IRC log for #asterisk on 20130528

00:01.42apb1963easy is good... I like easy
00:04.11*** join/#asterisk maxus2 (
00:07.37maxus2Hi People! We have an odd issue with IAX. we have two virtuals running on xen. I try to make a call from the first to the second but the second never sees any iax messages. I can see the Recv-Q filling up and I can packet capture the iax packets. but the packets never seem to make it to asterisk, anyone know what would be causing this?
00:12.18*** join/#asterisk hackish (b8a2b885@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:13.12hackishMy internet died today and when it came back asterisk is busted... I've tried restarting it but it seems my iax2 trunk isn't registering... not sure why.
00:13.28[TK]D-Fendermaxus2: Clearly a networking SNAFU
00:13.28hackish<Unregistered>             60  Request Sent
00:13.44hackishideas on how to debug it beyond that?
00:14.39ChannelZDid your IP change? Is it a firewall issue?
00:14.47maxus2D-Fender - any ideas on where to look?
00:15.12maxus2I have been looking at it for three days, and just cant seem to make headway
00:15.19maxus2thier ont he same network
00:15.26maxus2they are on the
00:15.56hackishhehe. silly ISP... It seems that their modem gave me a dummu IP and the NAT firewall picked that up.
00:16.06hackishipnat -C -F -f /etc/ipnat.rules
00:16.25hackishand...       60  Registered
00:16.34[TK]D-Fendermaxus2: Your virtuals are either NAT'd, or otherwise firewalled
00:17.02maxus2Nope no firewalling all are in a netowkr togther
00:17.10maxus2no nat either'
00:17.29maxus2the packets make it to the other machine
00:17.33[TK]D-Fendermaxus2: Show us what you've set up and the debugging attempts
00:17.40maxus2its just that asterisk doesn't grab them fromt he recv-q
00:18.48maxus2Okay so I have two virtuals one with the ip of talking to another asterisk machine on
00:19.43apb1963igcewieling: Will it only see output to stderr?  Or will it also see stdout from my script?
00:20.56maxus2just getting a pastie together
00:21.19apb1963because I'm still not getting output
00:21.53*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
00:30.11[TK]D-Fendermaxus2: maxus2 Where do i see you proving the firewall is empty on the dest machine, and get to see the packets, and see that * is listening for it let alone running?
00:31.01maxus2I will add those
00:31.16*** join/#asterisk italorossi (
00:33.21maxus2whats the best was to show you asterisk is listening?
00:34.16ChannelZnetstat -alp
00:34.50apb1963ok I modified the script to output to both stdout & stderr...  still nothing.  Script here:
00:36.47*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:1938:240:2000::3)
00:38.28maxus2Just ask if there is anything else you need?
00:39.37[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: that is not an AGI
00:39.54[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: you are not flushing the inbound data first which you HAVE to do for an AGI
00:40.12[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: Just because it is a shell script doesn't mean it will work as an AGI
00:40.20[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: Go re-read the chapter on it
00:50.51*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
00:53.43igcewielingor use an AGI library
00:59.40*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
01:00.12apb1963[TK]D-Fender: This any better?
01:01.20apb1963That gives me: ERROR[28513][C-00000002]: utils.c:1187 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
01:01.29[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: No, you clearly haven't read the book at all.
01:01.42apb1963the examples are in perl, php and python
01:02.45[TK]D-Fenderyes well it clearly describes what interfaces you should read & write from.  And if you don't know enough about the language you are writing yours in to do that appropriately then you have a real problem....
01:03.16apb1963what interfaces.... something other than stdin and stdout and stderr?  I guess I missed that.
01:04.25[TK]D-FenderThose exactly
01:04.37apb1963so that's what the script does
01:04.45apb1963it reads from stdin until there is no more to read
01:04.51apb1963and then writes to stdout & stderr
01:05.39apb1963well ok it writes to stdout first
01:05.48apb1963that was more of a test for the command line
01:06.48maxus2[TK]D-Fender, any ideas on this iax issue?
01:09.19[TK]D-Fendermaxus2: not yet.  Enable iax debug on the receiving end and take a look.
01:11.07maxus2i have, nothing appears at all
01:11.18maxus2its got me baffeled.
01:17.18*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:26.31*** join/#asterisk gnudna (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
01:27.05gnudnaHi guys how does one add his callerid to asterisk so when i go out of a trunk i get my CallerID displayed?
01:29.17gnudnahere is the pastebin of my extension.conf
01:30.29[TK]D-Fendergnudna: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=1234567890)
01:30.36[TK]D-Fendergnudna: By setting the NUMBER, not the NAME
01:30.45[TK]D-Fendergnudna: You don't get to set the name that way.
01:31.01*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
01:32.35gnudnaHo does one set the name?
01:35.32gnudnai have that already i was hoping to set the name or worst coes to worst override what the client sends.
01:36.18gnudnaby the way this is for a new home phone setup im working on
01:37.39[TK]D-Fenderyou almost never get to.
01:37.46[TK]D-FenderNames are held in a central DB.
01:37.51[TK]D-Fendernot YOURS.
01:38.04[TK]D-Fendergo read up on CNAM
01:38.47gnudnaok if i can get the number that should be enough i guess
01:39.23gnudnaim trying to get all the phone working like a basic pots with asterisk aka to easy the family into the new setup
01:40.18gnudnajust need to deal with the echo now :(
01:40.26*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
01:45.53[TK]D-Fendergnudna: should not be a source of echo.  what are you using as an enpoint for the other half of the call?
01:48.34gnudnaan ata device in this case
01:48.52gnudnaassuming im not mistake by your question
01:49.10gnudnai have a phone plugged into an ata device to convert analog to digital
01:51.01gnudnaworks well in general but some testing today showed echo on a regular line which i was not hearing on my end.
01:51.04jeevany t38modem users around ?
01:51.22[TK]D-FenderWhat ATA?
01:52.26gnudnaworking pretty good overall but it is slightly dated
01:53.06gnudnaalthough sip show peers shows this for  OK (1031 ms)
01:53.12gnudnawhich seems damn high to me
01:53.46gnudnai jump from a high number to a low 32ms evey so often
01:54.13gnudnathis happens on both mtl servers and the toronto one
01:54.33gnudnamight need to enable some tos on my firewall
01:56.57[TK]D-FenderThat is a SIP QUALIFY time and may have no relation to actual PING & call perfomance
01:58.49gnudnaah ok
01:58.59gnudnai misunderstood what that was for
01:59.09[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Test with another device and see if the echo is the same
01:59.27[TK]D-FenderIt's more fo a keep-alive and check that they are even responding.
01:59.38[TK]D-FenderDon't take the number itself as good/bad necessarliy
01:59.46gnudnai do not perceive echo from my end sadly
01:59.55gnudnathe person i called noticed echo on the line
01:59.58[TK]D-FenderLike if you yell help and I see you are actually on fire I might react faster...
02:00.05gnudnaon my end the call was crystal clear
02:00.20[TK]D-FenderNot that I didn't see you just as fast.. it's a question of how the answer is prioritized on top of basic latency
02:00.40[TK]D-FenderSo test with another device on your end
02:00.53gnudnaenabling jitterbufffer is that a good thing or a bad thing?
02:00.55[TK]D-FenderIf that acts the same then it is your provider.. thoguh it shouldn't be
02:01.00gnudnaim looking for the safe options
02:01.16[TK]D-FenderStart with the "verify my ATA isn't crap" test first
02:01.42gnudnasadly i do not have a spare at the moment
02:02.17gnudnai did change my route to the more expensive option on to see if there is a difference
02:02.56*** join/#asterisk hebber (
02:03.18[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Softphoe, etc...
02:03.31[TK]D-Fenderjust ANYTHING other than your ata
02:03.39gnudnayeah i got a few of those
02:03.57gnudnawill test and see
02:04.59gnudnajust tweaking extensions.conf at the moment.
02:05.06gnudnagot the dial-in working as expected.
02:05.34gnudnacare to look at the pastebin to see if it looks good. meaning nothing obviously bad
02:10.28[TK]D-Fenderexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(Gtalk/gmail/${EXTEN},,r) <- very rarely have to fake ringing...
