IRC log for #asterisk on 20130529

00:02.02*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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00:13.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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00:37.19leifmadsenomg I just sent a fax via T.38
00:37.31leifmadsenall the planets must be aligned
00:39.05*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
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00:55.02pabelangerleifmadsen, heh, I've been working with T.30 over a satellite recently.  Not fun
00:55.21pabelangerwish we had t.38
01:00.55coppiceleifmadsen: if you send T.38 via any of the planets you'll get protocol timeouts. even moon bouncing is pushing it
01:01.59*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
01:10.47leifmadsencoppice: :)
01:10.54leifmadsenpabelanger: btw, i filed asterisk-21828 today
01:10.54LieutPants[ASTERISK-21828] [Status: Triage] [patch] hints load as Unavailable instead of Idle on start up -
01:11.03leifmadsenpabelanger: matching reviewboard request to boot
01:11.08leifmadsenjust for you
01:13.01tzangercoppice: bouncing fax transmissions off the moon just to say you did it is about the only real use a fax should have these days
01:13.27coppicetzanger: don't start that crap
01:13.54tzangerfaxes (should) have real utility these days?
01:14.27coppiceyes, because nobody has introduced something that would genuinely make them obsolete
01:14.58coppiceits not enough for a better approach to be possible. it has to exist and be widely deployed
01:15.24tzangerI suppose. I mean I *know* they're used still but man, it's like the DOS APIs in Windows.. just can't shake them
01:16.18tzangerscan&email is pretty damned widespread, tacking on a receipt response seems to pretty much nail it although that little detail is a bit of a gotcha
01:17.43*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:18.09coppicehow often to you send or receive scan and email messages? emails with camera phone pictures attached are more of a real world FAX replacement than that
01:18.10tzangerat any rate I certainly wasn't trying to make light of all the work you've done not only in signal processing for faxing but the entire faxing implementation. As I said faxing is a tech that we should have been able to shake by now but just can't
01:19.39coppice90% of the people complaining about FAX being obsolete seem to be people who just can't get a VoIP system to work properly :-)
01:19.48tzangercoppice: of signed contracts? often enough and widespread enough for my (small) data set that faxing isn't necessary. faxing camera phone images is something I haven't yet had to do
01:20.55tzangernah my little linksys spa-whatever box works great for faxing when I need it. my * box works well enough
01:22.24phixcoppice: nope, I have FAX setup and it is obsolete :)
01:22.37phixalthough fax to email gateways are the way to go
01:23.42phixlaweyers / solicitors <3 faxes as they can charge a shit load per page to send or receive them
01:23.53coppicemost people don't like fax to email gateways. they expect FAX to be direct and immediate. T.37 would have been the way to go if gateways had been more acceptable
01:24.31coppicelawyers, doctors, real estate people, and accounts depts worried about sarbanes oxley seem to be the volume users now
01:24.47carrarmmm fax
01:25.02phixcoppice: yup, fax to email with pdf attachment of the fax, then just setup something in the background to download it, andprint it off automatically if needed, instant!
01:25.02carrarI have two fax machines next to my desk
01:25.09phixplus you also have an electronic copy too
01:26.01tzangerit's odd that sarbanes-oxley is the driving force, centralized email systems like exchange are compliant aren't they?
01:26.41carrareveryone in Japan has fax machines too
01:27.41coppicetzanger: I don't know the details of why they drives FAX. you'd think with the volumes of material passing along supply chains that they'd would have established a legally OK alternative
01:30.49phixexchange is not compliant to any standard I thought
01:30.56phixnot even the ones designed by MS
01:31.54tzangerphix: :-)
01:32.51tzangera quick google search suggests exhcnage server can be made compliant. probably means that it's cheaper to just fax and store the paper
01:33.48coppice"can be made complaint" often means with years of effort and millions of dollars. its like "FAX can be made obsolete"
01:36.33*** join/#asterisk serafie (
01:36.55saint_i have to setup a fax extension in asterisk, and it sux ! (to use fax)
01:37.05*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (~IceChat9@
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01:39.21phixsaint_: yeah but it can be done :)  I have done it a few times
01:39.27phixwith hylafax
01:39.55tzangerI've used it a number of times, both receiving electronically as well as straight fax passthrough
01:40.26phixHavn't it done it over T.38 yet though as my provider doesn't support it
01:41.02phixwell they support it but they don't guarentee they will route your connection to another host that supports it
01:49.38saint_phix: oh yeah, I have it working (receiving at least)
01:49.52saint_phix: over sip, using
01:50.04saint_works with google voice too, but not the detection
01:52.38igcewielingfaxing going away is a great goal, like world peace, and equally as practical
01:52.57phixyeah detection is a pain, on my system (with a PSTN line) I just wait 5 secs for the fax detection to kick in :P
02:15.25apb1963coppice: The legally OK alternative is called EDI and it's been in place for over a decade.
