IRC log for #asterisk on 20130530

00:00.23WIMPyOfficially yes.
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00:35.46DBordelloWould you recommend a newbie to start with a front-end gui such as FreePBX, or compile from source and manually edit the config files?
00:35.55DBordelloI am not afraid of a CLI and a few config files
00:37.11robert_[TK]D-Fender: okay okay, hold on and I'll give you a log of what goes on in the console.
00:39.47jmetroDBordello: start from CLI, the gui will gimp your ability to work later.
00:39.56WIMPyDBordello: A frontend is no good if you want to evolve beyond that. It's an easy start but more like a dead end.
00:40.20DBordelloI don't plan on doing anything complicated.  I am sure the GUI would be sufficient.  This is just for home.
00:40.32DBordellobut I am worried it will cripple my understand of what is going on
00:40.51WIMPyThey are know to be good at that.
00:41.15jmetroIts funny how projects for home can wind up turning complicated when you learn what awesome things you can od.
00:41.26WIMPyBut configuring Asterisk is neither easy nor fast.
00:41.37jmetroWIMPy: Depends. For me it was both of those.
00:42.04WIMPyDepends pn what you intend to use it for, sure.
00:42.24jmetroIm only running into trouble now because i'm trying to do this complicated stuff for findme/follow me with/without announcements
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00:50.06esaymmy astcanary doesn't ever start. Anyone know how to debug?
00:51.39esaym1.8.13 from debian. Just upgraded from 1.8.12 from the digium deb package
00:52.33jmetro[2013-05-29 19:52:01] WARNING[29470]: chan_sip.c:4403 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog 'channel@ip' with owner mypbx  in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
00:52.40jmetrowat are this
01:06.32igcewielingjmetro: you have direct media enabled, that is normal
01:07.00robert_sup igcewieling
01:07.13igcewielinghello robert_
01:08.46*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
01:12.26robert_actuuaally from earlier, asterisk crashed.
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01:13.32robert_actually **
01:17.36jmetroQuebec for Q was probably not the best choice
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01:18.03*** join/#asterisk DBordello (~DBordello@unaffiliated/dbordello)
01:21.19robert_igcewieling: actually, should I post a new log?
01:21.55robert_[TK]D-Fender: there's your log btw. Asterisk's issues with mysql odbc turned into a crash.
01:31.23DBordelloAny (free) android soft phone recommendations?
01:35.17DBordellothanks, i'll check it out
01:40.25*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
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01:43.21DBordelloI just noticed I am using 1.8.13.  Is this grossly out of date?  Or okay to start with?
01:44.18jmetro1.8 is cool but asterisk 11 is neato
01:44.19hebberI still think 1.8 is on a LTS
01:44.44igcewielingDBordello: upgrade to the latest 1.8
01:44.55WIMPy1.8 is LTS, but that version is even out of date for 1.8.
01:44.59jmetro[or 11 because its cooler]
01:45.10DBordelloHmmm, I am using a raspberry pi.  Stupid repository is using 1.8.13
01:45.12WIMPyAnd off course you miss out on all the new features.
01:45.15jmetrojoin the force_rport,comedia crowd
01:45.29WIMPyBuid your own 11.4.
01:46.20DBordelloI guess building from source isn't a bad plan
01:46.26DBordellofinds a cross compiling environment
01:47.05igcewielingDBordello: your hardware makes it more of a hassle, but still worth doing
01:47.24DBordelloigcewieling, understandable
01:47.48WIMPyOu you could do it on the PI. Easier but slower.
01:48.13DBordelloWIMPy, we might do that actually
01:48.24navaismouse sdcc
01:48.41jmetroyour raspberry pi reminded me of this
01:48.46jmetrothe term "6 year old lego specialist" still gets me
01:49.02navaismohaving a bad time printinf out with JAVA HEADACHE!!!!
01:52.32DBordellough, I think cross-compiling is harder than just doing it on the hardware
01:54.01jmetroless effort, more time
01:54.04jmetromore effort, cooler result.
01:54.13jmetrobut probably still more time ]
02:06.52navaismoi use a screen to compile in the pi and then im going to play eat sleep and then back to see what happened, compiling asterisk take like 2~3hrs
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02:30.18DBordellonavaismo, I am attempting to setup a cross-compile environoment now
02:33.42apb1963start the pi compile; work on the cross compile simultaneously... see which finishes first
02:44.44*** join/#asterisk DBordello (~DBordello@unaffiliated/dbordello)
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03:16.18DBordelloapb1963, that is what I am doing now.  I think I have the cross compile setup
03:16.23DBordellobut I don't fully understand it
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04:49.02flingHow to properly integrate with sugarcrm?
04:49.11flingI want o have a button for calling.
04:49.46flingManager uses the button with phone number on the site and asterisk dialing bot this number and manager's number
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09:23.54fredericveHi, I have a setup with:  hylafax <---> asterisk 1.8 with T.38 gateway patch <---> sangoma netborder E1 pri <---> pstn. Between asterisk and netborder is t38 traffic. Faxes randomly fail. with "udptl debug on" I see the udptl packets flowing through asterisk and "fax show sessions" correctly shows the session and I can see the session details as well. I've come to a point where I'm at a loss on how to continue. Anyone has any suggestions
09:23.54fredericveon what to try?
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09:33.32bulkorokfredericve: why do you use hylafax? what does what asterisk rxfax and txfax can't do!?
09:33.48fredericveThe results are the same when I replace hylafax with a T38 enabled ATA. At that point asterisk will not start the T.38 gateway
09:34.19bulkorokfredericve: so... again... you can use asterisk self to receive the faxes...
09:34.51bulkorokbut I don't know if that is an option in your setupo
09:35.20fredericvebulkorok: for historical reasons. we've been using it since asterisk 1.0
09:35.44bulkorokfredericve: same here... but I managed to use asterisk for receiving
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09:36.31bulkorokand afaik asterisk 1.8 doesn't need a patch for t38 rxfax and txfax...
09:38.11fredericvethanks for your suggestions, but I can't implement that live at the customer now =/
09:38.23fredericveI want to understand why these faxes fail
09:38.41bulkorokthen you should pastebin logs
09:38.51fredericvewe have another customer where the same setup works fine btw
09:39.11fredericveok, which logs would you need?
09:39.49bulkorokwell... asterisk CLI with fax debug
09:40.13bulkorokbut mostly I can "guess" what the problem could be...
09:41.51bulkorokand making a tcpdump trace and checking the udptl/t38 flow helps
09:42.35fredericvewell i have a pcap trace between asterisk and netborder
09:42.44fredericveI clearly see the udptl flow
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09:43.10bulkorokthen check the messages and try to see the problem
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09:52.31fredericveok, what kind of problem am I looking for? and what is the recommended maxdatagram size?
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11:02.40*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
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11:17.26mirela666Hello, I'm getting a wierd error in log: Call from 'sipPeer' to extension 'extension' rejected because extension not found.
11:17.53mirela666[May 30 13:07:56] NOTICE[27488] chan_sip.c: Peer 'sipPeer' is now Reachable. (31ms / 2000ms)
11:18.22mirela666[May 30 13:07:56] VERBOSE[3675] logger.c:     -- Added extension '_extensionX.' priority 1 to from-MS
11:19.11mirela666error is after reload,
11:19.22GreenlightYour sending the call to "extension" - Does that extension exist?
11:22.15mirela666yes, but in pattern it's _mondX. is n restricted for N any digit?
11:25.10kaldemar_extensionX. does not match 'extension' in any way.
11:25.29kaldemareven length does not match.
11:25.31leifmadsenthat will work
11:25.38robl^and have you made sure the context is correct?
11:25.39leifmadsenand do what you intend
11:25.43leifmadsen(add the X on the end for the number)
11:25.56leifmadsenlowercase and upper case are not relevant to pattern matches
11:25.59GreenlightDoesn't look like there is a number on the end
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11:26.25kaldemarand the pattern requires two or more after 'extension'
11:26.29GreenlightCall from 'sipPeer' to extension 'extension' rejected because extension not found.
