IRC log for #asterisk on 20130527

00:22.02*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
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07:04.29*** join/#asterisk gdeeble (
07:19.52*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:20.13gdeebleIs there way to have a read command(exten=>inbound,n,Read(Menu|||1|1)) wait 1-3 seconds before it moves to the next step? I've tried the command above, which goes from it to a GotoIf statement which looks for input, and continues if nothing/wrong info in there, but it seems to delay for at minimum 10 seconds and I want it to be a max 3, giving just enough time to press something like * to
07:20.13gdeeblechange call flow without anyone knowing.
07:23.41*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
07:25.33*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
07:26.13*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
07:42.33mirela666gdeeble: Read(variable[|filename][|maxdigits][|option][|attempts][|timeout])
07:42.33mirela666timeout is not helping?
07:43.43mirela666gdeeble: Try out : exten=>inbound,n,Read(Menu|||1|1|3)
07:46.44gdeebleLet me try, as I noticed that I was using | rather than , but didn't fix. so let me try that.
07:47.43gdeebleSame thing, except the CLI shows now it's only accepting 1 digit
07:48.07gdeeblemaybe i missed something? I'm running
07:48.29gdeebleeww i think i see my problem.
07:50.35gdeeblemirela666: you rock, apparently because way i was putting it in, I apparently missed 1 more , and didn't even realize it.
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08:05.59mirela666gdeeble::) glad to help
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08:37.12*** join/#asterisk rfrail3 (~rfrail3_@
08:37.54rfrail3what is the last dots and one number in this line
08:38.21ChannelZ${EXTEN:1} means everything of ${EXTEN} minus the first character
08:40.08*** join/#asterisk arapaho (
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10:25.08*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
11:03.04*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
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11:08.37*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
11:13.38*** join/#asterisk hwt (
11:13.47hwti have a bit of a weird problem. when setting up a call (bridging two legs), the calling party sends an SDP in the 183. the port is changed in the 200 OK, but asterisk still attempts to send the media to the port from the SDP in the 183. known bug?
11:15.14WIMPyWhat's your nat configuration?
11:15.37_omerIs freepbx created by Digium ?
11:15.48WIMPy_omer: no
11:16.01_omerthat's why, it's a piece of SHIT !
11:16.07hwtit seems to be doing comied/symmrtp on one of the legs, but not the other
11:17.07_omerqueue context is not there in freepbx with asterisk 1.8   :-/  I am really stucked in freepbx
11:17.47infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
11:20.35*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
11:20.51FireAndIceHi everyone!!
11:20.59*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (
11:21.20FireAndIceIs there a way to create custom sip header with To: and From: fields so that I can test from asterisk CLI?
11:25.36FireAndIceLike this one, ?
11:26.14kaldemartest what?
11:26.40bulkorokwdoekes: ping ?!
11:27.42FireAndIceI'm unable to make a call from CLI to softphone. On sip show peers, the status is UNREACHABLE.
11:28.12FireAndIceThe asterisk server is behind NAT and the phone uses a data carrier plan.
11:28.51FireAndIceMoreover, the asterisk server is bound to, but why does it show in the sip message?
11:29.41kaldemarFireAndIce: because you haven't told it otherwise. you need nat=yes, exteraddr and localnet configured under [general] in sip.conf.
11:29.52*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
11:29.54FireAndIceI've done that..
11:30.34kaldemarFireAndIce: maybe you've misconfigured it somehow.
11:30.38*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
11:31.12FireAndIcekaldemar, I'll share the file with you, just a second.
11:31.50*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:35.32kaldemaryour permit lines are pointless, btw.
11:36.09FireAndIceok, I'll comment them.
11:39.33kaldemarwhat does your "sip show settings" say?
11:40.46FireAndIceOhh, it has Externaddr:
11:43.04FireAndIceifconfig shows me
11:46.03kaldemaryour externhost resolves to
11:46.45kaldemarthe point of that setting is to use an address that is publicly available.
11:47.41FireAndIceyes, that's right and on nslookup it gives me my public address.
11:48.37FireAndIceI'm using dns.
11:51.17FireAndIceAnd I've port forwarded to on my router.
11:55.19FireAndIceFireAndIce, I want my asterisk server to be accessible over the internet.
