IRC log for #asterisk on 20130531

00:11.34*** join/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
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00:46.00DBordelloI am trying to install res_xmpp.  make menuconfig shows: Depends on: iksemel(E)
00:46.21DBordelloSo i installed libiksemel-dev and libssl-dev.  However, after a ./configure, make menuconfig shows the same.  Ideas?
00:52.37infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:58.24jeevis it ok to ask about certain ITSP's here?
00:59.56*** join/#asterisk cedr (cedr@unaffiliated/cedr)
01:00.24*** join/#asterisk ivcivc (~kvirc@
01:01.52igcewielingask.  if you don't get kickbanned, you'll know the answer
01:02.43*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
01:06.34robert_WIMPy: thanks. :D
01:09.05DBordelloAny hints on getting res_xmpp to compile
01:10.45jeevanyone heard of geils?
01:13.04*** join/#asterisk postconf (~postconf@
01:13.28*** part/#asterisk postconf (~postconf@
01:18.02*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:20.10robert_ -- so this is our sip subscribers table. I'm trying to figure out a couple things there. One, for some reason, it doesn't think 2000 or 3000 are available when I 'sip show [peer-id] load', two, I don't know which context settings puts a SIP subscriber inside a specific context so I get insider-only extensions and such. This is the context I'm talking about,; any ideas on why it isn't "seeing"
01:21.30*** join/#asterisk pbxbrian (~pbxbrian@unaffiliated/brian98)
01:23.18*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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01:26.19DBordelloIs it possible just to make the modules, and not the whole burrito?  I am on a slow processor
01:27.24*** join/#asterisk bandroid (~bandroidx@
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01:30.11WIMPyThe Burrito is made of modules.
01:30.18*** part/#asterisk monsterco (
01:30.22DBordelloThen the whole burrito it is then
01:30.45DBordelloi assumed they were seperate files
01:31.04WIMPythey are
01:31.08WIMPyBut they need to fit.
01:31.22DBordellookay.  The poor raspberry pi is chewing on them now
01:31.23WIMPyApart from that the usual makefile magic applies.
01:32.20DBordellofair enough
01:32.26DBordellomake distclean sent me back to the start
01:33.02*** join/#asterisk cedr (cedr@unaffiliated/cedr)
01:33.06WIMPyThat's what it does.
01:33.22DBordelloI was desperate.  Looking back, I don't think it was necessary
01:34.03WIMPyI've never done it.
01:34.42WIMPyI think I needed a 'make clean' once, but that was quite some time ago.
01:38.37*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
01:53.10DBordellowaits and waits
01:53.19*** join/#asterisk pickleheadjones (
01:53.37pickleheadjonesAnyone alive?
02:00.14*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
02:12.43pickleheadjonesAnyone using Asrterisk in a cloud environment?
02:13.14pickleheadjonesAnyone using Asrterisk in a cloud environment?
02:13.42pickleheadjonesOk Cool
02:23.32*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
02:30.40*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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02:38.46DBordellopickleheadjones, ask your question
02:41.06*** join/#asterisk Draecos (~Draecos@
02:49.06*** join/#asterisk hebber (
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02:56.56*** join/#asterisk robert_ (~hellspawn@objectx/robert)
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03:03.11DBordellorobl^, Where did you see the book for version 11?
03:03.30DBordelloNevermind, ignore.
03:03.42*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
03:16.56*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
03:23.34DBordelloIf I want to send a DTMF "1" to the calling party, I am trying this dialplan: same => n,Dial(SIP/djb-desktop,20,D(,1))
03:23.49DBordelloHowever, that sends ",1" to the called party.  What is the proper syntax?
03:27.33DBordelloAh, it is a colon to seperate parameters
03:28.17robert_anybody? lol
03:28.42DBordellorobert_, questioning how I am talking to myself? :)
03:29.28*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
03:30.14robert_I have a question above :p
03:30.37DBordelloI am in no position to be offering advice
04:09.18ChannelZI didn't see your question
04:09.36*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
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04:28.47*** join/#asterisk forst (4c1f8ea6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:29.21DBordello<robert_> -- so this is our sip subscribers table. I'm trying to figure out a couple things there. One, for some reason, it doesn't think 2000 or 3000 are available when I 'sip show [peer-id] load', two, I don't know which context settings puts a SIP subscriber inside a specific context so I get insider-only extensions and such. This is the context I'm talking about,; any ideas on w
04:29.22DBordellohy it isn't "seeing"
04:29.22DBordello<robert_>  [employee]?  I know I need to migrate over to realtime, however the issue is that Ast keeps putting SIP users inside the 'default' context and not the one specified. When making a call say, to *4357, it will reject due to the extension not being found in [default].
04:29.27forstDoes anyone here have experience unbricking Mitel 5xxx phones?
04:30.02forstHad a firmware update kill about 50 phones last night, the ethernet port is pretty much useless even after defaulting. "bad lan link"
04:30.18forstso I'm trying to figure out a way to maybe reflash the chips manually
04:35.35forstyeah it sucked, had to replace all of the dead phones with brand new phones to get the customers back up and running.. ~$9000 disaster lol
04:36.38forstI guess this isn't the best place to ask about reflashing them though, I just don't know which channels would discuss stuff like that, jtag etc.. any ideas?
04:36.49DBordelloI do not, sorry :/
04:37.04*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:39.59ChannelZWell it suggests that the device making the call is not actually matching the peer you think it is
04:40.26ChannelZBut I'm guessing without any evidence
04:41.24ChannelZ(the 'context' column is the context the device should be in)
04:43.01ChannelZrobert_: oh.. actually just looking at your INSERT statements you're not even setting context on 2000,2001,3000 so that explains that
04:44.49*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
04:54.56*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-dudhqualbeegobjw)
04:56.32ChannelZSo, in Google's transition of Voice/Talk into Hangouts, have they changed or otherwise busted the protocol?
05:18.53kaldemarChannelZ: hangouts does not support XMPP.
05:20.35ChannelZYeah I'm just finding some writeups on that.  So does Motif becomes useless at some point down the road? Going the way of Skype?
05:26.13kaldemarthey didn't explicitly say anything about that but since XMPP services are replaced by something else, you can do the math...
05:26.36ChannelZ...Google... feh
05:29.33*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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05:40.37reenignEesreveRwhats the best way to get a REST API on top of asterisk?
