IRC log for #asterisk on 20130824

00:00.40trapitodo you see it as a one liner chunk?
00:00.59trapitoare you on windows?
00:01.07WIMPyBut I see you're in tools.
00:01.08trapitothis might be better though
00:01.39WIMPyThe stuff in linux needs to be built first.
00:01.42trapitowell, i'm not on tools but it seems to fail when it goes to tools
00:01.50trapitowell yeah but there's a makefile outside those
00:01.53WIMPyDid you 'make' from the top dir?
00:02.06trapitoif i execute make on the linux dir it goes well
00:02.24WIMPyWell, that's supposed to make the drivers first. i don;t see anything about that.
00:02.24trapitoi could make & make install in linux first
00:02.41WIMPyShould work.
00:02.50trapitoi'll try that
00:07.03trapitothe driver compiled and installed with no problems
00:07.18trapitothe tools gave me the same error so i'm cleaning before running again
00:10.07trapitonope, still the same
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00:11.26WIMPyThat's not the same error.
00:11.37WIMPyAnd it says it needs to be restarted.
00:11.52WIMPyDoes it happen again if you make again?
00:12.46trapitoand if i execute "make clean" it enters an infinite loop
00:13.28WIMPyLine 2 might contain the hint.
00:13.56trapitowhy, do you think that due to my box having a wrong date it tries to remake the config every time?
00:14.08trapitough i guess it does
00:14.13trapitoi think it's building now
00:15.08trapitobut it got stuck on the infinite loop, i'll fix the date and try again
00:16.16trapitoit actually did work
00:16.35trapitothanks, weird makefile behavior though
00:16.57trapitothanks again WIMPy  =)
00:18.00WIMPyNot really. Makefiles make heavey use of mtimes.
00:18.19WIMPyThat's where the magic comes from.
00:21.17*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
00:47.12trapitocool, asterisk is installed and working already
00:48.15trapitoi guess now i need to learn how to configure the whole thing
00:49.49infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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01:28.34[j4jackj]Hello * users.
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01:40.15[j4jackj]serafie: !
02:08.25*** join/#asterisk MarceGal (
02:09.12MarceGaluna ayudita en espaƱol por favor!!
02:10.44MarceGalTengo 5 trunks sip, y quisiera saber como configuro para que en caso de que un trunk este ocupado, utilice el siguiente trunk
02:13.56MarceGalen el caso de Dahdi, directamente le doy un dial(DAHDI/G1/${EXTEN:1})
02:13.59MarceGalcomo seria con los trunks sip?
02:15.16MarceGalGracias de antemano!!
02:24.43[j4jackj]Inglez por favor.
02:27.01*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
02:27.10[j4jackj]vlad_starkov: !
02:27.39[j4jackj]I am a happy * user and would like to use it as a SIP proxy. Any advice?
02:28.23[j4jackj]I am a happy Asterisk user and would like to use it as a SIP proxy. Any advice?
02:42.53PenguinAsterisk isn't a SIP proxy, so it will be somewhat difficult to use it as a SIP proxy.
03:06.36*** part/#asterisk hjf (hjf@unaffiliated/hjf)
03:06.44[j4jackj]Ah thanks
03:07.24[j4jackj]I thus want to hook up a: sip proxy, Asterisk and a softphone (for front desk) on the sabme computer to each otehr.
03:10.55[j4jackj]Penguin: any help here?
03:20.07igcewielingyou do not want to do that.
03:20.30[j4jackj]Y'actually I do.
03:20.58*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:21.14[j4jackj]Notice I am a newbie, my say is riddled with mistakes. I don't touch type, excuse poor spelling
03:21.15igcewielingthen you'll find little help here.   Forcing everything onto different ports (because they all want to use port 5060) is complicated and still to try.
03:21.31igcewielings/still to try/silly to try/
03:22.00[j4jackj]My sip proxy is on port 5069
03:22.15[j4jackj]my softphone is linphone, whch supports this config...?
03:22.27igcewielingI do not know.
03:22.50igcewielingDid you have a specific issue you needed help with?
03:23.21[j4jackj]It's that * doesn't seem to register with It's now on the 110-somethingth try.
03:30.15*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
03:32.09igcewielingwhat is the error message?
03:32.31[j4jackj]Something bout chan sip timeoutn
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04:29.40igcewielingTelcordia is the DeBeers of Telecom 8-(
04:35.14*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
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05:03.00*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:03.26j4jackjI would like to connect my Asterisk to
05:05.22*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
05:05.44j4jackjI have the error that it's timing outwhen I register.
05:07.49igcewielingWhat is the EXACT error?
05:08.03j4jackjDo you mind me giving my Ekiga addy?
