IRC log for #asterisk on 20130801

00:00.30*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
00:04.26navaismoas you can see  im lost too
00:05.42*** join/#asterisk serafie (
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00:12.01lwizardlwhats the best way to set it so that each room is unique. basically a press 4 for Joe, 5 for Jane, etc
00:12.54WIMPyWe don't configure roomes, except for conference rooms. But you can configure phones.
00:13.04WIMPyI think you should start with the
00:13.08infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
00:13.31lwizardlk thanks
00:14.32*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-uxfqjswvrdmrvqdj)
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01:00.09volga629Hello Everyone,  is syntax for exten => s,n,Set(FDST=${STRREPLACE(${PDST},find,replace,1)})  correct ?
01:00.38*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
01:02.17*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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04:34.04*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:36.41*** join/#asterisk Aivaras (
04:37.23AivarasHey, I just seted up Asterisk and two extensions. I can call from 1 to 2, but not from 2 to 1. Where to look for a problem?
04:37.31*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
04:40.24infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
04:41.03AivarasPenguin, is it for me? :/ I don't know what to paste
04:41.05PenguinPastebin your dialplan, at least.
04:42.03AivarasI can call to 6002 from 007, but I can't call from 6002
04:42.23Penguin007 is an extension.  You don't call FROM it.
04:43.05PenguinYou call to extensions from phones.
04:43.18PenguinWhich phone is giving you a problem?
04:43.30Aivarasthen I can't call from aivaraspc to aivaras
04:44.34AivarasI tried ekiga (pc software) and zoiper (android)
04:44.44PenguinPastebin the sip configs for both phones.
04:45.35PenguinIf nothing obvious appears there, we'll go to a sip debug.
04:46.24AivarasI can't export settings from android, but it's just username, password and ip of server.
04:46.46PenguinI'm talking about the sip config from sip.conf.
04:47.11PenguinEach phone should have one entry there.
04:47.52Aivaraseverything else is default
04:48.52PenguinI suppose we should look at the sip debug now.  sip set debug on
04:49.11PenguinMake the call that fails.  sip set debug off
04:49.20PenguinPastebin everything from start to finish.
04:50.04Aivarasit works now :/
04:50.25PenguinThat was an easy fix.
04:50.33Aivarasbut I did nothing.
04:50.53PenguinIt is possible that aivaras was not registered at the time you tried to call it.
04:51.01*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
04:51.11AivarasI did that reload thing
04:51.16Penguinsip reload?
04:51.25Aivarasend then extensions reload
04:51.33Aivarasdailplan reload or something
04:51.45PenguinYeah, dialplan reload.
04:52.04Aivarasyeah it was that. So all I did was debug on and it started to work.
04:52.09PenguinIt's possible that your extensions had not been reloaded after you made a change.
04:52.31PenguinYou have to reload it any time you edit it.
04:52.37Aivarasbtw, what codec I should use?
04:52.45AivarasI understand that.
04:52.46PenguinThat depends.
04:53.08AivarasI have 40 mbps server with 70ms latency.
04:53.11PenguinThe typical answer could be ulaw or alaw...
04:53.23Aivarasbecause it's 2k km away from location I am using it.
04:53.37PenguinBut that might not be the best codec for your particular application.
04:54.21PenguinIf your calls are going to/from the PSTN, go with alaw.
04:55.18Aivaraspstn - it's something with real phone networks?
04:55.39PenguinYou can even use alaw between the PSTN and your box, and use something with better quality on the phones themselves for when you talk between the phones (if the phones support HD audio).
04:55.49infobotextra, extra, read all about it, pstn is Public Switched Telephone Network, or "please stop the nonsense"
04:56.06PenguinPSTN, or real phones.
04:57.09PenguinA regular old phone doesn't support high quality audio.
04:57.27Aivarasyeah. I think I will be using just android phones over wifi
04:57.45PenguinI really like CSipSimple on Android.
04:58.02PenguinIt seems better than the others I have tried... and I tried as many as I could find.
04:58.24PenguinZoiper is great on a Windows PC, but not as good on Android.
04:58.52Aivarasit looks neat.
04:59.05PenguinCSipSimple has decent integration with the native phone, too.
04:59.20AivarasI will try it :)
04:59.21PenguinGood dialer integration, at least.
04:59.55PenguinI have mine set up to ask me which phone to complete the call with when I try to make a call.
05:00.17PenguinIf the SIP phone is registered, it prompts me; if it is not registered, it just uses the wireless phone.
05:00.56Aivarasin my case it's more "try new things" then I really need it :D
05:01.13PenguinExperimenting is most of the fun.
05:01.24PenguinIt's boring just using the phone to talk on.
05:02.05ChannelZThat's why there's phone sex.
05:02.17PenguinPhone sex, you say?
05:02.57PenguinNow I'm curious if they make phone-shaped condoms.
05:03.12ChannelZSaran wrap
05:03.22AivarasI think you can use regular ones. :D
05:03.48PenguinThat would be easier than asking Motorola to make a phone shaped like, well, you know.
05:04.06ChannelZsay it!
05:04.28PenguinA corndog!
05:04.35Aivaraswhat is best sip app for linux?
05:04.50Aivarasis ekiga usable?
05:05.16PenguinI used to think it was twinkle, but lots of people like a couple others that I can't think of the names of.
05:05.30PenguinBlink, jitsi?  Something like that.
05:06.13PenguinFor Windows, I always went to Zoiper.  For my desktop, I always used twinkle.
05:06.45PenguinEkiga was usable, but not desirable.
05:06.59*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
05:07.26Aivarashm.. now I can't call from aivaras to aivaraspc :D
05:07.31*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-sfnllezhtugwsgeb)
05:07.37Penguinsip show peers
05:07.46PenguinIs aivaraspc registered?
05:08.07Aivarasunmonitored, online
05:08.24Penguinsip debug, I suppose.
05:08.41*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:10.07PenguinSo, I have to share something I heard earlier.  It was amusing to me...
05:11.32Aivarascat I save debug info as log? It sucs to get it realtime
05:11.38PenguinThere were some guys talking on the ham radio (75 meters), one said something about making a note to himself about a corndog in the microwave and something about ranch dressing and mustard.  (I'm sure the details of his statement weren't too important.)
05:12.22PenguinAnother guy says, "You've got a soldering iron... why are you using a microwave to cook a hotdog?"
05:13.45PenguinBy what method are you connected to the asterisk console?
05:13.56AivarasI have log now
05:13.57*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
05:14.26Aivarasjust made asterisk -r > log
05:16.16PenguinI see a 404 not found in there.
05:16.29Aivarasit says - do I need to fwd that port to my device? :/
05:16.33PenguinAre your two phones both on the same LAN as your Asterisk box?
05:16.49Aivarasphones on lan, server away
05:17.11PenguinYou will have to forward 5060 inbound to your asterisk IP address if it is behind a NAT.
05:17.41Aivarasto server?
05:17.48PenguinBe sure to tell asterisk your phones are behind NAT if they are.
