IRC log for #asterisk on 20130513

00:08.41*** join/#asterisk bazman (
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00:24.56bazmanI am trying to get asterisk 11.2.2 on Fc18 to run out of /etc/astersik-vm. I have updated astectdir=/etc/asterisk-vm however when I run asterisk from the command line "/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -C /etc/asterisk-vm/asterisk.conf" it still wants files in /etc/asterisk. Does anyone know how to move its configuration?
00:25.52[TK]D-Fenderpastebin your entire asterisk.conf
00:25.54infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:26.23bazmanYep have used it before. Sorry
00:29.08*** join/#asterisk suneye (~atcmmi@
00:32.50*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
00:44.24bazmanFound a (!) at the end of [directories]. When deleted all ok.
00:48.42*** join/#asterisk atcmmi (~atcmmi@
00:50.58*** join/#asterisk Pan3D (~Pan3D@
01:04.55WIMPyHow do I get dahdi to send early media? I can't find anything obvious in the current version.
01:12.23pabelangerProgress() ?
01:12.50WIMPyAh, dialplan. Good idea.
01:14.25WIMPyThat's it. Thanks.
01:14.37WIMPyWas just sweeping up and down chan_dahdi.conf...
01:16.43*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:20.49*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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01:30.45*** part/#asterisk w9sh (
01:33.23*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
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02:24.43*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
02:27.07*** join/#asterisk FonJockey (
02:30.59*** join/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
02:31.09Rahailhow ther ehow can I disable the fake ring tone back
02:31.33infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
02:31.47WIMPyDon't use option r to Dial.
02:31.59Rahailthis my dialplan
02:32.13Rahaili do not have r in it
02:32.38WIMPyThen it's not coming from Asterisk.
02:32.48WIMPyIt's either your phone or your provider.
02:33.05Rahaileven i put fake provider ip
02:33.12Rahaili get rink back
02:34.59*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
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02:47.23*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
02:47.23*** mode/#asterisk [+o pabelanger] by ChanServ
02:48.19*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
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02:49.25RahailWIMPy every call hit on my server
02:49.26Rahaili get this
02:49.27Rahailres_rtp_asterisk.c:2157 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short
02:49.53*** join/#asterisk XuW (~xuw@
02:52.45*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
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06:55.52AllMyFriends11-part video tutorial is up.
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06:57.31*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (macaruchi@
06:58.30edwin_quijadaHi! I have a weird problem. I change my server for another and copied all my configurations but now any extension doesnt register all tell me that Registration failed - Wrong Password
06:59.16edwin_quijadaI check the same password from the old server and are the same but in the new one doesnt register I check everything and nothing
06:59.24edwin_quijadaAnybody has a cluee?
06:59.38eirirsedwin_quijada: you just copied the hashed passwords?
07:00.05*** join/#asterisk zamba (
07:00.20edwin_quijadahashed password?
07:00.51XuWyou have realtime enabled?
07:01.03edwin_quijadaMy extensions are in a database and I create the sip.conf on fly using #exec
07:01.10edwin_quijadaNo, no realtime
07:01.34*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
07:02.09edwin_quijadaI just copied the same configuration from the old server
07:03.02edwin_quijadaI get this
07:03.05edwin_quijada[May 13 02:53:44] NOTICE[2513] chan_sip.c: Registration from '"Ariani Gil" <sip:104@>' failed for '' - Wrong password
07:06.13*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
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07:07.25*** join/#asterisk janelleb (~jamii@unaffiliated/janelleb)
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07:11.12janellebDoes anyone have a link to a simple tutorial on voice menus: i.e. A user phones in and hears a Playback(), then they are prompted to "press 1 for another playback" or to "press 2 for yet another playback" after which * will hangup.
07:12.34jacekowskiit's called IVR
07:13.46*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
07:16.58v0lZyjanelleb: its straight forward
07:17.42v0lZyjanelleb: hold on a min, ill dig it up
07:17.54*** join/#asterisk AllMyFriends (
07:17.55AllMyFriends11-part video tutorial is up.
07:17.57*** part/#asterisk AllMyFriends (
07:20.41janellebjacekowski: yes I know, infact I've done this [0] in my extensions.conf and I've been reading articles/tutorials but I can't get it right. [0]
07:21.27janellebv0lZy: thanks, in advance.
07:22.01v0lZyill paste what i did.
07:23.39janellebv0lZy: ok
07:25.12v0lZyhere u go
07:28.03v0lZyjanelleb: as you see, the plan is structured through extension mappings
07:28.34v0lZybasically you start the context the way you want, then at a certain point, you invoke WaitExten(seconds)
07:28.42v0lZyafter that, you just list extensions and what they wanna do.
07:28.56v0lZyjanelleb: yes, of course.
07:29.29janellebv0lZy: Thans a lot, I'll try this out immediately, then get back to the channel.
07:29.58v0lZyLet me know if you need any help with it.
07:30.22janellebv0lZy: will do, back in a few.
07:30.55v0lZyjanelleb: I should also point out the loop reason.
07:31.21v0lZyjanelleb: I did it the way I did it because I was doing this for someone who was using the IVR as a front end for his service
07:32.01v0lZyjanelleb: He would get calls always on the same number, but then the person calling could enter their 'PIN' and the system would then interpret that PIN for a certain customer's number and call that number
07:32.26v0lZyjanelleb: But he was charged per duration of calls on that number the customer originally reached IVR on.
