IRC log for #asterisk on 20130701

00:00.01Kattynow i have no plans >.<
00:06.26radenawe :(
00:06.28radenpoor katty
00:11.48SeRiKatty: Rain?
00:13.31SeRiI will sacrifice 1 goat and 2 chickens for some rain down here in the south... So far the Gods fo not like the idea.. :/
00:38.00Kattyraden: i weeded the garden ...uhh... buckets
00:39.34KattySeRi: yeah i think we're supposed to get rain here shortly
00:40.19Kattyor at least the /radar/ seems to think so. never can tell with missouri
00:41.13Kattyraden: and now, laundry! how exciting for a sunday night :/ lol
00:48.52*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@pdpc/supporter/student/killown)
00:52.47*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:07.27*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
01:28.18apb1963off-topic warning... any recommendations as to 1) which API to use for mapping (google, mapquest, yahoo, bing??)... 2) JSON or XML ?
01:28.41WIMPyWhere is OSM?
01:29.06apb1963was that directed at me?
01:29.19apb1963googles OSM
01:31.15apb1963that's news to me... but... kinda plain
01:31.20apb1963just my opinion
02:00.49*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
02:06.30igcewielingapb1963: In my limited experience, unless you are good with XML, use JSON
02:13.48*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat27@
02:20.12*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
02:23.53*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
02:31.25Kattypeeks in
02:32.49cusconothing to see
02:32.51cuscomove along
02:33.23Kattymoves along to the fridge.
02:35.14*** join/#asterisk serafie (
02:36.55*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:37.07Kattynoms chocolate and marshmallows
02:39.24*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
02:51.25igcewielingis hunting rogue telephone numbers.
03:21.35*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
03:25.50*** join/#asterisk absd (~chatzilla@
03:26.20absdCan anyone hit me with a cluebat for this error message?   " load_indications: Unable to set the default country (for indication tones)"
03:47.13Weezeyigcewieling: done importing?
03:48.01Weezeysteals a marshmallow
03:56.58absdif anyone cares, that load indications was simply a typo in a country, and trying to set the default to that country.
04:01.47*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:21.54igcewielingWeezey: yup!  finished overnight.
04:22.21igcewielingwe lost a days worth of reports, but that is all.
04:22.42igcewielingmore like two days of reports.  heh
04:30.46*** join/#asterisk Addisk (
04:40.00*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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04:56.20*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
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06:20.47*** join/#asterisk Kraln (~kraln@
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06:54.39*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
06:57.04*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
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07:24.35*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
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08:40.53tparcinaCan I turn off verbose on CLI, but still log it in log file?
08:46.11*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
08:47.20wdoekestparcina: yes you can
08:47.21tparcinaIt seams that logger mute is the command I was looking for.
08:47.46wdoekesyou can disable verbose in the console=> line in logger.conf too, if you like
08:47.49tparcinawdoekes: Did you have diferent suggestion?
08:48.40tparcinawdoekes: And if I ever need verbose in console, I have to change that file again?
08:49.36wdoekesyou change the file if you expect to not want to see verbose, most of the time
08:49.42*** join/#asterisk geeksteve (
08:49.51wdoekesif you only want it muted right now, but not normally, you use logger mute
08:57.14*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:57.21*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:58.15*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
08:59.46danfromukHi, does anyone know whats happened to A client has a DID with them and wants to move but the website is down.
09:26.05*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat27@
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10:45.35eject_ckwhat if I see dtmf in log and Blind Transfer   #1 Attended Transfer    #2, but cnothing happens ?
10:46.00eject_ckI mean I dial #1 but and I see it in console
10:53.13*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
11:02.28*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
11:09.40*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
11:09.50gavimobilehey folks, what is this dependency? generic_odbc
11:10.12*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
11:19.51*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
11:24.00*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
11:28.11davlefouhi, what is the pcmu H263-2000? how can i use it with asterisk?
11:32.49kaldemardavlefou: pcmu is an audio codec, also known as G.711 ulaw. H.263-2000 is a video codec. their names in asterisk are ulaw and h263.
11:33.12*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
11:45.01davlefoukaldemar, ok
11:47.25*** join/#asterisk kontinuity (~kontinuit@
11:47.29kontinuityhi folks
11:47.50kontinuityhow do I know if a call has not been answered when its put in a Queue application?
11:48.05kontinuityevery CDR record has the disposition as "ANSWERED"
12:16.32vltHello. After going from 1.2 to 1.8 last week I miss (at least) one tab completion feature. `meetme list <digit><tab>` doesn’t work anymore. Is this intentional?
12:17.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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12:30.21*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
12:46.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:46.42*** join/#asterisk OverOnTheRock (
12:50.19*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
12:50.50Tuju"Looking for tuju-dmz-trunk in default (domain"   - how does asterisk map incoming packets to domain?
12:54.42*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
13:03.37*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
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13:05.43*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
13:09.08Kattyinfobot: crittercam
13:09.08infobotit has been said that crittercam is Katty's Critter Cam
13:11.14*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:12.25*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
13:17.34beardychecks it out
13:21.16*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-eabgasfewbjbvhwa)
13:24.09[TK]D-FenderTuju: Asterisk doesn't really do domains.
13:27.29*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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13:30.58*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:1938:240:2000::3)
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13:44.53*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
13:56.57*** join/#asterisk zFleshMissile (~FleshMiss@
13:57.34*** join/#asterisk SuperNull (
13:57.37SuperNullhey guys.
13:58.36zFleshMissileHey guys, does anyone know what a "chan_dahdi.c: Short write: 0/5 (Unknown error 500)" means? Phones have been cutting off and seeing huge amounts of HDLC 6 errors and yellow alarms and I noticed that error in the logs and haven't seen it before.
13:58.44*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-fafwbxkcspvazqgx)
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13:59.30zFleshMissileAlso a "ERROR[29848] chan_dahdi.c: Write to 85 failed: Unknown error 500" in there too
14:00.08Tuju[TK]D-Fender: i'm having authentication problems when it says it Looks for that account in 'default', not really sure what that is, apparently a context.
14:02.40*** join/#asterisk boch (~boch@
14:02.47bochgood morning all
14:03.48newtonrzFleshMissile: those sort of errors are typically not very good. I've seen that caused by both a bad physical layer (wiring, connectors, etc) and also by mis-confguration. I'd contact the support dept for the vendor of your card.
14:04.27newtonrzFleshMissile: I'd try to help troubleshoot further, but I haven't ran into those errors in ages, and I don't work with hardware PSTN interfaces that often anymore.
14:05.11bochi need to record a video call between two phones, i have tried MixMonitor but had no success, hows the proper way to do this??
14:06.56[TK]D-FenderTuju: it is...
14:07.15[TK]D-FenderTuju: It is telling your what EXTENSION it is looking for and in which CONTEXT
14:07.35Tujuso it is context.
14:08.03Tujuthings got bit better when i put the hostname into /etc/hosts in client end. (both are asterisk servers)
14:08.19[TK]D-FenderTuju: No need... I would advise against that
14:08.30Tujuwell, it kept complaining.
14:08.33[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't how things are authed
14:08.46*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
14:09.05Tujueasy to say, when nothing works at this end.
