IRC log for #asterisk on 20130912

00:05.16igcewielinggoes to the ATM Machine and enters his PIN number.
00:25.04vlad_starkovQuestion: Why can my Asterisk not properly set callerid, if I call Set(CALLERID(num)=1234567) before Dial()?
00:25.11*** join/#asterisk j4jackj (
00:25.46WIMPyToo little information.
00:25.56WIMPyGuess: Your provider doesn't let you.
00:26.12vlad_starkovI have 2 Asterisk boxes installed and connected to each other
00:26.23vlad_starkovBox A and box B
00:26.34vlad_starkovMy SIP client connected to box B
00:26.34WIMPyThe it's yourself.
00:27.10WIMPyDo you have trustrpid?
00:27.12vlad_starkovI set caller id for my SIP client in dialplan on box B and I want to see that callerid that I've set on box A
00:27.22vlad_starkovWIMPy: probably not
00:28.03vlad_starkovWIMPy: Probably I have to add "sendrpid=yes" in my SIP client peer config on box B?
00:29.13j4jackjOo er... finally set up a Cisco Catalyst 2950.
00:29.15WIMPyI prefer to use PAI.
00:29.57WIMPyBut RPID will do the same.
00:34.17vlad_starkovWIMPy: Yay!
00:34.47vlad_starkovWIMPy: trustrpid=yes at box A AND sendrpid=yes at box B
00:54.58*** join/#asterisk bandroidx (~bandroidx@unaffiliated/bandroid)
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04:39.15ChannelZit's oh so quiet
04:52.21j4jackjJust another random Linux and Haiku user here.
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05:49.00phixj4jackj: Haiku?
05:49.27phixas in the japanese poem?
05:55.20ChannelZas in the BeOS clone
05:56.57j4jackjChannelZ: thank you
05:57.04j4jackjphix: see ChannelZ
06:03.39phixWhy clone something that is already shit? now you have two pieces of shit
06:03.46phixunless it is a fork
06:03.56phixwith the aim to make it not so shit
06:08.19ChannelZBeOS was not shit
06:13.01j4jackjThe aim in Haiku is to make a good base better.
06:13.02j4jackjYou can't polish a polished thing, though.
06:13.02j4jackjWell you can, it just makes it worse.
06:14.08j4jackjIt causes things to go downhill.
06:28.58*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
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07:33.02TobSnyderhow is it possible to passthrough custom SIP header in invite ?
07:36.59kaldemarTobSnyder: func SIP_HEADER and app SIPAddHeader
07:38.04TobSnyderkaldemar: having two clients, A and B, both registered at asterisk - Client A adds a custom SIP Header when calling Client B (using Asterisk) - but it seems Asterisk is sending a completely new invite without that custom header to client B ?
07:40.56*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:44.59TobSnyderfound a solution in
07:45.41TobSnyderit seems asterisk can not forward all unknown (custom) headers itself, you have to tell asterisk which headers to look for and create them manually ba calling SipAddHeader before calling Dial() in dialplan?!?
07:46.11kaldemarTobSnyder: yes, asterisk is not a proxy. you need to read the header from A and add it before dialing B.
07:55.21*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
07:55.37TobSnyderok thanks
08:08.37kaldemarand asterisk will not forward a single header anywhere, unless you tell it to in dialplan. that's because asterisk is a B2BUA and not a proxy. the second leg of the call is a whole new sip dialog and separate from the first incoming one.
08:13.49*** join/#asterisk R1ck (
08:14.35R1ckhi. I'm using the Queue application and change members with queurules.conf (setting penalty) - is there a way to execute another piece of dialplan (mainly: JabberSend) when penalties are changed?
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08:20.09defsworkyo ?
08:20.50sadtimeswell hi
08:20.52sadtimesor hello
08:21.32sadtimeswanted to ask if anyone has a problem with reloading config / scaling issues
08:21.58sadtimesI'm having an issue at the moment; I reload; and then all extensions start going lagged/unreachable
08:22.00*** join/#asterisk qdel (
08:22.28sadtimesand I'm thinking that it's because it's trying to get through all that config; while it's still receiving requests
08:22.50sadtimesso once the service becomes available again the amount of traffic it receives causes issues
08:22.54*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:b0f2:d6c:1e9c:b9a3)
08:22.54sadtimesrestart the service and it's fine
08:30.56magespawngood morning
08:31.59magespawnChannelZ: thanks for the link
08:45.52sadtimesI mean does everyone just do seperate reloads generally
08:46.08sadtimessip reload / dialplan reload
08:46.09sadtimesand so on
08:49.28*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
08:59.19kaldemarsadtimes: people usually reload what they need to reaload. if you change dialplan, don't issue a reload on all modules.
09:05.13sadtimesyeah fair enough
09:06.02sadtimesthat's about what I thought but just wanted to confirm
09:06.06sadtimesthanks kaldemar :)
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09:57.11SeanNhi guys
09:57.25SeanNI'm hoping to get some help with CDR logging on Asterisk which isn't working
09:57.46SeanNit's enabled, was working for a while but has stopped
09:58.03SeanNin the CLI is seems to actually be disabled
09:58.04SeanNLON-MG-PBX03*CLI> cdr show status
09:58.04SeanNCall Detail Record (CDR) settings
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09:58.18SeanNcan anyone offer any advice on this please?
10:05.33R1ckso.. enable it?
10:07.24SeanNit seems it is enabled, cdr.conf: enable = yes
10:08.09*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
10:08.10SeanNand this module is loaded:                   MySQL CDR Backend                        0
10:08.13*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
10:08.27SeanNunless it needs to be enabled somewhere else too?
10:10.15R1ckif it was enabled, it should say Logging: enabled
10:10.34R1ckhave you reloaded the config?
10:11.41SeanNyea, I've restarted the entire server too for good measure
10:12.10SeanNis there somewhere you need to tell Asterisk to observe cdr.conf?
10:12.49R1ckdon't think so
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10:31.20SeanNR1ck, when Asterisk starts, it sees the cdr.conf file, then immediately says CDR logging is disabled:
10:31.20SeanN[Sep 12 11:30:18] VERBOSE[605] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': Found
10:31.20SeanN[Sep 12 11:30:18] NOTICE[605] cdr.c: CDR logging disabled, data will be lost.
10:31.35SeanNI do note there is no include statement for cdr_mysql.conf
10:31.39SeanNdo you know if that is reuired?
10:42.35*** join/#asterisk vbrinza (~vbrinza@
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10:47.34vbrinzahi all. asterisk behind nat. 2 twinkle behind an other nat, both in same network. calling each other. 5060 udp port on asterisk for sip and 10000-10020 for rtp. when we call 4 udp ports from rtp range are initiated however if i use tcpdump to analyze the traffic, i don't see any package coming on them. what could be the issue?
10:47.44vbrinzaps. of course we don't hear each other ..
10:53.47eZzvbrinza: take a look to rtp.conf
10:54.07eZznot 10020
10:54.49vbrinzadoesn't matter
10:54.55vbrinzai can define any port there
10:55.02SeanNok, so I solved my issue, there was a csv section in cdr.conf, commented that out, all working now, seems if you specify this in cdr.conf, only the first section is observed, if you want multiple cdr destinations, they need to be sent in their respective files
10:55.10vbrinzaimportant is not to interfere them with already used ones
10:55.12eZztrue, but for debug I suggest to open it ツ
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10:55.47vbrinzathis its its content right now
10:56.34eZzhave you debugged rtp inside asteris?
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10:57.52eZzvbrinza: I have exactly the same schema as you have, and this works to me great
10:57.54vbrinzai see nothing related to rtp
10:58.03vbrinzaif i do rtp set debug on
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11:13.53ornIs there any way to dial from the CLI after console dial was removed?
