IRC log for #asterisk on 20130620

00:00.26tilt_I setup the webphone to use outbound proxy to asterisk over tls, but the peer shows as unreachable
00:00.40tilt_it only allow peer to outbound call not inbound
00:00.49beanienavaismo -
00:01.33navaismotilt_, that means is unregistered if you reload the web again do you see it as OK
00:02.05tilt_yeah , i thought so too, but nope it stays unreachable, but is allowed to make outbound calls...weird
00:02.48navaismobeanie, seems like you don't have any peers, And you are using some distro based on FreePBX you need to go to Extensions, then add sip peer
00:02.48tilt_though over udp (no outbound tls proxy) everythign works as expected
00:03.44navaismotilt_, can make calls because the peer know the server IP and has the password but asterisk can't reach the peer to send calls
00:04.02navaismoYou can enable the debug on the register process and we can see what happens
00:04.17tilt_k ill check now thanks
00:04.36beanienavaismo is that within freepbx
00:05.18navaismobeanie, yes
00:05.28navaismoyou dont edit files using freepbx
00:06.44beanienavaismo i'll copy what ive got in extensions.conf if that's the file you're talking about?
00:08.09navaismobeanie, nope I was talking about sip.conf but remember dont edit the files when you are using freepbx, all configus are made by the GUI
00:11.38beanienavaismo -
00:12.53navaismobeanie, forgot the files, and use the GUI
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00:13.42tilt_navaismo: do you configure your webphone with asterisk as an outbound proxy over tls?
00:14.36tilt_I think asterisk is trying to reply to the sipml5  with "sips" and sipml5 is not responding to request
00:14.42tilt_so then the peer becomes unreachable
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00:16.00beanieah ok
00:16.11beaniewhen you say the gui you mean log into free pbx?
00:16.35navaismobeanie, Yes
00:16.46navaismotilt_, no, I dont use TLS yet
00:17.19tilt_ahh...bummer need to figure this out
00:17.42navaismoyes time to test here too
00:17.52tilt_back to my first question is udp secure over the webrtc2sip gateway when using WSS?
00:18.07tilt_I cant really find much documentation on it
00:18.13beanienovaismo - i've set up two extensions as generic sip device
00:18.26navaismotilt_, acorrding to Mamadou(doubango's moderator) they have a Guide to setup
00:18.59tilt_yeah I have read the guide, ill go look around the google group. thanks
00:19.55navaismobeanie, can you upload screenshots of the extensions page
00:20.03beanieyeah sure :-)
00:20.10beaniewhere can i upload them?
00:23.36navaismono hoted site like
00:26.38navaismotilt_, on your xml file are you setyting the wss;*;10062 and set it in you javascript code with wss://ip:10062?
00:29.52beanienavismo 2nd page
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00:31.44beanienavaismo - page three
00:31.49beanieall the same extension
00:32.22navaismobeanie, you need to apply config changes
00:32.52beaniei have done previously, i just renamed the name to test 1 but didn't save it
00:33.00beanieso ignore that
00:36.27tilt_navaismo: yeah, wss://hostname:10062, and it works, I just want to make sure the udp is being transported through the WSS, which I think it is.
00:38.48navaismoyes acoording to the doubango people that is the secure way
00:38.56navaismobut i never tried so i cant confirm
00:39.41beanieany ideas Navaismo?
00:39.49tilt_ok great :)  would be alot easier if I could figure our the asterisk hiccup with WSS
00:40.17navaismowell in the wiki of asterik maybe you will fins something about that
00:40.51tilt_its pretty vague, couldnt find anything helpful.
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00:42.32navaismobeanie, this is the normal procedure --> the part of entering in the cli is only to see if was created is not necessary to do it
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00:44.30beanienavaismo - theres nothing there that i haven't done
00:50.17navaismotry in the asterisk cli: sip show peer 048600 load
00:51.07beaniepeer 048600 not found
00:52.09navaismoapply again the changes in the GUI and see if your asterisk cli show a lot( lot... lot) messages then try again
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01:00.10navaismosip show peers still empty?
01:01.26navaismoI dont know what is happening I do as the last vide and then I tes like this-->   and the peer was created and working correctly.
01:01.52navaismoDo you see warnings in the freepbx system status(dashboard)?
