IRC log for #asterisk on 20130911

00:00.07cuscoalmost misread it as 'iphone'
00:00.16ChannelZ-WkAnd don't count out amazon, they might have what you're looking for on Prime if you have that.
00:01.13ChannelZ-Wk335 for $98
00:01.57igcewieling1Click your heels together say "Hey hey NSA I need a Polycom today!" and then recite your credit card number
00:02.12ChannelZ-WkAll they'll do is buy porn
00:03.26smash`i found a 331 for 89 on
00:04.09smash`Nice link though
00:04.14smash`they dont have pricing online?
00:04.43smash`whats the difference between the 331 and 332 and 335
00:05.25*** join/#asterisk ISO8601 (yano@freenode/staff/yano)
00:05.38smash`which one is the PoE?
00:08.32[TK]D-Fenderthere is no 332
00:08.38[TK]D-FenderAnd the other 2 are both PoE
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00:19.56carbinemonoxideOkay, with xmpp debugging enabled I see that asterisk actually sees the number I'm calling accept the call.
00:21.24tymanAsterisk 11.5.1 w/DPMA 11.0_1.6.0 is throwing the following error to the console every few seconds. It only starts after ~24-48hrs after a core restart. A core restart is the only way to clear the error as a reload of the dpma module does nothing. So, looks like a asterisk core issue from here. Googling has been unproductive.
00:24.52tymanMore possible helpful info:
00:28.05smash`Thanks, [TK]D-Fender. Just wanted to mkae sure the 331 was not 802.3af
00:28.08*** join/#asterisk j4jackj (
00:42.03[TK]D-Fendersmash`: it is
00:49.12smash`the 331 is POE?
00:50.31smash`shit, what about the 321?
00:51.55smash`Nevermind I got it, Thank you info.
00:55.02[TK]D-Fenderhow is that BAD?
00:55.18[TK]D-Fender32X,33X, ALL PoE.
00:55.25[TK]D-FenderEVERY modern Polycom is natively PoE
01:08.59*** join/#asterisk smirker (~x@
01:13.11smirkerIs it just me or is the REPLACE func incredibly buggy?
01:13.33smirker(at least in 1.8.15-cert2)
01:14.26smirkerexten => s,n,Set(test=*101#)   exten => s,n,NoOp(Result: ${REPLACE(test,*)})   ; Result: 11## (expected result 101#)
01:14.30smirkeror am i misunderstanding something?
01:14.55*** join/#asterisk smash` (
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01:26.55igcewieling1smirker: you looked at "core show function REPLACE"?
01:30.31smirkerigcewieling1: sure have. If i try to remove all * characters from *101#, it returns 11## where I would expect 101#
01:31.37igcewieling1smirker: you'd be surprised at how many people don't look at the built in docs before asking here.  I don't have any suggestions for you though.
01:33.22smirkerigcewieling1: i've even read the source code for the function, and it seems right. maybe a * at the start of a string had special meaning. i'm not sure ;o
01:34.22igcewieling1smirker: * and # is not usually special in Asterisk since it can be a DTMF digit too.
01:34.41smirkerigcewieling1: that only makes sense
01:34.49igcewieling1you can always try escaping it with a \ though I doubt it will help
01:43.01*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
01:51.58*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:58.16*** join/#asterisk techman97 (
01:59.28techman97good evening all - I'm banging my head against a wall here.  Asterisk box was working fine earlier today - routing just fine to a SIP provider on an MPLS connection.  Now, I can ping/traceroute/etc to the host still just fine, but outbound SIP packets will not even touch the connection.  Inbound calls work no problem, just fine.
01:59.33*** join/#asterisk iq (
01:59.45techman97any thoughts on anything to check?
02:15.37*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
02:19.44*** join/#asterisk nam3l3zz (
02:20.17nam3l3zzis there a way to transfer aux data via Dial app, if iax2 is used ?
02:20.39*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
02:20.49nam3l3zzaux data = 15 numeric chars
02:21.28igcewieling1nam3l3zz: "core show functions like IAX"
02:21.48*** join/#asterisk B (ca7d90e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:21.53igcewieling1you should do a "core show functions" or "core show applications" every once in a while
02:22.39j4jackjGuest45724: strange nick you had, it's nickserv registered  to someone else so don't use it again
02:24.46nam3l3zzigcewieling1: iaxvar a bit like sip header thing, thanx
02:27.43Guest45724Hi.I am using chan_dongle and dongle  is also connected with server and is have confirmed with lsusb.
02:28.57Spengler1is there a way to auto forward messages from one voicemail box to another?
02:29.20Guest45724module is loading and reloading properly. but issue is when is see dongle show devices
02:29.47Guest45724ID           Group State      RSSI Mode Submode Provider Name  Model      Firmware          IMEI             IMSI             Number dc_3715_0092 0     Not connec 0    0    0       NONE                                                                          Unknown
02:31.13Guest45724this is the out put. Firstly i was working fine
02:31.31*** join/#asterisk mitchrodrigues (
02:33.47nam3l3zzGuest45724: if dongle show devices is empty, either is not loaded or chan_dongle.conf is not filled in right
02:34.46nam3l3zzGuest45724: use pastebin of some sort for pasting anything, it is more prefferable these days
02:36.24*** join/#asterisk devand (~devand@
02:37.13nam3l3zzGuest45724: prior to trying to see the dongle in asterisk, connect ot its app port (/dev/ttyUSB*) via minicom and do any AT command (ie: ATI), to see if ur linux box actually sees the thing
02:41.57Guest45724ok.Actually it was working previously. Also can u share me pastebin link
02:42.34Guest45724also this is the output of ls /dev/ttyUSB*
02:44.11nam3l3zzigcewieling1: can iax2 peers exchange with data, without initiating Dial ?
