IRC log for #asterisk on 20130917

00:08.48*** join/#asterisk Galaxor (~Galaxor@
00:09.46GalaxorHi.  I am trying to use the built-in android sip client.  I need that client to send the number that should appear on caller-id.  Does anybody know how to set that up?
00:11.58*** join/#asterisk nam3l3zz (
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00:56.11*** join/#asterisk Lefty (uid12609@gateway/web/
01:00.15*** join/#asterisk serafie1 (~erin@
01:05.57*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:14.23ChannelZGalaxor: go under
01:23.54*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:28.38*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:91:a4bb:9a23:9bc8)
01:30.40*** join/#asterisk phyrexianslug (
01:34.51*** join/#asterisk rfreire (c951a214@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:38.34Leftyany of you fine folks ever hooked up an Avaya 96xx model phone to Asterisk via SIP?
01:39.05LeftyI've got mine connected in such a way that it'll make outgoing calls, but gives me a "Not accepting call completion offers from call-forward recipient" errors on inbound
01:39.16rfreireHi, #asterisk! I'm having a hard time with logging. Can't get any logging, while I do have a very basic logger.conf, I can't get anything to write the log. It's a raspbian-based asterisk. logger show channels is just empty ;-/ Pastebin:
01:39.17Leftybut a softphone with the same settings works both ways
01:40.03Leftyit tries to forward to Local@<ip of my asterisk server>
01:41.23*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (~andrewyag@
01:43.49phyrexianslug@Lefty:   came across this:
01:44.04phyrexianslugyou got users.dat setup and it's parsed by the phone?
01:46.32LeftyI'm not using users.dat yet, is that something that's specific to the Avayas?
01:46.46*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:47.25LeftyI've got a 46xxsettings.txt and a 96xxupgrade.txt set up on my webserver that the phone appears to be using
01:48.12phyrexianslugsorry, I am rather rusty with the Avaya gear (I've been using Cisco stuff for too long!)
01:48.13Leftyit does successfully register with asterisk, as I can make outbound calls on that phone to local extensions and via my sip trunk
01:48.34LeftyI even factory wiped the phone to nuke any saved call forwarding settings
01:48.42phyrexianslugOh,  well if outbound works you should be good with auth
01:49.37phyrexianslugif you send a call to the phone from Asterisk,  does the phone report busy when asterisk tries it? (ie at the console?)
01:49.57Leftythe phone's console, or asterisk's?
01:51.09Leftyzoiper gives me "service or option unavailable" when I try to dial the avaya, and asterisk says this:
01:51.19LeftyNOTICE[22256] Ext. 10:  Incoming call from "Colin (Zoiper)" <zoiper> to 10
01:51.19LeftyNOTICE[22256] app_dial.c: Not accepting call completion offers from call-forward recipient Local/;1
01:51.19LeftyNOTICE[22256] chan_local.c: No such extension/context while calling Local channel
01:51.19LeftyNOTICE[22256] app_dial.c: Forwarding failed to dial 'Local/'
01:51.48Leftyeven though the dialplan says to dial SIP/avaya (which is what I called that phone in sip.conf)
01:52.18[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN the actual complete call debug
01:52.24[TK]D-FenderDo not flood it in here
01:52.26infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
01:54.30phyrexianslugyeah, something looks wrong there, a copy of what you've setup for that extension in a pastebin would be more helpful. :P
01:55.14Leftysure, my dialplan and sip.conf are pretty small still, I'll throw them on pastebin
01:55.26[TK]D-FenderLefty: Show the call.....
01:55.38[TK]D-FenderLefty: configs are only one part of the story.
01:55.49Leftythe actual sip calls?
01:55.51[TK]D-FenderLefty: what the other side is sending and matching against is another
01:56.00[TK]D-FenderLefty: yes, the actual COMPLETE call debug from * CLI
01:56.05Leftythat's all I see in the asterisk log
01:56.07Leftyok, standby
01:56.08[TK]D-Fenderno log
01:56.11[TK]D-Fender* CLI
01:56.14[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
01:56.18*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
01:56.22[TK]D-Fender"core set verbose 10"
01:56.29[TK]D-FenderStart with those
01:56.39[TK]D-Fenderthen we'll amp up CORE DEBUG after if needed
01:56.47Leftyroger that
01:57.01LeftyI've got sip debug on already, but I'll crank up verbose as well
02:00.37*** join/#asterisk dgeary2 (
02:00.52Lefty  <- that's my relevant configs
02:00.57LeftyI'll grab a debug dump now
02:03.15j4jackjHas anyone here heard of companding?
