IRC log for #asterisk on 20130829

00:00.28*** join/#asterisk dongola7 (
00:03.27*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
00:04.50j4jackjChannelZ: heh
00:04.59j4jackjChannelZ: I'm in big trouble
00:05.12navaismook here is my stupid question of the day: I have the permit= and deny= on a peer
00:05.15j4jackjChannelZ: did you attempt to call?
00:05.20WIMPyWe know.
00:05.24WIMPyBut you don;t know why.
00:05.27ChannelZI did call
00:05.28j4jackjnavaismo: too many .s and 0s
00:05.38navaismoso any peer of should athenticate right?
00:05.48j4jackjAsterisk sucks
00:05.55ChannelZno, your config sucks
00:05.58navaismo4 in the real config i got excited
00:06.27ChannelZnavaismo: eh?
00:06.37navaismo4 zeros in the real config
00:06.40j4jackjChannelZ: that is what I meant, but my config is all fine...
00:06.47ChannelZObviously it is not fine
00:07.22ChannelZnavaismo: oh I see.  Well yes except for that, what you said seems right
00:07.29Penguin<navaismo> so any peer of should athenticate right?      <---- No.  It only means that there is an ACL that allows that subnet to have the ability to authenticate.  If your stuff is configured to authenticate or even allow authentication or request authentication is another matter.
00:07.52ChannelZI knew someone would say that
00:10.06PenguinAnd I think the order of deny and permit is critical.
00:10.17Penguindeny everything first, then permit some things.
00:10.53navaismohmm i see the issue then
00:11.11PenguinI could have made that part up, but it seems like that's how it works.
00:11.20*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
00:11.24j4jackjChannelZ: pastebin of my local and extern:
00:11.33PenguinI'm trying to have my supper or I would look it up in the book.
00:12.58PenguinAre you using all three of those subnets in your network where asterisk resides?
00:13.06navaismoso the table of sippeers its wrong? it has first the permit and then the deny
00:13.44PenguinYou'll have to consult the manual about that.  Like I mentioned, I could have made up the part about the order being critical.
00:13.53j4jackjPenguin: no, only 192.168.1.x
00:14.10PenguinConsider correctly defining your local network rather than everything.
00:14.30navaismonope Penguin you are right moving the deny row above the permit row and it work
00:14.49navaismosomeone need to chage the order in the contrib folder
00:16.06*** join/#asterisk dongola7 (
00:18.19*** join/#asterisk dongola7 (
00:19.12ChannelZj4jackj: did you go back to binding to your ipv6 address or something?
00:19.31j4jackjChannelZ: yes I did, for a lark
00:19.42PenguinIt would be extremely helpful if he'd paste his entire general section from sip.conf.
00:19.55ChannelZif by "lark" you mean "so it won't work right" then mission accomplished
00:19.57j4jackjI can paste my entire sip.conf
00:20.23ChannelZ(which someone else would have to tell you if it's a design limitation or a bug)
00:20.26PenguinIf you want to know why it doesn't work right, that would be a good start to getting it figured out.
00:20.27j4jackj141 lines
00:21.02PenguinAre you trying to run SIP over TCP?
00:21.07j4jackjNope, UDp
00:21.25j4jackjTCP is in there because it can go through firewalls if needs absolutely must
00:21.30PenguinThen turn tcpenable back off.
00:21.45j4jackjWhy? Could that be the source of my NATnightmare?
00:21.49ChannelZI already figured this out once, it's the udpbindaddr
00:21.51PenguinUDP can go right through firewalls the same way.
00:22.12j4jackjOK, I've done it...?
00:22.19ChannelZFor whatever reason it breaks * being able to figure out what is LAN and what is not and lie to the outside world.
00:22.40*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-knhbynqveqbevfta)
00:22.52PenguinThose three allow lines for codecs... the second and third are totally useless.  The first one is allow=all, so the others don't matter.
00:22.57j4jackjSo maybe I should have two UDPbindaddrs, one UDPv6 at 5080 and one UDPv4 at 5060, no?
00:23.09j4jackjPenguin: I was giving a preference order
00:23.09ChannelZyou can't have 2
00:23.19j4jackjIt will prefer G722
00:23.20PenguinAnd SIP is 5060.  Remember that.
00:23.31apb1963dammit... I knew the answer to the deny/permit question.  Late again, missed my chance :(
00:23.36j4jackjPenguin: and? I can run it on a wrong port if I want
00:23.45PenguinNo one else will connect to you if you do.
00:23.52PenguinJust sayin'.
00:24.45j4jackjDone the UDPv4 conversion from 6
00:24.53PenguinYou are already allowing all codecs.  How is the order of the other two going to define a preference?
00:25.20j4jackjMuh.... I have a weird way of working
00:25.54PenguinAlso, all the insecure settings with type=friend are pretty pointless.
00:26.13j4jackjNot if they are SIP softphones
00:26.17apb1963You're like an old girlfriend I had... she refused to follow the recipe and then couldn't understand why the apple pie wasn't very good
00:26.22PenguinNot requiring authentication in the invite all cause the username to never be checked.  It's pointless.
00:26.42PenguinYou don't need to have insecure at all.
00:27.01PenguinIf you want them to auth, and you should want it, then remove the insecure settings.
00:27.03j4jackjChannelZ: you are not heard
00:27.37ChannelZI'm not saying anything.
00:27.55apb1963And doing a mighty fine job of it apparently
00:28.08ChannelZNow I (sort of) am
00:28.18j4jackjphone phroaked
00:28.38apb1963sort of?  Using catspeak or something?
00:28.41PenguinThe ekiga peer... you're demanding them to send a password to authenticate calls TO you, but then set insecure invites.  Duh.  No point again.
00:29.56PenguinAnd I would encourage you to update your old stale canreinvite settings to the more current directmedia setting.
00:30.09ChannelZthe auth would be used for outgoing. There's no problem with that.
00:30.25ChannelZ(though I don't know how ekiga works)
00:30.53PenguinThe proper setting for outgoing auth only would be remotesecret, not secret.  Then the insecure invite isn't necessary.
00:32.16*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
00:32.18ChannelZhrrm. is * 11 doing the Skype firewall trick now?
00:32.39PenguinMost ITSPs don't seem to auth calls to you, but if ekiga does, leave secret alone and stop bypassing the auth with the insecure invites.
00:35.23j4jackjWhat 'Skype firewall trick'?
00:35.39j4jackjI've disabled insecure (I think)
00:36.08PenguinDeletion of the line would be best.
00:36.22j4jackjI've commented it out
00:36.30j4jackjusing ;
00:36.32PenguinThat'll suffice.
00:38.26PenguinRegarding your softphone comment... Just so you know, the fact that the phone is software isn't relevant as far as authentication is concerned.  Software phones authenticate just like hard phones authenticate.
00:40.14j4jackjapb1963: want to call the conference room?
00:44.18PenguinNext question.
00:44.31PenguinWhy is everything a friend instead of a peer?
00:45.27j4jackjBecause I want to allow both incoming and outgoing calls from them.
00:45.35Penguinpeer does that, too, you know.
00:45.49j4jackjhuh? never heard
00:45.53Penguinuser is the only type that only allows inbound to asterisk.
00:46.04PenguinA type of friend just uses more memory.
00:46.36PenguinNot that it is so significant that you're going to run out, but the fact is still a fact.
00:47.41PenguinAt least that's how it used to be.  I haven't heard that the way friend works has been changed.
00:48.39PenguinI'm not insisting that you change it; I was only wondering why you chose friend instead of peer.
00:53.42carrarpeer doesn't challenge invites
00:54.09PenguinWhy not?
00:54.30PenguinOr, rather, what makes you say that?
00:54.50carrardoes it?
00:55.18PenguinA peer still needs to authenticate if a secret is set and if insecure invite is not set.
00:55.46PenguinThe matching is done by IP, but the authentication is still done with the name and secret.
01:06.38carrarmaybe it was that way AGES ago
01:06.54carrarI stand corrected :)
01:14.34carraryeah I just traced all those, not sure why I was thinking they weren't
01:15.13carrarperhaps its the flu
01:15.24carrarand all this green slim coming out of my nose
01:16.22*** join/#asterisk TeknoJuce (~TeknoJuce@xbmc/staff/TeknoJuce)
01:18.37TeknoJuceHi, what settings in asterisk would cause calling from a sip soft phone on android's speaker to not receive any sound but the mic to work and I can hear it on the landline I can also see the audio bars in the sip client and just the mic one is jumping around but not the speaker when I talk in the landline I called.
01:23.02j4jackjcheck your client settings
01:23.41TeknoJuceany suggestion on which one?
01:23.46TeknoJucecodecs or something
01:24.39*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:28.33TeknoJuceI know the speaker is on because it makes the ringing sound
01:29.19j4jackjTeknoJuce: now check your server settings
01:31.10j4jackjAre codecs set to allow=all?
01:40.18PenguinI would hope not.
01:40.28PenguinCodecs should be set to those that you actually want your devices to use.
01:40.33*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
01:40.43Penguin'all' is rarely appropriate for your device.
01:41.01*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
01:44.51*** join/#asterisk blehxor (~blehxor@
01:49.22*** join/#asterisk camerin (
01:49.39igcewielingallow=all is NEVER appropriate
01:50.01pabelangerdisallow=!all is better
01:50.24igcewielingTeknoJuce: if something is different between speaker and non-speaker on your softphone, then issue is with the softphone, not Asterisk.
01:50.32PenguinHow is disallowing nothing better than allowing everything?
01:55.15TeknoJuceI have ulaw, alaw, g722, speex
01:58.06igcewielingit is seldom useful to allow both ulaw and alaw unless you have customers in a different law-land
01:59.35PenguinFor the general setting, I might consider allowing both, but for a peer I would set only the codec(s) that peer will use.  It will never be both pcm a and u codecs.
02:03.14TeknoJuceusing google voice so would ulaw be the preference?
02:03.33PenguinFor the google peer?  Yes.
02:05.20TeknoJuceso I have no idea whats wrong
02:06.55TeknoJucein the android sip client I have PCMU 8 khz and PCMA 8 kHz checked
02:07.23PenguinYou don't need both.  Set only the codec you want to use.
02:07.52PenguinIn NA, most people use only ulaw.  In some other regions, they'll use alaw.
02:08.43igcewielingTeknoJuce: sounds like a NAT issue, or you are on Verizon 4G
02:09.02igcewielingalso try a different sip client
02:09.05TeknoJucestill nothing just slecting only one
02:09.17TeknoJuceIm on wifi igcewieling
02:09.28igcewielingthen you have a NAT problem.
02:09.52TeknoJuceso should I turn NAT to NO
02:10.01TeknoJuceto make it NO problem :/
02:10.11igcewielingTeknoJuce: Is your Asterisk server behind NAT?
02:10.25PenguinI didn't see the description of device and asterisk locations.
02:10.45igcewielingPenguin: neither did I, but if he isn't using Asterisk I'll just put him on /ignore.
02:10.55TeknoJuceasterisk is plugged into a 2wire wireless route
02:11.03TeknoJuceand the phone is connected to its wireless
02:11.14igcewielingTeknoJuce: on the SAME LAN?
02:11.25TeknoJuceyes sir
02:11.35igcewielingput the sip debug of a failed call on pastebin
02:11.36infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
02:14.44*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:26.05*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
02:36.12TeknoJuceI'll try something other than csipsimple first
02:36.19TeknoJuceas suggested
02:38.26igcewielingWhen you said "android client" I thought you meant a built in android client.
02:38.54igcewielingcsipsimple does work with Asterisk, though a few people have reported minor issues with wideband codecs.
02:39.26igcewielingeither you didn't tell us or I didn't scroll back far enough.
02:40.36*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
02:41.18TeknoJuceso tried both csipsimple and zoiper both same issue
02:42.24*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
02:42.58TeknoJuceSo I turned off the STUN server and it worked
02:43.15TeknoJucewhich I believe is related to fixing NAT issues as suggested
02:43.27TeknoJucenot sure why turning it off helps
02:43.35PenguinBecause you don't need STUN.
02:44.06TeknoJucewhat a stunner
02:44.24j4jackjIf you are both behind the same nat, it means you need to stop the stun
02:45.00PenguinIf you are behind different NATs, you still don't need STUN.
02:46.09TeknoJucebeauty works on both clients now not sure why that would be turned on as default in zoiper
02:46.13j4jackjPenguin: honestly, you often do.
02:46.15TeknoJucethanks for your help
02:46.19Penguinusually never.
02:46.30j4jackjPenguin: ...
02:47.31j4jackj* FTW
02:48.01PenguinAsk most of the people here who actually configure asterisk and NATs.  They rarely use STUN.
02:48.07j4jackjShould I make an Asterisk Logo crop circle (with permission from the farmer of course)
02:48.29j4jackjI don't use STUN either. Frankly STUN, I don't give a darn. :D
02:52.51igcewielingWhen using Asterisk you need to disable all other NAT traversal methods and use Asterisk's NAT traversal methods or it won't work right.
02:53.43*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
02:54.40j4jackjigcewieling: sy what you mean! :D
02:57.01*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:06.03*** join/#asterisk dongola7 (
03:15.26ChannelZj4jackj: the Skype firewall trick is you send a bogus packet to the remote end on the port number you actually want to receive return traffic from them on.
03:15.46j4jackja bogon if you shall
03:17.34ChannelZI wondered because earlier I just turned off the port forwarding on my box at work but everything still worked.
03:18.18ChannelZanyway back in a bit.. putting in a new graphics card..
03:18.35PenguinI recommend power off first.
03:41.04*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
03:41.55*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
03:50.28*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
03:58.34*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-xccyoiirwezlabag)
04:07.35*** join/#asterisk BAK0z (
04:11.12BAK0zHi there - I work for a hosted PBX company that uses Asterisk. As part of the security laws in Australia we need to be able to act on requests for phone taps - basically will need to forward the live audio stream of a call to an external number. I've had a look at ChanSpy but it seems more for just listening in on calls - does anybody have suggestions on how to achieve this requirement?
04:14.42PenguinChanSpy is exactly for spying on calls.
04:15.21PenguinYou can connect the ChanSpy to an external phone number, though.
04:16.07PenguinIt can quickly be done with channel originate from the CLI or via AMI.
04:17.12PenguinYou can also use ChanSpy to record the audio of a call.
04:18.32BAK0zMy understanding is you'd still need to activate Chanspy manually - what I'd like to achieve is when/if(?) we receive a request for a number to monitored, we can configure it such that any calls made to/from the extension(s) automatically have their live audio stream forwarded to the provided external number
04:19.46PenguinThere's no way to automatically do it.  SOMETHING has to trigger it.  The rest of it could be done programmatically, but the initiation of it has to be caused by some action.