01:03.26beanienavaismo -
01:03.38beanienavaismo - one heck of a lot of errors on the dashboard!!!
01:04.46beanienavaismo - dashboard screenshot -
01:06.44navaismoOk at least your peer now is loaded you can try to register with your phone
01:07.13beaniethe previous screenshot before last contains the errors when i tried to login with softphone - it didn't work
01:08.07beanieok i'm in!
01:08.16beaniewhat was the issue,
01:08.24navaismousername mismatch, have <048600>, digest has <IH048601>
01:08.45beaniebut it was not even coming up as a sip peer before
01:09.14beanieall as i did was changed the display name
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01:09.45navaismoabout the warning in the dashborad: the first 3 warinig said you need to chown those files to asterisk, I mean change the owner of those files whit chown asterisk.asterisk <filename in the warning>
01:10.53navaismoabout the symlink warning move those files to <filenameinwarning>.conf to <filenameinwarning>.conf.old, for example: if warinig say about logger.conf move to logger.conf.old, do that to all files in the warning
01:11.09beanieoh crikey - this i'm not sure how to do novaiso
01:12.06navaismobeanie, I got to go before people sdtart to yell about this is #asterisk and not #freepbx but as always they cant help but they can YELL
01:12.12navaismobeanie, good luck
01:12.29beanienavaismo - i'm no further forward after 4 hours :(
01:12.43beanieit would help if at least i could get rid of these warnings :-)
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01:12.59navaismotry to read or understan my last messages about that
01:13.01navaismosee you
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01:14.12beanieis there actually a room called #freepbx?
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01:15.28Kattybeanie: yesh.
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01:20.20beaniecould anyone guide me in how to move these files and sort the core warnings out - they are clearly causing the problems in asterisk :-) just spent 4 hours doing endless screenshots with nothing resolved :-(
01:27.29Kobazwhat's the minimum asterisk version for sip video
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02:44.37chuckfKobaz: I think that 1.8 had some experimental support for video as I recall
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02:46.23tm1000beanie: go ask in #freepbx
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07:10.48*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.4.0 (2013/05/17), 10.12.2 (2013/03/27), (2013/05/17), DAHDI-linux 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), DAHDI-tools 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
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08:04.51bombevwhy I am getting this notice when try to register IAX extension
08:05.47ChannelZbad auth?
08:06.20kaldemarit's not the auth, but ACL.
08:06.56ChannelZbad ACLs are the worst.
08:07.25kaldemarso, check permit/deny/acl settings.
08:11.10mirela666is there a way to make a Queue like: caller stays in it 30 seconds and there are 3 or more Agents, first is ringing for 15sec and than second for 15sec than leave Queue...
08:12.42mirela666Entering Queue(QueueName,n) with n option and timeout = 30 in queues.conf is making caller stay for 30 sec in qureue
08:13.14mirela666I tried strategy=rrmemory
08:13.36mirela666but can't limit ring to agent to 15 sec for example
08:14.32bulkorokmirela666: this is possible...
08:14.50mirela666maybe timeout=15 and than Queue again, and increasing counter
08:16.27mirela666I always have default ring of 27000 ms
08:16.28bulkorokso... you set timeout=15 in queues.conf for ringing queuemembers for 15 secoinds....
08:16.57mirela666bulkorok: ok...
08:16.59bulkorokand in dialplan you call Queue() with 30 seconds timeout
08:17.28bombevwhat about
08:17.28bombevERROR[3633] chan_iax2.c: Call rejected, CallToken Support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address in the calltokenoptional list or setting user 280 requirecalltoken=no
08:17.29bulkorokso... the caller is max. 30 secs in queue and 2 members are called max. 15 secs...
08:18.42bulkorokbombev: I know that thios info for years ago comming up on the screen... setting the requiredcalltoken=no makes it disappear... but I never need to investigate what a calltoken is... ;-)
08:20.36mirela666bulkorok: aha I thought that Application timeout will just overide the .conf timeout
08:21.28bulkorokmirela666: sample-config mentions that not that way...
