IRC log for #asterisk on 20130523

00:00.54*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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00:28.40*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
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00:43.04*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
00:48.43gustosomeone still awake?
01:00.54dr4c4nI'm awake
01:01.02dr4c4nbut it's not actually that late for me
01:01.14dr4c4ni want to setup asterisk
01:01.22dr4c4nbut haven't yet, so mostly lurking in here
01:05.18*** join/#asterisk petris (
01:08.24*** join/#asterisk petris (
01:11.22WIMPyWe are all zombies.
01:11.41dr4c4nom nom braiiiiiiiiiiiiins
01:15.55*** join/#asterisk petris (
01:17.24*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:29.25igcewielingNo wonder this customer has so many problems!  the asset code is "0666"
01:31.50*** join/#asterisk DBordello (~DBordello@unaffiliated/dbordello)
01:45.11*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
01:54.06*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
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02:04.47*** part/#asterisk YoMomma (
02:04.58*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:06.38*** join/#asterisk petris (
02:10.53*** join/#asterisk Khronos (
02:11.15KhronosHi guys.
02:11.49KhronosTrying to hook an asterisk server into a sangoma t1 gateway and the gateway isn't passing the incoming callerid to the t1 jack and also the pbx isn't able to send callerid out.
02:14.40KhronosOUtgoing and incoming calls work just callerid passing is my only issue right now.
02:14.54*** join/#asterisk petris (
02:25.04*** join/#asterisk Tarso (~Tarso@
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02:42.52saint_is there a way to have a group of phones setup (like GROUP1=SIP/xxx&SIP/yyy) so I can Dial(${GROUP1}) instead of dialing all of the extensions I need ?
02:43.12*** join/#asterisk petris (
02:44.24*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
02:45.31saint_Ha.. I found dialgroup.. perfect.
02:46.51saint_ha no.. never mind.. damn it
02:49.22*** join/#asterisk petris (
02:51.43*** join/#asterisk Rhomber (
02:54.04*** part/#asterisk w9sh (
03:02.47*** join/#asterisk petris (
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03:51.05*** join/#asterisk pbxbrian (~pbxbrian@unaffiliated/brian98)
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07:28.06*** part/#asterisk CommaCrazy (1000@
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08:03.34*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
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08:08.22zambai'm getting lots and lots of these: asterisk[30909]: NOTICE[30923]: chan_sip.c:22546 in handle_request_invite: Sending fake auth rejection for device 200<sip:200@<myownipaddress>;tag=dc614377
08:08.48zambai have those two set
08:10.33kaldemarthat's why you get the notices.
08:11.15zambawell, it's filling up my logs.. anything i can do about it?
08:11.34kaldemardon't log notices.
08:12.03kaldemaror upgrade to 11.3.0 or newer where that notice is not seen anymore.
08:21.37*** join/#asterisk xoveruk (~user@
08:22.08xoverukWhy would a server after a while decide to send IAX2 traffic to port 1024 instead of 4569, it seems to happen periodically
08:24.40ketasholy s... provider said that sip login password cannot be changed!
08:25.35*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
08:25.47ketas"could you describe why you need it"
08:26.28ketaswhy should user describe the reason for password change...
08:26.29*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
08:36.40*** join/#asterisk polysics (
08:36.46polysicshello there
08:36.51polysicsstill toying with CONNECTEDLINE
08:36.58polysicsand still seemingly not owrking :-)
08:38.56polysicswhat should CONNECTEDLINE do on set? send some SIP packet?
08:44.37*** join/#asterisk mandla (~mmapeo@
08:53.15*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
09:07.13*** part/#asterisk xoveruk (~user@
09:12.12WIMPyIf it's done on a SIP channel, yes.
09:13.08Greenlightpolysics: I think it also depends if the SIP endpoint supports it
09:13.27*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
09:13.50WIMPyIsn;t it just an invite?
09:14.10GreenlightIf you change it during the call though
09:14.27GreenlightFrom what I glanced over when I tried it last week, it seemed some softphones didn't support it
09:15.30GreenlightIt certainly didn't work when I tried it
09:15.42*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (
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09:23.09polysicsyeah, it does not seem to be the case here either
09:23.20polysicsI think I will wait until I get my Grandstream phone
09:23.55GreenlightYea, I didn't spend much time on it, and decided when I've more time to play around I'll check with a proper SIP handset rather than xlite softphone
09:31.52*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat27@
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09:33.16*** join/#asterisk Arhur70 (
09:33.41Arhur70hi, I have a question about patlooptest.
09:34.27Arhur70in short it seems ok but I don't see any interrupts on /proc/interrupts
09:34.49Arhur70it is normal behaviour?
09:37.53*** join/#asterisk netman (
09:38.05*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
09:38.15StaRetjiHowdy folks
09:38.56*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (
09:43.28*** join/#asterisk mquin (~mquin@freenode/staff/mquin)
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10:55.46*** join/#asterisk evilsk4ter (~evilsk4te@
11:33.03*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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12:03.08polysicsif I know a peer (SIP/300), can I find out if he is in any channels currently and their names?
