IRC log for #asterisk on 20130702

00:05.54ryan_turnerHave any of you all interfaced an asterisk system with VHF radio?
00:06.24Kattyi've never heard of VHF radio.
00:06.29Kattybut maybe someone else has
00:10.52ryan_turnerLike literally 2-way radios in the VHF spectrum :)
00:11.11Kattythis is me nodding, like i know what that is.
00:11.37ryan_turnerEven something as simple as little radios you can buy for camping and stuff at department stores.
00:11.51ryan_turnerId like to use a soundcard input/output to make a really basic "dumb" interface
00:12.21ryan_turnerI can handle the radio side of stuff, but as for Asterisk handling the input etc is this something better put in a separate SIP client?
00:14.40*** join/#asterisk Synx|hm (~Synx@unaffiliated/synx-hm/x-1623004)
00:19.44Synx|hmAnyone know when sips:blah@blah is used vs sip:blah@blah in SIP headers. From what i can tell in the RFC it doesn't matter what you use, and from the limited signaling i have to look at i cant find an example of asterisk using sips:blah@blah
00:24.03sweeperok asterisk is *repeatedly* dying with no explanation in the logfiles
00:30.57newtonrsweeper: see logger.conf, be sure you have VERBOSE and DEBUG writing to the log files. If its actually crashing, get a backtrace and file an issue reporter on
00:31.13newtonrbut of course read first!
00:31.34sweeperok thanks
00:32.32newtonrryan_turner: googling Asterisk and radio interfaces comes up with various modules and projects. I personally haven't worked with any of them.
00:32.58ryan_turnerYeah, most of them look like very expensive hardware for commercial systems
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00:50.23sweeperryan_turner: you might want to use freeswitch as the client, and connect it to asterisk
00:50.29sweeperlots of softphones use an fs core
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01:13.39infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
01:14.14igcewielingsweeper: "asterisk -cvvv"
01:14.28igcewielingthe -c keeps it in the foreground so you can see the unlogged errors.
01:16.11sweeperah, nice
01:19.02transfinitecan variable expansion be used in patterns? like _1${AREACODE}NXXXXXX ?
01:19.54WIMPy(if they are global)
01:20.52transfiniteThanks. And can a variable expand into a pattern, if its value begins with _ and is used where an extension is expected?
01:21.30WIMPyhasn't tried that.
01:21.49transfiniteI guess it's not needed if I can do _${MYPATTERN}
01:22.02igcewielingtransfinite: I would expect the global variable to be evaluated only when the dialplan reloads
01:22.37WIMPySo would I.
01:22.47WIMPyBut I haven't tried that, either.
01:23.04igcewielingGenerally, I think doing this is a Bad Thing, but I'm not sure why.
01:23.42WIMPyThat's extremely handy.
01:27.03navaismoHi, for a BRI card does I need a patch or use mISDN or something else  I was googling around and all related topics mention mISDN and other stuff like the Digiums BRI cards can't work natively
01:27.59navaismoI still have hardlc errors and sometimes not working calls. Telco act like the NSA can't provide any information or help
01:28.21WIMPyDid yu check the cabling?
01:28.45navaismoI cant but the people helping me said is new
01:29.08WIMPyAnd correctly terminated?
01:29.43navaismoHe said, i cant travel to check :(
01:30.42WIMPyIncorrect termination can cause trouble.
01:31.23WIMPyAnd as I said the other day, multiple vendors have their manuals wrong there.
01:31.46igcewielingWhat brand of ISDN card?
01:32.06igcewielingnavaismo: for some reason I assumed you were in north america
01:32.13navaismoNope México
01:32.27navaismocard: Digium Wildcard B410P
01:32.32igcewielingthat is still north america, but not the part I was thinking of (NANPA)
01:33.15igcewielingnavaismo: DAHDI should support that, shouldn't it?
01:33.30WIMPyOff course it does.
01:33.35navaismoI think so, but all links i was reading mention a patch or misdn so i get confused
01:33.54WIMPyYou can use it with mISDN as well.
01:33.59igcewielingnavaismo: welcome to blogs without dates.   that is all very very old information
01:34.49WIMPyIf you want to use the "old and deprecated mISDN" supported by Asterisk, you probably will need patches.
01:34.50*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
01:35.29navaismoOk, I'll keep with latest asterisk & dahdi
01:36.15navaismowhey european telcos act with such secrecy?
01:37.52WIMPyWhat is secret?
01:38.42navaismothe far debug the signaling(if applies), all
01:39.06WIMPyErr, what?
01:39.23navaismono help at all,
01:39.40WIMPyIs that a box that's located in Europe?
01:40.13WIMPyThey check the part up to their NT. The rest is your responsibility.
01:42.43navaismoHmm maybe a bad habit to call the telco and get live debug from both sides, and of course here we use E1's
01:43.25WIMPyI'm sure they would do it, but I'm even more sure you wouldn;t want to pay for that.
01:45.49navaismowell not me, but why they even charge for a service, anyway that doesn't matter my friend always complain about the telco support--->0 support even if he pay so. I guess he is screw HAHA
01:46.26WIMPyWhy would you normally need support?
01:47.54WIMPyI thinl the only people in Europe who don't hate their customers are in Ireland and Switzerland.
01:48.35WIMPyJust out of interest: How did you end up with a box in Europe?
01:49.30navaismoI met this guy along time ago, and occasionally he ask for help
01:49.36navaismovia forums
01:53.37navaismoyou know, internet has no countries, religions or ethnic just nice guys helping each others
01:53.56navaismoend of sarcasm
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02:14.31navaismothanks a lot guys
02:14.44navaismoYou are like an oasis on bad days
02:15.17navaismohope some day i can invite you a beer
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03:32.43sawgoodHi: have this 'warning' filling my logs ... Asterisk 1.8 does not like some syntax (can someone offer) a suggestion:
03:33.19sawgoodcall leaves system to call a cell phone, but one provider gives a 503, so failover to another provider happens (works), but the error comes up
03:33.30WIMPycore show application execif
03:35.53sawgoodWIMPy: thank you examining that now ... here is the actual dialplan (sorry) not the error from the CLI:
03:36.05sawgoodcould you offer advice on what to change?
03:40.44WIMPyDid you read the message you posted?
03:41.03sawgoodyes, and I am testing and retesting with different syntax
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05:11.32ryan_turnerIm trying to connect a soft client to a siptrunk and Im getting error "Error while registering - message too large". How would I resolve that?
05:16.42ChannelZa sip trunk being kind of a meaningless term - are you saying you're trying to get a softphone connected to Asterisk?
05:19.33ryan_turnerMy understanding is that what I use to place and receive calls with numbers... a rented service associated that has a phone # associated with it.
05:19.46ryan_turnerNo, not to an asterisk install, but instead directly from the softphone to the trunk
05:20.31ryan_turnerI setup asterisk on a VPS today and found that remotely hosting it was a pain. I'm waiting for a raspberry pi to arrive tomorrow and plan to install the raspberry asterisk distro on it.
05:21.23ryan_turnerBut I have a sip user, pass, server, and associated phone number that should be able to place/receive calls, so I was thinking that I could at least play with that by setting up a soft client connecting directly to it.
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05:29.00ChannelZWell off hand I have no idea, you'd have to take it up with your provider
05:30.18ChannelZIE it's not really an Asterisk question you're asking per se
05:31.18ryan_turnerVery true :)
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05:32.43ryan_turnerOk, lets go a different way then; I plan to install Asterisk and will have a few phones on different extensions. I'd like to connect that to "regular phones" (That seems to be DID? as the right term?) I've been looking around and it seems like around $20 is the going rate, but I see PhonePower (BroadVoice) is selling their cheapest "SIP Trunking" service for $55/month.