11:26.36Greenlight^^ Thats error he pasted
11:26.44mirela666yes xX nN reserved
11:28.39mirela666I just gave an example, cause of my low knowledge :) extension was _mondX. and dialed mond1234
11:29.19mirela666and _mo[1-9]dX. was expected, sorry for my "knowledge"
11:29.23GreenlightSo you changed the error message before posting ?
11:29.37mirela666yes, yes
11:29.41GreenlightPfft I'm out
11:29.57mirela666only the name of the peer and extensions
11:31.56*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:33.33fredericvebulkorok: If I compare the udptl traces between a working setup and the malfunctioning setup, the packets on the malfunctioning one in wireshark all show "malformed packet"
11:35.04bulkorokfredericve: maybe a hardware problem!?
11:35.24fredericveI'm suspecting that too now
11:36.01bulkorokgoogle found: When there are extra octets after the T.38 UDPTL packet you will now see
11:36.03bulkorok[Malformed?] in the Info-column
11:36.35bulkorokbut at first I would check hardware... cables at first
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11:46.29skrustyJust in case anyone is interested, the Asterisk.NET project has been re-established on Codeplex ( and is currently under active development!
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12:25.20robsonpeixotoHi. I'm noob in asterisk but I need to develop a FastAGI/AGI. I'd like to know what's is the more stable API to develop AGI. Thanks
12:26.37skrustydepends on language
12:26.47skrustywhat are you wanting to code in?
12:27.26[TK]D-FenderI've never heard of an "unstable" AGI API
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12:28.13skrustyi assume he's refering to the framework being used against FastAGI :)
12:32.30[TK]D-Fenderthat's just basic TCP... I don't see anything complex or different in there as functionality goes that should bring this into question
12:34.28skrustynot sure i agree, although the AGI protocol may be well established, frameworks for using it (e.g. ASterisk-Java or Asterisk.NET) may not be complete or may be classed as "unstable"
12:34.31robsonpeixotoskrusty, I'm agnostic about language
12:35.20skrustyrobsonpeixoto: well i am a little bias, but there aew a few, ASterisk-Java and AsterNET (for .net). There are more, but I am not as well versed with them
12:35.28robl^Another concern should be considered is the overhead brought with the framework/language runtime.  i.e. java is quite a bit heavier (resource-wise) than say something using PHP or perl.
12:35.41skrustyI suggest you have a little look on the wiki, there's information there that may help you decide
12:36.08robsonpeixotoskrusty, Do you recommend the starpy ?
12:36.28skrustynever used it
12:36.36[TK]D-Fenderrobsonpeixoto: What do you actually want to do?
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12:37.58robsonpeixoto[TK]D-Fender, With data typed by the user, I'll need to make some query on my database e say the result. [sorry my bad english]
12:38.25[TK]D-Fenderrobsonpeixoto: AGI may not even be required for this...
12:38.35[TK]D-Fenderrobsonpeixoto: func_odbc <-
12:38.37robl^robsonpeixoto"  look at function odbc
12:39.30robsonpeixoto[TK]D-Fender, using AEL. With AEL can I access REST Webservice ?
12:40.55robl^for REST, look at func_curl ;-)
12:41.24[TK]D-FenderAEL does nothing special
12:41.30robsonpeixotoA good doc to learn AEL. Are there?
12:41.38[TK]D-Fenderit is just an alternative syntax front-end to standard extensions.conf
12:41.47[TK]D-FenderAnd is one more thing that can break on your system
12:42.38kaldemarrobsonpeixoto: AEL does not provide you REST access any more than regular dialplan does.
12:43.51robl^some of us like to live on the edge, and use neither AEL2 or extensions.conf  dialplans in lua ;)
12:47.23robsonpeixotoBut the func_curl and func_odbc are from AEL? How can I create scritps with a litter complex logic like: Consult a webservice, use the text to TTS and play the result of TTS without a AGI. [I'm very noob.rsrs]
12:48.23[TK]D-Fenderrobsonpeixoto: They have nothing to do with AEl
12:48.42[TK]D-Fenderrobsonpeixoto: You are advised to very quickly forget you ever heard of AEL right now....
12:48.47*** join/#asterisk MrQuist (~rob@
12:48.54MrQuistHey guys, i have a small question
12:49.09MrQuistI'm trying to create a nightmode on 1 extension (450).
12:49.19[TK]D-Fenderrobsonpeixoto: It does not offer any EXTRA functionality.
12:49.44robsonpeixoto[TK]D-Fender, thanks =D I forgot
12:50.17MrQuistThis is my extension list:
12:50.27MrQuistif i dial 450, i get hung up instantly
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12:51.21[TK]D-FenderMrBecause you passed 1 arguement after the "?"
12:51.39[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: Which means it's looking for a PRIORITY named "nightmode"
12:51.43MrQuistyeah, so?
12:51.51MrQuistoh, is'nt that an extension?
12:51.55[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: NO.
12:52.11[TK]D-Fenderexten => 450,1,GotoIfTime(9:00-19:33,mon-fri,*,*?nightmode) <---- Priority 1 (step)
12:52.28[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: It's loking for a label on a step in the current extensions
12:52.40[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: "core show application gotoif"
12:53.05[TK]D-Fenderexten => 4710,2,GotoIfTime(12:00-12:59|*|*|*?night-mode|1) <- notice the |1 on the end?
12:53.08[TK]D-FenderYou didn't do that
12:53.10MrQuistYes i did
12:53.20[TK]D-Fenderso your sample did not actually try to copy what that one showed\
12:53.28MrQuistI kind of combined that first link with this one:
12:53.33[TK]D-Fenderexten => 450,1,GotoIfTime(9:00-19:33,mon-fri,*,*?nightmode) <- no  yours didn't
12:53.43MrQuistno, i know, because its not in the 2nd link
12:53.45[TK]D-Fenderthat is not n"nightmode|1"
12:53.51MrQuisti know...
12:54.33[TK]D-FenderKeeping in mind that "|" is not a valid delimiter in the dialplan since many versions ago
12:54.55MrQuistSo the 2nd link i sent, with the "," instead of | delimiters was correct?
12:55.20MrQuistexten => 450,1,GotoIfTime(17:00-8:59,*,*,*?nightmode,1) ;
12:55.23[TK]D-FenderThe WIKI link?
12:55.26MrQuistexten => night-mode,1,Answer
12:55.27MrQuistexten => night-mode,2,Wait(2)
12:55.31[TK]D-Fenderindeed it should be ","
12:55.38MrQuisti need to add this one;
12:55.39MrQuistexten => 4710,4,Goto(night-mode,1)
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12:56.30[TK]D-Fenderyou should just code this all within the same exten unless you int3end to share taht code with some other exten
12:56.34MrQuistIn the wiki, where can i find that "priority step label thing"
12:56.47[TK]D-Fender? book
12:56.52infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
12:56.57MrQuistYes, i intend to share that
12:57.04[TK]D-FenderForget the vpoi-info wiki for these basics
12:57.42MrQuistSo, there's no way to: "If time is 17:00 - 09:00 dial ext Nightmode"
12:58.03[TK]D-Fenderit is a decrepit mess that should used for minor technical bits once you've got the rest of things down and then fail to find what you're looking for in the tarball'd documentations or on the official Asterisk WIKI
12:58.32[TK]D-Fender[08:57]MrQuistSo, there's no way to: "If time is 17:00 - 09:00 dial ext Nightmode" <- first your use of the term "dial" is inappropriate, and YES, GotoIfTime works
12:58.45[TK]D-FenderYou gave it the wrong target
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13:00.11MrQuistI though voip-info would be a good source of information
13:00.15MrQuistplus, its on top in google
13:00.23MrQuistbut i'll keep in mind that its shit
13:00.30MrQuistalso, go grab yourself a cup of coffee :)
13:01.09[TK]D-FenderIt used to be good, and it's been around since forever...
13:01.24robl^MrQuist:  the voip-info wiki has LOTS of information, but its not well maintained in regards to Asterisk.  Much of it is out of date and no longer acurage.  Asterisk has evolved faster than the wiki
13:01.42MrQuistHi robl^, yeah, i noticed :P
13:02.13[TK]D-Fenderthat means lots of links.  then again most of it's samples like this are OLD code that needs to be fixed for current versions, or sample contributed by well-meaning schmucks who barely knew what they were doing and are full of little mistakes.