04:20.06PenguinYour sense of automatic sounds like the PBX would need to be psychic.
04:20.12j4jackjLike a police backdoor?
04:20.55PenguinYou can program it to do everything with one click, but you're still going to have to program it.
04:21.37BAK0zcan the initation be caused by sending/receiving a call?
04:21.58j4jackjJust make sure the police have a special DID for wiretaps
04:22.47PenguinThat could work.  The cops call the special phone number, enter in some authentication credentials, enter in the phone number they are needing to spy on, and the rest is sirens and flashing lights.
04:23.39BAK0zOh - sorry, I wasn't aiming for that level of automation. Ideally, they forward us a request, and we make a change to the required extensions so that incoming/outgoing calls have their audio forwarded to the external number
04:24.12PenguinIt's all very simple.  It is all performed in dial plan or on CLI/AMI.
04:24.26BAK0zIf that's doable with Chanspy (via channel originate, you said?) I'll go back and look at it more closely - the Chanspy page on the asterisk wiki didn't indicate it had that functionality
04:24.53PenguinFrom the asterisk CLI, run "core show application ChanSpy" and read the instructions.
04:25.03BAK0zthanks a lot for your help!
04:25.08PenguinBut that is precisely what ChanSpy is for.
04:25.12PenguinSpying on a channel.
04:25.45BAK0zthe forwarding to an external number was my hangup (no pun intended)
04:25.53PenguinIt's not forwarding.
04:26.07PenguinIt will be an actual phone call to the phone number of your choice.
04:26.58BAK0zand chanspy sends the audio from the first call, to the second call (which is to the call recording external number)?
04:26.59Penguinchannel originate Local/3149691077@outbound application ChanSpy SIP/someonewhoisbad
04:27.08Penguinfor example
04:28.05BAK0zgreat, thanks :)
04:28.10PenguinThis would call extension 3149691077 in the outbound context, and when it answers, it would run ChanSpy(SIP/someonewhoisbad).
04:32.19*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:45.19PenguinOff to bed I go.
04:47.34j4jackjWhat happens when you get a bored techie Aspie and the internet together? An Asterisk conference bridge and a small sympathy for furries. (The Asterisk part is what's relevant here)
04:52.01j4jackjAsperger's syndromwe sufferer
04:53.51ChannelZoh. Never heard that term before.
04:54.12[TK]D-FenderAsperger's has been dropped from DSM rev 5
04:55.35BAK0zin this context it could be Asteriskberger's
05:01.33j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: well tell them to shove the book up their asses
05:02.20[TK]D-FenderI already do.  It's the one that defined Asperger's as a "thing" in the first place
05:02.48ChannelZI think they're just covering their asses so that voting for Hillary can't be classified as a mental disease
05:08.27ChannelZhmm. so something has to have changed in *'s handling at some point along the way, for the better.
05:08.45j4jackjChannelZ: Do you think I should have a one-way audio feed called 'Jdoingrightnow'?
05:09.03ChannelZI don't know what that means.
05:10.22j4jackjLike a music on hold but using a live feed via a FIFO
05:10.34j4jackjAnd in sln16 too...
05:11.44ChannelZso an even more boring audio-only webcam
05:12.16j4jackjmaybe it could be a webcam, with the lens shuttered when it's private
05:12.45j4jackjDoes Asterisk support Video on Hold?
05:20.07[TK]D-Fenderbed time....
05:30.27*** join/#asterisk thebmw (
05:31.03*** part/#asterisk thebmw (
05:33.11*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
05:33.48*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:01.53ChannelZok I'm confuzzled. Docs say nat=comedia means
06:02.18ChannelZ"Send media to the port Asterisk received it from regardless of where the SDP says to send it."
06:02.58ChannelZhowever that doesn't seem to be what is occuring
06:06.47ChannelZactually nm.  I'm reading my dumps wrong.
06:22.27*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
06:36.39ChannelZhuh. My changing nat= in sip.conf seems to be doing nothing.. at least according to 'sip show settings' which says "Force rport: Auto (No)" no matter what I set.
06:43.05*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:46.01ChannelZthis thing is totally broken
06:46.33ChannelZAnd I just discovered the .tar.gz on for 11.5.1, the path in the archive is called 11.4.0 :/
06:46.50ChannelZso that just extracted over my current build.
06:47.50ChannelZack, nevermind on that.. this !@# naming convention of calling it "asterisk-11-current.tar.gz" sucks
06:55.29*** join/#asterisk PLMg (PLMg@
06:59.11*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
07:01.03*** join/#asterisk j4jackj (
07:02.08*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:91bf:8d0c:a509:62a8)
07:02.32j4jackjI just wonder, does anyone here know of a linux driver for 11c1:0440 ?
07:03.31ChannelZwhich is...
07:06.10j4jackjChannelZ: LSI 56k Winmodem
07:09.04j4jackjI ask because it may be possible to use Celliax with it, if it is an ALSA supported card
07:10.24ChannelZok Asterisk 11's NAT handling is (I think) totally hosed.
07:12.49ChannelZwell so I'm fucking with the Blink softphone on Windows.  My box is behind my firewall.  It's handing out my Win box's LAN IP in the SIP SDP.  Which is somewhat typical of clients behind firewalls that aren't aware.
07:13.47ChannelZBut no matter what I do, Asterisk continues sending RTP to the supplied LAN IP, which of course is wrong (and is also a real LAN IP on the LAN that Asterisk is running on.)
07:13.49j4jackjstun at the asterisk box?
07:15.30j4jackjIt must be tried
07:15.39ChannelZNo, it already knows its WAN IP
07:15.58j4jackjI mean STUN SERVER at the asterisk box.
07:16.16ChannelZlocalnet= even seems hosed.  I changed it to a subnet of but it still thinks is LAN.
07:16.19j4jackjAs in install a stun server in the asterisk box so that people use your Asterisk IP
07:16.38j4jackjThat is screwed right the way to hell.
07:16.54ChannelZWell that's a client fix.  Which is the easy way to fix it, but Asterisk should still be able to be made to work this way.
07:17.18ChannelZAnd I don't have to run my own stun server for that
07:17.59*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
07:18.20j4jackjI hosed my computer.
07:18.30j4jackjIt still works, it's just hosed.
07:18.34j4jackjThatc makes no sense...
07:24.34PLMghello, anyone willing to lend a hand on making send to e-mail work?
07:25.25j4jackjPLMg: that makes no sense. I would recommend regular Comedian Mail.
07:26.14PLMgok.... using freepbx with asterisk and there is an option that sends voicemail to an e-mail address
07:26.38PLMgit is using the sendmail client in my case
07:27.03PLMgsendmail works, I made sure of that
07:29.14kaldemarPLMg: you'll have better luck in #freepbx. that's configured in voicemail.conf however.
07:30.30PLMgty kaldemar, that is a big help. If it does not work with freepbx I can manually do it :)
07:31.15kaldemarPLMg: be sure to find out how freepbx handles voicemail.conf, it may write over your manual changes.
07:31.32PLMgwill keep an eye on that
07:33.30ChannelZso whats happening?  Is sendmail even getting called?
07:34.05PLMgI do not think so
07:35.07PLMgthe recording are stored but I don't seea sign that they are sent
07:35.12PLMgor tried to be sent
07:35.52PLMgon the other hand, it might be that I don't reconise it cause I'm a noob in this aspect
07:36.21ChannelZare you actually running sendmail? or have you looked at the logs of whatever mailer you are using?
07:36.40PLMgI tied sendmail and it works
07:36.50ChannelZnot what I asked
07:37.00PLMgno, I did not
07:37.16PLMgu mean the sendmail logs, yes?
07:37.34ChannelZsee if it even put anything into the queue, or gave some error, etc.
07:37.52ChannelZSee if mailcmd in voicemail.conf is even the right path
07:37.57PLMgok, need a min to figure out where they are :)
07:38.11ChannelZ(although freepbx, not sure if that's even in there or somewhere else..)
07:38.44j4jackjOther than me, is anyone here in Prince George, BC, CA?
07:39.26PLMgok... small issue here
07:39.52ChannelZI'm ~1500mi away in CO
07:40.05PLMgfind: `voicemail.conf': No such file or directory
07:40.05PLMgsearching for sendmail logs then
07:41.19ChannelZ/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf - but FreePBX probably does realtime, puts it in the database.  Do they expose the mailcmd in the GUI?  I have no idea, I don't use it
07:42.11PLMgyes they do
07:42.34PLMgin recards to what info to send via e-mail and options like imap and so on
07:44.28*** join/#asterisk fredericve (
07:44.33PLMgok, found the logs of sendmail but I need to perform another test right now to see if anything shows up
07:44.54*** join/#asterisk Matthias (~Matthias@
07:50.06*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
07:50.16PLMgok, I am a bit closer now, it seems that the voicemail has been tried to be sent
07:51.59PLMgat the end I see this: stat=Deferred: Connection refused by []
07:52.14PLMgso I am guessing it is a sendmail client issue?
07:53.54*** join/#asterisk foamz (
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07:57.53j4jackjfoamz: are you Alex_Bkash ?
07:59.41foamzi am running a voice termination service connected to a GSM gateway. I'm looking to overhaul the whole solution with something new but want to do some thing I'm not sure is possible. As it stands, I am line bonding 4 lines from the same ISP for load balancing and redundancy. However, each line is very crappy, so I would like to combine the bandwith using something like multiline PPP. The
07:59.41foamzproblem is ISP support is non-existant in this country so getting them to turn on support at co/dslam might be impossible. Is there any way to bond the lines, have the packets terminate somewhere to be recombined, then sent out?
08:00.08j4jackjThis is the typical Alex_Bkash story.
08:00.30j4jackjJust a different country and less b0rken english.
08:01.00foamzOr some sort of VOIP algorithm that can magically make multiple crappy connections useful?
08:01.18foamzI don't know who that is but maybe I should talk to him
08:01.27j4jackjyou seem just like him
08:01.36j4jackjyou are mirror images
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09:34.22vNistelrootHi all
09:35.27vNistelrootShould I take care of anything before deploy the new asterisk version in order to patch the last vulns appeared ?
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10:25.07f843d0Hi all, is there a way to retrieve the calle_d_ id?I mean,I fear that few _correct_ phone numbers pointing to an extensions are redirected toward the catchall instead of being directed to a certain extension. Would be nice seeing the number that was called by the caller
10:26.05*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
10:41.45kaldemarf843d0: ${CALLERID(dnid)}
10:42.53kaldemarf843d0: if your fear is about extension matching not working correctly, you can probably turn the attention elsewhere.
10:44.23f843d0kaldemar: I see, thanks for your reply
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11:12.31_omerQuestion related to Queues:  If there is a caller in Queue, Asterisk stop calling Agent when it plays "Hold Time", "Position" or periodic-annoucement to caller. Is it possible to Keep calling/ringing Agent while playing annoucements to caller at the same time?
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11:34.43bombevguys I am trying to set diff language in asterisk -  Executing [s@macro-dendax-registration:6] Set("SIP/160-00001631", "LANGUAGE()=bg") in new stack
11:34.48bombevFunction LANGUAGE not registered
11:35.04*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2601:7:6d00:432:c092:cdff:fe0b:92a9)
11:35.36bombevbut I have the proper folder "bg" in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
11:40.10bombevI found my mistake :) exten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=bg)
11:40.36_omerQuestion related to Queues:  If there is a caller in Queue, Asterisk stop calling Agent when it plays "Hold Time", "Position" or periodic-annoucement to caller. Is it possible to Keep calling/ringing Agent while playing annoucements to caller at the same time?
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11:51.16*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (
11:51.19Kernel_Corehi all
11:52.21Kernel_CoreSIP typically is using RTP for transporting the Voice Media in asterisk, but is there any way to use UDPTL instead? asterisk doesn't support RTP FEC and I need some FEC functionality for my media which UDPTL supports ?
11:54.15Kernel_CoreI mean is there any way to send g729 or speex traffic with UDPTL instead of RTP in asterisk ?
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12:19.13_omerQuestion related to Queues:  If there is a caller in Queue, Asterisk stop calling Agent when it plays "Hold Time", "Position" or periodic-annoucement to caller. Is it possible to Keep calling/ringing Agent while playing annoucements to caller at the same time?
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12:34.54SirLagzcan asterisk record calls ?
12:35.36Greenlightcore show application MixMonitor
12:35.42SirLagzthanks !
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12:39.20_omerQuestion related to Queues:  If there is a caller in Queue, Asterisk stop calling Agent when it plays "Hold Time", "Position" or periodic-annoucement to caller. Is it possible to Keep calling/ringing Agent while playing annoucements to caller at the same time?
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12:41.36_omerThanks !!! ... I just wanted to double check before saying "NO" to my client.
12:41.40_omertake care. bye
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12:47.06Gugge"It has been 1000 milliseconds, and we got 32 timer ticks", it should be 50 right? :)
12:47.15Guggeoutput from timing test :)
12:47.52Guggei guess this server is under too much load then :)
12:48.00GreenlightOr has a really poor timing source
12:48.09Greenlight1000/32 will cause major audio issues
12:48.20Guggemoh is really bad yes
12:48.24GreenlightWhat timing source are you using, and is this a VM ?
12:48.43Guggeits real iron, ubuntu 12.04.3 using timerfd
12:48.51Guggeasterisk 11.5.0
12:49.18Kernel_Coreguys... is there any way to send g729 or speex traffic with UDPTL instead of RTP in asterisk ?
12:49.27Guggebut asterisk is using 150-200% cpu according to top
12:49.29GreenlightGugge: Load average?
12:49.36GreenlightHow many CPU's ?
12:49.40Guggeload os between 6 and 11
12:49.51WIMPyWhat does your Asterisk do?
12:49.52Gugge4 cores (8 shown because of HT)
12:50.05GreenlightSo 200% is on the high side, for a max of 400%
12:50.15Guggehand 280 active channels, doing a lot of different things :)
12:50.25Guggequeues with local channels and stuff
12:50.49WIMPyNothing bad so far. Any transcoding or recording?
12:50.51GreenlightI had a very similar issue a few months back
12:50.57Guggeno audio translations though
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12:51.21Guggeall moh and playback soundfiles are .al files, and alaw is the only allowed codec
12:51.50GreenlightIf it's the same issue as what I had, then a restart will remedy it
12:51.58GreenlightHas it been getting progressivly worse as time goes on ?