08:21.43mirela666bulkorok: ok thanks, i'll try it now
08:22.07bombevbulkorok I set up requiredcalltoken=no and now its okay
08:23.11bulkorokbombev: let me know what a calltoken is for, when you know it ;-)
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09:01.42mirela666bulkorok: not good, timeout is 15s and then queue is left
09:06.37bulkorokand check the sample configs
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09:18.37kaldemarbulkorok, bombev:
09:19.17kaldemarthere was a security advisory about that too, just don't remember when and what it was called.
09:20.15bulkorokah ok
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09:25.10MrQuistWhy is the documentation of asterisk so messed up? The wiki is wrong and voip-info is completely wrong / outdated
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09:27.27infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
09:28.03bulkorokmmh... this is old... 4 is out afair
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09:49.51ectospasmbulkorok: 4 is still in OFPS
09:51.37bulkorokah ok...
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10:12.55kaldemarMrQuist: what in the asterisk wiki is wrong?
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10:39.13hebberWiki is wrong - its just hard to find it
10:39.14wasanzyhow do you change sound formats?
10:39.51hebbersound files?
10:42.04wasanzythe sound is in gsm and I want to change it to wav or mp3
10:44.33MrQuistSyntax: GotoIfTime(timesweekdaysmdaysmonths[timezone]labeliftrue:labeliffalse)
10:45.09MrQuistthat won't work :)
10:47.46wasanzyany idea/
10:50.46kaldemarMrQuist: that's odd. "core show application GotoIfTime" prints GotoIfTime(times,weekdays,mdays,months[,timezone]?[labeliftrue][:labeliffalse]).
10:51.07kaldemarMrQuist: for syntax, asterisk itself is the best source.
10:51.37kaldemarwasanzy: download a sound package in another format.
10:52.24wasanzyok but the existing one can not be converted?
10:54.09kaldemarsure you can convert them if you want, but why bother when you can just download a package here:
10:55.20MrQuistkaldemar, i know, but i think a wiki is supposed to have correct information doesn't it?
10:55.35MrQuistkaldemar, i got the right information nevertheless, but i just think its bad
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10:57.42wasanzyhow do I convert them?
11:01.04kaldemarMrQuist: sure, it should have correct syntax.
11:01.15kaldemarwasanzy: why do you insist on converting them?
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11:01.37wasanzyis a self recorded sound
11:01.45MrQuistwasanzy -> use soc
11:02.09wasanzyis it a linux command?
11:02.29MrQuistsox input.wav -r 8000 -b 16 output.wav
11:02.31MrQuistyes it is
11:02.45MrQuistit will convert a .wav to the proper asterisk-kind of file
11:02.53MrQuistcq. format
11:03.07kaldemarwasanzy: you could also convert with asterisk, "core show help file convert"
11:03.42wasanzyyea that is what I want thax, I will chck
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12:07.13apurvtwrHi everyone. I have got an asterisk1.8.21 server with a GrandStream GXP1400 SIP phone registered on it. When I make a call to this SIP phone from a PSTN line, the voice quality is not good ( the voice heard on the SIP phone breaks. I have checked if this is due to limiting upload/download speed, but the network speed doesn't look like an issue)
12:07.55apurvtwrI am confused on where to look next to debug this issue
12:08.08apurvtwrany help would be great.
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12:09.43apurvtwrI have also tried changing codec from G729 to ulaw, that didn't make much affect
12:13.59ke-escCan anyone point me to a good "best practices" type document for Asterisk? I'm going to be building out a new installation and want to make sure I start doing it correctly from the get-go. Particularly I'm interested in any thoughts on how to best virtualize the entire setup- what aspects should be isolated on their own VM, etc.
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12:48.14bombevguys why rtptimeout doesn hang up the call
12:48.22bombevI mean stucked call
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12:55.22WIMPyMAyeb rtp doesn't go through Asterisk?
12:55.31WIMPyAnd it's always one second too late.
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13:13.41bombevWIMPy well how to deal with stucked channels do you have any idea
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13:14.48Kobazbombev: deadlock?
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13:14.53GreenlightWhat exactly do you mean by "stuck" ?
13:15.24GreenlightDoes it show in "core show channels"? Can you hang it up from the CLI ?
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13:16.58bombevsometimes yes
13:19.44Kobazasterisk version?
