IRC log for #asterisk on 20130906

00:00.14ChannelZ-WkHmm.  Mine ended and showed a slide saying to look in the title bar of the little window to see if you passed, but I didn't see anything else interesting.  And then I clicked back to the browser and it went away.  Oh well.
00:00.44ChannelZ-Wkoh wait here we go
00:01.47ChannelZ-WkClicking the blue thumbnail of it under 'prior enrollments' took me to a new page.  100%!
00:07.48*** join/#asterisk moy (
00:14.10Freeaqingmeif someone tries to call me through skype, is there any way of routing it to asterisk?
00:14.17Freeaqingme(vice versa is not required)
00:18.37[TK]D-Fendermake sure yours is a business accoutn and you can use their SIP connector service
00:20.00Freeaqingme[TK]D-Fender, thanks. 'business account' = 'premium account'?
00:20.18[TK]D-FenderI believe so.  Ther terms are all there
00:20.28Freeaqingmek, tnx
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00:32.24volga629Hello Everyone,  Is through IAX2 trunk video should work ?
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01:22.15mnathanihow do I use call files to get asterisk to dial 2 numbers and conference them together?
01:24.01WIMPyUse application Dial and whatever you want to dial.
01:24.36WIMPyOr just use the extension if it's something callable from your dialplan.
01:25.02*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:28.10mnathaniWIMPy: ok thanks
01:40.06*** join/#asterisk Vann (
02:09.50*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
02:15.43hjfis the SPA3000 a decent gateway to connect to asterisk? for the FXO port
02:20.42*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
02:27.13mnathaniWhat do I need to do to secure my Asterisk install ? I see this in my logs currently:
02:35.45igcewielingmnathani: fail2ban, iptables, allowguest=no alwaysauthreject=yes \
02:35.55igcewielingor I could google it for you
02:36.21mnathaniigcewieling: Thanks for getting me started
02:37.17igcewielingalso leave context=default in [general] and set a specific context for each peer, which is not default.  i.e. don't use a context named default
02:39.24*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
02:40.19WIMPyDon't use default, not even for guests.
02:42.55carraropen root policy is best
03:11.40ChannelZWhy, is "default" some sort of magical context?
03:17.46ChannelZWhich is what exactly
03:22.11WIMPyI can't remember where it caught me. But I've read that it's used in multiple places.
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05:35.56j4jackjHow much fun can one have with a codec?
05:36.23hjfwhat's the proper way to "time out" an unanswered call? like: exten=>1,1,Dial(SIP/hjf,20)  exten=>1,n,Hangup()
05:36.50hjf(i want to disable voicemail)
05:41.08*** join/#asterisk mzb- (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
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07:13.18*** join/#asterisk giucio (~giucio@
07:18.31giucioHi, I'm trying to implement a system where an operator clicks on a web page and a call is automatically established between him/her and a phone number. I'd like this to be as quick as possible. The solution I implemented so far is a webservice doing an Originate call through AMI. The downside is that it establishes two different calls. Once the agent picks up the phone, it then dials the target number. Is there a way to automatically "connect" the operator
07:19.34ChannelZWhat device is the operator using?
07:19.41wdoekesgiucio: pass Auto-Answer headers
07:20.50giuciowdoekes: I'm doing it, but it looks like very few softphones implement it, which is pretty much why I was wondering if I'm doing it the right way.
07:21.31giucioI actually only got it working with jitsi
07:21.46giucioI'm trying to avoid non free-software solutions if possible
07:25.19*** join/#asterisk pietro (
07:25.54pietrosomeone knows an RFC6035 capable voice quality reports collector ?
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09:58.27*** join/#asterisk eeezkil (~eeezkil@unaffiliated/eeezkil)
10:02.02eeezkilRecently I was asked to start an asterisk server and I'm concerned a bit about security because I feel that it would be "a nice target for hackers"
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10:04.56bacobartfollow these instructions and you should be fine
10:05.43bacobartmost important are disabling guest access and using secure passwords
10:05.53eeezkilbacobart, thank you.. I'll check it out
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10:08.27eeezkilkaldemar: thank you
10:09.14kaldemaryou won't see any attacker ip addresses for sip in /var/log/messages, use the security event framework for those (security log in logger.conf).
10:09.50kaldemarmany people use fail2ban too.
10:10.05eeezkilis that some script?
10:10.09eeezkilin python perl?
10:11.01eeezkilif the malicious users are using various proxies?
10:11.32bacobartif you get a distribution like asterisknow or freepbx those include fail2ban. although using those distributions is not popular here as ppl here tend to prefer editing text files / dislike the dialplan configurations used by those distros.
10:12.24eeezkilI'm comfortable with anything that gets the job done the best way possible
10:12.38eeezkilif I have to I'll write something myself
10:13.25bacobartasterisknow/freepbx include a webgui for configuring. this is helpful for people new to the system. ofcourse using asterisk and doing everything yourself will make you more of a guru later on:P
10:15.53*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
10:15.58eeezkilI would like to get into asterisk fast.. but security is important (and maybe understanding asterisk on a really low level would help)
10:16.00giucioHi, when using Originate through AMI to establish a call, two separate CDR records are written. Is it possible to avoid the CDR recording two different entries?
10:16.09*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
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10:19.21bacobarti'm using originate through ami and get just 1 cdr record per call
10:20.08giuciobacobart: I'm using the Local channel
10:20.23giucioit looks like I'm hitting this:
10:20.31giuciobacobart: are you using Local too?
10:24.24giuciobacobart: do you think I could have a look at your originate call?
10:25.20eeezkilwhat are the differences between "Asterisk RealTime PostgreSQL" and normal Asterisk setups
10:25.44eeezkilmaybe you can administer Аsterisk directly from postgre?
10:26.14kaldemareeezkil: realtime is as normal as using "normal" config files. realtime is a way of using a database for configurations.
10:26.17infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
10:26.33kaldemarreading some of that will help you plenty.
10:26.51eeezkilkaldemar: thank you I have it
10:27.05eeezkilsorry for the annoying questions..