02:45.06*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:45.58Guest45724nam3l3zz: please send me link of pastebin so that i can put my chan_dongle.conf file
02:46.13igcewieling1Asterisk is not designed to do stuff "outside of a call"
02:46.21infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
02:46.32igcewieling1heh, nevermind
02:47.45nam3l3zzGuest45724: go to (as example), paste, submit, once that much is done, the page you will land on, will have in it url, the url others would need to assist
02:48.16Guest45724nam3l3zz: thanks
02:48.16ChannelZDid you atually register the nick Guest45724 ?
02:48.51nam3l3zzi dont care :)
02:51.59nam3l3zzigcewieling1: can a call incoming via iax2, be dropped with a custom reply/"exit code", not just busy/not available/etc ?
02:53.23nam3l3zzGuest45724: was this config auto generated, or you did it yourself ?
02:53.35Guest45724plz check this is configuration of dongle_devices.conf which is include in dongle.conf
02:54.53nam3l3zzGuest45724: try avoiding an include, do it default way, while don't have an exotic setup, will make you an example chan_dongle.conf with ur imei/imsi codes
02:54.58igcewieling1nam3l3zz: "core show application Hangup"  Are you new to Asterisk?
02:55.24nam3l3zzigcewieling1: to telecommunications in general, to be honest :) thanx, ur quiet friendly
02:55.31Guest45724this is dongle.conf
02:55.51igcewieling1nam3l3zz: I'm an asshole, but you caught me in a good mood.
02:56.06nam3l3zzigcewieling1: am lucky so ;)
02:56.13infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
02:56.50igcewieling1nam3l3zz: read the book, study "core show applications" and "core show functions" and the .conf.sample files included in Asterisk (at least the ones relevant to what you might be trying to do) and you'll be an expert in no time.
02:56.53nam3l3zzGuest45724: change imei & imsi to imei of your dongle & imsi of your sim card, start from assigning either
02:57.15nam3l3zzGuest45724: don't alter the rest, while you are not aware of what other variables do
02:58.33Guest45724is any way to check imei of dongle remotely as well as imsi of sim card. Because it is on remote location
02:59.09igcewieling1nam3l3zz: there are three basic kinds of questions here.  1) can't really expect you to know the answer, such as your IAX question  2) you should have read the docs, arguably your hangup question might be considered this and 3) don't even know the right questions to ask.
02:59.15nam3l3zzigcewieling1: sip heavily relies on nat, found just tiny bit of information about nat in the book. have book about sip, has plenty info on nat, abviously also o'reilly :)  certain areas are not too well covered in the book imho
02:59.22igcewieling1type 1 and 3 and the ones most of us enjoy answering
02:59.51nam3l3zzGuest45724: both can be done via a set of AT commands
03:01.02igcewieling1NAT falls under type 1.  Here is your answer:  If Asteirsk is NOT behind NAT and your clients are, then set nat=yes in [general] or the device section of sip.conf.    If Asterisk is behind NAT (regardless of if the client is behind NAT) then forward port 5060 UDP (NOT TCP) on your router to Asterisk, in sip.conf set localnet= and externip= to the correct values and set directmedia (canreinvite in older Asterisk versions) to no.
03:01.15igcewieling1the above will solve 90% of NAT issue.
03:01.31nam3l3zzGuest45724: do just imei will do for a start, connect via mincom linux programm, to  appropriate serial port , find out serial port via dmesg, most likely if have no other usb-serial convertors it is going to be /dev/ttyUSB0, ie: minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0
03:02.07nam3l3zzGuest45724: once in minicom, do ATI+Enter, following lines will show you imei, in most of the cases. what model is your dongle ?
03:02.53igcewieling1oh!  and question type 4) what you want to know or are trying to do is so uncommon nobody wants to help.  Guest45724's questions are type 4
03:03.03ChannelZMeh. Doing RTCP debug, is "Fraction lost" meant to be a percent of bytes?
03:03.48igcewieling1ChannelZ: likely percent of packets, not bytes
03:04.07ChannelZgreat, that's even worse
03:04.16ChannelZFraction lost: 11
03:04.21igcewieling1nam3l3zz: most info on SIP and NAT on the internet is crap and unless specific to Asteirsk doesn't apply to Asterisk
03:04.46igcewieling1ChannelZ: I do not know for sure, but it seems silly to keep track of bytes lost instead of packets list.
03:05.43nam3l3zzigcewieling1: not deep enough, or eternal fight between admins and more fundamentially prepared buddies, unfortunatelly I am looking for an advice from "asterisk operators" (expressions fully defines 95% of the "locals" in here) , I would fancy to talk to a guy, who would be able to say, I'd fancy to rewright asterisk in pure assembler just to make it slightly faster... :)
03:05.56ChannelZDunno.  It says "Sent packets: xxx   Sent octets: xxxxxx  Fraction lost: xx" so it seems to know both
03:06.13ChannelZIn any case Vitelity seems screwed up.
03:06.31nam3l3zzigcewieling1: *expression
03:06.50igcewieling1ChannelZ: if you want to test, 1-256-425-7814 is on vitelity and connected to an asterisk server.
03:07.08igcewieling1you'll get a hello, then a ringing sound forever
03:07.25igcewieling1great for telemarketers to call
03:07.30*** join/#asterisk smash` (
03:07.41ChannelZhmm let me think about that
03:08.29igcewieling1nam3l3zz: I manage asterisk systems which handle around a million calls a month as well as more than 60 other asterisk boxes.  does that qualify 8-)
03:08.37ChannelZI'm not sure that helps since my connection through them is already screwed up
03:08.59igcewieling1ChannelZ: I don't know either.
