IRC log for #asterisk on 20130806

00:44.17*** join/#asterisk Linkforsoad (
00:46.00saxaWIMPy: hi, you mean current sqlite or current asterisk ?
00:48.34WIMPysqlite from slackware-current
00:50.41*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
01:04.51saxaoh WIMPy ok, I got it. I can make my own package then.
01:05.47WIMPyJust get the current package and upgrade.
01:07.29*** join/#asterisk serafie (
01:23.29*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
01:25.15navaismoSo first time using TLS/SRTP, Running the sip debug on asterisk im still seeing the exten to dial is that normal?
01:25.46navaismoUsing wireshark I cant see the call at all, so im not sure if this works or not. Im using asterisk 11.4.0 and Yealink T20P
01:27.15*** join/#asterisk serafie (
01:31.47WIMPyWould be bad if Asterisk wasn;t able to decrypt the messages, wouldn't it?
01:32.03WIMPyAre you watching the right TCP port?
01:34.12navaismoon wireshark? Well im capturing all traffic but I can only see options message to others phones. In the sip debug i can see the <--- SIP read from TLS: --->
01:34.30navaismoport must be 5061 right? but always is registering on random port
01:34.52navaismoHow can i know if the call is really secured?
01:35.03WIMPy5061 is th default, yes.
01:35.25WIMPyBut you have to see the traffic in wireshark. Are you sure you're not using any filter?
01:35.34navaismoyep sure
01:36.27WIMPyThe traffic may be unreadable, but it doesn't disappear.
01:36.46navaismook let me restart wireshark
01:36.57navaismosome errors about bus has been displayed
01:42.55navaismoupdating wireshark
01:49.28navaismoWIMPy, now im seeing packets with TLSv1 from yealink to asterisk and then a bunch of udp packets(i guess the rtp?)
01:50.06navaismoand the wireshark feature to find voip calls and show it with the audio is not working
01:50.15navaismoso my TLS/SRTP setup is working?
01:52.00navaismoAnd most important how is this possible without importing any certificate to the Yeaklink phone?
01:55.21navaismoOk the bunch of udp packages in wireshark has the same ports used in the SDP transaction so i guess the rtp is encrypted too
01:55.25navaismoHmm so im happy now
01:55.52navaismoYealink and asterisk rocks on TLS/srtp?
01:56.05navaismofeels very paranoid now
02:02.07*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
02:03.15*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
02:27.33*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
02:41.49*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
02:49.12*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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03:12.34WIMPyhas some doubts wireshark would find the rtp steam without having seen the sdp messages.
03:25.03*** join/#asterisk hebber (
03:25.55hebberScratching my head - v11.4  - queue application - how can i turn off the users in a queue dropping out when they press a single key extension?
03:27.29WIMPyBy not turning that feature on.
03:27.48[TK]D-Fenderdon't give them any to exit with
03:27.54hebberso in queue - I have added a context - is that the reason?
03:28.30hebberok, propably a nice feature configured correctly :)
03:35.37hebberhmm - I use realtime queues - the field context is empty (not NULL) - did a core reload - the problem still exist. queue.conf does not have a any context defined.
03:37.35[TK]D-Fenderperhaps tre config is cached....
03:38.57hebbercould be - I will do a full stop - start later and see if that resolves it
03:39.22WIMPyYeah, sip also has a very bad habbit of easily adding new configuration but not deletong removed entries or modifying changed ones on reload.
03:39.37*** join/#asterisk Rholk (
03:40.00WIMPySometimes a 'core reload' seems to do more than specific reloads.
03:40.17WIMPyIf that doesn't work either, 'core restart when convenient'.
03:40.54hebberI specific queue reload, then core reload, will try core restart soon
03:41.31WIMPyThat's what the "when convenient" part is for.
03:43.41hebberlearned something new there - did a " restart when convenient" and when it came back online - QUEUES works as intended :)
03:44.41WIMPyWithout "core"? How old is your Asterisk?
03:45.03hebber11.4 sorry - sorry its me which is broken :)
03:45.20WIMPyok :-)
03:51.41*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
04:20.01*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
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04:35.22*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
04:59.51*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
05:04.06igcewielingIt looks like maybe someone broke into one our CPE media GWs, made a bunch of international calls, then restored the config back so we didn't know what they actually did.
05:04.39igcewielingI have some very very bad words for such people.
05:18.51*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
05:19.05*** join/#asterisk Owner_ (~Owner@gateway/tor-sasl/owner)
05:45.30*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
06:04.13*** join/#asterisk petris (
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06:06.31*** join/#asterisk spindritf (
06:09.31spindritfis there a way to dismiss the bar at the bottom of
06:12.14*** join/#asterisk petris (
06:13.04spindritfhm, I could use a few yes/nos before diving into the asterisk docs anyway:
06:13.33spindritfI can connect asterisk to a regular VoIP provider over SIP, right? and then in turn connect my phone(s) to the asterisk instance?
06:13.48[TK]D-Fenderthat is what * is
06:13.52infobotmethinks b2bua is a Back 2 Back User Agent. Additional information is available on wikipedia:
06:14.13spindritfand make calls phone → asterisk → another phone OR phone → asterisk → voip provider → regular lines?
06:15.05spindritfand it will work with two different voip providers, and multiple phones on my side?
06:15.21[TK]D-Fenderas much as you want
06:16.03spindritfand I can use it to receive regular SIP calls, at myname@myserver.tld?
06:16.13spindritfawesome, thanks
06:17.02*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-anoznxfawpncxvce)
06:17.32spindritfone more, is there a way to have a reasonably secure asterisk instance on the internet? I want to be able to connect from my mobile on random wifis to the server
06:18.05spindritfthe guide suggests limiting access only to known networks
06:19.43[TK]D-Fendermany ways to secure a system
06:20.02[TK]D-FenderIncluding VPNing you mobile
06:20.48*** join/#asterisk santa0536 (
06:23.32spindritfok, thanks
06:28.59*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
06:29.16*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
06:35.22*** join/#asterisk b7 (~b7@
06:40.25b7Hello everyone. I have a question: I'm going to use Asterisk as an office IP-PBX for my SIP-phones. Does it means that the iax module of Asterisk wouldn't be used and can be safely disabled?
06:44.02*** join/#asterisk bytemaster (
06:45.15b7[TK]D-Fender, thank you.
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06:48.45*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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07:31.50*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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07:44.22*** join/#asterisk peetaur (
07:47.16peetaurI want to connect asterisk to a regular phone network. First question, do I connect my asterisk box just like a phone, so if you dialed its extension, you'd get the asterisk menu? Second question, how do I know what sort of hardware to buy? If they tell me the lines are ISDN, how do I know if they are PRI or BRI?
07:50.30*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:57.59*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:502c:2b59:d9de:5209)
07:58.44*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
07:59.15bulkorokpeetaur: BRI => 2 channels, PRI => 30/24 channels (depends on location)
07:59.48bulkorokyou can use internal interface-cards (like the ones from digium or beronet)
08:00.36bulkorokor use an external appliance that converts the ISDN to SIP and connect the appliance via IP
08:00.57bulkorokpatton smartnode or sth like that
08:01.32bulkorokpeetaur: usually you KNOW when you have a PRI connection
08:04.08peetaurso then it's probably BRI ...?
08:04.40peetaurand there is no trouble putting the phone line right into the interface card, like the voltage coming out of the card won't go on the phone line and disrupt things?