10:36.13*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (~andrewyag@
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10:37.36*** join/#asterisk fsjdfh (4e5a4f2b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:37.47fsjdfhcan you send SMS with asterisk
10:39.00*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
10:51.49*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~Eugene@
10:52.59eject_ckHi, in dialplan I need set callerid with when I'm calling via external VoIP provider, but only for one internal extension, how can I check calling extention id? in dialplan?
10:56.00giuciobacobart: fixed it, thanks anyways
10:56.09*** join/#asterisk eject_ck1 (~Eugene@
10:57.02fsjdfhHello there, is it possible to send/recieve SMS though Asterisk
11:00.43eject_ck1exten => _X.,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=(foo=${IF($[ ${EXTEN} = _7XXX.]?777:666)}))
11:01.21eject_ck1how to use IF construction to match ${EXTEN} ?
11:06.19*** join/#asterisk tomdm (
11:12.01*** join/#asterisk vbrinza (~vbrinza@
11:13.07vbrinzahello all. is there any solution for asterisk behind nat and remote client behind an other nat than using STUN server?
11:13.17vbrinzaand port forwarding on client side
11:15.57kaldemarvbrinza: asterisk is a fine solution for that.
11:16.00infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
11:16.35kaldemareject_ck1: what are you trying to test?
11:18.14kaldemareject_ck1: is this what you're really after: $["${EXTEN::1}" = "7"] ?
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11:32.58*** join/#asterisk OS_Florent2 (~chatzilla@
11:34.28OS_Florent2It is possible to have a small help on a behavior of the bridge application ?
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11:40.08OS_Florent2After use Bridge application if 1 leg hangup it is possible to not hangup the other leg ?
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12:02.41WIMPyOS_Florent2: IIRC they continue where they came from.
12:03.07OS_Florent2in fact i dont use bridge application, but manager bridge command
12:03.24OS_Florent2we cant pass option with the manager command?
12:03.37OS_Florent2like they are in bridge application?
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12:05.07cuscoI'm wondering about using cdr_tds vs cdr_odbc
12:05.11cuscoto store cdr in ms-sql
12:05.12WIMPyI don't think so. But you could try to redirect the call leg before doing the bridge.
12:05.27OS_Florent2i just what i was thinking
12:05.34OS_Florent2i will try tnak for help
12:05.35cuscostates that unixodbc will use freetds, so I could make asterisk use it directly
12:05.51cuscobut seems that odbc is always recomended
12:05.55cuscoso I'm wondering. . . .
12:07.10*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (~andrewyag@
12:09.36cuscoalso the difference between cdr_odbc and cdr_adaptative_odbc ?
12:15.25cuscook I got the adaptative part
12:15.51cuscohow about freetds vs unixodbc
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12:31.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:38.59jmetroAnyone know how to increase visible characters on the Aastra screens <.<
12:39.18jmetro8 characters is nothing, i've got space for atleast 15 >.>
12:40.08tuxx-which type of aastra? :P
12:40.30tuxx-you got multiple lines, and you can scroll afaik
12:40.51tuxx-but you cant increase the charcount
12:40.53jmetrofor softkeys?
12:40.55tuxx-oh right
12:40.57tuxx-yeah no
12:41.04tuxx-thats impossibru
12:41.35jmetrothe 3 dots its displaying to cut off my text is all i need >.<
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13:41.02hjfwhat's the proper way to "time out" an unanswered call? like: exten=>1,1,Dial(SIP/hjf,20)  exten=>1,n,Hangup()
13:41.16hjfi was reading that you can send a status code with Hangup
13:41.24hjfI used 19 (no answer from user)
13:41.50hjfbut i'd rather do what the telco here does.. if it rings for more than 1 minute, it gives you a busy tone
13:42.16kaldemarare you sure it's a busy tone?
13:42.25[TK]D-Fenderhjf: "core show application congestion"
13:43.11[TK]D-Fenderthat'd be a "reorder" tone
13:43.14hjfkaldemar: well, here we don't have the "fast busy" tone which means an error
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13:49.02hjfcongestion and hangup act the same on the SPA. they give a busy tone... the stupid CSipSimple doesn't recognize it, it just gives me a 480 error
13:49.29eject_ck1can I enable enable music on hold during call via CLI ?
13:53.11hjfso my asterisk is working pretty nicely now
13:53.16hjfhow can i break it again?
13:53.19hjfwhat can i try? :P
13:53.37*** join/#asterisk Alex_h (~AlexHold@
13:53.50hjfi was thinking: is it possible to have "roaming" clients? that is, clients that can be inside and outside the LAN
13:54.11hjfor will everything just break because of NAT?
14:00.43[TK]D-Fenderhjf: make 2 different profiles, one with the LAN, the other with the WAN IP
14:01.01[TK]D-Fenderhjf: Or always VPN when remote
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14:01.34[TK]D-Fendereject_ck1: You don't just 'enable" it.
14:02.06[TK]D-Fendereject_ck1: And you should be clear about the precise circumstances you want to create.
14:02.15*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~Eugene@
14:10.32hjf[TK]D-Fender: how do i deal with the RTP ports and the NAT? should i just forward the SIP ports or also a set of UDP ports for RTP?
14:12.10kukuI'm using Application: Bridge   and in that diaplan I use Playback(), but the sound plays only on the side of the asterisk extension, not on the call recepient...
14:12.14[TK]D-FenderYou always have to forward SIP & RTP
14:12.35*** part/#asterisk eject_ck (~Eugene@
14:23.45*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
14:24.03hrolfHi #asterisk
14:24.29hrolfIs it possible to receive call on SIP extensions? These SIP extensions are registered in IP office?
14:25.11GreenlightWHere does Asterisk fit into this ?
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14:26.37[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: Please clarify what it is you're asking if it is possible to do.  Your terminology is too vague
14:27.51hrolf[TK]D-Fender: I mean, can we use Asterisk as a SIP user agent?
