IRC log for #asterisk on 20130807

00:01.18djgermoh maybe it's not unix time in my version of asterisk. I think says field 10 is unique!
00:01.36djgermyes! thanks [TK]D-Fender!
00:04.48igcewielingwaves to katty
00:05.46Kattyigcewieling: how're you dear?
00:05.48[TK]D-Fenderuniqueid = unixtime
00:06.40igcewielingKatty: my cat has cancer so you can imagine
00:06.52Kattyso sorry
00:06.54djgermcat cdr-csv/Master.csv | awk -F , '{ print $10}' | sort | uniq -c seems to be giving me something that might represent the CPS
00:07.09igcewielingKatty: we are enjoying our remaining time together.
00:09.08djgermyikes… hmm I don't think that's an accurate field to be uniq ing
00:10.45cuscowhy not store cdr in a data manipulation engine ?
00:11.21djgermi don't know what that means =D
00:12.02navaismogosh disabling TLS & using vpn seems to work fine... grrrrrr
00:13.47igcewielingnavaismo: indeed. 8-)
00:13.53Kattyigcewieling: good :>
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00:15.01igcewielingdjgerm: Why not grep for Dial?
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00:15.42djgermigcewieling: from cdr? that's not in my cdr....
00:15.55igcewielingheh, sorry, I have CEL on my mind.
00:16.06igcewielingthought lasapp should have a Dial
00:16.12djgermoh it does showup for some calls...
00:16.14igcewielingI'd have to check
00:16.18djgermnot the failed ones
00:17.36djgermand not the machine detect calls… well anyway, not sure how that'd represent CPS (sorry I am so ignorant)
00:18.39navaismoany hints where to start troubleshooting?
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00:22.55igcewielingnavaismo: Let go of TLS and embrace VPN.
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00:32.01navaismoso TLS & OpenVPN can't be mixed?
00:35.51igcewielingWhy would you want to, both secure SIP, but OpenVPN also secures RTP.
00:36.11*** join/#asterisk Rholk (
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00:47.39navaismowell im using srtp too
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07:59.22izbushkais there any applocation like MessageSend to send a text message to remote asterisk connected by iax2? MessageSend works only with sip..
08:00.50ChannelZnot that I know of.  IAX wasn't really designed for such frivolties :)
08:02.43izbushkawell i'd like to send sms from sip clients to mobile by gsm modules on remote astersik. is there any way to do so?
08:04.09ChannelZIs there a reason you can't use SIP, even for just that purpose?  Or do XMPP.
08:04.12*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:502c:2b59:d9de:5209)
08:04.57izbushkaI can use sip, but i'm using iax already. so i'm just looking for easiest way :)
08:05.13izbushkathanks anyway
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08:18.38*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (3afc49a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:19.37BeeBuuhow can i know which number answered by dial(sip/2222&sip/111&sip/333) command?
08:19.50BeeBuuanyone help please..
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08:35.54bulkorokBeeBuu: check your CDR records
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08:39.17BeeBuubulkorok:can i know that in AMI?
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08:39.49bulkorokdon't know... check the messages...
08:40.03skorzensays hello.
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08:42.43skorzenAnyone here using Nagios to monitor Asterisk?
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08:51.52duchmanhi all,calls between 2 internal exts hang up as soon as the receiver picks up.......any help pls
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10:38.07duchmanhi all,calls between 2 internal exts hangup as soons as the receiver picks the call.....
10:38.11duchmanany help pls
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11:51.25izbushkahow does message auth (auth_message_requests=yes) works? I've got "Failed to authenticate MESSAGE with host.." while sending messages from one asterisk to another using sip. but both are registered on each other as sip friends
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11:52.33Ricohi all
11:52.41Ricois asterisk able to send snmp traps on events ?
11:53.00Ricolike on sip trunk registration failure ?
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11:53.39phixduchman: firewall?
11:53.56phixRTP set on the same port or port range as another service?
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12:04.29*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
12:05.02qakhani am getting this message when i use Array function
12:13.50izbushkaqakhan, Function names by practice are all capitalzed letters. The names ARE CASE SENSITIVE!
12:16.26qakhanThanks izbushka
12:18.16qakhanizbushka can you tell me how can i get each record in each veriable from DB
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12:38.02ChainsawIs DAHDI 2.7.0 out or not? The topic here doesn't mention it, and I can't find a ChangeLog for it either.
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12:39.46banane_could somebody please explain to me why this happens: i jump to a sub via Dial M and set a global var there, which is used in the sub too and works fine there. after continuing the dialplan via the g option i try to access the aforementioned variable but it only returns an empty string
12:40.34GreenlightAnd it's defined in [globals] ?
12:40.55banane_oh, does it have to be? :) i just set it with the g parameter
12:41.18banane_my fault then, thanks for the answer
12:41.37banane_stupid me
12:41.49GreenlightThe sub in Dial M runs under the other channel, iirc, so that's why it works okay in that context
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12:48.08banane_works fine now, interestingly i couldn´t set it via set(var=val,g) but only via set(GLOBAL(var)=val), setting it the other way still returned an empty string outside of the sub
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12:49.43GreenlightPerhaps the ,g is deprecated
12:50.27banane_i just see that it only appended the ",g" to the saved string for the sub context... somethin wrong there :)
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12:57.49leifmadsenya, appending stuff like that with Set() is definitely not the right way
12:58.00leifmadsenif it ever was, it was like in version 1.2 and earlier
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13:20.23jmetromushroom mushroom.
13:24.12qakhanall i am using ODBC to get records from MSSQL
13:24.36qakhani need to get each record in different veriable
13:24.51qakhanplease see my pastbin
13:25.58leifmadsenqakhan: every record?
13:26.07leifmadsenlike, every row?
13:26.20leifmadsenyou're pretty much doing it right-ish
13:26.39leifmadsengotta loop through the values and create unique values
13:26.45qakhanlike if there is 3 records i need to get them in 3 different veriable
13:26.47leifmadsens/unique values/unique variables/
13:26.58leifmadsenqakhan: ok, so what you have looks like it does that
13:27.02leifmadsenso what is the issue?