12:52.02Guggecalls are fine, moh and spy are really bad :)
12:52.35Guggeasterisk is restarted every night, and it gets worse and worse
12:52.48[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: no
12:53.01GreenlightIt starts okay in the morning, and gets worse as the day goes on? Or gets worse related to numer of channels/load ?
12:53.08[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: It's only used for T.38
12:53.09Guggeas the day go in
12:53.17GreenlightSounds *very* similar to what I had
12:53.24Guggethe highest amount of calls is around 8am, and its fine there :)
12:53.32Kernel_Core[TK]D-Fender, :so it cannot transmit Audio,  what about availibity of FEC in RTP ?
12:53.56GreenlightI'd love to tell you I got to the bottom of the cause of it, but I never really did. I just stopped useing asterisk's own queues as heavily, and using LOcal channels less
12:54.02GreenlightAre you using FreePBX ?
12:54.16Guggenot using freepbx no
12:54.39GreenlightThat's interesting, points the finger at queues
12:54.48GreenlightI always suspected them
12:55.25Guggei guess 80% of my calls are using queues :)
12:56.04[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: Unfamiliar with...
12:56.19GreenlightI did a lot of debugging and even had some consultants look it
12:56.45Guggei guess i just have to spread the load between multiple servers
12:56.48GreenlightWe had a few ideas, but couldn't explain why it got worse as the uptime increase, it had the feeling of a leak
12:57.08GreenlightSince stopping useage of queues, we have double your load now.
12:57.25GreenlightWE just use an AMI app to do our own queueing
12:57.46Kernel_Core[TK]D-Fender, : thank you ! actually I am going to run some simulation to analyze the roubustness of codecs with Low Bit-rate Redundancy and FEC ( Forward Error Correction) in bursty loss packet situation...
12:58.38GuggeGreenlight: i gotta try that next :)
12:58.53[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: Cech out in #asterisk-dev for this stuff esp as * 12 has another SIP stack coming
12:59.11*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (~user@
12:59.13GreenlightSince the finger is now firmly pointed at queues, mayhbe try disabling persistant queue members if you're able to.
12:59.16*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
12:59.25GreenlightAnd try putting the astdb on a ramdisk
12:59.55Kernel_Core[TK]D-Fender, : Thank you !
13:00.16GreenlightWOuld be really interested to hear how you get on, as this issue sounds like *exactly* what I had, and it caused me SOO much stress a few months back
13:00.53GuggeGreenlight: its all realtime queues, so it shouldnt be storing the members in astdb
13:01.32GreenlightHmm, it doesn't even cache the current members there /
13:02.14Guggeyes, but not in astdb as far as i can tell
13:02.29*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-gzncgsjtxgvhjnfv)
13:02.40GreenlightOne person I had looking at it said there was a "master" queue lock, and that it could be contention related to thos.
13:04.15Guggegotta love stuff like this :)
13:04.52Greenlight"love" is not the word I'd choose :)
13:05.28GreenlightAt one point we were even investigating network card drivers
13:05.32GreenlightAnd the kernel scheduler
13:06.19*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
13:07.00Guggeyep, im pretty sure its not that, as normal call audio is fine, its "only" moh/spy/meetme stuff :)
13:07.20GreenlightYea, it was anything timing related for us as well
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13:09.07GreenlightMost our theories were blown out of the water with the fact it gets progressively worse as the uptime increased
13:09.22GreenlightThat was the bit which didn't make any sense.
13:09.48GreenlightAnd I guess there's not a lot of folks who are using queues's as much as us for that scale.
13:10.55GuggeApparently i do :P
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13:16.36GreenlightMaybe one of the devs who's involved in the queue code will have an idea, fingers crossed!
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13:31.57BarthezZhmm, shouldn't libpri compile and install to /usr/lib64/ on a 64bit system, in stead of /usr/lib?
13:33.16Penguingugge: Did you try other timing sources, specifically dahdi?  Just wondering.
13:34.02GuggePenguin: yes, its about the same
13:35.21*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
13:36.20PenguinI forgot how to show which timing sources I have available.
13:36.53Guggemodule show like timing
13:37.20PenguinI guess I got rid of the other two; only dahdi is loaded.
13:38.18PenguinI was thinking there was another command that would even show which order they were used in.
13:38.32igcewielingtimerfd seems to give me rock solid timing, dahdi (even with a hardware card) does not.
13:38.32Penguinwhen there is more than one, that is.
13:39.25Guggethere is an hardcoded order, i cant remember it though :)
13:39.33Guggetimerfd is first as far as i remember :)
13:39.53Guggetimerfd kqueue and then i dont remember if dahdi is before pthread
13:39.54PenguinI was thinking it was dahdi, pthread, timerfd.
13:40.00igcewielingPenguin: there is a document somewhere which talks about the order
13:40.26PenguinI'll scroll back in my logs where we've discussed it before.
13:40.49Guggecan i forceunload a module (module unload fails if its in use)
13:41.16GreenlightWe tried dahdi with hardware, timerfd and pthreads with that issue; all no effect. It's an asterisk core issue
13:41.21igcewielingGugge: if the module is in use you cannot unload it.
13:42.02Guggedamn, i would like to try to reload the queue, but finding a time where its not in use is not easy :)
13:42.24igcewielingGugge: you can reload, but you cannot unload / load
13:44.23Guggebut if something in that module leaks, is a reload enough to get rid of that?
13:44.32Guggeor is it just reloading config stuff
13:45.18GreenlightFrom what I can remember, even an asterisk restart didn't help
13:45.27GreenlightBut not 100% on that one
13:46.18GreenlightAnd I know, it makse no sense.
13:46.29Guggerestart worked for me ... for some time :)
13:47.45Greenlighttiming looking good again after just an asterik restart?
13:50.16GreenlightAnd, you said you're on ubuntu ?
13:51.01Greenlighthmm our boxes with the issue were centos
13:52.41igcewieling"One common misconception which has arisen is that since timing can be provided elsewhere, DAHDI is no longer required for using the MeetMe application. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In addition to providing timing, DAHDI also provides a conferencing engine which the MeetMe application requires."
13:52.44Guggeill have to setup some more monitoring to check if the load is slowly getting worse after restart
13:53.05Guggecorrect, dahdi is needed for meetme (but not dahdi_timing)
13:53.10GreenlightYes, igcewieling, dahdi is needed for meetme
13:53.23GreenlightBUt you can still use a different timing source for other stuff
13:53.29igcewielinglots of people think that is not the case, which is why I pasted that
13:53.46GreenlightI use ConfBridge
13:53.50Guggeyou dont even nned res_timing_dahdi loaded for meetme to work
13:54.33*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:55.02GreenlightMy understanding is that the meetme mixing all happens on a single thread, so it doesn't scales as well as ConfBridge.
13:58.32Guggeswitching to confbridge is on my todo list :)
13:58.46GuggeBut its not at the top :P
13:58.55PenguinWhich asterisk branch are you using?
13:59.18PenguinIn 1.8, ConfBridge is very lacking.
13:59.35Guggei dont really use any of the fancy features :)
13:59.36PenguinIt works, but isn't robust.
13:59.59PenguinBut I heard that as of 10 it is much better.
14:00.23GreenlightIt's certainly really nice in 11
14:01.32PenguinIf a module has a use count of more than 0, is there some way to show what is using the module?
14:04.11GuggeGreenlight: did you write your own queue functions from scratch with AGI, or did you use some public available stuff? :)
14:04.36WIMPyGreenlight: You're correct about the mixing.
14:05.06GreenlightWell we had a CRM system connected in via the AMI anyway which was doing screen pops of customer detials etc, so it wasn't a bit stretch for us to change the code and make it actually do the queueing instead of asterisk
14:06.01GreenlightIt actually worked out really nicely cause we can define much more precise queueing rules - since queues are now just lists of objects in our C# app
14:06.02igcewielingPenguin: which module has a non=0 use count?
14:06.19GreenlightI *think* igcewieling also does a lot of custom queue stuff too
14:06.44igcewielingGreenlight: Queues are evil.  I hunt them, kill them, and mount them on my wall for fun.
14:06.50GreenlightSee ^^    DAHDI Timing Interface    5
14:07.17igcewielingPenguin: do you have 5 active calls?
14:07.25PenguinNope, 0 active.
14:07.47Greenlight0 calls, and 5 instrances of dahdi use.. odd
14:07.48PenguinI'd just like to see what 5 things are using dahdi timing.
14:08.17PenguinI haven't even had any calls at all since the last asterisk restart.
14:08.32igcewielingPenguin: that makes no sense.  the timing interface should only have usage when there are calls.
14:08.49GreenlightIt does seem perculiar
14:08.58igcewielingdo you have MoH, maybe that is doing it
14:09.09GreenlightEven with no calls ?
14:09.14PenguinI do have moh, but there are 0 active channels/calls.
14:09.33igcewielingin fact when I swith timing interfaces on a live system I load a higher priority timer and wait for all new calls to use the new timer, once all old calls end I unload the old timer.
14:09.49PenguinIt sounds like you're saying there's no way to check what uses a particular module.
14:09.51igcewielingGreenlight: MoH can play when there are no calls.  see mpg123
14:09.59igcewielingPenguin: I'm not aware of any way?
14:11.51*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:14.20PenguinIt was moh using it.
14:14.37PenguinI unloaded and the use count went to 0.
14:15.11PenguinI loaded timerfd, loaded musiconhold, and then the use count of 5 moved to timerfd.
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14:15.30PenguinIt's because of mpg123 playing mp3s for moh.
14:20.59igcewielingTa da!
14:21.23igcewielingwhy are you using mpg123, that is like trying to drive nascar with a model T
14:22.14PenguinI think that's what Asterisk chose to use.
14:22.38igcewielingmy original mpg123 command was mostly a joke.  no sane person uses mpg123 anymore
14:22.53igcewielingPenguin: maybe leftover setup from back in your 1.2 days?
14:23.10igcewielingI think Asterisk 1.4 around 2005 deprecated mpg123
14:23.13PenguinIt's what 1.8 uses, it appears.
14:23.46igcewielingPenguin: It can, but does not by default.  look at your musiconhold.conf and the musiconhold.conf.sample
14:24.13PenguinIt must by default, because there is nothing in my musiconhold.conf to tell it to use mpg123.  It just simply uses it.
14:24.14igcewielingI think FreePBX still uses it
14:24.23igcewielingpastebin your musiconhold
14:25.12igcewielingthat might make sense if you did something stupid like leave all your MOH in .mp3 format and did not load format_mp3 into Asterisk.
14:25.56igcewielingsings "Gratuitous Transcoding" (to the tune of Gratuitous Nudity)
14:26.07PenguinI have several mp3s in the mp3 directory.  mpg123 is what asterisk chose to play those files.
14:26.37igcewielingconvert them to a standard Asterisk format so you are not transcoding 24/7/375
14:26.39*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
14:26.45igcewielingor load format_mp3
14:26.57jkroonhi guys, the initial rx|txgain set in chan_dahdi.conf - is that hwgain or swgain?
14:27.00igcewielingEven FreePBX converts MoH to a supported Asterisk format.
14:27.31Penguinformat_mp3 is also loaded.
14:28.16igcewielingpastebin your musiconhold.conf
14:29.36igcewielingjkroon: why does it matter?
14:30.35jkroonigcewieling, because I'm filing a bug against chan_dahdi for not updating the output to "dahdi show channel" when using set hw|swgain
14:30.55igcewielingif you use mode=files you won't get mpg123 running
14:31.18igcewielingjkroon: ask on #asterisk-dev, mention you are filing a bug report
14:31.41igcewielingPenguin: do you actually use all those MoH classes?
14:32.22PenguinPeriodically.  Most of the time, no.
14:34.12PenguinSince there are 5 classes using the mp3 directory, I bet I can remove three classes and reduce it to use count of 2.
14:34.45PenguinWhen I used mode of mp3, the moh didn't work.  The fix was changing to files.
14:35.27PenguinAt least that's how I seem to remember it.
14:35.36PenguinIt has been a long time since I configured that.
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14:46.17jeffspeffi'm trying to use the SMS app, and whenever i try to send a message from my cell phone to one of my DID's the cell phone says that the number is invalid. I can dial the DID and asterisk asnwers it and starts the SMS app, so i know the number is good.
14:46.33PenguinI don't know, now.  I turned off all but the default, and switched default to type of mp3, and it plays.
14:46.46Penguinmoh show files doesn't show the files, but the music plays.
14:50.21WIMPyjeffspeff: Is there a gateway available? What country?
14:50.55jeffspeffWIMPy, I'm in the US. I thought that the gateway would be from the mobile provider
14:52.02igcewielingjeffspeff: if you want to not confuse people, then stop using the term "SMS".
14:52.16igcewielingjeffspeff: no providers in the USA allow public access to their SMScs
14:52.36WIMPySomehow the message needs to be forwarded from the PLMNs SMSC to the PSTNs SMSC. And are you sure you can use the SMS app? That's for ETSI protocoll via modem. Is that used in the US?
14:52.55jeffspeffigcewieling, then what should I call the SMS app?
14:52.58igcewielingWIMPy: no, it isn't.  app_sms is not useful in the USA
14:53.14WIMPyThat's what I expected.
14:53.21igcewielingjeffspeff: THAT is real SMS.   You can't use that because you are in the USA.
14:53.35igcewielingSo, what you really need is called "text messaging" or similar.
14:54.00igcewielingI believe the qiki page covers that
14:54.02jeffspeffmy goal is to receive pictures texted to me from employees in the field
14:54.16igcewielingjeffspeff: best of luck with that.
14:54.25GreenlightCan't they use email ?
14:54.34PenguinI've never understood the whole "sending images with a TEXT message" thing.
14:54.35igcewielingI get pics on my phone all the time, but they are sent as e-mail
14:54.36GreenlightMuch cheaper and less limited
14:54.40jeffspeffGreenlight, they're not quite bright enough for email
14:54.45WIMPySMS to e-mail.
14:55.07WIMPy(if that's available)
14:55.13GreenlightHow can they be not bright enough for email. Most phones have an "email" button when you take a photo.
14:55.35igcewielingjeffspeff: is "" any harder than "12125551212" to put in the To: box of the message?
14:55.40jeffspeffGreenlight, these people honestly make me wonder who ties their shoes in the morning. I wouldn't be surprised if they all used velcro shoes.
14:55.51GreenlightOh, sales people ?
14:55.55bacobartthere must be an app for that
14:55.57WIMPyThere seem to be an increasing number of people who aren't able to use e-mail on their desktop computers.