05:17.48Aivarasall my server ports are open
05:18.57PenguinI didn't see any private addresses in the debug, so that could be a problem if your phones are behind a NAT.
05:19.44Aivarasif I settup a proxy on server and usi on phones?
05:20.07PenguinI don't know why you would want to do that.
05:20.21AivarasThat would solve connection problems?
05:20.32PenguinSounds like it would complicate things.
05:20.56Aivarasso what should I do?
05:21.27PenguinA typical configuration would be to tell asterisk that the phones are behind NAT and make sure the phones have any NAT fix disabled.
05:22.03AivarasI can call to exetensions, but I can't call to "aivaras"
05:22.31AivarasI mean, I can't do "call back"
05:22.46PenguinIf asterisk doesn't know how to get a call to it, that makes sense.
05:23.50AivarasOk, everything seams to be working :)
05:24.09PenguinI would add  nat=yes  to both of the phones' sip entries.
05:24.16PenguinSave, then sip reload.
05:25.08PenguinThat way asterisk can be aware of private addresses within packets to/from those devices.
05:25.14Aivarasnow call back should work?
05:25.30PenguinTry it.
05:26.17PenguinI'm not really sure what "call back" is.  It sounds like you are describing a button on the phone.
05:26.46Aivaraswell.. it is :D
05:27.02PenguinThat might be a feature that isn't compatible with asterisk.  Or it might be something that you would need to take extra steps in dialplan for it to work.
05:27.13AivarasI see that "aivaras" called me on "aivaraspc", but if I press call back, it says 404
05:27.21Aivarasok then
05:27.53PenguinIt might be trying to call the other phone directly, or it might just be telling asterisk the wrong thing.
05:28.27PenguinSIP headers will often have goofy stuff in there that you need to read carefully to debug something like that.
05:29.11PenguinActually... the call probably isn't going to the phone's associated extension.
05:29.38PenguinSo when the one phone tries to call a phone by name instead of extension number, that fails.
05:30.02PenguinThe SIP debug would probably reveal that if you look in the INVITEs.
05:30.24Aivarasyea, but since I can call exenssions - it's ok for me :D
05:30.46PenguinThere would be a couple ways you could fix that.
05:32.04PenguinOne is create a duplicate extension for the phone, but switch the number with the name.  So then you would have extension 007 as well as extension aivaras, both would dial SIP/aivaras
05:32.24AivarasI can try that
05:32.33PenguinAnother is to not press the call back button.  :)
05:33.41PenguinI'm sure I have worked through this before, but I just don't recall what ways I would have done it.
05:34.02PenguinSometimes trying to be creative just causes trouble.
05:34.41Aivarasit gives 503 then hitting redail
05:35.40PenguinYou can spend a long time making everything work.
05:36.32PenguinDebug each problem, figure out how to overcome it.
05:36.32Aivarasnow I would like to make web interface for adding new users :)
05:36.57PenguinThere are interfaces for that already, but I can't recommend you use them.
05:37.09AivarasI want make one myself.
05:37.18Penguinvim is pretty easy to use, so I wouldn't bother.
05:38.05Aivarasyeah, but I can't give you my server root password, but I could let you register on website :)
05:38.13[TK]D-FenderLooking for aivaraspc in users (domain  SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
05:38.22[TK]D-FenderError looks mre than clear...
05:38.29[TK]D-FenderNo dialplan match just like it says
05:38.57PenguinIf you know python, you could write something to edit your sip.conf or an included file and run sip reload when it is done.
05:40.05PenguinThere's also the option of using real time configs and editing that with some other homemade app.
05:40.26[TK]D-FenderAivaras: Which confirms it
05:41.05PenguinSIP/007 and SIP/6002 don't exist, so be careful with that.
05:41.45Aivarasso: exten=>aivaras,1,Dial(SIP/aivaras,20) ?
05:42.22Aivarasit works!!!
05:42.35Aivaras[TK]D-Fender, thanks!
05:42.50Aivarasand many thanks to Penguin :D
05:43.04PenguinI was thinking something like this:
05:43.06[TK]D-FenderAivaras: I advise againstr trying to be "clever" and using "names" for your dilaplan extensions.
05:43.47PenguinIt was my first thought for making the silly "call back" button work.
05:43.48Aivaras[TK]D-Fender, I was just following wiki, there was 6001 and 6002
05:43.50[TK]D-FenderAivaras: Because it seems nifty at first and then when youa re using some crappy softphone on a PC and you're stuck with a numeric keypad.... and can't type it in easy that life will suck.
05:44.08[TK]D-FenderAivaras: Same for IVR's you'll set up that the outside world may reach.
05:44.32[TK]D-FenderAivaras: Forget "wiki".  Think "this what what I want to DIAL, and this is what I want it to DO".
05:44.59AivarasI wanted to see it working. Tweeking is later :D
05:45.01[TK]D-FenderairAnd remember you are dialing an EXTENSION, not a SIP DEVICE when you place a call.
05:45.15PenguinI'm suddenly reminded of how parts of relevant conversation seem to slip past [tk]d-fender so often.
05:45.17[TK]D-FenderAivaras: Wyat your dialplan does is another matter.
05:45.53PenguinHe set up numeric extension to dial named devices.  No problem there.
05:46.08[TK]D-Fender[01:41]Aivarasso: exten=>aivaras,1,Dial(SIP/aivaras,20) ?
05:46.09[TK]D-Fender[01:42]Aivarasit works!!!
05:46.14[TK]D-Fenderhe just did the named ones
05:46.18Aivarasand setted up "name" extensions just to use call back button
05:46.22PenguinBut then his soft phone wasn't too bright and the Call Back button wanted to call the phone back by name instead of number.
05:46.52PenguinNow that you're caught up, we can move on.
05:47.19[TK]D-FenderAivaras: Show us that inital call that you say doesn't register properly.
05:47.41Aivarasnow everything works.
05:47.47PenguinIt was the one where it said looking for aivaras in users.
05:47.58[TK]D-Fenderstill a twisted way to call back.. something looks "off"
05:48.14AivarasI think it's because of app.
05:48.19PenguinThat was a result of the phone's stupod call back button trying to call the device back by name instead of extension number.
05:48.39[TK]D-FenderI see why
05:48.42PenguinWhich soft phone is that?
05:48.56[TK]D-Fender <-- you didn't set the CALLERID so you could have the NAME and NUMBER
05:49.06[TK]D-FenderAivaras: Fix your peers
05:49.22Aivarashow? :D
05:49.32*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
05:49.41[TK]D-Fendercallerid="john doe" <101>
05:49.49Penguinwithout the quotes, of course.
05:50.04[TK]D-FenderQuotes are perfectly valid there
05:50.10[TK]D-FenderAlways have been
05:50.22[TK]D-FenderAnd are not interpreted literally into the name
05:50.24PenguinMaybe if you like double-double quotes.
05:50.30PenguinThey used to be literal.
05:50.38PenguinI doubt it changed in the past year.
05:50.39[TK]D-Fenderthey are NOT brought into the string on this
05:50.42Aivarascallerid="Aivaras Kivilius" <007> ?