13:27.32qakhanlet me send you output
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13:34.18qakhan@leifmadsen here is my cli output
13:34.51leifmadsenqakhan: ya you need to use the ARRAY() function if you're going to return multiple columns too
13:37.42qakhanin my cli record are coming from diff columns
13:38.03qakhanname, address, city, state, zipcode
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13:46.54leifmadsenyes they are
13:46.59leifmadsenthat was my point
13:47.07qakhanleifmadsen how can i use ARRAY() for multiple rows
13:47.09leifmadsenyou need to use ARRAY to set separate variables for each column
13:47.12qakhanin while loop
13:47.17leifmadsenin the same way you're using it now
13:47.41leifmadsenlike my example above
13:48.05leifmadsenit's the same thing, you're just setting multiple columns per row
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13:56.19igcewielingleifmadsen: qakhan has been working on this EXACT issue for over a day.  [TK]D-Fender spent a long time with him.  He appears to have not made any progress.
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13:58.48[TK]D-Fender0 programming background apparent, doesn't even look at the dialplan processing to see what variables are being set to.
13:59.50leifmadsenigcewieling: that's sadness
13:59.53Weezeyoh Samba, you miserable bitch.
13:59.59leifmadsenI have nothing else to offer, as I've provided the answer
14:03.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
14:03.49[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: even that is not enough... you'll have to specefically formulate the teaching int code he can drop in as-is...
14:03.50igcewielingI do prefer for format/syntax of Set(ARRAY(name[${COUNTER}],address[${COUNTER}])=...)  but that is mainly cosmetic
14:04.37[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: he eith cannot and/or des not want to learn.  He needs to hire someone else to run his system for him.
14:06.00[TK]D-Fenderhe could us alpha-numeric var names just fine afaict
14:06.10igcewielingwhen you've annoyed both igcewieling AND [TK]D-Fender ......
14:06.19jmetroand left me without tacos
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14:06.48[TK]D-FenderCRY FOR THE TACOS!
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14:30.23WIMPyIs directmedia something that doesn't work per peer?
14:30.44GreenlightNo, you can set it per peer
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14:31.50WIMPyIt went wrong between a peer with =nonat (global) and one witn =no.
14:33.34GreenlightAs in, it tried to do directmedia between the two ?
14:34.11WIMPyIt must. I had audio for about half a second.
14:34.19GreenlightTo be honest, in my experience, setting directmedia=no saves a world of pain... there just seems to be too many "issues" with it
14:34.21WIMPyAfter transferring the call it was ok again.
14:34.43WIMPyLooks like you have to.
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15:04.08duchmanhi all,calls between 2 internal exts hangup as soon as receiver picks up ....... is the sip/rtp debug file
15:04.14duchmanany help pls?
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15:05.46GreenlightLets see the dialplan and sip.conf
15:06.23duchmanok pls hold
15:06.45GreenlightOh hmm this is a freepbx beta?
15:09.39duchman    this is sip.conf
15:10.25infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
15:10.25igcewielingduchman: that issue is almost always a NAT or directmedia problem.
15:10.33igcewielingoh, freePBX.
15:11.05duchman is the ext.conf
15:11.11igcewielingduchman: how many g729 licenses do you have?
15:11.15GreenlightI'm thinking NAT or network issue, but freepbx configs try and hide all that
15:11.21igcewielingduchman: perhaps you missed the part about not being supported here.
15:11.23duchmanusing ulaw/alaw
15:11.33igcewielingduchman: then why do you have g729 enabled?
15:12.08duchman<igcewieling> in sip.conf?
15:12.14igcewielingduchman: correct.
15:12.23GreenlightCan you try and reproduce in vanilla asterisk? Or even try using a non-beta version? or ask in #freepbx as am sure they'll know where to check for settings in the GUI
15:12.46duchmanok thanks
15:12.57igcewielingI wish FreePBX users were flagged somehow, then I could automatically put them on /ignore
15:13.19Greenlightlol, somewhat harsh igcewieling :)
15:13.27igcewielingGreenlight: not at all.
15:14.13igcewielingIf I went to the power company office and started asking about my water service, they would ignore me or toss me out of the building.
15:15.54Greenlightduchman: Looking at that SIP trace, it does seem as if there's a 2nd invite being sent, so I suspect directmedia is enabled
15:16.08GreenlightHow to remedy that though, is away in FreePBX land
15:16.37GreenlightTry the water company accross the road... (#freepbx) :)
15:16.44duchman<Greenlight>ok thanks.....checking the freepbx channel
15:16.48igcewielingmutters something which sounds like "feeding a stray cat"
15:18.13[TK]D-Fendernot a freepbx issue
15:18.29[TK]D-Fenderand the codecs offered are all basic
15:18.38[TK]D-Fenderulaw, alaw, gsm
15:19.07[TK]D-FenderHis client is saying BYE instantly after the OK for the call
15:19.20GreenlightI see another INVITE *before* that BYE
15:19.29GreenlightWhy I presumed directmedia attempt
15:19.38GreenlightUnless I'm misreading
15:20.04duchman<[TK]D-Fender> I set directmedia=no in sip.conf?
15:20.20Greenlightduchman: No, you use the weird and wonderful GUI
15:20.40[TK]D-Fenderduchman:  I see something suspicious
15:21.12[TK]D-Fenderduchman: ... the CALLER'S IPis the same as the one you DIALING
15:21.22[TK]D-Fenderduchman: WTF is that?
15:21.41GreenlightHe's using two softphons on one PC ?
15:21.59duchman<[TK]D-Fender>both test softphone sit on the same pc
15:22.08[TK]D-FenderDUMB SHIT TEST
15:23.18duchman<[TK]D-Fender> worked on a couple of our other pc so it is not something new
15:23.56[TK]D-Fenderand those apps fight over the  PORT TOO
15:24.06[TK]D-FenderStop doing retarded tests
15:24.45igcewielingnever ever test from the server you are testing to.
