IRC log for #asterisk on 20130715

00:00.06dimitry7it is for E1 links
00:00.18dimitry7but I don't know nothing else
00:01.24WIMPyonly knows PRI on E1.
00:06.43*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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00:28.26*** join/#asterisk slicknick5181 (ccc3835e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:28.48slicknick5181Mitel 5220 speaker phone works fine but handset with not transmit
00:29.00slicknick5181I have tried new handset and cord what else could be my issue
00:30.08WIMPyA broken phone?
00:30.40slicknick5181but the speakerphone transmits fine
00:33.08slicknick5181thats the real kicker i thought maybe some sound module isnt working but the speakerphone works perfect
00:37.00dimitry7called failed :O
00:37.15dimitry7entering silent mode... 3.2.1
00:47.34igcewielingsounds like you need to do a "make distclean" and then reinstall Asterisk
00:47.44igcewieling(the make distclean in the Asterisk source dir)
00:48.01igcewielingthis will make Asteirsk pick up any new libraries you installed
00:48.45igcewielingAlmost nobody uses R2, where are you, Mexico?
00:49.15WIMPyA configure should do it.
00:49.27igcewielingWIMPy: you'd think so, wouldn't you.
00:49.35WIMPyMexico uses E1?
00:49.44igcewielingbut it doesn't, at least until 1.4, I've not tested it using 1.8+
00:49.48igcewielingWIMPy: Yeah.
00:50.34igcewielingWIMPy: Almost every R2 question I've seen on the mailing lsits are for MX E1s
00:52.03igcewielingspeaking of mailing lists, dimitry7 you should search the mailing lists archive by adding in your google search
01:02.03slicknick5181Anyone here use callcentric
01:02.25infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
01:03.16slicknick5181I am having issues securing my system using asterisk
01:03.51igcewielingiptables and fail2ban.  next!
01:04.19WIMPyJust pull the plug. Much less work and the only secure option.
01:05.12*** part/#asterisk putney (~putney@
01:06.26slicknick5181the problem is they send me calls accross two different ranges of 255 address
01:07.25igcewielingmy recommend stands
01:08.00slicknick5181do you mind elaborating or directing me to a site that will
01:08.53slicknick5181WIMPy: if that was the only secure option then nobody would use this
01:10.22WIMPyDo you really think so?
01:12.14igcewielingslicknick5181: I don't see the issue.  Block all access from IPs not in CallCentric's ranges using iptables.   To handle requests which get through iptables with fail2ban to block the specific IPs automatically.
01:12.35igcewielingthis is networking 101
01:13.53slicknick5181igcewieling: I am not knowlageable on iptables or fail2ban I have used an asterisk server on a private network but now I need to open it to the internet for production
01:14.11igcewielingslicknick5181: Google welcomes you.
01:14.37igcewielingIf you expect to secure your server you need to learn some networking.
01:16.06slicknick5181igcewieling: As I plan to do. I needed some direction as to where to look for securing asterisk as you have suggested I will look for information on iptables and fail2ban
01:22.32*** join/#asterisk bpmedley (
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01:26.10*** join/#asterisk SunTsu (miyamoto@unaffiliated/suntsu)
01:27.09*** part/#asterisk slicknick5181 (ccc3835e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:35.11WIMPywonders how asterisk resolves hostnames.
01:36.55igcewielingWIMPy: poorly.
01:37.26*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_ (
01:37.27igcewielingI believe it uses the systems resolver library.
01:38.12igcewielingi.e. DNS requests are blocking.   dnsmgr (dnsmgr.conf) can set up "cacjhing" for DNS requests, but it is often better to simply install bind on the server
01:38.35WIMPyhas bind running.
01:38.39igcewielingWe use dnsmgr AND a local caching only nameserver on our Asterisk boxes
01:39.33WIMPyBut I have an issue with a sip peer, where sip show peer <peer> shows the correct ip under Addr->IP, but when trying to send a call there, it uses another IP.
01:40.54igcewielingyou didn't do something stupid like enable srclookup?
01:41.29igcewielingdo you specify your peer by hostname?  what does a ping of that hostname from the asterisk server show?
01:41.53WIMPyInteresting. It even happens if I specify the IP in the host= line.
01:42.03WIMPyNo srvlookup=no.
01:43.07igcewielingwhat is the actual peer name?
01:43.53WIMPyThe INVITE contains the correct IP (host).
01:44.05igcewielingwhere is the incorrect IP?
01:44.43WIMPyThe INVITE header contains the IP that was configured as host=.
01:44.58WIMPyBut the message isn't sent there.
01:45.23WIMPyI will try to put that host in to a local zonefile.
01:45.51*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
01:46.21igcewielingmake sure your /etc/nsswitch.conf lists hosts first
01:46.41WIMPyIn bind.
01:47.02igcewielingcould you have an
01:47.14igcewielingsilly me, you did say zonefile
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01:48.45igcewielingcould the endpoint be replying with the wrong IP in the SDP or something like that?
01:49.02WIMPyIt never gets there.
01:49.49WIMPydoes a full restart.
01:52.19WIMPyDidn't help, either.
01:52.39WIMPywonders if it's the "-" in the peer name.
01:54.15WIMPyNo go :-(
01:56.35WIMPyIf anyone has any idea what's going on...
01:59.34*** part/#asterisk bpmedley (
01:59.47WIMPywonders if it could be the fromdomain which isn't resolvable.
02:03.30igcewielingcan you try removing it?
02:04.18WIMPyYes, no change :-(
02:07.16igcewielingI bet it is just the govt intercepting the data and screwing up
02:07.32WIMPyIn the Asterisk source?
02:09.00igcewielingI was joking.
02:10.43igcewielingThat is awesome!
02:14.30WIMPySo is what Asterisk is doing :-(
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02:32.22dimitry7Registration of 'iaxpacifico' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
02:32.26dimitry7what can be that?
02:32.30dimitry7thank you guys!
02:38.22*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
02:51.01WIMPyOh, the OPTIONS messages go to the correct IP.
02:51.27WIMPySo maybe it doesn't recognize the destination as peer name?
02:52.53WIMPyit was the dial string.
03:03.14WIMPyAnd finally a nice little sendrpid=no and it works.
03:12.27igcewielingtypoe in the dial string?
03:12.48WIMPyNo a left over option from another channeltype.
03:16.17WIMPySo it used the correct part of the dial string as destination, but got the host wrong. Seems rather artistic to me, tho I have to admit that I confused it.
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04:24.36volga629I got extension register, but still have some issues with rtpproxy
04:25.19volga629is this is normal that all extension are register with kamailio scr on  local lan
04:32.48volga629this debug of fail rtp during the call
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06:23.13hrolfHi #asterisk, I'm troubleshooting an issue, need your help. In SIP debug log, the To and From fields are like ext1@myIp and ext2@myIp respectively. Does that mean that both my extensions are on the same Asterisk server? (Although the Via field is different.)