03:09.42igcewieling1Granted, that isn't exactly a "large carrier", but it isn't small either
03:10.47*** join/#asterisk tyman (
03:10.59tymantyman: Asterisk 11.5.1 w/DPMA 11.0_1.6.0 is throwing the following error to the console every few seconds. It only starts after ~24-48hrs after a core restart. A core restart is the only way to clear the error as a reload of the dpma module does nothing. So, looks like a asterisk core issue from here. Googling has been unproductive...
03:11.04smash`Hey whats a Softphone that I can download to do test comms.
03:11.14ChannelZZoiper, Blink, 3CX, linphone
03:11.15nam3l3zzigcewieling1: about 15 years ago I used reverse engineer binary code of some quiet known software products these days, conclusion is, had much more spare time to develop myself then, including  a phd degree in computer science :)
03:12.24tymanMore possible helpful info:
03:12.34ChannelZI just called myself from my cell and got 'Fraction lost: 15' before I even answered.  Something must be jacked up.
03:12.41igcewieling1nam3l3zz: *nod*  I got too old to enjoy that sort of thing, tough I still enjoy doing perverted stuff with telecoms
03:12.58igcewieling1ChannelZ: what version of Asteirsk, are you using direct media
03:13.18ChannelZ11.5.1 and no
03:13.40igcewieling1should work.  do pings show packet loss?
03:13.52ChannelZYeah, just trying that now
03:14.39ChannelZHeh yup.  I wonder if Comcast has screwed something up.  Testing some other hosts...
03:14.57igcewieling1that's right blame the carrier first.  *tease*
03:15.10*** join/#asterisk sawgood1 (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
03:15.45ChannelZwell I was doing direct SIP calls and it was fine.. g722 even (what bitrate does * use for g722?)
03:15.47*** join/#asterisk tyman_ (
03:15.59igcewieling1G722 is 64K
03:16.05igcewieling1+ overhead of course
03:16.22ChannelZso same as ulaw basically.
03:16.43igcewieling1*nod* but far far far better audio quality if you have g722 end to end
03:17.18igcewieling1g722 is the most widely support "HD" codec.
03:17.22ChannelZright.  I'm doing g722 from here to work, SIP-to-SIP and it was sounding fine yet my PSTN calls SIP to Vitelity and out was choppy and barfing.
03:17.30ChannelZGetting mixed results now.
03:17.37nam3l3zzigcewieling1: I was all the time into telecoms, but never had time to study it on a pro level, in my spare time I try developping existing knowledge... p.s. 4 a.m. in Ireland :)
03:17.56igcewieling1nam3l3zz: have a guinness and go to bed. 8-)
03:18.22nam3l3zzigcewieling1: great idea, am in a lab, full of cameras, would fancy a pint thou... :)
03:19.08igcewieling1you're in Ireland, I thought you could drink anywhere!
03:20.20nam3l3zzi stayed late at work, not to be explaining to the gf, why am I not in bed... :)
03:21.31nam3l3zzin ireland the most promoted fiber is via dsl phone line, "the guiness way..."
03:21.46ChannelZhmm nope.  It's either Vitelity or a route in between me and them. Getting average 6% packet loss to Vitelity. Barf.
03:22.02ChannelZdoes the support ticket-a-majig
03:22.14igcewieling1nam3l3zz: *nod*  wired the whole country with fiver in the late 1980s/early 1990s, IIRC.
03:23.10igcewieling1they converted the whole telecom network to digital, made phone hacking much harder.
03:23.24nam3l3zzbut we've got the best guiness, brewed in ireland only for the local market :)
03:23.41igcewieling1Guinness is the only thing I missed when I had to stop drinking.
03:24.27nam3l3zzguinness is nice, have a nice italian cigar for 20 minute walk home , which may commence shortly :)
03:24.58igcewieling1In parts of the USA you could get arrested for that.
03:25.12nam3l3zzif i was in states like u r , would smoke carribean cigars, they cost there fuk all i d say
03:25.21nam3l3zzfek, hows that ?
03:25.35igcewieling1nam3l3zz: some cities have outlawed smoking in public places
03:26.06nam3l3zzeven places like a footpath on public street ?
03:27.40igcewieling1    Several cities have banned smoking on public streets
03:28.18nam3l3zzireland was the first eu country to engage the public smoking ban thing, but streets aren't included, nor planned to be included as I hope, hard to smoke in London, especialy airports, I often fly throu, just few designated places outside the airports
03:28.40nam3l3zzsounds tough
03:28.45igcewieling1nam3l3zz: remember many of the USAs original immigrants were too conservative for Victorian England
03:29.34igcewieling1Explains a lot when you think about it.  LOL!
03:29.48igcewieling1anyway, im off to sleep
03:30.05nam3l3zzi'll do the same shortly, thanx anyhow
03:32.43ChannelZlooks like a problem between level3 and vitelity
03:36.00*** join/#asterisk roderickm (~roderickm@
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03:40.46ChannelZheh shit now even VItelity's website is crawling
03:41.18ChannelZPoof! "We are currently undergoing emergency maintanence. Please try back shortly."
03:57.29*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
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05:04.05Spengler1vitelity back online
05:04.19Guest45724nam3l3zz: thanks man for you to the point help issue of dongle has been resolved. Its working now
05:04.44Spengler1everyone can relax. the dongle is working
05:05.26Guest45724ha ha u also have faced issue in dongle
05:05.43Spengler1no i just like the word dongle
05:06.07*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
05:06.10Guest45724ha ha just try it then u will like this word more
05:06.39Spengler1which dongle r u using?
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06:42.26phixdingle dongle?
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08:19.33*** join/#asterisk TazzNZ (~pieter@2403:4d00:e000:2:e14e:ed67:dc02:4413)
08:20.16TazzNZHey Guys - I am looking for some help with XMPP and Asterisk 11 (AsteriskNow v3) and device_state
08:20.16TazzNZplease :)
08:28.45TazzNZhmm ?