15:25.15duchman<[TK]D-Fender>i don't think it is an IP/Ports but thanks for the suggestion
15:25.48[TK]D-Fenderduchman: ... 3cs is the CALLER and the RECEIVER
15:26.09Greenlightlol it's two *accounts* on the *same* softphone ?!
15:26.26duchman<[TK]D-Fender>3cx phones handle multiple sip accounts
15:26.48[TK]D-FenderYou think it will acfcept talking to itself?
15:27.06GreenlightYou just forgot to mention this little fact previously?!
15:27.18duchmanhave done it multiple times in test environments and it works
15:27.36GreenlightOk igcewieling, maybe you were right about feeding the cats
15:28.15igcewielingThis is getting too weird for me.
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15:28.29[TK]D-Fenderduchman: This is a dumb test, prves nothing since you can have both ACTIVE at the same time and has every reason to reject instantly as we see it doing
15:28.57[TK]D-FenderIt hangs up, as it should
15:29.15GreenlightI suspect that *without* directmedia it would work, since it's unaware whats on the other end of each call
15:29.18[TK]D-Fenderthis is a waste of time
15:29.19duchman<[TK]D-Fender> I think u are wrong on that but thanks anyways
15:29.33[TK]D-Fenderevidence begs to differ
15:29.46[TK]D-Fenderboth clients did this to you
15:29.57[TK]D-Fenderthat is some serious denial
15:30.07[TK]D-Fenderbut go on wasting your time
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16:03.20rdancerwhat is the european equivalent of LRN dipping? I understand that there are service providers that provide LRN dipping in the US, but in the United Kingdom, I have been unable to find any -- but we have local number portability, so there must be a way to find which carrier currently services a given nmuber?
16:03.28Zopieuxi've got a working queue with agents connected
16:04.42Zopieuxthing is, when the only available agent suspends its line, asterisk continues to "ring" him and the callers are able to speak (but obviously the agent cannot hear the caller)
16:05.20igcewielingZopieux: "suspend line"??
16:05.23Zopieuxis it a misconception of my softphone software or something to configure in Asterisk? I would like agents to be able to be "busy" even if they're not speaking
16:05.57igcewielingZopieux: is your softphone sending back a busy?
16:06.18wdoekesrdancer: maintains the lists in the Netherlands, but that's obviously not Europe-wide
16:06.27Zopieuxigcewieling, when the agents is speaking and then goes to busy, asterisk reacts correctly by playing MOH to the caller
16:06.30igcewielingAt my company we only suspend lines if the customer doesn't pay us.
16:06.37[TK]D-FenderWhat is this "suspend" you're talking about?
16:06.50[TK]D-FenderI think you are using a wrong term...
16:06.55Zopieuxi mean "becomes biusy"
16:06.58igcewielingZopieux: I have no idea what you are talking about.   When an agent is talking, they don't just "go to busy".
16:06.59Zopieuxbusy* dammit
16:07.03rdancerwdoekes: thank you
16:07.20[TK]D-FenderWhat do you mean "becomes"?
16:07.23igcewielingZopieux: exactly how is the phone "becoming busy"
16:07.32igcewielinga button press, a *code, voodo?
16:07.38Zopieuxwell, put on hold!
16:07.48igcewielingZopieux: busy is not the same as hold
16:07.49Zopieuxis this the right term? "on hold"?
16:08.11igcewielingZopieux: be more careful with your terms or people still stop trying to help you.
16:08.12Zopieuxlet's say busy = the agent is already answering a call
16:08.13[TK]D-FenderZopieux: you mean they are on a CALL and press the hold button on the phone?
16:08.38Zopieuxyes, they active the "on hold" switch
16:08.45igcewielingZopieux: Based on your addled and rather incoherent description it sounds to me like the phone has call waiting enabled.
16:09.00rdancerwdoekes: are there any resellers of that service, in Netherlands, that you would know of?
16:09.07[TK]D-Fenderand is this 2nd call a queue call?
16:09.20Zopieuxasterisk then plays MoH to the caller, so the feature works asterisk-side
16:09.20wdoekesrdancer: none that I'm aware of
16:10.25Zopieuxbut, when the agent is idle, and actives the "on hold" feature (maybe it's stupid, you tell me), asterisk keeps sending him new calls.
16:10.54igcewielingZopieux: not really our problem.  your user is doing the wrong thing.
16:10.57Zopieuxi would like to be able, as an agent, to say "i'm online but not ready to take calls"
16:11.02[TK]D-Fender... if he is IDLE ...what is there to HOLD?
16:11.20igcewielingZopieux: perhaps "do not disturb" setting?
16:11.35rdancerwdoekes: that's been actually quite helpful, thank you
16:11.37[TK]D-FenderWhat is THIS "hold" you are talking about now?  they aren't even on a call...
16:11.47ZopieuxI'm not sure it's in the SIP protocol, that's why I'm asking
16:12.05ZopieuxI'm gonna try the "do not disturb" setting, but to me it's more an IM thing
16:12.10igcewielingZopieux: we are not asking about sip protocol, we are asking what buttons are pressed
16:12.23[TK]D-FenderWhat hold are you even talking about now??
16:12.35[TK]D-Fenderthey aren't on a casll you said
16:13.12Zopieuxyes, they are not
16:13.23Zopieuxso they're ready to take incoming calls
16:13.29[TK]D-Fenderso what is this HOLD you are talking about?
16:13.34igcewielingZopieux: if you are not a call, then you cannot place a call on hold.
16:13.52[TK]D-FenderThayou are misusing word very badly
16:14.06igcewielingDo not Disturb is the correct way.  Do it and stop wasting your time.
16:14.19ZopieuxI know, I known, but I'm trying to figure out if there is an asterisk feature to prevent online, idling agents, to take calls temporarly
16:14.23[TK]D-FenderWhat actulal ACTION are you doing?