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13:35.37Kobaz1.8.22.0 (2013/05/17)
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14:12.28bombevKobaz yes I did the upgrade up to 1.8.22
14:12.37bombevbut same thing happens again
14:13.19[TK]D-Fenderbombev: Put an absolute limit on your calls or something then
14:13.55Kobazbombev: compile with DEBUG_LOCKS
14:14.08Kobazbombev: and when asterisk freezes, pastebin the output of 'core show locks'
14:14.09bombev[TK]D-Fender well how to put absolute limit
14:14.12GreenlightHe's still not clarified what he means by stuck, or answered any questions
14:14.27Kobaz2013-06-20  9:15 AM <Greenlight> Does it show in "core show channels"? Can you hang it up from the CLI ?
14:14.30Kobaz2013-06-20  9:16 AM <bombev> sometimes yes
14:14.30GreenlightI don't think this is a deadlock
14:14.38Kobazi think he answered that question well
14:14.40GreenlightTo which of the three questions was that the answer
14:15.30GreenlightIf it doesn't show in core show channels, then what makes him think it;s stuck
14:15.58GreenlightIt sounds like it's not in the rtpstream and just not getting any indication that the call has cleared
14:16.41GreenlightBut the vaugness of his answered has you asking him to enable DEBUG_LOCKS
14:17.25[TK]D-Fenderbombev: "core show application dial" <---
14:18.17GreenlightIf he can't hangup the call from the CLI then it's something more unusual, and setting a limit on Dial won't help
14:19.02Kobazhe says sometimes
14:19.09bombevthe call usaualy is getting stucked while is answered
14:19.23Greenlight"sometimes" what exactly?
14:19.33GreenlightWhat do you mean by stuck?
14:20.19Kobazmy assumption so far is that the channel sometimes shows in core show channels
14:20.29Kobazbut yeah, getting a further definition of stuck would be helpful
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14:21.35bombevwhen enter this command sip show channelstats
14:22.19bombev**.142.***.1**   1118162786@  20:53:58 0000011647  0000000002 ( 0.02%) 0.0000 0000011649  0000000000 ( 0.00%) 0.0007
14:22.37bombevpay attention on 20:53:58 this is the duration
14:23.02GreenlightOk, and "core show channels" shows it as well ?
14:24.03GreenlightOk, now "channel request hangup <channel>"
14:24.05GreenlightDoes that clear it?
14:24.27bombevsometimes yes, but sometimes not and has to restart asterisk
14:25.00GreenlightWhat is the channel doing?
14:25.12GreenlightJust inside a DIal ?
14:25.18kaldemarclear what? the channel from "core show channels" or the SIP channel from "sip show channelstats"?
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14:34.25bombevbut what is the reason sometimes to get stucking channels
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14:39.18KobazGreenlight: still sounds like a deadlock
14:40.09Kobazor it could be a bug in a channel state handling code chunk
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14:53.33GreenlightIt clears from "core show channels", and I can't see Dial deadlocking as we'd hear about it.
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14:53.58Kobazdepends what you're doing
14:54.14Kobazi've ran into enough deadlocks and bugs that i don't rule them out
14:54.19Kobazespecially when channels dont have up
14:54.24Kobazthat's usually a dead giveaway
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14:55.09Kobazespecially when the word 'sometimes' comes into the picture
14:55.27Kobazbut that's just me... i tend to be pushing asterisk to the limit of complexity and i break it all the time
14:55.37WIMPyA very very bad word indeed.
14:55.49Kobazand then i find the bug and submit the patch and then the world is good again
14:56.01WIMPyOh, So far I thought that was normal.
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14:56.43Kobazmm this chedder cheese is really good
14:56.59WIMPyHmm. When I try to fix something, I often run in to more trouble. Even if it's just bad documentation.