08:28.58TazzNZor is that un-related ?
08:29.42ChannelZNo.. what are you expecting from DEVICE_STATE
08:30.22TazzNZI want presence across 2 servers
08:30.34TazzNZ(tbh, not worried about MWI)
08:31.57TazzNZI have followed
08:32.02TazzNZwithout luck
08:32.23TazzNZand then I found someone saying that they got it working using openfire XMPP server
08:32.49TazzNZbut I am not having any luck getting it to work
08:36.18ChannelZWell that's a pretty large configuration... what bit isn't working?
08:37.37TazzNZI believe the updates are going into openfire
08:37.44TazzNZbut the other server isn't seeing it
08:37.59TazzNZcore show hint 94166
08:38.03TazzNZ1 hint matching extension 94166
08:38.08TazzNZcore show hint 94166
08:38.11TazzNZNo hints matching extension 94166
08:38.18TazzNZfirst server vs second server
08:38.45*** join/#asterisk roderickm (~roderickm@
08:39.10TazzNZif I enable xmpp debug, I can see the server messages going into xmpp
08:39.14TazzNZ"in a loop"
08:39.34TazzNZlike asterisk is publishing the state over and over
08:40.28TazzNZChannelZ: If you have a working config somewhere, I am more than happy to follow it :)
08:40.42*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
08:44.40ChannelZwell it seems like you have no hints on server 2
08:46.07ChannelZso how can it set the state for something that doesn't exist
08:47.25TazzNZbut doesn't "server2" see what "server1" is publishing ?
08:47.58TazzNZvia xmpp that is
08:48.39ChannelZIt might publish the state to XMPP, but your server2 has no hints to monitor.
08:49.16TazzNZright - so server2 doesn't learn the hints from server1 via xmpp ?
08:49.50ChannelZI doubt it
08:50.56TazzNZlet me see if I can try and create a hint on server2 that would match a hint on server1
08:52.25*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (~user@
08:52.37ChannelZThe hint system is the hint system; XMPP is just a means of distributing the states, but the server still has to be made interested in a state to care.  At least that's what I get out of this.
08:53.29TazzNZI thought that since the docs said that you create a buddy system that they would exchange hints
08:53.52TazzNZso I didn't think of the server needing to know about the state
08:54.55*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
08:55.19gavimobileusing centos command line, how can I get information about what card my system is using?
08:56.43ChannelZwhat general? Or are you talking of DAHDI? or...
08:58.20TazzNZChannelZ: I think you where right ! :D
08:58.35TazzNZcore show hint 94336
08:58.39TazzNZ1 hint matching extension 94336
08:58.41TazzNZthat is on the second server
09:00.33TazzNZawesome - THANKS ChannelZ !!!
09:00.56TazzNZjust checked and that works
09:01.08*** join/#asterisk hjf (hjf@unaffiliated/hjf)
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09:21.11gavimobileChannelZ: I'm not sure what card I have period...
09:21.52gavimobileare there different tools for each card brand?
09:23.52ChannelZI assume you're talking about a telephony card which is what I was asking
09:24.34ChannelZdahdi_hardware   will show you anything DAHDI can identify as something it can talk to
09:24.48ChannelZotherwise  lspci   will show you everything the OS sees
09:25.19gavimobileChannelZ: thanks
09:31.50*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
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09:44.17WIMPyNot just different tools. There are at least 10 completely divfferent kinds of drivers.
09:48.53*** join/#asterisk giany (
09:54.18gianyi have something like this : exten => s,4,Set(_SIPADDHEADER23=Privacy: header\; session)
09:54.53gianyhow can I escape that ;? adding \ makes some providers say Bad request
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11:50.52igcewieling1giany: use the SipAddHeader Application
11:54.24phixWIMPy, WIMPy, WIMPy! Hefty! Hefty! Hefty!
11:57.56igcewieling1giany: I think the Privacy header can only have "id" or "none", but you'd have to look at the RFC to be sure.
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13:00.34Kattyhi kiddos.
13:04.30Kattywhat's the word
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13:10.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: haven't you heard?
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13:16.13boom^timeWhy did family guy have to devolve into this.
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13:31.04igcewieling"They had this weird setup where they opened up their old phone, cut the speaker to the ringer, and spliced it to a overhead speaker so when the phone rang, the speaker rang instead of the phone"
13:32.05[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: I've suggested that exact thing in the past....
13:32.29igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: heretic!
13:32.44igcewielingnow they want to use this AND a viking overhead paging system at the same time.
13:32.51igcewielingany ideas?
13:33.49[TK]D-FenderCertainly doable.. in as much as they'll have ringing over the actual page making it hard to hear.  If they want to be that dumb and the pay is worth it....
13:34.26igcewielingthey are that dumb and we are expected to do this as part of the already approved install fees
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13:37.41[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: Well I guess that settles it.
13:38.07[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: Do it and when they complain that it isn't working out like expected ... time to jack up the "change" fee ;)
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13:44.17igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: Turns out the Viking units we use can operate in "ringer only mode" which should do what we need.
13:45.12[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: This would be pretty easy to do in software alone too.
13:45.57igcewielingreplaces the Viking paging unit with a freight train horn
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15:02.15jeffspeffi think my google is broken. been searching for callerid lookup sources and can't find anything. i did find an article about callerid superfecta, but doesn't list any sources in it.
15:02.15SuperNullhey guys, is there a way to show the secret on 'sip show peer' ?
15:02.40QwellSuperNull: modify chan_sip
15:03.08SuperNulli might do that ;)
15:03.25QwellIt shouldn't be too hard.  Just look for _sip_show_peer()
15:03.33[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: CNAM <-
15:03.34SuperNullgoes to look.
