IRC log for #asterisk on 20130831

00:01.23*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~lmadsen@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
00:01.23*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
00:01.41[TK]D-FenderUnixDev: nope
00:03.02UnixDevis there some kind of workaround?
00:13.46[TK]D-FenderOf course
00:14.01[TK]D-FenderGo recode those parts of app_transfer yourself....
00:16.45j4jackjhi leifmadsen
00:17.08j4jackjI wonder if a Speex-based trunk is possible over a dialup link.
00:17.18j4jackjI've heard good about many encoders.
00:18.13j4jackjI wonder is MP3 will do the trick, mind you it's patent hell.
00:18.21j4jackjs/is /if/
00:19.06[TK]D-FenderMP3 is not a codec for realtime voice
00:19.29[TK]D-FenderAs for "dialup", it depends on the actual bandwidth available
00:19.38j4jackj'Dialup' here is 16000 baud
00:19.59[TK]D-FenderI can TYPE faster than that
00:20.25j4jackj2000 characters a second is very fast for typing. Yu're lieing.
00:20.42[TK]D-FenderI never said legibly....
00:20.42j4jackjI'm not saying 1600 baud, I'm saying 16,000 baud.
00:20.45[TK]D-Fenderbut that is just sad
00:21.03[TK]D-Fenderover "internet" as such.... gah
00:21.08j4jackjI have 'Broadband', aka ADSL.
00:21.32j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: the intent is to use it as a digital voice uplink for remote communities.
00:21.39j4jackjAfter a fashion.
00:21.56j4jackjI'm edging on the side of OPUS
00:22.00[TK]D-FenderHow does what you have relate to this "dialup" you're referring to?
00:22.02*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
00:22.04j4jackjBut it can't do real time, nor can Speex.
00:22.05*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
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00:22.28[TK]D-FenderADSL is a tehc, but not a specific speed either
00:22.36j4jackjI know that
00:22.43j4jackjADSL can take ages...
00:22.48wm_dominoyou all should know this user has been banned from ubuntu & nearly all of spotchat for trolling
00:23.16leifmadsendon't worry, we let trolls hang out here
00:23.31j4jackjI call anything with >10Mbps down and >1Mbps up broadband, below that is narrowband, and <64k both ways is dialup.
00:23.43j4jackjBit loose a definition
00:23.53[TK]D-FenderWell as long as you are writing your own dictionary....
00:23.57j4jackjBecause normal dialup links are 33.6k either way.
00:24.00[TK]D-FenderYou go right on
00:24.17j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: bt I'm not
00:24.27[TK]D-Fender[20:23]j4jackjI call anything with >10Mbps down and >1Mbps up broadband, below that is narrowband, and <64k both ways is dialup. <- just did
00:24.36[TK]D-Fenderwhat "you" call broadband is your own definition
00:24.52UnixDev[TK]D-Fender: is there some way to return ANY sip code provided the 1) the call is asterisk from asterisk's point of view and 2) the headers via SipAddHeader are added to the failure
00:25.06UnixDevcall in asterisk**
00:25.20UnixDevcall is ended from asterisk's ******
00:25.21[TK]D-FenderUnixDev: SIPAddHeader is ONLY for use with Dial()
00:25.41[TK]D-FenderUnixDev: All other avenues are null & void
00:26.17*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (~user@
00:26.40j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: can you maybe not use tab in what you say?
00:26.47j4jackjit shows up as ^I
00:26.53PenguinIsn't the bandwidth measured by the frequency range of the tech being used?  Cable modem used to be a narrowband technology, although it gave exceptional speeds.
00:27.08j4jackjPenguin: not when you get digital
00:27.36j4jackjPenguin: but analogly (is that even a word???) you are right.
00:29.03PenguinYour aDSL and my cable service are both analog, aren't they?