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07:30.18hrolfHi #asterisk, I'm troubleshooting an issue, need your help. In SIP debug log, the To and From fields are like ext1@myIp and ext2@myIp respectively. Does that mean that both my extensions are on the same Asterisk server? (Although the Via field is different.)
07:30.45hrolfWhy is it that the To: and From: headers have the IP Addresses same even though both extensions are on different servers?
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08:28.33linociscohi all
08:28.51linociscowhat is the best conference phones other than polycom phone?
08:29.05*** join/#asterisk hanuman (31ce3ed8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:31.55linociscopolycom phones without display starts with 455 USD. so expensive
08:35.38*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
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08:46.34*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:46.38linociscowhat is the best conference phones other than polycom phone?
08:57.25cneb3000linocisco: what do you want out of your conference phone?
08:57.49linociscocneb3000, cheap, good sound quality, must work well with asterisk
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09:00.50*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (~Nickinato@
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09:05.53mic_can someone share his/hers experiences when running asterisk as a virtual machine?
09:06.02mic_I am running myself one instance in KVM - but it's a low-traffic site
09:06.17mic_and zero issues to be honest. But I am not sure how it's going to look like
09:06.35mic_once many concurrent connections show up. Google does have something, but I am not sure how much that info is outdated
09:06.54mic_(and yes, I am aware of things like RTC fun under VMWare etc., therefore a bit of initial distrust in the subject)
09:09.36cneb3000I run a production system (Ast 11) under proxmox
09:10.07mic_cneb3000: it's KVM based, right?
09:10.13cneb3000that particular system has about 500-550 concurrent calls 24/7. and generates CDRs. other than that, no voicemail, or 'special' features
09:10.51cneb3000I don't think I've ever had a problem specifically related to the fact it's proxmox/KVM
09:11.07mic_that was also more or less my idea
09:12.08mic_the test guest I am running here
09:12.24mic_has plenty of features enabled - voice mails, queues, call recording - and for the low-traffic - zero issues
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09:12.52cneb3000yea, I think a lot of people run it under a KVM :)
09:13.21mic_cneb3000: thanks :) because right now we have some people
09:13.33mic_that want us to run production systems under Hyper-V
09:13.37cneb3000I actually think in the asterisk definitive guide, they have some instruction spefically mentioning VM
09:14.01mic_o, have that book
09:14.14cneb3000yea, i mean.. it mentions it in passing
09:14.36mic_first hit in that book
09:14.50mic_"If you're installing into a virtual machine (which we don't recommend for a production use [...]
09:15.11mic_but then they also claim that a lot of people have success when using it.
09:15.18eirirs_and thats the first thing I ignored
09:16.11cneb3000yea, but the author also mentions a few times on his twitter stuff about VMs
09:16.21cneb3000conflicting info lol
09:16.56cneb3000I've run asterisk in VMs since 1.4. I can't remember any issues there. I went from 1.4, skipped 1.6, 1.8 and then straight to 11. there may have been issues with other version I don't know about
09:17.15cneb3000that is I used 1.8, but skipped 1.6
09:18.15mic_that confirms pretty much the little information that's available online
09:18.19mic_(+KVM, +ESXi)
09:18.48eirirs_I had to change some configs for it to work
09:19.01cneb3000eirirs: like what? out of curiosity :)
09:19.10mic_(seconding that ;)
09:19.44eirirs_uhh good quesition, thats ages ago, but ill try to find
09:20.40mic_cneb3000: which codecs are you using in your VM instance?
09:21.28cneb3000for the most part, I use G729. note, with no transcoding. So both legs are in g729. However, I do transcode between g711 and g729. but only for like.. maybe 20-30 of those ~500 concurrent calls
09:22.07mic_so it's pretty much same here - both legs are in g711 in my case
09:22.21cneb3000yea I'd say that's the same :)
09:24.54eirirs_hmm cant find
09:27.12mic_I cannot really think of anything that should be treated in a different way
09:27.29mic_with the exception of hardware cards to do ISDN/PSTN
09:28.27cneb3000that's true, although 'hardware passthrough' as it's sometimes known, is normally quite well documented
09:29.02cneb3000although not for asterisk, I've used hardware passthrough before on a KVM to utilise a 4 port network card without any issues
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09:33.58mic_thanks to you both for your comments
09:34.04SchredaI would have an question regarding asterisk 1.6 and fax
09:34.11cneb3000its ok mic_
09:34.15cneb3000good luck ;)
09:34.17mic_I will know after Thursday whether we are going to start testing it under Hyper-V
09:34.26mic_(which I am not happy about)
09:34.29mic_(Linux fan here ;(
09:34.55SchredaSomeone experience with spanDSP?
09:35.12cneb3000Schreda: Are you aware asterisk 1.6 is no longer formally supported?
09:35.25cneb3000 <<<
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09:43.58Schredais there still some fax solution available for asterisk 1.6
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10:50.55k610how can i fully disable t38 udptl.conf ?
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11:33.07*** join/#asterisk Busstech (~Busstech@
11:33.27BusstechHi all!
11:34.01BusstechTo do successful backups of asterisk for disaster recovery, which files / folders are critical?
11:35.03GreenlightDon't plan a backup. Plan a recovery. Then the answer will present itself.
11:36.48BusstechOk, fair enough. I would just like a community dissuasion so that I can check myself
11:37.33Busstech1) /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf
11:37.48GreenlightWell a lot depends on your own setup. Do you have a boatload if IVR recordigns that you couldn't function without for example ?
11:38.02cneb3000Greenlight raises a good point, it depends on whether your recovery includes a full system restore.. some sort of failover.. or a from scratch re-install where you apply config you've saved
11:38.05Busstech2) /var/lib/mysql/astreriskcdrdb/
11:38.23BusstechI have failover covered.
11:38.50GreenlightPlan it from a recovery point of view. Grab a VM, and start recovering. What do you need?
11:40.01GreenlightI would imagine that your CDR's are backed up elsewhere if they're important, so would treat them separately.
11:40.26GreenlightSo, you'll prob want most your config files. Any custom sound files. And custom scripts.
11:40.58GreenlightBut a backup is only good once it's been tested to work - don't try and guess what you'll need. Actually do a recovery and find out.
11:41.10GreenlightGet a recovered system working like the production machine.
11:42.21GreenlightI would imagine that your recovery plan would be to rebuild the system from scratch - but maybe not. Maybe you take an image. Maybe you run a VM. It really depends.
11:43.56ChainsawSaw the light, I suppose.
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12:12.08GreenlightChainsaw: Or decided it was better in the dark! :)
12:13.16*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:22.27igcewieling    (from WIMPy last night)
12:24.36WIMPyGood morning :-)
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13:02.18WIMPyjust got a new IAD.
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13:04.43igcewielingI think there is a pill for that.
13:05.08WIMPyI used Asterisk.
13:05.20WIMPyI'm not even sure I want to use it.
