IRC log for #asterisk on 20130913

00:00.10viasanctus(to continue my statement of the 2nd vm)
00:00.52viasanctuswe have a 100Mbs dedicated fiber connection with sip trunking
00:00.55phixcloud :/  I hate that term, IT IS JUST A VIRTUAL MACHINE! something that has existed since 1980 or something
00:01.15viasanctusphix, true, but a cloud offers more uptime
00:01.26phixcloud is just another buzz word
00:01.36viasanctusah you mean that
00:01.44phixDeveloped by consumer research and marketing
00:02.29viasanctusi didn't want to go for an ha cluster
00:02.54viasanctusbut something that doest reboots the vms on storage/computing failure of one of the nodes
00:03.27viasanctusin any case, I don't see why a 2nd vm in cluster with the first would scale out asterisk if its based on the same host
00:09.54pabelangerviasanctus, well, for me, the whole reason for using kvm is there no limit of resources I need to working about.  We drop a proxy in front and load balance across them, if my instance is getting hammered and I need more, I simple spin up another.  Once I don't need it any more, I destroy it and the resources are free to go back into the pool
00:10.25pabelangerhowever you do it, you should plan to make the instance dynamic / automated. So if one fails, you can quickly spin up a replacement
00:10.58phixpabelanger: what do you use to cluster kvm? a third party / commerical application? or just tedious scripting and configuration?
00:11.08viasanctusI think cloudstack has live failover mechanism for that
00:11.21pabelangerwe are building upon OpenStack
00:11.29viasanctuswhy not cloudstack?
00:11.44viasanctusman I hate openstacks docs
00:11.53pabelangerNo reason specific, we just use OpenStack
00:12.02pabelangerwhy do you use Asterisk and not Freeswitch
00:12.06pabelangerthey both do the same thing
00:12.08viasanctuswell, it's the same principle baiscally
00:12.13pabelangerjust a matter of preference
00:12.39viasanctusopenstack has some major companies backing it up..even the most beloved nsa I believe :)
00:13.27pabelangeryes, there are some smart people there too
00:13.29phixah nsa
00:13.47phixand NASA
00:13.52viasanctuspabelanger, do you of use cases where the stack manages over 1000s of voip calls ?
00:14.17pabelangerviasanctus, ask me again in 3 months
00:14.31viasanctushow so enthousiastic? :p
00:14.46pabelangerwere are currently building out a new call centre, and starting the integration next week
00:14.46phixhaha bluehost uses it, I just signed up with them :)
00:14.52viasanctuswhat hardware you running?
00:15.09viasanctuschecks bluehost
00:15.10pabelangerDell R515 are our compute nodes
00:15.20pabelangercannot remember what the controller is ATM
00:15.41viasanctusobject storage?
00:16.19viasanctuslocal storage on the Dell R515 ?
00:16.38pabelangerOh, no, we have some hardware coming in for that too
00:16.46pabelangerdon't have the info in from of me
00:17.03pabelangerplan is to build out for live migration
00:17.07pabelangerbut p1 will not support it
00:17.29viasanctusI often hear some professionals prefering local storage
00:17.35viasanctusand being able to scale out easily
00:17.37pabelangerbut haven't tested asterisk with anything like that yet
00:17.44viasanctusyour computing has to be linear with the storage though
00:18.02viasanctusif you're a storage provider, that'll probably be not the best way to go though
00:18.04pabelangerwell, as long as you are find with your local node going down... hopefully the data is else ware in the cloud
00:18.24viasanctusit should be mirrorred around
00:18.29viasanctusone of the things I wonder about though
00:18.50pabelangerAlso, right now we don't have heavy storage requirements right now.  Just dealing call queues, recordings will be 6months out
00:18.51viasanctusit's a cloud setup in the end, but the mirrorring must consume a shitload of ethernet bandwidth
00:19.00pabelangerand, we might just use some external hardware for it
00:19.22viasanctushaven't heard of anyone using netapp with one of the stack sols
00:19.31viasanctuswhilst it's very popular in vmware ha clusters
00:19.46viasanctuscephs is quite popular, but I don't think of going for objects
00:20.35viasanctus16 opteron cores is smart thing to go for if you're using RHEL
00:20.39viasanctusare you?
00:21.13pabelangerare I what?
00:21.18pabelanger16 cores or RHEL?
00:21.38pabelangercentos 6.4 right now
00:21.50pabelangerbut testing debian also
00:21.55viasanctusis it supported?
00:22.01pabelangernot sure which we'll use for baremetal
00:22.07pabelangerall our instances are ubuntu 12.04
00:22.10viasanctusthought it was officially only supported by RHEL
00:22.21pabelangerevery os is support
00:22.36pabelangerthe amount of people using it for different OS's is different
00:22.47pabelangernot sure if RHEL offers commercial support yet or not
00:22.55pabelangerbut, doubt we pay for it
00:23.11viasanctusRHEL is the only distro that does i believe
00:23.53pabelangerOpenStack will run on any Linux distro
00:24.07viasanctusI'm talking about kvm
00:24.13viasanctuscommercial support
00:24.21pabelangeroh, have no idea
00:24.36viasanctuswell doesn't matter, happy to hear another success story with centos
00:24.47viasanctusnot willing to pay 2K$ for 2 sockets
00:24.58pabelangerwell, we are only using centos to test out RDO
00:25.02TriJetScudCentOS might not be the choice for heavily threaded workloads because of a bug in libc/kernel
00:25.07viasanctusthe whole reason I'm getting away from vmware
00:25.11pabelangerwe have our own puppet modules, but wanted to try RDO
00:25.13TriJetScudFreeSWITCH has issues with CentOS 6.4 or below
00:25.28TriJetScudviasanctus: is vmware costing too much for you guys?
00:25.38viasanctusTriJetScud, yes
00:25.53TriJetScudheh, it's not the first time I've heard of that gripe
00:25.57viasanctusthe HA + vcloud + vspp licenses are a killer
00:26.08viasanctusfarting costs money per fart
00:26.39viasanctusyou pay per connection per GB, per socket, per whatever is in the setup
00:26.53viasanctusyou are obligated to buy yearly support
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00:27.25viasanctusthey're pushing the whole market towards stacks
00:27.39viasanctuseven xen has released their xenserver
00:28.05phixCentos :/ Debian and Ubuntu both exist!
00:28.08viasanctuswhilst vsphere requires an essentials license to unlock hte agent if you wish to do anything more than hosting vms
00:30.02viasanctusTriJetScud, what distro would you recommend?
00:36.04TriJetScudviasanctus: debian based distros
00:36.45TriJetScudday to day for server use, I just go with debian, but for toying around, I just choose the latest ubuntu lts server edition
00:37.27TriJetScudbut viasanctus, if you want to have the option of commercial support, you might want to look into microsoft's hyper-v
00:38.04viasanctusit'll most probably be kvm or xenserver
00:38.13viasanctusI'm done with properiatary
00:39.16TriJetScudviasanctus: well microsoft's hyper-v isn't all that bad, just think of Microsoft's own xen without the million of pages of documentation :P
00:39.53viasanctusnot even sure cloudstack supports it
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00:41.03viasanctusthing with propriatary is that when you get into service providing and datacenter setups you always violate licenses in one or another way
00:41.26viasanctuscan't image m$ will differ
00:46.43TriJetScudviasanctus: actually with openstack, microsoft's been supporting it to get their hyper-v platform to be a first class citizen
00:47.08TriJetScudand the free hyper-v server's EULA allows you to rent out VM's using their software
00:47.42viasanctusi'll read upon it
00:47.52viasanctusalthough I'm not convinced of openstack
00:48.07viasanctusthe central management gui of cloudstack is impressive
00:48.17viasanctuswhilst dashboard of openstack frightened me
00:48.46viasanctusit feels less mature
00:48.57viasanctusand the whole stack does'nt seem as integrated
00:49.16viasanctusmore a fragmented bunch of stuff that is agressively being developed
00:49.23viasanctusand bad documented
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00:55.56pabelangerviasanctus, we don't use the GUI, mostly use salt-cloud to provision our VMs
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03:24.45hfpHi guys! I have a scenario where a user rings a DID number. This number doesn't pick up and calls the user back. The user is then provided with a dialtone to dial. The user then has the option of pressing *5 to record the call.This is my features.conf and relevant dialplan part:
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03:25.58hfpThe location of the recording along with other arguments are passed to a bash script that transcodes the file to mp3 and emails it along with timestamps. Now, my problem is that I would like to play a "beep" or some kind of audio feedback to the caller that the recording has been activated.
03:26.13hfpBut if I do this with Playback() in the macro, both parties hear it.
03:26.47hfpIf I wanted only the user to hear the beep then I would have to change the features to be applied only to self and it won't record the other part of the call.
03:27.25hfpHow could I record both parties but only play the beep to the user?
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04:18.33ChannelZWhy not just use a cough sound
04:18.39ChannelZthen the other party won't be the wiser
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04:42.51hfpTrue but I'd rather have a beep or something similar if at all possible, it's more professional
04:52.12jeevhfp, ten horse sized ducks or one hundred duck sized horses?
05:07.37lorsungcua horse sized duck screw penis would be terrifying.  i will take the horses.
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06:03.46phixlorsungcu: heh
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08:37.36giucioI'd like to call ChanSpy through AMI on an existing channel
08:38.02giuciobut I cannot find any reference to AMI commands implementing ChanSpy
08:38.13giuciodoes it exist?
08:48.26ChannelZHmm. I don't think so.
08:51.19ChannelZthough I'm not sure how that would even work if you could.. the spyer has to have a channel as well to listen,  in what state would that person be in such that you could trigger a ChanSpy from AMI (or want to)
08:52.40giucioChannelZ: OK then it might not be appropiate. What I'm trying to achieve, is to play a beep over an existing channel
08:53.09giucioI was under the impression that ChanSpy would do the trick
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09:01.26ChannelZI don't know of a good way to do that, triggered externally
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09:08.11eZzhello, is there any issues with 'include' an additional conf files to musiconhold.conf ? I did an include but do not see any effect
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09:13.59ChannelZNever tried with musiconhold specifically but I think it should work across 99% of the config files.
09:14.23eZzeven I do not see Parsing... when moh reload
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09:14.37eZzand no new classes found after reload or a whole restart asterisk
09:15.23ChannelZworks for me.
09:15.32ChannelZ#include /etc/asterisk/moh2.conf
09:16.36ChannelZyou might have a syntax error elsewhere in your main musiconhold.conf or possibly even permissions
09:17.13eZzwhat version is your asterisk ?
09:17.25eZzI just tried at and I got: [Sep 13 12:16:48] ERROR[17281]: config.c:1290 process_text_line: The file '=> /etc/asterisk/pdr.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
09:18.57eZzso it can be just not implemented at 1.8 branch ?
09:19.43ChannelZno it's obviously trying to read it, but you either type-o'd the name and it really doesn't exist, or maybe it's a permissions problem with the file (dunno if it generates a different error in that case or not)
09:20.42eZznope, the file is exists, perms are ok
09:21.39eZz*CLI> !head -1 /etc/asterisk/pdr.conf
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09:27.30ChannelZDunno, check you didn't mash an invisible control character or something invisible into the #include line I guess.