08:06.06*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
08:10.25bulkorokyou must configure the card for endpoint usage...
08:11.05*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
08:14.27peetaurare there any caveats for what I'm trying to do? Will I fail if I'm a noob ;)
08:16.09Chainsawpeetaur: Well, it is important to know what signalling you have. We'll ask it differently. How many lines do you have on that connector?
08:16.34Chainsawpeetaur: Dozens or only a few?
08:17.52*** join/#asterisk santa0536 (
08:19.12peetaurI don't know how to gather the right info. I assume it's only 1 or 2, probably 1.
08:19.51peetaurthey use little 4 pin connectors
08:20.42peetaurI'm in Germany. They look like the analog connectors I had in Canada which had 1 line per 2 wires.
08:21.36*** join/#asterisk Rholk (
08:22.57peetaurthe phones we have now are this model, if it helps
08:24.32bulkorokpeetaur: that seem to be "system-phones" that are NOT compatible to ISDN!
08:25.18bulkorokthey work probably only with "Bosch Avaya oder Tenovis Integral 33/33x oder 55/55 Office" pbx's
08:25.28Chainsawpeetaur: So if you are to replace this, you will not be interfacing with the digital RJ11 connectors to the Avaya handsets, but replacing the box in the basement (PABX) that is connected to the actual telephone network.
08:26.12Chainsawpeetaur: You could have the Asterisk box between the telephone network and the PABX to do smarter call routing, but it would help to know what you're trying to accomplish first.
08:27.05peetaurall I want is to keep the existing phone network here, and attach one asterisk box to it so it can connect to another asterisk box in another country to make VOIP calls to the extension(s) there
08:27.16peetaur(for when I'm back in Canada... a very small scale thing)
08:27.22*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
08:28.47*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
08:30.52*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
08:34.35*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
08:37.44*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
08:44.14peetaurbulkorok: so I got a report back about the phones, and think you're right that it's something strange, and they said I need a phone gateway rather than interface card, and it has to be attached to their PBX rather than any phone line.
08:44.40*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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08:44.59WIMPyDidn't you say yourself that you wanted to connect to the PBX?
08:46.15WIMPyYOu probably want to add Asterisk as another line.
08:48.38peetaurwell I was hoping it would be as simple as adding the asterisk box as an extension and then you can call in like it's a phone bot
08:49.05WIMPyYou can do it that way as well, off course.
08:49.30bulkorokpeetaur: but you need a connection that is compatibel to the PBX and asterisk
08:49.38WIMPyUp0 is also just a form of a BRI. YOu can get NTs for that from all PBX vendors.
08:49.46peetaurand I'd lose things like call conferencing, right?
08:50.33WIMPyConnecting as an extension only makes sense for incomming calls. For outgoing, you can;t route via an extension.
08:50.45WIMPyUnless you want to do it call-through style.
08:50.47*** join/#asterisk mads (5ab8319e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:52.26madsHello, i keep getting some strange 3klang messages in my asterisk can someone help me?
08:54.47*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:55.27wdoekesmads: ~ask
08:55.31infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
08:56.47madswell the cdr-csv file shows these "","104","s","3klang","""104"" <104>","SIP/x.x.x.x-0063c9d0","","PlayTones","!950/330|!1400/330|!1800/330|0","2013-08-06 10:48:19","2013-08-06 10:48:19","2013-08-06 10:48:19",0,0,"ANSWERED","DOCUMENTATION" all the time and i dont know what it is
08:57.33madsand then the number 104 changes to 105 after and then 106 and so on ...
08:59.44wdoekesI'm not familiar with the cdr record order
09:00.39wdoekesbut increasing 104, 105, 106 calls look like brute force scanning for accounts
09:01.07bulkorokI'd say that too.... .check asterisk and fail2ban
09:07.11madsyeah i was affraid of brute force, we already have a mechanism checking for people who is trying to log on with different account and password mismatches and then locking them out after X attempts, but this thing that only shows with a 3klang in the csv is new to me
09:08.12WIMPyWahtever it is, it succeeded.
09:09.02WIMPyBut isn't that the destination column?
09:09.36WIMPyLike the destination of a Goto(), probably of a failed call?
09:10.33madsas far as i remember 1. field is billing account if you have a billing system, then 2. field is the caller (source) and 3. field is destination
09:10.57madsbut i'm not 100% sure for about that
09:12.57WIMPyYes, the call ended in extension s in context 3klang.
09:13.03WIMPySo it's your dialplan.
09:14.54madsyes but the source 104, 105, 106... is not actual accounts on our phone system so i dont understand why this is comming up or if it is some kind of nasty way to scan for accounts
09:15.31WIMPy1. You let them in.
09:15.49WIMPy2. Only if you named your accounts the same as your extensions.
09:21.03*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
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09:41.13*** join/#asterisk phunguy (
10:16.25*** join/#asterisk Owner__ (~Owner@gateway/tor-sasl/owner)
10:23.50*** join/#asterisk ABerrios (~ABerrios@
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10:49.10duchmanhi all
10:49.46duchmanhave hangup on asterisk calls immediately the receiver picks up........any help on this pls?
10:53.14*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
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10:55.29ABerriosduchman, can you pastbin the cli verbose output?
10:55.43duchmanpls hold
10:56.42duchmanlogin as: root
10:56.43duchmanroot@'s password:
10:56.43duchmanLast login: Tue Aug  6 10:14:37 2013 from
10:56.43duchman[root@localhost ~]# asterisk -rvvvvvv
10:56.43duchmanAsterisk 11.2.1, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2012 Digium, Inc. and others.
10:56.43duchmanCreated by Mark Spencer <>
10:58.02infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
10:58.08*** join/#asterisk duchman (~paulo@
10:58.09ABerriosstupid keyboard
10:58.22ABerriosduchman, pastebin...otherwise you get kicked
10:58.42infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
11:01.43ABerriosoh dear
11:02.03*** join/#asterisk duchman (~paulo@
11:02.15ABerriosduchman, paste into pastebin then paste the link here
11:03.57duchmanit is not giving me any link......
11:04.12duchmanI am in pastebin now
11:04.43ABerriosduchman, is it not in your browser url when you've submitted the paste?
11:05.23duchmanno just
11:06.11ABerriossubmit the paste
11:07.00duchmannot seeing any submit link/button
11:07.35*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
11:08.23duchmanlet me check for something similar to pastebin
11:08.27duchmanpls hold
11:22.25*** join/#asterisk andrewya_ (
11:31.18ABerriosduchman, can you do the same with sip debug enabled
11:39.13*** join/#asterisk cneb3000 (~cneb3000@
11:40.54cneb3000hi everyone. if I were to hypothetically be providing you a sip trunk, and on receipt of your invites respond with a 302 redirect every time in order for us to load balance. would that be a pain in the arse to you? I'm reviewing different methods of load balancing SIP traffic, wanted to hear asterisk suers thoughts.
11:41.04cneb3000asterisk users*
11:50.52duchmanhi.....u there?
11:53.37*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
12:06.06*** join/#asterisk Draecos (~Draecos@
12:06.35*** join/#asterisk izbushka (~izbushka_@
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12:07.37izbushkais there any way to MessageSend to user on another asterisk connected by IAX2?
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12:19.01*** join/#asterisk duchman (~paulo@
12:20.34duchmanhave hangup on asterisk calls immediately the receiver picks up........any help on this pls?
12:20.59izbushkaduchman, codecs? look at debug
12:21.23duchmansip debug?