05:08.22igcewielingmask out only passwords
05:08.32j4jackjNO passwords are in the message.
05:08.40j4jackj[Aug 23 22:07:37] NOTICE[30277]: chan_sip.c:13189 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #369)
05:08.51igcewielingAre you behind nat?
05:09.01j4jackjIt's been at this for upwards of 2 hours
05:09.08j4jackjYes I am NATted
05:09.29igcewielingdo you have localnet and externip set?
05:09.47j4jackjExternip I believe is set, to
05:09.54j4jackjLocalnet, I'll have to ponder.
05:10.00igcewielingis that your external IP?
05:10.20j4jackjOui, mon capitain.
05:10.31igcewielingwhat is externip and localnet set to in sip.conf?
05:11.02j4jackjI'm setting externaddr now.
05:11.44*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
05:11.44igcewielingif you don't set externip and localnet asterisk won't work behind NAT
05:12.00j4jackjWhere's externip? I thought it was externaddr.
05:12.44j4jackj1.8.13.1 dfsg
05:12.57igcewielingI believe externaddr is the new name for externip
05:12.58j4jackjIt's a distro variant, but I'm banned in #debian
05:13.17igcewielingI will not help you with problems related to your distro
05:13.42j4jackjI know, it's an asterisk problem.
05:14.42citywoklol, how did you get banned in debian?
05:15.15*** join/#asterisk Akuma (
05:15.30j4jackjTrolling, which I did not do...
05:18.42j4jackjI yay'd... chan_sip.c:20886 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'ekiga' is now Reachable. (208ms / 300ms)
05:21.54*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
05:42.59j4jackjI'm making the IVR for my PBX.
05:51.06*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
05:51.48j4jackjIt's a no go. I'll just set up individual accts for my * accts
05:53.45*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
06:00.58j4jackjSomeone is committing toll fraud using my PBX. It doesn't have a phone line, so it's safe.
06:06.02j4jackjATTN: Someone is using my PBX to commit toll fraud.
06:06.08j4jackjIt isn't working.
06:21.38igcewielingtoo much programming and SQL;  I'm starting to end my sentences with semicolons;
06:26.55j4jackjSomeone is toll defrauding me-
06:27.11j4jackjThey're not succeeding, but they are trying
06:29.06*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:35.13ChannelZnothing new there
06:35.53ChannelZI get half a dozen bunk call attempts a day. And I'm sure that's light compared to some
06:36.04*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
06:37.46j4jackjI should set up a blind transfer blacklist system where if you want to blackhole someone just dial A666#
06:38.23j4jackjWorse, they are registered o
06:41.43ChannelZyou have some random person successfully registered to a peer?
06:49.35j4jackjNot really
06:49.42j4jackjThey're just calling from myIP
06:50.10j4jackjAlso, I can call 9ekiganame in my PBX and it will call
06:50.19j4jackjThat's what's not working.
06:50.32j4jackjAt least for the call spitters
06:59.25*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
07:04.12*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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07:17.48kemmlerI've got a few machines hosting bridges on different servers and I'm wanting to cron check them with just sip calls to make sure everything is working right. The best way I can think is to just use .call files and AGI the ${dialstatus} if it fails. Is there a better way to go about this?
07:18.29j4jackjAsk when more people are around
07:27.58ChannelZYou could do AMI. Whether it's "better" or not, hard to say.
07:29.27j4jackjDoes anyone want to call me?
07:29.31j4jackjFor a lark?
07:51.07ChannelZDo you know any good jokes or anything?
08:00.00*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:05.37j4jackjChannelZ: not really
08:05.51j4jackjI do want to know how to set up confbridge though.
08:10.02ChannelZthat's not very hard
08:11.34j4jackjI know that, but I'm on Debian and having to check out SOURCE CODE just to get ConfBridge
08:11.38j4jackjWiry stuff
08:12.50j4jackjHow do I know whether or not I have confbridge?
08:13.20ChannelZmodule show like conf
08:13.46ChannelZin particular,
08:14.14j4jackjI haz it
08:17.22*** join/#asterisk sidus (
08:18.06j4jackjHi sid
08:18.11j4jackjHi sidus
08:24.06j4jackjChannelZ: so now how do I create confbrige.conf and also homw do I use confbridge?
08:25.32j4jackjWhenever I dial the extension 7something (exten = _7.,1,confbridge($EXTEN:1,Mc))
08:25.36j4jackjIt just fails
08:27.33j4jackjIt now declines when I set the first to answer and n to confbridge
08:27.55j4jackjNo application for extension
08:29.59j4jackjEven though confbridge is loaded! dmn this is a tough nut
08:38.45*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
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08:54.59*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (b4eaa92d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:55.32Alex_Bkashmy "show translation" command shows no such command
08:55.46Alex_Bkashwhat can i do to resolve it?