12:03.40*** join/#asterisk msaraiva (
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12:13.24Greenlightpolysics: asterisk -rx "core show channels" | grep SIP/300
12:14.11*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
12:23.38polysicsgreat, thanks
12:25.09Arhur70anyone on my question? ;) thx
12:29.51*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
12:30.00kaldemarpolysics: if you want to use the CLI command and always want the full channel name, use "core show channels concise" instead of "core show channels".
12:32.11*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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12:32.48*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
12:35.23*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
12:36.33*** join/#asterisk BorjaGVO (d51beb92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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12:38.45BorjaGVOHi everyone. I need documentation about AMI events and its possible header values ( Anyone know where can I find it? Thank you!
12:39.20GreenlightThe wiki and sourcecode are your best bets
12:40.23*** join/#asterisk imox (
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12:47.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:50.34GreenlightBorjaGVO: Or, from my AMI code:
12:50.54GreenlightNot an exhaustive list
12:52.05BorjaGVOGreenlight: Where did you get that from?
12:52.47GreenlightFrom my code that deals with the AMI. I created that a few years back, so not sure where I originally found the defenitions, sorry
12:54.28BorjaGVOGreenlight: I problem. However, what kind of managin do you do with AMI? Why do you need that?
12:54.46Greenlightor, better yet,
12:54.50GreenlightGoogle is your friend :)
12:54.54BorjaGVO(just curiosity...want to learn :-))
12:55.39GreenlightWe manage placing and tracking calls via the AMI
12:55.46GreenlightIncluding tracking calls in queues etc
12:56.08*** join/#asterisk serafie1 (~erin@nat/digium/x-bivujgydpfkfnfuq)
12:56.09GreenlightSo we've out own internal objects and we keep that in sync with what's happening inside asterisk
12:56.17mirela666 :D
12:58.35BorjaGVOmirela666: yeah, google will help in many cases...but thought I had to ask the experts  :P
13:01.46mirela666BorjaGVO: just wanted to use, no hard filings :D
13:03.06*** join/#asterisk serafie (
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13:04.13BorjaGVOmirela666: lol..sure
13:06.40*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:17.19*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
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13:37.14*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
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13:52.05*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (~gnubie]@
13:53.36carrarwaves back
13:54.31[gnubie]i just installed asterisk v11.4.0 on my wheezy i386 box and it's my first time to build it from scratch.
13:55.22carraralways the best way
13:55.35[gnubie]the last time i setup asterisk was on squeeze but the asterisk packages were from digium's apt repository. it was on v1.8
13:56.03[gnubie]now, i am slowly porting my v1.8 configs to v11.4 system
13:58.07[gnubie]first thing i noticed that i can't make voicemail and gtalk does not work.
14:04.12[gnubie]it does not send the voicemail created as urgent via exim4/smarthost to gmail.
14:06.41*** join/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@
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14:07.53izbushkais it possible to inform user about new voicemail by voice before dial() extension?
14:09.48izbushkaso how i could check for new voicemail in dialplan?
14:12.29carrarVM_INFO() ?
14:13.45izbushkacarrar, i'll try. thanks
14:16.59carrarthere is also vmcount() same but returns less
14:19.21*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
14:22.18*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
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14:25.26*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
14:25.42ChrisInSydneyhey all
14:26.12ChrisInSydneyHas anyone got Cisco 7912s working OK with a SIP image ??
14:30.26*** join/#asterisk kuruption (
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14:41.49*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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14:45.50danfromukIs it possible to have more than one periodic announcement in a queue?
14:46.11*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:46.52Greenlightdanfromuk: Yes
14:47.41GreenlightComma separate them in periodic-annouunce
14:47.55GreenlightAnd you can also specify random-periodic-announce=yes if you choose
14:52.25*** join/#asterisk mihamina (~mihamina@
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15:02.57*** join/#asterisk drkat (~madams@
15:03.05BorjaGVOHi people. I know that this is just Asterisk channel, but no one at #freepbx nor forum will help me with this:
15:03.18BorjaGVOHi all. I have a problem. I have nearly 80 queues. All of them have members (queue agents) belonging to a remote peer (another PBX). When I set penalties for the different agents, everything works fine if I set maximum priority to extensions configured in the same server where queue is configured. However, if a invert the priorities and set to try first the extensions in the other peer, queue scheduling doesn't work...doing thing
15:03.24drkatHey guys, anyone have any issues with cisco small business sg-300 provisioning voice vlan to polycom 335's?
15:03.39BorjaGVOI found this article:
15:03.42*** join/#asterisk boscage (
15:03.49BorjaGVOThe thing is that I have no information about external extensions state. I think that's the whole reason for the problem.
15:03.57BorjaGVOWhat do you think? Anything that I'm missing or something that can be done to solve this and I didn't realize?