14:28.03[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: That is all Asterisk is
14:28.06infobotmethinks b2bua is a Back 2 Back User Agent. Additional information is available on wikipedia:
14:28.59hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Let me clarify a bit. The SIP extensions are created in Avaya IP Office. Now we usually connect on it in 3CX phone.
14:29.24hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Can we use Asterisk, to register on those extensions, and receive the calls from Avaya IP office?
14:29.31[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: Yes
14:29.39hrolf[TK]D-Fender: How?
14:29.44hrolfin sip.conf?
14:29.50[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: Clearly
14:29.54hrolftype=peer or friend?
14:30.00[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: typically peer.
14:30.16[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: This is a borking entry like jsut about any other
14:30.24hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Okay, and for username and password where do we specify that?
14:30.33[TK]D-Fenderin the sip peer.
14:30.38[TK]D-Fenderit's all the same
14:30.51hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Like I'm given 6001 extension, 123456 password and the IP of IP Office
14:30.59hrolf[TK]D-Fender: I see. Thanks. Let me try it
14:31.03[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: So go make a peer entry to match that
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14:38.18hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Do I have to make SIP as same as in IP office? Like if it is 6001 in IP office, then do I have to make [6001] in sip.conf?
14:38.46hrolf[TK]D-Fender: or can I name it anything, and space in username=?
14:38.55[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: that's the default... or you can specify "username" and "defaultuser"
14:40.39hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Okay, for password, I use secret=? or remotesecret=?
14:41.17infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:41.26[TK]D-FenderYou should read up on your basics
14:42.32hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Yes, thanks. I'll look into it. (was in emergency, but yes I should do my homework.)
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15:05.21cuscoI was testing sipvicious last night, and noticed failed attempts on asterisk cli do not show remote ip, only local
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15:06.16hjfi was playing with csipsimple and i noticed it has an option to send text messages
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15:06.31hjfhow are these messages delivered? is there some sort of SMS for voip??
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15:07.30[TK]D-Fenderhjf: via SIP obviously
15:08.17cuscotalking about that, the peer needs to be in a call to recieve the message?
15:08.51hjf[TK]D-Fender: yes lol.
15:09.04[TK]D-Fendercusco: No
15:09.06hjfMESSAGE sip:6@ SIP/2.0
15:09.12coppiceits SIMPLE really
15:09.13hjfSIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed
15:09.52[TK]D-Fenderhjf: and not every version of * supports it
15:10.11hjf[TK]D-Fender: yeah i'm trying to find out. seems 1.4 needs a module for it
15:10.45[TK]D-Fenderhjf: 1.4 is decrepit crap
15:10.56[TK]D-Fenderhjf: SIP Message support was added in * 10
15:10.56hjfi'm using 1.8
15:11.10[TK]D-Fenderhjf: Upgrade time
15:13.01*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
15:14.05hjf[TK]D-Fender: yeah i used freebsd's ports asterisk18 thinking it was newer than asterisk10
15:14.35[TK]D-Fender10 is dead anyway.  11 is current
15:14.46hjfyes, i'm installing port asterisk11
15:14.55hrolfI tried this register => 6001:123456@
15:14.58hrolfbut it doesn't register
15:15.07hrolfand when I dial 6001 to receive call on asterisk it is busy
15:15.25hrolfbut I can receive on 3cx or x-lite, which means asterisk is not registering, any ideas?
15:15.28[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: "sip set debug on" <- look at what is actually happening.
15:16.04[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: Idea : LOOK at the actual comms.  You could have put lines in wrong places or messed up other settings.  So go look at what * is actually doing
15:16.06infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:16.19[TK]D-FenderAnd PASTEBIN the results.
15:16.33hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Okay, but how do I make it attempt a register, in order to see what is happening. i.e. sip set debug on
15:17.22[TK]D-Fender[11:14]hrolfI tried this register => 6001:123456@ <-
15:18.51Kattylooks in
15:18.58Kattyhi kids.
15:19.05cuscohi grown up
15:20.13hrolf[TK]D-Fender: I have set sip set debug on
15:20.20hrolf[TK]D-Fender: There is no output, nothing.
15:21.27[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: register => 6001:123456@ <- this line has to be AFTER  [general] and BEFORE any other section entry.  Also the last ":" in there is bad
15:21.45*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
15:22.27hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Okay, sorry. Actually, what I'm trying to achieve by the :/9000 is that, it lands on extension '9000' in context 'access'.
15:22.48[TK]D-Fenderhrthe last ":" is not valid
15:29.35*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (
15:34.26hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Okay, it registered. But now when I call, it says Unauthorized.
15:35.00hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Line 167.
15:36.05[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: remove "remotesecret" which I told you you didn't need, and add "insecure=port,invite"
15:37.38*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
15:40.14hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Thanks. I received the call now.
15:40.23*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
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15:49.52Alex_his there any way of showing the channels that have been up the longest on the asterisk cli? I know that core show channel will show an elapsed time for a specific channel, but is there any way of ordering this or showing the channel that has been up the longest? Im dealing with local channels, not calls specifically
15:50.56hrolfI get this error when playing a .wav file channel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from 0x1 (g723) to 0x4 (ulaw
15:51.10*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
15:51.18hrolffile.c: Unable to open /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/access/Welcome.wav (format 0x1 (g723)): No such file or directory
15:51.29[TK]D-FenderAlex_h: No.  You have to look one by one
15:51.44[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: because * cannot transcode to G.723.
15:51.59[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: Only via an expensive transcoder hardware card
15:52.07[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: Pick your codecs better
15:52.20hrolf[TK]D-Fender: At which side? IP Office or Asterisk?
15:52.20coppiceor wait until 2014
15:52.27[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: Asterisk
15:52.39[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: You didn't set what * is allowed to agree with for your peer
15:53.32*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
15:54.52hrolf[TK]D-Fender: I have set allow=all
15:55.00SuperNulleveryone having a good friday?