05:50.43[TK]D-Fendernever for callerid
05:50.52[TK]D-FenderAivaras: Yes
05:51.20PenguinI would encourage you to read back over years of talking about the callerid value.
05:51.23[TK]D-Fenderit's been this way since before Asterisk broke it's first whole number version...
05:51.41[TK]D-FenderI've been doing this for just under a decade....
05:51.49[TK]D-FenderI don't need to look back.  I was there
05:51.57PenguinWhat a coincidence.  I was, too.
05:52.12[TK]D-FenderWell I also happen to be right on this :)
05:52.22PenguinWe've talked about it many times.
05:52.47[TK]D-FenderQuote on Callerid? nothing noteworthy...
05:52.47PenguinYou end up with two sets of quotations if you quote the name in the callerid value.
05:53.39PenguinIt should be callerid=Aivaras Kivilius <007>
05:54.46[TK]D-FenderShould work as well
05:55.15AivarasAnd I can remove those double extension lines?
05:55.48PenguinI was going to lay all the blame on the soft phone on that one.
05:55.54PenguinRemember to dialplan reload?
05:56.06[TK]D-Fenderand "sip reload"?
05:56.27[TK]D-Fenderwell then you should see the number on your new call out
05:56.33PenguinOf course you did dialplan reload... that was how you got back to having a 404.  I'm tired.
05:56.33*** join/#asterisk Thesulac (~Thesulac@
05:56.36AivarasI do
05:56.44[TK]D-FenderI hope you didn't just try to dial that NAME back from the same entry as before...
05:56.52AivarasI did. :D
05:56.53Aivarasmy bad.
05:57.02[TK]D-FenderNEW call :p
05:57.08AivarasNow I see ID and I can call it back
05:57.22AivarasDo I need extension line at all?
05:57.45[TK]D-Fenderof course...
05:57.52[TK]D-Fenderthat number has to do something, doesn't it?
05:57.52Aivarasor sip just changes id (how it looks) and has nothing to do with extension?
05:57.55PenguinI was hoping they didn't break zoiper.  I used to really like it.
05:58.12[TK]D-FenderThey didn't break Zoiper as far as we've seen.
05:58.26PenguinYeah.  I just thought they did.
05:58.30[TK]D-FenderImproper callback info was provided due to lack of configuration
05:58.35PenguinI agree.
05:59.44Aivaraswhat "Aivaras Kivilius" does in line callerid=Aivaras Kivilius <007> ?
05:59.57PenguinI never even considered the callerid on that call back button.  I had no idea what it was atually doing other than trying to call back the phone that called it.
06:00.06PenguinThat is the callerid name.
06:00.22Aivarasbut I can't see it on app.
06:00.27AivarasI just see 007
06:00.28Penguincallerid=Your Name <your phone number>
06:00.49PenguinMaybe the app doesn't show the callerid name?
06:00.50[TK]D-FenderYou should be able to see name and number
06:00.52PenguinI thought it did.
06:01.13PenguinIt has been a while since I used it, but I thought it showed the name and number.
06:02.13PenguinI also haven't used a version of it made in the last two years.
06:02.55PenguinOh.  That doesn't surprise me.
06:03.11PenguinOn the incoming call, you should see name and num.
06:03.54PenguinOn the return call button, they probably just didn't bother putting caller name on it.
06:04.13Aivarasno name on incoming call to
06:04.32PenguinTry CSipSimple.
06:05.28PenguinEven though I use gingerbread, the soft phone should still work about the same way for you.
06:06.14PenguinAre you using Fro Yo?
06:06.48PenguinWhat is your android version?
06:07.10PenguinJelly Bean
06:08.03PenguinI don't know what I was thinking.
06:08.59PenguinGot a name on that one.
06:09.30*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
06:10.15PenguinI use my native dialer and enabled dialer integration in csipsimple.
06:10.22PenguinIt's acceptable.
06:10.38AivarasYeah, I seen this option. Will try later. :)
06:11.09PenguinThere are so many sip phones, you can spend all night trying them all.
06:11.28[TK]D-FenderAnd on that note... it's bed time...
06:11.32[TK]D-Fenderback later
06:11.36Penguinpast bed time!
06:11.39Aivarasit's 7:11 there. Night was spent. :D
06:11.46Aivarasyeah. :D
06:11.52Penguin0111 here.
06:11.59PenguinI should have left over 1 hour ago.
06:12.24PenguinI usually don't even come on here much anymore because I spend too long here.
06:12.35PenguinHOURS, not minutes.
06:13.20PenguinI guess that means I'll drop out, too.
06:13.27*** join/#asterisk santa0536 (
06:13.49Aivaraswait.. it's -6 from GMT.
06:13.49PenguinHave fun experimenting with soft phones.
06:13.53AivarasAre you in USA?
06:15.55PenguinI don't think I have any Lithuania radio contacts.  You don't happen to have an amateur radio, do you?
06:16.45AivarasI don't and I am in UK. My server is in Lithuania. :D
06:17.01AivarasAnd I am lithuanian. But now in UK.
06:17.12PenguinAh well.  I'll try again next time.  :)
06:17.33Aivaraswhat frequencies that radios are working in?
06:19.36Penguin1.8, 3.5, 5.3, 7, 10.1, 14, 18, 21, 24, 28, 50 MHz
06:20.11Penguin160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, and 6 meter bands
06:20.38Aivaraslol. I prefer 2.4/5GHz waves :D
06:20.54PenguinThat's the radio I would have used to talk to .lt if you were there with a radio.
06:21.20PenguinI also have other bands/freqs on other radios.
06:21.54Penguin2.4/5 GHz doesn't travel around the globe very well.
06:21.55AivarasI have that cheap walkie-talkie - Binatone Terrain 750
06:22.17PenguinThose freqs kind of go in a straight line.
06:22.38Aivaraswe used them in skiing trip.
06:22.43*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme (~Freeaqing@2a03:f80:ed15:37:235:56:92:7100)
06:22.49PenguinNo reflection back to Earth from the ionosphere.
06:23.14PenguinMaybe bounce it off of the moon or some other satellite.
06:23.37AivarasI think they don't travel that much at all.
06:23.57PenguinWith enough power, maybe?
06:24.17Aivaraswell that would be nice word-wide wifi jammer
06:25.03PenguinThe wifi freqs overlap with US amateur radio freqs, so I can run 1500W on channels 8-11.
06:25.57Aivaras1.5kW is a lot of power
06:26.28Aivaraslet me check, but I think my wifi is like 500mW or so :D
06:27.30Aivaras500mW on low power setting and 1W on max :D
06:27.49PenguinNo, I told you wrong.  Channels 1-8 are in US amateur band.
06:28.49PenguinI can run 1500W on channels 1-8.
06:28.53AivarasI am on 3 (2.422 GHz)
06:29.25PenguinThat band is 2390-2450 MHz.
06:29.42Aivarasin UK some 4G networks are in TV band.
06:30.29PenguinThe other band is 5650-5925 MHz.
