IRC log for #asterisk on 20130707

00:04.22ChannelZof your own making?
00:05.39*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
00:07.18*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~someone@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
00:14.57igcewieling1if anyone wants to play around with it
00:18.48igcewieling1if people like it, I'll add g729 transcoding too
00:19.27qmrI have mplayer vlc and ffmpeg already
00:19.39*** join/#asterisk DEMNVT (
00:20.18igcewieling1qmr: lots of peopel don't know how to use those to transcode into a format Asterisk likes
00:20.34igcewieling1and lots of people don't know how to use ffmpeg or sox mean Lots of people don't have ffmpeg or sox
00:21.13igcewieling1(like your customer service people 8-)
00:32.26*** join/#asterisk spresser (uid6132@gateway/web/
01:02.34*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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01:24.43ChannelZffmpeg: easy to download, hard to use
01:29.08*** join/#asterisk DEMNVT (
01:32.33*** join/#asterisk dijib (
01:32.41dijibhow is everyone in here
01:32.47dijibi hope you are all doing well
01:33.05dijibis anybody running an astering server monitored by an MSP application?
01:35.47*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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01:43.53dijibare you guys still partying from the 4th of july?? j'esus
01:51.52ChannelZhells yeah!
01:51.59ChannelZcontinues firing into the air
01:55.06sawgoodfourth of july is over, man
01:56.06WIMPyand the fifth
01:56.13WIMPyand the sixth
02:17.13*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
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03:06.02*** join/#asterisk jmordica (
03:06.20jmordicaare you guys still working on the asterisk distributed platform?
03:06.38jmordicaI think it was a multi tenant distributed system using asterisk
03:16.46*** join/#asterisk DBordello (~DBordello@unaffiliated/dbordello)
03:30.20blchas anyone seen asterisk do a tcp-level disconnect of a client while using TLS?
03:30.36blcit doesn't happen when using tcp with no tls
03:30.56igcewieling1jmordica: We use PMXware, which does multi-tenant and "clustering"
03:31.04igcewieling1sorry, PBXware
03:31.46blcthe client will register, and can receive calls for a few seconds…maybe 10-15, then a FIN gets sent, and the TCP connection is closed. So, the client can no longer receive calls
03:32.23jmordicaigcewieling1: cool is this a hosted platform or something I can run myself?
03:32.36blcthe strange part is that the client still thinks it is registered
03:32.37igcewieling1jmordica: a hosted platform you run yourself
03:32.48igcewieling1It is commercial
03:32.56jmordicaso how is it multi tenant if it uses asterisk?
03:33.04jmordicait would have to use freeswitch right?
03:33.35igcewieling1jmordica: Asterisk can do multi-tenant is you jump through enough hoops.   We pay them to do the hoop jumping for us.
03:34.10jmordicaCool. So how does load balancing work in a clustered environment?
03:34.13igcewieling1We prefer totally open source solutions when possible, but in the case of multi-tenant we went with a commercial Asterisk offering.
03:34.20jmordicado i setup my own open sips?
03:34.26jmordicain front of a cluster?
03:34.28igcewieling1jmordica: I have no idea.   We don't use it in a cluster, only in standalone.
03:34.59igcewieling1It uses Asterisk and has a GUI designed for multi-tenant,
03:36.49jmordicait seems there is a call center edition and multi tenant edition
03:37.04jmordicawhat if I run the multi tenant edition but need call center features for business customers
03:38.49*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
03:50.25igcewieling1That sounds like a question for sales
03:50.47igcewieling1be warned though, you can't customize it.
03:51.49jmordicagot ya. ok thanks
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08:27.34*** join/#asterisk AndyN_ (73408235@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:30.19AndyN_Hello, I'm looking to set up incoming fax-to-email with asterisk 1.8, using iaxmodem + hylafax
08:30.41AndyN_Centos doesn't have that many tutorial on google. Any suggestion ?
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12:07.49*** join/#asterisk mr_claus (
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12:09.19mr_claushi, i try to start a call and it takes a long time to get the call signaling on the other end of the line, if i take the call it takes a long time again to establish the connection, it worked a few days ago so i think it's a provider problem, but how i could be sure thats not an issue with the local asterisk installation?
12:11.48*** join/#asterisk halior (~halior@
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13:02.04*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (~Rumbles@
13:51.20*** join/#asterisk Jymmm (~jymmm@unaffiliated/jymmm)
13:52.11JymmmIs it possible to connect two ATA's together without using an asterisk server as a point-to-point thing?
13:52.49Jymmma glorified intercom of sorts.
13:54.12JymmmI have a couple of "Grand Central" (?) ATAs
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14:20.50*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (~Rumbles@
14:20.59JymmmOk, care to elaborate a bit?
