IRC log for #asterisk on 20130808

00:05.52*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
00:14.01*** join/#asterisk Mango45 (~Mango45@
00:17.11Mango45How do you configure sip.conf to authenticate a phone by IP?  I put host= in, but it allows any phone with that username to make calls as that peer, regardless of what IP address it has.
00:21.29Mango45My sip.conf:
00:34.29Mango45hah.  type=peer
01:05.12*** join/#asterisk zendel (
01:06.18*** join/#asterisk Gaiax (~Mabel@unaffiliated/gaiax)
01:09.52*** part/#asterisk Gaiax (~Mabel@unaffiliated/gaiax)
01:14.12zendelhi, I've pasted a Query in The question is regarding "queue member ackcall - cpuspikes". Can anybody give some input ?
01:22.55*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:25.04infobotUpgrading is easy!  Go that way, really fast.  If something gets in your way, turn.
01:25.33navaismomaybe on recent version asterisk dont do that
01:26.27zendel<navisimo>: This is in response to my Query ? Upgrading is not an option.
01:27.20zendelCos there's are other APPS running.
01:29.04navaismohmm too bad, but what apps are you using that doesn't in recent versions of asterisk?
01:30.45zendelits about the AELs , macros & there are lot of them. Changing asterisk version means rewriting stuff which does not work. And it's a risk for a production system. Is this a bug OR it has to do with the Dial Plan ?
01:30.49floren_zendel: why upgrading is not an option
01:31.07floren_latest version of asterisk has tons of features and enhancements
01:33.02zendelThis will require major re-coding. Cos AEL/Macros has evolved.
01:33.11floreni see
01:33.19florenwhat versionn you run now?
01:34.16florenhmm ChannelZ or [TK]D-Fender might be able to help, i'm working my way up on knowledge with 11.x only
01:35.25*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
01:36.34[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't even the latest from that branch.
01:37.07[TK]D-Fenderand neither it, nor the one one that followed is supported at all any further
01:37.28[TK]D-Fenderlocking youself to it is suicide
01:37.43florenheh [TK]D-Fender
01:38.02floren[TK]D-Fender: how are you
01:38.13[TK]D-Fendershitty... but alive...
01:38.33zendelWell i know, upgrading now is asking for trouble. All I need to know is whether it's a BUG or some crappy dial plan.
01:38.41florenyou're not going to like it, about to set a 2nd crisco 8961 in my appartment :D
01:38.47[TK]D-FenderI got my shirt off today :)
01:38.48zendelif it's a BUG i'll leave it alone
01:38.56florenheh [TK]D-Fender
01:39.47[TK]D-Fenderzendel: cpu spike isn't some little thing you should be doing in th dialplan .... it's the apps
01:40.01[TK]D-Fenderand the rest of the core
01:41.10[TK]D-Fenderwhich means it isn't going to get better...
01:41.27florenzendel: upgrade time :)
01:41.59[TK]D-FenderI'd start the process of digging your way out of obsolescence sooner than later....
01:42.42[TK]D-FenderI've seen several dumb projects screw themselves locking to 1.4...
01:43.41[TK]D-Fendergood at the time tends to be found to be worse over time
01:44.25navaismoso i'm getting this with Blink, Jitsi, Phoner & MicroSIP--> == Problem setting up ssl connection: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
01:44.25navaismo[Aug  8 01:43:12] WARNING[29105]: tcptls.c:261 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed!
01:48.48*** join/#asterisk thebmw (
01:50.53leifmadsenzendel: sounds like a bug, but without looking at the dialplan or output of anything, it'll be hard to confirm anything
01:51.01leifmadsenbut a cpu spike sounds like a bug to me
01:51.11leifmadsen1.6.1.20 is pretty old, and hasn't been supported for at least a couple of years
01:51.48*** part/#asterisk IAmTheClaw (
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02:24.26*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
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02:33.34*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~artur0@
02:41.37asteriskmonkeyheya heres a wierd one,
02:41.51asteriskmonkeythere is gotoiftime functions in asterisk
02:42.04asteriskmonkeybut i dont seem to see anythhing to noop the current time as the pbx sees it
02:42.22asteriskmonkeyis there a command for this?
02:43.17asteriskmonkeyfound it nm
02:44.06navaismoman this tls/srtp stuff sucks neither Blink/Bria/Jitsi/Phoner/MicroSip/SFLphone/Linphone work on it
02:45.16*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
02:47.15[TK]D-Fenderor you just did it wrong
02:47.28[TK]D-Fenderplaces bets
02:48.48navaismowell blink/bria/MicroSIP cant login because the error---> == Problem setting up ssl connection: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca   [Aug  8 01:43:12] WARNING[29105]: tcptls.c:261 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed!
02:50.06navaismoPhoner/Jitsi doesn't support srtp diling show the error---> [Aug  8 02:47:39] WARNING[29849][C-0000001c]: chan_sip.c:10469 process_sdp: Matched device setup to use SRTP, but request was not!
02:50.21[TK]D-Fenderzopen failed = don't trust file or contents
02:50.56[TK]D-FenderI trust nothing obviously
02:51.09navaismoand i followed step by step the recipe from asterisk wiki blink didn't work.