15:55.10igcewielinghrolf: then you almost guarantee to make it not work,
15:55.35[TK]D-Fender[11:54]hrolf[TK]D-Fender: I have set allow=all L- which is BAD
15:55.54[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: because you are allowing * to agree to anything the other side offer.. including things it CAN'T support
15:56.13*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
15:56.17[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: Go specify a STANDARD non-licensed codec that the other end can support
15:56.28igcewielingAsterisk needs an option which means "allow all codecs this system can transcode"
15:56.33[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: You'll see what they offer in the SIP DEBUG
15:57.05hrolfigcewieling: [TK]D-Fender: Thanks, I'll check SIP DEBUG, it is in INVITE right?
15:57.13[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: yes
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15:59.52hrolf[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
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16:00.07Alex_h[TK]D-Fender: thanks again for your help
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16:45.24nnyQuick question, I have a system with 4 FXO ports (Sangoma AFT B600) and the client wants to add four more. Can you put two PCI cards in a system or is it better to just have them buy a new 8 port card?
16:46.01*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
16:46.05[TK]D-Fendernny: 2 will be fine
16:46.44nny[TK]D-Fender: thank you
16:46.45*** join/#asterisk ncrollo (
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16:48.19igcewielingnny: you can't add modules to that card?
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16:48.55[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: Nope, 4fxo, 1 fxs fixed
16:48.58*** part/#asterisk ipiera (
16:51.47*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
16:53.02igcewielingHas anyone used the Sangoma GSM cards?  If so, how did they work out for you?
16:53.50*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
16:53.59hrolfIs there any way to pass named paramters to AGI() command?
16:55.05[TK]D-Fenderhrolf: AGi has full access to asterisk channel variables as it is... there's very little point to "passing" anything
16:55.28*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
16:56.43igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: best reason I can think of is so you can have one script for CLI and AGI without the hassle of using different options passing methods
16:57.57igcewielingBRB, someone's at the door.
16:58.08*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
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17:05.28PenguinThis is ridiculous.
17:05.59Penguinfile, malcolmd, mjordan, pabelanger, putnopvut, qwell, sruffell
17:07.02*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
17:07.06Penguin/b italorossi
17:07.18GreenlightIt's every day
17:07.32PenguinConstantly in and out all day and night, never says a word.
17:07.55sruffellAhh…I'm configured to not show the leave/join messages.
17:08.16igcewielingsame here, no join/part messages
17:09.29*** mode/#asterisk [+b italrossi!*@*] by malcolmd
17:09.49GreenlightTy :)
17:09.55*** mode/#asterisk [+b italorossi!*@*] by malcolmd
17:10.08*** mode/#asterisk [-b italrossi!*@*] by malcolmd
17:10.16malcolmdremoving the wrong one...
17:11.12PenguinHere's a sample for those who had to luxury of missing it:
17:11.51Penguinthe luxury, rather.
17:12.18malcolmdviewing that link will void any perception of luxury that you had before viewing the link. ;)
17:12.34igcewielingPenguin: Here's a nickle, kid.  Go get yourself a real irc client. 8-)
17:13.00PenguinI'm not sure how to respond to that.
17:13.09sruffell"Gee Whiz!  Thanks Mister!"  I think is the only response.
17:13.15igcewielingthat works!
17:13.27igcewielingadmits to not using a real irc client either.
17:14.30PenguinCan you give a few examples which fit your definition of real?
17:15.07_Corey_Unless you're using telnet to connect to IRC and interacting with it raw, I'd wager  you're using some kind of "real" client.  :)
17:15.08igcewielingPenguin: something which lets you not see join/parts and has persistent /ignore's
17:15.08Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
17:16.22*** join/#asterisk luce (~luce@NYUFWA-NYUSHANET-01.NATPOOL.NYU.EDU)
17:18.01lucehey all - I'm getting this error and not sure where to change the sample rate - chan_alsa.c:209 alsa_card_init: Rate not correct, requested 8000, got 16000 - any suggestions?
17:19.07PenguinI once used ii to get on IRC.  That was pretty interesting.
17:20.35PenguinWhen I used telnet for IRC, I got tired of having to send PONGs all the time.
17:21.33*** join/#asterisk edong23 (
17:24.39navaismoigcewieling, I use XChat and I prefer Xcaht over Pidgin
17:25.10PenguinI've used irssi for years and will continue to use it for many more.
17:25.31igcewielingnavaismo I may go back to Xchat
17:26.34ChannelZ-Wkluce: presumably in your alsa config.  Although I thought you could add something to it to resample everything to a certain rate
17:27.36lucethe alas config is the asound.conf file…i've adjusted those settings tremendously but still the same error
17:30.33ChannelZ-Wkdefaults.pcm.rate_converter ?
17:31.20hjfhehe nice i updated to asterisk 11 and i have sms now
17:31.31*** join/#asterisk roderickm (~roderickm@
17:32.19[TK]D-Fenderhjf: "SIP Messaging", not "SMS"
17:33.12hjfyes that
17:37.57igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: I wonder if he has sip trunks too
17:42.46ncrollothis is going to sound dumb but can you do TLS with anything other than a self signed certificate?
17:43.03ncrolloI'm assuming the answer is yes but I'm having a really difficult time
17:43.45ChannelZ-Wkas in you have a properly signed cert that isn't working?
17:43.58ncrolloyeah...its a godaddy wildcard
17:48.28jeevanyone here have two locations connected to eachother using trunks and also passing callerid's name ? i'm looking at the set up and it doesn't seem to be passing name
17:48.48PenguinOf course we do.
17:48.55PenguinHow did you set the name?
17:50.03jeevi call into office A, office A answers the call, they see the caller id prefix, they see the phone number and they see the caller id name information. when they transfer a call from office A to me in office B, it sends the caller ID over but does not include the name.
17:50.25jeevunfortunately i know you guys dont support freepbx but i'm looking at it and its passing it through as a trunk
17:50.30igcewielingjeev: what DOES the callerid include?
17:50.36PenguinAnd the fact that it is an IAX2 trunk isn't really important.