11:16.44ornthank you
11:17.04orni tried googling whether it had been renamed but i guess i didn't use the right keywords
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11:18.46ornand then just hangup on the request?
11:18.53kaldemarorn: "console dial" has not been removed.
11:19.19ornMaybe the module isn't loaded? Do you remember what it's called?
11:19.58kaldemarand the full command for cli originate is "channel originate".
11:20.51kaldemarorn:, or provide the console dial function.
11:21.19*** join/#asterisk roderickm (~roderickm@
11:22.41ornah, it would seem that ubuntu has removed those channel modules from the default install o_O
11:22.47ornmy fault for using pre-packaged installs
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12:34.49[SySteM]Hello, anyone know a sip provider where i can change my callerid number ?
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12:38.08GreenlightWhich country are you in? Do you want to change to *any* number, or a specific number ?
12:38.38[SySteM]in france
12:38.47[SySteM]but no problem to take international provider
12:39.12*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:39.39GreenlightPresenting any number is going to be trickier, at least from my experience with providers here in UK. We didn't get that ability till we had a significant call volume and our carrier "trusted" us..
12:40.40GreenlightIt's open to abuse too much
12:41.02GreenlightWhat's the reason you need to be able to present *any* number?
12:41.39[SySteM]got 50 different number
12:41.58[SySteM]fixe and mobil
12:42.07[SySteM]in different operator
12:42.34[SySteM]and each operator want just 1 callerid
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12:43.33GreenlightI'm not sure I fully understand, sorry
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13:22.51phix[TK]D-Fender: Peenut jelly and a baseball bat?
13:23.19Kattywonders what the baseball bat is for
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13:44.10SuperNullanyone see realtime have invalid passwords.. then you do a 'sip prune realtime all' and it works yet no database changes happened
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13:50.49igcewielingSuperNull: make sure to set a port in the DB for any peers which don't register
13:51.14SuperNullthey all register.
13:51.34SuperNulli just did a mysqldump on my user table to confirm changes are not happening
13:53.07igcewielingSuperNull: sounds like you need to do some mysql debugging.
13:54.06*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
13:54.16SuperNullfairly sure its not mysql ;) but. only have this issue on one of the 7 servers running against it.. this box is so.
13:54.23SuperNulljust to be certain im checking.
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14:16.08trdillon1i have choppy music on hold. Is there a quick way to fix it?
14:17.02[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: Not without know what the actual situation is
14:17.20trdillon1what do you need to know
14:17.23[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: We have no idea what you're using for MoH, or what you're listening to it on, and over
14:17.35[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: Because it could absolutely anything right now...
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14:18.19igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: you need to learn how to ignore dumb questions.
14:18.46trdillon1We have a .wav file set up for music on hold. When calling over a cell phone the music is broken up
14:18.54trdillon1asterisk 11.4
14:19.03trdillon1using sip
14:19.05[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: It's not a "dumb" question, just one asked having given no useful information upon which to provide a educated answer.
14:19.27igcewielingI disagree.  Questions with no useful information are dumb questions.
14:19.35[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: Cellphone is a device... you need to be very specific about how that phone is actually talking to *.
14:19.51*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
14:20.13[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: and you should set up an alternate playback for that file and confirm its specs, etc
14:20.50igcewielingtrdillon1: cell phones do not transport music very well, it will be doubly bad if you are using something like GSM or G729 to talk to your carrier.
14:21.15[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: We have no idea how it's actually being used yet... just a little more rope, k?
14:21.34trdillon1we checked the file and it plays ok in a music player
14:21.47igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: won't do any good.
14:21.52trdillon1it seems to happen over landlines as well but less often
14:22.02[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: doesn't mean much to *.  Forget yyour player.  * doesn't downmix poorly formatted files well
14:22.20[TK]D-FendertrYou are not giving useful descriptionas on what you are listening to this over.
14:22.35[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: You are not giving useful descriptions on what you are listening to this over.
14:25.11trdillon1[TK]D-Fender, Asterisk talks to a VOIP router using GSM. The router is connected to a PRI and sends the traffic out using H323.
14:26.26[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: This is not yet clear.
14:26.49[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: Clarify how * talks to this "router.
14:26.56*** join/#asterisk Welington (
14:27.19[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: Because I see 3 totally different techs involved.  PRI does NOT talk "H.323"
14:27.27[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: Draw me a better chain
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14:27.45[TK]D-Fendertrdillon1: And be specific about what is within a local LAN segment, and what is OUTSIDE
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15:42.48paule32i running asterisk by scratch
15:43.05paule32make a default context  - hello world example
15:43.17paule32start asterisk -r
15:43.18Kattyhi paule32
15:43.41paule32and type in "console dial 1001"
15:43.48paule32hello katty
15:44.09paule32bit i get error
15:44.17Kattyand what's the error?
15:44.42igcewielingput the cli output if the failed call on a pastebin
15:44.43infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:44.45paule32no such extension 1001 in context default
15:44.55Kattywell then you need to add one
15:44.58igcewielingpastebin the output of "dialplan show" as well.
15:45.14Kattythat's like telling igcewieling to make a merange.
15:45.16Greenlightdid you reload after editing it ?
15:45.19Kattywithout giving him the recipe for merange
15:45.19igcewielingand hope someone has time to help.
15:45.35Kattyhugs igcewieling
15:45.58NOT_guruhello, quick question,  I have a asterisk system at 2 locations, location A has extensions in the 1XXX range Location 2 has extensions in the 2000 range, when you dial into location A and get into their IVR you can dial an extension of 1XXX but since that locat PBX is not aware of the 2XXX range you can not direct dial a 2XXX extension.  is DUNDi the way around this? or is there another way...
15:46.00NOT_guru...around this I am not thinking of?
15:46.27igcewielingNOT_guru: tell the pbx about the other range
15:46.29Kattyyou can register them as sip devices on the local server
15:46.39NOT_guruNOTE: I have only setup asterisk in a single location setting in the past, so this is the first time I have bumbed into this
15:46.47Kattythe remote device then checks in and goes HAI I"M OVER HERE KTHX
15:47.15NOT_guruwell if I do that, my call routing will be broken as my outbound route states that 2XXX goes out trunk B
15:47.30Kattyluckily you can change your routing
15:47.32paule32hui lots of output from dialplan show
15:47.40igcewielingapparently it doesn't if the ivr doesn't know about the 2xxx range
15:47.58Kattythat's the beauty of routing.
15:48.04Kattyit's like a make your own story
15:48.06paule32what is the interface port by configuring per web browser?
15:48.29Kattypaule32: one does not simply configure asterisk per web browser
15:48.33igcewielingpaule32: Asterisk does not have a GUI and cannot be configured by a web browser
15:48.47NOT_gurubut then all the extensions at location B are constantly checking in to location A's pbx
15:48.59igcewielingNOT_guru: incorrect.
15:49.31igcewielingNOT_guru: pastebin the cli output if the failed IVR call and a successful normal call
15:49.44NOT_guruwait sorry igcwieling, I was refering to Katty's solution
15:49.58paule32Katty: i have move the sample files in other directory, create an extension.conf
15:50.01NOT_guruuhm  OK
15:50.19NOT_gurulet me get those together
15:50.23igcewielingpaule32: until you create those pastebins requested I cannot help further.
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15:50.57igcewielingNOT_guru: if you can call the 2xxx range from the 1xxx server, but the ivr doesn't see the 2xxx extensions then you have a simple configuration error
15:51.03NOT_guruand igcwieling when you say " tell the pbx about the other range" what do you mean by this?
15:51.10[TK]D-Fender[11:45]NOT_guruhello, quick question, I have a asterisk system at 2 locations, location A has extensions in the 1XXX range Location 2 has extensions in the 2000 range, when you dial into location A and get into their IVR you can dial an extension of 1XXX but since that locat PBX is not aware of the 2XXX range you can not direct dial a 2XXX extension. is DUNDi the way around this? or is...