02:51.46navaismothen my T20P from yealink cant send the invite correctly if SRTP is enable if I disbale SRTP all work great using tls
02:51.56[TK]D-Fenderstop wallowing and show all the backup]
02:52.13[TK]D-Fender"I followed the guide" = WEAK SAUCE
02:52.53*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
02:56.15navaismospent all dat between certificates, vpn settings and cap traces grrr
03:02.12asteriskmonkeyheres a wierd one, im using asterisk in a vm environment
03:02.22asteriskmonkeylocal time is set correctly however asterisk is using utc
03:02.36asteriskmonkeywhere do i change it from utc?
03:06.36*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
03:07.35asteriskmonkeyim using a gotoiftime and its driving me nuts on this vm box because asterisk keeps using utc
03:16.25asteriskmonkeythanks was missing a timezone file :P
03:26.10*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
03:38.28*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-rrmbgozqmuvecoqd)
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04:44.28*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
04:46.34*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
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04:58.36*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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06:03.56*** join/#asterisk apb1963 (~apb1963@
06:08.23igcewieling2 hours of debugging a freepbx upgrade and apparently all I had to do was log out of the GUI and log back into it.
06:08.56*** join/#asterisk [404] (~404]@
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06:15.48*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
06:31.19ChannelZisn't FPBX grand?
06:42.08*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
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07:25.12*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:27.29*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
07:37.22*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
07:43.51mnathanihow can I setup a webpage where I can enter 2 phone numbers and have asterisk dial both and conference them together?
07:45.35*** join/#asterisk threesome (
07:47.39ChannelZcall files
07:49.01mnathaniChannelZ: Thanks
07:50.13ChannelZYup. Simple matter of making your website generate call files and dump them in a ConfBridge, or into your dialplan that ultimately puts them into a conference if you need to do other things first
07:51.15ChannelZalthough that assumes your * box is the same as the web server.  But you can come up with some means to do it if they are different servers
07:53.43*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:64ae:f04f:b795:e1af)
07:53.45ChannelZcould also do it via sockets if they are remote, via Manager.
07:54.16ChannelZMore than one way to skin a cat.  And with that I'm off to bed.
07:56.45*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
08:00.47*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
08:04.19*** join/#asterisk bombev (~User@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
08:04.26bombevHi guys
08:05.20*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:06.06*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
08:07.07bombevI was wondering is it possible to be created some dialplan which will call bunch of extension and then to play some announcenement with BackGround and then clients to be able to choose what to happens
08:09.13bombevHow should I start WIMPy can you give me some advice
08:10.03WIMPyDid you read the book?
08:10.29*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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08:10.45WIMPyThen you should know what you need.
08:11.02WIMPySome way to generate a call and the rest is just the normal IVR stuff.
08:11.17bombevgot it
08:18.04*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
08:38.45*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
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08:44.52uyulalahi all
08:51.48*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
09:03.16WIMPyYay! Finally a pickup from VM.
09:04.51*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
09:06.34*** join/#asterisk RZero (~chatzilla@
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09:14.34WIMPystill wonders how to sensibly do it for multiple users, but for now I'm quite happy.
09:14.44peetaurIs there a sound quality tuning guide somewhere? Even on the local gigabit LAN, sometimes there is jitter and bits of silence where there should be talking. It's much more common with the recordings than with 2 people talking.
09:14.54peetaur(and it's just a test so far ... no heavy traffic)
09:15.38WIMPyA bad timing source? Try 'timing test'.
09:16.55peetaurwhere is timing test?
09:17.02WIMPyOn *CLI
09:17.34peetaurIt has been 1000 milliseconds, and we got 50 timer ticks
09:17.43peetauris that good? :D seemed quick and simple for a test\
09:18.01WIMPyYes and yes.
09:18.10WIMPyOr at least not obviousely bad.
09:18.42WIMPyWhich timing module do you use?
09:19.24peetaurhow do I find out? I'm using asterisk 11 + FreePBX 2.11-rc1
09:19.42WIMPyIt told you in the first of the two lines of output.
09:19.54peetaurah, I see        Using the 'timerfd' timing module for this test.
09:20.51*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
09:21.07tompawHey, great job with 11.5! Why the f*ck would we need rtp engine installed by default anyway?
09:22.12WIMPyOnly works if you have the neccessary dependencies installed.
11:07.22*** join/#asterisk infobot (
11:07.22*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.5.0 (2013/07/15), 10.12.2 (2013/03/27), (2013/07/15), DAHDI-linux 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), DAHDI-tools 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
11:21.53*** join/#asterisk duchman (~paulo@
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11:35.27phixGreenlight: yes, that is bad
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11:39.10*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
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12:43.15level7they do what?
12:43.21level7Greenlight: what do you mean?
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13:40.43abradleyI'm interested in setting up some desk phones (ip phones) at a couple of cust serv reps' homes for instances such as bad weather. Unfortunately, we must be hipaa compliant. Can someone point me in the right direction as far as setting up polycom phones (ip450, for example) to work over ssl or vpn connection?
