IRC log for #asterisk on 20130719

00:00.36*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
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00:26.01*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
00:47.00*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
00:53.55*** join/#asterisk Beanie (
00:54.24Beaniehello, can i change the static ip of my linux box as it is now incompatible with my new router by typing in setup from the command line?
00:57.12*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
00:58.29*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
01:00.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
01:25.17*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:26.36*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
01:41.35*** join/#asterisk chaz68 (
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02:26.20*** join/#asterisk boscage (boscage@unaffiliated/boscage)
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03:31.57apb1963Hello this is Mr. Brown.  Get me Snoopy.  "Please hold while I locate Snoopy".  [MUSAK]  "Snoopy, you have a call.  Please dial the operator."  Woof.  This is Snoopy.  I'm in the doghouse.  "Mr. Brown, thank you for waiting.  I"ll transfer you to Snoopy's doghouse now."
03:32.53*** join/#asterisk robo505 (
03:33.16robo505Hello all
03:34.40apb1963Hello robo505
03:36.24robo505I am wondering if error 20 , can't create sip channel , can be related to lan problems. restarting my switch fixed this error.
03:36.37robo505Sorry for poor formatting, using my phone.
03:37.07igcewielingThat is usually because the device is not registered.  chances are restarting the switch caused the device to re-register
03:37.10robo505It is a gs748t
03:37.41robo505That would explain it, dang netgear
03:38.25robo505thank you for your help igce
03:51.53*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
04:12.22*** join/#asterisk lvlolvlo (~lvlolvlo@unaffiliated/lvlolvlo)
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06:00.43*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
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06:49.20tparcina"voicemail show users for default" shows that users have new messages.
06:49.42tparcinaBut there are no messages in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/
06:50.34tparcinaWhy * says that there are new messages when there is nothing in this dir?
07:03.51*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:04.52*** join/#asterisk threesome (
07:05.45*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
07:11.38*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
07:12.31ChannelZthere's no mailboxes in that dir?
07:15.14*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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07:56.40*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~dash@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
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08:02.25*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:03.42*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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09:26.50*** join/#asterisk NiugeS (~NiugeS@
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09:33.03NiugeSdoes anyone know of any plugin that will allow me to click to dial a number in an email from outlook ?
09:33.54*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
09:42.31*** join/#asterisk ThothCastel (
09:45.13ThothCastelon page 126 of this ebook: the definitive guide to asterisk
09:45.30ThothCastelit mentions a dialpan file. where do I find it? how to add that?
09:49.36ChainsawA dial pan. Hrm.
09:50.21ChainsawIf you mean a dial plan, that is generally found in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
09:50.55ChainsawBut I'm fairly sure that such default file locations are explained in the book.
09:53.32*** join/#asterisk dgeary2 (~debian@
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10:37.37NiugeShi all.. still searchign the web with no success... is there anything out there that I can install that will allow me to click a number in an email to dial ?
10:38.49florenChainsaw: dialpan :D
10:38.49*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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11:15.55*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
11:17.16*** join/#asterisk Thesulac (~Thesulac@
11:17.39Chainsawfloren: My mind just comes up with all sorts of odd pictures if you give it "dial pan" :)
11:20.01*** join/#asterisk ulogic (421e6b4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:35.12*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (
11:38.11*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
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12:14.24*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
12:15.51kannanhello, i am facing a high pitched screeching noise on the grandstream IP phones. It happens only when 2 or more phones grom the LAN join a bridged call on speaker phone. i set the DB TXgains as low as possible. the phones were working fine upto a couple days back.
12:17.35*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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12:58.12*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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13:59.16*** join/#asterisk runtux (
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14:15.17*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (
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14:21.33*** join/#asterisk jmetro (
14:25.30*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
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14:48.52*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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15:06.26*** join/#asterisk Cuzner (~ccuzner@
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15:28.02*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (
15:30.23*** join/#asterisk pcAngel (
15:31.29*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
15:31.31pcAngelWe have a call center using our hosted dialing platform that is having "calls get worse and worse the longer they are on the phone" - they didn't have this problem with their last dialer company, and we don't have this problem with anyone else.  We've tried them on different servers, SIP trunks, codecs and SIP client DSCP flags
15:32.08pcAngelThey also have a set of grandstream phones connecting to a second SIP provider, which doesn't have problems
15:32.12pcAngeldoes anyone have any idea of some good troubleshooting steps?
