IRC log for #asterisk on 20130515

00:11.17*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
00:26.50*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
00:38.14apb1963Greetings asteriskians
00:38.24*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
00:51.03*** join/#asterisk Katty (
01:04.55*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (
01:18.18*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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01:19.50KattyAsterisk! woo! yeah!
01:29.20carrarYEAH BABY
01:39.26leifmadsenKatty: FREESWITCH!
01:39.35leifmadsenhahahaha I'm totally joking.
01:39.39*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
01:39.44carrarno your now!!
01:40.11leifmadsenthat still didn't make sense ;)
01:40.22leifmadsenI think you meant "no you're not"
01:41.00carrarI think you might be right
01:41.12carrar<- engrish fail
01:41.38leifmadsenme fail english? that's unpossible!
01:44.14apb1963sounds perfectly cromulent to me
01:45.03apb1963but then I'm usually paffled
01:45.25apb1963ooops... I meant buzzled
01:48.26leifmadsenI prefer that
02:03.03*** join/#asterisk hebber (
02:06.04igcewieling1Sounds like a story on The Onion:   The world was shocked today to learn leifmadsen is really a mole for FreeSwitch
02:06.35leifmadsenbeen so for years
02:06.51leifmadsenin fact, and you can spread this rumor, but i invented and started freeswitch
02:08.17igcewieling1little know fact, FreeSwitch came from the ancient Sumerian words Freh and Istich, which mean "angry ex asterisk user"
02:20.38slav3_kitteni like that
02:20.52slav3_kittenfixed the majority of my asterisk issues
02:21.53slav3_kittenwasn't anything on my gear. apparently someone dicked things up at the ISP.  setting my MSS on the edge router to anything higher than 576 causes odd isolated issues
02:23.59atanslaps leifmadsen around a little bit with a large freeswitch
02:24.18leifmadsenigcewieling1: you win a cookie
02:25.30atanAre there any examples of things you *can't* do with Asterisk? So far it's been knock on wood for me
02:26.15atanActually, I lie. I wanted to wire it into a doorbell easily without any fancy equipment. That was odd, but workable.
02:31.02*** join/#asterisk atcmmi (~atcmmi@
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02:42.59*** join/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
02:44.47ruben231hi guys anyone have idea and help for this somehow --->
02:44.57tzangertempts leifmadsen with a leafs victory
02:45.13ruben231using asterisk 1.8 on centos
02:45.27mmlj4You do not appear to have the sources for the kernel installed.
02:45.43mmlj4install the kernel source
02:46.00mmlj4line 8
02:51.02mmlj4something like that, yes
02:51.04atanyum install kernel-devel
02:51.17mmlj4your distro may vary
02:53.17ruben231after i install dahdi
02:53.24mmlj4then you haven't installed the kernel source yet
02:54.45ruben231mmlj4: please help adn guide how to do it
02:55.13mmlj4you were just told how
02:55.24mmlj4twice, now
02:58.05*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
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03:39.29*** join/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
03:39.59RahailHi question I am not tecy person just wondering is it possible to make iax2 protocol use tcp insted of UDP
03:55.33mmlj4what did google tell you?
03:55.44Rahailyes and no
03:55.47Rahailso manyt hing
03:57.00mmlj4read this:
03:57.15mmlj4IAX2 uses a single UDP port 4569, and thus works well in NAT environments (the obsolete IAX1 protocol used port 5036). IAX2 uses ONLY one udp port for both control and data traffic.
03:57.48Rahailsome countires blocking the UDP
03:58.09Rahailthis why I was thinking if possible tcp then it would be hard for them
04:10.29carrarput it in IPSEC
04:11.04RahailIPSEC sorry i am not sure what is that give me little hint plz
04:11.19carrarVPN Tunnel
04:12.22Rahailthank you ...
04:13.18*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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04:36.50[TK]D-FenderGRE used by ipsec is also often blocked.  For TCP you'd be looking at an SSL type VPN like OpenVPN
04:36.50*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
04:39.30Rahailwe got spammer
04:39.48Rahailcrying about post getting delet and sending some image link
04:40.02*** part/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
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06:26.05*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@unaffiliated/assid)
06:36.53Assidok.. so i think i have issues with enbloc/overlap
06:40.32Assidi am seeign a dump of the calls on the NEC; it recognises the caller id and the other functionality work . IF i enable enbloc mode. BUT if i do that. I am unable to simulate my dialtone
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09:05.07*** join/#asterisk ChadAragorn (~ChadArago@
09:08.38polysicshi there
09:08.53polysicsis there a way to force a SIP peer to only be on one call at a time, ever?
09:08.57polysicsincluding conferences etc
09:09.26polysicsand counting inbound and outbound
09:13.08polysicsor am I doing it wrong?
09:14.06eirirsyes you can
09:15.03*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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09:17.43eirirspolysics: call-limit = 1
09:18.07eirirspolysics: need to be asterisk 1.8 or newer
09:18.24eirirstype=peer are required for that to work
09:19.09*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (~Nickinato@
09:19.44polysicspeer, not friend?
09:19.50eirirsnot friend
09:19.54eirirsnot user
09:20.10polysicsoh, then that is it
09:24.42polysicsI wonder if there is a detailed explanation of what peer vs friend vs user means
09:25.26polysicsbut it does look like we should just use peer
09:25.54eirirsyes, no reason for using friend/user now anymore
09:28.13eirirscaterwaul keep PM'ing me
09:28.37polysicsme too
09:28.52polysicsI really don't like video tutorials, by the way :-D
09:29.14polysicsgive me a coherent, SHORT blog post and I am fine
09:29.31polysicsI have spent too much time fixing stuff someone cluelessly built from a tutorial :-)
09:30.33*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:33.08Assidanyone played with other PBX  systems ? like siemens ?
09:33.44eirirspolysics: agreed
09:33.59eirirsnow he wrote "please don't stonewall me, tanks"
09:34.17polysicsAssid: I have I would say very good experience with FreeSWITCH-based PBXs
09:34.38Assiderr no.. i meant like them "proprietory" types
09:34.52eirirsI use FreePBX, and before that, Trixbox
09:34.59Assidwas wondering how they behave with the likes of asterisk
09:35.43*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
09:36.25polysicsno experience there, but if they speak SIP properly you can surely get them to do things for you
09:36.36*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
09:36.52polysicswe have setups where Asterisk is a B2BUA providing call applications to an old system
09:37.26*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
09:39.33kaldemarpolysics: GROUP functions. call-limit was deprecated in 1.6.0.