17:50.56jeevExecuting [s@macro-dialout-trunk:20] ExecIf("DAHDI/i1/2139251133-af9", "0?Set(CONNECTEDLINE(name,i)=CID:2139251133)") in new stack
17:51.00PenguinTrunked or not, the callerid data goes the same way.
17:51.38jeevthis is from office A
17:51.50igcewielingif you are using SIP you can use PAID/RPID to pass the callerid, then you can auth by username/passwotd
17:51.53Penguin(1248.55) <Penguin> How did you set the name?
17:51.59PenguinStill waiting on the answer to this.
17:52.05hjfis the SPA3000 a decent FXO gateway for my asterisk?
17:52.46PenguinYou want to plug some phone lines into it so you can use asterisk on the PSTN?
17:52.52[TK]D-Fenderhjf: Wouldn't use for business purposes but it's OK
17:52.56igcewielingjeev: you see the 0?  "] ExecIf("DAHDI/i1/2139251133-af9", "0?Set(CONNECTEDLINE(name,i)="  that means THE LINE DID NOT EXECUTE
17:52.59hjfno, for my house
17:53.20hjfi'll still run the DECT phones alongside asterisk
17:53.36hjfthat is, in parallel (that's why i was asking yesterday if it will grab the line, i don't want it to)
17:53.50Penguinjeev: You're setting the CALLERID(all) value to only the number.  That should remove the name.
17:54.39jeevthis is how the call comes into B: Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:4] ExecIf("IAX2/officeA-13664", "1?Set(REALCALLERIDNUM=213...)") in new stack
17:54.43jeevok Penguin, hm.
17:54.58ChannelZ-Wkncrollo: do you have your cert and the key for it in the same file?
17:55.02PenguinCALLERID(all) should be name and number.  But you don't even need to REset the callerid info anyway.  Leave it alone and it should be fine.
17:55.53igcewielingfreepbx and iax2 too kinky for me, you are on your own
17:58.27*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
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18:04.24jeevyea, im looking at it and i can't see where its grabbing the name, all just means ${REALCALLERIDNUM}) i guess
18:04.47Penguinall means NAME and NUMBER.
18:05.18Penguine.g., CALLERID(all)=Your Name <5551212>
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18:05.32jeevi understand but in extensions_additional, it's being set by something else.
18:05.45PenguinThere's num, which is just the number.  There's name, which is just the name.  There's all, which is name and number together.
18:06.40jeevexten => s,n(usercid),ExecIf($[${LEN(${USEROUTCID})} != 0]?Set(CALLERID(all)=${USEROUTCID}))
18:06.52PenguinIf you set CALLERID(all) to just a number, expecting the name to be deleted makes sense to me.
18:07.02jeevthat's what it looks like
18:07.15jeevis that happening because it considers it a trunk?
18:07.30PenguinNo.  Trunking isn't pertinent.
18:08.17PenguinIf the rest of your dial plan is configured to explicitly leave off the name because you are sending it over DAHDI, then that would also make sense.
18:08.41PenguinYou can't pass the name over the PSTN, so it doesn't need to be sent at all.
18:09.10PenguinBut I don't debug freepbx dial plans.
18:09.10jeevso could this be fixed with a context?
18:09.16jeeva different context
18:09.27PenguinContext doesn't matter either.
18:09.55PenguinYou'll have to check the entire dial plan to see why the name is missing.
18:10.10PenguinAt some point, the name is being left out.
18:11.44*** join/#asterisk Linkforsoad (
18:21.02igcewielingjeev: now you understand this....
18:21.04infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
18:21.19jeevyea i know
18:24.55*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:27.34boom^timeSo I'm trying to play a message after an answering machine by waiting for a certain amount of silence. But when I do 3 seconds it's too little most of the time and 4 seconds makes for a really long awkward pause. Does anyone have a more clever solution?
18:27.48*** join/#asterisk maelaian (~alexis@
18:28.13_Corey_boom^time: Check out the WaitForSilence command
18:28.21boom^timeThat's what I'm using
18:28.37maelaianI am looking for information on the name and specification of the protocol used in the norstar pbx M8X24-DS ( phones it uses are M7310 / NT8B20 ). I heard asterisk has some kind of compatibility with the system.
18:28.43boom^timeWaitForSilence(3000,1,30) is a little too short some times
18:28.49PenguinI wait for 2000 ms if AMD() thinks it's a machine.
18:28.53boom^timeand anything more than that makes for a really awkward pause before the message starts
18:29.52_Corey_boom^time: It takes a lot of adjustment
18:30.00Penguin500 ms if AMD() detects a human, 2000 ms if machine.
18:30.22PenguinMaybe your AMD needs tweaking.
18:30.25boom^timeI'm testing against my cell and with t-mobile there is a very long delay between the end of your greeting and the beep
18:30.32boom^timePenguin, has nothing to do with AMD
18:30.49boom^timeit detects the machine properly, but the wait for silence portion is the issue.
18:31.19PenguinWhy would 2 full seconds not be plenty of time to wait?
18:31.24boom^timeit's like <your greeting><3 seconds of silence><beep>
18:31.35boom^timebecause it is triggered before the beep.
18:31.36PenguinWell that's just weird.
18:31.47PenguinThat part isn't YOUR problem...
18:31.58PenguinPeople shouldn't wait so long before ending their outgoing message.
18:32.04*** join/#asterisk shailender123 (73f90d52@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:32.23boom^timeThat's the humorous part, this is MY outgoing message on my phone. I've tried ending the recording the instant I'm done talking
18:32.39PenguinT-mobile adds that much time, eh?
18:33.13shailender123I have just installed asterisk on my CentOS system and unable to search good/usable softphone, please help me in which softphone i can directly install with the rpm instead of compilation
18:33.14boom^timejust timed it, exactly 3 secs
18:33.22PenguinThat's crazy stuff.
18:34.00Penguinshailender123: If you just put asterisk on your CentOS system, you don't really need a softphone on your CentOS system.
18:34.43shailender123Penguin, how i will test dial plan, i will test the conversation
18:34.47PenguinThat's like installing a browser on your web server and using your server for surfing your own site.