07:32.45v0lZyjanelleb: So I put a loop in their that hangsup after the whole thing cycles 3 times.
07:33.00v0lZyjanelleb: so someone wouldnt call him and drain his minutes.
07:34.28v0lZyjanelleb: uh, oh, I forgot to paste part of the code
07:34.28v0lZyhold on
07:35.18edwin_quijadaI am getting Wrong Password from my extension to register with asterisk
07:35.31edwin_quijadaI moved all conf to one server to another
07:35.53v0lZyjanelleb: use this:
07:35.55edwin_quijadaand now everything is wrong password any cluees?
07:37.17v0lZyedwin_quijada: sip.conf or whatever protocol u are using holds the passwords
07:37.48v0lZyedwin_quijada: have to reload it
07:38.02*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:38.48*** join/#asterisk din3sh (2988ff33@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:39.01din3shGood Mrning all
07:39.02edwin_quijadaI reload it
07:39.09edwin_quijadaand nothing
07:39.38kaldemaredwin_quijada: "sip set debug on"
07:40.17v0lZyhi kaldemar
07:40.56edwin_quijadakaldemar: I am seeing all info but...
07:41.36kaldemaredwin_quijada: pastebin it for other to take a look if you can't figure it out.
07:41.40kaldemarv0lZy: hello.
07:42.36*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:42.39*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:44.55edwin_quijadakaldemar: this is something about...
07:44.58v0lZykaldemar: Quick question if I may intrude upon you: For external calls, what route would one take to start 'hunting' around a group of phones when a certain number is called and there is 1 active conversation already going on on that number. Thing is, I have a phone that can do 2 lines, but I want to set it so that when a call is in progress, if the second incoming call is not answered within 3 rings, it starts hunting a group
07:46.49*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
07:47.30kaldemarv0lZy: timeout in Dial, GROUP functions and device state for starters.
07:47.38*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
07:47.46*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:48.44kaldemaredwin_quijada: check and double check that you have a mathing secret for 127 in asterisk and in the phone. not much more to say.
07:48.45*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
07:48.46edwin_quijadathe weird is that in the old server works so fine no problem
07:49.08edwin_quijadain the new 'Wrong passwrod'
07:51.02v0lZykaldemar: the timeout in dial part and group functions i understand. I'm a bit unclear on the 'if an active call is in progress'... i guess i could grep open channels?
07:51.06edwin_quijadaI check one by one any extension
07:51.58*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
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07:53.40edwin_quijadakaldemar: what is the secret for 127?
07:54.46kaldemaredwin_quijada: what you configure it to be.
07:55.23edwin_quijadaI mean in the pastebin beause I dont see the seccret
07:55.59kaldemaryou're not supposed to.
07:56.32*** join/#asterisk threesome (
07:57.45*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
07:58.03BoardyI used to send SMSs with smsq, but command to queue messages has been removed (after upgrade Debian to Wheezy). How can I send my SMSs now?
08:04.52apb1963_watches as asterisk comes to a graceful stop... watching.... watching.... yawning.... watching.... waiting....pulling out hammer.... watching.... watching...
08:09.00*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
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08:24.04*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
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08:43.16*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
08:47.27*** part/#asterisk Boardy (
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08:54.19*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
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08:54.23hrolfHi asterisk
08:54.35hrolfHow do I check which codec is used by my SIP peer?
08:56.13apb1963core dumps... get your core dumps here... who wants core dumps??
08:58.47bulkorokhrolf: if you want "real" data, you should use tcpdump and check your call with wireshark...
08:59.12bulkorokhrolf: if you want to know the possible codecs check "sip show peer YOURPEER" in asterisk-cli
09:12.09kaldemarhrolf: during a call, you'll see the used codec with "core show channel <channel>"
09:13.08jacekowskii've got a problem with DPMA - basically phones are not provisioning in some case correctly - and it seems to be related to asterisk sending packets that are over 1800bytes long
09:13.15jacekowskiwith MTU set to 1500
09:18.34apb1963Here's a funny story... I was driving down ROUTE 1500, and I saw this sign that said <DO NOT FRAGMENT>
09:19.14apb1963I was in a BIT of a hurry so I ignored it.
09:19.46*** join/#asterisk HmdP_Mobile (
09:21.20apb1963that reminds me....
09:21.46apb1963jacekowski: Have you checked to see what your router does with large packets?
09:22.08*** join/#asterisk FonJockey (
09:23.26apb1963just drank his last cup of coffee
09:24.21*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_ (
09:25.05*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
09:26.41_omerI want a2billing agi script to spit some logs/debugs on Asterisk CLI when it is executed .... anyhelp please? (I know this room is not for a2billingbut I could not find any place for a2billing help) ...
09:38.35*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
09:39.22*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
09:39.25Rico29hi all
09:39.54Rico29il there a way to get per agent queue statistics ? like average hold timer per agent, average talk time per agent, ...
09:42.34_omerI want a2billing agi script to spit some logs/debugs on Asterisk CLI when it is executed .... anyhelp please? (I know this room is not for a2billingbut I could not find any place for a2billing help) ...
09:43.57jacekowskiapb1963: drops them
09:44.24jacekowskibut why asterisk is sending packets larger than MTU
09:44.28jacekowskiand why those are not fragmented
09:49.04*** join/#asterisk msaraiva (
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09:57.05*** join/#asterisk andrewMhiggs (
09:57.51andrewMhiggsHello everyone.