15:03.53[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: And the name you mentioned is a FreePBX module name which is meaningless
15:03.56igcewielingjeffspeff: all the "free" CallerID lookup services are total and utter crap.
15:04.44jeffspeffyeah, i know it's a fpbx module, but i read through the article hoping it might show a few sources
15:04.52jeffspeffigcewieling, why are they all crap?
15:04.53igcewielingWe use BulkCNAM.
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15:05.11igcewielingjeffspeff: because telcos charge for cnam lookups -- they are not free.
15:06.14navaismoSuperNull, if your peer is a friend use sip show users
15:06.53[TK]D-Fender"sip show peers" will show "type=friend" as well\
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15:07.32navaismoi mean to see the secret
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15:11.30SuperNullwtf. why can you do sip show users but 'sip show user' hides it.. GAHHHHHHYYYYYYY
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15:12.58SuperNullbut thank you very much for tha navaismo
15:13.01SuperNullbig help for real time..
15:13.29SuperNullhaving issues with password caching. were in the process of converting to #exec <> database dumps.. its more reliable :-/
15:15.30igcewielingSuperNull: your statements makes no sense.
15:15.38igcewielingyou use #exec to do a database dump.
15:16.03igcewielingmaybe you mean realtime, in which case, keep a bottle of vodka and a 100ct bottle of Tylenol handy, you'll need it.
15:17.52SuperNullunfortunately everything was setup for real time so im literally dumping the realtime user table to sip.conf style output like you suggested ..? how is dat confusing  .. you told me to .. i did it and it works awesome.
15:23.14igcewielingSuperNull: I thought you were saying you were converting from using exec to using a database (which I assumed is realtime)
15:24.45igcewielingSuperNull: don't know if I sent this to you before or not
15:26.47SuperNulligcewieling looks like mine only mine has some legacy 'fix ups' in it..
15:27.09SuperNulli dont do the array key using assoc returns because of.. possible columns that make no sense (regserver.. stuff...)
15:27.32igcewielingSuperNull: *nod* our peers don't register so it isn't a concern for us
15:28.11SuperNullplus it makes it easy for the 1.4 stuff to still use the peer table.. and our software..
15:28.34SuperNullim dedicated to switching to opensips/kamillio tho .. raw control of SIP is more important to me for these uses..
15:28.50SuperNullat least for non media related stuff.. media related stuff will be asterisk 1.8/11.
15:35.01igcewielingWe must route all media via Asterisk and all calls are custom routed, so Kamailio is less useful for us than for most.
15:36.10SuperNullyou doing any transcoding ?
15:39.01igcewielingsometimes.  The main reason we must send audio is contractual oblications with our main carrier.  Another reason is if you want to send T.38 calls thru Asterisk audio MUST be routed through Asterisk too
15:40.23igcewielings/main reason we must send audio/main reason we must send audio via Asterisk/s
15:41.19*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
15:41.49filethe fact you have to do that is a bug
15:42.19igcewielingfile: having to send audio via Asterisk in order for T.38 to work?
15:44.02igcewielingCool.  Maybe it will be fixed some day.   In the meantime we have en entirely separate non-asterisk infrastructure for T.38 stuff.
15:45.10igcewielingSBC/Kamailio/Adtran Media gateways
15:46.33SuperNulligcewieling so are you suggesting you know kamailio enough to set that up ;)
15:46.49igcewielingCreated:23/Jan/11 6:59 AM  I won't hold my breath.
15:46.58igcewielingSuperNull: no.  we paid someone to do that
15:47.05fileyou don't have to, it's being worked on
15:47.09SuperNulli was gonna offer you money for some light training.
15:47.29igcewielingthough the kamailio is really only used for outbound t.38.  inbound t.38 is direct from the SBC to the Adtrans
15:48.05SuperNulli see a patch on there ?
15:48.08filealthough the end result of that won't be having T.38 go direct, as that's just sheer madness
15:49.20igcewielingT.38 is such a tiny percentage of our calls it doesn't really matter all that much.  Annoying for us, but nothing more.
15:50.35igcewielingfile: why is not proxying T.38 data via Asterisk madness?
15:50.50fileT.38 devices lie, and are generally broken in different ways
15:51.03fileAsterisk normalizes/fixes
15:51.43filefor very controlled circumstances it could work
15:52.06igcewielingwe have ALL Adtran boxes or Asterisk as endpoints
15:53.34igcewielingWe are not exactly happy with Adtran at the moment either.  AOS 10.x will fail to boot if you configure an ntp server which is unreachable -- requires a tech dispatch to fix.
16:00.24SuperNulli love them adtran ta900 series ATAs.
16:01.58SuperNullthe ip rtp quality-monitoring is ... NICEEEE
16:02.10igcewielingWe usually do, but not when we have to dispatch a tech because of a bug
16:02.11SuperNullwhat do you guys do for mass ATA ? i know some people use cisco but..
16:02.20igcewielingWe use Adtrans
16:02.27SuperNullTA900 series is def bug prone..
16:02.33SuperNullgotta keep up with firmwares for sure.
16:02.39SuperNullit was REALLY bad on older firmwares
16:02.49SuperNulligcewieling you using auto-config ?
16:03.33igcewielingI'm pretty sure the person who sets up the adtrans does not use auto-config
16:04.25igcewielingmy the time I get to them they are already set up.
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16:05.55SuperNullauto-config is the way to go man.
16:06.49SuperNullno way to 'fuck it up' if its only the ip info and a remote config.. we used to have issues with other techs and my self included fubaring the adtran to a non working state ... recovery is a billion times easier.