18:35.56shailender123i don't have other machine so i want to test all softphone after assigning different virtual ip to same machine
18:35.59*** join/#asterisk RZero (
18:36.11PenguinIf you must install a soft phone on the asterisk box, use something that allows you to easily change the client ports.  You won't be able to run your phone's listening port on 5060 since asterisk is already listening on that port.
18:36.48Penguin*shrug* I don't remember what keyword infobot knows for the list of phones.
18:37.13Penguintwinkle, blink, zoiper... to name three
18:37.24shailender123i already tried qutecom(ffmpeg error,unable to find concerned dependecny), xlite,ziper,takisrc, but none of them are usable for me
18:37.44maelaianSo meridian norstar M8X24... No details on its wire communication protocol or anything?
18:39.08[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: It's documented. and is a 2-wire ISDN derivative
18:39.26PenguinIf every soft phone that you try doesn't work with your asterisk, did you consider that your asterisk may be the problem and not the phones being the problem?
18:39.29maelaianDoes it have a name so I can find more info?
18:39.56igcewielingmaelaian: what version of Asterisk are you using?
18:40.08maelaianigcewieling, None yet.
18:40.09shailender123currently unable to install softphone after installation i can test the settings, asterisk installation looks good as i am able to see sip show peers etc
18:40.21boom^timePenguin, Is there any nifty applications that will listen for a break in silence during a background or playback and I can restart the playback if it happens?
18:41.43*** join/#asterisk dimitry7 (~antonello@
18:41.45PenguinThere's also SpeechBackground(), but I haven't used it to know how it works.
18:41.47maelaianTrying to get into asterisk. It has a formidable learning curve. All the phone PBX systems do.
18:42.12infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:43.07[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: I've seen some particularly sharp people getin a system up and running with a few softphones, an ITSP and basic voicemail within a day.  It will depend on your insight, ability to read documentation, and ability to communicate in channels like this
18:43.20shailender123checking for ccgnu2-config... no checking for commoncpp2 version >= 1.6.0... not found *** The ccgnu2-config script installed by commoncpp2 0.99 *** or later could not be found. *** You need to install GNU Common C++ 2, whose later releases are *** available from and any *** GNU mirror.
18:43.28shailender123i got this error during compilation of twinkle
18:43.36jeevpenguin, i got it to work. hm
18:44.05maelaian[TK]D-Fender, Sure, but they probably didn't understand as much as I would want to about the system, and its capabilities. I have no itch to scratch today, Im more interested in the possibilities.
18:44.18igcewielingshailender123: this is not a softphone support channel.
18:44.34[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: possibilities are pretty huge.
18:44.56shailender123yes, but i need some softphone to test my newly configured asterisk system
18:45.13maelaian[TK]D-Fender, I know. I wanted to figure out for now what my existing system speaks under the hood, see what I can do with that, and then work on an asterisk interface/enhancement to it.
18:45.31igcewielingshailender123: no, you don't.   you could use a hardphone or install a softphone on a windows box or signup for an itsp -- and this is not a channel to support your softphone
18:45.35PenguinUse yum to solve dependencies rather than installing one rpm after another.
18:46.15shailender123i don't have connectivity to internet in my vm, Ok i will try to configure internet access within my vm
18:46.21[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: Nortel propriety gear is practically worthless.
18:46.21[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: All we've got are a few gateway devices that will let you use Norstar sets as SIP devices.
18:46.22*** join/#asterisk adam820 (
18:46.57[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: They won't be as nice as dedicated actual SIP phones for instance however and the price/port ratio means you would probably only do this where you're restricted from changing wiring, etc
18:47.02igcewielingif the time to set up an Asterisk PBX is X, then the time to build a FrankenPBX with Asteirsk and your Nortel is X^2 (at least)
18:47.12maelaian[TK]D-Fender, It's not worthless :). Maybe from an asterisk perspective.
18:47.45[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: practically worthless in almost all senses :)
18:48.00[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: Norstar is a very dated and dead duck
18:48.13maelaian[TK]D-Fender, Our business runs on such a system, and has for 15 years.
18:48.20igcewielingmaelaian: *nod*  Looks to be worth $100 according to ebay
18:48.33[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: Sorry, CARBON-dated, my bad...
18:49.36maelaianWell, i'm not exactly looking for a plug and play solution/answer. I can write software, and though I wouldnt consider myself an EE, I can manufacture and design my own pcbs.
18:49.54maelaianSo if the possibility of an interface is even there, I am interested in exploring that.
18:50.10igcewielingmaelaian: All that is trivial compared to getting Nortel to document their protocol for you
18:50.34maelaianigcewieling, I can figure out the protocol myself. Getting a jump start on its framing or basics wouldnt be bad.
18:50.48[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: Well you said you don't currently even have an itch to scratch.... so this seems like the worst direction to put efforts towards...
18:50.50PenguinIf the PBX has FXO ports on it, I guess that could be used as an interface to asterisk.
18:51.23maelaianEspecially seeing as how CITEL probably has it figured out, and this system is very popular.. I would imagine there is some documentation atleast.
18:51.25PenguinI wouldn't want to do it, but you could put asterisk between the PBX and the PSTN.
18:51.40maelaian[TK]D-Fender, well, it elleviates my boredom.
18:51.49[TK]D-Fendermaelaian: Whatever floats your boat I guess....
18:51.51maelaianPenguin, Yea I was reading about such a setup with an identical pbx unit.
18:51.54RZeroJust a quick question. Is anyone aware of any issues between kamailio 3.3 and ast 1.8 ?
18:52.13maelaian[TK]D-Fender, displacement floats my boat.
18:52.59igcewielingmaelaian: you'll get little help from here.
18:53.26maelaiankk, figured if you interfaced with other pbxs may be known. But the ISDN tip is helpful.
18:53.27*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
18:54.19maelaianI can hookup my logic analyzer to the line and see what the deal is.
18:55.33igcewielingpeople generally don't interface Asterisk with other PBXs.