02:04.28*** join/#asterisk iq (~iq@
02:05.53[TK]D-Fenderj4jackj: Basic audio DAC concept
02:06.08[TK]D-Fenderj4jackj: G.711 is "compaded", not "compressed"
02:06.39j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: Heehee
02:07.11j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: Well I use companding to increase SNR for music in IMA ADPCM files. Without it, both in the form of alaw and in the form of sox' own compand, the music would sound horrendous.
02:09.31j4jackjActually, I undo the compression.
02:09.34j4jackjIt sounds terrific.
02:10.48Lefty[TK]D-Fender: still working on getting that dump, sorry
02:11.25phyrexianslugNo worries,  We're here all night. :P
02:15.02Leftyok, there we go
02:15.26Leftythat's a complete log (I hope!) of all the sip traffic from when I initiate the call to when it fails
02:18.10phyrexianslug"Got SIP response 305 "Use Proxy" back from"
02:19.09phyrexianslugI presume .75 is the handset?
02:19.31LeftyI'll try changing the sip mode on the handset from proxied to peer-to-peer
02:19.52[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:;transport=udp>
02:20.04Leftythat's the server
02:20.05[TK]D-Fenderindeed it looks like it's trying to enforce traffic through a proxy
02:21.24*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
02:22.29Leftyhmm, yeah, setting the phone to p2p mode makes it unable to register with asterisk
02:23.27[TK]D-FenderIdea : leave it as proxy, but specify it as *
02:24.09Leftyok, will do that
02:25.22*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:91:a4bb:9a23:9bc8)
02:28.38Leftystill fails, hmm
02:29.55phyrexianslugwant to post the phone config?  in case something sticks out?
02:30.24Leftysure... it's about a million lines long
02:33.03Leftyphone is definitely respecting that file, as I changed a couple of allowed features a few minutes ago and it picked it up
02:34.17phyrexianslugand sorry,  what firmware was on the phone?
02:35.00LeftySIP 2.6.10, which I believe is the latest SIP firmware for the unit
02:36.32*** join/#asterisk j4jackj (
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02:39.08phyrexianslugsorry,  just trying to model the enviro,   Server is .100 phone 1 is .75,  phone 2 is .101 ?
02:39.23phyrexianslugor I guess,  phone is .100 and .101?
02:39.47phyrexianslugserver would be .75?
02:40.13Leftyserver is .70, avaya phone is .75, softphone is on .100
02:40.54phyrexianslugOh, that makes more sense!
02:41.11phyrexianslugLOOKS to me like something at .101 is registering as the same extension maybe?
02:41.17phyrexianslug" Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK07936a62 "
02:53.42LeftyI don't think so, but I'll tcpdump the damn thing
03:02.02LeftyI'm stumped.  I think I'll look at it again in the AM
03:02.13Leftybeen staring at SIP traffic for hours!
03:02.24Leftythanks for the input!
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03:39.05*** join/#asterisk roderickm (~roderickm@
04:09.25*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
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05:00.55j4jackjOy vey, oh weh!: Freenode sucks. Let's move over to one of your choice: is my own IRC server, and is OFTC's.
05:04.10*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-oeorzzecddgrwddy)
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05:25.46PenguinOh, you know...
05:26.32PenguinBecause moving 182 people to his ircd would make it more popular, or something.
05:26.58[TK]D-Fender182 is more than 1.
05:27.06[TK]D-FenderBut ... that's just math speaking
05:27.06*** part/#asterisk g_r_eek (
05:27.51PenguinI could not care less about yet another ircd.
05:27.59PenguinI don't use the ones I already knew about.
05:29.07ChannelZLet's at least move to an _established_ shit-hole like EFnet
05:29.20PenguinI quit connecting there years ago.
05:39.07*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
05:40.26j4jackjStop it. I feel like running '/exec -out yes WEED' and you know what that does.
05:45.46kaldemarit kicks you out of the channel?
05:46.20j4jackjIt gets you k lined for spam.
06:03.25*** join/#asterisk lanning_ (
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06:13.23ChannelZsounds like a personal problem
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07:29.57*** join/#asterisk mae_tae (ca4e5973@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:31.33mae_taehello ppl, we had 1 line that could call can take long distance locally but how can i configure it in freepbx that I could call inside our ofis
07:33.24*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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07:46.05*** join/#asterisk mae_tae (70ca33a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:46.33niploI need some help regarding outbound routing. Can someone help me?
07:46.41j4jackjOh for screw's sake. Why is water now a commodity?
07:47.16*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (~danjenkin@
07:47.28infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
07:48.16ChannelZj4jackj: according to our dumb-ass First Lady water is free.