12:21.42duchmanfor both phones
12:21.44*** join/#asterisk pensmit (
12:22.06pensmitIs AsteriskNow better than the FreePBX distribution?
12:25.22duchman<izbushka>both phones have ulaw enabled
12:26.09izbushkaduchman, core set debug 4, core set verbose 4, call and see what happens
12:29.53*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
12:30.04duchman<izbushka> same result......asterisk hangs up as soon as the receiver picks the call
12:30.48izbushkaduchman, sorry, don't know
12:31.54duchman<izbushka>ok thanks
12:31.56ABerriosduchman, have you tried a different soft phone?
12:32.32*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
12:32.58duchman<ABerrios>tried 3cx and linphone
12:33.46ABerriosduchman, do a sip show peers
12:38.58*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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12:54.44WIMPyisn't canreinvite=nonat supposed not to try to reinvite if one party is in a localnet and the other outside?
12:56.53WIMPysomehow ends up with MOH on one end.
12:57.14[TK]D-Fenderwhat are you running
12:57.53WIMPyThe new bridging stuff.
12:59.04[TK]D-Fenderthat parameeter was deprecated for directmedia long ago
13:00.08WIMPyIt's still in the current sample config.
13:00.49[TK]D-Fendertry what it should use
13:02.11WIMPy"No" is ok, but so far "nonat" seemed to be the best option.
13:04.04*** join/#asterisk modesto916 (
13:05.58duchmanhi all
13:06.08duchmanhave hangup on asterisk calls immediately the receiver picks up........any help on this pls?
13:06.13WIMPyThe ITSP uses RFC1918 addresses :-(
13:06.32WIMPyThat should make sure you get undesired effects.
13:07.16WIMPyduchman: Likely the same thing. Do you have directmedia enabled? Try to set it to "no".
13:08.49duchman<WIMPy>ok ....let me check
13:09.04duchman<WIMPy>in sip.conf?
13:12.08CeBeWIMPy: what version of asterisk are you running
13:17.23*** join/#asterisk ChadAragorn (
13:19.21*** join/#asterisk banane_ (528bc51a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:21.20banane_could anyone please tell me how i can determine which extension / sip account has picked up when using dial M?
13:23.29*** join/#asterisk Cuzner (~ccuzner@
13:24.06jmetroasterisk variables probably have something in there.
13:27.01banane_at least until now i couldn´t find anything. do you know if there´s a listing of all variables @jmetro?
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13:31.12banane_thank you very much WIMPy
13:33.18jmetrooh, the asterisk variables
13:33.33spindritfso my options for securing an instance of asterisk on the 'net are: a) strong passwords and a hopeful attitude, b) tls which is not widely supported, or c) VPN?
13:33.41*** join/#asterisk upp (928c103e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:33.55jmetroVPN is a+
13:35.07upphello, why i can't recive calls??
13:35.18spindritfvpn it is then
13:35.47jmetroupp: you have a flaw in your keyboard, try switching the F and P keys.
13:36.45*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
13:36.47uppjmetro: sorry i don't understand you?
13:37.54ABerriosyay for vpn
13:38.52*** join/#asterisk italorossi (
13:39.12Greenlightupp: Try providing some information which might suggest the problem isn't just your keyboard then.
13:40.06uppGreenlight: do you mean my computer keyboard?
13:40.15[TK]D-Fenderupp: show an actual call attempt at verbose 10
13:40.24infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:40.44*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
13:42.20duchmanhi all,my asterisk hangs up as soon as the receiver picks the call...any help on this pls. Tried directmedia=no still no joy.......
13:42.39asteriskmonkeytry and answer()
13:42.42asteriskmonkeybefore your dial string
13:43.15asteriskmonkeyI found in asterisk 1.11 and dialing a linksys i needed this for unknown reasons :/
13:43.33[TK]D-Fendermakes no sense
13:43.42asteriskmonkeyi know :)
13:44.15asteriskmonkeyI was debugging someone elses box , i was tempted to recompile since i never even seen that sort of behaviour
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14:02.10duchman<asteriskmonkey,calls not connecting anymore now
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14:02.28jmetrobut at least its not hanging.
14:02.33jmetroPB a failed call
14:07.58*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
14:11.52[TK]D-Fenderduchman: your first call is not matching any account on your system.   your second LOOKS like it is but is poiunting to a bad context from Freebx
14:12.58duchman<[TK]D-Fender> I have an extension 5555 registered to from-sip-external context
14:13.38[TK]D-Fenderduchman: you need to have SIP DEBUG enabled while looking at these calls.  It is almost assured that due to not matching peers on your system that you are allow codecs you can't actually transcode as well which would explain the immediate drop on answer
14:13.48[TK]D-FenderWhy there?
14:14.38duchmantesting with an unregistered phone....allowed ulaw/alaw on phones and asterisk
14:14.51[TK]D-FenderNEW CALL
14:15.04[TK]D-Fenderwith SIP DEBUG
14:15.04duchmanok pls hold
14:15.21*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:19.40[TK]D-Fendershow us your dialplan
14:19.56duchmanok pls hold
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14:29.55duchmanSorry, it appears that is having some technical difficulties at the moment. It should be back soon.
14:29.55duchmanIn the meantime, perhaps you'd like to take a look at a place to share your files or the URL shortener.
14:29.55duchmanIf in doubt, check Slepp's page for contact information.
14:29.56*** join/#asterisk serafie1 (~erin@nat/digium/x-bskjgiuwvhihdbxm)
14:30.18duchmanany other pastebin link?
14:30.25*** join/#asterisk upp (928c103e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:31.16upp[TK]D-Fender:i'm back here it's
14:31.50*** join/#asterisk deegen (
14:33.08[TK]D-Fenderupp : 001 1011 27 Destination out of order
14:34.27[TK]D-FenderDAHDI/g0/0662118389 <- is this number supposed to be valid via your telco?
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14:36.09upp[TK]D-Fender: yes, my Problem is i can't receive calls
14:36.34*** join/#asterisk duchman (~paulo@
14:36.59[TK]D-Fenderupp: then why have you wasted my time showing me an OUTBOUND CALL?
14:37.45uppbecause you asked me it befor
14:38.36[TK]D-Fender[09:40][TK]D-Fenderupp: show an actual call attempt at verbose 10
14:39.04[TK]D-FenderI want to see the call in the direction you WERE ASKING ABOUT
14:39.05*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:39.42[TK]D-FenderI did not say to change what you were dubugging
14:41.12*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
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14:42.39qakhanhi all. i am getting records from MSSQL in dialplan. i am getting top 5 records from DB according to the callerid. how can i get each record in each row
14:43.37qakhanhere is my dial plan exten => 3000,n,Read(callerid)
14:43.37qakhanexten => 3000,n,SET(${callerid}=${ODBC_sql(${vPhoneNo})})
14:43.43[TK]D-Fenderread 5 rows
14:43.59[TK]D-Fenderget the next record.
14:44.24qakhanlike this? exten => 3000,n,SET(${callerid}=${ODBC_sql(${vPhoneNo})})
14:44.32[TK]D-Fenderyou should already know the command to have read the first.
14:44.39[TK]D-Fenderso read MORE
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14:55.38qakhan[TK]D-Fender You know, you never helped me. you always pushed me to learn myself. Therefore i like you.