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13:40.14antonioXhi all. I dont know why but when calling to some short numbers via dahdi, asterisk hung up after dahdi answered. If I dial some other number via dahdi, it works ok.
13:40.23antonioXhow should I debug that dahdi calls?
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13:41.34igcewielingput the cli output of a failed call on your non-FreePBX server on a pastebin
13:41.35infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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13:47.14antonioXfailed call via dahdi ->
13:48.54GreenlightThat looks very freepbx like to me
13:48.54GreenlightCan we see the dialplan
13:49.26antonioXno freepbx here, just asterisk
13:49.33GreenlightOk, can we see the dialplan
13:49.37antonioXyes of course
13:49.41antonioXone minute please
13:52.49igcewielingantonioX: What type of DAHDI interface?
13:53.24antonioXigcewieling: Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 5
13:53.51igcewielingantonioX: FXO or FXS?
13:54.36*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
13:54.38igcewielingAlso unless your services.conf, macros.conf, etc are supposed to be in a [global] section, you have them in the wrong place
13:54.47igcewielingNOTHING should come before global and general
13:54.57GreenlightYou're dialling 1004 on the PSTN network?
13:54.59[TK]D-FenderOrder doesn't matter for that last I checked
13:55.03GreenlightOr is this going to another box ?
13:55.05[TK]D-FenderAnd has no impact on his DAHDI issue
13:55.06igcewielingin fact I can't imagine how that would work in your current setting
13:55.07antonioX1004 on the PSTN
13:55.30[TK]D-FenderantonioX: enable SIP debug so we can confirm which end is killing the call.
13:55.41igcewielingantonioX: I can't believe 1004 is a valid telephone number.
13:55.44antonioXthank you igcewieling, I'll move that includes
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13:55.54[TK]D-FenderantonioX: Also, is that number actually valid?
13:55.57antonioXok [TK]D-Fender
13:56.00antonioXyep, it is :)
13:56.14antonioXis a valid number on the PSTN inside spain
13:56.16igcewielingantonioX: try adding the city code and see
13:56.27antonioXnot valid then igcewieling
13:56.43antonioXit is supossed to be dialed as is: 1004
13:56.56antonioXit is the information number for movistar/telefonica here in spain
13:57.07igcewielingah!  a SPECIAL number.
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13:57.20GreenlightAre you *sure* it can be accessed via ISDN ?
13:57.23[TK]D-FenderantonioX: one more thought, add "ww" before your number in your dial command to have * wait 1 second before sending just to ensure the first digit doesn't get cut off
13:57.32igcewielingI wonder if the line is doing something weird because of the premium number
13:58.01igcewielinglike, I dunno, reversing line polarity to indicate a premuim number or something like that
13:58.19igcewielingGreenlight: are you in the USA?
13:58.26antonioXsip debug:
13:58.44GreenlightSorry, didn't see that this wasn't ISDN
13:58.47GreenlightScratch that :)
13:58.51GreenlightAnd, no, UK.
13:59.18antonioX[TK]D-Fender, let me try that "ww" thing
13:59.24GreenlightDon't work with analogue much, have a habit of assuming digital :)
13:59.25antonioXbtw if I connect a phone and dial 1004 then it works.
13:59.29[TK]D-FenderantonioX: Yup, PSTN side did indeed die off..
13:59.51*** part/#asterisk volga629 (
14:00.14[TK]D-Fender[09:59]GreenlightDon't work with analogue much, have a habit of assuming digital <- perhaps the repeated statements of "analog" , "FXO", and even the specific card he was using wasn't quite enough for you :)
14:00.20WIMPyGreenlight: Not compatible with #asterisk.
14:01.03antonioX[TK]D-Fender: adding "ww" before the number made it * wait 1 sec, but then hang up the same
14:01.22antonioXalso, if I call another short number (1415) it works
14:01.43[TK]D-FenderantonioX: get a splitter and plug your phone in parallel and listen in as soon as you dial.  Expand it to "wwww" to give yourself enough time to grab it...
14:02.22antonioXok, I have to go downstairs to the basement, brb in 2 min
14:07.01*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
14:07.37antonioXIf I connect a phone on the splitter and listen after dial, I hear dialtone, all 4 DTMF digits and then the call works only on the phone
14:07.53antonioXasterisk still hung up the call
14:10.13antonioXI have 3 FXO interfaces on that card. Maybe should I try on another one?
14:11.58[TK]D-FenderantonioX: if the call continues on the phone then I'm betting that the telco is passing some signalling mistaken as a hangup request.
14:12.08[TK]D-FenderantonioX: Check your zone settings
14:13.02antonioX[TK]D-Fender: let me check that settings
14:13.37antonioXzones seems to be correct:
14:13.38antonioXloadzone        = es
14:13.38antonioXdefaultzone     = es
14:16.59antonioXnow a fun fact: I'm connecting to my provider via a router with ATA integrated, as they dont give me the SIP details to connect on my own
14:17.50antonioX* > TDM400P FXO > provider ATA > provider SIP server > PSTN
14:19.01igcewielingWell, that is it for my assistance.    Stop withholding important information.
14:19.26antonioXsorry igcewieling :(
14:19.29antonioXthank you all
14:20.02antonioXI didnt notice that this would be important until [TK]D-Fender tell me to check the zone settings
14:20.06igcewielingNow I know why you didn't need and special dahdi settings for Span.   because from an Astersik standpoint you are NOT IN SPAIN.
14:20.16WIMPyThat's how "PSTN" works in Europe.
14:20.38antonioXbut that ATA is supossed to be configured to work as the PSTN in spain
14:20.50antonioXmaybe I should try another zones?
14:21.01igcewielingantonioX: I've never seen an ATA work correctly when connected to an analog port
14:21.22[TK]D-FenderantonioX: It COULD be using your signalling... or not.  Why not give "us" a try...
14:21.27igcewielingthey don't normally signal disconnects in a way Asterisk understands, as just one example.
14:21.33antonioXit works ok, except for some short numbers
14:21.54antonioX[TK]D-Fender: ok, trying "us"...
14:22.18[TK]D-FenderantonioX: I'd restart DAHDI & * completely for this of course..
14:22.45antonioXyes, ofc
14:22.58antonioXrestarted, now trying...
14:23.28antonioXsame hung up :(
14:23.56[TK]D-FenderantonioX: I'd check with your provider for information on this...
14:24.14antonioXI'll try wwww1004wwwwwww
14:25.01antonioXIT WORKS!!!
14:25.08WIMPyantonioX: Doesn't your IAD have an S0 port you can use instead?
14:25.14*** part/#asterisk geeksteve (
14:26.27antonioXWIMPy: I dont have a IAD
14:26.44WIMPyOr better: Go to google to find out how to hack it to get the sip credentials out of it and configure them directly in Asterisk.
14:27.06WIMPyDidn't you say so above?
14:27.33antonioXno! It was you WIMPy
14:28.15antonioXWIMPy: nice idea
14:28.16WIMPySo what do you have there?