09:43.28polysicshad to block the guy
09:43.36polysicshe is pure nonsense
09:43.40polysicsthis caterwaul guy
09:44.11polysicskaldemar: I am not even using the dialplan :-)
09:44.35eirirskaldemar: can you point me to a URL with some examples?
09:45.10polysicsI found this, a little amateurish but pretty clear
09:45.36polysicsall this app does is async originates, so no GROUP() stuff
09:45.50polysicswhy was that deprecated? not everyone does stuff in the dialplan+
09:46.18*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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09:46.42polysicsthat basically means I have to track extension state by hand, how cool :-/
09:47.16polysicskaldemar: is busylevel deprecated too?
09:50.24kaldemarpolysics: no. that requires callcounter=yes to work. group function use is encouraged though.
09:51.00polysicssince I am using AMI for everything, I would then have to drop calls in a context with groups instead.
09:51.12polysicsI suppose that is still doable
09:52.35*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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10:13.22polysicsanother thing I have been unable to solve: in Confbridge, I have an user sitting waiting for a single customer. When the customer joins, the agent should hear the joining tone, but the customer should not.
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11:58.54*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
11:59.34jkroonhi guys, when doing Dial(,,t) and the user initiates a transfer it seems to same extension in which the call is when Dial() is executed is used - is there any way to change that to a different extensions?
12:03.36*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
12:03.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:03.53igcewieling1jkroon: Are you looking to change the callerid of the transferred call?
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12:15.48jkroonigcewieling1, that's done with connectedline
12:16.13igcewieling1jkroon: incorrect, but I don't have any more time to help.
12:16.41jkroonno, let's say I'm in context "a" and execute a Dial(SIP/123,,t); then if SIP/123 hits # the dialplan will be entered into the "a" context, i want it to re-enter into a different context, say "b"
12:16.54igcewieling1to answer your question, you change the extension Dial()'d by dialing different digits when you transfer.
12:17.43*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
12:17.44igcewieling1jkroon: You could do an include => b in the [a] context in your dialplan.
12:17.46jkroonthat's fine, but that exten => that you intend to get to must be in the same context as the original Dial() statement ...
12:17.53[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: First, why are you using DTMF transfers?
12:17.56jkroonigcewieling1, i'd really prefer to NOT do that.
12:18.16igcewieling1jkroon: you don't have a choice.  you can't magically jump contexts -- contexts are a security measure.
12:18.21jkroon[TK]D-Fender, two reasons:  1.  Client with analog phones, 2.  Client with a Siemens Gigaset A510IP that *can't* do SIP transfers.
12:18.42jkroonigcewieling1, that's exactly why I don't want to include b into a.
12:19.03igcewieling1jkroon: then copy the relevant exten line to [a]
12:19.05jkroonbecause b opens up a lot of routes to the caller, the person doing the transfer is considered "trusted"
12:19.18[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: #1 almost every ATA and DAHDI device all support hook-swtich(flash) transfers)
12:20.38[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: #2 ${TRANSFER_CONTEXT} <------
12:20.56jkroon[TK]D-Fender, that looks like what I want - is that in features.conf?
12:21.11jkroonor do I just set that as a channel variable?
12:21.26[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: that is clearly a channel variable
12:21.38jkroonchannel var :)
12:21.43jkrooncool thanks...
12:22.44[TK]D-FenderAnd seriously get them using HS transfers, not DTMF
12:22.47*** join/#asterisk peektoseen (c169eb01@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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12:24.04jkroon[TK]D-Fender, i've been fighting this so hard it's not even funny.
12:25.00peektoseenhi all. How can I view a version of asterisk?  I try 'core show version' and get "Asterisk SVN-trunk-r376131M built by root @ WebAsterisk on a i686 running Linux on 2012-11-16 07:04:12 UTC"            . r376131M   - it   11 version, or 10, or else?
12:25.23jkroonlol, it's svn trunk, revision 376131 :p
12:25.39*** join/#asterisk MrPockets (~MevinKitt@unaffiliated/mrpockets)
12:26.21MrPocketsSo I'm trying to support this client's Astlinux box (I know, don't say it).   Need to forward a phone number into a cellphone. Which config in Asterisk would this generally be in?
12:26.39jkroonextensions.conf ...
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12:28.47MrPocketsThat makes sense..
12:31.02jkroon[TK]D-Fender, thanks a million.  i woudl have searched for a VERY long time before finding that.
12:31.15[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: and that seimens DOES have internal transfer features
12:31.27[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: Page 58 of their manual
12:31.40jkroon[TK]D-Fender, i'll re-look, i would *highly* prefer that.
12:32.09jkroonif it's the int/r button thing, all that that ends up doing is sending a telephone-event down the sip channel which it expects the PBX to act on.
12:32.27*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
12:32.29[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: No, it's with the call & end buttons
12:32.53[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: Multple ways.  Documentation.  It's wonderful.  Use it.
12:34.00[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: Not the most intuitive thing in the world, but hey, for $90 USD its and SPA-3102 w/ DECT handset.  Not bad.
12:34.48jkroongrr, i'm going to slap stephen.
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12:48.45sweeperanyone used the asterisk webrtc stuff yet?
12:51.08[TK]D-FenderMrPockets: BTW their docs give a similar warning not to mess with the config files by hand.
12:52.12MrPocketsAstlinux?  I know. I'm using the web-gui config editor.
12:52.21*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
12:52.32MrPocketsFound that out the hard way with some IPTables modification. Thanks for the heads-up though!
12:53.33MrPocketsif you don't mind me continuing to bug ya'll.  The extensions.conf seems to be the Master dial-plan, dictating how to handle all calls coming in.  I want to just take one user's extension and forward it to his cell phone. Shoudl I still keep looking into how to do this with extensions.conf?
12:53.55sweeperMrPockets: yes
12:54.00MrPocketsK. Thanks.
12:54.23sweeperMrPockets: all you should have to do is match their extension and then dial the appropriate number
12:54.33sweeperliterally one line
12:54.49[TK]D-FenderMrPockets: I'd be betting that this is part that is generated by AstLinux when you apply changes and would get blown away if you attempted to change any of it...
12:54.50tenspeed705|workonce you get it, you will be all like ohhhhh
12:55.24MrPockets[TK]D-Fender, that'd be my guess too, but I dont' see any point-and-click GUI to config this
12:55.41MrPocketsSo i figure I'd start here, and if it over-wrights the config then I'll keep scratch'en my noggin.
12:55.59[TK]D-FenderMrPockets: Chances are WYSIWYG
12:56.05*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-ydrkhrsrhgqsavpf)
13:19.16MrPocketsexten => 120,1,Dial(MYCELLNUMBERHERE)
13:19.22MrPocketsthat look right? (possibly?)