02:11.04gnudnathat was from a howto i had followed a while back
02:11.17gnudnai guess i can comment that line out anyways
02:11.30[TK]D-FenderAs I don't see any contaner contexts I'm not sure what uses [voipms-outbound] vs [longdistance]
02:11.55gnudnaah sorry i have a context called users where i include them
02:14.57gnudnaon i have to set the caller id sadly and can not do it from asterisk :(
02:15.25gnudnaif i remove the caller id i get unknown when i dial my cell or home number
02:15.48gnudnaeven though i have it defined in the config as you saw from the pastebin
02:16.06[TK]D-Fenderconfig still says the NAME, not the NUMBEr
02:17.03*** join/#asterisk Tarso (~Tarso@
02:17.10gnudna_1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=1234567890 is not correct then?
02:17.23[TK]D-FenderNUMBER, not NAME
02:17.30gnudnaah ok
02:18.43*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
02:26.33gnudna[TK]D-Fender, when dialing in aka calling from outside how do i get it to show who's number is calling in my case it shows my asterisk number in this example 1234567890
02:27.28gnudnaanything wrong with my voipms-inbound?
02:27.47gnudnai even commented out the line same => n,Set(CALLERID(name)=DI-${CALLERID(num)}) and still no change.
02:28.53[TK]D-Fenderpastebin your sip.conf for [603] masking only the secret
02:29.05gnudnai had callerid set in there
02:29.11gnudnai just removed it
02:29.20gnudnawas wondering where it was getting my nickname from
02:29.32gnudnabtw damn your good at this
02:29.38gnudnanew my issue before me
02:30.26gnudnaawesome that was it
02:31.33[TK]D-FenderIt's usually buried in the big print.
02:31.38*** join/#asterisk ivcivc (~kvirc@
02:32.51gnudnaso the idea before was if i dial 9 and then number i go threw google talk
02:33.04gnudnaif i dial regularly i go threw
02:33.19gnudnaim guessing you figured that part out
02:33.44[TK]D-FenderYeah, I read patterns and stuff.
02:33.45gnudnathe google was a test option i was using before i jumped onto
02:34.04gnudnabut it worked well enough that i left it in
02:34.08[TK]D-FenderEspecially "stuff".  I specialise in that...
02:34.32gnudnaso you do asterisk full time?
02:34.33[TK]D-FenderIt's in the wind now that GV's days are numbered...
02:34.47[TK]D-FenderNo, it only looks like I do :)
02:34.54gnudnayeah i heard reports it stopped working since hangouts got released
02:35.10gnudnawell its good look for you ;)
02:35.32[TK]D-FenderI've been in here for nearly a decade, I do consult on the side but don't really work in the field besides nominal side contracts.
02:35.46[TK]D-FenderI've got a general IT day-job and budding music career
02:36.00gnudnai figured the music due to the name
02:36.09[TK]D-FenderCuriously non-related
02:36.30gnudnai figured fender guitar
02:36.36gnudnawell it works
02:36.53[TK]D-FenderNope, I play Jackson & Epiphone...
02:37.03gnudnai got a epiphone myself
02:37.07[TK]D-FenderTechnically Jackson is owned by FMC...
02:37.10gnudnaone day i will be able to play it
02:37.11[TK]D-Fenderbut that's just being picky
02:37.25*** join/#asterisk italoros_ (~italoross@
02:42.44gnudnabtw i keep getting this every litte while
02:42.55gnudnaMay 27 22:39:51] NOTICE[10069]: chan_sip.c:20841 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'voipms' is now Lagged. (2041ms / 2000ms)
02:42.56gnudna[May 27 22:40:01] NOTICE[10069]: chan_sip.c:20841 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'voipms' is now Reachable. (32ms / 2000ms)
02:43.34gnudnais this my end or
02:43.59[TK]D-Fenderyes :)
02:45.41gnudnaweird i could not ping them properly yesterday but today it working almost as if there was a delay
02:45.57gnudnano issues to google or anybody else
02:46.04[TK]D-Fendercould be issues anywhere along the path.
02:46.38gnudnamy isp has been a little iffy lately
02:48.32gnudnabrb smoke break
02:56.13*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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03:02.22*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (
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03:32.22*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
03:32.55linociscohi all
03:33.00linociscoi have very simple question
03:33.03linociscocan I ask?
03:33.11[TK]D-FenderDon't ask to ask
03:33.25WIMPythinks that WAS the question.
03:33.34[TK]D-Fenderthat WAS the answer :)
03:34.32linociscook. I have configure asterisk on QNAP TS-269 Pro  asterisk ver 1.4 and cisco Phones SPA502G and 7942G. they are all working fine. audio quality is really 5 x 5(loud and clear). I dont know why !!. too good to believe to be true
03:35.33[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: He's running a crappy port on a junk appliance
03:35.59[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: Ok ... so where's the question?
03:36.29linocisco[TK]D-Fender, i dont know how to make it lower quality . :D
03:36.55WIMPyInstall a bittorrent client.
03:37.11linociscoWIMPy, at the time of installation, it is with 1.4. now I can upgrade to 1.8 at least with its asteriskNow GUI builtin
03:37.30linociscoWIMPy, i m now thinking to install Dropbx on it
03:37.52*** join/#asterisk cedr (cedr@unaffiliated/cedr)
03:38.21linociscoWIMPy, bittorent can make audio quality poor?
03:38.48WIMPyIf you have enough traffic, that works extremely well.
03:39.35gnudnai would have though switching from u/a=law would do the trick
03:39.36[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: Do you have even a basic understanding of CPU load & networlk load?  Then if you wanted to MAKE it bad... then you should already know.
03:39.41WIMPyUnless you know tc, which most people don;t seem to do for whatever reason.
03:40.11gnudna= should have been a -
03:40.22linociscoWIMPy, what is tc?
03:40.34WIMPyman tc
03:40.44*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
03:40.58linociscoWIMPy, no linux box around. ok. let it be
03:41.39WIMPyYou don't want to live without it. Especially not when doing VOIP.
03:44.31*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:49.30linociscobtw, anybody have tried GSM or WCDMA usbdongle with asterisk instead of buying GSM gateway PCI cards or devices ?
03:52.32*** join/#asterisk Draecos (~Draecos@
04:11.38gnudnagoodnight guys
04:11.40gnudnaim off
04:11.54gnudna[TK]D-Fender, thanks for all the help ;)
04:11.58*** part/#asterisk gnudna (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
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06:08.44*** join/#asterisk gdeeble (
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06:13.02gdeebleIs there a way to have a menu read a variable and then immediately push it to the Dial Application? It's not actually going to a phone but an internal extension that's executing a script/going to voicemail menu, maybe a phone extension from time to time but normally not. The path is: Menu -> SubMenu -> Read -> Dial . Is there a way to do this or am I looking at changing things around.
06:15.05*** join/#asterisk santa0536 (
06:16.42kaldemargdeeble: what have you tried to do so far?
06:18.36ChannelZKeep in mind that you can use separate contexts to build IVRs, and the extensions within them can be the options without having to use Read and build the logic yourself
06:18.36*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
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07:03.28*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
07:28.02mirela666Good Morning :)
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07:45.13*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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07:51.18*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
08:01.07*** join/#asterisk apb1963 (~apb1963@
08:04.58*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:09.05bash_noobIntegrating with home automation in future. Need POTS, SIP and h264 video at minimum. before I commit is there a competing asterisk alternative?
08:10.37*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme (~Freeaqing@
08:15.18bulkorokbash_noob: freeswitch
08:17.01bash_noobbulkorok: looks rack mountable. . .exactly what I was looking for. . .I need a read a little into this. Do you have any models in mind?
08:20.59bash_noobbulkorok: ok I meant the cudatel. I want to buy the hardware.
08:29.37*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
08:31.38apb1963bash_noob: YATE
08:32.41*** join/#asterisk lanning (
08:33.14bash_noobapb1963: looking into YATE now as cudatel not available in UK:( looks good that thing.
08:34.40bash_noobapb1963: Yet Another Telephone Exchange?
08:39.55apb1963Yet Another Telephony Engine
08:49.14*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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09:07.33linociscoside car= trishaw in my country
09:08.32*** join/#asterisk xoveruk (~user@
09:08.51xoverukIs it possible to increase the jitter buffer size for asterisk?
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09:13.03giany000302252 has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (134s holdtime, 512s talktime), W:0, C:201, A:36, SL:0.0% within 0s
09:13.25gianythat 134s holdtime is for one day or for Queue lifetime(last time asterisk was restarted?)
09:16.10kaldemarxoveruk: which buffer?
09:16.20xoverukjitter buffer
09:16.58kaldemarxoveruk: ... which jitter buffer and on what version of asterisk?
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09:33.02*** part/#asterisk xoveruk (~user@
09:33.07FreeaqingmeWhat's the best way to give a group of phones one common number (freepbx calls it a ring group)?