08:56.07*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
08:56.26kaldemaruse the correct command. "core show ..."
08:57.53Alex_Bkash:) thanks
08:57.53*** join/#asterisk taylorbyte2013 (~cyberninj@
08:58.58j4jackjkaldemar: I'm a bit of a newb, can you help? I have confbridge loaded, but when I tell the dialplan t answer and create conference number XXXXXX... (where 7XXXXXX.. is the number dialed) it says something about no such cmmand.
09:00.30*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:02.07j4jackjIf you want I can post the exact error
09:03.31j4jackjpbx.c:4218 pbx_extension_helper: No application '' for extension (default, 7343434, 1)
09:03.52Alex_Bkashhow can i install g729 codec?
09:03.53j4jackjAlso, people are using my machine for toll fraud
09:03.59j4jackjAlex_Bkash: you can't
09:04.11Alex_Bkashfor pass through
09:04.52j4jackjOK then that's a stumpie on me
09:06.33j4jackjpbx.c:4218 pbx_extension_helper: No application '' for extension (default, 7343434, 1)
09:06.54j4jackjAnd linphose says call declined
09:33.02j4jackjCan anyone tell me where to get the Asterisk MOH file: macroform-robot_dity ? It's a rather interesting song.
09:33.11j4jackjI can't find it on Google
09:50.05*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:53.08j4jackjI'm trapping the fraudsters.
09:53.26kaldemarj4jackj: you have a syntax error in your dialplan. pastebin the exten and i'll point it out.
09:53.35j4jackjOh. I now do not.
09:53.38j4jackjI fixed it
09:53.41j4jackjI noticed it.
09:54.44j4jackjAlso, I'm trapping the toll fraudsters by making their calls call me.
09:55.01kaldemarAlex_Bkash: passthrough is just passthrough, you don't need a codec for it.
09:55.05WIMPyDid they talk to you?
09:55.06j4jackjand then I answer, saying 'Hello, speaking?'
09:55.18j4jackjWIMPy: not yet
09:55.57j4jackjIt will be fun, talking to these unsuspecting users.
09:56.27j4jackjAnd of course the toll fraudsters.
09:56.40WIMPyThey won't use you until they can confirm that they can call themselves.
09:57.50kemmlerwhy would they call you when they don't even know if they can call themselves
09:57.55j4jackjIt will be fun, messing them about. For every prank call I get, I will say 'You have been trapped. Go to hell.' and then once I have it set up blind transfer them to *666
09:58.06WIMPyThese bots try to call themselves. If they succeed the fun begins.
09:58.21j4jackjThey call me because they think I have DLD capabilities because thy can dial 9.
09:58.31kaldemarwaste of time talkin to scripts.
09:58.47j4jackjThat's why I check.
09:59.24j4jackjI ask, 'Hello, speaking' and if no reply (or robotic reply) within 30 seconds I hang up (maybe transfer to *666).
09:59.40kemmleri just log spam numbers and forward them to an old dial up number that's still in service
10:00.14j4jackjNo one ever got regstered on my computer.
10:00.21j4jackjThey only ever managed to call me
10:03.29j4jackjThey sure as hell got thru.
10:03.37j4jackjI tell you that much.
10:04.07WIMPyI thing you didn;t get how that works.
10:04.42j4jackjThey got thru to me.
10:04.48j4jackjI then askedspeaking.
10:05.22WIMPyDid they even bother to set up an RTP stream?
10:05.42j4jackjI believe not
10:05.47j4jackjI never heard audio
10:05.55WIMPythought so
10:05.57j4jackjI have video disabled
10:06.35j4jackjDo you want to call a conference on my Asterisk server?
10:07.31WIMPyWhy would we? We already know they work.
10:07.38j4jackjI'm currently on hold in 73421
10:08.02j4jackjI want to see if my Asterisk can hear your softphone...
10:08.11*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
10:08.13WIMPyWhich reminds me of yet another unfinished project...
10:08.22j4jackjWIMPy: called?
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16:39.58igcewielingj4jackj: my research indicates the callers are really immigrants who purchased a calling card from the "hacker"
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17:31.27j4jackjigcewieling: do you think I will evere get to talk to one of them?}
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18:42.56cybrNautSMS question-- how might a server be setup to receive SMS messages?  is this something asterisk can do?
18:45.08j4jackjigcewieling: how will I get to talk to them?
18:47.21*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
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18:48.36j4jackjCan anyone tell me how, in the dialplan, I will handle incoming calls?