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14:58.34Kobazheh, aww
14:58.42Kobazi havent done much documentation work
14:58.49Kobazalthough i did help leif when chan_local docs
14:59.02Kobaz(still cant get used to this mac keyboard)
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15:21.32leifmadsenKobaz: mac pfffft
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15:26.08eirirsleifmadsen: +1
15:26.35leifmadsenof which, I think my macbook pro finally died
15:27.09eirirsleifmadsen: +1
15:27.46leifmadsenit doesn't seem to spin up at all, doesn't get to the rEFIt screen or anything
15:28.28eirirsI love the fact that you need 20 hours and have a 200 step guide to change a harddisk on a macbook
15:28.43eirirsok, maybe 2 hours
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15:32.47Minotaur01o/ morning everyone
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15:33.32leifmadsenit's not really that hard on the version I have
15:33.37leifmadsenjust a lot of little torx screws
15:33.59Kobazleifmadsen: heh
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16:12.54Kattysteals file's schnitzle
16:13.07fileI could ask Doris to make one for you
16:13.16Kattybut then she'd have to eat it.
16:13.17filealthough since I don't speak German I'd have to use altavista
16:13.22Kattyi don't think it would survive the trip.
16:13.22fileor rather, babelfish
16:13.29Kattyoh, well i can help with that
16:15.00lorsungcujust checked
16:15.05lorsungcualtavista is a thing, still
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16:32.10Minotaur01Has anyone experianced a problem with the inital voicemail setup prompt always playing everytime you access your voicemail?
16:36.14_Corey_have you tried changing your password?
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16:37.16Minotaur01the voicemail password?
16:38.03mmlj4that might be a file or directory permissions problem
16:38.08_Corey_Yeah, it sounds like you have forcegreetings and/or forcename set to yes
16:39.15Minotaur01mml14j: I've chowned the entire asterisk folder
16:39.43Minotaur01Corey: Yah that is set to yes
16:40.39Minotaur01Corey: forcename is set to yes
16:40.52Minotaur01Will try changing the password
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16:43.28igcewielingif the password is the same as the mailbox and force* is enabled, then you will be prompted every time you log on.
16:43.41igcewielingI believe this is documented in voicemail.conf.sample
16:44.24Minotaur01Thank you all that was the problem, I changed the password and its not asking anymore.
16:45.48MLNoahI'm trying to set up DUNDI - SIP for interconnect between multiple Asterisk 1.6.2 boxes, using the examples from Asterisk the Definitive Guide 4th ed.  My mapping is: mapping-name => dialcontext,0,SIP,user:secret@${NUMBER},nopartial -- but when a system tries to place the call, I get a chan_sip.c warning - No such host:
16:46.26MLNoahbut even comparing the sample sip.conf dial strings in 1.6.2 and 11, i don't see any difference in the way the samples show.  is the example wrong?  is it something that upgrading to Ast 11 would fix?
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17:07.50igcewielingMLNoah: almost nobody uses DUNDI, you should check the mailing list archives
17:08.15igcewielingalso did you read the UPGRADE-*.txt files?
17:08.18MLNoahok, thanks
17:09.06MLNoahwell, i was more confused, because TDG seems to basically be saying i should be able to dial SIP/user:secret@host/extension, but sip.conf.sample most certainly doesn't, for any version of Asterisk that I checked (1.6.2, 10, 11)
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17:12.53igcewielingMLNoah: likely "TDG" is wrong.
17:13.11MLNoahbut i read it on the internet! it must be true :P
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18:03.44edgeDoes anybody know how to end a conference room? Meetme session? We have two Dahdi lines stuck inside the meetme application
18:04.00jalewisanyone have advice re AMD Opteron vs Intel Xeon for Asterisk servers?
18:07.32mmlj4if you can still get AMD, I'd use that
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18:19.32apb1963beep beep.  I use RoadRunner for my cable service, they also provide me with VOIP phone service.  Is there a way to tap into that with asterisk?
18:20.11ChannelZI doubt they are using anything standard
18:23.18[TK]D-FenderActually, chances are they are using H.3232 direct on the modem....
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18:30.07thebmwmine is done i am now seeding it
18:30.26thebmwsorry wrong channel
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18:30.33leifmadsenwow... edge waited a whole.... 5 mins?
18:30.44leifmadsenI would have told him, "channel request hangup"
18:33.20apb1963[TK]D-Fender: OK, but is there a way to tap into it?
18:33.50[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: It's their life-mission to stop you from having any fun....
18:42.20igcewielingYou might as well try stopping ninjas.
18:44.14apb1963I don't wanna have fun...  I want to use the service I already pay for, to make outgoing calls without using my hardphone.
18:45.49apb1963I not only have ninja insurance, I have ninja defense shields.  And I know they work because I've never, ever had ninjas get through.
