IRC log for #asterisk on 20130704

00:26.11*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:26.11*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.4.0 (2013/05/17), 10.12.2 (2013/03/27), (2013/05/17), DAHDI-linux 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), DAHDI-tools 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
00:50.40*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
01:19.41*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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01:56.30radenIs there a cheap way to make a PA speaker for Asterisk ?
01:56.41radenlike hacka pap2t ?
01:59.53ChannelZprobably could
02:00.41ChannelZI'm surprised someone hasn't made a little embedded SIP device with a giant speaker on it.  Or maybe one exists and I've just never heard of it
02:03.35WIMPyDoesn't Snom do one?
02:04.02WIMPyAnyway, chan_alsa works pretty well for that.
02:06.24ChannelZHuh. Snom PA1
02:06.47ChannelZSee it on the YouTubes:
02:09.43*** join/#asterisk hebber (
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03:28.33*** join/#asterisk fulcan (brads@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe69:d32e)
03:28.53fulcananyone know a decent sms gateway?
03:32.59*** join/#asterisk brainiac (
03:34.43ChannelZsome itsps offer it
03:35.54ChannelZI know vitelity does
03:36.19*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
03:36.48igcewielingWeezey: I mean Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is '${HANGUPCAUSE}') after the Dial.
03:39.35*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
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03:51.37fulcanChannelZ vitality support asterisk sip sms?
03:56.01ChannelZI tried it once, I think I have it on my account in some capacity
03:58.12*** join/#asterisk mquin (~mquin@freenode/staff/mquin)
04:00.21fulcanChannelZ and it's two way?
04:02.13ChannelZfrom what I remember. It's XMPP based
04:02.23ChannelZlet me see if I can get it to work again
04:04.29ChannelZit's "for person-to-person communication only", automation is frowned upon
04:04.46fulcanChannelZ I am looking for sample sip.conf, I don't seem to see one. and chance you could show me what the provisioning looks like with them?
04:05.22ChannelZoh great now my gtalk is all fucked up
04:05.35ChannelZIt's done via XMPP, not SIP
04:09.16fulcanChannelZ I have a Python script that already knows how to looks for a new message in the asterisk /var/spool log and send via db. how difficult is it to morph to xmpp?
04:11.10ChannelZwell I suppose that depends
04:11.24fulcanI didn't know asterisk supported xmpp  :)
04:11.58ChannelZThere might be some Python library which could do it directly.. otherwise it's a dialplan app
04:14.19fulcanfor me, the hardest part is passing the first message, after that, I can code my why out of anything. Do you have a link to the asterisk xmpp provisioning for vitelity?
04:16.35fulcanIt appears from for domestic us sms with just a phone number? (later it refers to a sms charge but it specifically states free above?)
04:16.58fulcanvery very interesting.
04:18.58fulcanChannelZ thank you very much! that's always the most difficult is figuring out that.
04:19.11ChannelZthen incoming messages will come into the dialplan and can be looked at with ${MESSAGE(from)} and ${MESSAGE(body)}
04:19.37ChannelZand you can send with JabberSend(vitelity,phonenumber@sms,your message here)
04:20.51fulcanthank you my friend. you just saved me a few hours.
04:21.25ChannelZthey also have an email gateway
04:21.41ChannelZmight be easier
04:22.06*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
04:22.29ChannelZand there's this:
04:22.55*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
04:22.59fulcanas long as asterisk does it's job of sending, recieving and stuffing it in /var/spool~ , I'm a happy camper.  :)
04:26.46fulcanxmppy doesn't seem to have much support for receiving sms?
04:28.11fulcanlooks like asterisk is still the best solution... xmppy is very interesting though.
04:29.28*** join/#asterisk peetaur2 (
04:30.46ChannelZwell presumably it can with all those bot scripts, but I imagine you have to have a persistently running app that sits there listening
04:30.48*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:32.46fulcanChannelZ yup yup, always on the go. that's why having a queue already built, makes life a lot easier. Just plug in asterisk and you're done. Did it with anveo once already, but just to test. they are expensive.
04:33.02*** join/#asterisk peter (
04:34.14fulcanyou can do all kinds of neat tricks with an automated 'reply' sms message going into a db.