15:32.24pcAngelit sounds like buffer bloat but we can't find any source on our end.
15:33.54igcewielingpcAngel: dscp flags don't work over the Internet
15:34.12pcAngelI know, but I'm worried about prioritizing their outstream
15:34.17pcAngelon their router
15:34.45pcAngelWe had been setting their SIP clients to EF (the client program we use doesn't allow us to set separate signalling and audio QOS)
15:34.52igcewielingpcAngel: that could help outbound audio, but not inbound audio (from the perspective of the customer)
15:35.06igcewielingWhat version of Asterisk are you using?\
15:35.36pcAngel11.4 currently, they had the same problem on our 10.7.0 servers
15:36.23pcAngellast night there seemed to be a significant difference when we switched them to AF12, and I found a QOS guide on wikipedia that says there's a recommendation for EF traffic to be rate limited to 30% of available bandwidth, so I was thinking it was dropping anything over 30%
15:36.35pcAngelWe copied the AF12 setting from their grandstream phones
15:37.05pcAngelwe've had a lot of call centers where setting up proper VOIP qos (ie a linux router inbetween that we can control the priority queues on) ended up solving 100% of the problems
15:37.38pcAngelI'm thinking of putting them on AF42 in case this is an outbound load balancing issue
15:38.02*** join/#asterisk dash_ (~dash@unaffiliated/dash-/x-7576607)
15:38.09pcAngelwe lowered our txqueuelen on our servers' interface but since noone else has the same problems, I don't think that'll make a difference
15:38.56pcAngelwe've had three call centers quit in the past week over phone quality and all of them said they had no problems on other hosted dialers, so I think there's default setting problem on our end
15:48.51*** join/#asterisk guitarHester (~hester@nat/digium/x-fuxqfyovpmqkccrn)
15:54.27jmetrosomeone get me jersey mikes
15:59.19*** join/#asterisk umay (
16:03.40*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
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16:38.48paulcAnyone used custom device states and Cisco SPA508G phones with BLF+SD to give indication of active/inactive features? I've got it working but have a question about the subscribe versus speed dial (it seems wonky if they're not the same)
16:48.14*** join/#asterisk guitar_Hester (~guitarHes@nat/digium/x-mqottbjdixrbmnrh)
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16:55.38jmetropump up the jam
16:57.19danimusHi, all my outgoing calls drop after 30 seconds aprox, any idea? Its a NAT problem but dont know how to solve it
16:57.39igcewielingdanimus: directmedia=no should be set
16:59.09danimusigcewieling: thanks, where can i put this parameter in freepbx?
16:59.26infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
17:01.40*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
17:03.48danimusdirectmedia=no, doesnt solve my problem :(
17:04.51navaismosure it not
17:05.00navaismoI bet you have a bad nat configuration
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18:04.46igcewieling"Marriage is like a cage; one sees the birds outside desperate to get in, and those inside desperate to get out." -- Montaigne
18:05.21jmetroNevertheless don't mean to bust your bubble
18:05.22jmetroBut girls of the world ain't nothing but trouble
18:05.43igcewielingjmetro: gave up on them years ago.
18:06.22jmetroigcewieling: Next time a girl gives you the play, remember my rhymes and get the hell away.
18:11.09*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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18:13.18*** join/#asterisk Busstech (~Busstech@
18:14.00Busstechhi all, primary asterisk server just went down, secondary kind of up. Struggling with DHCP on secondary. Using Centos 6, any advice?
18:14.16Qwelladvice on what?
18:14.22*** part/#asterisk hexanol (
18:14.23jmetrocheck the flux capacitor on #1
18:14.32jmetroor , tell us symptoms of it being down.