09:28.13ChannelZI see an old bug about quoting the filename causing problems but don't think it applies here
09:29.05eZzI can't imagine how to add any invisible chars using vim :-]
09:31.38eZzI just copied this include to sip and I got: [Sep 13 12:30:51] ERROR[17239]: chan_sip.c:28589 reload_config: Contents of sip.conf are invalid and cannot be parsed
09:31.46eZzhence sip.conf's include was parsed
09:32.11eZzso there is definetely problem with parsing moh's includes I think
09:36.25giucioeZz: check with od -c the config file, just to rule out any weird chars possibility
09:37.09ChannelZwell the part that handles reading the config file should be the same function I think but not sure. Pastebin your configs.. my own test worked in 11, I've nothing running 1.8 to try there
09:39.56eZzeven it is doesn't works with
09:40.29eZzI'm sure there is no invalid chars inside this file
09:44.33ChannelZand your #include line in musiconhold.conf?
09:46.16eZzthere is default musiconhold.conf with just one include at the bottom of file
09:46.28ChannelZit's not #include => file
09:46.33ChannelZremove the =>
09:46.41eZzdang :>
09:47.12ChannelZIf I was awake I'd have seen that in your initial question.  Almost 4am, I gotta go to bed
09:47.14eZzyeah, need to sleep enough, guys ツ
09:47.19eZzthank you
09:47.42ChannelZyup 'night
09:47.42eZzand with Programmer's Day everyone !
09:48.48eZz27 hours uptime makes a stupid mistakes
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10:24.45gavimobileI am having trouble diagnosing why one of my peers cannot connect. asterisk cli doesn't log any information about my remote peer. for testing purposes, I tried a softphone from my remote location and I was able to register. than I took this remote peer (not the softphone) and connected it to a different wan and this worked
10:25.06gavimobileso why is my peer unable to connect from the orignal remote location
10:38.15gavimobileall set.. apparently my peer was getting a dhcp but once I forced it a new dhcp in the router it started working
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10:42.51BorjaGVOAnyone knows how can I make the following?
10:43.03BorjaGVOI'm extension 3333 (for example)
10:44.16BorjaGVOI want to call to someone and that inmediatelly after he picks up the phone, a recording is played to him. After it, return to me and be able to talk to him
11:10.53NickinatorLet's call your extension you want to call 2222,
11:10.59NickinatorYou'd set up your dialplan like this:
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11:23.36eject_ck1Hi all
11:23.58eject_ck1Why I see [Sep 13 14:22:28] WARNING[12174]: translate.c:162 framein: no samples for g729tolin in console + loosing 1-2 seconds at the very beginning of each call ?
11:25.50jozzawhats the best way to pad a string to a certain length with zeros in a dialplan?
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13:27.30sadtimesbit of a silly question; but I've been looking around and I can't find an answer
13:27.35sadtimesso perhaps someone can enlighten me
13:27.51sadtimeswhy if you set your rtp.conf to use a certain subset of ports
13:28.13sadtimesdo you still see RTP going to a variety of ports outside of that range?
13:28.36[TK]D-Fendersadtimes: because rtp.conf are the ports YOUR system recieves on.
13:28.51[TK]D-Fendersadtimes: You send to where the OTHER side wants you to send to.
13:28.52aelliott22depends on the other end
13:29.04igcewielingsadtimes: prove it.  I've never seen the Asterisk side using ports outside that range.   Of course Asteirsk can't control what remote devices choose for thei source ports.
13:30.32igcewielingPeople doing VoIP and not understanding basic TCP/IP concepts is going to be the death of VoIP
13:30.52sadtimesigcewielding: okay?
13:31.10sadtimespretty sure you have 0 knowledge of what my understanding of TCP/IP is
13:31.22igcewielingsadtimes: I've seen a couple of similar questions over the past few weeks.   The poor sods wasted days of their time because of this.
13:31.23[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: Down boy!
13:31.30sadtimesand being a complete ass to people who join channels is not the greatest way to build communities
13:31.54igcewielingsadtimes: I'm sorry if I came across as mean.
13:32.30sadtimesobviously the src and dst are going to be different
13:33.06GreenlightThe point he's making is that you only have control over the port at YOUR side, not the REMOTE side
13:33.16sadtimesyeah know I know that
13:33.27sadtimesmeant to say yeah no I know that
13:35.30KattyIT"S FRIDAY!
13:37.03_Corey_checks calendar carefully.
13:37.51GreenlightWe're only open Thursdays...
13:39.00Kattyno sure if George Carlin fan, or just has seen me yell random things into the channel...
13:39.50GreenlightI only know of George Carlin from your random shouts :)
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13:43.07ACiDVHi, I want to write an extern with pattern matching like : exten => _[dD][nN][dD][-_].,NoOp(${EXTEN:4}) .... so I can trap dnd-1234, DND_1234, Dnd-1234 etc... it trap correctly the underscore but not when I use key with a dash -, does [-_] is a valid syntax ?
13:43.34sadtimesgah sigh I think I was just being retarded
13:43.35sadtimesso tired :/
13:44.37bacobartehm im not sure if this is true in the dialplan but you might need to escape the dash
13:45.12ACiDVbacobart: yes I tried to use [\-_] but failed, continue to check
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13:47.59ACiDVIn this case I presume I will have to have 2 rules, one for - and the other for _
13:48.00Kattysadtimes: naptime.
13:48.21[TK]D-FenderACiDV: Do they work independently?
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13:48.31Kattywaves to sruffell
13:48.50ACiDV[TK]D-Fender: if I set a rule for _[dD][nN][dD]- and another for _[dD][nN][dD]_ it work
13:49.01[TK]D-FenderACiDV: also I know that "-" is used in [] for ranges, so maybe swapping the order might help
13:49.01Qwellaren't dashes ignored?
13:49.09[TK]D-FenderQwell: Possibly...
13:49.46ACiDVIf I set [_-], asterisk cli complain about a missing ]
13:49.47kchehabi am using a realtime sip and iax users, my asterisk 11.5 was working fine and suddenly i get this error in debug file  WARNING[2666] config.c: Realtime mapping for 'iaxpeers' found to
13:49.56kchehabhow can i fix odbc
13:50.09Qwell[-_] is fine, but, I don't think it comes into the dialplan containing the -.
13:50.34Kattyhugs Qwell
13:50.56Qwellis attacked
13:51.39ACiDVQwell: [-_] doesn't generate error but - isn't matched, probably that it a "limitation" of pattern matching on * :)
13:51.51QwellIt's not the fault of the pattern.
13:52.02QwellI'm saying that the item you're matching does not actually contain a -.
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13:54.14Qwellexten => _[dD][nN][dD]_.,1,Goto(DND${EXTEN:4})
13:54.17ACiDVQwell: for rule :  exten => _[dD][nN][dD][-_].,NoOp(...) .... If I dial " dnd-1234 " and fail, but if I dial " dnd_1234 "   so it contain a - ?
13:54.21Qwellexten => _[dD][nN][dD].,1,Magic(!)
13:55.30P424D0XWho can help me out?!  My asterisk can't register to 1&1 and sipgate.. Username and passwords are correct.. Firewall will forward SIP traffic..
13:55.47ACiDVQwell:  ok thanks will check, so cannot use a single rule to match all case
13:55.57kchehabQwell ho :)
13:57.04[TK]D-FenderP424D0X: Show us the SIP debug from * CLI of your attempts.
13:57.10infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:57.28*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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13:58.25paule32how can i set the port in sip.conf?
13:58.45[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: bindport=THEPORT
13:58.51[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: under [general]
13:59.04[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: do read the sip.conf sample config.. it's all in there
13:59.14paule32because, i use a softphone (zoiper) and can't register
13:59.24paule32how to login?
13:59.35paule321001@localhost   ?
14:00.04paule32[TK]D-Fender, thx
14:00.12[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: user & pass are separate fields there last I checked...
14:00.56[TK]D-Fender[09:59]paule32because, i use a softphone (zoiper) and can't register <- you should probably be showingf us your failed attempts
14:01.12paule32or in other words, how is the domain to login in intranet?
14:01.44[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: ...?
14:03.22P424D0X[TK]D-Fender: Here is the output of debug:
14:04.53[TK]D-FenderP424D0X: there is no registration attempt in there at all
14:05.20kchehabis it an ODBC problem ?
14:05.26P424D0X[TK]D-Fender: Hmm.. Why?!  :-(
14:05.50P424D0X[TK]D-Fender: Do you have an advice?!
14:06.55[TK]D-FenderP424D0X: I don't know why.  maybe you didn't wait long enough.  You didn't issue a "sip reload" to try to force it to re-register.  Maybe you didn't configure sip.conf properly to register at all...
14:07.10[TK]D-FenderP424D0X: Could be any of several different reasons.
14:07.55[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: That warning seemed pretty clear to me...
14:08.27sruffellmorning Katty
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14:09.07P424D0X[TK]D-Fender: But that hasn't to do with dial plan?!
14:09.19[TK]D-FenderP424D0X: No.
14:13.37P424D0X[TK]D-Fender: In file sip.conf I have a entry "#include sip_registrations.conf" and in file sip_registrations.conf I have two lines like "register =>"..
14:14.21bacobartpaule32: what softphone is that?
14:14.37paule32bacobart,  zoiper
14:15.22kchehab[TK]D-Fender is this error:  WARNING[2666] config.c: Realtime mapping for 'iaxpeers' found to
14:15.36kchehabis an odbc error
14:16.00QwellP424D0X: Where is the #include?
14:16.28paule32bacobart, have you a tip how to connect sip phones with local networks?
14:16.51P424D0XQwell: It's in sip.conf.. general part
14:16.59Qwellshow us
14:17.35[TK]D-FenderP424D0X: I also told you 1 thing you could do to trigger a re--registration....
14:18.47[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: what is the IP of your windows PC?
14:19.09bacobartpaule32: im not sure, but seems to me your pc can't reach the sip server (timeout)
14:19.13bacobartas to why i have no idea
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14:24.30paule32bacobart, win, linux vm
14:24.53paule32but maybe the config is not fine for vm box
14:25.06paule32because i use a bridged network
14:25.24[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: verify that you are in bridged LAN mode for your VM, and check your firewall on your *NIX side
14:25.25paule32that is correspond to lan nic realtek
14:25.39[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: No, it needs to be bridged, not NAT'd
14:26.00paule32yes bridged is ok
14:26.00[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: Go check your firewall.. then go see if * is even listening for SIP
14:26.19[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: netstat -an|grep 5060
14:28.10paule32root@debian /etc/asterisk > netstat -an | grep 5060
14:28.11paule32udp        0      0  *
14:28.38P424D0X[TK]D-Fender: Qwell: Okay.. Here is my complete sip configuration:
14:28.54[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: check your firewall
14:29.16paule32on linux side?