06:31.08Aivaras so we got some sort of filters
06:31.44*** join/#asterisk threesome (
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06:32.06*** mode/#asterisk [+o pabelanger] by ChanServ
06:33.13Penguin5GHz wifi channels 132-165
06:35.37PenguinI have no idea how well a 1.5 kW wifi signal will travel.
06:36.53PenguinIf I had the amplifiers and the radios, I would try to find out.
06:37.10AivarasYou should
06:37.16AivarasThat is really interesting.
06:37.39Aivarashave you heard about google's internet from baloons ?
06:38.02PenguinThey call it line of sight, but I have a feeling the actual sight of it might not be imperative with that much power at both ends of the link.
06:38.17PenguinI heard about it, but I don't know how true it is.
06:38.51AivarasWell. It's google. It's true. :D
06:39.22Penguin802.11b over 200 miles?
06:40.01PenguinNeed tall buildings to mount the antenna.
06:41.01PenguinWould the data degrade over long distances as long as the power level could get the signal to the other side?
06:41.36AivarasThey don't use 802.11
06:41.56AivarasYou will need some sort of box to connvert signal
06:42.07PenguinI'm still talking about the overlap in the 802.11 and amateur bands.
06:42.35Aivarasyes, it will degrade.
06:42.53PenguinGet a couple WRT54G plastic routers and connect them to some high power amplifiers.
06:43.53PenguinData transmissions are hell on amplifiers, so we'll need some good cooling.
06:44.32PenguinIt would be fun to try, but it's not practical for me to try it.
06:44.56PenguinToo much money involved for equipment.
06:45.08PenguinI would rather be sleeping.
06:45.27*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
06:45.32PenguinSo I think I will go do that right now.
06:46.12PenguinIl y a plus d'une façon de peler un chat.
06:46.38AivarasBye and thanks!
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09:39.25adnchello, is it possible to see if the password for a iax2 trunk is given wrong and the peer is not up because of a password mismatch?
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10:10.06hanumanhow can i acheive pure secure asterisk
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10:51.55eject_ckAsterisk behind router NAT, I've forwarded 5060, 10000 - 20000 (RTP)
10:52.02eject_ckis it enough ?
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11:05.04eject_ckI can't get it workin g:(
11:05.34eject_cki've forwarded all udp ports to asterisk server with no luck
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11:43.49ItsmHi folks, anyone care to help with some asterisk variables issue?
11:45.05infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
11:45.56Itsmlol, alright.
11:45.57ItsmI'm trying to edit the record macro
11:46.05ItsmAnd it's going well, I've organised it a format that I want it to save as
11:46.14ItsmBut.. I cannot find the correct variable, to make it output the extension that answered to an incoming call
11:46.36Itsmthe goal is, that it will output From-(incoming number) To-(extension that picked up)
11:46.58adncwdoekes: even then answer is not garantied
11:49.08wdoekesmacros? smells old.
11:50.53wdoekesI have no idea where your macro is called from, so I cannot tell what variable would hold the To-info you're looking for
11:51.32adncis it possible to see if the password for a iax2 trunk is given wrong and the peer is not up because of a password mismatch?
11:52.22wdoekesadnc: it is possible, but the correlation isn't made automatically
11:53.19adncwdoekes: and how?
11:53.34wdoekesadnc: I suppose the security event log should tell you that a registration attempt failed
11:54.05adncbut registration attemts can also fail because of other reasons (qualify problems, firewall problems)
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11:55.54wdoekesI don't see the security event log though
11:56.41wdoekesso you're probably stuck parsing the regular notice log
11:57.25wdoekesoh.. you we're talking about outbound registrations
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11:59.56adncyes, but I was looking for a simple command on the cli
12:00.20adncI can't see which one it could be by reading asterisk code above
12:04.06wdoekesthat would probably be the one then
12:04.13wdoekesand no.. no cli command.. log files
12:06.30wdoekesiax2_show_registry() => regstate2str => "Rejected"
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14:31.45igcewielingOur PRI is down, circuit is fine, D-channel won't come up.  Tried Asterisk and adtran boxes, no d-channel comes up on either one.   so after 3 days of going back and forth with the carrier they finally dispatch.  After a while my boss gets a call from the tech.  ""can you guys plus the PRI back into your PBX? I'm having a problem with my test set thats keeping the D channel from coming up""
14:32.29tzafrir - does this make sense (the bit about call not disconnected)?
14:35.17igcewielingtzafrir: it is possible to prevent a call from hanging up, but it usually requires some form of operator or 911 services.  chan_dahdi has support for it.
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15:11.56adnchello, I would like to test a peer from my asterisk box 1 to box 2 and for this I need to simulate a non reachable end. is there an easy way to disrupt that with a command on asterisk?
15:14.03eric_hill"core stop gracefully" would certainly make the box unreachable.
15:14.25leifmadsenor block the port with iptables
15:14.45leifmadseneither on the source or the destination box
15:14.59leifmadsenyou could iptables block it on the source machine so you don't need to actually make the remote machine unreachable
15:15.14leifmadsenthen your automated script could remove the block after the test
15:17.47adnci see
15:21.18*** join/#asterisk module000 (
15:21.50adncleifmadsen, I don't know the iptables command by hard which would block traffic on iax2 port, so I used core stop gracefully which also stops asterisk remote
15:22.08leifmadsenlearning iptables isn't too difficult
15:22.21leifmadsenyou block a specific outbound port, not the whole IP
15:22.24leifmadsenbut whatevs
15:24.53adncI'm checking the peer status with asterisk -r -x "iax2 show peers" | grep $PEER | grep "OK ("
15:25.16module000adnc: which port do you want to block?
15:25.20adncwith a daemon, but this adds lots of log entries in asterisk logs. is there a better way getting status
15:25.25adncmodule000, iax2
15:25.34module000adnc: which literal port, i was going to type the iptables for you =P
15:25.43adncohh, 4569
15:26.04module000adnc: iptables -t filter -I OUTPUT -m udp -p udp --dport 4569 -j DROP
15:26.13adncmodule000, thanks
15:26.32adncmodule000, how do I delete this rule again?
15:26.58module000to take that out, you'd type: iptables -t filter -D OUTPUT -m udp -p udp --dport 4569 -j DROP
15:27.29adncmodule000, thank you
15:27.34igcewielingmodule000: you should have "that is left that as an exercise for the reader"
15:28.06adncigcewieling, excercise for something that you only need once?
15:28.09module000igcewieling: maybe, but i don't think that's too much handholding... ideally he/she will want to duplicate the effect, and will end up learning from the exercise?
15:28.26igcewielingmodule000: or come back here and ask
15:28.34module000igcewieling: that's ok, then we get to abuse them? :)
15:28.46igcewielingadnc: you are running a PBX, if you are not using iptables you are not a good admin
15:29.03adncigcewieling, administering the firewall is the job of someone else
15:29.16igcewielingIf you are running FreePBX without iptables then you might as well just give hackers phone cards.
15:29.20adncalso that is a matter of investing time
15:29.27adncbut also that discussion here
15:29.31adncwith you
15:29.43adncigcewieling, do you have phone cards?