18:14.57BusstechI can't seem to be getting DHCP working
18:15.20igcewielingBusstech: Try asking on a channel which supports the software you are having trouble with.
18:15.41Busstechfair enough, will try the Centos room
18:15.42*** part/#asterisk Busstech (~Busstech@
18:15.43igcewieling#CentOS might be a good start.
18:16.00igcewielingWhat do people think this is, #"help you with everything"?
18:16.23navaismoyes & yes
18:17.11navaismoAsterisk administrator means know about apache, mysql, postgresq, dhcp, to resume All linux package and mods
18:17.44igcewielingI'm told they can also see the future and turn lead into gold!
18:18.12navaismoand ioutside the server a network expert, know how to configure routers etc etc
18:19.13navaismoso basically igcewieling you have to help us in any topic related with asterisk
18:19.19jmetroto build an asterisk box from scratch, you must first create the universe navaismo
18:19.30jmetronavaismo: is what youre saying
18:19.41igcewielingWouldn't you need a scratch first?
18:20.00jmetroa scratch isnt a thing, its a term representing [NULL]
18:27.56Nuggetjmetro is itching for a fight.
18:28.55jmetroif only scratches existed D:
18:29.49*** join/#asterisk dtascom (
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19:31.37*** join/#asterisk ChadArag_ (
19:38.06*** join/#asterisk Busstech (~Busstech@
19:38.33BusstechHi all, where do I get more info on an error 3395?
19:39.43WIMPyFrom the people who wrote the software that gave the error.
19:40.42*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
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20:00.53igcewielingThere is 2 strikes
20:02.44*** join/#asterisk russum (~russum@
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20:07.42jmetroWhat does Error 13.0.1 fuser output error mean?
20:13.05igcewielingHey, how do I disable a service from starting on Gentoo?
20:13.36navaismorm -rf /*
20:14.12jmetroGentoo Linux also uses a script to enable or disable services during boot-up. The name of the script is rc-update. Gentoo has three default run levels. They are
20:14.12jmetroboot, default and nonetwork. at its best
20:15.36navaismoI prefer dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
20:16.12igcewielingI was joking, silly.
20:16.17igcewielingI know how to use google.
20:16.24jmetroYour jokes arent ridiculous enough!
20:16.34igcewielingI prefer navaismo's solution.
20:17.12*** part/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
20:17.59igcewielingThe ONLY reason we use Gentoo on this server is because it is the only supported distro for the commercial software we use for our Hosted service.
20:18.03*** join/#asterisk module000 (
20:19.05jmetromake your own software and use debian like a boss
20:19.33malcolmdi used gentoo before.  it seemed like a good idea at the time
20:19.41igcewielingjmetro: That is the plan!  (but on CentOS)  ETA sometime in Q2 of 2019
20:20.22igcewielingthe softwre works well for a multennant hosted thing, though
20:20.22malcolmdi'm impressed that some company does commercial support on top of gentoo
20:20.47tzangerthey just restrict your USE flags
20:21.03jmetrothe idea of multitennant being more difficult to manage on asterisk just baffles me
20:21.05jmetroit seems so simple
20:21.39jmetrothen again some people think for-loops are hard
20:21.47*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
20:22.01igcewielingjmetro: We wanted it for the good customer facing multi-tennant support GUI
20:22.14jmetroasterisk gui?
20:22.16*** part/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
20:37.28*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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20:39.30Qwellnavaismo: even better - dd if=/dev/input/mouse of=/dev/sda
20:39.46Qwellnavaismo: Don't want a broken system?  Don't touch the mouse. :)
20:43.34WIMPymice, not mouse, but I like that idea.
20:43.59QwellWIMPy: mouse0 too.  it's changed over the years.  take your pick
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22:03.20navaismoQwell, nice ill take a note on that
22:12.42*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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23:03.32carrar!@#$)!@&#$ Frontier Communications
23:03.48carrarconstant source of issues
23:11.53*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
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