14:29.20[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: BOTH
14:29.37[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: Windows could block Zoiper direct, and Linux as well
14:29.54[TK]D-FenderP424D0X: "sip reload" <--- show an actual registration.
14:30.15[TK]D-FenderP424D0X: and "sip show registry" while you're waiting...
14:31.05hjfhehe too bad igcewieling isn't here
14:31.30P424D0XHost                                    dnsmgr Username       Refresh State                Reg.Time                         N      2473867            300 Unregistered                       N      490384173846       300 Unregistered
14:32.59*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
14:34.07P424D0XWhen I enter "sip reload" and "sip show registry", then it will output nothing.. Only when I logout from CLI and login to CLI of asterisk..
14:34.28kchehabhow can i fix asterisk ODBC ?
14:34.51[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: I see nothing to indicate that * is the problem.
14:36.15kchehab[TK]D-Fender  i cant find odbc in asterisk -r
14:36.42kchehab[TK]D-Fender this erros means that the problem is in odbc ?
14:37.48[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: I have no idea what you actually did or mean by "i cant find odbc in asterisk -r".  You haven't proven that ODBC is functional outside of *, we haven't seen configs, nor attempts to load/reload the module from CLI.  You haven't shown us anything for us to help you with.
14:38.49kchehabi can just find this error in asterisk/full   WARNING[2666] config.c: Realtime mapping for 'iaxpeers' found to  engine 'odbc', but the engine is not available
14:40.41*** join/#asterisk monsterco (63f3a3f2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:41.45monstercoHi everyone - I was here asking for advice on Polycom phones yesterday - I have two sets that might be provisioned but are not locked - Can I proceed with a File System Format and expect it to Factory default *ALL* the settings?
14:42.16*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
14:42.23monsterco*Format File System*
14:42.41[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Go into the bootrom, kill the provisioning server settings THEn do a factory reset
14:44.26wdoekeskchehab: *CLI> module reload
14:44.45*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
14:47.09kchehabwdoekes No such module ''
14:47.39kchehabwdoekes even i cant do module load
14:47.49kchehabbut i can find it in module directory
14:48.27wdoekesif you remove it and re-do make install, does it reappear? or are you looking at an old module?
14:49.22kchehabwdoekes i will check it
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15:02.32monsterco[TK]D-Fender - Ok, so I am with the phone now. By disabling Provisioning server you mean reboot the phone, go into setup and then REMOVE the SERVER ADDRESS right?
15:02.38monstercoor is there anything else I have to do?
15:03.14monstercoI have a lot more patience today and am on site so let's start step by step :)
15:04.01monstercoTK]D-Fender - so how do I disable provisioning?
15:04.26[TK]D-FenderThat *IS* how.
15:04.26WIMPyThe two day battle with one phone.
15:05.25monsterco[TK]D-Fender- well, i will waste 2 hours here and I have Aastra phones to replace if the garbage thing doesn't work
15:06.06[TK]D-FenderIt works
15:06.15monstercoso what is my next step here?
15:06.33[TK]D-Fenderkill the provisioning server.  Factory Default.  Reconfigure
15:07.15monstercohow do I kill the provisioning server? remove ethernet cable?
15:07.34[TK]D-FenderERASE that entry.  The same thing I've told you a dozen times
15:07.43[TK]D-FenderEnter bootrom.  REMOVE the server address
15:07.45[TK]D-FenderTHE END
15:09.40*** join/#asterisk paule32 (
15:09.54paule32oops sorry, connection reset
15:09.59paule32is this zoiper domain correct:  "sip:1001:1234@" ?
15:10.35[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: lthat is not a "domain", and we have no idea where you are trying to put that "value"
15:10.55[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: You were supposed to verify your firewalls and come back to us
15:11.32WIMPywonders what a zoiper domain might be.
15:16.09paule32ok, firewalls ok, no blocking
15:16.25*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
15:16.35paule32but telnet localhost 5060   refused
15:16.48monsterco[TK]D-Fender - sorry network issues here
15:16.53paule32also no listener on port 5060
15:17.00monstercoI removed the Server Address from BOOTROOM
15:17.04monstercowhat is my next move now?
15:17.59[TK]D-Fender[11:06]monstercoso what is my next step here?  [11:06][TK]D-Fenderkill the provisioning server. Factory Default. Reconfigure
15:18.42[TK]D-Fender[11:16]paule32but telnet localhost 5060 refused <- SIP is ***UDP*** by default.  Telnet = TCP and is not a valid test
15:20.58monstercohow do I Factory Default?
15:21.13paule32in sip.conf [general] ->   bindport=5060  tcpbindaddr=:: topenable=no  ?
15:21.45[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: I've also repeated this many times through yesterday that you came in HAVING that answer and telling us you've done it already.  You KNOW the key comb ination already.
15:22.04monstercothis is a new set
15:22.14monstercoi am just making sure it's not a set issue
15:23.06[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: The instructions are the same for the model...
15:23.13monstercoI am not sure what you mean by Factory Default - I did remove Server Address for Ring Central in BOOTROOM
15:23.30monstercothe phone is now restart - Updating initial Configuration it says
15:25.52monstercoRev: now
15:28.38monstercook the phone is now booted
15:28.43monstercowhat should I do now?
15:29.11[TK]D-Fender[11:17][TK]D-Fender[11:06]monstercoso what is my next step here? [11:06][TK]D-Fenderkill the provisioning server. Factory Default. Reconfigure
15:30.00monstercoWhat do you mean by "Factory Default"
15:30.33[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Reset to factory default
15:30.48[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: with the key combination you already came in here showing us you knew
15:31.50*** join/#asterisk gmalsack (~gmalsack@
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15:33.52monstercook, so I will press 1,3,5,7 at countdown
15:34.12monstercobut I think that put the phone back into RingCentral provisioning again last I did - let me check now
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15:34.55gmalsackhey all ~ trying to minimize extensions.conf to only parts that I don't expect to change, and move stuff that will change often to sql.
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15:36.08gmalsackI use variables to set the outgoing caller id of certain users. I want to get those global variables out of extensions.conf but not sure what the best choice is. astdb or sql?
15:36.49monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - so I held 1,3,5,7 at countdown and it didn't ask me for a password but it did say resetting configurations
15:36.58monstercoand it is now rebooted
15:37.23monstercoonce rebooted I will reboot again to see if the provisioning server settings are back or not to make sure
15:37.26paule32why is port 0 ??
15:37.55[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: Because the device has not registered and * has no IP to contact at all, let alone a port
15:38.07[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: So the "0" doesn't matter".  * has nowhere to call.
15:39.20paule32[TK]D-Fender, config wrong?
15:39.55[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: Not that I can see.  So far I have no proof that an attempt ever ARRIVED at your server
15:40.57paule32[TK]D-Fender, do you can tell me, how softphones are registered at asterisk?
15:41.19[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: I cannot understand your wording.  Please rephrase
15:42.12paule32how to register a softphone (sip) at the asterisk server
15:43.00[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: configure the softphoe to register.  Have a peer setup on * that it can register.  Make sure your networking is not interfering.
15:44.04paule32is it enough to write:    sip:user@ip ?
15:44.58gmalsackanyone have any input on storing global variables in astdb vs sql?
15:45.59monstercothis phone takes for ever to restart
15:46.16gmalsackmonsterco: polycom?
15:46.19WIMPyGlobal variables are strored in RAM and neither in AstDB nor in any SQL.
15:46.57Kattyhello my phone is not working at all it does not ring how to fix plz? is urgent thx.
15:47.19monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - Now the phone is rebooted after I did 1,3,5,7. I am just on the WEB GUI and I see that all the line settings I put there are still there. Does that mean that the phone did NOT factory default?
15:47.21WeezeyI have a user whose asterisk box is DMZ'd and when it registers it registers to my switch as the private IP instead of the public IP.
15:48.01[TK]D-FenderWeezey: So go fix the NAT settings in their sip.conf just like we've always had to do
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15:48.21Kattyi see fender is in a lovely mood this morning
15:48.23monstercoWeezey - localnet and externalip is what you are looking for
15:48.28Weezey[TK]D-Fender: cool, thanks
15:48.31[TK]D-FenderWeezey: DMZ is also a horrible idea.  Forwardonly the required ports or you open yourself up to many more attack vectors
15:48.42Katty[TK]D-Fender: hows the healing going?
15:48.51Weezey[TK]D-Fender: temporary cellular setup, static IP coming next week
15:49.13Kattyi never figured that out. it doesn't actually take a week to assign an IP
15:49.36monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - I don't think this phone has factory defaulted - it still shows the line settings I put in there - I just restart and went into BOOTROOM again and I see that RingCentral Server Address came back
15:50.17[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: perhaps there is a DHCP provisioning option being pushed onto the phone.
15:50.20monstercothis happens when I do the 1,3,5,7 process at count down. so, it seems these phones are putting all the provisioning settings back in the phone when I do 1,3,5,7 process - or maybe I am doing that wrong
15:50.26monstercooption 66?
15:50.51gmalsackwimpy: i realize that.... my question is whether I'm better off moving the global variables to astdb or sql in regards to performance and ast payload...
15:51.52WIMPygmalsack: No DB will outperform global variables.
15:52.13[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: 66/150
15:52.46gmalsackwimpy: these variables will change often. I don't want to reload my dialplan. so I'm trying to remove everything that will change from extensions.conf
15:53.22*** join/#asterisk luke_ftw (~luke_ftw@unaffiliated/luke-ftw/x-9245329)
15:53.33WIMPygmalsack: So they are not variables, but constants?
15:53.48*** join/#asterisk hdiogenes (~hdiogenes@
15:53.57monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - so I will disable DHCP and set static ip
15:53.58*** part/#asterisk hdiogenes (~hdiogenes@
15:54.19[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: go into the bootrom and make sure to kill off those DHCP features
15:54.21WIMPyAnd you don't have to reload dialplan to set global variables anyway.
15:54.22monstercobut there is no SIP server on local net so I doubt option 66 or 150 would lock the phone again
15:54.22gmalsackI was taught they are global variables....
15:54.26[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: those are ALSO in there
15:54.43gmalsackmonster: here's a pastebin from my dhcp server for my polycom phones:
15:54.46adeelnanyone have any familiarity with voicexml & ivrs in asterisk?
15:54.52monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - yes it is but aren't those for local network?
15:55.31WIMPygmalsack: Well, then you better tell us what exactely you're looking for instead of us guessing.
15:55.34[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: normally yes.  just kill all of those off, and make sure all of the other bootrom settings are flushed.
15:57.07gmalsackwimpy: here's a pastebin of what im talking about:
15:57.46gmalsackI want to move the CID_XXXX out of extensions.conf to either astdb or sql. just not sure which would be more efficient.
15:57.52WIMPygmalsack: Your "global variables".
15:58.08gmalsackjust the CID_XXXX ones
15:58.20gmalsackwhich was I correct? they are global variables?
15:58.28WIMPygmalsack: Thqt doesn't mean anything to anyone other than yourself.
15:58.45gmalsackwimpy: how do you figure?