13:03.17MrQuistOkidokie :) thanks
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13:03.40[TK]D-FenderFirst, understand your dialplan basics ... the BOOK I linked is good for that.  Then read your apps INSTRUCTIONS from * CLI "core show application X", "core show function X", etc
13:04.17[TK]D-FenderAnd make sure you understand how to pass context,exte,priority(label) to apps that require them.
13:07.16MrQuistIt works
13:08.29MrQuistAll i needed to do was, add an argument to GotoIfTime (1)
13:08.41MrQuistChange exten => nightmode,1,Answer() with exten => nightmode,1,NoOp()
13:09.12MrQuisti just haven't worked with goto's and jumps yet, i am sorry
13:09.43MrQuistthe reason i came here is because the code seemed to fail and i didn't get any errors in asterisk.
13:09.55MrQuistAnd im used to code throwing exceptions
13:09.58MrQuistinstead of nothing
13:10.45[TK]D-Fenderno target to land on => hangup
13:11.21MrQuistand with target you mean? An extension?
13:11.31[TK]D-FenderGotoIf, Goto, etc.
13:11.38[TK]D-FenderAnywhere you specific to go somewhere else
13:11.53MrQuistThats weird because i didn't 'add' a target
13:12.04MrQuisti changed Answer() to NoOp() in the nightmode extension.
13:12.40[TK]D-FenderDoesn't really matter
13:12.53[TK]D-FenderThe Playback on the next priority will Answer() the call anyway
13:12.58MrQuistSee the difference:
13:13.20Kattyi'll play back your next priority call in a minute
13:13.35MrQuistthen it was the ,1 in the GotoIfTime
13:13.39MrQuistWhere i was missing an argument
13:13.51MrQuistWhich is weird because i didn't get any parse errors or something
13:14.07kaldemarMrQuist: you weren't really missing an argument, your argument was of wrong type.
13:14.48kaldemarMrQuist: "nightmode" would mean n(nightmode) in the same extension, i.e. a label. "nightmode,1" would mean extension nightmode, priority 1.
13:14.50MrQuistand.. what wrong type did i passed to it? "NULL" ?
13:15.19MrQuistSo, "nightmode" would be extension nightmode, unknown priority => hangup
13:15.28[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: The you weren't missing an argument... you simply gave it a valid one ... whose target didn't exist
13:15.34kaldemarnot type as in datatype, but label vs. extension and priority.
13:15.47MrQuistvery weird
13:15.47kaldemarMrQuist: wrong.
13:15.59MrQuistGotoIfTime(9:00-19:33,mon-fri,*,*?nightmode) => HANGUP
13:16.09MrQuistGotoIfTime(9:00-19:33,mon-fri,*,*?nightmode,1) => Go to extension nightmode
13:16.21MrQuistAh like that
13:16.25kaldemarMrQuist: n(LABEL)
13:16.36MrQuistfirst one == GotoIfTime(9:00-19:33,mon-fri,*,n(nightmode),1)
13:16.44MrQuistwithout the latter -1
13:16.48kaldemarwrong again.
13:17.04MrQuisti'm a php programmer, i don't understand this freaking syntax
13:17.15kaldemaryou had it correct by syntax already, i just told you what they mean.
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13:17.53MrQuistyes, i ment that
13:18.12MrQuistand if i add ,1 on the end
13:18.24MrQuistit searches for an extension "nightmode" in stead of a label nightmode
13:18.28[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: context,exten,priority(or label)
13:18.34[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: exten,priority(or label)
13:18.45[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: priority(or label)
13:18.57MrQuisti understand it now
13:18.59[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: you specify in order of precision
13:19.02MrQuistThanks a lot
13:19.04MrQuistyes i see
13:19.18MrQuistbut its just, i still don't know why there would be a "*?" before "nightmode"
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13:19.37[TK]D-FenderMrin the Gotoif?
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13:19.56kaldemarMrQuist: have you taken a look what "core show application GotoIfTime" in asterisk's CLI says?
13:19.58[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: GotoIf(time)
13:20.33[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: "?" separates the TEST on the left from the DESTINATION on the right
13:20.46[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: Consider "?" = "then"
13:21.24[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: and the "*" is not functionally associated with the "?"
13:21.46kaldemarby syntax it's like ternary. even php supports those.
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13:30.07MrQuist$var = ($a == b ? true : false);
13:30.09MrQuistthose you mean?
13:30.24MrQuisti get it now :)
13:30.28MrQuistthanks kaldemar and [TK]D-Fender
13:31.10GreenlightAlthough that would more aptly be written as "$var = $a == b" wouldn't it?
13:31.29[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: SHHH!!
13:31.48[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: we're debating function, not application ;)
13:32.30GreenlightIt's like code-tourettes; I can't help but optimise
13:33.02MrQuistGreenlight, in that case it'd be $var = ($a == b);
13:33.24GreenlightBrackets are optional
13:33.37[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: that's backwards... Tourette's would mean you're adding extra syntax where it isn't required :)
13:33.55GreenlightWell in this case, optimising when it's not required :)
13:35.53MrQuistoh, i always use those brackets
13:35.56MrQuistbecause of readability
13:36.04MrQuistbut i guess you're right :P
13:36.25GreenlightYea, I agree it does make the intenation clearer
13:36.52MrQuisti'll be spanked hard if i don't comply to the PSR-2 code standard
13:37.25GreenlightSo, is that a punishment or reward ? :)
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13:42.21*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (~yamakasi@
13:42.41MrQuistSo, now that i have the automatic night-mode configured
13:42.56MrQuistHow could i make a person be able to avoid the nightmode configuration?
13:42.57MatBoyhi guys, is there a manager URL for asterisknow like: 'http://asteriskmanagerhostname.domain:8088/asterisk'
13:43.25MrQuistBy dialing a special number
13:43.27MatBoyI only have the admin URL for the panel
13:43.37GreenlightMrQuist: As in, for a user to be able to manually enable/disable it, or for a caller to avoid it?
13:43.48MrQuistThe latter
13:44.07MatBoyport 8088 is also not open on asteriskNow
13:44.11GreenlightMatBoy: AsteriskNow has two choices of GUI; which did you choose?
13:44.28GreenlightHint; FreePBX is the one you want
13:44.35MatBoyGreenlight: I didn't chose one, it installed FreePBX itself :\
13:44.45MrQuistyeah we've used freepbx, works ... okay
13:44.56GreenlightMatBoy: Then it's the default port 80
13:45.12MatBoyGreenlight: but there is no /asterisk folder ?
13:45.13GreenlightMrQuist: Either a special number, "hidden" IVR, or specific DDI
13:45.20GreenlightMatBoy: No
13:45.27MatBoyGreenlight: okay thanks
13:45.31MrQuistWait, Greenlight, i mean a general enable / disable functionality
13:45.58GreenlightAhh - we have a similar thing to enable/disable our "unforceen circumstances" messages
13:46.01MrQuistSo i can dial e.g. 272* and disable the day/night mode
13:46.07GreenlightA special number, and PIN code
13:46.14MrQuistExactly, such a thing
13:46.25MrQuistallthough we're not that big, so a pin code won't be neccecary
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13:46.33GreenlightI recommend the PIN if you users are anything like mine
13:46.41MrQuistWe're all programmers
13:46.48GreenlightOh, 100% need a PIN! :)
13:46.52MatBoyGreenlight: but that URL also works for the API ? because that is what I need
13:47.00MrQuistIs that so? :P haha okay
13:47.01GreenlightMatBoy: What API ?
13:47.17MatBoyGreenlight: wasn't there an API ?
13:47.21MatBoyfor asterisk ?