02:22.24coppiceapb1963: if that were truly the answer the accounts depts of all these multinationals wouldn't have a row of FAX machines
02:24.08coppicebizarrely, when I see external auditors working in multinationals, they are sifting through mountains of paperwork, rather than electronic records
02:24.47apb1963that's not my fault
02:25.35coppiceEDI is really old. People used to exchange EDI records using the file transfer mode of the FAX protocol back in the 90s
02:25.37tzangerit's coppice's... if his software didn't work right they'd have had to have moved on :-)
02:25.52apb1963You can't MAKE people change - well you can, but you have to be an 800 pound gorilla or bigger to do so.
02:26.32apb1963Like I said.. it's been in place for over a decade.
02:26.37coppicethere are often some devious iffy things going on with accountants, which make them act in none obvious ways for good reasons
02:26.53apb1963I'm guessing it's their lack of technical prowess
02:27.23apb1963they can do simple math... but that's about it.
02:27.31coppicehardly. the have the cash to pay for pretty much anything they want.
02:27.45coppiceand they use EDI heavily. the just use FAX in parallel
02:27.50apb1963why would someone WANT something they don't understand?
02:28.19coppicepeople understand only a tiny fraction of the stuff they work with. that's normal these days
02:28.27apb1963ah.  so they do use EDI.
02:28.43coppiceof course.
02:29.14apb1963People need paper.  It's too easy to lose electrons.
02:29.55coppicethat's true, although much of the printing we do these days, especially laser printing, can lift off the page after several years
02:30.30apb1963where several = decades
02:30.46robl^what gets me is that in my current employer's firm is they insist on fax.. yet our faxes are all electronic.  just ends up as PDFs in their email.   Why not just do email to start with?
02:31.08apb1963It goes back to not understanding technology.
02:31.30coppicedepends on the climate. if its warm and humid a stack of laser printed sheets can transfer chunks of text between the front of one sheet and the back of the next one in a few months
02:31.47apb1963Familiarity.  Not wanting to move out of their comfort zone.
02:32.04apb1963That may be true.  i live in a fairly dry climate.
02:32.26coppiceits quite dry here today. its only about 90% humidity
02:33.05apb1963it doesn't get that humid here when it rains.
02:33.09*** join/#asterisk Free99 (
02:33.35Free99hey guys. looks like is down, I'd have liked to use the blacklist... any suggestions?
02:34.00apb1963use the purplelist... much prettier :)
02:34.44Free99apb1963, :P
02:34.54Free99everyone knows black is cool
02:35.01Free99except the cops apparently
02:35.06Free99but anyway
02:36.27Free99I've got some guests dialing into my system and trying to make calls to some weird numbers in what looks like israel... I have an AGI that authenticates guests, but I'd like to figure out how to block those ridiculous 1900 numbers etc that people made up in other countries
02:36.45Free99is there such a list of "bad" numbers?
02:37.13coppiceI guess most arid places look pretty much like israel
02:37.21WIMPyAll numbers that aren't yours.
02:38.34Free99WIMPy, but my actual users are trying to call family as they are supposed to...
02:39.00Free99iunno, I'm just nervous that they may eventually break into my server or something
02:39.30WIMPyThat's the idea.
02:39.44WIMPyAnd the ways they try can be very entertaining.
02:40.30Free99WIMPy, do you think the upgrade from 1.8 to 11 is worth it just for the security logs?
02:40.50Free99I'm just not too keen moving away from my distro's supplied packages
02:43.23WIMPyI would have said yes if you had not restricted it to the security logs.
02:44.06Free99I mean 1.8 doesn't support that...right?
02:45.23WIMPyDon't think so.
02:45.33WIMPyBut I haven't used them.
02:46.32Free99you're not worried you'll get a $10000 phone bill one of these days?
02:48.10WIMPyI don't get my bill in dollars :-)
02:49.04Free99(facepalm) lol
02:53.16*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
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04:48.15robert_so is there a way I can do classes in the mysql config?