13:21.20wdoekesMrPockets: you'll need a technology and a destination
13:21.33wdoekese.g. Dial(SIP/mytrunk/MYCELLNUMBERHERE)
13:21.39*** join/#asterisk leedm777 (~leedm777@nat/digium/x-kafaadvbfowokmdq)
13:21.46infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
13:23.58MrPocketsGood deal.
13:24.12MrPockets(side note: Oreilly has the *MOST RANDOM* shit on the covers of their books
13:24.55MrPocketsACtive Directory 2012:  A bear riding a giraffe playing polo with a watermellon on its head.
13:25.07[TK]D-FenderThis one is probably the most appropriate of their lineup
13:25.48*** join/#asterisk xuw (6e4de5f0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:26.43xuwim trying to jump to different context according to the result of a bash script.
13:26.49xuwhow would i go about doing that with gotoif?
13:27.42xuwin my asterisk realtime extensions db i currently have this set
13:27.43xuwSet NUMBER=${SHELL(/usr/bin/ 0${EXTEN:2})
13:28.04leifmadsenseems pretty close
13:28.06xuwwich returns a short text, and i would like to jump to another context if it matches the string
13:28.15leifmadsenmake sure your script returns a status value
13:28.23xuwit does. i NoOp the value and its correct
13:28.29leifmadsenSHELL() I'm pretty sure just returns the exit value of the script
13:28.37leifmadsenok, so that's something
13:28.39xuwit returns the value of the script
13:28.41leifmadsenso just setup the GotoIf()?
13:28.50xuwyeah but not really sure how :/
13:28.56leifmadsenyou don't know how to use GotoIf?
13:29.03xuwive tried and failed :p
13:29.12leifmadsenyou should show how you're failing then so people can help
13:29.20sweeperhow can I check if I built SRTP into the asterisk I just compiled?
13:29.25leifmadsenit's just:  GotoIf($[something = true]?true:false)
13:29.34leifmadsensweeper: see if is loaded
13:29.45[TK]D-Fenderxuwim trying to jump to different context according to the result of a bash script. <- Just GOTO
13:30.46sweeperleifmadsen: where can I find a current command reference for asterisk 11?
13:30.48xuwso how would i jump to context,s,300 ?
13:30.50[TK]D-FenderActually... you wanted to compare the result... not that it returns the context name directly.  So strike that ... GotoIf indeed...
13:31.04[TK]D-Fenderxuw: "core show application GotoIf" <-
13:31.26leifmadsensweeper: core show help
13:31.35xuwyep ill give it a try again
13:31.40leifmadsenxuw: GotoIf($[....]?context,s,300)
13:31.41xuwthought i was pretty close :p
13:31.46leifmadsenxuw: I think you should really read
13:32.00leifmadsenthat's in the Dialplan Basics chapter i'm pretty sure
13:32.06xuwgood to have leifer'n around, he knows the tricks.
13:32.16sweeperleifmadsen: excellent
13:32.20leifmadsenthere's no trick to it, it's just a simple trick
13:33.08sweepermodule show lists loaded modules only, correct?
13:33.31sweeperah, apparently yes :)
13:37.50leifmadsenor 'module show like srtp'
13:41.40sweeperthat was suprisingly easy, just logged into asterisk with webrtc + jsSIP
13:42.00sweeperanyone know if there's a timeline for supporting vp8 passthrough?
13:43.41[TK]D-Fendersweeper: If there is a standard for the offering I don't see why it would take any real amount of work....  * never transcodes video anyway...
13:46.27sweeperI would love to do the whole stack in asterisk instead of handling video separately
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13:51.10sweeper[TK]D-Fender: interesting. I'll have to look into adding that then, after I get the current iteration done. I've got a freaking python/gstreamer app handling video atm :P
13:53.39sweeperok then so now to integrate asterisk with the rest of the application....
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14:04.56sweeperaside from sip.conf and RealTime, what other options are there for managing sip peer entris?
14:05.09jmetrorealtime and realtime.
14:06.12sweeperhmm. I need something event-y. I could probably make realtime work, but adding a database for the sole purpose of communicating with * is...icky
14:06.28jmetroyou do a lot of things with that database
14:06.38jmetroits a very nice database to have.
14:06.47KattyAstersisk! woo! yeah!
14:07.13sweeperyea but pretty much all I need to do is add/remove sip peers. they don't even need to stick around for very long
14:07.28leifmadsensweeper: that's about the only interface for that kind of thing
14:07.39leifmadsenunless you want to do a lot of sip reloads
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14:07.49leifmadsensweeper: you could try realtime via curl
14:07.52KobazKatty: sometimes i think i should have picked home renovations instead of software development
14:08.06KobazKatty: houses don't randomly blow up after you stop looking at them
14:08.24leifmadsenKobaz: unless you left the propane on
14:08.40Kobazi just spent 15 hours putting in a bathroom exhaust fan
14:08.49sweeperleifmadsen: is there a realtime driver that lets you execute shell scripts? :D
14:08.50leifmadsenthat seems like too long :)
14:08.56leifmadsensweeper: look at extconfig.conf
14:08.59leifmadsenbut no
14:09.02leifmadsenwell actually, that's not true
14:09.03Kobazit does.. but it's a lot of work
14:09.11leifmadsenactually, yes it's true -- in terms of realtime
14:09.21leifmadsenyou can use #exec in a sip.conf file,b ut that requires sip reload
14:09.24sweeperdepends on how many holes you had to cut and then make look nice
14:10.59Kobazleifmadsen: cut a pilot hole in the ceiling, realized i needed to go four more inches over for the real opening. cut the hole, made mounting brackets for the fan, mounted the fan, cut a hole for the toggle switch, fished electric lines to the attic from the switch... realized i should do a new circuit so i ran 30 feet of new line from the breaker to the bathroom
14:11.33sweepera new circuit for an exhaust fan? seems excessive
14:11.37leifmadsenya, the new breaker was the killer :)
14:11.41leifmadsen+1 on excessive
14:11.43Kobazleifmadsen: had to fish that line up to the attic and then to the switch box, had to wire up all the switches and then the fan itself... then had to cut a hole in the roof and align all the vent pipes, and then put in the exhaust port in the roof and seal it
14:12.12sweeperopen a window \o
14:12.13leifmadsengreat, I'll have you over when I need an exhaust fan since you'll be able to do it in half the time now
14:12.31Kobazwell the gcfi in the bathroom that i was going to gang off of, was on the same citcuit as the washing machine... so i wasn't going to put a light switch and the exhaust fan on that too
14:12.54Kobazsweeper: it's a common misconception that a window alone is enough ventilation for a shower
14:13.21Kobazsweeper: that's why the paint starts peeling and you get mold buildup on the walls if you don't vent properly
14:13.22sweeperoh for a shower no
14:13.29sweeperpoop smell, yea
14:13.35Kobazpoop. yes
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14:14.30jmetrowho needs shower exhaust, its good to build up the steeam
14:14.39sweeperman realtime seems like a great abstraction, boggles me why there aren't any generic drivers
14:15.06Kobazjmetro: sure if you like mold
14:15.32jmetroKobaz: I dont like mold, but i do like mold-killing paints, metal, and stone.