05:33.56ryan_turnerIm really interested in just getting 1 local number with the ability to place 1 call at a time; doing all domestic calling. I've looked through a look of services that dont seem to be quite what I need.
05:34.06ChannelZa DID is just a phone number
05:35.02ryan_turnerOk, so what Im trying to find is SIP Trunking tied to an interface with a DID for inbound and outbound calls?
05:36.41ChannelZThere are tons of VoIP providers with service for as low as $1.50/mo plus per-minute charges, or say $15/mo unlimited inbound but per-minute outbound
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05:37.06ryan_turnerOk, can you please share with me one that does just that? I dont know the right terms so I keep getting lost in things :(
05:37.13ChannelZYou don't need "SIP Trunking" unless you want multiple simultaneous channels.
05:37.20infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
05:37.29ryan_turnerYeah, I went through all of those
05:37.51ChannelZlike Vitelity calls it a "virtual PRI" and charge per channel, but the basic service I think they let you do up to 2
05:38.23ryan_turnerOk, and how do I "tie that in" to Asterisk?
05:38.38ChannelZyou just configure a peer for it
05:38.41ChannelZin sip.conf
05:39.30ryan_turnerOk, so "Vitelity Link" is what I could use for instance?
05:40.02ChannelZsure, that's what I use at home.
05:40.10ChannelZI don't use the phone a lot so I just pay per minute
05:40.24ryan_turnerOk, cool. Thank you for helping me.
05:41.00ChannelZthe $7.95/mo is unlimited inbound and then you still pay per in for outbound
05:41.32ChannelZbut I don't even use enough to make the $8 worth it :)
05:42.08ryan_turnerI've found this entire process very frustrating. Im just a college student who works at home full time. From previous jobs I have a Polycom IP 321 and a linksys spa 941. I need some sort of phone but it needs to be portable with me as I move from university back to home. I dont get good cell reception in either place and dont like talking on a cell phone or giving out my phone number for that. I've found Skype to be a bit troublesome to
05:43.17ryan_turnerI figure since I already have the hardware I might as well get a 1-man PBX system up and running and have found figuring out just how to do that very frustrating. Not particularly difficult but just a bit confusing. I really appreciate your help even pushing me in the right direction here.
05:43.27ChannelZWell it all depends on you having decent latency on whatever network you're on, but you can connect the SPA941 directly to Vitelity without having to run Asterisk at all
05:43.45ChannelZor many other providers for that matter.  Dunno why you're having trouble with whatever you have right now though
05:44.45ChannelZrunning Asterisk yourself for this purposes lets you do some potentially fun things, but it also adds a layer of issues particularly where firewalls are involved
05:45.03ryan_turnerWell, considering that i do have two phones, and a spare raspberry pi to throw the software on, I'd like to do it. My roommates and I at college enjoy gaming but find that moving our setups into one room every few days is a PITA. Figure I'll check out the push-to-talk :)
05:45.43ryan_turnerIm not terribly concerned about firewalls, I expect to just run everything behind a tomato router that is a DMZ on the AT&T service.
05:46.34ryan_turnerIm comfortable in iptables and playing with the networking side, though I haven't done any work with SIP stuff so there could be a few "gotchas" that I'm not accustomed to considering.
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05:49.00ChannelZwell I suggest going through the Asterisk book
05:49.52ChannelZI'm trying to finish writing my little Asterisk Crash Course/Primer as a bootstrap for the uninitiated but probably won't get that up until the end of the week at the rate I'm going
05:52.53*** part/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
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05:57.47ryan_turnerWow that was easy with Vitelity.
05:57.52ryan_turnerAlready up and running, just made my test calls.
05:58.20ryan_turnerSo the same credentials that I used with my softclient are what I'd throw in the configuration as a new peer
05:59.34ChannelZin asterisk you mean?  more or less yes
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06:00.37ChannelZyou generally make 2 peers, one for incoming, one for outgoing
06:01.20ChannelZthen in your case you'd also need a register => line to register with them if you have a dynamic ip
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09:30.48davlefouHi, how i can test the jitter?
09:31.46davlefouSince servals day, i have chopper sound.
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10:01.32Tujuany idea why cisco 7975 looses registration and doesn't aquire it again?
10:01.50Tujureboot helps but i'd like it to keep trying itself.
10:02.42Tujuit has that Java software inside. I had my doubts about it and unfortunately those feelings have realized more or less.
10:06.07Tujuis there a such thing as a good SIP client for mac and WP8 ?
10:09.02davlefouunder linux, sflphone.
10:28.55Tujusflphone, hmmm
10:29.04Tujudavlefou: wp8 is windows phone
10:29.09Tujusome friends have it
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10:53.56danfromukHi, how can I view/calculate the average hold time of a queue?
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10:55.19kaldemardanfromuk: core show function QUEUE_VARIABLES
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10:58.00firtinahi all
10:58.46danfromukkaldemar: thanks. can that be retrieved using a CLI command, or only in the dialplan?
10:58.50firtinai have a problem, i wonder if someone could help me?
10:59.26firtinai want to learn device status of a phone linked asterisk over Cisco Call Manager but i can't
10:59.29firtinawhat should i do?
11:01.44firtinaany idea?
11:06.41firtinaslaps ChanServ around a bit with a large trout
11:13.54kaldemardanfromuk: it's a dialplan function.
11:20.54firtinakaldemar could you help me?
11:25.25danfromukIs it possible to transfer a Caller to a specific extension when the called party hangs up?
11:25.49danfromukI can see the options for the reverse.
11:27.17kaldemardanfromuk: see g option in Dial.
11:27.31danfromukGot it. Thanks
11:27.58danfromukAnd if the dialling application is Queue, I can see that the option is c
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11:37.41firtinahow to learn device status of a phone linked asterisk over Cisco Call Manager? any idea?
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12:40.05Rico29hi all
12:40.19Rico29is there a way to debug DTMF sent by users in voicemail application ?
12:41.08[TK]D-FenderThre isn't anything special about DTMF there vs anywhere else
12:41.13[TK]D-FenderSo what is the issue?
12:43.13Rico29old messages reappearing
12:43.43Rico29but it's a bit hard to debug
12:43.54Rico29and to know "how and why" it reappeared
12:46.14[TK]D-FenderI don't see why this has anything to do with DTMF...
12:46.51Rico29if the user press two time "7" : delete > undelete
12:47.17Rico29[TK]D-Fender> is there a way to make voicemail app more verbose ?
12:48.10[TK]D-Fenderit isn't Voicemail
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12:48.25[TK]D-FenderIf you SEE it undelete its because it got the request to.
12:48.29[TK]D-FenderCORE debug shows DTMF
12:54.57Rico29[TK]D-Fender> can't see the DTMF sent to voicemail app
12:55.03Rico29with core debug 10
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13:13.15Kattydrags in
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13:13.50jmetrohelps Katty with her luggage
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13:17.32Kattyhugs jmetro
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13:19.34Kattywhat's the word
13:21.13Cuznerbird, duh
13:22.18jmetroI think the word today should be Chocolate personally.
13:29.08Kattychocolate is the word every day
13:31.00jmetroyesterday it was Blueberry.
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13:39.04VannWould anyone happen to know a possible cause as to why my SIP channels do not terminate after a hangup?
13:40.29VannBeen googlin' for a while and can't seem to find any conclusive causes.
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13:49.38jmetroVann, depends on the channel. i had a pretty bad case of it with my voicemails until i updated asterisk
13:50.39VannHmm.  Running a "fresh" source install of the latest Asterisk (11.4.0).
13:50.47VannI wonder if an SVN build might help.
13:51.44jmetroasterisk 11 r378219 is mine, it might have been the later one giving me issues actually
13:51.52VannBasically I call an internal extension to test the call. After I hangup, the channel stays open indefinitely.