09:33.12FreeaqingmeShould I best use a queue?
09:35.38kaldemarFreeaqingme: exten => 123,1,Dial(Tech/a&Tech/b&...)
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09:39.25Freeaqingmekaldemar, thanks
09:39.32*** join/#asterisk As001 (~uros@
09:39.34phpboyhi there, I have a audio problem which is very difficult to pin point because they server is quite busy. I'm hoping for a couple of tips maybe. in around 5% of all calls which is about 30,000 a day the audio becomes one way. what's weird though is if you take a listen to the recording you can hear both parties voices but they can't hear each other. seems mostly like the agent can't here the caller any more
09:39.40Freeaqingmekaldemar, why would you propose this, rather than a queue. Because it's simpler?
09:40.19kaldemarFreeaqingme: if you don't need what a queue offers, then that is the simplest.
09:40.27Freeaqingmekk, tnx
09:41.01As001Hello I just installed Asterisk 11.4 hoping that web rtc might work with Firefox 22 (using sipml demo) but I reseive this warning "WARNING[24136][C-00000003]: chan_sip.c:10420 process_sdp: Rejecting secure audio stream without encryption details: audio 43420 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 109 0 8 101" Does anyone succeed to do test call to asterisk using sipml demo at ?
09:41.16*** join/#asterisk BorjaGVO (d51beb92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:41.47As001I can do it from Google Chrome without problems but Firefox seems to use other encryption.
09:43.09BorjaGVOHi all. I'm using eventfilter in manager.conf but it seems like you are only able to filter events by Event (i.e. QueueMemberStatus). I would like to filter all QueueMemberStatus events but the ones that have a certain string in Location: field. Is this possible?
09:43.20As001I can register to server but when I call extension (echotest) I get above warning.
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10:03.03*** join/#asterisk zendel (zendel.fer@
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10:05.36vedicI am getting this error as I try to load meetme in modules.conf: *** Failed to load module - Required
10:07.47Chainsawvedic: Did you just upgrade from 1.6 to 1.8, 10 or 11?
10:08.43tparcinaIncoming call rings extension that is entered in the Asterisk database.
10:09.55tparcinaSince we have more extensions, and we don't use agents, I have to rotate those extensions (that are entered in database) every day.
10:10.28tparcinaDoes anyone have suggestion what is the best way to do it?
10:10.47tparcinaI figured out two options:
10:11.33tparcina1. Cron sends single command to asterisk (dials extension) and in dialplan I do the rotating job.
10:12.02tparcina2. Cron sends all commands to Asterisk and changes DB values directly.
10:12.39tparcinaIf anyone has any other suggestion I'll be happy to hear it. :)
10:13.46vedicChainsaw: I have done fresh install of * 11.4.0
10:14.39Chainsawvedic: Asterisk 11 does not have a "meetme" application.
10:14.46Chainsawvedic: You should convert to "ConfBridge" instead.
10:15.46Chainsawvedic: To have "meetme" even mentioned in the config suggests it was for 1.6 or older.
10:16.43vedicChainsaw: It does have meetme. I can see in menu select and also the .so file
10:16.56vedicHow to check if a module is loaded or not?
10:17.24Chainsawvedic: module show
10:17.51Chainsawvedic: The meetme file will have been left behind by an older Asterisk installation.
10:17.52*** join/#asterisk din3sh (2988f997@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:17.57linociscohi all
10:18.04Chainsawlinocisco: Good morning.
10:18.32linociscoa friend of mine has bought E1 card to be used on asterisk server. he said 100 concurrent calls can be made per second
10:18.48vedicChainsaw: I think I have loaded it.
10:19.10linociscoi m very new to E1 or T1 lines because my country none of them. With E1, how many phone no. can we get?
10:19.22Chainsawvedic: You haven't, because 11 will only offer you
10:20.25aberrioslinocisco, on one E1/ISDN30/PRI interface you can make 30 calls.  as for DDIs on the circuit thats down to the provider, but I see no reason to have a limit on DDIs
10:21.03vedicChainsaw: i can see it showing details when I write: core show application MeetMe. also it appears in "module show". And you can also enable it in "make menuselect" . I haven't read anywhere that meetme has been removed
10:21.25linociscoaberrios, 30 calls means 30 phone No.s ?
10:22.07Chainsawlinocisco: You can have more than 30 phone numbers. I have 80 numbers pointing at 3 ISDN BRI interfaces, which means 6 concurrent calls.
10:22.24aberrioslinocisco, 30 calls means 30 conversations. As for phone numbers on the circuit that is down to the telco. I know BT usually give you a range of 10 DDIs with a PRI contract.
10:22.48Chainsawlinocisco: The number of phone numbers you can be assigned and the number of phone *calls* you can make at the same time are unrelated.
10:23.48vediclinocisco: with E1, you get 30 channels and 2 control channels. Effectively you can use 30 phone lines concurrently. Usually Telecom operator provides 1 pilot number and 29+ DID numbers.
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10:26.11Chainsawlinocisco: Yes, life is a bit different in the digital world.
10:28.44linociscoChainsaw, is there any link i can refer about E1 and T1 lines and how many no. i can get according to them
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10:29.03Chainsawlinocisco: You may find this article a little helpful:
10:29.27Chainsawlinocisco: But generally, the sky is the limit. If you want 200 numbers pointed at an E1... your telco can do that.
10:31.06linociscoChainsaw, thanks let me read
10:34.23msaraivaChainsaw: Asterisk 11 does have MeetMe. ConfBridge is not a direct replacement for meetme, but it works quite good for 90% of the cases.
10:35.06msaraivaThere are still features missing, like the start and endtime functionalities.
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10:54.57din3shlinocisco: you need to understand the difference between an analogue line and digital one
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11:15.29BorjaGVOIn manager.conf.sample appears ";eventfilter=!Channel: DAHDI*". I interpret asterisk (*) as wildcard, while in comments it says that regex are used. Can anyone clarify this?
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11:23.48kaldemarBorjaGVO: DAHDI* will do as a wildcard but .* for example works too...
11:25.02BorjaGVOkaldemar: alright. And what about this: eventfilter=!Location: Local\/[237]8.*  ?
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11:31.04BorjaGVOkaldemar: flooking for example for this: Location: Local/382@from-queue/n
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11:37.00kaldemarBorjaGVO: you try it.
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12:40.27FreeaqingmeI'm going to have a very long dial() statement. Is it possible to put some line endings in there?
12:41.16WIMPyBuid a variable?
12:41.32Freeaqingmehadn't thought of that. tnx
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13:23.29FireAndIceHi all!!
13:23.53FireAndIceCan anyone help understand this, ?
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13:25.24FireAndIceI'm unable to register to asterisk through a client api, doubango ngn stack. I just want to understand what the sip debug message means.
13:26.08[TK]D-Fenderlooks like a mangled packet.  Your API is probably messed up
13:27.10FireAndIceOk. However, it works with the test code provided with api.
13:27.21FireAndIceI dont understand where am I going wrong.
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13:28.04FireAndIce[TK]D-Fender, thanks anyway.
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13:29.09[TK]D-FenderIf you're passing it a collected variable make sure it's initialized and proper....
13:29.18[TK]D-FenderCould be a junk reference in your code to it
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13:42.01FireAndIce[TK]D-Fender, ok, I'll check it out. thanks.
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13:45.29polysicshi there
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13:46.34polysicssomeone mentioned having CONNECTEDLINE working with a peer in a ConfBridge
13:46.43polysicscould I please see their working code? :-D
13:48.28WIMPyI posted that line.
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13:49.01polysicsoh, I know, I jsut can't find the log
13:49.20polysicswhat do you set and with which payload? I would like to try with something I know works
13:50.11WIMPydprintf(amisock, "action: setvar\r\nchannel: %s\r\nvariable: CONNECTEDLINE(name)\r\nValue: test count=%d\r\n\r\n", a_chan, ++aoccurr);
13:50.21WIMPyThat's what I used for testing.
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13:50.57WIMPyAnd that's what I used for (un)muted events:
13:51.01WIMPydprintf(amisock, "action: setvar\r\nchannel: %s\r\nvariable: CONNECTEDLINE(name)\r\nValue: %s\r\n\r\n", a_chan, muted?"muted":"talking");
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13:51.38polysicsthat would translate to setting CONNECTEDLINE(name) to "muted", right?
13:51.42polysicsa simple string
13:52.45WIMPyCONNECTEDLINE ist not really a propper place for that information, but probably the one most likely to work.