18:53.18infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:53.28[TK]D-Fenderj4jackj: Read up o your dialplan basics
18:53.45j4jackjI don't read books
18:54.09*** join/#asterisk melus (guest1212@
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18:55.36[TK]D-Fenderoh well
19:04.52*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
19:07.09cybrNautnevermind... apparently asterisk is not needed to have an SMS server.. just smstools
19:07.30j4jackjI can't click links because my terminal is the Linux no-X terminal.
19:08.01[TK]D-FenderAnd nothing stops you from hand-typing them
19:08.10[TK]D-Fender"no-click" = no excuse
19:09.06newtonrj4jackj, use the lynx browser, go to, navigate to the getting started section and read up on dialplan
19:29.41j4jackjno duh
19:30.12j4jackjButclearly you don't know nowt about Linux. I use elinks and w3m, not lynx. No modern Linux coms with Lynx.
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19:45.31[TK]D-Fenderand it's still a package available on all in repos
19:45.57[TK]D-FenderBut nice try on the pointless deflection
19:46.39carrarelinks and w3m haven't been updated in how many years?
19:47.42carrarelinks 0.12 pre 6 [2012-10-30]
19:47.46carrarguess not too long ago
19:48.08carrarw3m 2011-01-15
19:48.39carrarI can certainly understand test based stuff
19:49.03carrarbut sometimes you should just run a graphical browser :) at least in a jail
19:49.10carraror vm
19:49.11[TK]D-Fendercarrar: no point in nit-picking specific apps, he'll just pick another "complication" in reading for himself
19:49.22[TK]D-Fender[14:53]j4jackjI don't read books
19:49.28carraroh yeah
19:49.31[TK]D-FenderHe's doesn't read because he doesn't want to
19:49.34[TK]D-FenderSo who cares
19:49.41carrarHow is he on IRC!!
19:49.54carrarIRC is like a never ending book
19:50.01[TK]D-FenderNo-one is going to waste the time of hand-typing that information interactively here so lets all save ourselves the trouble of  the debate
19:51.22carrarfinally a usefull tool
19:52.12[TK]D-Fendersounds like a name that's already taken....
19:52.55[TK]D-FenderAnd yeah... it may be a "secure" backup... but given they never give it back... there is no restore...
19:53.26carrarif you click on the github link there is a restore option
19:54.04*** join/#asterisk sidus (
19:57.52kemmlerI've got a few machines hosting bridges on different servers and I'm wanting to cron check them with just sip calls to make sure everything is working right. The best way I can think is to just use .call files and AGI the ${dialstatus} if it fails. Is there a better way to go about this?
19:59.18[TK]D-Fenderdepends who you are calling and how they respond.
19:59.39*** join/#asterisk slygren (
19:59.57kemmlerrecieiving end is an automated response that doesn't need to be verified
20:01.14[TK]D-Fenderthen your test isn't very complete
20:04.00slygrenI've got 11.5 (also tried 11.4) running on OSX 10.8. First test having two SIP clients call each other works just fine. However - trying to call extensions serving Playback messages fails with no audio. Anyone knows why?
20:05.14[TK]D-Fendernetworking issues
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20:06.21slygrenPlease explain - all clients are local
20:06.33slygrenNo NAT'ing involved
20:06.54igcewielingslygren: pastebin the cli output of a failed call.
20:06.56infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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20:51.52lostLogix13hello all
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20:54.27j4jackjHello * users
20:54.46lostLogix13good afternoon j4jackj
20:55.25j4jackjDo you have a working * setup?
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20:55.44j4jackj(* is a written pun)
20:56.48j4jackjlostLogix13: For a lark, do you want to call my conference rooms? I have Confbridge.
21:13.04lostLogix13anyone know why my grandstream gateway will not deliver the 2ns call to my pbx?
21:13.05*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
21:19.39*** join/#asterisk newtonr (
21:19.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o newtonr] by ChanServ
21:21.22j4jackjAnyone interested in calling me for a lark?
21:22.48j4jackjBTW my extension on that server is 8j4jackj. without the dot.
21:23.29WIMPyif you make that 100 or 200 or so, you will get more calls.
21:24.02j4jackjthe toll fraudsters?
21:24.29j4jackj_9. already goes to me
21:25.31igcewielingj4jackj: my research indicates the callers are really immigrants who purchased a calling card from the "hacker"
21:27.18j4jackjhow does it?
21:27.42j4jackjhi newtonr
21:28.16igcewielingj4jackj: allow the calls through, listen to them
21:28.18j4jackjWIMPy: is the reason because of toll fraud?
21:28.24newtonrj4jackj, hi!
21:29.04j4jackjI do listen to them at this time
21:29.15j4jackjnewtonr: I have a PBX. It finally works.