15:04.44*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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15:07.00*** part/#asterisk polysics (
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15:11.43[TK]D-FenderBorjaGVO: Naturally this would probably be a serious pain to try to bring into FreePBX
15:12.31BorjaGVOThanks [TK]D-Fender . I'm just realizing now that follow-me module might help
15:12.35BorjaGVOWhat do you think?
15:15.09*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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15:19.20[TK]D-FenderBorjaGVO: You need presence state.  Follow-me does nothign to help that
15:23.26f843d0Greetings, is it possible to reserve a certain amount of "lines" toward one or more extensions? I'm not talking about "call-limit", let's say I want at least n calls for xxxx, m calls for yyyy, and zzzz would return "busy" if n+m reached a certaing amount...
15:27.34*** join/#asterisk boscage (boscage@unaffiliated/boscage)
15:27.45Qwellf843d0: Put your limiting extensions in a group, then on the limited extension, check the group count.
15:27.57[TK]D-Fenderf843d0: It's your dialplan.  Sure...
15:31.33SuperNullanyone do video calling ? im just curious
15:34.22[TK]D-FenderSupI've done it one or twice just to see,
15:34.27*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
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15:41.41f843d0Qwell [TK]D-Fender : ok thanks, I'll try that out
15:44.51*** join/#asterisk imox (
15:46.26Kattyhellllooooooooooooo nurse.
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15:48.42Kattyi have /no/ idea.
15:48.50Kattyi cannot be held responsible for the things i say.
15:49.08carrarvim version 7.3.1005
15:49.24Kattymy hair could use an update.
15:49.26carrarlove those version numbers
15:50.31Kattyi love caffeine.
15:50.44Kattyi would sleep with it.
15:50.52carrarYou can
15:50.56Kattyno, i can't.
15:50.58Kattyi'm  up all night.
15:51.03carrarput some in bottles
15:51.08carrarlay them under your pillow
15:51.11QwellThe hell you say?
15:51.13Kattyoh, i suppose i could do that.
15:51.18KattyYES. i will take 2
15:51.27Kattyhugs on Qwell
15:51.32Qwellcheaper, better IMO
15:51.33KattyQwell: how's the lady?
15:51.37QwellKatty: quite well
15:51.43Kattycarrar: and how's the mrs?
15:51.52carrarThey are good
15:51.56gorkishHello everyone; I have done a lot of testing w/ Polycom SPIP/VVX phones and TLS+SRTP and believe I have identified a regression bug but wanted to seek some feedback before I file an issue. Does anyone know of anybody successfully using Polycom phones with Asterisk 11 with TLS and SRTP?
15:51.58carrareating breakfast it seems
15:52.04KattyQwell: wooot!
15:52.58Kattycarrar: sounds tasty.
15:53.05Kattyand how is my favorite fender bender.
15:53.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
15:53.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: meh (tm)
15:53.24*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (
15:53.27Kattyyou had a thing yesterday, right?
15:53.41*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:53.42[TK]D-FenderAlways something
15:53.55carrara thing?
15:54.02Kattyone of thsoe open mic things
15:54.09carrarpoem night?
15:54.10Kattywhere he makes funny faces
15:54.13Kattyand generally sings to himself
15:54.20Kattyright? ^_^
15:54.21QwellKatty: How's the Mr.?  Mister...y?
15:54.28[TK]D-FenderWas supposed to be band practice, and then arriving late to the open mic/ jam I co-host, but I SNAFU'd and band was only for next week so I arrived extra early.
15:54.33KattyQwell: well it's umm. yeah.
15:54.53[TK]D-FenderQwell: Kyrie Elaison down the road that I must travel!
15:55.10KattyQwell: mostly wonderful (=
16:00.00*** join/#asterisk dtascom (
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16:12.19gorkishanyone re: polycom/srtp? Is there a better place to ask before i submit to the issue tracker?
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16:22.56mjordangorkish: what version of 11
16:23.10mjordangorkish: and what issue are you seeing
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16:25.14gorkishmjordan: 11.4.0 newest polycom firmware. When polycom puts call on hold then resumes call no more SRTP audio. * shows the error [May 22 22:23:32] WARNING[17884][C-00000000]: res_srtp.c:406 ast_srtp_unprotect: SRTP unprotect failed with: authentication failure 10
16:26.44*** join/#asterisk johnwigley (91fff1ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:26.56gorkishtracing/decrypting the session i see the polycom resume SRTP to asterisk but packets are failing SRTP authentication. Packets look good in wireshark; sequence number increments properly and the auth tag appears correct after resume from hold
16:27.44mjordando you get spammed with the unprotection errors, or is it reasonably constant?
16:27.53*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme (~Freeaqing@2a03:f80:ed15:37:235:56:92:7100)
16:28.06gorkishevery 2s (the auth error does not trigger the retry code in res_srtp)
16:28.57FreeaqingmeHi folks. Is anybody aware of a somewhat uptodate debian (ubuntu) repository? I found this one, but it seems kinda out of date..