14:17.13Kobazi want to redo my bathroom at some point
14:17.17Kobazstone sounds cool
14:18.20jmetroi like stone because it stays cold in the heat. and the midwest is @#$ing hot
14:18.39sweeperyea but WINTER IS COMING
14:18.46jmetrosweaters bro
14:18.55sweepersweatrs on your feet?
14:18.56Kobazwait, wasn't winter just like, a week ago
14:19.12jmetrosweeper: you heard of socks?
14:19.25Kobazand ugg boots
14:19.33jmetroKobaz: hell no
14:19.34sweeperjmetro: yea but I'm much more likely to be barefoot in the bathroom
14:19.39Kobazyuppy girl boots
14:20.06jmetrosweeper: it gets so hot inside the house during winter that i like the cold stone
14:20.56sweeperwell looks like I'm adding "generic realtime driver" to my do-after-project-is-working list
14:21.35jmetrocopy-paste all the specific ones =)
14:21.37sweeperwonder what the best way to provide that would be...HTTP/JSON or something similar?
14:21.48sweeperyea will probably start with that
14:22.08jmetroI dont like JSON because it sounds like someones name
14:22.27sweeperwell it's about as generic as you can get these days
14:22.46sweeperalthough plaintext might not be terrible, JSON is structured at least
14:23.27coppiceI worry that JSON will go crazy on Friday the 13th
14:24.04sweeperany suggestions for a more useful/generic protocol than HTTP?
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14:24.54eslami need to list all land lines attacked to asterisk box through asterisk consle
14:25.02eslamcan anyone help me with that ?
14:25.23sweepereslam: wikileaks?
14:26.03[TK]D-Fendereslam: .. "attacked"?
14:26.22[TK]D-Fendereslam: Could you clarify all of that...
14:26.24sweeperhe does mean attached :P
14:26.25jmetroi think he meant attached
14:26.31jmetrolike plugged in
14:26.50eslamsorry yeah i mean attached not attacked , sorry for that
14:26.52sweeperhad a hard time finding even a half-decent joke for that one
14:27.26sweepereslam: do you want the phone numbers or the FXO devices or what?
14:28.00[TK]D-Fendereslam: What kind of "lines"?
14:28.15[TK]D-Fendereslam: Your terminology is too vague as to what you have on it now...
14:28.17eslamsweeper, i need to make sure that i have 2 land lines attached to asterisk box from asterisk console
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14:28.30[TK]D-Fendereslam: What kind of lines?  Plugged in how?
14:29.39sweepereslam: ok if you have hard lines, they must be plugged into some sort of card or addon device. what you really need to check is if that card/device's drivers are loaded and the channel is seen by asterisk
14:30.25jmetroi plug my headset directly into the asterisk box, why cant i make calls through the keyboard ?
14:30.51eslam<[TK]D-Fender>: they are plugged into an analog card
14:31.07[TK]D-Fendereslam: which?
14:31.10eslamsweeper: yeah
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14:31.41sweepereslam: so what kind of card is important, since it will determine the drivers/module that need to be checed
14:31.46gnudnahi guys i just moved from asterisk 1.6 to 1.8 from debian and now my sounds files aka menu promopts do not work
14:32.00eslam[TK]D-Fender: i'm not sure, is there any way from asterisk console
14:32.04gnudnaast_openstream_full: File menu1/genmenu does not exist in any format
14:32.08eslamto get such data
14:32.18sweepereslam: try lspci from linux shell
14:32.21gnudnaim probably missing something obvious
14:32.25sweepersee if you can find it there
14:32.50eslamsweeper:  Network controller: Sangoma Technologies Corp. A200/Remora FXO/FXS Analog AFT card
14:33.03[TK]D-Fendereslam: "dahdi show status" should tell you what ports you configured and if the line is detected as plugged in on it
14:33.05sweeperah there you go
14:33.13[TK]D-Fendereslam: lFor those kinds of cards.
14:33.21gnudnaanybody able to assist me quickly
14:33.44gnudnaexample using debian is there a particular module that needs to be installed for wav or gsm playback?
14:33.45sweepergnudna: probably the path changed
14:34.00gnudnait looks the same sadly
14:34.01[TK]D-Fender[10:32]gnudnaim probably missing something obvious <- Yes.  The file.
14:34.09gnudnano the file is there
14:34.18sweepergnudna: no, I mean the path that asterisk is looking for the file in
14:34.21gnudnajust i do not see where the path is defined
14:34.32[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Wrong permissions or it isn't looking where you think it is and you should be checking "core show settings"
14:34.48[TK]D-Fendergnudna: and the paths are defined in asterisk.conf
14:35.02eslam[TK]D-Fender: Description                              Alarms  IRQ    bpviol CRC4   Fra Codi Options  LBO
14:35.03eslamwrtdm Board 1                            OK      0      0      0      CAS Unk  YEL      0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
14:35.17gnudna/var/lib/asterisk is all i have
14:35.21eslami guess this means that i just have one line plugged in, right ?
14:35.23gnudnasounds files are in there
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14:36.10gnudnai think i found it
14:37.25eslam[TK]D-Fender: i paste dahdi show status here for more visability
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14:37.35gnudnaawesome that was it ;)
14:37.54[TK]D-Fendergnudna: "dahdi show channels" might give more.
14:38.04eslam[TK]D-Fender:  it seems i have just one land line plugged into sangoma card, right ?
14:38.07[TK]D-Fendergnudna: that single-line one isn't of much use for a multi-port card
14:38.49Assiddoes it make a difference on the bpviol value ?
14:40.51Assidmins between 539 and 757 on my 2 ports
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14:42.59gnudnano port card straight up sip here
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14:43.36[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Sorry, cross-talk error
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14:52.49evilsk4terevil_gordita =)
14:53.23Captain_ProtonAnyone know of a good way to fix this problem I have set the dtmftimeout=1000 it helps but still to many are failing
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14:55.32igcewielingCaptain_Proton: looks like a patch was committed in 2008.  Upgrade
14:55.51igcewielingPolycoms have the option for DTMF and Silence length settings
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15:01.04Assidif the line coding between 2 devices is wrong.. would the devices connect ?