09:59.14msaraivaIs there any way to do a time based conference with ConfBridge without using AMI? There's a note on the Wiki for Asterisk 10, but it's from 2011...
10:02.17andrewMhiggsI need to upgrade a very old machine. It is running Trixbox 2.6 with Asterisk 1.4.22 (yes, I know this is very very old). I am going to switch over to AsteriskNow 3. Is it possible for me to move asteriskcdrdb detail across? I have tried backing the db up and restoring but I assume there must be some db changes I will need to apply? Is there a tutorial (or two as this is a very big jump) I can follow in order to do this?
10:03.44*** join/#asterisk hebber (
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10:10.03wdoekesandrewMhiggs: the cdrs rarely change (or rather "shouldn't change")
10:11.07wdoekesI'm pretty sure there are no mandatory db schema changes between 1.4 and recent for the basic cdrs
10:14.00andrewMhiggsThanks. Perhaps I should clarify as this may make a difference.The CDR's are both on FreePBX machines. Does that make a difference? If I do the straight backup and restore it tells me there are no calls in the db.
10:24.08*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~dfighter@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
10:28.02*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
10:28.59gavimobileis it possible for a pots call to be choppy? it sounds like what a voip call would be when there's low bandwidth
10:29.08gavimobilebut im using pots
10:29.32gavimobileI have plenty of free memory
10:33.56v0lZyhey guys, can anyone hint as to how to check the number of lines on a phone... I need to do some dialplan logic that triggers when phone has 1 active conversation going, but can still accept an additional call.
10:34.48v0lZy(as in, it can actually have 2 conversations, each on its own line, but i need to redirect incoming calls when a conversation is already in progress... in effect, making it as if it has only a single line...
10:35.45v0lZyi know that in sip.conf there is a busylevel thing
10:36.13v0lZybut i dont think thats what im going for since i do actually want to have the ability to handle 2 calls, im just concerned about incoming calls when 1 call is in progress already.
10:37.27*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
10:38.14*** join/#asterisk racho (~racho@
10:40.24rachowhat is the best way to limit the call duration for the whole dialplan? can i Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=xx) in the [globals] of exten.conf
10:40.25andrewMhiggsv0lZy: I am no expert, but could you not do something like a queue here. This obviously would depend on how many phones you need to set like this. A few might be okay but many more you might prefer a more automatic method.
10:40.29kaldemarv0lZy: there is no way to check the abilities of the phone. use GROUP functins to keep count on how many calls the devices have.
10:43.16*** join/#asterisk evilsk4ter (~evilsk4te@
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10:45.08hwthi, is there a way to force asterisk to pass through SIP response codes?
10:45.24hwton SIP to SIP channels
10:46.16v0lZyandrewMhiggs, kaldemar: I have this specific request .... the user's have an external phone line which takes 2 simultanious incoming calls. However, when the call is already answered on the designated phone, my users would like for the ringing to switch to a different phone so that they dont need to hand signal eachother. If i understand what you are saying, you are suggesting that i bridge the external number to a group, and then use group function
10:47.04v0lZykaldemar, andrewMhiggs: im confused how exactly asterisk goes about this if it cant figure out that a phone is having a conversation already.
10:47.33v0lZysince the phone can accept 2 lines... though my objective is to have 1 line reserved so that the called person can put calls on hold etc...
10:47.47v0lZyIs this a situation i got myself into because i set busy-level=2  in sip.conf's ?
10:49.34kaldemarv0lZy: a group is not something that can be bridged to anything in asterisk.
10:50.03kaldemarv0lZy: start by reading documentation for the group functions so you understand what they are.
10:50.42v0lZykaldemar: I apologize on my improper expresssion. by bridged i ment 'point to'
10:52.02andrewMhiggsv0lZy: I agree. I think a ring group is what you are looking for.
10:56.51*** join/#asterisk k611 (
10:59.02v0lZyandrewMhiggs: I came to that conclusion too. I dont want to ring all the phones at the same time though, but i want to ring them in sequence... but I want this sequence thing starting ONLY when the first peer in the ring group is already having a conversation.
11:02.14*** part/#asterisk admin0 (~admin0@2001:1af8:4100:1128:2173:f039:3361:ad00)
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11:09.39rachocan i Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=xx) in the [globals] of exten.conf to limit call duration of all calls in the dialplan?
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11:30.13GreenlightWhat's the easiest way to track down which peer the "Retransmission timeout" CLI Warnings are generated from. Annoyingly the message only shows the local IP and the CallID is already gone when I search?
11:31.43*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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11:41.30andrewMhiggsv0lZy: Set the ring strategy to firstnotonphone.
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11:47.58*** join/#asterisk joshuahh (~josh@
11:48.05joshuahhhi just confirming, for my setup, my freepbx server is in a remote data centre
11:48.10joshuahhwill the extension 4000 (remote) be NAT on/off/never ?
11:49.53msaraivaIs the client behind nat? Is your server behind nat?
11:50.19*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
11:52.00joshuahhthe server is in a datacentre and client is behind a normal adsl2+ modem / router
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11:52.47ketasbehind nat then?