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06:55.25*** join/#asterisk din3sh (2988f98f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:56.06din3shhello all
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07:07.45din3shhello, anyone been able to set up billing using Channel Event Logging? CEL?
07:19.35*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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07:24.34*** join/#asterisk jnemeth (
07:26.38jnemethIs there anybody that can help with an issue with outdialing on a PRI?  I can receive calls on the PRI just fine.
07:29.55*** join/#asterisk k610 (
07:32.33din3shjnemeth: what is the problem?
07:32.49din3shi mean what error message you having?
07:33.45jnemethin response to Dial, it gives this error:  [May 27 02:40:06] WARNING[3923] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 6 - Channel unacceptable)
07:34.27jnemethI've been busy with Google, but not having much luck figuring out what the error means.
07:35.08jnemethSince I can receive calls, the configuration must be mostly correct.
07:37.34jnemeththe actual call to Dial was Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN})
07:38.08*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
07:38.15*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:38.32din3sherror msg?
07:38.48din3shwhat does log say?
07:39.19jnemethsee above...
07:39.53jnemethimmediately after the line where you first asked for the error message...
07:40.38*** join/#asterisk hebber (
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07:58.55*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-pzmxwiesnsyhajfj)
08:06.31*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (
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08:20.46*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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08:26.54WIMPyjnemeth: Looks like that group isn;t set up correctly.
08:28.00*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
08:29.42jnemethWIMPy: having just looked at chan_dahdi.conf.sample (which is ridiculously long) again, I was just wondering about that...  it currently has:
08:30.01jnemethI'm now thinking that those two should be reversed...
08:30.19kaldemarthey should, if you want channels 1-23 to belong to group 1.
08:31.11kaldemarin chan_dahdi.conf, a setting applies for all channels defined below it, until the setting is defined otherwise.
08:31.56jnemethyes, I'm going to move the channel line to the bottom and try again...
08:32.37jnemethI can't try right now as I'm not on site and don't have easy access...
08:32.53*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
08:33.06WIMPyYes, the chan_dahdi.conf is some very bad spaghetti.
08:40.20din3shHey WIMPy
08:46.19din3shhow is it going?
08:47.49WIMPyA bit like chan_dahdi.conf. Not very well organized.
08:48.21WIMPyWith a certain loss of overview.
08:48.28din3shlike the CDR logging is well organised
08:49.16WIMPyLike missing the the part that's usually the reason for having them?
08:49.41din3shtrying to set up billing with the CDR
08:50.01WIMPyYes, pretty bad :-(
08:50.19din3shwont be able to do that, CDR is erroneous for atxfer etc
08:50.47WIMPyI remember when I first used Asterisk and wrote some scripts to combine Asterisks CDRs wit the CDRs of the PBX behind.
08:51.23din3shin 1.4 i found some agi script to do that
08:51.34din3shnot in 1.8 or 11
08:52.11WIMPyTrouble is that the reason for writing CDRs is missing: The costs.
08:52.43*** join/#asterisk msaraiva (
08:53.26din3shPhone A calls Phone B, transfers to Phone C. There is no CDR log for B talking to C, even if its talking for 2hrs
08:54.13din3shhas been a major issue since 2008. I dont think there's a fix for that even as of today
08:54.19jnemeththat looks like it's going to be fun...
08:54.21WIMPyLuckily at the point where I needed them transfers would not happen in Asterisk.
08:54.43msaraivadin3sh: channel event logging.
08:54.53msaraivaSolves all your problems like magic.
08:54.59din3shtried that
08:55.07jnemethAsterisk: The Definitive Guide seems to recommend CEL logging to solve that problem...  but, those logs look like they will be a lot harder to analyze...
08:55.17din3shi now have 10 records in the db for a single extension to extension call
08:55.32din3shFOR A SINGLE CALL
08:55.54din3shfor transfers you have like 20 records for a 1 legged transfer
08:56.25WIMPyYes, I guess the first setup (many years ago) is still the best. Use your old PBX and just add Asterisk for some extra features.
08:57.00jnemethdoesn't work so well when there isn't an "old PBX"...
08:57.19LieutPants[ASTERISK-11309] [Status: Closed] Missing CDR's for Transfers -
08:57.30WIMPyjnemeth: ebay :-)
08:58.11jnemethyeah, that just complicates things greatly...
08:58.40WIMPyThe sensible possiblities for connecting local phones are rater limited anyway :-(
09:00.48jnemethhrmm:  Resolution: Won't Fix
09:01.15jnemethnew installs equal SIP phones...
09:01.57WIMPySIP phones are ony an option if you are in a place with (almost) free energy.
09:04.38WIMPyWill be a good business to tell people how much money they can save when they change to a classic PBX.
09:05.38din3shclassic PBX?
09:05.41din3shlike avaya?
09:06.02WIMPyWhatever. Something with non-IP phones.
09:06.50din3shdigital ones?
09:07.30WIMPyI thought analoge ones have been extinct for soe decades.
09:07.32din3share SIP phones a regression to these ones?
09:09.04WIMPyThey are just like your mobile smartphones. You can do lots of nice things with them, but making calls isn;t as easy as it used to be.
09:10.48din3shi have an android based sip phone on my desk
09:11.00din3sha pain in the ass to do simple thing as dialing a number
09:12.54din3shwith a digital phone, when you call out an extension, you used to see the name+number you are calling
09:13.14din3shwith *, you have to set connectedID()
09:13.25jnemeth6.9 cents per kWh for the first 1354 kWh, then 10.34 cents per kWh for the rest, where I am...
09:13.54WIMPyNames actually being transmitted instead of just being inserted via your local directory ar a real advantage.
09:14.26*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley_ (~quassel@
09:14.42jnemethyeah, but * is infinitely flexible; all that can be fixed :->
09:14.57WIMPyIn the standard plan you're at 29.12 ยข/kwh here.
09:15.22*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
09:15.23WIMPyjnemeth: Err, no. Already forgot the CDR thing?
09:16.36jnemethexpensive power you have over there...
09:17.04WIMPyYes. That's why I think there's a business opportunity.
09:17.59jnemethare you using POE with your SIP phones?  or, why do your SIP phones use so much power?
09:18.16WIMPyWith a SIP phone you easily use 100-200 times more electricity than with a digital PBX or ISDN phone.