16:07.16SuperNullalso if it fails its just a matter of renaming the file to the mac of the adtran .. (we pre-provisiong all our adtrans for dhcp and auto config with the mac address)
16:08.51igcewielingnone of this stuff happened during install.  We pushed out an update to the ntp server list and the access lists to the routers.  the access-list did not allow access to one of the ntp servers.  next time the router booted it crshes
16:09.17igcewielinghow do you do DHCP over T-1?
16:09.33SuperNullppp remote ip assignment...
16:09.38SuperNullbut that is different ;)
16:09.57SuperNullideally .. you configure just the required stuff to get it online.. we never hook adtrans direct to T1 unless its for PRI hand off.
16:10.26SuperNulligcewieling you ever use dialup ;)
16:10.34SuperNulldialup uses ppp remote ip assign.
16:10.48SuperNulli also run a dialup network .. of olden times.
16:12.43jeffspeffhow would i use an option like this $ curl -H "Accept: text/pbx" https://api.   in func_curl ?
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16:22.42jeffspefflet me rephrase... how can i send header information when using curl? i found where i can receive header info, but i need to send.
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16:25.52ChannelZ-WkSheesh.  Sometimes Vitelity support is awesome, and then sometimes I get the guy who doesn't seem to know how to read.
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16:28.48navaismojeffspeff, maybe you need to rephrase like: "this shit of curl didn't work at all I have tried to send info but it never work, just sucks" and maybe you get more replies
16:31.26kaldemaror just the opposite. CURLOPT does not seem to offer a way to add headers to a request.
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16:39.01ocholetrashi all!
16:41.29ocholetrasanyone to talk about right ways of identify our channels/userdevices
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16:44.06infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:45.14[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: Identify them when?  Where?  For what purpose?
16:45.21ocholetrasOn sip.conf
16:46.17*** join/#asterisk gmalsack (~gmalsack@
16:46.26[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: Please rephrase your request and be complete about what you're looking to do
16:46.31ocholetrasA book says that a channel should be a channel, without context. Then you use that channel to send calls for charly and next week for john. It appears that using ext or username on channel definition at sip.conf its somthin like anti-pattern way
16:46.48gmalsackhey all - which do you think is heavier on the system.... AGI() or SYSTEM()
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16:47.37gmalsack[TK]D-Fender: Well good day sir... everything going well?
16:48.00[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: that is a DEVICE name, not a CHANNEL name
16:48.02kaldemarocholetras: they are not channel definitions. they are devices or peers.
16:48.09[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: [fred] <- device
16:48.14kaldemarocholetras: a channel is created when there is a call.
16:48.23[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: Dial(SIP/fred)
16:52.40ocholetrasIm readign "Asterisk the definitive guide fourht edition"
16:52.45ocholetrasAnd they said: "While we haven’t discussed Asterisk dialplans yet, it is useful to be able to visualize the
16:52.45ocholetrasrelationship between the channel configuration files (sip.conf, iax.conf) and the dialplan
16:52.52ocholetrasSo tat is wrong concept, right?
16:53.36ocholetrasThey call "channel configuration files" to sip.conf and iax.conf where actually you configure the devices..
16:53.41ChannelZ-Wkwell SIP is a channel driver
16:54.03ocholetrasCould mean that...
16:54.08ChannelZ-Wkso to call it a "channel configuration file" is correct if not a bit confusing taken literally
16:54.11[TK]D-Fenderconfigure how the channels work... by the type of channel..
16:54.27ChannelZ-WkBut entries in sip.conf aren't themselves channels
16:54.30gmalsackyea, the terminology can be confusing a first.
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16:54.58[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: you are throwing too many words around at a time for your own good.
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16:56.24ocholetras[TK]D-Fender: sorry 4 that. Ill try to write slower.. :P
16:57.23[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: Break things down into smaller questions.
16:57.45gmalsackif you remember the old asterisk gui, it used user.conf for the devices and left the channel configuration files for only configuring the channels. not sure why they got away from that, I thought it was a good way to created a defined separation between the two. made it easier for newbies to comprehend...
16:58.06gmalsack* my worthless 2 cents...
16:58.19fileit was not done particularly well
16:58.22WIMPyBut only for a few channeltypes.
16:58.31fileand it was invasive
16:58.36igcewielingI do not remember the old Asterisk GUI.  Maybe the people on #asterisk-gui remember the old Asterisk GUI
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16:59.15gmalsackyea it has some problems. but I thought it was a good effort....
16:59.26[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: Stop talking about them ... as though they were PLURAL :p
16:59.58gmalsack[TK]D-Fender: lol
17:00.03[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: there are 4 users in that channel.  1 Bot, 1 Op, 1 idler ... and ME
17:00.15ocholetrasAnother quote, to explain why i am so confused: "In Asterisk, all the system cares about is the channel name. There is really no concept of a user at all2 , and extensions are nothing more than triggers which initiate a sequence of instructions."
17:00.17[TK]D-Fenderand I beat the Op in...
17:01.10gmalsackwhen I was at digium, I asked them why that project was abandoned. they said the guy (singular) working on it left...
17:01.14[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: forget that sentence.  It is pretty broken...
17:02.00ocholetras[TK]D-Fender: so i wasted my money with the book
17:02.15[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: No, I said one SENTENCE was poorly worded
17:02.28fileyes, Pari was working on it
17:02.29[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: Stop jumping to conclusions that the whole book is bad
17:02.31file(the GUI)
17:02.32ocholetrasAll the configuration examples and explanations goes around that concept of channel
17:02.45Qwellfile: among many others
17:03.17gmalsackso it was developed by a team? or Pari and the community?
17:04.06filethere wasn't a "team" really, but it's too long ago for me to remember
17:04.35[TK]D-Fenderocholetras: Just ask us for clarification on the bits you are unclear with.