14:55.48qakhanThanks for your help :)
14:56.30[TK]D-Fenderyour set is wrog
14:56.46[TK]D-Fenderyou do not put ${} on the LEFT side
14:56.49*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
14:57.04[TK]D-Fenderyouyou put ONLY  the variable name there
14:57.19[TK]D-Fenderyou don't seem to understand basic variables yet
14:57.24infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:57.42qakhani did put ${}
14:58.08[TK]D-Fenderlearn th e difference between passing the name to set ... and referncing the VALUE held by the variable
14:58.17[TK]D-FenderDO NOT DO THAT
14:58.28[TK]D-FenderNO ${} ON THE LEFT SIDE
14:59.58qakhanyou mean callerid
15:00.15*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
15:00.56[TK]D-Fenderand you weren't showing the funtion that READS the record in the first place
15:02.57qakhanwhich one is that function?
15:05.37*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
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15:07.50duchman<[TK]D-Fender>, here is the dialplan
15:19.24*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
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15:23.34wdoekesduchman: you shan't copy-paste your editor window
15:23.45wdoekesuse: cat /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
15:30.23*** join/#asterisk HannibalS (~Red@
15:31.31[TK]D-Fenderduck that is freepbx dialplan and only a tiny fraction of it and a waste of time.
15:32.04[TK]D-Fenderduchman: linphone seems to be deciding to hang up immediately after, not asterisk
15:32.12[TK]D-Fenderget another client
15:32.41duchmanok let me get 3cx
15:33.00[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: YOU are the one using the SQL calls.  how do you not knoe ehich one is the READ RECOD one?
15:35.18duchman<[TK]D-Fender> is the link for 3cx
15:35.42duchmanhangs up as soon as receiver picks up
15:36.11[TK]D-Fenderthat is not a complete call
15:36.21[TK]D-Fenderget the WHOLE CALL
15:37.17duchmanok pls hold
15:39.27Chainsaw*tinny Cisco music*
15:40.01duchman<[TK]D-Fender> is the link from asterisk full message log(1000 lines)
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15:41.23[TK]D-Fenderit isn't
15:41.27[TK]D-Fendert all
15:41.40[TK]D-FendertALL OF IT.
15:42.35[TK]D-Fenderfcrom the fikrst leg cominng in throught the dialplan prossing throu the Dial() that should issue all th way to then end,
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15:55.53pensmitAsteriskNow or FreePBX distro?  Which is better and why?
15:57.06jmetropensmit: are you trying to learn asterisk?
15:57.43pensmitNot at this point.  I'm trying to get a distribution that works well with conferences and updates easily
15:58.18jmetrofreePBX seems to be the preferred GUI, but if you ever want to do anything custom or learn asterisk, stop thinking about GUI's and just start with vanilla
15:59.49pensmitI'm trying to get a good take on one distribution over the other.
16:00.10pensmitAsteriskNOW and FreePBX distro are both distributions that don't require compiling
16:00.27pensmitThe update process is hopefully painless and simple.
16:00.50*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
16:01.53igcewielingpensmit: We don't support AsteriskNOW nor FreePBX here, so it may not be the best place to ask.
16:02.02jmetroFreePBX seems to be the most popular
16:02.22[TK]D-FenderThis is already answered in #freepbx
16:02.29jmetroand from what i've seen of both, i'd rather go with freePBX if i really wanted to gimp my possibilities.
16:03.06*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
16:03.18GreenlightDoesn't asteriskNow just package up freepbx anyway?
16:03.21igcewielingFreePBX isn't too terrible.  They made some design decisions I feel are totally wrong, but it does work well.
16:03.44igcewielingGreenlight: then why use it instead of FreePBX
16:04.07[TK]D-Fenderpensmit: and you should get VERY specefic about your needs for "works well with conferences"
16:04.07GreenlightEase of install
16:04.27[TK]D-Fendersame thing really
16:04.30GreenlightIt installs everything. For a non-linux person, I guess it can get them started playing with Asterisk quickly.
16:04.55jmetrotrixbox for the ultimate in quick installs! Lol
16:05.44*** join/#asterisk skorzen (~skorzen@
16:05.47skorzenHello guys.
16:05.56skorzenAnyone here using nagios to monitor asterisk remote SIP peer?
16:08.54*** join/#asterisk modesto916 (
16:12.07igcewielingWhy would a non-linux person expect they could manage a PBX?
16:12.40GreenlightPerhaps it would be an incentive to go and learn :)
16:12.51igcewielingGreenlight: you don't some GUI for that.
16:12.52GreenlightA "hook" to get them in
16:13.20GreenlightSmall steps ;)
16:13.44igcewielingIn order to properly install, configure, and secure a VoIP PBX you need to know linux, networking, SIP, NAT, RTP, in addition to the actual PBX
16:14.49*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
16:15.05igcewielingNot knowing those things makes about as much sense as skiing mount Hood with no training at all
16:16.10GreenlightPeople have got to start somewhere. I've always thought of AsteriskNOW as a simple way to do that.
16:16.40jmetroI started with the book
16:16.47GreenlightIt's not going to make you able to deploy a production ready machine overnight, no, but if it gets more people using linux and asterisk, and encourages people to learn, that's a good think imo
16:17.05[TK]D-FenderI'd accept : expect to have to learn things fast ; don't bitch abaout that inevitabilkity
16:17.51[TK]D-FenderESPECIALLY the "don't bitch" part.
16:18.00GreenlightI started with AsteriskNOW - I just wanted to get in there, get my hands dirty and see what it was all about
16:18.08jmetrophones are hugely complicated and theres a lot of things that are still mysteries to me, but i know computers and taught myself how to make it work cause thats what i do
16:18.30jmetroits all programming in one way or another.
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16:24.27navaismosomeone need to add english subs to this-->
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16:48.22iGZoAre there any known issues with 11.5?  We have hundereds of phones offline after an upgrade (11.4 -> 11.5).  Certain extensions still register, but other simply cannont register at all.
16:49.11jmetroiGZo: what are they doing? I had an issue where i set my reg time to 0 on accident and DDOS'd my aastras, they would register but then eventually freeze.
16:50.20iGZojmetro: we have tons of VMs running Elastix, and the ones that updated lastnight to 11.5 are offline now.
16:51.32jmetroI dont know anything about elastix, is that a gui? Can you see the error output in the asterisk console?
16:52.00iGZoYeah, Elastix is just a gui. There are no messages.
16:52.15jmetrodid you core set debug 999 core set verbose 999
16:52.21navaismomaybe its about the res_rtp engine as usual with 11.5
16:52.53iGZo(trying the debug now)
16:53.32jmetroI know D-fender prefers "sip set debug on" but i cant wade through debug logs all day. You should be able to at least see if the phone is touching asterisk with debug and verbose set high
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16:55.41GreenlightI had this the other day, was missing uuid-devel iirc
16:55.46GreenlightWith 11.5
16:55.48iGZoyeah, absolutely nothing. (except for the Remote Unix connection messages)
16:56.09Greenlight"core show module like rtp"
16:56.13GreenlightWhat does that say
16:57.13iGZono such command
16:57.35iGZothere is no "module" listed after show
16:57.41Greenlightsorry, "modules show like rtp"
16:57.51Greenlight"module show like rtp"
16:57.57qakhan[TK]D-Fender can you please look into my dialplan
16:57.59GreenlightI need caffine          Multicast RTP Paging Channel             0            Asterisk RTP Stack                       5           Multicast RTP Engine                     0                    Secure RTP (SRTP)                        0
16:58.59GreenlightHmm it's not the issue I observed then ... as you have res_rtp_asterisk
16:59.10GreenlightSo, youe phones register or not?