09:18.50WIMPyI personally use only one SIP phone for that very reason.
09:19.23jnemethseems rather strange...  a SIP phone shouldn't be any more complex then an ISDN phone electronically...
09:20.09WIMPyOh, Ethernet is very bad regarding power consumption.
09:20.43jnemethonce upon a time, I did a work term in a lab that was designing ISDN phones, so I have a pretty good idea what goes into them...
09:22.04WIMPyAnd the above figure incluses porportional amounts of power for switches, off course.
09:23.16jnemethyeah, but the * box itself should use a lot less power then a classic PBX...
09:23.35jnemethwould quite possibly use more power then a small key system...
09:23.42WIMPyIf you run it on a Raspberry PI.
09:24.20jnemethraspi don't have much oomph to them...  that would be a rather low capacity system...
09:24.56jnemethwhen you say PBX, do you mean an actual PBX or a key system (what you find in most small offices)?
09:25.36WIMPyPBX. Key systems don't really exist here. Certainly not since the 80s.
09:25.55jnemethan actual PBX would like use a lot more power then most * systems...
09:28.06WIMPyMy old soho PBX used 11W including 5 phones.
09:28.28WIMPyAnd the bigger ones aren't as bad as you might think, either.
09:31.01jnemetharound here, Meridian Norstar systems are quite popular...  they are fully electronic, but they are generally considered to be key systems...
09:32.03*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
09:34.27*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
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09:36.43jnemethmost small office systems are what I and most people I know would classify as key systems (basically they have seperate line buttons for each CO line)...
09:37.17jnemeththose type of systems are still very common...
09:38.09jnemeththe advent of * and other lower cost voip systems is slowly changing that though...
09:39.35WIMPyYou actually find offices here that just use cordless phones as DECT bases always come with mini PBX included.
09:39.49WIMPyNot my cup of tea, but seems to work.
09:40.59WIMPyThat's the version where the base is incluses in the only desktop phone, usually.
09:42.27linociscoif one PSTN line is down, how can users make automatically select next working lines?
09:43.13WIMPyUse groups or DIALSTATUS. Depends on what kind of lines.
09:43.25WIMPyAnd what kind of "down".
09:48.12din3shlinocisco: man you still with that :p
09:48.25din3shswitchover to UCM
09:49.00linociscoWIMPy, no. it is down by PSTN companies
09:49.02kaldemarlinocisco: you better start using a technology specific term instead of "PSTN line".
09:49.33linociscokaldemar, what technology specific term? we dont have E1 or T1 or ISDN or good internet
09:50.11kaldemarlinocisco: PSTN is not a specific technology. if you refer to analog, use FXO or FXS.
09:50.32linociscokaldemar, ok. analog FXO land lines
09:50.33kaldemarmaybe you're mixing PSTN and POTS.
09:51.12din3shDIALSTATUS is the way to go linocisco, as i told u 2 weeks back
09:51.41linociscokaldemar, what is the different between?
09:52.09infobotit has been said that pstn is Public Switched Telephone Network, or "please stop the nonsense"
09:52.11infobot[~pots] POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) is the term for a common analog phone line service as is used world-wide.  The "phone company" is called FXO (~fxo), and the user end-point (or phone) is called FXS (~FXS).  POTS supports 1 channel, and possibly call-waiting, 3-way calling, CID, as signalled to the telco.
09:53.13WIMPywonders what's nonsense about the PSTN. Apart from it obviousely not being maintained any more in some areas :-(
09:53.50din3sh"please stop the nonsense" seems to be a better definition
09:54.53linociscoWIMPy, we dont have 3 way calling
09:55.10*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
09:55.11linociscoWIMPy, no call waiting
09:55.58WIMPyBad, but doesn;t matter as you couldn't make much use of that anyway when using Asterisk.
09:56.09kaldemarlinocisco: Plain Old Telephone Service (=analog technology) and Public Switched Telephone Network (=network). latter is a network that uses different technologies, POTS just refers to analog technology (=FXS/FXO).
09:57.19linociscoWIMPy, but i can use full features of asterisk like call wating, call forward, transfer, meetme, voicemail, directory, for all extensions
09:57.58WIMPyBut none of them on the network side.
09:59.07jnemethanyways, thanks for the help earlier...  but, it is 3 AM local time and long past time I went to bed...
10:06.54*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
10:26.38linociscoWIMPy,  all internally
10:27.54*** join/#asterisk Gr3mlin (7deeffc4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:27.59Gr3mlinhay guys
10:28.06Gr3mlinhows everyones evening going?
10:28.29WIMPyAsk later :-)
10:28.55Gr3mlinpasses WIMPy his last Jim Beam
10:29.53WIMPyI hope you added lots of cola to make it drinkable.
10:30.48Gr3mlini did indeed! really cola too, not RC-cola
10:34.52*** join/#asterisk War_Bear (
10:35.19Gr3mlini did have a Asterisk related question, hopefully a quick one, Q: "I've setup a Virtual Server running Asterisk, and Asterisk Gui, to play with, before committing a PC too it. only, when i access the Gui, i get the lovely "Checking write permission for gui folder" error. now i've googled the poo out of it. but still i am stuck on it. Is this simply a Hardware issue as the VM doesnt have a PSTN device of any kind?!"
10:36.48WIMPyBut You will have a hard time finding support for the Asterisk GUI.
10:37.40Gr3mlini thought it might be easier to use the gui than trying to wrap my head around it.
10:38.34WIMPyIF you really want a GUI, try FreePBX. It's not supported here, either, but at least there is some support in #freepbx.
10:38.48Gr3mlinyeah? is that cos its this is #asterisk and not #asterisk-gui? or just the gui is overrated!?
10:39.32WIMPyHowever you might consider that any GUI will limit yur possibilities and is not a good starting point if you intend to learn Asterisk yourself.
10:42.17Gr3mlinto be honest, i though i would have a little play, as i need to make a landline accessible via an IP phone located in a different location.
10:42.57Gr3mlinso as far as i can tell i will be using 1% of asterisks potential.
10:43.45WIMPyThe GUIs should be more than adequate for that task.