16:29.08mjordannor should it really
16:29.19mjordansounds like the unprotect errors are on RTCP packets
16:29.41gorkishmjordan: they are not; they are on SRTP packets
16:29.45mjordangorkish: go ahead and report the issue. The real trick is to get the polycom models, firmware versions, and a pcap of the invite requests
16:29.56mjordanwell, it isn't on the audio
16:30.02mjordanrtcp can be protected as well
16:30.56gorkishmjordan: Yes I know; I have a fully decrypted pcap trace so i am looking at essentially unprotected packets. the test in res_srtp limits the error to display only every 100 frames
16:31.26johnwigleyHi, experiencing a weird issue with an asterisk server, at 1 minute past the hour calls are often going silent but not dropping. Listening to the call recordings shows that one side of the audio drops out but instead of ending abruptly you can hear it fade out on the recording mid sentence and then stay silent until one party ends the call. There are no audible artifacts at all indicating packet loss or breakup. Any ideas as t
16:31.29gorkishmjordan: I have not had time to test other versions but it worked correctly in * 1.8.11 with same libsrtp and same polycom firmware
16:31.57gorkishmjordan: i will do some further testing to attempt to isolate the issue if  you think submitting an issue is the correct approach at this point
16:32.20johnwigleyWhen it happens it seems to happen to all calls simultaneously or within a few seconds, but only to one side of the call, on the recording you can hear the other party asking what's happening.
16:32.31mjordanwell, it's certainly supposed to handle a basic SRTP call, and there's been some annoyances with SRTP in a few different issues as of late. It wouldn't shock me that the hold/unhold for certain SRTP negotiations got screwed up again.
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16:33.16johnwigleyThe fade out on the recording is strange it's as if the call volume is being dropped to zero over a second or so rather than an abrupt cut off.
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16:34.51gorkishmjordan: yes i have been through the closed issues and they dont seem to be related; there was formerly an issue with polycoms resetting the srtp sequence number upon resuming from hold but that is not the issue. my current line of thinking is that asterisk is dropping the srtp key on the reinvite when the call comes off of hold but i have not tested this theory yet
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16:43.54LieutPants[ASTERISK-19609] [Status: Open] [Assigned: xaled] SRTP to RTP bridging with two crypto lines in SDP does not work -
16:46.43gorkishdrmessano: i have configured the polycom UA's to only make one offer in a=crypto: and tried with both AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 and AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 individually. i will double check that this issue is not related
16:47.20igcewielinggorkish: Are you running the latest polycom firmware
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16:48.22gorkishigceweiling: yes. further, the same configuration works with at least one older version of asterisk (1.8.11) correctly but i have not had time to search for where the regression occured
16:49.52gorkishwe try to stay on the LTS releases so I will test the latest from the 10 branch and based on the results there start a poor-mans binary search
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16:50.47gorkishsince i skipped that release i have no idea where between 1.8 and 11.4.0 things went south
16:51.23gorkishactually i dont even know if 1.8.22 is OK or not.. so i will do all of that before filing an issue report
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17:23.05danfromukHi. We've got a client that receives calls using g729. Calls were working fine. The DID provider sent calls to our servers and we passed them through to the sip peer. However, calls are now failing with SIP error 488 Not Acceptable Here. It appears to be a codec issue but can't see what the problem is.
17:23.22danfromukThe DID provider insists that they havent changed anything, and we havent changed anything.
17:25.28igcewielingdanfromuk: pastebin the sip debug of a failed call
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17:26.50danfromukFrom both sides?
17:27.02danfromukthe did provider and the peer?
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17:33.58igcewielingdanfromuk: from the place you are seeing the 488 not acceptable
17:45.05danfromukOne moment. Sorry. Was speaking to the client.
17:46.44igcewielingdanfromuk: unfortunately you lost your timeslice.
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18:07.20danfromukSorry for the delay. I understand if you are no longer available. Heres the pastebin just in case.
18:07.54danfromukIt doesnt show SIP Error 488. I've tried to force the codec so it doesnt even bother contacting the sip peer since it doesnt have anything but g729 in its list.
18:08.33danfromukIt takes the call from the DID provider. The DID provider clearly supports g729. But then asterisk instantly gives up and doesnt even try starting a dialog with the sip peer.
18:08.43danfromukIf i add alaw to the sip peer, everything works fine.
18:09.14*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (
18:10.14igcewielingif you can't show us the error it is hard to troubleshoot
18:10.24jpsharpIs there a way to get the lenght of the file recorded using Record()?  Or failing that, is there a dialplan function to get Unix epoch seconds?  I'm probably just overlooking both in the docs.
18:11.37danfromukigcewieling: ive pasted the entire output including sip debug. I can't see why asterisk won't connect the call to the sip peer. It just says 'No audio format found to offer. Cancelling call to babbingtoncroft_201'
18:15.11jpsharpOh.  ${EPOCH}
18:19.52navaismodanfromuk, the peer babbingtoncroft_201 support all listed codecs()combined - 0x10e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)?