16:59.24iGZo2 out of 20 are registered
16:59.27igcewielingqakhan: did you have a specific question about your dialplan?
17:00.02GreenlightHOw odd - and the 18 that aren't registering.. seeing any errors ?
17:00.22iGZoGreenlight: that's the thing, it's like they are being ignored.
17:01.22igcewielingiGZo: have you used tcpdump or tshark to verify the packets are even arriving on the server?
17:01.30iGZoI basically get a 408, request timed out when trying to connect.
17:01.40qakhanwhat happened?
17:01.43iGZoigcewieling: I can, let me check.
17:05.09[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: you aren't even looking at what you are doing.
17:06.17[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: You use a Read() to get user input into a variable an then you KILL that value in the very next line wit that Set()
17:06.45iGZoigcewieling: so it looks like we are getting "401 unauthorized"
17:07.30igcewielingiGZo: you will always get a 401 on the first packet of a transaction, the 2nd request will contain the encrypted password.
17:07.36*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
17:07.55igcewielingcheck sip debug and make sure you don't have some silly NAT issue which is making Asterisk reject the packets
17:07.57*** join/#asterisk emilv (
17:08.16iGZoigcewieling: Ill check
17:09.06emilvhello, i'm having problem regarding call forward, i need to forward calls to my mobile after certain time of day. the problem is that when it happens it sends the mobile number back to the trunk which he doesnt allow, how can i get this to work?
17:10.21igcewielingemilv: I doubt that is the case.  I suspect the original callerid is being passed, which makes it reject.  Set the CALLERID(num) to something your carrier accepts before dialing.
17:10.25[TK]D-Fenderthen forward to an extension that will dial out another provider
17:11.23emilvshould i replace this: ${CALLERID(num)} with an actual phonenumber?
17:11.35emilvor put the number inside the (num)?
17:12.15igcewielingemilv: apparently your first step is to learn Asterisk.
17:12.18infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
17:12.45*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
17:13.18jmetroI honestly cant find any good documentation on musiconhold.conf
17:14.20igcewielingjmetro: musiconhold.conf.sample ?
17:14.40qakhan[TK]D-Fender ok i got you. i changed it. but it is still not working.
17:15.02jmetroigcewieling: I found that yes, but there is something up with my MOH for a specific client that is causing the files to always play in the same order
17:15.07jmetrowhich means they only ever hear the first track
17:15.20igcewielingjmetro: there is a setting for that.
17:15.26jmetrois it sort=random?
17:16.04igcewielingjmetro: no.
17:17.33igcewielingThere is some option to make Asterisk restart MoH from the beginning for each call .vs. one MoH process for all callers
17:18.39jmetrowell i know there is the "stream file"
17:18.55jmetrobut i have other clients setup with 5-10 files in their MOH folder and asterisk randomly chooses one
17:19.37igcewieling;cachertclasses=yes ; use 1 instance of moh class for all users who are using it, decrease consumable cpu cycles and memory disabled by default
17:20.11jmetrocachertclasses ? like.. "cache realtime classes" ?
17:20.26igcewielingthat is what I was thinking of.   I don't know if it would apply or not, but worth checking
17:20.49[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: that error says it alll...
17:21.12navaismowhat is better srtp or zrtp
17:21.31igcewielingnavaismo: yes.
17:21.43[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: [Aug  6 13:09:53] WARNING[4316]: ast_expr2.fl:468 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror():  syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '<=', expecting $end; Input:
17:22.21[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: there in nothing on the LEFT side of youe expression so it fails
17:23.12qakhanexten => 3000,n,While($[${COUNTER} <= ${ODBCROWS}])
17:23.20navaismoso my question is wrong?
17:23.47navaismowhich is better to use with asterisk zrtp or srtp?
17:23.50*** join/#asterisk btcquant (
17:24.03btcquantHello.  Trouble with outbound e-mail of voicemaill.  Asterisk is sending them from <asterisk@host>  instead of <> .  This is causing my mail service to reject the e-mail.  I cant' find anywhere in the config to change that.  (Using freepbx, but also looking at raw config files in /etc/asterisk)   Any suggestions on where to update this?
17:25.01[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: and whent that EVALUATES it comes back BLANK
17:25.39qakhani didnt get you
17:25.44[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: look at your call and what is actually getting set,.  you are not even looking
17:25.54[TK]D-FenderCOUNTER IS EMPTY
17:26.57igcewielingnavaismo: which is better SIP or RTP?   They do different things.  STRP and ZRTP do different things.   ZRTP CANNOT EVER be better unless BOTH your endpoints support ZRTP, for example.
17:28.18igcewielingSRTP is better because you only need the client and the server to support SRTP.   No!  ZRTP is better because bypasses the server for encryption so the server can't be used to comprimize the connection.
17:29.00navaismook thx
17:29.06skorzenbtcquant, /etc/postfix/
17:29.11skorzencheck that file for SMTP configuration.
17:29.19*** part/#asterisk emilv (
17:29.39btcquantskorzen  Don't think that's it.  The e-mail comes form <asterisk@host>   That should be set by asterisk when sending mail??
17:30.20skorzenbtcquant, which mailer are you using then?
17:30.29igcewielingbtcquant: e-mail has MULTIPLE from addresses
17:30.30skorzenSo, look there.
17:30.57qakhanThanks [TK]D-Fender i got my mistake
17:31.03skorzenYou should have a parameter called mydomain.
17:31.17qakhanexten => 3000,n,Set(COUNTER=$[${COUNTER + 1}])
17:31.47[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: again you have a real problem understanding braces...
17:32.00btcquantskorzen  That worked.  Last place I would have thought to look.  THANKS!!
17:32.09[TK]D-Fender${} is fot the variable name only
17:32.12qakhanthis line was wrong } should be next to COUNTER
17:32.22[TK]D-FenderYou do not put math junk in there
17:32.36qakhananyhow Thanks alot
17:32.58skorzengreat, btcquant :)
17:33.11qakhanyou helped me and we resolved the issue :)
17:34.00*** join/#asterisk mitchrodrigues (~mitchrodr@
17:34.08qakhanhere is another question
17:35.09qakhancurrently we are getting records in COUNTER veriable, can i save each record in differnet veriable?
17:37.13btcquantNoticed an interesting bug.  When e-mailing voicemails, they come through, but the link to visit is set to "http://AMPWEBADDRESS/recordings/index.php "   AMPWEBADDRESS is set in the config files.  So it looks like Asterisk isn't substituting that in correctly.
17:39.35navaismoampwebaddress is a freepbx stuff not asterisk
17:41.31[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: I don't see your current code and your current call.
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17:43.44qakhanlet me show you
17:44.03[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: and look at it YOURSELF
17:47.08btcquantAnybody have experience with SNOM phones?  I think I killed mine.
17:47.31[TK]D-Fenderso look at what you are setting...
17:48.11[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: you can't have a variable name  start with a number.  that is illegal.
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17:49.22igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: you are writing it for him.
17:49.39[TK]D-Fenderigalmost... not quite there...
17:49.48[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: almost... not quite there...
17:50.39qakhan[TK]D-Fender where i used number instead if name in veriable?
17:51.10[TK]D-Fender[13:48][TK]D-Fenderqakhan: you can't have a variable name start with a number. that is illegal.