04:34.40*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
04:35.31ChannelZdon't get busted
04:36.27fulcanChannelZ I looked at their tos, they don't mention scripting and having replies is a lot less shady.  :)
04:37.03fulcanjust throttle to be safe  :)
05:02.41*** part/#asterisk fulcan (brads@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe69:d32e)
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06:56.57firtinahi all
06:58.54firtinai created a file agents_test.conf and queues_test.conf, should i include these files inside default queues.conf file?
06:59.41firtinaor should i first include agents_test.conf inside queues_test.conf. Then include queues_test inside default queues.conf?
07:01.06firtinaslaps ChanServ around a bit with a large trout
07:11.15Changostrout :o~~~
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07:27.23pietroCan Asterisk sends generate RTCP reports ?
07:33.39*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:20.04*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
08:21.02hrolfCan we do SIP Transfer from inside an AGI (FastAGI to be specific) ?
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08:37.05ChannelZwith EXEC calling the Transfer app I'd assume so
09:01.45*** join/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
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09:03.19catphishwhen callerid(pres) is set to hidden, does asterisk still send the callerid on to sip peers?
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09:38.59kaldemarcatphish: sure. as far as i know "hidden" is not a valid value for presentation.
09:39.21catphishkaldemar: i mean CALLERID(num-pres)=prohib
09:39.30*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:40.25catphishthe issue i'm having is that after setting that, and sending the call to a second asterisk instance, the second instance doesn't return a value for CALLERID(num)
09:40.38catphishshould i be using a different function to read the "hidden" callerid?
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09:43.55kaldemarcatphish: it does not send the caller id.
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09:46.33catphishah, i think it relates to the sendrpid and trustrpid options
09:47.07kaldemarcatphish: it is sent in the Remote-Party-ID header if you have sendrpid=yes in sip.conf.
09:47.16catphishthat will work for me i think
09:47.33catphishhow would i then read it? just manually from the sip headers?
09:47.58kaldemaruse func SIP_HEADER for that
09:48.56*** join/#asterisk mceier (
09:51.16catphishkaldemar: thanks, Remote-Party-ID is present so that should work fine :)
09:51.41kaldemaryou're welcome.
09:52.24mceierhi, is it possible to setup asterisk to use voice modem over serial port and AT command set ? was it implemented by chan_modem which I think is now obsolete ?
09:53.40kaldemarmceier: save yourself from a lot of trouble and use something else.
09:54.31mceieryou mean not asterisk, or not voice modem ?
09:56.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
09:59.09mceierif I should use something else, is it something else than asterisk or something else than voice modem ?
09:59.26kaldemarmceier: modem
09:59.40mceierok ;)
10:00.17kaldemarare you looking to connect an asterisk box to a POTS line or just looking to have any PSTN connectivity?
10:01.53mceierI want to receive faxes, and voice calls and forward them to some SIP phones
10:02.08mceierI have POTS line, and voice modem
10:04.27mceierI thought that asterisk would allow me to do that, but it seems it doesn't support voice modems
10:04.44mceieron serial port
10:05.33mceierso instead I should get FXO card, right ?
10:05.40mceieror FXS
10:05.52kaldemarif you insist on using the POTS line, get some hardware with an FXO port. either a card in your box or a gateway. you might have better luck with faxed with the former.
10:06.00kaldemarFXO is for lines, FXS is for phones.
10:06.14mceierok ;)
10:06.14kaldemaryou might want to do some reading on the basics in this:
10:06.18infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
10:07.02mceierthanks :)
10:08.19*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
10:11.28*** join/#asterisk firtina (~kamanato@
10:11.55firtinacould someone help me?
10:14.49catphishapparently not
10:15.37*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
10:15.39*** join/#asterisk firtina (~kamanato@
10:15.52firtinahow can we log an agent into a queue?
10:28.39firtinathanks, iam looking now
10:35.07*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
10:35.20hrolfChannelZ: Just checked, nope it doesn't transfers.
10:35.46hrolfChannelZ: I did Exec Transfer(SIP/786) from FastAGI
10:36.06hrolfChannelZ: The command appeared in Asterisk console, but as soon as I returned from the FastAGI, the call dropped.
10:38.18firtinakaldemar: when i want to add a channel to queue, i got SIP/6489@ (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
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10:42.26*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
10:42.29Tujuis there some documentation about those cisco java based phones and their crappy 5060-src-port handling?
10:43.03hrolfWhen I do Transfer to a SIP peer from FastAGI, then the transfer doesn't happen, can anyone tell why?
10:43.15hrolfAs soon as I return from the FastAGI, then the call is dropped.