14:21.20WIMPyDepends on the model.
14:21.30WIMPySome will support direct IP dialling.
14:21.43Jymmmhang on...
14:22.02WIMPyMaybe you can use a phonebook or as a last resort you can make one the "provider" of the other.
14:23.42JymmmI think this is it...
14:23.56Jymmmlet me see if I can find it
14:26.45JymmmI couldn't find a pair of elephants humping in this place
14:28.08JymmmWIMPy: Thanks for the ideas.
14:34.26*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
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16:22.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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17:44.08transfiniteis there a way to evaluate expressions in the CLI? I want to do some simple tests before modifying my actual config
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17:48.08[TK]D-Fendertransfinite: No
17:48.40[TK]D-Fenderthat also requires varibes etc to actually be able to evaluate which means they need contents
17:48.48[TK]D-Fendertesting means doing.
17:53.41igcewielingthere is a utility included with asterisk to test expressions outside the dialplan
17:53.53igcewielingast-exprcheck2 or something.  check in menuconfig
17:55.26transfinitei'm trying to do some massaging of the VM_* variables in voicemail.conf, but it doesn't look like that does anything except plain variable substitution, is that right?  Is there any way to define other info in the dialplan that gets passed as variables to the voicemail function?
17:55.47igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: experimental, for people who have trouble converting sound files into an Asteirsk format.
17:56.15igcewielingtransfinite: dialplan example code needed.  put it on a pastebin
17:56.17infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:56.35igcewielingvoicemail.conf does not do expressions
17:58.01transfiniteI don't have anything written yet; I wanted voicemail.conf's pagersubject variable to have different values based on the callerid
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17:59.14igcewielingtransfinite: that is unlikely to work.
18:06.03transfiniteThe example voicemail.conf uses dialplan functions in its definition of "emailbody"
18:12.21[TK]D-Fendertransfinite: That seems to say you can use full variable & function logic in there... so that defines what you can do
18:13.13*** join/#asterisk peetaur2 (
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19:49.46igcewielingI'm skeptical, but if the docs say....
19:50.43[TK]D-FenderIt does say it....
19:51.32[TK]D-FenderThey show a sample using a standard dialplan function... which of course opens us a question of just how much you could do in there given the kind of blocking calls you're potentially capable of using
20:22.26*** join/#asterisk hesco (
20:28.25hescoI'm running Asterisk 10.8.0, which has the CALLERID() function but no SetCallerID() application.  I've pored over multiple web searches well past the first page and have been unable to find any guidance for how to effectively pass along the callerID from an inbound call to the outbound recipient.  Can anyone here please provide guidance?
20:35.50[TK]D-Fenderbecause you SET the function.
20:36.00[TK]D-Fenderwelcome to functions 101
20:36.14[TK]D-FenderThat application died over half a DECADE ago
20:36.34[TK]D-Fender"how to effectively pass along the callerID from an inbound call to the outbound recipient" <- this is automatic
20:36.44[TK]D-FenderThre is no speicifc step to take
20:36.54[TK]D-Fenderthe only question is where it is getting OVERRIDEN in your scenario
20:37.16*** join/#asterisk flightnut (616823ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:39.16flightnutAnyone heard of a bug with " ' " in the CNAM causing incoming fax's to fail?
20:40.34[TK]D-Fenderflightnut: It doesn't
20:40.58[TK]D-Fenderflightnut: What you posted eariler was an improper escaping in that bash script call
20:41.07*** join/#asterisk guitarHester (
20:41.14[TK]D-Fenderflightnut: You already ID'd the problem and the cause is exactly that obvious and should get fixed
20:41.47[TK]D-Fenderflightnut: This is not an Asterisk problem, it is a FreePBX problem and needs to be fixed there
20:42.49flightnutSorry, that was my first bug that I found and it's been a while and In the mean time. I am trying to figure out a workaround.
20:43.39[TK]D-FenderGo change the code that calls that script then
20:48.51flightnutOkay, here is the code that calls the script exten => h,n,System(${ASTVARLIBDIR}/bin/fax2mail.php --to "${FAX_RX_EMAIL}" --dest "${FROM_DID}" --callerid '${CALLERID(all)}' --file ${ASTSPOOLDIR}/fax/${UNIQUEID}.tif --exten "${FAX_FOR}" --delete "${DELETE_AFTER_SEND}")
20:49.06flightnutFiguring out how to make it ignore the ' is the tricky part
20:50.36[TK]D-Fenderflightnut: "core show function STRREPLACE" <-
20:51.07[TK]D-Fenderflightnut: Pretty easy.
