use it.
17:15.28Katty..oh, yes. that.
17:15.37[TK]D-FenderAFAIK there is no such thing as "Asterisk's h.264".  * doesn't transcode video, it just pushes packets right on through.
17:15.38Kattycan you say "video voicemail" yet?
17:15.40Kattyis this a thing?
17:15.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: for some it is
17:16.10drmessanoI would imagine if he's talking about using 5400rpm drives he's probably not building a system that's going to be recording all calls or handling many concurrent calls at all
17:16.16drmessanoI would hope not anyway
17:16.25*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
17:16.27Kattydrmessano: totes agree.
17:16.44drmessanoI throw away 7200 RPM drives for being too old or small already..   I forgot what its like to discard of a 5400rpm drive
17:16.50[TK]D-FenderKatty: if the codec's enabled * will record both streams as-is.  on playback * will look at the retriever's capabilitys and just pass the video back along with the audio
17:17.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: how bout them cookies.
17:17.11[TK]D-FenderKatty: BANANAS
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17:17.14WIMPyHow many thousand calls are you talking about?
17:17.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: also lovely.
17:17.37Kattydrmessano: which software phone are you using for video?
17:18.18drmessanoKatty, I paid for Bria.  I use the HELL out of my softphone.. so being above "Toy Needs" I paid for it, the G729 license, video, and messaging
17:18.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: also, is that something in make menuselect?
17:18.25drmessanoI think close to $20 total
17:18.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: or is that just a setting in sip.conf?
17:18.42drmessanoThats the ios version
17:18.56Kattyah ok.
17:18.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: just a codec setting.  as I said, * records the stream raw.  There is no format_h264, or codec_h264
17:19.08Kattyi guess Bria will also run on winders?
17:19.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: fancy.
17:19.33Kattydrmessano: or is Bria specifically for a mobile platform?
17:19.51drmessanoBria is windows/mac/linux and mobile
17:19.55infobot[~bria] Bria is a NON-free SIP soft-phone for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux that can be downloaded from .  This includes licensed audio & video codecs and is full-featured.
17:20.18Kattyadds to her Get Around To It At Some Point list
17:20.56Kattydrmessano: i will pester you for relevant content sometime later, if that's cool?
17:21.18drmessanoI use it for my personal system and I keep an extra extension on it for work.  At our transmitter sites, the mobile reception is terrible.. But I have Wireless APs out there and a data link back to the studios... so I switch on Bria, connect to the PBX over the Wifi, and BOOM
17:21.18Kattydrmessano: then we can make funny faces at each other over Bria
17:21.21drmessanoyes, BOOM
17:21.30drmessanoYes ma'am.  Sounds good to me
17:21.42volga629Is anybody know how to change rtp range in jiti ?
17:21.51hypknight[TK]D-Fender: So here's a new one that includes the proper contexts:
17:22.09Kattyvolga629: google tells me jiti is a designer bedding, pillows, and sheet manufacturer
17:22.19hypknight[TK]D-Fender: you'll see in the trace that it hits 'from-trusted-stations] which includes [outgoing-integra] which has a match
17:22.21drmessanoJitsi maybe?
17:22.22Kattyvolga629: and has some pretty cool stuff
17:22.33[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Nothing is effectively any different
17:22.48[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: [Sep 25 11:03:51] NOTICE[2173]: chan_sip.c:23276 handle_request_invite: Call from '6513416456' ( to extension '17634633700' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-integra'.
17:22.51Kattythere goes all my fun :<
17:22.52hypknighti know
17:22.57hypknightbut look what it does
17:23.03hypknightit comes from a known context
17:23.03[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Nothing you have shown pooints to anything else
17:23.05drmessanovolga629, why do you need to change the rtp ports?
17:23.09drmessanoJust curious
17:23.12[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Nothing COMES from a context
17:23.25Kattyvolga629:  <- look what google found for me
17:23.31volga629it should be in range 10000-20000
17:23.39hypknightthe device I'm calling from has 'from-trusted-stations' set as it's context
17:23.41[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: a call comes from a NAMED DEVICE in sip.conf.  that device description specifies "context=" and that is where the call is sent
17:24.20[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: the sip.conf you are showing me has no entry that uses that context.
17:24.29[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: When means you are holding out on me
17:24.36drmessanovolga629, why?  It doesnt need to be the same as Asterisk
17:24.50volga629I see all the time come from random number and I dn't want open to match on firewall
17:24.51hypknighti can show you the whole extensions.conf
17:25.01[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: SIP.CONF <--------------------------
17:25.02hypknightit's HUGE
17:25.15SuperNulldoes #include support sub directories ?