17:51.55qakhanthats what i am askig
17:52.00qakhani didnt use it
17:52.36[TK]D-Fenderlook at your call.  you are setting illegal variables
17:53.15[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Whick doesn't really matter in the end because you aren't even doing anything with them
17:54.36qakhancan you plz point out where is that, i dont see
17:54.46[TK]D-Fenderlook at your call.  you are setting illegal variables
17:54.53[TK]D-Fenderlook at your SETS
17:55.20igcewielingqakhan: line 32 in your pastebin
17:55.24igcewielingsorry, 38
17:56.45qakhan3=Welcome BIJAYA MISHRA 92712 Your Pickup address is  4409 FORBES BLVD   Lanham   MD   20706"
17:56.48qakhanthis one?
17:57.23igcewielingand the others which do the same thing.  you are setting the variable named "3" to the value "Welcome BIJAYA MISHRA 92712 Your Pickup address is  4409 FORBES BLVD   Lanham   MD   20706" and YOU CANNOT DO THAT
17:57.39qakhanits coming from exten => 3000,n,Set(${COUNTER}=${ODBC_FETCH(${ODBC_ID})})
17:57.57qakhanthere is while loop
17:58.02igcewielingYes, I know.  It is doing exactly what you are telling it.
17:58.06[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: you can't even tell which line is line # 38?  how is that a question?
17:58.15[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: 3= is BAD
17:58.37[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: 3 is NOT a valid name to use for a variable.
17:58.50qakhanyou guys can see my dialplan
17:58.58[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: How many moe times will it take for you to understand?
17:59.08[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: more*
17:59.19[TK]D-Fender[13:48][TK]D-Fenderqakhan: you can't have a variable name start with a number. that is illegal.
17:59.29qakhan3 is coming from while loop
17:59.31[TK]D-Fender3= <--------------- BAD
17:59.39qakhani m not setting it up
18:00.07[TK]D-Fenderno, you are trying to use "3" as a variable name.  YOU CANNOT DO THIS, IT IS ILLEGAL
18:00.07qakhani got you 3 is BAD but i am not putting it in dialplan
18:00.23qakhanwhy dont you see my config
18:00.30qakhanplease see
18:00.36[TK]D-FenderYOU are becase that 3 is THE VALUE OF THAT counter.
18:01.03igcewielingqakhan: ${COUNTER} is 3.   Therefore 3 is the name of the variable you are setting
18:01.25igcewielingperhaps you might try something like Set(COUNTER=${ODBC_FETCH(${ODBC_ID})})
18:01.43[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: no...
18:01.59qakhanok please help me how i can stop this 3
18:02.18igcewielingqakhan: have you read ANY sample and example dialplans written by anyone else?  Have you read the Asteirsk book.
18:02.32[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: why are you using that variable there?  thi is YOUR fault.  Stop using that variable that way
18:03.03qakhani copied this example from asterisk book
18:03.13igcewielingqakhan: Do you understand that ${COUNTER} means "obtain the value of the variable counter and use that"
18:03.21igcewielingqakhan: no, you did not.  What page of the Asterisk book?
18:04.00slav3_kittenthe asterisk book a a tough read igcewieling, if they added like a secret plot by an off world mega corporation to dominate the phone market and rule it with an iron fist. then the asterisk group eventually beats them during a hard fought war over 3 planets... it'd be easier to read...
18:04.01[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: you deleted OTHER stuff you had there before and don't even remember
18:04.35[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: you deleted OTHER stuff you had there before and don't even remember <------------
18:04.40iGZoigcewieling: looks like a nat issue/setting in FreePBX, we've had it set as "no" but after the update we had to change it to "yes".  The phones are back online.
18:04.42[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: LINE 7
18:04.47igcewielingqakhan: I see no line with a Set(${COUNTER}=   only lines with SET(COUNTER=
18:04.57[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: they are NOT THE SAME
18:05.26slav3_kitteni think the evil mega corp should be called ocsic
18:05.35qakhansame => n,Set(AVAIL_EXTEN_${COUNTER}=${ODBC_FETCH(${ODBC_ID})})
18:05.52[TK]D-Fenderqwawhat does YOURS now have?
18:06.03jmetrofor Cachertclasses=yes what would I reload for that? [MOH conversation from earlier]
18:06.10igcewielingqakhan: right.  so that evaluates to Set(AVAIL_EXTEN_[the value of the variable counter, which might be 3]=whatever
18:06.22igcewielingjmetro: I'd restart asterisk
18:06.27jmetroigcewieling: crap
18:06.33qakhanmine is this exten => 3000,n,Set(${COUNTER}=${ODBC_FETCH(${ODBC_ID})})
18:06.35[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: where are those extra letters in YOUR code?
18:06.35igcewielingbut you can try something line "moh reload"
18:06.40[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: where are those extra letters in YOUR code?<-----
18:06.47jmetroigcewieling: i did moh and features reload
18:06.54[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: AVAIL... <-----
18:06.54igcewielingWar_Bear_away: so now you have  Set([the value of the variable counter, which might be 3]=whatever
18:07.03igcewielingwhich is obvously not valid
18:07.17qakhani didnt know about AVAIL_EXTEN_
18:07.28qakhando i need to add this AVAIL_EXTEN_
18:07.39igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: I believe he is beyond my help and beyond even your help.  Give up.  I am.
18:07.46protocoldougI want to play an accouncement to the called party, and I know about the "A" option on Dial() however, I don't want there to be dead air for the calling party while the announcement is played -- can I play a message to both calling and called parties when the line is picked up by the called party?
18:07.57[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: "didn't know"?  you can't even compare 2 lines and see a huge difference
18:08.14protocoldougannouncement* above, typo.
18:08.50igcewielingqakhan is too much for me.  BBIAW
18:08.53*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
18:09.04protocoldougErrr, different messages to each side, that is. Or anything to prevent the caller from hearing "ring, ring ring.... {silence while announcement is played} 'Hello?'"
18:10.46protocoldougMy current thinking to overcome this hurdle is in this situation, is to originate a call with a call file... And treat each channel seperately, and finally when the announcement is finished for the called party -- then Bridge() the channels together
18:11.08protocoldougBut, it's a lot more work, and... Wanted to sanity check that I'm not missing something "big"
18:12.22qakhan[TK]D-Fender i have to go now
18:12.34qakhani will talk to you tomorrow
18:12.47qakhanif you could help me
18:13.00[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: hire a programmer.  You have no idea what you are doing
18:13.18[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: and it's been years
18:13.49qakhanits been 2 years :P
18:14.52qakhani am getting veribale with names now
18:15.08qakhanSet("SIP/3288-00000082", "AVAIL_EXTEN_1=Welcome TEST Your Pickup address is  19290 MONTGOMERY VILLAGE AVE   Montgomery Village   MD   20886
18:16.03protocoldoug...I hope those aren't addresses of your subscribers, because... "that ain't cool bro."
18:18.12[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: And from what I've seen .... you're doing nothing with them
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18:24.58The_PhilHello Gents
18:28.59The_Philcan someone please tell me what this message means?
18:29.08The_PhilWARNING[5834] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
18:30.39navaismoNo route to destination)
18:30.46The_PhilI know that
18:31.04navaismoyour actual question is?...
18:31.06The_PhilI more want to know what can be the possible cause of the error
18:31.12The_Philfor example
18:31.34The_PhilWe have server b which is registered to server b
18:31.39The_Philb to c *
18:31.52The_Philso someone registers to b, which then hands the call to c
18:32.09navaismono route to destination in other words means asterisk can contact your peer maybe because isn't registered, qualified or something I guess
18:32.25The_Philnow, comes my next question
18:32.51The_Philis there any way to see which peer it is that the error message is related to?