13:53.31polysicsthen I think it's the phone's fault
13:53.42polysicsI tried setting it to "testing" to no avail
13:53.44WIMPysip debug will tell you.
13:53.45polysicsthanks anyway
13:54.23polysicsI think the phone doesn't send an "unsupported" packet but it might be worth checking
13:55.04GreenlightYou can see what's being *sent* to the phone though
13:55.17GreenlightI did say last week that it appeared my softphone didn't support it
13:56.04polysicsand it really didn't?
13:56.54WIMPyEven though I haven't seen a good SIP phone, yet, they don't have to be completely dysfunctional :-)
13:57.06GreenlightThat's what it looked like
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14:14.11FireAndIce[TK]D-Fender, I'm able to register through the api. Just restarted my server.
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14:14.43[TK]D-FenderSoulds like Windows Admin 101
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14:27.56Kobazanyone have any problems with the polycom 3.3.5 firmware with the idle browser crapping out and people getting call dropouts?
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14:38.21Kobazis everyone still sleeping from memorial day weekend
14:40.04robl^shhh!  some of them are hungover -- too much "celebrating"
14:40.17igcewielinglooks at robl^
14:40.32Kobazhahaha.... reading this bit on detecting packet loss
14:40.43KobazHowever, the Grandstream GXP-2000 (version we have in our test bed turned out to be an invaluable tool since it has the uncanny ability to turn the 1/50 second gap caused by a single lost packet into a multi-second garbled mess. So, if like me, you enjoy testing for dropped packets, I highly recommend adding the Grandstream to your toolbox - it is a great tool and worth far more than the retail price.
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14:42.56miRobolantHi there !
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14:47.27ChainsawKobaz: The GXP-2000 packet loss detector, now with phone function!
14:47.44ChainsawKobaz: Seriously though. You can pry my Polycoms from my cold, dead hands.
14:47.57Kobazexcept for when they have problems
14:48.12Kobazearly 4.0 firmware was b.a.d.
14:48.18ChainsawIt was, agreed.
14:48.29ChainsawI'm not sure when it became good. At some point I tried it and all was well.
14:48.51Kobazi'm on 3.3.5 for most sites
14:48.57Chainsaw(It got confused between UDP & TCP when it came to SIP, at least that's what it looked like on the Asterisk side)
14:49.04aberrioswent from using 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 straight to UC 4.1.4
14:49.11Chainsaw4.0.3.7562 apparently.
14:49.16Kobaz3.2 was nice and borken
14:49.29Kobazphone returns 200 ringing
14:49.34Kobazbut the phone isnt actually ringing
14:49.57Kobazhappened on one out of every 10ish calls
14:50.05ChainsawOh hey. 4.0.4 is out.
14:50.07ChainsawHave you tried that?
14:51.20miRobolantHi, I would like to know if you can help me about a problem I try to resolve for weeks.
14:51.50miRobolant[2013-05-28 16:49:46] WARNING[27016]: chan_sip.c:18480 handle_response_invite: Re-invite to non-existing call leg on other UA. SIP dialog '7ab616882bee0b874ce9d2543e60331d@X.X.X.X'. Giving up.
14:52.52Kobazyou'll need some sip debugs
14:53.05miRobolantAs ?
14:53.18Kobazas in sip set debug on
14:54.53Kobazand don't remove anything except for things you want private like passwords.  don't completely xxxx out ip addresses... if you want to mask, remove the first part ie:  x.80.3.20
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14:56.45miRobolantOkay, I'm on it
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15:08.09Kobazwhat cable tester is it that can do like, signal testing.. verify that the run is not only conencted but can actually pass data properly
15:09.06WIMPySounds like network tester vs cable tester.
15:09.26robl^higher end Fluke Cable/Network Certification Testers
15:09.41miRobolantActually, the peer is connecting via Internet
15:12.25miRobolant[0K--- (8 headers 0 lines) ---
15:12.25miRobolant[0K[2013-05-28 17:01:33] WARNING[0m[27016]: mchan_sip.c[0m:m18480[0m mhandle_response_invite[0m: Re-invite to non-existing call leg on other UA. SIP dialog '2597885620067f9a27e2c87b57653533@X.1.1.113'. Giving up.
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15:43.07BeeBuuanyone help me please? I'm using chan_ss7 now. Is there anything like pridialplan in ISDN?
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15:47.54coppicemarathon (I'm old school)
15:51.31slav3_kittenhmm, i really need another cisco phone.
15:51.48slav3_kittenso it matches the rest of the phones in the house
15:52.03saint_slav3_kitten: you put cisco in your house ?
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15:53.52BeeBuuI'm using chan_ss7 now. Is there anything come with ss7.conf like pridialplan in ISDN config?
15:54.08slav3_kittensaint_, i also put a 42 unit rack, 48 port patch panel, 12 port catv patch panel, 2x 2u UPSs, 2x cisco 24 port switches, though thou i'm going to put a 24 port hp gige managed switch in there, 2 2U servers, 1 1U pf sense router, PoE access points in each end of the house...
15:54.46slav3_kitteninfrastructure, i got that.
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15:55.46igcewielingBeeBuu: almost nobody here uses chan_ss7.  have you searched the asterisk ss7 mailing lst?  see
15:55.54saint_slav3_kitten: sweet. I have alcatel-lucent omniswitch routers, 1Gb network over Cat 6, and digium / yealink phones
15:56.03slav3_kittennice :)
15:56.09saint_all poe too
15:56.16saint_I just dumped my vonage accounts
15:56.20saint_switched to VoIP.MS
15:56.23slav3_kitteni had got some cisco 7900 phones really cheap... i'll never do them again
15:56.41slav3_kitteni'm for local stuff and i use flowroute for my international calling
15:56.47saint_I have 1 here actually which is pretty cool.. Alcatel-Lucent My IC Phone.. Totally touch screen.
15:57.05saint_check this out:
15:57.10BeeBuuigcewieling: thanks
15:57.11gorkishi just got one of the polycom vvx600 -- it is really great
15:57.24slav3_kittenyea if i was going again, i'd go polycom
15:57.35slav3_kittenway more documentation than cisco bullshit
15:57.38saint_for what part ?
15:57.50slav3_kittenthat phone is stupid large
15:57.51saint_regular phones, or conference ones ?
15:57.57slav3_kittenregular phones
15:58.03gorkishtouchscreen, video calling option with a camera you can move around as needed, plus it has a webkit browser so you can do some really great applications easily
15:58.04saint_slav3_kitten: it's awesome on my desk.
15:58.15slav3_kittensaint_, my desk isn't that big
15:58.24saint_slav3_kitten: you must not be that important, lol
15:58.26slav3_kittenthe thing looks larger than my 12" laptop
15:58.37slav3_kitteni'm not important lol
15:58.38gorkishthe webkit version on it supports websockets so i have a realtime display of all extensions in the office on the screen at all times
15:59.09igcewielinggorkish: in our experience even with nothing special VVX phones randomly reboot
15:59.44saint_slav3_kitten: i got the new Yaealink for sip over wlan (it's not really sip over wlan) they are awesome too
15:59.49saint_with a color display..
15:59.55gorkishigcewieling, this is the first one i have gotten to test. rest are spip 650 but considering slowly rolling to vvx when they get worked out. i demoed a vvx1500 but hated it
16:00.18gorkishthe 500/600 seem much more solid
16:00.28gorkish600 espeically
16:00.33ChainsawIt's all 670 here.
16:00.39slav3_kitteni'm kinda like ... wired all the things
16:00.41gorkishplus bluetooth is built in for headsets which is huge
16:00.44slav3_kitteni really dislike wireless
16:00.59[TK]D-Fendergorkish: the spec look really nice and the price-point is surprisingly good
16:00.59saint_slav3_kitten: agree, but it's cool to have a couple in the house ..
16:01.13gorkishspip670 is deprecated. they are advancing the 650 but 670 is EOL; they are really screwing 670 adopters
16:02.01ChainsawI use them for calls. They seem quite good at that.
16:02.02slav3_kittenyea i can understand that thinking
16:02.05gorkish[TK]D-Fender, yes i recommend you get one to test out, especially if you are interested in developing local applications or having video as an easy option
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16:04.17[TK]D-FenderSeems you need to buy the camera separate
16:04.58igcewielingI hate the VVX's UI.
16:05.01gorkishYou buy the camera separate but it can be hot plugged so you can share them around if you dont need it all the time
16:06.12gorkishui occasionally slugs and could stand improvement especially when juggling multiple calls
16:07.31[TK]D-FenderThis is surprisingly affordable all things considered
16:09.30igcewielingSales was all excited when the VVX500 came out.  We stopped deploying them after a single customer.