15:03.53jmetroI feel like that question answers itself
15:05.13igcewielingjmetro: it does answer itself.
15:11.54jmetro\o/ i like being right
15:17.31Assidjmetro: im getting lots of bpviol .. was wondering why
15:17.40italorossiIs there any way to update a member status (unpause/paused) after pausing/unpausing it using realtime members? (queue show queuename is not an option) ast 1.8
15:18.27italorossiThe problem is when there is only one call waiting on queue and the only available member is paused, after unpausing it the call does not get forwarded to the member
15:18.53igcewielingAssid: either a mismatch between the two ends or a circuit problem
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15:19.10igcewielingAssid: most T-1s are set for ESF/B8ZS
15:19.29Assidok so heres the progress so far.. i can get my NEC to speak to my asterisk box.. calls come and go.. so far thats fine.. features of the NEC however dont work perfect IF i use overlap mode
15:19.56Assidif i enable overlapdialling and immediate in dahdi.. then my NEC does wonky stuff
15:20.57WIMPyOr is it your dialplan?
15:22.17AssidWIMPy: 02168 (which technically routes the call back to 168 on my nec+ring my  sip phone for example.) then it calls some random extension which is IN the nec itself..
15:22.26igcewielingimmediate=yes tells asterisk when the analog port goes off hook to  immediatly send the call to the "s" extension.
15:22.46Assidwhen i disable immediate and overlapdial the extension within NEC worked fine
15:23.00WIMPystill suspects the dialplan.
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15:23.25WIMPyigcewieling: Analog is evil.
15:23.26igcewielingAssid: good, that is expected.
15:23.27AssidWIMPy: it magically calls the right extension IF thats removed?
15:23.34igcewielingWIMPy: analog is just misunderstood
15:23.41Assidigcewieling: it is ?
15:23.54igcewielingyou seldom want immediate=yes and overlap dialing seldom works as you expect
15:24.06Assidmy NEC lets me do enbloc mode if i want it to
15:24.07igcewielingusing either is ususual
15:24.18igcewielingAssid: overlap dialing is not enloc dialing
15:24.23WIMPyYou always wat it, but you do indeed have to be a little carefull to make it work.
15:24.45Assidyes.. thats why im mentioning the option exists.. should i rather use enbloc ?
15:25.10igcewielingAssid: I recommend always using enbloc
15:25.26WIMPyWhatever you prefer, I wouldn;t use enblock.
15:25.35Assidif i enable enbloc.. the call conference and other things work.. then i think i need to tweak the dialplan..  cause my simulated dialtone doesnt work
15:26.18Assidand from what i read.. enbloc causes some frame corruption..  or something along those lines
15:26.24gnudna[TK]D-Fender, thanks for the reference before datafiles is where it was expecting the audio files to be in
15:26.31Assidsee 1 person giving me opposite "suggestion" than the other
15:26.52igcewielingAssid: Um, 95% or more people use enbloc instead of overlap
15:27.27igcewielingAssid: what is the dialplan on the NEC?   do you have variable length overlapping patterins?
15:27.33WIMPyJust because you disable it on the Asterisk side doesn;t mean you NEC won;t still do overlap. Dahdi just hides it away from your dialplan.
15:27.55AssidWIMPy: i can change the NEC side to enbloc as well
15:28.11igcewielingAssid: exactly how are you interfacing Asterisk with your NEC?
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15:28.47Assidigcewieling: over pri
15:29.16igcewielingAssid: what is the dialplan on the NEC?   do you have variable length overlapping patterins?
15:29.52Assidon the NEC no.. 3 digit.. with 1XX => extensions.. and 0 -> call through pri
15:30.12Assidso when anyone hits 0; i simulate a dialtone.. and they call out
15:30.14Captain_Protonigcewieling: I do have the patch 1.8.16 or somethng the problem is it not working reliably. Is there anything you can think of to help?
15:30.48igcewielingCaptain_Proton: I already gave you a suggestion.  UPDATE
15:30.55WIMPyAssid: What do you mean by 'simulate dialtone'? A WaitExten should be all you need.
15:30.56igcewielingat a minimum update to the latest 1.8.x
15:31.26Assidexten => s,1,WaitExten(15,m(dialtone))
15:31.39igcewielingAssid: unless you have variable length overlapping patters, overlapdialing does nothing useful except generate extra traffic on the d-channel
15:32.18igcewielingAssid: why not exten => _XXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) or similar when you don't need immediate yes
15:32.24WIMPyNo need for that m option.
15:32.32igcewielingyou have a PRI there is NO NEED for immediate=yes
15:33.06igcewielingyour NEC should send the entire dialed number as part of the call setup message.
15:33.32WIMPyBut you have to wait for a timeout.
15:33.57Assidyeah that takes a while.. and lots of people including me have analog phones.. like cordless etc
15:34.19WIMPyAnalog cordless? Ouch.
15:34.23jmetrostrange i have a cordless thats SIP
15:34.51Assidyeah well.. in my case .. i got a cordless + my personal cell phone with sip..
15:35.10Assidbut most people use that crappy 10-20$ handsets.. cause they keep breaking it
15:35.39Assidsome people who need to roam around have a panasonic cordless phone
15:35.46Assidanywyas.. so thats the reason i need this..
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15:36.14jmetrowhat about a PAP2t
15:36.23igcewielingAssid:  You have analog phones connected to Asterisk?
15:36.36Assidthey connected to the NEC
15:36.46Assidwhat i have noticed..if i use enbloc.. all the services of the NEC/digital extension works fine.. including call conferencing; redial etc..
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15:36.49igcewielingthen as far as asterisk is concerned they are PRI
15:36.58WIMPyprefers CAT-iq
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15:37.16Assidyes...  <telco> <--> asterisk <--> <nec>
15:37.30Assidthats how it flows
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15:38.04Assidif i use enbloc.. then my dialtone doesnt come up
15:38.17Assidif i fix that. i think eveyrtthing works
15:38.25igcewielingYour NEC should collect digits from the analog phones based on the NEC dialplan settings, then it should send all the digits at once to Asterisk as part of the call setup message.  This is called ENBLOC ialing
15:39.01igcewielingAssid: Why do you want dialtone from the PRI.   The NEC should send all the digits to Asterisk and asterisk will dial the call automatically.
15:39.02WIMPyAnd has been the major cause of complaints for me so far.