13:41.21abradleyWhen I go into the menu on the phones I'm unable to locate any SSL or encryption settings
13:42.57abradley[TK]D-Fender, thanks, I'll look into this.
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13:54.23*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
13:54.42saxa_Hi, i set up asterisk with tdm400 analog card, have 3 analog lines and sip phones. The problem is that 90% of the times when i call the line gives a busy signal. If I try to call by mobile phone to that number the number 90% of the times is not busy.
13:54.56saxa_I would like to know how can I debug this issue ?
13:55.09saxa_how can I understand what is wrong ?
13:55.53saxa_if I go to the server disconnect the line and reconnect it it calls immediately
13:55.53*** join/#asterisk Linkforsoad (
13:56.18saxa_for the sip phone I use grandstream phones
13:56.26*** join/#asterisk twitchnln (
13:56.54saxa_can be a sip misconfiguration or is chan_dahdi problem ?
13:57.05twitchnlnmorning, anyone ever had a problem with remote extensions not establishing audio path on external calls but inter-extension calls are fine?
13:57.20*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-kgwdbmywroxaasux)
13:57.47Greenlighttwitchnln: Sounds like a NAT related issue
13:57.58GreenlightDo you have directmedia enabled ?
13:59.11twitchnlnreinvites are disabled if that is what you mean
14:00.13twitchnlnremote phone should proxy thru pbx to get to pstn, not reinvite directly to provider
14:00.31GreenlightAnd you're 100% sure? Can we see sip.conf ?
14:00.45GreenlightAlso, what version of asterisk is this?
14:01.09twitchnlnwhich portion? or all of it?
14:01.42GreenlightThat's old....
14:01.57GreenlightAnd no longer supported
14:02.21twitchnlnit's alot better than the aah box I replaced
14:02.35[TK]D-Fenderand when was that?
14:03.15twitchnlnlike 2 years ago
14:03.20GreenlightWhy 1.4 then ?
14:03.26Greenlight1.4 was old even then
14:03.42Greenlightor is this some trixbox type packed up thing?
14:03.45[TK]D-Fenderbecause it was on some iso that was old when he looked then too
14:04.04*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
14:04.05twitchnlnit's stable, and I have 300+ in the field, and I don't want to roll a new installer image
14:04.17GreenlightOk, well good luck with your problem.
14:04.31*** part/#asterisk twitchnln (
14:04.34[TK]D-Fenderlets nt jum tthat far....
14:04.45[TK]D-Fenderjust fix your nat settings
14:05.28[TK]D-Fender'he had a configuration problem, not a "bug".  Don't be an ass.
14:05.48Greenlightexternal users can call internal users okay, but not call externally.
14:05.54GreenlightAnd he says directmedia is disabled
14:06.03GreenlightOr, "reinvite" as it was back then.
14:06.14[TK]D-Fenderthat word doesn't even exist in 1.4
14:06.33[TK]D-Fenderand you think that is all there is to it?
14:06.40[TK]D-Fenderit isn't
14:07.04GreenlightIf there's no reinvites then nat must be okay for the RTP to flow for an external -> internal call
14:07.39GreenlightAnd I'm not trying to be an ass, I just don't remember stuff like the reinvite options etc for that version
14:07.57GreenlightOr if there were any "gotchas"
14:08.33[TK]D-FenderWGLWAT is a a GTFO phrase mostly...
14:08.45[TK]D-Fenderno need to abandon him on this
14:09.36GreenlightWell lets see whats in sip.conf
14:09.43GreenlightThink he's justm getting it
14:10.20*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (~user@
14:11.44GreenlightOh, just noticed he left
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14:23.55*** join/#asterisk boom^time (~boom^
14:24.29saxa_Hi, i set up asterisk with tdm400 analog card, have 3 analog lines and sip phones. The problem is that 90% of the times when i call the line gives a busy signal. If I try to call by mobile phone to that number the number 90% of the times is not busy.
14:24.32level7so anybody used kolmisoft MOR and can provide me some feedback?
14:24.43level7or if you have tested some other billing solution, let me know :)
14:24.58*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
14:25.05boom^timeHey guys. I haven't used asterisk since <1.4 days just got back into it. Trying to limit my rtp port range down to just 1000 ports for experimentation. However, if I modify rtp.conf asterisk 11.5 doesn't seem to obey. Has something changed?
14:25.25duchman<level7>have used a2billing for about 2yrs.....
14:25.50Greenlightboom^time: Did you restart it after making the changes ?
14:25.57boom^timeYes :)
14:26.07level7well I know that who is using a2billing is quite sadisfied of the thing
14:26.20duchmanseems ok when u get past the many complex parts
14:26.28duchmanesp rates thing
14:26.43[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: and you retarted *?
14:26.57boom^timeYes :)
14:27.28[TK]D-Fenderboom^time: show us the configs and a call with sip debug enabled
14:35.36boom^timeBut I'll see this > 0x7f8b50021740 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
14:35.54boom^timesorry forgot my rtp.conf, one sec
14:35.55GreenlightIsnt that the IP of your endpoint?