14:30.23antonioXI already have all the credentials needed and have done tests, but still have some problems to solve before connecting via SIP to my provider
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14:35.52antonioXso, I "fixed" it by adding "www" after any short number call via DAHDI
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14:37.18antonioXgood karma to igcewieling, WIMPy, Greenlight and [TK]D-Fender! thank you! <3
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14:44.33[TK]D-FenderantonioX: You're welcome, though I am curious on what added wait does...
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14:51.09GreenlightPerhaps the added pause causes it to ignore whatever signalling is sent right after the dial completes
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15:57.46Synx|hm_Anyone using TLS? I just ran into an issue where i tried to register 500 peers with asterisk SIP TLS and as soon as i get to registration 335 asterisk hard faults with tcptls.c:299 ast_tcptls_server_root: Accept failed: Too many open files
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15:58.56WIMPyWell, if you use TCP, you need one FD per connection.
15:59.00blitzrageSynx|hm: sounds like you don't have enough file descriptors on your system
15:59.01WIMPySo check your limits.
15:59.07blitzrageOS level issue
15:59.21WIMPyor ulimits rather.
16:00.14*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-oswlasgzgigboddf)
16:02.47Synx|hmawesome thanks for the fast reponses had 1024 ulimit set ill read how to up that
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16:09.49Cuznerze problem is ze kernel
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16:26.20nilsecHey, is anyone familiar with an issue where downloading a voicemail/fax archive of a user causes a crash?
16:27.38igcewielingThankfully Asterisk doesn't have that feature.
16:28.02igcewielingcould you be looking for #freepbx?
16:30.13*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
16:31.10nilsecigcewieling, hmm... well working with this product in particular:
16:31.26igcewielingnilsec: that is not supported here.
16:31.37nilsecI don't know if it was the cause or just a big coincidence, but right after downloading a user's voicemail and fax (before deleting extension), I got a crash.
16:31.41nilsecWell... alright, thanks :)
16:32.01igcewielingContact Digium support for your commercial Digium product.
16:32.44*** part/#asterisk nilsec (~nilsec__@unaffiliated/nilsec)
16:35.11Cuznerthey're paying for support, why not use it?
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17:03.18igcewielingI'm starting to get sick of customers reporting ring-no-answer as a problem, when their people don't actually answer the damn calls.
17:03.37igcewielinggoes off to change their ringtone to "Howler"
17:05.38WIMPyUnfortunatly hering a ringing sound no longer means the remote end is really ringing in the VOIP world.
17:06.13igcewielingWIMPy: "    -- SIP/320-000248c5 is ringing" is good enough for me.
17:06.13WIMPyEither you hear someone pick up the phone or you have a general call failure.
17:06.37WIMPyI have hade many calls saying that without ringing.
17:07.05igcewielingWIMPy: this customer had us disable voicemail because their users were not answering calls.   These are local polycom phones connected to a local Asterisk box.
17:07.06*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
17:07.52WIMPyOk, on local phones I could believe it.
17:10.19igcewielingWIMPy: this is the same customer who reported "internet down!" even though I used their internet to connect to the PBX.
17:10.27CuznerWIMPy: dump 'em into a reception queue or something if their call fails then...?
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17:10.54Cuznerer i guess that was for igcewieling
17:10.58WIMPyHow do you know if a call fails?
17:11.14igcewielingWIMPy: when the Dial finally times out.
17:11.18Cuznerdefine "fails"
17:11.20WIMPyYes, he had an example where he probably knows.
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17:38.22blergh-Hello, I'm looking for some general advice in regards to decent phones that have a VPN-capability, I've found the Snom 370 and it seems good, but what are the options?
17:39.15WIMPyAuerswald can also do OpenVPN, but I don;t know how well they play with plain SIP.
17:41.01blergh-Ah yeah, I'm not very good with whats new and such in regards to "real" phones, i've only been doing softphones + openvpn, but i wish to replace my cellphone with a decent and somewhat secure real physical phone
17:41.32WIMPyThe Snom is quite nice.
17:42.03igcewielingyou will find your selection very limited.   consider using doing VPN the traditional way and let the phone do phone stuff.
17:42.05*** topic/#asterisk by mjordan -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.5.0 (2013/07/15), 10.12.2 (2013/03/27), (2013/07/15), DAHDI-linux 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), DAHDI-tools 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
17:42.57blergh-igcewieling: it is? that's a bummer, it'd be nice to have native support for it
17:43.07infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, Cisco 79XX, everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
17:43.24igcewielingI don't think any of them except SNOM have VPN on the phone.
17:43.40WIMPyIt has
17:44.50igcewielingputs on a phone company uniform, grabs a clipboard and installs wiretaps on all blergh-'s analog lines in the telecom closet
17:45.05blergh-From what i can read, the Snom 370, 820 and 870 too
17:45.11igcewieling"I'm the phone guy".  "OK, let me show you where the phone closet it".
17:45.29blergh-I don't have a hardline
17:46.00igcewielingblergh-: A month ago I'd have said "nobody is interested in your phone calls", but I was obviously wrong.
17:46.20igcewielingblergh-: My point is that VoIP is not that much less secure than analog
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17:47.35blergh-igcewieling: true true, but adding the layer of point-to-point encryption couldn't be all that bad
17:47.54igcewielingblergh-: correct, but I personally feel doing it ON the phone is not the right place.
17:48.23WIMPyIt will only prevent them from listening realtime. A few minutes later they will have cracked the key anyway.
17:48.25igcewielingblergh-: how do you connect to the PSTN?
17:48.43igcewielingdoes your ITSP support VPN connections?
17:49.00igcewielingnot that it matters, your ITSP's upstream is where the govt would be capturing your calls.
17:49.49WIMPythat's why they pay the bandwidth for ITSPs so they won't do directmedia.
17:50.06WIMPySo if you need a sponsor for bandwidth....
17:52.11blergh-igcewieling: correct, unless you had full access all the way to the person(s) having access to the PRI
17:52.52igcewielingWe don't do direct media because we are contractually (not the govt)
17:53.10Cuznerigcewieling: is this to be a "
17:53.13igcewielingprohibited. 8-(
17:53.15Cuzneroops "hotel phone"?
17:53.42Cuznerwill it be moving around a lot, or is the ip going to be static for the most part, or usually from a particular subnet?
17:53.57Cuzneryou could always just iptables in front of it, allow the range you're coming from.
17:54.30Cuznerbut if you're really concerned about someone sniffing your packets in realtime, maybe that's not such a good solution.
17:55.50blergh-nah, i'm not *that* paranoid, it's just more of a fun thing that would be cool to do, learning by doing and all that
17:56.03Cuznerhow about an ATA that does VPN?
17:56.17Cuznerinstead of getting a full voip phone, get an ATA/bridge?
17:56.44WIMPyCuzner: You're into S&M?