15:51.12[TK]D-Fender...there another way... <- ad exten(s) to dial over to the other server
15:51.25igcewielingexten => _2XXX,1,Dial(SIP/theotherserver/${EXTEN})
15:52.31NOT_guruyes I can call extensions from location a to B  its just the IVR that doesn't accept locations B's extensions from A and vice versa
15:52.47igcewielingNOT_guru: then TELL YOUR IVR about the extensions
15:53.07[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: Add extens to match and dial the other server then
15:53.10NOT_guruI am reviewing now
15:53.10igcewielingusually that can be done with an include => but until you provide the requested pastebins I cannot help you further.
15:53.42igcewielingpaule32: the included .conf.sample files are not designed to be a working system.
15:53.53NOT_guruI understand igcewieling,  I was just clariufying while I gather info
15:54.17[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: Shouldn't even need a pastebin.  Where did you put them so that your IVR can see them?
15:54.30NOT_guruand D-Fender, sorry, I
15:54.45[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: "where" <-
15:54.56NOT_guruI have a route between the locations,   its the IVR that can't see them
15:55.11[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: "route" is not a meaningful term here
15:55.11igcewielingNOT_guru: incorrect, your ivr is not seeing the "route"
15:55.16[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: What you dial.. is DIALPLAN
15:55.50NOT_guruI understand, I am using web interface terms from freepbx,  and I meant outbound route
15:56.01igcewielingMaybe NOT_guru is one of those FreePBX users who wander into this channel by mistake?
15:56.01NOT_guruI am going to gather more info
15:56.02[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: this is NOT a place for dialplan processing support for FreePBX
15:56.03igcewielingthere we go
15:56.08[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: And none of that is of use here
15:56.11igcewielingNOT_guru: sorry, I can't help you.
15:56.12NOT_guruwas not a mistake
15:56.13infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
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15:56.23NOT_guruI was jst seeing if DUNDi would be a resolution
15:56.27NOT_guruand was asking that
15:56.28[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: That GUI separate context and the rules for your calls, not YOU
15:56.37NOT_gurubut you have given me more info than I expected  sorry
15:56.45[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: Don't ask those questions in here, that's what #freepbx is for
15:56.50igcewielingNOT_guru: dundi is a solution.  an overly complicated and wrong solution, but a solution none the less.
15:56.58[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: Our solutions are NOT FreePBX solutions
15:57.07tm1000also of note. the two people are you are talking to also respond in #freepbx
15:57.09NOT_guruso there are better ways  thats all I was looking for
15:57.14NOT_gurusorry  I did not mean to offend
15:57.38NOT_guruI appreciate the time
15:57.40[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: Not a question of "better", it's a question of the rules of how FreePBX works that you have to work in conjunction with
15:57.48*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
15:57.55[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: When you configure your own system you can do whatever you want immdiately
15:58.33NOT_guruI understand that I have alot more control in a pure asterisk enviroment,  I was just wrapping my head around a problem I had never bumped into before
15:59.10igcewielingNOT_guru: there is nothing terrible about FreePBX.  The terrible thing is asking for FreePBX help here.
15:59.12NOT_gurunow I know I just need to lookup how to make the IVR aware of the other locations, and not worry as much about dundi
15:59.29NOT_guruagain  I was not trying to ask a freepbx specific question here
15:59.45NOT_guruI was just asking a general ( or what I thought was a general ) question
15:59.50igcewielingNOT_guru: If you are using FreePBX then all questions are FreePBx questions.
15:59.50NOT_gurusorry again
16:00.25NOT_guruI understand
16:01.02NOT_guruthank you again for the responces
16:01.09NOT_guruI will take this to the other channel
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16:22.18davlefouAMDhi, in my asterisk, i have an context for receive call with serval accounte code but when a revece an call, it all the time with name off the first account and with is account code
16:22.47davlefouAMDIt seems ignore over line et ovh accounte code.
16:26.08*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
16:38.21*** join/#asterisk giucio (~giucio@
16:41.33giucioHi, I'm originating a call through AMI, doing a "Action: Originate, Channel: SIP/giucio", plus other parameters. Now, I'd like to use the GetVar() command through AMI. It needs a channel name. The thing is Asterisk doesn't use SIP/giucio as channel name, it builds up something like "SIP/giucio-0000000X" where X is a number. I have no way to know exactly what the channel name is, since it adds these numbers.
16:42.10giucioIs there a way to use GetVar knowing only what I know (which is: SIP/giucio) ?
16:42.36WIMPyListen to the events you receive on AMI.
16:42.46GreenlightYea, you can easily identify the actual channel that's been created.
16:42.52GreenlightAnd then use GetVar on that.
16:43.14giucioGreenlight: how do I can identify it?
16:43.18GreenlightAlthough you'll see VarSet events anyway, so there's little need to use GetVar explicitly
16:44.22GreenlightThere's a few ways to identify calls you've originated. What I tend to do is specify a guid as a variable in the originate command
16:44.41GreenlightThen listen for the VarSet with that guid in it, and use that to "link" the channel that's been created.
16:44.50GreenlightAlthough there's certainly other ways to do it
16:45.45giucioGreenlight: I see, it is kind of low-level, but I can certainly do it
16:46.12GreenlightIt depends what you're looking to do with your application
16:46.54GreenlightI mean, as a quick and easy hack, you can list listen to the VarSet events, and filter based on channel names containg "SIP/giucio"
16:47.17giucioWhat I'm ultimately trying to do, is to set a channel variable through AMI to the CDR(duration) value
16:47.17GreenlightAssuming you have those events enabled in manager.conf
16:47.44giucioin order to to this, what I'm doing is: Originating the call, wait for the operator event which leads to the setting of this variable
16:47.45WIMPyMost CDR values are read-only.
16:47.54giucioget the CDR variable through AMI
16:47.59giucioand set the channel variable to it
16:48.17GreenlightThat one gets set in the hangup
16:48.27GreenlightPerhaps a UserEvent would be your best bet
16:48.29[TK]D-Fendergiucio: tying to make a "time marker" for some point during a call?
16:48.35GreenlightRather than playing around with varibles
16:48.37giucio[TK]D-Fender: exactly
16:48.42giucioI'm trying to put a time marker
16:48.52[TK]D-Fendergiucio: What is your trigger for the marker?
16:48.53GreenlightI dont think duration gets updated realtime like that
16:49.37giucio[TK]D-Fender: Operators interact with a web app connected through AMI
16:49.46giucioit is a web application triggering the marker
16:49.48WIMPyI'm pretty sure it's not possible. YOu need to write that to another field. And yes, a userevent might be a good idea.
16:50.03giucioWIMPy: I have created a custom CDR field for that
16:50.14WIMPyCan't you add that to that web app?
16:50.15giucioWhat I'm trying to do is to put the CDR(duration) value into that field
16:50.17GreenlightYou can get access to the duration, but I don't think via the CRD field
16:50.30GreenlightThere's a variable that'll give you it though
16:50.31*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
16:50.45GreenlightI would suggest reading it directly using GetVar
16:50.46giucioGreenlight: if I look at the channel using the "core show channel <x>", the CDR(duration) gets updated in real time
16:51.20Greenlightgiucio: Ahh, maybe you can then... for some reason I thought it only got updated during hangup
16:51.42giuciothe thing is, it gets hard to know the channel name
16:51.55GreenlightIf you listen for events, no so.
16:52.06GreenlightBUt if your using a web app, and not staying connected... i can see the issue
16:52.17Greenlighteg, you page is connecting in, originating, and disconnecting ?
