IRC log for #asterisk on 20130922

00:01.58*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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00:14.03*** part/#asterisk asghar144 (
00:19.59pensmitcan the VoiceMail app listen for a keypress like Background()?
00:22.29ChannelZcore show application VoiceMail
00:23.54*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:26.35[TK]D-FenderpenIt isn't something you get to tell it to listen for additional things
00:26.52[TK]D-Fenderpensmit: It isn't something you get to tell it to listen for additional things
00:28.36WIMPyApart from 0 and *.
00:33.11*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:44.31*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
00:58.06*** part/#asterisk crumb (crumb@gateway/shell/
01:00.51*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
01:02.25*** join/#asterisk mobile_gordita (
01:02.52*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:03.01*** join/#asterisk Technodrome (~asdfasdf@unaffiliated/technodrome)
01:03.14Technodromegood day
01:03.40WIMPyGood night
01:04.04PenguinGood morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
01:04.20Technodromewhat is a good soft phone for mac , i can't find one :(
01:04.37PenguinDid you try zoiper?
01:04.42WIMPySee, that's whay we just say moin. Not what.
01:06.07infobot[~zoiper] Zoiper (formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux that can be found at
01:08.14WIMPyOh, the evil has become mobile?
01:09.44ChannelZBlink also
01:11.50*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:13.16*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
01:22.35Technodromei really still wish they made eye beam for mac
01:22.37Technodromebut they don
01:22.55Technodromeso i can find an old download, but i can't get a serial key for it anymore, they won't even allow you to purchase it
01:28.45*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
01:32.51TechnodromePenguin: they all suck pretty bad sadly enough :(
01:36.33*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:03.31*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
02:08.46*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
02:10.49*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
02:36.33*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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03:37.14*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
03:42.38*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
03:52.15pensmitHow can I make a menu selection happen quicker when there is a 2 and a 202 in the context and I need both?
03:54.29*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:54.57*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
03:56.15Penguinpensmit: Make another context.
03:57.01PenguinIf both 2 and 202 are on the same context, and you use something like BackGround() or WaitExten(), if you press 2, they will wait for 02 to make sure you really mean 2 and not 202.
04:15.25*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
04:20.57*** join/#asterisk dongola7 (~dongola7@unaffiliated/blair/x-0911782)
04:33.50pensmitSo basically someone calls in and they get a menu that has a 1 or 2 option but they also need to be able to dial an en extension that starts with 20x that cannot be changed.  Any ideas to improve speed?  It's too bad you can't specify how long to wait for dtmf.
04:34.36PenguinIf you make it go right after pressing 2, how will they ever be able to dial 202?
04:34.51ChannelZBitches gotta be quick
04:35.03pensmitbitches need to go quick
04:35.09pensmitthat's what i want
04:35.13ChannelZAnyway you can futz with the timeouts, see function TIMEOUT
04:35.57pensmitthat is totally my style
04:35.59ChannelZlike Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=1) perhaps
04:36.17pensmitwhat would that timeout be applied ot
04:36.38ChannelZsorry I meant digit, not absolute
04:36.58ChannelZcore show function TIMEOUT
04:37.46*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
04:38.01pensmitThank you my man.
04:38.08pensmitAm I going about this totally wrong?
04:38.11pensmitby the way
04:38.34ChannelZwell besides making your extensions something else..
04:39.04ChannelZor making people dial something unique before an extension, like # or something
04:39.13pensmiti thought of both those
04:39.31ChannelZWell it can't read minds.
04:39.40ChannelZSo not sure what other solution there would be
04:39.42pensmitThat is terrible.
04:39.58pensmitI mean reading minds is important
04:40.01pensmitok thanks a lot
04:40.09pensmitI owe you 2 Internet beers.
04:40.24ChannelZThanks but I'm in Internet AA
04:44.24PenguinOne way I dealt with that was to only allow dialing a direct extension for a short amount of time, then go into the menu options.
04:45.15Penguin"If you know your party's extension, dial it now."  wait 4 seconds ...  "For tech support, press 1.  For accounting, press 2..."
04:45.26PenguinAfter the 4 second wait, no more dialing of extensions.
04:49.21pensmitThat makes sense Penguin.  Thanks
04:49.32pensmitLol@ChannelZ  I just read your comment.
04:49.43PenguinThat way the bitches don't necessarily have to be so quick.