10:44.08din3shuse elastix or asterisknow man
10:44.23din3shor freepbx (all of these are freepbx)
10:44.30din3shless pain the ass
10:44.33din3shin the *
10:45.01WIMPyYou mean elastix as in
10:45.05infobotsomebody said elastix was a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
10:45.26din3shhave tried it
10:45.59Gr3mlin<-- is downloading FreePBX right now :D
10:46.03WIMPyI guess you have better chance to get support with AsteriskNOW and FreePBX?
10:46.10din3shElastix is pretty popular in spanish community, south american countries etc
10:46.21din3shthey even have their own turnkey appliance
10:46.35din3shyou have paid support with elastix also
10:46.46din3shtogether with training/certification
10:47.30Gr3mlinSounds like Concept Security panels. 1500$ just for a piece of paper saying to attended 2 weeks of training.
10:47.50din3shbut i havent followed any training/certification
10:48.07din3shmy past handson with pure asterisk helps me
10:48.33din3shWIMPy i deployed elastix with their free call centre module with 70agents
10:48.36din3shpretty much ok
10:48.48Gr3mlini know people that self teach, and know more that 'Qualified' people.
10:49.56Gr3mlinOOoo can someone point me to the recommend hardware to connect to the PSTN line?
10:50.00WIMPyIsn't that true most of the time.
10:50.12WIMPyGr3mlin: What kind of line?
10:50.35Gr3mlinstandard telephone?
10:50.48Gr3mlinis that what you mean WIMPy ?
10:51.01WIMPyBuy a digium card or a SIP gateway.
10:52.08Gr3mlinwhy do they seem to always be rigged for 4 analog lines?
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10:55.14Gr3mlinwhat about a Authentic X100P WIMPy
10:56.22WIMPyAnalog stuff is bad enough. Don't give yourself the pain of a cheap clone.
10:58.55Gr3mlinreally? plopper. ok. might have to tell the boss to s-can it. trying to do it as cheap as i can for him.
11:01.36din3shcheap sip phones will give u sleepless nights
11:01.41WIMPyAnalog stuff doesn't come cheap.
11:01.45Gr3mlinooo, what about this?? can i post links?
11:03.25WIMPyDidn't I say buy Digium?
11:04.14Gr3mlinindeed, i just found that one :D
11:05.29Gr3mlin75 or 65.. i think i will pay the extra 10 ;)
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11:11.48Gr3mlinthanks for the help guys! :) Have a good evening / day / weekend
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12:46.08zafuhi, is there some secret ingredient to make a 7960 register itself through NAT (I did set the proper settings)?
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13:07.38Free99hey, if I needed to reload the context of a single peer, how would I do that?
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13:09.54[TK]D-FenderWhole dialplan is loaded in one shot.
13:10.01[TK]D-FenderAnd has nothing to do with your peers
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13:12.39Free99[TK]D-Fender, issue is that I have active clients but I had to modify dialplan. My DID has a specific context that it seems to forget to jump to unless I do a full reload
13:13.00Free99the DID being statically defined in sip.conf
13:13.17Free99or not DID, the termination provider
13:13.30[TK]D-Fenderthe SIP entry?
13:13.41[TK]D-FenderDo not mix PEERS with DIALPLAN
13:13.52[TK]D-Fenderand "forget to jump" is not the case
13:14.05[TK]D-FenderAnd there is no "partial"
13:14.48Free99So how should I do this then? I have a peer defined in sip.conf with a certain context=.... when I do dialplan reload, the peer stops working properly..
13:15.18Free99the default context is different than the one this peer needs to go to
13:15.34Free99when I do a full reload, the peer works again
13:16.28Free99[TK]D-Fender, so is that a bug then?
13:16.40[TK]D-Fenderyou are mistaken about the circumstances.
13:17.01[TK]D-FenderThe peer points to wherever it points to.  If you change the dialplan and reload your next will be with the new dialplan
13:17.45[TK]D-Fendernext call*
13:18.17Free99you're saying that the context to which the peer points should still work as it does normally, despite the dialplan reload?
13:19.45[TK]D-Fendernew call loads the CURRENT dialplan.
13:19.49[TK]D-FenderYou are talking in circles
13:19.54[TK]D-FenderThere is no magic to this
13:22.42Free99[TK]D-Fender, just hear me out for a sec: What it seems to me you are saying is, if I set context=<existant context in extensions.conf> for the peer, then start asterisk... the peer will behave as expected right? It seems like you are also saying that if I change the dialplan in a different area, *not* in the context for that peer and do a dialplan reload, the peer should still behave as expected, correct?
13:28.32Free99sigh. I wish I knew how to setup the jitter buffer :-/
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13:30.51Free99well ok [TK]D-Fender maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. Let me ask this then: is there a way to do a reload without losing all my registrations?
13:33.31jmetrohave your registrations done through a separate sip registration server
13:34.17[TK]D-FenderSialplan has nothing to do with registrations
13:34.33[TK]D-FenderNeither does reloading SIP
13:34.50[TK]D-FenderIf you're registered then that fact is held
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13:42.07Free99[TK]D-Fender, I believe perhaps there's a bug in that case, because that is not what happens.
13:42.31[TK]D-FenderFree99: Doubt it highly
13:43.08igcewielingFree99: Yes.  No.  Without more information it is impossible to tell.   for example, are you using Realtime
13:43.34Free99igcewieling, yes I am. This peer however is statically defined in sip.conf
13:43.57igcewielingFree99: peers defined in sip.conf do not "magically go away".
13:43.58[TK]D-FenderFree99: We have no proof that things are even matching the peer you think it is.
13:44.20[TK]D-FenderFree99: And a new calls takes the CURRENT dialplan.  There is no "area".  That scope does not exist.
13:44.21Free99igcewieling, I'm not saying they are "going away"
13:44.35[TK]D-FenderFree99: There is no little microcosm tied to a "peer"
13:44.43Free99[TK]D-Fender, I'm saying that the peer fails to be confined in the correct context
13:44.53igcewielingsorry registrations,  "is there a way to do a reload without losing all my registrations?"
13:45.11Free99igcewieling, the other peers are realtime
13:45.14[TK]D-FenderFree99: show us.
13:45.22Free99I didn't know which ones you were asking about, sorry
13:45.50igcewielingFree99: Ah.   They is not unusual.  It means you screwed up, not that there is a bug
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13:47.26Free99[TK]D-Fender, gathering data.
13:47.34Free99igcewieling, care to elaborate?