14:36.05GreenlightOr is that Asteris k?
14:36.19boom^timeYes that's for my sip phone
14:36.32GreenlightSo the phone decided it's RTP port...
14:36.45boom^timeSure did.. hmm.
14:37.15GreenlightYou can only control your own RTP port, not the other side
14:39.21boom^timeMakes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
14:40.31*** join/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
14:40.40RahailHI there I am having ussing with asterisk u limit
14:40.51Rahaileven i did ulimit -n 65536
14:41.05GreenlightWHich user is asterisk running as ?
14:41.07Rahailstill i get this to much file open cant modified i also change under /etc/security
14:42.56Rahailsorry Greenlight Asterisk built by root
14:43.07GreenlightYes, and which user is it running as
14:43.21GreenlightBecause you need to set your limits for that particular user
14:43.33Rahaili did ulimit -n 65536
14:43.40GreenlightAs root ?
14:43.51GreenlightOk, and who is asterisk running as?
14:44.18GreenlightWHat's the actual error you're getting ?
14:44.34Rahail[Aug  8 07:03:28] WARNING[5875]: tcptls.c:290 ast_tcptls_server_root: Accept failed: Too many open files
14:45.52GreenlightDo you have any limits set in asterisk.conf
14:46.33Rahailnope everyting is comment out
14:46.36Rahailudner asterisk.conf
14:46.45GreenlightTry uncommenting and setting there
14:46.56GreenlightAnd see if asterisk complains when starting or not
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14:47.16Rahail;maxfiles = 1000
14:47.22Rahailis this the one i should uncomment
14:47.30GreenlightYea, set that to something a lot higher
14:47.44Rahailok what about
14:47.53Rahail. /etc/security/limit.conf
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14:48.21GreenlightI thought you'd already increase it in there?
14:48.34Rahaili put name udner astierks
14:48.38Rahailso i should change to root
14:48.48Rahailasterisk soft nofile 65535
14:48.48Rahailasterisk hard nofile 65535
14:48.49GreenlightYou really shouldn't run asterisk as root
14:49.20fileFun fact: Every time "file" is used in a sentence my cellphone vibrates
14:49.46RahailGreenlight so i should change the asteirsk to root
14:49.50Rahailunder limit.conf asterisk soft nofile 65535
14:49.50Rahailasterisk hard nofile 65535
14:50.14GreenlightWell why do you have an "asterisk" user, if you're running asterisk as root
14:50.31Rahaili thought it was runing as asterisk
14:50.36GreenlightRight , okay
14:50.36Rahailbut now i relize its runing  as root
14:50.50GreenlightAdd entries for root in there as well.
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14:51.27MezzFA0hi all, I have a bit of a noob question about dialplans.  Anyone know much about what context originate uses to connect two extensions?
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14:51.43GreenlightMezzFA0: Whichever one you tell it to.
14:52.40MezzFA0ok, I have an auto answer context and it works fine on my two test extensions (5001 & 5002).  But when I call originate from the cli to connect 5001 to 5002, 5001 rings, I answer and then 5002 auto answers.  Can I stop that first ring?
14:52.40boom^timeSo.. I'm proxying all of my traffic through a VPS. I can make outbound, but only get one way audio. The firewall my local asterisk server is behind I opened up 1000 ports both udp/tcp and set that range in asterisk. It's gotta be something to do with the fw
14:52.55RahailGreenlight after teh changes
14:52.58Rahaildo i need to reboot
14:53.59GreenlightRahail: Hmm I'm not 100% sure. Try restarting asterisk and it should say something about setting max open files
14:54.05GreenlightSee if it complains it cant
14:54.07MezzFA0e.g. #>originate SIP/5001 extension 5002@my-custom-auto-answer, 5001 rings first, 5002 answers automatically
14:54.25Rahailwhere whill i see this msg
14:54.41Rahailas i am starting the asterisk from rc.local
14:54.44GreenlightMezzFA0: You likely need to use a Local channel
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14:55.16GreenlightRahail: You can start it from command line using "asterisk -c"
14:55.29MezzFA0Thats where I'm confused, I don't see a channel being created until I answer so I'm not sure how I know what channel to use
14:55.33Rahailwhile its running i still can do the -c
14:55.53Greenlightoriginate Local/5001@my-custom-auto-answer extension 5002@my-custom-auto-answer
14:55.55GreenlightTry that ^^
14:56.11GreenlightRahail: No, you'll need to stop it.
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14:56.48GreenlightIt may even try and set it just doing "asterisk -r"
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14:57.04GreenlightYou should see a message about "setting max open files"...
14:57.22boom^timeis there anyway to view rtp information? such as if it's receiving a stream and from where?
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14:57.48[TK]D-FenderMezzFA0: there is a channel created to call the device you specified ... and when it answersds, it is dumped into the dialplan
14:57.55MezzFA0Thanks Greenlight, I've wasted half the morning fiddling with that
14:58.03MezzFA0Local/5001 etc works fine
14:58.09[TK]D-FenderMezzFA0: it does not inherently "connect 2 devices"
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14:58.27GreenlightThe Local will send you into the dialplan, rather than going direct to the endpoint
14:58.55GreenlightPresumabley setting your SIP auto-answer header
14:59.26[TK]D-Fenderif that's what is being set...