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18:50.45przerullhello, so I use ami to spool an outbound call to a sip peer.  Is it possible to get the sip callid for that call?
18:51.59jalewismmlj4: Dell still sells several Opteron-based servers
18:52.02przerullI'm particularly interested in the case when that call fails to connect due to telephony reasons (busy, congested, etc). I'm pulling ${REASON} but would like to get the sip callid
18:52.15igcewielingprzerull: use a Local/ channel and handle it in the dialplan
18:52.32igcewieling(which is the answer to almost all spool related questions)
18:53.46przerulligcewieling: so would the ami command spool the call to the local channel which would then dial out using the dial command?
18:54.18killowncould anyone help me, here is the debug my voip gets busy when someone try to call it after some minutes and it still keeps registered
18:54.41przerulligcewieling: thanks. that's a huge help
18:54.45igcewielingprzerull: something like that.
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18:58.05[TK]D-Fenderkillown: Because they are almost certainly sending you UNAUTHED calls
18:58.16navaismokillown, No matching peer for '1122050075' from ''  SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
18:58.18[TK]D-Fenderkillown: And your peer is attempting to auth them.
18:58.45killown[TK]D-Fender, navaismo it works fine directly in a soft phone :(
18:59.06killownI am using these settings
19:01.42[TK]D-Fenderkillown: "insecure=port,invite" <---------------
19:01.56[TK]D-Fenderkillown: Their guide is ancient crap
19:02.02killown[TK]D-Fender, ok
19:02.14[TK]D-Fenderkillown: And should be "type=peer"
19:03.00killown[TK]D-Fender,  [ramal123] type=peer?
19:03.15[TK]D-Fenderkillown: whatever the name happens to be...
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19:04.30killown[TK]D-Fender, worked, thanks a lot, like you said, their guide is ancient crap indeed
19:16.25killown[TK]D-Fender, ] same problem again
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19:17.02[TK]D-Fendershow us your actual peer masking only the secret
19:17.53killown[TK]D-Fender, peer masking?
19:18.14[TK]D-Fender[15:17][TK]D-Fendershow us your actual peer, masking only the secret
19:18.30killownoh ok
19:20.41[TK]D-Fenderkillown: <- verify the IP that resolves to.  Wouldn't seem to match the IP they are sending from...
19:21.10[TK]D-Fenderset the IP direct if you have to
19:21.34killown64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=54 time=1572 ms << more than 1 second 0.o
19:21.47killownok, I will set it directly
19:24.44killown[TK]D-Fender, I am using the ip now, for a while it's working
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19:39.51pabelangerAnybody still using an AA50 from digium?
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21:29.27ani216Hello everyone
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21:30.44ani216I have a question, last night at about 3:30am my phones started ringing with a call from extension 1000. I dont have an ext 1000 and when i picked up no one was there, and i was left with 39 empty voicemails...anyone have any idea as to what this was?
21:32.34*** join/#asterisk ChadAragorn (
21:40.50drmessanoYep, SIP attack
21:42.02drmessanoYou can disallow guest or block the offenders IP address
21:42.40WIMPyOr configure youre extensions correctly.
21:42.57drmessanothat too
21:44.45drmessanoSome people have a fascination with having a "catch all" for <insert protocol or service>.  If something is coming to my domain and a valid user isn't specified, return to sender
21:54.11SuperNullim getting this over and over:  WARNING[26982]: chan_sip.c:4210 __sip_autodestruct: .....
21:54.16SuperNullshould i be pooping my self
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22:18.54beaniehullo, just wondering what time to live settings need to be in dyndns if your setting up extension access of site
22:19.15beanieim intending on setting up my router to connect with dyn dns
22:20.28navaismo#asterisk try with dydns support or Google is your friend
22:22.07beaniehello navaismo again hope your well :-)
22:22.28beaniei think because it needs to be compatible with asterisk they may point me back here
22:22.47[TK]D-FenderIt has nothing to do with Asterisk
22:22.52[TK]D-Fenderor FreePBX.
22:22.59[TK]D-Fenderthat cvlient does its own job
22:23.24[TK]D-Fenderyou set the REFRESH rate in Asterisk SIP settings as to how often * should VERIFY it.