13:47.58igcewielingFree99: could be one of a dozen or more errors
13:48.32igcewielinghave you pastebin'd the peer yet?
13:48.43igcewielinga sip debug of an incoming call not matching the peer?
13:49.47Free99boss is on my ass, just a second
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14:00.11Free99do I need to pb the static peer (the termination provider?) their context is set to a2incoming
14:02.41[TK]D-FenderFree99: You need to show use the CALL
14:02.50[TK]D-FenderStop staring at configs
14:02.58[TK]D-Fenderwe have no prrof the call is even matching your peer
14:03.16[TK]D-FenderSo show the call and show the bits related to it
14:03.58Free99[TK]D-Fender, I apologize but we're going to have to wait for a bit because I cannot break the system while my boss is doing a demo
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14:04.13[TK]D-FenderI also don't recall being able to use realtime for SOME peers, and the .conf file for others
14:04.39igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: It works.
14:04.50igcewielingI did it before we abandoned realtime
14:04.52[TK]D-FenderIf you say so
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14:12.11blitzragewe have static (in sip.conf) and realtime peers at the same time
14:12.23blitzragestatic are gateways, realtime peers are devices/phones
14:13.29igcewielingblitzrage: a very handy feature
14:14.00fileinternally chan_sip looks through its internal list, and then queries realtime
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14:15.35igcewielingWhoo!  Whoo!  I new something [TK]D-Fender didn't!  8-)
14:15.41igcewielingknew, even
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14:40.22jmetrotwo things can register to the same sip.conf entry at the same time?
14:40.25jmetroor does that break
14:43.28carrarThe devices can, but asterisk will send the call to the last one to register
14:44.48jmetrodarn. im trying to lump two phones together that should always get called together even if i just dial the sip peername
14:45.13carrarother pbx systems do that
14:45.30GreenlightThat breaks the defenition of a peer
14:45.32fileyes, it's an implementation detail of chan_sip
14:45.57jmetroits a wireless handset that isnt integrated, it SHOULD be part of the peer
14:46.06carrarIt's not hard to work around that with user peers
14:47.47jmetrocarrar: elaborate?
14:48.11carrarso have 5555-desk 5555-soft 5555-cordless
14:48.21carrarcheck to see if registered before dialing all three
14:48.25carrarfrom a single extension
14:49.02carraryou would have a extension that dials 3 local extensions
14:49.28carrarwhich everone answers gets the call
14:49.53jmetrobut lets say i add that extension to a queue
14:49.56carrarcan add a 4th (cell) with a delay
14:49.58jmetrohow does the queue dial it
14:50.05GreenlightVia "Local/EXT"
14:50.19carrarqueue uses the peername
14:50.55jmetrobecause i've done the "one extension rings multiple" before but im trying to do this on a queue member
14:51.06carrarlet me make a example for ya
14:53.27carrarsomething like that
14:54.08jmetroyeah, basic workgroup dials, you just stick the & in ther
14:54.24jmetrobut extensions dont match peernames, so the queue wouldnt call the other lines
14:54.46jmetrounless youre saying make the peername the extension and somehow
14:55.11carrarmost people don't want the queue dialing all their phones
14:55.21carrarleast our customers anyways
14:55.25jmetro=D my call center agent does.
14:55.53carrarwhen they login to the queue add all their devices
14:56.24jmetrohm, then my interface that shows queue members will be flooded
14:57.10carrarSounds like you need to have a meeting with your call center manager
14:57.24carrarand write some policies :)
14:58.16jmetrowell, that would be my boss and i dont think he will like being told that my agent cant get queue calls on the mobile <.<
14:58.29carrarYou coulg go as far as writting a web page app that lets people select what devices join the queue
14:58.37carrarwhen they login
14:58.45carrarthen check that db when joining a queue
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15:00.16pabelangerthat's what we did :)
15:01.20carrarnice, there just hire some Chineese hackers to steals pabelanger dialplan and configs
15:02.14pabelangercarrar: just go to astricon, presenting something there
15:03.26carrarposting your code too?
15:03.46carrarjmetro, there you go, company reason to attend astricon
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15:04.40jmetrowe already go =p
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15:13.30pet4153hi there i might need some help to set up a conference bridge with the webgui
15:13.42ChainsawAh, FreePBX?
15:13.50WIMPyWhich one?
15:14.19pet4153yes running on a synology v1.8 webgiu 2.1
15:14.40WIMPyWhat the heck is that?
15:15.18Chainsawjmetro: You are correct.
15:15.24pet4153hiii syno is as common nas system comes with a lot of packages like
15:15.50pet4153ok try to go on freepbx
15:16.22pabelangercarrar: some code
15:16.53Chainsawpabelanger: Not the telemarketer maze?
15:17.35malcolmdi think those sinology things use the old asterisk-gui
15:17.36carrarsynology's are great
15:17.42carrarwe have 2
15:17.57WIMPyI don;t see any reference to Asterisk at Synology.
15:18.07carrarI have one here at home for my personal NAS
15:18.25pabelangerChainsaw: huh?
15:18.41malcolmdWIMPy: they threw asterisk on it, then promptly sent everyone of their users to the asterisk forums for support when they had questions.  hooray synology
15:19.03carrarI'll help em
15:19.24carrargets his book link ready and his compile form source remarks ready
15:19.36malcolmdyeah, it's been an awesome experience for the users and for the forums responders.  and by awesome, i mean "not awesome."  i really wish they'd get more engaged in helping their users.
15:20.28pet4153well i got everything to work very quick except conferences...
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15:21.45WIMPypet4153: To use ConfBridge, you want a newer version of Asterisk anyway.
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15:43.01malcolmdand asterisk-gui was never updated to use confbridge
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16:28.17DBordelloAre there any web guis worth using for monitoring, etc?  I still want to do the configuration using the config files.
16:28.22DBordelloFreePBX doesn't seem like the right solution
16:28.35GreenlightWe use zabbix
16:28.42GreenlightVia SNMP
16:28.43WIMPyWhat do you want to monitor?
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16:29.03DBordelloWIMPy, Not sure.  Phones registered, etc.  Statistics are fun :)
16:29.13DBordelloGreenlight, interesting.
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16:29.20igcewielingDBordello: monitoring?  FOP2 is what we use, but I'm not involved in installing, maintaining, or supporting it.