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17:10.05filetime flies when you are manipulating the space time continuum.
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17:32.19danfromukHi. Is there any way to boost the volume of a SIP Channel?
17:37.46danfromukIs the default value 0?
17:38.52jeffspeffwhen executing a system command from dialplan that uses a channel variable, do i have to escape around the variable or something?
17:38.54filethe default is that the dialplan function is not used, so the audio is untouched
17:39.03UnixDevI'm having an issue on asterisk AMI interface, 1.8.x branch, latest stable.. it seems not all ExtensionStatus events are being sent… what could be causing this?
17:40.53danfromukfile: when I say default value, does Set(VOLUME(TX)=3) boost the volume by 3? and therefore a subsequent Set(VOLUME(TX)=0) would put it back to the untouched state?
17:42.00fileit may still force it through transcoding, though
17:42.04danfromukPerfect, thanks.
17:42.38fileit's not smart enough to know when to remove itself
17:44.12[TK]D-Fenderit has to for transcoding...
17:44.29fileif you set both gains to 0 it doesn't have to
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17:45.58[TK]D-FenderI suppose if it's smart enough to see the starting point
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18:22.43igcewielingthe proper place to increase the gain is on the endpoint.
18:25.00jeffspeffwhy doesn't it work when i do   [context] exten=XXXX,1,DOwhatever  exten=1234,n,DowhateverNext
18:26.23infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:27.01igcewielingjeffspeff: because without the _ asterisk is looking for literally 4 Xs as the diaed number.
18:27.08igcewielingnow go read the book
18:27.23[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: first... you don't jsut use "n" on that second pattern and expect it to be relative to the exten above
18:27.50jeffspeffigcewieling, thanks, i feel like it's a monday
18:28.01igcewielingalso god kills a kitten every time you mix patterns and non-patterns like that.  I know freepbx does it that way.  I feel it is a bad idea.
18:30.00navaismoyou hate freepbx haha
18:31.23jeffspeffi've got a curl command setting the callerid(name) now, i want to set that on all the inbound DID's. my idea was was to exten=_XXXXXXXXXX,1,curlcommand   exten=1231231234,n,Goto(somecontext,123,1)
18:31.53igcewielingnavaismo: I used to, but not any more.  there are things I feel are wrong with FreePBX.  The overly complex dialplan is one of them, mixing patterns and literals are another
18:33.01igcewielingwhy not [somecontext] exten => _XXX,1,Gosub(calleridlookup,s,1)
18:33.08igcewielingsome some such thing.
18:34.25jeffspeffjust learned something new. never used gosub before
18:35.13igcewielingWe handle 10,000 TNs and not a single one of them is a literal
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18:36.06igcewielingjeffspeff: if you had read the book you'd know about gosub
18:36.36jeffspeffi've read many parts of the book, but it's not the type of thing you read from cover to cover
18:39.22jeffspeffigcewieling, if my curl command to set the cid name is only 1 line, what's the purpose of using gosub?
18:40.41igcewielingjeffspeff: little reason.  however, most people do not just run 2 priorities for an extension, using gosub to handle stuff done of every extension is a good idea.
18:41.03*** join/#asterisk Flametail (18ef4758@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:43.01FlametailHello. I am wanting to use some old hardware to turn my computers into softphones with my landline. However I'd like to do this with existing hardware only..nothing new. Can Asterisk allow me to basically use a server with a modem to ring a softphone on my laptop, and my laptop to call out the landline? Without any extensions or voicemail service?
18:43.37FlametailIf I don't answer just let the telco voicemail pick up, etc. Not trying to make a PBX, just turn my computers into more handsets.
18:44.44igcewielingFlametail: no.
18:45.24FlametailAny ideas what could?
18:45.43igcewielingFlametail: purchase a telephony card which is compatible with Asterisk
18:47.23igcewieling" Not trying to make a PBX, just turn my computers into more handsets."  <-- that is making a PBX
18:48.46FlametailPBX as far as I know involves all the extensions and internal calling. I just want to be able to answer the phone with my laptop and make landline calls from laptop. Both using the modem of the remote server.
18:50.11[TK]D-FenderFlametail: Much much extra stuff you can do doesn't change that it is a PBX.  Just the number of different things it does to process your call
18:50.32[TK]D-FenderHow much*
18:51.46igcewielingFlametail: you seem to think Asterisk is compatible with modems.  It isn;t.  No matter how many different ways you ask the question the answer is still the same.  If you want to interface with an analog telephone line, you need to purchase a compatible telephony interface card
18:52.18navaismoor a gateway
18:52.53navaismoor old modem with tiger chipset to be recognized as x100p
18:53.09igcewielingnavaismo: you are dead to me.
18:53.30FlametailAh. I'm not really from the modem era so to me, if I could call out to someone with the windows tools on a Win98 box, a modem can make calls :) I've got a U.S Robotics 56k. Though I just noticed it's a fax card so it may be useless after all....
18:53.33igcewielingdon't send the poor guy on a fruitless hunt for a device which has not been manufatured in 15 years.
18:55.12navaismoigcewieling, :'( this is  a bad week so far, yesterday we lost "dos a cero", today i cant fix a css issue and now you just leave me alone :'( :'(
18:56.34FlametailWell, assuming the card can still be used ( I hadn't checked which card it was before, recently accuired this old thing), are there software alternatives to these devices? Something that can use the device and perhaps create a virtual telephony card for asterisk?
18:57.03[TK]D-FenderFlametail: No, it is a dead-end waste of time
18:57.17[TK]D-FenderFlametail: $30 could get you a device you could use for this
18:58.35navaismolike the x100p on ebay?
18:58.58igcewielingFlametail: Step 1: throw out the modem.