18:55.57PenguinGenerally, that's true, but they do do it.
18:56.12maelaianI saw quite a few mailing list topics on it, my exact unit, so I figured id ask the question.
18:56.30igcewielingPenguin: I call those people "the crazies" 8-)
18:57.15igcewielingThe last Nortel I tried that with would have required $4,000 worth of license keys just to allow ISDN PRI
18:57.45igcewielingsorry ISDN PRI as a tandem style connection rather than a PSTN type connection
18:58.29igcewielingIf you go with analog you'll often get "stuck" channels/calls
18:58.54shailender123WARNING[1949]: chan_skinny.c:6888 get_input: Skinny Client sent less data than expected.  Expected 4 but got 0
18:59.21shailender123Penguin - now i am trying to connect from my windows softphone but connection is failing
18:59.56shailender123tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      1808/asterisk
19:00.23shailender123i am connecting on 2000 and in which file i can bind asterisk port to 5060 with which parameter
19:01.16shailender123do i need to use SIP domain/realm  ( I am using Qutecom)
19:01.31igcewielingshailender123: Unless you are using some weird Cisco softphone you are NOT using the Skinny protocol.
19:02.20*** part/#asterisk nny (
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19:03.04igcewielingshailender123: perhaps you should start by reading the Asterisk Book.
19:03.06infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:14.34*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
19:15.11boom^timeFound a small bug the BackgroundDetect app doesn't support chaining audio files, ie en/silence/2&imacowboy/yeehaw/howdy_partner
19:17.50PenguinThat's interesting.
19:19.22boom^timeIt seems to be really lagged as well.
19:19.50boom^timeMeaning, if I say something to a backgrounddetect playback it will be like 2-3 seconds before it grabs the talk extension
19:21.42*** join/#asterisk smkelly (
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19:24.22PenguinThat's pretty lousy.
19:25.24boom^timeNo I think that last part is my fault.
19:25.37boom^timemisunderstand what the sil argument was doing
19:26.23PenguinIt's a little confusing at first.
19:27.40*** join/#asterisk pensmit (~pensmit@unaffiliated/pensmit)
19:28.16pensmitAnyone seen this /res/pjproject/version.mak: No such file or directory when doing a make install after menuselect?
19:35.19ChannelZ-WkSomething probably failed in your configure that you didn't notice, I'd guess.
19:36.08ChannelZ-WkDo you have uuid-dev installed?  I don't remember what the failure looked like when that's not on, besides chan_sip not being selectable to build
19:42.16*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
19:42.20igcewielingChannelZ-Wk I think file fixed that issue.
19:42.47*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
19:43.23pensmitI redownloaded asterisk and went back through the compilation and it seems to be working now.
19:43.27pensmitNot sure what happened.
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20:01.36igcewielingEvery time I see this in the Polycom phone firmware release notes I laugh "84975/84908 In the locked state, the phone no longer initiates the call to the emergency 911 upon off-hooking the handset twice in quick succession, i.e., 2 seconds"
20:16.29navaismoi never get attached to polycom phone's they boot like a 150 old year man run. I hate them a lot, but the quality of voice was nice.
20:17.45PenguinHow often do you really need to reboot phones, though?
20:18.51PenguinIf you only have to boot them up once every 3-8 months, does it really matter if it takes four minutes to boot up?
20:19.41PenguinSame for computers.  How often do you reboot a computer?  I vote for never, or at least as infrequently as possible.
20:20.01PenguinDoesn't matter if it takes five minutes to start up once every couple years.
20:20.21igcewielingnavaismo: modern firmwares boot much faster and do not require a reboot for most config changes
20:24.21[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:28.16*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (~Ice_Black@
20:28.29luceif I use the dial(console/alsa) command, how can I make sure the dial plan continues after the call is ended?
20:28.38luceright now it just hangs out in the console
20:33.27*** join/#asterisk j4jackj (
20:33.31navaismoPenguin, true about that
20:33.53navaismoigcewieling, since that time i never go back with polycom
20:34.13navaismoopted for aastra and others brands
20:34.41boom^timeI have a cisco 7940 that has a horrible power cord. If I bump it the wrong way it'l reboot.
20:35.06*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
20:35.17boom^timeIt takes like 5 mins to boot. It can be irritating when you really needed to answer that call and now you assume they are trying to call back but can't.
20:35.32boom^timeSo POE to the rescue.
20:35.41*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
20:37.32igcewielingor swap the phone with someone in the company authorized to spend the money to replace the phone
20:37.44boom^timeIt's my phone :\
20:38.04navaismoboom^time, i hate cisco 79XX phones
20:38.31navaismoin fact i hate everyone
20:38.48boom^timenavaismo, phones aren't people.
20:39.34navaismook, i hate all in this world(except my wife & childs)
20:39.46Penguinboom^time: Are you using SIP on the 7940?
20:39.51navaismoand the ice cream everybody loves ice cream
20:40.21PenguinIf you don't have a tftpd to offer up the configs, it'll take a whole lot longer to start up.
20:40.48igcewielingnavaismo except those who are lactose intollerant
20:40.58boom^timeDidn't realize that was the reason. I set one up for a provision before but I turned it down.
20:41.03boom^timeAfter the upgrade
20:41.07navaismoigcewieling,  yogurt ice cream
20:41.37PenguinIt'll take about three minutes without a tftpd or about 15 seconds with one.
20:41.53boom^timeGood to know.
20:41.59PenguinWithout tftpd, it has to wait for the timeout before it falls back to stored configs.
20:42.26*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
20:43.19navaismogoing for some ice cream
20:47.15hjfis there a way to set a default caller ID per peer? i'm sending SIP messages and they show up as "Unknown" sender
20:47.38hjfif i go into CSipSimple and set up a caller id for me, then i see the name i set
20:48.02navaismoor in the peer settings
20:48.37hjfnavaismo: what's the peer setting for this?
20:48.51hjfi'd like to have a default caller ID for the peer and let the user override it in his client if he wants
20:48.52igcewielinghjf: try reading sip.conf.sample sometime.