00:29.08*** part/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
00:29.50*** join/#asterisk micols (~t@
00:30.54j4jackjPenguin: Assymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
00:31.12j4jackjcable is digital, modulated to analogue as all things have to be
00:31.16j4jackjAs is DSL
00:31.21j4jackjAnd Fidonet
00:31.26j4jackjAnd UUCP
00:31.31j4jackjAnd 56k
00:33.08ChannelZI was doing UUCP before the Internet was cool
00:33.35[TK]D-FenderSame with FidoNet here
00:34.16j4jackjDid I catch you out?
00:34.16ChannelZI never did Fido because of the cost of LD calls
00:34.31PenguinI just saw something that amused me.
00:34.31j4jackjChannelZ: why? you missed out, like me, on all the fun.
00:34.38j4jackjPenguin: how?
00:35.08PenguinCall from 'name-private' ( to extension '9' rejected because extension not found in context 'phones'.
00:35.33PenguinGoofy people thinking "9" is some magical phone number.
00:36.19j4jackjI should design the most stupid reverse bang path.
00:36.31j4jackjIt would use a |, not a !.
00:37.11ChannelZold thinking.. hoping for "an outside line"
00:37.24j4jackjAn address would be: user!phone-number1!phone-number2!phonenumber3!
00:40.28j4jackjDid tinternet just assplode?
00:42.00PenguinI can't stand the whole "9" thing, so when I write a dialplan, I make it so that you just dial whatever number you really want to reach.  If the number doesn't start with 9, there is no reason to dial the 9 first.
00:43.50leifmadsenthere is zero reason to use '9' on an asterisk system
00:44.08PenguinMy thoughts exactly.
00:44.25leifmadsenunless you are replacing an old phone system and need to add it as a backward compatibility for user interface
00:44.33PenguinI was reviewing a log file and saw that.  I got a chuckle out of it.
00:44.48*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
00:46.24PenguinI've had this one installed/running in that office for a year and a half.  It also surprised me to see that in the log today.
00:46.34PenguinMaybe they had someone new trying to use the phone.
00:47.07leifmadsenor someone from outside the company
00:47.14leifmadsentrying to borrow a phone :)
00:47.24PenguinThere's no telling.
00:48.22*** join/#asterisk SGjunior (
00:48.40*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
00:48.51SGjuniorHey Guys, launched my first server in a pe
00:49.54Meawin a pee? that was quick
00:50.05SGjuniorAn enterprise envrionment today. 500 calls were routed properly and non were dropped :). Just wanted to thank everyone who helped me along, and everyone who contributed to this amazing project!
00:52.02*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
00:54.54j4jackjDoes anyone here use UUCP?
01:03.20*** join/#asterisk russum (
01:07.20leifmadsensippy_cup is alive!
01:12.11*** join/#asterisk SGjunior (
01:17.52WIMPyj4jackj: I just patched my rmail. Does that count?
01:18.12*** part/#asterisk russum (
01:23.43*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:56.01PenguinI will certainly be happy when they get hulu on the chromecast.  I'm tired of youtube videos and I'm ready to move on to normal shows.
02:02.57*** join/#asterisk iTrojan (~Adium@
02:09.23*** part/#asterisk iTrojan (~Adium@
02:12.15*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (~andrewyag@
02:39.25j4jackjWIMPy: hehee
02:41.55*** join/#asterisk JoshBudde (
02:48.44*** join/#asterisk soy_el_pulpo (~soy_el_pu@
02:51.01j4jackjzz_repat: hello!
03:05.54*** join/#asterisk JoshBudde (
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05:04.24j4jackjWould Asterisk be useful in an fsk-over-
05:04.30j4jackjWould Asterisk be useful in an fsk-over-VoIP thing?
05:05.41ChannelZI don't even know what that means.
05:14.43j4jackjever done time | echo ?
05:28.01*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
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06:08.25*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
06:21.18*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
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07:39.36*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
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07:43.11j4jackjChannelZ: heh
07:50.28*** join/#asterisk izbushka (~izbushka_@
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13:06.15*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:08.50*** join/#asterisk SirLagz (
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13:16.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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14:20.37*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
14:22.34*** join/#asterisk carbinemonoxide (carbine@SDF.ORG)
14:23.17carbinemonoxideI've been having some issues with my Asterisk + GV setup.