16:29.35GreenlightWe use it to measure number of active channels of each type and graph it to big TV's on the wall :)
16:29.49DBordelloGreenlight, that kind of fun stuff :)
16:30.12DBordelloigcewieling, that looks cool
16:30.16GreenlightYup -- looks very techy :)
16:31.04DBordelloLooks like overkill for my purposes :)
16:31.17WIMPyThe only thin I managed to do via SNMP to Asterisk was to make it crash.
16:31.43GreenlightI do remember it beign a royal pain to setup, but once we got it going it's worked flawlessly
16:31.59GreenlightWe monitor a dozen or so asterisk boxes from our main zabbix
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16:32.44GreenlightAnd automated email alerts tied in based on certain criteria as well
16:32.49GreenlightAll good stuff
16:33.13DBordelloThis is a home based PBX, nothing fancy :)
16:33.45DBordelloInstalling Fop2 now
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16:37.30DBordelloActually, that is probably a bit overkill.  I think i'll stick with sip show peers
16:37.48danfromukHi. Using AMI, whats the easiest way to find out whether a SIP Peer is inuse?
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16:38.52GreenlightThe ExtensionState action I'd reckon
16:39.04WIMPyUse the DEVICE_STATE function with GetVar.
16:39.21WIMPyOr if you're connected anyway, listen for the events.
16:39.40danfromukGreenlight: I saw that, but that would require me to set up hints where I currently dont have.
16:39.47DBordelloI have an incoming route that I would like to ring multiple phones (this is at home).  Is there a better way to do this than for the incoming context using Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2....)?  This seems clunky and requires reconfiguration if I add a new phone.  Is it possible to group them?
16:40.07danfromukWIMPy: DEVICE_STATE looks like it would work. I need to get an initial status, then I can monitor for events.
16:40.25danfromukThanks for both of you.
16:40.46WIMPyDBordello: Exactely the way you said.
16:41.04WIMPyOr you can define a global variable, but I'm not sure that makes things cleaner.
16:41.18DBordelloWIMPy, just concat'ing them in the Dial(..)?
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16:41.35WIMPyErr, what?
16:42.07GreenlightDBordello: The only other option that springs to mind is to use a Queue with RingAll
16:42.48tech_travisDBordello: what about trying SLA (shared line appearance)?
16:42.49DBordelloOkay, sounds good
16:43.39DBordellotech_travis, that sounds promising.  I am really kind of looking for a traditional home phone system, where each phone has several lines, tied to outgoing routes.  All will ring, etc.
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16:45.09DBordellotech_travis, that looks exactly like what I want, thanks for the tip
16:45.19tech_travisDBordello: np.
17:12.11danfromukWIMPy: DEVICE_STATE seems to always return NOT_INUSE
17:12.36WIMPyDo you hace call counters enabled?
17:13.05danfromukI thought so.
17:13.11danfromukOne moment.
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17:16.00danfromukWhich variable enabled call counters? limitonpeers ?
17:16.21WIMPydpends on the version.
17:16.30danfromukIts 1.8
17:17.17WIMPyis not good with the sip stuff.
17:17.43danfromukGot it
17:19.40blitzragecallcounter=yes I think
17:20.30blitzrageya, it's callcounter=yes in at least 1.8+
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17:23.18danfromukPerfect. Its working now. Does callcounter=yes affect anything apart from DEVICE_STATE? eg. can it prevent calls from being accepted if the device already has one call active?
17:23.53WIMPyNot unles you also set a limit.
17:24.49danfromukIf callcounter=no and call-limit=1, does the limit not work?
17:25.12WIMPyI don't think so.
17:25.40Qwellcallcounter=yes sets call-limit to a very high number.
17:26.22QwellThey act on the same object.
17:26.43danfromukOk, thanks.
17:31.44danfromukSorry, final question, whats the maximum value for actionid in the AMI?
17:33.09QwellIt's an arbitrary string.
17:33.51[TK]D-FenderI wonder why it wouldn't always just count...
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17:40.59_omeris there any GUI for Asterisk 11 ?
17:42.39danfromukQwell: thanks
17:43.30blitzrage_omer: AsteriskNOW 3.0.x uses FreePBX and Asterisk 11 base
17:43.40navaismo_omer,  Most used FreePBX
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17:52.30[TK]D-FenderWhich of course... he's already using...
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18:09.32AkkerKidhowdy all!!
18:11.36AkkerKidDoes anyone know of a pre-existing network of people and asterisk boxen that share VOIP services worldwide?  I would like to trade one of my US Sip trunks for a German one for a while...
18:13.49jmetroi trade european numbers for US numbers but thats a limited exchange
18:15.13navaismokamalio can be used as SBC?
18:15.25AkkerKidI'm justthinking I'd love for my family to be able to call their german friends back home without a high phone bill
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18:15.36igcewielingFor the most part, if you have low volume usage it is not worth the hassle, calls to Europe are so cheap and nobody wants to exchange large volumes of traffic
18:15.53AkkerKidhmmm... ok
18:16.12WIMPyAkkerKid: Why don;t you just get an account at the destination?
18:16.21AkkerKidthat was my next question.
18:16.43AkkerKidare there any decent providers that would sip trunk EU numbers to me in the USA?
18:16.51AkkerKidcheaply enough?
18:17.22WIMPyFor germany you will only get service numbers unless you can get a post box somewhere.
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18:17.54AkkerKidmaybe I should drop a GSM gateway on some relative's internet connection...  :)
18:18.03AkkerKidget cell service
18:18.19WIMPyThat might be a little expensive.
18:18.55WIMPy(and senseless)
18:19.41WIMPyDo you want both ways?
18:20.15AkkerKidfor about $150US I could get a gsm gateway and find a cheap prepaid cell service provider...
18:20.50WIMPyThat wold still cost you twice as much than a sip account.
18:21.03AkkerKidi suppose.
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18:21.15AkkerKidi would want both ways though
18:22.12WIMPyYou need someone to get you a number unofficially then.
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18:28.25navaismoAny Ideas on how to hide/encrypt/license a part of dialplan??
18:29.16[TK]D-FenderDo your work in AGI and encrypt that.
18:29.21[TK]D-FenderThat's all.
18:29.25mrotheHello. I want to be reachable by sip:me@domain. can I use asterisk as a sip server for this? or is this a job for kamailio?