14:09.37gavimobilethis is my logger.conf why do I see lines like this in my logs chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate device 1006<sip:1006@> I've  added security => security and im using asterisk 11?
14:09.52gavimobilethat's my public ip address
14:10.19Tujuimo debuggin is hell, why i cannot say a line that i want to follow?
14:10.36Tujusomething like 'sip debug extension plops'
14:11.00[TK]D-FenderTuju: "help sip set debug "
14:11.09Tuju[TK]D-Fender: been there, didn't work.
14:11.17[TK]D-FenderTuju: But that should not be necessary either... enable FULL SIP debug and show us the call
14:11.31[TK]D-FenderTuju: Show us.  don't just say "didn't work"
14:11.37Tuju[TK]D-Fender: yes, it shows. It's like a grain of sand... in sahara.
14:11.58[TK]D-FenderTuju: Show us
14:12.31Tujualca*CLI> sip set debug peer tuju-dmz-trunk
14:12.33TujuUnable to get IP address of peer 'tuju-dmz-trunk'
14:12.40Tujuwhy should peer have an ip?
14:13.20[TK]D-FenderBecause it'd be nice for that peer to have a place to send calls from...
14:13.37[TK]D-Fenderthat peer clearly has not registered... or doesn't exist
14:13.47Tujuthere you go. So let's go back to that original: "imo debuggin is hell, why i cannot say a line that i want to follow?"
14:14.09Tujuhow the hell i'm going to debug registration in the first place?
14:14.39[TK]D-FenderYou can't follow a peer that you can't IDENTIFY
14:14.46igcewielingTuju: you can complain or you can try to fix, I recommend the latter
14:14.49[TK]D-Fenderif it hasn't registered... how does asterisk know it's THEM>?
14:14.55[TK]D-FenderYou are chicken & egging yourself
14:15.04Tujuigcewieling: hold your breath, patch is underway.
14:15.11igcewielingTuju: wireshark / tcpdump are useful for stubborn SIP problems
14:15.21[TK]D-Fenderno need
14:15.24[TK]D-Fenderthe call is coming in
14:15.30Tuju[TK]D-Fender: i think you said yourself above that authentication is not done via dns
14:15.32igcewielingTuju: any patches to Asterisk which add new features don't get added to released code for a year or more
14:15.33[TK]D-FenderWe just aren't getting it
14:15.44Kattystares at her chart
14:15.55Kattyis 2lbs a month drop an acceptable number? it seems low
14:16.11[TK]D-FenderTuju: DNS is not "authentication"
14:16.12igcewielingKatty: yes
14:16.14[TK]D-FenderTuju: SHOW US
14:16.22infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:16.44Tuju[TK]D-Fender: indeed, so why not bind registration packets to extension with those crenditals, and not ask fskcing ip then?
14:17.12[TK]D-FenderTuju: It doesn't mean it's asking for an IP.
14:17.23Tuju[TK]D-Fender: don't flood channel.
14:17.24[TK]D-FenderTuju: You can't debug something that hasn't IDENTIFIED itself to * yet
14:17.53Tuju[TK]D-Fender: if i send packet with correct line name, it's identified already.
14:18.03Kattyigcewieling: yes acceptable, or yes that seems low to you as well?
14:18.05TujuIf i can see it with my own eyeballs, so can software.
14:18.23*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
14:18.26[TK]D-Fender[10:17]Tuju[TK]D-Fender: if i send packet with correct line name, it's identified already. <- who says you got it right and Asterisk accepted it?
14:18.30Tujubut i can already see where the problem is and it's not technical.
14:18.40[TK]D-FenderTuju: Stop rthis useless whining and SHOW us so we can fix this
14:18.51[TK]D-FenderTuju: You are going in circles for no good reason.
14:18.52igcewielingKatty: The slower you drop the weight the more healthy.    Thankfully, I don't worry about such things as weight.
14:19.04igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: just give up.
14:19.06Tuju[TK]D-Fender: "If i can see it with my own eyeballs, so can software."  <------------- did you read that?
14:19.28igcewielingTuju: I'm sure he did and I'm sure he doesn't care.   You work with what you have.
14:19.39Tujuigcewieling: indeed.
14:19.44Kattyigcewieling: hrmm. i guess that's true. i'm just impatient :/
14:19.52igcewielingIf you hate Asterisk so much, try FreeSwitch or something.
14:20.21Tujuigcewieling: why do you think Katty hates asterisk?
14:20.23[TK]D-FenderTuju: You can't debug a peer that * doesn't have an IP for.  This is either by virtue of it actually registering to you... or you specifying the host explicitly.
14:20.33[TK]D-FenderTuju: This ain't Raw-Cat Sigh-Hence.
14:20.37igcewielingKatty: worry less about "weight" and more about general health.
14:20.55[TK]D-FenderTuju: And the message you came in with... was Aa DIALPLAN one.. not a SIP one.
14:21.39Tuju[TK]D-Fender: yep, that's another thing, i don't get why it refers dialplan context and gives error for OPTIONS packet regardless that it triest o REGISTER.
14:22.33[TK]D-FenderTuju: And options looks for a specific extension in  a specific context as well.... and generally doesn't even MATTER since it's only used as a keep-alive...
14:22.41KobazKatty: slower the better
14:23.37gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: could you have a look at my question above?
14:23.38Tuju[TK]D-Fender: so why it doesnt' REGISTER first? it doesn't make sense.
14:23.57[TK]D-FenderTuju: Why doesn't what register?
14:24.03*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
14:24.13Tujuuuumh, the client?
14:24.59[TK]D-FenderTuju: IDid I configure it?  How are we supposed to know?  You've shown us nothing.  Maybe it tried and it failed.  Maybe the registration attemps never arrived... who know....
14:25.43Tujuwe're talking in general level, we don't *need* to see anything.
14:26.00[TK]D-FenderThen what I've said could be the case
14:26.05[TK]D-FenderYou configured the client wrong.
14:26.08[TK]D-FenderOr the packets never arrived
14:26.14Tujuapparently i did.
14:26.17[TK]D-Fenderor they did and the auth was wrong and it's rejected
14:26.27[TK]D-FenderOr your peer was set up wrong so it couldn't load at all
14:26.30[TK]D-FenderOr anything
14:26.40Tujui already tried to go that part, that my context/domain crap is mixed up.
14:26.43Tujumost likely.
14:26.45[TK]D-FenderSince all you're leaving us with is hypotheticals... anything will do apparently.
14:26.52gavimobileI think I found my answer
14:27.00gavimobileit was in /var/log/asterisk/security
14:27.01[TK]D-FenderThe call arrived and it is LOOKING in the dialplan... so sip.conf is allowing the call
14:27.21[TK]D-FenderWhether it matched a peer isanother matter....
14:27.47Tuju[TK]D-Fender: I've got two asterisk boxes registering each other and other works, other doens't. problematic tries to register and server-end sees OPTIONS packet and client end says Wrong password.
14:28.15Tujuit should see REGISTER packet if i've got this at all.