15:58.50WIMPygmalsack: Are you talking about sip users? Then set the variables inthe peers.
15:59.41gmalsackwimpy: oh right.... I could set that on the peer configurations.... I forgot about that! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
15:59.43WIMPyIt's not as if "CID_XXXX" is anything standard.
16:00.27gmalsackreally???? duh I know that.
16:00.37gmalsacki.e. called a variable....
16:01.00gmalsackthat's why I kept asking about moving the variable.
16:01.14monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - boot server i have Option 66, Custom+opt.66 and Static
16:01.15gmalsackbut for some odd reason you couldn't wrap your head around that...
16:01.26*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
16:01.31monstercowhen I disable DHCP and set static IPs ofcourse those don't matter - but that again doesn't work
16:01.48monstercoif I put Boot Server option to STATIC and do 1,3,5,7 that also put the ringcentral back in place
16:01.53WIMPygmalsack: You original question was impossible to answer without knowing where and when the variable will be read or written.
16:02.09monstercothere is clearly something else that is being missed. Is it possible that this phone is still locked to RingCentral?
16:02.29gmalsacknot really..
16:03.00*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
16:03.07monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - what if I disconnect the ethernet cable - remove Server Address, and then do Factory default?
16:03.08gmalsackbut thank you for helping. you did answer my question and get me where I wanted to go...
16:03.20[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: removing the ethernet cable does nothing.
16:03.42monstercop.s. and just to make sure I am in right place - by BOOTROOM you mean when the phone restarts and it does countdown and gives me SETUP option right?
16:03.51[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: just kill the boot server and your manual settings should stick
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16:09.25monsterco[TK]D-Fender - it works for one reboot and then it reboots again and puts the RingCentral Server Address in there again
16:09.42monstercothere is something else that is being missed - or maybe the 1,3,5,7 option doesn't really work
16:10.45sawgoodmonsterco: by chance, are you working on a possible provider locked Polycom phone?
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16:21.36monstercosawgood - it's possible that the phone is locked to RingCentral but they told me it's not locked any longer
16:21.41monstercohow do I know if it's locked or not?
16:21.48monstercohas a logo of RingCentral on it too
16:23.19[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Tactical nuke option -> extract a stock firmware into a FTP folder and reprovisioning it locally including the bootrom and that will annihilate everything on the phone
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16:47.28Weezeyafter enabling externhost the other peers could see me but I can't register anymore. Getting registration for x@host timed out, trying again
16:47.35Weezeydns lookup for host works fine
16:49.03Weezeymaybe a co-incidence? but how can i debug it
16:53.06[TK]D-FenderWeezey: "sip set debug on" <-
16:53.13*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
16:55.03Weezeynothing glaring at me. maybe I need a port number in the router?
16:55.49[TK]D-FenderWeezey: I told you that DMZ= BAd and you should just forward the appropriate ports
16:55.58Weezeyyou did.
16:56.29Weezeybut I'm not on site so it makes shit sticky,
16:56.47Weezeystupid router reboots after every change.
16:57.40Weezeyit also gets a new IP after every reboot, for good measure.
16:57.55*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:ed0a:91a:d89a:d657)
16:58.20WeezeyVoIP over LTE is a temporary solution to a slow truck roll, but nothing more.
16:58.34*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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16:59.24paule32ok, sip phone is registered at server
16:59.32paule32express talk
17:00.31paule32call 1001 brings me an endless ring tone
17:00.45paule32instead "say hello world"
17:01.31navaismoshow us your dialplan
17:02.22[TK]D-Fenderpaule32:  same => 0,Playback(hello-world) <- bad PRIORITY number
17:02.28*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:ed0a:91a:d89a:d657)
17:02.43[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: You answer.. and then do nothing because you run out of valid steps
17:03.59paule32ah ok
17:06.59paule32it works fine
17:07.17paule32it is funny, that io can recall me
17:07.50paule32but when i try to change the line the call is droped
17:14.54*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:ed0a:91a:d89a:d657)
17:15.19PenguinWhat does "change the line" mean?
17:16.32paule32Penguin,  phone channel
17:17.05paule32express talk nch has 6 channels
17:17.52paule32when i dial 1002, a friendly women voice will say hello world
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17:20.06karl-shave any of you ever done a type of loopstart signalling over T1? Does Asterisk/DAHDI support hookflash features over that channel?
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17:22.11ChannelZ-Wk(ot) does running MacOS on VirtualBox really work?
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17:23.41paule32when i call 1001 on a soft phone, hello world will speaking
17:23.51jmetroChannelZ-Wk: probably, i have an image of macosx that worked on VMware
17:23.53paule32but in the same time, asterisk console:
17:23.55paule32[Sep 13 19:22:23] WARNING[16823]: app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
17:24.01*** join/#asterisk j4jackj (
17:24.19jmetropaule32: post your dialplan on a pastebin , you have something wrong that will crash the internet.
17:24.59[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: that is the typical error when you are dialing a peer that has not registered
17:28.39[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: exten => 1002,1,Dial(SIP/1002) exten => 1002,1,Answer()
17:28.47[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: that is the same extension & priority\
17:28.54[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: You are overwriting your dialplan there
17:29.49jmetrohas anyone realized that with Apple building a database of your fingerprints, youre never going to have to get fingerprinted by the government again since they'll already have your records?
17:30.10ChannelZ-Wkjmetro: huh.  I knew they were always battling the Hackintosh crowd, didn't figure they'd let a VM work.
17:31.48Weezeyaha! The router had SIP ALG on by default.
17:31.53jmetroChannelZ-Wk: Well think of it like this, the OS is just a program that wants parameters, and you just feed it what its expecting
17:32.02jmetroWeezey: wah wah wah wahhhhh
17:33.01Weezeyjmetro: I don't like it when things try to be smart.
17:34.29jmetroWeezey: i dont think i've ever seen sip ALG work.
17:35.09ChannelZ-WkRight I just didn't know they were actively tricking it.  I thought Apple liked to sue people
17:36.38jmetrodont know why anyone would bother running apple on anything that isnt a 3000$ facebook machine though
17:37.41ChannelZ-Wkalthough now since the OS is a download app.. does it leave behind a disc image or anything you could burn to boot from even on a real mac should you wipe out your old system?
17:38.11jmetrothe best method is probably blank install -> acronis
17:38.26jmetroor .. whatever 100$ mac backup software you have to buy
17:38.30ChannelZ-WkI just need it for the occasional client drive that someone brings in some f*ed up files on, our Mac spends most of its time running Windows these days
17:38.54jmetrooh you mean like a dead hard drive? plug a live-CD into that sucker
17:40.32paule32ok sip phones can communicate
17:40.56paule32what have i to do, to call outside the localnet
17:42.10PenguinSet up a peer that isn't on the LAN.
17:42.16paule32something with "registrar"?
17:42.29karl-sjmetro, sometimes you have to
17:42.46karl-sregarding sip ALG i mean
17:43.05karl-slike when you have two ISP's -- Asterisk cant currently handle 2 public IP's...
17:44.55jmetrohm, you cant do a redirect?
17:45.21filechan_sip can't handle it
17:48.22*** join/#asterisk blizzow1 (
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17:50.09*** join/#asterisk cwilson7938 (~benderUSP@nat/digium/x-adcmbaunopqgamtc)
17:54.01QwellIt's...a cwilson7938...
17:54.15filea wild one
17:54.39Qwellfile: look what you went and did
17:54.55fileyes, all my fault
17:58.30*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
18:07.23*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
18:09.05jmetrois operator=yes in voicemail.conf still the way to get an escape from the vm?
18:09.11jmetrodoesnt seem to work for me.
18:09.27[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: Show us what you configured
18:09.57jmetroalso - does it work if there are no 0 or *'s defined.
18:11.01*** join/#asterisk Alex36 (uid12585@gateway/web/
18:13.01jmetrovoicemail show usaers for Context gives me this..
18:13.10PenguinNo, it requires extension o.
18:14.16PenguinIt doesn't care about extension 0 or *.  It must be extenstion o.
18:14.26jmetroo as in "operator"
18:14.33jmetroi was thinking 0 as in 0perator
18:14.43PenguinZero perator?
18:14.53jmetro0 means operator to me ;)
18:15.00j4jackjOn the phone keypad you gumby
18:15.08PenguinIt means zero to everyone else, including asterisk.
18:15.37PenguinI'm Gumby, dammit!
18:15.56jmetrothat is my dialplan for my VM context
18:16.00jmetrostill doesnt work even with subbing 0 for o
18:16.28jmetroor o for 0, whatever.
18:17.14Kattyhi kids.
18:17.18jmetroello guvnah
18:17.23PenguinDid you reload the voice mail module and dial plan after changing them?
18:17.39jmetroyes, trying again though
18:18.10PenguinYou might either have to set the exitcontext to VM or put the o extension in the other context that led you to this one.
18:18.15Kattyjmetro: WHAT DID YOU DO
18:18.25Kattyhugs jmetro
18:18.33Kattyjmetro: stoppppp breaking stuff!
18:19.04PenguinThe verbose core output should reveal where the problem is.
18:19.19jmetroive been watching console and it doesnt say anything though
18:19.34Penguincore set verbose 3 (or higher)?
18:19.51jmetromy verbose and debug lvels are set to 9001 each
18:20.04PenguinThat's ridiculously excessive.
18:20.07jmetroKatty: I dont break things, i invent new ways of things not working.
18:20.29Kattyjmetro: oh..well in that case...
18:20.44PenguinIf there's no output, that makes me feel like the call isn't even getting to asterisk.
18:20.55jmetroby no output i meant no erros 8-|
18:21.09PenguinThat's a lot different.
18:21.12jmetroi get to Voicemail(113@context) and from there, mash 0/* while listening to my unavailable message.
18:21.35Kattydo you have that one thing enabled in voicemail.conf
18:21.50Kattyand do you have the a and o context
18:21.57Kattyit's not a context, it's in the context
18:22.02Kattyoh what's it called?
18:22.04jmetro my voicemail
18:22.06Kattydigs through extensions.conf
18:22.07Penguinan extension.
18:22.13jmetro my vm context
18:22.23PenguinThose things within a context are called extensions.
18:22.25jmetroits "o" and "*"
18:22.32Kattyjmetro: here i'll pastebin for you dear
18:23.00jmetroi might sacrifice a hand to the elder gods if i wind up having some random typo
18:23.10PenguinIf you press * during the outgoing vm message, it should exit to extension a.
18:23.45Kattyjmetro: <- that may, or may not be useful
18:23.46PenguinNevertheless, that would have appeared in core verbose output saying that you have no extension 'a'.
18:24.27jmetrono errors saying "no extension found", i have a, 0, o, and *
18:24.35PenguinThen something else is wrong.
18:24.37Katty* isn't...
18:24.44Katty* goes to uhh
18:24.56Kattywords are failing me today
18:25.06Katty* goes to a
18:25.13PenguinThat's what I already said.
18:25.19jmetroooh you use isymphony too, waiting on isymphony 3 ?
18:25.44Kattyi sur-pose.