20:52.40flightnutGotcha, thank you.
20:55.31[TK]D-Fenderflightnut: To have this fixed more permanently post another update on your report to bump it, and make a post on the message board for it to get attention
20:57.37flightnutWIll do, which message board are you referring to? (Their forums?)
21:01.17*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-kkpwhuvhnmknzbpv)
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21:09.10hescoThanks [TK]D-Fender:  I'd guess my callerID is being over-ridden by my outbound trunk provider, but I can find nothing in their configuration options which exposes to me control over what it might be.  Guess its time to create a ticket in their support queue.  Thanks for clarifying that.
21:09.34ghost75ChannelZ ?
21:09.44[TK]D-Fenderhesco: So far .. you are simply guessing.  I don't see you looking at any debug to see what's actually happening...
21:23.49*** join/#asterisk guitar_Hester (
21:26.47*** join/#asterisk floren (~floren@unaffiliated/floren)
21:27.35floren[TK]D-Fender: are you busy?
21:28.38florenguys, in the last 3 days i lost endless hours trying to configure my cosco 8961 with asterisk and
21:28.59[TK]D-Fenderyes.  I am currently breathing.  This is likely to pove a very time consuming ordeal....
21:29.21floreni really need your advice with my configurations, i simply cannot figure it
21:29.42[TK]D-FenderI presume that is 7961....
21:29.50florenno, 8961
21:30.14florenthe phone registers, is just the asterisk configs i'm fighting with
21:30.19[TK]D-FenderHrm new model...
21:30.36[TK]D-Fenderfloren: You are spending too long staring at configs.. and not enough at what is actually happening.
21:30.40floreni was able to make outbound calls from the cisco phone
21:30.48florenbut i could not make inbound calls
21:31.11floren[TK]D-Fender: trust me, i stared at the logs too :)
21:31.30florenhi Katty
21:31.48Kattysmiles at floren
21:32.12floren[TK]D-Fender: if you have time, please read my post, you will see that i actually tried to to solve the damn thing
21:32.30[TK]D-FenderShow new debug for the first thing you're looking to fix here...
21:32.50Kattyfender bender, come reorganize my basement
21:33.01Kattyit's an overwhelming mess.
21:33.38floren[TK]D-Fender: i'm trying to make working inbound calls, see this debug log:
21:33.49[TK]D-Fenderfloren:     -- Got SIP response 480 "Temporarily Unavailable (Call limit)" back from <--- you are sending your incoming call from in a LOOP.
21:34.01florenthe problem is: i know my configs are wrong, related to the devices
21:34.10[TK]D-FenderINVITE sip:5143602121@ SIP/2.0
21:34.14ChannelZfloren: well your phone isn't registering so Asterisk doesn't know its IP (and thus can't call it, or match it as a peer for incoming) at least according to your sip show peers
21:34.23[TK]D-FenderCame in targeting :5143602121
21:34.41floren5143602121, that is the did
21:34.57[TK]D-Fenderyes, and it comes in.. and you dial OUT to YOUR OWN PHONE NUMBER
21:35.05[TK]D-Fenderyou are LOOPING
21:35.18[TK]D-FenderYou are clearly not paying attention to where you are sending your calls
21:35.21floreni'm smiling but is not funny. ya i noticed
21:35.31florenthe problem is, i dont know what to chnage into config
21:35.37[TK]D-Fenderyour DIALPLAN
21:35.49[TK]D-Fenderyou pointed your incomcing call into a context that just sends it back out
21:35.53[TK]D-Fenderchange where it goes <-
21:35.58florenexten => 5143602121,1,Answer()
21:35.58ChannelZthe stuff in your 101-voipms should probably really be in 101-cisco and vice-versa
21:35.59floreninclude => 101-voipms
21:36.03florenthis si wrong
21:36.05floreni know it
21:36.08[TK]D-FenderCHANGE IT
21:36.15[TK]D-Fenderyou provider should go to it's own context
21:36.16Penguin[TK]D-Fender: its
21:36.19florenya, i tried that
21:36.26ChannelZthough you need to not just Answer but have it dial your local device.