15:39.19AssidWIMPy: what has? no dialtone?
15:39.45WIMPyNe, the timeout wehn using en-block.
15:40.13igcewielingAssid: you understand the PRI to your telco doesn't give you dialtone, right?
15:40.36Assidyes.. but if i directly connect the telco to the NEC.. it gets a dialtone SOMEHOW
15:40.39Assidwhen i hit 0
15:40.43WIMPyStrange roumors in this channel. Off course the telcos PRI gives dialtone.
15:41.26WIMPyAnd offc ourese you could get your telcos dialtone through Asterisk.
15:41.55Assidwait.. how ???
15:42.47WIMPyBy using ! patterns and a normal Dial().
15:43.51Assidcan you show me an example please ?
15:44.52WIMPyIf you use 0 for external, exten => _0!,1,Dial(dahdi/g<EXT>/${EXTEN})
15:46.13leifmadsenthat would also match dialing 0
15:46.16leifmadsenis that what you would want?
15:46.50Assidso for this.. i need overlap dialling again ?
15:47.03WIMPySure. No overlap, no dialtone.
15:47.54Assidso in dahdi.. i need immediate=yes and overlapdial=yes on the nec port and the telco ?
15:48.09igcewielingI totally and utterly disagree with how WIMPy is recommending setting this up.
15:48.44igcewielingleifmadsen: he wants Asterisk to provide dialtone to calls coming in on the PRI interface on Asterisk
15:49.06WIMPyThat's probably because you only call national numbers in a close number plan country.
15:49.27Assidwe do ALOT of international dialling..
15:49.33WIMPySome people want to call other countries as well.
15:49.52WIMPyAnd not be bothered with timeouts.
15:50.03Assidone of the guys has to call on an average 10 countries a day
15:50.24igcewielingYes, overlap dialing for international does make some sense.  Between two PBXs, not so much.   However, it is the immediately=yes which I totally disagree with
15:51.33WIMPyWithout immediate you just hide some part of the functionality from your dialplan. Where's the advantage of not knowing what's going on.
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15:52.28AssidWIMPy:  so exten => s!,n,Dial(DAHDI/i1/${ARG1})
15:52.45igcewielingAssid: no.
15:52.48Assidthe outgoing uses a macro..
15:53.02WIMPyNo. S is just s and needs a WaitExten().
15:53.10Assidexten => _9XXXXXXXXX,1,Macro(outgoing-airtel,${EXTEN})
15:53.21WIMPyYou can;t do it with a macro.
15:53.36igcewielingAssid: when you use immediate=yes the ONLY extension which works is "s"
15:54.02WIMPyNo, you don't have to hit s.
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15:55.26WIMPyBut many PBXs convert en-block to overlap, which is pretty stoopid, but then you will always go through s.
15:55.43AssidWIMPy: but even then we're unsure of it working
15:56.14WIMPyWhat do you mean by that?
15:56.33Assidusing the ! dial method
15:57.24Assidwhen i enable overlapdial & immediate .. my nec was giving alot of wrong calls.. like i call this extension.. it ends up elsewhere..
15:57.33WIMPyis not sure what the question is.
15:57.35Assidthats why i had to disable it.. and im using without that
15:58.21WIMPyDo you have any switches in your dialplan?
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15:59.01Assidyes.. people who have an actual DID number show up as their full number.. everyone else gets the board line DID
16:00.43WIMPyWhere does that fit in to the story?
16:01.06Assidif/switch ?
16:01.07WIMPyAnd does it imply some question?
16:01.38WIMPyThe question was if you have a switch => statement in your dislplan.
16:02.20*** part/#asterisk leedm777 (~leedm777@nat/digium/x-kafaadvbfowokmdq)
16:03.16WIMPyThen something must go wrong at a lower level.
16:03.47WIMPyShow us a failed call.
16:04.37Assidasterisk side.. perfect.. its the NEC side that acts wonky
16:05.47Assidyou know.. let me try and convince these guys this is the new dialtone
16:05.55Assidmy problem would be solved immediately
16:06.10jmetrosounds like the solution
16:06.30Assidits just a busy tone tho :D
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16:08.26madhatthey all
16:09.17madhattgot a questions… I'm going testing with SIPVicsious and I see that if I hit one of my Asterisk PBXs it responds and SVmap finds it.  but the other doesn' and I can't figure out why?  Of course I want both of my servers to NOT respond to svmap.  any help out there?
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16:11.49AssidWIMPy: if i use enbloc .. theres no waitexten is there ?
16:12.49Assidi wonder if the NEC has a digit timeout from last button dialled.. its taking a while.. and i dont want issues with international calling
16:14.18WIMPyIf you tell the NEC to do enblock, it has to do a timeout. Otherwise Asterisk will do it.
16:14.34igcewielingsounds like your NEC should be providing dialtone
16:15.06Assidit gives me an initial dialtone..
16:15.41igcewielingwhy do you need more than one dialtone.  let the NEC collect the digits
16:16.20polysicsI might be doing something wrong here
16:16.29WIMPyThe timeout is the trouble.
16:16.42Assidyeah.. i saw this guy dialling 26 digits once
16:16.52polysicshow do I make it so that a person in a conference hears "someone joined" chime while another does not?
16:17.16polysicsI tried using two diff profiles with quiet=yes nd no but it seems to simply quiet the whole conf
16:17.27WIMPyUsers do both complain about the waiting time as well as being aborted when dialling too slowly. It's a real PITA.
16:17.54Assidyeah i can see it happening already
16:19.39Kobazwhat's a good way to do a string replace in dialplan in 1.8
16:19.40Assidany idea what field i should be looking for on the NEC for the timeout on this?
16:19.52Kobaz11 has the handy dandy STRREPLACE
16:20.05igcewielingKobaz: give us sample string
16:20.08Kobazi have a feeling i need to do something silly with CUT and ARRAY
16:20.18Kobazjust escape out commas
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16:20.35Kobazfoo,bar becomes foo\,bar
16:20.59Kobazor. i can backport strreplace to 1.8
16:21.01Kobazthat might be better
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16:21.08Kobazrather than wasting time doing it very manually
16:22.16igcewielingI wonder if any of the QUOTE* functions will escape commas
16:22.33Kobazactually i don't think i can do it in straight dialplan
16:22.47Kobazthere's no character counting functions that i see
16:23.45Kobazbackport it is
16:24.11igcewielingFIELDNUM  ?
16:24.23igcewielingKobaz: wow, you like pain and suffering
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16:24.47WIMPyAssid: T302?