15:29.45adncI dont
15:30.08adncmodule000, thank you very much again
15:34.41*** join/#asterisk timholum (
15:35.08timholumIs there a way I can turn debuging on for just one channel?
15:36.31[TK]D-Fendersip/iax, yes.
15:36.37[TK]D-FenderAnything else? no
15:37.37timholumHow would I set the debuging on just the one channel?
15:38.58timholumcore set debug channel "channelid" I am assuming
15:39.16timholumI did not see the channel option in debug before
15:40.22timholumThanks [TK]D-Fender
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16:09.56Penguinmodule000: If you would have specified port name 'iax' it would have worked without knowing the port number.
16:11.05module000Penguin: if 'iax' is in /etc/services - then you're right.
16:11.06*** join/#asterisk threesome (
16:11.48PenguinIf it isn't in there, you need to update your box correctly.
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16:22.56wasanzyI have just finished installing asterisk, how do I know everything is working? any logs or debuging to show now error popups during start?
16:23.32WIMPyDid you read the
16:23.37infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:24.27wasanzyI read a little but not all yet
16:25.03WIMPyIt should hekp ypu with your first steps.
16:29.32[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: You know it's working.. by using it.
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16:51.02anonymouz666Ohh, 4th edition was released.
16:51.08anonymouz666I will buy
16:51.10anonymouz666nice to know
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16:59.15CrashSysAnyone know how to get the to: part of a sip invite from asterisk to be the domain not the host line of a sip entry?
17:07.02igcewielingthe From domain?
17:07.11CrashSysthe to:
17:08.03igcewielingcheck to see if the domain a record is the same as the hostname, if so you problem is solved
17:08.12igcewielingunlikely, but worth checking
17:11.25WIMPyCrashSys: Not possible.
17:11.28CrashSyshost and domain are different
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18:20.19TheKernel-work2so I've installed Asterisk 11.5, I've made sure under make menuconfig that there is an * next to the res_rtp_asterisk module and its dependencies are all install, no errors during the make and mak install. But when I make a call I still get this error! ERROR[29337][C-00000002]: rtp_engine.c:259 ast_rtp_instance_new: No RTP engine was found. Do you have one loaded?
18:20.49TheKernel-work2I've searched like crazy and done everything I could and it still does this
18:21.01TheKernel-work2not only that, but it does it on Fedora AND Ubuntu
18:21.07TheKernel-work2Cuzner: got it installed
18:21.19Cuznerbefore you did the build of asterisk?
18:21.49Cuznersorry, i won't be of much help then.
18:22.27eric_hillTheKernel-work2: apt-get install uuid, uuid-dev, libuuid1, and uuid-runtime
18:22.46eric_hillTheKernel-work2: Then ./configure --whatever
18:23.03eric_hillTheKernel-work2: Re-make && make install
18:23.26eric_hillI ran into that last week on a fresh clean 11.5 build.
18:23.52TheKernel-work2I did not get uuid-runtime
18:23.54Cuznerright, you don't just need libuuid
18:23.55TheKernel-work2let me try that
18:23.58Cuzneri think you need libuuid-devel as well
18:24.19eric_hillIf uuid isn't installed when the initial configure happens, even installing it and re-making won't work.  You have to re-configure so the presense of that library gets noticed.
18:25.18eric_hillCuzner, I think you're right.  FWIW, cat uuid config.log => UUID_LIB=' -luuid '
18:26.15TheKernel-work2./configure is reconfiguring right?
18:26.32TheKernel-work2eric_hill: looks like I had all that
18:27.05TheKernel-work2I installed everything that had "uuid" in it onto my systems
18:27.30eric_hillDo you have in your modules directory?
18:28.20eric_hillAnd what does "module show like res_rtp" give you in the cli?
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18:29.42elgueroTheKernel-work: Are you installing from tarball?
18:30.23TheKernel-work2elguero: yes
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18:30.28TheKernel-work2I have to in order to get 11.5            Asterisk RTP Stack                       0
18:30.54elgueronevermind then... saw somebody using patches to get up to 11.5 and had a problem
18:36.45adncI'm checking the peer status with asterisk -r -x "iax2 show peers" | grep $PEER | grep "OK ("
18:36.50adncwith a daemon, but this adds lots of log entries in asterisk logs. is there a better way getting status
18:37.00adncthan the above command?
18:38.44adncwith manager interface?
18:38.51[TK]D-FenderThat's what AMI stands for
18:40.05eric_hillTheKernel-work2: in sip.conf, do you have rtp_engine=asterisk
18:43.07*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
18:45.33eric_hillDoes anyone run a production asterisk in Amazon's EC2 cloud?  If so, any problems with jitter or IO bandwidth?
18:45.41igcewielingres_rtp_asterisk requires libuuid library and headers.  If you don't have them, then Asterisk won't build.  Once you add the required library, re-run ./configure and rebuild and reinstall.  This is a FAQ
18:45.52igcewielinghow do you add a factoid to the bot?
18:46.23ChannelZinfobot: my butt is huge
18:46.23infobot...but my butt is already something else...
18:46.32ChannelZkinda like that
18:46.53eric_hillAsterisk builds just fine without uuid, but just won't handle calls...
18:47.00Cuznerinfobot: res_rtp_asterisk is res_rtp_asterisk requires libuuid library and headers. If you don't have them, then Asterisk won't build. Once you add the required library, re-run ./configure and rebuild and reinstall. This is a FAQ
18:47.00infobotCuzner: what are you talking about?
18:47.26Cuznerguess bot doesn't like me trying to add stuff
18:48.06igcewielingIt is a really stupid design decision.
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18:50.04navaismothe infobot or asterisk uuid?
18:50.22navaismoseems like eric_hill  can't catch the point yet
18:52.03eric_hillYou said it won't build.  It does build.  Just doesn't work.  Yes, that's moronic.  If it can't handle calls, it shouldn't build.
18:57.47igcewielingno, res_rtp_asterisk will not build.
18:58.02igcewielingAsterisk will however, build and install just fine.
18:58.33igcewielingthe OTHER issue with Asterisk 11 is you need to run an ldconfig after it initially installs libasteriskssl
19:00.19TheKernel-work2eric_hill: yes we install 1.8 on amazon ec2 and it works great, very low jitter and the IO bandwidth is almost non-exsistant
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19:03.47infoboti guess res_rtp_asterisk is "res_rtp_asterisk requires libuuid library and headers. If you don't have them, then Asterisk won't build. Once you add the required library, re-run ./configure and rebuild and reinstall."
19:04.03ChannelZI got it to work with quoting, otherwise not sure why he is being difficult about it.
19:06.39TheKernel-work2"Asterisk won't properly build"
19:06.43TheKernel-work2would work I guess
19:09.16eric_hillBTW, thanks TheKernel-work2.  I think an EC2 asterisk instance would make a great failover for our primary VM.