21:36.28florenlet me do it again and post the debug
21:36.39[TK]D-FenderLooking for 5143602121 in 101-voipms (domain <-
21:36.51[TK]D-Fenderthat context allows it to go out and you are not patying attention to its contents
21:37.56floren[TK]D-Fender: if i would have on hand a real working config, i would understand a lot faster. as the verbal language is confusing even more as i'm not used to asterisk terms
21:38.34florenlet me switch the contexts
21:38.44[TK]D-Fenderthat is a bucket that hold the things that match what is dialed
21:38.54[TK]D-Fenderin there you have something that matches the call coming IN from your provider
21:39.07[TK]D-Fenderand the thing you have in there that matches it... is told to DIAL OUT
21:39.26[TK]D-FenderYou need toseparate what a PHONE can dial, and where calls from your PROVIDER go
21:39.30[TK]D-Fenderthis is 2 DIFFERENT places
21:39.45[TK]D-FenderYou put stuff that dials OUT in the IN BOX
21:41.11floreni have no idea how to do this [TK]D-Fender
21:41.27[TK]D-Fender[makeanothersection] <----
21:41.34florennew extensions.conf:
21:42.03[TK]D-Fenderinclude => 101-voipms <- your context ./... should not INCLUDE ITSELF
21:42.07ChannelZremove your include
21:42.10[TK]D-FenderYou keep trying to make everything talk to itself
21:42.20florenheh :)
21:42.21[TK]D-FenderPOhonnes point to ONE context, your procvider entries point to NAOTHER
21:42.26[TK]D-Fendermake 2 contexts
21:42.30[TK]D-Fenderthey should look NOTHING alike
21:42.34florenChannelZ: ok let me post the new config
21:42.50ChannelZand add   exten => 5143602121,n,Dial(SIP/101)  after the Answer or nothing is going to happen
21:43.37[TK]D-Fendershow us a new call and new dialplan
21:43.48florenone sec :)
21:44.14florenfirst i want to make sure i got right what you guys told me to do, let me post the new config
21:44.30*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
21:44.53[TK]D-Fender[17:43][TK]D-Fendershow us a new call and new dialplan
21:45.39florenis that right?
21:45.59florenif is right, i'll post the call log
21:46.12ChannelZit's completely upside down
21:46.54[TK]D-Fender[101-voipms] <-- this is where you pointied your PROVIDER to.  It has stuff going OUT in there.  This is BAD
21:47.09florenChannelZ: can you edit the code? this is what you mean?
21:47.36[TK]D-Fenderfloren: exten => 5143602121,1,Answer() <-- blengs in the OTHER context
21:47.42[TK]D-FenderYou are breaking your extension patterns up here...
21:48.03floren[TK]D-Fender or ChannelZ: at the bottom of the page you can edit the code. please make me happy :)
21:48.26[TK]D-Fenderfloren: MOVE LINE 14
21:48.32[TK]D-Fender\Guess where...
21:48.36florenChannelZ: ok I'm adding this into config pand post a call trace
21:49.07[TK]D-Fenderfloren: Get rid of [default] entriely, and remove all this "101" junk
21:49.18ChannelZcalls from your provider wind up in [101-voipms] so the extension there handles the incoming call and dials your SIP/101 device.  Calls from your device wind up in [101-cisco] so the extensions THERE are for making outgoing calls.
21:49.28[TK]D-Fenderfloren: EVERYTHING is "101"-something the way you keep wording it and it isn't helping you mentally separate things
21:49.30ChannelZAnd yes I didn't even deal with the default section, it should just go
21:50.03florenone sec, let me crate a separate entry code
21:51.42ChannelZI think this is about to get worse
21:52.07florensip.conf: extensions.conf:
21:52.24florencan you guys please chnage the names to whatever you like so i understand the logic?
21:52.53ChannelZit doesn't matter if we understand it
21:52.54florenbtw, i really apreciate your help
21:52.54ChannelZyou need to
21:53.27florenagreed, but if you do it i will get it rightaway. using a descriptive title will help me, like voip-incoming etc
21:54.39[TK]D-Fenderfloren: you are shoving "101" in EVERY name you have.  IN your templates for a phone, in every context name including the one used by your provider, etc.
21:54.41ChannelZwhat you have will work (I think), it just makes no particular sense to call your context "101-voipms" because 101 has nothing to do with anything.
21:54.51[TK]D-Fenderfloren: ^
21:56.14florenthank you guys. now let post the way i see things go
21:57.03florenthe process is simple: cisco 8961 registers 101 then 101 registers to, that's how i see the communication going
21:57.35ChannelZThe phone on your desk has nothing to do with
21:57.48florenthe phone talks to asterisk only, right?
21:57.55florenthen asterisk talks to teh provider
21:58.11florengreat, at least this i see it right
21:58.16ChannelZand connects calls between the two (if you make it)
21:59.03florennow, [cisco] is a startup point, as I will have 3 lines 101, 102 and 103
21:59.26[TK]D-Fenderdon't call those "lines"
21:59.38[TK]D-Fenderyou may have 3 DEVICES ....