14:55.57bacobartsomething like
14:56.03jeffspeffno, telephony "engineers"
14:56.11GreenlightAhh, yes.
14:56.47WIMPyThey can't send or receive messages (of any kind) without facebook.
14:57.06jeffspeffi'm not even sure they can use facebook.
14:57.21jeffspeffthey definitely give me job security though
14:57.37igcewielingjeffspeff: sounds like your only option is to spend money on an SMS service provider
14:58.02WIMPywonders when the first people will appear that can't use a normal phone but only skype or something.
15:02.08*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
15:02.15*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
15:02.49EmleyMoorIs there a way to program ringback/camp for external numbers? (I'm guessing not)
15:03.30*** join/#asterisk eZz (~ez@
15:03.59GreenlightYou mean when they're busy ?
15:04.15jeffspeffigcewieling, above you mentioned that providers in the US don't allow public access to their SMScs; but if i'm a paying customer of theirs with mobile phone on their network then that isn't public access is it?
15:04.41EmleyMoorGreenlight: Yes... so that the caller can hang up and be alerted when it's available... though I can see how it may well not be possible.
15:04.44igcewielingjeffspeff: yes, just plug your phone into your asterisk box and you are good to go!
15:04.55igcewielingWhat I MEANT is they do not allow public access over the PSTN.
15:05.12*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
15:05.25GreenlightEmleyMoor: Normally you'd have no way to get an indication that the external number is available. So the only method is to keep retying it say every 30 seconds until it's no longer busy.
15:05.27jeffspeffigcewieling, but i'm wanting to send from mobile (paying customer) to another did.
15:05.42jeffspeffi can send from ATT phone to Verizon or any other phone all day long
15:05.45igcewielingjeffspeff: you mean to another cell number
15:05.59GreenlightWIMPy: That's for internal extension though, isn't it ?
15:06.04jeffspeffigcewieling, from cell to landline or voip
15:06.16EmleyMoorGreenlight: Keep redialling while caller holds? That was another idea I had...
15:06.26igcewielingjeffspeff: never gonna happen
15:06.33WIMPyGreenlight: No, it's meant to work with the PSTN as well.
15:06.39GreenlightWEll, perhaps keeping the caller holding defeats the purpose, but yea you could
15:06.45GreenlightWIMPy: Really... how?
15:06.58Greenlightgoes to read it all
15:07.17WIMPyThe PSTN has the features CCBS and CCNR.
15:08.27GreenlightI've never seen them exposed through an ITSP before; although perhaps I've not looked hard enough
15:08.34eZzhello. I have an issue with *, it's works, but after some time (a couple of days) it's stops accept any calls / registrations / etc else. It's works internally but no errors / etc else. What do you think is a problem ? I see only one possible issue - a system time, since it is on VM - a system clock going forward a lot
15:08.53WIMPyGreenlight: I doubt there are any.
15:09.12EmleyMoorI've got it working with the PSTN side ringback - that's detectable in the caller ID.
15:09.14GreenlightI could *maybe* see some ISDN circuits allowing it
15:09.29WIMPyeZz Might be an DNS issue, but you should
15:09.33WIMPy~upgrade asterisk
15:09.34infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
15:09.56eZzWIMPy: indeed, this happened after I switched from ip to dns name
15:09.58GreenlightWeezey: How are you correcting the clock slips?
15:10.00WIMPyGreenlight: They cerrtainly do.
15:10.54Penguinweezey?  I think you mean ezz.
15:10.56eZzWIMPy: so you're consider upgrading to 11.x ?
15:11.07GreenlightPenguin: Yea, autocomplete fail
15:11.32GreenlighteZz: Do you run local caching dns ?
15:11.33Penguinezz: How did you come up with "change to a totally different branch" by his suggestion of upgrading to the current version?
15:11.49eZzGreenlight: I'm using ntpdate hourly, ntp daemon can't synch it too precious
15:12.03eZzGreenlight: nope, using an ISP dns
15:12.40GreenlighteZz: In regards clock changes, try to use the daemon. I've killed boxes by changing clock too much before. And run local cachine dns. if dns fails, you box will do weird stuff
15:12.41eZzI do not use any version-depended features
15:12.43WIMPyI'd certainly go for 11.5, yes.
15:12.47eZzso I can switch to new branch
15:12.55Penguin1.8.23.1 is the current version in the branch that you are alreaday using.
15:13.11igcewielingread ALL the UPGRADE*.txt files when uypgrading between major versions
15:13.19GreenlightHowever, if your VM has that degree of clock slip, I'd be rather worried.
15:13.31GreenlightBet MoH plays well ...
15:13.48eZzGreenlight: I tried to use ntpd but for some reasons, it is not being synched, even during a month
15:14.05WIMPyYes, using ntpd would be the right way. The jumps caused by running ntpdate ca do bad things.
15:14.06eZzperhaps this is behind a firewall/nat, however ntpdate works
15:14.13Penguingreenlight: I ran into a serious clock problem when using FreeBSD in an ESXi environment.  There was a fix for it, though, so it wasn't too horrible to overcome.
15:14.25igcewielingyou know ntpd has nothing to do with t-1/e-1 sync, right?
15:15.07WIMPydoesn't expect hardware interfaces.
15:15.15eZzI'm not using e/t
15:15.18eZzonly sip
15:15.22igcewieling"Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:"
15:15.43igcewielingWhere DO I turn off comfort noise on Asterisk 11 (
15:16.03GreenlightHe's using a VM; I'd be amazed if he has hardware cards working
15:16.03PenguinIs that IP address one of your systems?
15:18.05*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
15:19.07eZzso, what can do you suggest to do first ? Install a local dns or try to fix timing issues somehow?
15:19.10*** join/#asterisk bananapie (
15:19.22bananapiehow do I get asterisk to ring busy when no codecs are offered in the sdp?
15:19.48Penguin"ring busy"
15:19.52PenguinSounds contradictory.
15:20.07bananapieI mean return SIP 486 Busy here
15:20.13GreenlightYou don't, surely
15:20.18GreenlightSince that would be incorrect
15:20.33GreenlightIt's not busy, it just can't negotiate a codec
15:20.39PenguinInstead of the call dying, you want a busy signal.
15:21.11*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
15:21.11PenguinI don't know if that's possible.  Maybe if you rewrite the sip channel driver or something.
15:21.41PenguinIdeally, you'll fix the codec problem so that you never encounter a lack of negotiated codec.
15:22.05[TK]D-Fender[11:19]bananapiehow do I get asterisk to ring busy when no codecs are offered in the sdp? <- not happening unless you recode chan_sip.c
15:22.06bananapieyea, it's my SIP trunk that is sending no codecs
15:22.26GreenlightWhy would you want to tell your users that it's BUSY when it's really not.
15:22.27bananapiemy SIP Trunk is sending me SDPs that have "m=audio 36212 RTP/AVP 18 0 101.
15:22.27bananapiea=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000" and no audio
15:23.07bananapiehow about forcing a reinvite on answer that would negociate PCMU ?
15:23.37Kattyprods [TK]D-Fender's clavicle
15:23.47GreenlightHow are you going to answer, without having negotiated a codec
15:23.48PenguinIf your ITSP doesn't offer any codecs, there's nothing you can do about that on your side of the call.
15:24.00bananapieOk, I told my ITSP 30 minutes ago
15:24.04bananapieand it's still broken
15:24.18GreenlightSo, wait longer, or get a new ITSP.
15:24.24bananapieok thanks
15:24.38bananapieit's funny, when I called them, someone answered right away
15:24.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: Uncool.  It shifted on Monday and i'm back in the sling for a while longer....
15:24.48Kattyyuck :<
15:24.55Kattywish they'd do some xrays or something.
15:25.04bananapiewhen I called back a few minutes later, it took like 10 minutes to talk to someone
15:25.12bananapieI guess all their customers are calling at the same time.
15:25.12*** part/#asterisk bananapie (
15:26.03Kattyfeels like an opera day.
15:26.07Kattyla boheme, maybe.
15:26.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: They didn't even... I spend 10 minutes there tops
15:26.26Kattyme nods
15:26.32Kattynods, now with more /!
15:27.24Kattyi'd give them a piece of my mind.
15:27.29Kattythey always want to do xrays down here
15:28.06Kattythey even did xrays on my pup when he was limping
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16:04.19Blashyrkhi have a problem with a t.38 communication,
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16:09.49igcewielingBlashyrkh: Don't feel alone, everyone has problems with T.38 communications
16:10.11GreenlightGet a PSTN line, and and good old fax machine.
16:10.23Blashyrkhi have two asterisk stations one acting as a gateway to a sip trunk and the other one is connected to some ss7 ports
16:10.28*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
16:11.13igcewielingBlashyrkh: In Asterisk T.38 Gateway means something VERY SPECIFIC.
16:13.38Blashyrkhthere is a database check run in the dialplan and it sets  FAXOPT(gateway)=yes)
16:14.57Blashyrkhand it relays the t38 invite to the ss7  connected machine, but gets a 488 not acceptable here back
16:17.03[TK]D-FenderBlashyrkh: Don't just give us a story... confim your versions and show us the complete debug
16:17.09infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:17.36[TK]D-FenderBlashyrkh: AAnd show all relevant configs
16:20.21*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
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16:35.21[TK]D-FenderYup... zero evidence....
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16:44.13KattyWHY I OUTTA
16:44.18Kattystraighten your tie.
16:44.25Kattystraightens sruffell's tie for him.
16:48.32sruffellwhy thank you. I did feel something was slightly off this morning (and in general)
16:48.49jmetroi woke up at 5 today
16:48.51jmetroand yesterday
16:57.50Kattyjmetro: :<
16:57.53Kattyjmetro: stress?
16:59.38jmetroearly work
17:03.57*** join/#asterisk Francesco86 (~Francesco@
17:04.43igcewielingNow I've seen it all:
17:04.49*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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17:11.22j4jackjHello *people!
17:12.18*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
17:14.27skrustyhi, it's been a long time since i've used ISDN with asteirsk. my isdn card is setup, and aserisk shows 3 channels (2 + d)
17:14.45jmetrois that normal
17:14.55skrustybut i can't remember how i setup the trunk to dial out via :// can anyone point me in the right direction
17:15.16skrustysorry, asteirks is showing 2 channels
17:15.19skrustynot d, my mistake!
17:15.36jmetroyou want the d?
17:15.48skrustybut i can't remember how i the dial via it
17:16.02skrustyno, i dont need the d channel to show up i don't think
17:17.34igcewielingskrusty: you dial using your DAHDI BRI card exactly the same as dialing any other DAHDI port.
17:18.27skrustyok, how do you group the channels?
17:19.17j4jackjheh, tough nut.
17:19.27igcewielingDial(DAHDI/g1/12125551212) and Dial(DAHDI/G1/12125551212)  you know all of this is covered in the documentation, right?
17:20.36skrustyyes, and thank yo for helping either way, but i keep getting: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI'
17:21.08j4jackjDid you load the DAHDI module?
17:21.22j4jackjIt would likely be
17:24.00igcewielingthen you have some other problem.
17:24.04skrustyalthough now just setting the span (1) im not getting it
17:24.11skrustyi just think there is an issue with the ISDN
17:24.21skrustysorry to have been a pain!
17:24.27igcewielingOK.  come back if it still doesn't work after you've contacted your carrier.
17:24.43j4jackjThe scourge of double spacing
17:24.48skrustygeting hangup cause 18 (network out of order)
17:24.57skrustydamn BT
17:31.15Kattyjmetro: ah right, well i'm glad it's not stress :>
17:31.31Kattysmiles at j4jackj
17:31.40Kattyj4jackj: did you bring enough Krave to share with the class?
17:33.25*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
17:33.29jmetroKatty: cream cheese in filo dough,
17:33.44Kattywarm, i hope?
17:33.58Kattywith chocolate drizzle? ^_^
17:34.13jmetrowarm, no chocolate.
17:34.18jmetroits savory not sweet
17:38.00jmetroits like a spinach-less spanakopita
17:39.03j4jackjKatty: I didn'h even bring any for myself! :D
17:39.39Kattyoh well.
17:39.42Kattyi didn't bring any either.
17:44.29*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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17:45.35Kattyjmetro: ah right. can't say i've ever had anything like that before then
17:45.44Kattyjmetro: i may have to investigate spanakopita
17:47.54jmetrospanakopita is a very common hors d'oeurve
17:48.03jmetrospinach & cheese in filo
17:51.22drmessanoSpanakopita is super popular and very tasty.  You'll find it by every name other than its proper name lol
17:52.22Kattyhi danny
17:52.34Kattyyour lady still getting on your nerves?
17:52.59drmessanoOn my nerves?  No.  I am glad she's not dying
17:53.12drmessanoBeen the worst three days I can remember
17:53.13Kattyoh? i must have missed something...
17:53.20Kattygoes to investigate
17:53.24igcewielingread that as spank-opia
17:53.41jmetroi still think of it as spankanopia
17:54.16Kattydrmessano: not appendix, clearly.
17:54.27Kattydrmessano: if it was appendix, the surgery would already be over with.
17:54.30drmessanoWell, in 18 hours we went from Stomach ache > Appendicitis > Kidney Stones > Giant mass that looks like cancer and go to your lady doc IMMEDIATELY NOW > Lady part issues that will resolve in a day or two with ibuprofen
17:54.50Kattyovarian cyst?
17:55.17drmessanoApparently a GIANT CANCEROUS MASS looks exactly like a simple ovarian cyst when you're stupid enough to use a CT scan to diagnose it
17:55.34Kattynods grimmly
17:55.43Kattyunfortunately, i went to the doctor with the same thing about 3 years ago or so
17:55.56Kattyit turned out i had appendicitis, and not an ovarian cyst tho
17:56.25igcewielingI've come to the conclusion that doctors are pretty useless for most things.
17:56.35Kattyigcewieling: some more than others
17:56.43Kattydrmessano: regardless, i'm glad she's doing better
17:56.43jmetrodoctors will ALWAYS do as little work as possible
17:56.49drmessanoHe drew the damn thing out.. showing us where the discolored regions were, the odd structure, the reason he was so alarmed.. He gave us the solemn talk and everything.  Go to the lady doctor and she's like "Oh, thats a pretty cyst.  Take some ibuprofen and give it a couple days"
17:56.50Kattydrmessano: and that the head games are, for the most part, over
17:56.54jmetroi have not met many smart or motivated doctors, lets put it that way.
17:57.18Kattyi've met some motivated doctors.
17:57.21igcewielingI'm unsuccessfully dealing with medical issues lately
17:57.22Kattybut not in the way they should have been.