18:26.00Kattythat's just a little vm instance i use for testing stuff before i break things
18:26.13jmetrowith any luck it will be finally multi-tenant so i dont have to put GUI clients on their own VM.
18:26.44jmetrobecause showing all parks 100% of the time made sense, right
18:27.15Kattylet's blame canada.
18:27.28jmetrowith their beady little eyes , their trashcan mouths are full of lies.
18:27.38Kattyit's the poutine.
18:29.05Kattyjmetro: did you fix your exten => *,1,foo to exten => a,1,foo?
18:29.15jmetroill try that
18:30.13Kattyi like my exten with a little a,1,sauce
18:30.36jmetrothen nothing
18:30.48jmetroi wonder if its the operator thing in vm.conf
18:30.49Kattythat's that thing you have to enable in voicemail.conf
18:31.06jmetrothat was in my pb though, mailbox 113 has operator=yes
18:31.14PenguinDuring the voicemail playback, you pressed * and it didn't jump to extension a, right?
18:31.21Kattyoperator=yes      ; Allow sender to hit 0 before/after/during leaving a voicemail to <- blahblahblah
18:31.23jmetroi tried 0 and *
18:31.42Kattyif you didn't enable operator=yes you're gonna have a bad time!
18:31.44Penguinoperator is a per-vmbox option?
18:31.46Kattyshould start making asterisk memes
18:32.26jmetroi did voicemail show users for Context and it said 113 had operator on, i'll see if i can make it global
18:32.40Kattyweird. i thought it was a global option in voicemail.conf
18:32.45Kattyi mean, i only have the one enabled.
18:33.21PenguinI've never put it in a mailbox option list.
18:33.32jmetrotried [general] as well as the individual mailbox, no go
18:34.26j4jackjShould I make a PC speaker version of the 'Robot Dity' that Asterisk includes?
18:34.33Kattyput it in [default] real quick instead of [context]
18:34.43Kattyand then change your extensions conf to dial the mailbox@default
18:34.57Kattywaitwait. i remember this problem
18:35.01Kattyit defaults to the context your vm box is in
18:35.09Kattyso it's looking for exten => a in [Context]
18:35.13jmetroOh. oh oh
18:35.16PenguinI said that.
18:35.20jmetrowait, wouldnt i still see the error?
18:35.32Kattyi don't remember
18:35.50PenguinBut we decided that the verbose output would have shown the failure.
18:36.01PenguinSo that isn't likely to be the problem.
18:36.10Kattywell he can try it any, mister penguin pantaloons.
18:36.45PenguinYou could set the exitcontext and see if that leads to success.
18:37.04jmetroIt doesnt show in verbose.
18:37.08*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
18:37.09jmetroKatty =1
18:37.20Kattydo i get a shiny blue ribbon for today?
18:37.20jmetro[Katty now has 350 concurrent calls!]
18:37.39Kattyenables dnd
18:37.47jmetroConcurrent Calls is asterisk karma :3
18:37.56Kattydo not want concurrent calls :<
18:38.02KattyDO NOT WANT
18:38.22Kattyanyway, back to knitting.
18:38.28jmetro+1 for penguin too because he said it earlier but i forgot to check in my frenzy of 0 vs o
18:38.50Kattyinfobot: crittercam
18:38.50infobotfrom memory, crittercam is Katty's Critter Cam
18:40.03jmetroDid you knit that scarecrow shirt?
18:40.57Kattyno i bought that at Goodwill.
18:41.15Kattydo you lke how i defeated the purpose of putting up a scarecrow, but putting bird feeders on him?
18:42.07jmetroIts a feedcrow Domesticator, so you can have pet birds.
18:43.36*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
18:45.24Kattydrmessano: ping
18:45.32Kattydrmessano: it's friday, yo. where you eat
18:45.38Kattydrmessano: eat? at.
18:46.53jmetroset(CALLERID(NAME)=etc) right
18:46.55Kattywhat did you break now.
18:47.13Kattyidk, i just use the number
18:47.39Kattyinfobot: thebook
18:47.39infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:49.00PenguinSet(CALLERID(name)=Your Name)
18:49.40PenguinSet(CALLERID(all)=Your Name <1112223333>)
18:49.59jmetrolowercase name
18:50.26PenguinIt would /probably/ work if you capitalized it, but I prefer to follow the instructions exactly.
18:50.56jmetrough, problem is spaces as always. i need sleep.
18:51.07Kattysleep?! what's that?!
18:51.15PenguinSpaces?  What's wrong with spaces?
18:51.29Kattythey keep expanding faster and faster.
18:51.40jmetroSet(CALLERID(NAME) = Operator-${CALLERID(NAME)}
18:51.54PenguinI see.  Yeah, that's wrong.
18:52.02jmetrofixed it
18:52.19Kattyi should tinker with my ltitle vmbox
18:52.28Kattyi've still yet to register one box to another one
18:52.31jmetroGet realtime working on it, if you havent done realtime before.
18:52.38PenguinI should have eaten lunch.  I have a rumbly in my tumbly.
18:52.38jmetroits super fun
18:52.47KattyPenguin: go eat.
18:53.03Kattymaybe i can con jmetro into helping me register box b onto box a
18:53.08PenguinIt'll have to wait a little longer.  Have to get the little one off the school bus in a few minutes.
18:53.26Kattyminiture hooman brigade!
18:53.27PenguinBut then...
18:53.45PenguinI'm going to have a sammich of some variety.
18:54.08jmetroKatty: hows asterisk send out a register?
18:54.14Kattywell, i think you some stuff in sip.conf on one box
18:54.15PenguinProbably one with lots of greasy meats, such as salami, pepperoni, and pastrami.
18:54.22Kattyand then on the other one you do register => foo,stuff
18:54.35jmetrowait, i think i have this setup already actually katty
18:54.49Kattyi've never needed to make two boxes talk before
18:54.52Kattyso i've just never done it
18:55.17jmetrowe do it for our conferencing
18:55.30PenguinDoes at least one of the boxes have a dynamic IP address?
18:55.42Kattymmmm ,no
18:55.45Kattyboth are static.
18:55.55PenguinThen you don't need to register.
18:55.55Kattytho one will be behind a vpn at some point, not that it matters
18:56.22Kattyexports the vm
18:56.33paule32how can i register an asterisk server on differnet ip?  also ip:   user 1234 password: secret ?
18:56.44*** join/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
18:56.47monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - I will try that - where can I get stock firmware Polycom Soundpoint IP 335
18:56.52Penguinpaule32: I have no idea what that question even means.
18:57.07monstercoBy they way I brought their phones to our office now so I can play with them on my own time
18:57.18jmetromonsterco: probably on the polycom website.
18:58.29PenguinAsterisk to Asterisk (SIP to SIP):
18:59.11PenguinIf one has a dynamic IP address, you'll need to register it to the static one.
18:59.12Katty <- that's what i found.
18:59.34*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
18:59.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o pabelanger] by ChanServ
18:59.36paule32Penguin, i have register a telephone number by my provider with a password, that number, i have setup the router - a avm fritzbox, that router tells me data how to setup, but i could only read the router address, the user name and the password, that i had to set
18:59.45[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: 4.0.4 is the latest SIP general release for it
19:00.07Kattydear vmware. kindly export faster.
19:00.08Penguinkatty: Mine is easier to follow.
19:00.16KattyPenguin: meh
19:00.25KattyPenguin: i'd rather learn it, not just copy dialplan.
19:00.35PenguinI don't waste time explaining how things work.  I just show you the sample configuration and let you do it.
19:00.54jmetroKatty: is what i found
19:01.15PenguinThey're going to show you what I've already shown you.
19:01.17Kattyjmetro: ohah
19:01.31Kattyjmetro: ty kindly
19:01.58Kattyjmetro: we have eleventy billion sip trunks coming into one server
19:02.05jmetrothat sounds like a lot.
19:02.06Kattyjmetro: so i'm going to see if i can forward some calls to another one
19:02.14Kattyeleventy billion, 2....
19:02.16Kattyall the same number
19:03.03jmetroI've heard counting is cyclical, but was never sure.
19:03.47Kattyvsphere clearly can't count either.
19:03.50Kattyit now says 8 minutes
19:08.51j4jackj1111111, 2, 3333, 4,52455252
19:09.28jmetroi have two duplicate contexts, one sets the callerid to OPERATOR-(cid name) other sets it to CALLGROUP-(cid name)
19:09.58jmetroperfectly the same aside from that, but the CALLGROUP one wont show up as CALLGROUP-(cidname) on their phone =(
19:10.27j4jackj;can you pastebin them?
19:10.54j4jackjhi pabelanger
19:10.58Kattypastebins jmetro
19:11.12j4jackjKatty: no time for silliness.
19:11.19jmetrois pasted into a bin. oh lawd @@
19:11.21Kattyi'm all srs business.
19:11.32paule32register => fromuser@fromdomain:secret@host
19:12.11j4jackjjmetro: can you pastebin the two contexts?
19:12.16paule32is fromuser the extension? fromdomain the server ip from asterisk? and host the provider?
19:13.02j4jackjpaule32: no. fromuser:secret@hostname/extension. fromuser is the username on the server.
19:13.11jmetrowhats funny is my debug verboses are actually showing CALLGROUP(cid)
19:13.20jmetrobut the phone / op panel doesnt
19:14.13paule32j4jackj, is /extension requiered?
19:14.27jmetroOh. Nevermind. Now it does.
19:14.28j4jackjpaule32: no.
19:14.39jmetrosigh. Im a huge waste of time <.<
19:14.46paule32ok thank you
19:15.12paule32j4jackj, how can i check if the server registered
19:15.18paule32in the console
19:15.21*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
19:16.38j4jackjpaule32: It will say something to that effect if you launched with high verbosity
19:17.56*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
19:19.24jeffspeffi have a shell script that i need to run. i have 1 variable to pass the script from the dialplan and i expect 1 variable back from the script to use the in the dialpplan. from what i've read only System() lest you send args to the script and only SHELL() lets you retrieve results from the script. is there any way to send args to the script and get a result back?
19:19.48jmetrojeffspeff: i have a solution
19:21.15jmetrosame => n,Set(var=${SHELL(php /myscript.php ${myarg})})
19:21.47jeffspeffthe documentation for SHELL() doesn't say that it is able to pass any args
19:22.01jmetrophp does it.
19:22.05jmetrophp script args
19:22.10jmetropasses args to phpscript
19:22.46karl-sjmetro, I dont have that function... core show function SHELL returns nothing. What version do you get that function from?
19:22.48jeffspeffhmm... didn't know that
19:23.28monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - so I see a 5.0.0 combined and split release for polycom firmware - I guess I will grab the combined one
19:23.55jmetroConnected to Asterisk SVN-branch-11-r378219
19:24.00paule32cool "sip show registry" shows 1 sip registration
19:24.01jmetroshell works on everything though
19:24.04monsterco427 MB - holy cow - something wrong lol
19:24.05*** join/#asterisk amessina_ (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
19:24.10paule32super thing this pbx
19:24.39Penguinpaule32: Then you have registered your asterisk to one other peer.