18:29.40[TK]D-Fendermrothe: Yes you can do this with *
18:29.43WIMPyyes and yes
18:29.56mrothe[TK]D-Fender: okay. thanks. I'll look into it then.
18:30.25[TK]D-Fendermrothe: It'll be an anonymous SIP call and targets exten =>me
18:30.27navaismoAGI? still plain text, and use for a complete call its a bad practice .
18:30.50mrothekamailio has a *horrible* build system, so I'd prefer asterisk.
18:30.59[TK]D-Fendernavaismo: ENCRYPT the AGI
18:31.00mrothe[TK]D-Fender: thank you. I'll try. :-)
18:31.02WIMPyWhay does AGi have to be plain text?
18:31.16[TK]D-FenderIt doesn't
18:33.16navaismook besides the encrypt stuff an AGI for all , ill check it
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18:54.46[404]I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction if this can even be done.  I am trying to setup a voicemail where depending on the extension and certain variables, I would like the files to be saved under those directories.  lets say I have 2 facilities and 2 people in each facility, I would like the voicemails to be saved int parent_directory/facility/person/*.wav   can this be done?
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18:55.43[TK]D-Fender[404]: Symlink the folders
18:55.44WIMPyThat's the way it's done if you use contexts.
18:55.53WIMPyIf you don't mind the extra INBOX/.
18:57.04[404]well, I am going to have over 200 facilities that are pulled from db and there could be over 10000 people per facility
18:58.35[TK]D-Fenderhow is a "facility" pulled down from a DB?
18:58.46[404]from an ID
18:59.08[404]agi script if thats what you were looking for
18:59.36[TK]D-FenderThat doesn't really mean much to us.  Anyway... files are files.... voicemail is stored under the varspool folder defined in asterisk.conf
18:59.48[TK]D-Fenderif you want that to go somewhere else per-user, then manually symlink it.
18:59.51WIMPyThat sounds like you don;t intend to use voicemail, but build somethign yourself.
19:00.21igcewieling[404]: use voicemail contexts
19:03.06[404]k, i will check it out
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19:30.18picard276hey guys im having a weird sip issue
19:30.28picard276dialing from Exten 35 to 30 works
19:30.35picard276but dialign from exten 30 to 35 does not work:
19:30.40picard276here is the sip logs
19:30.57pabelangersounds like a registration issue
19:31.28[TK]D-FenderFound peer '30' for '30' from <--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
19:31.40[TK]D-Fender35 is not the problem.
19:31.46[TK]D-FenderNor is your dialplan.
19:31.50[TK]D-FenderThe peer did not auth
19:33.54picard27630 did not auth you mean?
19:34.03[TK]D-FenderVery clearly.
19:34.13[TK]D-FenderThe giant "FORBIDDEN" sign tipped me off
19:35.09picard276kk ill retake a look at that
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19:56.09mtnbkrhello everyone... I have been looking into the dahdi_* command to see if there was something I could use to test whether or not all 4 of our POTS lines were connected to the CO. We have had issues with recent thunderstorms and tornado warnings where there was no voltage on one or more of the lines and I'd like to write a custom test for our monitoring software (Xymon) so that we are notified immediately, and reminded unti
19:56.09mtnbkrl th eissue is reasolved. Was hoping for a quick command line prog that would report the status of the ports which could be parsed in a script.   Thanks!
20:00.32DBordelloDoes aterisk have a native since of a phone book?
20:01.19DBordellothat can be pushed to the phones
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20:03.09[TK]D-FenderDBordello Nope.
20:03.37[TK]D-FenderDBordello: My * is a jukebox and coffee timer.  What are these "phone" things you're referring to?
20:04.11DBordello[TK]D-Fender, desk paper weights
20:04.42[TK]D-FenderYou still use dead trees for communication?  How quaint....
20:05.37mtnbkralso, dahdi_tool (txt "gui") correctly shows me what I am looking to monitor  "Total/Conf/Active"   but it interactive only.  Am I looking in the wrong place?
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20:11.54mtnbkrHmmm I think I am getting warmer... lol  asterisk -rx "dahdi show channel x"   grep for InAlarm field.   thanks!
20:13.55igcewielingmtnbkr: "cat /proc/dahdi/1"
20:14.57mtnbkrigcewieling: Ah that works too   grep "RED"  and done. :)  Thanks
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20:41.12picard276TK im still having that issue
20:41.18picard276how is it forbidden
20:41.24picard276if i can call from 35 to 30
20:41.31picard276how is 30 forbidden it must be registered for that to happen
20:41.41picard276if i do sip show peers i can see 30 registered at the right IP address
20:41.44igcewielingpicard276: incorrect.
20:41.47QwellRegistration has nothing to do with making a call.
20:42.03igcewielingA peer does not have to be registered to make a call, only to receive a call (and even then not in all setups)
20:42.11picard276right that is my point
20:42.17picard276so the peer can recieve a call just fine
20:42.20picard276it just can't make a call
20:42.35picard276ill post the logs one sec
20:42.38QwellCorrect.  The two have nothing to do with each other.
20:44.37Free99anyone know how to enforce a jitter buffer in both directions? Link goes through cruddy satellite connection, force enabled JB but it seems to only work in one direction
20:46.44igcewielingFree99: audio must be dejittered on the endpoints.   Asterisk's jitter buffer is used for DAHDI and MeetMe/ConfBridge/Voicemail/etc.  i.e. stuff where Asterisk is an endpoint.
20:47.35igcewielingif you have directmedia enabled the audio doesn't even pass through Asterisk
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20:48.14Free99igcewieling, can't seem to find that setting for Linksys pap2t
20:49.43igcewielingFree99: then you have not been putting the right words like "Linksys pap2t jitter" into google
20:51.19jmetroanyone know a way to end the autodestruct spam?
20:51.53igcewielingjmetro: directmedia=no
20:53.45igcewielingjmetro: that is the way.  You might also reports it as a bug on Jira.  The bug is that the message level should not be a warning, as it does not indicate an error or problem
20:54.17jmetroyou would think asterisk could just ... stop banging its head on the wall
20:54.39picard276there are my sip logs
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20:56.40igcewielingpicard276: did you fail to mention you are using webrtc or did I miss it?