17:25.16[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: you have no SIP.CONF ENTRY in what you showed me that points there
17:25.19drmessanovolga629, source RTP ports are negotiated per endpoint.  Your client using different ports as Asterisk is meaningless
17:25.23hypknightthere's nothing in the sip.conf that holds that context, never has been
17:25.29[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: You are asking "why" and aren't showing me anything that should work
17:25.45[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Do you see the problem here?  All I see is a complete mismatch
17:26.00[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: I have no reason to tryust anything else exists or should work
17:26.46[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Like telling your doctor that your knee hurts and then showing him your elbow.  He'll never see what's wrong with it that way.
17:27.01hypknight[TK]D-Fender: i'll show you the whole thing if you want... I just didn't want to subject you to that because it's huge
17:27.06hypknight[TK]D-Fender: hang on
17:27.31[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: You are not showing what you thinnk it SHOULD be matching
17:27.47[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: And more importantly, you aren't look at what it IS matching.
17:27.54hypknight[TK]D-Fender: see in [general] in sip.conf where it shows contaxt=guest-incoming?
17:28.00volga629So what you open on firewall ? whole udp or just need put as destination range of 10000-20000
17:28.06hypknight[TK]D-Fender: that's the base
17:28.09[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Not relevant
17:28.28[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: because it is clearly looking for the one it is telling you.
17:28.40[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: and you are not looking at the call to verify what peer is being matched
17:28.55drmessanovolga629, Asterisk RTP ports need to be open on the firewall.  Not your client end.  NAT handles that on the client end
17:29.56[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: [13:09][TK]D-Fenderhypknight: enable SIP DEBUG and look at the actual call and see what PEER it is matching
17:30.06hypknightit's not matching
17:30.30hypknighti think my incompetence is the problem.I don't know what you're trying to see
17:30.30volga629yes open asterisk range. So source can be any and destination asterisk port range
17:31.28[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: sip.conf entries point to dialplan contexts.  You kee insisting on talking about some other dialplan context that NOTHING in the sip.conf you showed so far uses.  Ata all. NOTHING uses it.
17:31.39[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Are we on the same page here?
17:31.54[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: So you can talk dialplan all you want.  no CALL will ever land there based on what you've shown
17:32.32[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: And you have not looked at the debug of a call to verify what peer is being matched as I told you needed to d
17:32.40hypknight[TK]D-Fender: I think i'll look at this ... thanks for the help
17:32.40drmessanovolga629, correct
17:33.21*** join/#asterisk dlynes (~dlynes@
17:33.28[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: enable sip debug.  See the peer it matches.  Whichever other sip.conf entry you think it should be matching... isn't the one being matched
17:33.44drmessanovolga629, if Asterisk is on the public internet or NAT'ed with ports open on the firewall, you can negotiate most all client connections without changing the firewall on the client end.
17:33.51[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: And you haven't shown me one that matched the dialplan you're talking about so it's all apples & oranges so far
17:34.03drmessanovolga629, or changing client ports, etc
17:34.30drmessanovolga629, whatever you're read or heard about changing the SIP port on the client or the RTP ports is balls-out false
17:36.05volga629yes, that right I am using zoiper and no problem with rtp. jitsi no sound
17:36.50drmessanovolga629, it would have been easier to ask about Jitsi not having sound that us going down this long path over RTP ports
17:39.53volga629I got the answer which prove my knowledge about rtp setup, about jitsi I will deal after all
17:40.21drmessanoIt is the deal that for Jitsi you prove, mmhmm
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17:59.55Kattyoh do i wanna do a write up on CDR logs or the polycom auto answer header info thing
18:01.37ChainsawThe latter.
18:01.42ChainsawBecause I want to do that at work :)
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18:11.55drmessanoKatty: Blog
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18:15.04Kattydrmessano: well, yes. both of them will be blogged.
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18:17.21drmessanoKatty, what is your weapon of choice these days in Blogging?  Wordpress?  Blogger?
18:18.11estrangerasterisk should work ok on vmware esxi these days, right?  are all those timer issues from days of old?
18:20.52Chainsawestranger: There's no longer a need to provide DAHDI-based timing, so it should cope better.
18:21.25Chainsawestranger: Having used ESXi myself, I wouldn't expect perfection. In anything it does.