10:53.24*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
10:53.53Ice_StrikeWhere can I buy second hand polycom 430? No luck on ebay :/ I need about 10.
10:54.58catphishebay seems the obvious answer :( otherwise rather depends where you are
10:56.38Ice_StrikeAny good phone similar to polycom 430?
10:56.46Ice_Strikesame company ofcourse
10:56.50Ice_Strikewell affforable phone.
10:57.11hrolfAny ideas?
10:57.15catphisheww that phone is incredibly ugly
10:57.23catphishany particular reason you want them?
10:57.50Ice_StrikeWell we always have that model at work.
10:57.57Ice_StrikeWhich do you recommend?
10:58.37catphishwell linksys (cisco) are very popular, we use yealink because they're cheap and work well
10:58.59firtinacan we specify a strategy in agents.conf?
10:59.23Ice_Strikecatphish what model?
10:59.52catphishcisco SPA or yealink, any model depending how much you want to spend
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11:31.56hrolfI call from a SIP peer, then do Answer(), afterwards, Playback() a file and do Transfer(SIP/786), but the call drops. Why?
11:32.12*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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11:35.27firtinahow can we add member to agents.conf without CLI commands?
11:39.17hrolfI call from a SIP peer, then do Answer(), afterwards, Playback() a file and do Transfer(SIP/786), but the call drops. Why?
11:40.23filewhat are you trying to achieve?
11:42.13*** join/#asterisk zapphir (~zapphir@
11:42.58zapphirHi, anyone with experience in WebRTC and Asterisk?
11:43.42firtinahrolf why don't you Dial(SIP/786) after playback?
11:44.40*** join/#asterisk Thesulac (~Thesulac@
11:45.40zapphir@file: I am using Asterisk and Chrome with SIPML5 to make audio calls. It works great. But I need a way to detect if the browser is closed, or the tab is closed or the websocket goes down. Sometimes Asterisk catches this and executes a Hangup, but most of the time the call continues for the person making the call to chrome.
11:45.50hrolffirtina: Why is Transfer not working?
11:47.07*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
11:48.09zapphir@file: Sometimes I see "Websocket disconnected" in asterisk console, but it is not consistent. Would SIP presence a way to detect when chrome closes down?
11:48.33filewell there's rtptimeout so you know if the RTP stream stops, and session timers but I doubt sipml5 implements it
11:48.49filehrolf, my comment about Transfer was directed to you as was the question
11:48.55jhlavacekHello, my Asterisk forwards SIP requests with Max-Forwards values 1 or 0, although the RFC says it should be rejected with Too Many Hops. Please, is there any special configuration to do? Event with debug enabled version all I have in the debug logs is Invite parsing, nothing about Max-Forwards (Asterisk 11, chan_sip.c:26593)
11:50.26hrolffile: What I want to do is, that receive a call, run the IVR (FastAGI) and then do Transfer. The reason I'm doing Transfer is that I want my FastAGI connection to be released.
11:51.00fileTransfer doesn't do what you think it does/want it to
11:51.07hrolffile: When I do Dial, then the Dial application doesn't return until either the agent or caller disconnects.
11:51.26hrolffile: which blocks my FastAGI connection.
11:51.40hrolffile: So what should I do so that?
11:52.01fileI haven't used FastAGI
11:52.51hrolffile: Can you tell why a simple: Answer() -> Playback(..) -> Transfer(..) doens't work?
11:52.59*** join/#asterisk TSM (
11:53.13fileit does work, it just doesn't do what you think it does and you are using it incorrectly
11:53.29fileit tells the remote device (like SIP phone) to contact the provided target directly, not going through Asterisk
11:54.20filesince SIP/786 is not a properly formatted SIP URI it doesn't do anything
11:55.05hrolffile: then how should I write "SIP/786"? SIP/786 is on the same asterisk server.
11:55.22fileyou can't
11:55.43filethat would be a REFER back into itself and chan_sip would likely get confused
11:56.14filewhat you want to do is exit FastAGI and execute additional dialplan logic, as I have not used FastAGI I can't tell you how to do that
11:57.02firtinamay it be related to a context issue ? i.e SIP/786@context
11:57.14*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@2001:980:5e31:1:94e6:367c:6e95:9610)
11:57.48filejhlavacek, Asterisk doesn't forward SIP requests REALLY... each leg is independent so much SIP specific stuff doesn't get carried over... what you can probably do though is write some dialplan logic which enforces that if you so wish by using SIP_HEADER to get the value and rejecting using Hangup()
11:58.01fileI think that's what Mark did at a SIPit...