07:48.29ChannelZso it must be true
07:48.40ChannelZif you say otherwise you're a racist
07:48.48niploI want to disallow certain extension from making mobile calls. Is there anyway toachieve this by using the outbound routing?
07:49.18j4jackjniplo: not without a complete list of mobile numbers in the entire world.
07:49.58niploj4jackj: I cannot use wild cards? for example 69ZXXXXXXX
07:50.12j4jackjniplo: no.
07:50.21j4jackjniplo: well, yes
07:50.23ChannelZYou put the "extensions" (by which you really mean devices/phones) in different contexts and restrict what extensions (proper extensions) can be dialed in those contexts
07:50.54j4jackjniplo: you see, if the mobiles are in a different area code, 'ts all fine.
07:51.04mae_taehello ppl, example if i direct the phone and call (02) <- area code, then tel no 4289760, it can call long distance, problem is how will i configure it in freepbx, coz i when i add this pattern 02 - 428XXXX, i only hear number is not assigned
07:52.22mae_taeChannelZ: i mean in asterisk how will i specify i think it has the same configuration
07:52.54ChannelZI don't really understand your question
07:53.16j4jackjmae_tae: to start with, if you are prepending the area code, you may have to strip it off.
07:53.32niploj4jackj: Well, our agents are only allowed to call local phones not internationally :)
07:55.31j4jackjjust dial 024281234, because if you add the wait, it's not going to work.
07:56.46mae_taej4jackj: something like this 02    -    428XXXX?
07:56.56*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
07:56.59j4jackjmae_tae: you don't do that.
07:57.20mae_taej4jackj: i mean that's how you specify pattern in inbound route
07:57.27mae_taeso how will i do that?
07:57.28j4jackjit is not.
07:57.35kaldemarmae_tae: ask in #freepbx
07:58.11j4jackjmae_tae: you can cludge around it by creating an extension '02' and then asking Asterisk to wait for another extension in a context called 'dial_ohtwo'
08:00.27ChannelZI still don't understand the question but don't think that's the answer
08:01.40j4jackjit's an idea
08:02.51*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:02.55mae_taeok people thanks
08:04.25ChannelZI guess I'm missing why, if you want to be able to dial 02 and some numbers, you don't just put that in your extension.
08:05.26tm1000ChannelZ: He/She doesn't understand dialpatterns…at all
08:05.34ChannelZOK, I am 10 feet away from my WAP. How can my phone have no bars of wifi?
08:05.34tm1000they has 02 as a strip prefix
08:05.56j4jackjor lack thereof
08:08.06ChannelZAndroid is just retarded.
08:09.29j4jackjChannelZ: nope, the hardware is.
08:10.15ChannelZNo, another wifi app is telling me 90% signal but the indicator at the top has nothing but the dot. It's stuck.
08:10.30*** join/#asterisk dpeloquin (uid13057@gateway/web/
08:11.57j4jackjAnyway, i have this weird schedule where I delay breakfast and have a small snack 2 hours before breakfast.
08:13.19ChannelZSomeone on a norweigan message forum has linked to my lego phone graphic.
08:21.49*** join/#asterisk Lefty (uid12609@gateway/web/
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08:26.32j4jackjChannelZ: now it's getting colder I'm cycling more often.
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09:23.18paule32now, i can incall and outcall
09:23.27*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:23.42paule32if i do that, a greeting message welcomes me
09:24.02paule32how can i do a call, without these message?
09:24.05*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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10:45.07vlad_starkovQuestion: Is it a known bug: I have a peer in sip.conf with 'sendrpid=no' parameter set explicitly, and this peer context inherited from template, which contain 'sendrpid=yes'. As result I expected to have 'sendrpid=no' for that peer, but got 'sendrpid=yes'.
10:48.16*** join/#asterisk LooserOuting (
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10:52.03LooserOutinghelo. i got problems with t.38 gateway. sometime it finds a v.21 preamble nad sometimes not. i am using always the same faxsender. the destination is in PSTN. i am calling through a SIP Provider. Can someone please give me some hints how to debug the ?
10:55.58*** join/#asterisk d45h (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
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13:00.52LooserOutinghello. i got problems with t.38 gateway. sometimes it finds a v.21 preamble and sometimes not. i am using always the same fax sender. the destination is in PSTN. i am calling through a SIP Provider. Can someone please give me some hints how to debug the call?