17:57.26drmessanoKatty, it wasn't even a "complex cyst" which was the "best case scenario".. it was as textbook of a simple one as it gets
17:57.38Kattyhugs drmessano
17:57.39drmessanoIm still so fscking angry
17:57.47igcewielingdrmessano: you should be.
17:58.02Kattydrmessano: there will probably be a lot more crying
17:58.11Kattydrmessano: stress like that just doesn't go away quickly
17:58.22Kattydrmessano: and there will be paranoia for a good long time
17:58.56Kattyigcewieling: what sort of medical issues are you dealing with?
17:59.16igcewielingKatty: complicated.
17:59.27Kattythose are the worst kind.
17:59.57igcewielingLets leave it at my main dr saying (after the first round of tests) "If you turn yellow before you see the specialist go to the hospital immediatly"
18:00.02drmessanoKatty, actually, no paranoia at this point.  I think we've taken great comfort in the fact that she has an AWESOME GYN.  I mean, the ultrasound tech was telling us just how very wrong the ER doc was before we even spoke to the GYN.  It was THAT OBVIOUS.  I told her for now on, if its below the navel, we're going to her FIRST.. I don't care what it is.
18:00.36igcewielingWell, golly, Mr. Doctor Sir, I KNOW I'm sick.  Thank you for confirming it.
18:00.45Kattypats igcewieling
18:00.50Kattyigcewieling: you're a tough cookie tho.
18:01.13Kattyigcewieling: and it makes a person strong, and appreciate life
18:01.57igcewielingKatty: my plan is to go along with what they recommend and try to die on their doorstep.
18:02.16igcewielingnot exactly practical, but it makes me feel a little better.
18:02.36Kattywell, if shit does hit the fan, on their doorstep is the safest place to be
18:02.36drmessanoigcewieling, nothing like a GP to confirm their overwhelming incompetence.  My big scare was the year before last.. Had an MRI checking for MS after I lost partial vision in my right eye.  They found a bunch of tumors.   My GP called me to tell me just how sorry he was, like he was saying goodbye.  Freaked me out.  I figured out MYSELF that it was Tuberous Sclerosis, and that I was basically going to
18:03.14igcewielingdrmessano: at least the specialist said he doesn't think it issue is "worst possible scenario"
18:03.34drmessanoI went to a neurosurgeon and we barely spoke "Its Tuberous Sclerosis isnt it?"  "Oh.. Yep, you figured it out huh?"  "Yep" "Well, you know there's nothing for me to do.  Keep an eye on it.  Peace out, playa"
18:03.35igcewielingwhich is good because that is REALLY bad.
18:04.09Kattyi'm very fortunate to have taken after my mother. very few health problems.
18:04.21Kattydepression runs on her side of the family. and low blood sugar.
18:04.23jmetromy own problem is an allergy to fresh fruit, which completely sucks.
18:04.25drmessanoSo I have basically figured out that ER physicians and GP's are idiots
18:04.27Kattyotherwise, i'm generally healthy
18:04.46Kattydrmessano: i think they're designed to deal with the Flu and ear infections
18:05.04jmetroand gunshots
18:05.04Kattythey do wonderfully with ear infections
18:05.11Kattyif only the pharmacy could fil lthe prescription as quickly
18:05.13*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:05.24Kattygrumbles at the pharmacy
18:05.58jmetroKatty: pharmacies have boatloads of that stuff sitting around waiting in tubs, the prescriptionist MIGHT be competing with the Head Dr for position of 'laziest'
18:06.13Kattywho knows.
18:06.25Kattyall i know is when you have an ear infection, every moment is uncomfortable. and long.
18:06.32drmessanoKatty, great.  So when people come to me and ask me about their MAC issues, I tell them "I dont know crap about OSX.  Go to the Apple store" not "It's the registry.  Reboot, run MSCONFIG also maybe scanreg/fix and update GRUB.  PEACE OUT"
18:06.50Kattydrmessano: sounds accurate ;)
18:06.51drmessanoWhy tell me something HORRIBLE based on limited skills?
18:07.05Kattyhugs drmessano
18:07.11jmetrodrmessano: "Start terminal, run rm -rfv *"
18:07.31jmetroyou have only 20 days to live, there is no pressing "ctrl - c"
18:07.36drmessano"Well, the CT scan shows you have cancer and you have a giant stone pickle in your small intenstine.  Or, I dunno, you could be fine and need to go POOP"
18:07.39Kattydrmessano: if i lived closer, i'd volunteer to Suit Up and go spar with you
18:07.49Kattydrmessano: or at least hold the punching bag in place
18:08.22Kattyi know it would help
18:09.38drmessanoI told her doc I couldn't believe an ER doc would sit down with us and have "the talk" over his interpretation of a CT scan, which is about as effective as reading chicken bones
18:09.47drmessanoSO MAD
18:09.50*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
18:10.13jeevhigh fives drmessano
18:10.34Kattyhe needs to punch something.
18:10.45Kattya lot. repeatedly.
18:11.07drmessanoFunny thing, is that we usually go to another Hospital.. but they basically start running up the bill in $1000 increments when you walk in the door.. they start at a heart attack, and work their way down.  This was our first time at this hospital.. they started off with gas and worked up to cancer.  Well played, ER
18:11.35drmessanoGO HOME CT SCAN, YOURE DRUNK
18:12.09Kattyi'm glad it's not her appendix.
18:12.27Kattytho, honestly, the recovery isn't too bad.
18:12.34drmessanoI'm glad it's not her Appendix, a Kidney Stone, or Cancer.  I am grateful for all of that.
18:12.36*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:12.51jmetroEveryting is cancer nowadays
18:13.06jmetrooncologists make bank
18:13.09drmessanoI just hate that you can't trust a mechanic or a doctor at all anymore.
18:13.20Kattyi agree.
18:13.36Kattyi should become a doctor. and a mechanic.
18:13.39Kattytake matters into my own hands.
18:13.47Kattyand by matters i meant plugs and wires.
18:14.19drmessanojmetro, I was shocked he didn't refer us to an oncologist, but I think that's part of the troll.  If he refers her to a GYN and plays it up as big shit, and he's wrong, he can write it off as "we were being cautious".  If he sent us to an oncologist, it would have been borderline malpractice
18:15.31jmetromalpractice suits are so low, i know a brain surgeon that gets sued all the time but is expanding his office and paying double his office rent because he likes the parking
18:16.11jmetrobrain + spine + pain clinic
18:17.46jmetroi have a lot more respect for the staff of the clinics than i will ever have for a "Dr. _x."
18:27.12*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
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18:38.42*** join/#asterisk hpekdemir (~hpekdemir@unaffiliated/hpekdemir)
18:38.46drmessanojmetro, your doctor dialplan is wrong
18:38.58hpekdemirhi. my snom does not record an entry in call list if pickup was done.
18:39.13drmessanoYou're assuming the doctor even exists.. I would go with _.
18:39.17hpekdemiris this an asterisk issue or snom issue? I can't find any options for this in the snoms web interface menu
18:39.37PenguinNot _! ?
18:40.09hpekdemirsay: call is on ext 100. ext 200 picks up call on ext 100. phone on ext 100 doesn't record any entry in call list (e.g. missed calls)
18:40.15igcewielinghpekdemir: could be either, but how would the phone know it was picked up elsewhere and the caller didn't simply hangup.
18:40.20drmessanoPenguin, that would match every doctor, and they don't share
18:40.37hpekdemirigcewieling: I don't know. that's why I'am asking if this could be asterisk's fault.
18:40.44PenguinI see.  Well, I don't really like any doctors very much.
18:40.48hpekdemirsince this is a good question :)
18:41.05igcewielinghpekdemir: I've never seen it work.
18:41.15hpekdemirso is there a workaroung for this?
18:41.19PenguinIt works with SCCP, but not with SIP.
18:41.43igcewielinghpekdemir: Disable the missed calls log.  Other than that I don't know of a way.  Maybe someone else does.
18:42.01hpekdemirwhy shouldn't the phone know whether it was a hangup or pickup? are the status infos the same in both cases?
18:42.28hpekdemirigcewieling: the phone should record missed calls. but it also should record it on a pickup case. I want both
18:42.30PenguinOh, wait... your complaint is that the call log does NOT show a missed call when another phone picked up the call?
18:42.44hpekdemirI *want* missed calls.
18:42.50hpekdemirbut in both cases. not only hangup case.
18:42.51igcewielinghpekdemir: Oh!
18:43.01PenguinThat's unusual.  Most of the time, when you have a ring group, all other phones show the missed call.
18:43.15igcewieling^^^ what he said
18:43.20*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
18:43.21*** mode/#asterisk [+o pabelanger] by ChanServ
18:43.33hpekdemirok this is a snom related issue
18:44.26hpekdemirthe thing is: if a call comes in and is ringing on a phone and after 5 seconds all phones ring, only then, I get a missed call on every phone (that's the global missed call record option of snom)
18:44.46hpekdemirbut this is not the case if the call is picked up before all phones start to ring.
18:45.24hpekdemirso whenever a phone call is picked up. the called one doesn't know that he was called.
18:45.35hpekdemirthere is no entry on his phone.
18:45.53PenguinDoes your ring group have a dialing delay before a call rings all the phones?
18:46.08hpekdemiryes, I have 5 seconds
18:46.22PenguinThat's why the other phones don't show a missed call.  They didn't miss a call!
18:47.02PenguinThe call actually has to be sent to a device before it can be answered or missed.
18:47.47hpekdemirbut what about the phone that was actuall ringing in the first place
18:47.53hpekdemirbefore a pickup was done
18:48.29PenguinIf the ring group calls phone 1, then stops, then waits 5 seconds, then calls phones 1,2,3,4,5 ...
18:48.50PenguinDuring the 5 second wait period, phone 1 will display a missed call.
18:49.02hpekdemirnow I understand.
18:49.07PenguinBecause the entire call completed.
18:49.13hpekdemirI see
18:49.20hpekdemirI'll try to fix that.
18:49.22hpekdemirthank you.
18:49.43PenguinBuild your ring group with the local channel and two dialplan sections.
18:49.43j4jackjhi pabelanger
18:50.01PenguinNot by Dial, then wait, then Dial more phones.
18:50.22hpekdemiryeah I've already seperated my dialplan into sections.
18:50.26hpekdemirI can make use of it now.
18:50.33hpekdemirgood hint. thanks
18:50.51PenguinThis will allow phone 1 to ring for a continuous amount of time while the other phones are in the pre-ring waiting period.
18:51.06Penguinand still be ringing once the others start ringing.
18:51.12hpekdemirah one question though
18:51.15hpekdemirthe delay
18:51.21PenguinSo that way phone 1 does not get two different calls.
18:51.32hpekdemiror "stop". is that the time I give in the Dial statement?
18:52.14PenguinI would do something like   Dial(Local/something@context,36)
18:52.35PenguinAnd then you have 36 seconds before the original dialing stops.
18:52.52Penguinactually, wait...
18:53.36hpekdemirI have: exten => _[1-2][0-9],n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},14,t)
18:53.37PenguinThen extension 'something' will start out with a Wait(10) or something
18:53.44hpekdemirexten => _[1-2][0-9],n,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "NOANSWER"]?o-${DIALSTATUS},1:switch,2)
18:53.49hpekdemirso it switches
18:53.55hpekdemirafter 14 seconds.
18:54.16hpekdemirswitch 2 is: exten => switch,1,Dial(${ALL_EXT},14,t)
18:54.47j4jackjHa's someone ever used your Asterisk for phreaking?
18:55.06hpekdemirj4jackj: me?
18:55.19*** join/#asterisk nam3l3zz (
18:55.34nam3l3zzhello pipl
18:56.24hpekdemirPenguin: that was switch 1. exten => o-NOANSWER,1,Goto(switch,1)
18:56.33PenguinI was thinking something like this:
18:56.42nam3l3zzquick one, how to start asterisk, to see timestamp of dial plan executed lines being shown, tried -T , shows time for few things, but not dial plan executed lines
18:57.07j4jackjI installed an anti-phreaking script in my asterisk and have several of these lines now: [Aug 29 08:29:36] SECURITY[] Unknown Call from  to 011972595297009 IPdetails sip:123456@
18:57.53PenguinDoes that dial plan bit make sense?
18:57.59hpekdemirPenguin: ok almost same. difference is I use a Dial to ${ALL_EXT}
18:58.03hpekdemirbut I have no wait.
18:58.08hpekdemircan you explain this wait again please.
18:58.18hpekdemirif it waits, the group is in pre-ringing state?
18:58.27igcewielingnam3l3zz: see /etc/asterisk/conf /etc/asterisk.conf
18:58.40igcewielingbah!  you know what I mean
18:58.44hpekdemirand what happens in this wait phase?
18:58.56PenguinThe way I wrote this, phone1 will ring for the entire 36 second period.  phones 2,3,4 will wait for 12 seconds before they begin ringing, and then ring for the remaining 24 seconds.
19:00.10hpekdemirso you make two things on one channel
19:00.37hpekdemirand what is my benefit with this instead of "dial 1 phone for 36 seconds, then dial all others"?
19:00.45nam3l3zzigcewieling: i do, your advice was quiet helpfull, thanx. let me be a bit anoying, quick one, have a degree in i.t. ?
19:00.48PenguinThe Dial() will be sending the call to phone1 as well as to the others in the group, but the others will be delayed 12 seconds.
19:00.53nam3l3zzigcewieling: *you
19:01.46igcewielingnam3l3zz: Why do you want to know?
19:01.53PenguinYou won't be sending two different calls to phone1.
19:02.16nam3l3zzigcewieling: just qurious, wether it is just asterisk u know bits about ?
19:02.24hpekdemirPenguin: and you think this will solve my pickup problem? with the call list entry on pickup.
19:02.33igcewielingI've been in telecommunications since 1996
19:02.41igcewielingUsing Asterisk since 2001
19:03.14nam3l3zzgood, do you have an Asterik logo tatoo on your body ?
19:06.38j4jackjFail2Ban is a good software name but it is actually counter to what it does.
19:06.57j4jackjIt should have been Fail&BBand
19:07.20*** join/#asterisk HasanAtizaz (~hasan@
19:07.45Kattylooks in
19:07.50Kattyis everyone getting along?
19:07.53Kattyplaying nice?
19:07.56HasanAtizazhello, i am looking forward to configure sip on my asterisk. since i am doing it for the first time, please refer me the easiest tutorial or step by step guide.
19:08.00Kattygoes back to lurking
19:08.21KattyHasanAtizaz: enjoy.
19:08.53jmetroor the book.