16:52.19giucioGreenlight: that's the thing, it's stateless
16:52.27WIMPyBut doesn;t that web app need the channel name?
16:52.53giucioWIMPy: the web app would know the "SIP/giucio"
16:52.57Greenlightgiucio: YOur best best is to wait for the channel to be created, *before* disconnecting
16:53.07GreenlightIt'll only take a fraction of a second, so it'll be okay
16:53.11giuciowhat it doesn't know is the part that asterisk adds after it
16:53.17giucioGreenlight: I see
16:53.33giucioGreenlight: I could also receive events from other concurrently created calls though
16:53.39GreenlightAnd ?
16:53.48[TK]D-Fender[12:49]giucio[TK]D-Fender: Operators interact with a web app connected through AMI <- so the web operator is there to "tag" the call that THEY are on?
16:53.57WIMPySo what happens at that point you want to find? I'm pretty sure you would find an AMI event directly telling you.
16:54.16giucio[TK]D-Fender: yes, they need to tag a particular moment in their ongoing call
16:54.40giucioGreenlight: it gets a bit more laborious... I can do it, I was just hoping to find a faster way
16:54.43GreenlightYou would originate the call, with a unique identifier (a guid), cahce that somewher
16:55.37giucioWIMPy: the point operators want to mark is when a sale process starts, so it's entirely human-driven
16:56.16GreenlightYou're going to need to know the channel name for that. And you can't tell that at the point of originating the call unless you listen for those events.
16:57.24giucioGreenlight: maybe I can store the channel name in the dialplan using a global variable?
16:57.39giucio(guys, I started using asterisk a week ago, I might be saying nonsense here...)
16:58.00Greenlightgiucio: Yes, you could. How would that help though ?
16:58.11GreenlightAnd what if there are multiple calls ?
16:58.34[TK]D-Fendergiucio: tso depends if they could be involved with multiple channels at a time... as to how that we app would know which was "current"
16:58.39igcewielinggiucio: why not use a cookie?
16:58.49GreenlightAs I see the problem, you need to tie your web user, to the call they've originated.
16:58.53giucioGreenlight: I might set a "X_SIP_giucio" variable to "SIP/giucio-00000x
16:58.55[TK]D-Fendergiucio: There are call-state flags, but that fails on local 3-way calling, etc
16:59.10Greenlightgiucio: You're only having ONE call active at a time ?
16:59.19giucioGreenlight: one per operator
16:59.25igcewielingyou could also write a daemon to connect to AMI and keep track of stuff, then your web script can talk to your daemon.  that is what I do for a couple of things
16:59.26[TK]D-Fendergiucio: otherwise you could just rely on that with the "base" name and set an agent # variable.  Get a channel list, and scan EACH of them for the match to ID them.
16:59.46giuciowhich means, SIP/giucio, SIP/giucio1, SIP/giucio2 will have each a different channel
16:59.56GreenlightYea, if you've got one call per peer, you can at least rely on the start of the channel name matchning the peer name
17:00.13giucio[TK]D-Fender: That's another idea, retrieving the channel list through ami
17:00.28giucioOk I hope there's a commadn for that
17:00.43GreenlightSurely that's more complicated than just listening for the channel name in the first place ?
17:01.23giucioGreenlight: I'd need to store the channel association somewhere, in order to be available to the afterwards
17:01.34igcewielingGreenlight: we are talking about trying to do stateful stuff with a web app, it is going to be horribly complicated and ugly no matter what you do
17:01.42Greenlightigcewieling: +1
17:01.59giucioI think the channel list scanning approach might be simpler
17:02.08Greenlightgiucio: As igcewieling says, you could use a cookie or even a session variable. Or a db.
17:02.10giucioin this specific situation
17:02.19ChannelZ-Wkmmmm cookie
17:02.32igcewielingI have a daemon which watches AMI events and updates an internal list of peers with their registration state, my web script queries that on a socket
17:02.47GreenlightYup that's how i do it as well.
17:02.59GreenlightI'd never had the webserver connecting to AMI directly
17:04.00Greenlightgiucio: The only problem I see is if you ever get "stale" channels sitting around, or if an agent has a call on hold etc.
17:04.20GreenlightYou're relying on there only ever being ONE channel starting with "SIP/giucio"
17:04.29igcewielingdaemons are great to use with web apps.  I have one which handles "route locking" so if someone is editing a route, others cannot, stuff like that.
17:05.03Greenlightigcewieling: Why not use a database for that ?
17:05.40giucioGreenlight: uhm I see what you mean
17:05.48igcewielingGreenlight: because then the client would have to constantly query the database to check to see if a user has a route open.
17:06.00Greenlightigcewieling: Ahh good point
17:06.16Greenlightigcewieling: Ever played with SingalR?
17:06.21igcewielingGreenlight: I use long running "comet-like" model for these sorts of things
17:06.33igcewielingnever heard of it.
17:07.19GreenlightMicrosoft just gobbled it up, but don't let that put you off. It's very cool javascript library for realtime two way communication on webpages, without polling
17:07.46GreenlightI can call a method server side, and *instantly* that fires a javacscript client side function
17:08.27igcewielingGreenlight: ah.  my solution is simple in design, small in code size, and already written
17:08.59GreenlightOf course. Just made me thing of it. It's some really nice tech
17:09.08*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:ed0a:91a:d89a:d657)
17:09.10igcewielingbesides I'd rather eat glass than voluntarily use MS products.    Before you /CTCP info me, no, I do not have a choice in running MS windows for work stuff.
17:09.34GreenlightI hear ya
17:09.35igcewieling(for some work stuff that is)
17:10.12igcewielingI get sub-second latency on my existing stuff which is good enough.
17:10.30GreenlightYou're web app polls the deamon ?
17:10.54igcewielingGreenlight: no, they have a long running ajax connection to the daemon on the server
17:11.21GreenlightAhh nice, same idea as what SignalR has abstracted then really
17:11.48GreenlightRight ... time to leave the office. Laters!
17:11.57igcewieling*nod*  since my stuff doesn't have to be cross-browser compatible the code can be a lot more simple too.
17:18.08*** join/#asterisk joesmoe (~joesmoe@
17:28.58paule32i have found this site:
17:29.33paule32then i copied, the svn files /config to my http server dir
17:29.53paule32make changes in manager/http.conf
17:30.34giucioGreenlight: I went for the solution you proposed (I believe): I'm originating the call and I'm listening for NewChannel events
17:30.38paule32the site will occor in webbrowser, but i can't login
17:32.00*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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17:37.41[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: that GUI has been dead for YEARS.
17:38.40[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: And that guide is referencing Asterisk 1.4 which was released in *** 2006 ***
17:39.10paulcwakes up? say what? huh?
17:39.18paulcoh.. not me
17:39.23paulcbreathes a sigh of relief
17:39.28[TK]D-Fenderpaule32:  And that guide is referencing Asterisk 1.4 which was released in *** 2006 ***
17:39.32[TK]D-Fenderyeah, bad aim
17:39.37paulcs'all good :)
17:39.52paulcI got excited for a minute there (doesn't take much eh?) :-)
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17:51.51navaismoif i have accept_outofcall_messages=yes and using DPMA how can I edit the context to allow other clients to use the MESSAGE context?
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18:26.55paule32so now on linux
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18:27.44paule32this is the output of dialplan show
18:33.52paule32how can i make a call
18:33.56paule32on console
18:36.07*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
18:45.39j4jackjvlad_sta_: your ghost has died
18:48.01[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: You have nothing you CAN call.  There is no dialplan you can execute.
18:48.27*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:ed0a:91a:d89a:d657)
18:48.43paulcwakes up again
18:48.47[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: the dialplan (extensions.conf) configures how * will process calls you send it... you have NO rules of any kind there.  * has no instructions on how to handle anything.