13:47.31MrQuistAsterisk Programming INterface
13:47.36GreenlightMrQuist: If I recall correctly, we use a global variable, and set that via the the spceial number
13:47.38MrQuistyeah, apt-get install ssh
13:47.57MrQuistthen in the GotoIfTime, add another condition
13:48.12GreenlightYes, or before the GotoIfTime
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13:48.17GreenlightSO you can skip it
13:48.28MrQuistIf d_n == true -> check time -> do stuff
13:48.34MrQuistif d_n == false -> continue to call
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13:49.06GreenlightSO, have a label *after* the time check where it would continue, and goto there if "skipping"
13:49.13MrQuistYes indeed
13:49.29GreenlightThere may well be a slicker way to do it that a global variable, but that works for us
13:49.40MrQuistyeah that'll do just fine here
13:49.49MrQuistThanks :)
13:49.50GreenlightOne thing to watch is that I *think* a reload resets it to it's default state
13:49.57msaraivaMatBoy: AMI -> Asterisk Manager Interface. You use that to control asterisk from "outside"
13:50.05msaraivaUsually it's running on port 5038
13:50.17msaraivaSee /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
13:50.38GreenlightI think the latest FreePBX builds have that in a GUI
13:50.38MatBoymsaraiva: ah thanks!
13:50.43msaraivaIt's probably what you're looking for.
13:50.44GreenlightIt'll overwrite manager.conf iirc
13:50.58msaraivaIt does, actually.
13:51.03msaraivaBut he can see the current parameters there.
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13:51.32msaraivaI think freepbx defaults it to listening only on the loopback interface.
13:52.20GreenlightWhen you do change that, *dont* open it up on an external interface
13:52.46MatBoymsaraiva: I'm busy with this kind of "integration" that is why I ask:
13:52.46chris_nhas anyone successfully added a Geolocation header to sip invites?
13:53.44GreenlightMatBoy: At a glance, I'm unsure that will play well with FreePBX
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13:54.50msaraivaYep, probably not.
13:55.10msaraivaIf you really want to go that way, forget about a GUI.
13:55.15msaraivaOr write one yourself...
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13:55.31MatBoyGreenlight: indeed, so I need a native install of Asterisk I guess.. so just install Ubuntu or CentOS and install asterisk ?
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13:56.09GreenlightMatBoy: Yes, although it looks like you'll still need to do some dialplan work to get a "working" system
13:56.51MatBoyGreenlight: yeah indeed, but that should be doable... I think freePBX on top of an asterisk installation will do better than just a ISO download as I installed now
13:57.32GreenlightI would recommend a proper install from source
13:58.01GreenlightInstall CentOS6, then compile and install Asterisk 11. Should only take 30 minutes, and there's loads of guides online.
13:58.41MatBoyGreenlight: yeah indeed no problem
13:58.48MatBoyGreenlight: an Ubuntu install will do also I think
13:58.51msaraivaFreePBX won't play well with that software.
13:59.10GreenlightYup, that's what I thought as well
13:59.33GreenlightMatBoy: Yeah, whatever flavour of Linux is your preference
13:59.49msaraivaFor it to work, you're going to need Asterisk with a realtime backend for sip peers.
13:59.56MatBoymsaraiva: it's not about FreePBX... the installer was nice... but I like custom installs more
14:00.00GreenlightI think CentOS is probably most popular amongst Asterisk installs but it's up to you
14:00.30msaraivaMatBoy: It's always better to go custom, especially when we're talking about Asterisk.
14:00.59msaraivaWhat i'm saying is that you won't be able to use "freepbx on top of an asterisk installation" like you said before.
14:01.09msaraivaIf you want to use that software you linked, anyway.
14:01.29msaraivaFreePBX messes with the whole Asterisk configuration, and has it's own database.
14:01.46Greenlighteg. You'll need to write your own dialplan to perform any functions you require (like making a call!)
14:02.22MatBoymsaraiva: indeed, I have seen that also in the past, thanks!
14:02.28MatBoyGreenlight: doable!
14:02.50msaraivaBesides, FreePBX writes sip peers to sip.conf from its own database, it doesn't use realtime backend.
14:03.14jacobwFreePBX is horrific
14:03.55msaraivaI think it's fine for it's purpose, to provide some type "regular pbx" functionality.
14:04.07msaraivaBut for everything else...
14:04.24GreenlightYea, it's a good "introduction" I guess. And for small size PBX's can be fine. It scales *very* poorly though.
14:15.44[TK]D-FenderFreePBX is fine if you're happy with a basical SMB layout for most features.  If you want a little extra special on top you can add your own custom stuff on the side.  If you want to actually change it's starndard flow, that's where it gets really hard...
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14:24.15[TK]D-Fenderunmonitored open AMI =death sentence
14:26.07MrQuistSweet, Greenlight, it works :)
14:26.28MrQuistexten => 460,1,GotoIf($[${GLOBAL(DAYNIGHTENABLED)} = 1]?disable:enable)
14:26.28MrQuistsame => n(enable),Set(GLOBAL(DAYNIGHTENABLED)=1)
14:26.28MrQuistsame => n(disable),Set(GLOBAL(DAYNIGHTENABLED)=0)
14:26.46MrQuistand ofcourse the exten => 450,1,GotoIf($[${GLOBAL(DAYNIGHTENABLED)} = 1]?timecheck:call)
14:27.13[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: bad code
14:27.28MrQuistOh jees i'm sorry
14:27.28[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: your 2 sets are back to back
14:27.35[TK]D-Fenderand PASTEBIN <--------
14:27.35MrQuisti know
14:27.50MrQuisti'd do -> Set(VAR = !VAR);
14:28.04MrQuistbut i need an audial response
14:28.12GreenlightYea, as [TK]D-Fender picked up on, it'll always set disabled
14:28.17GreenlightIf it flows like you paste
14:28.23MrQuistWat? it doesn't
14:28.30MrQuistthere's a hangup and playback under the Set
14:28.40GreenlightHid that from us you did :)
14:28.41[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: not that you showed right above
14:28.44MrQuistSet -> Playback -> Hangup -> Set
14:28.46GreenlightGlad it's working
14:28.51MrQuistno i didn't want to paste the whole code
14:28.56MrQuistit was on the edge of pastebinning
14:28.57GreenlightAlso, there's some nice audio files bundled that you can use
14:28.59[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: Talks does Yoda funny hhhmmmMMMM!?!?!??!?!?
14:29.31MrQuistGreenlight, i've yet to find them - i used digits/1 and digits/0 :P
14:29.44MrQuistbut the basic functionality is there
14:29.59MrQuistIts not that hard
14:30.02GreenlightIf you're anything like me you'll loose half your day listening to all the comical audio files included
14:30.08MrQuistit just reads real shitty
14:30.11MrQuisthahahah yeah i did
14:30.15MrQuistmonkeys.. Wtf is that?
14:30.19MrQuistOooooh.. Cool!
14:30.33MrQuistcombine with -> something went terribly wrong -> monkeys -> beeps -> hangup
14:30.46MrQuistWe currently have 692 linked to batman.mp3
14:30.51GreenlightYou found the zombies one yet?
14:30.55[TK]D-FenderI triggered a Page to my marketing dept with 4 phones on auto-answer and sent monkeys their way....
14:31.15Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: Ammused am I
14:31.18[TK]D-FenderThe entire room was freaking out
14:32.26igcewielingI hate hosted clients
14:32.33igcewielinghate them hate them hate them!
14:33.05GreenlightI believe there's an "activated" and "cancelled" audio files (unless someone at my side chopped those from existing files)
14:33.34GreenlightThat's what we use for the enabled/disabled messages
14:33.53Greenlightigcewieling: Why, what's happened?
14:34.39*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (~jm|
14:34.46jm|laptophello :)
14:35.11igcewielingGreenlight: It would take a month to describe all the problems with a hosted service
14:35.43igcewielingtodays issue us "phones are randomly rebooting" at a couple of clients.   I can't tell if they just being drama queens or if something else is going on.
14:35.52jm|laptopI'm running Asterisk Why might be making it ignore the context for a peer and keep trying default?
14:36.10jm|laptopI have  type=peer  context=the-context
14:36.17Greenlightigcewieling: I know the "drama queen" / "actual problem" dilemma all too well
14:36.21igcewielingjm|laptop: the incoming call did not match any peers
14:36.52jm|laptopigcewieling: the peer= has a FQDN is it that the incoming IP did not match the rDNS or similar?
14:37.12MrQuistHey Greenlight, i wonder - i currently have that day/time switch hooked up to extension 460
14:37.15jm|laptopI am led to believe the peer authenticates, too
14:37.22MrQuistbut, can i make it something like *372# ?