04:54.14sean5699Hi, has anyone used the polycom 560 with asterisk? I'm wondering how well it works
05:10.32[TK]D-FenderseanWorks just fine
05:29.47robert_can you store peers inside mysql?
05:29.53robert_(or any database)
05:31.34infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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05:58.15Rhombergreat, asterisk is still broken (with the sip registration bug that's suppose to be fixed)
05:58.23Rhomberthough, it took longer to break
05:58.34Rhomberthis is in 11.4.0 :(
05:59.10Rhomberafter a while, none of the SIP clients can communicate with asterisk.. and nothing comes up in the logs
05:59.39Rhomberdoing a "sip reload" immediately returns with no output, then when it's done again I get "Previous SIP reload not yet done"
05:59.51Rhomberjust as I did with 11.2.1
06:20.19sean5699anyone ever use the polycom vvx 500 phone with asterisk?
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06:29.22robert_I can't find anything to do with user classes.. does this mean you can't do them inside odbc config?
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08:20.38robert_"SQL Prepare failed![SELECT * FROM voicemessages WHERE dir=? AND msgnum=?]"
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08:30.22flingHow to properly log calls to syslog?
08:32.24flingI have this in my logger config and calls are not logged > syslog.local0 => notice,warning,error
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08:41.13flingadded verbose, now it is logging
08:41.18flingfling: thanks
08:41.23flingfling: yw
08:41.39ChannelZwell my job here is done
08:46.27flingChannelZ: hello :D
08:48.13*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (
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08:50.59flingI have multiple sip clients. Each of them has some unique extensions and all of them has a lot of equal extensions in dialplan.
08:51.29flingI need to put each client into different context to be able to set different extensions to each of them, right?
08:51.54flingBut I do not want to duplicate all the extensions :|
08:52.42flingMay I somehow set extensions for multiple contexts?
08:53.34ChannelZWell I don't understand the question. The extensions are either different or they are the same.
08:54.03flingChannelZ: right, clients have both differnt and same extensions :P
08:54.53ChannelZIf there are shared extensions, you could put those into a 'shared' context and then include them from the 'unique' context to a given peer
08:55.21flingChannelZ: include? hmm hmmm is it in example extensions.conf?
08:55.32flinglooks like it is what I need, thanks
08:55.37ChannelZinclude => context
08:55.55ChannelZwhere context is the name of the context to include
08:56.26flingI'm about to simplify my setup.
08:56.56ChannelZThis is handy even in simple setups; For instance I have an [out-local] context for local calls, [out-ld] context for long distance, and [internal] for internal extensions
08:58.33ChannelZvia including in each context (out-ld includes out-local and internal, for instance) and setting a peer for a particular context, they can either make all kinds of calls, local and internal calls, or only internal.
08:59.34flingChannelZ: smart! Is it documented somewhere?
09:00.03ChannelZwell include is, but how you implement it is up to your imagination and/or needs
09:00.57*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:07.39robert_how do I get asterisk to correctly authenticate extensions in mysql?
09:10.18robert_it keeps saying invalid password when I try to connect with a softphone
09:10.51wdoekessip show peer PEERNAME load
09:11.52robert_it's not finding any peers x.x
09:17.09robert_I can do something like, 'realtime load sipusers username [username]'
09:17.16robert_but not 'sip show peers'
09:20.24*** join/#asterisk RiceCracker (~RiceCrack@
09:21.42RiceCrackerI have a stupid question but since there are no stupid questions only stupid people, i'm stupid and i have a question.
09:22.45RiceCrackerIf I have installed the G.729 codec and I make a call out over my T1 line, does that take up 1 codec?
09:24.30wdoekesrobert_: how is asterisk supposed to know that your sipusers table holds sip friends?
09:24.38RiceCrackerand if I make a call from my mobile phone to a conference on my PBX, will that take up a codec?
09:24.41wdoekeslook at extconfig.conf
09:25.21robert_I told it, or I think I told it at least
09:25.41wdoekesRiceCracker: you need 1 codec per concurrent transcoding session. so if both legs speak g729, you need 0. if one of them speaks g729, you need 1
09:25.46robert_'sipusers -> odbc,asterisk,sip_users'
09:25.54robert_'sipusers => odbc,asterisk,sip_users'
09:26.18wdoekes1: sipusers does nothing, you need to set sippeers
09:26.27wdoekes2: sip_users isn't the name of the table you just mentioned
09:27.47RiceCrackerthanks wdoekes, so if i make a call from my pbx to my mobile, that will take up 1 g729 codec correct?