21:59.48floren[101](cisco) is used to handle calls from SIP phone
21:59.57[TK]D-Fendersip phone = device
22:00.04florenaha great
22:00.13[TK]D-Fenderlets get your terminology straightened out right now
22:00.35florenthank you guys, much apreciated :)
22:01.02[TK]D-FenderThere is no reason to have a template for your entry as well.
22:01.10florennow, the [101](cisco) context should be used for calls made FROM
22:01.15florendo i get it right?
22:01.20[TK]D-FenderIt has nothing to do with your phone(s) and should have anything reusable in there anyway
22:01.35[TK]D-Fender[18:00]florennow, the [101](cisco) context should be used for calls made FROM ---> TO
22:01.51floreni see that is what i was missing
22:01.58[TK]D-FenderYou dial TO them.  You get calls FROM them
22:02.13[TK]D-FenderNot understanding in vs out is a bad start
22:02.17*** join/#asterisk guitarHester (
22:02.24florenfantastic, this is so much clearer in my head
22:03.26floren[101](cisco): incomming calls from, outgoing calls to
22:03.51[TK]D-Fenderthat is your PHONE
22:04.12[TK]D-Fenderthat is ONLY to say where to send calls FROM your phone
22:04.24floreni see
22:04.48florenbtw, after al this is done, please give me your paypal so i make a donation, teh beer is on me tonight
22:06.12[TK]D-FenderI still recommend getting rid of your use of templates.
22:06.24ChannelZI hate beer and paypal
22:06.33[TK]D-FenderIt isn't worth the price of confusion to be using those at all.
22:06.41florenyou can buy whatever drinks you enjoy ChannelZ
22:06.53floreni dont mind making a donation, you both deserve it
22:07.03floreni really apreciate it guys
22:07.15ChannelZthanks but I'm fine
22:07.58florennow, i will remove the template usage as you requested
22:13.43florensip.conf: extensions.conf:
22:14.12florensorry wrong link
22:14.15florenone sec
22:14.47floreni think i finally got the logic
22:14.53florenplease say yes :)
22:15.08ChannelZlooking better
22:15.10floreni renamed the contexts to reflect that
22:15.27florenthanks you :)
22:15.40ChannelZLooks like you are understanding the flow more
22:15.53florenya is very clear now, finally
22:16.04floreni understand a lot faster when i see a quick example
22:16.29floreni just chnaged the names to show that i'm not a lunatic heh
22:17.25florennow, i have another question related to var/log/asterisk/messages entry
22:17.41floren[Jul  7 17:41:26] WARNING[3798] chan_sip.c: Subscription failed for MWI. The remote side said that our dialog did not exist.
22:18.06florenmwi =>
22:18.31floren456021 is the voicemail id
22:18.36ChannelZare you wanting to use their voicemail and not your own?
22:19.04florenfor now
22:19.21floreni just need to get the damn line working i'm without the phone for 4 days
22:19.34florenthen i will dig into asterisk slowly and learn everything
22:20.13florenlet me apply the new configs and reload asterisk
22:20.53ChannelZwell I guess I don't know specifically with if they allow that remote subscription or what.  They might do it automatically and send you notices without having to do that, dunno.
22:21.22*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
22:29.26*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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22:36.40floreni still get issues when i dial from my mobile to the DID number. i get the voicemail
22:37.45florencalling from 101 line to outside world does not work also :(
22:38.00florenhours of pleasure with asterisk :)
22:38.12florenat least i got the logic clear into my head
22:38.29ChannelZI think your device is still not registering
22:38.34ChannelZwhat does 'sip show peers' show
22:38.41florenis registered                   N      123456          105 Registered           Sun, 07 Jul 2013 18:38:44
22:39.21ChannelZthat's not your phone
22:39.23florenand the peers...
22:39.26*** join/#asterisk bazman (
22:39.42floren101/101                   (Unspecified)                            D                 0        Unmonitored
22:39.45florenvoipms                                          a             5060     Unmonitored
22:39.49ChannelZsee (Unspecified)
22:40.03ChannelZAsterisk can't call SIP/101 because it doesn't know how.
22:40.07florenshould say i presume
22:40.31ChannelZyou can either assign it that IP statically in sip.conf or config the phone to register properly
22:40.58florenwell, the phone is shows as registered
22:41.08ChannelZit's confused
22:41.18floreni see all the proper info onphone screen
22:41.27ChannelZreboot it and see if it registers
22:41.54floreni can set a static ip into [101]?
22:43.12floreni restarted asterisk service and rebooted the phone... the phone shows as registered
22:43.29florenstill unspecified
22:43.33ChannelZthen it didn't
22:43.35floreni will look into it
22:44.04florenthe way i know the phone is registered is: the screen turns black and the dim light (ON) shows
22:44.19florenif the phone config is wrong, it will say on screen: phone not registered
22:44.31florenit does not, i see my 101 line
22:44.54floreni'll fiddle with the config until i get an ip into peer
22:45.05florenat least i know what to work with
22:45.46ChannelZwhat do you have in the phone config for the server or proxy?