14:37.24igcewielingGreenlight: the hosted customers are dumber than a bag of rocks.   If they were not, they would have chosen the non-hosted service.    Since they are dumber than a bag of rocks, trying to get them to help with troubleshooting is a waste of time.
14:37.25[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop: show us the actual peer, and the actual call
14:37.28infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:37.47GreenlightMrQuist: Sure, should be able to
14:37.52[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptopI am led to believe the peer authenticates, too <- telephony is not "faith-based"
14:38.07jm|laptopno indeed
14:38.51igcewielingJESUS IS MY ITSP!
14:38.57Greenlightigcewieling: I feel your pain
14:39.59*** join/#asterisk drenda (~Utente@
14:40.21drendaHi guys
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14:43.14drendaI've installed Asterisk 11.4.0 but I've a problem saving voicemail in db with ODBC. I made it many times with previous version of Asterisk but not I've this errror
14:43.31drenda[2013-05-30 16:43:19] WARNING[8578][C-00000005]: app_voicemail.c:4073 insert_data_cb: SQL Direct Execute failed!
14:43.31drenda[2013-05-30 16:43:19] WARNING[8578][C-00000005]: res_odbc.c:608 ast_odbc_direct_execute: SQL Execute error! Verifying connection to odbc_asterisk [asterisk_mysql]...
14:43.31drenda[2013-05-30 16:43:19] WARNING[8578][C-00000005]: app_voicemail.c:4073 insert_data_cb: SQL Direct Execute failed!
14:43.31drenda[2013-05-30 16:43:19] WARNING[8578][C-00000005]: app_voicemail.c:4189 store_file: SQL Execute error!
14:43.37infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:44.16drendaalso if the odbc is correctly configured and it works root@phonex:~# isql asterisk_mysql
14:44.17drenda| Connected!                            |
14:44.50Greenlightdrenda: Also, if you enable debug mode I think you'll see the actual SQL being sent, and can check what's wrong
14:45.12GreenlightSounds like mysql's moaning about the syntax or some other constraint
14:45.40drendaGreenlight, i've enabled debug mode but there is no other  logs a part of that I paste
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14:45.47MrQuistGreenlight, could i ask you, what would be an easy way to check a simple PIN code? I read something about Read() but i can't find a simple example
14:46.17MrQuistdial number -> *Enter your pin now* -> incorrect -> hangup
14:46.31GreenlightMrMeek: <-- That's how it's done on the server I happened to have open
14:46.55drendaGreenlight,  so I enable mysql log and I can see the query that seems correct:  43 Query     INSERT INTO MessaggioVocale (dir,msgnum,recording,context,macrocontext,callerid,origtime,duration,mailboxuser,mailboxcontext,flag,msg_id) VALUES ('/var/spool/asterisk/voice
14:47.24GreenlightRun the query manually, and observe for errors. It's possible overflow or other type constraints
14:48.11[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: "core show application authenticate"
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14:48.25[TK]D-FenderMrOr just "read" & check the result....
14:48.31[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: Or just "read" & check the result....
14:48.38MrQuistdoing that now
14:48.42GreenlightYea, that's what I do in the example I gave him
14:49.57GreenlightIt's actually a macro as we have different diverts, so it's called with say: exten => 9903,1,Macro(divert,8346,GLOBAL(BC_divert),1)
14:51.23GreenlightThe arguemnts being <PIN> <GLOBAL VAR NAME> <ENABLE/DISABLE>
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14:58.45MrQuisti've done it already by the way
14:58.50MrQuistprobably ugly as hell
14:59.04GreenlightNice :)
14:59.48MrQuistgotoIf number == 2233
14:59.53MrQuistBut it works :P
15:01.00igcewielingyou need to enable query logging on your mysql server to see what queries Asterisk is making
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15:01.15MrQuistremember to turn it off again!
15:01.19MrQuisti made that mistake once
15:01.33igcewielingThis is one of the "stupid things" Asterisk does.
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15:02.54[TK]D-FenderMrQuist: Couple of bugs in there
15:03.17drendaGreenlight, solved: was missing the column msg_id that was added in last version of asterisk. Thanks very much for support!
15:03.26xnicehello...i simply want to use my landline in my mobile...when someone call my landline it will forwarded to my mobile and viseversa
15:03.53xnicei got spa3000 and broadband is that all i need and then just configure it ?
15:04.03[TK]D-Fenderxnice: Sure
15:04.04Greenlightdrenda: No problems - glad it's sorted!
15:04.32drendaGreenlight, thanks :-)
15:04.50xnice<[TK]D-Fender> what more i need ? server or just free sip services out there ?
15:05.06[TK]D-Fenderxnice: Could probably add the auth right in the SPA.
15:05.24igcewielingxnice: this isn't actually a general VoIP/SIP channel
15:06.40xniceigcewieling sorry is there somewhere i can ask these questions ?
15:06.55jmetromy code is not passing arguments
15:07.07xnice<[TK]D-Fender> to search for what i need what should i type in google ?
15:07.10igcewielingxnice: I don't know.   Google?
15:07.25jmetroi have a dial local/outboundcontext,20,M(announcecontext,arg1)
15:08.33drendabye guys
15:08.51xnicewhen i google i got a lot of things mixed i dont know which one does fit my needs exactly...pstn/fxo some terms there for voip geeks i am newbie and just wants to do use my landline in my mobile and viseversa thats all
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15:09.03jmetroVerbose("Local/MyCell@dialSecondary-announce-0000001a;2", "EXTENSION IS MyCell") in new stack
15:09.09jmetrobut then later on in the announce context
15:09.32jmetroVerbose("myprovider", "EXTENSION IS ") in new stack
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15:10.02Greenlightjmetro: Try adding "/n" to the end of your dialstring
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15:10.13Greenlight(To prevent optimisation of the local channel)
15:10.22GreenlightJust a guess though
15:10.31xniceis there a freelancer can talk to me private i am willing to pay to help me in this
15:11.26jmetroGreenlight where?
15:11.59jmetroexten => _X.,2,Dial(Local/${EXTEN}@mycompany,20,TtkKgM(mycompany-announceIncoming,${EXTEN}))
15:12.02Greenlight[04:07pm] <jmetro> i have a dial local/outboundcontext,20,M(announcecontext,arg1) <-- so it becomes Local/outboundcontext/n
15:12.29GreenlightWait that's not right
15:13.15GreenlightAhh there we go, Local/${EXTEN}@mycompany -> Local/${EXTEN}@mycompany/n
15:13.45navaismoIf i create a global var from dialplan, this var is accesible for another channel and affect the value of the previous channel created?
15:13.55Greenlightnavaismo: Yes
15:14.14GreenlightIt's global and shared
15:14.21jmetrothat worked.
15:14.26GreenlightGood :)
15:14.28jmetroawesome fix. ++++1
15:14.43navaismoso its safe to create a Global var_${UNIQUEID} to only affect the new created channel?
15:15.56Greenlightnavaismo: Not actually certain if you *need* to declare them in [globals] in extensions.conf
15:16.06GreenlightI always do, but not sure if it's needed
15:16.13GreenlightIf you don't then yes, you can do that
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15:16.27navaismooki thanks
15:21.15jmetroGreenlight: you had one awesome answer, now tell me you have another.. this one is harder
15:22.19[TK]D-Fender[11:07]xnice<[TK]D-Fender> to search for what i need what should i type in google ? <- nothing... read the MANUAL for it
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15:25.02jmetroi need that first context to resume after the dialsecondary-announce is done
15:25.43*** part/#asterisk jm|laptop (~jm|
15:27.24gorkishwhat is an inexpensive low effort IVR provider that i can fairly simply integrate with asterisk that has TTS and ASR and stuff all built in for only a couple of simultaneous instances? Im thinking voxeo's hosted offering or something similar
15:28.50Greenlightjmetro: Woudlnt a "reuturn" at end of secondary do it?
15:29.10jmetrotheres an application that does that?
15:29.40GreenlightSince it's being called as a Sub, right?
15:29.48jmetrohm..its being Dialed.
15:29.51jmetroi could gosub it.