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16:46.36leifmadsenigcewieling: +100000
16:46.49leifmadsenigcewieling: we've had tons of issues with VVX{500,600}
16:46.52igcewielingleifmadsen: the VVXs?
16:47.01leifmadsenmostly, phantom calls
16:47.10leifmadsenjust places calls randomly without touching the device
16:47.15leifmadsenhad to RMA a bunch of devices
16:47.26igcewielingheh, ours usually reboot in the middle of the call
16:47.27leifmadsenPolycom sent a rep on site... I think the VVX deploy has been a nightmare fo rthem
16:47.43igcewielingleifmadsen: maybe they should stop releasing more models
16:47.46leifmadsenigcewieling: nice :)  also the phone would spam the system with directory updates like woah
16:48.11igcewielingleifmadsen: ah, we also had lockups when monitoring large numbers of buddies
16:48.31leifmadsengood times...
16:51.03gorkishyeah im not trying to shill for them other than that the 600 i have works ok; i would not immediately suggest it for a 100+ phone deployment without a lot more testing but it has the promise of being a solid product if they can get the kinks worked out
16:52.05gorkishi have only had this one a couple weeks
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17:17.54Zipper_32I've just setup a new asterisk box after migrating from the Zap analog system. I've setup entries in /etc/dahdi/system.conf and /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf; additionally, the status of Dahdi shows all my FXO ports, but I cannot see incoming calls in my asterisk console.  I was hoping somebody might be able to point me in the right direction to figure out where my incoming calls are currently going?
17:19.03igcewielinglook at the output of /proc/dahdi/1   if you have RED in ports you have lines plugged into then there is a wiring issue
17:22.09Zipper_32Thanks; so far there is one red, which is the unplugged port. The rest are just showing inactive.
17:23.29igcewielingdoes "dahdi show channels" show the channels?
17:26.14Zipper_32I'm assuming that is through the asterisk console? Then no, I don't even have the option to auto-complete the "dahdi" command
17:30.14Zipper_32i can see the channels when I do dahdi_scan from the cli, but nothing through the asterisk console.
17:30.47igcewielingthen was not build or is not loaded
17:31.00Zipper_32Perhaps I need to do another compile of the source? I did make some hpec changes after compiling, but I didn't think that would do it.
17:31.06Zipper_32I'll investigate with that. Thank you very much!
17:35.14igcewielingyou MUST rebuild Asterisk when installing DAHDI
17:35.26igcewielinggo into make menuconfig make sure chan_dahdi is enabled
17:38.38Zipper_32igcewieling, Nailed it. Thanks for the help.
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17:53.09midori-rushello, any speack russian?
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17:54.15Qwellmidori-rus: Have you tried #asterisk-ru ?
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18:02.05raidghostDo i need DahDi when installing asterisk, if i dont use isdncards or digium cards?
18:04.03Qwellraidghost: no
18:08.15[TK]D-FenderQwell: newer * doesn't need it for even Meetme/IAX trunking anymore does it?
18:08.53Qwellit's needed for meetme
18:12.55drmessanoI hope one day someone will look back on the days meetme and the awful concept of using Zaptel/DAHDI for mixing, and wonders what the hell someone was thinking
18:13.08Qwellone day?
18:13.16drmessanoOne day when it's not so painful
18:14.01igcewielingdrmessano: somehow I suspect using an existing audio mixing source for MeetMe instead of writing your own audio mixing stuff seemed like a good idea at the time
18:18.07drmessanoigcewieling, no doubt..
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18:24.45leifmadsendrmessano: linux timing didn't exist at the time
18:25.01leifmadsenkernel timing*
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18:33.08Armantzafrir, hi
18:34.28Armantzafrir, its been after long time who inspire me to knowledge share at irc
18:34.44Armantzafrir, thanks to you
18:36.00Armantzafrir, my another name is Adnan from Bangladesh, who deploy you xorcom first time at bangladesh xr1000
18:36.18tzafrirWhat are you doing nowadays?
18:37.29Armantzafrir, i am working at as Network & System administrator
18:38.54Armannow development is become my hobby, for self and man kind.
18:44.13Armantzafrir, by the way how are you sir?
18:46.40Armantzafrir, i need some time your guide & tutorial, i hope you may help us.
18:47.00tzafrirWhat about?
18:48.21Armani would like to develop a module for asterisk and contribute to community
18:48.56Armantzafrir, not much special rather than websocket
18:49.43Armantzafrir, any way this is my hobby
18:52.14Armantzafrir, i will leave now as dark night here. as well also need to catch office today morning. thanks once again for inspire & kind cooperation.
18:56.20*** join/#asterisk jameswf (~james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
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18:56.52jameswfshould gain adjustments in chan_dahdi reflect in dahdi show channel X
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18:58.48robert_so I'm in the process of converting asterisk to use mysql for a backend; however, can we use setvar somehow in conjunction with a mysql database somehow?
18:58.57robert_(RudyValencia and I, that is)
18:59.19igcewielingrobert_: 1) it won't be as easy as yo think it is and 2) yes.
18:59.45robert_igcewieling: I didn't say I thought it would be easy :p
18:59.54robert_I said "somehow"
19:00.43igcewielingrobert_: "1" was referring to use Realtime
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19:01.34igcewieling2) is easy
19:04.05robert_oh, hm.
19:05.30robert_useclientcode? accountcode? forgive me, I'm sort of stumbling into his. RudyValencia is more the ast person than I am, but he isn't available right now, and I'd like to get this finished.
19:05.50robert_where do those go?
19:06.25igcewielingrobert_: those are part of our sippeers database table
19:06.31igcewielingfor realtime
19:06.37robert_oh, okay
19:06.45igcewielingwe don't actually use it, we have a script to read the table and generate sip.conf for us.
19:06.52*** join/#asterisk MLNoah (
19:07.04igcewielingI pasted it so you could see how to do a setvar
19:07.09robert_oh, okay.
19:07.54MLNoahi'm trying to set up hints for a Realtime-based system, set up exten => _X.,hint,${ODBC_GET_HINT(${EXTEN},${ODBC_GET_CUST_FROM_PEER(${CHANNEL(peername)})})} in my hint context.  but i get a warning "unknown or unavailable item requested 'peername'" when the peer tries to subscribe
19:08.11MLNoahis CHANNEL(peername) not available on subscriptions?  is there an alternative I can use?
19:08.12robert_igcewieling: < we're following this, only I'm doing half of the work. :p
19:08.51igcewielingrobert_: ah.  can't help
19:09.23igcewielingMLNoah: I doubt it works that way
19:09.33igcewielingpeers and channels are "call" things
19:09.48igcewielingsince you don't have a call up, I doubt you'll have a CHANNEL()
19:09.56robert_igcewieling: oh, okay. I'm not ready for it "this very moment", I was just making sure somehow that we can set our PSTN_CID variable accordingly.
19:10.02MLNoahhm.  so then I'd be down to separate hint contexts per customer
19:10.24igcewielingMLNoah: welcome to the world of Asterisk Hacks For Multitennant Systems.
19:11.07MLNoahwhich is about 3000% more fun when you try to add in asterisk clustering
19:11.23igcewielingI'd think you'll want separate contexts anyway to prevent one customer from subscribing to another customer's extensions
19:11.41MLNoahwell, my thought was to have a database of <customer>,<hint extension>,<hint detail>
19:11.51MLNoahand then let ODBC go to town and figure out what the hint should be
19:12.00MLNoahbut i suppose that wouldn't work anyway, would it.
19:12.12robert_igcewieling: That amounts to, I'm pretty sure, Egon Spengler's definition of "bad." :p
19:18.05igcewielingSince Asterisk 1.6 and later, Asterisk has had significant performance improvements, making Kamailio less useful in many situations
19:18.09MLNoahand i realize a lot of my problem with this will go away once the system isn't under development any more... but is there any way to keep the ability to see "sip show peers" on realtime peers without the drawback of rtcachefriends making your settings "sticky" until you manually prune?
19:19.05igcewielingMLNoah: We moved all our peers into realtime, realized all those annoyances and wrote a script to generate the peers for sip.conf from the database data
19:19.25MLNoahyeah, i'm starting to lean that way myself
19:19.48MLNoah"can't wait" until i get to custom parking lots
19:19.54igcewielingRealtime is one of Asterisk's "bluebells" features.
19:24.08MLNoah...sigh... I thought I saw articles suggesting you could, in fact, do hints on realtime peers...