14:59.40GreenlightJust guessing from the context name :)
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15:01.42MezzFA0thats correct, I managed to get as far as the SIPHeaders but the last bit completely threw me
15:01.51ghost75registerattempts=0 <- this should do infinite attempts right?
15:02.18ghost75hmm i had one peer not registered until i restarted *
15:02.34ghost75and parameter was set to 0
15:03.05ghost75could this be problem with nat table?
15:04.21GreenlightThat parameter is when asterisk is registering.
15:04.35GreenlightThis sounds more like your peer was registering with asterisk.
15:05.12Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how ot fix plz
15:05.35ghost75last night at 2am i had mail that one peer was not registered anymore, i guess that happened during ip change of isp
15:05.47ghost75since then didnt work until i restarted *
15:05.56Greenlightghost75: Yea things like that are going to cause issues ^^
15:06.12Kattycarrar: how was your walk last night
15:06.17Kattycarrar: with the misses..
15:06.37ghost75openwrt has kind of problem with nat table
15:07.20*** join/#asterisk boom^time (~boom^
15:08.45boom^timeIf you're using two NICs with your asterisk server will it accept traffic from each network or does it bind to a specific one?
15:10.58wdoekesboom^time: each
15:11.18boom^timeThank you
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15:11.34wdoekesyou could force it to listen to a single one if you wanted, I think
15:11.39wdoekesbut it defaults to any
15:11.50boom^timeusing externip?
15:12.33boom^timeunder each sip friend/peer?
15:12.47boom^timeor probably just under default
15:14.16boom^timehaha that made this sexy error "chan_sip.c:4341 __sip_reliable_xmit: Serious Network Trouble; __sip_xmit returns error for pkt data"
15:14.48GreenlightYou perhaps need to specify a port as well
15:15.13boom^timeI did, 5060. I already had bindaddr= and I changed that to my WAN ip as well
15:15.26boom^timealso tcpbindaddr= was there and I changed that.
15:15.35GreenlightAnd that's the IP assigned to that NIC
15:15.56GreenlightThere's no NAT ?
15:15.57boom^timeShoot, no. Was using my WAN IP.
15:16.03boom^timethat should fix it brb
15:17.07boom^timeWell it fixed it but I'm still back to my one way rtp stream. damn.
15:19.43boom^timenot my firewall just tested random udp ports with netcat. Must be the way I'm proxying the calls
15:20.02Greenlightproxying the calls ?
15:20.59boom^timeYeah, I have this irritating setup right now where I'm being forced to use a VPS with asterisk while I'd rather use a local install for testing/development. So I'm proxying my calls of my local asterisk server through the VPS
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15:21.46boom^timebecause the inbound and outbound will only allow traffic from the VPS. I like to develop locally.
15:22.03GreenlightYou need a new ITSP :)
15:22.42GreenlightHowever, from a technical point of view, it should work (I've done similar things before to get around routing issues)
15:23.10GreenlightStart with directmedia=no
15:23.13boom^timeGreat! Maybe you could give me some pointers. Like I said so far I can make outbound np, it'l connect, but then just one way audio.
15:23.33GreenlightEnsure all your entries in sip.conf have directmedia=no
15:23.45boom^timeokay I'll add it
15:24.00boom^timejust on the proxy?
15:24.08GreenlightAnd your dev box
15:24.28GreenlightYou want to ensure that the RTP is going ITSP <--> proxy <--> devbox
15:24.40GreenlightRather than trying to go direct,and likely hitting NAT issues
15:26.16boom^timeDidn't help unfortunately.
15:27.00boom^timeI've limited the port range for my local dev box for rtp to 12000-13000 and opened the udp ports on my firewall to point at it. verified the rules took with netcat. Still not making it through though.
15:27.13Greenlightlets see your sip.conf
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15:32.28Vico100i get this error: WARNING[1042]: db.c:285 db_execute_sql: Error executing SQL: database is locked
15:32.36Vico100any help?
15:32.51Vico100whenever device trys to register
15:33.17wdoekesVico100: is your astdb writable?
15:33.43Vico100im running asterisks on root and its set to
15:34.33wdoekesanother asterisk process running? an open sqlite connection?
15:34.56Vico100i think im using sqlite3
15:35.18Vico100i search google with this error not much can find
15:35.23Vico100asterisk v11
15:35.25boom^timeGreenlight, (in case you didn't see it)
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15:37.58GreenlightYour proxy doesn't have a [general] section ?
15:38.30boom^timeno sorry it does, it's just the default sip.conf and the ITSP that set it up just added an include at the end pointing to what I pasted
15:38.41boom^timeDo you want me to copy the whole thing?
15:39.04GreenlightYes please
15:40.07boom^timeGreenlight, here you go
15:44.25GreenlightI would try adding nat=force_rport,comedia to sip.conf
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15:45.01boom^timeto all of them?