18:48.53[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: ^
18:49.01paulcslaps [TK]D-Fender round with a wet kipper
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19:02.09igcewielingMaybe FreePBX is a better match for paule32
19:02.30*** join/#asterisk monsterco (40e76515@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:03.07monstercoHi everyone - I am trying to RESET polycom soundpoint IP 335 to factory default using keys 1, 3, 5, 7 and it reboots but when I go to GUI again, I see all the same old information
19:03.18monstercowhat could I be doing wrong?
19:03.40*** join/#asterisk Pullphinger (~Pullphing@
19:03.51igcewieling.part #polycom-support
19:05.01monstercosorry, I know this is Asterisk - I was hoping someone might have a clue
19:05.08monstercoI really don't like polycom phones
19:05.19monstercothey are not making a register attempt even - I am setting line 1
19:06.29[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: When are you doing this?  Also if you are provisioning your phones it could be picking up the same configs again after the flush as well
19:06.55monsterco[TK]D-Fender - how can I make sure provisioning is reset too?
19:07.00paulcmonsterco: there's opens in the menu on the phone to reset user data, reformat the filesystem, a bunch of other things..  and it's easier to configure through provisioning files than using the web interface generally (more options available) but requires a bit more work to set up.
19:07.13[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: You don't know if you're provisioning them or not?
19:07.27paulcYou can also set provisioning to static (so it's not Option 60/66/160 etc) to make sure it's not picking anything up.. I got bit by that one before
19:07.39monstercothey were provisioning with Ring Central - but they told me it's open now
19:08.12[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Did you lok in the bootrom yourself to see that it's no longer pointed to them?
19:08.16paulcPlug it in when it's not connected to a network, go do all the reset options on the phone, then make sure it's not getting given pre-provisioning options via DHCP options..
19:10.32monstercopaulc - Ok, so: unplug the phone, then hold keys 1,3,5,7 (soundpoint ip 335), then it restart, then reset all settings again without plugging the internet?
19:10.58monsterco[TK]D-Fender - I only have remote GUI access and a dumb receptionist on the other end
19:11.26monstercoso I am stuck with resetting or using GUI - and it seems that GUI is totally useless
19:11.39monstercoI mean I don't see any factory reset options there
19:11.39igcewielingmonsterco: in 4.x firmware the GUI is slightly more useful
19:11.53igcewielingthe factory reset menu option is specific to 4.x as well
19:12.07monstercoigcewieling - there is no ABOUT or STATUS page so I can't tell firmware version
19:12.07KattyHELLO KIDS
19:12.10monstercohow nice is that
19:12.27[TK]D-Fender[15:10]monsterco[TK]D-Fender - I only have remote GUI access and a dumb receptionist on the other end <- no, this is what you look for on the phone itself pre-boot
19:12.52igcewielingmonsterco: I've not actually used the polycom GUI in 10 years.  No reason to with the awesome provisioning features.
19:13.12igcewielingI looked at the polycom GUI when we updated to the 4.x firmware, but that is about it.
19:13.25karl-sawesome provisioining? you mean the configuration split across 4 different files in a barealy readable xml format?
19:14.02[TK]D-Fender[15:13]karl-sawesome provisioining? you mean the configuration split across 4 different files in a barealy readable xml format? <- Yes!
19:14.09[TK]D-FenderKeeps the idiots out@
19:14.43karl-sexcept when they come to you and ask for polycom help...
19:14.57monstercoso, how can I reset the provisioning?
19:15.06karl-sugh... I miss the aastra provisioning...
19:15.34igcewielingkarl-s: you have apparently not used Cisco or Linksys provisioning.
19:15.50monstercothe phone is unlocked - I was told so. But I have a user on other end who is like a cave woman - what should I tell her to do to reset the phone? In advanced settings she only sees Network Reset and SIP Reset - does that mean anything?
19:15.52karl-sI've done Cisco (but only at a base level pre-xml)
19:16.46igcewielingmonsterco: go read the polycom provisioning docs
19:16.49karl-si've not done linksys. We usually only have a handful of SPA devices for Faxes.... The gui is fine for those
19:17.06igcewielingkarl-s: I believe linksys uses a binary config file
19:17.28monstercoigcewieling - are you saying I have to un-provision is using a provision file?
19:17.46karl-syea, that would deserve an "ugh..." for linksys then
19:17.57igcewielingmonsterco: no, I'm saying read the polycom provisioning doc so you understand how polycom phones get their config files
19:18.34monstercoright - I would rather pass on that now. I am in an urgent situation and want to have one set at least up and running - so I am looking to reset this one for now and then do the provisioning research later
19:18.55monstercois there any specific setting on phone menu or GUI that allows me to TOTALLY reset the phone?
19:19.20igcewielingmonsterco: I guess you could just keep trying until some random thing works.
19:19.29[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: that factory reset does that part, then remove the bootrom settings for provisioning
19:20.21igcewielingmonsterco: you might want to connect to the provisioning server and rename the relevant files.
19:21.14igcewielingThough changing the boot option in the config file (don't think you can in the GUI) or change the next-server option of your DHCP server
19:21.56igcewielingsorry, change the boot srv option in the phone UI (not the phone GUI) as someone else mentioned 20 mins ago
19:26.28paule32is it possible to write an application that act like an teletext app?  also sending ton/pulse 0-9, and sending binary data to an 56kb modem? also like access point (a server that listen for incomming connections from 56kb modem, check user and communicate with them) ?
19:27.32paule32vomits? what does it mean?
19:28.17*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
19:29.43*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (18e2f1d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:31.47monsterco[TK]D-Fender - ok, the boot room settings is in the phone UI and can be disabled by end user?
19:31.59paule32so have now, compile the new 10 version
19:32.18paule32hope you support this version
19:35.18[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: You know that is why I told you to specifically go there....
19:35.41monstercoyep -just checking the settings menu place
19:43.18paule32can't make a call:
19:43.47paule32how to do?
19:44.56ACiDVAnyone using MulticastRTP channel ? Have a small issue with outgoing spool call file and not sure if it a "know" issue with Asterisk. I try to playback a file but no audio. If I use my SIP phone to reach the dialplan .. (Page(MulticastRTP/basic/....) it work ok.
19:45.19[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: So far I haven't seen you have any dialplan you can call at all
19:45.30monstercoshe is has a hard time finding bootroom options - can you please be specific? thanks
19:45.35[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: Show us there is something to dial
19:45.52[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: SERVER <-
19:46.27navaismopaule32,  core show application originate
19:46.59monsterco[TK]D-Fender - sorry i am not with the phone - is that under Advance Settings
19:48.15paule32navaismo, Your application(s) is (are) not registered
19:48.15paule32Command 'core show application originate' failed.
19:48.36[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Server Menu > Server Address
19:48.56navaismopaule32, my advise to you is the book
19:48.59infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:49.04[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: I'm better you are missing SEVERAL important Asterisk config files.
19:49.18[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: including MODULES.CONF
19:49.24[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: And nothing is loading
19:49.55[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: You should have brought over all the sample configs to at least have the basics and then started scrapping the bits out of the ones you need to personalize
19:49.59paule32i do a make install
19:50.19[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: that doesn't install the samples
19:50.28[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: "make samples" <------------
19:50.53paule32any other make(s) ?
19:50.58navaismohahaha again paulc
19:51.38[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: My auto-complete is going to EAT YOU :p
19:52.01[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: No, that should do it.  the restart *
19:54.05[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: Asterisk 10.0.0-rc1 <- this is also a horrible version ot be running,  It wasn't even a full-relase version, and is several versions behind on that branch alone... with is ***EOL***
19:54.27[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: I highly recommend you upgrade to the latest 11 revision
19:55.16paule32im new in this field
19:55.37paule32i can't spent time for updates
19:55.43paule32and changes
19:56.07[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: You don't even have a configured Asterisk install at all.