09:28.20wdoekesI have no idea. that depends on which codecs are preferred
09:28.24wdoekestry it!
09:28.26robert_wdoekes: still does nothing.
09:28.36RiceCrackerif my g729 is set to preffered
09:29.08RiceCrackeri have g729 set to be used first.
09:29.40robert_sip show peers does very much nothing
09:30.09wdoekesRiceCracker: if the other end doesn't do g729, you can prefer it all you want ;)
09:30.29wdoekesrobert_: 3: I didn't say 'sip show peers' would
09:30.44wdoekesrobert_: sip show peer XYZ load <-- note the "load" part
09:31.00wdoekescore set debug 20
09:31.03wdoekesand then do the load
09:31.18wdoekesand then look at the debug log to see what queries were done
09:31.58RiceCrackerreason is i'm trying to figure out how we ended up running out of codec licecense becuase it inturn cause a codec translation error when trying to switch from g729 to ulaw.  what i'm trying to figure is how all licenses got used.  so what i want to know is if making calls over our T1 which connects to
09:32.17RiceCrackera local pstn, will it use up a codec
09:32.37RiceCrackeri.e. i call my mobile phone from my desk
09:32.52wdoekescan't you just try it? and see if your extra call takes up an extra license?
09:33.11wdoekesI have no idea which protocols/lines use which kind of codec, but you can easily see it when making the call
09:40.56*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
09:41.15RiceCrackerokay so apparently it doesn't
09:41.49RiceCrackeri cant see any inuse when i go though the T1, but of course uses it when connecting between two boxes
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09:46.53RiceCrackerthanks wdoekes.  would this error be a programming error if i had all the pbx set to use g729 over ulaw, but the phone programming says the native default is ulaw?  "chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is 0x4 (ulaw) read/write = 0x4 (ulaw)/0x4 (ulaw)"
09:47.10RiceCrackerbecause after that error i get this "Codec mismatch on channel SIP/5024-000003c8 setting write format to g729 from ulaw native formats 0x4 (ulaw)"
09:47.27RiceCrackerfollowed by "Unable to find a codec translation path from 0x4 (ulaw) to 0x100 (g729)"
09:47.54RiceCrackermy guess is i ran out of g729 so it tried to go back to ulaw but failed...
09:52.17wdoekesare you using local channels?
09:53.50flingMay not I use skypiax? Where is it's source?
09:54.56*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
09:54.57RiceCrackerwdoekes: call was made between two asterisk servers connected via IAX
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09:58.44wdoekesmm.. ok. I can't answer whether it's a programming issue or you were out of codecs. but the latter is probably more likely
10:01.39RiceCrackerthanks wdoekes
10:11.47*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
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10:15.49flingWhere may I get
10:19.04RiceCrackeri think its dead
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10:24.58flingRiceCracker: do I need to use SipToSis instead?
10:25.35flingI want to have a simple setup.
10:36.21ghost75is it normal that originate is not working when remote side is busy?
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12:30.18sweeperanyone know a ballpark estimate for concurrent meetme participants with no transcoding on an ec2 xl-highcpu instance?
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12:33.00sweeperor confbridge, not picky :)
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13:21.52jmetrowhat is the standardly accepted good Android softphone?
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13:23.54[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: Google Nexus 4 (by LG) 16 GB
13:24.05[TK]D-FenderAKA "latest vanilla"
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13:24.42jmetro[TK]D-Fender: i meant the softphone app <.<
13:25.02jmetroAnd i think the HTC one has got the nexus 4 beat in terms of android smartphone
13:25.18jmetroOr the S4 vanilla.
13:29.18igcewielingsweeper: all MeetMe is transcoded for mixing
13:29.49igcewielingjmetro: all softphones suck
13:30.36[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: So is confbridge :)
13:31.20[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: I've head good things about Bria on them, and I've used 3CX Phone lightly and was OK.
13:32.25sweeperigcewieling: soooo basically it's gonna take several linked conference bridges ?
13:35.16igcewielingsweeper: that is what most people do for conferences with large numbers of people.
13:35.53[TK]D-Fendersweeper: Rather than "how many can it survive" how about telling us what you NEED.
13:36.34sweeper[TK]D-Fender: I've asked for that information. right now the customer has requested "a bazillion"
13:37.07sweeperI answered asking if it's a metric bazillion or an imperial bazillion
13:37.18[TK]D-FenderCorrect response...
