IRC log for #asterisk on 20130823

00:00.53*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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13:44.14*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.5.0 (2013/07/15), 10.12.2 (2013/03/27), (2013/07/15), DAHDI-linux 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), DAHDI-tools 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
13:44.17QwellWIMPy: no, hold on, go back a second
13:44.28QwellWIMPy: Why are there plants in the shower?
13:44.57GreenlightI did wonder that as well
13:44.57QwellGreenlight: we all were...
13:45.09GreenlightA watering can just didn't cut it /
13:46.16WIMPyBecause I have an issue with spider mites. :-( So I tried to get the worst of the issue off mechanically.
13:46.44igcewielingjmetro: mu ascii over dtmf experiment
13:47.14WIMPyThese things are extremely annoying. They re-appear over and over again. Even if you thought you defeated them and didn;t see anythign for months.
13:47.26WIMPySo if anyone knows a cure...
13:53.48WIMPyHmm. 2nd phone doesn't ring at all. Well, CUL
13:58.34*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
14:04.35igcewieling"Thank you for calling.  If you are calling before 9:30am, please hangup and call back at a decent hour."
14:09.09*** join/#asterisk blee (
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15:01.57human39Hello all!  I'm need a recommendation on hardware.  We have a need to send SMS's directly from asterisk.  We decided that we want the hardware to do it ourselves.  I assume that we would need a GSM modem and a carrier that supports this type of a system.  Any recommendations?
15:02.35wasanzyif I want to start asterisk and see any error on startup i use something like this: asterisk -rvvvvvvvv?
15:02.50human39It won't be high traffic, so single or dual channel would be fine.
15:02.52[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: No, that connects to a RUNNING asterisk
15:03.27*** join/#asterisk Thesulac (~Thesulac@
15:03.40[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: asterisk -gvvvvvvvvvvvc
15:03.51wasanzyah right
15:03.53wasanzythank you
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15:11.52mic_WIMPy: I cannot remember if I discussed the delay issue with you
15:12.07mic_WIMPy: but a malfunctioning DNS was the problem.
15:17.51GreenlightHmm am I missing something or is my telco being stupid. I'm tracking down a problem with some ISDN PRI lines. They're asking for the DDI I'm using when calling OUT for the failed calls. I've offered the CLI I'm presenting but they're saying, no, they need a DDI number. They're not wanting the "main bearer" number either.
15:18.37igcewielingGreenlight: they want the CID you are sending when you call out
15:19.48lodacI am able to 4 digit call from any of the building to the other building. Asterisk routes all of the calls via the digium trunks. I have incoming calls routing to the correct trunks and the phones are picking it up correctly. However when an inside phone dials out (91NXXNXXXXXX), It doesn't go out the AT&T PRI. But if I dial out with a softphone, it works.
15:19.58lodac (Topo), (asterisk debug), (Digium G100 debug)
15:20.08lodacWhat am I missing?
15:21.04Greenlightigcewieling: Yes, that's what I thought, and offered to them the "calling party" or "presentation CLI" or "caller id"
15:21.22GreenlightBut, not they are certain they don't want that they want the specific DDI
15:21.44GreenlightWhich has me going "wtf"
15:22.43GreenlightJust wanted some reassurance that I'm not crazy really
15:23.08GreenlightBefore I start telling them they are
15:23.39mic_Greenlight: don't get me wrong
15:24.02mic_Greenlight: but your worries kind of are comforting to me
15:24.09mic_Greenlight: because I was going through similar thing in july
15:24.10igcewielinghuh?  the specific DDI is the callerid number
15:24.26mic_Greenlight: it seems it's just the ISDN itself that makes people go nuts.
15:24.34mic_(sorry for a unrelated note)
15:24.38GreenlightYea, it seems that way ;)
15:24.47GreenlightOr maybe telcos are just PITA to deal with
15:24.48igcewielingapparently y'all don't use SIP.
15:24.57GreenlightI try to when I can
15:25.07GreenlightBUt this particular customer clings to their ISDN
15:25.39igcewielingI meant, if you think PRI is confusing, try SIP, you'll realize ISDN is simple.
15:25.59igcewielingI love ISDN, so much easier to troubleshoot than SIP
15:26.04GreenlightOh, I thought you mean SIP ITSP's were easier to work with
15:26.53GreenlightSIP I find that generally I have more control over fixing issues, with ISDN it's going to involve the telco who'll swear everything is working okay for as long as they can
15:26.59mic_Greenlight: we service some health-related things from the town hall - out there they haven't heard of SIP - all ISDN & bazillions of cables
15:27.01igcewielingGreenlight: if you can reproduce the issue on demand, send them a PRI debug capture of a failed call
15:27.25GreenlightSent them that THREE weeks ago ;/
15:27.31*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
15:27.41igcewielingsend more.