18:20.41danfromuknavaismo: No. The client only wants g729, so disallow=all and allow=g729
18:21.45navaismothats in the asterisk cfg but the peer?
18:22.16danfromukThe peer is also set up to only allow g729.
18:22.31navaismothis is the sdp exchange according your debug-->Capabilities: us - 0x80000008010e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729|h263|testlaw), peer - audio=0x10f (g723|gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x10e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)
18:22.57navaismowhich sip client are you using?
18:23.38danfromukAcrobits Softphone
18:23.52navaismohave you tried with another client?
18:24.37danfromukYes. Same issue.
18:25.01danfromukI think I may just have to splash out on some g729 licenses to avoid this issue.
18:25.34navaismoYou dont have g729 license?
18:25.43danfromukNo. Its supposed to be passthrough
18:26.29navaismohmmm i never used passthrough so cant tell if that works or not
18:27.43navaismoOr maybe the trunk is using another codec and asterisk needs to transcode
18:28.16danfromukYes, but the trunk clearly supports g729. Not sure why asterisk isn't playing nicely.
18:28.52igcewielingdanfromuk: passthu works about as well as being "just friends" with an ex.  It seldom works out well.
18:29.24danfromukLast time i tried to install a g729 license and codec, asterisk failed to start properly. it just seemed to be unresponsive even though i could get into the cli.
18:29.33igcewielingdanfromuk: regardless of all that, what you think is configured is not what is configured.  This tells us: (2:22:31 PM) navaismo: this is the sdp exchange according your debug-->Capabilities: us - 0x80000008010e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729|h263|testlaw), peer - audio=0x10f (g723|gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x10e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)
18:29.53navaismoyes it support it, but that doesn't mean that the provider its using as preffer or only codec
18:30.00danfromukWhere do you see that the peer is  audio=0x10f (g723|gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729) ?
18:30.07navaismoin your debug
18:30.35danfromukAre you looking at the backup asterisk server, or the peer? is a backup server and should be ignored in the sip debug.
18:30.49navaismoline 60
18:30.53danfromukthe peer IP is
18:31.45[TK]D-Fender[14:27]danfromukYes, but the trunk clearly supports g729. Not sure why asterisk isn't playing nicely. <- depends what is negotiated on ANSWER...
18:32.01drmessanoForce it
18:32.11danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: cant see an ANSWER in the debug.
18:32.20[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: G.729 is LAST on their list.  If you answer local first that may agree on something else regardless of a 2nd leg to follow.
18:32.27[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: Look harder :)
18:32.56drmessanoIf you want to use G729, and only G729, force it.  Don't let the provider and Asterisk try to read your mind.
18:33.05drmessanoThats Codecs 101
18:33.14drmessano, man
18:33.15danfromuknavaismo: on line 60, I took peer as the asterisk server since thats the peer between the did provider and asterisk.
18:33.55danfromukdrmessano: can't force it because I want other DIDs to use alaw.
18:34.16drmessanoehhh ok
18:34.23danfromukIm going to try installing g729 licenses and codec and see if i get any problems this time.
18:34.25navaismodanfromuk, I guess your best option is buy a g729 license
18:35.02danfromukyep. i think so too.
18:35.12danfromukOk. looks like ive got a bit of work tonight.
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18:35.21danfromukthanks everyone.
18:35.27danfromukas always
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18:38.22igcewielingputs on is psychic friends network outfit and tries to figure out this report "When dialing out it takes very long until the call finally dials out. It usually starts ringing right away. Not there is a long dead space before the call goes through and it starts ringing. It feels like the system is dead if you don't wait it out."
18:39.30DBordelloFor a simple home PBX, any advantage of a Polycom 501/550/601 over one another?
18:40.05tzangerigcewieling: sounds like the termination provider is taking its sweet time sending back the TRYING
18:40.18drmessanoDBordello, that's one heck of a home phone
18:40.21tzangerthat happens with my system occasionally, and almost always with
18:40.29drmessanoOverkill, I would think
18:40.48DBordellodrmessano, I am actually just going to buy 1, to experiment with asterisk.  I figure a good handset would be nice to have
18:41.05navaismoigcewieling, or the phone is taking much time to send the invite because the phone's dialpattern timeout
18:41.06igcewielingtzanger: maybe.  Could also be a dialplan issue on the phone
18:41.06tzangerDBordello: sure, but you can get smaller and just as great quality/feel polycoms for less
18:41.07drmessanoWell, a 335 or something is good too
18:41.24tzangerigcewieling: depends on whether the same number sometimes takes time or always takes time
18:41.28DBordellotzanger and drmessano a good speaker phone is important to me.
18:41.32tzangerI read that as the same number sometimes takes time
18:41.39igcewielingI did not hate the SPA phone I got in 2004 8-|
18:41.39drmessanoSo get an IP335
18:41.45bipolarDBordello, I use the 560 (gigabit version of the 550) for phones at the office. It's a very nice phone with lots of features, but a bit overkill for a home phone.