11:59.40firtinai want to add a dynamic queue member? how can i add? And is agent.conf outdated?
12:00.44jhlavacekfile: right, asterisk acts like a B2BUA and I have a dialplan for Max-Forward propagation, but I hesitate to open a bug for the problem of processing requests with Max-Forwards=1 or 0, even a B2BUA should reject I think
12:01.24jhlavacekthere's even a code checking it in chan_sip
12:02.02filethere's some for message handling cause it forwards headers on
12:02.22fileyou can file an issue if you wish, I just wouldn't expect it to get touched anytime soon
12:04.05filefirtina, *agents.conf* configures chan_agent, I don't think an "agent.conf" has ever existed and as for adding... do you mean to a queue in app_queue?
12:05.15hrolffile: Okay, let's say I exit FastAGI, should then I use Transfer or Dial?
12:06.18firtinaactually i did'nt understand how to use agents.conf and how to relate it to queues.conf. I define an agent in agents.conf like this, agent => 3101,3101,operator
12:06.56hrolffile: and if the person I'm Dialing to is on another PBX and my asterisk server has received the call from that PBX, then Dial will still use one channel of mine right?
12:06.58zapphir@file: rtptimeout worked like a charm with webrtc! thanks!
12:06.58firtinabut queues.conf side is dark
12:07.13filehrolf, yes the call will go through Asterisk
12:07.42jhlavacekfile: thanks, ok, I'll use my dialplan and I'll wait for the pjsip
12:07.45fileunless you are in a position to use direct media
12:07.56filethen media would go directly while signaling continues through Asterisk
12:09.10firtinafile: how can i use password that i use when i create an agent. agent => 3101,passw,operator
12:10.10filechan_agent is a combination application and channel driver which allows agents to log in and wait to be called, the process of logging in requires a password - that is what it is for
12:10.26firtinathen what is the relationship beetween queues.conf and agents.conf?
12:10.31fileapp_queue can have Agents as queue members
12:10.43firtinashould i create a queue and then pass this agents to this queue as member?
12:11.02filethe difference being that instead of an agent being off the phone and having to ring the phone a caller to the queue is immediately connected to an agent waiting on the phone
12:11.04fileyou can
12:11.21*** join/#asterisk afournier (
12:11.30fileit's up to you to figure out how you want to deploy
12:11.34fileand now I go to grab a bus
12:12.24firtinafile thanks a alot
12:13.57*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
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12:14.47hrolffile: If I want not to use Asterisk, then I'll have to Transfer right?
12:15.48fileYes but you can only transfer to an explicit SIP URI
12:15.52fileNot a dial string
12:16.26fileAnd what the remote side does depends on them
12:17.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:19.46hrolffile: We are doing SIP trunking (Asterisk and a PBX), receive call from that SIP trunk, we run our IVR (FastAGI) and then now want to transfer to an agent (SIP) on that PBX. Would I have to do something like Transfer(SIP/myTrunk/target) ?
12:20.20hrolffile: the person to transfer to is on the PBX and we receive the call from the PBX using SIP trunking
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12:21.04hrolffile: how would then my SIP URI look like? Let's assume, if I want to transfer to SIP peer "100" on the PBX??
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12:26.06fileYou can't think in dial strings or peers.
12:26.36filesip:100@host would transfer to user 100
12:26.45riddleboxdo you guys sell/install switchvox at all?
12:27.35fileIf the other side is Asterisk it would treat that as a phone blind transferring to extension 100, which if its context has access to would then execute dial plan logic
12:28.06fileAnd the call would no longer be going through the box that executed Transfer, at all
12:28.50*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:29.00riddleboxI have a side job that switchvox would be perfect for but I do not think they will want to pay for the licenses every year...are the license needed for upgrades,and tech support? Or do you need them to continue using the product?
12:29.49fileSalesy questions! Scary.
12:30.31riddleboxyeah..the systems I have put in so far have always just been a few phones for insurance companies(for a friend)
12:31.28fileIf no one here knows I'd give sales a shout tomorrow
12:32.23riddlebox@file I have been told that the main company I work for is discussing using Asterisk...28k employees and about 13k in one area
12:34.13*** join/#asterisk threesome (
12:34.36fileI'm sure I could make an AT&T joke with that... More Asterisk, more places!