21:30.01j4jackjI've a conference chat at
21:30.12newtonrj4jackj, sweet! now make hundreds of glorious calls
21:30.28j4jackjnewtonr: no one even cares
21:30.52j4jackjit's not a phone-line PBX, it's like skype without any credits.
21:31.00j4jackjmake sense?
21:32.21newtonrj4jackj, not really. Do you have a SIP trunk coming into an asterisk box with confbridge setup?
21:33.33j4jackjThe sip trunk is just a free account, and you can only call from the internet. I haven't set up an IVR, so I need help with that.
21:34.02[TK]D-Fenderj4jackj: "core show application waitexten"
21:34.46newtonrj4jackj, ahh okay. cool.
21:36.07*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (~user@
21:36.24*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (b4ea2d3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:36.51j4jackjHow do I waitexten with a wav file I made? It always says permissio denied. also, is it possible to spell exten numbers that are not numerical with the dtmf usage?
21:37.12j4jackjDo I use playback?
21:37.24j4jackjI don'twant to use GSM files, patents
21:38.11ChannelZgsm is not patented but they sound like shit anyway
21:38.21ChannelZthe wav has to be 8khz mono 16bit
21:38.39ChannelZbut permission denied usually means just that, whatever user your asterisk runs as is unable to read the file
21:38.51[TK]D-Fender[17:36]j4jackjHow do I waitexten with a wav file I made? It always says permissio denied. also, is it possible to spell exten numbers that are not numerical with the dtmf usage? <- no
21:38.56[TK]D-FenderDTMD = DTMF
21:39.10Alex_Bkashhi [TK]D-Fender
21:39.13[TK]D-Fenderit isn't "type the whole alphabet"
21:39.19ChannelZand further Background() is your friend
21:39.26j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: i get that
21:39.49j4jackjThe wav is 44100hz stereo 16bit, will that work?
21:41.25[TK]D-Fender[17:38]ChannelZthe wav has to be 8khz mono 16bit
21:41.26j4jackjI think 16000hz 16 bitc mono should work, g722 wise
21:41.39[TK]D-FenderI'm wondering in what way that was not clear
21:42.06ChannelZI don't remember if the wav reader can do more than 8khz, you might have to use slin for higher sampling rates.
21:43.40j4jackjI think the wav reader can do that but I will likely use 'slin16'
21:44.34Alex_Bkashi've installed g729 in amd64 pc
21:44.40Alex_Bkashbut see no translation
21:44.53ChannelZthe real, licensed one?
21:46.12ChannelZj4jackj: format_wav.c:112 check_header_fmt: Unexpected frequency mismatch 16000 (expecting 8000)   -   so yes, you must use slin.
21:46.40j4jackjHow do I use slin?
21:46.44ChannelZThat one is not supported here. g729 is covered by patent
21:46.46j4jackjOut of interest?
21:47.08j4jackjDo  rename the file to slin16?
21:47.09ChannelZdepends.  ffmpeg will do it.. sox probably can make it too
21:47.29ChannelZslin is signed linear pcm, it's headerless
21:47.30Alex_Bkashi want to use just to bypass between IAX2 trunk
21:47.33j4jackjHow do I use slin then?
21:48.06ChannelZAlex_Bkash: asterisk should already do g729 passthru with no codec but it means asterisk can't be in the media path listening in
21:48.39ChannelZj4jackj: re: ffmpeg can make it, sox might be able to as well, other audio apps might be able to save it..  you can record natively from asterisk..
21:48.51Alex_Bkashbut shows no translation
21:49.30ChannelZAlex_Bkash: right because you have no codec.  You can buy proper ones at
21:49.54ChannelZThe URL you posted is unsupported, stolen from "example" source code for g729 which is a commercial licensed codec.
21:51.49igcewielingdiscussing unlicensed g729 codecs on this channel is one of the things which will get you banned.
21:53.42Alex_Bkashok im sry
21:53.43ChannelZj4jackj: ffmpeg -i yourfile.wav -codec:a pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 16000 -f s16le yournewfile.sln16
21:53.50Alex_Bkashi did not know it
21:54.16j4jackjI've converted it with sox.
21:54.27ChannelZhappy days
21:55.29[TK]D-FenderWhat's the point of converting to SLIN here?
21:55.43j4jackjTo allow not using GSM as much.
21:56.07ChannelZHe mentioned wideband g722
21:56.16ChannelZassuming your devices can do it and you want wideband
21:56.30*** join/#asterisk tonyclewis (uid6025@gateway/web/
21:56.39[TK]D-Fenderconvert to the codec your CALLS ar going to use
21:56.53[TK]D-Fenderotherwise you are going to compound conversion losses
22:00.19j4jackjI'm using G722 for all calls
22:01.23j4jackjall of MY softphones do G722, and on my PBx, exclusively.