13:37.20sweeperigcewieling: good to know
13:39.01sweeperany ideas on a safe approximation per EC2 instance? I mean if they come back with 500, I'd like to be able to tell them more or less how much it costs
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14:16.10jacekowskii've got question about echo cancellation using oslec and friends
14:16.24jacekowskidoes it do anything to outgoing voice?
14:17.10igcewielingjacekowski: no.
14:17.38*** join/#asterisk MLNoah (
14:17.45jacekowskiwhat else could cause horrible sound quality on calls from isdn to sip
14:17.48igcewielingecho needs to be canceled on the inbound direction where the audio is converted from TDM to SIP.
14:17.55jacekowskias in like crackling skipping type thing
14:18.07MLNoahCan parking hints be published via res_corosync or XMPP PubSub?  e.g. park:171@parkinglot_testguy
14:18.07igcewielingjacekowski: that is not echo
14:18.50jacekowskii know it's not echo, i just though it may be echo canceller going into some weird state messing things up
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14:22.44aberrioswhat verbosity to I turn up to see why asterisk wont load a module? core set verbose and debug seem to have no effect
14:23.14igcewielingmaybe your transmit levels are too high
14:25.20igcewielingaberrios: which module are you having trouble loading?
14:25.37aberriosworks on another node with same versions.....
14:25.44aberriosvery odd
14:25.46[TK]D-Fenderaberrios: Show us your attempt to load it and go prove that sip.conf is sane
14:26.23aberriosah sip.conf is it shouldnt have loaded on node1....thanks
14:26.29igcewielingaberrios: if there is an error loading a module you should see the error regardless of verbose or debug level
14:27.00aberriosi got it now... thanks
14:27.19aberrioshighfives [TK]D-Fender and igcewieling
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14:28.54aberriosdesperately needs chef and cobbler up and going
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14:35.33aberrios. o O (consistent builds...consistent builds...consistent builds)
14:35.59MLNoahhm.  is there a way to clear dynamic hints from the hint cache without restarting Asterisk?
14:36.19ChainsawMLNoah: That'd be neat. I don't know of one.
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14:47.01igcewielingaberrios: that is what the .opts files are for
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14:49.41aberriosigcewieling, I'm just using packages atm
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14:51.37aberriosdamn run out of caffeinated beverage
15:00.14jmetrosounds like you need Bawls
15:02.25xcomma Bawls
15:05.08jmetroxcom: enemy unknown
15:05.27robert_igcewieling: hai
15:07.14robert_igcewieling: btw, there's a "setenv" so we're fine on thast front. But now our users aren't coming up.
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15:11.48igcewielingrobert_: with realtime peers don't exist in asterisk until they connect or register
15:12.28robert_yeah, that's the problem. they're NOT registering. I keep trying, but all I get is invalid password.
15:15.00igcewielingdo a sip show peer X load  where x is one of your peers.  then do a sip show peers and it should show up.  If it doesn't, you have a problem with your Realtime setup
15:16.03igcewielingyou can also enable query logging on your sql server and see what queries realtime is making against the DB.   I had to use that a few months ago in order to figure out a realtime issue.
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17:08.45*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.4.0 (2013/05/17), 10.12.2 (2013/03/27), (2013/05/17), DAHDI-linux 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), DAHDI-tools 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
17:12.47*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
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17:42.00raidghostOn a server where asterisk is running. is there any smart ways to block all ip connections by default and add connection hostname/ip that is allowed to call in and make a call?
17:45.24[TK]D-Fenderraidghost: man iptables <-
17:46.58robl^or if you are using Ubuntu / Debian, "ufw"  (which is a simpler front-end to iptables)
17:48.52jmetroraidghost: or dump all peers into default and only set registered peers to your inbound
17:53.35*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
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17:56.30clhis there a doc bot on this channel?
17:56.42Assidso i need help with a decision i need to make.. im setting up a new location.. and i cant really use asterisk there.. however, i am looking for any sip based  solution from any major company
17:56.49Assidlike a polycom or something
17:57.02Assidany suggestions on a PBX based system ?
17:57.07[TK]D-Fenderclh: Yes.  What do you need to know?
17:57.15WIMPyYou want SIP but no Asterisk?
17:57.36clh[TK]D-Fender: just wanted to show a friend what an IRC bot does
17:57.53AssidWIMPy: im open to asterisk as well.. but not something i make /setup.. something embedded like how legacy pbx systems work
17:58.16[TK]D-Fenderinfobot: areyouadog ?
17:58.16infobotBark! Bark!