19:25.39robl^I store peers in a DB, but generate a sip.conf from the DB as needed.  not quite a perfect solution, but works when you need to use hints
19:25.59igcewielingrobl^: it is as close to a perfect solution as you are likely to get
19:26.07MLNoahwhich it does, as long as the retard setting up sip.conf remembers callcounter=yes
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19:26.15MLNoahevery single asterisk system i do... *headdesk*
19:26.42MLNoahthanks for the help, igcewieling
19:27.33igcewielingMLNoah: have you considered purchasing a multi-tennant Asterisk solution like Bicom's PBXware?
19:27.57igcewielingWe use them for our "hosted" solution
19:29.01*** join/#asterisk Kraln (~kraln@
19:30.52jameswfseems you can't define gains in an include... thats kinda stupid
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19:35.35MLNoahmy budget is $0
19:35.38*** part/#asterisk medve (
19:35.48MLNoahand apparently that's what the boss thinks my time costs him too *shrug*
19:36.05talntidyour choice to stay in an environment like that :)
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19:47.42krappersip peers becoming unreachable when behind a DD-WRT router... anyone have experience with this issue?
19:51.14igcewielingkrapper: qualify=yes
19:51.45krapperigcewieling, already there... never becomes unreachable on another router
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19:54.51drmessanokrapper, which firmware version?
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19:56.00krapperdrmessano, DD-WRT v24-sp2 (03/25/13) mega
19:56.27drmessanoWhat model router?
19:56.35krapperlinksys e900
19:57.33igcewielingCustomer bought a 4-port poe switch for his 5 phones
19:57.45drmessanoI guess that's not supported by 14929.  Will 15778 run on it?
19:58.49*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@2001:980:5e31:1:ccba:e252:2dc9:b90)
19:59.10robl^igcewieling: a 4 port poe switch?  I bet its one of those cheap trendnets.  It will power 3 phones, you add a 4th and things start failing.
19:59.40drmessanoYeah, all 4 ports HAVE PoE, you just can't use them all at the same time
20:00.18drmessanoSounds like some of the others.. 24 ports PoE *for convenience*, but you can only really connect 16 phones
20:00.35krapperdrmessano, i'm running 21061, only version supported by this router. :-/
20:01.42drmessano21676 is out.. I was going to suggest 21286
20:03.08drmessanoI would not run 21061, 21153, or 21223... They're too close together.. Gives me the impression he was trying to fix something seriously borked
20:04.32krappermy router on the dd-wrt site only shows 21061... can that be disregard and go with other versions?
20:07.04drmessanoWhere on the dd-wrt site did you find that info? Other than the recommended build of 14929 for older hardware, there is no router database and no official post for any newer hardware
20:07.26krapper ... type e900
20:07.28drmessanoI would suggest 21286.  I have been using it for a couple weeks and its very stable
20:07.38drmessanoThe router database doesn't work
20:09.25krapperyou just follow through forums?
20:12.22drmessanoSomewhat.. I check the ftp site for new builds, check the forums for success/failures..
20:12.36drmessanoWhen a build sucks, I make note of it.. and I don't try it again
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20:14.00drmessanodd-wrt is in a sort of limbo right now as far as recommended releases.  14929 is stable as hell.. as long as your hardware is supported.  Beyond that you're kinda on your own.  14929 is the only *officially recommended* build
20:14.04drmessanoIt's a little ugh
20:16.11krapperi'm digging around, don't see those new builds?
20:17.16krapperdeep in the directories :-D
20:20.45krapperdrmessano, thx!
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20:51.35DBordelloDoes anybody have any experience running Asterisk on a Raspbeery Pi?
20:52.55navaismothat means me
20:55.15DBordellonavaismo, care to share your experiences? :)
20:55.32igcewielingnavaismo: sometimes it is prudent to not admit some of the things you know.
20:57.14navaismoDBordello, Well in the past i have worked with Alix Boards so using Raspberry pi was easier and little fast to do a native compile, about asterisk it works fine an so far 3 calls works well, my setup use apache+mysql for static realtime
20:57.22navaismoigcewieling, uh, why?
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20:57.42DBordellonavaismo, great, I was hopig it was up to the task
20:57.58navaismoDBordello, there are som stuff yu cant run on it like g729, dpma
20:58.19navaismoand there are also imges with freepbx-asterisk or PIAF for raspberry pi
20:58.44DBordelloaaah, very nice.
20:58.58DBordelloI am looking forward to playing with it
20:59.49igcewielingnavaismo: because then you become the expert everyone pesters for information since nobody else can help
21:00.30igcewielingsame reason you don't imply you "work with computers" at a party.
21:00.43navaismoDBordello, I would recommend to install from sources, if you want faster compilation you can use sdcc, the I love my pi-pbx more than my pi-media center
21:01.04navaismoigcewieling, ah true, or with your family
21:01.06DBordellonavaismo, install from source on what distribution?
21:01.23navaismoigcewieling, but im just telling my experience here
21:01.54navaismoDBordello, Well thats up to you, I use Fedora Remix but alot lot people prefer Raspbian
21:02.09DBordellonavaismo, fair enough.
21:02.21DBordelloTo be honest, I have a raspberry pi sitting my drawer, looking for a use ;)
21:02.25*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
21:03.21navaismoI was suggesting to the freepbx people to make a module for the freepbx-pi when a call failed the pi give us a beer
21:04.25*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
21:05.07navaismothe rpi is like a swiss-knife, you can do a lot on it
21:05.28drmessanoor a little.. depends on your need
21:05.31robl^I'm using Asterisk on an Raspberry Pi -- but its dedicated, limited purpose.  It's basically fail-over and delivers intercept messages.  I don't use it as a PBX or conferencing server
21:06.12drmessanoI have that's my "bench NAS" at home for transferring files from dead machines, and is also the wifi bridge to my bench
21:06.19drmessanohave one*
21:07.55drmessanoRather limited use for such a complex little piece of equipment, but then again, what else could fill both those roles in a small package?
21:08.15igcewielingrobl^ sort of has a "thing for phones".  send them that link of all your phones, robl^
21:08.59robl^igcewieling: hush!   I don't have that many in my lab
21:09.34drmessanoI want to see
21:09.58robl^its a mix of asterisk, nortel, and cisco
21:10.03robl^ohh.. and sipxecs
21:11.17talntidnortel BCM400!
21:11.28talntid(kill me now.)
21:11.47robl^I have a BCM50 & CS1000
21:11.59talntidwant a BCM400?
21:12.03talntidjust pay shippin'!
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21:12.24robl^maybe if it were an R6 BCM450 ;-)
21:12.36talntidno idea what that is
21:13.40robl^BCM450 was the latest and largerst model of the BCMs.  R6.0 is the software release
21:23.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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21:24.04raidghostWhen i have added the information that is needed to connect a trunk, and it says: Not registered? Then its very easy to loose its temper.
21:29.11talntidI see
21:29.26talntidI hate that I always had to use java 6 revision 13 or whatever to manage it
21:29.35talntidand it just.. always sucked. the bcm400
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21:30.48DBordellodoes anybody have any recommendations for a good cordless IP phone for home use?
21:30.56DBordelloI am not afraid of a good ebay value :)
21:31.22drmessanoI prefer ATA's and cheap DECT phones
21:31.45DBordellodrmessano, why is that?
21:32.15drmessanoI personally don't see or have the need for an expensive cordless SIP device.
21:32.23drmessanoATA works fine for me
21:32.32drmessanoI can use any phone I want
21:32.41DBordelloMultiple lines perhaps?  Transfering?
21:33.00drmessanoWhen DECT 12.0 comes out, I can just swap out my $14 phone with another $14 phone
21:33.25drmessanoDBordello, perhaps.. Two lines isn't difficult, beyond that, sure.  Transfers can be done with the ATA
21:33.42WIMPyIs that the US version of DECT 2.0 AKA CAT-iq?
21:34.25drmessanoWIMPy, I wasn't being specific.  Point was that when this $14 DECT phone becomes obsolete, I can swap it out for another $14 phone
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21:34.51drmessanoI guess I should have picked something more obscure like DECT 3.141
21:34.56DBordelloMy grand plan is to use Asterisk for a home PBX.  I want to tie in my phone, my ladies phone and a "home" line using google voice (or something else if that stops working).  I'd like each line to have a distinct ring, and be able to be answered from any phone.  I assume this would require 3 line phones?
21:35.12[TK]D-FenderDBordello: Google Voice is about to DIE
21:35.27DBordello[TK]D-Fender, i'll probably just get a SIP line then and forward to that
21:35.33drmessanoDBordello, distinctive ring doesn't require a multi-line phone..