15:45.14GreenlightNo, just to the [general] section on the proxy
15:45.28GreenlightMight have no effect (am not sure what the default is)
15:45.47GreenlightThen restart and retry
15:46.20boom^timethat did it
15:46.31GreenlightOh, excellent :)
15:46.33boom^timenow I need to know why lol
15:46.49GreenlightThe default is presumany to not be nat aware
15:47.01boom^timeI'm forwarding the ports directly to this machine though, so NAT shouldn't be an issue I wouldn't think
15:47.02GreenlightAnd your dev box is behind a nat ...
15:47.22GreenlightYour dev box is sending an invite saying "hey I'm on"
15:47.36GreenlightAnd your proxy is taking that as gospell
15:48.00GreenlightSo the settings we added, tell it to instead use the IP it actually got the invite from
15:48.26Greenlightnat=force_rport,comedia generally work well in all situations
15:48.48boom^timethat would have been a red flag for me except that I kept seeing this on the proxy "Probation passed - setting RTP source address to"
15:48.54boom^timewhich is the WAN IP of the dev box
15:49.09boom^timeif I would have seen then it would have dawned on me.
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15:50.27boom^timeWell anyhow thanks a lot for the help. Now I get to go remove all of the settings I added to try and get this to work, whatever they were :)
15:50.48GreenlightNo problem
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15:59.11navaismotalking about force_rpot&comedia in the sip debug & sdp negotiation the contact address still the LAN address but sip show peers show the correct wan address
16:00.05Greenlighthm yea your missign some nat settings on dev box as well
16:00.28GreenlightYou neec externip = <your wan address>
16:00.49Greenlightand localnet=
16:00.53eddicAlright, so, I have an extension called "John" in the "internal" context. Inside a "pstn" context I go, "exten=>XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/John@internal)". Unforunately the Dial function tries to do name resolution on "internal" instead of know it is a context. What am I doing wrong?
16:00.57Greenlight(Or whatever your local network is )
16:01.09Greenlight*and* nat=force_rport,comedia
16:01.52Greenlighteddic: That's not how you use Dial
16:02.17GreenlightIts wanting a dialstring
16:02.23WIMPyBut maybe what you use Goto() for.
16:02.29[TK]D-Fendereddic: "john" is not in a "context"
16:02.29eddicGreenlight, So how do I "dial" an extension across a context like that?
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16:02.40WIMPyAnyway, you're mixing up extensions and devices.
16:02.51GreenlightEither GoTo or you can use a Local channel
16:03.04[TK]D-Fendereddic: "context" is a term related to the dialplan
16:03.16WIMPyOr maybe you can just include that other context.
16:03.22eddicYeah, that makes more sense here
16:03.26[TK]D-Fendereddic: back up...
16:03.48[TK]D-Fendereddic: what is the name of the entry you made iin sip.conf?
16:03.59navaismoGreenlight, the sip.conf has the externip & localnets
16:04.28GreenlightNot the one he showed me
16:04.48eddicGoto worked like a charm
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16:08.07tuxx-hi. i'm writing a script for nagios that checks the asterisk P.I.D. to see if asterisk has quit. My question is, does asterisk spawn child processes which have a different P.I.D. from the main asterisk process? A couple of times per day my nagios script will say the P.I.D. changed, but when i check asterisk the uptime tells me that its still running and hasnt quit yet.
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16:10.00Greenlightif you run an asterisk console you'll get another asterisk pid
16:10.05GreenlightCOuld that be effecting things ?
16:10.41tuxx-my script should avoid those things
16:10.54tuxx-i iterate through all /proc/<num>/stat files and see which one has (asterisk) in it
16:11.02tuxx-so i dont think asterisk cli's will be picked up by my script
16:11.09GreenlightWhy not >
16:11.35drmessanoSeems like they absolutely would be
16:11.42WIMPyWhy don't you do the good old killall -0 asterisk?
16:12.27tuxx-im gonna test that asterisk cli thing Greenlight / drmessano
16:12.45WIMPyOr that is the point where it helps if you use rasterisk instead of asterisk -r.
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16:13.02GreenlightI guess the bigger question is why is your asterisk quiting ?
16:13.11tuxx-you guys are right
16:13.24tuxx-thats not my task Greenlight, sadly.
16:13.35WIMPyAnd the reason I use rasterisk -R so i kann killall -9 asterisk if I need to without killing the console.
16:13.57tuxx-but the console will be killed when you kill asterisk right?
16:14.11WIMPyNot hat way, no.
16:14.37WIMPy-R vs -r
16:15.28WIMPySo the r in front seems senseless, but keeps you safe from the killall.
16:16.11GreenlightAnd it reconnects when asterisk is back up?
16:16.33WIMPyAs soon as it starts.
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16:16.50WIMPyUnless you take more thna 30s to do so.
16:17.05GreenlightNice, I'm going to start using that
16:17.14WIMPySo you see the whole startup process in the remote console.
16:17.28GreenlightYup that's what I was thinking, very handy
16:17.40WIMPyWell, maybe you use the first few lines. But it seems to start really quick.