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13:54.01VannSo far what I've searched seems to indicate a "bug" with asterisk. Not so sure that's really the case.
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13:55.30jmetrovann add a same -> hangup to the end of everything
13:56.41VannI'll try that. Thanks.
13:58.43jmetrofor my voicemails i had to have a local channel added and that alleviated some
13:59.23jmetrodid a dial(local/${EXTEN}@AutodestructsLol) where autodestructslol was just exten => .X,Voicemail(${EXTEN})
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14:09.49ttpearsoI've been having some issues with Asterisk + CEL, it seems when I have CEL configuration active, asterisk will segfault upon starting, using 11.4.0, anyone else run across similiar issue?
14:11.32VannHmm. That's odd. Source install or binary?
14:12.18ttpearsoRecompiled after checking my menuconfig a few times, but no change
14:12.29ttpearsomostly just for sanity check
14:12.49VannYour CDR/CEL local? ODBC?
14:13.05ttpearsoODBC to local MySQL
14:14.18VannI take it you can connect fine via isql -v YourDSN ?
14:15.53ttpearsofyi: FreePBX running on top, but don't think that should matter
14:16.05ttpearsoI've had to configure all the CEL manually anyway
14:16.52VannDo you have "CDR Reports" module installed in FreePBX?
14:17.03VannThat will attempt to autoconfigure CEL which may cause some issues
14:17.18VannI know it did for me as my CDR is located remotely.
14:17.43ttpearsoPossibly installed, let me check
14:18.59ttpearsoIt is, I'll remove and test
14:19.21VannCool. You may have to double-check your cel config after uninstall.
14:20.08ttpearsoYes, still failing to load, poking through config real quick
14:20.56VannHow do you disable CEL to have asterisk load. From FreePBX advanced settings?
14:25.38jmetrothat might be a #freepbx question
14:25.40ttpearsoI did previously, now was just working with configs directly
14:26.13ttpearsoIt's in the "advanced settings" iirc
14:26.41Vannjmetro, sorry for the confusion lol. I was asking if that's the method he was using. There's a "Enable CEL Reporting" setting under advanced settings.
14:27.22VannSo if you disable CEL reporting in freepbx asterisk loads up fine?
14:27.52ttpearsoLoaded just now after disabling it all
14:29.10VannWhat happens if you enable it via 'enable=yes' manually in the cel.conf?
14:29.18VannSame thing?]
14:29.57Kattywhatever happened to eppigy?
14:30.24Kattyinfobot: seen eppigy
14:30.29infoboteppigy <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 592d 20h 33m 49s ago, saying: 'oh you fancy huh'.
14:30.50Kattyoh. well. that's been awhile.
14:31.53ttpearsoVann: ... it appears it's loading, but not working
14:32.28ttpearsomodules are loaded though
14:32.34ttpearsolooking at log
14:32.35VannAsterisk is not working?
14:32.43ttpearsoAsterisk is loaded
14:33.16jmetro592 days
14:33.20jmetrothats pretty impressive.
14:33.46VannYeah that's definitely been a while.
14:34.35Vannttpearso, do you have '' under /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ ?
14:34.40ttpearsoVann: There we go, now back to normal - had un-done 1 too many times in vim, now that the odbc is specified CORRECTLY, it's crashing again
14:35.18VannSo it does seem to be possibly ODBC related..
14:35.41ttpearsoYea, as soon as the connection is correct, it starts bailing
14:35.48ttpearsoYes to all those files btw
14:36.17ttpearsosee if I can find interesting log snippet
14:36.30ttpearsoLast line before crashing: [2013-07-02 10:34:53] VERBOSE[2251] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel_odbc.conf': Found
14:36.36VannCan you post your odbc.ini omitting any sensitive information?
14:36.40*** join/#asterisk SuperNull (
14:37.52ttpearsoVann: sure one moment - test system anyway, nothing sensitive
14:38.37VannCool. While you're at it, if you can link to cel_odbc.conf and res_odbc.conf that would be helpful too.
14:38.52ttpearsoSure, I'll tack those on
14:41.12ttpearsosince I'm FreePBX, res_odbc.conf is just includes, I'll paste res_odbc_custom
14:41.12VannIt may have to be res_odbc_*.conf and cel_odbc_*.conf due to freepbx
14:43.50*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
14:44.15ttpearsoI'm guessing FreePBX had this configed already: /etc/asterisk/cel_odbc.conf
14:44.38Vannthat's what "CDR Reports" touches
14:44.43VannI ran into the same issue
14:44.55VannI configured it manually, and then FreePBX overwrote it... lol
14:49.01Vannttpearso, what happens if you run isql -v MySQL-cel
14:49.27ttpearsoProvided, I give it credentials, works fine
14:49.30igcewielingVann: That is what happens when you run FreePBX
14:49.37ttpearso.... Connected! .....
14:50.13ttpearsoWoah. Very interesting
14:50.20ttpearsoDoing "help cel"
14:50.24ttpearsoSQLRowCount returns 25
14:50.24ttpearso25 rows fetched
14:50.24ttpearsoSegmentation fault
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14:53.17ttpearsoDebian Wheezy fyi
14:53.24Vannttpearso, if you run isql -v MySQL-cel it asks you for username and pass?
14:53.46*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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14:53.56ttpearsoNo, I provide them on the command, eg: isql -v MySQL-cel <username> <pass>
14:54.02Vannwhat happens if you don't?
14:54.03ttpearsoI'm logged into the box as root
14:54.16ttpearsoSo it tried to login as root, and fails
14:54.20Vannif you run the command omitting user and pass
14:54.35VannAccess denied?
14:54.37ttpearsoisql -v MySQL-cel
14:54.37ttpearso[S1000][unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver]Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
14:54.40ttpearso[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
14:55.04VannNot saying this is your issue, but there's an error in your odbc.ini
14:55.17Vannchange 'UserName' to 'User'
14:55.28Vannand run isql -v MySQL-cel without username and pass
14:55.36Vannjust 'isql -v MySQL-cel'
14:55.59ttpearsoworks now
14:56.42VannI don't see how that would give you a segfault, but it's worth trying to see if asterisk loads.
14:56.51ttpearsoIt does not
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14:57.08ttpearsofyi: Asterisk ended with exit status 139
14:57.11Vannwhat's the last line in the log, same?
14:57.41ttpearsoYea, [2013-07-02 10:57:01] VERBOSE[3804] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel_odbc.conf': Found
14:58.46Vanndo the permissions look for all the files under /etc/asterisk/ ?
14:58.53Vannownership permissions
14:58.56Vannusually asterisk
15:00.01ttpearsoYea, everything
15:01.14ttpearsofyi: same for FreePBX files
15:02.36ttpearsoAlso just confirmed that installed ODBC was latest rev in wheezy
15:03.05*** join/#asterisk FLeiXiuS (~FLeiXiuS@unaffiliated/fleixius)
15:03.13VannIncreasing the log verbosity may help
15:03.16Vannmaybe to 5 or something
15:03.28ttpearsoKnow where that is set offhand?
15:05.38VannTry this. Kill asterisk - amportal kill
15:05.47Vannthen, asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
15:05.53Vanncurious to see if it tells you anything
15:06.19ttpearsoUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
15:06.29Vanner, remove the "r"
15:07.01ttpearsoHeh, was about to say that
15:07.07ttpearsoSegmentation fault
15:07.45Vannyou cel_odbc.conf looks exactly as you posted previously?
15:08.37ttpearsoYes, it of course has the "DO NOT EDIT ...." FreePBX disclaimer as the top
15:08.44*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
15:08.48Vannhow's cel.conf look?