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13:45.58dago100Hi I've got a problem with dahdi and sip, after 10 to15min on a ISDN line I get the  message in asterisk log  [2013-09-17 14:32:41] VERBOSE[31034][C-00000025] sig_pri.c:     -- Span 1: Channel 0/1 got hangup, cause 27/[2013-09-17 14:32:41] DEBUG[15732][C-00000025] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: DAHDI/i1/
13:46.09dago100during the phone
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15:01.04monstercoHi everyone - I have a provider that send me SIP signal in IP and then I see that they are trying to establish RTP from IP - or maybe my Asterisk is trying to reach them on the new IP based on SIP packets - I have one way-audio issue - where should I start debugging?
15:02.03SuperNullis nat involved?
15:02.27[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: show us the complete call debug masking NOTHING
15:02.40monstercoyou want sip debug?
15:03.15[TK]D-Fenderyes, + verbose 10
15:03.20infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:04.58SuperNullTK you ever get tired of looking at sip text ? ;-)
15:05.45[TK]D-FenderSuperNull: Yes.  Right now I'm at zero.  Nowhere to go but dowhill...
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15:13.18monsterco[TK]D-Fender - before I go about doing that let me ask you a question - Should I EVER see SINGLE:NO_TRAFFIC (on pfsense stats) when dialing echo test for example
15:15.38[TK]D-FenderI don't do PF
15:16.14[TK]D-FenderAnd echo can have a lack of traffic if done wrong as well
15:16.32[TK]D-FenderThe only "consistent" I expect... are mistakes.
15:16.43[TK]D-FenderSo time to look at what's actually going on.
15:17.50*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
15:22.02*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
15:32.18monsterco[TK]D-Fender - I am preparing SIP debugs now - funny thing - usually in NAT issues call disconnects after a minute - In this case call keeps staying up for ever but with one way audio
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16:28.46Kattyblames Qwell
16:33.05drmessanoI heard there were cookies
16:33.51drmessanoSomething about my browser needing to accept cookies from the Asterisk website.  I opened my CD tray several times and one did not materialize
16:33.59drmessanoShould I file a bug report?
16:34.09Kattyi would recommend a cookie report.
16:34.19Kattyplease include quantities of all ingredients and appropriate cooking temp/times
16:34.38Kattysince i've never done this before.
16:34.41Kattypokes at jmetro
16:35.02Kattyif i'm register asterisk box b onto asterisk box a
16:35.09Kattythe type=friend?
16:35.15drmessanoI've heard this rumor you can take a boxed cake mix and a can of pumpkin and make an amazing cake or cupcakes.  No oil, eggs, or milk.. Just the pumpkin
16:36.16Kattysounds kind of...dry
16:36.24*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
16:36.57drmessanoI wondered that as well, but the Pumpkin maybe has more moisture than we're thinking?
16:37.11Kattyi don't cook with cake mix
16:37.14Kattyso, idk
16:37.24Kattyi know you can substitute pumpkin for eggs, as a binding agent
16:37.35Kattyand oil is just flavor/moisture
16:37.51drmessanoI don't bake much.  I can't make cheesecake anymore, and I hate throwing stuff in a pan and hoping for the best 30 minutes later
16:37.56drmessanoSo I cook.  No bake
16:38.16drmessanoCook = Control.  I am all 50 shades of stovetop
16:38.18Kattyyou do know they have no bake cheesecakes, right?
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16:38.41drmessanoNo bake cheesecake is terrible as all hell
16:38.48Kattyoh no it's not.
16:39.31drmessanoIf you've ever had a single bite of MY new york style cheesecake, no bake tastes like pig vomit.  Actually, it does anyway.
16:39.42Kattypats drmessano
16:39.45Kattymaybe you're just doing it wrong.
16:40.07drmessanoHow can you "do" a no bake cheesecake wrong?
16:40.19Kattylike you do any other recipe wrong
16:40.22Kattyyo udon't follow instructions
16:40.29Kattyor you have a crap recipe
16:40.35Kattydecides type=friend
16:40.36Maliutadrmessano: that's a whole other pay-per-view site ;P
16:41.05drmessanotype=friend creates a user and a peer.  One shot config for bidirectional calling
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16:41.34Maliutabidirectional ... that's a big word ;)
16:41.46infobotbacktrace is a debugging tool that is useful when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read doc/backtrace.txt).  See also
16:42.56Kattydrmessano: yeah, that's what i figured.
16:44.28[TK]D-FenderLast time I did a back-trace she got kinda pissed.  I probably shouldn't have used a permanent marker...
16:45.34Kattyhey look, it registers.
16:45.35Kattyhow bout that.
16:45.38Kattyi can still follow directions
16:46.01Kattygood morning mister fender, how's your back doing?