18:33.40The_PhilI basically want to find out how we can narrow the problem down.  Is there an error log somewhere in asterisk that will show which peer/call/ip it is related to?
18:35.56The_Philthat's actually another thing I wan't to know.   Is there a way to link those WARNING/ERROR/NOTICE messages to a specific instance without having to switch on verbose?
18:36.06[TK]D-FenderThe_Phil: obviously the one you just trie dialing there
18:36.09jmetrorun with verbose on all the time.
18:36.37[TK]D-Fender"core set verbose 10"
18:36.50The_Philwith 125 concurrent calls?
18:37.00jmetroi prefer 999 on verbose and debug
18:37.12[TK]D-FenderThe_Phil: yes
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18:37.25jmetroit could be worse, i know people [i think on here] that run "sip set debug on" for the same amt of calls
18:38.01The_PhilLuckily all the UA's registering to the server have their own IP addresses and there are not two alike at any time
18:38.12The_Philnever mind
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18:38.42[TK]D-Fenderthe peer you are dialing has NOT registered and your server does NOT have an IP to call them at
18:39.03The_Philthanks, that clears it up :)
18:39.05The_Philso, is there a way to link the warning/error/notice messages to a peer/IP/call ID?
18:39.21The_Philwithout going core set verbose 999 ?
18:39.41[TK]D-Fenderno.  that line shows what it shows...
18:39.58[TK]D-Fenderyou need the originating dialplan lines
18:40.10[TK]D-Fenderand that requires verbose
18:40.14The_Philso, what is that 5834 next to the warning?
18:40.30jmetroerror code
18:40.54The_Philis that related to the server or is it asterisk in general
18:41.16[TK]D-Fenderit is  nothing of use
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18:41.46The_Phildamn, I thought as much
18:42.42jmetrohm. What exactly are those anyway.
18:45.05jmetroon a related note, i wish i could accept tacos as payment.
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18:46.10The_PhilI don't know, and no amount of googling can clarify the matter :(
18:46.21The_Philjmetro, I'll fax you one?
18:46.41The_Phila taco, that is
18:47.08jmetroAm i going to have to run a couple pages through my cross shredder in order to get the cheese?
18:48.00The_Philhaha, indeed
18:48.26The_Philthe mince I'll send via email
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18:49.18jmetroAhh tacos, my first love.
18:49.44The_Philyep.  The one that got away...
18:51.08jmetroOh hell no, i head home early if i know tacos are on the stove.
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20:07.41uyulalahi all
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20:08.28uyulalacould I ask a little question to you, gurus?
20:09.37infoboti guess as is the tranny. so swapping to a v8 and t5 doesn't add as much weight as you'd expect.
20:09.44infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
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20:11.06uyulalaThere is a way to set in the sip.conf a path with a CRL in order to revoke a TLS certificate?
20:12.07uyulala(as you see is a simple but with no replies on the forums ecc..)
20:12.58igcewielinguyulala: if there is it should be documented in sip.conf.sample, included in your Asterisk source code.
20:13.54uyulalano there isn't any kind of documentation about revoking a certificate, only on how to generate it
20:15.05igcewielingthen it is unlikely to be something Asterisk supports
20:16.23uyulalaI hope someone that found a way to it, revoke a certificate, even if not in a standard way (with the crl)
20:17.54uyulalahowever thank you for your answer
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20:20.12mitchrodriguesAnyone recommend a pressence server to use
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20:44.43Miccanyone know of a soft phone that will open a url on an incoming call and allow passing information to the url like caller id?
20:44.56protocoldougWith Dial()'s G(context^ext^priority) - where it sends the calling party to that extension and the called party to that extension + 1 -- is it possible to then put the two channels back together to talk? (I want to play a different message to each side)
20:45.08MiccI thought they all had something like that, but I can't find any docs on jitsi or zoiper that say how to pass parameters.
20:45.32MiccI know this is a bit off topic, but I doubt there is a better channel for my question.
20:47.18paulcMicc: I know you can do something like that with a Yealink hard phone, but haven't seen it in any softphones I've dealt with..
20:47.24igcewielingMicc: you can set the callerid in Asterisk before you send the call to the endpoint
20:47.28paulcmitchrodrigues: openfire works well
20:47.50mitchrodriguessweet ill take a look at it :D
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20:55.56Miccigcewieling, I don't want to set the caller id. I just want to open a web page and pass the caller id to the website when there is an incoming call. This is for my customers to integrate with their CRM.
20:59.35navaismoMicc, zoiper biz can do that
21:00.25*** join/#asterisk blehxor (
21:01.24navaismoor you can try this program --->
21:02.56WIMPyThat's how we did it 20 years ago, isn't it?
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21:05.24WIMPystill does it that way.
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21:06.16Miccnavaismo, zoiper biz does do it, but I can't figure out the parameter for caller id.
21:06.16navaismoUsing openvpn to connect to asterisk, the peer is natted or not? My mind is fuc*** rifght now my peer cant dial anything via openvpn+tls transport
21:06.41MiccI like the call monitor, but I don't want to allow AMI access to my server.
21:06.53WIMPynavaismo: Depends on how you set it up.
21:07.10WIMPyMicc: You don't have to.
21:07.29WIMPyPut a little sender script in to your dialplan via System().
21:07.51WIMPyOr do your own thing that listens on AMI and sends out the information.
21:07.56navaismoWIMPy, I added the TUN address to localnet and set the peer to nat=no
21:09.10blehxorHi... newb here. Need to capture a SIP response code with dial - have read about ${HASH(SIP_CAUSE,${CHANNEL})}. When would I structure that to get a meaningful value?
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21:10.23blehxor*how would I structure the dial and SIP_CAUSE call to get a meaningful value*
21:10.36navaismoWIMPy, my peer registered successfully but when i dial nothing happens...
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21:13.49navaismoMicc, in the zoiper manual explain how to set the cid: "• $(CALLERNAME) - this tag is replaced with the callername of the call.
21:13.50blehxorcalling dial from local channel with: exten => _10XX,n,Dial(SIP/${var4}@${var3},30,gM(test))   and don't know how to get the SIP channel name to use  ${HASH(SIP_CAUSE,${CHANNEL})}
21:13.51navaismo• $(CALLERNUMBER) - this tag is replaced with the callernumber of the call.
21:13.51navaismo• $(DNID)- this tag is replaced with DNID number of the call if it is incoming call. For
21:13.51navaismooutgoing calls there is no DNID. DNID is the number that the caller has dialed to call
21:13.51navaismoyou. "
21:14.17Miccnavaismo, thanks I couldn't find that.
21:14.27navaismoyou need glasses
21:16.18navaismoblehxor, try with ${HASH(SIP_CAUSE,${CDR(dstchannel)})}
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21:22.27blehxorthanks, navaismo. would I call that on the local channel after my dial (so it would trigger after the macro is finished and the dial call is done)?
21:23.48navaismoah... hmm... I have that after the dial cmd
21:24.02blehxorok I'll try that, thanks again
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21:33.07jmetrocats, im a kitty cat.
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22:18.35blehxorI'm dialing a conference bridge with the dial cmd, then executing a macro which starts mixmonitor to record the call. Issue is the .wav file ends up missing the first ~5 seconds which is the bridge's automated message. Why would mixmonitor miss the beginning of the call like that? This is all local network - latency shouldn't be a factor...