18:41.57tzangerDBordello: I agree a good speakerphone is essential. I have the 501 at the office, I love it
18:42.15drmessanoTo me, the 331 speakerphone is as good as the 550
18:42.16igcewielingbipolar: apparently you've never met any phone geeks
18:42.38DBordelloWell, any advantage of the higher-end phone for playing with asterisk?
18:42.55drmessanoYeah, you get to start off spending more money on a hobby that will suck away most of it
18:43.08DBordellodrmessano, well, eventually the rest of the house will need phones :)
18:43.19bipolarigcewieling, lol
18:43.25drmessanoSo buy something you can deploy everywhere else
18:43.38drmessanoI again suggest the IP335
18:43.48drmessanoThen when you have that one working, buy 2 more
18:43.51drmessanoSave your money
18:43.59igcewielinghas a friend with both a VAX and a Norstar in his house
18:44.03DBordelloI am checking out the IP 335.  On ebay they don't seem any less expensive than the 501
18:44.12tzangerigcewieling: and apparently cheap electricity
18:45.00drmessanoDBordello, of course.. a several hundred dollar phone 8 years down the line is going to cost the same as a new $100 phone
18:45.21DBordelloAny advantage of the newer, phone?  501 vs 335
18:45.38drmessanoHD voice.  You wanted something to play with
18:45.55DBordelloAh, HD voice
18:51.18Scapalahhhhh, I'm losing it! The queues on my asterisk 1.8 is behaving as a LIFO and not only a couple of times but all the time!!!
18:53.11*** join/#asterisk Alagar (
18:55.47danfromukThe asterisk website says that the g729 codec are for version 1.4.x. Is there a different download for 1.8.x?
18:56.26Qwellactually, one sec
18:56.44QwellUse this one.
19:07.28navaismoigcewieling, which companies to host a dedicated server do you recommend,  medium price??
19:07.52igcewielingnavaismo: No idea.
19:08.01igcewielingI think we use XO or something.
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19:08.51igcewielingAs far as I'm concerned all our boxes are in a magical place in Manhattan where tech go to trip over cables and take down service.   I'm told we rent space from XO, but I've never seen the facility.
19:09.08przerullhello.  So when the outbound leg of the dial command hangs up on the inbound leg, is it possible to send the outbound leg to a particular location in the dialplan without using the e option?
19:09.18navaismoi was looking at severbeach but 120 for normal server
19:09.29navaismotoo much for my little pocket
19:10.01WIMPyprzerull: Use the h extension.
19:11.03igcewielingWIMPy: "h" is only called when the inbound leg hangs up, not the outbound leg.
19:11.17igcewielingprzerull: I think you mean the "g" option, not the "e" option?
19:11.51WIMPyNo, both.
19:11.57danfromukThe digium guide to installing g729 says that I should issue the command 'asterisk -rx "module load"'. Does that persist after restart? Or do i need to put it into modules.conf ?
19:12.06igcewielingWIMPy: is that an asterisk 11ism?
19:12.14jpsharpYou're not going to be able to touch dedicated server hosting with any decent level of service for under about $90/mo.
19:12.35jpsharpdanfromuk: As long as modules.conf has "autoload = yes", it'll load on restart.
19:12.49WIMPyI'm not aware of any changes. But when B hangs up I even get to h 3 time, wehn A hangs up, twice.
19:12.56jpsharpAnd doesn't have "noload =>"
19:12.57przerulligcewieling: the g option sends the inbound leg to the next priority in the extension, the e option does send the outbound leg to hangup
19:13.18przerullit overrides the F option
19:13.46przerullwhich I need to use as our clients use a feature we call post call digit collection (the outbound leg enters digits after the inbound leg hangs up)
19:15.13WIMPyBut then you already know wehere the outbound leg ends up.
19:16.10przerullWIMPy: yeah it works fine when the inbound leg hangs up first but not when the outbound leg hangs up first
19:17.02danfromukIf I want to add 1 license to an existing license, is it simply a case of buying 1 license and running 'register' to add it to the existing license?
19:18.46przerulli get the feeling that I'm just not doing things right because it always feels like I really have to do all kinds of complicated things to bend asterisk to my will
19:19.32przerullis there a reilable way to tell which leg of a call hangs up last?
19:20.31przerullideally both legs would "register" before they are bridged and each would "deregister" when they hang up.  they'd use database locks to ensure that one has to wait until the other deregisters
19:21.17przerullthis works great if both legs get sent into an h extension but that doesn't seem to happen when the outbound leg hangs up first
19:28.07DBordellonavaismo, are you looking to host your own server, or rent a server?
19:29.01navaismorent a dedicated server
19:29.16DBordelloYou could probably get away with a VPS on a good node
19:29.35DBordelloAsterisk doesn't strike me as very resource intensive
19:29.44gustoi have a virtual one too
19:29.53gustoKVM and VirtIO
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19:30.10gustorunning netbsd 6.1
19:30.17jpsharpDBordello: Its not, unless you get into heavy transcoding.