15:08.55*** join/#asterisk stefan0 (
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15:09.10ttpearsoAlso just confirmed that installed ODBC was latest rev in wheezy[general]
15:09.10ttpearso#include cel_general_additional.conf
15:09.10ttpearso#include cel_general_custom.conf
15:09.10ttpearso#include cel_custom_post.conf
15:09.29Vanner, cel_general_additional.conf
15:09.39ttpearsodateformat=%F %T
15:09.49Vannhmm. everything looks fine
15:09.55Vanncrazy =/
15:10.00ttpearsoIndeed :-)
15:10.01stefan0hi all! is there a way to increase up volume (like dahdi rxgain) inside an IAX2 trunk?
15:10.23ttpearsoWhy I finally had to pop over here and see if I was just crazy
15:10.34Vannlol, I know the feeling
15:10.55igcewielingstefan0: not really, but you can try the AGC function (requires some extra libraries to build)
15:11.33ttpearsoI've got a meeting here shortly, but I'm going to try compiling 1.8, see if it works
15:12.06Vannquick thing to try ttpearso, if you run isql -v MySQL-cel and connect
15:12.15Vannand run 'show tables'
15:12.19Vannwhat happens?
15:12.47ttpearsoseg fault
15:13.06Vannokay, can you post your /etc/odbcinst.ini please ?
15:13.24ttpearsoDescription = ODBC for MySQL
15:13.24ttpearsoDriver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
15:13.24ttpearsoSetup = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
15:13.24ttpearsoFileUsage = 1
15:13.34infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:13.45stefan0igcewieling, my scenario is that I have 1 IAX2 trunks between 2 sites and one of these have and E1 link (digium card). At the site that have the digium card everything runs OK, at the site that uses IAX2 the rx volume is too low. any idea?
15:14.08igcewielingstefan0: increase the volume on the dahdi ports
15:14.20stefan0rxgain=20.0 :o
15:14.29stefan0@ chan_dahdi.conf
15:14.31ttpearsoVann: fyi files do exist
15:14.41Vannhaha, was just about to ask
15:14.43igcewielingpastebin your chan_dahdi.conf
15:15.15ttpearsoMight be worth trying i386 version, but that's a hassle
15:16.40VannYeah I am pretty sure it is an ODBC and not necessarily an asterisk one.
15:16.55ttpearsoI'd have to agree
15:16.58igcewielingstefan0: I don't see anything really stupid in the file.
15:17.06VannYou using unixODBC package
15:17.11igcewielingnow, where are you applying that, the E1 or the Analog ports on the 2nd server
15:17.42igcewielingsorry, I misunderstood, I thought you had dahdi cards at both location.
15:18.07igcewielingstefan0: try removing the .0 and try rxgain=4 and txgain=4
15:18.20igcewielingyou seldom want to go above a gain of 8
15:18.37stefan0at the site that has the E1 link. Using rxgain=20 that works fine at 2nd site - but the calls at site #1 are impossible to  (very loud)
15:19.08stefan0s/impossible/'impossible to use'
15:19.12igcewielingstefan0: this is all digital, asterisk doesn't modify the audio by default.
15:19.34igcewielingmaybe your SIP endpoints need to have their gain increased too?
15:19.52stefan0the IAX trunk direct the calls from site #2 to use the dahdi at site #1
15:19.59ttpearsoVann: yea
15:20.04ttpearsoVersion: 2.2.14p2-5
15:20.09igcewielingpeople have IAX phones?
15:20.33stefan0yeah, I was wondering something like that. I'm using g729 to passthru but my endpoint are Microsoft Lync
15:20.47stefan0(and Lync doesn't support g729)
15:21.13igcewielingstefan0: Ah.  Too complicated for me to support.  passthru almost never works as expected and Microsoft products are made by Satan himself.
15:21.30ttpearso... guess I'll compile it real quick
15:21.35igcewielingThough I think if lync doesn't support g729 then maybe trying to use g729 passthru isn't such a good idea?
15:21.58Vannttpearso, that is definetely worth a try. Either that or attempt to use an older binary.
15:22.04stefan0Dahdi E1 --- Asterisk #1 --- IAX2 ---- Asterisk #2 ---- SIP Trunk ---- MS Lync Server ---- Endpoints
15:22.33jmetrowhy would something not support g729? 722 and 729 are the only 2 worth using <.<
15:22.35igcewielingWHAT ARE THE ENDPOINTS?
15:22.41ttpearsoVann: Debian is normally lagged behind a few versions, I'll try latest
15:22.48VannEven better.
15:23.12stefan0yeah, I use g711 between Asterisk-Lync-Endpoints (MS Lync clients) since they are in LAN no problem at that
15:23.19Vannjmetro, g729 typically has licensing issues associated with it.
15:23.53ttpearsomy my how compiling had sped up over the years
15:23.57[TK]D-FenderThose gain parameters are in db, and 20 is insane.
15:24.32igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: you always seem to help the imposible people
15:24.42[TK]D-Fender[11:18]stefan0at the site that has the E1 link. Using rxgain=20 that works fine at 2nd site - but the calls at site #1 are impossible to (very loud) <- don't pump the gain on server #1 then, do it on #2
15:25.06Vannttpearso, it almost makes Gentoo a viable option... ;)
15:25.34ttpearsoVann: funny, I used Gentoo when Athlon XP were the latest craze
15:25.34[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: This one is far from impossible.  And yesterday's guy came back a few hours later saying he "solved" it... with no details and left.
15:25.47stefan0[TK]D-Fender, OK, that was my idea, so I asked if there's something like dahdi rxgain to use at IAX2 trunks (maybe SIP) :)
15:26.13[TK]D-Fenderstefan0: "core show function VOLUME" <----------
15:26.48igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: he can't even tell us what brand of SIP phone he is using
15:27.04Vannttpearso, What a trooper. Took me literally a couple days just to compile the basics back then. Although a slow internet connection did not help.
15:27.07[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: I can tell you how little it matters to us :)
15:27.23jmetroI was already on dsl when the athlons came out. DSL WAS SO GOOD
15:27.26[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: I've just offered the solution for this (as sad as it may be)
15:28.09stefan0[TK]D-Fender great great great :)
15:28.30igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: I should read "core show functions" more often
15:28.40ttpearsoI think I still had 1-way cable back then, super fast down, 56K up.  Took many a hours to compile X, iirc it was ~1 day to get a gnome environment from ground up
15:28.50stefan0I don't use SIP phones! My endpoints are the MS Lync connected to asterisk as a trunk
15:29.07[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: Of all people, yes you certainly should....
15:29.36VannMy experiences exactly ttpearso . It was fun, but not very practical in my opinion.
15:29.47igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: I usually read it every 2 or 3 months
15:30.12VannModern day CPUs can compile the entire OS in probably an hour or so.
15:31.08ttpearsoCertainly not, especially in business, the previous sysadmins thought it would be fun.  We *just* retired one of our last Gentoo boxes
15:31.10jmetroa full hour to compile something?
15:31.16jmetroi feel like that is too high.
15:31.49Vannlol jmetro
15:32.07VannAn hour to compile an entire gentoo box is not bad at all compared to how it used to be.
15:33.00VannIt still has it's advantages in business for those who want to squeeze every ounce of performance they can.