14:35.11*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
14:36.00*** join/#asterisk carbinemonoxide (
14:36.31carbinemonoxideAnyone around?
14:53.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
15:03.06*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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15:44.32*** join/#asterisk enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
15:44.38enochi have a question
15:45.24enochi have a fxs output that works but doesn't make the phones ring
15:45.29*** join/#asterisk Papierkorb (~papierkor@
15:46.03PapierkorbHi, I was wondering if there is a method which allows you to use a android phone as gateway, which Asterisk could use to make and receive calls?
15:52.24PapierkorbWIMPy: interesting, thanks!
15:57.39*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
16:03.27[TK]D-Fenderenoch: what FXO interface?  show us configs and the call attempt
16:03.30infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:05.57carbinemonoxideI have followed the tutorial on
16:06.07carbinemonoxideI can register my SIP client on my server
16:06.19carbinemonoxideBut for some reason I cannot make or receive calls via Google Voice
16:08.18enoch[TK]D-Fender: is an FXS interface on a TDM410P using DAHDI driver, he recieves the call and asterisk says that interface is ringing but the phone doesn't ring
16:10.01enoch[TK]D-Fender: but if u can still answere the call
16:11.09enochafter some tests it seems the FXS module is broken...
16:12.18WIMPyIs the power supply ok?
16:24.39*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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16:29.34ticklemeozmothere's plenty of places you could have an issue with.  1) anything motif/xmpp/rtp related in the logs? 2) did you setup your outbound trunk correctly? 3) login/password for gv correct?
16:32.57carbinemonoxideWhat would be the easiest way to debug this?
16:34.58*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
16:43.12ticklemeozmohard to say, the EASIEST way could be using a third party config program, one example would be FreePBX, but if you don't have it already, it's just another bumpy road.
16:45.03enochWIMPy: yes the power supply is ok, we checked it two times
16:45.04ticklemeozmojump into the console, enter in xmpp set debug on and wait for some keep-alive messages. that could prove that it's connected.
16:47.38[TK]D-Fenderthat is certainly not the easiest way to debug anything.
16:49.11*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash1 (b4ea7223@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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20:51.47apb1963carbinemonoxide: First step is to go to your google voice page and confirm you can make outgoing calls from there.
20:53.29apb1963carbinemonoxide: Then call your GV number and confirm that asterisk is actually receiving the call.   Doing these two things will help you isolate whether it's a GV issue or something wrong with your asterisk setup.... or both.
20:54.25ChannelZAnd the next step is to pout when Google finally decides to close down the XMPP
20:55.08apb1963carbinemonoxide: Also confirm that the motif module is loaded....
20:55.41apb1963ChannelZ: Google is a slow moving behometh.  They may not shut it down for years to come, there's no way to know.
20:57.43apb1963But I'll be at the top of the pouting list when that day comes... I'll probably even cry.
20:58.03apb1963in fact, I'm sniffling now
20:58.06apb1963just thinking about it
20:59.19ChannelZwalks around the snot
20:59.22apb1963speaking of sniffeling.. I wonder what ever happened to Mr. Snuffleupagiss
20:59.42j4jackjapb1963: Shellow!
20:59.53apb1963who's shallow?
20:59.55ChannelZHe got killed for the meat
21:00.04j4jackjIt's another way of saying hello.
21:00.06ChannelZBest. Burger. EVAR.
21:00.24apb1963Nah, he was too old... would have been a gamey burger
21:00.26j4jackjapb1963: my conference bridge is back up and running
21:00.50apb1963I didn't know it was down
21:01.08apb1963I should set one of those up
21:01.15j4jackjapb1963: it was down when my mum nearly killed me
21:01.26*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
21:01.30ChannelZYou call it old, I call it "well aged"
21:01.33j4jackjI did manage to get the systems back up.
21:01.35apb1963but you killed her instead.  Where did you hide the body?
21:01.58apb1963I like my meat well cooked, but fresh.
21:02.09j4jackjapb1963: I didn't kill her. She got all childish and I retaliated, getting hurt in the process.