19:08.57jmetrothe asterisk book.
19:09.04nam3l3zzshe's a goddess...
19:09.04hpekdemirPenguin, igcewieling: so far all seems good. but now I need to know how to give the called phone and NOANSWER info when the call is picked up by another phone
19:09.06Kattyyes. that's also an excellent source
19:09.11Kattyinfobot: thebook
19:09.11infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:09.13igcewielingHasanAtizaz: there is no tutorial.  Read the Asterisk Book, all the UPGRADE*.txt files, any interesting applications from "core show applications" and "core show functions".
19:09.15j4jackj~book for HasanAtizaz
19:09.15infobotACTION smacks for HasanAtizaz upside the head with a book
19:09.19hpekdemirso that first phone can have a "missed call entry"
19:09.19Kattyi still call infobot jbot :/
19:09.44Kattyidly wonders how many years jbot has been infobot now
19:10.10igcewielinghpekdemir: what you are trying to do is the exact opposite of what every single one of our customers want so I have no experience with what you are trying to do.
19:10.45Kattyyou know. i haven't heard from leif in awhile
19:10.45nam3l3zzKatty: very fundamential questions bother you, you are a real guru
19:11.24Kattysruffell: where is leif?
19:11.32hpekdemirigcewieling: your customer wants no missed call entry in his call list if his call gets picked up by another person?
19:11.32Kattysruffell: tell me he hasn't dropped off the face of the planet
19:11.41nam3l3zzKatty: should we create a stub on wikipedia jbot or infobot ?
19:11.42igcewielinghpekdemir: correct.
19:11.52hpekdemirhmm. my boss wants exactly this feature :/
19:11.54igcewielingSince the call was answered elsewhere it isn't a missed call which needs a callback.
19:12.11Kattynam3l3zz: i'm not sure i follow.
19:12.20hpekdemirigcewieling: but how do the person who was called that he "missed" the call?
19:12.25hpekdemirI don't understand this.
19:12.25HasanAtizazthanks guys.
19:12.27hpekdemirbut ok.
19:12.32sruffellKatty: I haven't seen him for awhile, but I saw a tweet from him that he's going to be at Astricon this year….
19:12.33nam3l3zzKatty: females in i.t. ;)
19:12.43sruffellso I don't think he's completely off the face of the planet.
19:12.51Kattygoes to check fb
19:13.03jmetroi saw him a couple days ago
19:13.13Kattynope, he's not dead.
19:13.19Kattycrisis averted.
19:13.26Kattynam3l3zz: there are a few of us.
19:13.44nam3l3zzKatty: do you wear nice big thick glasses ? :)
19:13.59Kattynam3l3zz: no, but i do wear contacts. my vision is awful
19:14.32nam3l3zzKatty: do u manage coders , or mostly you do stuff yourself ?
19:14.46Kattyi didn't dress for an interview.
19:15.14jmetroi think what hes asking is if you dress like a secretary
19:15.15nam3l3zzvery funny, great sence of humor ;)
19:15.40Kattyjmetro: basically, yes.
19:15.48Kattyjmetro: think he'll take a hint?
19:15.55Kattyjmetro: let's find out!
19:16.05jmetroKatty: no i dont :<
19:16.53nam3l3zzambitions dominating over everything - asterisk tatoo thing ;)
19:17.28igcewielingjmetro: another one for /ignore
19:17.46nam3l3zzKatty: i hope you are a happy person, with some life, not just "brothers & sisters" in here ;)
19:18.37nam3l3zzigcewieling: thanx, your "support" will be evaluated by your associates :))
19:19.16jmetroigcewieling: im guessing middle east but im not sure
19:19.23nam3l3zzcould be
19:19.48nam3l3zzpure europe is ireleand
19:20.12Kattynam3l3zz: you might want to put yourself down into first gear. or even neutral.
19:20.31igcewielingEmerald Isle and all that stuff
19:21.05nam3l3zzphilosophy has never harmed anyone , thats how actually the open source thing started ;)
19:21.24nam3l3zzigcewieling:  :))
19:21.27Kattywell you do that.
19:21.33Kattyquietly. without involving me.
19:21.55nam3l3zzyou really feel yourself like a queen a bit ?
19:21.57hpekdemirthen let me ask this way: is there a way to indicate a NOANSWER status?
19:22.09hpekdemircan I use something like "Set(${DIALSTATUS} = NOANSWER)"?
19:22.30[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: First, that is not how you set variables..
19:22.33Kattynam3l3zz: consider me the matriarch here.
19:22.45nam3l3zzhpekdemir: unfortunately, debates are preffered by some "gurus" over actual help ;)
19:22.45[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: Seconds, the one you are mistakenly referencing there is READ-ONLY
19:22.53hpekdemir[TK]D-Fender: I know. it was just a quick showing of what I mean.
19:23.06[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: And setting is (even if you could) means practically nothing...
19:23.16Kattyanyway. as brain used to say. NEXT!
19:23.21PenguinIt would have been quicker to not include the errors.
19:23.24[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: Also that white-space in there is bad
19:23.42jmetro[TK]D-Fender: it was just an example , like pseudocode.
19:23.49hpekdemir[TK]D-Fender: pseudocode.
19:23.53jmetroI sometimes make [TK]D-Fender blow up when i do pseudocode.
19:24.03hpekdemirhe seems to be THE "nerd".
19:24.14hpekdemirI love this. but makes chatting more difficult and stressful.
19:24.15[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: And that "pseudocode" .... isn't an "indication" of anything
19:24.20jmetrohpekdemir: hes an [TK]O-Fender
19:24.30nam3l3zzlads, can't ask Katty directly - not polite, how old is the queen approx ? :)
19:24.44jmetronam3l3zz: 19/f/ireland
19:24.46Kattygood luck getting them to talk.
19:25.12igcewielingKatty: don't take it personally just put him on /ignore and don't worry about it.
19:25.20Kattypats igcewieling
19:25.28Kattyigcewieling: oh i'll be fine, don't you worry about me
19:25.36hpekdemir[TK]D-Fender: since you know what you are talking about. let me ask this way: how can I make the phone get a NOANSWER status?
19:25.42nam3l3zzasking about age become a major crime on this planet?
19:25.53[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: you don't give a phone a status
19:25.58nam3l3zzseriously, there is something really funny happening :)
19:26.11[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: Your entire concept does not hpekdemir just out of nowhere.
19:26.24[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: Please provide a very specific scenario you are looking to create
19:26.41[TK]D-Fendergah, multi-line screwup there.
19:26.42drmessanoKatty, sounds like another guy feeling threatened you know more about tech than he does.. Easier to insinuate you're fetch the "real techs" coffee vs admitting you know more than them or even just anything
19:27.06*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (~Rumbles@
19:27.08nam3l3zzdrmessano: no nothing about asterisk, don't feel myself even a noob ;)
19:27.27drmessanonam3l3zz, it's "know"
19:27.30Kattydrmessano: but i would fetch coffee.
19:27.32jmetroKatty never has to ask questions, i have no idea what kind of system or setup she has. I am just now realizing this.
19:27.36Kattydrmessano: if i was going anyway...
19:27.41hpekdemir[TK]D-Fender: ok actual problem is: when a pickup takes place, the called phone does not have an missed calls entry in call list. and this is perfectly logical, since no call was ever missed. just picked up. so how can I let the called phone "know" that he "missed" the call before pickup takes place?
19:27.51hpekdemirso the "missed calls" entry is there.
19:27.54Kattyjmetro: cloud hosting.
19:27.56Kattyjmetro: vmware.
19:27.58eZzhello again, remember today I asked about to asterisk hanging up (possible system clock problem) ?
19:28.05jmetroKatty: Oh, just like me :>
19:28.13nam3l3zzdrmessano: don't u look tiny to yourself, stressing on typos ? :)
19:28.14Kattyjmetro: and i generally have enough friends in here that i ask someone directly, rather than in channel
19:28.15drmessanojmetro, it's because she's so freaking awesome that she comes here to spread her awesome.  She's here for the LULZ.
19:28.37Kattyi'm here to exclusively annoy fender.
19:28.39jmetrodrmessano: oh thats totally me. either that or i post my code and have random spelling mistakes
19:28.41Kattyand make sure everyone is doing ok
19:28.44drmessanonam3l3zz, oh, it's my turn now?  Big mistake friend.  I was trolling before bridges were cool
19:29.04jmetronam3l3zz: hes a mac user that actually think macs are cool, the original troll man.
19:29.11Kattysomeone has to make sure [TK]D-Fender is minding his manners.
19:29.12nam3l3zzdrmessano: any tiny support of the queen, is a nice subject of a debate :))
19:29.20drmessanoYet I own not a single mac
19:29.26hpekdemir[TK]D-Fender: and I know. it makes no sense to make a picked up call a "missed" one, but the called person should know that he got a phone call. even if the call got someone else.
19:29.30drmessanoWhich is maybe the biggest troll of all
19:29.38Kattydrmessano is a troll.
19:29.44Kattybut he's a nice look troll, with a nice voice.
19:29.47drmessanoKatty, "The Troll"
19:30.01Kattyand he's generally sweet, when not horribly pissed off.
19:30.09[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir[TK]D-Fender: ok actual problem is: when a pickup takes place, the called phone does not have an missed calls entry in call list. and this is perfectly logical, since no call was ever missed. just picked up. so how can I let the called phone "know" that he "missed" the call before pickup takes place? <- you can't.
19:30.38Kattyi like how [TK]D-Fender doesn't even acknowledge that i'm here to keep him civil.
19:30.59Kattyi hope it irritates him.
19:31.02nam3l3zzKatty: if i asked you about kids, would it be a question more offending then the one about age ? :)
19:31.23nam3l3zzdrmessano: "troll kings" , u like it ? :)
19:31.24Kattyask your questions and get this over with.
19:32.20drmessanoKatty, [TK]D-Fender is like a caged animal who merely tolerates the cage for its ongoing failed attempt at confinement based on its eventual failure.  No need to argue whether or not it has any effect in the present. Fact is that it will fail, and therefore it is useless
19:32.36nam3l3zzKatty:  i will not, you do have some social skills, could be interesting to know you in person, supports deserve less attention... :)
19:32.44Kattydrmessano: but with a broken clavical
19:33.27Kattynam3l3zz: just to clarify. i am old. i am not pretty.
19:33.37Kattynam3l3zz: i am the female equivilent of a certified rat hat admin
19:33.42Kattyred hat.
19:33.50jmetroKatty: but you make tasty foods.
19:33.52hpekdemir[TK]D-Fender: ok and what about the phone that picks up the call. there is even no entry in "accepted calls" after a pickup took place
19:33.55hpekdemirwhat about that?
19:34.03drmessanoShe's not very interesting in person.  She has a dvorak keyboard fetish and enjoys popsicles made from sour chinese vegetables.
19:34.04hpekdemiris there a way to solve this?
19:34.11drmessanoThat's why she has IRC
19:34.15[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: SIP: Answered Elsewhere <------------
19:34.19jmetrooh god dvorak, i might have to quit this chat
19:34.23Kattyborscht popcicles. there's an idea.
19:34.47[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: this is automatic.  It is not missed.  It is not answered (on that phone).  It is "not your problme"
19:34.57[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: There is no option.  This is what it does.
19:35.06Kattyjmetro: guess i got one thing going for me ;)
19:35.42nam3l3zzbtw, you guys are quiet united, like that :)
19:35.57drmessanoKatty: What about starting up that rumor that you're really a man just looking for attention that you're not getting while dwelling in your moms basement.  I rather enjoyed that one
19:36.04Kattyit happens when you talk to the same people for 7 years.
19:36.13drmessanonam3l3zz, we are Asterisk Anonymous.  Expect us
19:36.35Kattywe should go back to that one.
19:36.39jmetroI'm way new though.
19:36.46Kattyjmetro: you're so not.
19:36.49jmetrooh god its been like 8 months
19:36.51nam3l3zzyou all are in states obviously ?
19:37.15[TK]D-FenderMy current state is : decaffeinated
19:37.17hpekdemir[TK]D-Fender: I wonder why this is as it is. I'm sure technically it's possible to realize this. at least for someone who wants to be noticed that a call took place it would be helpful to have an entry in the call list.
19:37.25drmessanojmetro, I think several of us would sign off on your membership
19:37.25hpekdemir[TK]D-Fender: but thank you for your suggestions.
19:37.37Kattygets the pen
19:37.39jmetrodrmessano: well, cool :]
19:37.46[TK]D-Fenderhpekdemir: Not a suggesting, merely a statement of fact.
19:37.59Kattynam3l3zz: no, not everyone.
19:38.03Kattynam3l3zz: but several are.
19:38.54nam3l3zzany chance to come across an asterisk expert with a PhD degree in i.t., hope am not too hypothetical, neither offending :)
19:39.27Kattyi'm pretty sure everyone checks their degree, or lack there of, at the door.
19:39.30jmetroI dont know a lot of IT people who went past a bachelors mainly because the field experience is much more valuable.
19:39.41drmessanojmetro, pretty much if you can last 10 minutes in Asterisk Fight Club and you're not just uselessly annoying, you're OK in my book
19:40.01nam3l3zzdrmessano: what book ? :)
19:40.08Kattygoshdangitanyhow, drmessano you know the first rule about Asterisk Fight Club
19:40.16Kattydon't make me come over there.
19:40.41jmetroI still like our idea of the "concurrent calls" karma system.
19:40.52Kattyi must have missed that one.
19:40.54Kattysomeone fill me in
19:40.54drmessanoI think I missed that
19:41.09Kattydrmessano: you were probably at the dr. at the time
19:41.11jmetropeople keep +1ing eachother and the idea was that we should track +1's
19:41.16Kattyor busy beating one nearly senseless.
19:41.31jmetroand call it "concurrent calls" as a representation of how large a system someone could support based on their +1's
19:41.43Kattyinfobot: +1
19:41.43infobot1 is a number, silly
19:42.05Kattyinfobot: 1
19:42.05infobot1 is a number, silly
19:42.12Kattyinfobot: 2038473
19:42.17jmetroinfobot: 2
19:42.17infobotIt's TO, not '2'. This is not l33t3 sp34k nor is this AOL.
19:42.23jmetrooh god , lol
19:42.24igcewielinginfobot: 1+1
19:42.24infoboti guess 1+1 is 3 for large values of 1
19:42.35jmetrowho put these in there..
19:42.44Kattybecause the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
19:42.45drmessanojmetro, that's a difficult concept.  +1's are generally useless ass grabs.  Most of the people I find to be pretty tolerable would vary greatly between a +1 and a -10 on any given day.