21:35.59drmessano"Your phone, my special lady-friends phone, and another phone" is little vague.
21:36.00DBordello[TK]D-Fender, or, is google voice compeltly going to die?  Or just the asterisk integration?
21:36.14drmessanoGoogle Voice + XMPP is going to die, so no Asterisk
21:36.18drmessanovoice is moving to hangouts
21:36.18[TK]D-FenderDBordello: they are shifting protocols again.....
21:36.35DBordelloBut I can always just forward to a SIP line, right?
21:36.40DBordellodrmessano, agreed.
21:36.57DBordelloI want to have 3 incoming lines to the house, and any phone to be able to answer, and make calls to any of the lines.
21:37.32drmessanoDBordello, my case use at home.  I have probably 6 DID's that ring into my Asterisk box.  3 of them can eventually hit my single extension cordless phone either by ringing it directly or being a failover from another extension
21:38.13drmessanoI don't _need_ for my cordless to have another extension present on the device.
21:38.13DBordellodrmessano, how do you determine outgoing line if you are at a given extension?
21:39.03drmessanoAre you asking how I choose which line to use for outgoing?  I don't choose beyond the default one for each extension
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21:39.18drmessanoI don't interactively select it
21:39.40DBordellookay, that is something I'd like to be easily done from each handset
21:39.48DBordelloIf myself, or my girlfriend is using it
21:41.07drmessanoIf *I* had to do that, I would expand to a 2 line cordless phone.  Same concept.  But that's me.
21:41.19drmessanoAs in, ATA+Cordless
21:42.06drmessanoWhat bothers me about putting down money on *this weeks* cordless phone tech is that I have to invest several hundred bucks again to upgrade
21:42.22DBordellowell, new ones don't make old ones less functional
21:42.41DBordelloI was thinking of cruising ebay for some deals
21:42.51drmessanoFrom the time I started using Asterisk, my ATA I have dedicated to cordless has been through 3 different technology upgrades and i've replaced 2 phones in addition to that due to failures
21:43.02WIMPyWhy don;t you use a SIP base?
21:43.07drmessanoTell that to my 2.4GHZ phones :)
21:43.31DBordelloWIMPy, any suggestions?
21:44.14DBordelloWIMPy, those look great, thanks
21:44.27drmessanoAlthough things have settled in a bit with DECT.  I don't there being a significant reason to upgrade, as DECT seems to do everything pretty well
21:45.04WIMPySure, but an analog base?
21:45.17drmessanoWhats the problem with that?
21:45.35WIMPyless functionality.
21:45.39igcewielingheh, we hit 150 calls per server today
21:46.20igcewielingAren't there SIP/DECT phones
21:46.45WIMPyThat's waht I said.
21:46.48drmessanoIf I had to buy a SIP based device for the 5 I have replaced in the last 7 years, I would be out more than i've spent on desk phones at home lol
21:47.36igcewielingdrmessano: as long as you don't want SIP/WIFI, the SIP/DECT are not all that expensive
21:48.09drmessanoWhat's the price point now for a single extension SIP/DECT device?
21:48.10igcewielingWIMPy: USA DECT runs at 1.8Ghz, IIRC.
21:48.40WIMPyNFI. I only know that it's a different band.
21:49.43DBordelloLooks like you can get a gigaset, 2 handsets for ~$60-
21:49.50*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
21:50.27drmessano$60 would be well worth it.
21:50.39drmessanoI wouldn't pay $200 for a DESK phone for home, nevermind a cordless
21:50.57igcewielingdrmessano: silly!  get work to pay for it!
21:51.23*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
21:51.36DBordelloAre Wifi/SIP phones more expensive than DECT/SIP?
21:51.46igcewielingI have a Polycom 550 w/plantronics headset, a Polycom VVX500, and a Polycom 335 on my desk.
21:51.54carrarusually cheaper cause they suck more
21:52.04WIMPyThey are definitely more shitty.
21:52.08igcewielingDBordello: wifi uses much more power and so battery life sucks
21:52.09DBordellocarrar, good point
21:52.15DBordelloaah, okay, scratch that idea then
21:52.26DBordelloI just oredered a Polycom 501 off ebay for ~$60
21:52.33drmessanoThat Gigaset looks interesting
21:52.42carrarPolycom makes great phones
21:52.48DBordelloI can't tell if it is single line, or dual line
21:52.54igcewielingDBordello: I have on my desk what we sell to customers 8-)
21:53.00DBordelloigcewieling, :)
21:53.01drmessanoAt $65, you're at the cost of an ATA + Walmart DECT phone.  Can't argue with that
21:53.21igcewielingdrmessano: worth looking into at least.
21:53.31carrarBut while at Walmart you could get chips
21:53.32DBordellodrmessano, I am just discussing options.  I can certainly see the advantage of moving the SIP side to an ATA
21:54.08drmessanoNo, I think at $65 it doesn't make sense to use the ATA+cordless
21:54.27drmessanoYou're talking almost the same price for much more functional device
21:54.28DBordelloDoes polycom make any cordless phones?
21:54.41drmessanoYe$ they certainly do
21:54.47WIMPyI would go for a BRI base, but that's not an option for you, I guess.
21:54.49drmessanoThey are quite nice $$$
21:54.50carrarprobably pick up a aastra NBU-400 fairely cheap
21:54.56carrarfor SIP DECT
21:55.04WIMPyNo, they buy from Kirk.
21:55.11WIMPyOr did they buy Kirk?
21:55.25gorkishthe spectralink line has both wifi and dect however i believe polycom doesnt actually make them
21:55.35DBordelloAny signifcant advantage of going purely polycom, versus a mix/match setup?
21:56.08igcewielingDBordello: Polycom has two cordless lines.  Neither are in any way similar to their desk phones.
21:56.10carrarYour comphortlevel
21:56.18igcewielingone line is dect, and one is wifi, IIRC
21:56.30gorkishdbordello: well they are all provisioned with the same tree and basically the same config setup so its easier in theory
21:56.52DBordellogorkish, I thought that might help
21:56.55igcewielingDBordello: learning one phone well is hard enough, why make three times the work
21:57.14carrarLearning is good
21:57.29gorkishthe spectralink 8400 (wifi) provisioning is the same as the soundpoint ip and vvx but they are expensive as all get-out
21:57.34DBordellocarrar, that looks nice, but a bit steep $$$
21:57.35igcewielingcarrar: you can always go back and add more phones just to complicate things later.
21:57.45igcewielingPolycoms are expensive.
21:57.53DBordellogot it :)
21:57.56carrarDBordello, if this is for a office you need to consider what you are doing it for
21:58.11DBordellocarrar, it is for home, with no real good use :)
21:58.21*** join/#asterisk War_Bear (
21:58.25carraryou don't need cordless sip phone
21:58.33carrarGet a bluetooth headset
21:58.48gorkishone other roaming wireless option is to get a regular desk phone and put a DECT headset on it
21:58.57drmessanoBluetooth?  Isn't that what you get when you eat a Blackberry?
21:58.58WIMPyHow do you dial with your BT headset?
21:59.16carrarwith your fingers on the phone
21:59.34carrardidn't say he needed to dial from the yard
21:59.43gorkishactually vvx600 has built in bluetooth and it works very well.
21:59.50WIMPyWhy do you need a wiereless headset on a wired phone?
21:59.51DBordellowireless dialing as well :)
21:59.52gorkishdialing with DECT handset+lifter you can do with DISA
22:00.08drmessanoI still say if we're talking about a comparison involving $200 phones, an ATA + Walmart DECT phone wins all.  Though I am impressed with the $65 price point of that Gigaset, as long as its not junk
22:00.23carrarI use a bluetooth plantronics binoral headset on my Cisco 7941, it's just awesome
22:00.25drmessanoThough I can't see it being much worse than a low end POTS DECT phone
22:00.30carrar(at home)
22:00.37gorkishlinksys used to sell a cheap sip wifi handset didnt they? like 80 bucks?
22:00.54drmessanoWIP something?
22:00.58carrarI got a Spectralink 8020 too, but it's kinda lame
22:01.03drmessanoWIP300 or some crap
22:01.06carrarLooks pretty though
22:01.11drmessanoWork In Progress
22:01.29drmessanoIIRC D-Link had a flip phone
22:01.33DBordelloI see no real good reason for a Wifi phone.  You need the charger anyways
22:01.33carrarIf I have to call someone, I have to be at my desk anyways
22:01.51DBordelloMight as well use DECT to backhaul
22:02.18carrarNSA will record your calls if you do cordless
22:02.39DBordellocarrar, you mean they will record them twice
22:02.42WIMPyIn all other cases as well, I'm sure.