17:56.47blergh-ATM my setup is more or less; elastix + trunk + local-did provider
17:56.55CuznerWIMPy: why do you ask?
17:57.03*** join/#asterisk Starpoint09 (
17:57.15WIMPyBecause you suggest using an analog phone.
17:57.40Cuzneryou think someone's going to be snorting between his analog phone and the ATA?
17:58.40igcewielingWIMPy: Most people don't have as severe a case of Analog Phobia as you.
17:59.02WIMPyBecause they never tried?
17:59.04igcewielingCuzner: you snort cocaine, you sniff traffic.
17:59.11blergh-The only real difference this would make, is the connection between the PBX and me, so somewhat pointless in that sense
17:59.14blergh-but yeah
18:01.01WIMPyactually finds it really annoying how sip phones try to emulate analog stuff.
18:01.57Cuznerigcewieling: the tool I use to do it sometimes is called snort, you say tomotoes I say tomatoes.
18:03.00blergh-You'll have to excuse my lack of knowledge on this subject, I am still trying to get the hang of things, so
18:03.37igcewielingYou'd think the packets would stick in your nose.
18:03.50igcewielingMaybe just snort the 1's.
18:04.43WIMPyBetter snort the highs than sniff the lows?
18:06.12blergh-Is ZRTP a viable option?
18:06.32WIMPyNot supported by Asterisk.
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18:10.50blergh-WIMPy: ouch, no options tho? Or would that be to just VPN it?
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18:54.17smkellypokes file
18:54.25kchrhello. i'm trying to get started with the voicemail feature, and have put the template files for a voice in place. however, asterisk seems to look for ulaw (.au) format, while the files provided by my dist packager is in gsm (.gsm). how do i set the format to look for?
18:55.05kchr(i assume this is not the "format" option under [general] in voicemail.conf, since that says "writing voicemail" in the comments)
18:55.16kchr(also it makes no difference in behavior)
18:55.32*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~Thunderbi@2001:470:e8f1:2:ac78:d36a:e6dc:5da2)
18:56.50[TK]D-Fender".au" in not the valid extension format for ulaw.  that would be ".ulaw"
18:57.23[TK]D-FenderAlso you don't tell it what format to play.  That is automatic based on the most efficient transcoding between your files & the actual channel
18:58.09igcewielingkchr: Put the CLI output of a failed call on pastebin (not this channel)
18:58.13infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:01.28igcewielingkchr: the ulaw message means nothing.
19:01.37igcewielingwhat directory are your sound files located?
19:01.42igcewielingWhat verison of Asterisk are you using?
19:01.58[TK]D-Fenderkchr: You seem to be missing the basic stock sound files...
19:02.07igcewielingOh!   VERY sorry.   you are using a packaged Asterisk.
19:02.16[TK]D-Fenderkchr: And you did not tell Voicemail to play one of the standard announcement files at all
19:02.20igcewielingYou are dead to me now.
19:02.47kchri'm jusing locally compiled packages but yeah, theyre vanilla as the debian sources come
19:02.53kchr*theyre as vanilla as
19:03.15kchri put the files under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ as the package created that one
19:03.16igcewielingDownload Asterisk.  Install it.  Profit.
19:03.48igcewielingkchr: that is wrong, depending on your version of Asterisk and the asterisk.conf settings
19:03.56kchrthat doesn't really answer my question... should i convert the files to make them match my caller(s) codec?
19:04.10igcewielingkchr: you can if you want, but it won't do a bit of good.
19:04.12kchrigcewieling: ok, what setting in asterisk.conf am i looking at?
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19:04.27[TK]D-Fenderkchr: pastebin the whole thing
19:04.51[TK]D-Fenderkchr: And you shouldn't need to convert.  You do not have the right files in the right place.. or ar missing the format modules to play them back.
19:04.57Mon|A|rchfor some reason I'm having trouble finding this on the internet; how do you set the autofallthrough context?
19:05.01Mon|A|rchis it in sip.conf?
19:05.16igcewielingkchr: the option about sound file prefixes in asterisk.conf.sample included in the Asterisk source code.
19:05.17[TK]D-FenderMon|A|rch: "autofallthrough context" <- no such thing
19:05.18kchr[TK]D-Fender: i checked the available formats on CLI and gsm is in there
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19:05.34[TK]D-Fenderkchr: then the files are in the wrong place, wrong permissions, etc
19:05.35kchrso my bet is on wrong directory
19:05.39igcewielingkchr: you keep looking in the wrong places
19:05.44[TK]D-Fenderkchr: PB your asterisk.conf
19:05.47kchrok ok!
19:05.55[TK]D-Fenderkchr: Actuall... "core show settings" <-
19:05.58[TK]D-Fenderfrom * CLI
19:06.14Mon|A|rchi see
19:06.33[TK]D-FenderMon|A|rch: Perhaps you meant something else.
19:06.37Mon|A|rchis the failed extension only for auto-dialout?
19:06.45Mon|A|rch[TK]D-Fender, probably
19:07.18cjm_Hi Folks, Do I need OpenSER with Asterisk to host myself to receive calls from outside my network, or will Asterisk server requests for sip: details?
19:07.24Mon|A|rchon a failed dialout, how can i catch that and execute some dialplan stuff
19:07.38kchr[TK]D-Fender: ok here is asterisk.conf -
19:07.56[TK]D-FenderMon|A|rch: <-- seems to be documented just fine here
19:08.23[TK]D-Fender[15:05][TK]D-Fenderkchr: Actuall... "core show settings" <-
19:08.28WIMPycjm_: Asterisk will do
19:08.56cjm_WIMPy, Thanks much.
19:10.51[TK]D-Fenderkchr: ls -la /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/*
19:14.58[TK]D-Fenderkchr: You should generally never be running asterisk as ROOT ...
19:15.31[TK]D-Fenderkchr: Which if you did sanely should probably be as "asterisk" and you'll be wanting to fix your permissions on all of that
19:16.15kchr[TK]D-Fender: i'm not, the files are however (on purpose) made not writable by asterisk user
19:16.18kchrsince they are static
19:16.30kchrbut they are world readable, as you can see
19:16.55[TK]D-Fenderkchr: Fix them
19:17.34cjm_Hi Folks, is call recording a feature of Asterisk or the softphone client?
19:17.42kchrasterisk is running as the user "asterisk", which can read those files (and access the directory theyre in) just fine
19:17.56kchrwhom can read*
19:18.11[TK]D-FenderDo not assume the mode * will be opening those under
19:18.28[TK]D-Fendercjm_: YES
19:20.00cjm_[TK]D-Fender, I assume you mean the both can do this independently of each other.
19:20.40[TK]D-Fendercjm_: * can record calls.  Your client may offer such a feature.  You'd have to check your client to be sure.
19:21.41cjm_[TK]D-Fender, Thanks.  That helps.
19:22.43[TK]D-Fenderkchr: Since you seem intent on disregarding sane advice I wish you the best of luck.