16:14.33Zopieuxone sec. please
16:14.38igcewielingZopieux: queues are well documented.
16:14.46igcewielingsuch as QueuePauseMember or similar.
16:15.03[TK]D-Fenderpretty sure thats the goal...
16:15.40igcewielingZopieux: you should go read the Asterisk book so you understand Asterisk and the correct terms.
16:15.44infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:16.09[TK]D-Fenderthen again... anyone who can't describe actual actions being taken and the expectattion attached... are pretty damn lost
16:16.14igcewielingOh, look, a whole section on Queues!
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16:16.45Zopieuxi've read the book dozens of times
16:16.48[TK]D-FenderI 'd want to know what he's DOING.
16:17.14[TK]D-Fenderso what is this actual ACTION you are doing on your phone?
16:17.20igcewielingZopieux: then why are you not using queuepausemember?
16:17.38*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
16:18.35[TK]D-FenderIf you want to temporarily NOT get queue calls, the is a dialplan app to call for that as igcewieling said
16:18.48[TK]D-FenderUSE IT
16:18.55carrarZopieux, there is a feature to get your agents working. It's call management
16:19.06[TK]D-Fender"core show applications like queue"
16:19.11igcewielingI don't even use queues and I managed to find it in 30 seconds
16:19.12*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
16:19.20carrarWORK or get FIRED
16:19.54Zopieuxigcewieling, seems I missed it, I thought I would be able to control their availabilty status through the softphone interface, but I was mistaken
16:20.12igcewielingZopieux: you really can't do much on a softphone
16:20.37ZopieuxI can see now!
16:21.04zambamy last mile is using ip.. how does fax work through this? what are my options?
16:21.25zambawith "last mile" i mean internally in the office space..
16:21.29Zopieuxbut do you find it *that* stupid that the "on hold" button may be used as a "not available" hint when the agent is waiting for calls?
16:23.37igcewielingzamba: for the most part fax doesn't work over IP.   T.38 is a sad attempt to make it work.   It often doesn't.
16:23.53zambaigcewieling: so there's really no options here?
16:23.56igcewielingZopieux: stupid at a grand and unimaginable scale.
16:24.07*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
16:24.27igcewielingzamba: install an analog POTS line or try T,38 and hope all your devices and carriers support it.
16:24.38Zopieuxit's a "pause" feature, it's just the context that is different, I don't actually see the problem
16:25.04igcewielingZopieux: I think you'll find NO messages are sent from your sofrphone to asterisk when you press that button
16:25.19igcewielingtherefore how could Asterisk know the button was pressed?
16:25.20*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
16:25.39Zopieuxthat where I'm confused igcewieling:
16:26.05Zopieuxwhen this button is pressed during a call, asterisk plays MoH to the caller
16:26.19igcewielingZopieux: correct.  Pressing the hold button during a call is a valid thing to do.
16:26.39igcewielingMuch like pressing the brakes when your car is running.
16:26.47*** part/#asterisk phunguy (
16:26.47Zopieuxbut agents are on a continuous call with asterisk server once they're logged in!
16:27.10Zopieuxthat is why it makes sense to me
16:27.11igcewielingPressing the hold button when there is no active call makes no sense -- just like pressing the brake when your car is shut off.
16:27.21zambaigcewieling: that's about it?
16:27.29Zopieuxno, I think you don't get why I'm confused
16:27.43igcewielingzamba: I guess you could invent a totally new fax protocol
16:27.59igcewielingZopieux: those are not really calls
16:28.01WIMPyigcewieling: I think it's called e-mail.
16:28.04ZopieuxI've got a dialplan to log in agents, eg. they call
16:28.15Zopieuxoh really?
16:29.14*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
16:29.52Zopieuxwhen idling, there *is* a opened channel between the agent and asterisk though, so why couldn't the "hold" button be used for that "pausequeuemember" purpose?
16:29.55igcewielingZopieux: you understand there are multiple ways to set up queues, right?  We are assuming the agent logs in then waits for a call to ring on the phone.     You can also set it up so the agent logs into the queue and STAYS ON THE LINE to have calls patched into their existing call with the queue.    I'm pretty sure everyone here is assuming the first method, as the second method is fraught with issues
16:30.25ZopieuxI wasn't aware of the first option, sorry
16:30.43igcewielingThe second option did not occur to me as it is so uncommmon
16:30.57[TK]D-FenderThat old wait for beep one is gone...
16:31.08[TK]D-Fenderwhich was AgentLogin
16:31.20igcewielingSeems to me that the solution to your problem is for the agent to HANG UP THEIR PHONE.
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16:31.40Zopieux(I'm not running a real callcenter with physical phones in a physical building; instead, I've got people all around the world that connects to asterisk through SIP and waits for calls)
16:31.50[TK]D-FenderZopieux: And you need to make a dialplan EXTENSION to call PauseQueueMember to pause them
16:32.13[TK]D-Fenderthere is no magical button on your phone for this
16:32.19igcewieling47,000 items in the NOC outlook folder.
16:32.25Zopieuxigcewieling, what I dislike in this "solution" is the fact they've to re-authenticate each time
16:32.45[TK]D-FenderZopieux: how you auth them is up to you
16:32.52igcewielingZopieux: correct.  This is a management issue, not a technical one.
16:32.56[TK]D-FenderZopieux: it's your dialplan
16:33.08Zopieuxok [TK]D-Fender, now I've got the right thing in asteriskdocs
16:33.45igcewielingYou'll find most issues with queues are management issues.   Things like agents all logging out of the queue with calls waiting.  Agents walking away from their desk without disconnecting from the queue.   Agents playing games with the queue to increase their call stats.
16:33.47Zopieuxif I use the "calls patched into existing call" feature, I don't see other solution that the dialplan extension, is there?
16:34.25Zopieuxthan*, sorry for my approximate English
16:34.47[TK]D-Fenderzop forget that
16:34.59igcewielingZopieux: no idea.   no sane person uses it that way
16:35.38Zopieuxdo I have
16:36.28Zopieuxdo I *have* to use this insane trick for my usecase, which is: agents on the Internet connecting to Asterisk through softphones?