19:30.18DBordellogusto, nice.
19:31.12jpsharpYou got Asterisk to build under netbsd?
19:31.34jpsharphas tried, but never gotten far, but never really put a lot of work into it.
19:32.39DBordellonavaismo, what are you trying to host (more detailed)
19:34.36igcewielingprzerull: look at hangup handlers in Asteirsk 11
19:38.46przerulligcewieling: thanks so to get the outbound leg to do what I want, i'll have to also create a predial handler to push the hangup handler to the outbound channel then right?
19:39.46FreeaqingmeIs there any rationale to not maintaining the ubuntu packages anymore?
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19:48.03igcewielingprzerull: I don't know, I've not used them, I've only read about them.   Once we have some development time I may see about converting our existing code to using hangup handlers.
19:48.39igcewielingFreeaqingme: I believe that was never an official package.  don't be a wuss, install from source.
19:51.06WIMPyprzerull: Or just skip the dialplan and use AMI.
19:52.05Freeaqingmeigcewieling, oh, I dare installing from sources. But I am trying to puppetize this thingy, and then installing from sources isn't too practical
19:52.11Freeaqingmeso I am considering if I should package it myself
19:52.32Freeaqingmehence looking for the reasons the packages are no more maintained (e.g. if there's a technical reason I should be aware of)
19:52.52igcewielingFreeaqingme: because every month you need to build a new package?
19:53.13FreeaqingmeI imagine that with the proper scripts, that can be reduced to one command?
19:53.57igcewielinguntil something changes to break the single command
19:54.10Freeaqingmethen the fun begins ;)
19:54.29igcewielingFreeaqingme: it is more fun to do ./configure && make && make install and a lot less work than building a package
19:54.40Freeaqingmeyeah, it may be
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19:55.25WIMPyigcewieling: Oh, I didn't know we were allowed to say so these days.
20:02.12przerullthanks everyone
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20:22.58protocoldougWhat would I get from a commercial SBC over having a firewall and an asterisk box to manage a few trunks? One inbound, and a handful outbound. Just tandeming calls over trunks. I don't need presence for a billion softphones or the like. Just trunks.
20:23.21protocoldougTo me, I don't really see anything. But, I'm curious as to what others may think.
20:23.30_Corey_protocoldoug: You would have more gear to admire in your rack
20:24.34protocoldougrofl, that's the last thing i need XD especially one more straw on the camel's back that requires a vendor relationship, haha.
20:24.55_Corey_In all seriousness, I haven't found many features aside from larger-scaling stuff that would be gained
20:25.20_Corey_they're selling a lot of them to SMB customers running Microsoft Lync these days because msft doesn't believe SIP should be UDP
20:25.50protocoldougthat's hilarious, seems like one of the best use cases for UDP, haha
20:26.50protocoldougit's some kind of panacea to my boss, but, I think it's a waste of money, and worse... more gear to manage when i've already standardized on asterisk
20:26.57DBordelloOur university recently switched to Lync.  It seems to work pretty well
20:27.00protocoldougthe sbc is some kind of panacea, that is
20:27.32gattycommercial SBC = someone to point finger at when something bad happens...
20:27.52_Corey_Well, it'd be in front of Asterisk, so if you're concerned about very bad SIP traffic hitting Asterisk... there's that.
20:28.23_Corey_But can it offer any "feature" to the scenario... ?  Probably no.
20:28.39gattymany bosses just like to have commercial vendor to point fingers at, there's no sound technical founding in it.
20:29.10protocoldougI'll know exactly where my traffic should come from, a handful of IPs, so in my thinking... I should be able to tighten down my firewall to those
20:29.17protocoldougi definitely understand that, good point gatty
20:31.12gattyif Asterisk / DAHDI could talk DPNSS, I wouldn't need to use crappy commercial gateway cards or SBCs....  SBC in SME has its place for survivability, but a well configured Asterisk box can do that just as well if not better.
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20:34.34DBordelloWhat is a SBC/
20:34.42protocoldoug"session border controller"
20:35.06gattysession border controller... essential a back-to-back user agent to provide a little security / perimiter control for external-facing connections
20:36.36protocoldougone "heard on the playground" thing i've heard is that some (all? any? maybe?) SBCs will open a single port for RTP for each single call, so you don't have to keep huge ranges open.
20:36.50protocoldougis it possible I could tap into a way to do this with iptables?
20:37.15gattyyou can configure Asterisk to do that, think it's the symmetric RTP option, then drop the port range down a bit in rtp.conf
20:37.16protocoldouglike say "hey asterisk, where are you going to open this? 10001? Ok, I'll open it in IP tables"
20:37.30gattyor get a SIP-aware firewall ;)
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20:37.57protocoldougbeer worthy advice, thanks :)
20:38.28gattythink 'even' devices like Sonicwall are SIP-aware these days
20:40.09*** join/#asterisk Elico (~Thunderbi@
20:40.27ElicoI have a problem that asterisk is rejecting the calls from unknown reason.