15:29.54jmetroor goto it
15:30.10GreenlightOh, it's being dialled
15:30.17jmetroi could certainly switch it to a gosub
15:30.22GreenlightThere's an arguemnt for dial which returns to diaplan afterwards
15:30.29GreenlightYou could use that
15:30.33jmetro"g" but it returns to current context
15:30.40jmetroand doesnt work apparently [just tried it]
15:30.55GreenlightUse that in conjunction with Return
15:31.09jmetroGosub + return sounds like the proper method
15:31.21leifmadsenyou're using macro
15:31.31GreenlightOh, yea never noticed that
15:31.39leifmadsenoh you have gosubs in macros?
15:31.39leifmadsenthat's weird... but ok
15:31.50leifmadsenGoSub() + Return() is how you return from a subroutine, ya
15:32.01jmetroIm still unfamiliar with how asterisk clasifies things but i have a lot of coding history
15:32.07jmetroand gosub just kinda..happens
15:32.18GreenlightI woulod change those Dial's to GoSubs and use Return
15:33.00*** join/#asterisk Tarso (~Tarso@
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15:35.03jmetrohm. Return happens, but it does the same thing Dial did - which is enter something into the CDR and end the call
15:35.41GreenlightLets see the CLI from a call
15:35.59jmetrorelevent portion or.. giant flood or text?
15:36.19QwellI'm more interested in the dialplan.
15:36.25QwellI'm betting leifmadsen would be too
15:36.32GreenlightThe call in question (or is the system busy with other calls
15:36.35QwellCLI output can be inferred from that. :D
15:36.51GreenlightHe already pastebinned it:
15:37.01QwellThat's old though.
15:37.18GreenlightAhh with the Dial -> GoSub changes?
15:37.26jmetrothe only change is a moved ;
15:37.33jmetrothe gosub was actually above the dials, but commented out
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15:37.54GreenlightAnd a "Return" added ?
15:39.27QwellWhich side hung up?
15:40.17QwellAlso, you're not showing the mycompany-announceIncoming context.
15:40.32QwellSorry, no, the mycompany context.
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15:40.59jmetroim thinking its a logic issue of just how things are being passed down, but hold on
15:42.22QwellI suspect that Local channels + g option doesn't work so fantastically.
15:42.26jmetro that is the CLI
15:42.29[404]Hello everyone, I am trying to figure out the best solution to have load balancing from incoming calls to multiple asterisk nodes containing a voicemail.  I am currently handling outgoing calls using kamailio with weighted balancing.  Can this be done with kamailio?
15:43.17Qwell[2013-05-30 10:34:00] WARNING[11127][C-0000006a]: pbx.c:4621 pbx_extension_helper: No application '' for extension (macro-myCompany-FindFollow-announce, s, 11)
15:43.25jmetroyeah im not sure how its getting that
15:43.59jmetroyes, empty for now
15:44.08jmetrooh god theres a comma
15:44.59GreenlightAnd on VM below
15:45.13jmetroyeah i saw that too
15:45.14QwellThat'll be $299.94
15:45.16igcewielingclarification of intent, syntax does
15:45.26QwellThat's Qwell, at Bank of Cayman.
15:45.28GreenlightWow a $0.06 discount
15:45.46zoid_Hi, is there any way to see the effective setting for max number of file descriptors from asterisk? I'm running out but lsof shows less than the number I set up with ulimit
15:46.00igcewielingjmetro's issues seem to be fatigue related more than anything else.
15:46.08Qwellzoid_: How did you set it?
15:46.08GreenlightRun ulimit -a as the user asterisk is running as
15:46.21zoid_Qwell: on the init script
15:46.23GreenlightAnd set it in /etc/security/limits.conf
15:46.29QwellHow, specifically?
15:46.35jmetroigcewieling: heh.. i left work at 10 PM last night and arrived at work 7AM today and i live an hour away.
15:46.50GreenlightYou need more caffine! :)
15:47.05jmetroCaffeine makes me sleepy unless its laced with guarana.
15:47.42jmetroand possibly taurine.
15:47.50GreenlightRed bull then
15:47.55jmetroBawls usually
15:48.03zoid_Qwell: setting the variable MAXFILES, that later is used as parameter in ulimit -n (it's ubuntu's script)
15:48.05QwellI can't find Bawls here. ;(
15:48.19zoid_Greenlight: doing that shows the expected number (64k)
15:48.19jmetroThinkgeek has it by the caseful. I ordered it when i lived in no-bawls land.
15:48.22Qwellzoid_: And what makes you think it's hitting a limit?
15:48.31Qwelljmetro: shipping is crazy expensive though
15:48.41zoid_I get this in the console: res_agi.c:1626 launch_script: Unable to create toast pipe: Too many open files
15:48.43Greenlightzoid_: Which user is asterisk running as ?
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15:48.53zoid_and han_sip.c:7041 sip_new: Unable to allocate AST channel structure for SIP channel
15:48.57zoid_Greenlight: "asterisk"
15:49.11GreenlightAnd you're 100% sure you did ulimit -a *as asterisk*
15:49.12GreenlightNot as root
15:49.53zoid_yes, this is what I did:
15:49.57zoid_root@voicetest1:/etc/asterisk# su asterisk -s /bin/bash
15:49.59zoid_asterisk@voicetest1:/etc/asterisk$ ulimit -n
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15:50.24QwellYou didn't su - :(
15:51.04GreenlightI suspect you need to increase the hard limit
15:51.23zoid_doing su - shows the same number
15:51.30GreenlightHmm... anyone familiar with the AMI Bridge code, or the Bridge method in general?
15:51.44zoid_mmm both my soft and hard limits are the same
15:52.02Greenlightzoid_: I would try setting it in limits.conf for the asterisk user
15:52.19GreenlightUnless you've something funky going on and eating descriptors
15:52.27zoid_Greenlight: I did that
15:52.35zoid_Greenlight: I'm suspecting of my AGI script
15:53.01_Corey_That's spooky...  I just had a transcoding server get flaky and die because of a ulimit issue about 15 minutes ago.
15:53.04GreenlightNot sure when it "kicks in" after a change to limits.conf
15:53.05zoid_should I?
15:53.14GreenlightHopefuilly someone else will know of hand
15:53.27_Corey_slowly backs away from keyboard...
15:53.31zoid_Greenlight: I'll reboot, just to be sure, It's a test server anyway
15:53.41zoid_did nothing
15:53.52GreenlightHmm... anyone familiar with the AMI Bridge code, or Bridging functions in general ?
15:54.19[404]has anyone ever messed with registering your sip provider to a kamailio load balancing for voicemails?
15:55.23GreenlightAfter an AMI bridge, it's dumping one of the channels back into the dialplan, and I want to know how exactly it decides where to dump it do
15:56.07zoid_Greenlight: rebooting didn't help
15:56.24Greenlightzoid_: Then something else funky is going on
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15:57.17GreenlightAre you actually using that many file descriptors? It's not recursivelly calling AGI scripts or something is it ?
15:57.18zoid_that's odd. I as expecting it to break, I'm benchmarking, but not this way
15:57.53GreenlightWhen you say, you're benchmarking... you're creating lots and lots of calls ?
15:58.02zoid_Greenlight: I'm running 5 calls per second benchmark, up to 120 concurrent calls, every one of them launches an AGI script
15:58.37GreenlightIt's quite possible that you're using all the fd's up
15:58.58GreenlightIf they're not gettin released in a timely manner
15:59.05zoid_Do you mean something like system-wide?
15:59.10GreenlightOr the AGI script is doing something weird
15:59.44Greenlight65k does seem a *lot* to consume mind
15:59.51zoid_the AGI script does weird stuff, but once it finishes, if it left fd's open the OS should release them, am I right?
16:00.09GreenlightIt should yes
16:00.09KattyI BLAME CANADA.
16:00.11zoid_I can pase on pastebin the output of lsof, if it's useful
16:00.27GreenlightYea, what;'s lsof | wc -l say
16:00.28Kattymy dear canadian friends.
16:00.37Kattywho has a recipe for poutine?
16:00.42Kattysurely one of you do.
16:01.08zoid_Greenlight: 6053
16:01.18zoid_it fluctuates, up to around 8k
16:01.20QwellKatty: fries, cheese curds, poutine gravy
16:01.52Kattyyes, but i need a recipe for poutine gravy.