11:54.29joshuahhweird thing is, i can call out, i can even call another extension (3000) which is on 3G network (iphone app) and works fine
11:54.46joshuahhbut whenever i try to call in to the "4000" extension which is the cisco SPA504G phone, i get service unavailable
11:55.02joshuahhthe cisco 504g phone can call voicemail and other extensions perfect
11:56.15joshuahhi see that in the debug
11:59.26joshuahhactually nevermind
11:59.32joshuahhasterisk/freepbx was setup correctly
11:59.44joshuahhbut i had to change a setting inside the phone provisioning
12:02.45*** join/#asterisk blee (
12:07.23ketascan't call?
12:07.49ketasah :)
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14:26.57envirocbrCan someone provde a link to setting up asterisk with a POTS line? Someone sent me something like that a long time ago and my lgos don't back so far :(
14:27.15envirocbrTime Warner provided me a pots line with one number, but I need internal extensions and intenral voicemail
14:27.15infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:27.23pabelangerenvirocbr: ^
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14:29.16envirocbrI am going VoIP internally, any recommendations on a good used Cisco VoIP phone? Have 3-4 users, MAX
14:29.24envirocbrCisco 3750V2 switch
14:29.30envirocbrwth advanced license
14:29.49[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: Cisco phones are usually lower on the recommendation list
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14:29.58[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All.
14:30.18[TK]D-FenderCisco's are more of a hassle, have licensing issues, etc.
14:30.18beardyenvirocbr: 7940, 796*, 799*
14:30.40[TK]D-FenderCisco's SPA series is friendly are more cost effective.
14:30.48[TK]D-FenderBut not the 79XX series
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14:31.17[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: Anf for your PST link, depends how many lines, what kind of usage, etc.
14:31.23envirocbr$200 a good price for a used Cisoc phone 7940
14:31.50envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: I have one line, not very heave usage
14:31.51[TK]D-FenderDepends where...
14:32.22envirocbrI guess I may need to upgrade soon enough to have more than one person on the phone at the same time
14:32.42envirocbrAny experience with Time Warner Cable business class?
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14:33.29beardyDepends where.. but I wouldn't pay more than the equivalent of <$150
14:33.46GreenlightI'm using the following Dial syntax: SIP/Peer/Dest/ServerIP (eg Dial(SIP/mypeer/0123456789/ ). However, it seems the SIP INVITE being generated contains the FQDN of the peer, rather than the actual IP address used. Would I be correct in thinking this is a bug?
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14:34.25envirocbrI pay $89 for one line wiht all the features and 10/1 Intenret with a static IP
14:34.41[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: Your POTS delivered via cable modem?
14:34.56envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: Yes, they have their own modem and a pots line comes from that
14:35.04ketasthat's not "pots"
14:35.08envirocbrWell, true
14:35.11[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: there is no extra /.  Dial(SIP/peer/numbertodial)
14:35.15envirocbrwhat would you call that?
14:35.39Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: Sure there is, it's just not used very often, it's a valid syntax though, beleive me
14:35.40[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: then you are wasting translations.  You'd be better having your server connect directly to them instead
14:35.41ketasdepends how they have done it
14:35.45ketasit's probably ip
14:35.54[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: I've never seen anything documenting it.  Got a link?
14:36.02GreenlightYea, two secs
14:36.17Greenlight(Took me a while to find it myself)
14:36.28envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: I guess Asterisk can't be virtual?
14:36.39ketastechnically a ata makes your own "pots" but it's weird to call it so
14:36.41envirocbrI'd hate to put yet another server in the rack
14:36.51ketass/ a / an /
14:36.55[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: It can.
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14:37.01envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: Cool
14:37.10envirocbrSo, what would the easiest thing to do be?
14:37.42[TK]D-FenderDitch TW's pots service, get a known provider that suits you, get an easy to configure bunch of phones.
14:38.05envirocbrTW offers much better pricing
14:38.11Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: Checkout sip.conf.sample in any recent build
14:38.12[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: Show us.
14:38.29[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: Is there any other documentation you've found?
14:38.36Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: Specifically, the "SIP dial strings" section near the top
14:38.53envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: I got a quote from Centurlink and AT&T, both well over $200 per month
14:38.58envirocbrwith 2 year contracts
14:39.06envirocbrTW offered me 1 year, $89
14:39.16Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: As I say, it's not a syntax that appears to be used too often. It does work, as the SIP invites get sent to the correct IP.
14:39.20envirocbrI can go to a /28 for $5.00
14:39.26envirocbreveryone else wanted $50+
14:39.54[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: ; SIP/devicename/extension/IPorHost   -----   ; SIP/username@domain//IPorHost
14:39.54GreenlightHowever, it seems to me that the INVITE is malformed, and I wanted a 2nd opinion
14:40.05Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: Yes
14:40.20[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: #2 looks like a typo, and I'm wondering about the first... the device should spcify the port making a 2nd IP redundant...
14:40.42Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: In my case I use it to do proper SRV
14:40.45[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: I'm wondering if the sample is simply messed up and misleading\
14:40.58envirocbrSo, I would need to setup asterisk to wotk with what I have. TW stated they work with people intalling asterisk
14:41.16Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: It 100% works like that, it uses the "devicename" settings, but sents to "IPorHost"
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14:41.55[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: can you confirm the monthly total for the "POTS portion" of that.
14:42.09[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: Not certain for the breakdown you provided
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14:42.35envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: It was significantly more money, that is in the past now
14:42.36[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: And I said ditch them for the VOICE portion, not the internet portion.