22:24.08beanieah i see :-) are you familiar with time to time to live - i don't want asterisk to go offline and be unreliable :-)
22:24.21beaniefor long periods
22:25.12[TK]D-FenderSo set it for something reasonable.
22:26.55beaniewhat's reasonable this is the thing!!
22:27.12[TK]D-FenderThis ain't Raw-Cat Sigh Hence
22:27.22[TK]D-FenderIs HOURLY good enough for you?
22:27.35[TK]D-FenderOr are you going to check every five seconds?
22:27.58beanieah i'm just a lost soul my friend - i just want to make sure i don't cock up here
22:28.26beanieit's no good having a decent pbx if it goes down all the time
22:28.42[TK]D-FenderHow about getting a fixed IP then?
22:28.52beaniecan't afford it
22:28.59beaniei do charitable work, don't get paid for it
22:29.21beaniehave a small network of homeworking volunteers
22:33.03navaismoif I have a dollar for every "charitable work"
22:33.25beanienavaismo - that's a bit harsh
22:33.41beanieimagine, i'm totally genuine, trying to do a decent job in homeless outreach
22:34.00beanieneed to train volunteers, keep in touch with them, liaise with local authorities and i don't get a penny piece for doing it :-)
22:34.33beanieif I had money, don't you think i'd just pay someone to do it all for me?
22:34.36[TK]D-Fenderheads out for a while....
22:34.36navaismoGood karma points
22:35.14beaniesure, but here I am now, working on this, no money for a static ip and so i need to work with dyn dns and just not sure how to set this time to live properly
22:35.53navaismotranlating [TK]D-Fender--->I'ts up to you
22:36.11beaniesure, does it not matter in the slightest for the purposes of asterisk?
22:36.19beanieor could it seriously increase downtime if i get it wrong?
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22:38.26navaismomy advise for you is to use a dyndns client on your pbx
22:39.31apb1963inadyn works for me
22:40.52apb1963and for that matter...  ani216:  Get thyself a whitelist!
22:41.04*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
22:41.05saint_hi all
22:41.15apb1963starts to pray
22:41.36saint_If I want to use the 2nd line button on a D40 to be a "speed dial" to another extension, how do I do that ..?
22:44.03beaniewhats the benefits of using a dyndns client on my pbx as opposed to using dyndns connected to the router
22:44.39ShaunRI've got a bunch of polycom 550's, I was just going to upgrade the firmware on one of them to the latest which appears to be 4.1.0 and started reading somthing about having to purchase licensing for lync?
22:44.58ShaunRwhats this all about?  Can i not upgrade the phone without having to purchase some type of new license?
22:51.32ShaunRah, it looks like lync is for some microsoft stuff
22:51.57beanieok, got a dyndns which file do i need to edit - is it sip_nat.conf
22:52.55navaismoin the GUI advanced sip settings
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22:59.58beanieso i have hostname, primary dns, secondary dns tertiary dns, dns search path?
23:00.51beaniethis is in dns configuration within the gui
23:02.30navaismoasterisk sip settings<----correct menu
23:05.13beaniethat won't run
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23:05.58navaismouh? thats a menu in the GUI
23:06.12navaismoyou should start to see the freepbx wiki
23:08.39beanieso i type setup
23:08.43beanieit opens the gui right
23:09.39navaismoseriously why you are obsessed with that setup command
23:09.58beaniewell whats the difference - you have told me a few different ones and it comes up with same gui
23:10.02navaismoYou are using FreePBX use the GUI, WEB GUI
23:10.06igcewielingnavaismo: happens when you are in the wrong channel.   Something about the mind not being to cope with the space-time rupture.
23:10.24navaismoigcewieling, i need to learn to use your favorite irc command
23:10.29beaniehow enlightening
23:10.35igcewielingnavaismo: indeed
23:10.46beanieso what am I doing here? what am I typing? where am i going :-)
23:11.02navaismogo to freepbx wiki and read read alot
23:11.36beaniei did, i typed sip settings into search and it said there was no direct link, i looked through the other relevant articles and couldn't find anything
23:12.19beanieso where do I need to be in this command prompt
23:13.09beanieas far as i know, so far, the gui is that setup
23:13.12navaismo1) When you talk about asterisk forget command line, since you are using a GUI 2) ask this question in the # freepbx channel 3) learn to differ linux stuff from asterisk stuff
23:13.33navaismosince morning you are mixing linux with asterisk stuff
23:13.37navaismoasterisk is not linux
23:13.46navaismois only a program
23:13.55beanieno but centos, dedicated to asterisk seems to be totally intertwined
23:14.28beanieso when you talk about the gui, do you mean the free pbx control panel accessible via the ip address?