16:47.10[TK]D-FenderSo far today is pretty good... I should start swimming soon.
16:47.21[TK]D-Fendertake up a membership for a month or two.
16:47.46Kattysounds like a good idea.
16:51.10*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:51.21drmessanoYou know you don't have to swim to get to the states.  That's only for mexico
16:51.49drmessanoYou CAN swim, but the percentage of land border crossings make it insensible
16:52.23boom^timedrmessano, the cool kids use underground tunnels these days
16:53.24[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I thought the SWIMMING was the insensible part...
16:53.24boom^timewait sorry I'm getting my illegal immigration and drug trafficking mixed up.
16:56.42*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
17:01.04Kattywell. i have both boxes registered with each other now. that's shining progress.
17:02.35paulchands Katty a gold star
17:02.47paulcI'm all for rewarding little victories. We don't do that enough.
17:03.20paulccue Katty beaming and gushing a heartfelt acceptance speech...
17:03.38paulc(it's a slow day in the office today - I'll find something to do soon enough, don't worry...)
17:08.49Kattywell i'm still struggling with making actual calls, but hopefully here soon, eh?
17:12.02*** join/#asterisk rocksfrow (
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17:12.47n8ideasCan anyone tell me if debug threads or disabling compiler optimization would cause Asterisk to run extremely high CPU usage?
17:12.53rocksfrowhi, is asterisk 11 optimized for multi-core support?
17:13.50Kattypaulc: annnd now it does ^_^
17:13.58KattyTHANK YOU UHH.
17:14.03KattyTHANK YOU MOM
17:14.03*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
17:14.08Kattyfor all your support, when i was a kid.
17:14.13Kattyblah blah blah. blahblha.
17:14.44PenguinTwo asterisks register to each other?  That's weird.
17:16.02paulcMaybe not, if they had dynamic public IPs.. at different locations.. maybe?  *clutches at straws*
17:16.17PenguinYeah, maybe.
17:16.44PenguinBut if they have static addresses, there is no reason to register either.
17:20.24PenguinAnd, if this is the setup we discussed several days ago, I provided an example that would serve as a drop-in config.  Just change the settings' values to your own values and away you go.
17:20.28*** join/#asterisk rbd_ (
17:20.43monsterco[TK]D-Fender - Attached here full SIP and VERBOSE from Asterisk for one way audio -             - I have put a line of ****** between the call establishment and disconnect signals
17:21.10rbd_hey do I convert a string like "10" to an integer 10 so that I can use it in numeric evaluations (i.e. with the >=, < etc operators)? or does asterisk automatically do this?
17:21.31monstercoProvider is sip signaling us from: and sending us media from based on these packets that I see
17:21.55Penguinrbd_: Don't use quotation marks.
17:22.07filen8ideas, debug threads will kill performance
17:22.18filerocksfrow, it will use multiple cores
17:22.39n8ideasThanks a bunch. That's what we've been seeing
17:22.42rbd_Penguin:...actually, I want to do soemthing like: GotoIf($[$[${RECOG_RESULT} : ".*?confidence=\"0\.([1-9]+)\""] >= .10]?RECOGNIZED)  ....basically taking the captured match from a regexp (which is numeric) and comparing it against a number
17:23.11rbd_what I have is wrong (missing using \1) but you get the point hopefully
17:26.03rbd_is this even possible?
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17:28.42monsterco[TK]D-Fender - any clues yet?
17:29.06monstercoanyone else has any feedback on my one way audio?  thanks
17:29.21rocksfrowfile, would an old 1.4 box have multi-core support as well? how far back does mutli-core support go?
17:29.45fileAsterisk is multithreaded for places where it can be and the operating system will divy threads across cores as it can
17:30.00fileso, 1.4 is fine for that
17:30.41rocksfrowfile, okay, so there aren't any significant efficient increases in the use of multiple cores with a newer asterisk version over an older? Say asterisk 11 vs 1.4
17:31.05fileAsterisk does not explicitly do it
17:31.18filenow, that doesn't mean stuff hasn't changed in such a way that performance is better
17:31.25rocksfrowfile, ah... so Asterisk leaves it all up to the OS/system
17:31.46rocksfrowfile, right... some software is optimized to use multiple cores more efficiently so I was jw
17:31.50rocksfrowthanks for clarifying
17:32.08*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
17:32.10rocksfrowi just had somebody ask about multi-cores not appearing to be used and it's an old system so I wanted to make sure it was as simple as an upgrade
17:32.25rocksfrow(an * upgrade I mean)
17:32.39rocksfrowfile, right right... gotcha. thanks
17:37.46WIMPyWell, there's one thing that has changed: You can now use ConfBridge instead of MeetMe.