16:02.07Kattyi have taters for friends, and cottage cheese (large curd) since i couldn't find plain ole cheese curds.
16:02.08zoid_ok, It started to yell something ellse: res_timing_timerfd.c:180 timerfd_timer_ack: Call to timerfd_gettime() error: Invalid argument
16:02.14Kattyfor...fries, i mean.
16:02.20Greenlightzoid_: Do you have an init script set to set the fd's to another value
16:02.21Kattytho i'd be ok if you came of for dinner Qwell
16:02.51GreenlightI seem to recall having a script that was setting them to around the 6k mark
16:02.52zoid_I don't think so
16:03.09GreenlightYou don't see anything like this:
16:03.09Greenlight[root@asterisk ~]# asterisk -r
16:03.09GreenlightSetting max files open to 6506
16:03.09zoid_but I'll check, maybe try to start asterisk manually
16:03.57GreenlightThere's a setting in asterisk.conf
16:04.01GreenlightIs that set ?
16:04.06Kattyspeaking of asterisk.
16:04.15Kattydoes asterisk do okay over a vpn?
16:04.22Kattyprovided speeds aren't complete crap, and such.
16:04.25zoid_Greenlight: no and no
16:04.28navaismoGreenlight,  is there a way to destroy a Global var?
16:04.40GreenlightC4 will do the trick
16:05.17navaismoso i guess nope
16:05.18GreenlightErm, aside from that, can't you set it to blank ?
16:05.47GreenlightI think that'll remove it
16:05.48navaismoyes i cant set it to blank but it persist if i do a dialplan show globals the var exist in there
16:07.03navaismoi don't hundreds of blank global variables, i don't known if that affect the performance in the future, so I guess its time to use the AstDb
16:07.11GreenlightIn that case I'm not sure
16:07.42robl^Katty:  I've used several VoIP solutions (including Asterisk) over VPN.  It works well, as long as there isn't too much latency.
16:07.47zoid_Greenlight: I seems like setting the variable in asterisk.conf worked, thank you!
16:07.52Kattyrobl^: cheers.
16:08.09Greenlightzoid_: Ahh that's good.Maybe there was a default there :)
16:08.26GreenlightOr maybe that's was overwriting whatever else was setting it ..
16:08.33GreenlightEither way - it's working
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16:09.37GreenlightHmm back to working out why asterisk dumps channels to "somewhere" in dialplan after a bridge
16:13.17GreenlightSeems it's dumpinmg channels into "s,2" of the context associated with the trunk I dialled out on
16:13.46GreenlightGuess as long as that's consistent and I don't need to use "s,2" for anythign else, I can catch it...
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16:57.38ruben231hi guys how do i setup on asterisk 1.8 to used conf bridge rather than DAHDI.Thanks
16:58.11WIMPyUse it
16:58.16GreenlightEnsure the module is installed, and use it.
16:58.17Qwellruben231: confbridge doesn't exist in 1.8, so...
16:58.31WIMPyOh, right.
16:58.38WIMPyis not so good at history.
16:58.39GreenlightOh, is that still "old" ConfBridge?
16:59.09GreenlightI thought the new one was added in 1.8, guess I was wrong
16:59.32QwellIt's not useful in 1.8.
16:59.54GreenlightYea, that's the horrible old version, it as 10 where the proper one appeared.
17:00.03Greenlightruben231: Upgrade to Asterisk 10 an option ?
17:00.07GreenlightOr 11
17:00.10Qwell10 is dead.
17:00.28WIMPyThe old one was usable, but indeed rather restricted.
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17:00.47radengood afternoon Miss Katty
17:00.49[TK]D-Fender10 has been dead for several months now
17:00.54ruben231Greenlight: asterisk 1.8 is being used only for the app im using..
17:01.06raden[TK]D-Fender, why is it dead ?
17:01.10GreenlightSeems like 10 was released only yesterday
17:01.19radenim still on 1.6
17:01.21GreenlightDoesn't time fly eh
17:01.35[TK]D-Fenderraden: Because it was EOL'd
17:01.44radenWhats current ?
17:01.44[TK]D-Fenderraden: No more fixes.  It's dead.
17:01.49Greenlightruben231: If you can't upgrade, then whats the issue with meetme ?
17:01.56[TK]D-Fenderand 8 will be supported for a while as well
17:02.24GreenlightYou know that MeetMe doens't require a hardware card?
17:03.26Qwell~asterisk versions
17:03.27infobotAsterisk versions and their support levels are documented at
17:03.53Greenlightstill remembers when 1.6 was "cutting edge"
17:04.38igcewielingstill remembers when 0.65 was cutting edge
17:05.38WIMPyhardly remembers using 11
17:05.50GreenlightI really wish I'd discovered Asterisk a few years earlier and not wasted so much time installing and maintaining all that Avaya crap
17:06.56Greenlightruben231: There is a version of ConfBrdige in 1.8, but to be hoenst I think MeetMe is better than that version.
17:08.02WIMPyFor certain definitions of better. It certainly lacked a lot of features.
17:08.11GreenlightThe new ConfBridge is particularly good, but you don't have that in 1.8
17:08.32ruben231ok got it..ill keep it in mind
17:08.32GreenlightWIMPy: I seem to recall having a number of issues with the old ConfBridge
17:09.03GreenlightAnyways - time to leave the office - laters!
17:09.16WIMPyI probably remember issues with most things I tried.
17:10.11zambahave you guys seen these: chan_sip.c:22546 in handle_request_invite: Sending fake auth rejection for device 'or''=''or''='<sip:'or''=''or''='@<local ip>?
17:12.17[TK]D-Fenderzamba: is that actual optupt, or pseudo'd for us?
17:13.01[TK]D-Fenderzamba: because fake rejections are perfectly NORMAL and done for security reasons.
17:13.25robl^Greenlight:  Avaya?  or legacy Nortel re-branded as Avaya?
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17:16.43zamba[TK]D-Fender: that's actual output, apart from that <local ip>-part
17:17.41[TK]D-Fenderzamba: looks like a parse error of some sort.  What ver?
17:22.44[TK]D-FenderI'd post up debug of that in a bug-report...
17:31.48*** join/#asterisk threesome (~threesome@
17:32.43Qwell~upgrade asterisk
17:32.44infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
17:36.54[TK]D-Fender1.8.22.0 <-
17:37.04[TK]D-Fenderonly half a branch old!
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17:59.33jmetroapparently my queue fix from last night is broken.. again
17:59.44jmetrodidnt even change anything but its announcing at the start once more
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18:12.58rrittgarnAnyone ever seen a single endpoint (aastra phone in this case) randomly drop off of sip peers completely? As in, Sip show peers -> Yields proper result, a few seconds later, the phone is completely missing from the peer list. I have qualify enabled and all the other aastra phones are staying registered without an issue. nat = force_rport,comedia. I've tried upping registration time, as well as turning up qualifyfreq f
18:13.33igcewielingrrittgarn: not unless you are using Realtime or something
18:13.47rrittgarnwhich I am
18:14.12igcewielingrrittgarn: any time you do a reload or sip reload then you have to wait for the phone to re-register before it will show up in sip show peers
18:14.28igcewieling(with realtime)
18:14.31rrittgarnI'm aware of that. But I'm not reloading as this endpoint is dropping out of sip peers
18:14.47igcewielingrrittgarn: I cann't imagine how that would happen.
18:15.29igcewielingI assume "dropping out" means "no longer shows up in sip show peers" and not "shows unreachable"
18:15.34rrittgarnNor can I... which is why I was asking here...
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18:16.20igcewielingare you SURE you don't have some script issuing an "asterisk -rx" somewhere?
18:16.25igcewielinglike FreePBX or somethign like that
18:16.59rrittgarnyea this is a straight asterisk 11.4.0rc1 built by me. No scripts running. Also, its only this one phone.
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18:18.20rrittgarn@igcewieling: chan_sip even does the NOTICE: peer is now reachable stuff every time, but I never seen unreachables. It just no longer shows up in sip show peers.