04:49.58pensmitBitches better get up on it now.
04:51.24PenguinIf TIMEOUT(digit) will accept floating point values, you could make the bitches have to be extremely quick.
04:51.44pensmitOk.  Last question for the night.  Should I change the asterisk password that comes with AsteriskNow or did they take care of the security there.
04:52.21PenguinYou've already asked that question five or six times and been answered at least twice.
04:53.23pensmitshit really
04:53.25pensmitI missed it
04:53.39ChannelZthe user is probably randomly generated
04:54.38pensmitthe password you mean?
04:55.04ChannelZyes for the asterisk system user which is what I thought you kept asking about
04:55.32pensmityes i did
04:55.40pensmitdamn sorry guys
04:55.41PenguinYou said user, so I think he was just making sure you meant password and not what you actually said.
04:56.05pensmitthe linux user named asterisk
04:56.09ChannelZI like to leave out words
04:56.18pensmiton the ASteriskNow default install with bare asterisk
04:56.22PenguinWe know the name isn't going to be randomized.
04:56.43pensmitOh I'm not correcting you
04:56.47PenguinThat would make things really hard to administer.
04:57.02pensmitI thought there was some coolness going on that I didn't know about
04:57.24ChannelZactually if you useradd with no password and don't change it.. what is it?
04:57.25pensmitOk so I'm not going to worry with it
04:57.59pensmityou guys are confusing me with your smartness
04:58.14pensmitso I'm ok without worrying about that password for the asterisk user
04:58.24Penguinpipes /dev/zero into pensmit
04:58.42PenguinAnd by pipes, I mean redirects
04:58.57pensmitI would think a useradd with no password would be terrible
04:59.13pensmitbut then again, I fell on my head a lot as a child
04:59.19PenguinCertain things simply do not work with a null password.
04:59.24PenguinLike ssh, for example.
04:59.28pensmitoh ok
04:59.31pensmitwell tehre you have it
04:59.54ChannelZyou can look in /etc/shadow - it might not have a hash in there at all.
05:00.03ChannelZmost 'system' type accounts dont
05:00.34PenguinBut if you NEED ssh to work for a user without a password, there's always PermitEmptyPasswords.
05:00.46pensmitoh I see
05:00.48pensmitno hash?
05:00.58pensmitthanks guys
05:01.13ChannelZhash = what the actual password gets turned into
05:01.21pensmitI'm with you
05:01.23ChannelZit doesn't actually know your password
05:01.36pensmitI got you
05:01.58PenguinFeel free to change the default password to something extremely secure if you worry about it.
05:02.01ChannelZWhich incidentally is why when you have a website that says "email me my forgotten password" you should run away
05:02.26Penguinapg -a1 -m13 -x26 -E :\;\* -s
05:02.36pensmitwhat the hell is that
05:03.03pensmitenough questions for tonight
05:03.19ChannelZa password generator that makes gobbily-gook
05:03.38Penguinapg -a1 -n1 -m26 -s
05:03.40pensmitmy tiny little chihuahua-like brain is tired
05:03.47pensmitbut go on...i'll record this
05:04.22PenguinI use apg for all things password.
05:05.08pensmitOk..sleepy time.  Thanks a ton guys.
05:05.21PenguinFor my Cisco phones, apg -a1 -m13 -x26 -MSNCL -E^[]{}\"?
05:18.26phixi use apg to
05:41.44*** join/#asterisk Technodrome (~asdfasdf@unaffiliated/technodrome)
05:41.46Technodromehey guys
05:41.53ChannelZhey lady
05:42.05Technodromewhat is acceptable latency time for calls?
05:42.11Technodromewe really want below 50ms huh?
05:43.28ChannelZWell up in the 300+s is more annoying
05:47.16TechnodromeChannelZ: what soft phone software do you use?
05:47.34ChannelZZoiper or Blink.. CSipSimple on Android sometimes
05:47.43ChannelZI don't really use softphones much except for farting around
05:47.58Technodromewe used to use the cisco one at work
05:48.07Technodromeever heard of jets?
05:48.15Technodromejitsi * sorry
05:49.54Technodromeyou could be in for a pleasant surprise ChannelZ
05:49.58Technodromethe best i've ever used
05:50.13Technodromecan be connected to 10 different sip networks , and it doesn't flinch
05:50.32Technodromezoiper products are heh
05:51.08Technodromeblink is cool, but its all in python so kinda slow + to do anything really cool you need the paid version
06:07.54phixhey gang, I am getting some nasty echo when making calls of a tdm400 card.  Any auto tuning apps available or is it trial and error?