14:42.54envirocbrI will eventually get them to do MPLS to our next site in Virginia when it opens
14:43.01[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: Cna you just provide a #$ for that for refernce sake?
14:43.18envirocbrThe phone was $40/month
14:43.23[TK]D-FenderThis is pretty important as you're about to double-convert a single analog line with no real room for expansion...
14:43.31[TK]D-Fenderendthat IS a very high price
14:43.41envirocbrthat is beecause I needed features
14:43.42[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: $40 in the US is pretty bad actually...
14:43.47elgueroenvirocbr: plus a modem rental fee?
14:43.47envirocbrvoicemail, hunt group, etc etc
14:43.54GreenlightSo, would I be correct in thinking that when dialling with that syntax, the INVITE should show the ACTUAL IP or FQDN it's been sent to?
14:43.55[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: that line doesn't "have features".
14:44.03envirocbrelguero: I negotiated not to pay that
14:44.07beardySeparating your "Internet" service and telephony, completely (with redundancy over "Internet") is adviced.
14:44.25[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: It's a single line, your server should be doing your VM for you and isn't expandable...
14:44.34envirocbrIf I remove all the features it becomes peanuts
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14:44.55envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: So, if I were to call my rep, what would I be asking for?
14:45.05envirocbrhave them deliver a PRI?
14:45.15beardyIf telehpny matters to you. It seems to matter to people.
14:45.34envirocbrWell, yes it does
14:45.39[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: No, perhaps a basic ITSP will do it over your existing link.  One sample :
14:45.41envirocbrpatients need to call in and we need to call patients
14:46.58elgueroenvirocbr: seems like your volume must be very light to limit your self to one call at a time... you get more flexibility like [TK]D-Fender is trying to point out with an ITSP
14:47.10elgueroif you need more than one call at a time
14:47.29elgueroif your volume is light, you are paying too much
14:47.43[TK]D-FenderAnd if it's heavy... that 's still too much.
14:47.51[TK]D-FenderAnd no mention of LD
14:47.57[TK]D-FenderShopp around
14:48.17[TK]D-FenderDo not make assumptions that pricing is what you think it was...
14:48.22infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
14:48.28[TK]D-Fendertake a better sampling.
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14:49.24envirocbrI see
14:49.38envirocbrWhat if the business wants to stick with Time Warner due to political reasons?
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14:50.09[TK]D-FenderFlat rate $20/channel
14:50.24ketaswhat's wrong with isps in us
14:50.49[TK]D-Fender[10:49]envirocbrWhat if the business wants to stick with Time Warner due to political reasons? <- that IS what's wrong then
14:51.30[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: You're paying 40 $ for a single crappy line, no expansion, not even call-waiting.  no added value AND have to pay for hardware to plug it into.  "Politics" is immensly ignorant.
14:51.43[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: But in that case ... do whatever you want...
14:52.10[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: SPA-3102 to take the line in.
14:52.23[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: But it's a dead-end without any "features"
14:53.14[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: You don't get a PBX to use telco VM.  You won't have multiple lines to go out of and you'll find switching internet providers harder as well.  You're certainly not doing yourself any favors.
14:53.21envirocbrArguing why politics is worthless is dead-end in itself. This is the problem with most IT, they bitch about business politics and each time the business punts IT rant to the side and IT gets crapped on
14:53.28envirocbrI am trying to avoid that
14:53.42[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: But you're welcome to it if that's what you want/resigned to do
14:53.47envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: Who said I am going to use their VM? Right now things are temporary
14:53.58envirocbrwhen we can get an intenal solution, we want to take VM in house
14:54.22envirocbrThey're still moving equipment in the building and putting paint on the walls
14:54.23[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: While one person is leaving a VM you aren't placing any calls in/out ....
14:54.39[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: And while you're on a call.. no-one can leave you one calling in either.
14:54.46[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: Just remember what "single channel" really means.
14:54.51envirocbrI am not sure of that as we haven't tested
14:54.56envirocbrThis is only less than 1 week old
14:55.08envirocbrWhich is why we're wanting to move to an in house solution
14:55.22[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: you have a single POTS coming out of a cable modem.  This doesn't require 'testing".  It's kind-of a "fact"
14:55.30envirocbrRegardless of carier, I am sure time warner can provide a multi-channel connection
14:55.54envirocbrBut as of right now 90% of all communicatino is done via email
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14:56.00envirocbrfew people call in
14:56.03envirocbrfor now
14:56.09[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: Umm.. that DOES regard a carrier :)
14:56.10envirocbrThat will soon change within an year
14:56.32envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: So, my question is, do you know if Time Warner is a "carrier"
14:56.43[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: they are the boddy phone company!
14:57.02envirocbrOk, so youre objection to them is you just don't like them
14:57.03[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: of COURSE they are the carrier!  it's their magic box spitting out the line :)
14:57.40[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: No, a single pots line with no functionality and double audio-conversion loss that costs you also buying equipment that will waste more time before a call can even be answered... is reason enough
14:57.55[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: It is a shitty technological solution, AND a shitty COST solution
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14:58.35envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: So, moving forward, I just need them to provide me mulitple channels and I should get an Ethernet handoff?