14:28.26[TK]D-FenderAsterisk doesn't care about passwords
14:28.29[TK]D-Fenderfor OPTIONS
14:28.35[TK]D-Fenderand options itself is jsut a keep alive
14:28.38[TK]D-Fenderit is not important
14:30.01igcewielingTuju: Registration is not required for Asterisk to accept a call from a peer.
14:30.23Tujuigcewieling: I'm not trying to make a call.
14:30.30igcewielingRegistration is only required for calls from Asterisk to the client if you don't know the address of the peer ahead of time.
14:30.34[TK]D-FenderThe call is arriving, and passing sip.confSo if you're going to neurose about it... feel free to continue wasting your time for nothing.
14:30.34[TK]D-FenderWe've seen that much...
14:30.34[TK]D-FenderActually.. that's all we've seen.
14:30.36[TK]D-FenderBut it passes...
14:30.41[TK]D-Fenderand what remains... is dialplan...
14:30.42igcewielingTuju: exactly, so stop talking about registration and move on
14:30.55[TK]D-Fenderwell registration may be another issue....
14:31.12[TK]D-FenderMaybe once we see an actual problem we can say something about it....
14:36.37SuperNullworking on an older system here, is it advised to use cdr_odbc over cdr_mysql these days?
14:36.42gavimobilefail2ban has 2 entries in the default jail.conf for my default centos6 install [asterisk-tcp] and [asterisk-udp]
14:36.45gavimobilewhich should I enable?
14:37.06SuperNullare you using tcp or udp.. derp
14:37.08[TK]D-Fendergavimobile: YES
14:37.53gavimobileSuperNull: well port 5060 uses udp, no?
14:38.27*** join/#asterisk Katty (
14:38.37SuperNullit can.
14:38.39[TK]D-FenderPorts don't use protocols...
14:38.46[TK]D-Fenderyour sense of heirachy is off....
14:38.47gavimobilewould it be bad if enabled them both?
14:38.53igcewielinggavimobile: remember Asterisk's format for the messages which fail2ban needs to look at changed between versions.   you should confirm the built in rules actually work for your asterisk version
14:38.54gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: cause your not helping me :-p
14:39.07[TK]D-Fendergavimobile: Is there any reason NOT to look at both?
14:39.14SuperNullgavimobile.. most people use 5060 udp so TCP doesn't get clogged with DOS due to half handshakes
14:39.14gavimobileigcewieling: yes, I will confirm
14:39.15[TK]D-Fendergavimobile: How about ... use what ASTERISK uses....
14:39.24[TK]D-Fendergavimobile: That might make some sort of sense....
14:39.43gavimobileigcewieling: as long as the log has not been cleared, fail2ban will rescan logs on restart
14:39.53igcewielinggavimobile: the only people who run sip over tcp are those use Microsoft products, which don't support sip over udp
14:40.00jmetroi only use port 47471337 for sip
14:40.12gavimobileigcewieling: like a softphone?
14:40.30gavimobilejmetro: there's less than 65000 ports in total
14:40.46jmetrooh i dont use TCP, i use LEETCP
14:40.48gavimobilewould it hurt me to enable them both in the jail?
14:40.51igcewielinggavimobile: I didn't know Microsoft had a softphone
14:41.01gavimobileigcewieling: well not microsoft, but windows
14:41.14jmetroigcewieling: Microsoft Communicator i think
14:41.17*** part/#asterisk jmetro (
14:41.21igcewielinggavimobile: Let me be more specific:  Microsoft Linc / SIP Server
14:41.24gavimobilezoiper for example or xlite, they may be for windows.. do they use tcp?
14:41.24*** join/#asterisk jmetro (
14:41.31gavimobileigcewieling: ahhh
14:41.38igcewielinggavimobile: I doubt it.  They ALL support UDP
14:41.42gavimobiledidn't know microsoft had a sip server
14:41.55igcewielinggavimobile: most people don't and that is a good thing for the world
14:42.27gavimobileso once again, can I enable both of them in the jail?
14:42.34gavimobilewould it hurt me?
14:42.46igcewielinggavimobile: I doubt it will hurt.
14:42.57gavimobileigcewieling: great! thanks
14:43.01igcewielingThough I normally disable sip/tcp in sip.conf so I'll never get SIP on UDP
14:43.24igcewielingI am SO glad we don't need to use fail2ban anymore
14:43.35*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
14:46.06*** join/#asterisk Draecos (~Draecos@
14:49.44*** join/#asterisk dr0ck (
14:54.07gavimobileigcewieling: well why not?
14:54.19gavimobilehow is that possible? you don't get attacks like the one I posted above?
14:54.34igcewielinggavimobile: because we don't allow any access from off-net using iptables
14:55.11*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:55.44igcewielingWe never had any Asterisk/FreePBX server hacked which blocked all access from outside our allocated IP ranges.
14:56.18gavimobileigcewieling: you don't have any remote peers?
14:56.44igcewielinggavimobile: the few remote peers we have have specific exceptions for their IP
14:56.46drmessanoTCP is very useful for mobile clients.. Just sayin
14:57.26gavimobileigcewieling: they each have a static ip?
14:57.34igcewielingdrmessano: Yes!  I'd forgotten about that.   Apparently the network "spoofing" and battery saving features work far far better on TCP.
14:57.51igcewielinggavimobile: correct.  Static.
14:58.22gavimobileigcewieling: $$$$
14:59.09*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:59.10igcewielinggavimobile: They are all on our circuits backhauled to our NOC with QoS and our IPs
15:00.00*** join/#asterisk skirge (~skirge@
15:00.15igcewielingWe have a nickname for BYOB (bring your own broadband) customers: "soon to be former customer"
15:01.06igcewielingcustomer: *whine*  "our call quality is terrible".   us: You are not on our internet service, there is nothing we can do.
15:08.43*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
15:10.01zFleshMissilenewtonr: thanks for the info, gonna probably replace the hardware for now and see if that changes anything
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15:37.29janellebhey all, I've been using gnokii and a Nokia Phone for sending alerts/pages from a network monitor. Now I'd like to add some dialplan stuff. My question is can Asterisk replace gnokii? are there drivers/modules for using a Nokia Phone with asterisk?
15:38.31*** join/#asterisk ryan_turner (Ryan@2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fe70:c6b0)
15:39.17ryan_turnerHi, I'm curious if I have a Linode VPS can I rent a SIP trunk from some other provider and run my own server for VOIP, just trying to get my old Polycom IP321 up and running.
15:40.15ryan_turnerI need some sort of cheap voip phone and I already have a Polycom IP321 from when a previous business I was with bought RingCentral. I dont know the beginning of VOIP so I don't know what infrastructure I need to put in place to get this back to life.
15:40.33[TK]D-Fenderryan_turner: Sure
15:40.52ryan_turnerSo the general idea I have is sane?
15:41.58ryan_turnerHell could I just setup the SIP trunk directly with the IP321?
15:42.06ryan_turnerwould I even need to install asterisk?
15:42.09[TK]D-Fenderryan_turner: Using a Linode system for Asterisk?
15:42.38ryan_turnerYes, and the very basic concept that I get phone service from renting a sip trunk and that an IP321 can be configured to connect to Asterisk.