12:36.43riddleboxyeah I am trying to fathom how we could achieve it..we have alot of analog stations..which would be gateways of course...but can you do multiple asterisk servers and administer them from one main server? I know we would need openser unless something better came out
12:37.18riddleboxI have been working on Avaya/Nortel/Cisco exclusively for the last 2 years and have not been keeping up with Asterisk development
12:37.39fileThat's more of a layer on top of Asterisk
12:38.36file(Management like that)
12:39.00*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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12:43.11riddleboxI hope our communications driving force looks into it more, since I am the only one on our Voice Services team that has any Asterisk experience I am sure I would be one of the first to digium training...
12:44.45fileWould you be DCAP-itated?
12:45.25riddleboxhaha I hope so
12:46.05riddleboxspeaking of that my home asterisk server is down..need to get it going again
12:46.42*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
12:46.51firtinafile: if i paste my configuration text here, could you look?
12:47.00riddleboxmaybe I will throw asterisknow on that still going strong?
12:47.06fileI've been using trunk whilst working on 12, its been stable for me... Quite happy
12:47.19fileAsteriskNOW is still around yup
12:47.39fileI am on my cellphone. My screen real estate is not large.
12:48.23riddleboxI told my wife if I could get a job with Digium we would be moving to Alabama..seems like a cool company to work for
12:48.36riddleboxmaybe get a ride on Mark's jet...
12:49.37pouyouhi, is there anyone familiar with app_jack ?
12:49.40fileCheck our page for openings, I know we have a few
12:50.01riddleboxthe digium site is a bit slow for me right now not sure whats going on
12:50.20riddleboxfile: do you guys get to run linux on your laptop/desktops?
12:51.23fileWe can run what we want
12:51.41fileI run Windows, some run OSX, others Linux
12:51.55riddleboxnice...everything I work on is based on linux and I am forced to run windows 7 with no permissions to do anything
12:53.30firtina could you please look at my config files, where am i wrong?
12:55.03fileWhat is the problem?
12:56.21firtinai get app_queue.c:5915 queue_exec: Unable to join queue 'my_queue'
12:57.23[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: "queue show" <- PASTEBIN
12:57.32GreenlightDo you have "my_queue" configured in queues.conf ?
12:57.49fileAnd is an agent available to take the call?
12:58.11firtinaagents are available
12:58.18*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (
12:58.28firtinabut when i look queue status NO members No Callers
12:58.44firtinawithin CLI: queue show
12:58.56*** part/#asterisk fischli (
12:59.29[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: I see no code to LOG IN your memebers
12:59.48[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: "joinempty=no" <--- no members = no joining the queue
12:59.56[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: They have to be there.
13:00.04firtinaok i am adding
13:01.25firtinanow i hear music but nothing happens
13:01.48firtinai could not add agent's to queue i think
13:02.27pouyoutrying again :P : anyone familiar with app_julius and/or app_jack ?
13:02.55firtinawhen i write on CLI this => add queue member SIP/3100 to agents it works correctly
13:03.32firtinaproblem is probably adding this in extensions.conf or queues.conf
13:04.57riddleboxpouyou let me look at it, what is your question?
13:05.04[TK]D-Fenderchan_agent is dead....
13:05.30firtinaso what do you suggest?
13:05.51fileI would suggest doing some more reading firtina... You don't understand the queueing and agents and how it all fits together
13:05.54[TK]D-Fenderusing SIP... or local channels, or whatever.
13:06.04riddleboxpouyou ohh app_jack brings jack audio into Asterisk ok..soo whats your question?
13:06.07fileAnd chan_agent still serves a purpose
13:06.21pouyoubasically I'm building a processing queue which intends to do the following : calling a number, getting connected, pushing raw sound to julius to get some speech to text, which then gets interpreted and pushing back an answer to the channel
13:06.24[TK]D-FenderIf you want them to log in, use AddQueueMember / RemoveQueueMember, etc
13:06.42firtinain extensions.conf right?
13:06.44*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
13:06.53[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: Yes
13:06.56pouyouthing is, I do not seem to be able to make jack work or missing something obviously
13:07.16firtina[TK]D-Fender im trying now
13:07.19riddleboxpouyou what do you see in verbose mode?