18:22.01estrangeroh we're a full vmware shop, asterisk is our last physical box and it's in jeopardy of being cloud'ed :I
18:42.04*** join/#asterisk hypknight (~hypknight@unaffiliated/hypknight)
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18:50.18hypknight[TK]D-Fender: I think this may help illustrate what's going on... there's a debug that shows it
18:50.25hypknightI match the correct peer
18:50.30hypknightbut am routed back INBOUND for some reason
18:54.51[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: looks like you are dialing out their proxy and it want's to go back in.
18:55.03hypknightisn't that wierd?
18:55.06hypknightit's driving me crazy
18:55.10hypknightbut see it IS matching
18:55.20[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Also.. if they installed a proxy, your HOST entry for that peer shouldn't be that of your proxy.
18:56.02[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: Your previous description was not informative that you were dialing out and it was LOOPING back in.  all I saw was the inbound error message and not enough trace to hint at what you were doing
18:56.19hypknight[TK]D-Fender: my apologies
18:56.21[TK]D-FenderIf that is their proxy, the target server should be a different IP
18:56.46hypknight[TK]D-Fender: So then would I create a different peer block for the proxy for inbound?
18:56.59hypknightbecause the inbound call looks like it's coming from the proxy
18:57.19[TK]D-Fenderhypknight: look at the packet contents.... not just the source
18:57.59*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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20:12.44mmouranihi all
20:12.53mmouranihow r u ^
20:13.03mmouranisomeone is here ?
20:13.51mmouraniI can see that ;)
20:14.00mmouranieveryone look busy here
20:14.18mmouranineed help can someone help ^
20:14.56[TK]D-FenderOnly if you tell us what you are having trouble with...
20:14.59trend1mmourani: just ask your question, if someone knows the answer they will replu
20:15.12[TK]D-FenderDon't ask us if we have the answer... BEFORE you ask your question.
20:15.39mmouraniI need to setup a lab for with two asterisk SIP connected
20:15.50mmouraniI need a SIP call generator
20:15.59mmouranito send SIP calls to one SIP
20:16.29mmouranithe other SIP server will filter information based on rules
20:16.39[TK]D-Fendermmourani: SIPP <-
20:17.47mmouraniI will look at that :)
20:18.34mmouraninow I need a good book on implementing rules on the other SIP to blacklist or accept calls, redirect them to the original SIP
20:18.40mmouraniWhat do you suggest
20:18.52mmouranior if there is a software also that can do that then perfect
20:20.18mmouranino suggestion ^
20:23.29[TK]D-FenderWhat is "on the other SIP"?
20:23.36[TK]D-FenderYou are using the word SIP EVERYWHERE
20:23.46mmouraniits an asterisk gateway
20:23.51mmouraniits all asterisk
20:24.06mmouranione gateway receive wholesale minutes
20:24.14[TK]D-FenderThere is no "redirect" normally, * is NOT a "proxy"
20:24.25mmouraniand the other one need to filter some of them and re route to the other one
20:24.33[TK]D-Fenderas for blacklist.... you need ot learn how * works.
20:24.35infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:44.38*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (~Rob7@unaffiliated/x-rob)
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21:05.44*** join/#asterisk Grabbel (
21:08.46GrabbelHi all, I'm getting warnings that GoSub is deprecated with AEL. So what else should I use, I can't figure it out... The warning I get is:
21:08.46Grabbelapplication call to Gosub affects flow of control, and needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
21:09.19GrabbelBut I still need subroutine functionality, the only thing I can think of is using a macro
21:09.58*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
21:11.37pabelangerGrabbel, well, if you are not too far into your development, you might want to consider switching away from AEL
21:11.57pabelangersupport for it is... weak, at best
21:12.44GrabbelOh I think it's the best thing ever ;)
21:13.22Grabbelpabelanger: It's still developed right?
21:13.36*** join/#asterisk ketas (
21:13.43pabelangerwell, not actively
21:13.52pabelangerthat's why I say support is weak
21:14.03Grabbelpabelanger: I actually thought it was the future. Since its code is much easier to read, maintain and develop
21:14.05pabelangerit might work, but if you run into issues, you'll have a hard time getting fixes
21:14.22pabelangerGrabbel, at one time it was, but it never caught on
21:14.38GrabbelWell, it works like a charm.
21:14.59pabelangerokay, sounds fair.  FWIW, these are just my opinions
21:15.09GrabbelStill, I guess there should be some new language then to replace the archaic extensions.conf "language" ?
21:15.59pabelangerno, there is about 4 different ways to do it now.  Don't think there is a plan to add another
21:16.41GrabbelUmm, what are the other 2?