15:42.40[TK]D-Fender[11:41]ryan_turnerwould I even need to install asterisk? <- I;m not sure what you're asking if you AREN'T using Asterisk here....
15:42.59Tujuit works now.
15:43.06*** part/#asterisk Tuju (
15:43.31[TK]D-Fender[08:50]Tuju"Looking for tuju-dmz-trunk in default (domain" - how does asterisk map incoming packets to domain?
15:43.45[TK]D-Fender3 hours after a simple dialplan target notification....
15:44.09*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:44.15ryan_turner[TK]D-Fender, right now my goal is to get this physical phone working where I can dial out and receive calls in.
15:44.49[TK]D-Fenderryan_turner: ok....
15:45.11ryan_turnerI guess Im asking if all I want to do is have the physical phone be able to do that, do I need to even run Asterisk or can I get by with throwing sip trunk info directly on the phone itself
15:45.22bochanyone knows how can i record a video call ?
15:45.56[TK]D-Fenderryan_turner: You can probably use the phone direct if you wanted.
15:46.11[TK]D-Fenderryan_turner: SIP is SIP.... and * is just a B2BUA
15:46.12ryan_turnerOk, I may do that as a very very very basic test.
15:47.39ryan_turnerSo if I rent a "sip trunk" that should be what's associated with a phone number, right? I mean what Im paying for is literally an interface and some basic server that runs and lets me interact with that via SIP
15:51.16*** join/#asterisk russum (~russum@
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15:55.45[TK]D-Fender[11:47]ryan_turnerSo if I rent a "sip trunk" that should be what's associated with a phone number, right? I mean what Im paying for is literally an interface and some basic server that runs and lets me interact with that via SIP <- huh?
15:55.58[TK]D-Fenderryan_turner: You pay SIP PSTN service
15:56.28[TK]D-FenderA rovider who will rent you a DID (phone number) and send you the call via SIP.  And to terminate calls to the PSTN via SIP
15:56.37[TK]D-FenderSo far "server" doess not exist....
15:57.07ryan_turner"send you the call via SIP."
15:57.34ryan_turnerThere has to be some service running that manages that, the encoding, authentication, etc
15:58.00[TK]D-Fenderyour PROVIDER is that service
15:58.13ryan_turneryes yes,
15:58.20[TK]D-FenderDon't use the term "server" here unless you mean your own.
15:58.36[TK]D-FenderFor all we know they are running an appliance soft-switch
15:58.42[TK]D-FenderDoes that "count"?
15:58.52[TK]D-FenderEither way... they provide service.
15:59.22ryan_turnerSorry, I dont know voip terminology or concepts.
16:03.31*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
16:03.48*** join/#asterisk ibercom (4de568b5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:05.15*** part/#asterisk russum (~russum@
16:05.55ibercomHello, how can i enable hardware DTMF detection ?
16:07.02ibercomIs it better than software detection ?
16:07.46*** join/#asterisk fischli (
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16:08.21igcewielingibercom: without context, your question has no meaning
16:09.26ibercomHello, how can i enable hardware DTMF detection ?
16:09.46*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose_atD@nat/digium/x-zabmbzifjrnpyxzb)
16:11.13igcewielingibercom: first log into the device gui, then pick the page which might have DTMF settings.
16:11.39igcewielingNow, if you give us some CONTEXT we might be able to come up with a better answer.   Otherwise stop wasting our time.
16:11.42ibercomigcewieling: With digium card.
16:11.46WIMPyibercom: What hardware?
16:11.52igcewielingibercom: there we go!  now some context!
16:12.27WIMPyibercom: By passing a module parameter. See modinfo for the driver you use.
16:13.20igcewielingI don't see any options for hardware DTMF on Digium cards
16:13.32igcewielingAh, yes, the module itself.
16:15.37ibercomThis message:  wct4xxp 0000:12:02.0: VPM450: hardware DTMF disabled.
16:15.49igcewielingibercom: you now now how to enable it
16:16.01igcewielingwell, you now know how to get the information on how to enable it.
16:18.36sweeperhey, anyone successfully using jssip w/ asterisk?
16:18.47sweeperI've got a call going through, but no audio
16:18.57ibercomWIMPy: I see "parm:           vpmdtmfsupport:int". Need I restart asterisk ?
16:19.52dr0ckyou do need to stop asterisk to reload the module with the parameter set
16:20.23ibercomOk, I try it.
16:20.28igcewielingsweeper: try turning off video
16:21.12igcewielingibercom: since you are changing modules, you may need to stop asterisk (or at least chan_dahdi) then restart dahdi, then start asterisk or load chan_dahdi
16:21.26igcewielingdr0ck: he is changing kernel module options, not chan_dahdi.conf options
16:22.17dr0cki know
16:24.05ibercomI'm seening the document "Changing-line-mode-to-T1-or-E1" in It is related.
16:24.52dr0ckin that its a kernel module parameter change, its related I guess
16:25.30*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
16:29.34sweeperigcewieling: it's already off
16:30.04sweepergonna try attaching to the rtc event handlers and see wat's hat...
16:32.34*** join/#asterisk Synx|hm (~Synx@unaffiliated/synx-hm/x-1623004)
16:33.35Synx|hmTLS question, if i were to enable TLS on a SIP peer and configure that peer to use a cert/privatekey that asterisk did not have in its repository what would the expected behavior be? (what i am seeing is TLS communication but i was not expecting it to work)
16:44.25Kattypeeks in
16:56.52[TK]D-Fenderpokes out
16:59.19*** join/#asterisk threesome (
17:01.03igcewielingput that thing away!
17:03.24drmessanoWas that an emoticon or an implication of small size?
17:03.47drmessanoMaybe something more like ---> . <---
17:05.33Kattydrmessano: no it's that face from southpark
17:05.36Kattyalso hi!
17:05.38Kattyhugs drmessano
17:06.14Kattythe . being a nose.
17:06.34drmessanoHi :)
17:07.26ryan_turnerAlright, so I've got my polycom IP 321 reset to default and I have asterisk + freepbx installed
17:07.52drmessanoI just ate a Tootsie Roll
17:08.13ryan_turnerI added an extension in freepbx, so now I should be able to configure the ip 321 with the details for my asterisk install using the appropriate config right?
17:08.34ryan_turnerIf I could get the damn phone to boot "updating initial configuration"...
17:08.38drmessanoI also wrote an emo poem
17:09.33ryan_turnerApparently it found some config, "running ...45-12360-001.sip.ld"
17:09.50ryan_turnerdamn, and now the display just shows me the IP address, mac, and firmware version...
17:10.02drmessanoIt's booting
17:10.14ryan_turnerOh ok, so just wait longer.
17:10.28drmessanoYes, do you do this when you boot your desktop too?
17:10.29ryan_turner(Im a total noob and hope to be able to eventually get to configure this via the web gui)
17:10.50ryan_turnerIf I have no idea that it is actually booting and its stuck at grub> or something like that, yeah.
17:12.14igcewielingWe are not here to teach you VoIP, networking, SIP, firewalls, protocols, and telephone setup.