23:14.52igcewielingmust.  resist.
23:14.58navaismoWe now you are a newbie but that doesn't mean that you want to fly before walk, so my advise for you is, Learn Linux, read book and use google. Then learn asterisk, read the online guide(bible)  and then try to setup your pbx
23:16.09beanieI don't have an issue with doing that but ultimately 1) the information i'm reading does not make a lot of sense to me 2) you have twice today sent me to links that don't actually answer the question
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23:16.16navaismofor example i dont know how to fix a car, so you dont see me offering services to fix cars, first i need to know how to drive it
23:16.45beanieso, when you talk about the gui, are you talking about the free pbx control panel?
23:17.47navaismomust resist to use the F in the sentence READ THE MANUAL
23:18.30saint_does someone know where I can find a list of high charged numbers or prefix to block in the USA ? Like porn, etc etc..
23:19.06navaismobeanie, download and read the pdf and as you can see the link WORK
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23:26.29beaniedoes local networks need to be completed when i have set a dynamic ip?
23:26.46beaniei hit auto configure and it came back with
23:28.45beanieand i must resist using the F in the sentence I have read the manual, I don't understand it very well and so I came to ask for some support :-)
23:29.24*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
23:29.58flapjacksyour asterisk box should have a static IP that is outside of the range of your local DHCP server
23:30.25beanieah yes - the one i log in to freepbx with :-)
23:30.40beanie(i.e. the gui)
23:32.48navaismoigcewieling, im like a stalker do you have twitter?
23:33.16igcewielingnavaismo: I'm not on any social networking sites
23:35.44*** join/#asterisk b0ot (~DynamicFa@
23:36.24b0otIs there a way not to pass dtmf tones on specific trunks?
23:41.30beanienot getting anywhere with this local networks setting?
23:41.39beanieand, before you ask, i have looked on google
23:46.38navaismoread the local networks section
23:47.00beanieok :-)
23:48.56beanieis what i am trying to do effectively a vpn?
23:49.00beaniei did read this before
23:49.05beanieand then came back here
23:49.25navaismowhat? uhhh no in anyway you are building a vpn in that web page
23:49.52navaismoyou are only configuring the nat settings for asterisk
23:50.07beanieso i need to add a local network
23:50.13beaniebut what is the ip?
23:50.20beaniethe same one as i log in to freepbx with?
23:51.00beaniewell it would help if your last comment made sense :-p Beanie puts his head in his palms to
23:51.06navaismoyour Local-network!!!
23:51.34navaismothe pdf say it very clear
23:51.37beanieyou could just answer "yes" or "no" - is this the same address as i use to log in to the free pbx from my web browder
23:52.07navaismonothing to do here....shhhhhhhh
23:52.25beaniedo you actually know?
23:52.31b0otSo I have this device that sends * and # when talking. When I call from that device to a softphone such as SJPhone it works fine, however when I call to my Yealink T-26P it plays the * and #s which is very annoying (although audio from call still works)
23:52.40b0otAny ideas on how I could fix this problem
23:52.48b0otPhone setting, trunk setting?
23:53.04navaismomy face right now ---->
23:53.09*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
23:53.14TJNIIWhy on earth is is sending # and * on its own?
23:53.29b0otIt especially annoying since the phone sends a constant # until the person on that end talks
23:53.38b0otIt is meant to integrate into systems that are half duplex
23:53.51b0otwhich use * and # to signal when to talk and when to listen
23:54.01navaismono beanie i don't know any shit about asterisk or freepbx im just a troll what pretend to help people but actually I only mess around the info
23:55.23*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX1 (
23:57.42b0otchanged dtmf type to INBAND
23:57.45b0otfixed the issue
23:59.19*** join/#asterisk classix (

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