06:08.58phixthnx infobot!
06:13.35*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:14.27*** join/#asterisk floren (~floren@unaffiliated/floren)
06:16.51*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
06:16.53PenguinIt's not the latency that is the most problem; it's the jitter.
06:38.38*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:40.55*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
06:58.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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07:12.25*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
07:31.40ChannelZphix: have you done fxotune?
07:39.18*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:44.54phixChannelZ: Probably ages ago, how does that work again?
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07:50.47phixsudo fxotune -i ?  or something else ChannelZ ?
07:52.55*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
07:56.29phixChannelZ: ok so I did fxotune -i, it did stuff, I still have echo, any way I can adjust echo settings / volume, on the fly when I am in a call so I can adjust it manually?
07:58.23phixhmm, I changed txgain and rxgain settings to 0, seems to be a bit better, I can still hear my self though, barely, I have to really concentrate to hear it
08:03.26*** join/#asterisk Technodrome (~asdfasdf@unaffiliated/technodrome)
08:03.40TechnodromePenguin: what is the difference between latency and jitter?
08:06.00phixok hardly any echo but I am soft at the other end :\
08:06.15phixif I put the volume up I can hear myself
08:06.37phixso looks like the echo canceller isn't working or needs to be adjusted some hoe
08:06.42phixany ideas ChannelZ ?
08:06.49kaldemarTechnodrome: jitter is the variation in latency
08:08.10Technodromethe jitter i think the last i checked on my call was 40ms
08:08.12Technodromehow bad is that?
08:08.14phixI am using the oslec canceller
08:08.55Technodromesomething to cancel echo is a headset
08:09.15Technodromeunless its some other kind of echo
08:21.18*** join/#asterisk mic_ (
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08:48.41*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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09:33.55Technodromeis there any way to have so little latency that it would be extremely difficult with no echo cancellation on to tell?
09:34.05Technodromeor is that just a reality of the situation?
09:38.48ChannelZphix: sorry was off watching a movie
09:39.37ChannelZThe first important part is to get your tx and rx gains set right.. which turns out to be fairly difficult unless you can get a milliwatt test number from your telco
09:40.23*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:41.40ChannelZBut barring that, then yes you run fxotune to let it learn the characteristics of your line. I use  fxotune -i -m 13 -l 1
09:43.29*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
09:43.30ChannelZAfter it does its tests, it writes out values to fxotune.conf.  You then use  fxotune -s  to load that config and tune the channels... this is usually done for you when DAHDI is started, but you can check your init script
09:44.23ChannelZI assume you have echocanceller=mg2 or such in your /etc/dahdi/system.conf
09:46.20ChannelZTechnodrome: you'll still hear it even at only a couple of milliseconds so no, not really.
09:46.29Technodromei see
09:46.37TechnodromeChannelZ: yeah i mean no one has ever sad anything
09:46.52Technodromebut i did it with my cell phone, muted the cell phone and spoke into the computer
09:46.54Technodromeand yeah there was a little latency
09:50.41*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:51.04ChannelZI want to say RTP packets for ulaw are like 20ms so at absolute minimum it's at least twice that
10:07.40TechnodromeChannelZ: my jitter is 19ms up, 1 ms down
10:14.59Technodromehow bad is that jitter?
10:15.08*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
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11:41.07*** join/#asterisk gigiozzo (02ee5811@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:41.33gigiozzohi everybody
11:41.58gigiozzomy first time with asterisk and voip in general
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11:42.31gigiozzoi have a question
11:43.13gigiozzothere is a way to answer a call and wait until callee hangup?
11:44.20gigiozzoi forgot to tell you that i'm using latest asterisk 1.8
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12:36.16*** join/#asterisk KrisB (~kristijon@
12:41.54KrisBhello, I just installed Asterisk on my Debian OS. I configured two SIP accounts and two extensions, which I can locally use with SIP clients (I can call from one extension to another). I decided to route calls to my virtual (DID) number (bought from to sip:extension@my-ip on asterisk server. I get this error though:
13:09.07KrisBhello, can you help me?