17:12.33ryan_turnerigcewieling, Oh ok sorry I
17:13.10ryan_turnerdidnt really expect that but I was hoping for someone willing to help with just the VoIP broad concepts.
17:13.41igcewielingThere are books for that
17:13.49ryan_turnerOk igcewieling, thanks.
17:13.54*** part/#asterisk ryan_turner (Ryan@2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fe70:c6b0)
17:18.28drmessanoI used to think that getting someone to the "Hello, World" moment was enough to seed their pursuit of more knowledge.. but in the end, all it does is create another help vampire
17:18.32drmessanoSad, but true
17:19.16Kattyi vant to ask you questions. ah ha ha ha.
17:19.31Katty(i hope you read that in The Count's voice, from sesame street.)
17:20.06drmessanoI love the example on the Help Vampire Spotters Guide page, but it's not as accurate as it should be
17:20.26drmessano"How do I build a forum?"  should be "How do I a forum?"
17:20.48drmessanoBecause "build" is a verb, which implies some concept of work
17:21.18[TK]D-FenderHOW I CAN VOIP, PLAESE?!?!??!
17:22.22drmessanoI am giving an Asterisk presentation at a LUG in a couple weeks and I plan to present a slide on Help Vampires
17:22.47drmessano"Be empowered.  This shit is complex and sometimes confusing.  Read, Google, Read some more"
17:22.53Kattycould you give me a short and sweet description of Help Vampires
17:22.53*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
17:24.08Kattydrmessano: ah right. gotcha
17:24.45Kattydrmessano: and the article seems to be onto something. i very much Dislike male Help Vampires
17:24.47drmessanoigcewieling, this is a FLUFF PIECE on Asterisk, not a therapy session
17:24.55Kattydrmessano: unless they're ripped like crazy, from a JR ward novel or something
17:25.05Kattydrmessano: in which case you just gag them so they can't talk and then everything is peachy!
17:25.23drmessanoigcewieling, therapy would be "Yes, it's confusing and I can't stop sucking the ear of my teddy bear which I pee on in my sleep over dialplan woes"
17:25.57Kattydialplan woes certainly are dreadful at times :<
17:26.12Kattyand it's ALWAYS a typo. *scowlyface*
17:26.15drmessanoigcewieling, "Teddy, the context EXISTS, which is it invalid?  WHY?  Why does your ear taste like tacos?  WHY?"
17:26.21igcewielingnah!  dialplans are some of the easiest things in Asterisk
17:26.43igcewielingthe hard part is SIP.
17:26.46*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
17:26.51Kattytrades dialplans with igcewieling
17:27.03drmessanoSIP is easy.. you just open up 5060 and do stuff
17:27.17Kattyyeah, like sacrafice teddy and a goat
17:27.19igcewielingKatty: dialplan show: -= 46 extensions (439 priorities) in 18 contexts. =-
17:27.35igcewielingand we route over 10,000 telephone numbers on the system
17:27.36Kattyyou know what's hard? REALLY HARD?!
17:27.42Kattydeciding where to go to dinner on a saturday night
17:27.44igcewielingKatty: diamond?
17:27.44drmessanoWait no
17:27.53Kattycovers eyes
17:28.16Kattyigcewieling: are diamonds still the hardest thing?
17:28.23Kattyother than drmessano here.
17:28.58Kattygoogle says we've made something harder than diamonds!
17:28.59drmessanoNo I have OOPS UP stuck in my head
17:29.09drmessanoThat's one of the funniest, coolest songs ever
17:29.19drmessano"She was soft as bubble bath, I was hard as chinese math"
17:29.32Kattythat's very clever.
17:29.38Kattybut math is math.
17:29.42Kattybut still clever.
17:30.23drmessanoI am awesome at Maths
17:30.51Kattyall the maths?
17:31.30drmessanoI bathe in Math Salts I am so with the Maths
17:31.45Kattysounds like Math Osmosis
17:31.48Kattyerr Bathmosis
17:31.58drmessanoOsmosis does work
17:32.40drmessanoI slept through my 9th grade science class in 12th grade, with my face in the book, and learned it all
17:32.49Katty <- and i thought i was clever :<
17:32.57Kattysomeone was clearly clever before me.
17:33.50drmessanoKatty, great, now those puppets will haunt me in my nightmares
17:34.43drmessanoI am filling in their contact form, with your email address, telling them their puppets are scary
17:35.06Kattyi have log files.
17:35.16drmessanoEmail Address (e.g.  <-- SRSLY?
17:35.53drmessanoWhat other form of email address is there?
17:36.19drmessanosteve#bandwagon.tirewheel.barrel$HAHA ?
17:37.20Kattyinfobot: your mom
17:37.20infobotyour mom is probably spelt your mum
17:37.31drmessanoHey now, lets get off of moms because.. Oh, I can't even go there
17:37.44Kattydrmessano: it's Your Mum
17:37.49Kattydrmessano: didn't you hear infobot?
17:38.08drmessanoLets get off of Your Mum because it is time for tea and biscuits?
17:38.33Kattyit's because YOU said it that it takes on a whole new meaning
17:39.12drmessanoThat's going way off topic.. Maybe something like:
17:39.28Kattyoh right. we're getting off topic again.
17:39.34drmessanoLets get off of Your Mum because she requires assistance with her dialplan logic?
17:40.09Kattyyou can do better.
17:40.33*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
17:40.34drmessanoLets get off of Your Mum because her SIP stack is inadequate to handle the load
17:40.39Kattythere is a whole plethora of asterisk verbage you can use.
17:40.46Kattysee. i knew you could do better.
17:41.39Kattydrmessano: do you have a basement (wildly off topic)
17:41.44drmessanoYour Mum has no problem with RTP because she's always on a public IP with no iptables
17:41.48drmessanoI do not
17:41.59Bladerunner05hello on chan_dahdi.conf I do faxdetect = incoming and in incoming call on the last line I do exten => fax,1,Goto(fax-rx,receive,1) when a call come from fax it answer like a regular call
17:42.25Kattyhi there Bladerunner05
17:42.42Bladerunner05hi Katty
17:42.48Kattyblade runner was a good movie
17:43.54igcewieling"Touch my Asterisk!"
17:44.41igcewielingBladerunner05: in order for fax detect to work, you need an Answer and a Wait or Background or something like that so Asterisk can listen to the audio
17:45.02Kattyand by audio he means the KRRRRRRRRRRRRRssssssshhhhhKKKKKRRRRR
17:49.13Bladerunner05igcewieling: my dialplan play audio and wait keypress in the last line I do exten => fax,1,Goto(fax-rx,receive,1)
17:49.34*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
17:51.53[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: show us the call and your dialplan....
17:53.33Bladerunner05[TK]D-Fender: this is dialplan
17:53.36Bladerunner05exten => s,1,Answer
17:53.37Bladerunner05exten => s,2,GotoIfTime(09:00-14:00|mon-sun|*|*?daytime,s,1)
17:53.38Bladerunner05exten => s,3,GotoIfTime(15:00-23:59|mon-sun|*|*?daytime,s,1)
17:53.39Bladerunner05exten => s,4,Goto(fuoriorario,s,1)
17:53.40Bladerunner05exten => fax,1,Goto(fax-rx,receive,1)
17:53.42[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: PASTEBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:53.44[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: PASTEBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:53.49[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: do NOT flood that in here
17:53.58Bladerunner05[TK]D-Fender: ops sorry
17:54.17*** join/#asterisk peetaur2 (
17:54.21bochanyone knows how can i record a video call ?