11:57.14kaldemarthen use a public address for it
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11:58.21FireAndIcethat's why I'm using fqdn of the server in Externhost. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
11:58.51FireAndIceMy public ip is dynamic that's why using a dns service.
12:01.51kaldemarthe name on your asterisk server resolves to a private address. that is your issue.
12:04.12FireAndIceok, I'll check it out. thanks for helping me with patience. :)
12:10.06FireAndIcekaldemar, you are absolutely right. my asterisk server resolves to It showed me this address on ping.
12:10.57wdoekesbulkorok: ~ask
12:11.10infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
12:11.26bulkorokit's about jira 21041
12:11.40LieutPants[ASTERISK-21041] [Status: Open] Asterisk crashes during a frame copy while receiving a fax -
12:12.32*** join/#asterisk seik0 (b244f143@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:13.31bulkorokI'm sure that I have a pcap... anything special you are looking for!?
12:14.43wdoekesincluding the SIP setup?
12:14.54wdoekesand the rtp and udptl?\
12:15.37bulkoroksome huge files... ~ 1G
12:16.17seik0Hi, everyone. Today my questions are easy. I have to asterisk (let call them 1.8 and 1.4). I make a call from 1.8 to 1.4 via IAX2, where 1.4 executes plan, where calls some extension SIP/123. sometimes (now i'm not sure everytime or from time to time) SIP/123 is "busy here", but 1.8 got "answered", but because it's actually "busy" we get hangup
12:16.33wdoekesthen one should be able to replay the pcap, similar to
12:16.56wdoekesand that should hopefully cause the same crash
12:17.08FireAndIcekaldemar, got it, my /etc/hosts file had A week back I had assigned this address. Forgot to change it. Thank you so much for your help. :)
12:17.20*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
12:18.22bulkorokwdoekes: so I have to put the SIP data and execute it with sipp...?!
12:19.02bulkorokah I see... pcap file...
12:19.36bulkorokwdoekes: I'll check if I can get it run this week... thanks!
12:19.38wdoekesif you browse the pcap you should be able to filter away all unnecessary data from it, and create a new smaller one
12:19.50wdoekesit'll take a bit of work, I know
12:20.18wdoekeslet me know if you need assistance
12:20.27bulkorokI'll do
12:20.30kaldemarFireAndIce: np
12:22.32*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:29.38seik0nobody has a tip?
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12:38.05seik0[TK]D-Fender, you always have some advice =)
12:38.14seik0I have to asterisk (let call them 1.8 and 1.4). I make a call from 1.8 to 1.4 via IAX2, where 1.4 executes plan, where calls some extension SIP/123. sometimes (now i'm not sure everytime or from time to time) SIP/123 is "busy here", but 1.8 got "answered", but because it's actually "busy" we get hangup
12:38.54*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@gateway/shell/
12:39.09WIMPyWhat do your dialplans do?
12:40.16[TK]D-FenderIt got "answered" because you answered
12:40.25[TK]D-Fendersomething in the remote end's dialplan caused it to
12:40.47seik0don't have Answer() explicitly (at least)
12:41.18seik0dialplay sets some variables, dials target, makes some work depending on Dial result
12:41.56seik0i can print dialplan as it is
12:42.04seik0if it's interesting
12:42.10[TK]D-Fenderseik0: if a bridged call doesn't actually answer, then it is something else in your dialplan.  Get digging.
12:47.33seik0ok, i've got something. does Voicemail(...) answer the call?
12:48.25*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
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12:49.31seik0even if vm-box does not exist?
12:49.34[TK]D-FenderServer A calls server B.  Not "server B's phone".  Voicemail gives Server A audio.  that is answering the call.
12:49.55seik0it's clear
12:55.27*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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13:52.47*** join/#asterisk BorjaGVO (d51beb92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:53.05BorjaGVOHi everyone. Anyone can tell me how to use regex when using eventfilters in manager.conf?
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14:08.19*** join/#asterisk cousin_luigi (~luigi@unaffiliated/cousinluigi/x-395723)
14:10.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:11.45cousin_luigiI need to set up an answering machine that would play a different message depending on the CLI (or lack thereof). As bonus I could use recording some of those calls. Would Asterisk be a good match for this? What are the computing power requirements for such a purpose?