17:58.26infobot:), [TK]D-Fender
17:58.27WIMPyAnd you think you can get that with SIP?
17:58.33[TK]D-FenderinfooGood Boy !
17:58.37[TK]D-Fenderinfobot: Good Boy !
17:58.37infobot:), [TK]D-Fender
17:58.47[TK]D-Fenderclh: Thre
17:58.58clhthanks :)
17:59.09AssidWIMPy: personally i prefer asterisk.. but i ineed one of those pbx ina box type solutions
17:59.10clhinfobot : tell me about sip
17:59.27clhinfobot: chan_sip
17:59.37[TK]D-Fenderclh: Don't expect too much...
17:59.46clh:)  I see
17:59.51clhinfobot: Good Boy!
17:59.51infobot:), clh
17:59.56WIMPyAssid: You know that Digium sells boxes?
18:00.00[TK]D-Fenderclh: You wanted a sample from a bot... getting to ask what YOU want the WAY you want is another matter L(
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18:00.06[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: That all use Asterisk
18:01.05AssidWIMPy: i couldnt find a vendor for dubai
18:01.13Assidor rather in
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18:02.11[TK]D-FenderAssid: So "not asterisk", and "vendor in dubai" ..... perhaps you should just check who resells there already...
18:02.22[TK]D-FenderAssid: Cisco can speak SIP.... and I'm sure they sell there.
18:02.55Assidthe ones i found so far are ericsson-lg .. it does sip.. but charge per sip license/trunk
18:02.57*** join/#asterisk coppice (
18:02.58WIMPyI'm sure so does SEN or Alcatel.
18:03.19robl^Assid:  Dubai / UAE is odd with VoIP.  We have a ABu Dhabi office and we are not permitted to use VoIP outside of the office.  In the building it is fine, but we can't use any sort of VoIP over the Internet.
18:03.37WIMPyThey all do. So why do you want SIP?
18:04.03AssidWIMPy: softphone on cell for example .
18:04.35*** join/#asterisk miztic (
18:04.38[TK]D-FenderAssid: You keep piling on requirement after the fact.  Stop making us run into them blind and jsut TELL US all of these rules it has to fit...
18:04.42Assidrobl^: so what happens if you use it over the the internet
18:05.24robl^Assid: our ISP blocks it.  VoIP traffic will not flow in or out of our Abu Dhabi office
18:05.32WIMPyYou find yourself in a stinking hole with bars?
18:05.46Assidrobl^: and vpn ?
18:06.36robl^Assid: VPN almost works.  WE have issues with latency over VPN, as it would route to the USA.
18:06.38Assid[TK]D-Fender: ok.. i currently have a solution from ericsson .. im not going with it.. cause A> its a bit expensive B>  sip license per extn/trunk C>  i would like to use standard sip compliant devices instead of the more locked down proprietory devices which turn out to be expensive
18:07.46[TK]D-FenderGuess what... that's what almost all of the proprietary vendors do ... they make you PAY for everything.  You are asking for the sort of things that aren't released in that commercial manner
18:07.49WIMPyWith commercial PBXs the cost for proprietary clients which work is about the same as a VOIP licens with no guarantees whtsoever.
18:07.56[TK]D-FenderSo what's the problem with it being Asterisk-based?
18:08.56Assid[TK]D-Fender: i wasnt able to find a vendor who supports it
18:09.12Assidrobl^: your using asterisk based solution in abu dhabi ?
18:09.46[TK]D-FenderOh, so not only does it have to be SOLD in Dubai, it also has to be SUPPORTED on-site there?  Just go contact vendors there yourself then.  You've pinned this to an obscene point.
18:11.19talntidwait, someone in dubai is complaining about something being a bit expensive?
18:11.19robl^Assid:  No.  In Abu Dhabi, we have an Avaya IP Office solution.  We also deploy Nortel Multimedia PC Clients (which use SIP and connect to Nortel MCS 5200 in the US).  However neither will work over the internet for us in AD.
18:11.23talntidhow much was it?
18:14.08Assid[TK]D-Fender: preferably good to have support.. so i dont have overheads.. generally the bigger brands are sold there..
18:14.55[TK]D-FenderAssid: Just go contact vendors then.  This shouldn't be a guessing game since you already know who isn't sold there.
18:15.05malcolmdAssid: no vendor in dubai?  here's FVC (, and here's DVCOM (  i don't work on the sales side but one of them probably has an integrator that works in the same region that does on-site support
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18:16.32Assidhm interesting.. last time i tried i didnt get very far..