15:27.56GreenlightCan't reproduce on demand, have to trawl the logs for it
15:28.27mic_if you can borrow from someone a pro ISDN tester
15:28.33mic_this is how we shut the telco
15:28.45GreenlightAhh it's an odd issue that cuts calls off mid call though
15:28.45mic_or at least convinced them that it's their fault.
15:28.57mic_aaa, ok.
15:29.00GreenlightPerhaps one in every 10,000 calls ;/
15:29.09GreenlightMaybe 1 in 1000
15:29.11mic_Love bugs like that :D
15:29.15igcewielingGreenlight: we get that with SIP.
15:29.37GreenlightCalls just cutting off ?
15:30.02GreenlightIt shouldn't happen.
15:30.09igcewielingrandom, very small percentage
15:30.14GreenlightA call 8 minutes into a conversation, suddenly failing for example
15:30.18*** join/#asterisk hjf (hjf@unaffiliated/hjf)
15:30.31igcewielingseems to mostly happen with High Drama customers.
15:31.04GreenlightYes, I know those sort
15:31.25GreenlightThis we get back in the PRI Trace: Ext: 1 Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) Spare: 0 Location: Network beyond the interworking point (10)
15:31.39GreenlightExt: 1 Cause: Temporary failure (41), class = Network Congestion (resource unavailable)
15:31.59GreenlightI don't see how I can get "congested" mid call. Very odd.
15:32.04igcewielingare you sure you are RECEIVING that message and not SENDING that message?
15:32.11hjfI was wondering, could I use an external device, like an SPA3102 for FXO for asterisk?
15:32.22Greenlight100% :)
15:32.28igcewielinghjf: yes.
15:32.41igcewielingassuming the spa3102 has an FXO port, of course.
15:32.45hjfigcewieling: cool. does it work well? or is a dedicated card prefered?
15:32.58hjfyes the 2102 is dual fxs, the 3102 is 1fxo/1fxs
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15:33.18GreenlightIf I'd pasted the whole line you'd see the arrows "<"
15:33.43hjfI want to try voip pbx for home but dedicated cards are a bit expensive. also my server is freebsd and i'd rather keep asterisk in a VM
15:33.45igcewielinghjf: I *might* use that setup for a personal line, but never for a customer.  Adds far too much additional complexity and makes troubleshooting tough.
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17:53.19igcewielinghas anyone see this warning?   WARNING[12707]: channel.c:3622 ast_waitfordigit_full: The FD we were waiting for has something waiting. Waitfordigit returning numeric 1
17:57.09*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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18:06.55igcewielingheh, I broke the pbx
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18:23.54WIMPyGreenlight: It says temporary failure. Not congested.
18:30.16TheGuy-where can I begin to troubleshoot random users not being able to access meetme, according to log files the users are entering the wrong pin but when I stand next to the user and watch them dial they enter the correct digits
18:31.32*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose_atD@nat/digium/x-flhrlvpxexhlcoso)
18:31.55[TK]D-FenderTheGuy-: go make a test extensions for them to run through while you watch
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18:34.03jmetro[TK]D-Fender: go make a test sandwich for me to nom while i wait.
18:34.35*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
18:35.20igcewielingTheGuy-: sounds like a dtmf issue to me
18:37.55TheGuy-[TK]D-Fender: I have added a few test meetme rooms as one of our users thought the number 2 was the problem. I looked at the logs and asterisk says they are dialing 31146 while the user is dialing 31174 and I have verified with my own eyes they are dialing the proper sequence. They do seem to have more luck if they dial slowly though, relaxdtmf=off
18:42.52igcewielingTheGuy-: missing digts are common, duplicated diigits are common, dtmf being detected as the wrong digit is very very rare.
18:43.25igcewielingwhat brand of SIP phone are you using?  is the phone set for rfc2833?
18:44.13TheGuy-Polycom 501 and yes rfc2833 and in some cases users are on a cell phone
18:45.23igcewielingset your dtmf length to 70ms in the polycom configs
18:46.00igcewielingas for the cell issues, you should verify with your carrier they are using rfc2833 on your sip account
18:47.34TheGuy-What can I do for users that are using the PRI to access meetme? Does AT&T offer any info regarding this type of issue?
18:48.03WIMPyNo. It's always inband, so your telco is out.
18:48.46WIMPyYou could try to either use hardware or software DTMF detection.