19:25.04paule32Penguin, and i can now do outgoing calls?
19:25.06*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
19:25.12monstercoactualy 187MB for 4.0.4 combined
19:25.24PenguinThe fact that you registered to another peer has nothing to do with if you can make outgoing calls.
19:25.30monstercothat seems like a lot for a phone firmware
19:25.31PenguinIt just means you have registered.
19:25.47paule32hmm ok
19:26.00PenguinTo send calls, you must have dial plan.
19:26.00paule32have to do setup extension?
19:26.10PenguinYou have to have an extension that calls something.
19:26.13[TK]D-Fender[15:23]monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - so I see a 5.0.0 combined and split release for polycom firmware - I guess I will grab the combined one <- 5.0 = useless
19:27.08*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
19:27.35drmessanoKatty, sup foo
19:29.24jmetrokarl-s: coincidentally i could not find SHELL on mine either, but it works.
19:29.33jmetrokarl-s: i spent a long while getting that part working because I couldnt find shell
19:34.55*** join/#asterisk gmalsack (~gmalsack@
19:35.43gmalsackhey guys ~ ast 11.5 is converting the hash in my dial command to %23. anyone know how to stop that?
19:35.44monstercoseems like anything above 4.0.4 is not supported by IP 335
19:36.27Penguincore show function SHELL
19:38.34monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - what do you mean useless though?
19:39.19[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: See that "no" in the IP 335 column?  It means "no"
19:40.04*** join/#asterisk dorphalsig (~dorphalsi@
19:40.31*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
19:41.31monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - that is why I said I can't use 5.0.0 - and said that I will use 4.0.4 - but you said anything less than 5.0.0 is useless
19:41.51monsterco" <- 5.0 = useless"
19:42.13[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: that was an ARROR
19:42.21[TK]D-Fendernot "less than"
19:43.50dorphalsigI'm running freepbx 2.11 and asterisk 11, and I'm having this strange issue when a caller goes into a queue. Even if there are available agents in the queue, teh call just lurks around and I'm not seeing the state of the devices change to ringing
19:44.08dorphalsigI dunno if this is a freepbx issue or an asterisk one
19:44.11monsterco[TK]D-Fender>- great thanks
19:44.12jmetroi would check in #freepbx as its hard for us to troubleshoot their custom config files.
19:44.44[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: I use it to separate my response from the text I copy from you that I am responding to
19:45.11monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - speaking of everything messed up with Polycom - it took me 15 minutes to download the firmware - their servers are SLOW but it's with me now and it's with me now - so I guess I will go to boot room and point the phone to my pc with ftp server?
19:45.22monstercoyep got it
19:47.10dorphalsigjmetro2026 the queue files are not very complex. can you give it a look? If it doesnt look right I'll just try and find somebody in freepbx to help me out
19:47.11*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
19:47.49[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: get the a newer bootrom image as well.
19:47.58[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: go through their product page to get that
19:48.09[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: bootrom + sip app are 2 differnt parts
19:48.31monstercooh lala - speak of complications
19:50.09monstercoit just can't be anymore confusing -
19:50.21monstercolook at that ^^^^ why so many different products listed on on epage
19:50.27monsterco*one page*
19:51.20monsterco[TK]D-Fender - this is what I got from URL you referenced:  Polycom_UC_Software_4_0_4_release_sig_combined
19:51.23monstercoit's a zip file
19:52.30monsterco[TK]D-Fender - for boot room I see this:
19:52.35monstercoam I on the right track?
19:53.37[TK]D-Fenderlooks about right
19:54.32monstercoand you said I need another file too? a SIP firmware?
19:54.58monstercooh I see that is the SIP one
19:55.21monstercoso I am putting both on HTTP server and will point phone to it - any other config files I have to put there? and do I have to unzip these?
19:57.47[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: I recommend FTP
19:58.09paule32[Sep 13 21:57:11] WARNING[23356]: app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
19:58.09paule32[Sep 13 21:57:11] WARNING[23356]: app_dial.c:2385 dial_exec_full: Invalid timeout specified: '$(EXTEN-1)'. Setting timeout to infinite
19:58.25[TK]D-Fenderif you extract thos as-is and point it there for provisioning it should completely wipe the phone and update to the latest
19:58.41monstercoso do unzip them
19:59.07[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: I already explained the first (device not registered), the 2nd is an invalid variable reference because of your improper ()
19:59.11[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: yes
19:59.16[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: all in same folder
20:00.48[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: exten => _0X.,1,Dial(SIP/deutschland,$(EXTEN-1)) <- you are using a comma improperly there... the number is not a 2nd parameter
20:00.54[TK]D-Fenderpauland $90 is wrong
20:03.00jmetrodfender just cant type today.
20:03.35[TK]D-Fendermy back is killing me....
20:03.40[TK]D-Fendercan't wait to get out of here...\
20:05.23monstercoI unzipped it all and phone says: uploading log file. - what the heck does that mean
20:05.24jmetrowhats wrong with yours? Mine's got a lumbar strain
20:05.30monstercoI thought there are no logs on GUI
20:05.48[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: Muscle re-adjustment following a broken collar-bone
20:06.13[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Thre is also a BOOT LOG so you can see how it is acting live
20:06.21[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: it's for more than just configs
20:07.27monstercohow is that accessed?
20:08.00jmetro[TK]D-Fender: well that sounds awful compared to chronic lower back pain [hopefulyl temporary]
20:08.18[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: It's a text file .. on an FTP server ... use your imagination :)
20:08.24monstercodownloading bootROM please wait
20:08.32PenguinChronic and temporary?
20:08.58[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: go grab a coffe... it'll be 5-10
20:09.18monstercolooks like almost done for bootROM - 2 mins from my server - 15 from polycom
20:09.22monstercorebooting it says now
20:09.28monstercoformatting file system plz wait
20:09.32[TK]D-Fenderthere will be another 2 reboots most likely
20:09.32monstercorebooting again
20:09.55monstercowaiting for network - it wait's like 30 seconds to get ip - pretty lame
20:10.01monstercoupdating please wait
20:11.26jmetroman, we dont need a blow by blow. Just let your phone come up
20:12.41paule32[Sep 13 22:12:01] WARNING[24088]: app_dial.c:2127 dial_exec_full: Dial argument takes format (technology/[device:]number1)
20:13.13[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: I highly recommend paying close attention to your syntax...
20:13.18PenguinThat's a little different from what I remember it saying.  I don't recall that colon.
20:13.33gmalsackso no one knows how to stop *11.5 from converting the hash symbol in my dial command to %23???????
20:13.52[TK]D-Fendergmalsack: Show us the complete call with SIP debug
20:14.05gmalsackpastebin coming...
20:14.21Guggegmalsack: why would it convert hash to "%23???????"
20:14.51jmetrogmalsack: i cant imagine why that would happen, what text editor are you using.
20:15.35karl-s%23 is Unicode for Hash '#'
20:15.45jmetroim thinking its his text editor
20:15.55PenguinI think you're on the right track.
20:16.07gmalsackasterisk console... sip debug.... not an editor
20:17.14gmalsackTK: thoughts???
20:17.16Qwell<rant>Who the heck decided that naming another Android phone the G2 was a good idea?  Stupid LG.</rant>
20:17.33PenguinIf it is just an appearance problem in your console, adjust your terminal settings.
20:17.45[TK]D-Fendergmalsack: pedantic=no <- under [general]\
20:18.15jmetroi find this ham to be shallow and pedantic
20:19.29drmessanoQwell, did they run out of verbs to name Android phones already?
20:19.36gmalsackTK: nope...
20:19.48drmessanoI was quite looking forward to the Samsung Thwap
20:19.52Qwelldrmessano: No, the next HTC phone will be the Tickler.
20:20.43Qwelldrmessano: ( )
20:21.28gmalsackTK: nevermind. forgot that I was also playing with the dialstring. changed that back and now it's working... thanks again!
20:21.42jmetroI'd rather be talking on the Samsung Magnum XL than have apple be building a database of my fingerprints to hand over to the government @.@
20:22.12drmessanoYeah, because Apple introduced the first device with a fingerprint scanner, ever
20:22.17gmalsackjust got the new motorola mini..... awesome phone! wouldn't have minded the others, just don't like the bigger screens.
20:22.25Guggejmetro: dont worry about the fingerprint stuff, they have your print already :P
20:22.36jmetroApple introduced the idea that nothing on your personal electronics is private and they have the right to pull your GPS data every 5 minutes
20:22.43gmalsackgugge: LMFAO!!!
20:22.43drmessanojmetro, you're probably already in a database anyway.
20:22.46jmetrofingerprint data would be a lot smaller.
20:23.03paule32is it possible to combine context's ?
20:23.11Qwellpaule32: explain what you mean
20:23.11*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
20:23.21PenguinContext's what?
20:23.32*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
20:24.00paule32context local with user 1001 and context country with user 1001
20:24.58[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: go read up on your dialplan basics....
20:25.00infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:25.12[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: Specifically on "include"'s
20:25.28drmessanoAt least the Pedophiles won't have to worry about fingerprint scanners, because they'll all be carrying Ticklers in the pocket of their clown suits running the lastest Android KitKat or Almond Joy
20:25.33drmessanodrops mic
20:25.52PenguinYou can include one context in another context, but with duplicated extensions, the one in the included context won't be used.
20:26.07Qwelldrmessano: Don't be silly.  Almond Joy doesn't start with an L.
20:26.15Qwelldrmessano: aLmondjoy, obviously.
20:26.24jmetroAndroid Lemon Drop
20:27.25drmessanoQwell, $10 says M will be Mounds.  Pervs and 12 yr olds will cheer in the streets after being given at least 2 years of "Mounds" jokes
20:27.31*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
20:27.38*** join/#asterisk Linkforsoad (
20:27.45paule32also some user's that have context "local" with a range of numbers and a group of users (may be the same) with global numbers
20:28.09paule32i have to add all users in separate files, and then iclude them in contexts?
20:28.10drmessanoQwell, "Wanna see my Mounds.. HER HER HER"
20:29.06drmessanoI think all Asterisk releases after 12 should use code names based on brands of cereal
20:29.21drmessanoI can't wait to upgrade to Lucky Charms
20:30.15Qwellmjordan: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
20:30.25jmetropaule32: you might want to read the book fully, as i dont think you understand your own question.
20:30.27Qwellalso, 12 isn't released yet, so why wait?
20:31.22drmessano12 would be Lucky Charms if we're associated 12 = L.   That was a happy accident
20:31.22Qwelldrmessano: "The Asterisk Development Team is proud to announce the release of Asterisk: Count Chocula."
20:32.00drmessanoQwell, I was thinking about [TK]D-Fender laying into someone because they didn't upgrade from Frankenberry to Golden Grahams
20:32.24jmetroApple Jacks
20:32.28QwellYou're still using Asterisk WITH Crunchberries?
20:32.43jmetroWhat would B, be?