22:46.39florenCALLMANAGER is the way you need to make it work. cannot define actual ip or fqdn
22:46.44floreni'm trying something now
22:47.42ChannelZugh CM is a totally different thing
22:48.04florenif you use an ip, it will not register
22:48.20florencan i define an ip into sip.conf, under [101]?
22:48.43ChannelZyes, host=
22:49.55florenthe host is dynamic
22:50.12ChannelZwhich is why Asterisk doesn't know the IP.
22:50.23floreni can put there an actual ip?
22:50.30ChannelZbecause your (call manager I guess) doesn't register to Asterisk
22:50.34ChannelZyes, that's what I said.
22:51.09florenok now i get an ip
22:51.23floren101/101                                                         5060     Unmonitored
22:51.26florenvoipms                                          a             5060     Unmonitored
22:51.36floren192.168.1.9 is the actual phone ip, static
22:52.13florenasterisk runs on
22:52.20ChannelZbut your phone doesn't actually talk SIP apparently?  It's connecting through call manager?
22:52.26ChannelZI don't know how that shit works
22:52.44florenit is using the call manager
22:53.09*** join/#asterisk guitarHester (
22:53.16floreni logged intoa ctual phone to watch the logs, there is very nice info there showing the communication between the phone and asterisk
22:53.34florencisco did a good job in this area, for debugging purposes
22:53.49florenok teh phone shows as registered and i get an ip
22:55.06floreni can make inbound calls now, calling from my mobile to cisco phone works :D
22:55.21florenbut calling from cisco to mobile does not :(
22:56.23[TK]D-FenderNext... don't say "mobile".  That is not a "thing" here.
22:56.54[TK]D-FenderSo far I see 2 SIP entries.... which represent different things... the word "mobile" is not unique or specifically meaningful in either.
22:57.21florenwell it works partially, for inbound calls. when i call from my mobile phone to cisco phone, i get this:
22:57.32*** join/#asterisk igcewieling1 (
22:59.17florenlet me disable ALG in my router
22:59.22[TK]D-Fender#1 thing to do <-
22:59.23ChannelZwait that makes no sense
23:01.15florendisabled ALG, restarting asterisk service and resetting the phone
23:01.18ChannelZMy understanding is that you phone (device) does NOT speak SIP.  It talks to Call Manager.  Call Manager speaks SIP and is the bridge between your phone and Asterisk.
23:01.46florenit does speak SIP but call manager deals with proxy registration
23:02.03ChannelZthat makes no sense
23:02.20[TK]D-Fenderthis is network issue anyway...
23:02.23florenthere is a patch made by asterisk devs that solve the compatibility issues there are many people now who use this model properly with the patch
23:02.27ChannelZIs Call Manager a separate thing?  (A piece of software running on some other machine, or a black box, or what?)
23:02.28[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <---------
23:02.57floren[TK]D-Fender: asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv
23:03.05florenand sip set debug on
23:03.17floreni always run it like that to help see more
23:03.41ChannelZIn any case it seems like whatever is at isn't listening and doesn't give a shit
23:03.56florenpeers look good, registry also
23:04.07floreni'm placing a call to my DID now, let's see
23:04.42*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
23:07.38florenthis is the call trace:
23:08.22*** join/#asterisk DEMNVT (
23:08.40ChannelZetransmitting #1 (no NAT) to
23:08.52florenwhen i call my DID, it rings once on my 101 device and the call dies.
23:08.55ChannelZAgain: whatever is, isn't listening or doesn't care.
23:09.20ChannelZor your networking is otherwise hosed such that it's not communicating freely.
23:09.25florenChannelZ told me to set the ip, i set the actual cisco ip, not asterisk'd
23:09.47florencisco phone, asterisk
23:10.27ChannelZI don't know what to say with this Call Manager involved because I don't know anything about it.
23:10.47florenthere is something funny, i managed to make outbound calls without issues, using my old config
23:11.04ChannelZMy understanding is that your actual device DOES NOT SPEAK SIP, otherwise CM wouldn't even be in this vocabulary
23:11.27igcewieling1ChannelZ: Call Manager is the Cisco enterprise PBX
23:11.29[TK]D-Fenderfloren: You have spoken about the phone... you have spoken about Asterisk.  You have spoken about
23:11.30florenlet me do this, put in place the old config that allows outbound calls
23:11.45[TK]D-Fenderfloren: where the hell is CISCO CALL MANAGER in this equation?
