IRC log for #asterisk on 20130519

00:01.06WIMPyIf your connection is insecure (like on a free wifi) a tunnel might be a good idea.
00:02.08Free99well, we run via satellite to a datacenter near DC, while the asterisk server is itself in london. Not quite wifi, but..
00:02.21Free99well shucks
00:02.32Free99looks like the Linksys pap2t doesn't even support tls
00:02.58WIMPyNo surprise.
00:03.03RahailWIMPy is there way do u know any one made this kind of script
00:03.14Rahailto check registraion.. if is not register to restart asteirsk
00:03.48WIMPyWhat exactely do you want to check? Or in what way does it fail?
00:04.04Rahailwe are in 3g network
00:04.13Rahailsoemtime net faill but when it come back it dont register
00:04.23Rahailso simple after restarting asterisk it register
00:05.18WIMPyI guess that means you want notifications from your router.
00:05.44Rahailif we could just see it if not register then restart asterisk
00:05.45Rahailusing cron
00:05.52Rahaillike checking every 5-10 min
00:06.03Rahailbut I am not sure how and what i can put on script
00:06.06WIMPyWhat is that Asterisk used for?
00:06.25WIMPyIf you have connection issues, you might end up constantly restarting Asterisk for no good.
00:06.25Rahailto connect 2 off our place
00:06.44Rahailconnection issue dont last long
00:06.47WIMPyAnd a simple 'sip reload' would probably be enough anyway.
00:06.48Rahaildrop 1 or less
00:06.59Rahailwe are using iax2
00:07.21WIMPyor 'iax2 reload'.
00:07.28Rahailso ur saying if i put on cron to run asterisk -rx "iax2 reload"
00:07.49Rahaili think i try few time reloading both end
00:07.56Rahaildidnt work then i restart asterisk boom it work
00:07.57WIMPyI assume the issue is that you change IP on those occasions?
00:08.12Rahailpublic ip change once in while
00:08.29Rahailsome time it dont change
00:08.36Rahailsome time it stay same ip for 2 days
00:08.37WIMPyA tunnel might be a good idea as well.
00:08.59Rahailwhat kind of tunel something like openvpn ?
00:09.16WIMPyThat's the one I use.
00:09.30Rahailcan i use this on centos and ubuntu desktop
00:09.43WIMPyThat way you don't have to register any more.
00:10.10Rahailwill be able to use privlage of iax2 trunking
00:10.31Rahailas iax2 trunk u se lot lot less bandwith then sip trunk
00:10.37WIMPyI'd be pretty bad if you couldn't, but I am more ofte surprised about what maonstream distros don't do.
00:11.17WIMPyIt makes no difference, you just hide the real connection from Asterisk.
00:13.43Rahailwhich oen is better i can use
00:13.51Rahailwith asterisk
00:14.00WIMPyShouldn't matter.
00:15.22RahailWIMPy do u have any link for best guide so i can use it
00:15.34Rahaili am not expart in this by readin reading maby 100 times reading then my head will understand
00:16.27WIMPyIf the supplied documentation isn't good enough, ask Dr. Google.
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05:54.38*** join/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
05:55.04RahailHI can some one help me i need to make small sh script where it go check if peer is register or not if is not register then restart the asterisk
05:55.07Rahailcan some one help me please
05:58.40Rahailis i possible
06:27.29Rahailis this normal set_config: Ignoring bindport on reload
06:28.04Rahailevery time i reload it i get this msg i mean iax2
06:28.07WIMPySome things can't be changed by reloading.
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06:28.29Rahaildoes reloading help if astierk fail to register
06:28.53Rahaili am facing problem for any reason iax2 unregister ic an not get them register if i do not restart asterisk
06:28.55WIMPyReload will make it try to register.
06:29.12Rahailif i put this on cron job
06:29.19Rahailasterisk -rx "iax2 reload"
06:29.25Rahailrun on every 5 min
06:30.45WIMPyYou might even be able to make it register more often.
06:30.58Rahailhow i have it at defulat
06:31.04Rahaili think 60s
06:31.08WIMPyDon;t know which side has what impact. Defaults have been ok for me so far.
06:31.25RahailI only register poin A to Point B
06:31.30Rahailas point A = dynamic nat ip
06:31.49WIMPyWell, actually I don;t register anythign anywhere anymore due to VPN.
06:32.15RahailI cant use vpn if i use vpn our 3g provider block the modem
06:32.18Rahailwired thing
06:33.02RahailI was going to use OPenvpn then i relaise we did that and we lost so many 3g modem once we moved from vpn using with iax2 so far no modem block
06:33.07WIMPyNo arms, no cookies.
06:33.15WIMPyNo internet, no VOIP.
06:34.18Rahailif i would only now how i can devolope this .sh script so i can call it from cron
06:34.29Rahailto check registraion if state show not register then restart asterisk
06:36.57Rahailcan some one make this for me i will pay for it plz i am going throw so much ahlel
06:45.44WIMPytest -n "`asterisk -rx 'iax2 show registry'|grep 'Not registered'`"&&asterisk -rx 'iax2 reload'
06:45.53WIMPyThat should do it.
06:50.54Rahaili just copy this to file and call this file vi cron
06:51.26WIMPyOr you just put it in to your crontab.