17:37.46monstercoin world of SIP whose responsibility is it to open the RTP ports and initiate media? the receiver or sender of the call?
17:38.31WIMPyDo you want audio to go both ways?
17:39.54monstercono - getting audio one way
17:39.58j4jackjhas anyone here wiresharked Skype protocol before?
17:40.04monstercoI mean yest - both ways
17:40.29monstercobut I am right now getting one way audio because provider is SIP signaling me from one IP and asking us to receive RTP from another IP
17:40.36WIMPyj4jackj: If you try to do so, they will send someone round to take care of you.
17:40.45j4jackjWIMPy: really?
17:40.48fileeach side listens on their own UDP ports
17:40.53monstercofull SIP debug and verbose from my inbound call:
17:41.23j4jackjWIMPy: prove it. it's not illegal to wiretap something that you have permission to wiretap.
17:41.47j4jackjlike: a skype call between you and your mum
17:41.58WIMPyj4jackj: There was a story about someone who wanted to write a diploma or something about skype. That took an interesting twist and never appeared.
17:42.41filemonsterco, I see nothing out of the ordinary
17:43.59monstercoOn my pfSense firewall I see that Asterisk is trying to reach the ITSPs media server and there is one way traffic there
17:44.20filefrom a SIP signaling perspective it's all fine
17:46.12j4jackjWIMPy: If my mum agrees, I will publish the raw Wireshark findings.
17:46.14PenguinAsterisk doesn't care if the media comes from a different IP address from what the signaling comes from.
17:47.39WIMPyj4jackj: I think the audio codecs are known.
17:47.46PenguinI'd guess that doing some research about pfSense and asterisk might lead you to a solution.
17:47.46filewireshark won't tell you much re: Skype, it's encrypted
17:47.59monsterco@file - is there any missing information? like info that I should receive back from the media server? I would like to know the process here - correct me if I am wrong. ITSP contacts my Asterisk and tells me the media server IP. Then my asterisk should contact that media server? or should it just wait to receive media from that IP?
17:48.20*** join/#asterisk leedm777 (~leedm777@nat/digium/x-kwqvfzfacefkegjv)
17:48.21Kattyso let's say i dial SIP/2000@BoxB
17:48.25filemonsterco, it sends to the IP address and port provided in the SDP, and expects media on the IP address and port it provided
17:48.30j4jackjWIMPy: they are.
17:48.34Kattywhat context is it looking for on the other side?
17:48.41WIMPymonsterco: Both
17:48.43Kattydo you set that in the Dial command?
17:48.48Penguinkatty: If BoxB has a peer defined in sip.conf, the format shoudl be SIP/BoxB/2000.
17:48.48carrarKatty, context "cake"
17:48.57fileKatty, whatever is configured in the remote sip.conf
17:49.00PenguinAnd the context is set in sip.conf.
17:49.02fileon BoxB
17:49.06monstercoSo here is what they sent:    c=IN IP4
17:49.10WIMPymonsterco: It's not a TCP stream, You have (at least) one stream per direction.
17:49.13monstercom=audio 26984 RTP/AVP 18 0 101
17:49.17Kattyfile: ty
17:49.22Kattycarrar: also, yes. how did you guess?!
17:49.36monstercoso - then whose turn is it to contact who has not been in picture so far?
17:49.47fileAsterisk will send RTP to that IP address and port.
17:49.51carrarKatty: It's a top secret algorithm that the NSA wrote
17:49.56GalaxorHi, I am using the sip client built in to android 2.3.  Is there a way to set what it sends for outgoing caller id?
17:50.01fileit's connectionless via UDP
17:50.39monstercowould my asterisk initiate RTP UDP or the server in an inbound call to me?
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17:51.13carrarKatty: Actually it's a constitutionally out of bounds algorithm that the NSA wrote
17:51.19filethere is no "initiation"
17:51.30fileeach side sends media when it needs to, to the address provided
17:51.49PenguinAny initiation is done in SIP; that's what SIP is for.
17:52.34j4jackjWIMPy: I want to write a basic specification sheet about Skype and I will send it with no return postal address but an email address to Microsoft (with copyrights being the only thing breaking anonymity: (C) 2013- Jack Johnson and Microsoft (protocol implementation))
17:52.43drmessanocarrar, s/AllTheWords/REDACTED/
17:52.57monsterco@file - I see - but at least both sides should expect to receive media from the other party and do respond (or UDP doesn't require any acknowledgement at all)?