16:25.02Kobazwouldn't calling STRREPLACE be way easier than writing some character by character string processer in dialplan?
16:25.28Assidwait i saw that somewhere
16:25.31igcewielingyes, but keeping your patches current with new versions of asterisk is a lot of work.
16:25.39KobazFIELDNUM wont help you count how many things there are in a string
16:25.46Kobazigcewieling: not really
16:25.55Kobazigcewieling: i ported all my 1.8 stuff to 11 in 4 days
16:26.04Kobazmost of it applied cleanly
16:26.11igcewielingfor features which exist in later versions of Asterisk I usually write a small AGI
16:26.17Kobazi had 20 small sections of code to manually merge
16:26.34Kobazand some random one liners here and there as well
16:28.56Kobazbackported in 3.5 minutes
16:29.20[TK]D-Fender[12:22]Kobazthere's no character counting functions that i see <- this is a simple expression.
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16:31.05Kobazhow simple?
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16:31.30AssidWIMPy:  nah.. ddidnt follow that timer
16:32.18[TK]D-FenderKobaz: length of str - length of STR_REPLACE'd stripping of char to count
16:32.45Kobazoh, yeah that works, heh
16:32.50WIMPyAssid: That was my best bet. I don't think there's an official time for the exact purpose.
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16:33.05Kobazstill, backporting STRREPLACE was a lot faster than writing a STRREPLACE in dialplan
16:33.24Assidhehe.. k
16:34.45polysicssorry for the repost, but is it correct to assume that if a confBridge user has quiet=yes in his profile and another quiet=no, only the second hears the "person joined" chime?
16:35.01polysicsor am I flipping things here?
16:35.07Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: you would need to get the number of items, start building a new string by appending on results from CUT along with your replacement character... ick
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16:36.02Assidaccording to google i should be looking at T302
16:37.01[TK]D-FenderKobaz: What is it you are looking to do exactly?
16:37.09Kobazescape out commas
16:37.25[TK]D-FenderKobaz: as in just add \?
16:37.39Kobazthere's no STRREPLACE In 1.8
16:37.42[TK]D-FenderKobaz: the a single STRREPLACE does that
16:37.58Kobazand i don't feel particularly included to write a strreplace in dialplan
16:38.07Kobazinclined... rather
16:38.22[TK]D-FenderKobaz: "core show function REPLACE" <-
16:38.28Kobazthat only does one character
16:38.35Kobazwhich is why you need strreplace
16:38.50WIMPyThere's no life in 1.8, either.
16:38.54[TK]D-FenderKobaz: the instructions say SET of chars
16:39.07igcewielingThere is plenty of life in 1.8 it is still in LTS
16:39.08KobazReplace a set of characters in a given string with another character.
16:39.16Kobazreplace a "set of" characters
16:39.24Kobazwith "another" character  meaning one
16:39.27[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Have you tried it?
16:39.35WIMPyigcewieling: You call that a life?
16:39.45[TK]D-FenderKobaz: and I do see the MATCH is many, the replace is ONE... which I am doubting.
16:39.48igcewielingWIMPy: yes.
16:39.56madhattanyone here familiar with sipvicious?
16:39.58Kobazit's replace one
16:40.06[TK]D-FenderKobaz: you've tested?
16:40.18igcewielingmadhatt: Is that aka Friendly-Scanner?
16:40.27Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i've looked at the code
16:40.37madhattyup, I'm trying to understand why one of my pbx responds to it the both other doesn't....
16:41.17Kobazjust enough storage for one character and a trailing null
16:41.49WIMPyWhat about using AGI?
16:41.53igcewielingWIMPy: as long as the branch is getting updates it has life
16:42.12KobazWIMPy: i just backported STRREPLACE to 1.8, so i'm good
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16:48.02Assidhmm.. i should probably check out getting video working through asterisk
16:49.05Assidalrite.. thanks guys.. ciao
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17:03.39Kobazi dood it
17:03.58Kobazit would be nice if dialplan had actual parameter placeholders
17:04.10Kobazand it wasn't just one long string
17:06.11Kobazescape out the commas
17:06.44Kobazbecause if you do UserEvent(Foo,MyCallerid:${QueueCalleridName},Otherdata:bar)  without escaping
17:07.50Kobazsay your callerid is "jones, bob"... you can wind up with [UserEvent: Foo] [MyCallerid: jones] [bob: otherdata] [bar]
17:08.22Kobazi didn't realize i had this bug for ages
17:08.33Kobazit's probably been unescaped like that for a year
17:09.30Kobazif dialplan had more standard parameter handling you wouldn't wind up with problems like that
17:09.54Kobazcommas inside your strings shouldn't affect parameter placement
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17:31.35emamdouhhi i'am newbie to asterisk , i've plugged in two land lines to a sangoma analog card
17:32.00emamdouhI was trying to execute command dahdi_scan 2 3 4
17:32.19emamdouhbut with no outpu
17:32.37emamdouhhowever dahdi_scan 1 result in some output
17:32.54navaismoDidi you installed the sangoma software(wanpipe)? Did you ask support for the vendor?
17:33.33emamdouhactually this systems was running before with 4 land lines
17:33.42emamdouhwe just moved server to another location
17:33.52emamdouhand we've attached another two land lines
17:34.16emamdouhmy problem is that just one of them is working, however second one isn't
17:34.41emamdouhthat's why i'm asking , is that a sign that 2nd line has a physical issue ?
17:34.52emamdouhso i need to check it physically
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17:41.42navaismois configured the second line?
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17:42.23asilvanavaismo: hey there, i'm making tests between same versions, i'll have to open a bug on jira, couldn't figure it out what might be!
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17:43.03envirocbrWell, TWCBC sucks balls, they can only deliver my a 23 channel PRI for a massive sum of money :/
17:43.15envirocbrreally wants to just host this
17:43.25envirocbrAny reliable VoIP hosts?
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17:44.33dmsHi Folks!
17:44.41dmsbeen a while since I've asked a question here
17:44.44dmslots of years
17:45.13dmsanyone know if a TCE400 supports pcie passthru in vmware ?
17:46.33dmsi.e. Intel VT-d / DirectPath I/O
17:46.43navaismoasilva, again: weird<goat voice>
17:47.03asilvaehehehe i know, just informing ehhehe!! collecting debugs now
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17:53.11jmlsif I am using local/foo@context as my "device" for queues, would that cause problems with the wrapup time ?
17:53.23jmlsit doesn't seem to be honoured
17:53.57jmlsI am thinking that because it is a local channel that is "deleted" after connecting to a real sip device
17:54.19jmls[optimised - that's the word I was thinking about
17:54.26igcewielingtry adding /n to context
17:54.41jmlsthat's what I was thinking. just wanted to confirm
17:55.10jmlsI just get to have another channel active for the call, and didn't want to have that overhead
17:55.22jmlsbut if there's no other option, then ..