22:01.46ChannelZIt winds up as 8khz on the PSTN anyway, but it's fun for internals.
22:02.04[TK]D-Fenderthen that is what you should be converting to
22:02.10[TK]D-FenderEverything else only makes it worse
22:03.41*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
22:05.14j4jackjI willnoet use the PSTN unless I have to.
22:09.29ChannelZyeah, screw them!
22:12.04ChannelZwideband coming out of my phone sounds weird.  not bad weird, but "why doesn't this sound more like shit like I'm used to" weird
22:27.17*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
22:29.16*** join/#asterisk cybrNaut (cybrNaut@unaffiliated/cybrnaut)
22:38.14j4jackjWhenever I convert sln16 to g722, I get this: [Aug 24 15:37:12] WARNING[24631]: file.c:1019 ast_readfile: Unable to open /home/jack/dial.sln16
22:39.37[TK]D-Fenderj4jackj: Considered looking at who owns that file and who * is running as?
22:44.10j4jackj* i d k but the file is owned by jack:jack
22:45.36*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
22:46.28j4jackjI don't think * is running as r00t
22:51.50[TK]D-Fenderyou should upgrade "think" to "know".
22:51.59[TK]D-Fender"Know" is a vastly superior product
22:54.55j4jackj* is running as asterisk
22:55.51[TK]D-FenderI guess you should make some accomodations with regards to what & where your file is then....
22:56.26*** part/#asterisk cybrNaut (cybrNaut@unaffiliated/cybrnaut)
23:02.12j4jackjAnyone want to call me for a lark?
23:03.06[TK]D-FenderI only accept European swallows
23:03.35[TK]D-FenderAnd on rare occasions pellicans
23:03.41*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
23:03.48ChannelZDo you do phone sex?
23:04.02[TK]D-FenderPhone sex causes heading AIDS
23:04.27ChannelZHearing.  You really must work on your delivery.
23:05.04[TK]D-Fenderthat too
23:07.06j4jackjAnyone want to cal me for a laugh*
23:07.34ChannelZWell it is called Comedian mail
23:07.36j4jackjI think my PBX setup should be calledLaughsterisk
23:09.06*** join/#asterisk thecardsmith (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
23:09.07j4jackjDoes anyone want to peer their Asterisk to mine? WARNING: DO NOT MAKE YOUR OUTSIDE/PSTN LINES ACCESSIBLE or I will call myself.
23:09.36ChannelZthen why would we
23:10.53j4jackjTo call my confbridge
23:11.25ChannelZwell if you do it right no one has to 'peer' their asterisk to yours.. they just call you..
23:12.23j4jackjMaybe you can add a prefx to your dialplan '*23#' that will call ${EXTEN:4}@
23:13.40j4jackjI know
23:13.44j4jackjI call it a prefix
23:14.06ChannelZWhat's it a prefix to?
23:14.19j4jackjAny number within my PBX dialplan
23:14.34j4jackjlike '8j4jackj' and '73421'
23:14.56ChannelZso you make people dial things like *23#8j4jackj ?
23:17.43*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (b4ea2d3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:18.16*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
23:18.38Alex_Bkashwhat will be the best low bandwidth codec for IAX tunnel?
23:18.45Alex_Bkashfree ones
23:21.28j4jackjAlex_Bkash: G.722
23:21.46j4jackjChannelZ: yes...
23:21.57ChannelZg722 isn't exactly "low bandwidth"
23:22.14j4jackjAlex_Bkash: Why? HD voice earned its name, and it's low bandwidth for the quality.
23:22.55j4jackjStill waiting forsomeone to cll *23#73421 (or 73421@
23:22.55ChannelZbut unless you have wideband devices on either end it's wasted quality
23:22.56Alex_BkashI need to run GSM gateway with low Bandwidth
23:23.11j4jackjAlex_Bkash: That'll be a problem
23:23.16ChannelZuse gsm.  It sounds like ass but it works
23:23.36j4jackjChannelZ: it isn't because you can always add wideband in the future
23:24.44j4jackjUse G.722 if you think you're going to add wide bnd.
23:24.53ChannelZIt's wasted CPU resources and again the point is he asked specifically about low bandwidth so why use g722 which isn't any lower than ulaw, and has quality you're going to immediately resample back out?
23:25.11j4jackjIf you think you're going to add wide band.
23:26.05Alex_Bkashi am not going to add wideband in near future
23:28.28[TK]D-FenderG.722 is NOT "low bandwidth"
23:29.43Alex_Bkashi need very low bandwidth codec
23:29.54Alex_Bkashto that i can run 30 channels GSM GW
23:29.54ChannelZmorse code
23:30.12Maliutaavian packet carrier?