19:13.09igcewieling"res_rtp_asterisk won't build"
19:15.12TheKernel-work2I fixed it
19:15.19TheKernel-work2you have to remove the old modules
19:15.43igcewielingthe modules listed when you do a make install 8-)
19:15.44TheKernel-work2rm /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/res_rtp_asterisk
19:16.06TheKernel-work2thne reconfigure and make make install
19:16.19igcewielingchances are you installed a previous version of Asterisk which did not need libuuid and is incompatible with whatever you are building now.
19:16.41Aivarascan someone share default codecs.conf  file?
19:17.03igcewielingAivaras: there is no default.
19:17.24igcewielingyou might want to check the sample in your Asterisk source directrory under configs/
19:17.30Aivarasif I delete everything in mine - it will be as default?
19:19.36igcewielingwhy not simply delete codecs.conf?
19:19.58igcewielingYou only need it if you are running a few specific codecs like Speex
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19:21.46AivarasI changed settings of codecs for SIP in some web interface I don't have any more and I think now it's causing problems
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19:22.01AivarasDo I need to somehow reload codecs confing?
19:22.16igcewieling"module reload" should be enough.
19:22.25igcewielingI highly doubt it has anything do with your issues
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19:23.46AivarasI disabled few codecs and now I don't know how to turn them on again
19:24.57igcewielingedit sip.conf and allow= them
19:25.04igcewielingalso you should go read the Asterisk book
19:25.06infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:30.30infobotYou can buy "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
19:34.36infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:34.49infobotYou can buy "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
19:35.48Cuzneralright, how much is leifmadsen paying you guys to spam those macros? :P
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19:36.05BusstechGood day all
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19:38.15navaismoCuzner, I can't talk about it
19:38.40navaismohe force me to sign an evil NDA
19:40.25QwellCuzner: For every extra book he sells, he doesn't murder us.
19:43.27BusstechUsing Asterisk 8.4.x how do I change the dial plan so the cdr records outgoing numbers?
19:43.48CuznerQwell: well, i guess you could call that an incentive...
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19:48.10igcewielingBusstech: Start by providing a valid Asterisk version
19:50.00Busstechmy bad, Asterisk 1.8.23
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19:57.16navaismoBusstech, the cdr records all calls(maybe the not the no-answered until you enable it), what is your issue?
19:58.56BusstechBasically what happens is the car write to MySQL but the number is only written to the row in the event that the caller doesn't pick up the phone. if the called picks up the phone, the record in the DB doesn't reflect the number dialed.
19:59.57BusstechSorry if I can't answer all the questions 100% Im trying to find a solution to what my developers are able to explain to me.
20:02.01navaismoso you are using an external program to write the cdr?
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20:03.42pabelangeranybody know if will support speex?
20:04.28Busstechhmm, not as far as I understand. asterisk writes the cdr
20:06.27navaismoBusstech, i cant understand your  issue
20:06.56navaismomaybe if you provide an output for the cli & explain the error
20:10.56[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger: They hid it .... in the big print :)
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20:18.36jkroonWIMPy, Qwell, Greenlight - just figured I'd give some feedback, it's now been >24h after I moved the astdb onto tmpfs, and not a single SIP request took >1ms since.  Compared to >150ms previously for REGISTER requests, even when not under load.
20:18.57navaismoBusstech, the dst of the cdr store the dialed number
20:19.31navaismos/dst/dst field/
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20:20.35jkroonnavaismo, not quite true
20:20.56jkroonnot if you rewrite it, it contains ${EXTEN} that was last used.
20:21.09thegoati am in the process of doing a fresh install of asterisk, and what would the differences in using the built in skinny vs chan_sccp_b?
20:23.09BusstechThanks folks, think it would be best if I get my developers to chat here. our firewall policy is really bad so I'll take my lappy to work tomorrow for them to use. Thanks for the guidance.
20:25.38navaismojkroon, talking about normal behavior
20:43.51navaismoSo i followed this in order to install pjproject but when i run the cmd  ldconfig -p | grep pj the modules are installed in /lib, even if I set the prefix in configure and Asterisk cant detect the modules and can't compile the res_sip resource
20:50.52Qwellnavaismo: hold that though
20:52.29Qwellnavaismo: git pull, ./configure again, make, make install
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21:01.24navaismotaking a looooong time to compile
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21:09.32leifmadsenI think all asterisk versions should go back in history and have the leading 1 stripped
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21:09.40leifmadsenI shall forever refer to asterisk 1.4 as asterisk 4
21:10.51newtonrleifmadsen: Nah we have used numbers long enough. We need to switch to letters now.
21:11.08leifmadsennewtonr: ABE C.2.5.4
21:11.12leifmadsenbeen there done that
21:11.28leifmadsenyou shut your mouth when you're talking to me
21:12.15newtonrleifmadsen: lol
21:14.29Qwellleifmadsen: Nobody uses C.2 anymore.
21:14.32Qwellget with it
21:20.12leifmadsenQwell: oh don't i know it
21:20.21leifmadsenQwell: actually I likely have a former client running a custom C.x
21:38.26navaismoQwell, after that asterisk can see the modules, thanks a lot.
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21:41.15smkellySo, lets say I'm about to embark on a project to redo all of my Asterisk configs in a way that doesn't suck. Lets also say I'm not a fan of the extensions.conf format. Would I be insane or regret it down the road if I redid it all in AEL or Lua?
21:41.31smkellyglares at file
21:43.46Kobazael +1
21:44.06smkellythis file guy told me that AEL isn't supported, or is supported less, or something about how I'm crazy
21:44.15igcewielingsmkelly: We have a small amount of extensions.conf and call AEL macros for virtually everything using AELsub
21:44.16Kobazit works
21:44.19smkellybut he's the crazy one, so i figured I'd come ask real people
21:44.20Kobazit doesnt need to be supported really
21:44.29Kobazthere are some things here and there that could be better
21:44.34Kobazwhich i was actually going to take care of
21:44.41igcewielingsmkelly: file is one of the Old Ones, but not everyone agrees AEL should not be used.
21:44.44Kobazbut it works, and it's 100x better than extensions.conf
21:45.01Kobazand if you're going to think about doing lua, just use agi instead and fire up your favorite language
21:45.04smkellyfile: in yo' and @MsZoeDog's face
21:45.37smkellyLua was kind of not high on the list
21:46.01[TK]D-FenderThere is nothing you can do in AEL you can't do in standard.  The reverse is not true.
21:46.25[TK]D-FenderAEL is an extra parsing layer and by the time it's done parsing your code back it makes debugging much more difficult
21:46.26Kobazanything in extensions.conf you can do in ael
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21:46.30Kobazand vise versa
21:46.46Kobazwell, logic-wise
21:47.00Kobazniceness-wise, there's many things in ael you cannot do in extensions.conf
21:47.11[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Like?
21:47.19Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it's not that it's harder to debug, it's just that you need to debug differently
21:47.24Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: structured scripting?
21:47.27[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Since it gets parsed back... I can't think of any possibility of ANY
21:47.33[TK]D-Fenderthat is style, not capability
21:47.38Kobazcode blocks? if/then, case statements?
21:47.46[TK]D-FenderFunctioannly all parsed back.