20:56.50igcewielinguse a real softphone and see if it works
20:58.41igcewieling"SIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here"  <-- you have a codec issue
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21:08.09Free99igcewieling, thanks for the obvious tip
21:08.48jmetrocodec issues get me all the time when im working with new systems
21:09.22igcewielingjmetro: I never have a problem with codecs.  ulaw, g729 and g722 are all we allow
21:12.13mtnbkrigcewieling: thanks again for the help, and have a great weekend!
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21:13.10jmetroigcewieling: same here, but we lock it down to only g722 or only g711
21:13.53igcewielingwe have close to 500 channels of g729 transcoding capacity so we use it a lot, also our carriers send calls to us as g729
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21:25.09avbhello, im trying to send a message 5060/udp from php, asterisk replying me according to cli, but my script most of the time 'losing' the reply. could be anybody was making something like that before?
21:26.04avbfunny thing is that im getting a replies if im running the script once a minute
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21:26.27avbfeels like port getting locked
21:26.55[TK]D-FenderAnd where is your script running from?
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21:39.13Free99ok, having trouble with google on this one: I have people dialing with a + in front. How do I filter that plus out so I can match extensions?
21:39.33Free99googling "remove + asterisk dialplan" was not so useful haha
21:39.40avb[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
21:39.57avb[TK]D-Fender: im connecting remotely
21:40.08avband i have a root on the server site
21:40.19avbso im looking at sip set debug output
21:40.19[TK]D-FenderFree99: Viable basics... trim off the leading +
21:40.44[TK]D-FenderFree99: And clearly you have to have a pattern to match it in the first place so you can even process it
21:41.07[TK]D-Fenderavb: What machine is your script running on?
21:41.19jmetroFree99:  have a "exten => _+.,1,goto(${EXTEN})
21:41.44[TK]D-FenderWhich will fail...
21:41.51[TK]D-FenderBut close to an idea....
21:42.21Free99jmetro, there's no way to just remove the +? I can't write into EXTEN obviously
21:42.43[TK]D-FenderFreeYou don't .. you USE only PART of it in your DIAL then
21:43.02ChannelZ${EXTEN:1} and such
21:43.23[TK]D-FenderVariables 101
21:43.26infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
21:43.27ChannelZbut if you're picking up the + via a wildcard you need to do that discriminately
21:44.19Free99ChannelZ, what do you mean by discriminatingly
21:44.44QwellHe didn't say discriminatingly.
21:45.05Free99qwell, autocorrect
21:45.14ChannelZIE if your extension is _. (match anything) but what gets dialed may or may not start with +, ${EXTEN:1} will strip off the first digit regardless.
21:45.42Free99oh ok. I can use a gotoif to determine if it has that
21:46.01avb[TK]D-Fender: linux
21:46.04ChannelZright-o, or a simple inline-expression probably would work
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21:48.16Free99ChannelZ, if I wanted to (after removing the +) go to an extension, you think there are any downsides to goto(context1,${filtered_var})?
21:48.34Free99I basically want to start the matching over again
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21:49.17ChannelZwell garbage-in/garbage-out rules apply as ever
21:49.33ChannelZbut otherwise no you could do that
21:52.18Free99thanks for your help ChannelZ
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22:04.20ChannelZBTW   $["${EXTEN:0:1}"="+"?${EXTEN:1}::${EXTEN}]   should return the extension stripping off a + if it exists
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22:12.06igcewielingor you could use exten => _+1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(${EXTEN:1},1)
22:12.58igcewielingwhat, you thought extensions could only contain 0-9, N, X, Z, and . ?
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22:16.23ChannelZexcept it's a "sometimes I get +, sometimes I don't"
22:16.34ChannelZbut either way
22:16.56ChannelZwasn't clear how many different extensions there might be that could be dialed that way (locals, internals, etc)
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22:22.19Free99a question for you: I'm setting up the rtt value on a device, can I use the value from "sip show peers" regarding the number of milliseconds?
22:22.43Free99satellite is terrible, it's like 800ms for all peers average
22:25.12sweeperFree99: you have terrible satellite then ;)
22:25.32sweeperthe only 'unavoidable' latency is ~480ms
22:25.48Free99at $6500 per mbps, you know why lol
22:26.05sweeperwell yo're also getting screwed on bandwidth then o.O
22:26.21sweeperwe charged about ~3k/mbps
22:26.33Free99really? where's your teleport?
22:26.36sweeperyou got some crappy c-band or something?
22:26.57Free99yeah, it's C b/c we're making a dish for entry level marine companies
22:26.59sweeperhave dealer agreements with some service out of MD and HK
22:27.16sweeperrun your numbers man
22:27.29Free99dude, I'm not in charge of that lol
22:27.46Free99but if you have anything you can show me, I can take it to the people who matter
22:29.34sweeperwell I don't work there anymore, but have your guys ask for a quote from, I'm sure as hell he'll do better than $6k
22:30.05sweeperalso I was in charge of putting in a new set of infrastructure, with some super awesome new modems that are TINY
22:30.16sweeperif you want to keep in cheap, def check it out
22:30.30sweeper <-- we use that stuff
22:31.18sweeperthat modem is the size of your hand
22:31.26sweeperand does SCPC at 16APSK
22:32.02sweeperremote<->teleport latency is 550ms, with about 10ms jitter
22:33.16Free99we use iDirect right now
22:33.34sweeperok yea, DEFINITELY email JP
22:33.56sweeperromantis modem costs about 50% and is so much cooler
22:34.04Free99let's see what happens
22:34.08sweeperand SCREW TDMA if you're doing voice
22:34.39Free99thanks for the tip sweeper. I'll do some reading
22:34.52sweeperyou could also go the DIY oute
22:35.07Free99which it looks like we're going to be doing tbh lol
22:35.22sweeperromantis hub is very cheap, our singapore hub does 40 remotes, only cost $10k all in
22:35.26Free99this idirect stuff has been a bear besides my fumbling with the asterisk system
22:36.03sweeperhey, you could stick an rpi, and a romantis, and a mikrotik, in a box, bam, 1U pbx+router+vsat
22:36.07sweeperyou doing stabilized?
22:38.41sweeperif you talk to romantis, tell them Aleks Clark sent yu and said to give you the setup he bought ;)
22:40.32sweeperoh and vagan will probably offer you teleport services, but usually he's way over priced
22:41.45sweeperFree99: if you have any vsat or vsat <-> voip questions, feel free to shoot me an email,
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