23:30.21ChannelZgsm is like 13kbit
23:30.24[TK]D-FenderAlex_Bkash: GSM <-
23:30.55*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
23:31.11[TK]D-FenderOr G.729 if you want to expand to "non-free"
23:31.19Alex_Bkashi think GSM can be done
23:31.34Alex_Bkashbut problem is upload is very narrow
23:31.47Alex_Bkashand cant do with out vpn
23:32.34Alex_Bkash10$ fee for how long?
23:32.42ChannelZforever.  Per channel.
23:33.51ChannelZYour'e sending calls over IAX to another box, who then sends to a gsm gateway?
23:34.11[TK]D-FenderMy guess : that other box
23:34.17j4jackjNot a good plan.
23:34.36[TK]D-Fenderj4jackj: based on what?
23:34.40j4jackjAlex_Bkash: you're clueless. STW and RTM.
23:34.53j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: a bit wasteful
23:35.24Alex_Bkashone asterisk in hosted server and another in my locality where BW is limited
23:35.33j4jackjYou can't just have the GSM gateway on the same server?
23:35.38ChannelZwell both would have to have sufficient g729 licenses then
23:35.43[TK]D-Fender[14:53]j4jackjI don't read books <- a guy who says this should never tell anyone else to "RTM"
23:35.43j4jackjAlex_Bkash: get the biggest connection you can
23:35.55j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: I read the online manual
23:36.12ChannelZso it's paper you're allergic to?
23:36.25j4jackjChannelZ: I just like saving the tres
23:36.28[TK]D-FenderTypo-allergenic ;)
23:36.31Alex_BkashServer is in Germany and client in Bangladesh
23:37.05j4jackjAlex_Bkash: get a better connection in your Bangladesh then. Then you can use ulaw and GSM
23:37.43ChannelZwell 30 channels means 60 g729 licenses
23:37.52[TK]D-Fender[19:35]ChannelZwell both would have to have sufficient g729 licenses then <- which could mean just 1 side has a requirement.
23:37.56Alex_Bkashtwo way
23:38.17j4jackj30ch = 60g729lic
23:38.20ChannelZunless the clients/devices on one side were already g729
23:38.26[TK]D-Fenderpeople are assuming what sides transcoding is required on
23:38.36[TK]D-FenderSo don't start guessing
23:38.47j4jackjAlex_Bkash: what uploead bw do you have?
23:39.02Alex_BkashDownload is 2 mbps
23:39.13Alex_Bkashupload is 1/4 of download
23:39.23j4jackjThen you can't have a gsm gateway, because your upload is too slow
23:39.28ChannelZCan the customers not simply connect directly to the other server with the gateway on it?
23:39.33j4jackjAlex_Bkash: is that the fastest cable internet?
23:39.33[TK]D-FenderNo, he has enough
23:39.38ChannelZthis is the internets afterall..
23:39.52j4jackjIt's TOO SLOW especially with a contention of more than 10:1
23:40.03[TK]D-FenderNo, it isn't
23:40.23Alex_BkashBW is not so available outside cities
23:40.34[TK]D-Fenderand there is no "contention.  He said 30 channels.  That assumes he needs to be able to acheive it
23:40.48[TK]D-FenderI need X = that's how many\
23:40.50ChannelZuh oh, now you're assuming! tsk tsk
23:40.53j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: you're talking out of your a$$
23:41.04[TK]D-FenderNo, YOU are talking out your ass.  Show me your math
23:41.19j4jackj512 / 64 = 8ch up+dn combined, 4 calls at once.
23:41.34j4jackjCan't you just use a party line modified for Asterisk and VoIP?
23:41.37[TK]D-Fenderhat part of NO G.722 are you having trouble with?
23:41.46[TK]D-FenderYour 64kbps figure is BS
23:41.50j4jackjI know
23:41.56[TK]D-FenderSo dump that
23:42.19j4jackjWith speex at 30 kbps, he gets 8 calls at once
23:42.30[TK]D-Fenderstill wrong
23:42.32Alex_BkashI'll use IAX2 trunked mode
23:42.49j4jackjWith a codec using 16kbps he gets 16 cals
23:43.06[TK]D-Fenderj4jackj: He just stated 500kbit upload
23:43.17[TK]D-Fender16 x 16 = 256 kbit
23:43.21[TK]D-Fenderyour math is still WAY off
23:43.35j4jackjYou're using CHANNELS, not CALLS.
23:43.41j4jackjA call is two channels.
23:43.43[TK]D-Fenderchannel = calls
23:43.49[TK]D-Fenderupload and download.