21:47.53Kobazthe style is a capability
21:47.59smkellyI mean sure you coudl do it in extensions.conf, it'd be like doing jump tables in assembly
21:48.00Kobazyou can change your style in extensions.conf
21:48.12Kobazthat still doesn't mean that it's as easy to work with or pretty to look at
21:48.22[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Can you make a context with ONLY a priority 2 for a given exten using AEEL?
21:48.23igcewielingKobaz: anything you can do in AEL you can do in extensions.conf if you are willing to tie yourself into knots doing it.
21:49.00igcewielingIf you can't do something in AEL then use extensions.conf for that.
21:49.18Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: well okay, in some sort of contrived example there's some things... but you could do exten => { NoOp(); DoSomethingUseful(); }
21:49.22Kobazthere you go, there's your priority 2
21:49.37Kobazbut why would you want to even *think* about a priority other than 1, if you're going to use ael in the first place
21:49.56[TK]D-FenderKobaz: because of use of INCLUDE order to customize dialplan functionality
21:50.12*** join/#asterisk mduell (
21:50.19Kobazcontext a { includes { foo; bar; baz; }  }
21:50.22Kobazthere's your includes, in order
21:50.38[TK]D-FenderI'm talking about allowing OVERLAP
21:50.47[TK]D-Fendersingle priorities
21:50.56Kobazyou can overlap
21:51.06Kobazdo your context, define some extensions, include some stuff
21:51.17[TK]D-Fenderbut I don't WANT priority 1 overridden
21:51.23[TK]D-Fenderjust #2
21:51.27Kobazso then don't override it
21:51.32igcewielingKobaz: [TK]D-Fender is one of those people who think "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Whatever" with "exten => 12125551212,2,whatever"  without a priority 1 is not an abomination against nature.  I happen to disagree.
21:51.38[TK]D-FenderBut I can't just have priority 2
21:51.45Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: then don't design it like that
21:51.51Kobazuse if/then/else
21:51.59[TK]D-FenderHow Apple of you...
21:52.03Kobazlogic-wise there's nothing you can't do
21:52.13igcewielingKobaz: you'll never convince [TK]D-Fender.
21:52.14Kobazif you want to compare exact-functional wise, i agree
21:52.18[TK]D-FenderIt's not that "you can't do it", it's that "you shouldn't WANT it"
21:52.22Kobazbut you don't need a 1-to-1
21:52.36[TK]D-FenderSame thinking on my iOS can't use WEP keys otehr than 1
21:52.41igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: in my opinion you should not WANT to do it the way you are describing way.
21:52.54Kobazit's like complaining i can't very easily swing this chisel trying to split wood
21:52.57Kobazversus using an axe
21:53.03Kobazthey accomplish the same thing, split wood
21:53.06[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: that's just one sample.  You know I'll find more... and more practical ones as I go.
21:53.10Kobazbut you have to use your head to think differently about how to use it
21:53.31Kobazyou use a hammer on the chisel, but it gets the job done
21:53.42Kobazusing an axe is far superior
21:53.47Kobazie: ael   :P
21:54.01Kobazyou'll get more fine grained control with the hammer and chisel
21:54.07Kobazit'll also take you 10 times longer do to your job
21:54.38[TK]D-FenderAnd when you go to the next level of "centralized" and "smart" management.. you'll want it in a DB.  At which point kiss AEL goodbye
21:54.47Kobazbut you need glue
21:55.03[TK]D-FenderAnd nobody needs AEL
21:55.05Kobazyour call is going to hit dialplan sooner or later
21:55.12Kobazmight as well make it easy to maintain, and pretty to look at
21:55.20[TK]D-Fenderits one more layer and only slows down execution and introduces another point of failure
21:55.41[TK]D-FenderMaintaim... maybe. debug ,no.
21:55.41Kobazin 5 years of using ael, i've never had a "failure"
21:56.06Kobazlogic issues, yes, but that's fixable with a text editor and "ael reload"
21:56.56smkellythe db argument is valid I suppose
21:57.16smkellynow if AEL had funcs to make ODBC calls..
21:57.47Kobazfrom my db, i generate one line, maybe two lines of extensions.conf extensions, which go to ael, which does some small decision making and then fires off agi
21:58.05Kobazit's super flexible, really easy to maintain, super easy to train someone new, and headache free
21:58.17smkellyso you use both .conf and .ael?
21:58.33Kobazyour forced to use .conf if you want to load extensions.conf from a db
21:58.42Kobazor do db generated dialplan in any kind of sane way
21:58.55Kobazyou could generate ael from the db, but for a one line goto.. that's silly
21:59.28smkellySo do the two get merged?
21:59.30Kobazlike, i have a table of sip extensions
21:59.39Kobazso i have a view, that makes extensions.conf
21:59.56Kobazand i have like.. context myphones... 1000, 1001, 1002.. all db generated
22:00.04Kobazand they all do a goto dialExten(${EXTEN});
22:00.05Kobazand that's it
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22:00.19KobazdialExten lives in ael, does all the initial work
22:00.27Kobazand then calls AGI
22:00.38smkellyWhat do you do with AGI?
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22:01.01Kobazagi does call routing
22:01.11Kobazfigures out which trunk group you want to go out
22:01.16Kobazfinds the first trunk, checks the capacity
22:01.23Kobazdoes any number mangling
22:01.28Kobazlike remove 9, add 1
22:01.29Kobazsort of thing
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22:01.50Kobazthe ael basically sets up some variables, and tells the agi what phone is calling what number
22:02.20Kobazlike, some things you don't need agi for
22:02.23Kobazlike my voicemail handler
22:02.24WIMPyOh, damn, I missed jkroon.
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22:04.00Kobaztell me that's not 100x easier to look at than extensions.conf spaghetti
22:04.50smkellysooo better
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22:20.37revolveKobaz: what language is that?
22:22.27navaismoThe column Status for the output of a module show... its very useful. You rock guys!
22:23.26robl^Kobaz:  you should look at lua ;-)  I used to use AEL2 then found that I could write my dialplan in lua
22:24.12smkellyrobl^: what do you do in lua that is easier?
22:24.53navaismoThe sip.conf and res_sip complement each other or are different stuff?
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22:26.00robl^smkelly:  I do complex IVRs.  IT's a bit easier to deal with lots of if/then clauses, string comparisons, etc with lua.  at least it was for me
22:27.15robl^my extensions.conf has 5 lines.  I have more than 5,000 lines in lua broken up into about 20 files
22:29.50navaismoin the wiki exist the documentation for the res_sip.conf?
22:31.24ChannelZI don't even know what res_sip.conf is
22:32.09robl^smkelly:  it's not that I couldn't do it in another language, i.e. the traditional dialplan extensions.conf.. but I chose one that was easier for me to manage in the long term
22:33.11ChannelZOh. Asterisk 12 stuff.
22:37.01WIMPyres_sip must be part of chan_pjsip.