19:22.55cjm_Hi Folks, Can someone with a Skype client contact me on my Asterisk network?  I think that means, is the skype client captive to the Skype SIP server?
19:23.54[TK]D-Fendercjm_: Skype offers a SIP interconnect service if you have a business account.  * doesn't not natively support Skype
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19:24.42cjm_[TK]D-Fender, So, my friends will have to get some other random softphone client to call me?
19:24.59[TK]D-Fendercjm_: Or what I said
19:25.28igcewielingcjm_: Skype actively prevents Asterisk from connecting.  In fact, they refused to renew Digium's contract for Skype support.
19:26.20igcewielingSo, you either purchase business version of their service or you don't connect to them with Asterisk.  your option.
19:26.58cjm_igcewieling, And that sort of pettiness is part of why I dropped Skype in the first place.  I'll simply try to live without them.
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19:27.22kchr[TK]D-Fender: look, i'm not questioning your advice. i'm merely trying to understand the concepts of them -- changing permissions on the files (from world readable to owned by "asterisk") did not change any behavior on the server side.
19:27.38igcewielingcjm_: A good policy.  I try not to do business with companies which do not want my business.
19:27.51cjm_igcewieling, Hang on a second...    Do I buy the business service, which allows all my frineds to call me, or do each of them do so?
19:27.52igcewielingkchr: did you change your languageprefix?
19:28.08igcewielingcjm_: whoever has the asterisk server
19:28.52cjm_igcewieling, O.K., that would be me.  Thanks. That helps me.  I'll probably just pass on Skype and get all my friends to use something else.
19:29.04cjm_igcewieling, Will Google Voice work?
19:29.25igcewielingcjm_: Google voice dropped support on July 1
19:29.39kchrigcewieling: languageprefix = yes; defaultlanguage = en (asterisk.conf)
19:29.57igcewielingkchr: and your files are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en ?
19:30.20kchrigcewieling: correct; all in *.gsm file extensions
19:30.37igcewielingNOT in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds, correct?
19:30.40cjm_igcewieling, So, my option will be to get my friends to download a softphone.  There are no popular public services that will allow my friends to find me?
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19:31.25igcewielingcjm_: if you want your friends to call you using SIP then get them softphones.  I have no idea what the second part means
19:31.47boichev_can someone tell me if I have an OpenVox B800P card  and I want to use it with an analog line that comes into my house ... everything is ok in asterisk  I see the card and dahdi show channels gives me 23 channels but  pri show spans gives me only " In Alarm, Down, Active" ... how should I connect the line that is currently an RG11 jack pluged in one of the cards jacks ?
19:31.54kchrigcewieling: yes, they actually were when i first came in here but i moved them when [TK]D-Fender asked me to verify the directory contents
19:32.07kchrand i restarted asterisk; no dice.. same pesky message
19:32.24[TK]D-Fenderkchr: what about all of the FOLDER permissions & owners?
19:32.37igcewielingkchr: Seems like maybe your packages are not so great.
19:32.43kchr[TK]D-Fender: entire subtree of /var/lib/asterisk is owned by asterisk
19:32.45WIMPyboichev_: RG11?
19:33.43kchrigcewieling: yeah... :(
19:33.52kchrhow can i increaase log verbosity?
19:33.58kchri would like to see which path it tries to read
19:34.18boichev_WIMPy: RJ11*
19:34.35WIMPyboichev_: Not much better.
19:35.04WIMPyboichev_: And how do you get 23 cahnnels? You should have 16.
19:35.52WIMPyboichev_: You connect that card with a normal patch cable to your NT.
19:36.30WIMPyOk, so 24.
19:37.12boichev_WIMPy: I have only a blue and a black wire that are in the middle of the jack .... if that means anything....
19:37.13[TK]D-FenderBRI uses RJ11?  News to me...
19:37.36boichev_[TK]D-Fender: I have no idea how to connect it or is it possible at all
19:37.40WIMPyboichev_: That won't fit. Where do they come from?
19:37.40*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
19:38.27igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: yes, it does.
19:39.15boichev_WIMPy:  If I have to give the signaling cables to the two middle pins of the RJ45 the RG11 jack connects to them with no problems.... :?
19:39.45WIMPyboichev_: It's a 4 wire port. So no go. Where does that cable come from?
19:40.02boichev_WIMPy: my telephone company
19:40.03cjm_igcewieling, "Public Services", like Skype or Google Voice. Meaning something my friends might already have running on their system, as opposed to something special they would have to add to keep in touch with me, and ask the question, is it worth it...
19:40.17WIMPyboichev_: then you're missing the NT.
19:40.48igcewielingboscage: what country are you in?
19:41.04WIMPyboichev_: Let's hope you didn't fry it.
19:41.35boichev_WIMPy: Bulgaria
19:41.39boichev_I still see it
19:41.54boichev_So I don't think so
19:42.04boichev_what should I do to make it work
19:42.06WIMPyThat doesn;t mean much.
19:42.28WIMPyAnyway: Your telco should have given you an NT. That converts to the correct interface.
19:43.20WIMPyYou cannot directly connect CPEs to the line.
19:43.42boichev_WIMPy: I'm sorry I don't know that is an NT :) Can I have a link to read about it :)
19:44.01WIMPyNetwork Terminator.
19:44.03*** join/#asterisk tenspeed705 (
19:44.20WIMPyIt converts from the U interface to the S interface.
19:46.20WIMPyAsk your Telco.
19:46.43igcewielingcjm_: Skype and Google Voice may be public, but they are closed systems.
19:47.46igcewielingIf someone wants to talk to me, they can call my telephone number and get ignored just like everyone else.
19:48.03*** join/#asterisk josePHPagoda (
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19:48.26josePHPagodaHello everyone!  I'm using .call files and they are working great.  What I'm having trouble with is making a call file that rings a ringgroup
19:48.28josePHPagodaany ideas?
19:49.19boichev_Just for information are there normal pci-e cards that I can plug normal phone in it without this .... ?
19:49.40WIMPyboichev_: You've got one.
19:49.59WIMPy(depending on your definition of "normal phone")
19:50.23igcewielingjosePHPagoda: that won't work if you are using analog FXO
19:51.08boichev_WIMPy: normal phone is an RJ11 analog phone with two wires  :)
19:51.25josePHPagodaigcewieling: ???
19:51.30igcewielingboichev_: WIMPy has this mostly unreasonable hatred of ANALOG
19:51.35WIMPyThen you need an Terminal Adaptor to connect them to your card.
19:51.36igcewielingjosePHPagoda: Was I unclear?
19:52.16igcewielingjosePHPagoda: Analog FXO ports are considered ANSWERED once dialing is completed, because the telco does not signal when the far end picks up.
19:52.46josePHPagodaigcewieling: I don't think you are answering my question... I asked about .call files.
19:53.04*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
19:53.05igcewielingjosePHPagoda: you asked about ring groups not working with .call files.