23:43.57[TK]D-Fenderthey don't GAN UP on your UPLOAD bandwidth
23:44.06j4jackjOne upload channel and one download channel = 2 channels. INESCAPBLE FACT>
23:44.11[TK]D-Fenderthey are SEPARATE
23:44.25[TK]D-FenderIf he has 500kbit for UPLOAD.. that is the UIPLOAD CHANNEL
23:44.31ChannelZupload channel = bandwidth going OUT.  download channel = bandwidth coming IN.
23:44.32j4jackjYes, but you can't have 4 people saying things to one person...
23:44.42[TK]D-FenderYou are a moron
23:44.50j4jackjI'm just saying thngs that will let him still have some bww
23:44.59[TK]D-FenderYou are giving wrong "facts"
23:45.00j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: namecall
23:45.10ChannelZit's not "my connection is 500kb as a whole no matter what direction"
23:45.14j4jackjYa... as you say. but I'm just working on what I know.
23:45.32j4jackjOK then, 32 calls on a 16k codec.
23:45.52[TK]D-FenderNoone else is suggesting using what you're offering
23:45.52ChannelZBut obviously that assumes the devices themselves are local.
23:46.00*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
23:46.07j4jackjAnd 8 on a 64. (just hypothetical)
23:46.36j4jackjAnd 38 calls using a 13.3k codec...
23:46.37j4jackjassuming something odd
23:46.49[TK]D-FenderHe asked for 30.
23:46.51ChannelZIf the devices are remote to 'server A' then yes it's basically the double bandwidth, assuming all the same codec
23:47.05[TK]D-FenderHe can fit 30 in the 2 actual "low bandwidth" codecs he was suggested
23:47.21j4jackj18 calls using a 26k codec...
23:48.05[TK]D-FenderAnd which codec are you suggesting that * supports at 26k?
23:48.07j4jackj13.3k it is then, GSM
23:48.15[TK]D-Fender(aside from the fact that doesn't reach his target anyway)
23:48.19j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: speex I believe
23:48.37j4jackjCan I show my logic?
23:49.18j4jackj(1024/13.3)/2 assuming he has a symmetrical bandwidth (512 either way) and the codec is somewhere about GSM
23:49.19ChannelZWe don't really know your setup Alex_Bkash.  We know you need to jam X calls from server A to server B.  But how do the calls get to Server A in the first place?
23:49.33j4jackjFrom server B.
23:49.46j4jackjThus now we need to div/4.
23:49.57[TK]D-Fenderj4jackj: He doesn't have symmetrical BW.  We know this.
23:50.05j4jackjAlex_Bkash: is that right?
23:50.19j4jackjCan't Alex_Bkash just use server B and do away with server A, and have a specially built fibre cable running to the city?
23:50.23Alex_Bkashfrom a vos3000 server
23:50.41[TK]D-Fenderj4jackj: You don';t get to decide your client's connection
23:50.47j4jackj[TK]D-Fender: that woe know. But I assume that due to the way telephony works he'll need 13.3 either way.
23:50.55Alex_Bkashj4jackj: Voip Is illigal in BD
23:50.59j4jackjI get that miuch
23:51.11j4jackjAlex_Bkash: that's silly
23:51.34j4jackjAlex_Bkash: if it's illegal, don't use it to give phone service to your customers.
23:51.37j4jackjRun a party line.
23:51.45j4jackjIf you can't use VoIP, it's no good.
23:52.17j4jackjAsterisk IS voip.
23:52.25Alex_Bkasha lots of Bangladeshi workers work in middle east,europe, america
23:52.30[TK]D-FenderNo, Asterisk is MULTIPLE technologies
23:52.37[TK]D-Fenderhence "asterisk"
23:52.44Alex_Bkashthey call to Bangladesh via low cost voip calls
23:53.06j4jackjAlex_Bkash: and why do they have an isue?
23:53.39Alex_Bkashcorruptions mainly
23:53.40j4jackjI'm just looking it up,...
23:53.56Alex_Bkashyou hide and eat from it
23:53.59j4jackjAlex_Bkash: if it's corruption that makes VoIP illegal, just corrupt the corruptors.
23:54.19ChannelZwell we answered the question. Try gsm. Get busy.
23:54.35Alex_Bkashthanks a lot
23:54.44ChannelZGood luck
23:55.14j4jackjAlex_Bkash: get a license
23:55.23*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
23:55.27ChannelZponders going shooting..
23:55.28j4jackjIt's stupid, but do it.
23:56.11Alex_Bkashdoes any one have a idea of openBTS?
23:56.35j4jackjAlex_Bkash: no
23:57.53[TK]D-FenderAlex_Bkash: What about it?
23:58.19Alex_Bkashmake a PC a BTS
23:58.39Alex_Bkashi dont have good ideas anyways
23:59.03Alex_Bkashwhich can serve a certain radious cell

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