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22:41.30elgueroWIMPy: ya, I am waiting for jkroon to get online again too... his findings with astdb intrigued me and I did some research on sqlite3 and came up with a patch for astdb that seems to result in a slight performance improvement (especially with updates)... not sure if it is enough to fix the issue he was happening but it is an improvement based on a very, very simple test I did.. need someone with a lot
22:41.37elgueroof registrations or better test setup to test the patch and report back
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22:42.51WIMPyelguero: I also did some tests yesterday and found out a lot of things I didn't really want to know.
22:42.58WIMPyThe story is here:
22:43.11elgueroWIMPy: yep, I saw that when you posted it in -dev
22:43.26elgueroit is quite interesting... hopefully we can figure out what changed
22:43.41WIMPyAt least.
22:44.22WIMPyThe stating point for me was when I realized that it took 2.4 to 3 seconds for any phone to ring after a call came in.
22:44.36WIMPyWith only 20 lines of dialplan, that is.
22:45.12WIMPySo the current one is hardly usable.
22:45.51WIMPyBut I find the media thing rather shocking as well, especially what file just said.
22:46.14fileit's been like that for, well, ever
22:46.31WIMPyThat doesn't make it better.
22:46.46filesure, but changing that has far reaching consequences
22:46.56WIMPyLike I just said in -dev it could always happen to anyone.
22:47.17fileand I think without REALLY looking into things deeply just assuming that stuff is the reason is not useful
22:47.31WIMPyAnd curently I'm seeing, or rather hearing, it witrh a simple Dial().
22:47.39fileand I'm not
22:48.12elgueroI was going to say, I am running latest trunk on home phone system and not getting that problem either
22:48.29WIMPyThat is when I answer a call, I better wait for a second or two before saying anything as it will get lost otherwise.
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22:49.07WIMPyelguero: I'm sure it is amplified by some magnitude by the loopback switches I have.
22:49.29WIMPyAlthough I don't know what its doing in the context containing them.
22:49.44WIMPyThe current call is not there.
22:50.20WIMPyOh, and the impact of the loopback switches is then further amplified by DUNDi.
22:50.48mic_hello, escaping operators => \+ <- that is ok, right?
22:51.10WIMPymic_: Escape where?
22:51.21fileyes, put it all together and you have an uncommon complicated setup which exercises many different code paths
22:51.57mic_WIMPy: I wish to detect +45 sequence
22:51.58WIMPyYes, but unfortunatly they are neccessary.
22:52.02mic_WIMPy: in the dialplan - inside an IF
22:57.47mic_ok, found an issue
22:57.51mic_now it works.
22:58.08WIMPymic_: I hoped someone else would answer that. I didn;t run into that issue, yet, but I can imagine quite interesting effects.
22:58.44mic_WIMPy: yes, the key was to make sure you tell asterisk to make a comparison as _strings_
22:59.02mic_i.e. "${SIP_HEADER(To):5:3}" = "+45"
22:59.26mic_and then it worked out immediately.
22:59.47WIMPyYes, I guess, in that casw quotes do what you expect.
23:00.23[TK]D-FenderQuotes are literal.. there is no real "type"
23:00.53mic_Thanks for clarification :)
23:00.55WIMPyYes, but I can see how quotes force the type.
23:01.09[TK]D-FenderI don't since there is no storage difference.
23:01.27[TK]D-FenderI'm jsut not sure how it "escapes" the first + in the function call...
23:02.24WIMPyI think Asterisk tries to treat all values as numeric if possible. If you quote them it isn't.
23:02.58mic_that's what I found out, too
23:03.11mic_I would assume that the following would work properly
23:03.22mic_${SIP_HEADER(To):5:1} = 4
23:03.41[TK]D-Fendermakes you wonder what it thinks when there is clearly text on the right side of the operator then and then why it takes the quotes as literal then.
23:03.52WIMPy(isn't possible, that is)
23:06.59mic_I am out of juice. Time to hit the bed.
23:07.48mic_At least one problem from the "Ministry of Silly Comparisons" was solved tonight ;)
23:08.24WIMPywould like to see a solved problem as well.
23:08.39WIMPyBut it looks like I just found the next one :-(
23:08.49mic_I have a cool one for tomorrow
23:09.06mic_I mean... a cool one :S
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23:35.44artyxHas anyone here used the Cisco IP phones with their asterisk server?
23:36.01artyxSpecifically im conceiving of screwing aroudn with the cisco IP-7940
23:36.17artyxNot can it be done, does anyone HERE do it
23:44.44slav3_kitteni have
23:44.53slav3_kittendon't do it artyx
23:45.10slav3_kittensave yourself the frustration, headache, and sleepless nights by going polycom
23:45.43slav3_kittenif i didn't already have 8 assorted 7960/7940/7911 phones i'd have gone polycom
23:45.54slav3_kittenexpected ZERO support from cisco
23:46.09slav3_kittenexpect online tutorials to be inaccurate
23:46.35slav3_kittenexpect firmware to be iffy at best
23:48.01slav3_kittenon the other hand cisco inline power switches are cheap, cisco 7900 series phones are cheap, they do work well when you manage to get them working, however i don't recommend spending the time and effort on them professionally at all
23:48.03artyxwe've already went with the 7940's and are using UCM
23:48.07artyxim so friggin tired of the UCM
23:48.09navaismoSo using asterisk 12 trying to register a device using the res_sip.conf but it failed, this is my res_sip.conf and the output of the sip debug.--->
23:48.39slav3_kittenartyx, you can get them to work decently with asterisk
23:48.44slav3_kittenbut it's an uphill battle
23:48.48artyxThere are tftp example files out there, so how hard can it be..... ITs not like theres a ton of extra features on these
23:48.56artyxCompare to yealink ?
23:49.01artyxEasier, harder, etc
23:49.19artyxthis is all assuming we convert them to sip, as opposed ot skinny/sccp
23:50.05slav3_kittenyea. i've zero experience with the skinny/sccp but was told to stay away from it by people who had done skinny/sccp asterisk with them
23:50.28artyxwell i want to do it anyways if nothing else ot learn why not to do it :P
23:50.36artyxi just wont happen to do it with everyones phone at the same time
23:50.41slav3_kittengood luck :)
23:50.45artyxMaybe just 4 or 5 phones and test it out for awhile :P
23:50.55artyxI despise these phones tbh
23:51.05slav3_kittenonce you get it hammered out on 1 phone, it scales well to others
23:51.19artyxThere are other issues when scaling from 4 phones to 400
23:51.48slav3_kittenlike /accidentally/ burning down the building so you end up with polycom phones
23:52.24slav3_kitteni love my cisco phones, just not the uphill battle to get them to do what i wanted
23:52.45slav3_kittenstill can't get the ntp clocks working on them for some fucking reason
23:53.20navaismoI need to ask here or in dev channel?
23:53.44artyxhmmmm.. i know with my sip yealinks, i had time issues until i told htem to use dhcp time
23:53.49artyxwonder if theres an option like that for cisco
23:55.49slav3_kittenif there is, i can't find it. and cisco refuses to tell you everything when using phones in sip mode
23:56.04slav3_kitteniirc their sip firmware is an epic kludge and not really supported

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