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18:06.01leifmadsenjmls: what does the whole line look like? Are you using SIP peers as the underlying tech? If so, are you giving the queue the device to monitor state from?
18:06.33leifmadsenjmls: e.g. ;member => Local/1000@default,0,John Smith,SIP/1000
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18:34.13gnudnais there a reason why cisco  7960 do not work with asterisk 1.8?
18:34.30gnudnawould not work is what i meant
18:34.41gnudnaim having a hard time getting thm to register
18:35.14filethey do work, but their SIP stack can be very finicky and the behavior changes based on the firmware version
18:35.18[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Then you set it up wrong
18:35.22fileyou also can't use nat=yes with it, it must be set to nat=no
18:37.00drmessanoand you pay Cisco for that privledge
18:37.49drmessano"What do I get with a TAC?"  "Lighter wallet, bragging rights.  You could also buy a brick from Lowe's, which would have the same effect"
18:41.02igcewielingIf you have other cisco equipment (real Cisco not Linksys) having IOS updates can be handy
18:42.20*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
18:43.02drmessanoFor routers, switches, and AP's, sure.  Phones.  Um yeah
18:46.59gnudna[TK]D-Fender, they working on asterisk 1.6
18:47.07gnudnaso what changed in asterisk 1.8?
18:47.23jmetrowow ast 1.6? i will have to upgrade im on 1.2
18:47.29[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Nothing
18:47.43gnudnaso how can i have them configured wrong i did not touch them
18:47.54gnudnathe polycoms work without issue
18:48.38igcewielinggnudna: did you check the UPGRADE-*.txt files for anything which might be related.   I seem to recall a bug with Asterisk involving Asterisk which was fixed, but I don't remember where.   What EXACT version if Asterisk are you using now?
18:50.34gtTunawhat do people generally use for call quality monitoring?
18:50.45gtTunapreferably something somewhat automated
18:52.58igcewielinggnudna: stop wasting your time and update to the latest Asterisk
18:53.04igcewieling(latest Asterisk 1.8)
18:54.11jmetrocall quality monitoring? Every human comes with two standard equipped.
18:54.50igcewielingour method is to wait for people to bitch about call quality, then go into the local Adtran media gateway and check the call quality stats
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18:55.09slav3_kittenjmetro, what about deaf people?
18:55.35jmetroslav3_kitten: Overlooked on the production line, send back for a full refund plus a complimentary tote.
18:55.51gtTunai mean...
18:55.58gtTunai can't listen to every call
18:55.59slav3_kittenwooooooooo i can send my deaf friends back. do i get like a better deal if i send 5 at a time?
18:56.44igcewielingslav3_kitten: did you keep the receipt?
18:56.49slav3_kittenpretty sure
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19:00.28drmessanoYou don't need the receipt at Wal-Mart.. they will give you store credit, loaded onto a lead-based plastic card, so you can buy more lead-based products
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19:07.24jmetrodrmessano: i love lead, it tastes great on chips.
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19:30.22coppicewe don't use lead to solder our chips any more
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19:35.22polysicsis there a way to know where an Asterisk instance gets its peers?
19:35.33polysicssip.conf, realtime, res_ldap, whatever?
19:35.42Kobazdepends on how you have it set up
19:35.52polysicsyeah, it's difficult to tell here
19:36.01pabelanger*CLI> module reload chan_sip, see what gets parsed
19:51.49polysicsKobaz:  file is completely commented so I can assume it's sip.conf. Thanks!
19:52.13Kobazanother easy easy way to check
19:52.25Kobazis add something to sip.conf, sip reload... see if it shows up
19:58.24polysicsdoes adding call-limit=1 need an Asterisk restart? or just sip reload?
19:58.49igcewielingpolysics: almost nothing requires an Asterisk restart.
19:59.02polysicsMoH changes seem to
19:59.26igcewielingmodule unload may work as well
20:03.25jmetrohm, what does :wqa do
20:03.30jmetrowrite quit... ?
20:03.37jmetroim stupid and should use google.
20:07.43igcewieling-1 @jmetro
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21:46.28polysicsis it possible that a admin exiting the conference and coming back in loses the admin menu?
21:46.52polysicsConfBridge, admin hangs up by mistake, redials, gets dropped in but no menu
21:50.07mjordanpolysics: only if you don't give the participant the menu again
21:50.34mjordanpolysics: if they hang up and dial back in, they had to go back in through the dialplan. That means they had to execute the ConfBridge application again, which is where the DTMF menu is applied
21:51.06polysicsyes, nvm, I think we have a logic failure here
21:51.32polysicsthey are coming back in with the wrong profile
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21:58.05polysicsmjordan: no, logic is correct. We are using admin_kick_last to kick the customer. Is it possible that the customer is not the last in the conference, since the agent re-logged back in?
21:59.41mjordanadmin_kick_last kicks the last participant in the conference. It doesn't pick and choose.
22:02.03polysicsso if I exit and go back in, I become the last in the conference, = it stops working?
22:03.48mjordanit doesn't stop working, it's doing exactly what you told it to - try to kick the last participant. And if you're the last participant (or if the last participant is also an admin, actually) it won't kick you. It will play back the error sound if you've defined it.
22:05.47mjordanif you want to kick a specific user, you can create that functionality by using the dialplan_exec menu option. You could bounce out to the dialplan, then use the CONFBRIDGE_INFO function to look up the user to eject, and ChannelRedirect them to wherever you want them to go
22:06.55polysicsyeah, sorry, I mis-worded that. Is there a way to get that key to always kick the non-admin?
22:07.18mjordanit always looks to the last participant, and attempts to kick them
22:07.25mjordanit doesn't search the list for the last non-admin.
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22:09.59polysicsI can do it in Adhearsion logic
22:10.13polysicsgreat, thanks a bunch. You saved me a lot of time
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22:28.54polysicsthere is no "kick everyone" function either, it seems
22:29.05polysicsah well, time for some good old dialplan logic :-)
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22:37.36gustohey, i have a practical question
22:37.41gustoWIMPy: hi, are you there?
22:38.09gustois there a way to tell asterisk that he should take a round robin random peer from a list or a context to make a call?
22:38.53gustolike when a VoIP provider has more VoIP-to-PSTN gateways and i do not want to use everytime the same IP
22:39.23gustomaybe they should think about some implementation of anycast, i know, but i am not responsible for their failures
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