13:08.03riddleboxpouyou if this ends up calling me and tries to get some kind of loan I will not be happy... ;)
13:08.25firtinafile i am already reading asterisk definite guide and searching on internet but there is no accurate information
13:08.29pouyoudon't worry, not trying to make you sign up for anything :P
13:08.59fileThe definitive guide is accurate
13:09.17riddleboxgot a robo dial from an asterisk box the other day and the person on the other end said I had signed up to get a loan online..
13:10.08riddleboxpouyou, do you see any error messages when the stream is trying to play? I have never needed to mess with jack so that part I am not familiar with
13:10.19pouyoujust a sec, trying to get things working again
13:10.33[TK]D-Fender[09:08]firtinafile i am already reading asterisk definite guide and searching on internet but there is no accurate information <- that book is fairly accurate as is the Asterisk official WIKI.
13:10.54fileWhat it may not tell you is how to built a call center
13:11.57fileThere is nothing quite like getting robocalled my something you helped code
13:12.04fileOr by
13:13.27pouyougot to debug a few things, it seems i'm not able to register anymore
13:13.28*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~sgimeno@
13:13.41pouyoubare with me, definitely sorry, it was working a while ago
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13:16.42riddleboxfile: I know right...
13:18.03pouyoui end up having this : NOTICE[3165]: app_jack.c:187 log_jack_status: Client Open Status: Failure, Server Failed
13:18.18pouyouso i guessed the jack server needed to be set up first
13:19.15pouyoulaunching qjackctl
13:19.26pouyouthings seem to be ok on jack side
13:20.06pouyouand end up with this now : app_jack.c:187 log_jack_status: Client Open Status: Failure, Server Error
13:20.44pouyoui end up having this in my jack log though
13:20.49pouyou(which I just noticed)
13:20.51pouyouCannot write socket fd = 11 err = Broken pipe
13:20.52pouyouCannot read socket fd = 11 err = Broken pipe
13:20.52pouyouCould not read result type = 7
13:21.18pouyouso there might be my issue :P
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13:32.58hrolffile: I tried this.
13:33.23hrolffile: Set up two Asterisk servers. Called server A to server B using SIP trunk.
13:33.35hrolffile: Playback on server B.
13:33.52hrolffile: Then Transfer(sip:100@serverA IP address)
13:33.59hrolffile: Didn't work.
13:39.13riddleboxman I see alot of cudatel commercials on the net lately
13:40.07*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
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13:46.37fileWhat happened?
13:46.59fileDid a REFER get sent? What does the logging on both sides say?
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13:55.53hrolffile: Transfer(SIP/any extension on the Server A) worked.
13:56.44hrolffile: Now, although it is working, I'm confused. Can you please explain why this is working?
13:56.51hrolffile: I'm using Asterisk 1.6.
13:57.02fileOh I don't know that old code
13:57.24fileNot off the top of my head
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13:59.00fileIt might be stripping out the SIP/ and constructing a SIP URI using the IP address within the dialog and the user you specified
13:59.20hrolffile: You mean, this shouldn't work on newer versions of Asterisk?
13:59.48fileUnknown. I'd have to try or read the code.
14:00.52fileAnd as I am presently on my cellphone both are unlikely to occur.
14:02.12hrolffile: Okay, thanks. No problem. We'll see this sometime later.
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15:19.18g41nhi all
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15:51.50jmlsafternoon all
15:52.17jmlshas anyone used / played with the sangoma lyra amd system ?
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17:09.59firtinaexten => s,1,Answer()
17:10.44firtinacould you please tell me why this operates wrong ?
17:10.55*** join/#asterisk Zopieux (
17:11.02Zopieuxhello there
17:11.07[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: PASTEBIN <-
17:11.12[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: Do not flood in here...
17:11.25[TK]D-Fendershow us the code... AND the call.
17:11.27firtinaoke, next time i will
17:11.39[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: For all we know what you showed us here isn't even being called.
17:11.44Zopieuxi don't understand why my asterisk logs do not contain lines of when it's receiving calls (from SIP)
17:12.07[TK]D-Fender[13:09]firtinasame => n, GotoIf($[Caller="SIP/3301"]?allow,deny) <- wrong use of Caller variable
17:12.15[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: You are not referncing its value
17:12.27Zopieuxthere is a flood of "call was rejected because no rule blabla" but no trace of accepted incoming calls
17:12.58[TK]D-FenderZopieux: Because that is reporting ERRORS.  No news is good news
17:12.58Zopieuxis there a way to log these without setting log level to something too disk-space heavy?