15:34.03igcewielingGentoo is just Linux wanting to be BSD
15:34.16[TK]D-Fender <--------
15:34.17ttpearsoI just don't think it's very cost effective.  All the testing that has to go on after you recompile, PHP or anything that your business depends on, bleh.  Maybe in some cases, but few and far between imho :-)
15:34.36igcewielingWe have one Gentoo box because it was required for a specific app
15:35.30ttpearso[TK]D-Fender: lol
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15:38.29ttpearsoVann: well compiled & tested unixODBC, no joy there either, same results
15:38.58Vannhere's something
15:39.16Vanntry connecting to mysql locally via 'mysql'
15:39.19Vannand run a command
15:39.25Vanncurious to see if it crashes
15:39.30Vannit may infact be a mysql issue
15:39.34ttpearsoIt doesn't but I'll confirm ;-)
15:40.10jmetroyou should be able to run "show all dbs when convenient" if it doesnt spit out 30 gold coins your mysql is borked
15:40.46ttpearsoNah, no problems there, can query asteriskcdrdb without issue
15:40.57ttpearsoshow tables, desc, etc.
15:41.31VannBasic, but the odbc user has all the required privileges for the cdr?
15:42.16ttpearsoI think maybe I should poke libmyodbc
15:42.30ttpearsoIt provides the libs in odbcinst
15:43.41ttpearsoMaybe I can get away with just installing it from Jessie repos :-p
15:43.44VannMy unixODBC version is also 2.2.13
15:43.57Vannon CentOS 6
15:44.09ttpearsoVersion: 2.2.14p2-5
15:51.00stefan0[TK]D-Fender igcewieling, thanks for your help. I used the volume function at dialplan and will request a test to the users after lunch
15:53.15igcewielingstefan0: remember you can use VOLUME on a g729 call unless you have g729 license
15:53.51igcewielingAs asterisk will have to convert the audio to sln, increase the volume, then convert it back to g729
15:56.53[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: one of his server's has it... and it barely matters which..
15:57.09[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: He's coming from DAHDI on #1
15:57.15[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: So either #1 has it or #2
15:57.49[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: And the lewst point is doing it before going out the peer to #2.  Remember that #1 is the one that it is too high for...
15:59.50*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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16:03.10stefan0hm.. I raised up the volume at #2 box.. like
16:03.25stefan0exten => _0XX[2-4].,1,Set(VOLUME(RX)=12) \ exten => _0XX[2-4].,2,Set(IAX_CODEC=g729) \ exten => _0XX[2-4].,3,Dial(IAX2/AMTI/${EXTEN},60,TtR)
16:07.44stefan0well, sounds like that worked. After that let's check the users =] ty u all
16:09.21Kattypops in over lunch
16:12.18*** join/#asterisk vedic (~V@
16:13.04vedicWhat is the difference between .wav and .sln formats?
16:13.45Kattyhi vedic
16:16.01*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-ecevwmvtfwrlukhl)
16:16.06vedicKatty: hi
16:16.40*** join/#asterisk jackmcbarn (47c77dd2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:18.33ttpearsoVann: think I found my problem
16:18.41ttpearso0x00007ffff5c14e13 in list_delete () from /usr/lib/
16:19.16ttpearsoI use percona, which is slightly different than usual MySQL libs
16:19.40igcewielingthat might have something to do with it
16:20.22ttpearsoNever run up against anything that had an issue before, but that's the output from gdb after running a command in iSQL
16:20.45vedicjmetro: I am still unclear. What I get from this is sln is 16bit 8Khz signed linear format same like pcm. What is then .wav ? Is the windows wav same as sln? I am recording speech from phone and doing a bit of speech processing activity
16:21.46jmetrowav i beleive can be many many things
16:21.59jmetroi actually convert vox to wav and save it as a sln16
16:22.16igcewielingvedic: you mean 16khz for sln
16:22.30jmetroload vox in audacity, save as 16hz signed wav, rename it to sln16 in linux to have it play
16:23.25igcewielingsorry, that is sln16.  Been doing too much sln16 lately.
16:23.44igcewielingvedic: I suspect the difference wav has an RIFF header and .sln does not
16:23.54vedicigcewieling: I mean 8Khz as I am using PSTN line. As per it sln should be 8Khz I think
16:24.05vedicigcewieling: I see
16:24.25igcewielingBTW, would anyone find a website which lets you upload an audio file and then hands you back the audio file converted into your requested Asterisk format?
16:24.28vedicigcewieling: So if I save a recording in .wav, it will contain the header?
16:24.36igcewielingsorry, would anyone find that useful.
16:24.49igcewielingvedic: yes, a Microsoft RIFF header
16:24.52jmetroigcewieling: please god yes.
16:25.24igcewielingjmetro: If it works I might add g729 transcoding -- we have a couple of old licenses laying around
16:25.39jmetroigcewieling: i know nothing about sound garbage and it angers me when im trying to "CONVERT Mp3 TO ASTERISK" and i get things saying "just use X-khz signed PCM monkey jabbers"
16:26.05igcewielingjmetro: *nod*  In theory it should not be too hard to do.
16:26.05vedicigcewieling: yes that site will be helpful for people not familiar with * or sox etc. But in that case why they would need it for asterisk format (seems like the user has technical knowledge)
16:26.24vedicigcewieling: But sure for licensed codecs
16:26.47vedicwhich people won't like to buy for small work or work in chunks
16:26.54igcewielingvedic: My original idea for this is to help out our support people convert files customers send us for uploading to the customer's FreePBX box.
16:27.02jmetroim great at everything except finding out codec khz signatures headers..whatever the crap is. i just want sound @.@
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16:29.58igcewielingjmetro: I'm thinking in my script convert everything to .sln16, then hand the file off to "asterisk -rx convert oldfile netfile" so the output file will always work with Asterisk
16:30.20jmetroprobably yeah
16:30.38jmetrothough personally -rx scripts never work for me
16:34.53vlad_starkovQuestion: Anyone know is it possible to playback multiple announce sound files with A(x&y&z) Dial option?
16:36.41jmetrovlad are you announcing to the caller or the callee
16:36.57jmetrocallee - use the macro option and you can even run code to dynamically select what files you want to play.
16:44.06vlad_starkovjmetro: oh, you mean that it is better to use Macro or Sub for playback than using tiny A option?
16:45.09*** join/#asterisk geeksteve (~geeksteve@
16:46.41jmetrovlad_starkov: if you only want to play one file, you can use A, otherwise, try the macro/sub. Its what i use and it works great, mainly because i only had to build 1 routine to announce voice titles for all 100 users.
16:47.03vlad_starkovjmetro: very nice, thanks!
16:47.04jmetro"Incoming call for - " ${EXTEN}-Title.sln16
16:47.42vlad_starkovjmetro: I need it to announce the Department that caller have chosen
16:48.13[TK]D-FenderThen go do it...
16:48.14jmetrohow many departments?
16:50.57jmetroup to you how you want to code it, just make sure you always comment and format your code properly.
16:52.30vlad_starkovjmetro: sure
16:52.36vlad_starkovjmetro: thanks for advice
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17:00.06jmetrovlad_starkov: np
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17:13.03ttpearsoVann: appreciate all the help - finally got it working.  libmysqlclient was the culprit, I downgraded one minor version and everything works as expected now
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17:27.40Kattyi like pie.
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17:37.46*** join/#asterisk |PiP| (
17:38.06|PiP|which g729 codec should i use on an intel atom cpu?
17:38.34davlefou|PiP|, ask the bench mark
17:38.49dr0ckbenchg729 breh
17:40.55|PiP|i bought a single g729 license to test with on my freepbx box. do i need one for each trunk? how does licensing work exactly?
17:41.06|PiP|one for each extension?
17:42.14*** join/#asterisk mnewton (
17:43.27mnewtonHey guys I want to intergrate speech to text with asterisk with sphynx - what should I know. Most of the articles I see on google are pretty old 2008ish
17:45.29*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
17:45.36igcewieling|PiP|: you need one license per simultaneous call
17:45.47igcewielingyou sometime might need a 2nd license on a temp basis
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17:52.00protocoldougmnewton: not sure of your intended implementation, but, if it's not "for work", a solid toy, without any promises is to use google speech api, here's an implementation of it:
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17:53.33protocoldoug(otherwise at werk we use lumenvox, but, you gotta pay mucho dinero)
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18:04.29Vannttpearso, awesome news!