19:42.51Kattyinfobot: 3
19:42.51infobot3 is a number, silly
19:42.56Kattyinfobot: 4
19:42.56infobot4 is a number, silly
19:43.01Kattyi think it was file.
19:43.31jmetrodrmessano: Well, with proper tracking, people become more responsible
19:43.40[TK]D-Fenderinfobot: areyouadog ?
19:43.40infobotBark! Bark!
19:43.48infobot[TK]D-Fender: :)
19:43.57[TK]D-Fenderinfobot: Good boy !
19:43.57infobot[TK]D-Fender: thanks
19:45.27nam3l3zzKatty: neither i'm 19, would like to be 19 thou :)
19:45.49drmessanojmetro, if I had to create a ranking system based on my interaction with others, it would involve points based on not being /ignored on IRC or banned on other services, and whether or not i've insulted the person directly.. which is usually a positive sign.. I can't be bothered with people I generally can't stand
19:46.24infobotnam3l3zz: thanks
19:46.44igcewielingraising too much of a fuss can get you banned anyway.
19:46.52nam3l3zz~botsnack drmessano
19:46.52infobotaw, gee, nam3l3zz
19:47.19drmessanoI think I just had an epiphany
19:48.23jmetrodrmessano: personal ranking =/= concurrent calls asterisk ranking :3
19:48.29drmessanoThe more I think about this, the harder I find it to explain the difference between people I like and people I can't stand.  The only thing that stands out maybe that I go out of my way to give short, uninteresting answers to those I hate, just so they know they are boring me
19:48.34drmessanoThis is fascinating
19:49.04*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
19:49.07nam3l3zz"localized analysis" :)
19:49.37drmessanoSo yes, maybe "nickname: singlewordanswer" would be my only needed criteria for negative karma
19:49.43drmessanonam3l3zz, yep
19:50.34Katty19 is such an akward age.
19:50.52drmessanoThats a good way of putting it.  I hated 19
19:51.02drmessano20 was so much better
19:51.03nam3l3zzwould love now to be in 20-30 spectrum, would give plenty for the "transfer" :D
19:51.17jmetroi finally got together with my ladyfriend at 19, and have been doing pretty good since then.
19:51.49Kattyas i recall, drmessano is now a much happier person with his ladyfriend
19:52.03drmessanoKatty, as happy as drmessano gets
19:52.12drmessanoThe Doc is Grumpy
19:52.17Kattypats drmessano
19:52.19Kattyyes dear, of course.
19:52.55Kattyi will always uphold your reputation.
19:53.03infobot[drmessano] the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk, maybe a Doctor, not really a mess um a no..... The Doctor is accepting new patients, <drmessano> I am not a OB/GYN but I'll have a look anyway, and is earning his reputation daily, or wearing oompa looma underwear
19:53.25Qwelldrmessano: not a very good one, apparently. :p
19:53.53*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
19:54.04KattyQwell has a reputation too.
19:54.26Kattyinfobot: Qwell?
19:54.26infobothmm... qwell is a patented liquid formula that contains three plant-based bio-active agents that work together in a perfectly balanced combination. These agents act synergistically to boost your good cholesterol and slash the bad. qwellcommunicationsinc, the holding company of telcomjoshleifvoxmartinc
19:54.42nam3l3zzwatched a movie yesterday, key figure kept repeating word "reputation" - headhunters (2011), i'd recomend
19:55.08Kobazvalgrind needs to be faster
19:55.10drmessanoI find some comfort in the fact that while I others may not like how I get things done, and I often don't like how I get things done, I get things done.  As long as that remains true, people can think what they want.
19:55.45nam3l3zzgood manager's message
19:56.02nam3l3zzdrmessano: seems to hate unfinished business :)
19:56.08drmessanoSure, I remove splinters with chainsaws.  It's GONE, ISNT IT?
19:56.12Kattyi can't really see danny as a manager.
19:56.35Kattyi think he'd take over the whole department and boot everyone out
19:56.42jmetrosuddenly so sleepy, someone inject me with something before i fall asleep at work please
19:56.56jmetroall that damn spanakopita
19:56.57nam3l3zzhave a pill of jenseng in d backpack
19:57.09Kattyjmetro: have a short nap on your desk
19:57.12drmessanoKatty, I am an awesome manager.  People will remember me much in the way they remember Caesar.  Awesome leader, too bad about that knife.
19:57.32jmetroKatty: i cant nap at work d=
19:57.52Kattybummer :<
19:57.53nam3l3zzjmetro: where r u based ? atleast d continent :)
19:58.25Katty1hr to go! woo!
19:58.38jmetroUSA, you get out early katwise?
19:58.57drmessanojmetro is in South America.  He provides the greek finger good and Colombian bam bam for the Asterisk devs
19:59.44Kattyjmetro: unfortunately no :/
19:59.49jmetroI also type in any unicode text as required ©
19:59.53Kattyjmetro: but i am still excited to go home.
20:00.08drmessanoHoly crap, it's 4pm
20:01.23nam3l3zz9 pm here :)
20:01.34nam3l3zzKatty: ur time ?
20:01.55Kattyhammer time.
20:02.08[TK]D-FenderBreak it down
20:02.18jmetrotoots the tooting part.
20:02.27drmessanoI spent the whole day updating all my MACs to from Mountain Lion to Billy Goat and adding left click buttons to my iMice
20:02.30HasanAtizazhow to find on which my registerar server is binded to for sip ?
20:02.58drmessanoHasanAtizaz, huh?
20:03.27nam3l3zzany inspiring webcasts on asterisk fundamentals ? :)
20:03.31drmessanoYou're missing a in there
20:03.38infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:03.44drmessanonam3l3zz, ^
20:04.51nam3l3zzthanks for indirectly pointing out at knowing only about the book, and neglecting presense of other media types...
20:05.34jmetrothe book is the best way, follow the not-quick install guide
20:05.50Kattyi think danny just turned red
20:05.57Kattyat the passive aggressive bits
20:06.05Kattydrmessano: what is your current tint?
20:06.17drmessanoKatty, day old watermelon, seedless
20:06.26Kattyi'd say that's accurate.
20:07.16drmessanonam3l3zz, if you wish for a more direct answer to your question, lacking any further helpful engagement, the answer is "nope"
20:07.25drmessanoBut I thought that a bit unhelpful
20:07.29drmessanoMy mistake
20:07.33drmessanoSo lets try this again
20:07.36drmessanonam3l3zz, nope
20:07.56nam3l3zzas far as i read somewhere , asterisk is the first pc based pbx software, would be interesting to watch  a "documentary" of some sort, about the concept, not the "ways of running it..." :)
20:08.11jmetroi dont know if that exists.
20:08.16jmetroit might be on the digium website.
20:08.27nam3l3zzdrmessano: thanx for explaining you position.
20:09.40kaldemarthey say michael moore is planning on doing a film on asterisk.
20:10.09nam3l3zzwould be cool, watched few of his movies & liked :)
20:10.47jmetroI hate michael moore because the school i went to decided to say that all documentaries were like michael moore films
20:10.49Kattykaldemar: i totally just grinned.
20:10.51nam3l3zzfav. movie about d opensource thing is "revolution os" to me :)
20:10.51[TK]D-Fender"asterisk is the first pc based pbx software" <- incorrect
20:11.16Kattyi like how fenderbender comes out of the woodwork when he has a little factoid to slash to bits.
20:11.19nam3l3zz[TK]D-Fender: thanx for crawling the web & providing with precise  answer
20:11.47kaldemarin two hours of runtime they get to wgetting the source package. rest of the time michael spews insults at proprietary device manufacturers.
20:12.26drmessanonam3l3zz, how do you know he crawled the web?  Perhaps he has prior knowledge
20:12.35nam3l3zzdrmessano: delay
20:12.58drmessanonam3l3zz, you do realize that most of us have day jobs, right?
20:13.02jmetroi love solving other IT companies server problems by googling it and calling them and telling them to just freakin do it.
20:13.39Qwellkaldemar: You sure it's not Richard Stallman directing?
20:13.48nam3l3zzdrmessano: neither i insist the fact of crawling ;) joking... hah ? ;)
20:14.07drmessanonam3l3zz, we don't joke in here.  Asterisk is serious business.
20:14.11nam3l3zzQwell: richard stallman acting as director ?
20:14.54nam3l3zzQwell:  plenty of interviews with him in revolutionary os, like him, great guy backing all of us - open source :)
20:15.19drmessanoStallman is a nut job
20:15.27QwellYou can be right, and an ass.
20:15.30kaldemarQwell: he's one of the producer/screenwriters i hear.
20:15.33QwellHell, look at me.
20:16.18igcewielingand me
20:16.20nam3l3zzi like him being against clouds, factual side of his vision is quiet deep, but who cares...
20:16.26nam3l3zz*him - stallman
20:16.50drmessanoStallman is such an ultra purist that Michael Jackson phoned him from his oxygen chamber and called him a wacko
20:17.16jmetromy favorite albumn is "Big Willie style"
20:23.44*** join/#asterisk camerin (
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20:37.34PenguinOkay, so now I need something a little more obscure in the communications world...
20:38.01PenguinI need a VHF preamp with built-in bandpass filter.
20:38.13igcewielingPenguin: I recommend using the Hoot-n-Holler protocol.
20:38.19igcewielingPopular in the southern USA
20:39.06jmetrowhat if he aint no hollaback girl?
20:39.14jmetroone way audio issues?
20:40.48PenguinAdditionally, the preamp should have SO-239 connectors rather than BNC.
20:44.36*** join/#asterisk magicrhesus (~magicrhes@2001:41d0:1:9c01:0:ff:fee7:406a)
20:45.30*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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20:58.53drmessanoPenguin, i'm almost certain that exists, minus the SO-239s
20:59.51PenguinI've got an old GLB Electronics +10 dB bandpass, but it seems to be broken.  I'd like to replace it with something similar.
21:00.29PenguinAdvanced Receiver Research doesn't seem to have anything with bandpass or with SO-239.
21:01.51drmessanoARR wouldn't, but you could glue one of them to a bandpass filter and make a short pigtail.  It would look like one unit
21:02.07drmessanoI love those little boxes
21:02.20drmessanoBut damn lightning does too
21:02.38PenguinWe've got lightning arrestors.
21:03.25drmessanoThat won't help
21:04.47drmessanoThe ARR boxes are super sensitive. A flash of lightning 5 miles away won't kill one, but far less than enough energy needed to blow a gas arrestor will kill an ARR
21:04.51drmessanoBuy 2..
21:05.07drmessanoWe always keep a spare
21:05.32PenguinOur antenna isn't at the top of the tower, but I guarantee the tower takes direct hits from time to time.
21:05.48PenguinThat doesn't sound too promising for the life of an ARR device.
21:06.15drmessanoDoesn't sound too promising for the tower either
21:06.36drmessanoSounds lacking in the grounding department
21:07.02PenguinI don't really know how tv and radio people deal with towers getting hit by lightning.
21:07.16drmessanoWell, when we do it's a bitch
21:07.26drmessanoBut you try to avoid it altogether with proper grounding
21:07.42PenguinI would think the tower would get hit just the same with our without a ground.
21:08.04PenguinMoreso when the grounding is really good.
21:08.35drmessanoA good ground system will bleed off potential. A lightning strike is the culmination of a buildup of potential with the flash being the endgame.  Keeping static off the tower avoids strikes
21:08.48WIMPySo the trick is to make sure the tower has better grounding than your equipment.
21:09.02PenguinThat actually makes sense.
21:09.07*** join/#asterisk magicrhesus (~magicrhes@2001:41d0:1:9c01:0:ff:fee7:406a)
21:09.13*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
21:09.30drmessanoGrounding is not designed to bleed off a lighting strike.. It's designed to bleed off the tower becoming a giant capactor during a thunderstorm
21:10.10PenguinIt's not my tower, so I don't know anything about how they have it set up.  I'm sure it is done correctly, considering all factors.
21:10.21PenguinWe just happen to have some antennas mounted on it.
21:10.29danfromukHi. I'm struggling to understand how to do a GotoIf(${variable} starts with '543'). How can I do that?
21:10.40drmessanoHang around an AM tower during a thunderstorm and you'll hear the arcs and pops as the static jumps the insulators on its way to the ground
21:10.56drmessanoOn a grounded tower, that's an ongoing process
21:11.05WIMPydanfromuk: ${variable::3}
21:11.22drmessanoSince we've grounded all of our towers (and others in town), we've not seen a direct strike in years
21:11.35PenguinThis one is only around 450 ft, if I remember right.
21:11.35drmessanoPrior to that, it was every couple of weeks
21:11.57drmessano450ft is still a decent size
21:11.58danfromukWIMPy: won't that also match strings that start with XX3?
21:12.01*** join/#asterisk Mon|A|rch (~sbean@
21:12.15igcewielingdanfromuk: More Advanced Digit Manipulation section of
21:12.22PenguinWe've got a UHF antenna at around 200 ft and a VHF at around 250 ft.
21:12.33WIMPydanfromuk: No, it gives you the first 3 characters of content of the variable.
21:12.37Mon|A|rchI apologize if this is a stupid question, but I'm getting originate failures when I try to originate using a local channel instead of SIP/trunk/number
21:12.49Mon|A|rchtried to compile the useful information there
21:13.03Mon|A|rchusing the HTTP AMI interface
21:13.14igcewielingMon|A|rch: the answer to most Local/ questions "add /n at the end of the channel"
21:13.20Mon|A|rchcan paste sip.conf, http.conf or manager.conf
21:13.27Mon|A|rchI'd tried that actually
21:13.36Mon|A|rchit's not getting to the dialplan to begin with
21:14.00igcewielingMon|A|rch: get it working from the CLI first
21:14.32igcewielingI doubt anyone wants to help diagnose some complicated AJAXy AMI thing
21:14.37*** join/#asterisk magicrhesus (~magicrhes@2001:41d0:1:9c01:0:ff:fee7:406a)
21:14.51PenguinIf I could just get another GLB Electronics bandpass preamp exactly like this broken one, that would make several people happy.
21:15.35danfromukWIMPy: thanks. good idea. i was looking at using regex and things. this solution is much cleaner.
21:15.53igcewielingdanfromuk: his solution is the documented solution
21:16.21danfromukWIMPy: how would i do String contains? Eg. Does 12345678 contain 456?
21:16.26drmessanoPenguin, a lot of people fail to understand the need for bonding ground systems and what you're really protecting against.  The conductors we use wouldn't handle a direct strike or even slow it down.. Trick is keeping static away.  Science, yeah
21:16.27igcewielingLooks like you need to re-read the Asterisk book.