16:36.50[TK]D-FenderZopieux: insane?
16:36.58Zopieuxigcewieling says it's insane.
16:37.22[TK]D-FenderZopieux: you want to STOP getting queue calls?  then PAUSE or REMOVE the member
16:37.46igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: how is that done when the member is on the active call waiting for calls to arrive?
16:38.20Zopieuxremoving the member is not a solution, I don't want agents having to auth every 10 minutes
16:38.39[TK]D-Fenderdo we have confirmation that he's using AgentLogin .... and no using horrible terminology again?
16:38.45[TK]D-FenderSHOW US
16:39.09*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
16:39.12[TK]D-Fenderterms being flungf around are vague and useless...
16:39.27[TK]D-Fender"Hold" is an adverb for EVERYTHING
16:39.35[TK]D-FenderTrust level = 0
16:40.07Zopieux"please ignore me when a new call arrives"
16:43.41[TK]D-FenderZopieux: then PAUSE THRM
16:45.02ZopieuxI think the real issue is the way I auth my agents; I should use the SIP credentials instead of a pin
16:45.37Zopieuxif I understand correctly, there are two ways: using the SIP authentication or using a digit code
16:45.52[TK]D-Fenderyou want to pause them from getting calls ... the problem is you aren' calling the pause application to do it
16:46.06[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "auth"
16:46.24ZopieuxI know, there are two different things here
16:46.30[TK]D-FenderPauseQueueMember has such thing as auth.
16:46.40ZopieuxI understand I have to manually change something in the dialplan tu call PauseQueueMember
16:47.04[TK]D-FenderMAKE AN EXTENSION so thr can choose to pause themselves
16:47.43Zopieuxbut I'm know wondering if I could ease the authentification process because at the moment, my agents register through a single SIP account/password and then auth. interactively with the dialpad
16:48.19Zopieuxit's all right [TK]D-Fender I got that!
16:48.21*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
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17:39.14The_PhilHi Guys, please can anyone tell me what this message means? As far as I can understand it means there isn't sufficient codec licences for g729 but this box has 30 licenses?
17:39.32*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (~user@
17:39.41The_PhilWARNING[1687]: codec_g729.c:390 g729tolin_new: g729tolin_new pool->g729_pvt_dec
17:40.28igcewielingThe_Phil: "g729 show license" or similar
17:40.54igcewielingThe_Phil: lack of codecs should generate a cannot find translation path sort of message
17:43.05The_Philso where in asterisk can I confirm the amount of G729 licenses?
17:43.41igcewielingThe_Phil: I just told you
17:43.51The_Philthere is no s directory though?
17:44.02igcewieling"s" directory?
17:44.41igcewielingdoing it i the CLI verifies the number of licenses, the fact the licenses are active, and the fact the codec is loaded.   What is the output of that command?
17:45.43The_PhilJust says the command doesn't exist
17:47.45igcewielingtry g729 <tabkey> like all other commands in the CLI
17:48.07The_Philthere is no g729 command
17:48.13igcewielingthen you do not have the codec loaded.
17:48.22igcewieling"module show like g729"
17:48.37The_Philmodule might work
17:48.55igcewielingActually, either you don't have the codec loaded or you are running an unlicensed non-digium codec.
17:49.00ChannelZif you updated * recently make sure you downloaded a new module if applicable
17:49.13igcewielingif you are running a non-digium codec then you will likely be banned from this channel.
17:50.41The_PhilModule                         Description                              Use Count                 Raw G729 data                            0                  G.729 Coder/Decoder                      22
17:50.42The_Phil2 modules loaded
17:51.00The_PhilI know it's a digium license key
17:51.05jmetroThat's a great example of something that should be pastebinned.
17:51.50igcewielingI have no idea what the issue is then.   codec_g729 provides the g729 CLI command.
17:52.01The_Philit's not a purely asterisk box though
17:52.15ChannelZwhich means what exactly
17:52.29*** part/#asterisk ChadAragorn (
17:52.29igcewielingChannelZ: Asterisk running on a pumpkin powered by mice!
17:52.40ChannelZguess it's a secret
18:03.23jmetroigcewieling: i run asterisk on a citrix server and my users launch it from a web ui
18:03.47igcewielingjmetro: pervert
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18:22.45*** join/#asterisk Jinxed- (c663818a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:23.35asilvaA little help here regarding macros, i create a priority label called sec: , when executing the macro the sec label is executed even without a goto under the macro. is something changed in asterisk 11 regarding priority labels inside macros ?
18:24.05asilvameaning the label is always execute as part of the ~~s~~ context dialplan inside macro.
18:24.06leifmadsenasilva: no, because the macro stuff isn't supported any more, so nothing will change
18:24.19leifmadsenasilva: please show an example, I suspect a typo or misuse perhaps
18:24.25asilvahold on
18:24.30leifmadsenI'd be surprised if there were a bug in asterisk there
18:25.25igcewielingasilva: using gosub is the correct correct way.
18:25.37leifmadsenoh AEL
18:25.40leifmadsenstops looking
18:25.43asilvai use gosub, i'm not meaning the MACRO APP
18:25.57igcewielingasilva: you forgot to mention AEL.
18:26.00asilvai use & to refer a macro something..
18:26.33asilvaregarding the example if arg = 1 or 0 shouldn't execute sec: label
18:27.01asilvabut that doens't happen, sec: label gets executed every time.. am I doing something wrong ? or something is changed ? or is it a bug ?
18:27.21igcewielingasilva: value comparisons are somewhat complicated.
18:27.47igcewielingfirst add a Noop(ARG is '${ARG}'); to verify ARG is what you expect.