14:59.04envirocbrWhen I have done deployments with Verizon using MPLS and Avaya we just get an Ethenret handoff
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15:02.15envirocbrMy experience is only with the networking side, not the voice stuff
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15:02.59edwin_quijadaI am having problem trying to register my extension to asterisk
15:03.08edwin_quijadaany SIP extension doesnt register
15:03.14edwin_quijadato my asterisk
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15:06.21edwin_quijadaI have tried evrything but nothing happens
15:06.24edwin_quijadaany cluees?
15:07.07itgrlwe would need to see logs with sip debug enabled for a registration attempt to be able to help.  it would also help to see the sip peer configuration.
15:07.50[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: I've given you references to other options for comparison.  Just take a serious look at your shorter & longer term needs and see whatthey'll offer you comparatively
15:08.03[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: Just that that single line as-is ... is a pure loss.
15:08.25[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: Same as always .... enable SIP debug and actually look at the attempt.
15:09.07envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: So, what question should I ask my rep? -- I want to move from a single line to having a multi-channel conenction to my asterisk solution
15:11.31[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: a direct SIP service.
15:11.36[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: like any other provider
15:12.14[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: Expect it to cost proportionately more.
15:12.48envirocbrThrough Time Warner or just in general?
15:14.14envirocbrand these would be delivered over IP using my existing TWC IP connection?
15:16.55*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-kieiusxsaitflwjf)
15:19.54[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: VoIP.  SIP is a VoIP protocol
15:21.33[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: So yes... internet.  Packets are packets.
15:21.33edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: this is the sip debug
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15:26.39[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: [May 13 11:18:17] NOTICE[2517]: chan_sip.c:15018 check_auth: Bad authentication received from '"Cibernauta" <sip:777@>'
15:26.42[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: Seems to say it...
15:27.13edwin_quijadathe secret is equal
15:27.19[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: I'm suspecting you might be running multiple peers on a single IP phone there....
15:27.57edwin_quijadabut just see one IP
15:27.59[TK]D-Fender<--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> <- that is not the typical port it's use, and they are NOT behind NAT
15:28.13[TK]D-FenderAre you trying to register MULTIPLE accounts on that phone?
15:28.20edwin_quijadaI am using debian wheezy
15:28.27[TK]D-FenderI didn't ask about distro...
15:28.38edwin_quijadathe weird is that I have a replica from this server and works fine
15:28.47[TK]D-FenderThat also does not tell us anything
15:28.51[TK]D-FenderTell us about that phone
15:29.19edwin_quijadain sip.conf I am using #exec to create all extensions
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15:29.37edwin_quijadabut if I create an extension hard way works
15:29.59weinerkHi. I run asterisk -rx "sip debug", but after a while sipdebug turns off again.
15:29.59weinerkAm I mistaken or is it supposed to be like that?
15:31.01Kobazit shouldnt turn off randomly
15:32.01[TK]D-Fender[11:29]edwin_quijadain sip.conf I am using #exec to create all extensions <- there is clearly a difference in how you made them.  They are ALL hard.
15:32.11[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: Once that exec runs, it IS "hard"
15:32.23[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: and you are not SHOWING us anything or answering my previous questions.
15:33.24edwin_quijadawhich one ?
15:35.39envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: 10/1 is good enough?
15:35.45envirocbror should I go 50/5
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15:36.45[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: calls are 85kbps/direction each max....
15:37.34[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: your CONFIGS.  Where is the answer as to how you're using the phone itself?
15:37.53edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: this is the
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15:38.17edwin_quijadathis is sip.conf
15:40.39[TK]D-FenderOk, this is not worth the effort.  Best of luck with it.
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15:43.17emkHi all: when I initiate an outbound call from Asterisk, what environment variable or channelvariable do I use to get the _recipientID_ ... i.e. the opposite of ${CALLERID}
15:45.02weinerkKobaz: thanks. I will try to keep an eye. I hope I am just mistaken.
15:47.44[TK]D-Fenderemk: that does not make sense...
15:48.14[TK]D-Fenderemk: Please clarify what this "id" is supposed to lok like and represent.
15:48.25[TK]D-Fenderemk: And perhaps what you expect to do with it...
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15:54.17SuperNullwhich version of 1.8 should i be running for 'stable' ? 1.8.15-cert? or the
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15:56.29emk[TK]D-Fender: I make a call in the CLI, or with a call file, Asterisk shows me the following, I'd like to get that number for use later in the dialpan for doing something with System()
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15:59.02emk[TK]D-Fender: by "get that number" I mean being able touse the number '+4915111111222' later on with a call to a script that takes the number as an argument... i.e. System(/path/to/script ${THE_VARIABLE_I_AM_ASKING_ABOUT_IN_THIS_IRC_CHAT}
15:59.18emk[TK]D-Fender: I hope the meaning is clear now
15:59.34malcolmdSuperNull: depends on your needs.  the "-cert" releases represent what digium provides sla (service level agreement) support on for certain customers.  it does not have all of the bug fixes that you'll find in though
16:09.53[TK]D-Fenderemk: use SerVar in your call file.  you cannot do this when using CLI Originate
16:09.58[TK]D-FenderSetvar <-
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16:13.06SuperNullthanks malcolmd, i will likely end up using since bugfixes are the primary reason for upgrading from 1.8.6
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16:33.04envirocbr[TK]D-Fender: Just latency is what I should be concerned with, correct?