22:02.43drmessanoMy iPhone with BRIA ends up taking up the role of a "cordless phone" for the most part.  Almost no need for it when I can roam the office or home with my PBX extension in hand
22:03.02carrarnot if your calls are encrypted
22:03.32carrarat least untill the UTAH datacenter is built
22:04.42drmessanoDBordello, that's another option too.. a Softphone app running on your smartphone.   Now you have a cellphone/multi-line extension to your PBX
22:04.47drmessanoJust a thought
22:04.58DBordellodrmessano, I was thinking about that too
22:05.32drmessanoMy wife and I both use BRIA.  It wasn't the cheapest option, but for the iPhone I felt it was the best/only path
22:05.48drmessanoNice answering your home phone on your cell via SIP
22:06.41DBordelloDo you do that over the ceullar data while away?
22:06.52DBordelloOr is that asking for a bad time
22:06.59drmessanoYes, with G729.  It works well
22:07.16gorkishi use groundwire on the iphone; it rocks
22:07.29drmessanoAs a matter of fact, I have used it quite a bit over a 256k data link out to some of my sites.
22:07.40gorkishthe registration can go through their proxy so that it roams very well between cell+wifi
22:07.59drmessanoI have Wifi access points out there... so the phone jumps on the wifi and the backhaul to the office is over our RF path
22:08.40drmessanoSo people call me on my extension at work.. "Can you come to my office".. "Uh, I am out in the sticks"  "Uh, what?.. But I..."
22:10.05DBordelloWIMPy, since you recommended gigaset, any experience with them?  Thinking about pulling the trigger.
22:10.39DBordelloI am thinking an A510
22:10.40WIMPyOnly a really old one. Nothing great, but it works.
22:10.57gorkishhey is there a faster/cheaper way to do a simple voice dial by name type application than going the full route with res_speech and unimrcp and lumenvox ?
22:11.35WIMPyAs I said, I personally prefer an ISDN base if two simultaneous calls are enough.
22:13.00DBordelloWIMPy, fair enough
22:13.17DBordelloPeople still use ISDN?  I recall using that for 128k dialup :)
22:13.54WIMPyIs there anythign to replace it?
22:15.05DBordelloI am pulling the trigger on this guy:
22:15.07DBordelloI'll report back
22:15.25DBordelloWIMPy, obviosuly I don't know all of its uses, but for mine (internet), it has been replaced.
22:15.42WIMPyOff ourse.
22:15.50WIMPyBut not for telephony.
22:22.37DBordelloI wonder how the Obihai Obi devices will deal with the Google Voice protocol change
22:23.17drmessanoThey wont
22:23.25DBordelloI know those are popular as google voice end points
22:23.27drmessanoThere's no interface to hangouts
22:24.07drmessanoThat's really the big issue.. and anything google is going to offer will be in the form of embedding hangouts into your app, vs having a way of "connecting"
22:24.22drmessanoThey want Hangouts to be an island
22:24.50drmessanoKinda goes against the whole "Don't be evil"
22:25.19DBordelloWill voice be leaving gmail?
22:25.47drmessanoAs soon as you opt to "upgrade" from Chats to Hangouts it will.. for the time being.  The plan is to then move Voice to hangouts
22:25.52drmessanoSo it will come back, in theory
22:26.31drmessanoThey're basically creating their own version of Skype
22:26.52drmessanoOne small painful piece at a time
22:26.57DBordelloWill all the external clients break as well?  XMPP I believe
22:27.13drmessanoYes, Hangouts do not do XMPP
22:27.19drmessanoThats why Google Voice is going away
22:27.27drmessanofrom asterisk, anyway
22:27.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:28.36drmessanoGoogle decided to drop XMPP from hangouts.. because it was problematic.   Google Voice is moving to Hangouts.  Therefore, Google Voice will not be accessible with XMPP.
22:28.45drmessanoThose are the 3 points
22:30.11drmessanoAt the end of the day, Google is dropping XMPP.. From what I understand, XMPP never existed inside their network, same as Facebook.. it was merely an interface to their messaging backend
22:30.28DBordelloah, it had a good, partially implemented life
22:30.33drmessanoSo they're cutting basically cutting away the ailing interface
22:31.50DBordelloAt the end of the day, it isn't a big deal.  A DID provider is like $2/month that can be forwarded to from Google Voice
22:32.33DBordelloAnd I assume you can spoof your caller ID anyways to look like you are calling from google voice?
22:33.06drmessanoIf you have a company that supports it, yes.  Flowroute allows it
22:34.37DBordelloFlowroute looks intriguing
22:34.45drmessanoFlowroute is awesome
22:35.02DBordellogreat, I will probably go with them
22:35.29drmessanoOk, time to go home.  A Reba, durchey.
22:36.15DBordellotake care
22:46.07*** join/#asterisk esaym (
22:47.45esaymugh, I upgraded my asterisk install from the .deb package provided by digium to the one in debian wheezy. Now asterisk can't find the voicemail files:
22:49.29igcewielingesaym: good luck.
22:49.38esaymmore data in this one:
22:49.51esaymigcewieling: yea it stinks, I am missing calls now :(
22:50.45igcewielingtry uninstalling the new package, then reinstall the old package, then uninstall the old paclage, then install the new package.  Back up /etc/asterisk and /var/spool/asterisk and /usr/lib/asterisk
22:51.33esaymigcewieling: yea I am thinking that..
22:51.51igcewielingthis is why you should install Asterisk from source. 8-|
22:53.39*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
22:53.47talntidor properly learn how to use your package manager :)
22:54.32igcewielingtalntid: with packages you are stuck with whatever version you get from your repo, even if you want or need to upgrade
22:55.04talntidigcewieling, i fully understand. I use asterisk from my package manager.
22:55.22talntidyou can change repos, too
22:57.25talntidit's likely that during the upgrade, it asked to overwrite a config file, and it was told yes
22:57.59talntidbackups should solve this, right, esaym?
23:00.26esaymtalntid: it is backed up.
23:00.36esaymtalntid: but I don't get why just voicemail stopped working
23:00.41esaymeverything seems the same
23:00.50talntidit's a config issue. or a permissions issue - one or the other
23:00.59talntidwhere is it looking for the vm at? where is the vm actually at?
23:01.19*** join/#asterisk file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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23:01.32talntidgives file a blueberry muffin
23:02.49esaymtalntid: i don't know where it is looking, debug doesn't say.. :(
23:03.25talntidok, so lets take this the easy way
23:03.54talntidwhere is it currently located?
23:05.46talntidhint: find command
23:05.52*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
23:07.03esaymI posted in the pastie link above
23:08.50talntidthe odds of me scrolling up to find all the pastie links you posted above is very low
23:09.15talntidbut the one at: [15:50] <esaym> more data in this one: ... doesn't answer my question.
23:09.20*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
23:13.00esaymtalntid: /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en_US_f_Allison
23:13.38esaymI uninstalled and reinstalled and still same thing. Of course I am using the same conf files..
23:13.46esaymdid a full purge
23:13.50talntidpasty  /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en_US_f_Allison
23:13.53talntidls  /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en_US_f_Allison
23:13.58esaymls /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/
23:14.00esaymls /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/
23:14.24esaymthought he was at a command prompt
23:14.44jmetrodont ask me how many times i've linux'd in a windows box
23:14.55jmetro"ls" damnit "ls" damnit "cp" damnit
23:15.01talntidlol yup
23:15.03esaymls /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en_US_f_Allison/ |wc -l
23:15.44esaymit is complaining about ulaw. Wonder if that is the issue?
23:17.30*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
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23:17.43esayminstalling debian package asterisk-core-sounds-en-wav,
23:17.52esaymnot sure why they would matter though
23:19.27esaymtalntid: ok that worked..
23:19.51esaymdon't know why. Perhaps I have a gsm module disabled... but on the other deb package from digium there was only gsm files..
23:20.06talntidin voicemail.conf
23:20.19talntidwhats it say for "format = "
23:20.47talntidshould only matter for writing though
23:21.24esaymtalntid: wav
23:21.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
23:21.41esaymtalntid: but I changed it to wav|wav49|gsm
23:21.50esaymtalntid: I think that is just for writing vm's
23:22.44esaymalright ty
23:29.24*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
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23:47.46WIMPyThese scanners can actually be quite entertaining.
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