17:54.25[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: And you are GOTO-ing OUT of that context.  You aren't even IN there for that "fax" to be detected
17:55.43Bladerunner05[TK]D-Fender: what have to do ?
17:56.00Kattydrmessano: I SEE VAMPIRES
17:56.12[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: You have to actually have it in the context you are LISTENING in.
17:56.23[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: You aren't in that context for even 1 seconds before leaving it
17:56.46Bladerunner05that's the context for incoming calls
17:57.30[TK]D-FenderYes and you call doesn't STAY there long enough for a fax to be DETECTED
17:57.45[TK]D-FenderYou leave it in less than 1 second
17:58.36Bladerunner05[TK]D-Fender: I have to use wait(5) ?
17:58.58[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: You have to make up your own mind and realize where you are when you expect to be able to detect it.
18:01.37Bladerunner05[TK]D-Fender: thanks :)
18:02.46igcewielingBladerunner05:  You will find fax detection doesn't work as well as you'd like.
18:03.14igcewielingAmazing the number of people who dial the fax and wait to hear a tone before pressing Send.   those people won't work with faxdetect
18:10.54drmessanoigcewieling, or the 2000's
18:25.19*** join/#asterisk OverOnTheRock (
18:29.13Synx|hmAnyone know how i can force Asterisk to verify the peer TLS certificates?
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18:30.59Synx|hmshould probably say, 'a SIP peers certificates'
18:33.05SuperNullodd question but is there anything that REQUIRES 'rtcachefriends' to be yes for sip ??
18:33.51SuperNulloh damn. its required for MWI.
18:33.57SuperNullgay as hell.
18:34.17SuperNullso i need it for MWI but it needs to be off.. otherwise credentials done age quickly enough and cause registration failures. hrm
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18:42.45Bladerunner05[TK]D-Fender: I do a dialplan with a long wait and only fax but it seems to avoid detection.. I'm using digium free fax maybe italian protocol not allowed ?
18:47.20*** join/#asterisk jagster` (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jagster/x-9084543)
18:50.28[TK]D-FenderThis has nothing to do with "free fax"
18:50.32[TK]D-FenderYou are DETECING a fax.
18:50.40[TK]D-FenderThis has nothing to do with how you ACT once you do
18:50.53[TK]D-FenderAnd I have no idea what you are now supposedly doing.  You aren't showing anything.
18:52.04*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
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18:52.10darkdrgn2khey all
18:52.18darkdrgn2kany one have experiance with audiocodes MP-202?
19:01.46*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (~Rumbles@
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19:14.29sweeperhow can I find out if my asterisk came with srtp?
19:15.02*** join/#asterisk vedic (~V@
19:15.40vedicI was curious to know if any body has been able to do Fast EAGI? or sending recorded sound file to remote server where agi is running?
19:15.52sweepern/m google
19:16.51transfiniteSuperNull: take your homophobia somewhere else
19:17.35transfiniteis there a way to change the default numbering of dahdi channels when I have 2 PCI cards with the same driver?
19:17.46vedicIs this advisable solution to get recorded sound file on remote server?
19:17.58vedicI am using * 11
19:17.59transfiniteright now they're in PCI slot order, but I'd prefer to reverse them
19:18.08sweepertransfinite: like to #asstricks? :)
19:19.26sweeperhmm. unsure what my next step is here in debuggingthis webrtc setup
19:20.11sweeperjssip successfully authenticates and dials in, and gets passed into the confbridge, but I see no evidence of media anywhere
19:24.25igcewielingsweeper: so few people use webrtc you might have better luck with google
19:24.47sweeperplausible I suppose :/
19:25.02igcewielingsame with srtp
19:26.37drmessanoYou could check if the module is loaded
19:26.55drmessanoFor SRTP, that is
19:28.33sweeperyep, it's loaded
19:29.08drmessanoThen it came with it
19:31.03*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:1938:240:2000::3)
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19:31.41ryan_turnerYay, I successfully setup asterisk, freepbx, and configured my polycom ip 321.
19:32.24ryan_turnerSo, now all I should need to do is add a SIP trunk and I should be able to dial in/out
19:33.06ryan_turnerDo any of you have recommend sip trunk providers?
19:33.14infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
19:36.25*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
19:39.11vedicIs this advisable solution to get recorded sound file on remote server? I am using asterisk 11 and looking for way to copy recorded files from asterisk to remote server. I am using fast agi
19:39.42vedicI see that agi-audiotx has not been updated since 2008
19:40.45*** join/#asterisk teff (
19:44.22vedicdrmessano: Is rsync good for almost real time sending of file on remote server on the internet?
19:45.35drmessanorsync is going to send the file in real time to the destination
19:46.47drmessanoWhat you've cited as an example, this audiotx application, it simply sends audio files back and forth when executed, does it not?
19:46.59drmessanoPUT SOUNDFILE <soundfile> <size> - Copy an audio file to the Asterisk server
19:46.59drmessanoGET SOUNDFILE <soundfile> - Copy an audio file from the Asterisk server
19:47.19drmessanorsync or even CP can do that.. you just need to call them with System()
19:48.03transfiniteah, found the auto_assign_spans parameter for the dahdi module
19:48.17vedicdrmessano: yea, but I am not sure if that is suitable for asterisk 11. I am using Fast AGI and when I issue record command, audio is recorded & stored at asterisk server. I need that audio at remote server almost immediately.
19:49.21vedicdrmessano: At asterisk server, how can I run cp (or scp) command when asterisk recording is done?
19:50.10vedicdrmessano: I was just thinking what if Curl is using for pushing the file from asterisk to remote server from the dial plan?
19:50.21drmessanoI wasn't suggesting using this application.. I was pointing out that it appears to simply invoke a file copy operation.  Why can't you do that with rsync or cp?
19:51.07drmessanoYou can run whatever you want when a recording is done.  It's YOUR dialplan
19:51.25vedicdrmessano: Because asterisk is running un attended. How would I know when to issue cp ? For rsync, I think it is possible to configure to do it automated.
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19:52.14vedicdrmessano: Asterisk already provides curl function build in. Was think how best to use it to push a recorded file from asterisk dialplan to remote server
19:52.37drmessanoUm ok
19:53.35drmessanoYou do realize you can invoke almost any command using System(), right?
19:54.01jagster`vedic:  as a one time thing?
19:54.03drmessanoYou don't need a 5 yr old AGI or curl to call rsync or cp or whatever else
19:54.04jagster`just use scp
19:54.21drmessanoNo, he wants to call it when recordings are finished
19:54.33drmessano[15:49:21] <vedic> drmessano: At asterisk server, how can I run cp (or scp) command when asterisk recording is done?
19:54.47jagster`sounds like a backwards solution
19:54.57jagster`i mean you COULD rsync everytime a vm is finished
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19:55.33drmessanoHe wanted something similar to the aforementioned AGI, which simply invokes a copy operation.