17:13.08firtinayou mean i should change Caller to -> ${Caller}
17:13.14[TK]D-FenderAnd no.. if you want full details it is going to get very heavy
17:13.41[TK]D-FenderFiRFor starters,.. next every character in a test like = has to match.  this means quotes are LITERAL
17:13.45[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: ^
17:13.52[TK]D-Fenderfirtina: And you have to have them on BOTH sides
17:14.36firtinathanks i am trying, and i will inform you if it is succeeded or not
17:21.45firtinaGotoIf( $[ ${Caller} = ${"SIP/3101"} ]?allow,deny ) -> wrong // normally there is no space between them, i put for readability
17:22.08[TK]D-Fender${"SIP/3101"} <- this is NOT a variable.
17:22.19infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
17:23.17firtinai can't find a better teacher than you :D when i ask a question, you answer immediately thanks
17:23.26[TK]D-Fender${SOMEVAR} will return the VALUE it holds.  This trying does not have quotes IN it.
17:24.05[TK]D-Fender$["${var}" = "123"]
17:24.31[TK]D-Fender${var} gets replaced by the valuew it holds.  then each side has "" around it
17:24.57[TK]D-Fenderbecause : 123 = "123" does not qork
17:25.57firtinahehe it works, thank you very much
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18:31.27florenhi everyone
18:32.02floreni was wondering if anyone on the channel is using the cisco 99x1 with asterisk and
18:32.26floreni created a set of centos6 x86_64 rpm's with garreth's patch
18:32.50floreni just have a bit of trouble setting the outbound calls with, inbound calls work properly
18:35.33[TK]D-FenderWe have no idea what patch you're referring to or how that impacts anything.  As for your call failing... you should probably be showing us that call debug from * CLI/.  that means SIP DEBUG included.
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18:56.05CuznerHey, if I do a "restart when convinient" how do I query for this status?
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19:00.38floren[TK]D-Fender: sorry i was away
19:01.05florentake a look at this please, placing a call from Cisco phone to normal telephone land line:
19:01.20florenplacing a call from telephone land line to Cisco phone (call dropped):
19:01.48florenthe phone patch is made by a asterisk developer:
19:01.49LieutPants[ASTERISK-13145] [Status: Open] [patch] Presence subscription on Cisco SIP phone needs special Cisco-styled XML -
19:02.25floreni have no idea why the call is dropped
19:02.41florenas the packets arrive but they get killed
19:03.22[TK]D-Fenderfloren: INVITE SIP/2.0 Contact: <sip:145602@>
19:03.28*** join/#asterisk classix (
19:03.29[TK]D-Fenderfloren: Your NAT settings are all wrong.
19:03.42florenya that is my issue
19:03.44[TK]D-Fenderwell.. not ALL perhaps.. but THIS part, yes
19:03.51[TK]D-FenderYou didn't not properly inform * of your WAN IP.
19:03.53floreni have no idea how to solve this [TK]D-Fender
19:04.02floreni only used asterisk for 3 days :D
19:04.17florenso far the easiest way was to build the centos rpm's :)
19:04.40floreni meant the easiest "thing", im on the learning curve
19:05.08floreni read a lot of documentation but still i cannot figure it
19:05.27[TK]D-Fenderexternhost, localnet, directmedia <--- set them appropriately in [general]
19:05.49floreni see i have none of those set in general :)
19:07.54florenmy sip.conf now:
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19:08.52floreni'mgoing to read the documentation on externhost, localnet, directmedia
19:09.06florenthanks [TK]D-Fender much apreciated
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19:10.05[TK]D-Fenderfloren: your phone shoudl not be based on your peer for either...
19:10.17florencan i use externip instead of externhost? i have a static ip
19:10.34[TK]D-Fenderfloren: IIRC externhost can be an IP...
19:10.38[TK]D-Fenderand is the current field to use
19:10.53floren[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by: my phone should not be based on
19:11.08floreni apologize for the lack of knowledge :)
19:11.12[TK]D-Fenderfloren: the template you're using qwith 101
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19:11.44florenwell for now i just want to get it working, do you recommend a diff approach?
19:11.54floreni know the basic demo works
19:12.10florenbut ultimatelly i wanted to use asterisk patched so i can use the cisco phone
19:12.41florenit is the only way those cisco phone models become registered, they are very picky
19:13.04florenconfiguring everything directly into phone simply does not work
19:13.27[TK]D-FenderYou do not need to patch asterisk and that one is starting 2008....