19:56.15[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: You don't have anything to "save" there
19:56.16paule32so, now, a info text is shown
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20:00.27monsterco[TK]D-Fender - No Server Menu in menu
20:00.42monstercois it under Admin Settings Advanced
20:01.04monstercoI see Reset to Default
20:01.10monstercois that it?
20:01.12[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: You are mistaken... and in the WRONG PLACE
20:01.38monstercowhere should I be in UI?
20:01.39[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: There is nothing named "Admin Menu" .... in the *** BOOTROM***
20:02.05monstercohow do I get to BOOTROOM ? is it not accessed by Menu button on phone?
20:02.34[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: I take it you haven't so much as read the admin guides or really looked at the phones....
20:02.51[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: you REBOOT the phone and before the SIP APP starts you go into tht eBOOTROM confg
20:03.17monstercoyep not yet - sorry - is there a key I should press at reboot?
20:04.16[TK]D-FenderYou've REALLY never payed attention at boot time....
20:04.24[TK]D-Fenderyou have a menu with a countdown....
20:04.28paule32thanks for listen, hints and tips .. must go , till next time, have download the pdf and html site from asterisk book
20:04.38paule32have a good day, bye
20:04.40monstercoI don't use Polycom phones - and this is remote to me
20:06.07monstercoshe is rebooting now and reading me all she sees
20:07.45monsterco[TK]D-Fender - so we got to SERVER MENU - now should we just EDIT and remove the provisioning server? or is there a way to disable
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20:07.55lukerobican you have a blf for 1 extension and a differen't speed dial for the same button?
20:08.29[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: read the options.
20:08.44monstercoI told her to remove RingeCentral references
20:09.27monstercoshe says server type and all the info
20:09.35monstercoshould she remove them or is there a way to disable them?
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20:13.24monsterco[TK]D-Fender - so now server address is removed and phone said can't contact provisioning server - so now, should she go in Advanced Setting and RESET?
20:13.49monstercoor would RESET put phone back to provisioning mode?
20:16.15[TK]D-Fenderno, putting the SETTINGS BACK would
20:16.36[TK]D-FenderAnd of course it can't contact the provisioning server.. we just went through all this to REMOVE IT
20:16.52[TK]D-FenderI don't think you're keeping coherent here...
20:17.40[TK]D-FenderYou want to reconfigure this for yourself, then remove the external influences and go configure it yourself
20:19.10monsterco[TK]D-Fender- that's what I thought - so, now that the provisioning address is removed. What steps should be taken to Factory Default it? or was removing address the factory default step?
20:20.50[TK]D-FenderThat is so that the provisioning server doesn't just walk right over your attempt to factory reset
20:22.17monstercoGreat - so now, I can tell her to press MENU and go to ADMIN settings and then remove local configs?
20:23.09monsterco[TK]D-Fender - ^^^^ seems like as part of provisioning they have disabled all that is entered in GUI to be in effect
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20:28.06[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
20:28.31monstercoSo, which one of these totally reset the Polycom 335? Reset Local Configuration - Reset Device Settings - Format File System
20:29.08karl-sdepends on what you are trying to reset...
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20:32.21monstercokarl-s - factory default
20:32.51monstercoI have already removed the provisioning server address from BOOTROOM - so what is my next option to reset the phone to FACTORY DEFAULT?
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20:36.16monstercokarl-s - so what is my option?
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20:38.09karl-smonsterco, there are a couple of aspect to a polycom phone: the bootrom, the application, the configuration. I dont think you want to reset all of them. If you do, you would have to do each of those one at a time...
20:38.36karl-sThere is rarely a need to reset anything except the bootrom config though
20:38.50karl-sanything beyond that is either a provisioning server issue or a network issue
20:38.59monstercokarl-s - there is no reset in BOOTROOM - I did remove the provisioning address - is that what you mean?
20:39.44karl-sI "think" reset device settings clears the bootrom config but...
20:39.59karl-sthe method I usually do is 1) power off/power on phone
20:40.22karl-s2) while it does the countdown "5 seconds until boot", hold down 1,3,5,7
20:40.30karl-s3) it will ask for password, enter 456.
20:40.44jmetronormally i just hit the factory reset button.
20:40.45karl-s4) the screen will say clearing config (or something to that effect)
20:41.08karl-sjmetro, could be. I dont recall if they were the same or not
20:42.04karl-sfor me, I find its easier to walk someone through that process over the phone than having to navigate menu's
20:43.51monstercoso 1,3,5,7 is done at reboot and not when phone is booted?
20:44.17monstercojmetro - there is no "factory reset" button on polycoms
20:44.41karl-smonsterco, correct. It must be held down when the phone is first booting while it does that countdown thingy
20:45.09karl-sFor ip5xx and larger, you hold down 4,6,8,*
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20:45.26igcewielingis it safe yet?
20:45.40monstercoit's ip 355 - and she tells me that holding 1,3,5,7 doesn't ask her for password
20:45.51monstercoshe will try again
20:46.13igcewielingapparently not
20:50.42monstercocan she not press 1,3,5,7 when phone is booted?
20:51.08karl-syou can hold 1,3,5,7 whenever
20:51.18karl-sso long as its held during that countdown
20:52.31karl-sNot that I particularly appreciate Trixbox but... these guys have a guide on it:
20:53.30igcewielingas does the polycom support center
20:55.15igcewielingactually this may be better
20:55.58monstercoWhat both polycom and fonality mention is that 1,3,5,7 can be held anytime - even after countdown- even when phone is booted fully
20:56.10igcewielingand no, a factory reset does not reset the flash perameters
20:56.15monstercois that right or no it should be HELD before countdown?
20:56.33karl-scould be if you want
20:56.42karl-sas long as its held during the countdown
20:57.03igcewielingthat is correct, when the phone is counting down during the first few seconds of the boot process you can't do the factory reset using the reser key sequences
20:57.05karl-s(unless its not an IP335 such as an IP550)
20:57.41igcewielingduring the countdown?  I'd have to check that,but I didn't think it worked that way
20:58.12karl-sigcewieling, Yea, i've always done it during the countdown
20:58.26karl-sbut they do need to be held for like 2 seconds atleast
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20:59.14igcewielingkarl-s: I tried to get monsterco to read the polycom provisioning docs, but he "just needed it done right away" that was like 2 hours ago.
20:59.30igcewielingnothing delays a fix like trying to do it asap
20:59.31karl-syea but what can you do :)
20:59.46mohadibare their any editors with word completion for dialplans?
20:59.50karl-sJust RMA the phone, that'll be faster
20:59.51igcewielingkarl-s: we can put him on /ignore until he gets some sense.
21:00.55jmetromohadib you need word completion for "dial" ?
21:01.22igcewielingI'm starting to think the channel has been invaded by trolls
21:01.42mohadibjmetro: word completion for the commands and sound files when editing extensions.conf
21:02.00karl-sthat would be nice
21:02.07karl-swhere can I get that editor?
21:02.16mohadibi was hoping you could tell me
21:02.41karl-swe'll i'm sure theres some kind of extension for visual studio or eclipse
21:02.45karl-ssounds overkill though
21:02.50mohadibi checked for eclipse and could not find one
21:02.59mohadibi was suprised
21:03.12karl-sI created a dinky one for notepad++ but its incomplete
21:03.36igcewielingjedit has a primitive and sometimes incorrect syntax highlighter for AEL
21:03.45karl-show about extending something like this: ?
21:03.49igcewieling(3rd party I think)
21:03.56mohadibvim does a pretty decent job of syntax highlighting
21:04.02karl-sHave any of you actually deployed complex dialplans via IDE?
21:04.09karl-serr i mean...
21:04.12karl-sHave any of you actually deployed complex dialplans via AEL?