17:53.09roderickmWIMPy: there was an interesting academic paper on the Skype protocol (as of late 2005) published
17:53.10fileUDP is connectionless and doesn't receive an acknowledgement
17:53.40roderickmThough it has been overhauled signiificantly since, with Microsoft replacing p2p supernodes with their corporate servers.
17:53.52monsterco@file - ok so in this case if call party can hear me then it means my Asterisk is sending audio just fine but if I am not hearing audio it's because the other party is not sending me audio then
17:54.07fileor your firewall (most likely) is blocking it
17:54.10PenguinIt does not mean they are not sending it.
17:54.15PenguinIt means you didn't receive it.
17:54.57monsterco@file - I am using pfSense and I see absolutely nothing from that IP blocked or any STATS from them. However, I do see my Asterisk UDP connections to that IP go as SINGLE:NO_TRAFFIC
17:56.10monstercowhich could be just because there is no UDP acknowledgment or maybe there is nothing from other party at all as they are not expecting me?!   same setup works with multiple other providers - I have port 5060 UDP (UDP only not TCP) open to ITSP and then 31000-35000 UDP open to whole world
17:56.40GalaxorI'm also not seeing a way to set the outgoing caller id value in Ekiga.  Is that something that is not the responsibility of the sip client?
17:56.42*** join/#asterisk zigg (~matt@unaffiliated/zigg)
17:57.07monsterco@file : any thoughts?
17:57.09fileyour signaling is fine, it's either pfSense or the ITSP... that's all I've got for you
17:57.46monsterco@file - they asked me for wireshark data - since they have two IPs what wireshark command can I use to filter only traffic to and their servers from my Asterisk?
17:58.33ziggmonsterco: you could use a filter like "host or host"
17:58.54monstercozigg - can you please give me a complete command - thanks
17:59.48ziggmonsterco: you said wireshark, I assumed you were going to use the wireshark filter box.  if you're using tcpdump you could do something like "tcpdump -w capture.pcap -s 0 host or host"
17:59.53monstercozigg - something like this:      tcpdump -i eth0 -nqtttt -s 0 -A  "host or host"
18:00.15ziggmonsterco: yeah. though I confess I don't know what half of those flags are ;)  -i -n and -s are the only ones I'm familiar with
18:00.20monstercozigg - would I get the same results as wireshark?
18:00.51monstercoI thought tcpdump is same wireshark
18:01.10ziggmonsterco: -w capture.pcap dumps it to a .pcap file which you can load in many capture tools including wireshark
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18:02.25monstercozigg - ok, so I don't need to do "yum install wireshark" on CentOS and just use TCPDUMP and send them the result for them to analyze in their own wireshark - is that correct?
18:02.48ziggmonsterco: yup. that's what I have people do when I need to see their packet captures
18:02.59*** join/#asterisk trend1 (
18:03.19monstercobut wireshark also has the capability to collect data? or just analyzes it?
18:04.21ziggmonsterco: yes, wireshark can capture on whatever machine you're running it on. but if you're using it normally it also requires a GUI. tshark is the CLI version of wireshark, but I'm not familiar with that
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18:04.35ziggmonsterco: wireshark and tshark have the best analytic apabilities
18:04.41Penguintshark is a nice tool.
18:05.23Penguintshark output is not identical to tcpdump output, but you can still look at the same stuff in the packets.
18:05.50ziggPenguin: I did use it once for a very specific use case, but most of the time I'm just having people collect with tcpdump and forward it to me to look at on my system in wireshark. but yeah, it is cool
18:06.58monstercobut either of "tcpdump" or "tshark" commands should give me exact same results right?
18:07.20monstercoPenguin - I typed too fast - ops
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18:08.11ziggmonsterco: the .pcap file format is standard across all packet capture tools.  no matter what tool you use to capture it it will be the right format
18:08.20monstercoPenguin - what would be an equivalent command of tshark to :   tcpdump -w capture.pcap -s 0 host or host     - ITSP asked for wireshark packets so might as well give them that to leave no room to blame
18:09.04PenguinI would venture to say that you can read the tshark man page just as easily as I can.
18:10.48PenguinAlso, if they didn't ask for a pcap file or pcap output, I would have assumed they would the human-readable text output rather than a pcap file.
18:11.37Penguins/would t/would want t/
18:13.22trend1Afternoon all, I was wondering if someone could point me to some good documentation regarding "Virtual Hold". I googled around some but could not find anything substantial.
18:13.48PenguinWhat does this virtual hold do?
18:15.13zoid_is there any difference between the h extension and a hangup handler (when you have only one)?
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18:15.50PenguinExtension h is executed when the call has ended.  I don't know what a hangup handler is.