18:04.43Kattyawesome news? dinner is ready?!
18:04.47Kattygets her fork and napkin
18:05.09windbackIs there any way to avoid asterisk playing "please leave your message after the tone.." on voicemail. I dont want to use the "s" option in VoiceMail aplication since it doesnt play anything and I want the user can record his own greeting message
18:05.12VannI wish.. =P
18:06.40Vannwindback, I am sure there is a way. Not quite familiar with it myself.
18:07.17jmetrowindback thats what s does..
18:07.26jmetroit gets rid of the instructions and the user can use their own greeting
18:08.10Kattysshes into jmetro's box and DELETES THE FILE
18:08.31Kattyputs it back
18:08.53Kattyfine fine.
18:08.57jmetroWindback use Voicemail(Exten@Context,us)
18:08.59Kattyconfirms permissions on file
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18:09.12jmetrothey record the (U)navailable message and (S)uppresses the instructions
18:09.30Kattyi'll supress your instructions in a minute.
18:09.34Kattyright after i pester Qwell
18:09.41KattyQwell: HI. i've not talked to you ALL DAY
18:09.48dr0ckreplace vm-leavemsg with tt-monkeys
18:09.55KattyQwell: what's up with that? i'm totally slacking
18:10.01Kattyirritates Qwell
18:10.24Kattydr0ck: i like the way you think
18:10.48[TK]D-Fender[14:09]jmetrothey record the (U)navailable message and (S)uppresses the instructions <- It will PLAY the "unavailable" message ... and skip instructions
18:11.04jmetroThats what i said <.<
18:11.20Kattyjmetro: he could be playing 1up again
18:11.26Kattyjmetro: i hear he likes to do that.
18:11.27[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: Funny... I see you saying it records the unavailable message
18:11.44jmetrothey (the user) records the Unavailable and it plays with the switch u
18:12.04Kattyjmetro: i think he needs coffee.
18:12.08Kattyjmetro: or maybe sex.
18:12.11Kattyjmetro: maybe both
18:12.18jmetroI shall supply neither :<
18:12.33[TK]D-FenderWhen I leave you a VM... there is no distinction for the reason I leave it.  that is the prompt the caller gets as to the reason they hit VM.
18:12.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: did you see that? jmetro just cut you off.
18:12.55jmetroHe's never gotten coffee, but i'm definitely cutting off the sex.
18:13.14Kattyjmetro: it's ok. i think he likes geeetars better than girls anyway.
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18:13.27[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm at risk of losing my "Official Caffiene-Based Life-Form" status.. I've switched to beer at night now...
18:13.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: THE HORROR
18:13.51[TK]D-FenderEYE NOES!
18:13.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: are you going to get a pudge, too?
18:14.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: you'd have an adorable pudge, i bet.
18:14.19jmetroKatty: I guess thats why hes a D-Fender..not a D-Gibson
18:14.32[TK]D-FenderMy Nick actually has nothing to do with music...
18:14.39Kattyjmetro: *hee*
18:14.43[TK]D-FenderAnd I don't play Fender instruments :)
18:14.46jmetroKatty: Though really he's more of an O-Fender.
18:15.02Kattyjmetro: he will always be fender bender to me.
18:15.18windbackjmetro, thanks
18:15.22[TK]D-FenderWell.... technicallicall FMC owns Jackson... but I don't count that as being by proxy :p
18:15.33coppiceI suspect his real name is Gibson
18:15.42windbackjmetro, it works perfectly. I dont know you can mix u and s option
18:15.53Kattymaybe his middle name
18:15.53[TK]D-Fendercoppice: ... in the foyer with a candlestick!
18:16.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: what does that o stand for.
18:16.35jmetrowindback: From what i know, you can mix any options ever as long as their description doesnt say "omits [X] option] or some such
18:17.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: OCTAVIUS?!
18:17.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: that'd be a pretty cool middle name.
18:17.38windbackjmetro, do you know a way to avoid asterisk playing the person at extension XXXX and put another default unavail greetings?
18:17.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yeah... I should continue my research into grafting robotic exo-skeletons now....
18:18.26[TK]D-Fenderwindback: When you supply a file to play back, that's what it does
18:18.38jmetrowindback: i beleive that was what dr0ck suggested earlier, replacing the sound file.
18:18.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: don't you dare build skynet. i will hunt you down.
18:18.41[TK]D-Fenderwindback: No file = system generated prompts
18:18.53[TK]D-FenderKatty: no, IT will hunt us down :p
18:19.02jmetrowindback: or what d-fender said
18:19.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: that too. so don't you build it!
18:19.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: or i will haunt you in the past. got it?!
18:19.13jmetroKatty: I would rather build SHODAN than Skynet.
18:19.22jmetronow THAT is a machine that will destroy humanity.
18:19.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: Doesn't that mean your threat has already ended and I'm feeling it now... if at all?
18:19.32windbackI know I can put in all mailboxes an unavail message.. But perhaps there is a way to set a default unavail message for all mailboxes
18:19.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: 'cause I'm doin' fine :)
18:19.45Katty[TK]D-Fender: maybe i'm just gettin started.
18:19.56Kattyjmetro: true story :<
18:20.04jmetrowindback: I'm imagining a VERY clever script.
18:20.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: so about that middle name, before you so cleverly changed the topic
18:20.20windback[TK]D-Fender, Yes.. I want to avoid it
18:20.37jmetrowindback: Stat their voicemail folder for an unavailable message
18:20.40jmetroif its found, play it
18:21.33[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sorry, that one's SEEK-RAT
18:21.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: s'ok. we'll just go with octavius.
18:22.48windbackjmetro, I want to avoid a script to put an unavail default message in all folders. But if there is no way. I will do it
18:23.58jmetrowindback: asterisk script
18:24.07jmetrowindback: when voicemail is called, stat their folder for an unavail.msg
18:24.15jmetrowindback: if its found, play it. otherwise, play a custom one of your own making.
18:24.24windbackjmetro, good idea
18:25.44windbackjmetro, are you thinking AGI script for example?
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18:25.57jmetroasterisk commands, or you can call a php script. i dont like agi
18:26.37windbackjmetro, haha.. why you don't like agi
18:26.49jmetroi already know PHP and asterisk, why learn another language :3
18:27.07Kattyjmetro: so you can order food in germany
18:27.12Kattyjmetro: DONER KEBAB
18:27.14radenKatty, :D :D :D :D
18:27.19jmetroKatty: Ein paar kekse bitte.
18:27.21Kattyhugs raden
18:27.30Kattyjmetro: ok, nm then. you're good!
18:27.54radengives Katty huge hugs :P
18:31.04jmetrothat is what i do
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18:48.18jmetroim guessing everyone is in awe of that beautiful script
18:48.25jmetroeither that or are shocked by how terrible it is
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18:56.35Hive[TK]D-Fender, a couple days ago I came in here with a queue issue where one call was being offered to the same extension many times.  I couldn't open the full log then but I have managed to get that log file after hours.  I'm wondering if you would take one more glance at this to see if you still think it was someone refusing calls;
18:59.09transfiniteis there way to dial all the analog channels on a DAHDI card more concisely than DIAL(DAHDI/1&DAHDI/2&DAHDI/3&...) ? Some kind of range or wildcard syntax?
18:59.57WIMPyBut you could define a global variable to make it more readable.
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19:03.46[TK]D-Fendertransfinite: What exactly are you calling  all at once there?