21:16.38danfromuk12345678 being the value of a variable and not actually hard coded.
21:17.02drmessanoPenguin, those little static hats at the tops of the towers are a lifesaver as well.
21:18.18igcewielingdanfromuk: for that you might want to use REGEX function
21:18.27PenguinI'll let the broadcast engineers manage that stuff.
21:18.51WIMPyOr if that isn;t the only thing you want to do, an AGI can become attective at that point.
21:19.00danfromukigcewieling: i was worried you were going to say that. never used regex's before.
21:19.13danfromukok, thanks for your help.
21:19.17drmessanoPenguin, it sucks not being in control of a site like that.  That's why I only put repeaters up on towers I control.  If the site has poor grounding, my ham repeater is the least of my worries and I am at least in a position to fix it
21:20.11PenguinI want to replace our antenna and hardline, but we have to get the radio station's climbers to do it, and they aren't cheap.
21:20.27igcewielingdanfromuk: same => n,GosubIf($[${REGEX("${SM_INTL_REGEX}" ${SM_DNIS})}]?prebill)  in globals we have SM_INTL_REGEX=^011|^1684|^1264|^1268|^1242|^1246|^1441|^1284|^1345|^1767|^1809|^1829|^1849|^1473|^1671|^1876|^1664|^1670|^1787|.....
21:20.37*** join/#asterisk magicrhesus (~magicrhes@2001:41d0:1:9c01:0:ff:fee7:406a)
21:20.51PenguinWe've got all kinds of people willing to climb, but we aren't allowed to do that.  Even if the climber is insured, they insist we use their people.
21:21.09drmessanoPenguin, do you work well with them?  Buy the line and antenna, if you haven't already, and ask them if you can piggyback on the next climb to change bulbs or other work.
21:21.39danfromukigcewieling: amazing. Thank you.
21:21.41PenguinThat's what we did last time we needed antenna stuff done.  That worked out well, actually.
21:22.01drmessanoPenguin, my tower work isn't free either, but an extra $200 when the station is paying them to change bulbs generally goes a long way
21:22.02PenguinWe had everything ready to go a couple weeks before the people showed up.
21:22.07drmessanoThats cool
21:22.18igcewielingdanfromuk: you should have googled or checked the Asteirsk book for your first question there there is not many examples of REGEX so you can be forgiven for that pqart.
21:22.37PenguinSo when they said "We're going up the tower," we had everything on site ready to go up.
21:23.00drmessanoPenguin, is the station a mom/pop or a corporate entity?
21:23.02danfromukThe first question was poorly worded. The second question was the real question. Thanks for the help.
21:23.23drmessanoWhich corporation?
21:23.24PenguinI need someone with a service monitor or something.  We might not even need a new antenna and feedline.
21:23.57PenguinLet me see if I can find the name.  The local station is WJBD-FM.
21:24.51PenguinNever heard of it.
21:25.27PenguinNRG LICENSE SUB, LLC
21:25.40drmessanoSounds like a mom and pop
21:25.53drmessanoProbably own a few stations
21:26.37*** join/#asterisk magicrhesus (~magicrhes@2001:41d0:1:9c01:0:ff:fee7:406a)
21:26.42PenguinThe last time I asked the manager at the local station about something, he said it had to be cleared with corporate.  I have no idea what that really means.
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21:28.18PenguinAnyway, we don't have much say in any of it.  We're lucky we can put up to antennas and have our repeaters there.
21:28.40Penguins/ to/ two/
21:29.50PenguinOur 440 system is really good, but our 2m system sucks, hence the preamp.
21:30.15drmessanoPenguin, yeah.. Clear Channel is very ham friendly.  We have a strong emergency communications division and a lot of us are hams.  There's few things easier than getting space on a Clear Channel tower for ham gear
21:30.46PenguinI don't think we have any Clear Channel stations around here.
21:31.09drmessanoI was checking the map.. I don't believe so
21:31.18drmessanoBut I am not familiar with that area
21:31.24PenguinThere's not much here.
21:31.31PenguinFarms, mostly.
21:31.36PenguinAnd some more farms.
21:31.47drmessanoWhat is the nearest medium/large city?
21:32.11PenguinSt. Louis, probably, which is 60 air miles.
21:32.40PenguinThere's Clear Channel stuff over there, but it won't do us any good here.  :/
21:34.23PenguinThere are all sorts of towers around here.  We've even had the opportunity to buy several of them for $1.
21:34.35PenguinProblem is, we can't afford insurance to own them.
21:35.05PenguinAnd since people are no longer flocking to towers to rent space, we couldn't support it that way.
21:35.39drmessanoSparse population, so you couldn't even go in on one with a couple clubs I would imagine
21:36.21PenguinThe next closest club is 45 miles from here.  They have their antennas on water towers around their community.
21:36.53PenguinWell, there's another closer, but they aren't very big.
21:36.58PenguinI really don't count them.
21:37.56drmessanoSounds like you have a perfect storm of repeater suckiness.  What about talking the rich guy in town into getting his ticket?  :)
21:39.03PenguinThe rich ones that care anything about technology are devoting their time and money to an ISP.
21:40.17*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
21:41.00PenguinOur current location on that tower isn't really that much of a problem.  We've just got something wrong with the 2m system that I can't figure out.  It used to work really well.
21:41.53drmessanoI love the people that say that the internet hasn't killed (or mortally wounded) the hobby.  People would rather spend $500 on an iPad than contribute to a repeater project any day.  There's so much equipment available now from rebanding that it's cheaper than ever to put up/upgrade/maintain a repeater.. but no interest
21:42.21PenguinYep.  There are very few of us that care at all.
21:42.23*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-ounltuvlvjaqxgvh)
21:42.42PenguinAll the ones that used to care are too old and they feel like it is someone else's turn to work on the stuff.
21:43.12PenguinI have no problem working on it, but I don't have the tools necessary to find our problem.
21:44.33drmessanoRFI issue?
21:45.45PenguinI don't really think so.  I had one of the broadcast engineers check the site with a spectrum analyzer.  The noise floor was extremely high, but there wasn't anything abnormal near our frequency.
21:46.28drmessanoWhat is the issue... Lack of receive sensitivity?
21:46.32PenguinThe symptom is that the receive on the repeater really sucks.
21:46.39WIMPyTell the critters to store their food in another antenna.
21:47.03PenguinI was trying to convince myself and everyone else that is is due to all the green stuff that came out this time of year.
21:47.09drmessanoPenguin, i'm guessing someone hasn't been able to go over the reciever due to lack of a Service Monitor
21:47.29PenguinI even swapped out the repeater recently and it didn't change anything.
21:47.43PenguinSame model repeater, but a different unit.
21:48.30PenguinCould the cavities being slightly detuned cause THAT much lack of sensitivity in the RX?
21:49.07drmessanoPull the cavities out and check the received signal.  You should be able to get a poor mans idea of the insertion loss
21:50.02PenguinThe SWR, when checked at the TX jack of the rpt using a directional coupling SWR meter, was perfect.  I kind of assumed that means the tuning was good enough.
21:50.37jmetroyour conversation about radio scares me.
21:50.44drmessanoCavities are band pass and band reject.  The bandpass could be correct and the band reject might be off enough that its killing your receive
21:51.12PenguinI don't dare turn the knobs on top, though.  I have no idea what that will do without having the proper test equipment to tune them.
21:51.34Penguinjmetro: Why?
21:51.59jmetroIve discovered the resonant frequency of a Mazda3 can be reached at 60mph with the back windows down only.
21:52.11jmetroalmost blew an ear drum
21:52.37*** join/#asterisk magicrhesus (~magicrhes@2001:41d0:1:9c01:0:ff:fee7:406a)
21:53.29drmessanoYeah, that's smart.   Don't touch them without a spectrum analyzer and a reference source.   But do try something as simple as putting a mobile with an S-Meter in place of the repeater, and either have someone generate an RF source or drop an HT down to 300mw and key up.  Check the rx signal with and without the duplexer
21:53.42PenguinWe've got four cans: two on TX and two on RX.  I don't think I could possibly tune them myself.
21:54.34drmessano6db to an S-Unit, so do the math.  It won't be entirely scientific, but the insertion loss should be no more than what is advertised
21:54.45PenguinThat's a pretty good idea.
21:56.38*** join/#asterisk dongola7 (
21:56.49drmessanoSome people are handy enough with a setup like that to actually tune the duplexer (both sides).  I wouldn't suggest it, but that setup is enough to check the loss.  Maybe you've got a tuning issue, maybe you have a cavity with a spot that's corroded.  Maybe you have a cavity with an arc spot from lightning
21:57.29PenguinWe should have a spare set of cans.  I'm thinking another test would be to put the spares on and see what changes.
21:57.40*** join/#asterisk dongola7 (
21:58.08drmessanoDon't do that "instead of..." but certainly that's worth a try as well
21:58.49*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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21:59.19drmessanoYou've checked the VSWR through the cavity.  That's a good start.  Check the other RX.  Swap cavities. You have a UHF colocated, right?
21:59.21j4jackjjmetro: i lold
21:59.38PenguinYes, the UHF is there and it's awesome.
22:00.24*** part/#asterisk russum (
22:00.25jmetroj4jackj: no joke, its bernoullis principle. your car can probably do it too with the back windows down, due to the shape o the car
22:00.26drmessanoTake that same mobile radio, connect it to the VHF system. Find a WEAK NOAA WX Station.  Swap to the UHF antenna.  The signal should get worse, not better.
22:00.46j4jackjjmetro: it's funn though
22:00.47drmessanoThats DIRECT to the antenna, mind you..
22:01.05jmetroj4jackj: it was kinda funny, i did it to my lady friend as a prank.
22:01.28jmetroyoure driving with the windows down and at a certain speed suddenly your car just goes WUB WUB WUB WUB and your ears hurt
22:02.21PenguinThe other day I was over in Mt. Vernon, which is 20 miles from the tower, inside a building with my ht hitting the UHF repeater good enough to carry on a conversation.  I couldn't even get a ker-chunk out of the VHF repeater when standing outside the same building.  It was sad.
22:03.35drmessanoPenguin, obviously that test isn't "scientific" either, but 200+ feet of coax will absorb some RF, so the VSWR test only tells me the system doesn't fail miserably.  If you have an antenna or coax issue and the feedline is absorbing the reflected power, your test is going to be tainted
22:03.55PenguinIt shouldn't take 50 watts and a 5/8 antenna to talk 20 miles.
22:04.04drmessanoChecking a known source on both antennas, knowing the VHF should be better is a pretty good measure if there's water in the line, cracked antenna, etc
22:04.14PenguinAh, water...
22:04.17drmessanoNope, agreed
22:04.21PenguinI'm glad you mentioned that.
22:04.44PenguinSomeone told me I could drill a hole in the underside of the feedline at a low point and see if water drains out.
22:04.55PenguinBut how do I seal it back up if I do that??
22:05.03drmessanoThe line isn't pressurized?
22:05.33drmessanoYou should have a hole then.. Otherwise that line is going to fill with moisture
22:05.50PenguinI think I need to talk to someone about that.
22:05.56drmessanoI always suggest a hole in the bottom of the drip look leading into the building
22:06.05drmessanodrip LOOP
22:06.20PenguinHow do you keep stuff out of it if there's a hole?
22:06.37Penguinbugs, dirt, whatever goes into feedline
22:06.46drmessanoMake it small enough to be useful, but not large enough that the jacket seals back over it
22:06.56drmessanoIf you're really worried, put a piece of mesh over it
22:08.22PenguinIf I grabbed a drill to go put a hole in it, what size would you recommend?
22:08.33drmessanoWhat size line is it?
22:08.39PenguinI think it's 1 in.
22:10.28Mon|A|rchigcewieling, originating from the CLI helped solve all my problems, thank you
22:10.42Mon|A|rchmostly thank you for not /ignoring me for ridiculous questions
22:11.00drmessano3/32 would be enough to pop a hole and not have the jacket seal back over the opening
22:11.53PenguinAnd it doesn't matter if bugs go inside over time?
22:12.13jmetroduct tape
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22:12.38PenguinDuck tape would reseal it.  He's saying leave it open to drain moisture out.
22:13.21drmessanoit's actual hardline, correct?
22:13.29drmessanoNot some large LMR crap
22:13.36Penguinair insulated, no pressure.
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22:15.27drmessanoDrill the hole.. check for water.  If there's nothing in there, seal the line back.  If there is water, leave it open.. If your connectors are venting the line, you're likely fine.  If the connectors have vapor barriers, you will need to leave the line open.
22:15.55drmessanoYou'll know if they have vapor barriers if the cable is full of water
22:16.45drmessanoUnpressurized line should have enough air gaps from the imperfections of the terminations to keep water out, at least at the bottom
22:19.08drmessanoGotta go.. BBL
22:19.49PenguinSeems like I have some work to do.
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23:07.58TheGuy_I did an odd thing...I migrated a phone system and did not install postfix, and no other relay was installed, what happens to voicemails that are set to email and delete after emailed?
23:08.51[TK]D-Fenderth* calls whatever script voicemail.conf was specified to call and does whatever it does
23:08.57[TK]D-FenderTheGuy_: ^
23:11.36TheGuy_so asterisk attempts to email and still deletes if not successful?
23:15.34Merlindefine "not successful"
23:15.38carrarHow would you know if the Email successfully reached the person?
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23:15.55TheGuy_they wouldn't be complaining...
23:16.05carrarAre they complaining now?
23:16.06Merlinhaha good luck programming that
23:16.27carrarthen it's broken!
23:16.33carrarpls fix
23:16.57Mon|A|rchlol, couldn't you just set it to email you, then you'd actually be testing it instead of guessing at it
23:18.11[TK]D-FenderTheGuy_: There is no check for "successful"
23:18.11PenguinYou don't have to have postfix.  You can safely install something much smaller, such as ssmtp or msmtp.
23:18.12[TK]D-FenderTheGuy_: * calls what it is told to,
23:18.29[TK]D-FenderTheGuy_: What it does is none of *'s concern
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23:36.53ChannelZSomething that seems really broken is NAT.  I was dicking around for awhile last night and it doesn't seem to do what it should
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23:52.23igcewielingChannelZ: I've noticed something similar.  Have you tried nat=yes instead of what Asterisk 11 tells you to use?
23:53.18igcewielingChannelZ: In the past I am SURE I remember someone from Digium saying that it is best to set nat=yes because it won't cause problems for non-natted devices.   This does not seem to be the case, but I have not tracked down specifics.

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