19:53.27igcewielingthe most common issue with "ring groups" not working is you are trying to dial PSTN numbers over analog FXO.
19:53.31srl295Hello.. shouldn't I be able to use ${DB} inside an applicationmap? Such as:   xdial => *9,peer/callee,SendDTMF,${DB(XDIAL/201)}#
19:53.50josePHPagodayeah, I'm having trouble getting it to even attempt the call
19:53.52srl295ast 11.3.0
19:54.12[TK]D-Fender[15:48]josePHPagodaHello everyone! I'm using .call files and they are working great. What I'm having trouble with is making a call file that rings a ringgroup <- ringgroup is not a proper term for an * thing.
19:54.29josePHPagodayeah, i'm using the freepbx distro
19:54.52[TK]D-FenderjosePHPagoda: Show us what you;r actually doing in a PASTEBIN.
19:54.56infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:55.54cjm_igcewieling, "Skype and Google Voice may be public, but they are closed systems."  Yes...  And that's my problem, for which there is few solutions.  I can pay Skype to let me "register" my Asterisk system, and that is only moderately objectionable.  Can I pay Google to "register" as a Google Voice participant, meaning GV will forward to my Asterisk system?
19:56.14[TK]D-Fendercjm_: No
19:56.27cjm_[TK]D-Fender, Damn....  Thanks.
19:56.43[TK]D-Fendercjm_: Google Voice is being shut down and ported to Google Hanguots which will no longer use XMPP thus no more connectivity for *
19:56.43*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
19:57.27srl295[TK]D-Fender cjm_ figures, hours after I finally get Motif/XMPP working with * :P
19:57.47[TK]D-FenderjosePHPagoda: Your call file is wrong
19:57.49igcewielingjosePHPagoda: Local/201@somecontext/n
19:57.56josePHPagodathat's my .call file.  It works fine as is (201 is the internal extension).  I've set up a "ring group" inside of freepbx, but when I put in it's extension, it fails
19:58.04[TK]D-FenderjoYou are not specifying the CONTEXT in your local channel
19:58.10josePHPagodaso something like Local/201@local-context/n should work?
19:58.25srl295[TK]D-Fender appreciate the headsup on GV
19:58.25[TK]D-FenderjosePHPagoda: Where you actually picka  VALID context... yes
19:58.34josePHPagodaokee dokee
19:58.35guitarHester[TK]D-Fender: so what happens when someone calls my GV number, ... will it buzz my hangouts login?
19:58.37josePHPagodai'll try it out
19:59.26cjm_Hi Folks, Is there a "phone book" for SIP, meaning is there someplace I can register with my demographic data and someone can look me up to find my sip:<user>@... string?
20:00.16igcewielingcjm_: yes.  hundreds of them
20:00.33cjm_igcewieling, Ha!  That's almost as bad as zero!
20:00.43igcewielingcjm_: exactly
20:01.20josePHPagoda[TK]D-Fender: thanks a ton! That worked wonderfully. :)
20:01.44cjm_Hmm... Business opportunity.  sip phone book search!  How would that turn into money?
20:02.16WIMPyFor more spam?
20:02.23WIMPyErr, spit?
20:02.24carraris there anything else?
20:02.55carrarmaybe some politic voting calls
20:03.03cjm_WIMPy, Geeze, that would not be my first choice...  Can't be a very good business opportunity if it can't generate income...
20:03.45cjm_Subscription to the search results?
20:03.46carrarand for $50 we can put you on the SIP Do Not Call List
20:04.06cjm_carrar, Ha!  Brilliant!  A reverse income model!
20:04.20cjm_Pay me and I WON'T list you!
20:04.28Cuznercarrar: do you take bitcoins?
20:04.35srl295hrm - wondering if I should use an AGI for my applicationmap entry  if this won't work,  SendDTMF,${DB(...)}
20:04.37carrarOnly bitcoins
20:05.23[TK]D-Fender[16:04]cjm_Pay me and I WON'T list you! <- the mafia doesn't like people cutting in on their business model...
20:06.23*** part/#asterisk josePHPagoda (
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20:11.06srl295answered my own question.  Moved the SendDTMF into a Macro
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20:33.17Ellenipardon me if this was already asked a zillion times but does asterisk 11 support zrtp encryption?
20:36.13Elleniok, thanks
20:37.06WIMPyPeople trying to implement it always vanish under mysterious circumstances.
20:39.41Ellenihm, ok... i see.. just asked because I am evaluation a free softphone on iphone and some of them do not support srtp over tls but do support zrtp for example linphone...
20:39.45*** join/#asterisk tilt_ (
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20:41.59boichev_If I get an fxo/fxs card will I be able to connect an analog line directly without an Analog to ISDN convertor (terminal adapter)
20:42.35WIMPyboichev_: So you have an analog line?
20:42.53boichev_WIMPy: yes
20:43.15WIMPyWhat do you do with that ISDN card then?
20:44.06WIMPyEither you can go an get a FXO card and the line you've got or you get an ISDN line and the card you've got.
20:47.24boichev_WIMPy: like I sad I have no idea about this :) and now I know :) Thx :)
20:48.15*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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21:00.46ElleniWIMPy another question, does srtp over tls with key verification on the softphone side establish the same level of security as zrtp?
21:01.13WIMPySecurity is a feeling, not a fact.
21:01.25WIMPyzrtp is end-to-end. srtp is only to the server.
21:01.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:03.23Ellenihm, ok, i see. well as asterisk does not support zrtp I will stay with srtp/tls for the moment :)
21:05.03boichev_WIMPy: from what I read a Linksys/Sipura SPA-3000 will do the job of converting my analog line to ISDN  right..... just for learning experience
21:05.30Elleniso that also means that a call from two srtp enabled extensions / softphones will never be end-to-end but will always have to be routed through the server, right?
21:05.46WIMPyboichev_: no
21:06.05boichev_WIMPy: :(
21:06.09WIMPysuch converters are not normally available.
21:06.09igcewielingboichev_: Where in the world could you possibly have read that?
21:06.44WIMPyYou can get converters from ISDN to FXS in the next electronics supermarket.
21:06.54boichev_igcewieling: just a sec I will dig it out ... probably I misunderstood something
21:07.02igcewielingboichev_: Start Googling.  Most of us here have little interest in tutoring you in basic telecom stuff
21:07.39WIMPySomeone does manufacture FXO to ISDN converters. They have been used to enable people to connect their old phones to cable modems with FXS ports.
21:10.18WIMPyWell, most probably "did" not "does"
21:10.43boichev_igcewieling, WIMPy (5.3.1 ..... and can also act as an EXTENSION to connect an ANALOG telephone via its FXS interface (aka ATA - Analog Telephone Adapter).)
21:11.11WIMPyAnd where do you see ISSDN mentioned?
21:11.13igcewielingboichev_: where does it say ISDN or BRI there?