21:02.33apb1963In fact, someone I used to know had a rabbit farm and we used to BBQ every weekend
21:02.41apb1963Freshest meat you could ever have
21:02.41j4jackjapb1963: The scourge of your writing is double spacing. I find it disturbing.
21:03.00apb1963When you threw one on the grill, the heart was still beating.  It doesn't get any fresher!
21:03.23apb1963I don't double space.
21:03.40j4jackjYou kind of do.  Like this. Not like this.
21:03.50apb1963Oh you mean after periods?
21:04.20j4jackjYour typing teacher taught you that? It's not right at all, typists have been known to say
21:04.23apb1963Go read up on the history of double spacing after periods
21:04.34j4jackjIt's completely wrong and has been for ages
21:04.42ChannelZI will put as many.    God damn.    Spaces in as I please
21:04.47apb1963That's your uninformed opinion.
21:04.57apb1963You tell him ChannelZ!
21:04.58j4jackjThat        is         just                     annoying.
21:05.26apb1963No j4jackj, your typing is annoying.  ChannelZ put exactly as many as made sense.
21:05.29j4jackjSingle spacing wastes less paper, and in this digital world we need to save the trees.
21:05.52ChannelZSorry you're OCD but there's no need to drag the rest of us down with you.
21:05.55j4jackjepic facepaws
21:06.09apb1963Now if you said that electrons cost money, I would agree and you might have an argument.
21:06.19j4jackjThey kind of do...
21:06.26apb1963Who's OCD?
21:06.36j4jackjHe's insulting me.
21:06.41j4jackjInsinuating at that.
21:06.42apb1963What do you mean "kind of" ?  You think electricity is free?
21:06.49j4jackjIt isn't
21:07.34ChannelZI'll pay the extra $0.0000000000000000001 for the extra spaces here and there.
21:07.58j4jackjapb1963: I think we shall discuss this in voice chat. There we would be free of the scourge of double spacing. I was taught in Europe (specifically the UK) and I only ever single spaced. I was never told different.
21:08.01ChannelZI'll write you a check in a couple of centuries.
21:08.09j4jackjI was never told explicitly to single space either.
21:08.13ChannelZWhat if he pauses too long between sentences?
21:08.24ChannelZYou gonna complain about that as well?
21:08.29j4jackjNot really...
21:08.44j4jackjIt's that double spacing is a waste of 8 bits.
21:09.19ChannelZand at 64kbits silence is even more wasteful.
21:09.44pbxbrianChannelZ: if its done properly it will use very little bandwidth
21:10.16j4jackjBut singlespacing just makes sense, especially if you use proportional typefaces (I don't). There should be a UTF-8 character (preferably one byte) that looks like two spaces.
21:10.23*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
21:10.24ChannelZ"very little" > 1 byte, the point of this absurd conversation
21:10.57j4jackjSorry, bit of a hobgoblin of mine.
21:11.25lanningthen you must really hate DOS formated text
21:11.48j4jackjYou know that newlined me rather than displaying \n
21:12.13ChannelZWhat ghetto IRC client are you using?
21:12.33j4jackjTry typing echos=echos\nghettos=ghettos
21:12.38ChannelZor ircii or whatever that console thing was called
21:12.49j4jackjIt has trigger support
21:15.28j4jackjI've fixed my newline trigger.
21:16.28j4jackjI got pwned
21:16.38j4jackj4 lines showed up
21:16.58lanningwow, really fixed...
21:17.04j4jackjCan someone type \nghettos=echos\nlemons=oranges ?
21:17.30j4jackjChannelZ: that was flooding
21:17.35j4jackjlanning: that was OK
21:17.48j4jackjit worked...
21:18.32PenguinHow come no one ever bitched about my spaces after ending punctuation?  I do this every day and no one says a thing.
21:18.51PenguinBut, of course, we've all been typing this way since before you were born.  Know what I mean?
21:19.06lanningI grew up with two spaces after the end of a sentence.
21:19.14PenguinExactly.  We all did.
21:19.15j4jackjPenguin: and? the right way today is not the same as the right way 25 years ago.