20:50.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:50.11igcewielingspecifically like 1381 (at least in my sip.conf.sample)
20:52.03navaismonever sorted the sip messaging using sipml5 & asterisk
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20:54.05navaismois that for me or a question?
20:54.34hjf1 sec
20:55.09igcewielingnavaismo: yes!
20:55.33hjfah.. it's the stupid csipsimple setting the "Unknown" name
20:55.37hjfFrom: "tablet" <sip:tablet@>
20:55.47navaismoigcewieling, +100
20:55.48hjfFrom: "Unknown" <sip:hjf@>
20:55.51*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
20:57.35navaismoi can't get this--->
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20:58.19hjfno wait, thats from the asterisk... f: <sip:hjf@>   vs   From: "tablet" <sip:tablet@>
20:59.54hjfpeer tablet has a "caller id" setting, set to  "tablet"
20:59.58hjfwhile hjf's is blank
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21:00.31*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
21:01.20hjfi'm trying to understand where will asterisk try to pick up the name or default to Unkown
21:01.20anonymouz666anyone already switched from 1.8 to ast 11? too much trouble? I know there is a file that shows what changes from version to version
21:01.46hjfanonymouz666: i just did today. then started asterisk -f and it spits out all warnings and errors to the screen
21:02.19anonymouz666dialplan errors?
21:02.25anonymouz666syntax I mean
21:02.38navaismoanonymouz666, many people did that already, you need to read the changelog. And about the "new" nat settings for sip
21:02.55anonymouz666nat settings is OK
21:03.16anonymouz666changes already read it, just wanted to know in the practise from who already did the upgrade
21:04.51anonymouz666from 1.8 to 11 it seems is easier than it was from 1.4 to 1.8
21:05.47anonymouz666hjf: what kind of errors did you have?
21:06.21navaismothen go update & try (and possible come back and cry)
21:10.30*** join/#asterisk Vann (
21:11.22anonymouz666navaismo: learning from others experience is also a good option. that's why history is important.
21:12.08[TK]D-Fender[17:01]anonymouz666anyone already switched from 1.8 to ast 11? too much trouble? I know there is a file that shows what changes from version to version <- lots of people.  No. Correct.
21:14.39navaismoanonymouz666, history which history? human kind, your life or country? Because clearly history really sucks in all topic, wars, no food, fallen in love, asterisk libuuid-dev, force_rport comedia etc etc
21:14.54navaismoso better use your experience or open a ticket
21:17.24*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-gwewlugcqtuouygm)
21:17.40anonymouz666never had any problems with libuuid-dev, rport or comedia.
21:18.31navaismoand if you review  the history of this IRC, you will find a lot of people bitching about libuuid-devel(including me)
21:18.55filewhich is why in the next 11 release it'll be an optional dependency...
21:20.48navaismobut break the ICE or something right?
21:21.11fileas it is a requirement for ICE/TURN support that functionality would not be available
21:21.46SuperNullhey guys on "sip show peer <peer>"
21:22.33SuperNullon sip show peer.. i see Expire which seems to be validly counting down but.. sess-expires .. shows a number 3 times larger than the expire time ? is that normal ?
21:22.48*** join/#asterisk coppice (
21:24.40anonymouz666expire has to do with registers. session timers is another configuration in SIP
21:25.14anonymouz666the idea is good, but the UAC has to support it.
21:25.42anonymouz666and you can't count that every client will support so is useless for me, but useful for other people.
21:26.57SuperNullgotcha. im working on a realtime issue where fullcontact disappears but the ATA believes its still within the registration period.. will probably look more into it on monday.
21:27.29FreeaqingmeWhat's the difference between asterisk 10 - standard and asterisk 10 -digiumphones ?
21:27.31anonymouz666why monday? you still have today and  tomorrow
21:28.41SuperNull5:30 on a friday. im already in over time..
21:28.51SuperNullif you wanna help i might stick around ;)
21:28.55SuperNullits 'random' ..
21:29.15SuperNullas in .. i poll the database every 2 seconds to check if fullcontact is cleared and it has no correlation with timing..
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22:03.41kukuI'm using Application: Bridge   and in that diaplan I use Playback(), but the sound plays only on the side of the asterisk extension, not on the call recepient...
22:10.37[TK]D-Fenderkuku: Your description is vague.  Show us the actual code & call.
22:10.54WIMPy1.5 calls
22:11.15ChannelZ-Wkyeah after the fact or when are you Playbacking?
22:11.27*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
22:12.04pensmitAnyone know why you can't do a sip show channelstats for digium phones?
22:13.16WIMPyBecause they don't do rtcp?
22:16.17anonymouz666channelstats uses rtcp information?
22:18.35WIMPyWhat else could it use?
22:23.52*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose_atD@nat/digium/x-jpcttcrgquidfexp)
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22:30.56anonymouz666WIMPy: its own rtp stack?
22:32.52WIMPyThat will obviousely only know onw half of the stats.
22:32.54igcewielinganonymouz666: also you can't do direct media if you want rtcp stats
22:34.54*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
22:35.03anonymouz666anyone out there is using direct media? :P
22:36.31anonymouz666WIMPy: make sense
22:38.41anonymouz666channelstats is handy but I would use tshark, i think it does a better job in rtp stats
22:39.37anonymouz666gotta go
22:48.39*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
22:55.50navaismohow can i know the IP of a peer via dialplan?
22:56.31igcewielingnavaismo: "core show function CHANNEL"
22:57.33navaismolet me see
23:02.21*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
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23:09.41igcewielingsame => n,Noop(CHANNEL(peerip)='${CHANNEL(peerip)}' CHANNEL(recvip)='${CHANNEL(recvip)}' CHANNEL(from)='${CHANNEL(from)}')
23:10.40navaismo[Sep  6 18:09:44] WARNING[17760][C-00000001]: func_channel.c:482 func_channel_read: Unknown or unavailable item requested: 'peerip'
23:10.54navaismolet me see my compiler flags

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