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19:55.51drmessanoYou can use System() with any standard copy operation to do the same
19:56.00drmessanoWhether or not its sane, ehhhh
19:57.03drmessanoYou could also set up a VPN tunnel and mount the remote filesystem, recording directly to it
19:57.31drmessanoAs far as cURL.. well, it's a verb alright
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20:04.19vedicdrmessano: One more technique that comes to my mind is using ReadFile.
20:05.19vedicdrmessano, jagster:Using ReadFile, reading the audio file content into a variable and then accessing that variable from Fast AGI " get variable"
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20:07.22vedicdrmessano, jagster: Any issue you see with readfile approach?
20:07.43vedicMy audio files are not big. Hardly 20 sec audio max.
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20:13.13igcewielingvedic: why are you making it so complicated?  What you want to do is trivial
20:16.51vedicigcewieling: Using rsync is an external process as I see. Not part of asterisk by default. In Fast AGI, I will have to check the existance of the file but using readfile which is part of asterisk already, I won't have to do any thing extra but just read the variable from Fast AGI and write the content of the file to get the recorded file on remote server
20:17.19igcewielingI doubt asterisk variables support binary data, but you are welcome to try
20:18.03igcewielingvedic: The ONLY thing which matters when running fastagi is that your script does not have access to the pbx filesystem.
20:18.19vedicigcewieling: yea I am also not sure. Will have to try it out. In documentation, it just says reading a file but not mentioning anything about binary or ascii etc
20:18.43vedicigcewieling: yea, thats why the whole issue is
20:19.14vedicigcewieling: I need to get the audio on remote server where fast agi is hosted
20:19.27drmessanoYou're assuming that something built into Asterisk is going to be faster at copying a file because ???
20:20.01vedicdrmessano: Not at all
20:20.07igcewieling‎heh, got a call with a reported RDNIS of '788810796285111212308230'
20:20.13vedicdrmessano: I don't want to setup any thing external
20:20.22drmessanoYou're not using some function of Asterisk to copy in a special, specific way.. you're basically telling Asterisk, which is not an rsync or cp replacement, to copy files.  Why wouldn't you make a call to something designed for the task?
20:20.45igcewielingvedic: sometimes we don't always get what we want.
20:21.35vedicdrmessano, igcewieling: Because * is already providing functions and command that I think good to explore to max before using external tools and maintaining them
20:22.09igcewielingasterisk was never designed to transfer files using the AGI protocol.
20:22.18vedicIf that works, then remote file access from fast agi would be like a charm
20:22.46vedicigcewieling: right, so I am reading that file into a variable and then accessing that variable. Thats the idea
20:22.50igcewielingas drmessano suggested you could give your script local access to the filesystem using NFS or similar
20:23.18igcewielingvedic: you may have to base64encode the data before putting into a variable.
20:23.26drmessanoSo you want to use the claw of the hammer to put in a screw, because it's "built in", even though it probably sucks for the task
20:23.34igcewielingI suspect you are going into some unknown limitation on max variable size.
20:23.41vedicigcewieling: Lets try first what * is offering. If that doesn't work then NFS or rsync are good options
20:24.11drmessanoSystem("rsync fromhere tothere")
20:24.26igcewielingvedic: Asterisk never offered to manage binary data in the dialplan, so you are NOT using what is "included"
20:24.35vedicigcewieling: possibly. But if that works, it would be very nice to have a feature in next version (sub versions) of asterisk. That will take a lot of pain for people using Fast AGI
20:24.46vedicdrmessano: ok
20:24.57igcewielingvedic: most fastagi people are much less crazy then you are.
20:25.00drmessanoAsterisk is offering a built-on function as a convenience at a performance hit over tools designed for the task
20:25.19igcewielingI could write a json parser in dialplan, but that doesn't mean I should.
20:25.57vedicdrmessano: Well, I am not suggesting writing anything additional but exploring the commands already existing
20:26.20drmessanoAsterisk does implement a nifty cURL function.  Would I use it for backing up my p0rn collection when a call comes in from the FBI?  No, I would call something external
20:26.30igcewielingfile !
20:26.36vedicdrmessano: Why shouldn't somebody try (really haven't somebody tried it already ?) to read a binary file into a variable?
20:26.39igcewielingfile: !
20:26.48igcewielingfile: if you have a moment
20:27.11filego for it
20:27.24vedicigcewieling: readfile is available with asterisk.
20:27.26igcewielingfile: vedic wants to use readfile dialplan function to read a 20 second audio clip into a dialplan variable, then use a FastAGI to get that variable.   what do you think?
20:27.35filedear god no
20:27.44filethat won't work
20:27.55igcewielingfile: that was my reaction, but wanted to check.
20:27.56vedicfile: Would be much better if you could say reasons
20:28.20igcewielingvedic: file is a core asterisk developer, he does not need to state reasons. 8-)
20:28.31vedicdrmessano: Not sure what is funny here instead of being hacking around
20:29.15igcewielingfile: is your batsignal tied to the string "file" or "file:"  ?
20:29.54vedicigcewieling: glad to know. Nice to have conversion with him. But still nowing reasons make you more knowlegeble
20:30.00fileit's tied to file
20:30.37igcewielingvedic: the reasons are likely related to basic design of stuff and really too complicated to explain.   You are always to read the Asterisk source code.
20:30.37filefine, it MAY work but it wouldn't be terribly performant and the larger the file... the more memory you consume
20:30.47filethat stuff is designed to be used to store strings
20:31.03vedicfile: I see
20:31.14igcewielingKind of like asking "Why does NAT cause a problem with SIP?"    The answer would take 20 mins.
20:31.29Qwellfile: the first time it hits a \0, it's dead.
20:31.40QwellSo, no binary files.
20:31.57vedicfile: What is the safe limit (if any) to file size for readfile
20:32.07igcewielingno chance to do something like BASE64(READFILE(....
20:32.13*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
20:32.15Qwelligcewieling: no chance at all
20:32.23fileno idea
20:32.26QwellBASE64 takes a char *
20:32.28vedicfile: ok
20:33.02drmessanovedic, Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.  That's why we don't do it.
20:33.30igcewielingdrmessano: ghostbusters?
20:33.35drmessanoAlso why we don't cross the streams
20:33.37drmessanoYep lol
20:34.26vedicdrmessano: I don't understand your all discourging statements instead of having a reasonably logical, technical answers
20:34.26drmessanoIs still say the best way to make Asterisk copy a file somewhere is not to have Asterisk do it at all, but hand it off to rsync or something
20:34.38fileuse the right tool for the job
20:34.45drmessano[16:34:38] <file> use the right tool for the job  <---
20:34.47vedicdrmessano: agree
20:34.50drmessanoBeen saying that for an hour
20:34.58vedicdrmessano: really?
20:34.59fileand never XML.
20:35.13file(I couldn't pass up dissing XML)
20:35.34mjordanif XML doesn't solve it, you're just not using enough
20:36.43Qwellfile: the answer is obviously json
20:36.52vedicigcewieling: How to issue System from Fast AGI?