16:33.36[TK]D-Fenderenvirocbr: and jitter.  And packet loss.  And most of all ... WEASELS
17:45.53*** join/#asterisk infobot (
17:45.53*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.3.0 (2013/03/28), 10.12.2 (2013/03/27), (2013/03/28), DAHDI-linux 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), DAHDI-tools 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
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17:52.35rotten777is anyone awake?
17:52.50[TK]D-Fenderrotten777: Possibly
17:52.55rotten777struggling to figure out why one of my DID's passes audio and the other does not… two different providers :\
17:53.19rotten777ah good haha
17:53.48msaraivaNow that is weird
17:53.49rotten777i'm a bit of an idiot when it comes to asterisk
17:53.50msaraivaasterisk: catalog.c:219: mysql_table_status_i_s: Assertion `to - buff < sizeof(buff)' failed.
17:53.55msaraivaSIP Realtime
17:53.57rotten777but networking and such i'm ok
17:54.36rotten777i have sip set debug on
17:54.51rotten777iptables off, incoming and outgoing calls work to this DID and ring to my extension but audio won't pass.
17:55.03rotten777another DID rings my extension and audio does pass on that
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17:59.20[TK]D-Fenderrotten777: pastebin your trunk settings masking only the secret, along with your call attempt
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18:02.33rotten777ok give me a second
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18:04.47infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:04.49msaraivamysql-connector bug, maybe?
18:05.05msaraivaweird thing is that i have the same setup on another server
18:05.22msaraivasame packages versions for mysql and mysql-connector-odbc
18:05.28msaraivaAnd i don't get this error.
18:06.21rotten777sip.conf, do you need more?
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18:11.45msaraivaOk, just so everyone know: mysql-connector currently on EC2 is broken (Amazon Linux AMI)
18:12.00msaraivaUse this one:
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18:17.04SuperNullanyone use the builtin stun server? .. is it deployment grade(couple hundred users) or small office only ?
18:17.14rotten777[TK]D-Fender: Any luck with the sip.conf or did you need something else?
18:17.54[TK]D-Fenderrotten777: ;nat=yes <- this should be YES (uncommented for [general]
18:18.20[TK]D-Fenderrotten777: and "canreinvite" has been replaced with "directmedia" in 1.6+ set this under [general] and ALL your peers accordingly.
18:18.56[TK]D-Fenderrotten777: [flowroute] <- this ishould be nat=no
18:19.04[TK]D-Fender[voipms] <- them too
18:19.37msaraivanat = yes is deprecated
18:19.45msaraivaUse force_rport,comedia
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18:23.05rotten777msaraiva both force_rport,comedia? or one or the other
18:23.30rotten777pbx is behind nat, 6000 is hardware phone on same subnet, both DID's on public servers
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18:24.19rotten777one of the DID's rings, answers, and there's audio… the other rings, answers, no audio
18:25.43msaraivaThe whole string
18:26.17rotten777ok so that on the general as well as my DID providers?
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18:27.26msaraivaYou can either set it on general, or on each peer.
18:27.47msaraivaIf you have peers that are only on the internal network, you may set these to nat = no.
18:28.57[TK]D-Fenderrotten777: yes
18:29.03rotten777so i changed to nat=force_rport,comedia and now I have this error
18:29.04rotten777[May 13 14:28:30] WARNING[2990]: sip/config_parser.c:812 sip_parse_nat_option: nat=yes is deprecated, use nat=force_rport,comedia instead
18:29.08rotten777when reloading
18:29.23[TK]D-Fenderrotten777: if your other calls are hitting [general] then the NAT setting will cause problems.  Make sure you have peers to match them
18:30.33rotten777i'm still experiencing the same symptoms. both DID's take calls only 1 passes audio
18:32.04[TK]D-Fenderrotten777: I asked you to show the call... do this with your now supposedly updated and applied configs
18:32.32rotten777sip set debug on ???
18:34.15rotten777i don't know how to show you the call
18:35.23rotten777externip was wrong
18:35.29rotten777firewall issues
18:35.33rotten777i need a beer.....
18:38.26[TK]D-FenderNo ... too great a risk that alcohol was already to blame for this ;)
18:41.05rotten777haha true enough
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18:52.19_abc_does anyone here use chan_sccp with asterisk?
18:52.48_abc_i got some 6921 phones which work fine but do not ring. I assume it is a protocol issue (sccp protocol version). Any ideas what number to set?
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19:00.40[TK]D-Fender_abc_: You haven't confirmed clearly which ones are working, which ones aren't, provided the debug of the ones that failed, or confirmed what version of * you are running.  You'll want to change that....
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19:01.57_abc_[TK]D-Fender: true... I was just trying to find someone who is on rx...
19:02.50_abc_[TK]D-Fender: rephrase: two of two tested 6921s work fine but do not ring. The ring lights flash and one can pick up and talk when they flash but nothing is heard. It is not a volume issue. No ring tone file is loaded at all.
19:03.02_abc_The device protocol is set to default auto in the sccp.conf
19:03.22_abc_I did not dig deeper yet. I assume the protocol must be set to something for these devices, other than auto.
19:03.31_abc_I use cnah_sccp 3.6.x
19:03.53_abc_More info can be obtained tomorrow. What do I need to know, exactly?
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19:04.09_abc_Simplest would be for someone with 6921s on schan_sccp to say config.
19:04.11[TK]D-FenderI'd recommend coming back with all of that including the Cisco configs...