18:59.59[TK]D-Fendernavaismo: No, SPA-3000 / SPA-3102 used
19:00.01igcewielingI am confident there are no x100p's on ebay.  I admit there may be people on ebay lying and saying they have an x100p for sale, but we call those people "scammers"
19:01.28coppiceso many people have asked about this over the last 13 years, but nobody ever wants to sit down and write a driver to completely repurpose a winmodem as a telephony card. if its a modem card with DSP on board there is nothing you can do, but a winmodem could be made to work with some effort, just as the x100p has
19:02.12[TK]D-Fendercause that effort is worth mor than aquiring a piece of hardware known to work as-is :)
19:03.18igcewielinganyone qualified to write such a driver is rich enough to buy an ATA
19:03.22coppicewell, it used to be a more interesting thing to do, like using the modem in every notebook to form a portable demo system. however, so much time has passed notebooks no longer have modems
19:07.28FlametailI'll be hooking it up to a phone line later and trying to use Dialer(to check if the modem still works), If that works the card is capable of phone calls, but I guess still not compatable with Asterisk. Ah well. If dialer works I'll have one computer phone :D Though I guess I should have tested it before bother y'all. Silly me...
19:08.57[TK]D-Fenderdoesn't dialer only actually DIAL a number and you still ahve to use a parallel-wired phone handset on the other jack to speak?
19:10.10FlametailNot sure. My only experience with dialer is when I had an old Win98 box. That used an old mic I plugged into the soundcard.
19:10.14*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-mzreabwufonzugza)
19:11.32[TK]D-FenderFlametail: have fun...
19:12.04FlametailYeah. It's all a goof off, see if I can experiment anyway.
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19:58.06jeffspeffjust wanted to share this with everybody  has a "hobbyist" free plan that gives 60 lookups an hour to their cache. just from fiddling around with it, i've found that if a number isn't in their cache, it will be added in about 2 minutes.
19:58.30jeffspeffpretty simple API too
20:00.45igcewielingjeffspeff: let us know how it works out for you in the long run.
20:00.53igcewielingLike I said, we use
20:02.29jeffspeffopencnam is cheaper per lookup
20:03.58igcewielingyou apparently don'y buy in bulk
20:04.34jeffspefftheir site say .005 for carriers which i assume would be bulk
20:04.35igcewielingI have nothing against opencnam, they are cool guys, but they are not the only ones out there.
20:04.52*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
20:04.59jeffspeffjust my first experience with any of them
20:05.29jeffspeffi'm just looking at the bulkcnam site and comparing with what i read on the other sites.
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20:17.45[Outcast]anyone here working with pinefrog-1.8?
20:27.01*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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20:48.22magespawngood evening
20:53.41magespawni am new to asterisk, does anyone know if the Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is still available?
20:54.13zerohaloit is - it is in the 4th edition now
20:54.31infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:55.32magespawnthe link on the wiki is abit out of date then
20:55.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:57.14magespawni have just started a new job and inhereted a Asterisk system, so need to bring myself up to speed as quickly as i can
20:57.43igcewielingvoip-info is the last place you should look for information, not the first.
21:00.36navaismomix-up, voip-info has more examples against asterisk wiki
21:10.18*** join/#asterisk dongola7 (~dongola7@unaffiliated/blair/x-0911782)
21:11.43magespawnthanks for the info
21:12.58igcewielingwhich of the dozen or so asterisk wikis are you referring to?
21:14.01magespawnmight not be the wiki let me get the a link
21:15.14magespawnit is here the link under the learn more heading
21:15.25magespawnso not the wiki
21:16.01magespawn this specific link
21:18.16*** join/#asterisk Vann (
21:19.19magespawnthanks again good night all
21:25.05ChannelZ-Wk if you want to give it a spin
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22:07.28navaismosomeone add that to the bot please
22:07.55navaismoevery 'newbie' will be slapped with that link.. ~shutup&check
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23:28.50ChannelZ-Wkinfobot: primer is
23:28.50infobotChannelZ-Wk: okay
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23:34.14navaismo1599 conversation sent to the trash. maybe its time to unsubscribe from asterisk mailing list :S
23:41.05WIMPy"digital PRIs like T1/E1 and ISDN" doesn't make sense.
23:42.03*** join/#asterisk pensmit (~pensmit@unaffiliated/pensmit)
23:42.04PenguinBecause all PRIs are digital?
23:42.21WIMPyAs well as ISDN.
23:44.04PenguinWould you prefer "digital circuits like T1/E1 and ISDN"?
23:44.17ChannelZ-WkI'll just replace it with "thinymajigs"
23:44.44WIMPyAnd "hardware based techonogies [...] trhough a layer called DAHDI". That's only one example. There are many other channeltypes for telephony cards.
23:44.54PenguinYa can't just tell us it's wrong... You have to tell us what makes it right.
23:45.32WIMPyYes, that makes more sense. Maybe eben ISDN interfaces like PRI (T1/E1) and BRI?
23:45.40ChannelZ-WkI guess you didn't read the introduction about it not being exhaustive.  There are 100 additional things I could say about almost everything.
23:46.16*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
23:46.18WIMPyYes, but it doesn't say it's just an example of many others.
23:46.22PenguinI think I like that phrase better.
23:47.12hjfok i know this isn't 1999 but
23:47.21hjfcan i use a motorola SM56 modem for FXO?
23:47.30PenguinAs long as you intend to call a T1/E1 an ISDN interface.
23:48.05WIMPyhjf: no
23:48.32WIMPyWell, a PRI is E1/T1/J1, but a E1/T1/J1 need not be a PRI.
23:53.59*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
23:54.03WIMPySo maybe just leave out the "(T1/E1)" bit.
23:58.03ChannelZ-WkGoing home. Will deal with it later

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