21:11.16igcewielinglooks at WIMPy
21:12.00boichev_igcewieling: ok my bad ISDN is at 5.5
21:12.34[TK]D-Fenderboichev_: ANALOG to VOIP
21:12.46[TK]D-Fenderboichev_: And 5.5 says nothing about ANALOG
21:13.07boichev_[TK]D-Fender: I think I got it now :)
21:14.27[TK]D-Fenderboichev_: Now you can have a BRI card ... AND an analog card in your server and * will sit in the middle and handle calls between them... but that isn't a dedicated devices... it's a whole computer with multiple interface cards
21:15.09WIMPyDoesn't Sangoma do cards with POTS and BRI mixed?
21:15.58[TK]D-FenderDependsing on FXS vs FXO
21:15.58cjm_I've downloaded Ekiga, an SIP softphone.  I need to register with Asterisk.  I can't find any such activity on the GUI.  Any advice?
21:16.18[TK]D-Fendercjm_: What GUI?
21:16.25WIMPycjm_: Go to the support channel of that GUI.
21:19.40[TK]D-Fenderlink no good
21:20.10cjm_WIMPy, I have "Admin", "Applications", "Connectivity", "Reports", "Settings".  No, "Support".
21:20.49WIMPySupport channel= Website/forum or other IRC channel of the vendor.
21:24.00*** join/#asterisk _N1X_ (~ahmed@unaffiliated/n1x/x-2632350)
21:24.26_N1X_hello every one
21:25.02_N1X_i have 3  accounts from 1 sip / trunk provider
21:25.15_N1X_every account have 2 channels
21:25.44_N1X_i want to bind them  or make failover
21:26.05[TK]D-Fender_N1X_: It's your dialplan... do whatever you want
21:26.43_N1X_yes i miss the dialplan
21:27.40_N1X_[TK]D-Fender, can u please  give me a simple
21:27.55[TK]D-Fender_N1X_: Just dial them back to back
21:28.08[TK]D-Fender_N1X_: If the first one doesn't get answered.... it'll just continue on.
21:28.11infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
21:36.07cjm_[TK]D-Fender, Please try again.  I have updated Public DNS and you should be able to see the GUI in question.
21:36.34[TK]D-Fendercjm_: I get an apache test page
21:36.35cjm_WIMPy, Umm...  This is that channel...  The GUI is for Asterisk.
21:36.50[TK]D-FenderNo, asterisk is the ENGINE
21:37.06[TK]D-FenderGUI's are all bolt-on's that have nothing to do with direct asterisk development
21:37.07cjm_[TK]D-Fender, Well, that's inconvenient...  and wrong.  I'm inside so I can't see from the public IP side.
21:37.11WIMPyNo, it is FOR Asterisk, not by or from Asterisk.
21:37.24cjm_[TK]D-Fender, Yes, but this is AsteriskNOW, so it came with.
21:37.47WIMPyThis is #asterisk, not #asterisknow.
21:37.52[TK]D-FenderAnd this isn't #asterisknow the channel
21:37.59WIMPyWe don;t support any GUIs in here.
21:38.02*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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21:38.03cjm_FreeBBX?  Is that waht I am missing?
21:38.07[TK]D-Fendercjm_: And AsteriskNOW used to come with MULTIPLE GUI's
21:38.18WIMPyThen go to #freepbx
21:38.21[TK]D-FenderSo perhaps you shouold learn to get SPECIFIC when we ask you "which GUI".
21:38.28cjm_Whoa...  O.K., my mistake.
21:38.43[TK]D-FenderYes, FreePBX
21:38.53[TK]D-FenderAs for setting up your softphone... it is an EXTENSION <-
21:39.02ElleniAsterisk: The Definitive Guide is great!
21:40.08cjm_[TK]D-Fender, Yes.  Thanks.  Having never done this before, I am guessing about how some of this works.  Don't I need to say somewhere, "" is extension <extension>" ?
21:40.56[TK]D-Fendercjm_: Where are you talking about?
21:41.09[TK]D-Fendercjm_: You softphone REGISTERS to *.  That's all it needs to know.
21:41.10cjm_Elleni, Yep...  Got.  Reading it.  On page 72
21:42.02cjm_[TK]D-Fender, I downloaded Ekiga, and it want to register to by default.  But, it can be configured.  I'm just unclear on how to do it.
21:42.27[TK]D-Fendercjm_: username , passwrod, host/IP.  It ain't Raw-Cat Sigh Hence.
21:42.36[TK]D-Fendercjm_: And now this is an EKIGA SOFT-PHONE client.
21:43.03cjm_[TK]D-Fender, as nearly as I know.  I've made mistakes before.
21:43.51cjm_[TK]D-Fender, Do I need to have a username. password on a SIP proxy, meaning Asterisk?  And that is my current mystery.
21:44.15cjm_I'm not sure how I do that.  I need to tell Asterisk that I exist.
21:44.49[TK]D-FenderYes.. did you set up an account on it yet?
21:45.10cjm_[TK]D-Fender, No.  I'm quite sure of that.  I thought the GUI would let me do this.
21:45.27*** join/#asterisk imox (
21:45.29cjm_[TK]D-Fender, So far, I can't figure out how to do it.  That is why I asked for help.
21:45.30[TK]D-FenderNo, Your server has nothing to do with you setting up your Ekiga client
21:45.47[TK]D-FenderThere are THOUSANDS of VoIP clients out there.  it is your job to fill in the 3 silly blanks
21:46.21cjm_[TK]D-Fender, I agree.  But after telling the Ekiga client the credentails, Ekiga is going to ask Asterisk on port 5060, and Asterisk need to know about me.  Right?
21:46.51[TK]D-FenderCorrect... the same credentials you told the phone should match those of the extension you defined in FreePBX
21:47.29cjm_And now we are back to how I tell FreePBX....  I think I heard that I need to ask that question somewhere else.  Right?
21:47.46[TK]D-FenderI already answered that ....
21:47.55[TK]D-Fender[17:38][TK]D-FenderAs for setting up your softphone... it is an EXTENSION <-
21:48.46cjm_[TK]D-Fender, Geeze!  <SLAP>  Yes...  Now I see it.  Under "Application" => Extensions!!!  Thanks.  Sorry for the density.
21:49.27cjm_[TK]D-Fender, I really was not trying to be obtuse; it just came out that way.  Thanks for the help.
21:49.58[TK]D-Fendercjm_: Slowly but (hopefully) surely
21:50.54Ellenicjm beeing a noob myself I can recommend you the following two aproaches: 1) read on Asterisk: The Definitive Guide and do step by step what they suggest (dialplan, extension...) or 2) follow
21:52.28Ellenioh.. I come from seeing that you found it :)
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22:16.54florengood afternoon
22:17.06WIMPyGood morning
22:17.23floreni was wondering what could cause the retransmissions listed in this thread:
22:17.34florenhi WIMPy
22:18.28florenthe device reports: sip_sm_ccb_match_branch_cseq : Method index not found
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