18:28.15asilvathat was just an example
18:28.22asilvalet me try again
18:28.26asilvaforget about that IF
18:28.36asilvasec: will still be executed without a goto
18:28.48igcewielingIf I forget about the IF then you don't have a question
18:29.26asilvais that the way is it supposed to be ? like this -
18:29.39igcewielingtry this
18:32.28asilvathat will work, but ain't that wrong ? i just coppied from 1.8 to 11.5 and testing stuff. and I came up to that!
18:32.57asilvaunder 1.8 the label ain't executed unless i call a goto to it.
18:33.09asilvaeven if its before return;
18:33.15igcewielingwhy is it wrong?
18:33.20blehxorlooking into switching my dev environment to Mac, will I be able to run asterisk (dev environment) fine?
18:33.44igcewielingasilva: do a dialplan show to see how your AEL is translated into extensions.conf
18:33.44jmetroif you have an exten=>(label)1,stuff and exten=>(label2)2,stuff both lines will be executed.
18:33.48jmetrowithout goto's
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18:34.06jmetroblehxor: no, macs are awful.
18:34.17igcewielingjmetro: he thinks labels are not executed unless gone to.  Totally wrong, of course.
18:34.23asilvajmetro: yeah, but in 1.8 inside the macro that never happened
18:34.35igcewielingasilva: prove it.
18:34.58asilvaahahah let me see here in another machine hold on
18:35.09jmetroLabels are like checkpoints in Mario, you can always go back to them, but everything beforehand and the checkpoint itself was still part of the level.
18:35.12blehxorjmetro: awful for asterisk? or you don't like them in general
18:35.38jmetroblehxor: awful as development environments, and awful in general in terms of upkeep and productivity. Even our Apple fanboy uses windows at work.
18:35.43igcewielingblehxor: assuming you remove OSX and replace it with Linux I don't see why you would have issues.
18:35.47*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-uytfflulvahlupwc)
18:36.04jmetroAnd of course, asterisk is linux based.
18:36.32blehxorI need either a mac or windows machine for other reasons, just wondering if its feasible to combine
18:37.13jmetroI use windows, and SSH into our asterisk box. Vim FTW
18:37.13asilvaigcewieling: you're right..
18:37.16igcewielingblehxor: Windows won't run Asterisk at all.  On a MAC you might be able to get it running after spending countless hours trying to figure out why the docs (which are all for Linux) translate.
18:37.24asilvaigcewieling: it runs thru it
18:37.35igcewielingBut why not put Asterisk on a Linux box and access that from your mac?
18:37.56asilvaigcewieling: never paid attention to that!!
18:38.03blehxorthats probably what I'll do
18:38.03jmetroYou can also do something crazy and use Notepad++ with its built in SSH tool to push/pull the files on use.
18:38.05igcewielingasilva: almost nothing has changed in AEL between 1.8 and 11
18:38.24igcewielingblehxor: that is how all the cool kids do it.
18:38.24asilvajmetro: tkz!
18:38.36igcewielinghugs jEdit
18:38.43jmetroigcewieling: none of the cool kids use a mac though *shudder*
18:39.12igcewielingjmetro: I have no opinion on that.
18:39.27jmetroAll of my users that switch from PC to Mac are the ones who use their google toolbar to google google and then click on google and search for "" to get to their email.
18:39.30igcewielingMac got my respect when they switched to OSX.   I would never buy one, but I respect them.
18:40.00igcewielingSame thing with iPhones.   I would never buy one (for several reasons) but they don't appear to be horrible.
18:40.38igcewielingjmetro: uh, Macs are perfect for those people.
18:40.39jmetroigcewieling: i had an iphone for about 3 months since it was left-over when i started. Had them upgrade me asap.
18:41.00igcewielingjmetro: you can't remove the battery from an iPhone.   That is one of the main reasons I won't buy one.
18:41.10asilvaigcewieling: return; before it is :) tkz for the help!
18:41.16jmetroThey also are real-time tracking your GPS location, a feature which you cannot turn off.
18:41.25jmetrothe logs of said tracking are uploaded to any PC you connect your iphone to.
18:41.26igcewielingWhat do people with iPhones do when they visit their mistress or go buy drugs?   Leave their phone at home?
18:42.09jmetronah, they just get caught and dont know how =p
18:43.00igcewielingI know of a guy who sneaked off to a gay campground for a few days without making up a story for his wife.    She filed a missing person's report, police tracked the phone.  Last I heard he was living in the guest house and she filed for divorse.
18:43.21igcewielingI don't know if he had an iPhone or not. 8-|
18:43.36jmetrothat kind of tracking was probably cell tracking.
18:43.51igcewielingjmetro: I strongly disapprove of such behavior.
18:43.58*** join/#asterisk pensmit (
18:44.11igcewieling(the cheating part, none of the rest)
18:44.17blehxorwell thanks for the advice
18:44.43pensmitis there a way for meetme to listen for dtmf and then make a call or join someone else to the conference?
18:44.57jmetroAnyway, the moral of the story is, get a Win7 PC and your future self will be much more productive and more talented for the experience.
18:45.01pensmitsay if I press 5 while in meetme it calls a an extension
18:45.20igcewielingpensmit: did you ask this before?  maybe it was someone else.
18:45.34pensmitI'm not sure
18:45.39jmetroI think Confbridge does that
18:45.52igcewielingI'd go find the answer to your question by using "core show application meetme" and looking at the meetme.conf.sample file included with Asterisk, but I'm too lazy right now.
18:46.09igcewielingBTW, that was a hint.
18:46.22jmetroIceweasel is good at hints.
18:46.39pensmitdoes anyone just know?
18:46.42Jinxed-would it be possible to dial a number, and have the result of the dialed number call other devices and place them in a conference
18:47.35jmetroLike when your phone rings and you pick up and get placed on hold by the machine?
18:49.28Jinxed-I have some phones set up to auto answer
18:49.41Jinxed-basically I want to dial a number and have it setup a conference of phones
18:49.50Jinxed-dial another number and have it kick everyone out of the conference
18:50.06igcewielingJinxed-: yes, it is possible to dial an extension which runs an AGI script or script to generate .call files
18:51.16igcewielingJinxed-: Yes, you can use .call files and dialplan to force people into a conference.