14:12.21WIMPyyes, next to none.
14:12.52cousin_luigiI should specify that my server is a Geode-based SBC, so very weak in the CPU department.
14:13.38WIMPyYou're not the first to run Asterisk on some router or the like.
14:14.07cousin_luigiGood to hear that.
14:14.47cousin_luigiIs Asterisk the best PBX for this task?
14:15.25WIMPyAsterisk is not a PBX.
14:15.45WIMPySome say you can use it to bilid one.
14:15.54*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:16.51cousin_luigiWIMPy: Ok, is it the software to build PBXes that you would recommend for this?
14:17.25WIMPyI'm pretty sure all others will do it just as well.
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14:38.42linociscohi all
14:39.06linociscois there anyone who is using small form factor PC hardware for 24/7 asterisk running?
14:39.18linociscolowest Watt powersupply
14:39.53WIMPyjust mentioned that people install Asterisk on their routers.
14:40.15WIMPyAnd there's even a distro for the Raspberry PI.
14:40.40*** join/#asterisk malmut (~malmut@
14:43.35navaismolinocisco, raspberry pi
14:43.57linociscoWIMPy, which distro?
14:44.04linociscoWIMPy, raspberry is found as motherboard. not as a whole PC
14:44.37WIMPyWhy isn't it a whole PC?
14:45.03WIMPyAnd PC is rather big compared to what I said.
14:45.40linociscoWIMPy, so...
14:46.08WIMPyAFAIK there are binary packages available for ddwrt/openwrt as well as Freetz as well.
14:47.00WIMPySo people are obviousely using much smaller hardware than what you're asking for.
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14:56.22leifmadsenlinocisco: astlinux for net4801 and others
14:56.31leifmadsenruns as my primary router
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14:59.18coppiceleifmadsen: how fast can that thing route?
14:59.31leifmadsennot sure
14:59.36leifmadsenit routes fast enough for my network
15:00.24coppicewell, we have 1G service, and few things can keep the internet link busy. I have a small i3 box doing my routing
15:00.37leifmadsenI'm not that lucky in Canada
15:00.49leifmadsenI have like... 22/1 service or something
15:01.23coppicewe have 1G/1G
15:01.29leifmadsenthat's nice
15:10.40linociscoleifmadsen, i m looking for what brand is net4801
15:12.53leifmadsenlinocisco: I typed "net4801" into google and the maker came up as the first link
15:13.07linociscodo u also try solar system for asterisk box for 24/7 power
15:13.58coppicethere are solar powered asterisk boxes
15:15.42linociscocoppice, namely pls?
15:16.10[TK]D-FenderNET4801 is their older model...
15:16.20[TK]D-FenderSoekris = pricy & weak.
15:16.32linociscoleifmadsen, hi bro, i have found net4801 from soekris. how can we put digium cards or PSTN or GSM lines on it?
15:16.47[TK]D-FenderAtom box is actually cheaper, and considerably more powerful
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15:16.57linocisco[TK]D-Fender, don't u recommend. ? ok. this will be good debate. go ahead
15:17.08linocisco[TK]D-Fender, atom box?
15:17.30[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: Debate ended.  Atom = more powerful.  Look at what boxes you can find to fit your profile.
15:17.42WIMPyUse an old Laptop with a broken screen :-) Even comes with built-in UPS :-)
15:18.14linociscoWIMPy, but no cards or no PSTN or GSM slots inside as built in
15:18.36WIMPyXorcom will help you there.
15:19.43WIMPyAnd even laptops come with PCIe, even if you need an adaptor.
15:20.46coppicelinocisco: these things are solar powered
15:24.53linociscocoppice, tango yankie
15:25.47linociscoWIMPy, I hate pricy isareli brand xorcom
15:27.33coppicea large xorcom box attached to a raspberry pi has a pleasing whimsy about it
15:28.02WIMPyYou can put the RPI in to the Astribank case.
15:28.41WIMPyEt voila, you've got a appliance :-)
15:29.18*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:30.08leifmadsenWIMPy: patent pending!
15:31.44*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
15:35.57tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, "Atom = more powerful": consumes more power?
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15:40.44[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: Probably a nominal amount, yes.