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18:16.35trend1Penguin: It's a queue option that allows people to leave a number and when there position in queue is up the pbx will call them and connect them to an agent
18:17.42PenguinOh, I've heard of that.
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18:18.16trend1yeah, its really cool. I admin a high flow Noc and i would like to implement it
18:19.23PenguinBeware, this info is probably outdated and could even be wrong.
18:19.48trend1yeah, iv seen that. It's both wrong and outdated
18:19.57trend1it was a good starting point though
18:20.16zoid_Penguin: this
18:21.17zoid_I'm having a problem with the h extension
18:21.56zoid_I have an agi call, and the call does not end untill the agi call ends
18:22.18zoid_I don't think I should Hangup()  in h
18:22.18PenguinThis must be new in 10 or 11.  (I use 1.8.)
18:22.56PenguinI don't know why you would need Hangup() in extension h since h only runs after a hangup has occurred.
18:23.55zoid_Penguin: this is what I'm seeing: I have an AGI in some extension, that agi sends the hangup command, then, the agi at the h extension runs, but the channel remains open untill the second agi script finishes
18:24.21zoid_asterisk 1.8.10
18:26.11PenguinI'm wondering if that's an AGI problem.
18:28.00elguerozoid_: Did you go to the cli and read what "core show application AGI" says?  If not, go take a look.
18:28.21elguerozoid_: hopefully that helps :)
18:30.07Kattythrows cake at carrar
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18:30.32zoid_elguero: I see
18:30.39Kattyhugs serafie
18:30.53zoid_in that case: Hangup should be the first thing after agi
18:30.57zoid_I'll try that
18:34.25carrarlicks up the cake!
18:38.24zoid_elguero: nope :/
18:40.17PenguinDid you see the DeadAGI() applications?
18:42.46*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
18:44.47navaismoCan anyone point me at the error, SIP trace and ports look good but i have no audio on the browser. here is the sipo debug with rtp debug on
18:44.58rbd_is it possible to use REPLACE() to remove doulbe quotes from a string?? for the life of me I can't get it to work
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19:04.45navaismoanyone :'(
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19:12.28lukerobiDoes anyone know of a free echo test service that I can dial to?
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19:23.48MLNoahis it expected/documented behavior that if you do exten => foo,1,Set(__FOO=1) and then same =>n,Set(FOO=$[${FOO} + 1]) that FOO will be switched back to a non-inheriting channel variable?
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19:27.59PenguinI would have expected that behavior, but I don't know if it has been documented one way or the other.
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19:28.23MLNoahi mean, i'll totally allow for me not having read (much/any) of the documentation to figure out that was going to happen.  but it surprised me that it was doing that
19:30.45PenguinI expect it to be just like you never set it the first time.  It's not like you can "initialize" the variable and then the attributes of it remain intact.
19:36.36lukerobithanks j4jackj.. I was hoping for a DID to call, but i'll settle for anything so I don't have to keep calling random people.  No cell service in the building to call myself either..
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19:41.13PenguinDo you really need a regular phone number for that?
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19:56.15navaismogiving up for now
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20:18.56filenavaismo, ICE support has to be present and enabled.
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20:19.57drmessanoice, ice, baby.. too cold, too cold
20:26.25navaismofile, in the rtp.conf is enabled
20:26.32fileit has to be enabled in sip.conf
20:28.41navaismolet me check that
20:32.45navaismoOMG OMG OMG
20:32.49navaismoare wet now
20:32.57navaismothansk file you save the day
20:33.03fileuh... huh
20:33.36navaismoall the morning trying to find what is the issue, and you pint me in the right direction thanks
20:36.48Wiretapsounds like someone spilled their beer
20:37.19navaismonow sipml5 & jssip work without issue
20:37.23fileICE is a WebRTC requirement, it's disabled by default
20:38.13navaismotaking note of that
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22:08.02navaismolukerobi, you are the sip device 105 at
22:09.03navaismoups wrong channel
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22:30.08ChannelZYou are the sip device. Be the sip device.
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23:18.34Kattyhi laddies.
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23:44.04*** join/#asterisk rfreire (c951a214@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:46.54rfreireHello hello, #asterisk! o/ I'm unable to get *any* logging off my Asterisk, be the /var/log/asterisk/messages or CDR messages. It's a 1.8 raspbian build; pastebin at
23:46.58rfreireHelp? ;-/
23:47.32rfreireBTW: permissions are correctly set for asterisk:asterisk to /var/log/asterisk
23:56.56navaismorfreire, check the logger.conf & the cdr_*.conf for the backends

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