21:19.18ChannelZI Wonder What He Has To Say About Capping Every Word?  I Used To Do That A Long Time Ago
21:19.22lanningA friend of mine, grew up with no spaces after the end.
21:19.25j4jackjChannelZ: insanity
21:20.02j4jackjCan't we just all settle on a double slash as a sentence end?/Would make things a whole lot easier!/
21:20.02PenguinWhAt If I StArT TyPiNg ThIs WaY AlL ThE TiMe?
21:20.22PenguinSuReLy ThIs Is MoRe AnNoYiNg ThAn A FeW ExTrA SpAcEs.
21:20.34j4jackjCheck out the Slate article on double spacing
21:20.37ChannelZHELLS YEAH!
21:20.41j4jackjTHAT IS SHOUTING
21:20.59j4jackjStop it now, it's getting really annoying//
21:21.00lanningWHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!
21:21.00PenguinO-O-Or w-w-what i-i-if I t-t-type i-i-in s-s-stutter m-m-mode?
21:21.08j4jackjSTOP IT
21:21.13PenguinI-I-Is t-t-this b-b-better?
21:22.18j4jackjPenguin: That's actually quite funny//
21:22.46Penguin?uoy ot ynnuf eb llits taht dluoW ?redro esrever ni yas ot tnaw I gnihtyreve epyt I fi tahW
21:22.59ChannelZSo, new rule for #asterisk:  double spaces after punctuation,  and random symbols at the ends of lines. $$
21:23.20Penguinamanap lanac a nalp a nam a
21:23.59j4jackjRule overridden. Punctuation mark followed by slash, and no space after the slash, except instead of ./ you have // //So please don't wind me up.
21:25.21ChannelZponders lunch
21:25.30PenguinI h-h-had h-h-hot p-p-pockets.
21:25.48PenguinA-A-And a-a-also i-i-iced t-t-tea.
21:26.10lanningI guess the iced tea was toooo coooollldddd
21:26.13PenguinT-T-The b-b-brown d-d-dog j-j-jumped o-o-over t-t-the r-r-red f-f-fox.
21:26.23PenguinH-H-How m-m-much w-w-wood c-c-could a w-w-woodchuck c-c-chuck i-i-if a w-w-woodchuck c-c-could c-c-chuck w-w-wood?
21:26.45ChannelZThat's like how Anderson from Beavis & Butthead would type, I imagine.
21:26.53lanningoff to play airport taxi...
21:27.17PenguinYrg'f frr ubj guvf jbexf bhg. [rot13]
21:27.20Penguinunun [rot13]
21:27.21apb1963I have in fact read the slate garbage.... and you should read the above link which offers a historical perspective based on facts, not guesswork.  You can also read
21:27.36Penguinuggc://jjj.urenpyvgrnaevire.pbz/?c=324 [rot13]
21:28.47PenguinThat's right.
21:29.09j4jackjPlease don't do that
21:29.14PenguinWWhhyy  nnoott??
21:29.38PenguinII  tthhoouugghhtt  iitt  wwaass  aammuussiinngg  ttoo  rroott1133  tthhaatt  UURRLL..
21:29.49j4jackjPLEASE don't do that.
21:30.02PenguinII  wwiillll  cceerrttaaiinnllyy  ttaakkee  yyoouurr  ssuuggggeessttiioonn  uunnddeerr  aaddvviisseemmeenntt..
21:30.14j4jackjSTOP IT
21:30.19ChannelZ이건 정말 그 마음을 날려 버릴 것입니다.
21:30.21j4jackjPenguin: plonk
21:30.50apb1963To those of you (j4jackj) that insist on single spacing.... I have to ask, whynotsimplyeliminateallspaces?  Thepurposeofthedoublespaceistomakeiteasiertodifferentiateonesentencefromanother.Singlespacingmakesithardtotellwhereonesentencestartsandthenextbegins.
21:30.56PenguinI don't even know what that is supposed to mean.
21:31.11*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
21:31.16ChannelZHe meant you are a poor quality wine.
21:31.31j4jackjapb1963: Single spacing is just as easy to understand as double, and your argument, due to the lack of spaces, is invalid.