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17:00.30navaismoHi im trying to add new fields to the CDR, so I edited the cdr.h and so far the cdr_mysql & cdr_psgql are working fine inserting the new value, but the csv show the filed empty. I edited the cdr_csv.c to add the new value with  append_string(buf, cdr->NEWVAR, bufsize) but still empty that field.
17:00.43navaismoWhat I'm missing?
17:05.21leifmadsennavaismo: it would be much easier to do it if you just used cdr_adaptive_odbc
17:05.52leifmadsennavaismo: otherwise, your question is more appropriate for #asterisk-dev, although a good chunk of the US is on holidays today
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19:13.20WIMPyOh, niche. You can "make isntall".
19:14.42WIMPymade that typo, but Asterisk installed anyway.
19:23.02*** join/#asterisk hexanol (
19:23.34hexanolis there a way in the asterisk dialplan to get the original context of a line
19:23.43hexanolfor example, i have a simple line with context=a
19:23.58hexanoland my context "a" include a context "b"
19:24.29WIMPy${CONTEXT} should tell you where you are.
19:24.30hexanolI'd like to get the original context of the channel, i.e. "a", from an extension defined in context "b"
19:24.47hexanolwell, I don't want to know that I'm in "b"
19:24.56WIMPyYou aren't.
19:24.56hexanolI'd like to know that the original lookup was in context "a"
19:25.14WIMPySo I'd expect CONTEXT to tell you a.
19:26.24igcewielinghexanol: have you confirmed when you are in context b via an include => ${CONTEXT} does indeed contain "b"
19:26.25hexanolindeed, my mistake
19:26.41hexanolstill, is there another way
19:26.51hexanolfor example, if I do a goto to some other context
19:27.01igcewielinghexanol: A goto or gosub would change the context
19:27.01hexanolnow, $CONTEXT will really tell me i'm in the new context, right ?
19:27.07WIMPyThen you have to save CONTEXT somwhere.
19:27.21hexanolok, and there is no way to know the "original" context ? (except from setting in a separate variable)
19:28.22hexanolin my case, that would sometime be useful
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19:45.20hexanolin fact, I found my solution, i.e. to add a "setvar" line for my devices
19:45.28hexanolthank you
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20:02.14*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
20:04.07danfromukHi. With regards to ReadExten, the timeouts seem to start counting as soon as the message begins playing. Is there any way to set the timeout to be 'message length' + 2 seconds?
20:06.15WIMPyUser Background/WaitExten instead?
20:09.07danfromukWhats the -r use for?
20:09.30WIMPythere was an r too much at the end of "Use".
20:09.50danfromukAh. Ok. Looks good. Thanks
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20:26.32danfromukWIMPy: With Background/WaitExten, what happens after an extension is dialled? Does it jump straight there?
20:26.53WIMPyAs soon as it has a match.
20:27.09danfromukOk. Thanks
20:27.53WIMPyOr after digittimeout if you have overlapping extensions.
20:31.36danfromukThanks again.
20:31.42*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
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20:37.18danfromukWIMPy: Sorry, final question, in WaitExten, what context does it use? Does it simply take the context specified in the Background command?
20:38.07WIMPyThe current one.
20:38.27WIMPyI have no idea what happens if you specify another one in background.
20:39.22WIMPyMaybe you end upt in different context depending on when you dial?
20:39.47danfromukOk, Looks like I have to do a bit more work. Thanks again.
20:45.03navaismoWhich is the maximum length of the UNIQUEID?
20:45.48navaismonot the size of the varchar field, but the maximum numeric length
20:47.36igcewielingnavaismo: that info should be in the cdr and cel schemas included in Asterisk's source, under contrib/ I think.
20:48.14igcewielingnavaismo: I believe uniqueid is current unix time the channel started + the microtime the channel started
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20:54.38navaismoigcewieling, now im very confused cdr.h says uniqueid is a char[150] * 150 = 127 (max systemname) + "-" + 10 (epoch timestamp) + "." + 10 (monotonically incrementing integer) + NULL */
20:54.55navaismobut sql field is varchar(32)
20:55.11igcewielingnavaismo: Welcome to Asterisk!