18:52.44*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-pjfhjmimuwtsnwyj)
18:56.24pensmitI looked in those places and didn't see anything.  Does anyone know if this is possible?
18:56.38Jinxed-how do I check if my asterisk has conferencing
18:56.47pensmitIs there a way for meetme to listen for dtmf and then make a call or join someone else to the conference?
18:56.48Jinxed-I have a lofty goal but need to start at square 1
18:57.33jmetroJinxed look for the modules meetme or confbridge
19:01.43*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
19:02.45Jinxed-so I did a core application show MeetMe
19:02.49Jinxed-and didn't see anything
19:02.55Jinxed-I also don't have a meetme.conf
19:03.02WIMPypensmit: Confbridge allows you to call dialplan.
19:03.35Jinxed-Is meetme not a standard feature? Is there some other way to conference users together besides meetme that is standard?
19:03.48WIMPyJinxed-: ConfBridge
19:03.56WIMPyMeetMe requires dahdi.
19:04.08WIMPyBut Confbridge has more features anyway.
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19:04.34Jinxed-WIMPy: why wouldn't more people use ConfBridge then?
19:04.55Jinxed-Not questioning you (believe you) just curious
19:04.59WIMPyBecause they use Asterisk versions from the last century perhaps.
19:06.05pensmitwell we run 60+ users in a conference and meetme has worked and it's part of freepbx
19:06.08pensmitthat's my reason
19:06.14pensmitso confbridge will be a shift
19:06.30pensmitthanks guys
19:06.42WIMPyLuckily we don;t suppor FreePBX in here, so that's not an argument :-)
19:07.04Jinxed-WIMPy: so should conference bridge be supported in Asterisk
19:07.38WIMPyJinxed-: Use a current version.
19:08.03Jinxed-I'm unable to update the version on the device I'm using
19:08.47WIMPyGet someone who is.
19:09.01yoavzI'm now building a big script that's monitoring my servers and if one of them is down I want it to record a message using "echo "Server X is down" | text2wave".... and call the local pager office. The thing is, I can't foresee how much time it'll take the operators to pick up. Is there any indicator that'll allow me to play the message only after the operator has answered?
19:09.07yoavzThanks :)
19:09.21jmetroTrying to add 100 phones to a conference and listen to them and then kick them out of the conference with a button push kind of sounds shady.
19:10.04jmetroyoavz: core show application dial, there is an option to dial that will let you play a macro to the dialed party.
19:10.12WIMPythinks today is retro day.
19:10.40Jinxed-jmetro: I only want to conference max 3 to 4 users
19:11.08Jinxed-on sip devices that are so dumb all they do is answer when called, you can't actually call from them, hang up, or anything
19:11.13yoavzjmetro: Hmm, is there any way to determine if the operator has picked yet or I'm just listening to on hold music?
19:11.14asilvayoavz: check option G
19:11.14Jinxed-it must be done externally
19:13.05yoavzasilva: option G, as far as I understood, is used to connect to legs to one after one party has answered
19:13.07Jinxed-hmm sounds like I may sol for getting any type of conference to work with and no meet me installed
19:13.09jmetroyoavz: not that i know of. You could loop a sound file like all the pro's do.
19:14.34yoavzjmetro: I wanted to avoid that... Those basterds at the paging company charge me for every second the opertaor is on the line... I wanted to make something that'll start playing only after the operator really answered...
19:15.01yoavzMaybe I can have them shut down the elevator music and just keep the line ringing till the operator can pick up
19:15.14yoavzBTW, WIMPy, thanks for your help from last week :)
19:16.11jmetroyoavz: unfortunately both could be considered as "answered"
19:16.26jmetroyoavz: think of your asterisk server. You "Answer()" the call, and then start ringing on someone on your side.
19:17.49yoavzjmetro: That's what I thought at first, I was hoping for a "miracle"... :)
19:18.37jmetroEven a "Confirmation" would extend your time since they have to listen to the message
19:18.42Jinxed-Do you need to load confbridge or something
19:18.48Jinxed-it says it started in 1.6
19:19.01jmetrocheck to see if it exists in your modules bro
19:20.08yoavzInteresting... I found this:
19:20.10WIMPyThere was an old version on 1.8. The real ConfBridge started on 10.
19:21.47Jinxed-WIMpy So because I can't update or compile from source, and there is nothing in "core show application c<tab>" that results in confBridge or "core show application m<tab>" for meetme
19:21.51Jinxed-nothing I can really do
19:22.05jmetrowhy cant you update or compile?
19:22.17WIMPyGet a new system.
19:22.32jmetroA pi would be a cheap alternative thats programmable.
19:25.45Jinxed-WIMPy: well I have plenty of other systems that I have control over, but this one has features I need that I can't get on other systems (jmetro and I have a couple of pi's which are fun but I prefer reg linux boxes for the voip playing)
19:25.58Jinxed-I wouldn't have a way to recompile it unless the vendor did it
19:26.06pensmithey with confbridge what would you have to allow someone to press the number 5 and go to a certain extension
19:26.22WIMPyThen put a RPi next to it.
19:26.44WIMPypensmit: Configure a menu in confbridge.conf.
19:26.54jmetroSo its a phone server from a third party in which you cant touch the asterisk because of the third party things that integrate with it basically?
19:27.21pensmitthanks wimpy
19:27.34pensmiti wonder if I can get that even with freepbx installed
19:27.47Jinxed-yes, the third party has additional configuration and capability integrated into the system that I would lose if I tried to put another asterisk system next to it
19:28.08WIMPypensmit: Probably not as easy, but that question belongs to #freepbx
19:28.17Jinxed-which is the whole reason I wanted to do it on this system, because it has these extra features
19:28.59WIMPyWhy do you have to do it on the same box?
19:29.33Jinxed-If I have a call manager [A] that I have calls over, can it put people on conferences that are registered with this other system call manager[B] that I don't have control over?