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06:51.47Rahaillet me put it on file and show u on pastebin
06:51.50Rahailthank you wimpy
06:52.03Rahailwhat can i do for this you did for me
06:52.12Rahailthis u donw know how much i appricate it
06:54.07WIMPyMaybe you should check if it actually works. If it does there are many ways to show your appreciation :-)
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06:57.56Rahaili try to run it even manuly
06:59.03WIMPyIs it "Not registered"? Or maybe "not registered"?
06:59.28WIMPyNo, it's probably "Not Registered".
07:00.09WIMPyA -i might help there.
07:01.04WIMPy"grep -i" to ignore case
07:02.13Rahailthat work
07:02.14Rahaili think
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07:02.22Rahailregistr stats got other way
07:02.53Rahaili got find exact state when its not register
07:03.57WIMPyYes, you need to know what to look for.
07:06.57Rahailcan i put multi
07:07.03Rahaillogic like add Timeout
07:08.27RahailNOt Reistere, Itmeout
07:08.30Rahailliek this
07:09.09*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zoom@
07:09.09WIMPyYou need multiple checks then.
07:10.09_zoom_looking for did provider that asterisk can detect his dtmf?
07:28.58Rhomberwould anyone have any clues as to why my asterisk server has been acting wierd lately...  the SIP clients fall offline, but according to asterisk they are 'OK'..  nothing appears in the logs.. I can restart iptables and flush the fail2ban's..  (not that my ip was there).. but nothing
07:29.09Rhomberit doesn't begin to work again until I restart it :(
07:29.31RahailWIMPy thank you so much
07:29.33Rahailand good night
07:30.20Rhomberthe only thing that's changed is the virtual machine is on another hypervizor temporarily
07:31.24Rhomberthis is asterisk 11.2.1
07:37.39Rhomberwhen I do "sip reload"
07:37.49Rhomberit just returns, nothing is output
07:37.56Rhomberwhen I do it again it says "Previous SIP reload not yet done"
07:38.31Rhomberfrom what I can see on a whirlpool post ( this happens to other people too?
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07:41.31_omerhello, I have installed unixODBC, mysql-connector-odbc  but when I check "make menuselect" then func_odbc is still "XXX" .... anyhelp to install func_odbc ?
07:41.42_omerasterisk 11
07:43.53Rhomberany ideas ? :(
07:44.38[TK]D-Fender_omer: And what does it tell you you're missing?
07:47.02_omerit tells nothing ... when I select func_odbc XXX  it says "Depends on : res_odbc(M)"
07:48.08_omerwhat I think, it looks .so files in /usr/lib where as .so files are located in /usr/lib64 .... do I need to add some parameters with ./configure for /usr/lib64 ?
07:49.32_omerhere is the location of odbc lib   /usr/lib64/
07:51.35[TK]D-Fender_omer: And did you re-reun ./configure ?
07:52.30_omeryes. I did .. "make distclean" , "./configure" ... then "make menuselect"
07:52.51_omerI have tried creating DSN and tested it using "isql" is connected
07:55.04_omerI thought to use MYSQL func but I found it depcrecated and replaced with func_odbc ... now it's been 1 hour and I am unable to get func_odbc activated :)
07:56.54Rhomber" Resolve deadlock between SIP registration
07:56.58Rhombersorry :(
07:57.06Rhomberthought it would go one line
07:57.14Rhomberbut yeah, I guess I need to upgrade
08:01.06_omerfunc_odbc is still not active in menuselect even after "./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64"
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08:56.49RhomberUpgraded to 11.4... hopefully this fixes the problems :)
09:00.22_omer11 is itself a problem ;)
09:04.25hebberWorks great for me :)
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09:45.37TheCompWizanyone know of a way to generate an RIA on a span?
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10:16.37danfromukHi, is there anyone here familiar with asterisk and, and based in the UK?
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10:20.26TheCompWiz... not based in the UK... but what is it exactly you want.
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10:30.00danfromukDue to religious reasons, our office is closed on Saturdays so we need someone to be available to monitor emails and when necessary, resolve problems. Its generally a once in a year occurance that support is needed on a Satursday, however this week, due to a programming bug, one client's ivr menu system wasnt working.
10:31.30danfromukWe have an answering service that takes calls. Emergency calls will be emailed for action. We'd be looking to pay a small retainer and then a larger amount per issue.
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12:25.44WIMPyTheCompWiz: Have you tried unconfiguring it?
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15:04.16Assidso i got 2 asterisk servers talking to one another.. over openvpn..  the client device uses a vpn too to connect to the asterisk server
15:05.10Assid1 of the servers is on premise and connected to the legacy pbx.. and the other is on the cloud.. any calls from the legacy pbx get routed to the cloud  asterisk box.. where the roaming extensions lie
15:05.57Assidthe problem is.. wheni call /or receive a call from a roaming user.. the audio is mostly choppy.. however.. if i connect from 1 roaming user and call the other roaming user.. it works much better..
15:06.38Assidthe asterisk servers talk to one another over iax.. and iax2 show netstats didnt show any jitter..   any suggestions on what else i could look at?
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15:13.51TheCompWizanyone know how to generate a RAI error on a PRI span?  (I want to manually take down an interface without yanking the plug... or killing asterisk)
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17:51.22[sr]does anyone uses or used chan_dongle ?
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18:31.13[sr]WIMPy:  you awake?
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23:28.30saint_is there anything special to have disa ?
23:28.51saint_wether i do core show function or core show application , i can t find disa
23:29.04saint_is it because it was implemented after 1.8.5 maybe ?
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23:39.24igcewielingmaybe you are noloading it in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
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