18:49.29*** join/#asterisk sidus (
18:50.32Kattyhi kids
18:50.39igcewielingor enable long tones on the cell, like everyone should so they can reliabily use IVRs
18:53.43jmetroKatty: Aye aye captain.
18:55.28Kattyhugs jmetro
18:57.26jmetro:< -> :>
19:00.06*** join/#asterisk Vann (
19:01.23VannHello. Does anyone know if it's possible to play a beep (or any sound) when someone connects to a conference call?
19:01.49jmetroyou mean a join/leave notification in confbridge?
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19:04.06igcewielingVann: "conference call" doesn't mean anything.  there are at least 4 ways to do "conference calls" with Asterisk
19:04.45Vanner sorry, yeah jmetro that sounds about right
19:04.46VannI believe we do it via meetme
19:04.59jmetroVann: i would switch to confbridge =)
19:05.34jmetrootherwise tells you what to do for meetme.
19:05.55TheGuy-WIMPy:Do I do that in /etc/dahdi/system.conf with cidsignaling=dtmf? How do I change it from software?
19:05.59jmetroor more accurately, core show application meetme
19:06.31VannAwesome. I appreciate it jmetro.
19:06.58WIMPyTheGuy-: You change it when loading the card driver via module parameter.
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19:08.23*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
19:09.47*** join/#asterisk boom^time (
19:09.59boom^timeHey guys, any good application for checking for file existance?
19:10.15boom^timeFrom my research it looks like STAT used to exist, but doesn't seem to on 11.5
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19:10.30jmetrostat is part of linux.
19:10.36jmetroyou can call it from dialplan
19:11.22boom^time[Aug 23 15:02:30] WARNING[5184][C-000000f9]: pbx.c:4621 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'STAT' for extension (record-ivr-s1-s1, s, 2)
19:11.32jmetrolemme show you
19:11.45[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: Show your research
19:11.54[TK]D-FenderQwell: SHHH!!!
19:12.13skrustyevening all
19:12.55jmetrohuh wait a second..
19:13.00skrustywondering if i can get a bit of community feedback on a website i've started to put together to index AGI scripts:
19:13.15[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: .......... FUNCTION
19:13.26skrustythe idea is to create a resource for people to find AGI scripts open source or otherwise
19:13.35boom^timemy mistake
19:14.13jmetro0 means no exist
19:14.27boom^timejeez jmetro didn't you see [TK]D-Fender telling everyone to "shh"?!! now
19:14.34boom^timeI'll never learn for myself. J/k thank you very much.
19:16.09[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: It was to see what you were using as a reference so we could point out what you missed in it.  Or to out a bad reference
19:16.19[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: Devil's in the details
19:16.35igcewielingboom^time: remember every dumb question reduces your karma.  n00bs get some amount of karma when they start.  If you use it all up people stop helping you.
19:16.49boom^time[TK]D-Fender: agreed.
19:17.31jmetroigcewieling: Psh, i'll always help people, but usually force them to not be annoying.
19:17.34boom^timeigcewieling, I suppose I'll just have to make a new nick whenever I run out then.
19:17.42*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
19:17.55navaismothey check your IP
19:17.59navaismoand block you
19:18.03boom^timenavaismo, tor
19:18.08navaismopeople here are evil
19:18.11boom^timeand it was just a joke anyhow.
19:18.39igcewielingjmetro: before you know it you will be as bitter and cynical as the rest of us.
19:19.17igcewielingMy karma comment was only partially a joke.   People WILL stop helping if you ask too many really dumb questions.
19:19.34boom^timeSo far I've found the jadedness quite entertaining. Maybe someday I'll be fortunate enough of an expert to partake.
19:19.45boom^timeYeah, I wouldn't blame them.
19:19.46[TK]D-FenderWhich you're nowhere near a reasonable threshold of...
19:20.44boom^timeWell that's good to know :)
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19:22.20[TK]D-Fenderheads out for a while
19:24.20*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
19:26.21igcewielingCustomer is complaining about their internet being slow and voice issues.   Turns out they are maxing out their circuit -- I even sent them graphs showing this, what is the reply "Knowing why the internet is slow does not help make it faster. MAKE IT FASTER."
19:27.36navaismoyes dude, they now its slow you need to make it faster, what your problem?
19:33.42*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
19:36.12TheGuy-WIMPy: I've been browsing sangoma's documentation and they recommend trying to turn relaxdtmf on, everything I've read says don't turn relaxdtmf on, whaddya think?
19:37.55WIMPyI haven't played with it. I don't use much dahdi.