20:32.54drmessanoWe haven't supported Cinnamon Toast Crunch in 3 years
20:32.59_Corey_Sounds like you guys are on to something here...
20:33.26jmetroCTC and Crunchberries are both Ast3..
20:33.47jmetroApple Jacks
20:33.50jmetroBaron von Redberry
20:33.54jmetroCinnamon Toast Crunch
20:34.17QwellI'm vetoing Cinnamon Toast Crunch, for Cookie Crisp.
20:35.19jmetroI dont know any E's.
20:35.29drmessanoWhat about Captain Crunch?  Are we not paying tribute to John Draper, the Whistle, and the memory of the roof of our mouths there?
20:36.05drmessanowonders how much skin from the roof of his mouth he consumed as a child. SCRAAAAAPE
20:36.08*** join/#asterisk BKhan (ca7d90e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:36.19jmetroCap'n is saved for Peanut Butter Capn Crunch, being the superior flavor.
20:37.06drmessanoand no healthy cereals..
20:37.17drmessanoHighest sugar and fat content FIRST
20:37.29drmessanoMost importantly the sugar
20:38.02drmessanoThe lack of E cereals is disheartening
20:38.23monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - its still "Updating please wait." - I guess it takes longer than installing Windows ME
20:39.35drmessanomonsterco, the BSOD and reboot after Windows Me install technically did not count as part of the install.  It was more like an intermission
20:39.50drmessanoA good excuse to go outside and throw a frisbee.. or a brick
20:45.50mjordanI'm down with FrankenBerry
20:49.49monstercodrmessano - it takes install time and BSOD time and ...........
20:50.14monstercopolycom engineers are the worst i realize
20:50.45*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
20:51.21*** join/#asterisk justincampbell (
20:52.05paule32how can i show the channeltypes in cli?
20:52.26monstercosip show channels
20:52.40justincampbelli had to patch chan_sip.c for a client of mine, because a peer (Avaya CS1K) is sending multiple Authorization headers (sometimes 10 or 20 of them) and the first one has a stale nonce
20:53.26justincampbellso i was wondering, is it worth cleaning this up and getting it contributed back to the asterisk project? is there a better way to fix the issue?
20:55.47[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:57.18BKhanHi. I need help regarding to DTMF input. When we take DTMF input asterisk 10.5.1  accept from hard phone but when we give it from softphone it do not accept
20:57.51jmetrojustincampbell: it sounds like you should update to 11
20:58.12justincampbelljmetro: ok thanks, ill suggest that to the client
20:58.16jmetroBKhan: make sure your softphone is set to the proper dtmf setting, like rf2883 or whatever it is
20:58.38jmetrojustincampbell: that might help, if its still an issue after the update, it would probably help a lot
20:58.43justincampbellare there breaking changes with AMI/AGI?
20:58.55justincampbelljmetro: ^^ 1.8 to 11 ?
20:59.28jmetroI dont use either so im not sure.
20:59.40justincampbellwe have a ton of application logic written around AMI/AGI and the psql database format
20:59.51jmetrothere are notes about it if you look them up
20:59.55justincampbelland they don't have full-time developers anymore, they just pay me to do maintenence :?
21:00.03justincampbellok thanks jmetro, ill take a look at the changelog
21:00.15BKhanHow can we check DTMF setting from soft phone
21:00.23BKhanI am using EyeBEam
21:01.16jmetroBKhan: i have no idea..on my softphones i just go to settings and click everything thats clickable until i find the option im looking for.
21:01.33karl-sI would also check with the softphone manual
21:01.53karl-sTheres too many softphone to memorize every setting for each
21:02.51BKhanjmetro: normally i also not change any settingand DTMF works perfectly
21:02.54*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
21:03.35jmetroBKhan: i'm not the IT for Eyebeam, im offering what sounds like the problem.
21:04.49monstercosays wrong image
21:04.51monstercowhich one is that
21:05.37BKhanjmetro: is it may be issue of version? Actually i am using it as bridge server and i am using confbridge as bridge sever when we give pin number asterisk do not accept
21:06.03jmetroBKhan: simple test - call an IVR and see if it does dtmf
21:06.58paule32is the peer name the channel name?
21:07.26*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
21:14.40*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
21:16.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:16.20*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
21:17.55infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
21:18.23navaismoawesome the bot avoid spam
21:19.26*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
21:21.58monstercoI am getting wrong bootROM image - hmmmm - which one is the right one?
21:21.59*** join/#asterisk TechSmurf (~jdaniel@unaffiliated/techsmurf)
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21:24.08monsterco[TK]D-Fender - I am confused when I look at this page but it seems it has all the needed stuff - can you please point out which files I need?
21:24.16monstercoPolycom Soundpoint IP 335
21:24.29[TK]D-FenderSIP & BR
21:24.44[TK]D-Fenderof course it's good to have the admin guides to match
21:24.49monstercoI downloaded this but it tells me wrong bootROM:
21:26.07monsterco[TK]D-Fender - there is UC, VVX, ............
21:26.11[TK]D-FenderWhat tells you that/
21:27.38monstercothe web page i referenced above
21:27.55monsterco[TK]D-Fender -
21:29.04[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: I still am not clear on what you have and what you're comparing it to
21:29.19[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: And where we left off was my only knowing about your having IP 335's
21:36.48*** join/#asterisk mohadib (~mohadib@unaffiliated/mohadib)
21:45.09monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - the phone says I have the wrong bootROM image. can you point me to right bootROM image link
21:45.09*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
21:46.00monstercoI am confused when I look at Polycoms page here: - there are lots of versions of BootROM and SIP - can you point out specifically which one is right for IP 335?
21:54.20monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - ^^^^ hanks
21:56.57*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
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22:05.40monstercoAnyone here knows which version of bootROM firmware works with Polycom IP 335?
22:08.11carraroh thats close
22:10.37*** join/#asterisk paule32 (
22:10.47monstercocarrar - that's the UC and not the bootROM
22:10.55carrarWhat do you want to run?
22:11.17carrarthat phone supports up to bootrom 4.3.1
22:11.31carrardepending the sip application you run
22:12.24monstercoI want the latest Release - is that 4.3.1?
22:12.43monstercocarrar - ^^^
22:12.44carrarso 3.2.7 SIP code is what you are running?
22:12.52monstercoI don't know what I am running
22:12.58carrarI think thats the l ast before it jumps to UC
22:13.07monstercothis phone is now in mode to download software - I don't see about version
22:13.24monstercook - so I can't jump versions in btw
22:13.36carrarYou may want to read up befor you attempt to change firmware
22:13.46monstercocarrar - and again many versions posted there which confuses me
22:14.00carrarSo if you do not want UC
22:14.08monstercoread in which guide? there are many guides too - and release notes for 4.3.1 says it's good for IP 335
22:14.23monstercoI just want the phone to connect to Asterisk
22:14.24carrarthen 3.2.7 SIP split is the sip app that I would use
22:14.32carrarand the bootrom would be, looking that up
22:14.45[TK]D-Fender4.04 as I told originally
22:15.20monstercocarrar - you mean this one:
22:15.31[TK]D-Fenderthat is SIP, not the bootrom
22:15.32monstercothat is the split and what about the sip bootROM?
22:15.34[TK]D-Fenderdo NOT mix those up
22:15.43[TK]D-FenderSIP is SIP
22:15.43*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-ygbcmlriridwzopi)
22:15.46[TK]D-FenderBootROM is BootROM
22:15.51[TK]D-FenderTWO parts
22:15.56monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - I have the 4.0.4 and I don't think that is the problem
22:16.18monstercoI also have "" and that seems to be the problem
22:16.30monstercoso which version should I downgrade the "spip" to?
22:16.46carrarYou need to stop
22:16.50carrarand read the admin guide
22:17.28carrarI don't see that data in there
22:17.32carrarI forgot where that is
22:18.32monstercolol - it's because polycom website is fucked up
22:18.41monstercoi read their release notes and it says it works
22:18.49monstercofor 335 - i am going down to 4.2.1 now
22:19.13carrarin the release notes for the SIP code you want to run tells you what bootROM to use
22:20.45carrarSIP Application should work with BootROM 4.2.1
22:20.53carrarSIP Application 3.2.7 that is should work with BootROM 4.2.1
22:21.11monsterco[TK]D-Fender - in file name it says "sip" and "bootROM"
22:21.20[TK]D-Fendershow me
22:21.32[TK]D-FenderYou are mashing this up pretty bad...
22:21.37monstercolol yes
22:21.40[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: NO\
22:21.44[TK]D-FenderSountPoint IP
22:21.45monstercothat is the file that downloaded
22:21.47[TK]D-Fendernot ***SIP***
22:21.48carrarThats bootROM 3.2.1
22:22.01monstercowhat about "ssip"
22:22.05carrarwhat about it
22:22.26[TK]D-Fender[18:21] <- this is NOT the SIP APPLICATION
22:22.31monstercocarrar - so I need bootROM 4.21 or 3.2.1?
22:22.38carrarSoundpoint Soundstation IP
22:22.53carrarthe docs
22:22.59monstercojust doing that
22:22.59*** part/#asterisk justincampbell (
22:23.42carrarlooks at TK
22:23.58*** join/#asterisk cian1500ww (~cian@unaffiliated/cian1500ww)
22:24.11carrarWhats on the actively list for the weekend
22:24.46carrarPolycom phones are great, but they do take a little time to learn
22:24.59carrarPeople get fustrated with them cause there are so many options
22:25.06monstercocan you link me to files I need or you guys not sure either?
22:25.28carrarI am absolutely sure they are there
22:25.44carrarYou're going to find everything you need and more tehre
22:25.57carrarPolycom is awesome that way
22:26.01monstercocarrar - lol - dude that page is confusing - 100s of versions and I already downloaded latest one that shows supported on the list and phone tell me no wrong firmware
22:26.11carrarIf it's confusing go do something else
22:26.11monstercoi am going to start from lowest firmware
22:26.16carrarthen come back
22:26.25carrarcause you need to jsut carefully read it
22:27.01carrarYou already told me you do not want to run a UC version
22:27.12carrarso now you know what to look for as far as SIP Application code
22:27.19carrarthe latest that isn't UC
22:27.21paule32the VoipCarrier in sip.conf, is that the router where calls come from?
22:27.53carrarmonsterco, stay focused here
22:28.36carrargood lucky
22:29.02[TK]D-FenderBootROM 4.3.1 is supported on the 335
22:30.44monstercocarrar - lol kinda hard
22:31.03monstercothe version tk-d-fender told me is not working on this phone - maybe because of jump in versions
22:31.05carrarGet SIP Application 3.2.7 & bootROM 4.3.1
22:31.09monstercoso I am using lowestone and go one by one
22:32.21carrarWhy not just read the release notes for bootROM 4.3.1 first?
22:33.04carrarread section 1
22:33.37carbinemonoxideI am having issues with asterisk connecting calls using Google Voice. When I call someone, if they pick up my SIP phone continues to ring. Asterisk sees that they pick up but never connects us.
22:34.43carbinemonoxideIt was working fine then one day, without me changing anything it started doing this.