18:16.45talntidclearly just a lack of research. Doesn't want to research, but doesn't want to pay the prices of the knowledgable vendors
18:16.50[TK]D-FenderWhen was that?
18:16.58Assidlast week..
18:17.40Assidwait.. i wasnt really looking for digium/asterisk as such..more along the lines of polycom etc
18:19.10talntidAssid, what is your role at this company?
18:19.26Assidlet me see what FVC offers
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18:45.14robert_so AST keeps trying to connect to LAN IP's
18:46.32robert_"ERROR[17412] tcptls.c:446 ast_tcptls_client_start: Unable to connect SIP socket to Connection timed out"
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18:48.56robert_igcewieling: any ideas?
18:49.54robert_[TK]D-Fender: sup
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18:53.43[TK]D-Fenderrobert_: Idea : look at your configs and prove * is even listening for it
18:55.32robert_I get mysql timeouts when doing 'sip show peer 2000 load' :/
18:55.47robert_I'm thinking I might switch to sqlite, lol
18:58.06robert_[TK]D-Fender: where am I looking?
18:59.47[TK]D-Fenderrobert_: Your sip configs
18:59.59robert_where in my sip config, though?
19:00.40[TK]D-Fenderrobert_: how about the part where you even told SIP is permitted to use TCP?  This is your server.  How do you not know this?
19:01.18[TK]D-Fenderrobert_: And you chould be looking at your calls closer as well.
19:01.51robert_it's been a while since I touched our AST config, lol
19:02.03robert_SIP is using TLS
19:03.35[TK]D-Fenderrobert_: You pasted a single line from debug and aren't showing a full communication.  We can only guess what the rest shows.
19:11.23robert_[TK]D-Fender: hold and I'll paste sip.conf
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19:20.56robert_(please ignore the date; I simply reuse posts I don't need anymore.)
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19:53.50robert_[TK]D-Fender: hi. any ideas?
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20:05.33[TK]D-Fenderrobert_: Why aren't you looking at the complete communication?
20:05.41[TK]D-Fenderrobert_: You said it wasn't working as expected
20:05.53[TK]D-Fenderrobert_: You didn't show us a whole communication to comment on.
20:06.03[TK]D-Fenderrobert_: You don't seem to be actually looking at the problem.
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20:54.41DBordelloDoes anybody have any recommendations for a windows softphone?
20:55.01igcewielingAll softphones suck
20:55.16DBordelloThat may be, but I am still waiting for my hardphone to arrive
20:55.46DBordellocarrar, thanks for the recommendation
21:03.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:14.45_Corey_DBordello: X-Lite has become very ad-oriented as of late...  you may want to look at something like Jitsi or perhaps Zoiper if you want one that resembles a phone.
21:15.11DBordelloMicroSIP looks pretty light weight
21:16.25_Corey_Don't know that one, but it sounds like you're heading in the right direction
21:16.40jmetroI like 3cx phone
21:16.51jmetrothe free one
21:17.25DBordelloI'll check it out, thanks
21:18.00DBordello3CX looks nice
21:18.11*** join/#asterisk przerull (~philip@
21:18.35przerullhello, so why isn't HANGUPCAUSE being set after a dial command in asterisk 11?
21:19.51[TK]D-Fenderprzerull: show us
21:20.56przerullD-Fender: would you like me to paste the dumpchan and a dialplan snippit?
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21:21.40przerullgranted, it might have something to do with the fact that I'm trying to get it from inside a hangup handler
21:22.12igcewielingpastebin the CLI output of this running: Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is '${HANGUPCAUSE}')
21:23.15*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
21:26.41przerullhmmmm it was defiately there, the hangupcause for my inbound leg didn't match that for my outbound leg but that's not too big of an issue
21:27.23przerulli must have a typo somewhere (not enough sleep).  Thanks
21:32.21gorkishwhat would be the recommended approach to building a simple dial-by-voice directory app? Full res_speech + unimrcp + lumenvox subscription licenses or is there something that would work as well that is simpler or free just for this limited use case
21:32.56apb1963DBordello: phonerlite
21:33.15DBordelloapb1963, thanks :)
21:33.42apb1963let us know what you choose in the end
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21:37.17DBordelloapb1963, will do.
21:38.55apb1963I like it because it seems to be full featured, including conferencing and recording.
21:39.27robl^you can always go with a paid version of Bria softphone
21:39.37apb1963oh and it's free :)
21:40.15apb1963supports many codecs, echo cancellation, sampling....