19:29.36pensmityeah...I've asked freepbx...those bastards won'
19:29.40pensmitt  answer wimpy
19:29.48pensmitthose dirty, dirty bastards
19:30.22WIMPypensmit: Well, i guess you get an idea, how easy FreePBX is now :-)
19:30.58pensmittrust me friend
19:31.01pensmiti don't want to use it
19:31.09pensmitI have no choice
19:31.25Jinxed-is that possible WIMPy ?
19:31.27pensmiti have told folks that there is going to come a time when we want to use more advanced features
19:31.45pensmitdo things that the freepbx layer will slow us down
19:31.55WIMPyJinxed-: Have you ever made a call to a non-local device?
19:32.10WIMPypensmit: Looks like it already does.
19:35.14*** join/#asterisk Alex25 (
19:35.20Jinxed-yeah i think i'm good for now
19:35.23Jinxed-thanks WIMPy
19:37.52Alex25weird scenario:
19:37.58Alex25I want to allow a spied channel to kill all calls on system by pressing some digits
19:38.13Alex25what's the best wasy to achieve that?
19:38.59pensmitok can you configure the menu in meetme
19:39.06pensmitin conferences
19:39.38WIMPyI don't think there was such an option.
19:39.57Alex25how to configure it?
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19:47.34jmetroAlex25: the same way you do anything else, you make an extension  that executes some code.
19:50.21Alex25but how can i configure it to execute the code by pressing a digit, in any phase of call?
19:51.01WIMPyWhich is obviousely a really bad name for a feature.
19:51.12jmetro"press 0 to crash the server"
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19:51.39Alex25so "features" is a part of meetme application /?
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19:51.49jmetronow might be a good time to read the book
19:52.06jmetrobecause features is a standard set of asterisk. its the same way you park by dialing *70 or etc.
19:52.12WIMPyMeetme doesn't have such functionality.
19:52.34Alex25can u link me to info about that?
19:52.51WIMPyLook at your features.conf.
19:53.16Alex25I've never configured that file
19:53.23Alex25but I'll look
19:55.16Alex25;disconnect => *0
19:55.21Alex25do u mean that one?
19:55.36WIMPyNo, you will have to make one yourself.
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19:55.47jmetroAlex25: you have to read the book's chapter about features.conf
19:55.50jmetroor do research.
19:56.29Alex25but I'm just trying to understand if it will solve my problem
19:56.46WIMPyIt's not going to be an easy one.
19:57.01Alex25does it work for calls which are not bridged yet?
19:57.16jkroonguys, guessing I need to ask in #asterisk-dev, but just to confirm, I'm busy cooking a patch for format_g729a.c that'll detect buggy SIP peers that insists on sending CNG frames, warn about them and move on (instead of littering my logs with with hundreds and hundreds of useless warnings)
19:57.32WIMPyAlex25: Probably not.
19:57.37jmetroi dont know if its possible with meetme, but for any other situation you would be making a custom feature that executes your code.
19:57.50jkroonideally I'd like to make mention of where the data comes from, but can't seem to find an easy way to do that from the info in format_g729.c - any ideas?
19:58.56Alex25I need to get it work even  if call isn't bridged....  any other idea?
19:59.24infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:59.32WIMPyAlex25: I'm not sure I got your question. Weren't you on about spied on calls?
20:00.06Alex25I want to let a spied channel to execute a code by pressing a digit
20:00.13Alex25anywhere on his call
20:00.14WIMPyMaybe you should describe more precisely what you have and what you want to do.
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20:01.13Alex25so forget about the spy issue that's not so essential
20:01.26Alex25a call starts with a progress()
20:01.51Alex25and then playback some music with the noanswer flag
20:02.28Alex25I want to allow someone who initiate that call to execute some code by pressing a *
20:02.34Alex25or another digit
20:02.57*** join/#asterisk Gaiax (~Mabel@unaffiliated/gaiax)
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20:03.33Alex25how can I do this?
20:08.55jmetroif youre just dialing someone, no meetme involved
20:09.01jmetroyoure looking for features.conf
20:11.08jkroonAlex25, use Background() ?
20:12.08Alex25i tried it, but it's not working well when channel is spied on
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20:14.23fullstopI've been away from asterisk for a few years, since 1.6, and I'd like to think that I'm not that rusty.
20:14.46fullstophowever, since I just have the one line in this setup, I was not going to use the stdexten macro.
20:17.04fullstopWhat's wrong with the goto?  Asterisk states that s-NOANSWER doesn't exist in context incoming-motif but it sure looks like it does.
20:17.33jmetroshow us the real dialplan?
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20:19.46jmetroand the actual failed call?
20:19.51fullstopmore logging revealed this, so I'm likely doing something wrong.
20:19.53fullstopPriority 's-NOANSWER' must be a number > 0, or valid label
20:21.55jmetroGoto(s-${DIALSTATUS}) -> Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
20:22.37jmetroNo such label 's-NOANSWER'*** in extension 's'*** in context 'incoming-motif'
20:22.38jmetrowas my hint
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20:46.27jmetro"cachertclasseS" dont work
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21:50.55zambadoes anyone know of a rack-mountable several port analog ip adapter?
21:51.10zambalike 6-8 ports?
21:53.11jmetro4 SPA112's strapped to a rack-mountable shelf would probably be best.
21:53.50igcewielingor you could use something like an Adtran TA9xx or NetVanta series boxes.  8 - 48 ports
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22:04.44jmetroigcewieling: oh. Cachertclasses did 0 things.
22:04.48jmetroi just had to stick sort=random in there.
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22:16.01zambajmetro: SPA112 supports fax?
22:16.15zamba"Supports reliable faxing with simultaneous voice and data use"
22:16.27zambaigcewieling gave fax over ip thumbs down earlier today
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23:52.44igcewielingzamba: you are asking the wrong question.  The question you should ask is "Does the SPA-112 support T.38, and if so, does it work well with Asterisk?"
23:53.25igcewielingNone of this will make it work if your provider does not support T.38
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