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18:25.23Kattyraden: ohai <3
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19:11.56robert_hey igcewieling
19:12.21robert_so I don't know how to get Ast to stop using NAT/LAN IP's
19:13.05[TK]D-FenderDo your NAT settings properly
19:13.18[TK]D-FenderAnd you never showed us your peers & calls as requested
19:18.21robert_I gave you a complete dump of the console log. I'll get you a list of peers in a moment.
19:25.59navaismowhy the billsec passed from dialplan are 1second below the billsec stored in the CDR and provider? i.e: Billsec in dialplan report 19 but cdr & provider report 20
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19:29.06Free99hey everyone. Having an issue with latency where my peers keep just missing the "qualify" threshold. I know you can set qualify per area in sip.conf, but is there a way to set it globally? I'm using asterisk realtime btw
19:30.56[TK]D-Fendernavaismo: Show us your dialplan
19:33.24navaismoLOL ---->
19:34.50navaismo[TK]D-Fender, well im trying in the hangup exten --->exten =>h,1,NoOp(The billsec are ${CDR(billsec)})
19:35.51navaismoOutput --> Executing [h@testcontext:1] NoOp("SIP/5005-0000002f", "The billsec are 3") in new stack
19:36.00igcewielingnavaismo: [root@daffy-01 ~]# grep endb /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf
19:36.30[TK]D-FenderThat's what I was figuring....
19:36.34[TK]D-Fender"h" delay
19:37.22navaismoAwesome... thanks both of you
19:37.36navaismonow testing
19:39.16navaismonice now cdr & billsec are the same, provider has 1 second more argh
19:40.31Free99it was qualifyfreq, if anyone was curious :)
19:47.37robl^navaismo: rounding differences?  X seconds + a fraction of another second.
19:48.14*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
19:48.31igcewielingnavaismo: you need to spend more time reading the .sample config files.
19:49.21navaismojust playing with seconds, and trying to confirm that cdr + providers never get the same
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19:50.01navaismonot like a critical app but thanks all of you
19:50.08navaismogoing to eat
19:50.34robl^some providers always round up.  some round up in 8 second increments.  so a 5 second call might be billed at 8 seconds
19:53.00jmetrowhat a gip
19:53.35leifmadsenback in the day it used to be round up to the minute
19:53.41leifmadsen5 second call == 1 minute
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19:56.29radenKatty, how are u my dear ?
19:58.21robert_[TK]D-Fender: is it acceptable if I pastebin the table schema for sip_users, minus any actually identifying information (names replaced with e.g., "SIP user 1", "SIP user 2", etc., callback numbers replaced with e.g., "8130000001") and passwords (replaced with e.g., "secret") along with the INSERTs used to populate the table?
19:59.33[TK]D-Fendermask only passwords
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20:31.06[TK]D-FenderAnd .. another wasted hour
20:31.09[TK]D-Fendertime's up...
20:31.12[TK]D-Fenderheads home
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20:47.14plUmbroHello there
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21:21.17rrittgarnthere any way to forcibly hang up a channel that doesn't want to listen to the 'channel request hangup' ?
21:28.31newtonrrrittgarn: "hangup request <channel name>" .. may do the same thing. I'm not sure
21:29.34newtonryeah thats just an alias
21:30.00rrittgarndoesn't work from cli with either of those. Also tried from an AMI connection to no avail
21:30.44newtonrrrittgarn: pastebin the "core show channel <channel name>"
21:31.40[TK]D-Fenderrrittgarn: Use an AMI redirect to toss them off a cliff
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21:35.20rrittgarnapparently if i use the AMI 5 times and then wait, it finally tears down the channel after many autodestruct warnings
21:35.42*** part/#asterisk geeksteve (~geeksteve@
21:35.51rrittgarni'll grab full channel info if i get it again. I think a co-worker put a 'g' in a dial somewhere and doesn't hang it up
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21:39.54monstercohi everyone; can anyone using Aastra phones confirm this: When a 2nd call comes in on an Aastra phone set while there is another call going on, none of the buttons like Transfer, Conference, or DTMF work until 2nd call is picked up or hanged up?
21:42.19rrittgarn@monsterco there's a setting to have incoming calls steal focus or not
21:43.17rrittgarn@monsterco:  Log into the phone's web UI -> Preferences -> Switch UI Focus To Ringing Line  - Uncheck the box
21:43.56monstercorrittgarn - thanks a lot man - let me try that now
21:44.04monstercothought this won't get fixed at all
21:45.20rrittgarnI actually am an Aastra Reseller, and have an open ticket on some other firmware issues some of my customers have found...
21:46.07monstercorrittgarn - reseller too but through distributor and never bothered to do tickets - do you encounter the web server issue from time to time?
21:46.26monstercophone Web GUI not being responsive and then opening fine with HttpS
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21:50.46monstercorrittgarn - that has been going on for ever - they always deny it's happening but it's happening with everyone in the field
21:51.05monstercoprobably the web server base code is somehow bad or hardware issue but its really annoying
21:51.11monstercothe focus worked - thanks a lot
21:51.32monstercoit's funny how there are so many things these phones can do that is not so obvious
21:52.38rrittgarnyeah... i've gotten into a lot of intricate setups and these phones just seem to handle it all without an issue. not to mention the XML Stuff... we do custom apps for our clients on these phones and they work really well too
21:53.03monstercowhat do the apps do mostly?
21:54.46*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
21:55.24rrittgarnthe most commonly used is the display users on park by caller ID and who they are parked by. Have one that a client wants a panic button that dials 911, locks the building down, etc... that one should be fun... then other basics too like multiple blfs based on non-phone stuff and launching CRM specific things or picking which channels to listen to, etc.... pretty flexible as far as what you can make them do
21:56.51monsterco"locks channels to listen to" ?
21:57.51rrittgarnhmm? I had 'Locks down the building" as well as visually pick when channels to listen to (via chanspy)
21:57.55monstercoI always fantasize about a radar like dashboard with multiple screens that would show me status of all calls so NOC can barge in on a call and see quality of the bandwidth/call and other info related to all customers and stations
21:58.28rrittgarnwouldn't be terribly hard
21:58.47monstercoSo, the screen shows all channels that are live and then you use 57i screen to list those channels and to listen to them?
21:59.03monstercothat's neat
21:59.43monstercoyeah, it won't be hard but just the time to do it btw all the other 1000 priority tasks :)
21:59.59monstercodo you use redirector from Aaastra?
22:02.29rrittgarnNot sure. I've used a few tools from them, that one doesn't sound familiar though...
22:03.40rrittgarnah looked it up. No, we wrote our own provisioning server that handles Aastra, Cisco, and Polycom
22:04.51monstercoWell, redirector allows you to ship phone direct from distributor and redirector points to your IP based on the MAC address that was sold
22:04.59monstercoand then you can push your own provisioning
22:05.17monstercomore suitable for a non-vpn environment I guess
22:05.29monstercobut I think it's $2000 per year so - def not worth it
22:13.35jmetrodepends on your volume and worth of convenience
22:14.11jmetropay for 100 phones to your office, 100x the cost of provisioning, and 100x travel expenses to clients could definitely be worth 2000$
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22:48.01picard276hey guys i was wondering as t oo
22:48.10picard276how to do a sip debug but only show the logs from a certain IP
22:48.17picard276when i do sip set debug on
22:48.21picard276there are so many messages it really counter productive
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22:49.08picard276? any ideas
22:49.20WIMPyUse your tab key
22:49.39WIMPyThen yu wil find that you can use 'sip set debug ip ...'
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22:57.13DBordelloYay!  I have my first PBX :)
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23:37.34DBordelloHow do I list what modules are installed and loaded?
23:40.23robl^DBordello:  try:  "module show"
23:41.32DBordellogreat, thanks.
23:41.55DBordelloI searched for a good while for that.  The documentation for Asterisk seems pretty weak.  What would be the best way for me to figure that out myself?
23:42.22robl^try "help" in the asterisk console ;-)
23:42.59infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
23:43.58DBordellorobl^, that is a good resource ;)
23:44.57robl^when do we get a new edition of the book for Asterisk 11 --  my first 3 editions are starting to want another to sit beside them on the shelf.
23:45.52robl^ohh. there is a 4th edition in review.  I missed that.
23:52.53DBordelloI might check out the 4th edition then

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