21:16.48*** join/#asterisk joesmoe (
21:18.38pabelangeragi / fastagi, realtime, externivr, lua, ael, extensions.conf
21:18.41pabelangernow ARI
21:18.49pabelangerlots of ways to do dialplan stuff
21:20.17GrabbelOkay, so if I like AEL, what looks most like it?
21:21.34pabelangeragi / fastagi in python?
21:21.38pabelangernot sure
21:23.28GrabbelOkay thanks for the info, maybe I will switch over to something else.
21:23.46GrabbelIn the meantime anyone knows the answer to my original question?
21:24.08[TK]D-Fender[17:14]Grabbelpabelanger: I actually thought it was the future. Since its code is much easier to read, maintain and develop <- until you understand what it actually is
21:24.36Grabbelit's a shell around extensions.conf right?
21:26.07*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
21:31.26GrabbelI'm getting warnings that GoSub is deprecated with AEL. So what else should I use, I can't figure it out... The warning I get is:
21:31.33Grabbelapplication call to Gosub affects flow of control, and needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
21:32.13GrabbelBut I still need subroutine functionality, so that the flow returns to the parent context. The only thing I can think of is using a macro, but that doesn't do pattern matching right?
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21:36.37tm1000mjordan: file can you remove the comcast minesota ban
21:36.55*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*@*] by Qwell
21:37.06filethat Qwell guy got there first
21:37.16fileQwell, I don't even KNOW you MAN
21:37.21Qwellfile: GO AWAY
21:37.32[TK]D-Fenderjust because it's deprecated doesn't mean it will be removed.  And if it is the code that AEL itself is generating... the nex release should follow suit
21:41.26GrabbelOkay, I guess I'll just ignore the warnings for now. And move on to something like AGI
21:42.24*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
21:44.12navaismowondering why people hate extensions.conf
21:44.30Chainsawnavaismo: Yeah, undeserved. It works well for me.
21:44.55Chainsawnavaismo: I wonder if the arbitrary flipping between syntax every version did it in.
21:49.08*** join/#asterisk wacomcito (
21:49.54GrabbelIt's mainly just the exten => on every line that gets me
21:50.42Grabbeland if you don't do that, the priority number on each line
21:51.02Grabbelit just has a lot of redundant stuff
21:53.25ChannelZ-Wkthat's what priority n is for
21:54.16Grabbelyeah but that you have to put n on every line ;)
21:54.55ChannelZ-WkYes, end of the world kind of stuff
21:56.24Grabbelexactly, in AEL you can just add commands on one line, they just all end with ";"
21:57.17ChannelZ-WkMaybe some day someone will invent a system by which you can select and copy pieces of text and then paste them somewhere else.
21:59.27GrabbelYeah, to each its own I guess...
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21:59.42GrabbelI dont like copying
22:00.02Grabbelit's an action I have to do extra, which I rather not
22:00.31Grabbeland if thousands of people dont have to, it saves the world loads of time
22:00.36*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (~Ice_Black@
22:01.33GrabbelAnyways, I know next to nothing about other languages for the dial plan. Anyone know a good place to read up on e.g. AGI, LUA etc.?
22:02.50Ice_StrikeIs SoundPoint  IP 430  network port is 100mbit or gbit?
22:03.46Ice_Strikeyea its dual 100mbit :(
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22:14.34Ice_StrikeIs there any Polycom phone with 1gbit port?
22:16.07ChannelZ-Wkfor that extra-fast 64kbits!
22:17.13Ice_StrikeNo, its for network imaging via deployment server
22:17.30Ice_StrikePolycom phone are 100mbit ports and which is chained to a workstation.
22:17.59Ice_Strikea workstation has 1gbit port but it will cut down to 100mbit because of Polycom phone
22:18.32Ice_Strikeso when you want to restore a image to a workstation via network - it will take about 40 minues
22:18.41ChainsawIce_Strike: IP 670 does gig.
22:18.42Ice_Strikewith 1gbit - it will take about 5 mins.
22:19.04ChainsawIce_Strike: Assuming you want a desk phone and not a conference unit.
22:19.04WIMPyBut in that time you probably can't use the phone anyway.
22:20.30[TK]D-FenderThere is also this tiny matter of what speed the PC PORT is
22:20.42[TK]D-FenderWhich makes the first question only part of it
22:21.10[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike: And if you had to do an image.,... don't be a schmuck... just unplug the phone for a bit :)
22:31.11*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-foxpsbuyrfwdordc)
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22:33.20GrabbelSo I'd like to switch from AEL to something else. It seems like Lua is the nicest option, that comes closest to AEL.