21:04.36karl-sI found it actually is still a little incomplete...
21:04.50igcewieling-= 48 extensions (460 priorities) in 22 contexts. =-  <--much of that is AEL
21:05.09karl-sthats pretty good!
21:05.19karl-slet me see my prod ael code...\
21:05.19igcewielingmost of the real work is done in an AGI, but actual dialing is done via AEL script
21:06.06igcewieling357lines ofAEL including commends and blank lines
21:06.16igcewielingcomments and blank lines
21:07.18karl-shey i'm close: -= 56 extensions (277 priorities) in 13 contexts. =-
21:07.29igcewielingkarl-s: how many TNs?
21:07.38karl-snone actually
21:07.50karl-sits for a small autodialer i built for a medical company
21:07.53karl-sappt reminders
21:08.04karl-sall outbound
21:08.06igcewielingah.  We have something around 10,000 TNs
21:08.11jmetrooh, like a phone tree, i hate those things
21:08.40ChannelZ-WkAutodialers are evil
21:09.04igcewielingkarl-s: "Just a reminder you have an appointment with Doctor Smith on April 1, 2012.  If you miss your appt we'll bill your ass a $50 fee.  thank you have have a great day!"
21:09.28karl-skinda, it more like asterisk + cepstral "hello [your name], we are calling to remind you of an appt on [date/time] at [location]"
21:09.35ChannelZ-WkIf I answer the phone and say Hello and you don't respond in 1 second, I hang up.
21:09.35karl-sigcewieling, yea exactly
21:09.46karl-syea, i turned of amd for that reason
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21:10.22karl-sI wanted to do AEL for this one but I dont think I'd do AEL again
21:10.32karl-sthe structure is great and building it is great
21:10.46karl-stroubleshooting sucks, and not everything is implemented 100%
21:20.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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21:39.35monstercoso, the Polycom 335 is now reset - and I have filled out the Line 1 credentials and server address in GUI but the phone is not sending any SIP packets to server - could it be that the GUI configs / changes are still disabled?
21:42.11jmetrohow do you know its not sending anything
21:42.16jmetromaybe youre just not receiving anything.
21:42.22monstercoI am on the server and sip debug is on
21:42.33monstercoa cisco phone on same network as polycom has registered just fine
21:43.24ChannelZ-WkNetworking on the poly right? It's gotten an IP and everything?
21:43.29monstercoDo I have to put any config info under SIP section as well or is the "line 1 config" enough?
21:43.46monstercoChannelZ-Wk - does have any IP and I am accessing it's GUI now
21:44.43monstercopolycom does have *an* ip
21:45.02[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: you might want to show us something we can comment on...
21:45.32jmetroyou need configs to tell it where to send info.. you know, like proxy, registrar, etc
21:45.33monstercoIs there a log for polycom I can look at to see if it is sending SIP packets or not?
21:45.48karl-sare you not provisioning the phones via a provisioning server?
21:45.59monstercoI have set Server 1 address and port
21:46.06monstercono provisioning
21:46.15monstercoRegister: 1
21:46.23jmetroand have you watched the logs on the polycom / wiresharked it
21:46.58karl-souch. I know it sucks doing a provisioning server with polycom but it really is the right way to go
21:47.04monstercois there logs on polycom GUI?
21:47.20karl-sthats why you need to setup a provisioning server
21:47.35monstercoI just gotta say polycom is worst in configs
21:47.41karl-sand you need rw access
21:47.53karl-sso the polycoms can upload configs
21:47.56monstercoAastra - then Linksys/Cisco - then few other chinese phone sets - then Polycom
21:48.12karl-sits not that bad if you use an XML editor like XML notepad
21:48.40karl-sI can still usually get by using nano but you need to know what options you are after
21:48.54monstercoi am giving up on this - will just send them Aastra phone and tell them to garbage this
21:49.02[TK]D-FenderHe's never used Polycom and isn't even in front of this one.
21:49.21[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Show us the config screens
21:49.32karl-syea, thats gonna be tough to do
21:49.38[TK]D-FenderThere are plenty of ways you could have misconfigured it.
21:49.54karl-sA customer once paid me to build them a dedicated web interface for polycom provisioning. There may be a thousand config options but you usually only need to mess with about 5 of them
21:49.58monsterco[TK]D-Fender- Line config screen or SIP config screen?
21:50.05[TK]D-FenderALL OF IT
21:50.09jmetroPolycoms seem relatively easy to manually provision assuming all the rest of your stuff is setup right..dont even need a provisioning server.
21:50.20[TK]D-Fender]Yuo stare at one tiny thing and you'll miss everything else
21:50.44[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: You only need it if you want anything more than basic functionality
21:52.18monstercois there an easy way to take snapshot of Chrome browser when page is lengthy?
21:52.25monstercoI want to post it all
21:53.01monsterco[TK]D-Fender - yep the staring is what wastes time
21:53.07WIMPySave the page?
21:56.45monstercoi will give up today - too late and it's bugging me- i will drop by tomorrow - but wish the stupid thing had a factory reset button so I wouldn't have wasted this long on it
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21:58.53[TK]D-FenderIt did, and you walked in telling us you'd found it
21:59.11[TK]D-FenderBut didn't prevent your provisioning settings from walking all over it right after
22:02.26paulcprint to PDF with non-custom page sizes? I'd be interested in the answer too..
22:03.02ChannelZ-WkI used to have a plugin for Firefox that would make an image of the entire page, however long it was
22:03.29WIMPyWhy do you want to make it a picture?
22:03.40monstercoI found a web2pdf plugin but then it has to be posted to some pastebin that accepts pdf
22:04.04jmetroyou mean like a dropbox
22:04.17jmetroor sendfile mediafire putfile
22:04.47ChannelZ-WkI don't. Just sayin
22:05.26ChannelZ-Wkthough vectorizing web pages usually turns out badly anyway
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22:13.11JoeyJoeJoI'm setting up a sip/voip system where all clients will be behind a NAT (connecting from the internet) and I want all calls to go through my relay. What type of NAT traversal is good for this type of setup? ICE seems good but I haven't found out how to force it to use a relay every time
22:16.34paulcJoeyJoeJo: some documentation searching for "canreinvite" might help you there.. or is your relay not the same as your asterisk box?
22:17.02JoeyJoeJoit is on the same server
22:17.33paulcso  terminating provider <--> Your Asterisk <--> End users behind NAT ?
22:17.42JoeyJoeJoIs canreinvite an Asterisk thing or is it part of the sip protocol?
22:17.49JoeyJoeJoYeah, that's about right
22:18.49paulcit's an asterisk thing.. in sip.conf
22:19.06paulcbasically says "make the media flow through me and don't let two separate end points exchange media directly"
22:19.08JoeyJoeJoI see, but reINVITE is part of sip
22:19.31paulcok, sure, technically it's a SIP thing.. and I'm talking about how to control it within Asterisk ;-)
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22:32.40karl-shasn't canreinvite been deprecated as an option and replaced with directrtp?
22:36.21filedirectmedia, and "canreinvite" still exists as a valid option name
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22:36.28fileit just doesn't reflect what it means
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22:58.14hjfhi guys
22:58.20hjfme and my dumb questions again
22:58.30hjfcan i use an FXO card as a fax/
22:58.51hjflike a fax server connected to an analog line
23:07.31hjfnot fxo card
23:07.39hjfi meant fxo device like an spa3000
23:08.42hjfdo that kind of devices support, for example, fax detection on the FXO and .. do something about it? like for example, dialing another extension and T.38 the fax to it"?
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23:15.43jmetroWas there any way to make the timeout for extension matching shorter?
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23:16.08WIMPycore show function TIMEOUT
23:16.55WIMPyOr juat make sure they don't overlap.