21:41.41apb1963and a few things I have no idea what they do :)
21:42.42apb1963Recording was a bit of a bear to find... it's only available when a call is in progress... you have to right click on the active call.  Drove me crazy until I nailed it down.
21:43.57apb1963I have however returned to my former semi-sane self
21:46.02apb1963resumes sharpening an onion
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22:07.40DBordelloWhat should I use for the domain when configuring a phone?
22:08.05navaismodomain of asterisk or ip
22:08.41DBordellogreat, thanks :)
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22:26.17navaismoI wish all irc are very helpful as this :'( even with third party addons
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22:45.27DBordelloI am playing with my first Asterisk install, using FreePBX on a Raspberry Pi
22:45.36DBordelloIt is quickly becoming apparent how far in over my head I am :)
22:47.41navaismouh dont tell Freepbx here they hate that and you will receive the ~freepbx
22:49.35DBordelloThat is fair enough.
22:49.51DBordelloRight now my biggest issue is not understanding the fundamentals, not the configurations
22:54.19DBordellotrunks/outgoing routes/incoming routes
22:56.12navaismomost items has their help with the icon ?
22:56.36DBordelloYup, doing some reading now.
23:04.18jmetroanyone feel like telling me what to fix in my queue
23:04.39jmetroeverything works except the queue announcement announces at the beginning , when i change it , it doesnt announce at all.
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23:12.05jmetronoone wants to fix my stupid queue announcements?
23:17.02igcewielingjmetro: queues are beyond even my nearly mystic skills.
23:18.07jmetroarent they the most fucking broken thing? i mean cmon =\
23:18.36jmetroi dont...what...
23:18.53jmetroi just set all of my announcements to the same file.. and now it does it correctly.
23:19.29jmetroi should be hearing this thing played 5 times in a row.
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23:25.28apb1963jmetro: I know absolutely nothing about queues.... but if one file plays and another doesn't... I'd look at file permissions.  <shrug>
23:27.04danfromukWIMPy: were you talking to me?
23:28.13WIMPydanfromuk: Yes ;-)
23:28.46danfromukNo rest for the hard working :-)
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23:30.31jmetroapb1963: nah the files are playing just fine, i rename them to occupy the slot i want them to be in [midqueue rather than intro] and they dont play, i move them again and they play but only at the beginning.
23:30.33jmetromy solution was this.
23:30.54jmetroqueue-periodic-announce is my real announcement overwriting the file.
23:31.11jmetroplays it every min-announce-freq
23:31.22jmetroonce. not 5 times like it should be.
23:31.50jmetroneedless to say, the people who wrote app_queue were the same folks who wrote the cisco web ui's. Very angry people living in new delhi
23:32.27WIMPyjmetro: Don't throw yourself in the bin.
23:33.08jmetroWIMPy:  ?
23:33.20infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:33.33jmetrooh yeah, i realized that after i sent the multi-liner
23:33.39WIMPyThrow your data on a bin instead.
23:33.42jmetroit all looks like one post in pidgin
23:34.25WIMPyThat triggered an auto-ignore for me.
23:36.32jmetro if you want a comparison
23:36.49WIMPyI have never used queues.
23:37.14jmetroWIMPy: you must have at least 30 less gray hairs than me.
23:37.18WIMPyI just read in to them once and was rather disappointed at what I read.
23:37.30WIMPyBecause they fell out :-)
23:37.36*** join/#asterisk infernix (~nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
23:38.16jmetroNow i have to go clean up my own code  and wonder if theres a better way that i can handle two code flows that are the exact same except one gets call announcements.
23:38.26apb1963omg.... I just realized... Wimpy was the hamburger eating guy on Popeye.  lol
23:38.54WIMPyJepp. :-)
23:39.09apb1963Now we know what you look like.  lol
23:39.30WIMPyYes, I look like hin more and more.
23:40.02jmetroI'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a findme/followme code today!
23:40.49WIMPyYou don't like the app?
23:41.15jmetrotheres an app for asterisk?
23:41.44WIMPycore show application followme
23:41.50jmetrooh jesus
23:42.15jmetroyeah we dont have that installed but it looks nice
23:42.27WIMPySurprise: There are a few things you don;t have to build yourself.
23:43.25jmetroMines based on statuses from isymphony though
23:43.29jmetroso that would get sticky.
23:53.04*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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23:57.46phix1.8 still supported?

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