19:04.28_abc_the cisco configs? You mean the *.xml.cnf?
19:04.39_abc_It is bare, defines call manager and port only.
19:05.41[TK]D-Fender_abc_: Come back with all of it to show.  Then those with more experience will have something to go on.
19:05.44_abc_rephrase2: above 'two of two tested 6921s work fine but do not ring. The ring lights flash and one can pick up and talk when they flash but nothing is heard.' <- should be: sound is heard both ways, but RINGING is never heard
19:05.52_abc_[TK]D-Fender: okay
19:06.17_abc_[TK]D-Fender: I'll try and wait a little longer maybe some wabbit with 6921s will quip
19:06.32_abc_I also mailed to the sccp user support list
19:06.40_abc_with a pertinent question
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19:14.59jeffspeffwhy is this --->  exten=s,1,NoOp(${CALLERID(num)} called for ${CALLERID(rdnis)})    resulting in this --->   -- Executing [s@DID-DETECTION:1] NoOp("SIP/INTELEPEER-0000bdf7", "5551231234 called for ") in new stack    ?
19:15.15jeffspeffam i not getting the rdnis value correctly or is rdnis not being sent?
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20:12.55jeffspeffwhy is this --->  exten=s,1,NoOp(${CALLERID(num)} called for ${CALLERID(rdnis)})    resulting in this --->   -- Executing [s@DID-DETECTION:1] NoOp("SIP/INTELEPEER-0000bdf7", "5551231234 called for ") in new stack    ?
20:12.57jeffspeffam i not getting the rdnis value correctly or is rdnis not being sent?
20:13.54WIMPyThe same reason you end up at s I suppose.
20:15.16jeffspeffWIMPy, the number comes in to a certain DID in CONTEXT-A and then does a goto(did-detection,s,1) where it's supposed to show the rdnis
20:16.27WIMPyTry to debug the channel to find out if you receive anything at all.
20:20.05[TK]D-Fender[16:12]jeffspeffam i not getting the rdnis value correctly or is rdnis not being sent? <- I would recommend actually looking at the call.
20:21.29jeffspeffthanks WIMPy and TK. I was thinking that using transfer() on one box to redirect the call to another DID on another box would result in box-a sending the rdnis to box-b; but it doesn't.
20:24.55WIMPyYou need to set it in your dialplan.
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20:45.16LeLutinsound is choppy when I make a call from the server in the office and our voip provider. how can I find what is causing those sound issues?
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20:46.45LeLutintzafrir_laptop: you mean that latency could cause the issue?
20:47.37tzafrir_laptopI was kidding. But generally it's not the latency. Rather: the jitter (differing latency)
20:47.57tzafrir_laptopor simpler: dropped packets
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20:48.15tzafrir_laptopwhat type of connection is that? SIP? IAX?
20:48.22tzafrir_laptop(SIP: UDP?)
20:48.28danfromukHi, is ActionID required in AMI?
20:49.02tzafrir_laptopdanfromuk, no
20:52.20danfromukPerfect. Thanks for confirming.
20:52.43LeLutintzafrir_laptop: sip from phones to asterisk, then iax from asterisk to provider
20:53.02LeLutinthe jitterbuffer is enabled for iax. let me see if it is to sip too
20:53.53LeLutinapparently no
20:55.09LeLutinah, actually I asked asterisk with "sip show settings" instead of just trusting the config files. and the jitterbuffer is enabled for sip too
21:00.50danfromukI'm converting from realtime to static conf files. Is there a limit on the size of a dialplan?
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21:03.34jeffspeffdanfromuk, I wouldn't imagine so. i'd think the limit was in memory to load the DP
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21:48.55j-fishI'm using my router's vpn feature,i gave it the start ip and end ip,could that cause problems if it tries to use one of the phones/computer's ips ?
21:50.21beardyWithout knowing exactly what you mean, yes.
21:50.49beardyUse one range for DHCP and another for your vpn.
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21:52.36beardyUse different subnets for telephony and the rest.
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22:01.28j-fishsince i've started using it,random computers losing internet connection thought it might have something to do with it
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22:49.58deviantlinuxQuestion on the websockets feature of asterisk 11 - can I use this to receive realtime manager events (call initiated, hung up, etc)?  If so, is there a proper method I should send in the URL?  Right now I am just using ws://<ip>:8088/ws
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22:54.21JustinAikenI'm trying to setup confbridge to place an admin and a regular user in a room; I want the admin to hear the confbridge-join and confbridge-leave sounds when the other user comes in an out, but not the other user
22:54.42JustinAikeni've set quiet=yes for the regular user, and quiet=no for the admin,
22:54.48JustinAikenbut the admin still can't hear the sounds
22:54.56JustinAikenooh, and my spelling is actually right in the .conf :p
22:55.54JustinAikenany ideas?
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23:44.29danfromukHi. I want to test g729 passthrough is working before asking the client to try it out. The simplest way is to set up g729 with an echo test. Is there a free way to use g729 temporarily for testing purposes if its not going to be resold?
23:45.55danfromukAlternatively, how quickly are g729 orders processed by digium?
23:46.31navaismono, there is no "free" way, orders are very quick just 10 usd if you want to test
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23:56.32voarHas anyone ever found a fix for realtime not routing by caller id? IE, the conf equivilent of exten => _1NXXXXXXXXX/_321NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/peer,30) ?

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