20:56.28navaismoim going to 32 max size
20:56.36igcewielingnavaismo: Code has been slowly made consistent, but I guess they have not gotten to that code yet
21:03.21navaismoDb designer are so annoying about the varchar
21:03.36navaismoand the DB strcu use it alot XD
21:03.45*** join/#asterisk h34d3r (h34d3r@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-dsgktthhjqwmrico)
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21:55.51infobot<Gremlin> It's okay, but I was hoping to save some money with a soldering iron and a bunch of sound cards.
21:57.12*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
21:59.49WIMPyUnfortunatly some professional hardware is built like that.
22:15.10*** join/#asterisk stephen86 (
22:15.34stephen86hi guys, anyone have some spare time to help me resolve nat problem? :)
22:15.56infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
22:15.59infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:16.54stephen86i have devices connecting through vpn, range eg..... on another side, i have skype trunk
22:17.19stephen86the problem is, that all packets sent towards are originated from
22:17.23stephen86instead of public ip
22:17.35stephen86any clue
22:18.01WIMPyThat's a routing / network configuration thing.
22:18.12stephen86actually, routing is correct
22:18.21stephen86but for some reason,
22:18.26WIMPySounds like you need NAT.
22:18.49WIMPyjayk: Show us
22:19.21stephen86nat or not nat, source ip in udp packet is always the same :)
22:19.52stephen86equal to udpbindaddr
22:19.56WIMPyNt after leaving your tunnel.
22:20.13WIMPySure. That's the idea.
22:20.32stephen86i need all my internal devices connected to udpbindaddr
22:20.41stephen86but still have outgoing skype trunk
22:21.08WIMPyThat's just like any LAN/NAT setup.
22:21.36stephen86so just use iptables and rewrite the source ip if destination is
22:22.23WIMPyNo, SIP doesn't like being NATted, so you need to configure it.
22:23.01stephen86how on earth i do that when it always use udpbindaddr, which should be used only for devices to connect to asterisk
22:23.13stephen86not in outgoing packets towards trunk which are routed through public ip
22:23.48stephen86to be clear, asterisk route packet correctly through eth0, but using the source of tun0
22:24.31WIMPyIf you bind to an address, that's the one that will be used.
22:24.42WIMPyIf you need more than one, don;t specify it.
22:25.27WIMPyAssuming that the box in question is both on the tuinnel ald also on a public IP.
22:26.30stephen86idea was not to allow incoming connection outside the tunnel,
22:26.44stephen86but allow asterisk to connect to trunk
22:27.12stephen86so i have device1, device2, device3 -> tunnel -> asterisk -> publicip ->
22:27.29WIMPyUse iptables. Either to NAT the IP or to block unwanted connections or both.
22:27.46WIMPyNot in any way diffent from any other LAN.
22:27.59stephen86all clear
22:28.10stephen86just wanted to ask if there is more elegant solution
22:29.00stephen86thanks WIMPy
22:47.51*** join/#asterisk Sjors (
22:48.11*** join/#asterisk orion_noobula (
22:50.24orion_noobulaJust made a booboo entering this line inthe terminal (I changed the name in quotes) then realised I was not supposed to. How do I delete the user to start again?   adduser asterisk --disabled-password --no-create-home --gecos "Asterisk User"
22:51.56WIMPyuserdel or deluser, but that's not really Asterisk related, is it?
22:53.48orion_noobulaI was following an asterisk how to . . .first time install sorry, thinking now it is SQL right?
22:54.05WIMPyNo. That is unix.
22:55.32orion_noobulaI can only get better I guess. Just registered this name so you can track my progress if you care. . .thanks for answering either way
23:01.15*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
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23:42.22apb1963How can I debug an AGI script?  It works ok (prints output) if executed from the command line, but no output when called from *.  The * log file shows it is in fact being executed.
23:48.43sawgoodwell, if it is in the log files ... but not in console output (what) is your verbose level?
23:50.42*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (
23:51.46apb1963no i'm saying that * logs the fact that it's executing the script
23:52.05apb1963the output from the script doesn't appear anywhere
23:52.12apb1963unless I execute it from the command line
23:52.18apb1963to verify it's a working script.
23:53.10[TK]D-FenderShow us the script
23:56.55*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~dfighter@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
23:58.08igcewielingapb1963: the easiest thing to do is run asterisk in the foreground "asterisk -cvvvv" and you'll see the stderr output from your script.   Don't do this in production, if you kill the process you've killed Asterisk

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