13:21.56*** join/#asterisk pfui (c4cd9017@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:23.04pfuiho can I tell asterisk to perform a certain set of actions upon a sip peer's registration/disconnection?
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13:31.00nextimepfui: AMI?
13:34.54pfuinextime: seems to be what I'm looking for...
13:35.07pfuiis the API documented somewhere?
13:35.33WIMPymanager show ...
13:35.50WIMPyor somewhere on
13:37.37pfuinot the most user friendly format...
13:39.24WIMPyAllthough you only need the login command and otherwise just listen for events.
13:40.58*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
13:41.44pfuiI'll give it a shot
13:44.03nextimepfui : there are already a lot of libraries and scripts to talk with the manager interface on an high level of abstraction that make it trivial
13:44.14nextimejust use them for the language you prefer
13:44.57WIMPyThey might also make it more complicated instead.
13:45.31*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
13:48.59pfuiokay, slightly related question: can I queue a sip simple message while a peer is offline and have it delivered once the peer registers with asterisk?
13:49.30*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
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17:00.32*** join/#asterisk GaboXandre (~Gabriel1@unaffiliated/gabriel1)
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18:44.32orynanyone know why context would be ignored in a sip trunk in sip.conf, it keeps looking in context public, its driving me nuts
18:45.05oryni have tried type = user / peer / friend
18:45.13orynmakes no difference
18:46.52ChannelZthen it's not matching the peer you think it should for some other reason
19:01.31*** part/#asterisk g_r_eek (
19:07.52[TK]D-Fenderit simply isn't matching.
19:08.08[TK]D-Fendertype alone doesn't make the parameters match
19:08.16[TK]D-Fenderjust says which set gets looked at first
19:17.48*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (
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19:30.05usn_workHello folks, I'm stuck with 11.5.1 - can't get GoSub() to work. Maybe I'm missing something:
19:30.17usn_workexten => ts,1,Ringing
19:30.17usn_workexten => ts,n,dial(SIP/11)
19:30.17usn_workexten => 10,1,GoSub(TestSub,1,1)
19:30.43usn_workError when dialing 10:
19:30.46usn_work[Sep 22 21:29:16] WARNING[4021][C-0000000d]: pbx.c:4621 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'GoSub' for extension (intern, 10, 1)
19:32.17usn_workwhat am I doing wrong?
19:33.34usn_workmodule load
19:42.38usn_workChannelZ, why?
19:42.48ChannelZwhy what?
19:43.10usn_workbasically "why do I have to do that" :)
19:43.14ChannelZDo you have app_stack loaded?
19:43.24ChannelZBecause that's where Gosub, Return, and some other things are.
19:43.41ChannelZDo you not have autoload turned on in modules.conf?
19:44.01usn_workno :(
19:45.28ChannelZUnless you're on a VERY limited resources system and are controlling the module loading very specifically for a reason, you'd be doing yourself a favor to turn it on.. you'll probably wind up finding lots more missing/broken things otherwise
19:45.28usn_workOk, loading app_stack helps, and changing autoload does what the name suggests :/ Thanks a lot ChannelZ  :)
19:46.03usn_workMy pbx does not work yet, but now I'm making first progress :)
19:48.27ChannelZCool, have fun.  Also when pasting multiple lines of configs, etc. for help. use a pastebin
19:48.34infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:49.40usn_workI know, sorry
19:50.16[sr]hi WIMPy
19:58.06ChannelZneeds some lunch
20:00.48[sr]i need to go to sleep
20:03.34*** join/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
20:04.34monstercoHi everyone - I have an Aastra phone connected to a Bell DSL modem and Asterisk sees it with it's *local ip* when I do a "sip show peers" - Is there any setting in Aastra phones that I should enable to make sure it sends it's public IP address?
20:05.32*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
20:05.52ChannelZ1. are the two actually remote to each other? 2. do you have nat turned on for that peer in sip.conf?
20:06.35monstercoChannelZ - yes, they are remote to each other - Asterisk server is in Datacentra and Aastra phone is at home on DSL
20:06.45monsterco2- I have NAT=yes for that same extension
20:07.05monstercoReg. Contact : sip:9999@;transport=udp
20:07.19monstercoit shouldn't show that local IP and should show public IP - right?
20:09.14monstercomaybe the router is changing the SIP header? I thought Asterisk picks the source IP and doesn't care whats in SIP packet
20:15.17ChannelZWhat version of asterisk?