19:04.44[TK]D-FenderHive: that's either DND on the phone, or user-rejected
19:05.00Hive[TK]D-Fender, thanks a bunch
19:05.29transfinite[TK]D-Fender: I have a bunch of analog phones in my house that will be connected to TDM cards. For most incoming calls, I just want them all to ring.
19:05.44[TK]D-FenderHive: Since I'm seeing between 1-3 seconds I'm inclined to believe its more "user rejection"
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19:22.08igcewielingtransfinite: I assume you are dialing FXS ports (phones) and not FXO (lines), correct?
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19:27.37transfinitethat's right
19:28.07[TK]D-Fendertransfinite: then nope, that's about it...
19:29.25igcewielingtransfinite: stop worrying about how long your dialplan is.   It is pointless and counterproductive and will just cause you pain and heartache
19:30.28transfinitei'll try, but as a programmer, long repetitive things already cause me pain and heartache
19:30.48WIMPy>>But you could define a global variable to make it more readable.
19:31.02igcewielingtransfinite: dialplan is not a program or a language, your programmer instincts don't work for Dialplan
19:31.22igcewielingInteresting.   extensions.conf longest line 299 chars, extensons.ael long line is 349 chars
19:31.39igcewielingWIMPy: doesnt make it more readable in the CLI or the LOGS
19:32.13igcewielingtransfinite: trying to make your dialplan "simple and short" is a n00b mistake.
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19:33.30transfiniteguilty as charged
19:35.21igcewielingtransfinite: telecoms and PBXs work ONLY be cause they are tied together with ugly kludges.     Asterisk helps reduce that a little, but it is still simply an ugly universe.
19:35.43[TK]D-Fendertransfinite: if you do that dial in several places you could declare a constant for it and just use that around your dialplan.
19:36.16igcewielingSURVEY: how many total extensions are shown on people's PBX when you do a "dialplan show"
19:36.37igcewielingWIMPy: have you ever seen a nortel meridian dialplan?   Make Asterisk look dreamy
19:37.12WIMPyI'm not American, so no.
19:37.13igcewieling-= 45 extensions (437 priorities) in 18 contexts. =-
19:37.39WIMPyAll PBXs have horrible configurations, but Asterisk surely beats them in complexity.
19:37.48igcewielingWIMPy: I disagree.
19:37.58WIMPy790 extensions
19:38.12_Corey_igcewieling: You trying to see who can give you the most f'd up output?
19:38.31WIMPyIt's not more weird, but surely more work.
19:38.36igcewieling_Corey_: just curious.   Our dialplan is VERY non-typical
19:38.47_Corey_igcewieling: :)
19:38.55_Corey_here's a non-typical one:
19:38.57_Corey_-= 17819 extensions (75948 priorities) in 3503 contexts. =-
19:39.42igcewieling_Corey_: dude, use a database 8-|
19:39.59_Corey_lol, not mine... a customer
19:40.21igcewielingFreePBX: -= 497 extensions (2400 priorities) in 141 contexts. =-
19:43.52jmetro3503 contexts
19:44.58jmetro519 extensions here on my small tiny box
19:47.41robl^WIMPy: I wouldn't say ASterisk more complex.  I would say in many ways its more comprehensible and more flexible.  The thing with Asterisk, they give you the building blocks and you have to assemble it.    Nortel CS1000/Meridian requires a fair bit of cryptic codes.. and its more about turning features on or off per DN.  It's much more structured and less flexible.
19:48.55WIMPyrobl^: Yes, it's more flexible, but you have to build everything yourself and there are many things that you can't build with the provided blocks.
19:51.49robl^WIMPy:  I agree there are some features or facilities that are difficult to implement with Asterisk..  some require a fair bit of hacking, AGI scripts.
19:52.48igcewielingI suspect most of those features don't even exist in many other PBXs
19:52.58WIMPyYou sometimes wonder if it would have been easier to write a PBX from scratch.
19:53.10WIMPyLiek the other way round.
19:53.29igcewielingBut how exactly is Dial(SIP/1234) easier than impiting 20 cryptic codes to configure a TN to dial a phone?
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19:55.05WIMPyThat doesn't give you call back, pickup or BLF, yet, while on PBXs you usually only have to assign a number and everythign else just works.
19:56.17robl^igcewieling:  actually adding one in Nortel is easy.. but has a bit of a learning curve.
19:56.54igcewielingrobl^ to you agree with " while on PBXs you usually only have to assign a number and everythign else just works." ?
19:57.07ChannelZThe phone system we had at my old company was configged by like a 1200bps serial port
19:57.19ChannelZThe voicemail ran on OS/2
19:57.20igcewielingChannelZ: you were lucky
19:57.41igcewielingChannelZ: many pbxs must be configured using a phone
19:57.49ChannelZWell I was especially lucky because I didn't deal with it at all :)
19:58.50ChannelZbut I remember we'd go out to dinner and my friend who did deal with it would forward the calls to his cell phone, but it would take 2 or 3 minutes to login and set the thing up to do it (and to put it back again)
20:00.02robl^igcewieling: basically ;-)  on nortel , you build a "TN" (terminal number).   You then add keys -- a key can be a line key (shared or not), feature, autodial, or a BLF.    you just say "key 01 SCR 2014"  and key 1 of that phone has a shared call, ringing appearance of DN 2014.
20:01.11robl^igcewieling: actually.. I'd disagree slighlty.  KSUs are usually configured by phone (set based admin).  Most PBXes used old school serial terminals until fairly recently
20:03.50WIMPyMaybe you guys have been sleeping over the past 20 years?
20:06.40igcewielingWIMPy: robl manages a large number of Nortel boxes
20:06.42robl^the issue really is (and this goes with most opensource VoIP system) SIP wasn't never really designed to be used in the same way as an old school phone system.  They've added some features along the way.  However in oldschool PBXes, it was phone based.  THe systems I use you define a phone as a physical device..  you then you modifiy the keys based on the need.  In SIP world, like Asterisk, each "line appearance" is a separate account.   Digium's
20:06.48_Corey_WIMPy: "fairly recently" in a geological perspective ...  :)
20:07.08igcewielingtelecom moves slowly
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20:07.46WIMPySIP is only part of the issue, but a bigger one.
20:07.50robl^I still have a dial up modem to dial up a London switch/voicemail at 9600 baud while sitting in Texas ;-)
20:07.50WIMPy_Corey_: Yeah.
20:07.54igcewielingI know the Nortel Meridian we had at the real estate company was configured via a physical phone.    They never purchased the license (and/or hardware) for serial access
20:08.17jmetroigcewieling: thats most companies unfortunately
20:09.03igcewielingThey had a T-1 card, but a license to enable PRI support on the card was $1,200 (IIRC)
20:09.04robl^igcewieling: Nortel was HORRIBLE at branding.  THere were some Norstar systems that were branded as Nortel Meridian Norstar.. but it isn't the same as the Meridian 1 / CS 1000 series.
20:09.24WIMPyLooks liek the ripoff isn't as bad here. I've never seen anything without serial access inclused. On in recent years with LAn access included.
20:09.32robl^The Norstar was almost always set-based admin.
20:10.02WIMPybad bad typing.
20:10.55igcewielingCompanies don't replace their PBX yearly.   Maybe once every 10 years or so
20:11.50WIMPyThey usually don't even touch them for years. if at all after initial setup.
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20:12.58robl^I'd say ~10 yrs is about right..  even then, most companies won't ript out and start over, they tend to upgrade to the latest iteration of the same platform.. or its successor.   They try to re-use as much of the existing investment as possible for as long as possible
20:13.24WIMPyMakes sense to me.
20:15.17jmetrowhich winds up sinking them into the POTS-line money pit
20:16.05WIMPydo you think Asterisk is cheaper?