19:53.21WIMPyOk, so now I made the test of calling two sip devices.
19:53.52WIMPyCreating teh 1st destination channel took 385 ms, creating the 2nd one "only" 84 ms.
20:05.49WIMPyAdding both the current local IP and that of the server to /etc/hosts does not change timing.
20:08.18navaismo385ms is really a bad time?
20:09.08WIMPyDon't you think so?
20:09.08jmetrodepends on the destination
20:09.21jmetrochina, not too bad. across the hallway, awful
20:09.40WIMPyThat is the time before trying to do anything. Only for creating the channel.
20:10.02jmetrolike a performance issue?
20:10.23navaismo385milliseconds?? aint nobody notice that
20:11.06WIMPyI notice it every call as I send a nootifiert to my desktop right befor doing the Dial.
20:11.11jmetroits a system operation not a network op
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20:11.30WIMPyWhen I get the banner I have to wait until a phone rings.
20:12.13WIMPyLike: He, I want to answer that call. Where is it?
20:12.54WIMPyTimes vary, I've also had 460ms.
20:13.25*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~d45h@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
20:14.33navaismotop report peaks on cpu or memory when yo make the call?
20:14.59WIMPyNot that I'd need it at home, but at the current performance, it probably couldn't handle more than 20 calls/minute.
20:15.26WIMPyI'm not sure I'd be able to see it at that speed.
20:17.38WIMPyWhen using vmstat I see a peak in context switches.
20:19.16WIMPyAnd a little peak at waiting time.
20:21.09WIMPyAnd an even smaller one for user time, reaching like 12%.
20:22.52WIMPyThinking of which... 12% in one second would translate to 100% for half a second.
20:23.07WIMPySo I guess that makes a yes after all.
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20:33.00navaismomaybe the harddisk? waht if you test that on SSD
20:33.36WIMPyDo you think there are disk accesses at that time at all?
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20:39.55WIMPyI get like 130 to 640 blocks out in that second. So unless something is switing with fsync that would be nothing.
20:40.27WIMPyDoes creating a channel write anything to AstDB or something?
20:40.54igcewielingdoesn't astdb (now sqlite) get flushed/sync'd frequently
20:41.22igcewielingWIMPy: registrations do, I assume qualifies too, but I've not checked.
20:42.15WIMPyNFI, how that works. As you might have read, jkroon found out that AstDB seriousely slows down sip registrations, while I found out that writing to it from Dialplan doesn't take time.
20:42.34WIMPyYes, but this only happen on sip channel creation.
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20:44.24WIMPyOh, and only if the source channel is sip as well.
20:45.27navaismoany developer have responded to that?
20:46.15WIMPyNo. Wrong if the source channel is iax, it happens as well. But not if the source channel is lcr.
20:46.15navaismoor is considered as -how they called that-
20:46.51WIMPyI did discuss it when it was even more extreme due to thread debugging enabled.
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20:49.03WIMPyBut what?
20:49.55navaismoi mean the status for a ticket in jira, i undesratnd that as "in the limbo"
20:50.04navaismobbl going to eat
20:51.03WIMPyMaybe I should take it to -dev again.
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22:05.15fileFor those not keeping track libuuid will be an optional dependency in the next release of Asterisk 11
22:06.14WIMPyAnd what do(n't) you get without it?
22:06.37fileTURN and ICE support
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22:13.17navaismowhy that change
22:14.04navaismoIm feel now like a dog that first was trained to poop outside, then punished to poop outside and now dont care
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23:46.57igcewielingfile, you are indeed awesome.
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23:52.21trapitoI'm trying to build dahdi but i'm getting an error and i wasn't able to find an answer in google
23:53.04trapitoi'm getting "sed: can't read conftest.c: No such file or directory" after executing the first "make"
23:53.53WIMPySounds rather strange.
23:54.05WIMPyBut before we go deeper: Do you need dahdi at all?
23:54.32trapitoi'm trying to use a digium T410
23:54.45trapitofor my PSTN lines
23:55.50trapitoi'm working on Centos 6.4 x64
23:56.29trapitoactually i'll upload the log
23:56.38WIMPyI wonder what wants that file. I don't have it. Not even on the box that uses dahdi.
23:57.34trapitowell i think it's a compile time file that's used to test the config (something autotools related)
23:58.02*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
23:58.37*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
23:58.55trapitoi'm executing make from "/usr/src/asterisk/dahdi-linux-complete-"
23:59.13trapitoshould i ask in asterisk-dev ?
23:59.56WIMPyFirst of all it would help if that paste was multiple lines.

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