22:35.08monstercoI did and it says supported - but phone says Wrong BootROM - what can I do other than lowering the version
22:35.23monstercounless again this has something to do with the phone being locked to RingCentral
22:35.41[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Appears to contain the bootrom as well
22:35.50[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: You should be able to use it alone, as-is
22:36.17*** join/#asterisk j4jackj (
22:36.35WIMPyThe three day battle with one phone.
22:36.37monstercothe lowest ones just booted the phonefine
22:36.45monstercoWIMPy - yes - hehehe
22:36.47monstercowell there are many
22:36.51monstercoone good - rest will be good
22:36.59carraror just download from the list
22:38.39[TK]D-Fender[18:35][TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Appears to contain the bootrom as well <-
22:38.42[TK]D-FenderJust do it
22:40.11monstercofreakin phone just started working
22:40.32monsterconow time to test the latest that [TK]D-Fender> mentioned - can you directly link me [TK]D-Fender>?
22:40.51[TK]D-FenderI already di, multiple times
22:40.58monstercono, url link
22:41.10monstercoi don't want to guess again
22:41.14[TK]D-FenderRight off the matrix screen
22:41.15carrarDo need anyone to google for you too?
22:41.18monstercoperfect ;)
22:41.25monstercooh that would be amazing
22:42.02WIMPyI know someone who calls people to ask them to google something for him :-(
22:42.21monstercothere is a business like that
22:42.32WIMPyWell, The guy is teacher. Maybe that's an excuse.
22:42.33monstercoyou call and ask the personel assistant whatever
22:42.46monstercoyou get so many tickets per month
22:42.59WIMPyThat's not new.
22:43.07paule32how can i set a dialplan to call outside, i have read the documentation but can't find suitable informations, i don't have dahdi hardware
22:43.08WIMPyBut I don't know if these sevices still exist.
22:43.14monstercoI gtg pick up gf now and head to a wedding reception - thanks for being patient with me guys - i will try the 4.0.4 split tomorrow
22:43.27monstercoWIMPy - this was a new startup
22:43.44WIMPypaule32: There is no inside and outside. There are just channels and peers.
22:44.37paule32WIMPy, the html doc says SIP/YourVioCarrier
22:44.50paule32but what can i understand under this
22:45.51WIMPyI take it you want to place calls to the PSTN? So do you have any connection to the PSTN? Either via some sort of hardware or an ITSP?
22:46.59paule32i have use non public closed source application and can make calls from pc to outsode of it
22:47.17paule32but how to set up this in asterisk, i don't know
22:47.44WIMPyWhat did that application connect to? Do yu have login data?
22:47.46paule32i have a fritzbox dsl modem router that have a passthrough
22:48.12monsterco[TK]D-Fender - 2354-......sip something is not compatible with the phone - so 4.0.4 split seems to not be good for phone
22:48.15WIMPySo you want to connect Asterisk to the FB?
22:48.17monstercoso phone escaped updating
22:48.40paule32login data is set on router, i can't show login data, all is crypted by this software
22:48.46monstercoi am out - later
22:48.52*** part/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
22:48.54paule32WIMPy, yes
22:49.01WIMPyIt's easy to decrypt.
22:49.32WIMPyAre you with a provider that doesn't give you the login data?
22:50.06paule32i have register a tel. number, give it a own password
22:50.22paule32do configure the router
22:50.30WIMPyErrr, what?
22:50.42paule32the server is:
22:50.52paule32the user is 100
22:51.10paule32and the password is: secret (e.g.)
22:51.35WIMPyOk,  back to that. Yes, you can make a peer in asterik with that data.
22:52.09paule32cool, and how?
22:52.25WIMPyLook at your sip.conf.
22:52.34paule32register => ....?
22:52.39paule32that is done
22:53.36WIMPyThat's the old way, but ok.
22:53.57WIMPySo you should be able to receive calls then.
22:54.57paule32no, sorry
22:55.46WIMPySo are you registered?
22:58.06*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
23:01.49WIMPyAnd where is the peer for your FB account?
23:02.23*** join/#asterisk commandocoding (~commandoc@
23:02.35commandocodingHello everyone
23:02.47WIMPyAnd BTW: Are 1234 and 4321 the real passwords?
23:03.53paule32at the testing moment , yes
23:04.09paule32ah i understand, when 100 is the user name
23:04.14commandocodingMy windows install of asterisk detects the analogue modem, and also when I call my landline I do get some prompts etc. Now the question is, can I use asterisk to record the conversation while i pick the call from the analogue modem out phone set or a voip phone inside the network.
23:04.31paule32then the peer 100 must exist (user name) ?
23:04.33WIMPyShould be something like 620 IIRC?
23:04.45paule32right, indeed
23:05.09WIMPyOr you allowguests.
23:05.18paule32i don't know, that anything here came from germany
23:05.25paule32nono :)
23:06.39paule32hui so little amount of people there
23:06.49paule32ok it is late here
23:08.41paule32and the variable OUTBOUNDTRUNK=SIP/  is ok?
23:09.01WIMPyDo you use it?
23:09.15Penguinuse the PEER NAME
23:09.26paule32or must it be SIP/620
23:09.55WIMPyMakes more sense, IF you want to use such a variable.
23:10.27navaismoslap the ~book
23:10.49WIMPyOr the samples?
23:10.51WIMPyOr both?
23:10.56paule32i read the book and other sources
23:10.57commandocodingGuys can any one suggest a service where I can test asterisk, is there any hoisted asterisk server for testing available?
23:11.01paule32[Sep 14 01:10:15] WARNING[32294]: channel.c:5755 ast_request: No channel type registered for ''
23:11.01paule32[Sep 14 01:10:15] WARNING[32294]: app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type '' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
23:11.37WIMPyWhat did you try to do? Dial nothing?
23:12.26paule320 <village number> <house number>
23:12.46WIMPyIn your dialplan.
23:13.15paule32exten => _0X.,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})
23:14.08WIMPySo OUTBOUNDTRUNK seems to be empty.
23:14.20WIMPyAnd why do you cut off the first digit?
23:14.58paule32the example shows it
23:15.15WIMPyForget about that.
23:15.15paule32here in germany we have 0 before each town number
23:15.27WIMPyCut&paste configuration won't get you anywhere.
23:15.27PenguinIf you are going to set the GLOBAL VARIABLE of OUTBOUNDTRUNK, make sure you set it in the globals section of the dial plan.
23:16.10WIMPyYes, so why do you cut that 0? You need to send it to your telco.
23:16.20WIMPy(unless you use ISDN and set the correct TON)
23:16.39PenguinHe probably has no idea what the EXTEN:1 thing means.
23:16.47paule32oh my god, Penguin indeed, this makes sense
23:16.51paule32im stupid
23:16.54WIMPyThat's what I think.
23:17.08PenguinAnd the fact that you have used the "same" keyword but still specified the extension...
23:17.16paule32WIMPy, thank you :/
23:17.38Penguinsame => n,Congestion()
23:17.42Penguinnot what you wrote.
23:17.56WIMPyAnd maybe not that sensible anyway.
23:19.28PenguinSo I got an email earlier saying sipgate was discontinuing services and would be shutting down.
23:19.38PenguinTheir web site still has services for sale, though.
23:20.13WIMPyOh. I thought thay already had withdrawn from the US.
23:20.33*** join/#asterisk commandocoding (~commandoc@
23:23.49navaismocommandocoding, no, as far i know. What do you want to test?
23:30.38*** join/#asterisk commandocoding (~commandoc@
23:31.53*** join/#asterisk luke_ftw (~luke_ftw@unaffiliated/luke-ftw/x-9245329)
23:31.54*** part/#asterisk luke_ftw (~luke_ftw@unaffiliated/luke-ftw/x-9245329)
23:37.17paule32can make outgoing calls
23:37.36paule32SIP/620 was wrong
23:37.45paule32the carrier was the router ip
23:37.53PenguinDid you have an entry for [620] in the sip.conf?
23:38.33PenguinThen at least SIP/620 is valid.
23:38.46PenguinEven if the configuration for 620 was bad, it was a valid peer to call.
23:39.32WIMPyAnd the right one.
23:39.44paule32so now, i have to gorward a port to asterisk? 5060? for speech?
23:40.03PenguinUDP 5060 for SIP.
23:40.14WIMPyYou can't do that.
23:40.24paule32the problem is, yes
23:40.30PenguinUDP 10000-20000 for RTP (if that is the port range in rtp.conf)
23:40.40WIMPyYou need to use another port.
23:40.57PenguinHis modem has SIP enabled and captures the port?
23:41.24PenguinCan you change that port and use the normal one for asterisk?
23:42.03paule32you can, but then all phones are dead, when asterisk is not running
23:42.40WIMPyThe question was if you can configure the router to use another port.
23:43.00paule32i check it one moment please
23:43.09WIMPyI'm not sure, but I don't think you can without manually editing the config.
23:48.27PenguinMy ITSP provides an alternate port for such cases.
23:48.39PenguinActually, more than one alternate port.
23:48.48WIMPyWrong end?
23:49.37PenguinOh maybe.  I assume if I use the alternate port they will send calls to me on the alternate port as well.
23:50.05WIMPyHopefully not.
23:50.22PenguinIf my modem was stopping 5060 from getting to my asterisk, I would want them to send calls to me on another port.
23:50.32paule32it can be done with "exposed host"
23:50.43WIMPyYes, but you tell them when registering.
23:50.44paule32it seems it stands for dmz
23:51.04PenguinOh, right.  I wasn't thinking registration.
23:51.05WIMPyYour router is listening on 5060. You can't forward that port.
23:51.21PenguinDo not use DMZ when configuring asterisk.
23:51.57paule32no other choice Penguin
23:52.07PenguinOf course there is.
23:52.29PenguinDMZ is not an alternative to proper port forwarding.
23:52.52PenguinAnd if your router/modem is taking away 5060, even a real DMZ wouldn't help.
23:57.10*** join/#asterisk spengler1 (
23:57.32spengler1whats the best way to handle calls coming into a queue
23:57.50spengler1my dial plan looks like this
23:57.54spengler1exten => 7001,1,Answer
23:57.54spengler1exten => 7001,2,Ringing
23:57.54spengler1exten => 7001,3,Wait(2)
23:57.56spengler1exten => 7001,4,Queue(support)
23:57.58spengler1exten => 7001,5,Dial(SIP/2002,20)
23:58.00spengler1exten => 7001,6,Voicemail(2002@default&2001@default)
23:58.02infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:58.02spengler1exten => 7001,7,Wait
23:58.04spengler1exten => 7001,8,Hangup
23:58.47[TK]D-Fenderspengler1: there is no such thing as "best"
23:58.49spengler1so the problem with this is that if one of my agents is paused the logic goes to the next step to dial sip/2002 because
23:58.54[TK]D-Fenderspengler1: there is on "what do YOU want".
23:59.04WIMPyWhat's that Answer;Ringing;Wait crap?
23:59.35spengler1i probably pulled that off an example somewhere

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