19:14.09florenwell the patch is related to certain cieco features that are missing in asterisk, like call parking etc
19:14.34floreni could turn it off easy with use_callmanager = no
19:14.36[TK]D-Fender* has call parking
19:14.42[TK]D-FenderSince at least a decade
19:14.42floreni see
19:14.52[TK]D-FenderStop looking for bad news.
19:14.59floreni unserstand
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19:16.04florenso i will follow your suggestion and start with the 3 settings you mentioned
19:17.10florenin my case, exterhost will be my nat address, i.e, localnet and directmedia... i'm reading on it now
19:18.24floreni see canreinvite is now directmedia, does it still uses the same values?
19:19.43[TK]D-Fendernot entirely.
19:20.19florenin my case i guess i need to set the directmedia = outgoing?
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19:38.03igcewielingThe Book may be helpful.
19:38.05infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:39.57floren_it looks better imo, after implementing your settings
19:40.33floren_i still get dropped calls :(
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20:06.06[TK]D-Fenderfloren: I see you answering the calll... and deliberately hanging up as your next step...
20:06.36[TK]D-Fenderand [101] should not be your peer to"
20:06.47[TK]D-Fenderyou should give it a proper name and undo your use of templates.
20:07.20[TK]D-FenderITSp peers should be the least like anything else.... best to do these things explicitly
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20:27.25[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
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20:50.29littlepichurrisDoes any body here know a spanish channel about asterisk ?
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20:52.14s-hellhello everyone
20:52.58s-helljust a short questions: I'm running asterisk 1.8 behind a firewall
20:53.42s-hellwith nat=yes everything works fine but with nat=force_rport,comedia i can't connect to my sipgatetrunk
20:54.53s-hellanyone knows somethin about this?
21:01.56*** join/#asterisk Jinxed- (536f6c82@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:03.55Jinxed-So, I have some sip devices which auto answer when called however they have no physical buttons so they can't actually hang up a call etc. I was wondering if it would be possible to set up a dial peer which would create a conference or something in which it dials a series of these devices (which will all auto answer) and then hang up the call effectively leaving the users of those devices in a conference.
21:04.11Jinxed-Then the user could dial a different number to kick everyone out of the conference, or destroy it in some way
21:05.26WIMPyA case for originate in its various forms.
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21:12.27Jinxed-WIMPy: do you have any links by chance on originate
21:12.43Jinxed-a quick search of "the definative guide" didn't bring up anything too useful
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21:14.40WIMPycore showapplication originate
21:14.45WIMPy+" "
21:15.16s-hellno one knows anything to my nat problem?
21:16.35WIMPys-hell: The was something about th new settings not having the same effect. Don't know if that's still the case. Try to look for it of
21:16.57s-hellWIMPy: Ok, thanks
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21:18.39s-hellWIMPy: Ha, that was easy:
21:18.40LieutPants[ASTERISK-20674] [Status: Closed] nat=force_rport,comedia does not behave the same as nat=yes -
21:20.09Jinxed-WIMPy: not super familar but what I can see, I should be able to setup a meetme conference number, use the Answer Application, wait a second then trasnfer the call to the conference
21:20.26Jinxed-meetme conferences appear to have admin capabilities (still looking into)
21:21.33WIMPyYou can actually directly originate to the conference.
21:23.04[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: if they enter an admin pin... then they are an admin.  If you tell the app they are an admin... then they are an admin
21:23.11WIMPyIf you have at least Asterisk 10 you shoudl look at ConfBridge.
21:23.13[TK]D-FenderAnd originate's instructions are rather clear...
21:23.56Jinxed-WIMPy: it would be max 4 maybe 5 users
21:24.08Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender: These devices have no buttons, so they can't enter a pin
21:24.32[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: then you passed a bad parameter
21:26.10Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender: I haven't tried anything yet, I'm just researching
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21:30.46Jinxed-hmm looks like kicking people out will be the easiest part
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21:37.36Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender: not finding much about originate beyond
21:38.07[TK]D-FenderWell taht is the dialplan app... It is BLOCKING BTW
21:38.15[TK]D-FenderSo what is the question about it?
21:38.21*** part/#asterisk k-man (~jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
21:42.48Jinxed-nvm too tired to figure this out tonight
21:42.50Jinxed-heading to bed
21:42.56Jinxed-thanks for the info on meet me
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