23:12.12florenCALLMANAGER is a program built into actual phone
23:12.13ChannelZigcewieling1: right.. and it's being a bridge between the device that are presumably speaking Skinny or whatever the hell it's called, and Call Manager is what is actually talking SIP to Asterisk, yes?
23:12.15[TK]D-Fenderfloren: You have not properly described the entire chain here....
23:12.30[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: Sit back and lets just wait for the explanation
23:12.43floren[TK]D-Fender: let me say it again, the proper way:
23:13.43florencisco phones are designed to communicate with CUCM severs ONLY through CM, in other words, CM what makes possible the comm between the CUCM and actual phone
23:13.54florenso the flow is:
23:14.07florenphome > CM > CUCM > CM > phone
23:14.25florennow, the asterisk devs made a patch making possible the flow like that:
23:14.33florenphome > CM > Asterisk > CM > phone
23:14.46ChannelZwhat is this patch now!?
23:15.05LieutPants[ASTERISK-13145] [Status: Open] [patch] Presence subscription on Cisco SIP phone needs special Cisco-styled XML -
23:15.24[TK]D-Fenderthat is one stupid presence patch
23:15.30[TK]D-Fenderthat is no t "can't call without this patch".
23:15.46LieutPants[ASTERISK-13145] [Status: Open] [patch] Presence subscription on Cisco SIP phone needs special Cisco-styled XML -
23:15.53[TK]D-FenderWho cares about presence?
23:15.56[TK]D-Fenderyou are placing CALLS
23:16.02[TK]D-FenderNOT RELATED
23:16.05ChannelZyeah this has nothing to do with anything
23:16.50florenwell, if you read through the notes the only way to get the cisco 89xx and 99xx work and register with asterisk is to apply the patch
23:17.00[TK]D-FenderI don't care how many times it says "cisco" all over it.... you have NO presence set up and there is NO SUBSCRIPTION even going on here.
23:17.02floreni tried first without the patch
23:17.13florenit simply did nto work, the phone was never registering
23:17.21[TK]D-FenderWe can't voice for that.
23:17.24[TK]D-FenderAnyway, lets move on.
23:17.29florenya :)
23:17.34[TK]D-FenderI asked for your CURRENT chain <-
23:17.47[TK]D-Fender[19:14]florenphome > CM > Asterisk > CM > phone <- this is not it
23:18.03[TK]D-FenderYou have a PROVIDER.... and you didn't meantion a SECON CM
23:18.24[TK]D-FenderSo you are giving us hypothetical junk possibilties and not reality
23:18.42florenphone and asterisk server connects to cisco switch/router
23:19.05*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
23:19.10[TK]D-FenderTry drawing that in a proper chain....
23:19.59florenphone > cisco router > asterisk server > cisco router > phone
23:20.44florencisco router assigns static ip's to each hardware
23:21.25florenphone asterisk cisco gateway
23:21.26[TK]D-FenderyNow you aren't being clear on which one(s) are running CCM and which is just being a DUMB ROUTER.
23:21.39[TK]D-FenderDo you understand the word "thorough"?
23:22.06[TK]D-FenderYou are using the word "cisco" for EVERYTHING
23:22.13[TK]D-FenderBe specific about what they are RUNNING
23:22.25[TK]D-FenderAnd how it affects the chain
23:22.49florenis a cisco SA520W security pro router, i cannot be more specific, sorry
23:22.54[TK]D-FenderWHICH ONE?
23:23.02[TK]D-Fenderyou said TWO Cisco routers.
23:23.08[TK]D-FenderI can;'t tell WHICH ONE you are even talking about\
23:23.22florenno, just one router
23:23.38[TK]D-Fender[19:19]florenphone > cisco router > asterisk server > cisco router > phone <-- why do I see the same device TWICE here?
23:23.39florenis the main gateway connecting all my devices
23:23.46[TK]D-FenderI asked for a chain and you show me a LOOP
23:24.09[TK]D-FenderI shouldn't see the same device TWICE
23:24.49floreni could draw a picture if that helps you. the setup is very simple. a gateway has connected all my devices (asterisk server, ip phone, 3 dev servers, etc.)
23:25.11[TK]D-FenderPolycom SIP phone -> dumb switch -> Asterisk -> shitty D-Link Router -> internet -> Voip Provider.
23:25.13[TK]D-FenderTHAT ias a chain
23:25.25[TK]D-Fenderstraight lien, NO repeats
23:26.46florenwell, both sip phone and asterisk server connect to router
23:26.49ChannelZWhat version of the Crisco firmware is your phone running?
23:29.52[TK]D-FenderWhat is CCm actually doing for you?