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16:58.53eddicSo I'm having trouble understanding something conceptually. I've got an asterisk server with a public IP on one NIC, and the natted lan on the the other nic. I've got a snom 320 on the lan. If I dial something like on my phone, does that have anything to do with the asterisk server? Does it completely bypass the server and handle things on it's own?
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17:01.52navaismohave you tried that? what show your cli?
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17:08.40navaismoIf your phone is registered only with your asterisk and you send a sip uri you need to handle that via your dialplan too(as far I know).
17:11.45eddicIs there some sort of test sip uri people can call that maybe echo's back or something?
17:15.26navaismonot sure if this work but is using in blink-->
17:16.15[TK]D-Fendereddic: on YOUR server?
17:16.39[TK]D-Fendereddic: only if YOU create it in your dialplan
17:17.21[TK]D-Fendereddic: also in general start throwing away the concept of "domains"
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17:29.15blehxorWhats your favorite open source softphone?
17:30.35navaismolinphone or sflphone
17:30.46navaismobut you can use jitsi also
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18:29.39*** join/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
18:29.45RahailHi there I am using asterisk realtiem with mysql
18:30.00Rahailmy mysql load like 500% and it cuase call ahng and lot of other problem
18:30.10Rahailis there any optomizition for asterisk with mysql i can update
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18:40.37kenlikHi, i'would like some help with the problem described in =>
18:41.58igcewielingkenlik: have you read the Asterisk Book/
18:42.02WIMPyAmy ways to do that.
18:42.29WIMPyEither just a static 2nd try or the big one with registercontexts and dundi.
18:42.34Rahailigcewieling any idea about how can stop that mysql load
18:42.35Rahailthat high
18:42.41navaismoins't better to use a sip proxy to do that?
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18:42.54igcewielingRahail: no, but sounds like a Linux issue, not an Asterisk issue
18:42.59kenlikigcewieling, not; sorry but i'm newbie with asterisk
18:43.08igcewielingkenlik:  then you should go read the Asterisk Book.
18:43.10infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:46.01WIMPykenlik: And you need to learn the difference between extensions and devices.
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18:48.42kenlikWIMPy, igcewieling: extensions and devices? Good start point, thanks
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19:08.47zewelorHi, my asterisk instalaltion on ubuntu server was working fine few months, and now when i call someone / or someone calls me, i cant hear anything on both ends. I can't see anything obvious in logs using asterisk -vr. How can I debug it ?
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19:11.59igcewielingzewelor: NAT or direct media or codec issue.
19:12.11igcewielingsee sip.conf.sample for NAT info
19:13.19zewelorbut without working NAT I think there will be no rining at all ?
19:13.52igcewielingmaybe, maybe not.  ringing doesn't have to use audio
19:20.44zewelorstrange is I didnt change asterisk configuration since few months
19:21.18zewelorand I'm using same grandsteam voip gateways, which were working fine for last 2 years
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19:25.20zambaigcewieling: i guess i'm my own provider here.. (regarding the follow-up question about SPA-112 and fax)
19:25.39jalewisanyone aware of issues with dahdi 2.7.0 and latest centos 6.4 x86_64?  Trying to setup a new server, and it crashes as soon as the wcte13xp driver loads:
19:25.46zambaigcewieling: i'm not running SIP towards my provider.. that's a BRI (PRI?) interface.. isdn
19:30.03WIMPyzamba: You try to send a fax from an analog port to an ISDN line via VOIP?
19:33.13WIMPywonders if that was a topic from several weeks ago.
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19:33.41igcewielingWIMPy: days,  not weeks
19:39.53zambaWIMPy: true that :)
19:40.25zambatoday we have an alcatel pbx.. which terminates 4 isdn channels
19:40.36zambais that 2 PRI or 2 BRI, i never remember :)
19:40.39zambaPRI, i believe?
19:41.05WIMPyBRI= 2channels, PRI = 30 channels
19:41.06zambaand this pbx has some analogue lines.. and the fax is connected to this.. we want to replace this alcatel pbx with asterisk
19:41.13WIMPyOr 24/23 on T1.
19:41.13zambaah, ok.. 2 x BRI, then
19:41.54WIMPyYou don't want to connect a fax machine via an VOIP ATA.
19:43.04zambabecause the alcatel has to go
19:43.27WIMPyUse an ISDN to analog converter.
19:43.41WIMPyOder at least an analog card.
19:43.53zambawhich then will just msn listen for that one fax number?
19:43.58zambaor whatever it's called
19:44.32WIMPyIf you have MSNs that is.
19:44.49WIMPyIf you have DDI you will have to take it through the server first.
19:45.33zambanot sure what i do have
19:51.42WIMPyA liking for trouble, I guess.
19:52.05WIMPyWhy do you want to replace the whole thing?
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19:59.17zambabecause i want the flexibility of using asterisk instead
19:59.43zambamore intelligent extensions
20:00.09zambaor do you suggest i do some programming of the alcatel pbx instead? and just use that as an isdn to analog converter?
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20:00.49WIMPyThat would be rather big converter, but certainly possible.
20:01.42zambaWIMPy: but what are your thoughts instead?