23:18.04[TK]D-Fenderhjf: IIRC the SPA-3000 doesn't support T.38, the SPA-3102 does
23:18.45[TK]D-Fenderhjf: If you're looking to do faxing I'd get a real card though...
23:19.07jmetroclient has audio done with "1" as a prompt... odnt ask me why
23:19.14jmetrobut of course their extensions are all 1xx
23:20.51igcewielingjmetro: the only good solution is to not have an option 1
23:21.16karl-syou "could" work around it
23:21.38karl-sset extension '1' to go to another context
23:21.42igcewielingplaying with timeouts will make someone unhappy.  they will either be unhappy because the timeout is too long or they will be unhappy because it is too short, but one way or the other someone will be annoyed
23:22.14jmetroi'm working with a company full of old ladies, im pretty sure 5 seconds is too short.
23:22.31WIMPyBut how is switching to another context going to help?
23:22.49igcewielingjmetro: so you want the caller to wait more than 5 seconds between pressing IVR option 1 and asterisk processing the request
23:22.52jmetroit would only help if the IVR had "press 1 to do this, or 2 to hear the rest of the menu"
23:23.18jmetroas it stands 1 and 1xx already go different places, so its not a legit answer.
23:23.37igcewielingif you know your parties extension you dial it now, for sales press 2
23:23.58jmetroi always nudge my client away from 1 but in this case they...are not going to re-record.
23:24.39igcewielingthen they will have angry and/or confused callers
23:24.56jmetrothey are angry and confused long before they call in
23:24.57hjf[TK]D-Fender: yeah well i have several problems with cards. for one, i don't use Linux (i use freebsd). and also, my home server (HP Microserver) only accepts pci-express half-height cards... complain about how long it takes to read your selection press 9
23:25.20jmetrotheir IVR is a full minute long for 5 options
23:25.37hjfi thought the spa3000 was the same as the 3102 sans router
23:25.46igcewielingif you are confused or don't know the option you need stay on the line and someone will be with you shortly.  If you are calling from a rotary phone then go down to a store and buy a phone made in the past 30 years.
23:26.21hjfjmetro: i bet you never called WDC's IVR
23:26.30jmetroIf you are dialing on a rotary phone, yell "Help" as loudly as possible for thirty seconds into the receiver.
23:27.41hjf"thank you for calling wdc support center, next you'll hear a menu with several options, which you can choose by pressing the number. if you need support for hard disk drives, press the number one. if you need support for SSD devices, please press the number 2 on your phone keyboard......"
23:27.50hjfit's got to be the longest menu i ever heard
23:28.15jmetroon the rare occasions i have to call tech support for a company, i feel like EVERY SINGLE ONE is a Voice Only IVR
23:28.25WIMPyYou know that episode of Married With Children where Al called Dodge?
23:28.34jmetrolike great, what am i going to do as a deaf guy, calling this line
23:28.38igcewielingIf I was a suspicious person I'd be thinking all the new people on the channel deliberately make sure to only do stuff which Asterisk is not very good at or doesn't support at all, and what the things Asterisk is good at they try doing it the wrong way.
23:28.51[TK]D-Fender[19:24]hjf[TK]D-Fender: yeah well i have several problems with cards. for one, i don't use Linux (i use freebsd). and also, my home server (HP Microserver) only accepts pci-express half-height cards... <- Sangoma A200 = half height.  And FreeBSD can run this fine
23:28.54hjfjmetro: problem is you never know if "0" will connect you to a person, or "9" will
23:29.11jmetroif 0 isnt the digit to reach a person, the company isnt worth talking to
23:29.26hjf[TK]D-Fender: what if we add VMWAre ESXi to the equation?
23:29.44igcewielingheh, I often see people pressing 0 (and being denied) in our customer's IVRs
23:29.47[TK]D-Fenderhjf: Depends who's the host
23:29.53karl-shjf, dont add that in. it will start a holy war
23:29.58WIMPyhjf: Get a modem from the skip.
23:30.12igcewielinghjf: go ahead, it's not like it will make stuff any more confusing for you
23:30.17[TK]D-Fenderhjf: Then again, you're designing your system to fail.  Virtualizing for fax?  Sorry, we can't fix cheap, lazy, OR stupid :P
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23:30.47hjfigcewieling: i like challenges i guess
23:31.00hjfWIMPy: from what
23:31.26igcewielinghjf: A challenge is creating a useful and stable PBX.  You're just doing the geek version of jacking off.
23:31.30hjf[TK]D-Fender: nah i was thinking of virtualizing so i can use freebsd for zfs and have a real linux for "things"
23:32.13hjfigcewieling: i could just do what everyone else does and just install elastix and be done with it
23:32.23hjfbut what's the fun in that?
23:32.23igcewielingnobody here installs elastix
23:32.47igcewielinghjf: start by reading the Asterisk book.
23:32.48ChannelZexcept in their pants
23:33.05hjfigcewieling: why? i can just ask here and annoy people with noob questions
23:33.28hjfigcewieling: i can open SSH for you so you can configure my system too =D
23:33.34igcewielinghjf: eventually the few people left who still talk to you will stop.
23:33.57igcewielingheck, you spend most of the time on my /ignore list.
23:34.45jmetroa virtual fax,g729 asterisk server running a2billing with a zfs file system
23:34.51hjfigcewieling: i take that as a compliment
23:35.00jmetroinitially installed as a FreePBX distro
23:35.12igcewielingideally this channel is a meritocracy and if you don't read the Asterisk book you have no merit.
23:35.17*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
23:35.18[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: On an ARM system, virtualized
23:35.45hjfinb4 "can i run asterisk on a raspberry pi?"
23:36.13[TK]D-Fenderyes, and there are few prefab distros for it already
23:36.15jmetro[TK]D-Fender: powered by solar energy, connected to the internet via a wireless signal beamed a mile across a corn field
23:36.32[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: in snow 20' high, uphill, BOTH WAYS
23:36.44hjfi ask many hypothetical questions
23:37.13hjfto see what things can be done and what things can't
23:37.14jmetroever tried to tether 4g cell signal into cat5 and register a phone off it? almost worked but we were on verizon 8-(
23:38.06igcewielingjmetro: sort of and I got the same thing
23:38.10karl-sjmetro, thats why you need to vpn across it
23:39.47jmetroanyway ive worked about 12 hours today, time to go home.
23:45.37*** join/#asterisk viasanctus (~viasanctu@unaffiliated/viasanctus)
23:46.03viasanctusanyone has virtual pbxs on a cloudstack kvm env?
23:54.42pabelangerviasanctus, cloudstack no, kvm yes
23:54.58viasanctushow did that go for you?
23:55.20viasanctusam planning on running several pbxs in a cloud with kvm
23:56.11pabelangerall depends on what you want to do
23:56.20pabelangerscale outwards not up
23:56.25viasanctusmake phone calls :)
23:56.36pabelangerAll we do it kvm
23:57.20viasanctushow many users ?
23:57.43pabelangercouple hundred
23:57.45viasanctusis 150 concurrent calls reastic with 2GB RAM / 2 vcpus ?
23:57.56pabelangeragain, depend on what you need to do.
23:58.02pabelangeryour best to set it up and see
23:58.13pabelangerif you need more, just bump up your kvm instances
23:58.27viasanctusthat's something I don't really get
23:58.45viasanctusour asterisk consultant tells us that 1 vm can handle about 8k users with 150 concurrent calls
23:59.01viasanctusthen cluster the asterisk vm with a second for more users
23:59.17pabelangerwhy would you put that many on 1 vm?
23:59.27viasanctuswhy would a 2nd vm allow more users instead of adding more resources to the initial vm
23:59.40viasanctusI probably will not, but that's the max he went to
23:59.55viasanctusin the end it's all running of the same hardware..

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