20:40.51ElicoI will share sip.conf and extention.conf in a pastie??
20:41.05drmessanoShare the debug log
20:41.56Elicohow to get it please?? from a -vvvvr i got:
20:41.57Elico[May 23 23:41:24] NOTICE[9267]: chan_sip.c:23272 handle_request_invite: Call from '100' ( to extension '100' rejected because extension not found in context 'internal'.
20:42.24drmessanoIs there an extension 100 in the internal context?
20:43.16ElicoI will share the sip.conf and extention.conf
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20:44.09Elicothanks drmessano
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20:49.55Elicodrmessano: IS IT ok?? it seems to me like it suppose to work since it worked...
20:51.06gattyElico: should be extensions.conf (plural)
20:51.15Elicohoo nice thanks...
20:52.19Elicogatty: it's working both ways... the same idea
20:53.51gattyElico: you def have extn 100 shown in context internal in 'dialplan show'?
20:54.32Elicogatty: no from an unknown reason
20:54.52Elicogaty what do you think?
20:55.49gattythe config file should be called extensions.conf and you should reload the dialplan after renaming it, then check dialplan show again.
20:58.31CartoonCatwhen starting asterisk im not getting a pid file made and that stoping mt from installing the amp portal. any ideas?
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21:03.33Elicogatty did that and still dosn't show any 100 thing
21:11.59Elicogatty: it's not loading the extentions.conf from unknown reason. where is it configured to load it?
21:12.11gattyhow have you spelled the filename?
21:13.32gattyand when you ran 'dialplan reload', did it display any errors or warnings?
21:15.48Elicogatty: I will post the debug output of extentions.conf
21:18.09Elicogatty: found what the problem wsa..
21:18.24Elicothe text was in utf-8 instead of ansi..
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21:47.54ketasffs, i broke something and can't find out what exactly
21:48.19talntidgive us some details, and we'll help ya out
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21:56.24ketashmm, that didn't make any sense... strange issues with fw
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22:40.50cstk421evening all
22:42.21cstk421goal is to build an asterisk server for a business voip phone system.  Is the standard asterisk pbx tutorials a good way to start ? not sure if the "PBX" part of the name distinguishes between a voip / sip environment from a standard analog pbx environment.
22:43.07*** join/#asterisk CartoonCat (
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22:50.30infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
22:50.40newtonrcstk421: read that book :)
22:51.58newtonrcstk421: Googling you'll find plenty of tutorials. Some may be out of date, but look for ones focusing on Asterisk 1.8 or 11.   PBX stands for Private Branch eXchange and is general telecom terminology.
22:52.26cstk421yes I'm going through one now. just wondered if i needed a voip specific tutorial to build my environment
22:52.35cstk421thanks good stuff starting now !
22:52.38CartoonCatanyone know what could cause astrick to compile fine, install, but not make a .pid when ran?
22:52.44cstk421gonna do it on ubuntu as a xenserver vm
22:53.26*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-wyqfuthiycnewfhc)
22:53.34newtonrcstk421: you need a tutorial specific to whatever environment you want to build...
22:54.02newtonrcstk421: if you want analog, read about analog, if you want voip read about voip...
22:55.08*** join/#asterisk taylorbyte2013 (~cyberninj@2001:470:1f05:12cc:1e6f:65ff:fec2:bec7)
22:55.47cstk421i get that once I'm underway but i assume the basic installation of asterisk on ubuntu is straightforward.  Then I would look up config tutorials based on voip correct ?
22:55.52gattyCartoonCat: either not configured to drop a pid file or no permissions on pid file directory
22:57.40*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
22:58.00CartoonCatgatty: neither of those are covered by the tutorial so I didnt mess with the default settings. doesnt help I keep losing access to my linode
23:02.38CartoonCatgatty: i see nothing in the configs about a pid
23:04.53CartoonCatand /var/run/asterisk is owned by root
23:05.06newtonrcstk421: yeah that works. Also
23:05.38*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
23:12.21cstk421hey newtonr would you say a web guy would be a good idea ? if so which one ? or just cli for all configs ?
23:14.54newtonrcstk421: web guy? I'm guessing you mean GUI ? hehe.  I recommend starting to learn by going through the book and learning it all command line and flat text files.  Then later on try FreePBX. Digium has a fairly minimal distro that comes with it -
23:15.04cstk421guy yes sorry
23:15.17cstk421damn keyboard
23:16.04cstk421got it will do thanks
23:16.09newtonrGUI's are great but they won't teach you anything about whats underneath
23:17.06newtonrthat being said. FreePBX is pretty amazing
23:19.23cstk421now that i have ubuntu server and asterisk installed I'm going to install freepbx on top of it instead of using the distro
23:19.35cstk421yes based on some quick reading its pretty cool
23:26.08*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
23:27.21igcewielingGUI?  GUIS ARE EVIL! mean, #FreePBX has its own channel.
23:30.12Maliutaigcewieling: I thought those were the same statement
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