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22:19.54Merlincan anyone recommend a soho type router that has a built-in ipsec VPN client, plus collects stats on VoIP traffic, including mos/avg jitter/etc?
22:20.52jmetrobut junipers are <3
22:21.08Merlinaruba has the voip traffic stats, but you have to buy a $5k concentrator to get any vpn capability
22:21.36[TK]D-Fenderblehxor: just initiate Mixmonitor before your dial.
22:22.00[TK]D-Fenderyou can set it to record only after it is answerew
22:22.18asteriskmonkeyMerlin: use pfsense its free
22:22.31asteriskmonkeydoes a good job of vpn stuff
22:23.06asteriskmonkeyyou can probably also use some flavour of openwrt for what you need too
22:23.17asteriskmonkeythat fits onalot of home class routers
22:23.24Merlini know pfsense and openwrt, but i wasn't aware of a built-in voip traffic analysis module
22:23.26blehxorI'm not getting anything recorded when I try init MixMonitor before dial.
22:23.50[TK]D-Fenderthen something is wrong...
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22:24.40ageishow to get the originating caller ID name (or a SIP peer name) as an environment variable in my outgoing context?
22:24.46blehxorGuessing local channel is getting "optimized out" when bridge happens?  but don't  know how to get around that - I'm a newb (obviously)
22:24.51ageisi.e., the person placing the call, not the exten dialed
22:25.35Merlinblehxor: mixmonitor is designed to deal with that circumstance
22:28.21[TK]D-Fenderageis: "core show function CALLERID"
22:28.41ageis[TL]D-Fender: no, that's a callerID of the called party
22:28.54[TK]D-Fenderageis: no, it isn't.
22:29.23asteriskmonkeyyou can always set variables using the __ underscore to make them global too :)
22:29.45asteriskmonkeyso if your playing context tag, you wont loose locally set ones
22:29.52[TK]D-Fenderageis: device calls *.  that starts your dialplan.  that is ONLY the caller so far ... LOOK AT THE CALLERID.  Then Dial()
22:29.53ageisI had a problem where I was setting the CID on outgoing before I wanted to capture the person who was dialing
22:30.00ageisso didnt see that as useful or as my impediment
22:30.01blehxorwould one of you mind taking a look at a few lines from my dial plan around that mixmonitor->dial?
22:30.05ageisill jsut transfer it into another variable before I do that :)
22:30.26[TK]D-FenderThen you are setting before looking ... your mistake
22:31.35ageisya, jsut realized
22:33.40[TK]D-Fenderwell you've hit your "silly" quota and realized what you needed almost on your own... I'd let this one slide :)
22:35.41*** part/#asterisk samy_ (
22:42.08blehxormy dial plan which isn't recording anything from the dial cmd:       thanks
22:42.31ageisheh.. I built this whole call recording system with mixmonitor and some scripts that feed calls into a n sqlite database and encode as mp3.
22:42.58ageisast_yyerror():  syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end; Input: = 1
22:43.05ageisHow can I trace this warning to a line in the dialplan?
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22:50.01[TK]D-Fenderactually have verbose enabled
22:56.49blehxorlooks like mixmonitor seems to record fine if I remove the macro call within my dial cmd, is there something I'm missing there?
22:57.20[TK]D-Fenderno... it works both ways...
22:57.30[TK]D-Fenderhopefully a little faster outside
23:00.38blehxoractually its when I add an s(30)
23:02.02blehxorif I call a macro from dial, then give it a MACRO_RESULT=CONTINUE it should hang up the called party when the macro finishes right?
23:05.23[TK]D-Fenderdon't recall the specific values
23:05.41[TK]D-Fenderread the instructions
23:06.38blehxorthats what the instructions say, but not what I'm seeing...
23:07.05blehxoror at least what I'm interpreting the instructions to say
23:07.42CeBeageis: can you show whats in the line where error occurs?
23:07.59CeBeageis: are you upgrading to a new version?
23:09.08[TK]D-Fendershow the actual call
23:09.29CeBeageis: had a similar problem today, see here since 1.6 you do not wrap dialplan functions in ${} anmore
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23:16.19navaismoWIMPy, if you have time can you take a look on this debug?--> Asterisk receive the invite but then nothing happens not sure where lost the transaction if in phone or in server
23:21.21navaismoor anyone available to help
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23:27.24djgermhello! Is there a way to see current Calls Per Second in asterisk console?
23:27.29djgermor in the previous second
23:27.45djgermor over time
23:27.48blehxor[TK]D-Fender: dialplan with console,
23:28.19blehxortest-${call_start_org}.wav has nothing recorded in it.
23:28.43blehxor*console output
23:29.00[TK]D-Fenderblehxor: bad approach overall
23:31.10[TK]D-Fenderblehxor: use a local channel on one end and the playback, etc as regular dialplan
23:31.42navaismodjgerm, maybe: core show channels verbose help you
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23:33.08djgermnavaismo: hmm that shows concurrent calls
23:33.20djgermbut not cps....
23:33.44[TK]D-Fenderthere no cps
23:35.41navaismoso basically im seeing in the debug An invite from phone to asterisk, then UNAUTHORIZED from Asterisk to phone, then the Phone send a NOTIFY, asterisk respond to NOTIFY, Phone respond with the ACK of the previous INVITE. Then the phone try to register again, then a bunch of SUBSCRIBES transaction between phone and asterisk and done the INVITE is lost and phone hangup
23:35.59blehxor[TK]D-Fender: sorry, not exactly sure how I would structure it that way. I'm starting in a local channel then dialing out,  do you mean I shouldn't use a macro?
23:36.44[TK]D-Fenderthat is the DIALPLAN part of the call file
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23:40.59djgermgosh, so there's no way to see what my historical calls per second have been?
23:43.38[TK]D-Fendercheck your cdr
23:43.48[TK]D-Fenderdo math
23:43.54[TK]D-FenderGREAT VICTORY
23:44.43djgermheh, yeah looks like that's how it's gonna have to be. though, even that's not gonna have the Calls Per Second...
23:45.02djgermI'll have to grep out some unique line for session turn up out of the full log.
23:45.34[TK]D-Fendercdr use unixtime
23:45.43[TK]D-Fendernot good enough?
23:46.17KattyHI KIDS
23:46.31[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew
23:46.41djgermwell I think that refers to when the call is completed, and since every call has a different duration, wouldn't that be not CPS?
23:46.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: how're you dear
23:47.08[TK]D-FenderNo, it's start + duration
23:47.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: craptastic as my FB reads...
23:47.29Kattygoes to look at fb
23:47.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: broken clavicle.  kiss the summer goodbye
23:47.55djgermso if i could subtract duration from that unixtime then the CDR would be useful...
23:48.00Katty[TK]D-Fender: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!
23:48.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: Bad fender!!!
23:48.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: stop breaking things!!!
23:48.43[TK]D-Fenderdjgerm: no.  It holds the start AND the duration
23:49.00[TK]D-Fenderit is not the end time
23:53.09djgermhmm. I don't understand. =D The unixtime I am seeing in my CDRs look like so: 1375833008.132653
23:54.27[TK]D-Fenderholds the START. and the DURATION
23:58.05*** join/#asterisk serafie (
23:58.12djgermThe fleas are jumping of my head as it warms up with thought… I only have one unix time stamp in my cdr log =(
23:59.07djgermand /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf is basically empty, so I am assuming default logging.

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