20:37.08igcewielingvedic: agi exec
20:37.18vedicigcewieling: ok
20:37.36igcewielingQwell and file: I'd like a JSON encode and decode dialplan functions
20:37.50drmessanoIn Asterisk 12, no doubt
20:37.57Qwelligcewieling: what would the use-case be?
20:37.57mjordanvedic: they're correct. Let's assume for a second that there was a way for Asterisk to push the entire recording over FastAGI. Since FastAGI doesn't support the concept of streaming, that means we have to buffer the whole thing in memory (bad). What's more, FastAGI is not an asynchronous event driven, protocol, which means you'd have to query for the thing and then block (bad).
20:38.21igcewielingQwell: passing arrays between from s
20:38.25mjordanvedic: We'd have to encode the whole recording, passing it over TCP. You'd have to reconstruct it (bad).
20:38.27Qwelligcewieling: HASH
20:38.30igcewielingQwell: passing arrays between PHP AGIs
20:38.30mjordanvedic: re-encoding it (bad)
20:38.39mjordanvedic: then restore the file on your local system.
20:38.47mjordanAll of this is much slower than the solutions proposed.
20:38.56mjordanAnd would be a technical rube-goldberg device
20:39.13vedicmjordan: hmm... I see
20:39.54mjordanFastAGI's purpose is to control the actions taken on Asterisk channel externally. It isn't to manipulate the file system.
20:39.56drmessanoI would rather invoke a robust file copy solution for transferring a file to a remote server than hope some built-in function in any app has my best interests in mind
20:40.10igcewielingQwell: can you think of any reason for Set or Asterisk to have an issue if I already have the data in JSON format?
20:40.33Qwelligcewieling: assuming it's just strings/ints, no
20:40.43Qwellobjects will obviously fail
20:40.50igcewielingobjects are evil
20:40.59drmessanoIt's like using Windows Explorer to copy a file because it happens to do that, and assuming its the best solution for copying a file.  In reality, Windows Explorer is slower than SneakerNET 2.0
20:41.09filewe're over it, let's move on
20:41.14drmessanoI'm not
20:41.21igcewielingdrmessano: that was a really horrid example. 8-|
20:42.17igcewielingQwell: also a json encode for the dialplan to pass "arrays" to an agi script
20:42.59sweepercustom_prepare: SQL Prepare failed <-- any idea what could have caused this all of the suddent?
20:43.44igcewielingas it is now I do stuff like this and then re-parse it all back into an array: CELGenUserEvent(SM_HANGUP,account_sid='${SM_ACCOUNT_ID}' route_sid='${SM_ROUTE_ID}' source='dest' status='${SM_DIALSTATUS}' cause='${SM_HANGUPCAUSE}' answeredtime='${ANSWEREDTIME}');
20:44.36igcewielingThen later a script reads the events and has to parse that back into an array
20:45.49*** part/#asterisk vedic (~V@
20:46.55sweeperI am gonna stab something
20:47.55*** join/#asterisk Vann (
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20:51.43VannDon't suppose anyone is around to help me with an odd SIP issue? Basically my SIP channels don't terminate after a hangup... :(
20:51.59VannUsing the latest Asterisk 11.4 from source
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20:54.42sweeperman asterisk/websocket seems pretty flaky. wonder if it's just my internet that's slowing ICE down or what
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20:58.25sweeperok this is weird
20:58.44sweeperasterisk will just 'hang up' and not do anything, no even respond to commands in the cli
21:06.21sweeperdid it again. wtf
21:06.28sweeperhow do I figure out what's doing this?
21:07.21VannYou try looking in the logs?
21:10.42igcewielingsweeper: what network chipset do you have?  (use lspci)
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21:13.13davlefouHi, since several day, if a use alaw or ulaw, the sound is very bad. I don't undestand why. I don't thing to have done something.
21:14.05davlefouthe sound i good beetweem asterisk and me but not with me and asterisk.
21:14.07sweeperigcewieling:  AR9485
21:14.14sweeperVann: logs are inconclusive
21:14.25sweeperalso, some weirdass stuff is happening with realtime
21:14.47sweeperI saw some missiing fields complained in the logs
21:15.05sweepernow I get " __set_address_from_contact: Invalid contact uri yes (missing sip: or sips:), attempting to use anyway"
21:15.22sweepernow I *KNOW* that the uri I'm sending is not 'yes'
21:15.44sweeperso it's almost like it's trying to work with out-of-sequence sql returns?
21:16.56igcewielingdo you have peers in realtime which do not register? (i.e. static ips)
21:18.19sweeperok found the "yes" thing, I had made it a default
21:18.59sweeperused the scroll buffer and didn't notice
21:19.02igcewielingdon't mess with the schema included n the asterisk source
21:19.15sweeperwhat schema? >.>
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21:20.49igcewielingon my system /usr/src/igc/build/asterisk-11.5.0-rc1/contrib/realtime
21:23.29sweeperthat doesn't even have everything I need
21:23.33sweeperbut I'll add to it I guess
21:24.13igcewielingwhat is it missing?
21:26.16sweeperavpf, encryption, iceenable,hassip, hasiax
21:27.54sweeperwell I'm looking at the version from trunk
21:30.25sweeperaaand asterisk hung again :/
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21:37.06sweepernow it's just broken all over the place
21:40.02sweeperdefinitely realtime related
21:40.12sweeperswitched to static and it all played nice
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23:03.09*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
23:04.13Get_The_FishHello all, I've got a 1.8.x PBX installed with low call volume in a traditional PBX capacity, and I'm considering upgrading to 11.x. Anything that I should know from those in the know?
23:05.06Weezeyjust a few libs to install
23:05.06ChannelZread UPGRADE.txt for any changes that might affect you'
23:05.17Weezeyand nat=yes is gone.
23:05.44Get_The_FishGotcha. Got that, how about stability issues, anything like that?
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23:05.56ChannelZworks fine for me
23:06.42Get_The_FishGreat, thats what I needed to know. I've been dealing with Asterisk since 1.2 and some versions were more mature than others on release.
23:06.50Weezeybeen running 11 in tests since February, Bumped everything up to 11 last week, working great
23:07.09Get_The_FishCool, great to hear. Thanks Weezy, ChannelZ
23:07.27ChannelZGood luck
23:07.35*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~someone@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
23:07.52ChannelZIf you're using any binary modules (g729, FFA, etc) make sure you grab new versions of those
23:08.11Get_The_FishOk, yeah I'm using g729. Thanks for that.
23:08.37Get_The_FishLots of new goodies to play with too!
23:09.42*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
23:10.42ChannelZConfBridge is pretty full featured now from 1.8 (from what I remember)
23:11.05Get_The_FishYeah quite a few new useful options.
23:12.23ChannelZtries to finish writing his primer
23:28.28apb1963has google voice finally bitten the ghost?
23:28.51apb1963was working up until today.. incoming still works, but outgoing... not.
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23:55.45newtonrKatty: howdy
23:56.01Kattywaves to newtonr
23:56.31WIMPyGood morning.
23:57.22newtonrWIMPy: good afternoon!
23:58.24KattyWIMPy: o.
23:58.26KattyWIMPy: o/

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