22:33.48GrabbelI don't understand much about AGI. It seems to require extensions.conf still
22:34.26GrabbelIs there any documentation listing the advantages/disadvantages of each dialplan configuration language?
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22:56.11ChannelZ-WkAGI is a launched script from the dialplan.
22:56.37ChannelZ-WkYou could essentially write your dialplan in any lanuage you wanted
22:59.14GrabbelI see
23:00.19GrabbelCan you also make extensions and contexts and all? How is it translated to Asterisk code?
23:00.48[TK]D-FenderOnce You're in AGI, forget about "contexts and all that".
23:00.55ChannelZ-Wkwell you still bootstrap with the traditional dialplan to make contexts and an extension that calls the AGI
23:01.07[TK]D-FenderYou call dialplan apps DIRECTLY in your code
23:01.16[TK]D-Fenderthe flow is entirely up to YOU in there
23:01.35[TK]D-FenderAnd you code it in the language you make your AGI in.
23:02.43Grabbelwhat about sort order w.r.t. extension matching, you have to program that yourself then, right?
23:03.16ChannelZ-WkYes or no. You could essentially make a catch-all extension and do ALL the handling in your AGI
23:03.58ChannelZ-Wkuse regex or whatever you wanted from there
23:04.05GrabbelOk, got it
23:04.30GrabbelLua is more integrated with asterisk
23:05.04GrabbelYou see any disadvantages there, or are you fond of AGI ;)
23:06.51ChannelZ-WkI only use AGI for when I need to do a bunch of stuff that would be too obnoxious to do in the dialplan directly.  Like a call handler script that does some local CallerID lookups from a database, blacklisting, etc.
23:08.05navaismotoo much hours to rid off the extensions.conf ...just saying
23:08.07ChannelZ-WkEverything else is straight extensions.conf
23:20.28*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
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23:34.11Nix414sHas anyone ever had problems using RFC2833 with applicationmap? Inband works 100% but rfc2833 is hit and miss, the latter being more prominent.
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23:36.50Nix414sthe dynamic features are set for the channel (verified with a dialplan show chanvar) but sometimes asterisk does not recognize the dtmf even though i'm slamming on the keypad with a rubber mallet. I've verified this by setting logger.conf to kick out dtmf to the console.
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23:38.32qakhanis anyone using Cepstral TTS?
23:38.38qakhanor swift app?
23:40.35navaismoa long time ago
23:41.45Nix414scepstral looks cool, but sorry  no experience with it
23:43.34qakhani have wired problem with it
23:44.14Nix414swhats be it is?
23:44.48infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
23:47.46wacomcitohi all.
23:49.45wacomcitoi still have a problem with dongle GSM in asterisk. it's registered on net, i can send sms, i can receibe a call.. but i can't make a call... error is: "Dial failed for some reason with DIALSTATUS = BUSY and HANGUPCAUSE = 17"
23:49.56wacomcitosomeone alive and bored?
23:51.45WIMPyUnless it's telling shit, the called party is busy.
23:52.34Nix414show long does it ring before giving up as busy?
23:52.57wacomcitono ring.
23:53.26WIMPyIf it't busy there's usually no ringing.
23:53.35Nix414sdo you have asterisk-addons or at least the dahdi timer installed?
23:53.45WIMPyBut how long does it take after dialling.
23:54.08wacomcitono dahdi module. only net transport sip and dongle.
23:54.54Nix414si've funky non-sense from no dahdi timer. things like meetme() like to lay down and die when its not installed.
23:54.55wacomcitoi will pastebin the log in a minute...
23:55.07Nix414si've seen funky non-sense*
23:55.33WIMPyMeetMe is the only thing, apart from chan_dahdi obviousely, that needs dahdi.
23:56.02WIMPyAnd you really should have replaced it with ConfBridge by now.
23:56.43Nix414shmmm weird, i recall it being a huge problem back on 1.4 with keeping registration with peers. may have been a version specific bug
23:57.16WIMPyI can't remember if 1.4 already had internal timing.
23:57.21WIMPyPossibly not.
23:57.22Nix414seither way it was a shot in the dark on this dongle gsm thing. just seems weird that it reports busy instantly.
23:57.36wacomcitomy log. its a raspbx log.
23:58.12WIMPy"This paste has been removed!"
23:59.09wacomcitoi can see it.
23:59.09WIMPyThat's what I get when I click your link.

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