20:15.29[TK]D-FenderHow is an Aastra phone HAVING 2 IP's in the first place?
20:15.50[TK]D-FenderAnd most "bell modems" ... have ROUTERS built in
20:16.17[TK]D-FenderSo unless your phone also has a PPPoE client... you're way off the mark
20:16.34ChannelZWhere did he say it has 2 IPs
20:16.48[TK]D-Fender[16:07]monstercoit shouldn't show that local IP and should show public IP - right?
20:17.04[TK]D-Fenderby the implication of showing a private.... where there should be no concept of "private:
20:17.09[TK]D-FenderHidden in the big print
20:17.19[TK]D-FenderIt gets ONE IP
20:17.45ChannelZyes but all he was asking is "shouldn't that be the external IP in order for it to work"
20:18.27[TK]D-Fenderthe fact is that it ONLY has a private IP, because that "modem" is actual a NAT router like anything else
20:19.11[TK]D-FenderAnd no, the phone is on the inside of a private LAN, and the contact header it sends... should be completely irrelevant because he should have set the peer to IGNORE it in the first place
20:19.33[TK]D-FenderBad peer settings make baby Jesus cry....
20:25.30monstercoAsterisk 1.8xxx
20:26.19monsterco<ChannelZ> yes but all he was asking is "shouldn't that be the external IP in order for it to work"   <<<< you are right
20:27.16monsterco[TK]D-Fender - how do I set the peer to ignore private IPs?
20:27.32[TK]D-Fendernat=yes <-
20:27.38monstercothere is no one way audio or anything like that. It works fine but I know that I should see the public ip when I do sip show peers
20:27.42[TK]D-Fenderbecause it is nat'd
20:33.24monstercoI have nat=yes for that specific peer
20:33.28monstercoand restarted the phone
20:33.33monstercobut still showing local ip
20:34.49[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: show us the debug
20:35.18[TK]D-Fender16:07]monstercoReg. Contact : sip:9999@;transport=udp [16:07]monstercoit shouldn't show that local IP and should show public IP - right? <- NO.
20:35.51[TK]D-Fenderit will typically jsut show whatever IP it was bound to and * doesn't ahve to care when you tell it to use the source IP.
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20:58.22crumbok, i just compiled a codec for ARM, but i keep getting.. Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
20:58.31crumbbut that's where i put it
21:00.59crumbi get the same for g723
21:02.48crumbshow translations
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21:02.50crumbNo such command 'show translations' (type 'core show help show translations' for other possible commands)
21:03.11crumbooh.. i think i know what the issue is
21:03.23crumbused the wrong headers when i cumpiled
21:03.30monsterco[TK]D-Fender - I have another server and another Aastra phone on a Bell DSL modem which does show the public IP
21:03.42monstercoI am sure it's a setting on phone or Asterisk server which makes this possible
21:05.48monstercoI restarted again and now it shows public ip
21:05.53monstercoprobably nat=yes did it
21:14.24PenguinOh so close!
21:14.46[TK]D-FenderAs for "sip show peers" showing the WAN IP... "nat=no" forces * to take that actual IP source address, and NOT the "contact:" header
21:15.17[TK]D-FenderAnd when not set... the phone could also be set up to try to discover the WAP IP it may be behind
21:15.27[TK]D-FenderThis is all up to you knowing what your phone is set to look at
21:18.27monsterco[TK]D-Fender - I don't think Aastra phones have any public ip lookup feature
21:18.53[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: And what IP do you see on the phone itself?
21:18.58PenguinThey don't have a nat traversale setting?
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21:27.34florenhi all
21:27.51florenany idea when asterisk 11.6 will be released? is on RC1 now
21:28.12PenguinAs soon as it is done, it will be released.
21:29.02florenwell, most of the time devs have approximate time frames
21:29.28PenguinGood luck with that.
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21:44.40[TK]D-Fenderfloren: This is open source... it almost never works like that.
21:45.07[TK]D-Fenderfloren: They don't run on a schedule.  While they may have hopes, they don't havce specific pressures for hard deadlines.
21:45.35[TK]D-Fenderfloren: When whatever bugs they are looking at get addressed satisfactorily they will release it
21:57.29*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:57.49florenthanks [TK]D-Fender
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23:05.27Technodromegood day guys
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23:45.39ChannelZis it?
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