21:31.36PenguinI don't even like wine.  I am so very offended.
21:32.22ChannelZplease /join #stylebooknazis and let the rest of us live our lives
21:32.40*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
21:33.15PenguinThere are perfectly valid grammatical complaints.  This one about spacing after ending punctuation, however, isn't really all that important.
21:34.14PenguinFor example, the one about helping your Uncle Jack off a horse.  Very important to capitalize.
21:36.29apb1963I don't have an Uncle Jack.  I used to have an Uncle Joe, but he passed away.  And I didn't know him very well, but I don't think he had a horse.
21:36.53PenguinThat's [un]fortunate.
21:37.36apb1963I do remember that one of the very few times we went to visit him, he managed to burn the meat.
21:38.05j4jackjChannelZ: please take in to #ijustwanttbeacrybaby and leave us real *s alone.
21:38.16PenguinHmm.  I wonder how he feels about the Oxford comma.
21:38.30apb1963Uncle Joe?
21:38.49apb1963He was a photographer I believe..... I doubt he cared about commas.
21:38.54PenguinI wonder how j4jackj feels about the Oxford comma.
21:39.03apb1963you'd have to ask him
21:39.05[TK]D-Fender[17:34]PenguinFor example, the one about helping your Uncle Jack off a horse. Very important to capitalize. <- clearly beating a dead horse...
21:39.15*** join/#asterisk russum (
21:39.33ChannelZI beat squirrels
21:39.42apb1963Wow... I didn't even notice the entendres
21:39.51apb1963Until you pointed it out of course.
21:40.30j4jackjRed whine//Red red whine
21:40.50PenguinBloody tears?
21:45.06j4jackj'Sincerely, the daily UUCP daemon.'
21:46.22*** part/#asterisk russum (
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21:58.20RaNadoes anyone know of software i use to click and call from browser to my desk phone
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22:21.38[TK]D-FenderRaNa: And simple web-script that uses AMI/call-files, etc will do
22:21.46[TK]D-FenderRaNa: Very petty job to make
22:23.22*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
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22:31.45*** join/#asterisk plut0 (
22:40.11plut0having trouble sending a call from Asterisk to a pap2t device. I see this in the log, WARNING[3260]: translate.c:206 framein: no samples for ulawtolin
22:40.34plut0then asterisk gets this response, Got SIP response 486 "Busy Here" back from
22:40.40plut0any ideas?
22:40.48PenguinThe device is busy.
22:41.05plut0if i call on my android phone, it works fine
22:41.14plut0if i call on my iphone, it fails with this above
22:41.42plut0some kind of codec issue maybe?
22:42.52plut0just tried again from my android phone, it works there
22:44.00plut0found this online, no samples for ulawtolin -> you are trying to use an invalid audio codec
22:51.45*** join/#asterisk plut0 (
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23:01.47plut0any idea how to fix?
23:02.33ChannelZWell show us your config or a SIP debug of the attempted call
23:03.18ChannelZThe pap2 seems to be configured/limited to a weird codec from the sounds of it
23:03.48plut0ok let me check that
23:04.37plut0pap2t set to g711u preferred, but not limited to this codec
23:04.58*** join/#asterisk echi (~echi@
23:08.21ChannelZactually that's not a codec error per se, it's something lower level than that
23:08.29plut0oh yeah?
23:09.24*** part/#asterisk Brand3n (~Unknown@unaffiliated/brand3n)
23:16.35ChannelZwell it's like you're getting RTP frames but they are empty.
23:17.16ChannelZDoes the PAP2 do silence suppression?  But as far as the call not completing in the first place no idea.. again, need to see a sip debug to even start guessing
23:17.20PenguinI'm still waiting to see the configs and debug that you requested.
23:26.41plut0looks like the call is answering but i can't hear anything on the other end
23:28.21plut0RTP issue?
23:30.22ChannelZseems like
23:30.29plut0or NAT issue
23:30.58ChannelZwell one causing the other.. they tend to be related
23:51.53*** join/#asterisk BarthezZ (
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