20:16.18robl^my current employer has been on some version of the Nortel platforms for over 20 years..and its possible they will decide to move to the Avaya solution (as Avaya bought out Nortel and incorporated their technology into their products)
20:16.27jmetroraspberry pi + 3 cents a minute = working phone system
20:16.48WIMPyPlus some weeks for configuration.
20:16.51jmetroavaya is sad, please dont do it.
20:17.37robl^jmetro: depends on the size of the company, and how much it is worth for them to have reliable systems.  I'd say we have around ~20,000 phones installed in our offices world wide
20:17.46WIMPyI like the dektop switching style UI on their phones.
20:18.02robl^I don't think a raspberry pi would handle our needs ;-)
20:18.44_Corey_robl^: There are some enterprise Asterisk vendors who work with organizations like yours....  (*cough* *cough*)
20:19.36robl^_Corey_: wrong feature set.  Trust me, I had them take a hard look at Asterisk.. distributed through multiple offices..  but it was turned down by management.
20:19.40_Corey_Not always an easy sale to upper management, but you're in good company these days.
20:20.54igcewielingAsterisk's biggest problem for enterprise and non-enterprise is lack of SLA
20:21.12robl^_Corey_: shared line appearances are a must for us.  Asterisk lacks a bit there.  I know there is an implementation, but its not up to snuff yet
20:22.27_Corey_robl^: Well, at your scale a "pure" Asterisk solution isn't really a great idea.  Kamailio+Asterisk can do a great job scaling and can offer a real BLA function.
20:23.03_Corey_Kamailio+Asterisk is the combination used by all the "huge" Asterisk deployments I'm aware of.  (I think there's one somewhere like this with 250k users)
20:23.06igcewieling_Corey_: Have you personally set up SLA on Kamailio?
20:23.30_Corey_(w/Polycom phones...)
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20:23.55igcewieling_Corey_: I am very impressed
20:24.18_Corey_Don't be too impressed...  there's a howto somewhere on it.  :)
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20:24.51igcewielingWhen I played with Kamailio we had to route all calls to Asterisk for routing anyway so it didn't really help that much
20:25.21robl^_Corey_: yeah.  Kamailo was considered as part of the equation.   However upper management narrowed it down to 3 possible solutions and Asterisk didn't make the cut.  The final 3 are in the formal RFP stage.
20:25.30_Corey_Well, every implementation of Kamailio is going to be different
20:26.09_Corey_robl^: Too bad...  ;)
20:26.31robl^The sad thing is.. I'm not going to be here to see the final solution.
20:27.09robl^I'm leaving my current employer in a few weeks.
20:27.33_Corey_Do you have another position lined up?
20:28.42robl^Depends on the perspective.  ;-)  I have a couple contract/projects that I will be working on.
20:29.15jmetrohis first choice is sitting in his basement manufacturing arduino boards to control peoples silent curtains
20:31.09robl^This wasn't quite a voluntary departure, but  I had known it was coming for nearly 2 years.  My position is being moved across the country.  I was asked to move, but for family related reasons, I elected not to do so.  So I am effectively being laid off.
20:33.43_Corey_robl^: Ahh...  I know we're going to be posting a job in the Northeast US.  If you're interested, PM me your e-mail and I'll send you the link when it goes up.
20:34.51robl^_Corey_:  thanks, but that would be one heck of a commute.  I'm in Texas.. unless you need a telecommuter
20:34.56jmetroBLF's seem to work perfectly fine on my system...
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20:35.27_Corey_robl^: Probably wouldn't work...  ;)
20:36.52robl^_Corey_: just add a dial up modem and I can work remotely ;)
20:37.29_Corey_might be slow... ;)
20:38.16robl^I've been trying convince my employer that where I worked from doesn't matter, but upper management sees it different.  But as it is, I manage telecom for 14 offices world wide already.  I'm not sure me moving 1000 miles would make much difference
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20:38.57robl^getting way off topic here. *now returning you to your normally scheduled asterisk chat*
20:39.30jmetrounless you move somewhere that only has *gasp* DSL
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21:16.15jmetroAnyone know how to remove a queue agent from a queue that has a space at the end of their name :<
21:18.13ChannelZFlame thrower. Burn the entire thing to the ground!
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21:47.52ChannelZGuess it must be a bug that it allowed the space in there in the first place
21:49.00jmetro[my operator panel]
21:49.21jmetrodont ask me how it inserted a space without asterisk seeing it and getting rid of it like it did for all my other attempts to remove it
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21:50.34igcewielingHeh, my local cable company does not show the cheapest package as an option on their web site, their customer service people won't mention it either.
21:51.02igcewielingjmetro: Using FreePBX?
21:51.16jmetroI say no to dru...freepbx
21:51.30igcewielingFreePBX doesn't trim spaces from field imputs either.
21:51.44igcewielingvery annoying
21:57.49Weezeyhow hard is it to add a trim() to your code?
22:00.59igcewielingWeezey: FreePBX's reason is they use a 3rd party library for database access
22:01.54jmetrovim [lib].lib
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22:27.37jeevanyone here familiar with mediatrix 1124's? or know of any other channel to ask this in?
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22:48.53slukeI'm getting the following error when trying to reboot Ubuntu 12.04  WANPIPE1: Warning excessive fifo errors
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22:49.12slukebut if I do wanrouter stop ... I'm able to reboot the machine
22:49.32slukeappreciate if you can shed some light
22:51.51WIMPySounds like a good opportunity to try Sangomas support.
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22:53.38slukeok... I was hoping that someone can help me pointing to something to look at other than the sangoma support :)
22:54.37WIMPyThere's always the chance you get an answer some hours later.
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23:00.36igcewielingdoes dmesg show anything interesting?
23:02.55igcewielingsluke: make sure you have the latest sangoma drivers and a reasonably recent (but NOT latest) DAHDI
23:03.23igcewielingwe had an issue with old dahdi and old sangoma where the system would simply lock when trying to reboot in some situations
23:04.24slukeigcwieling: I've already verified that
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23:20.39MiccI've got an asterisk server version that has been working fine for a long time, then I had to change the IP address on it today and it is having problems starting now. It keeps telling me theres no rtp engine loaded. Loading it manually gives no output and locks the server.
23:21.04Miccstarting the server with -vvvvc shows nothing suspicious except it doesn't even get to loading rtp.
23:21.35MiccI suppose thats the place to start.
23:21.42Miccfind it what its hanging on.
23:23.00MiccI figured it out
23:23.06Miccits not able to connect to my database anymore.
23:23.14Miccits hanging loading res_odbc
23:33.01*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
23:35.20igcewieling1there you go
23:35.27igcewieling1also update your asterisk to the latest 1.8
23:35.36*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
23:35.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
23:35.44igcewieling1upgrading within a major version is usually a low risk thing
23:36.26ryan_turnerFresh install of raspberry-asterisk, have got freepbx's end point configuration manager sending configs out to my polycom ip 321 correctly, but when the phone boots I get error "0702193515|sip  |4|03|Registration failed User: 101, Error Code:403 Forbidden" on the phone. Any ideas what I might need to tweak?
23:36.45ryan_turner(101 is the extension I made)
23:37.10WIMPy#freepbx is next door left.
23:37.21ryan_turnerdidnt realize, sorry the whole thing is still fuzzy to me
23:37.25ryan_turnerthanks for being polite :)
23:43.01*** part/#asterisk sluke (4659b301@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:43.13Miccigcewieling1, I would generally agree with you, but I tried that a few weeks ago and royally screwed things up.
23:44.07ryan_turnerWow, this is really cool. Old iphone + raspberry pi + google voice motif module = free calling and setup as a total noob in about an hour.
23:44.16ryan_turnererr ip phone *
23:49.14sruffellThat's cool

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