23:30.32ChannelZThose phones are apparently SIP trainwrecks from everything I'm reading
23:30.44florenregisters the device?
23:30.54[TK]D-FenderHow is this a QUESTION?
23:30.59florendeals with proxy registration
23:31.20[TK]D-FenderIs it some useless piece of junk that is just sitting inthe middle JUST BECAUSE?
23:31.22ChannelZthey apparently only did SIP over TCP until 2011
23:31.39florenya, they switched to upd recently
23:31.52floreni setup the phone with forced udp
23:32.23ChannelZwell apparently it's still not listening correctly, or has a wierd port number, or something..
23:32.49[TK]D-FenderNothing is apparent.  I don't see debug
23:33.44[TK]D-FenderOr do I...
23:33.45ChannelZyou missed it then.. Asterisk tries to INVITE, nothing happens, 5 retransmissions, blah.
23:33.45florenif it helps, i'm going to setup the old config that allowed palcing outbound calls properly
23:33.48[TK]D-Fendersearches back
23:34.18ChannelZ I think
23:34.28florenat least it shows that the phone actually works
23:34.38*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
23:34.50florenif you have time, let me know so i reset everything the way it was before
23:35.07florenso i can post a sip debug
23:35.15florenfor the working part
23:36.07ChannelZwell just pastebin the configs to start, you don't have to actually install them - I'm curious to see what the hell was even there
23:36.38floreni have to redo the configs to match the logic you teached me
23:36.45florenin thsi way we see thinsg clear
23:36.53florennot on 101, 102. etc
23:37.23ChannelZjust sip.conf is all I want to see.
23:37.48ChannelZI don't care what things were called then, you said it worked..
23:38.18ChannelZbut something about the peer config is different
23:40.19florenand extensions.conf was
23:40.48florenthis works to place outbound calls only
23:41.43ChannelZI don't see how.
23:42.24florenlet me post a debug so you see better
23:42.31[TK]D-Fender[19:38]floren <- what is this?  Looks like you undid all the wrok we did
23:42.47ChannelZ[TK]D-Fender: those were his old configs that supposedly worked
23:42.49florenno, i still have the configs you asked in place
23:43.01[TK]D-FenderThen why am I looking at old crap?
23:43.06floreni pasted my previous config that was working only for outbound calls
23:43.07ChannelZI asked to see it
23:43.21florenya ChannelZ asked for
23:43.41[TK]D-FenderYes well that las failure was an INBOUND call from provider
23:43.43ChannelZand I think "worked" is a stretch.  It might have done *something* but I don't see how it could possibly work.
23:44.11floreni see
23:44.13ChannelZYour two peers have the same hostname/IP, so [voipms] and [101] are the same thing.
23:44.19[TK]D-Fenderprovider -> * -> Cisco
23:44.26ChannelZSo I don't know how your actual phone ever did ANYTHING.
23:44.28floreni understand
23:44.32[TK]D-Fenderthat was not a call OUT from cisco, that was IN towards Cisco
23:44.54[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: that PB you asked for was while he was splitting templates up
23:45.34florencan i redo teh config based on what you tought me and see if it works for outbound calls?
23:45.47floreni really like to show you the debug log
23:45.51ChannelZWell I asked for the config that supposedly "worked before" but I guess that was a dumb thing to ask for, because if it EVER worked, we wouldn't have been having this conversation for the last 2 hours :)
23:47.38ChannelZWhen you say it "worked for outbound calls", you're saying you actually picked up the handset on this Cisco device sitting on your desk, dialed a number, and Astierk lit up and placed the call out through your provider, and the call connected and functioned??
23:48.02floreni was calling different land lines and talked for over 15min to test it
23:50.04ChannelZI see now.
23:50.42ChannelZYour phone sent a totally unauthenticated call to Asterisk which it accepted, sent into the [default] context, which in your old dialplan included all your other extensions, which allowed it to dial back out.
23:51.56ChannelZYour phone wasn't ever _really_ connected to Asterisk in a proper way.  Now that we have your configs sorted out and making what is normal sense, your device is crippled because it's never really ever been right.
23:52.12floreni see
23:53.05ChannelZWhat happens if you try to dial OUT from that phone right now?
23:53.17florennothing it sits there doing nothing
23:53.43floreni hear a dial tone after the number is composed and it sits there
23:53.43ChannelZyou see *nothing* on the asterisk console?
23:53.59floreni could log into actual phone
23:54.01ChannelZthen the phone is screwed up
23:54.15florenso i see what it shows there, they have output similar to asterisk console
23:54.24ChannelZit's either sending its traffic to completely the wrong place, or nowhere at all, or not SIP, or... who knows

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