20:02.22WIMPyI don't know what you want to do you can't do now, so I can only comment on that fax thing so far.
20:04.56anonymouz666anyone in here already used 3 digium cards in the SAME server?
20:05.19igcewielinganonymouz666: yes, but not in years
20:05.34anonymouz666what models?
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20:10.18igcewielingold analog cards
20:10.40igcewielingI assume a TDM400P since that is the only analog card Digium sold in 2002
20:17.47Kattyis putting asterisk 11.5 on vmware 5.1 this afternoon
20:18.01Kattyand as usual, debian keeps mucking up my package names.
20:18.06Kattyshakes fist
20:19.20leifmadsenmaybe it's vmware
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20:20.31Kattythey just keep renaming the packages and i have to go digging through the cache trying to find the new name
20:20.40Kattyyou leave my vmware out of this mister!
20:21.38leifmadsendoes not approve of vmware usage :)
20:21.43leifmadsenopenstack ftmfw! :)
20:21.50Kattypats leifmadsen
20:21.57Kattyi do many, many things you would no doubt disapprove of
20:22.05leifmadsenoh I like where this is going
20:22.19leifmadsengo on
20:22.50Kattyshouldn't you be trying to weasel schnitzle out of file?
20:23.15Kattychecks file's office for leftover schnitzle
20:23.30Kattyfile: OHOH, i made poutine last night. with the beef and gravy thing you suggested.
20:23.38fileKatty, anddddddd?
20:23.41Kattyfile: it was good ^__________^
20:23.48fileKatty, :D
20:24.17Kattywaits around on make
20:24.49Kattythis intentionally takes forever so i have time to pluck my eyebrows.
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20:26.38Kattyaww lookit
20:26.44Kattya shiny new asterisk box ^_^ izzopretty
20:26.51KattyNOW I GET TO MUCK IT UP
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20:33.46Kattywell. now what.
20:34.03Kattyi should totally get some channels.
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20:50.35igcewielingHas anyone ever heard of a carrier doing calling waiting on SIP using INFO packets?  Sounds crazy, but here is a packet
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20:55.42WIMPyLooks interesting.
20:58.36fpriorHi all. I read in sip.conf: "Note that direct T.38 is not supported." in case of directmedia=yes. This mean I cannot send/receive T.38 faxes if I set directmedia=yes ?
20:59.36fileit means that T.38 will always goes through Asterisk, it will never go directly
21:00.30igcewielingfile: any reason for that?
21:00.38fprior@file. In my situation, since I've set directmedia=yes, I cannot receive T.38 faxes
21:00.59fileigcewieling, the UDPTL stack in Asterisk tends to make implementations less stupid
21:01.13igcewielingfprior: we have never been able to do t.38 when direct media is enabled.
21:01.41igcewielingwhich kind of sucks since we use the same peers for voice and fax
21:02.04fpriorigcewieling this is not a good news
21:08.06*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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21:50.14eddicIf one has an audio file. How exactly does one make this file usable for Background() playback on an asterisk system?
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21:52.00*** part/#asterisk eddic (
21:52.57[TK]D-Fenderhave it in a format * has a format_XXX module for
21:53.12[TK]D-Fenderthey are all well documented
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22:53.55WIMPyGreat. A sip to sip call where Asterisk is transcoding. But with one-way-audio.
22:54.02WIMPyIs that a new feature?
22:56.47[TK]D-Fenderdoesn't mean packets are making it both directions'
22:57.11[TK]D-Fenderit simply negotiated WHAT you are losing
22:57.12WIMPyThe phone said it received data.
22:57.41WIMPyAnd after transferring the call to a real phone I did get audio.
22:59.27*** join/#asterisk Rholk (
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23:25.37paulc(or Pika.. those guys who made Dialogic-competing voice boards, back in the day? Good Canadian company..)
23:27.41WIMPyAnd who also had theyr own asterisk channe.
23:27.55[TK]D-FenderSangoma is a nice Canadian company....
23:28.19ChannelZJustin Bieber is from Canada
23:28.30[TK]D-FenderNobody's perfect...
23:28.33ChannelZThe karma on that offsets a whole lot of good.
23:29.04[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: Honey Boo-Boo < don't make this a war....
23:29.29ChannelZI wish we could export her to Canada as payback
23:30.05Kattyhugs on carrar
23:31.15Kattyhow's miss peggy
23:31.58carrarin case you need a wtf work safe video
23:34.17Kattyconfused, keeps watching
23:35.40Kattyoh my.
23:35.44Kattyjust closes tab
23:35.57carraryummie huh?
23:35.57Kattyfrownyfaces at carrar
23:36.06carrarIt's the hip new way to drink!
23:36.44carrarI mean what part of "drinking out of a toilet" doesn't sound appealing
23:37.04carrarwith a straw no less
23:37.10carrarkids love it!
23:37.48Kattyi'd say just about all of it doesn't sound appealing :P
23:47.41ChannelZThis is better
23:54.56*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
23:59.38WIMPySo does anyone have an idea how this one-way-audio while transcoding thing might work? It seems to have come with the new bridging stuff.

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